11-25-02 CCITEM 4. 1. Date: November 21, 2002 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Draft City Financial Plan I have enclosed a copy of the draft City Financial Plan. This includes a wide variety of City bonds, projects, improvements, and other financing issues. There are a few areas where we do not have updated financial information yet. These areas are marked with a Please review this document and let us of any changes or additions you would like to see in it. In the future, I see this document being updated once a year and presented to the Council in the spring. CITY OF OTSEGO FINANCIAL PLAN NOVEMBER, 2002 This Financial Plan lists a variety of City financial issues, from improvement assessments to particular bond issues to specially created funds, along with the assumptions, agreements, and reasoning that went into the creation of each financial issue. It is intended to be used as; 1) A historical tool for anyone who wants to review past decisions and their reasoning. 2) A reference for anyone who wants to understand the City of Otsego's financial planning decisions. 3) Assistance for City staff who may not have been involved in the decision-making but who are now charged with carrying out the decisions. This document is intended to be complementary to the annual audit of City finances. The audit contains more detailed information on City finances. 1991 ROAD IMPROVEMENT - PACKARD AVENUE The 1991 Improvement Bond was for $210,000 and was for Packard Avenue Reconstruction. The bond was called early and paid off to save on interest costs by Council resolution of April 23, 2001. Some assessments are still coming in on this improvement. Any remaining balance will be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund on a yearly basis until all assessments are received. 1992 CITY HALL CONSTRUCTION The construction of City Hall in 1992 was financed by debt issued by the City's Economic Development Authority (EDA). The debt issued was $450,000 and will be paid off in 2007. The debt service payment is budgeted as Rent/Debt Service in the General Fund budget each year and listed under the City Hall department. Because some of the construction work was done by Councilmembers, City staff, and other volunteer labor, the building was constructed for less than estimated costs and this account has a surplus of $171,600 (December, 2001). The surplus has been reserved for repairs, remodeling, or expansion of City Hall. 2 1994 IMPROVEMENT - WELL #1 The 1994 Improvement Bond was for $210,000 and was for construction of the City's Well #1. Well #1 served only Otsego Elementary School until 1999 when the City constructed the Eastern Water System and Well #1 was connected into that system. The remaining balance of this bond will be paid from the Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund. It has $76,000 (12/31/01) in debt remaining and will be paid off in 2004. 1996 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS ISLAND VIEW & MISSISSIPPI SHORES The 1996 Improvement Bond was for road improvements in the Island View and Mississippi Shores Additions in the amount of $655,000. The bond is being paid for by a combination of assessments and property tax levies. Assessments were made at 7.5% interest and no more tax levies are anticipated to pay off the bonds. The Bond has $355,000 (12/31/01) remaining in principal payments and matures in 2007. The Bond can be called any day after February 1, 2004. Any balance remaining after all payments are made will be transferred to the Capital Improvements Fund. 3 1998 & 1999 SEWER & WATER IMPROVEMENT EASTERN DISTRICT The 1998 & 1999 Sewer & Water Improvement Bonds were for the installation of Otsego's first municipal water and sewer system. This was installed in eastern Otsego adjacent to Highway 101. $4,500,000 was borrowed in 1998, and $2,595,000 was borrowed in 1999, for a total of $7,095,000. The bond payments will be made from the Sewer Accessibility Charges (SAC) and Water Accessibility Charges (WAC) paid by those developers, builders, and property owners who hook into the system. These charges are deposited into the Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund. There is currently $6,510,598 (December 2001) in the Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund. This is enough to cover the next 11 years of payments for this bond. The bonds have $6,850,000 (12/31/02) remaining in principal payments and mature in 2020. Both bonds can be called as of December 1, 2004. 