SCC 11-17-14 Financing AlternativesProperty Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Operagng Transfers In Revenues Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditure,'. Net Operations'. Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Asseakiabilities Ending Cash Capof leepo Capital Equlpmenl Revolving Fund 2 Medium Duty Trucks moved to 2016 Spec![ORaeue Fund 206 Increase Vehicle Levy by 10%per year beginning in 2016 A Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Projected 2014 Proposed 2015 Extended 2016 Extended 2017 Extended 2018 Extended 2019 Extended 2020 Extended 2021 Extended 2022 Extended 2023 Extended 2024 Extended 2025 Extended 2026 - 7,479 160,000 150,000 7,334 172,080 (1,405) 160,000 - 160,800 - 176,000 - 35,000 193,600 - 104,200 212,960 - 234,256 - 257,682 - - 283,450 - 35,000 311,795 - - 342,974 - - 377,272 - - 414,999 - - 456,499 - - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 211,000 297,800 212,960 234,256 257,652 316,450 311,795 342,974 377,272 414,999 456,499 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,OOD 160,000 211,000 297, 80D 212,960 234,256 257,682 318,450 311,795 342,974 377,272 414,999 456,499 155,751 105,251 319,005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 230,OOD 422,000 55,000 286,900 18,000 660,000 50,000 434,725 167,4]9 (155,751) 36,74236,742 485,195 15],334 (105,251) 498,536 170,675 (319,005) 2,473 347,733 760,000 (129,150) 378,583 160,000 (2]1,000) 267,563 211,000 (323,000) 155,583 29],800 (512,200) (58,817) 212,960 (650,000) (495,857) 234,256 (190,000) (451,601) 257,682 (230,000) (423,919) 318,450 (422,000) (527,470) 311,795 (55,000) (274.675) 342,9]4 (286,900) (214,601) 377,272 (18,000) - 144,671 414,999 (680,000) - (120,330) 456,499 (50,000) - 485,195 498,536 34],733 378,583 267 583 155,683 58,817 495,857 451,601 423,919 527,470 (270,675) 214,601 144,677 120,330 286,168 19 IL City of Otsego QV Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Medium Duty T ucks moved to 2015 Special Revenue Fund 206 Increese Vehicle Levy by$ 20, ODD peryear beginning In 2016 Pmpedy Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds(net) Operating Transfers In Revenues. Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures. Net Operations. Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in AssetslLiabilities Ending Cash B Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Projected 2014 Proposed 2015 Extended 2016 Extended 2017 Extended 2016 E#ended 2019 Extended 2020 Edended 2021 Extended 2022 Extended 2023 Extended 2024 Extended 2025 Extended 2026 - 7,479 160,000 150,000 7,334 172,080 (1,405) 160,000 - 160,000 - 180,000 - 35,000 200,000 - 104 200 220,OD0 - 240,00D - 260,000 - 280,000 - 35,000 300,000 - 320, DOD - - 340,000 - - 360,000 - - 380,000 - - 1fi],4]9 15],334 170,675 160,000 160,000 215,000 304,200 220,000 240,000 260,000 315,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 215,000 304,200 220,000 240,000 260,000 315,000 30D,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 38.,000 155,751 105,251 319,005 129 15. 271 000 323.000 512,200 650,000 190,00. 230,000 422,000 55,000 286,900 18,000 680,000 50,000 434,725 167,479 (155,751) 36,742 485,195 157,334 (105,251) 38,742 498,536 170,8]5 (319005) 2,473 347,733 180,000 (129,150) 378,583 160,000 (271,000) 267,563 215,000 (323,0110) 159,583 304,200 (512,200) (48,417) 220,000 (650,000) (478,417) 240,000 (190,00D) (428,417) 260,000 (230,000) (398,417) 315,000 (422,000) (505,417) 300,000 (55,000) (260,417) 320,000 (286,900) (227,317) 340,000 (16,000) 94,663 380,000 (680,000) (225,317) 300,000 (50,000) 485,195 498,536 34],733 378,503 267,583 150,583 40,417 478,417 428,417 398,417 505,417 260,417 (227_317) 94 683 (225,317) 104,683 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues'. Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfem Out Expenditures', Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego re Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Metl/um Duty Trucks moved fa 2075 Special Revenue Fund 206 lac ase Vehicle Levy by$40,000 peryaarioor 3 yeambeginnhum 2016, stabilize in 2019 at average annualpurchases C Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Pmjecled 2014 Proposed 2015 Extentlad 2018 Extended 2017 Extended 2018 Edended 2019 Extended 2020 Extended 2021 Extended 2022 Extended 2023 Extended 2024 Extended 2025 Extended 2026 - 7,479 _ 160.000 150,000 7,334 172,080 (1,405) 160,000 - 160,000 - 200,000 - 35,000 240,000 - 104,200 280,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 35,000 320,000 - 320,OOD - 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 235,000 344,200 280,000 320,000 320,000 355,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 M.lut0 344,200 280 000 320,000 320,000 355,OOD 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 155,751 106,251 319,005 129,150 271.000 323,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 230,000 422,000 55,000 286 900 18,000 600.0 50,000 434,725 167,479 (155,751) 38,742 485,195 157,334 (105,251) 38,]42 498,536 170,675 (319,005) 2,4]3 347,733 160,1000 (129,150) - 378,583 160,000 (271,000) - 267,583 235,000 (323,000) - 179,583 344,200 (512,200) - 11 583 280,000 (65D,000) - (358417) 320,000 (190,000) - (228,417) 320,000 (230,000) - (138,417) 355,000 (422,000) - (205,417) 320,000 (55,000) - 59,583 320,000 (286,900) - 92,683 320,000 (18.000) - 394,683 320,000 (660,000) - 34,683 320,000 (50,000) - 485,195 498,536 347,733 378,583 267,683 17%583 11,583 358,417 228,417 138,417 205,417 59,583 K,- 394683 34 683 3.4.6M Property Tax es Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Nan -Operating Income Bond Proceed. (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues Debt Pdndpal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In T -fere Out Expenditures'. Net Operations', Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operatians Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liafiiliges Ending Cesh Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2Medium Trucks moved to 2015 SpCityecio1alORtseveegonue Fund 206 Levy the net ave2ge of purchases 2016 through 2025 at $ 320,000 Fil Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Projected 2014 Proposed 2015 Extended 2016 Extended 2017 Extended 2018 Extended 2019 Extended 2020 Exlended 2021 Extendetl 2022 Extended 2023 Extended 2024 Extended 2025 Extended 2026 - 7,479 160,000 150,000 7,334 172,080 (1,405) 160,000 - 160,000 - 320,000 - 35.000 320,000 - 104,200 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 35.000 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 320,000 - 16],4]9 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 355,000 424,200 320,000 320,.D0 320,UOD 355,000 320,0110 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 355,000 424,200 320,000 320,000 320,000 355,000 320.000 320,000 320,000 32D,000 320,000 155,751 105,251 319,005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 65"900 190 000 230,000 422,008 55500 286,900 18,000 680,000 50,000 434,725 167,4]9 (155,751) 38,742 485,195 157,334 (105,251) 38,742 496,536 1]0,675 (318,005) 24]3 347,733 160,000 (129,150) 378.583 160,000 (271500) 267,583 355500 (323,000) 299,583 424,2DO (512,200) 211.583 320,000 (650,000) (116,417) 320,000 (190,000) 11.583 320500 (230,000) 101,583 355,000 (422,000) 34,583 320500 (55,000) 299,583 320,000 (286,900) 332,683 320,000 (18,000) 634,683 320,000 (890,000) 274,683 320,000 (50, DOD) 485,195 498,536 347,733 1 378,583 267,583 299,583 211.5u3 118,417 11,583 101,S83 34,583 299,583 332,683 634,683 274,683 544,683 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating In.