10-10-11 SCCZ CITY OF OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Lori Johnson, City Administrator DATE: October 5, 2011 RE: 2012 Budget Discussion Since the last budget workshop with the Council, staff has thoroughly reviewed the General Fund budget, analyzed the Community Development/Building Safety Fund to bring it to a breakeven point, and developed proposed budgets for the Water and Sewer funds including rate adjustments. In this memo I will review the General Fund budget adjustments and briefly highlight the Community Development/Building Safety Fund analysis. Attached is a memo from Finance Director Gary Groen discussing the Water and Sewer fund budgets. General Fund Budget The proposed tax levy adopted on September 12 was based on a proposed General Fund budget of $3,245,800. However, additional detailed review of the budget was anticipated to ensure that the funds were allocated accurately and that the Council's highest priorities were included and adequately funded. Each line item in the proposed budget has now been thoroughly reviewed and documented. Based on that review, attached is a list of recommended budget adjustments. The adjustments fall into several categories: First, reclassification of line items. For example, all amounts previously budgeted in a miscellaneous line item were reclassified to the accurate line item. Second, both revenue and expenditure amounts were adjusted to reflect actual needs/expectations. For instance, the fuel budget is now determined by using the actual usage and the estimated cost per gallon in 2012. Third, additions and deletions were made to line items and in some cases entire departments. An Emergency Management department was added to ensure funds were available for emergency management training and siren maintenance, as an example. Fourth, a few minor errors were noted and corrected. Revenue Adjustments There are three adjustments to revenues, all reductions totaling $19,628. Mining fees and donations were reduced to reflect the actual amounts that will be received. The balancing line item has been eliminated. The adjusted revenue budget is $3,226,172. Expenditure Adjustments The expenditure adjustments net a total expenditure decrease of $30,861. Below is a summary of the major adjustments: 1. The cost of living adjustment and benefits totaling $13,693 were added. 2. The two new, but never filled, part time administrative clerical positions in the administration and street maintenance departments were eliminated for a savings of $35,848. The administration department does not need additional clerical support at this time, thus the position is proposed to be eliminated. The future need in administration will be for a professional with broad government specific expertise. On the other hand, while there is a need for clerical support staff in the street department, we are exploring other options to fill that gap on an interim basis. In the very near future, the department will need dedicated clerical staff. Adding clerical staff will free up the maintenance employees who are currently doing clerical work to spend their time in the functions for which they were hired such as maintaining the City's existing infrastructure and plowing snow. 3. A $32,000 line item titled "Maps" in the Administration department was moved to Engineering. This is actually engineering consulting time charged for utility locates. The City is billed an average of $80 per hour for engineering staff to locate City utility lines. About 2.5 hours of time billed is a good average per locate although the actual time billed varies depending upon the difficulty of the locate. In addition the City is billed mileage for a total average cost per locate of $217. 4. GIS services were reduced by $18,000 in the General Fund. Budgeted GIS services including water, sewer, and community development for 2012 total $26,000. We are continuing to identify ways to reduce this cost. The current contract with GIS Rangers terminates on December 31, 2011. The contract states that the "client may renew the term for an additional year by providing GIS Rangers at least sixty days' notice to the then -current Term's expiration." I suggest that the City enter into a monthly contract with GIS Rangers beginning January 1, 2012. This will allow time to further evaluate the best long term solution for the City's GIS needs. 