Attachment 3 CIPCity of Otsego, Minnesota Capital Improvement Plan 2015 thru 2019 EXPENDITURES AND SOURCES SUMMARY Department 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Administration 2015 2016 20,000 2018 2019 20,000 City Facilities 228,500 50,000 50,000 1,850,000 260,250 2,178,500 Fleet 297,000 340,000 512,200 650,000 190,000 1,989,200 Parks & Recreation 147,070 1,130,700 256,000 28,000 2,463,270 4,025,040 Public Safety 18,000 2,459,000 83,517 2,477,000 Public Utilities 1,010,000 3,640,000 394,000 255,000 145,000 5,444,000 Public Warks 3,231,500 544,500 1,077,500 1,078,250 390,250 6,322,000 EXPENDITURE TOTAL 4,932,070 8,164,200 2,309,700 3,861,250 3,188,520 22,455,740 Source 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 201 Pavement Management Fund 437,500 319,500 217,500 278,250 260,250 1,513,000 202 Trail Management Fund 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 133,000 203 Park Development 107,070 590,000 231,000 2,266,236 3,194,306 205 Park Capital Eqpt Fund 15,000 83,517 98,517 206 Capital Eqpt Revolving Fund 347,000 340,000 532,200 650,000 190,000 2,059,200 208 Community Facilities Fund 480,700 480,700 209 Street Reconstruction Fund 360,000 380,000 214 Fre Capital Reserve 2,450,000 2,450,000 220Stormwater-Out of District 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 125,000 222 Stormwater Utility Fund 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 250,000 414 Revolving Capital Impry 198,000 44,000 242,000 441 Otsego Municipal Bldg Fund 18,000 50,000 68,000 601 Water Fund 650,000 50,000 265,000 160,000 50,000 1,175,000 602 Sewer Fund 285,000 3,515,000 54,000 20,000 20,000 3,894,000 Thursday, November 20, 2014 1 Assessments 72,000 112,500 Federal Grants 800,000 MSA State Aid 1,800,000 Other Aids/Grants Proceeds of Long Term Debt -Tax Levy 72,000 112,500 Unfunded 30,500 250,000 400,000 250,000 400,000 50,000 1,850,000 65,000 899,500 800,000 1,800,000 83,517 83,517 65,000 899,500 1,930,500 SOURCE TOTAL 4,932,070 8,164,200 2,309,700 3,861,250 3,188,520 22,455,740 nursdav, Nmvmber 20, 2014 2 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Street Pavement Management Special Revenue Fund 201 increase $ 30,000 peryear Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 Projected 2017 Projected 2018 Projected 2019 19,345 420,000 300,000 8,720 - 294,996 (1,718) - 320,000 1,416 - 320,000 1,038 - 350,000 455 - 380,000 610 - 410,000 1,426 - 440,000 2,090 - 439,345 308,720 293,278 321,416 321,038 350,455 380,610 411,426 442,090 439,345 308,720 293,278 321,416 321,038 350;455 380,610 411,426 442,090 79,189 598,378 602,893 397,000 437,500 319,500 217,500 278,500 260,250 526,408 439,345 (79,189) 313 886,251 308,720 (598,378) 103 596,490 293,278 (602,893) 3,7381 283,137 321,416 (397,000) 207,553 321,038 (437,500) 91,090 350,455 (319,500) 122,046 380,610 (217,500) 285,156 411,426 (278,500) 418,082 442,090 (260,250) 886,251 596,490 283,137 207,553 91,090 122,046 285,156 418,082 599,922 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues. Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Trails Pavement Management Special Revenue Fund 202 increases in 2018 and 2019 Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - 25,000 24,586 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 6,394 - 549 740 15 14 14 14 14 14 42,000 - - 48,943 25,740 24,586 25,015 25,014 25,014 25,014 28,014 30,014 48,943 25,740 24,586 25,015 25,014 25,014 25,014 28,014 30,014 84,082 56,724 37,243 25,148 25,000 25,000 25,000 28,000 30,000 81,835 46,696 15,712 2,922 2,789 2,803 2,817 2,831 2,845 48,943 25,740 24,586 25,015 25,014 25,014 25,014 28,014 30,014 (84,082) (56,724) (37,243) (25,148) (25,000) (25,000) (25,000) (28,000) (30,000) 133 - - 46,696 15,712 2,922 2,789 2,803 2,817 2,831 2,845 2,859 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Park Development Fund Special Revenue Fund 203 how much park dedication fee can we expect 2015 - 2099? Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 170,256 2,746 33,401 338,831 7,249 10,958 574 1,811 3,507 2,989 3,641 - - - - - 181,146 13,704 33,975 340,642 3,507 2,989 1,516 - - - - 1,516 - - 181,146 13,704 33,975 339,126 3,507 2,989 337,636 49,209 14,738 - 107,070 590,000 231,000 2,26B,236 545,392 369,847 339,932 362,261 701,387 597,824 10,813 (220,187) (220,187) 181,146 13,704 33,975 339,126 3,507 2,989 - (337,636) (49,209) (14,738) - (107,070) (590,000) (231,000) (2,266,236) 19,055 5,590 3 092 369,847 339,932 362,261 701,387 597,824 10,813 220,187 220,187 2,486,423 11/20/2014 Lhy IN Otsego Ah Parks Capital Equipment Funtl Spacial ReveOue Funtl 205 constant tax levy mPerty Tars SpeWal Assessments. Ohar Operating Income ONer Noeating lrlcome Bontl P.- s (net) TreRs(ersln Revenues P.- Services 3upplles Gpnlactu6l9ervices OeP�atlaSon Transfers Out Expendtuaa Net Opeationa: Capital Expe d_.s Beginning cash Net Opeations Capital ExpendiNres Che02es in AssetsllJebillYes End'ng Cash Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 - Pmjactad 2014 1,.-d 2015 Pmj- 2016 Proj- 2017 Projected 2018 PmjeiiedPojec M. PmjMed 2020 letl -1 mjecletl P 2022 Protested Projected 2024 Pmjactod ftj-d -j-d 202] Projertetl 2028 Pr*- 2(129 Praj-d 2030 Ro7eekxl - 2p,56e 600 600 53,OOD 59,000 53,000 53,DOD 53,000 53,000. 53.000 536p0 53.000 446 1,365 (171) 462 1,092 1,962 i,B94 15] 423 690 374 90] 1,117 1,448 1,]20 1,503 000 0,446 55,385 24,210 53,462 53,630 53,623 54,092 54,982 54,634 5.,157 SS.423 53,690 53,868 53,3]2 9 S,eO'! 54,1T/ 54,410 54,]20 545W 54,775 98 q-06 140.5 38.801 24.210 34.1]0 53,462 20,OOp 15,000 54352 8.5451] 59 t5] 59423 53690 1]t 200 3,M &0] 54.1T/ 54,446 54,720 86.125 56523 - 51775 306180 64,961 102.945 92,440 125,902 164.532 218,354 2]2,468 320,806 54,694 31,399 59,15] 64,550 53423 13],972 191662 3,856 74,421 9,s72 12],]93 131,432 235,339 54,1]] 268,516 54,448 343,963 14,720 00,550 54,503 355,061 54,715 8446 (14,065) (36601) 4,210 (34,1]0) (20600) (15,OOD, - - 54.962 - (03,51]) - - - (171.200) - - - - - (98,1251 - (aD6,1601 - 84,361 - 102,945 545 e2,440 - 125 sm 14532 - 21e,a54 - -272,445 - 325866 - 297925 - 64550 _ 137.9]2 - 191662 - 74;421 12].793 161.432 235.999 269.516 343.963 300558 355.061 103.56 Pmperty Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating lnrnme Bond Praceeds(net) Operating Transfers In Revenues Debt Principal Debt Interest Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures' Net Opeafions: Capital E panditunes Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in