ITEM 1 attachmentsVOTE NOVEMBER 43 2014 We listened, now we're acting. For several months the ISD 728 School Board and many district officials engaged in a series of dialogues with parents and residents regarding their hopes, ideas and expectations. Additionally, more voices were heard thanks to a recent district -wide survey that garnered nearly 2,000 responses. With those conversations and survey results firmly in mind, ISD 728 will be moving forward with a bond and levy campaign. When you go into the voting booth November 4, ISD 728 will have two questions on the ballot. Question 1 * * * * The first question would raise approximately $5.9 million, $409.67 per student, in annual operating levy money. Here's how the School Board anticipates the money will be spent: » Open and operate newly constructed learning spaces addressed in ballot question two. Cost: $2.3 million Hire teachers to reduce class size throughout ISD 728. — Cost: $1 million » Improve technology, including: hardware, software, technology staff and tech training for teachers. A frequent point made by parents and residents has been that they view up to date technology as essential. — Cost: $2.6 million If voters do not approve Question 1 THE PROJECTS IN QUESTION 2 WILL NOT MOVE FORWARD even if voters approve Question 2 Question 2 * * * * The second question will ask for approval for $98.03 million in new bonding money that would be used to: » Build a third classroom wing at Rogers High School to solve a significant over -crowding issue that demographics suggest will continue well into the future. » Build a new E-8 school in Otsego on land ISD 728 already owns. Opening this school would also alleviate over -capacity enrollments at: Otsego Elementary, Rogers Elementary, Hassan Elementary and Rogers Middle School. » Build auditoriums at Rogers High School and Zimmerman High School. » Make classroom and other facilities improvements and upgrades at Zimmerman and Elk River high schools. » Build additions at elementary schools in Rogers and Zimmerman that would be dedicated to district early education programs. » Improve security at seven schools across the district. » Remove and replace portable classrooms with permanent structures district -wide. What's it going to cost? If voters approve both questions, taxes on a $250,000 home would go up about $42 per year, or about $3.50 per month. All commercial, industrial and apartment building taxes would go down. According to ISD 728's financial advisor, Ehlers and Associates, the relatively low additional tax impact, including commercial and industrial tax reductions is the result of several factors including the fact that local taxpayers won't be paying the bonds alone; the state of Minnesota will be paying about 40-41 cents on each dollar of bonding. The state would also pay about a 30% of the $5.9 million ($409.67 per student) operating levy question. What happens if both questions fail? Considering student enrollment growth trends and current and future space needs, as well as comments from parents and residents, the school board has determined new learning spaces must be built. The classroom addition at Rogers High School as well as additions at two of the three southern elementary schools would address urgent E-12 classroom space needs. These projects would cost $22 million and would be funded via lease levy, with NO state funding assistance. If both questions fail ... the tax increase on a $22 million lease levy (pay as you go) is estimated by Ehlers and Associates to be $79 annually on a $250,000 home versus $42 annually for the voter -approved bond and levy projects in Questions 1 and 2. -1 The School Board prefers the voter -approved bond/levy approach because it has less tax impact thanks to state assistance. A voter -approved bond would also address more needs with a smaller tax increase. What can you do? Make informed decisions November 4. Learn the facts. Invite us to your neighborhood gathering or club meeting to get the facts firsthand. Share the information with your family, friends and neighbors. Continue to watch iivrwww.elkriver.k12,mn.us/StrongSchools, facebook.com/isd728 and twitter.com/isd728 for on-going updates and more information all the way to election day. Prepared and paid for by Independent School District 728, Elk River Area School District 728, 815 Highway 10, Elk River, MN 55330. This publication is not circulated on behalf of any candidate or ballotquestion. z Z t� a- MINIMUM ..—�;♦�� ��� � 'fir K t a- CoREUMWARV WVOR61 ATi 9019 - FOR DOSC USMON 0MLY Estimated Elk Riven Schaal District No. 728 Estimated Change in jun(327, 2014 Analysis of Tax 901PRO f®r Potential Facility and Operating Referendum Scenadas I Scenario 1. $98 liEU. Building Bonds; Alto Facilities All Bonds Thru FY21; Increase in (Operating Remo to $760 Increase in Net Decrease Increase in Net Change Taxes for in Other Debi/ Operating in Tape New Bonds Facilities Levies Referendum Levies $1,565,554 -$5,149,536 $4,062,438 $478,156 EstYimaterLl Ta;� Raucm ��a���a�,9e un X0`95°' -151 143 (l awllmt V, a- 1U(,:, GRenLG 0.07153% 0.07153% u OK Ou[P WRY WliG 2.54% -8.36% -5.82% The figures in the table are based on school district taxes for the operating referendum, debt service, and other facility -relater purposes only (lease levy, health and safety, and alternative facilities), and do not include tax levies