5. The Engineering services budget was increased based on the costs incurred in 2011 and the expectation that the demand for time from the City Engineer will continue to increase. 6. The Planning services budget was increased by $25,000 for the comprehensive plan update in the proposed budget. The scope of that project has now been defined and the cost reduced by $10,000 resulting in a net increase of $15,000 above the 2011 budget. 7. An Information Technology department has been added to segregate IT costs in the General Fund. Centralizing the costs in one department provides better cost analysis data and ensures that software updates and computer replacements are included in the budget. The 2012 proposal includes $10,000 to update outdated Microsoft Office and Windows operating system software. 8. The Legal services budget was updated based on actual 2011 costs and anticipated 2012 expenditures. 9. Gas and Oil costs in the Street and Park departments were increased based on usage and estimated price. 10. An Emergency Management department was added that includes training and repair and maintenance funds. Expenditures in this department will increase in future years as the City strengthens its emergency management program. 11. The discretionary Park and Recreation Commission funds were reclassified from other improvements to recreation programming. The funds are still available for park and recreation 2 related activities. Technically these "discretionary" funds require Council approval as the Park and Recreation Commission by statute does not have authority to authorize the expenditure of City funds. Ideally, the Commission should provide input in the budget development process and make a budget recommendation to the Council. With their input, the budget would reflect the Commission's budget requests. In the rare occasion that the Commission identifies a project(s) during the year that was not included in the budget, the request would be presented to the Council for consideration. These adjustments along with reclassifications and clerical corrections leave a surplus balance of $11,233 in the General Fund. This surplus can be used to fund expanded programs such as recreation and economic development; increase maintenance of parks and streets; be set aside for future storm water projects; or used to reduce the tax levy. Community Development and Building Safety Fund The Council requested analysis of the Community Development and Building Safety fund. The fund currently has a deficit of approximately $570,000. The preliminary 2012 budget has a deficit of over $34,000. It is imperative that the City develop a plan to fund development and building safety costs including identifying a funding source to eliminate the existing cash deficit in the future. In the short term, expenditures need to be reduced to stop the escalation of the deficit. As you will recall, one of the first steps was to eliminate or reduce transfers and expenditure allocations. The Council agreed and made reductions during the August budget meetings. Since the revenues in this fund are based entirely on building activity, the City has little control in the revenue side of the budget. In order to break even, expenditures need to align with anticipated revenues. The demand for services is based mainly on the volume of permits and the workload correlates for the most part. It is my understanding that the contract with Metro West Inspection Services, Inc., was to be managed such that inspection services were provided as needed. Currently, Metro West provides inspectors on a set schedule for a predetermined number of hours per week. Starting November 1, 1 have directed Metro West to reduce the set hours by eight hours per week with further reductions throughout the winter based on permit volume. The down side of this change is the City will not be as responsive to questions