- Other Non -Operating Income Band Proceeds (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Oct Expenditures Net Ope2tions Capital Expenditd- Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital ExpendiWres Changes in AssalslLiabilities Ending Cash Cityita Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Metltum Duty Trucks -d to 2013 Special Revenue Fund 208 Increase Vehicle Levy by 10% per year beginning in 2016 0ebtsoltlaf3% Actual Actual ACW.1 Projected Proposetl EdendM Extended Exlend.d Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 - 150,000 172,080 160,OD0 160,000 176,000 193,600 212,960 234,256 257,682 283,450 311,795 342,974 377,272 414,999 456,499 7,479 7,334 (1,405) - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 500,000 160,000 35,000 104,200 35,000 - - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 211,000 297,800 712,960 234,256 257,682 318,450 311,795 342,974 377,272 414,999 456,49-9- - _ _ _ _ _ _ - 75,000 75,001 75,000 75,000 15,000 75,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - - 15,000 12,750 10,500 8,250 6,010 3,750 1,500 - 87,750 85,500 83,250 81,000 78,750 51,500 - 167,479 157.334 170,676 160,000 160,OD0 211 610 29] 800 712.960 144,256 169,932 232,950 228,545 261,9]4 29B.522 363,499 456,499 156,751 105,251 319,005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 230,000 422,000 55,000 266,90D 18,000 680,000 504000 434,725 485,195 498,536 34],733 378,583 267,583 155,583 (58,817) 4,143 (41,601) (101,669) (290,720) (117,1]5) (142,101) 138,421 (178,080) 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 211,000 297,800 712,960 144,256 169,932 232,950 228,545 261,974 298,522 383,499 456,499 (155,751) (105,251) (319,005) (129,150) (271,000) (323,000) (512,200) (650,000) (190,000) (230,000) (422,000) (55,000) (286,900) (18,000) (680,000) (50,000) 38,74238,742 2,473 - - - - 485,195 490 536 347,733 378,583 267,583 155,583 58,817 4,143 41,601 (101.659) (290.720) (117,175) 142,101 138,421 176,081 228,418 Im 1 City of Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Medium Duty Trucks moved to 2015 Special Revenue Fund 206 Increase Vehicle Levy by 20,000 peryear beginning in 2016 Debi sold at 3% Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non-0perating Income Bond Pmceetls (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues. Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfer: In Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in AssetalLiabiiities Ending Cash Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed Extentled Extended Extended Extendetl Extended E#ended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 - 150,000 172,080 160,000 160,000 180,000 200,000 220,000 240,000 260,000 280,000 300,000 320,000 340,00D 360,000 380,000 7,479 7,334 (1,405) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - - 160,000 DO 2'22 104,200 35,000 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 2151000 30 4,200 720,000 240,000 260,D00 315,000 300,000 320,000 340,000 360,000 380,000 - - - - - - - - 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 SO,ODO - - _ - - - - - - - 15,000 12,750 10,500 8,250 6,000 3,750 1 500 - - - - - - - - - 90,000 87,750 85,500 83,250 81,000 78,750 51,500 - 167.479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160.000 215,000 304,200 720,000 150,000 172,250 229,500 216,750 239,000 261,250 308.500 380.000 155,761 105,251 319,005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 650 000 190.000 230.000 422,000 55,000 286,900 18,000 680,000 60,000 434,725 485,195 498,536 347,733 378,583 267,583 159,583 (48,417) 21,583 (18,417) (76,167) (268,667) (106,917) (154,817) 88,433 (283,067) 167,479 157,334 170,675 180,000 160,000 215,000 304,200 720,000 150,000 172,260 229,500 216,750 239,000 261,250 308,500 380,000 (155,751) (105,251) (319,005) (129,150) (271,000) (323,000) (512,200) (850,000) (190,000) (230,000) (422,000) (55,000) (286,900) (18,ODO) (680,000) (50,000) 38,]42 38,742 2,473 485195 496 536 347,733 378,583 267,583 159,583 48,41] 21,583 18,417 L76,167) 268,667 106,917 154,617 88,433 283,067 46,933 so K1f:51rAtr Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Pmceeds (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues: Debt Principal Debt Interest Contmctu,l Services Depredation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Gash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changesln Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Medium