for other purposes. Tax changes shown above are gross changes, not including the impact of the state Property Tax Refund ('Circuit Breaker") program. T For commercial -industrial property in Anoka and Hennepin Counties, the tax impact would be less than shown above, due to the impact of the Twin Cities Fiscal Disparities program. E H L E R LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Taxlmpact 14p Estimated Estimated Change in Type of pvopor��y -- Market Value I Taxes Payable in 2015 $125,000 $25 -$83 $89 $31 200,000 46 -151 143 38 [residential 250,000 60 -197 179 42 Homestead 300,000 74 -242 215 47 350,000 87 -288 250 49 400,000 101 -333 286 54 450,000 '114 -376 322 60 600,000 159 -522 429 66 750,000 206 -679 536 63 $250,000 $106 -$355 $179 -$68 Commercial/ 500,000 235 -773 358 -180 Industrial ` 800,000 3800 -1,275 572 -315 1,000,000 489 -1,609 715 -405 2,000,000 997 -3,281 1,431 -853 $500,000 $159 -$522 $358 _$5 Apartments 1,250,000 397 -1,306 894 -15 2,000,000 635 -2,090 1,431 -24 The figures in the table are based on school district taxes for the operating referendum, debt service, and other facility -relater purposes only (lease levy, health and safety, and alternative facilities), and do not include tax levies for other purposes. Tax changes shown above are gross changes, not including the impact of the state Property Tax Refund ('Circuit Breaker") program. T For commercial -industrial property in Anoka and Hennepin Counties, the tax impact would be less than shown above, due to the impact of the Twin Cities Fiscal Disparities program. E H L E R LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE Taxlmpact 14p cau PU w o MJ2 M122 22 w 6 I r y 99 pollr -millc cau PU w o MJ2 M122 22 w 6 Elk River School District No. 728 July 24, 2014 Estimated Impact for Proposed November 2014 Ballot Questions Question 1 2 Net Decrease Net Change Description Increase in Building Bonds in Other Debt & in Tax Taxes Payable in 2015 Operating $98,030,000 Facilities Levies** Levies $89 Referendum -$83 $30 Change in Tax Levy Payable in 2015 $4,060,438 $1,511,038 -$4,062,438 $1,509,039 Estimated Tax Rates Payable in 2015* 36 Residential 250,000 Market Value Rate 0.07153% -197 0.07153% Tax Capacity Rate 2.45% -8.36% -5.91% * The figures in the table are based on school district taxes for the operating referendum, debt service, and other facility -related purposes only (lease levy, health and safety, and alternative facilities), and do not include tax levies for other purposes. Tax changes shown above are gross changes, not including the impact of the state Property Tax Refund ("Circuit Breaker") *" If the proposed ballot questions are approved, the district will make reductions in other tax levies payable in 2015, leading to a net reduction in those levies as show in this column. The primary reduction will be in the alternative facilities "pay-as-you- go" levy. These reductions will offset most of the tax increases from the proposed ballot questions. + For commercial -industrial property in Anoka and Hennepin Counties, the tax impact would be less than shown above, due to the impact of the Twin Cities Fiscal Disparities Program. '"` For agricultural homestead property, a value of $200,000 was assumed for the house, garage, and one acre. EHLERS Taxim act 14Voteb n. LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE p Estimated Estimated Change in Type of Property Market Value Taxes Payable in 2015 $125,000 $89 $24 -$83 $30 200,000 143 44 -151 36 Residential 250,000 179 58 -197 40 Homestead 300,000 215 71 -242 44 350,000 250 84 -288 46 400,000 286 98 -333 51 450,000 322 110 -376 56 600,000 429 153 -522 60 750,000 536 199 -679 56 $250,000 $179 $104 -$355 -$72 Commercial/ 500,000 358 227 -773 -188 Industrial + 800,000 572 374 -1,275 -329 1,000,000 715 472 -1,609 -422 2,000,000 1,431 962 -3,281 -888 $500,000 $358 $153 -$522 -$11 Apartments 1,250,000 894 383 -1,306 -29 2,000,000 1,431 613 -2,090 -46 $300,000 $143 $57 -$193 $7 Agricultural 500,000 143 81 -276 -52 Homestead ** 1,000,000 143 142 485 -200 1,500,000 143 204 -694 -347 2,000,000 143 265 -903 -495 Agricultural $4,000 $0.00 $0.98 -$3.34 -$2.36 Non -Homestead 5,000 0.00 1.23 -4.18 -2.95 (dollars per acre) 6,000 0.00 1.47 -5.01 -3.54 8,000 0.00 1.96 -6.69 -4.73 10,000 0.00 2.45 -8.36 -5.91 * The figures in the table are based on school district taxes for the operating referendum, debt service, and other facility -related purposes only (lease levy, health and safety, and alternative facilities), and do not include tax levies for other purposes. Tax changes shown above are gross changes, not including the impact of the state Property Tax Refund ("Circuit Breaker") *" If the proposed ballot questions are approved, the district will make reductions in other tax levies payable in 2015, leading to a net reduction in those levies as show in this column. The primary reduction will be in the alternative facilities "pay-as-you- go" levy. These reductions will offset most of the tax increases from the proposed ballot questions. + For commercial -industrial property in Anoka and Hennepin Counties, the tax impact would be less than shown above, due to the impact of the Twin Cities Fiscal Disparities Program. '"` For agricultural homestead property, a value of $200,000 was assumed for the house, garage, and one acre. EHLERS Taxim act 14Voteb n. LEADERS IN PUBLIC FINANCE p