03-11-14 OPCOtsego Police Commission Minutes March 11, 2014 Present: Dana VanDenBerg, Rob VanDenBerg, Paul Fields, Jason Warehime, Jim Breitbach , Sally Dufner, Mark Driste, Mayor Jessica Stockamp Police Officer: Rob Mossman Meeting called to order at: 6:35 p.m. Informational Handouts reviewed- Received and reviewed. Agenda: Approved Minutes from: February 11, 2014—Approved OPEN FORUM (5 minute limit): Paul discussed the Neighborhood Watch program. Public can contact Wright County Sheriff's Office if interested in starting a Neighborhood Watch Program 1-800-362-3667. Welcome Mark Driste to the Police Commission. Law Enforcement Updates & Discussion — Reminder for the public to lock their vehicle doors to help prevent break ins. Old Business: • Update on Otsego Night Out- there will be a notice in the Otsego View. • 2014 Initiatives- Discussed Otsego Safety Camp (June 17th) , McGruff and National Night out. Ross will have on line registration for Otsego Night Out. He will coordinate Safety Camp and registration will be on line. Go to the Otsego City Website for information. Looking for volunteers to help with Safety Camp contact Ross if interested. New Business: • Chair- Rob VanDenBerg, motion approved by all • Vice Chair- Jim Breitbach, motion approved by all • Secretary- Dana VanDenBerg, motion approved by all • We will continue to meet monthly at this time- voted and motion approved by all City Council Meeting Updates - February 24th- Rob- Nothing note worthy • March 101h —Jim- Security for events at Prairie Park City Council will be looking at their options. City Council Meeting Assignments: • March 24th—Sally • April 14th - Paul Next Meeting: April 8'2014 at 6:30 p.m. Meeting Adjourned 7:50p.m.