97-22RESOLUTION NO. 97-22 RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL TAX LEVY FOR 1998 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS CITY OF OTSEGO NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Otsego City Council that there is hereby approved for proposed expenditures from general taxes, the following sums for the purpose indicated: GENERAL GOVERNMENT $908,360 PARK DEVELOPMENT $ 15,000 BONDED INDEBTEDNESS $ 29,550 TOTAL PROPOSED LEVY $952,910 LESS HACA $146,855 TOTAL LEVY TO BE CERTIFIED $806,055 FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED that as required by Truth in Taxation Legislation, the City Clerk shall certify to the Wright County Auditor a copy of this Resolution approving the final levy of $806,055 for 1998 Budget Appropriations for the City of Otsego. Dated this 22ND Day of December, 1997 CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fvier, r AT ST: Laine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning/Administrator eb nc- RESOLUTION.WPS