As Wl-iabilties Ending Cash City of Otsego Capital Equipment Revolving Fund T Medium OutyT ucks moved to 1095 Special Revenue Fund 206 Increase Vehicle Levy by$40,000 peryearfor3 years begmnfng in 2016,stabilrzem 2019 at average annual Aurchases Debtsoldat3% G Actual Actual Actual Prjecled Proposed Extended Extended Extended Extended E#ended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended Extended 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 - 150,000 172,080 160,000 160,000 200,000 240,000 280,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 7,479 7,334 (11405) - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 160,000 35,000 104,200 - 35,000 - - - - - 167,479 157,334 170,675 160,000 lan."to 235,000 344,200 780,000 320,000 320,000 355,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 320,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 75,000 50,000 - 15,000 12,750 10,500 8,250 6,000 3,750 1,500 - _ - - _ - - - - 90,000 87,750 85,500 83,250 81,000 78,750 51,500 - 167,479 157 334 170,675 160,000 160 000 235,000 344,200 780,000 230,000 232 250 269,500 236,750 239 000 241,250 268,500 320,000 155,751 105,251 319 005 129,150 271,000 323,000 512,200 650000 190,000 230,000 422 000 55,000 286,900 18,000 680,000 50,000 434,725 485,195 498,536 347,733 378,583 261,563 179,583 11,583 141,583 181,563 163833 31,333 213,063 165,1,13 388,433 (23,067) 167,479 157,334 170,6]5 160,000 160,000 235,000 344,200 780,000 230,000 232,250 269,500 236,750 239,000 241 250 268,500 220,000 (155,751) (105,251) 1319,005) (129,150) (271,000) (323,000) (512,200) (650,000) (190,000) (230,000) (422,000) (55,000) (286,900) (18,000) (680,000) (50,000) 38,742 33,742 2.473 - - - - - - - - 485,195 498,536 347 733 378,583 267,583 179,583 11 583 141,583 181,583 163,833 31,333 213,083 165.183 388,433 23,067 246,933 500,000 57,750 3,817,250 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues, Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash Co Otsego Community unity Facilities Fund Special Revenue Fund 208 Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Projected 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 Projected 2017 Projected 2018 Projected 2019 25,447 9,107 17,476 2,353 2,277 2,288 25,447 9,107 17,476 2,353 2,277 2,288 25,447 9,107 17,476 2,353 2,277 2,288 276,832 21,775 292,871 17,458 480,700 1,013,417 25,447 (276,832) 8,350 770,382 9,107 (21,775) 1,529 756,185 17,476 (292,871) 10,275 470,515 2,353 (17,458) - 455,410 2,277 - - 457,687 2,288 (480,700) (20,725) (20,725) (20,725) 770,382 756,185 470,515 1 455,410 457,687 20,725 20,725 20,725 20,725 11/20/2014 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues, Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Street Reconstruction Fund Special Revenue Fund 209 determine source(s) of funding and assessment tracking plan Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 3,809 4,449 (869) 257 258 259 261 (1,538) (1,546) 109,772 - - - - - - 113,581 4,449 (869) 257 258 259 261 (1,538) (1,546) 4,604 210,627 - - 4,604 210,627 - - - - 113,581 155 211,496 257 258 259 261 1,538 1,546 360,000 150,000 263,581 263,986 51,371 51,628 51,886 52,145 (307,594) (309,132) 113,581 (155) (211,496) 257 