11-07-02 WSITEM 3.3. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP WITH THE CITY ENGINEER THURSDAY NOVEMER 7, 2002 4PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order. Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 4:05 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers and Councilmember elect Dan Scharber. Absent: Suzanne Ackerman. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Ron Wagner, City Engineer, Shane Nelson, Engineer and Jeff Elliott, Design Engineer. 2. Work Session with the City Engineer regarding S� t�projects. The Engineers presented the 85th Street Feasibility Report and schedule as outlined in the attached reports. Mike Robertson requested that Council allow the residents contact the Project Manager directly rather than through City Staff as he feels this would be more efficient and effective. The Council would like to see a report for Page Avenue from 85th Street to CSAH 39. Also alternatives for bike paths and storm ponds. CM Wendel motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. Worksho djourned at 5: PM. ayor a y Fournier V�k dim Att: : Ju y udson, Ci Clerk/Zoning Adm. Michael C. Court* Andrew J. MacArthur Robert T. Ruppe-- David R. Wendorf *Also LLcensad in !!finis -+Also Liewued in Cali*mia November 7, 2002 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Judy Hudson, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 COURT & MACARTHUR Aztorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthur@pobox. com RE: 85th Street Project- Easement Acquisition Dear Council Members: It is my understanding that the Council will be discussing the 85th Street project at a special meeting on Thursday afternoon. I understand from discussions with Ron Wagner that the project will require acquisition of a substantial number of easements. This letter is just to let the Council understand the time line requirements for acquisition of these properties. As you are aware from previous projects that required acquisitions, the quick take condemnation procedure takes 90 days from service of a notice of intent to take possession. In a normal condemnation case an offer is made prior to condemnation being undertaken. If the road project is built using MSA funding or any other State or Federal money, the City must comply with MNDOT rules. These rules require that an affected property owner be given 30 days to respond to an offer. Therefore, the actual time frame is expanded an additional month. I would estimate that it would take one to two months to get appraisals if they are needed. Condemnation cannot proceed without the City having an approved appraisal or estimated amount of taking. Typically, the costs of easement acquisition are included as a project cost. It should be explained to all property owners that the cost of land acquisition becomes part of the project cost, which is ultimately assessed back to them. This should be done face to face and in an atmosphere where the City Engineer can answer questions about construction on the specific parcel. Za'd 2Z88Tbb 0i Jn4-�jdoeW 8 Tino0 WoaA Wd0E:T0 E00E-22-TT Letter to Otsego City Council November 7, 2002 Page 2 The following things need to happen as soon as possible in order to obtain necessary easements in time for construction next year: 1. All easements (temporary and permanent) must be identified as soon as possible. 2. City staff should meet with the affected property owners at a staff and in individual meetings to discuss easement acquisition on each property and address any construction concerns. The easements sbould be available to be signed at that meeting. 3. In the event that there are particular people who object to conveying the easement or some other matter, follow-up meetings should be held with those individuals. 4. The Council should determine a reasonable per acre general value that they would agree to offer as compensation if the property owners insist on compensation, 5. Any particular construction problems, structures, or trees should be identified as soon as possible. 6. Any properties that will require condemnation should be identified by the end of this year so that we have adequate time to proceed with appraisals, offers, and condemnation. The procedure above will hopefully reduce overall land acquisition costs by reducing legal and engineering time, identifying and addressing potential construction and land acquisition problems as soon as possible, and minimizing the number of parcels that actually have to proceed to condemnation. The Odean Avenue project required putting almost all parcels into condemnation in order to assure a date certain for construction to commence. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact me. Very truly ours, ew �JMak COURI MA.CA.RTHUR cc: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Dan Licht, NAC 20'd EZ88TVV 01 jnH, .jeoeW 2 TinoO Wo,IU WdTF:TP FRR?-).A-r.r. CITY OF OTSEGO Prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Municipal State Aid Program (217) 5 -Yrs Construction Fund Balance Revised 11/01/02 NOTES: 1) Maintenance funds received each year are not included in the construction fund calculations. 2) Estimated Share/Municipal/aebethel/OT315MSA5-YrBal2002(b) Page 1 EST. OF PROJ. ENDING DATE FUNDING EVENT ROUTE TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT STARTING BALANCE COSTS BALANCE 12/99 Unencumbered Balance $ 25,121 2000 Allotment - Maintenance 92,135 2000 Allotment - Construction $ 276,405 $ 301,526 2001 Allotment - Maintenance ! $ 80,138 ' 2001 Allotment - Construction i $ 240,415 $ 541,941 1/01 108-01 V� 78th St Construction & Design $ (37,394) $ 504,547 1/01 105-02 " Odean Avenue Construction Engineering $ (219,168) $ 285,380 4/01 105-02 ! Odean Avenue Construction $ (17,449) $ 267,931 9/01 108-01 78th St Construction Engineering $ (54,547) $ 213,384 9/01 103-01 Page Avenue Construction Engineering $ (9,930) $ 203,454 9/01 107-02 Quaday Avenue Consturction Engineering $ (12,413) $ 191,041 2002 Allotment - Maintenance $ 84,411 ' 2002 Allotment - Construction $ 253,232 $ 444,273 2002 105-02 Odean Avenue S.A.'s, C.O.'s, and W.O.'s (Mn/DOT Approved) $ (46,619) $ 397,654 v 105-02 Odean Avenue Easements (actual - could be sent in) $ (95,392) $ 348,882 105-02 Odean Avenue Easements (estimated -,pending) $ (17,735) 2 $ 331,147 2003 Allotment - Maintenance $ 84 411 4 2003 Allotment - Construction $ 253,232 $ �- 584,379 „ i t 2004 Allotment - Maintenance f $ gg 1 84 411 z 2004 Allotment - Construction $ 253 232 � S 837,611 2005 Allotment -Maintenance � ..,.,....,__ $ ......_._.84,411 f , 2005 Allotment - Construction $ ......_.. _.._........ 253,232 ..I,..�..,,._...... . 1,090,843 2006 Allotment - Maintenance ) i $ 84,411 1'2 _._ . 2006 Allotment -Construction$ .......... 253,232 s $ _ 1,344,075 NOTES: 1) Maintenance funds received each year are not included in the construction fund calculations. 2) Estimated Share/Municipal/aebethel/OT315MSA5-YrBal2002(b) Page 1 IN Table IV city of Otsego 85th Street Improvement Project (Both Segments) Total Estimated Amount from Roadway Assessments a • indicates 10 year assessment @ 8 PROJECT AREA EXHIBIT A ROADWAY CONSTRUCTION x BENEFITTING PROPERTIES PROPERTIES BENEFITTING FROM ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS 1000 0 1000 2000 SCALE IN FEET 2/21/01 OT332/01332-EXA.DWG