RES 11-22RESOLUTION NO. 2011-22 RESOLUTION APPROVING BID & APPROVING COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the construction of City of Otsego, Otsego Elementary and CSAH 42 Safe Routes to School Trail, Otsego Elementary City Trail and Meadowlands City Trail, SP 086-591-002; Minn. Proj. No. SRTS 8610 (185), bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: Total Base Bid Rum River Contracting $173,950.00 Fehn Companies $181,693.84 Omann Brothers $186,710.02 Knife River Corp. $199,675.56 Barber Construction, Inc. $230,557.00 Sunram Construction, Inc. $235,259.79 AND WHEREAS, it appears that Rum River Contracting of Princeton, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, AND WHEREAS, Wright County has prepared a Cooperative Agreement between Wright County and the City of Otsego, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. Requests the County Board of Commissioners for Wright County approve the Bid of Rum River Contracting of Princeton, Minnesota for the Otsego Elementary and CSAH 42 Safe Routes to School Trail, Otsego Elementary City Trail and Meadowlands City Trail, SP 086-591-002; Minn. Proj. No. SRTS 8610 (185). 2. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into an agreement with Wright County regarding the City of Otsego for the Otsego Elementary and CSAH 42 Safe Routes to School Trail, Otsego Elementary City Trail and Meadowlands City Trail, SP 086-591-002; Minn. Proj. No. SRTS 8610 (185). Adopted by the City Council this 9t" day of May, 2011. Motioned By: CM DARKENWALD Seconded By: CM SCHROEDER All in Favor: MAYOR STOCKAMP: COUNCILMEMBERS: DARKENWALD, SCHROEDER, SCHARBER Those Opposed: NONE Tami Loff, Clerk