4 1998 ROAD IMPROVEMENTS 78 TH STREET, QUADAY AVENUE, & PAGE AVENUE The 78" Street, Quaday Avenue, and Page Avenue road improvements were done as part of three residential developments that connected to City sewer and water. Those developments were Prairie Creek, Pheasant Ridge, and Crimson Ponds Additions. These road improvements were paid for by a combination of MSA (Minnesota State Aid) funds, Park Dedication funds for the trails, and Road Access fees paid on a per lot basis by the developers of those additions. The Road Access fees were intended to cover approximately 50% of the road construction costs, because that was about the cost of a residential road. The City paid the additional costs because the roads were Collector roads and were wider than a normal residential road. There is undeveloped land on the south side of 78 th Street and the east side of Quaday Avenue. Because of that, both of those improvements show a deficit which will be made up when that land develops and the developers pay road access fees. The current status (12/31/01) of each of these projects is 78th Street (Between Quaday Avenue & Page Avenue) Road Improvement. There is a deficit of $277,454.77 in this account. This represents approximately half of the cost of the construction of this street. This deficit will be made up when the area on the south side of 78 th Street is developed and assessed street access fees. Quaday Avenue (Between County Road 42 & 78 th Street) Road Improvement. There is a deficit of $65,772.50 in this account. This represents approximately half of the cost of the construction of this street. This deficit will be made up when the area on the east side of Quaday Avenue is developed and assessed street access fees. Page Avenue (Between 78 th Street & 85th Street) Road Improvement. There is a surplus of $477,798.64 (5/02) in this account because Page Avenue has only been constructed between 78th Street and 79t" Street. Page Street is expected to be finished between 7 9th Street and 85 th Street in Fall, 2002. 5 1999 OVERLAY STREET IMPROVEMENT The 1999 Overlay Improvement consisted of the milling and overlay of a number of streets in the City of Otsego. Besides street overlays, a small amount of storm sewer work was done on 80th Street. Though begun in 1999, the improvement was not totally completed until 2001, and contractor delays caused a lot of complaints. The improvement was bonded for at the same time as the Sewer & Water improvement, and was included in the same bond issue. Consequently the bond amount of $1,800,000 was based on a cost estimate, and bids came in well under the estimate. The additional funds were transferred to the debt service account for this improvement in 2002, which allowed the City tax levy contribution to be reduced considerably. The total cost was $1,425,128.40. 43% of the cost was assessed. The rest is being paid for on a yearly basis as part of the general tax levy. This improvement was assessed in November, 1999 at $1,164.50 per benefiting household unit. There were 525-1h benefiting household units, including undeveloped acreage. In the rural parts of the improvement, acreage was assessed at one benefiting unit per 40 acres. Property owners were told that if they developed their acreage in the future, they could be assessed for each new lot created. The assessment was for 10 years at 6% interest. The bond has $1,460,000 (12/31/01) remaining in principal payments and matures in 2009. The Bond can be called as of December 1, 2004. When the bond is all paid off, any remaining balance will be transferred to the Capital Improvements Fund. R ODEAN AVENUE IMPROVEMENT 1999-2000 The Odean Avenue Improvement consisted of the reconstruction and widening of a little over two miles of Odean Avenue from County Road 39 south to County Road 37. The city received a grant of over one million, three hundred thousand dollars through the ISTEA(T-2000) federal grant program. This grant, MSA funds, assessments of benefited properties, and Park Dedication funds for the bike trail were the funding sources for the improvement. $82,571.44 of the storm sewer work benefited the Halls Pond Watershed, so it has been accounted for under that watershed. As of (11/02) not all easements have been settled, so final costs have not yet been established. When costs are finalized, any deficit will be made up from MSA (Minnesota State Aid) Funds. Costs as of (11/02) are: Construction $1,848,933.11 Engineering $ 322,221.46 Easements $ 331,797.00 Appraisals $ 54,370.00 Legal $ 25,314.50 TOTAL $2,582,636.07 Funding sources were: ISTEA Grant $1,343,558.91 MSA Funds $ Assessments $ 178,500.00 Bike Trail Funds $ Halls Pond Funds $ 82,571.44 TOTAL $ This improvement was assessed in July 30, 2001 at $3,500 per benefiting household unit. There were 51 benefiting household units, including undeveloped acreage. In the rural parts of the improvement, acreage was assessed at one benefiting unit per 40 acres. Property owners were told that if they developed their acreage in the future, they could be assessed for each new lot created. The assessment was for 10 years at 6% interest. Of the $178,500 in assessments, $54,000 was deferred pending future development. 