Attachment 2 CIP 2015-2019City of Otsego Capital Improvement Plan for the Fiscal Years 2015 through 2019 Summary of Projects by Department Summary of Projects by Funding Source Project Details: Administration Phone System Upgrade City Facilities Prairie Center Parking Lot Public Works Building Demolition of Old Town Hall Public Works Storage Area Fencing Public Works Cold Storage Building Vehicles Purchase Summary Needs Parks & Recreation Waterfront East Park Wildflower Meadows Park West Lefebvre Creek Park 90th Street Trail & Crosswalks Darkenwald Landing Norin Landing Project Prairie Park Ballfield Lighting Prairie Park Rough Grade Parking Paririe Park Shelter Prairie Park NW Parking Lot Prairie Park Dog Park Prairie Park Ballfields Expansion Playground Equipment Replacement Annual Trail Management Public Safety Emergency Sirens Public Safety Fire Department PAGE 1 3 7 9 10 11 12 13 15 17 18 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 29 35 36 PAGE Public Utilities Well #3 Pump & Aquifer Rehab 37 Meter Replacement Project 38 SCADA Computer Replacement 39 Stormwater Collection (In District) 40 Stormwater Collection (Out of District) 41 West Well Capacity - extend to Riverwood 42 LS #3 (West WWTF) 43 Water Tower #1- Interior Painting 44 Water Tower #1 - Exterior Painting 45 Lift Station Pump Replacement 46 West WWTF Digester 47 Public Works Annual Street Seal Coating 49 Annual Street Crack Filling 50 Annual Street Striping 51 Annual Street General Repair 52 78th Street Extension - Quaday to Quam 59 70th Street Extension - Martin Farms to Oakwood 60 Street Reconstruction 61 MSA Use Plan 64 Anti -Icing Brine System 66 City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2015 t uu 2019 PROJECTS BY DEPAR'I M ENT Department Project# Priority 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Administration Phone System Upgrade ADM -12-002 n1a 20,000 20,000 Administration Total 20,000 20,000 City Facilities Prairie Center Parking Lot & Entrance Construction FAC -12-005 n/a 150,000 150,000 Public Works Building Expansion/Improvements FAC -12-008 n/a 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 Demolition of Old Town Hall FAC -12-009 n/a 30,000 30,000 Public Works Storage Area Fencing FAC -15-001 n/a 18,000 18,000 Public Works Cold Storage Building (On Campus) FAC -16-001 n/a 50,000 50,000 City Facilities Total 228,500 50,000 50,000 1,850,000 2,178,500 Fleet Vehicle Purchase Summary Needs VEH-99-001 n/a 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Fleet Total 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Parks & Recreation Waterfront East Park P&R-12-047 n/a 35,000 35,000 Wildflower Meadows Park P&R-12-055 n/a 50,000 590,000 640,000 West Lefebvre Creek Park P&R-12-056 n/a 640,000 640,000 90th Street Trail & Crosswalks P&R-15-060 A 57,070 57,070 Darkenwald Landing P&R-DL12-033 n/a 480,700 480,700 Norin Landing Park Project P&R-NL12-032 n1a 477,400 477,400 Prairie Park Ballfield Lighting P&R-PP12-035 n/a 500,000 500,000 Prairie Park Rough Grade Parking Area & Ballfields P&R-PP12-036 n/a 171,000 171,000 Prairie Park Shelter P&R-PP12-041 n/a 60,000 60,000 Prairie Park NW Parking Lot P&R-PP12-053 n/a 152,000 152,000 Prairie Park Dog Park P&R-PP15-001 n1a 15,000 15,000 Prairie Park Ballfields Expansion P&R-PP17-037 n/a 663,870 653,870 Annual Trail Management PW-ST12-058 n/a 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 Parks & Recreation Total 147,070 1,130,700 256,000 28,000 2,463,270 4,025,040 Public Safety Emergency Sirens (2) PS -12-001 nla 18,000 9,000 27,000 Public Safety Fire Department PS -12-099 n/a 2,450,000 2,450,000 Public Safety Total 18,000 2,459,000 2,477,000 1Public Utilities +Nell #3 Pump & Aquifer Rehab UTIL-12-028 n/a 110,000 110,000 Meter Replacement Project UTIL-12-045 n/a 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 SCADA Computer Replacement UTIL-12-046 n/a 15,000 15,000 Stormwater Collection System (In District) UTIL-12-064 n1a 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 1 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Department Stormwater Coll Sys (Culverts - Out of District) West District Well Capacity - extend to Riverwood LS #3 (West WWTF) Water Tower #1 Interior Painting Water Tower#1 Exterior Painting Lift Station Pump Replacement West WWTF Digester ]Project# Priority 2015 2016 2017 2018 20719 Total UTIL-12-067 n/a 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 UTIL-12-074 n/a 650,000 5,444,000 650,000 UTIL-12-075 n/a 85,000 85,000 UTIL-12-078 n/a 170,000 170,000 UTIL-12-079 n/a 240,000 45,000 45,000 UTIL-12-100 n/a 696,000 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 UTIL-14-002 n/a 200,000 3,500,000 67,250 3,700,000 Public Utilities Total 1,010,000 3,640,000 394,000 255,000 145,000 5,444,000 Public Works Annual Street Seal Coating PW-ST12-059 n/a 240,000 175,000 66,000 120,000 95,000 696,000 Annual Street Crack Filling PW-ST12-060 nla 61,000 64,000 67,250 71,000 74,000 337,250 Annual Street Striping PW-ST12-061 n/a 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Annual Street General Repair PWN ST12-062 n/a 100,000 42,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 278,000 78th Street Extension - Quaday to Quam PW-ST12-068 n/a 360,000 360,000 70th Street Extension - Martin Farms to Oakwood PW-ST12-075 n/a 2,600,000 2,600,000 Street Reconstruction PW-ST12-077 n/a 130,000 2,835,000 237,000 163,500 4,088,140 7,453,640 Anti -Icing Brine Production System PW-ST15-001 n/a 50,000 50,000 Public Works Total 3,217,500 3,154,500 814,500 441,750 4,348,390 11,976,640 GRAND TOTAL 4,918,070 10,774,200 2,046,700 3,224,750 7,146,660 28,110,380 2 Thursday, November 20, 2014 City of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 PROJECTS B Y:FU1NDff G SOURCE Source Prgiect# Priority 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 201 Paveunent Management ]Funnd Annual Street Seal Coating PW-ST12-059 n/a 240,000 175,000 66,000 120,000 95,000 696,000 Annual Street Crack Filling PW-ST12-060 n/a 61,000 64,000 67,250 71,000 74,000 337,250 Annual Street Striping PW-ST12-061 n/a 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Annual Street General Repair PW-ST12-062 n/a 100,000 42,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 278,000 201 Pavement Management Fund Total 437,500 319,500 217,500 278,250 260,250 9,513,000 202 Traill Management Fund Annual Trail Management PW-ST12-058 n/a 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 202 Trail Management Fund Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 203 Park Development Wildflower Meadows Park P&R-12-055 n/a 50,000 590,000 640,000 West Lefebvre Creek Park P&R-12-056 n/a 640,000 640,000 90th Street Trail & Crosswalks P&R-15-060 n/a 57,070 57,070 Norin Landing Park Project P&R-N112-032 n/a 310,366 310,366 Prairie Park Ballfield Lighting P&R-PP12-035 n/a 500,000 500,000 Prairie Park Rough Grade Parking Area & Ballfields P&R-PP12-036 rile 171,000 171,000 Prairie Park Shelter P&R-PP12-041 n/a 60,000 60,000 Prairie Park NW Parking Lot P&R-PP12-053 n/a 152,000 152,000 Prairie Park Ballfields Expansion P&R-PP17-037 n/a 663,870 663,870 203 Park Development Total 107,070 590,000 231,000 2,266,236 3,194,306 205 Park Capital ]Eqpt Fund Norin Landing Park Project P&R-NL12-032 nla 83,517 83,517 Prairie Park Dog Park P&R-PP15-001 n/a 15,000 15,000 205 Park Capital Eqpt Fund Total 15,000 83,517 98,517 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving Fund Phone System Upgrade ADM -12-002 nla 20,000 20,000 Anti -Icing Brine Production System PW-ST15-001 n/a 50,000 50,000 Vehicle Purchase Summary Needs VEH-99-001 n/a 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving Fund Total 347,000 340,000 532,200 650,000 190,000 2,059,200 200 Community lFacillities Fund )arkenwald Landing P&R-DL12-033 nla 480,700 480,700 Thursday, Arovenzber 20. 