98-01RESOLUTION NUMBER 98-1 REPLACING RESOLUTION OF 1997 - 97-1 RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, the Elk River Star News is a qualified newspaper of general circulation within the City of Otsego: BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Otsego designates the ELK RIVER STAR NEWS as the City's official newspaper effective immediately. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all ordinances and any other matters which are required by law to be published in an official newspaper, and all other matters which the City Council shall deem advisable and in the public interest to be published, shall be published in the ELK RIVER STAR NEWS. DATED: January 12,1998 LARRY FO R, MAYOR CITY OF OTSEGO ATTST: eine Beatty, City Clerk%Lon' Adm. ( CITY SEAL) F1W. 9sP.LsoLx