as an inspector will not always be available. Further, inspection times will be limited to a much shorter window of time each day. Of course, if the City receives a permit for a substantial commercial building that requires more plan review and inspection time, the schedule would be adjusted to meet the demand and timing for inspections. This reduction in contracted inspection time will generate savings, but not enough to solve the funding problem. At the meeting, I will present other expenditure reduction options. In conclusion, staff is prepared to discuss all of these budgets in detail at the workshop. If you would like to discuss any of this information prior to the meeting or have questions on an item that is not addressed in this memo or the attached memo, please contact me. 3 2012 General Fund Budget Proposed Adjustments October 10, 2011 Preliminary Proposed August 22 October 10 Difference Comments Revenues Beginning Balance $ 3,245,800 Mining Fees 25,000 10,000 (15,000) Based on actual per City Engineer Donations 3,000 500 (2,500) TRSA - Based on actual Other 2,128 - (2,128) Balancing amount eliminated Adjusted Balance 3,226,172 Expenditures Beginning Balance 3,245,800 COLA & Benefits - 13,693 13,693 For all departments Administration Part Time Position 15,600 - (15,600) Position not needed at this time Part Time Benefits 2,324 - (2,324) Position not needed at this time Office Supplies 8,000 10,000 2,000 Adjusted to actual Miscellaneous 4,000 - (4,000) Reclassified Maps 32,000 - (32,000) See "Locates" in Engineering department Printing 10,000 5,000 (5,000) Adjusted to actual Education & Training 6,900 4,200 (2,700) Safety 2,200 Contractual Services 18,000 4,000 (14,000) Reclassified to IT GIS Services 28,000 10,000 (18,000) Total 2012 GIS $26,000 Elections Part Time Pay 5,000 6,000 1,000 Estimated high voter turnout Planning Commission FICA 61 - (61) Clerical correction Engineer Engineering Contractual 65,000 85,000 20,000 Adjusted to actual Engineering Contract Locates - 32,000 32,000 Reclassified from Administration dept. Planning - Planning Contractual 90,000 80,000 (10,000) Reduced Comp Plan from $25,000 to $15,000 Finance Miscellaneous 100 - (100) Reclassified Dues 45 200 155 Adjusted to actual Education & Training 4,000 3,000 (1,000) Safety 2,200 Contracted Services 11,720 11,220 (500) $3,500 Misc. Reclass; $4,000 IT Reclass Miscellaneous 3,500 - (3,500) Reclassified Information Technology New Department Contractual Services - 22,000 22,000 Reclassification from Admin., Fin., Streets Supplies - 10,000 10,000 Update operating and office software Legal Legal Contractual Economic Development Marketing Miscellaneous Citv Hall (General Gov't. Bldas. Other Supplies Miscellaneous Aminal Control Contractual Services Streets Part Time Pay Part Time Benefits Office Supplies Gas & Oil Uniform Allow Safety Supplies Miscellaneous Utilities Printing Cleaning Services Contracted Services IT Repair and Maint. Buildings Parks Maintenance Gas & Oil Operating Supplies Miscellaneous Utilities Garbage Service Contracted Services Repair and Maintenance Contractual Recreation Recreation Programming Park Commission Discressionary HPC Miscellaneous Education and Training Emergency Management Education and Training Repair and Maintenance Adjusted Expenditures Budget Balance Preliminary Proposed (15,600) August 22 October 10 Difference Comments 65,000 70,000 5,000 Adjusted to actual - 10,000 10,000 Reclassified 10,000 - (10,000) Reclassified 1,600 2,100 500 - 12,000 14,400 500 Reclassified (500) Reclassified 2,400 Based on actual 15,600 - (15,600) Office Assistant not filled 2,324 - (2,324) Office Assistant not filled 500 - (500) Adjusted to actual 55,000 60,000 5,000 17,143 gal. at $3.50/gal. 7,500 6,000 (1,500) Adjusted to actual 5,000 3,000 (2,000) Adjusted to actual 2,000 - (2,000) Reclassified 30,000 27,000 (3,000) Adjusted to actual 1,000 500 (500) Adjusted to actual 4,400 6,500 2,100 Adjusted to actual 8,000 - (8,000) $4,000 Reclass to IT; $4,000 Elminated 18,000 20,000 2,000 Reclassified 6,000 8,500 2,500 3,429 gal. at $3.50/gal. 12,000 12,500 500 Reclassified 500 - (500) Reclassified 