2014 Source Protect# Priority 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 208 Community Facilities Fund Total 480,700 480,700 209 Street Reconstruction Fund 78th Street Extension - Quaday to Quam PW-ST12-068 n/a 360,000 360,000 209 Street Reconstruction Fund Total 360,000 360,000 2Il4 1Ffre Capnta0 Reserve Public Safety Fire Department PS -12-099 n/a 2,450,000 2,450,000 214 Fire Capital Reserve Total 2,450,000 2,450,000 220 Stormwater - Out of District Stormwater Coll Sys (Culverts - Out of District) UTIL-12-067 n/a 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 220 Stormwater - Out of District Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 222 Stormwater Uti➢ity IFuaund Stormwater Collection System (In District) UTIL-12-064 n/a 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 222 Stormwater Utility Fund Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 414 Revolving Capital Impry Prairie Center Parking Lot & Entrance Construction FAC -12-005 n/a 150,000 150,000 Demolition of Old Town Hall FAC -12-009 n/a 30,000 30,000 Waterfront East Park P&R-12-047 n/a 35,000 35,000 Emergency Sirens (2) PS -12-001 n/a 18,000 9,000 27,000 414 Revolving Capital Impry Total 198,000 44,000 242,000 441 Otsego Municipal BHdg Fund Public Works Storage Area Fencing FAC -15-001 n/a 18,000 18,000 Public Works Cold Storage Building (On Campus) FAC -16-001 n/a 50,000 50,000 441 Otsego Municipal Bldg Fund Total 18,000 50,000 68,000 601 Water Fund Well #3 Pump & Aquifer Rehab UTIL-12-028 n/a 110,000 110,000 Meter Replacement Project UTIL-12-045 n/a 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 West District Well Capacity - extend to Riverwood UTIL-12-074 n/a 650,000 650,000 Water Tower#1 Interior Painting UTIL-12-078 n/a 170,000 170,000 Water Tower#1 Exterior Painting UTIL-12-079 n/a 45,000 45,000 601 Fater Fund Total 650,000 50,000 265,000 160,000 50,000 1,175,000 602 Sewer Found SCADA Computer Replacement UTIL-12-046 n/a 15,000 15,000 IS #3 (West WWTF) UTIL-12-075 n/a 85,000 85,000 Lift Station Pump Replacement UTIL-12-100 nla 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 West WWTF Digester UTIL-14-002 We 200,000 3,500,000 3,700,000 Thw-sday, Noilember 20, 2014 M Source ]Protect# ]Priority 2015 2016 2017 2018 20719 Total 602 Sewer ]Fund Total 285,000 3,515,000 54,000 20,000 20,000 3,894000 Assessmaemts Street Reconstruction PW-ST12-077 nla 65,000 1,417,500 118,500 81,750 2,044,070 3,726,820 Assessments Total 65,000 1,417,500 118,500 81,750 2,044,070 3,726,820 ]Federal Grants 70th Street Extension - Martin Farms to Oakwood PW-ST12-075 n/a 800,000 800,000 Federal Grants Total 800,000 800,000 MSA State Aid 70th Street Extension - Martin Farms to Oakwood PW-ST12-075 n/a 1,800,000 1,800,000 MSA State Aid Total 1,800,000 1,800,000 ®ther Aids/Grants Norin Landing Park Project P&R-NL12-032 n/a 83,517 83,517 Other Aids/Grants Total 83,517 83,517 IProceeds of Long Term )[Debt - Tax Le Street Reconstruction PW-ST12-077 n/a 65,000 1,417,500 118,500 81,750 2,044,070 3,726,820 Proceeds of Long Term Debt - Tax Levy 65,000 1,417,500 118,500 81,750 2,044,070 3,726,820 Total Unfunded Public Works Building Expansion/Improvements FAC-12-008 n/a 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 Unfunded Total 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 GRAND TOTAL 4,918,070 10,774,200 2,046,700 3,224,750 7,146,660 28,110,380 TlzensAy, November 20, 2014 0 0ts°eF o MIXXESDT4 Blank Page Capital hnprr®vement Plan City ®f Otsego, Minnesota ]Project # ADM -12-002 ]Project Name Phone System Upgrade 2015 thrzt 2019 Department Administration Contact City Clerk Type Equipment & Furnishings Useful (Life 10-15 Category — --._ _ ----- General Government Building ]Priority n/a Total ]Project Cost. 520,000 Description Jpgrade the telephone system for City offices and buildings. Justification Planned replacement of existing phone system based on usable life of 10-15 years and to allow expansion to meet future system needs. Sept. 2012 - This project was moved from 2014 to 2017. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Equipment/Furnishings 20,000 20,000 Total 20,000 20,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving 20,000 20,000 Fund Total 20,000 20,000 Thursday November 20, 2014 ot�, "N 51'A go Blank Page Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # ]EAC -12-005 Project Name Prairie Center Parking Lot & Entrance Construction Description Zecsurfacing of the existing parking area for the Prairie Center building. Department City Facilities Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Unassigned Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $150,000 Justification The Prairie Center building was constructed in 1993. The parking lot adjacent to Prairie Center has an asphalt parking area for 164 vehicles. The pavement has been managed but has reached the end of its useful life. The project involves removal of the existing asphalt and construction of a new surface, repair as needed of concrete curb and painting of stripes. Project may also involve removal of existing areas and construction of new parking areas to better meet long term needs of city hall building and adjacent prairie park. Given the current condition of the parking areas both east and south of the Center, the project is being proposed for 2015, moved ahead from 2019. Costs are allocated between paving, engineering and administrative overhead, all inclusive. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 150,000 150,000 Total Funding Sources 150,000 2015 2016 150,000 2017 2018 2019 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry Total 150,000 150,000 150,000 150,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 t/„ u 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# FAC -12-008 Project Name Public Works Building Fxpansnon/Improvennents Department City Facilities Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Buildings & Facilities Useful Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $1,930,500 Description vlodifications to the Public Works/City Hall building including storgae shelving for the Public Works garage for $ 4,500 and replacement of ;arage lighting system with LED lighting for cost of $ 18,000. Also anticipates cleaning and reconfiguration of the 95th Street storage building )1us replacement of garage doors for $ 8,000., with eventual expansion of the vehicle storage area of the Public Works building. Justification Che Public Works building was constructed in 2005 with a 16,400 sf. vehicle storage area. The lighting and storage in the existing area should be nodified to be more cost/energy efficient and pallet racking installed to provide more efficient storage of equipment. In order to maximize storage, he old Public Works building on 95th Street will be cleaned out and reconfigured. The vehicle storage area in the 90th Street building is at capacity with additional area needed for equipment to be added as development of the City continues. The Public Works building was designed with a planned 16,400 s£ Expansion of the vehicle storage area to the north of the existing building. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Buildings & Facilities 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 1,850,000 Total 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Unfunded 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 Total 30,500 50,000 1,850,000 1,930,500 Numsday, November 20, 2014 10 Capital Improvement ]Plan 2015 thr z., 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# FAC -12-009 Project Name Demolition of Old Town Hall Description demolition of City owned former Town Hall building and site restoration. Justification I Department City Facilities Contact City Administrator Type Unassigned Usefol Life Category General Government Building Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $30,000 The Town Hall building has been basically unused for City purposes since construction of the City Hall building in 1993. The City has not identified a viable public or private long term use for the building. The building is substantially deteriorated, does not meet ADA standards and its condition continues to decline with replacement of the roof, heating system and broken windows known repairs required for reuse. The project proposes to demolish the existing building and remove the existing septic system. Oct 2012 - An additional $10,000 was added to this project for site restoration. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Other 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry 30,000 30,000 Total 30,000 30,000 Thursday, November 20, 2079 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 tivi, 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # FAC -15-001 Project Name Public Works Storage Area Fencing Description Enclose the northern portion of the PW storage area on the City Campus with chain link fencing. Department City Facilities Contact Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Unassigned Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 618,000 Justification I Secure outdoor storage should be shifted from the "boneyard" at the edge of Prairie Park to the north section of the City campus as Prairie Park expands. This fencing would enclose the remaineder of the northern section of the City's 90th Street campus. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Buildings & Facilities 18,000 18,000 Total 18,000 18,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 441 Otsego Municipal Bldg 18,000 18,000 Fund Total 18,000 18,000 Thursday, Novenzber 20, 2014 12 ?'apittal Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 Department City Facilities City ®f Otsego, Minnesota contact -— — ---- - — -- --- ------ - --- - - - -- - � 'Type Unassigned i ]Project # FAC -16-001I Useful ]Life Project Name Public Works Cold Storage Building (®n Campus) Category Unassigned b Y Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $50,000 Description Construct an enclosed pole shed structure north of the salt shed for cold storage of public works and parks equipment. Justification I Trailers and various implements, such as plows, and equipment attachments, are stored outdoors north of the salt shed. Storing these items inside an enclosed pole shed could lower maintenance costs and increase the useful life of these implements. Additional storage for tools would allow better use of space in the public works vehicle area in the main building. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Buildings & Facilities 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Totall 441 Otsego Municipal Bldg 50,000 50,000 Fund Total 50,000 50,000 Thursday, Arovember 20, 2074 13 Otsep,o MINNes�TA Blank Page 14 Capital Improvement Ilan 2015 a7 u 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # VFIH-99-001 4 Project Name Vehicle Purchase Summary Needs Description Summary of Vehicle Purchases detailed in separate Excel Sheet on Vehicle Capital Purchases Department Fleet Contact Type Vehicles Usefiil Life Category Equipment Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $1,989,200 Justification Provides for the replacement of vehicles and motorized equipment at proper times and attempts to provide a funding stream that minimizes the issuance of debt for vehicle equipment purcahses. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2015 2019 Total Vehicles 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Total Funding Sources 297,000 2015 340,000 2016 512,200 2017 650,000 2018 190,000 2019 1,989,200 Total 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving Fund 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Total 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Tlwrsdaj; Nmember 20, 2014 15 Otse,ffo .I -s- Blank Page 16 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 rlv u 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project# P&R-12-047 Project Name Waterfront ]East Park Description Installation of additional landscaping and site amenities. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $70,000 Justification Outlot A, Waterfront East was developed with a regional stormwater pond and surrounding one -mile trail, existing trees and turf grass. The City was initially granted park and trail easement over the parcel but acquired fee ownership from the three ownership groups in 2011. The Waterfront East project approvals included a landscape plan for outlot a that was not completed by the developer. City staff has revised the landscape plan to lower costs, provide more appropriate plantings and allow easier maintenance. The project involves implementation of the landscape plan in phases. Phase 1 was completed in 2012 and included installation of plantings and site furniture on the east side of the regional stormwater pond overlooking the Mississippi River. Improvements on the west side of the regional stormwater pond will be completed by the City in subsequent phases as adjacent lots are developed. the 2012 CIP review meetings, phase 2 (west side) of the project was pushed out to 2016 (originally 2013) to coincide with the commercial d out of the Waterfront East area. It was also decided that the funding source should be changed from 203 Park Development to 414 Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 35,000 35,000 Total 35,000 35,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry 35,000 35,000 TOW 35,000 35,000 Tlzursday, November 20, 2014 17 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thn, 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # P&R-12-055 Project Name Wildflower Meadows Park Description development of a neighborhood park within the Wildflower Meadows subdivision. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $640,000 Justification The City accepted donation of 6.38 acres of land for development of a neighborhood park within the Wildflower Meadows subdivision based on the Future Parks and Trails Plan. A concept plan for development of the neighborhood park was prepared to provide equipment, facilities and amenities based on the park classification system in the Comprehensive Plan and approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. Construction of the park improvements will occur at such time as additional lots are final platted within the subdivision and pay a prorated cash fee in lieu of land equal to 41.7 percent of the current park dedication fee in effect at the time. The timing for development of the neighborhood park will be evaluated based on the buildout of existing single family and townhouse lots and final platting of additional lots, which will cause increase demand for use of the park as well as provide additional park dedication cash fees in lieu of land to fund the project. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 590,000 590,000 Other 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 590,000 640,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 203 Park Development 50,000 590,000 640,000 Total 50,000 590,000 640,000 Thwsda), Nmemher 20, 2014 18 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 City ®f Otseg®9 Minnesota Project# P&R-12-056 Project Name West Lefebvre Creek Park Description Development of a neighborhood park facility at Ohland Avenue and 75th Street. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $640,000 Justification The Parks and Trails Plan identifies development of a neighborhood park facility near the intersection of Ohland Avenue and 75th Street adjacent to Lefebvre Creek. The City acquired 10.69 acres as part of the Crimson Ponds West subdivision and will acquire additional property through park dedication requirements as surrounding parcels are subdivided for residential development. The neighborhood park will also serve as the westerly trail head for the planned Lefebvre Creek Greenway. Timing for development of the neighborhood park will be dependent upon subdivision of surrounding parcels and construction of residential dwelling units in the area that would utilize the park. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 640,000 640,000 Total 640,000 640,000 Funding Sources 203 Park Development 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 640,000 640,000 Total 640,000 640,000 19 T/zzirsdlay. November 20, 2014 0 wlrvrvesc:a Blank Page IN Capital Improvement Plan 2015 riru 2019 Department Parks &Recreation City ®f Otsego, Mmesota Contact Type Park Improvements Project# P��-1�-060 Useful Life Project Name 90th Street Trail & Crosswalks Category Park Trail System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $57,070 Description sxtension of the City's trail system along the south side of 90th Street in Prairie Park with crosswalks at the east and west ends of the park. Justification Increased use of Prairie Park has increased pedestrian and bicycle traffic along 90th Street. In order to provide a clear walkway off the street surface the City's trail system would be extended along the south side 90th Street along the length of Prairie Park. Clearly marked crosswalks would be placed in 90th Street at the overflow parking area near Nashua and near the entrance to the soccer fields. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 57,070 57,070 Total 57,070 57,070 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 203 Park Development 57,070 57,070 Total 57,070 57,070 Thzn sdry Novetnher 20, 201$ 21 v- 22 - LO ITO), -- - - - - - - - - - -1 A II aNdS ONIMWd K On= co S}1(10'3 jjoqAaJJQA Cl) 0 2 0 -04s9sJ fL 0 I u � l - ts BMP'S1181H>3 d[O\BMP\ZLGZ:—LO61O\lVdIOINnVi\U33fONd\6--P--\; -dqo * — Koc zz 1n0 22 Capital h nprovement Flan City ®f Otsego, Minnesota ]Project# 1P&R-D1L12-033 ]Project Name Darkenwaid Landing 2015 airu 2019 Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Park Improvements Useful Life Category Park Development Priorhy n/a Total ]Project Cost: $480,700 Description Construction of community park facility at Mississippi River/River Road (CSAR 42). rusnncanon The City acquired property from D&Y Family Partnership as part of a land donation for expansion of TH 101 to freeway status. A concept plan and cost estimate to construct an improved boat landing and add passive site amenities, including a dog park, has been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. The planned Darkenwald Landing Park will provide needed community parks and recreation facilities consistent with the future parks and trails plan. This parcel is also highly visible from TH 101 and its planned development will promote a positive community identity. August 2012 - This project was moved from 2012 to 2013. This project was moved to 2014 per discussions at the October 2012 CIP meeting. October 2013 - Project moved to 2015 for further discussion. October 2014 - project moved to 2016 Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 480,700 480,700 Total 480,700 480,700 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2015 2019 T(,ta 4 208 Community Facilities Fund 480,700 480,700 Total 480,700 480,700 Tlaur,-&Uy, Noreinber20, 2014 23 