03-08-04 CCITEM 3.y OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO CITY HALL MARCH 8, 2004 6:30 PM 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:34 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers and Dan Scharber. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Licht, City Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval. CM Wendel requested to add under Item 9.7. Drug Task Force Update. Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item 9.4. Appoint Planning Commission Member, under Item 9.6. Discussion of Computer Screen for the Council Chamber. Ron Wagner requested to add under Item 7.2. Otsego Dike Meeting. CM Struthers motioned adoption as amended. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes 3_.1. February 23, 2004 City Council Meeting. CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Struthers and CM Scharber. Abstained: CM Wendel since she was absent from this meeting. Motion carried. 3.2. February 17, 2004 City Council Workshop. CM Heidner noted the minutes under Item 2 should reflect that the direction that they were not in support of increasing the number of town homes. Mayor Fournier motioned adoption of the minutes as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. Motion carried. Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Struthers and CM Scharber. Abstained: CM Wendel since she was absent from this meeting. Motion carried. 3.3. February 18, 2004 City Council Workshop. CM Scharber motioned adoption of the minutes. Seconded by CM Heidner. Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Struthers and CM Scharber. Abstained: CM Wendel since she was absent from this meeting. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of March 8, 2004. Page 2. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) Wally Odell, representing the Darkenwald Family, asked for City Council support for a Single Point Design for the Interchange at CSAH 42 and State Highway 101. Mr. Odell stated that the design MnDOT showed them two weeks ago will take too much land from Clem Darkenwald. Mayor Fournier stated that the Otsego City Council has been on record several time supporting a interchange at 42 and 101 and that the Darkenwalds need to give their pitch to MnDOT. Clem Darkenwald, 7767 River Road , stated they saw the proposed MnDOT Design and their plan cuts through his existing business because of the grade level and the off and on ramps cuts into his 20 acre development and it is not feasible to give all the right-of-way. Chris Bulow of Bulow Inc. for Riverwood National. Mr. Bulow asked for an extension of his Final Plat. Mayor Fournier said his request will be considered under Item 6.4. 5._ Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 5.1. Approve Claims List. 5.2. Pay Estimate #5 to C B & I For $145,031.75 for Water Tower 42. CM Heidner motioned adoption. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Dan Licht, City Planner. 6.1. Consideration of amending the Subdivision Ordinance Section 21-7-18 regarding the Park and trail Dedication. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve Ordinance No. 2004-05 amending the subdivision ordinance of the City of Otsego provide for a change in Park Dedication Fees in Lieu of Land for Residential Subdivisions. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. PID Development Stage Plan Amendment for Lot 1 Block 1 Otsego Waterfront P Addition to develop a 8,165 square foot Medical Office Building, Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report and Ron Wagner presented the Engineering Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve a PUD Development Plan for Sheils Building subject to the six conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.3. Consideration of Martin Farms Final Plat Ron Wagner presented the report on the new route for force main allowing it to go in this year. Both the Engineer and Planner suggested adding to the conditions that the proposed layout for extension of trunk sanitary sewer is acceptable only if the Arbor Creek preliminary plat is revised to extend 76`h Street through Lot 37, and Block 15 to provide access for subdivision of adjacent undeveloped parcels. City Council Meeting of March 8, 2004. Page 3. CM Struthers motioned to approve Martin Farms Final Plat subject to the 13 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact including the recommended condition by the City Planner and City Engineer. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.4. Any other PlanningIt A. Chris Bulow - requesting an extension of Final Plat Approval Final Both Dan Licht and Andy MacArthur agreed that everything is in order for Riverwood National Plat and recommended to give an extension to the recording deadline of March 20, 2004. CM Wendel motioned to extend the recording deadline date to April 22, 2004. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Chris Bulow also requested the Council to defer paying the Park and Trail Fees on the Club House until it is constructed. Mr. MacArthur explained the fees are due upon Final Plat but this plat is unusual in that it has both commercial and residential. Mayor Fournier motioned to defer the Park and Trail Fees for the Club House for two years or upon construction whichever occurs first. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Consider allowing more than one driveway access on the lar eg r lots• Judy Hudson said she has received requests for more than one access on the large lots such as the ones in Otsego Farms and Hidden Creek Trails to allow access to the barns. Mayor Fournier motioned to send this to the Planning Commission for their review. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. 7. Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 7.1. Consider Resolution for Agreement with MnDOT regarding, Quaday Avenue. Ron Wagner reviewed the agreement. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Resolution and authorizing Mayor Fournier and City Administrator Mike Robertson to sign the document and for them to be the authorized contact for the City. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2. Any other EngineeringItems. ems. A. Otsego Dike. Mayor Fournier and Ron Wagner went to a County Meeting regarding the Otsego Dike. Ron Wagner explained that the Army Corp of Engineers has a checklist of repairs that need to be addressed. The County surveyor is going to see if there are any easements. Nine months have been given by the Army Corp to the County to address these items. The next meeting will be in April. B. 101 Interchanges. Mayor Fournier asked Mike Robertson where MnDOT is at with the interchange at 42 ' and 101. Mike said he met with MnDOT today and they are waiting to hear from the Otsego City Council Meeting of March 8, 2004. Page 4. Darkenwalds. CM Heidner motioned to send the Darkenwald plan to MnDOT for review. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney_ 8.1. Nuisance Update. Mr. MacArthur gave a Nuisance Violation Update. 9. Council Items: 9.1. East and West Sewer Plant Update. The City Council will be touring a treatment plant with a sludge drying method on March 29, 2004. 9.2. City Insurance. Mike Robertson reported that the City Insurance Plan can't cover a separate entity under the City Plan. They could provide liability insurance for a City special event. The Council would like to get costs for that coverage. 9.3. Review of Public Works Sites. Mike Robertson reviewed the proposed sites. CM Scharber liked Site F, CM Wendel liked Sites B, C or E. Council consensus directed staff to bring this back in one month. 9.4. Appoint Planning Commission Members. CM Heidner motioned to reappoint Jim Kolles and Ken Fry to their Planning Commission positions. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Heidner, CM Wendel and CM Scharber. Voting Against the Motion: CM Struthers. Motion carried four (4) to one (1). Mayor Fournier motioned to amend the Ordinance to allow to appoint alternates as deemed necessary. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Scharber motioned to appoint Tom Darkenwald as third alternate to the Planning Commission. Seconded by CM Wendel. Voting For the Motion: CM Scharber, CM Struthers and CM Wendel. Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Fournier and CM Heidner. Motion carried three (3) to two (2). 9.6. Computer screens for Council Chamber. Mayor Fournier would like staff to gather information on costs etc.; for computer screens for the Council Chamber. 9.7. Drug Task Force CM Wendel gave a update of her recent Drug Task Force Meeting. City Council Meeting of March 8, 2004. Page 5. 10. Mike Robertson, City Administrator. 10. 1. Building Inspector Update Mike Robertson said he has offered Harold Leonard the Building Inspector position and he has accepted and will start March 15, 2004. Mike also reminded the Council that MnDOT is holding the Public Hearing for the proposed Highway 101 plans on March 30, 5:30 PM. 10.2. Post Office The Council consensus was to put in a future issue of the Otsego View the phone numbers of who to contact at the Post Office if people have a problem. CM Heidner and CM Scharber were against this. 11. Judy Hudson, City Clerk. The City Clerk had no updates. 12. Adi ourn by 10 PM. CM Wendel motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:35 PM. O ayor L Fournier ATTEST."Ikx 61&M JQTdsJ City Clerk/Zoning Adm