25,000 20,000 (5,000) Adjusted to actual 1,000 - (1,000) Reclassified 15,000 16,000 1,000 Reclassified 8,000 4,000 (4,000) Adjusted to actual 46,000 61,000 15,000 Reclassified 15,000 - (15,000) Reclassified 600 - (600) Reclassified - 600 600 Reclassified New Department 1,500 1,500 - 1,000 1,000 $ 3,214,939 Z CITY OF OTSEGO ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Gary Groen, Finance Director DATE: October 5, 2011 RE: 2012 Water and Sewer Budget The City Council and staff review the water and sewer user rates on an annual basis. The purpose of this review is to determine the user rates are sufficient to finance the cost of the operations and provide sufficient cash reserves to finance major repair and maintenance items as necessary. Each year, Kurt Niedermeier of PeopleService, Inc. and finance department staff have reviewed the projected schedule of the future major maintenance and repair items in both the water and sewer operations. The project provides valuable information to determine: • What is the appropriate level of cash reserves to maintain for future major repair and maintenance items. • What is the projected year that major repair and maintenance items should be scheduled. • What is the threshold where net revenues can be earmarked for debt service obligations. In 2011 the cash reserve funds will achieve the requirements for future major repair and maintenance and cash sufficient for operations. As a result, beginning in 2012 and beyond, the water and sewer operations will generate net revenues available for debt service. In prior years, it was believed the City's general obligation water and sewer bonds would be entirely financed with the revenues generated by the new connections to the system. However, with the new connections slowing dramatically the past three years, the debt service should be discussed along with the water and sewer rates. The utility rates recommended for 2012 do not include significant amounts for debt service, but the future net revenues from operations will be allocated to repayment of debt as reflected in the attached Water and Sewer Debt Analysis. WATER UTILITY RATES AND BUDGET Beginning in 2013, the city must establish a water utility rate structure that provides incentives for residential users to conserve water resources. Commercial and industrial water rates can be based on cost of service and do not necessarily require the same rate structure as residential. The conservation rate structure must be in place by January 1, 2013. To be considered a conservation rate, increasing rates are recommended to be significant enough to encourage conservation. The information provided suggests the steps should be increments of at least 25% and the last step should be at least 50% between the last two steps. WATER UTILITY RATES AND BUDGET - Continued I am recommending the implementation of the conservation rate be accomplished with a small water rate change in 2012 and a conservation rate implemented effective January 1, 2013. The conservation rate will have a significant impact on the water rates and I would like some additional time to provide the City Council with a number of options. The current water rate structure includes a base rate of $3 plus $1.50 per 1,000 gallons thereafter. There are no steps in the current rate structure. I am recommending the water rates beginning in 2012 include a base rate of $3 plus $1.50 for the first 5,000 gallons and $1.60 per 1,000 gallons thereafter. The minimum monthly bill would remain at $6. This is a small step increase but will generate approximately a 5% increase in the overall water revenue. This 5% increase is reflected in the water revenue budget attached with this memo. In addition to the user rate increase, the antenna revenue previously budgeted in the General Fund is now included in the Water Utility Fund and earmarked for debt service. With the rate increase the Water Utility Fund is projected to provide a net cash increase of $401,612. Some of this revenue is earmarked to continue to finance the reserve requirements, but the net cash/revenue to be applied to debt service is projected