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# P&R-NL12-032 Project Name Norin ]Landing Park Project (Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useful )Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $477,400 Description Construction of a community park facility to include an unproved boat landing and vehicle parking facility at Mississippi River/Kadler Avenue. Justification The DNR established a designated boat landing to the Mississippi River at Kadler Avenue. The existing boat landing consists of an unimproved gravel water access without provision of parking or other amenities. The City acquired additional property through park dedication as part of the Norin Landing development consistent with the recommendations of the Future Parks and Trails Plan. A concept plan and cost estimate to improve the boat landing and add passive site amenities have been approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. Plans and specifications were prepared and approved for construction of the boat landing and vehicle parking areas to be constructed in partnership with the DNR using possible grant funding. The project cost of $477,400 includes the improvements the park, boat landing and vehicle parking. October 2012 - These projects were combined into one and moved to 2017 in order to seek DNR funding and a change in park development oriorities. The orieinal oroiect number for the Norin Landina Boat Ramp was P&R NL12-042. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 477,400 477,400 Total 477,400 477,400 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 203 Park Development 310,366 310,366 205 Park Capital Eqpt Fund 83,517 83,517 Other Aids/Grants 83,517 83,517 Total 477,400 477,400 Thursday Nmember 20, 2014 24 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 r v -u 2019 (City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# P&R-PP12-035 Project game Prairie Parr Palllaeld Lighting Description Construction of exterior lighting for four existing ballfields at Prairie Park. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useft l Life Category Park Development Priority= n/a Total Project Cost: $500,000 Justification The addition of exterior lighting to the existing baIlfields at Prairie Park will increase the capacity of the facilities to host local recreation programs and improve capacity and attraction for recreational baseball/softball tournaments. August 2012 - This project was moved from 2016 to 2017. October 2014 - This project was moved to 2019 in the CIP schedule Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 500,000 500,000 Total Funding Sources 2015 500,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 500,000 Total 203 Park Development 500,000 500,000 Total 500,000 500,000 Thursday. November 20, 2019 25 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 rhru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # P&R ]PP12-036 Project game Prairie Park Rough Grade Parking Area & Ballfields Description Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Park Improvements Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $171,000 Development of three additional ball fields and parking facilities at Prairie Park. This project will be broken down into three phases. Estimated Costs: Ball Field Expansion: • Phase 1 Grading of Parking Lot & Ball fields $171,000 (2017) proj. # P&R-PP12-036 • Phase 2 Construction of Ball Fields $663,870 (2019) proj. # P&R-PP17-037 • Phase 3 North East Parking Lot $152,000 (2019) prof. # P&R PP12-053 • TOTAL Justification The Prairie Park Master Plan identifies development of three ballfields west of the existing four ballfields on area previously used for material storage. These facilities are to be developed to meet increasing field needs for local programs and improve and capacity to host recreational basebalU softball tournaments. The project will be broken up into three phases; the first phase will be grading the entire site, the second phase will be construction of the ballfields including backstops, turf establishment dugouts, outfield fencing, and irrigation. The third and final phase will be constructing a parking lot northeast of the existing complex, this parking lot will be a curb and gutter lot and will attach to the current parking lot located north of the current complex The park lot for the new three ballfields is proposed to be dirt and is included with the phase one grading. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 171,000 171,000 Total 171,000 171,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 203 Park Development 171,000 171,000 Total 171,000 171,000 Thumda)� November 20, 2014 W Capital Improvement pian 2015 thn, 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project# P&R-PP12-041 ProjectName Prairie Park Shelter Description of a second shelter. Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Park Improvements Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $60,000 Justification A 60' x 30' shelter was constructed at Prairie Park in 1995. The shelter is reservable. The City has experienced increased demand for reservations and observed increased unscheduled use of the shelter as development of the city has occurred. To meet increasing demand for shelter use, the Prairie Park master plan illustrates construction of a second 60' x 30' shelter to the northeast of the splash pad. August 2012 - This project was moved from 2015 to 2014. October 2014 - This project was moved to 2017 to coincide with the development of additional ballfields and expanded parking. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 60,000 60,000 Total 60,000 60,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 203 Park Development 60,000 60,000 Total 60,000 60,000 Tlwrsday November 20, 2014 27 Capital Improvement Flan 2015 r/,,u 2019 City ®f Otsego, Mimes®ta Project# P&12-PP12-053 Project Name Prairie Park NW Parking ]Lot Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Unassigned Useful Life 20 Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $152,000 Description Development of three additional ball fields and parking facilities at Prairie Park. This project will be broken down into three phases. Estimated Costs: Ball Field Expansion: • Phase 1 Grading of Parking Lot & Ball fields $171,000 (2017) proj. # P&R-PP12-036 • Phase 2 Construction of Ball Fields $663,870 (2019) proj. # P&R-PP17-037 • Phase 3 North East Parking Lot $152,000 (2019) proj. # P&R-PP12-053 -TOTAL Justification The Prairie Park Master Plan identifies development of three ballfields west of the existing four ballfields on area previously used for material storage. These facilities are to be developed to meet increasing field needs for local programs and improve and capacity to host recreational baseball/ softball tournaments. The project will be broken up into three phases; the first phase will be grading the entire site, the second phase will be construction of the ballfields including backstops, turf establishment, dugouts, outfield fencing, and irrigation. The third and final phase will be constructing a parking lot northeast of the existing complex, this parking lot will be a curb and gutter lot and will attach to the current parking lot located north of the current complex. The park lot for the new three ballfields is proposed to be dirt and is included with the phase one grading. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 152,000 152,000 Total Funding Sources 2015 152,000 2016 2017 2018 2019 152,000 Total 203 Park Development 152,000 152,000 Total 152,000 152,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Capital Improvement ovement Plan 2015 t1iru 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # 1P&JIB-]PJP15-001 Project Name ]Prairie ]Park Dog ]Park Description Create an off leash dog park area in Prairie Park Department Parks & Recreation Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Type Park Improvements Useful Life Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $15,000 Justification A high priority for the Parks and Recreation Commission has been creation of an off leash dog park. One such facility has been included in the master plan for Prairie Park, as revised in 2013. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 15,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 205 Park Capital Eqpt Fund 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 / 15,000 Thursday.. November -20, 201-4 29 Capital Improvement Flan 2015 ti7m 2019 Department Parks &Recreation City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Contact Parks and Recreation Manager Project # P&R-PP17-037 Type Park Improvements Useful Life Project Name Prairie Park Pallfields Expansion Category Park Development Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 5663,870 Description Development of three additional ball fields and parking facilities at Prairie Park. This project will be broken down into three phases. Estimated Costs: Ball Field Expansion: • Phase 1 Grading of Parking Lot & Ball fields $171,000 (2017) proj. # P&R PP12-036 • Phase 2 Construction of Ball Fields $663,870 (2019) proj. # P&R-PP17-037 - Phase 3 North East Parking Lot $152,000 (2019) proj. # P&R PP12-053 • TOTAL $986.870 Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Park Improvements 663,870 663,870 Total Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 663,870 2018 2019 663,870 Total 203 Park Development 663,870 663,870 Total 663,870 663,870 Thursday, November 20, 2014 I CAPITAL REQUEST YEAR 2015 PROJECT # PROJECT NAME Playground Replacement Schedule Department Parks and Recreation Responsible Person Parks and Recreation Manager CATEGOR Unassigned Improvement Equipment X Useful Life 15 Years Building Maintenance Other Replacement schedule for playground structures located throughout the park system. The industry standard for replacing playgrounds is typically every 15 years, however this number can vary slightly due to type of use and other enviornmental factors. Many of the area park departments utilize a 20 to 25 year replacement schedule. Expenditure Schedule 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 $171,2001 1 Funding Sources 1205 Park Capital Equipment 2014 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 31 SCHOOL KNC PLAYGROUND 5- MINNESOTA/ W LITTLE TIKES 2003 2023 $75,000 PAIRIE PARK PLAYGROUNDS MINNESOTA/W LITTLETIKES 2003 2023 $75,000 PAIRIE PARK PLAYGROUND 2- MINNESOTA/ W LITTLE TIKES 2003 2023 $21,200 LILY POND PLAYGROUND 2- MINNESOTA/ W KIDTIME 2004 2029 $21,625 LILY POND PLAYGROUND 5- MINNESOTA/ W GAMETIME 2004 2029 $76,500 KITTREDGE PLAYGROUND 2- MINNESOTA/ W KOMPAN 2006 2031 $22,500 BEAUDRY PLAYGROUND 2 -MINNESOTA/ W KOMPAN 2006 2031 $22,500 ZIMMER PLAYGROUND 2- MINNESOTA/ W KOMPAN 2006 2031 $22,500 KITTREDGE PLAYGROUNDS-MINNESOTA/W GAMETIME 2006 2031 $79,560 BEAUDRY PLAYGROUND 5- MINNESOTA/ W GAMETIME 2006 2031 $79,560 ZIMMER PLAYGROUND S. MINNESOTA/ W GAMETIME 2006 2031 $79,560 FRANKFORT PLAYGROUND 2 MINNESOTA/ W KOMPAN 2010 2035 $24,300 FRANKFORT PLAYGROUNDS FLANNAGAN SAI LITTLE TIKES 2011 2036 $87,516 SCHOOL KNC PLAYGROUND 2- ST CROIX RECRE LITTLE BUDDIES 1 20141 20391 $26,250 31 Capital hnpr®ve1 entPIlan 2015 tir,, 2019 Department Parks &Recreation ICl% of Otsego, IJ 111 esota Contact Parks and Recreation Manager � _ - - - -- - - — - - - - — - - - - -- -- Type Street Maintenance ]Project # PW-STJI2-®58 Useful ]Life 20-25 ]Project Name Annual Trail Managemeint Category Park Trail System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $243,000 Description Annual maintenance of trail system Justification I The City has established a Trail Maintenance Program to maximize the useful life of trail improvements within the City to maintain access, ensure safe travel and minimize maintenance costs for the City and property owners. The Trail Maintenance Program includes seal coating, crack filling, surface repairs, micro -surfacing, overlays and reconstruction of existing trails. Those trails and specific projects that will be undertaken each year will be recommended by the City Engineer based on the trail maintenance program schedule and condition of specific trails within the City. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 202 Trail Management Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 TOW 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 Thursday, November 20, 2074 32 EXISTING TRAIL CONSTRUCTION EXHIBIT ■ al�V♦nd1VCI JVAA 33 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2014 34 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 tier u 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota ]Project # 7PS-12-001 Project Name Emergency Sirens (2) Description nstallation of additional emergency warning sirens. Department Public Safety Contact City Administrator Type Equipment & Fumishings Useful Life Category Equipment Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $27,000 Justification The City replaced one and installed two new emergency warning sirens in 2011. These emergency warning sirens, as well as several emergency warning sirens operated by Xcel Energy and others in adjacent cities, provide coverage for over 90 percent of the parcels in the City. Additional emergency warning sirens will be added in coordination with siren locations in adjacent cities to avoid coverage area overlap to minimize capital investment while providing a high level of public safety protection. Two sirens are planned for installation in 2015 and 2016. The locations will be along 70th Street near Nadala Avenue and along 60th Street near Ochoa Avenue. The latter of the two will be shared 50% with St. Michael. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Equipment/Furnishings 18,000 9,000 27,000 Total 18,000 9,000 27,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 414 Revolving Capital Impry 18,000 9,000 27,000 Total 18,000 9,000 27,000 Thursday Novetnber 20, 2014 35 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 ai.ru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# PS -12-099 Project name Public Safety Fire Department Department Public Safety Contact City Administrator Type Equipment & Furnishings Useful Life Category Equipment Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $2,450,000 Description Construction of building and incidental facilities for staging fire vehicles, equipment and staff needs. $ 1,750,000 Acquisition of Fire fighting equipment $ 600,000 Acquisiton of emergency response vehicle $ 100,000 Justification I The City currently contracts with fire departments in Elk River, Albertville, and Rogers for fire protection services. As development of Otsego continues, the City Council has begun preliminary discussions to plan for establishment of a fire substation in the City in partnership with one or more adjacent fire departments. Establishment of a local fire department or fire station will require acquisition of equipment including vehicles, fire fighter gear, tools, etc. Purchasing of used vehicles would be a significant means to minimize startup costs where a partnership with an existing fire department may be advantageous. An initial step to establishing local fire service protection may be the purchase of a vehicle and equipmewnt to provide first responder level of service in support of the equipment provided by the fire departments serving Otsego. This item has been combines with the acquisition of an emergency response vehicle and construction of a fire station facility and placed in the 2016 fiscal vear to accommodate Council discussion. This item was moved out to 2016 (originally in 2015) per the 2012 CIP review meeting! Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Buildings & Facilities 2,450,000 2,450,000 Total 2,450,000 2,450,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 214 Fire Capital Reserve 2,450,000 2,450,000 Total 2,450,000 2,450,000 ThursdcGy November 20, 2074 36 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 m, 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTI L-12-028 Project Name Well 43 Pump & Aquifer Rehab Description Well #3 pump and aquifer will require maintenance. Justification The well pumps and aquifers are on a ten year repair and maintenance schedule. (Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 10 Category Water Distribution System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $110,000 Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 110,000 110,000 Total 110,000 110,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 601 Water Fund 110,000 110,000 Total 110,000 110,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 37 Capital Improvement Ilan 2015 gi.ru 2019 City of Otsego, A4innesota Project# 1UTIEL-12-045 Project Name Meter Replacement ]Project Description Scheduled utility meter replacement. Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 15 Category Water Distribution System Priority a/a Total Project Cost: $300,000 Justification Utility meters assigned to sanitary sewer and water customers are replaced on a regular schedule to ensure accurate readings. Utility meters were first installed in 1999. The City will develop a program for regular replacement of utility meters to be implemented starting in 2016 and continuing each year thereafter. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Equipment/Furnishings 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Total Funding Sources 2015 50,000 2016 50,000 2017 50,000 2018 50,000 2019 200,000 Total 601 Water Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 avu 2019 Department Public Utilities City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Project# gJ1II,-12-046 Useful Life 6 Project Name SCADA Computer Replacement Category Wastewater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $15,000 Description Zeplacement of the SCADA (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) systems for control of both the East and West Wastewater Treatment ?acilities. The project includes replacemnet of two computers, contract services to migrate the existing software to the new hardware, verify unction of systems on the new hardware, and upgrade any systems not compatible with new operating systems. Justification SCADA computers provide remote monitoring for equipment at the EWWTF, WWWTF, lift stations and well houses. The information provided includes flow tranding, equipment ststus and run time, liquid levels, and call out to emergency responders in the event of equipment failure. Six years is the life expectance of these computers. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Eq uipment/Furnishings 15,000 15,000 Total Funding Sources 2015 15,000 2016 2017 15,000 2018 2019 Total 602 Sewer Fund 15,000 15,000 Total 15,000 15,000 Tlzzirsdtay, November 20, 2014 i Capital Improvement Plan 2015 a7ru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTIIL-12-064 Project Name Stormwater Collection System (In District) Description knnual maintenance of Stormwater Utility District collection system. Department Public Utilities Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Stormwater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $450,000 Justification I The NPDES program mandates that the City inspect and maintain a minimum of 20 percent of its stormwater collection system each year. The project involves inspection of facilities, debris removal, structure repair/replacement, dredging and restoration to ensure proper function and capacity within the stormwater system The City has established a Stormwater Utility District and fee to fund this maintenance program for those portions of the stormwater collection system constructed after 1991. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Total Funding Sources 50,000 2015 50,000 2016 50,000 2017 50,000 2018 50,000 2019 250,000 Total 222 Stormwater Utility Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Total 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 Thursday, November 20, 2074 IN Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thou 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project# UTII.-12-067 Project Name Storrawater Coll Sys (Culverts - Out of ][District) Description Replacement of culverts outside of the Stormwater Utility District. (Department Public Utilities Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Stormwater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $135,000 Justification I Existing concrete and metal culverts at Jaber Ave./70th St., Jalger Ave./77th St., Kadler Ave./77th St., Kadler Ave./77th St., Odell Ave./83rd St. require replacement to maintain stormwater collection system flow and capacity. The stormwater collection system along Needham Ave. within Vassuer's Oak Grove Estates 3rd and 4th Additions also restricts flow causing flooding issues on adjacent properties and is discussed on UTJI -13- 002. These projects are outside of the Stormwater Utility District and must be funded by other sources. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Total Funding Sources 25,000 2015 25,000 2016 25,000 2017 25,000 2018 25,000 2019 125,000 Total 220 Stormwater- Out of District 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Total 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 41 Capital Improvement Ilan 2015 t7vu 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota project# UTI, -12-074 Project Name West District Well Capacity -extend to Riverwood Description Expansion of well capacity for the West District. Justification Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Water Distribution System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $650,000 The City Engineer estimates that the existing water system within the West District will reach its design capacity of 1,746 recs in 2016. This estimate is based on the present rate of development, which is likely to accelerate as economic conditions improve. Development of a single commercial or industrial use with high water demands would also affect the available capacity of the water system within West District. The cost to drill another well and construct the necessary facilities to add water system capacity is estimated at $350,000. An alternative option is to connect Well #7 to the West District water system for a cost of $650,000. The alternative option would provide needed water capacity for the west sewer district and also address on-going water pressure issues experienced by water users at Riverwood National during periods of peak use. The plan would consist of a 16" waterline from 70th Street to 80th Street and a 12" waterline from 80th Street to 90th Street. This project was originally scheduled for 2014. As discussed at the 2012 CIP meetings, an annual review of the continued water issues at Riverwood National will need to be done to determine the actual timeline of this project as well as review of the financing options. Sept. 2012 - This project was moved from 2012/2013 to 2013/2014. 2013 - project moved to the 2015 - 2016 time frame for further discussion. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Other 650,000 650,000 Total 650,000 650,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 601 Water Fund 650,000 650,000 Total 650,000 650,000 Tlzursday.. November20, 2074 42 Capital Improvement plan 2015 rj7ru 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTIL-12-075 Project Name LS #3 (Fest ATF) Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Wastewater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $85,000 Description Increase pumping capacity at Lift Station #3 providing service to the growing population in the West Sanitary District and Wastewater Treatment Facility. Projected costs include: engineering review, installation of three (3) variable frequency drives, installation of an existing 40 horsepower ournn. addition of a control cabinet and instrumentation services. Justification Lift Station #3, located at the West W WTF, serves as the collection point for the entireWest Sanitary District. Existing pump capacity of the site is 1,881 REC's. It is anticipated design capacity will be reached in 2016. The addition of variable frequency drives provides a continuous feed of raw wastewater to the facilitywhich is favorable in the treatment process. The projects is recommended for 2015 implementation so that the process can be finished prior to the new demand being created. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 85,000 85,000 Total 85,000 85,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 602 Sewer Fund 85,000 85,000 Total 85,000 85,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 43 Capital hnp>rovement Plan 2015 thrtt 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTI L-12-078 Project Name Water Tower 91 Interior ]Painting Description Painting the interior of Water Tower #1. Justification I (Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 15 Category Water Distribution System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $170,000 Water Tower # 1 was built in 1999 and was decommissioned in 2010. An inspection in 2010 identified a need to repaint the interior of the water storage tank. The need for this project will be evaluated in 2014 based on the need for additional East water system storage. Per discussions at the 2012 CIP review meetings, this item has been moved out to 2016 (originally 2014) and the status will be re-evaluated at that time. August 2012 - This project was moved from 2016 to 2017. ]Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 170,000 170,000 Total Funding Sources 2015 2016 170,000 2017 2018 170,000 2019 Total 601 Water Fund 170,000 170,000 Total 170,000 170,000 Thursda}t Novefnber 20, 2014 44 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # IUTI,-12-079 Project Name water Tower #1 Exterior Painting Description ?aintine the exterior of Water Tower #1. I Justification I Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 15 Category Water Distribution System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $45,000 Water Tower #1 was built in 1999 and was decommissioned in 2010. Although decommissioned, Water Tower #1 is highly visible from TH 101 necessitating continued maintenance of the facility. The exterior finish of Water Tower #I is on a 15 year schedule. The need for this project will be evaluated in 2014 based on the condition of Water Tower #1 and its status as a needed component of the City's water system August 2012 - This project was moved from 2012 to 2017. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 ]Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 601 Water Fund 45,000 45,000 Total 45,000 45,000 Thursday, Xmwmber 20, 2014 45 Capital Improvement Flan 2015 mrz, 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTIL-12-100 Project Name gift Station ]Pump Replacement Department Public Utilities Contact City Engineer Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 8 Category Wastewater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 5134,000 Description Lift station pump replacement schedule as follows: 2017 - replace two submersible pumps at Lift Station #7 - (Otsego Preserve) - $14,000 2017 - replace two submersible pumps at Lift Station # 1 - (Quaday) - $40,000 2018 - replace one submersible pump at Lift Station #5 - (Riverplace) - $20,000 2019 - replace two submersible pumps at Lift Station #2 (Riverpointe) - $20,000 2020 - replace one submersible pump at Lift Station #4 (Martin Farms) - $25,000 2020 - replace one submersible pump at Lift Station #6 (Riverwood National) - $15,000 Justification All lift station submersible pumps are evaluated on an annual basis for replacement projections. These projections are based on inspections, pump cyc;ling, capacities, run time hours and repairs. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Eq uipment/Furnishings 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 Total 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 602 Sewer Fund 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 Total 54,000 20,000 20,000 94,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 46 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 a,J u 2019 City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project # UTILIL-14-002 Project Name West WWTFDigester Description Addition of digester at the West W WTF. Department Public Utilities Contact Lead Utility Systems Operator Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Wastewater Collection System Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $3,700,000 Justification I 3ased on a study conducted in 2013, additional digestion space is needed prior to facility expansion. The digestion process ensures pathogen eduction requirements are maintained and aerobic conditions are met. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Buildings & Facilities 3,500,000 3,500,000 Street Improvements 200,000 200,000 Total 200,000 3,500,000 3,700,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 602 Sewer Fund 200,000 3,500,000 3,700,000 Total 200,000 3,500,000 3,700,000 77iursday, November 20, 2074 47 OtSeoo INN ESDin Blank Page EN Capital hnproveme11t Plan 2015 r iru 2019 City of Otsego, Mmesota Project# PW-ST12-059 Project Name Annual Street Seal Coating Department Public Works Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 5-7 Category Street Maintenance Priority n/a , Total Project Cost: $1,916,000 Description annual seal coating of City streets. Justification The City has established a street maintenance program to maximize the useful life of street improvements within the City to maintain access, ensure safe travel and minimize maintenance costs for the City and property owners. The Street Maintenance Program includes scheduled fog seal, seal coating using both new or salvaged rock and seal coat with a fog seal of City streets. Those streets to be seal coated each year will be recommended by the City Engineer based on the Street Maintenance Program schedule and condition of specific streets. The recommendations for those streets to be seal coated and the bid process for completing the project will determine actual annual costs. A fog seal over a just placed seal coat has been shown to hold the rock in place better and cause fewer issues with rocks migrating into homes or lawns. It will also reduce snow plow stripping of the seal coat. In the future the retention of rock will reduce the need for a future seal coat. Rather than a future seal coat a simple fog seal can be placed creating a savings in money in addition to longevity of the road surface. Oct. 2012 - 2013 cost increased from $390,000 to $500,000 due to the addition of fog seal. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 240,000 175,000 66,000 120,000 95,000 696,000 Total Funding Sources 240,000 2015 175,000 2016 66,000 2017 120,000 2018 95,000 2019 696,000 Total 201 Pavement Management Fund 240,000 175,000 66,000 120,000 95,000 696,000 Total 240,000 175,000 66,000 120,000 95,000 696,000 Tlurrsclay, Novetnber20, 2014 49 Capital Improvement flan 2015 air,., 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project# FVC'-S7C12-060 Project Name Annual Street Crack Filling JI Description Annual crack filling of City streets. Justification I Department Public Works Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 2-3 Category Street Maintenance Priority n/a Total Project Cost: 5510,250 The City has established a Street Maintenance Program to maximize the useful life of street improvements within the City to maintain access, ensure safe travel and minimize maintenance costs for the City and property owners. The Street Maintenance Program includes scheduled crack filling of City streets. Those streets to be crack filled each year will be recommended by the City Engineer based on the street maintenance program schedule and condition of specific streets within the City. Oct. 2012 - 2013 cost reduced from $76,000 to $50,000. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 61,000 64,000 67,250 71,000 74,000 337,250 Total Funding Sources 61,000 2015 64,000 2016 67,250 2017 71,000 2018 74,000 2019 337,250 Total 201 Pavement Management Fund 61,000 64,000 67,250 71,000 74,000 337,250 Total 61,000 64,000 67,250 71,000 74,000 337,250 Thursdoy. November 20, 2014 50 Capital ]Improvement ]flan 2015 thri, 2019 40,250 42,250 Department Public Works City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Street Maintenance ]Project# PW-ST12-061 Useful (Life 2-3 ]Project Name Annual Street Striping L Category Street Maintenance Priority n/a Total Project Cosi: $285,750 Description Annual painting of directional stripes on City streets. Justification The City has established a Street Maintenance Program to maximize the useful life of street improvements within the City to maintain access, ensure safe travel and minimise maintenance costs for the City and property owners. The Street Maintenance Program includes scheduled repainting of directional stripes and traffic markings on City streets. Those streets that require stripe/markings to be repainted each year will be recommended by the City Engineer based on the street maintenance program schedule and condition of specific streets within the City. )Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2015 2019 Total Maintenance 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Total 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Totaa 201 Pavement Management 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Fund Total 36,500 38,500 40,250 42,250 44,250 201,750 Thursdaj} November 20, 2014 51 Capital Improvement Plan 2015 ri ru 2019 City ®f Otseg®9 Minnesota Project # ]PW-ST12-062 Project Name Annual Street General Repair Description annual preventative maintenance of City streets. Justification I Department Public Works Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Street Maintenance Useful Life 5-10 Category Street Maintenance Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $392,000 The City has established a Street Maintenance Program to maximize the useful life of street improvements within the City to maintain access, ensure safe travel and minimize maintenance costs for the City and property owners. The Street Maintenance Program includes preventative maintenance of City streets. Those streets that require maintenance or minor repairs will be recommended by the City Engineer based on the street maintenance program schedule and condition of specific streets within the City. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 100,000 42,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 278,000 Total Funding Sources 100,000 2015 42,000 2016 44,000 2017 45,000 2018 47,000 2019 278,000 Total 201 Pavement Management Fund 100,000 42,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 278,000 Total 100,000 42,000 44,000 45,000 47,000 278,000 Tlzzrrsda}� November 20, 2014 52 7Fd,� II � u I7 N fiHakanson Anderson PCI RATING MAP -2014 7 N MINNEEOTA Legend — NO RATING — --` 81 -83 33-40 84-87 41-50 88-91 51-60 92-95 61-70 96-100 -=- 71-80 S 3 )ATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2014 2015 PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN is MINNESOTA 1V I-{d',anson Anderson 54 ATE.' NOVEMBER 11, 2014 tST� F MINNESOTA I- Fi ,,,anson "son 2016 PROACTWE MAOI EMANCE PLAN 0 STF MINNESOTA -56 'ATE_ -NOVEMBER 11, 2014 2018 PROACTIVE MAINTENANCE PLAN t oll e F NINNSSOTA 6" Hasn Andersoon 57 DATE: NOVEMBER 11, 2014 5o Capital hnpr®vement Plan 2015 thru 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project 9 ]PW-ST12-068 Project Name 78th Street (Extension - Quaday to Quam Description 3xtension of 78th Street from Quaday Avenue to Quam Avenue. Department Public Works Contact City Engineer Type Unassigned Useful Life 20-25 Category New Street Construction Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $360,000 Justification The City will construct an extension of 78th Street between Quaday Avenue to Quam Avenue at the time of development of property owned by D&Y Family Partnership pursuant to an agreement between the parties related to donation of land needed for the upgrade of TH 101 to freeway status and maintaining of access at CSAH 42. A portion of the cost may be assessed to abutting properties. Per the agreement dated September 13, 2004 between the City of Otsego and D&Y Family Partnership (page 3, paragraph 3) "City agrees, that at the time it becomes necessary to construct a connecting street along the southerly boundary of the D&Y property on which Parcels 1, 2 and 3 are located from Quaday Avenue to the frontage road to be constructed as part of the interchange improvements to State Highway 101, that said road will be constructed as a City project and that the City will assume any costs that would be normally assessed to D&Y for said road project. D&Y will provide the City with the necessary and reasonable easements upon the above described parcel for said road project." Sept. 2012 - This project was moved from 2016 to 2017, however, completion of the project is dependent on the development in the area. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 360,000 360,000 Total 360,000 360,000 Funding Sources 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 209 Street Reconstruction 360,000 360,000 Fund Total 360,000 360,000 Tlzursdca} November 20, 2014 59 Capital improvement Flan 2015 thru 2019 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements tlDepartrient Public Works City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Contact City Engineer -- - -- -- r-- -- -- -- 800,000 1,800,000 Type Unassigned j Project �w-��g2-®75 2,600,000 Useful )Life 20-25 Project Name 70th Street Extension -Martin Farms to Oakwood Category New Street Construction Priority n/a Il otad 1Froject Cost: $2,800,000 Description street from Martin Farms Avenue to Oakwood Avenue (CSAH 37). I Justification I The Transportation Plan identifies 70th Street as a future arterial street from TH 101 to I-94. This street is included on the City's MSA street plan and is eligible for MSA funding. The section between Oakwood Avenue and Martin Farms Avenue currently consists of gravel surface roadway and an incomplete % mile section. To improve the transportation system within the City and access to regional transportation routes, the City will construct an interim improvement of 70th Street from Oakwood Avenue (CSAH 37) to Martin Farms Avenue as a two-lane rural section collector street. The project also includes a trail along the north side of the street extending from Odean Avenue to Lambert Avenue connecting existing sidewalks and trails within the East and West Sewer Districts. The project, which includes ROW acquisition and construction, will be designed in 2012 for construction beginning in 2014 and the final lift applied in 2015. Funding will include existing City street funds, existing and future MSA funds and federal grant monies of $800,000. Actual federal reimbursement would be received in 2016. Due to federal funding criteria, this project was extended one additional year (2015) to make it a four year versus a three year project. This would include the design/engineering beginning in 2012 through the final stages of construction in 2015. This project was discussed by the City Council and plans and specifications for the project were ordered on May 24, 2012. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Street Improvements 2,600,000 2,600,000 Funding Sources Total 2,600,000 2015 2016 2017 2,600,000 2018 2019 Total Federal Grants MSA State Aid 800,000 1,800,000 800,000 1,800,000 Total 2,600,000 2,600,000 T1wrsday, November 20, 2014 Capital Improvement Plan City ®f Otsego, Minnesota Project ft PW-ST12-077 1ProjectName Street Reconstruction Description Reconstruction of streets that are on preventative maintenance watch list. I Justification I 2015 thr i, 2019 Department Public Works Contact Public Works Supervisor Type Street Maintenance Useful ]Life 20-25 Category Street Maintenance Priority n/a Total ]Project Cost: $1,799,000 The streets deemed to be beyond regular street maintenance are placed on the preventative maintenance list. These streets are maintained by patching and selective crack filling. Once the costs of preventative maintenance becomes prohibitive the street is then placed on the preventative maintenance watch list and resconstruction costs are determined and added to the CIP to await petition and approval from the Council in accordance with the street assessment policy. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Maintenance 144,000 225,000 500,000 800,000 130,000 1,799,000 Total Funding Sources 144,000 2015 225,000 2016 500,000 2017 800,000 2018 130,000 2019 1,799,000 Total Assessments Proceeds of Long Term Debt - Tax Levy 72,000 72,000 112,500 112,500 250,000 250,000 400,000 400,000 65,000 65,000 899,500 899,500 Total 144,000 225,000 500,000 800,000 130,000 1,799,000 Thursdey, M ovember 20, 2014 61 ot�- 111011*1�go Blank Page 62 OVERLAY/RECONSTRUCT@CN PROJECT PLAN 63 -- to " PCI=45 # `� 2016 OVERLAY PROJECT 'OF a_ $120000) (42) 10 MilA _� 2019 1" 13 1€ PCI=54"` OVERLAY PROJECT — m LOW TRAFFIC,CI= b 4 PCI=60 x MAINTAIN = LOW TRAFFIC, $800,000) (185)� fyIAltNTAIN J z 1= ` " _I s PROPOSED 201165 PROJECTS - PROPOSED 20PROJECTS a 201 6 1 #. w= _ - PROPOSED 2017 PROJECTS OVERLAY - R - PROPOSED 2018 PROJECTS CI=4 -- PROJECT1= ` 201 7 � —PROPOSED 2019 PROJECTS ® -- ($105,000 = RECONSTRUCT PROJECT —PROPOSED PROJECTS ON HOLD �- =6 ($350,000) n € s LOW TRAFFIC, TA.� it PCI=3 _ mo . LOW - TRAFFIC) ('� MAINTAI PCI=42 CI= 4 s 2015 1 2017 1 Z" OVERLAY t OVERLAY $110,000) _ ($130,000 PCI=33 PCI=48 '' f (21 ALBERTVILLE'S) (WITH ST.MICHAEL) 2018 OVERLAY PROJECT 2017 OVERLAY PROJECT ($144,000) (2) ($40,000) 63 -- MUNIMPAL STATE AD Legend - PROPOSED ROUTES �� 2017- PAGEAVE 185TH ST RECLAIM CONSTRUCTION N $021 78THG ST EXTENTION TO QUADAYAVE 2013/2014/2015 - 70TH ST 2024- NASHUAAVE TO 70TH ST ... 2014 -78TH ST/ NASHUAAVE MICRO-SURFACING/v 2018 -85TH ST TO MacIver ZD6 Hakanson IllAnderson REVIRFn, RFPTFMBER 2013 00 N ,� V) i 4-1 Ln 00 �J 65 T U O ..0 O 4D C O L +_+ LII O L 0 O Q Q C O m -0 «-- O V) QJ � L N ai U O 00 Q CD N � O � N (6 C O QJ 4- U0O C 4- L o N 4 LQ 4-' U N N y. u L N41 U N O N O > U O i GJ � QJ O > O Ln u O p + U Ln O .O O D 'A Q d Q r� Ln 00 0 00 o m r\ o r -f oo _q 00 �-I m (.D -i LD Ln LO -i N 00 O r-1 m o m LD m N Ln -i rl d- o � Ln N Ol m Ln ce m N (L r-1 L.D c -I rl 00 rn o -i m d- Ln r- o0 0 -i an d �r d Ln Ln Ln U) Ln Ln Ln LO L.D L.0 (,D U qj)- � 4j,)- ~h Q)- tr� -L� ~h v h -V� vi .e, CA 9 N O p _ O _ O _ O _ O p _ 0 _ 0 _ O p m N O O c -I p CD O O O O O p 0 0 O p m m O O I'DO O O O O O O O O CD #tea �t 00 Lr Ol O 0 0 0 O O p O 0 0 0 0 p O Ln Ln Ln N N O co N Ln Ln Ln O p 0 0�ql)- 0 rn .-1 N t/} 1-1 1--1 c -i N q./1- m lD M I-, L9 LLI 41 a N 4J � > a_ N Mv bl v Q dJ Q 61 7 O O a0 c G c G c C1 0 1 S a _ - a Z,C a O O O O D_ D_ C� d1 ci .F C O 4 O L m 41 ++ +, - ® O U > O > M Q U i U i 00 Q Q 6 6 - +1 vOi Ln Q L Ll N O Y O '� N Ln N to _ U U O+ O O r Z Z Z 41 O O CD 0 O CD 0^ Ln Uq - t\ 4� ate-+ y -_ - Ln Ln Ln GO 00 00 00 4d f� 00 d' Ln L.0 O O w 00 c i 00 mOl Ln c.0 LDCD Ln d" Ln -i CO m d' 'o Ct N !� (� OD N Ln 00 M M CD oLn m N CD Oj O L( m Ln N MN L9 CO d' O 19 m m m N -i N N Ln r� m co 'd' r i CO -Un L� m d' Ln l0 h 00 M O c -i N m It Ln f� -i r -i -i -i -i c --I -i N N N N N N O O O O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 N N N N N N N N N N N N N 65 T U O ..0 O 4D C O L +_+ LII O L 0 O Q Q C O m -0 «-- O V) QJ � L N ai U O 00 Q CD N � O � N (6 C O QJ 4- U0O C 4- L o N 4 LQ 4-' U N N y. u L N41 U N O N O > U O i GJ � QJ O > O Ln u O p + U Ln O .O O D 'A Q d Q Capital hnprovement Plan 2015 tl,,,i 2019 City of Otsego, Minnesota Project # PW-ST15-001 Project Name Anti -Icing Brine Production System Description 'urchase of and anti -icing brine production system for use in snow and ice control operations I Justification I (Department Public Works Contact Type Unassigned Useful Life Category Unassigned Priority n/a Total Project Cost: $50,000 The application of brines in addition to the salt and sand used in snow and ice control operation greatly increases the efficiency of the salt used. It egts the salt working immediately and greatly reduces the amount of salt needed. Staff is alsolooking at increasing the amount of anti -icing efforts prior to storms which makes the physical act of removing snow from the pavement much easier by breaking the bond between the ice and the pavement. Expenditures 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Equipment/Fumishings 50,000 50,000 Total Funding Sources 50,000 2015 2016 50,000 2017 2018 2019 Total 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving Fund 50,000 50,000 Total 50,000 50,000 ThursdiV, November 20, 2014