7 2001 IMPROVEMENTS - 8 8TH STREET STREET, SEWER, WATER, & STORMWSEWER The 2001 88t" Street improvements were petitioned for by Christ Lutheran Church. As part of their expansion plans the City required them to be hooked up to City sewer and water. Among other benefiting property owners were the Bank of Elk River and the Mary Rose Dare land. The improvements consisted of reconstruction of the existing street, construction of a new street extension, and installation of sewer, water, and storm sewer. The total cost of this improvement as of (11/02) is $426,000. Final costs should be determined some time in 2003. The improvement was funded by the City out of cash balance, with the intent that it would be 100% assessed to benefiting properties. All of the street, sewer, and water costs have been 100% assessed. The improvement hearing was held August 22, 2000, and the assessment hearing was held July 30, 2001. The assessment period is for 10 years, and the interest rate is 6%. The storm sewer costs will be assessed as a storm sewer fee in 2003. 8 2001 SLABTOWN IMPROVEMENTS The Slabtown Improvement assessment was one of the most complicated assessments ever done by the City of Otsego. The improvements consisted of sewer, water, storm sewer, and street improvements which were installed by the City of Dayton in 2001. The Public Improvement hearing was held July 31, 2000, and August 8, 2000. The Assessment Hearing was held September 10, 2001 and September 24, 2001. The assessment period is for 20 years, the interest rate is 6%, and the first installment was paid in 2002. These improvements were part of a larger Dayton improvement project which provided sewer and water to the "Old Village,, of Dayton, along with street and stormwater improvements, while providing the same improvements to the Slabtown neighborhood, four properties of which were in Otsego. In addition, one of the Otsego properties was in the process of being subdivided into an additional 5 lots, with the final platting of the 5 lots being delayed until the sewer and water were installed. This was part of Otsego's construction of a sewer plant, of which Dayton contracted to purchase and pay for 20% of the plant. Dayton entered into an agreement with the Otsego City Council to assess the City of Otsego for the improvements to the four Otsego properties, and Otsego then assessed the four properties directly. Since Dayton and Otsego's assessment policies were different, this resulted in slightly different amounts being assessed to the Otsego properties. The total assessments were as follows. 1. Clare T. Brauch, PID#118-500-364100, 17950 62'11 Lane NE, $22,536.00 2. Earl & Elaine Schulenburg, PID#118-500-364101, 6276 Rawlings Avenue NE, $15,270.00 3. Bruce & Nancy McAlpine, PID#118-500-364401, 6169 Richardson Avenue NE, $19,770.00 4. Rick & Rebecca Grupa, PID#118-500-364400, 6201 Richardson Avenue NE, $86,222.00 The breakdown of the assessment is as follows; Street & Storm Sewer $ 9,104 Sewer Trunk $ 2,033 Water Trunk $ 1,538 Sewer Lateral $ 2,380 Water Lateral $ 4,715 Sewer Plant Access Fee $ 2,766 Total $22,536 9 The Sewer Plant Access fee was not part of Dayton's expenses that was assessed to the City of Otsego, but was the City of Otsego's cost as part of its regular SAC fee. Dayton had paid their SAC fees by paying for 20% of the cost of the construction of the sewer plant. The Otsego City Council offered all four property owners the opportunity to have the SAC fee assessed as part of the improvement assessment. The benefit for the property owners is that they could pay off the fee as part of their assessment. Those proverty owners who did not aaree to this will have to pay the SAC fee in its entirety in the future when they hook up to City sewer. Clare T. Brauch was the only one who agreed to this. That is why her assessment is $2,766 higher than the others. The McAlpines and Schulenbergs did not agree to be assessed since they did not intend to hook up to sewer until some time in the future. The Grupas did not agree since they were intending to subdivide their property in the future. The Schulenburg assessment is lower by $4,500 