to be $396,395. That is a cumulative number including both 2011 and 2012. Future net revenues projected to be available for debt service beginning in 2013 is $275,000. SEWER UTILITY RATES AND BUDGET As mentioned previously, Kurt Niedermeier and finance department staff have also reviewed the sewer cash requirements for major repair and maintenance issues. The ventilation issues that have caused significant roof damage to buildings at both the east and west treatment facilities are included. The 2012 budget includes $80,000 for building roof repairs based on very preliminary discussions of the issue. The cost is included in the contractual repairs for buildings number in the 2012 budget. The current sewer rate structure includes a base rate of $5 plus $5 per 1,000 gallons. There are no steps in the current rate structure. I am recommending the sewer rates beginning in 2012 include a base rate of $5 plus $5 for the first 2,000 gallons and $5.25 per 1,000 gallons thereafter. The minimum monthly bill would remain at $15. With the rate increase the Sewer Utility Fund is projected to provide a net cash increase of $170,315. Some of this revenue is earmarked to continue to finance the reserve requirements, but the net cash/revenue to be applied to debt service is projected to be $180,850. That is a cumulative number including both 2011 and 2012. Future net revenues projected to be available for debt service beginning in 2013 is $138,115. DEBT SERVICE PROJECTION The debt service projection is included with this memo also. The estimated revenue from new connections has been reduced in 2011 through 2013 to more properly reflect the level of building activity. The projection also includes the net operating revenues beginning in 2012 with the net revenues available from 2011 and 2012 operations and the projection of net revenues available each year into the future. The net revenue projection beyond 2013 has been increased by 3% annually. DEBT SERVICE PROJECTION — Continued The effect of including the net revenues from operations and reducing the estimated revenue from connections is the cash flow projection for the general obligation water and sewer bonds now has a positive cash flow into 2018. There are many variables included in this projection and it will be updated at least annually as the City moves forward. GOING FORWARD Included in this memo are specific recommendations for 2012 water and sewer rates. The water utility rate will require an adjustment to properly reflect a water conservation rate. Beyond the water conservation rate structure change due for 2013, 1 would recommend the water and sewer utility user rate be adjusted annually by the same CPI rate increase used by People Service to adjust its contract each July 1. Please contact me with any questions regarding this memo or attachments. City of Otsego 2012 Water Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Actual to 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Account Code Description Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected OPERATING REVENUE Utility Charges for Services $ 692,233 $ 719,963 $ 667,211 $ 699,900 $ 359,188 $ 731,396 Antenna Lease Revenue - earmarked for debt service - - - - 62,500 Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES 601-49400-100 Wages and Salaries - Mary O - 45% 699,900 Wages and Salaries - Steve S. - PW 601-49400-121 PERA 601-49400-122 FICA/Medicare 601-49400-123 Medical 601-49400-130 Other 601-49400-131 Payroll allocation - Finance 601-49400-131 Payroll allocation - Public Works Total Personnel Costs 692,233 719,963 667,211 699,900 359,188 793,896 1,000 44 600 601-49400-202 21,270 19,396 19,026 15,000 8,193 16,200 515 1,000 7,370 9,000 4,312 9,000 1,383 1,346 1,325 1,088 930 1,175 1,581 1,442 1,329 1,148 891 1,239 544 571 951 1,296 574 620 132 139 166 200 74 200 8,000 8,000 15,000 15,000 7,500 15,000 14,568 14,568 9,856 9,955 4,978 9,955 1,301 820 47,479 45,462 55,023 52,686 27,452 53,389 601-49400-201 Office supplies 502 581 397 1,000 44 600 601-49400-202 Gas & oil 163 89 - 2,500 515 1,000 601-49400-204 Insurance 6,624 7,359 9,494 6,750 - 10,000 601-49400-206 