Duty Tucks moved to 2015 Special Revenue Fund 206 Increase Vehicle Lary by$40,000peryearfor 3 years beglnningln2016, stabilizem 2019 at average annualpumhases Debt sold at 3% G Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed Extentled E#ended Extended Extandad Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 - 150,000 172,080 160,000 160,000 200,000 240,D00 280,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,OOD 320,000 320,OOD 320,000 320,000 7,479 7,334 (1,405) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - - 160,000 35 000 104,200 35,000 - - - - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 235,000 344,200 780,000 320,000 320,D00 355,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 - - - - - - - - 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75, DDD 75,111 50,000 - - - - - - - - - 15,000 12,750 10,500 8,250 6,000 3,750 1,500 - - - - - - - - - 90,000 87,750 85,500 83,250 81,000 78,750 51,500 - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160 000 235,000 344,200 780,000 230,000 232,250 269,500 236,750 239,000 241,250 268,500 920,000 155,751 105,251 319.005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 650.000 190,000 230,000 422,000 55,000 286,900 18,000 680,000 50,000 434,725 485,195 498,536 347,733 376,583 267 583 1]9,583 11,583 141,583 181,583 183,833 31,333 213,083 165,183 388,433 (23,06]) 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 235,000 344,200 780,000 230,000 232,260 269,500 236,750 239,000 241,250 268,500 320,000 (155,751) (105,251) (319,005) (129,15D) (271,000) (323,000) (512,200) (650,000) (190,000) (23.,000) (422,000) (55,000) (286,900) (18,000) (680.000) (50,000) 38,742 3',742 2,473 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 485,195 498 536 34],733 378,583 267,583 179,583 11,5'3 141,583 181,583 183,833 31,333 213,083 165,183 388,433 23,067 246.933 500,000 57,750 Ni%INF1r Property Taxes Special Ass sots Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Operating Transfers In Revenues. Debt Principal Debt Interest Comunetual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures'. Net Operations'. Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in AssetWI-labllltles Ending Cash Cltyof Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund 2 Medium Duty Trucks moved to 2015 Special Ra,mmm Fund 206 Levy the net a-ege of pumhases 2015 through 2025at$320,000 Debt seld at 3% H Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed Exended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Entended EMended Extended Extended 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 - 150,000 172,080 160,000 160,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 7,479 7,334 (1,405) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 500,000 - - - - - - - - 160,000 35,000 104,200 35,000 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 160,000 355,000 424,200 820,ODO 320,000 320,000 355,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,00D 320,000 - - - - - - - - 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 - - - - - - - - - 15,000 12,750 10,500 8,250 fi,000 $,750 - - - - - - - - 90,000 87,750 85,500 83,250 81,000 78,750 51,500 - 167,479 157,334 170,675 760,000 160,000 355,000 424,200 820,000 230,000 232,250 269,500 235,750 239,000 241,250 268,500 320,000 M,711 101,251 319,005 129,150 211,000 323,000 512,200 650,000 191,000 230,000 422,000 55,000 286,900 11,111 611,101 51,111 434,725 485,195 498,536 347,733 378,583 267,583 299,583 211,583 381,583 421,583 423,833 271,333 453,083 405,183 628,433 216,933 167,479 157,334 170,675 760,000 160,000 355,000 424,200 820,000 230,000 232,250 269,500 236,750 239,000 241,250 260,500 320,000 (155,751) (105,251) (319,005) (129,150) (277,000) (323,000) (512,200) (650,00D) (190,000) (230,000) (422,000) (55,000) (288,900) (18,000) (680,000) (50,000) 38742 38,742 2,473 485,195 498,536 347,733 378,503 267.583 299 583 211,583 381,583 421,583 423,633 271,333 453,083 405,183 628,433 216,933 486,933 M blply l.1n