258 259 261 (1,538) (1,546) - - - - - - (360,000) 560 1 119 - - 263,581 263,986 51,3,628 71 51- 51,886 52,145 307,594 309,132 310,677 " $52,460 in assessments receivable Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Operating Transfers In (Utilities) Revenues: Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers In Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Fire Capital Reserve Fund Special Revenue Fund 214 increase $ 10,000 peryear Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - 135,000 137,627 145,000 145,000 155,000 165,000 175,000 185,000 488,720 22,764 17,415 - - - - - - - 6,416 - - - - 18,199 15,453 (5,679) 7,764 8,527 9,295 (2,134) (1,319) (451) 506,919 179,633 149,363 152.764 153,527 164,295 162,866 173,681 184,549 337,444 337,444 - - - - - - - - 169,475 179,633 149,383 152,784 153,527 164,295 162,866 173,681 184,549 2,450,000 1,238,034 1,411,338 1,552,704 1,705,468 1,858,995 (426,710) (263,844) (90,163) 179,633 149,363 152,764 153,527 164,295 162,866 173,681 184,549 - - - - (2,450,000) - - - 6,329 7,997 - - 1,238,034 1,411,338 1,552,704 1,705,468 1,858,995 426,710 263,844 90,163 94,386 10 City of Otsego Revolving Capital Improvement Fund p Special Revenue Fund 414 determine source(s) of funding and assessment tracking plan Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash Actual Actual Actual Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 - 27 - 106,827 130,460 68,673 38,893 - 47,148 19,040 - - - - - _ 19,269 11,031 (2,770) 1,671 1,397 414 196 197 198 400,000 155,009 - - - - - _ 526,096 343,675 84,943 40,564 1,397 414 196 197 198 100,686 18,082 _ - 358,825 - _ 100,686 358,825 18,082 - - - - - _ 425,410 15150 66,861 40,564 1,397 414 196 197 198 - 415,405 294,477 254,634 198,000 44,000 719,831 1,151,929 353,698 334,202 279,346 82,743 39,156 39,352 39,549 425,410 (15,150) 66,861 40,564 1,397 414 196 197 198 - (415,405) (294,477) (254,634) (198,000) (44,000) - - - 6,688 367,676 208,120 159,214 1,151,929 353,698 334,202 279 346 82,743 39,156 39,352 39,549 39,747 11 Property Taxes Special Assessments Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures Net Operations Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Otsego Municipal Building Fund Special Revenue Fund 441 determine fund closing strategy Actual 2011 Actual 2012 Actual 2013 Budget 2014 Projected 2015 Projected 2016 Projected 2017 Projected 2018 Projected 2019 15,833 184 185 96 - 15,833 45,415 474,500 24,314 - 184 185 96 - 45,415 474,500 24,314 - - - (29,582) (474,500) 24,314 184 185 96 18,000 50,000 585,171 (29,582) 535,589 (474,500) 61,089 (24,314) 36;775 184 - 36,959 185 (18,000) 19,144 96 (50,000) (30,761) (30,761) (30,761) 535,589 61,089 36,775 36,959 19,144 30,761 30,761 30,761 30,761 2011 2012 transfer to bond sinking fund for 2010B - CIP Refunding 2013 12 _ City of Otsego Water Fund Annual Operations, Capital Outlay and Debt Service Net Cash Flows " 2010 through 2019 System Growth Rate Increase Rate/1,000 gallons Revenues Water Services WAC/Ccnnecticn Fees Bond Proceeds Misc. Operating Misc. Non-operating Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures Personal Services Supplies Services Depreciation New Interest Debt Service Interest & Fees Total Expenditures