Postage 4,090 4,342 6,343 5,000 2,500 5,500 601-49400-220 R & M supplies 441 1,540 2,424 3,500 756 - Total Supplies 11,819 13,911 18,658 18,750 3,815 17,100 601-49400-301 Legal services - Utility ordinances, assessments, etc. 1,301 820 70 1,000 420 1,000 601-49400-302 Engineering services - SCADA revisions, W&S issues 17,061 49,611 13,593 2,500 17,715 10,000 601-49400-303 Planning services - Shut off ordinance 419 72 - 500 470 500 601-49400-310 Miscellaneous - Bank & CC service charges 8,277 11,319 10,827 8,000 2,084 10,000 Total Professional Services 27,057 61,822 24,490 12,000 20,689 21,500 601-49400-350 Printing - Envelopes/invoices 3,837 1,784 1,808 3,500 1,925 2,500 601-49400-360 Education & training Software annual conference - - - 500 - 250 601-49400-322 Utilities 51,168 55,483 45,964 55,000 22,028 55,000 10/4/2011 Account Code Description 601-49400-390 Contracted services City of Otsego 2012 Water Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Actual to 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected - PeopleService - GIS - Softronics - Civic software support - Lawn service - Bear alarms - Other 601-49400-400 Repairs & maintenance - (Portable generator maintenance, WWTF main break & hydrant repair Pumphouse Maintenance ($12,000) Wellhead protection expenses Total Operating Expenses Net Operating Income Other Cash Requirement/Non-Operating Expenses 601-49400-500"` SCADA replaoement/l/3 software upgrade Projected Water Meters Purchased Projected Water Meters Sold 601-49400-601/61C JetVac Debt Service payment (20%) Total Other Cash Requirements Net Addition to Cash Balance $ 162,929 $ 181,769 $ 168,749 $ 175,214 $ 85,474 $ 178,644 2,630 3,450 1,871 4,000 1,290 - 1,567 1,800 575 4,500 697 - 4,054 700 1,276 1,400 4,182 - 3,774 4,500 2,827 5,500 6,467 - 1,539 1,400 1,667 1,700 18 - 218 - 107 - 175,584 181,769 182,531 187,064 93,797 195,744 4,934 11,016 8,437 15,000 19,824 32,000 7,550 3,672 - 5,000 - 5,000 329,428 374,919 336,911 349,500 189,530 382,483 362,805 345,044 330,300 350,401 169,658 411,412 25,129 - 24,185 5,000 - - 35,167 24,285 25,360 15,000 14,048 15,000 -35167 -24285 -25360 (15,000) (14,048) (15,000) - - 2,000 8,000 8,000 9,800 25,130 - 26,185 13,000 8,000 9,800 $ 337,676 $ 345,044 $ 304,115 $ 337,401 $ 161,658 $ 401,612 ** All expenditure items noted with two asterisks require review and approval by the Council prior to expenditure 10/4/2011 City of Otsego 2012 Water Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance per Schedule Annual Addition to Cash Reserve Projected Expenses from Cash Reserves Included in Operating Expenses Projected Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance One month billing/cash reserve Total Minimum Water Fund Cash Reserve Net Cash from Operations for Debt Service $ 793,015 175,439 968,454 75,000_ 1,043,454 $ 172,307 $ 968,454 175,439 (12,000) 1,131,893 75,000 1,206,893 $ 396,395 10/4/2011 Actual to 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Account Code Description Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected Net Addition to Cash Balance $ 337,676 $ 345,044 $ 304,115 $ 337,401 $ 161,658 $ 401,612 X2 Actual Cash Balance, December 31, 2010 $ 878,360 Projected Cash Balances $1,215,761 $ 1,201,676 $1,603,288 Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance per Schedule Annual Addition to Cash Reserve Projected Expenses from Cash Reserves Included in Operating Expenses Projected Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance One month billing/cash reserve Total Minimum Water Fund Cash Reserve Net Cash from Operations for Debt Service $ 793,015 175,439 968,454 75,000_ 1,043,454 $ 172,307 $ 968,454 175,439 (12,000) 1,131,893 75,000 1,206,893 $ 396,395 10/4/2011 City of Otsego 2012 Sewer Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Account Code Description OPERATING REVENUE Utility Charges for Services - (5% projected increase for 2012) Riverbend charges @ $880 per month City of Dayton charges based on flow plus 4% of fixed cost Total Revenue OPERATING EXPENSES 602-49450-101 Wages and Salaries - Mary O. 45% 602-49450-101 Wages and Salaries - Steve S - PW 