ITEM 3.2A 10.27.2014 MinutesITEM 3_2A OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING OTSEGO PRAIRIE CENTER October 27, 2014 7:00 PM Call to Order. Mayor Jessica Stockamp called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Jessica Stockamp; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Tom Darkenwald, Jason Warehime and Doug Schroeder. Staff: Lori Johnson, City Administrator; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Andy MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Jordet, Administrative Services Director and Sandy Lindenfelser, Special Licensing. Pledge of Allegiance: Mayor Stockamp led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. Open Forum. Special Presentation: Mark Bezek, ISD 728 Superintendent. Mr. Bezek presented information on the School District's upcoming ballot questions. He stated the first question is a $5.9 million operating levy increase. Of that money, $2.3 million will go to construct learning space, $1 million for hiring more teachers to help reduce the class sizes and $2.6 million for technology improvements. The second question is a $98.03 million facility bonding project. This will be used for improvements and additions to Rogers, Zimmerman and Elk River High Schools along with building of an E-8 school in Otsego. $5.9 million operating levy must be passed by voters in order for the $98.03 million bonding project, if passed by voters to go through. This would increase taxes on $42 per year on a $250,000 home. If both fail, the projects would cost $22 million and be funded by lease levy with no state funding assistance and would raise taxes to $79 per year on a $250,000 home. Commissioner Heidner asked what the current student population is in Elk River High School. Mr. Bezek responded 1,700. Commissioner Heidner asked if the District's -intent of an E-8 school to take the load off both elementary schools? Mr. Bezek said yes. Mr. Bezek stated that not all nineteen (19) school facilities in the District are the same. He further stated parents currently have to send their kids over the rivers, drive them to and from schools and open - enroll them so they can get the classes they need. Commissioner Schroeder asked how the battle is going with the State to include the District in the metro area for purposes of education monies per student. Mr. Bezek stated that they were close to getting the legislation approved last year but a last minute request from a neighboring district caused it to fail. Commissioner Schroeder asked where the field house is going to be located. Mr. Bezek said there isn't a field house but that they are creating equitable court space at Elk River High School because they don't have the land to put up a field house. Commissioner Schroeder stated that the needs are on the North and South end of the district. Mr. Bezek stated he believes there will be a a high school in Otsego within 5-6 years. Mayor Stockamp said we have the capacity to go up to $22 million through lease levy so we use that for the 3rd wing at Rogers High School and use the rest for the two (2) elementary school additions. She stated Otsego Elementary should be one of them, Otsegohas portables and the others don't. We should be talking about securing land for a high school and she suggested that the District work with staff to find possible sites. She further stated Otsego Elementary has the worst fields of any school in the District. The City has offered to maintain the fields but the District has not followed through with the commitment to have a sprinkler system installed. Commissioner Darkenwald asked what the land sizes are for Elk River and Rogers high schools and what do Mr. Bezek thinks the acreage requirement of the Otsego would be. Mr. Bezek stated 80-100 acres are needed for a high school and 40-50 for a middle school. Mr. Bezek asked why Otsego isn't buying the land for a high school. Commissioner Heidner said because Otsego helped pay for 18 other schools. Commissioner Darkenwald asked what the current classroom size is. Mr. Bezek stated that it is different for every grade, but they are above average. He further stated if these questions on the ballot pass, it would drop the classroom sizes but won't make an astonishing difference; class sizes will differ from grades K-12, but we would be moving in the right direction. Commissioner Warehime questioned about the removal of classrooms to put in office space in Elk River High School. Mr. Bezek said that those classrooms would be replaced; the square footage will be the same. Commissioner Warehime also noted that technology back in 2012 didn't pass; they took it out of the curriculum. Mary Olson, 13514 94th Street NE, Otsego MN 55330 directed a question to Mr. Bezek regarding the Rogers High School 3rd wing and what is that going to do to the parking? Is that going to be addressed also? I have a 10th grader and he can't even drive to school, a lot of the 11th graders can't even drive. Mr. Bezek made the comment "don't even go there." Mayor Stockamp asked where the $100 parking fee goes; maybe they should use it to put blacktop somewhere else. Ms. Olson said to Mr. Bezek we've heard you say throughout the night that you don't know the answers, come back on November 5th and we will have them for you. Ms. Olson questioned Mr. Bezek - haven't you had other discussions on this? Mr. Bezek had no comment. 