less: Non -Cash Depreciation New Principal pus: Debt Service Principal plus: Transfer to Sewer plus: Transfers Out plus: Cash Capital Outlay Total Cash Requirement Beginning Cash Balance Changes in Assets/Liabilities Cash Received Cash Spent Ending Cash Balance 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 2.50% 1.64 1.68 1.72 1.77 1.81 1.86 1.90 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected Proposed I Projected Projected Projected Projected 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 $ 737,164 $ 728,544 $ 985,957 $ 1,195,892 $ 1,225,789 $ 1,256,434 $ 1,287,845 $ 1,320,041 $ 1,353,042 $ 1,386,868 $ 543,394 5 204,661 $ 454,432 $ 487,433 $ 284,926 $ 292,958 $ 305,888 $ 325,511 $ 342,293 $ 358,707 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ $ $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 55,168 $ 64,050 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 80,745 $ 123,831 $ 67,683 $ 514 $ 45,629 $ 51,681 $ 51,820 $ 43,960 $ 35,893 $ 29,095 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,361,303 $ 1,057,036 $ 1,564,240 $ 1,747,889 $ 1,556,344 $ 1,601,073 $ 1,645,553 $ 1,689,532 $ 1,731,226 $ 1,774,670 $ 55,022 $ 61,427 $ 59,334 $ 98,936 $ 101,904 $ 104,961 $ 108,110 $ 111,353 $ 114,694 $ 118,135 $ 34,524 $ 22,411 $ 60,744 $ 131,272 $ 133,897 $ 136;575 $ 139,307 $ 142,093 $ 144,935 $ 147,834 $ 313,5D6 $ 331,807 $ 283,619 $ 201,753 $ 207,806 $ 214,040 $ 220,461 $ 227,075 $ 233,887 $ 240,904 $ 473,858 $ 473,231 $ 473,379 $ 475,224 $ 487,105 $ 499,282 $ 511,764 $ 524,558 $ 537,672 $ 551,114 $ 437,223 $ 657,698 $ 424,914 $ 334,158 $ 424,914 424,914 1 $ 424,914 $ 255,536 $ 234,008 $ 211,470 $ 1,314,133 $ 1,546,574 $ 1,301,990 $ 1,241,343 $ 1,355,626 $ 1,379,773 $ 1,404,556 $ 1,260,616 $ 1,265,194 $ 1,269,45E $ 473,858 $ 473,231 $ 473,379 $ 475,224 $ 487,105 $ 499,282 $ 511,764 $ 524,558 $ 537,672 $ 551,114 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 529,000 $ 538,258 $ 583,385 $ 587,190 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 900,000 $ 900,00D $ 900,000 $ 900,000 $ 5,745 $ 8,000 $ 9,8D0 $ - $ 40,379 $ 56,638 $ 57,771 $ 58,926 $ 60,105 $ 61,307 $ $ $ 8,550 $ 24,519 $ 42,250 $ 650,000 $ 50,000 $ 265,000 $ 160,000 $ 50,000 $ 846,020 $ 1081343 $ 846,951 $ 790,638 $ 951,150 $ 1,587,128 1 $ 2,429,563 $ 2,498,241 $ 2,411,012 $ 2,316,839 $ 2,B07,224 $ 2,953,936 $ 3,090,632 $ 3,611,940 $ 4,562,869 $ 5,168,063 $ 5,182,D07 $ 4,397,998 $ 3,589,288 $ 2,909,505 $ (368,571) $ 161,203 $ (196,171) $ (6,322) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,361,303 $ 1,057,036 $ 1,564,240 $ 1,747,889 $ 1,556,344 $ 1,601,073 $ 1,645,553 $ 1,689,532 $ 1,731,228 $ 1,774,670 $ - 846,020 $1,081,343 $ 848,961 $ 790638 $ 951,150 $ 1,587,128 $ 2,429,563 $ 2496,241 $ 2,411,012 $ 2,316,839 $ 2,953,936 $ 3 090 632 $ 3 611 940 $ 4 562 869 $ 5 168,063 $ 5,182,007 $ 4,397,998 $ 3,589,268 $ 2,909 505 $ 2,367,336 Cash Reserve Target (step) Assumptions: Cash basis All assumptions are predicted on Cash Basis presentation and do not include provisions for changes in balance sheet items Revenues Rate increases would be as indicated each year System growth is projected as a % of base pumpage Expenditures Personnel Costs increase at a rate of 