602-49450-121 PERA 602-49450-122 FICA/Medicare 602-49450-123 Medical 602-49450-130 Other 602-49450-131 Payroll allocation - Finance Projected Payroll allocation - Public Works OH 602-49450-131 Payroll allocation - Sewer Cleaning Total Personnel Costs 602-49450-201/2 Operating/Office supplies 602-49450-202 Gas & oil 60249450-204 Insurance 602-49450-206 Postage 602-49450-220 Repair & Maintenance supplies Total Supplies 602-49450-301 Legal services 602-49450-302 Engineering services 602-49450-303 Planning fees 602-49450-310 Permit fees & bank charges Total Professional Services 602-49450-322 Utilities 602-49450-350 Printing 602-49450-360 Education & training 10/4/2011 N Actual to 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected $ 826,540 $ 952,353 $ 977,827 $ 488,730 $ 1,026,718 7,634 10,120 10,560 6,160 10,560 9,600 11,232 11,000 - 11,000 774,657 843,774 973,705 999,387 494,890 1,048,278 $ 13,686 $ 19,397 $ 19,930 $ 15,000 $ 8,193 $ 16,200 6,280 4,072 - 9,000 3,658 9,000 1,298 1,304 1,536 1,088 882 1,175 1,482 1,484 1,560 1,148 841 1,239 544 571 1,564 1,296 443 620 132 139 165 200 74 200 8,000 8,000 15,000 15,000 7,500 15,000 14,568 14,568 9,856 9,955 4,978 9,955 - - 7,510 25,330 - 25,330 45,991 49,535 57,121 78,016 26,569 78,719 175 570 397 1,000 50 600 2,243 2,708 3,188 2,500 3,738 5,500 14,635 21,657 20,780 15,000 - 22,000 4,090 4,343 6,343 5,000 2,500 5,500 4,649 11,782 7,636 15,000 17,682 20,000 25,792 41,060 38,344 38,500 23,970 53,600 1,985 805 3,059 1,000 276 1,000 12,559 3,922 14,484 5,000 16,005 10,000 419 72 - 1,000 320 500 6,416 6,501 8,153 6,500 6,097 8,500 21,378 11,300 25,696 13,500 22,698 20,000 94,402 97,601 118,477 115,000 60,704 121,408 3,335 1,784 1,808 3,500 1,610 2,500 - - - 500 - 250 10/4/2011 N City of Otsego 8,361 5,000 - 5,000 Containment area (Taking debris to St. Michael) 1,000 2012 Sewer Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Hook up Lift Station #3, Pump #3 10,000 602-49450-601/6 Jet Vac Debt Service (40%) 4,000 18,000 18000 19,600 Total Other Cash Requirements - - 12,361 Actual to 18000 34,600 Net Addition to Cash Balance $ 161,871 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Account Code Description Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected 602-49450-390 Contracted services - PeopleService 363,370 368,078 373,852 372,454 190,787 395,786 Contracted services - GIS 15,470 11,985 6,993 4,000 Contracted services - Softronics 1,290 681 4,054 1,800 600 4,500 Contracted services - Superior Lawn 4,475 3,593 3,774 4,500 2,827 5,500 Contracted services - Bear Alarms 1,350 732 699 1,400 667 700 Contracted services - Civic software support 697 4,614 1,330 700 1,276 1,400 Contracted services - lift station inspection - 2,100 - - - - Contracted services - Other 18 - 3 - 200 - Total Contracted Services 468,938 479,183 519,467 511,839 265,664 536,044 602-49450-395 Sign installation 947 - - - - - 602-49450-400 Contractual repairs & maintenance 33,344 41,486 10,455 10,000 3,134 25,000 602-49450-402 Contractual repairs & maintenance -buildings & 1,069 5,080 26,918 5,000 15,702 100,000 & Mechanical Air Unit contract ($80,000 for WWTF buildings) 35,361 46,566 37,373 15,000 18,836 125,000 602-49450-419 Biosolids Hauling 15,326 3,468 19,932 20,000 - 23,000 Lift station debris to St. Michael - - - - - 7,000 Total Operating Expenses 612,786 631,112 697,933 676,855 357,737 843,363 Net Operating Income 161,871 212,662 275,772 322,532 137,153 204,915 Other Cash Requirements/Non-Operating Expenses 602-49450-500 Capital Outlay 8,361 5,000 - 5,000 Containment area (Taking debris to St. Michael) 1,000 - - Hook up Lift Station #3, Pump #3 10,000 602-49450-601/6 Jet Vac Debt Service (40%) 4,000 18,000 18000 19,600 Total Other Cash Requirements - - 12,361 24,000 18000 34,600 Net Addition to Cash Balance $ 161,871 $ 212,662 $ 263,411 $ 298,532 $ 119,153 $ 170,315 10/4/2011 City of Otsego 2012 Sewer Operation (Projection of 2012 operating expenses) Actual to 2008 2009 2010 2011 June 30, 2012 Actual Actual Actual Projected 2011 Projected Net Addition to Cash Balance $ 161,871 $ 212,662 $ 263,411 $ 298,532 $ 119,153 $ 170,315 X2 Actual Cash