2. Consider agenda approval. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve the agenda as written. Seconded by Commissioner Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0 3. Consent Agenda. (Non -controversial items). 3.1 Approve Claims List. 3.2 Approve City Council Meeting Minutes. A. October 13, 2014 Meeting. B. October 13, 2014 Special Meeting. 3.3 Received Commission Minutes: A. September 9, 2014 Heritage Preservation Commission. B. September 9, 2014 Public Safety Commission. C. September 16, 2014 Parks and Recreation Commission. 3.4 Approve recommendation of hiring for Winter Seasonal On- Call Employees. 3.5 Approve purchase of V -Plow and Snow Blower. 3.6 Approve Biosolids land application sites. 3.7 Adopt Resolution 2014-73 establishing no parking zones on portion of Janse _. requirements. Commissioner Heidner motioned to approve as written. Seconded by Commissioner Schroeder. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0 4. Public Works: 4.1 Consider Sump Ordinance 2014-14. 2 City Engineer Wagner presented the staff report stating that there is sump pump discharge draining into the sanitary sewer system. Administrator Johnson said the City would like to do inspections of residential homes to verify correct piping and discharge of the sump pump to eliminate costly expansion of the treatment plant and to reduce the operating costs of treating inflow and infiltration flow. She stated that the Public Works Subcommittee had discussed this issue at length before making this recommendation to the Council. City Engineer Wagner said that the cost for homeowners to bring the sump pumps incompliance is less than $200. City Planner Licht noted that those properties not in compliance or who have not complied after the inspection has been completed will be charged a $100 monthly sump pump surcharge, noting that if it is not paid the City can assess. Mayor Stockamp agrees that this has to be done but noted that there are two (2) different sides to the City and this money will also be coming from people who don't have a problem to pay for those that do. Mayor Stockamp and Councilmembers asked how we are going to get these inspections completed. Mayor Stockamp asked where the money is going to come from to pay for this. City Administrator Johnson explained that there is money in the draft utility budget that was to have been discussed previously but was delayed until this evenings work session so all Council members would be present. . Commissioners Warehime and Heidner asked how many homes are we talking that are on this system. There are 1,700 homes on the West side of the City that this is involving. The City would like modify the language to the City Code that all sump pump discharge is being properly drained. City Administrator Johnson is optimistic that a letter from the City to the residents bringing the problem to their attention would promote voluntary compliance with the sump discharge rules. It was agreed that some people don't know the requirements and are not aware they are not in compliance. Commissioner Schroeder motioned to approve Ordinance Amendment No. 2014-14 adding language to the City Code allowing inspection of sump pump discharge, a time allotment for compliance of non-compliant discharges and a monthly surcharge for continuing non-compliant connection. Seconded by Commissioner Darkenwald. All in favor. Motion carried 5-0 5. Administration: 5 1 Review of Fire Chief/Fire Marshal/Emergency Manager Job Description for Albertville Fire Service Area. City Administrator Johnson presented the staff report noting that the Albertville City Council will advertise for the position immediately following adoption of the job description by the Albertville City Council. The City Council concurred with the job description as presented. 6. City Council Reports and Updates. Mayor Stockamp said they had a great pumpkin event noting they ran out of pumpkins in about 32 minutes. Mayor Stockamp thanked Ross Demant, Parks and Recreation Manager for his work on the event.. 7. Staff Reports and Updates. City Administrator Johnson updated the Council on the upcoming budget and capital improvement plan meeting schedule. 8. Adjourn. CM Darkenwald motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Warehime. All in favor. Motion carried. Adjourned at 8:20 PM. Mayor Jessica Stockamp ATTEST: Tami Loff, City Clerk Written by Sandy Lindenfelser