3% per year Supplies increase at a rate of 2% per year. Services Increase at a rate of 3% per year Depreciation increases of a rate of approximately 2.5% per year. 13 System Growth Rate Increase Rate/1,000 gallons Revenues Sewer Services SAC/Connection Fees Bond Proceeds Misc. Operating Misc. Non-operating Transfers In Total Revenues Expenditures Personal Services Supplies Services Depreciation New Interest Debt Service Interest & Fees Total Expenditures less: Non -Cash Depreciation New Principal plus: Debt Service Principal Transfer from Water plus: Transfers Out plus: Cash Capital Outlay Total Cash Requirement Beginning Cash Balance Changes in Assets/Liabilities Cash Received Cash Spent Ending Cash Balance Cash Reserve Target (step) City of Otsego Sewer Fund Annual Operations, Capital Outlay and Debt Service Net Cash Flows 2010 through 2019 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 5.00% 5.00% 5,00% 5,00% 5.00% 5.00% 4.88 5.13 5.38 5.65 5.93 6.23 6.54 Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget Proposed Projected Projected Projected Projected 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2018 2017 2018 2019 $ 978,455 $ 1,051,945 $ 1,043,570 $ 1,186;523 $ 1,245,849 $ 1,308,142 $ 1,373,549 $ 1,442,226 $ 1,514,337 $ 1,590,054 $ 446,647 $ 128,490 $ 578,255 $ 745,791 $ 474,796 $ 481,833 $ 570,169 $ 568,147 $ 523738 $ 535,971 $ 11,392 $ 15,143 $ 11,987 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 107,752 S 118,970 $ 91,611 $ (17,318) $ 49,830 $ 52,412 $ 53,138 $ 17,191 $ 15,983 $ 15,059 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 1,544,246 $ 1,314,548 $ 1,725,423 $ 1,914,996 $ 1,770,475 $ 1,842,387 $ 1,998,856 $ 2,027,564 $ 2,054,056 $ 2,141,084 $ 57,121 $ 75,815 $ 52,603 $ 96,801 $ 99,705 $ 102,696 $ 105,777 $ 108,950 $ 112,219 $ 115,585 $ 17,564 $ 35,954 $ 46,010 $ 144,388 $ 147,276 $ 150,221 $ 153,226 $ 158,290 $ 159,416 $ 162,504 $ 531,609 $ 700,822 $ 646,295 $ 463,640 $ 477,549 $ 491,876 $ 506,532 $ 521,831 $ 537,486 $ 553,610 $ 819,889 $ 826,095 $ 826,242 $ 824,492 $ 845,104 $ 866,232 $ 887,888 $ 910,085 $ 932,637 $ 956,158 $ 777,285 $ 1,169,246 $ 755,400 $ 594,060 $ 739,994 $ 739,994 $ 739,994 $ 710,574 $ 650,704 $ 588,040 $ 2,303,468 $ 2,807,932 $ 2,326,550 $ 2,123,381 $ 2,309,628 $ 2,351,019 $ 2,393,516 $ 2,407,730 $ 2,392,662 $ 2,375,998 $ 819,889 $ 626,095 $ 826,242 $ 824,492 $ 845,104 $ B66,232 $ 887,888 $ 91 0,0B6 $ 932,837 $ 956,158 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,471,000 $ 1,496,743 $ 1,566,615 $ 1,632,810 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (900,000) $ (900,000) $ (900,000) $ (900,000) $ 4,000 $ 18,000 $ 19,600 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 91,104 $ $ 8,550 $ 46,350 1 47,741 $ 285000 $ 3,515,000 $ 54,oco $ 20,000 $ 20,000 $ 1,578,683 $ 1,999,837 $ 1,528,458 $ 1,345,239 $ 1,512,265 $ 1,769,787 1 $ 5,591,629 $ 2,148,388 $ 2,146,440 2,172,650 $ 4,400,007 $ 4,449,290 $ 4,288,671 $ 4,522,543 $ 4,983,038 $ 5,241,248 $ 5,313,848 $ 1,719,075 $ 1,598,251 $ 1,505,887 $ 83,720 $ 502,670 $ 58,907 $ (109,262) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,544,246 $ 1,314,548 $ 1,725,423 $ 1,914,996 $ 1,770,475 $ 1,842,387 $ 1,996,856 $ 2,027,564 $ 2,064,056 $ 2,141,084 $1,578,883) $ (1,999,837 $ 1,528,456 $ 1,345,239 1512265 $ 9769787 $ 5,591629 1 2148388 $ 2146440 $ 2,172,650 $ 4,449,290 $ 4,266,671 4,522,543 4,983,036 $ 5,241248 $ 5,313,848 $ 1,719,075 $ 1,598,251 $ 1.,505867 1,474,301 Assumptions: Cash basis All assumptions are predicted on Cash Basis presentation and do not include provisions for changes in balance sheet items Revenues Rate increases would be as indicated each year System growth is projected as a % of base pumpage Expenditures Personnel Costs increase at a rate of 3% per year Supplies increase at a rate of 2% per year. Services increase at a rate of 3% per year Depreciation increases at a rate of approximately 2.5% per year. 14 Property Taxes Special Assessments Intergovernmental Revenues Other Operating Income Other Non -Operating Income Bond Proceeds (net) Transfers In Revenues Personal Services Supplies Contractual Services Depreciation Transfers Out Expenditures: Net Operations: Capital Expenditures Beginning Cash Net Operations Capital Expenditures Changes in Assets/Liabilities Ending Cash City of Otsego Collector Streets (MSA) Special Revenue Fund 403 Actual Actual Actual Budget Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 634 23 - - - - - - - - 362,731 24,366 480,573 1,470,000 255,000 350,000 600,000 1,000,000 - 13 - - - - - - - 12,746 6,008 (1,510) 1,609 778 269,369 - - - - - - - - 282,749 368,775 22,856 482,182 1,470,778 255,000 350,000 600,000 1,000,000 230,447 230,447 - - - - - - - _ 52,302 368,775 22,856 482,182 1,470,778 255,000 350,000 600,000 1,000,000 62,263 395,807 160,819 648,428 1,470 000 255 000 350,000 600,000 1,000,000 483,327 474,354 464,422 321,848 155,602 156,380 156,380 156,380 156,380 52,302 368,775 22,856 482,182 1,470,778 255,000 350,000 600,000 1,000,000 (62,253) (395,807) (160,819) (648,428) (1,470,000) (255,000) (350,000) (600,000) (1,000,000) 978 17,100 4,611 474,354 464,422 321 848 155,602 156,380 156,380 156,380 156,380 156,380 15 State AM m OP Year Fund Balance Project Estimated Cost Projected Revenue 2013 $1,136,648 $489,017 2014 $1,625,665 70th St Design Request #1 ($104,382) $493,335 70th St ROW Request #2 ($258,929) ($5,500) ($159,000) 70th St ROW Request #3 ($120,617) 2015 $1,470,572 70th St Construction ($1,270,000) $505,668 70th St Design -Contract Admin ($80,000) 70th St Observation & Staking ($120,000) 2016 $506,240 70th St Construction ($250,000) $518,310 70th St Observation & Staking ($5,000) 2017 $769,550 8Sth St (Page to 84th St) & Page Ave (85th St to 83rd St) Reclaim ($350,000) $531,268 2018 $950,818 85th St (Nashua Ave toMaciver Ave) ($600,000) $544,550 2019 $895,368 85th St (Nashua Ave toMaciver Ave) ($1,000,000) $558,163 2020 $453,531 85th St (Nashua Ave to MacIver Ave) ($900,000) $572,117 2021 $125,648 78th St (Quaday to Quam) ($700,000) $586,420 2022 $12,068 No Scheduled Project $0 $601,081 2023 $613,149 1 No Scheduled Project $0 $616,108 2024 $1,229,257Nashua(60th to 7(;th St) ROVV ($600,000) $631,511 2025 $1,260,768 Nashua(60th io 70th 5t) ($1,300,000) $647,298 Assumption on revenue of 2.5% increase per year based on population growth of City Project Costs of projects inflated for inflation at a rate of 3% per year Assumes MacIver Constructed prior to 2018 16