Balance, December 31, 2010 $ 560,137 Projected Cash Balances $ 858,669 $ 798,443 $ 968,758 Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance per Schedule $ 547,262 $ 655,710 Annual Required Addition to Cash Reserve 108,448 112,198 Projected Expenses from Cash Reserves Included in Operating Expenses - (80,000) Projected Cash Reserve Required for Future Major Maintenance 655,710 687,908 One month billing/cash reserve 100,000 100,000 Total Minimum Sewer Fund Cash Reserves 755,710 787,908 Net Cash from Operation for Debt Service 102,959 $ 180,850 ** All expenditure items noted with two asterisks require review and approval by the Council prior to expenditure 10/4/2011 City of Otsego Water and Sewer Debt Analysis Bonds Payable Balance, January 1, 2010 Bonds issued in 2010 Updated 9/15/11 gnn9A gn1nr Tntal $ 6,360,000 $ - $ 6,360,000 - 21,300,000 21,300,000 Balance, December 31, 2010 $ 6,360,000 $ 21,300,000 $27,660,000 Note: The 2003B ,2005A and 2006A water and sewer bonds have been completely refinanced by the 2009A and 2010C issues Note that the 2010 hookup revenue was $639,496; 2009 was $498,189 and the 2008 revenue was $501,796. Based on this 3 year historical information the current projections assume the same level of hookup revenue in 2014 and beyond, but 2011 has been significantly less Total WAC and SAC hookup money received thru October 3, 2011 totals $256,300. This schedule includes Riverbend Mobile Home Park water hook up that is active beginning in 2014. $400,000 at 4% for 15 years. The schedule draws $577,245 (excess) net revenues thru 2012 operations. This leaves sufficient monies in the Water and Sewer Funds for operations and major repair and maintenance issues and fully funds the maintenance reserve requirements as determined with PeopleService assistance. W (1.5% annually) Actual/ Estimated Riverbend Net Estimated Projected Hook Up Special Operating Interest Cash Revenue Assessments Revenues Earned 2009A 2010C Total Balance Actual Cash Balance Dec. 31, 2010 5,992,887 Year2011 256,300 - - 89,893 260,610 850,116 1,110,726 5,228,354 Year 2012 300,000 - 577,245 78,425 260,610 792,849 1,053,459 5,130,566 Year2013 350,000 - 413,175 76,958 260,610 745,500 1,006,110 4,964,589 Year2014 500,000 49,078 425,570 74,469 260,610 745,500 1,006,110 5,007,596 Year2015 500,000 47,851 438,337 75,114 260,610 745,500 1,006,110 5,062,788 Year2016 500,000 46,624 451,487 75,942 260,610 2,745,500 3,006,110 3,130,732 Year2017 500,000 45,397 465,032 46,961 260,610 2,740,500 3,001,110 1,187,012 Year2018 500,000 44,170 478,983 17,805 260,610 2,754,100 3,014,710 (786,740) Year 2019 500,000 42,943 493,353 - 260,610 2,758,900 3,019,510 (2,769,954) Year202O 500,000 41,716 508,153 - 260,610 2,785,100 3,045,710 (4,765,795) Year 2021 500,000 40,489 523,398 - 260,610 2,790,050 3,050,660 (6,752,568) Year2022 500,000 39,262 539,100 - 260,610 2,809,550 3,070,160 (8,744,367) Year 2023 500,000 38,035 555,273 - 260,610 2,831,775 3,092,385 (10,743,444) Year2024 500,000 36,808 571,931 - 1,010,610 1,653,300 2,663,910 (12,298,615) Year 2025 500,000 35,581 589,089 - 1,805,610 742,763 2,548,373 (13,722,318) Year2026 500,000 34,355 606,761 - 1,801,035 744,480 2,545,515 (15,126,717) Year2027 500,000 33,127 624,964 - 2,499,000 2,499,000 (16,467,625) Year 2028 30,674 643,713 - (15,793,238) $7,906,300 $ 606,110 $ 8,905,564 $ 535,568 $10,504,185 $ 29,235,483 29,235,483 Note that the 2010 hookup revenue was $639,496; 2009 was $498,189 and the 2008 revenue was $501,796. Based on this 3 year historical information the current projections assume the same level of hookup revenue in 2014 and beyond, but 2011 has been significantly less Total WAC and SAC hookup money received thru October 3, 2011 totals $256,300. This schedule includes Riverbend Mobile Home Park water hook up that is active beginning in 2014. $400,000 at 4% for 15 years. The schedule draws $577,245 (excess) net revenues thru 2012 operations. This leaves sufficient monies in the Water and Sewer Funds for operations and major repair and maintenance issues and fully funds the maintenance reserve requirements as determined with PeopleService assistance. W