RES 11-24RESOLUTION NO. 2011-24 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING SOLICITATION OF QUOTES WHEREAS, pursuant to the City Council requesting, SRF Consulting Group, Inc. has prepared plans and specifications for improvements at Prairie Park and has presented such plans and specifications to the City Council for approval; and, WHEREAS, the Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the plans and specifications at their meeting on 11 May 2011 and voted 4-0 to recommend City Council approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA THAT: 1. Such plans and specifications, dated 5 May 2011, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. City staff is directed to, solicit quotes upon the making of such improvements in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. A minimum of two (2) quotes shall be obtained when the estimated cost of the separate quote packages exceeds $25,000 but not $100,000.00 pursuant to Minnesota Statute 471.345. 3. The City Clerk shall keep on file for a period of one (1) year all quotes for the making of such improvements from the date received. MOTION BY: CM SCHROEDER SECOND BY: MAYOR STOCKAMP ALL IN FAVOR: MAYOR STOCKAMP; COUNCILMEMBERS: SCHROEDER, SCHARBER AND DARKENWALD THOSE OPPOSED: NONE ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 23rd day of May, 2011. CITY OF OTSEGO By: C�w M�Q Lf)b Q k o Jessi Stockamp, Mayor Attest: �I,rY u`-- - ` two Tami Loff, City Clerk