because they were not charged for 'A of a street/storm water assessment because their driveway went into County Road 36 rather than the improved City street. The City Council told the Schulenbergs that if they or future property owners ever put a driveway into the improved City street the City could assess them for the street improvement. The Grupa assessment is larger because they received Preliminary Plat approval for five additional lots, so their assessment is spread across six total lots. That assessment was calculated as follows. Grupa Lot 1 (Existing house) $19,770 Grupa Lot 2 $19,770 Grupa Lot 3 $ 3,571 Grupa Lot 4 $ 3,571 Grupa Lot 5 $19,770 Grupa Lot 6 $19,770 Lots 3 and 4 have smaller assessments because they are paying only the Sewer Trunk and Water Trunk costs. Their driveways will go into County Road 36, so they don't pay street/storm water costs, and sewer and water laterals will be installed by the developer as part of the development of those lots, so they don't pay those costs. Grupa final platted his property into five lots in April, 2002. The City Council agreed that his assessments could be divided among all 6 of his lots. Grupa will pay off the remainder of each assessment on a per lot basis when he pulls a building permit for that lot. When Grujoa pulls a building 1permit, the Sewer Plant Access Fee will be added to the buildina,T)ermit fee. 10 2002 IMPROVEMENTS - OTSEGO'S WATERFRONT STREETr SEWER & WATER, AND TRAFFIC LIGHT This improvement is the installation of street, sewer, water, storm sewer, and a traffic light at the intersection of County Road 39 and County Road 42. These improvements were for the commercial development located at County Roads 39 & 42 known as Otsego's Waterfront West. These improvements were paid for by the City out of cash balance. The costs were guaranteed by the developer, LandCor, Inc., which provided a letter of Credit of $1,500,000.00. The improvement was 100% petitioned for by LandCor. Construction of the improvement began in summer 2002 and was finished in fall 2002. The assessment hearing will be held in 2003. 2002 IMPROVEMENTS - 8 STH STREET EXTENSION STREET, SEWER & WATER This improvement is the extension of 85t" Street east from its intersection with County Road 42 (Parrish Avenue). This improvement includes installation of sewer and water, storm sewer, and street reconstruction. The improvement was petitioned for by Today Companies as part of the development of a 4 lot business park on the south side of 85t' Street. The improvement was estimated at $300,000. The improvement hearing was held October 22, 2001. Construction began in Fall, 2002 and will be completed in Summer, 2003. The improvement is being paid for out of cash balance. The south of the property, owned by Today Companies, guaranteed payment of their share of improvement costs with a letter of credit. The north side of the property, owned by the Kolles Family Trust, will be assessed for their share in 2003. The assessment hearing has not been scheduled. 11 WEST OTSEGO SEWER & WATER IMPROVEMENTS The West Otsego sewer and water improvements are scheduled to be constructed in 2003, and are intended to be financed through a revenue bond. The bond will be paid by hookup charges paid by users of the sewer system. As of 11/02, the costs incurred so far for the planning of these improvements is $133,685.83. These costs have been taken from cash balance. EAST SEWER PLANT PHASE 11 EXPANSION The Phase II expansion of the East Otsego Sewer Plant was ordered by Council on October 8, 2001. Construction began in summer 2002 and is expected to be completed in summer 2003. The costs incurred so far (11/02) are $1,572,916.22, and are being funded out of the Water & Sewer Debt Fund. These costs will be paid for by hookup charges paid by users of the system. 12 RESERVE FUNDS (As of DECEMBER 31, 2001) Reserve funds are necessary for financial management for several reasons. Some reserves are for specific projects that are contemplated in the future, some are for assistance with improvement projects that cannot be 100% percent assessed, some are for cash flow purposes, and some are for emergencies. Cash Flow/Budget Reserve The City receives its property tax revenues in July and December. It receives its State aids in July and December. Because of this, the City needs to have funds on hand to pay for the first six months of its operations. The City's auditors have recommended that Otsego have a reserve of 40- 45% of its general yearly budget as a reserve. Year Cash Flow Reserve 2000 $594,561 2001 $644,561 2002 $710,411 Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund The Water & Sewer Debt Service fund contains the Water Access Charges (WAC) and Sewer Access Charges (SAC) paid by the developers and builders of new homes and commercial buildings in the sewer district, as well as the SAC/WAC fees paid by existing homes and buildings that hooked up to City sewer and water. These funds are used to make the payments on the seven million dollars that the City borrowed to construct the sewer and water system. This fund currently has a balance of $6,510,598, which is an increase from $2,881,266 in 2000. This is enough to fund the next 11 years of bond payments. Park Development Fund This fund consists of the Park & Trail fees paid by developers when they plat their land. These fees are used for the purchase of park land, construction of parks, purchasing park equipment, and construction of trails. This fund currently has a balance of $1,304,570, which is an increase from $632,169 in 2000. Park Shelter Fund This fund consists of donations and budget surpluses from the last several years of the Park & Recreation budget which were set aside to construct the park shelter. This fund currently has a deficit of -$15,856 after payment for park shelter materials. The deficit will be made up by a 13 transfer from the Park Development Fund. Park Tree Fund This fund consists of donations and grants for the purchase of trees for City parks. This fund currently has a balance of $436, up from $427 in 2000. Building inspection Fund This fund tracks the revenues received from building permits and septic permits on a yearly basis along with the expenditures for the Building Inspection contract. At the end of each year, all surplus is transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund and this fund starts the year with a zero balance. In 2001 there were revenues of $700,818.55 and expenditures of $309,769.98. $391,048.57 was transferred to the Capital Improvements Fund from this fund. Revolving Capital Improvement Fund This fund consists of; cash left over when improvement bonds are closed out, delinquent assessments still coming in from those bonds, assessments on City financed (non -bonded) improvements, budget surpluses from previous years, and transfers of surplus building permit revenues. This fund is intended to be used to finance smaller City improvements that are not bonded and to finance the portion of City improvements that are not supported by other fund sources such as MSA funds, State or Federal grants, and assessments. The current balance in the fund is $762,253, which is an increase from $384,052 in 2000. Revolving Capital Equipment Fund This fund consists of funds transferred to it in prior years. Typically these funds were surplus revenues from prior budget years. This fund is set up to purchase new City equipment either outright or provide a source of yearly payments, so that the purchase of a major piece of equipment does not strain the budget in any one year. The current balance in the fund is -$9,055, which is a decrease from $56,014 in 2000. In 2001 money from this fund was used to purchase two mowers, a pump, and a 2002 truck. Fire Funds The Fire Funds consist of the funds assessed each property in the City for fire protection. 2000 was the first year these funds were broken into sub -districts for each fire department. Elk River Fire District - There is a surplus of $130,353 in this district, an increase from $97,493 in 2000. The City was billed $56,847 in 2001 from Elk River for fire protection. Council is currently looking at accumulating funds for construction of a fire station. 14 Albertville Fire District - There is a surplus in this district of $8,579, an increase from $4,525 in 2000. The City was billed $17,520 in 2001 from Albertville for fire protection. Rocfers Fire District - There is a surplus in this district of $6,376, which is a decrease from $11,540 in 2000. The decrease came about because Rogers billed us for several years of payments which they had not billed us for before. The City was billed $5,151 in 2001 from Rogers for fire protection. Monticello Fire District - There is a deficit in this district of -$1,713, which is a slight decrease from -$1,612 in 2000. The City Council recently passed a minor increase in rates which should take care of this deficit. The City was billed $7,350 in 2001 from Monticello for fire protection. Watershed Funds The Watershed Funds consist of the storm sewer fees paid by developers and assessments to property owners benefited by storm sewer improvements. These funds consist of several watershed districts where most of the work has been done and the fees and assessments have been collected. North Mississipipi Watershed Fund - There is a deficit in this fund of -$98,023, a slight decrease from -$96,954 in 2000. This is because most of the trunk storm sewer facilities in this district have been completed. As this area develops further, particularly Otsego's Waterfront, the fees received from,development should bring this fund into balance. Lefebvre Creek Watershed Fund - The balance in this fund is $296,215,'which is an increase from $34,155 in 2000. The majority of new residential development is occurring in this district. Work has been done to improve the capacity of the upper reaches of Lefebvre Creek. Major work still remains to be done on the lower stages (below County Road 42) of Lefebvre Creek. Halls Pond Watershed Fund - There is a deficit in this fund of -$82,571. This represents the amount of storm sewer work done on the Odean Avenue Improvement (1999-2000) beyond what was necessary to capture storm water generating by Odean Avenue. It is principally the cost of establishing the Wilson -Berge storm water pond on 85 th Street and Odean. Additional storm water work for this watershed will be done on the future 85 th Street Improvement. 15 Otsego Creek Watershed Fund - The balance in this fund is $********. This balance was determined in 2002 by reviewing previous years expenditures for culvert replacement in Otsego Creek. The majority of development on the western side of Otsego will occur within this watershed, and storm sewer fees paid by new development will reimburse this account. Municipal Building Construction Fund This fund consists of money left over after the construction of City Hall. The money was saved from the construction bid price because councilmembers, staff, and volunteers did a lot of the work to save money. This money is reserved for the construction of an addition to, or major remodeling of, City Hall. The balance in this fund is $171,600, an increase from $161,787 in 2000. 16 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 25,2002 TO: Judy Hudson ITEM 5 - Attached is the Claims List for the City Council. For more details, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register 11-18-2002 $ 4,382.00 11-07-2002 $ 809,862.95 GRAND TOTAL $ 814,244.95 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this Est further, please let me know. Kathy Grover Bookkeeper CITY OF OTSEGO 11/20/02 2:30 PM Page 1 *Check Summary Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 FILTER: None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELIKIRIVER UnPaid ACT ELECTRONICS INC $11,921.51 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $19.75 UnPaid AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING $928.40 UnPaid CITY OF ALBERTVILLE $9,045.15 UnPaid CO-OPERATIVE HOME BUILDERS INC $1.000.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $396.91 UnPaid DAVID & STACY EDDY $300.00 UnPaid DON'S BAKERY $57.80 UnPaid DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $1,000.00 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $205.20 UnPaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE $4.97 UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $1,433.49 UnPaid FENNA HOMES $1,000.00 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $472.24 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $150.45 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $137,731.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,495.06 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $59,103.74 UnPaid HAWKINS CHEMICAL $198.50 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $422.31 UnPaid JUDYHUDSON $363.73 U nPaid LITTLE FALLS MACHINE $101.61 . nPaid MEDICA $4,392.05 iPaid MIKE DAY $567.44 L)nPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $102.00 UnPaid NAILSENDER CORP INC $8,569.00 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $9,710.62 UnPaid OMANN BROTHERS INC. $57.33 UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $11,912.25 UnPaid PITNEYBOWES $100.02 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,292.61 UnPaid RMR SERVICES, INC $1,681.48 UnPaid RUM RIVER CONTRACTING $2,950.00 UnPaid SAFETY TRAIN, INC. $360.00 UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $0.52 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $320.32 UnPaid TARGETSTORES $22.94 UnPaid TRUDELL TRAILERS OF MN I NC $2,500�00 UnPaid US BANK $536,901.25 UnPaid USINTERNET $49.95 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $50.00 UnPajd ZIEGLER INC $981.35 Total Checks $809,862.95 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 11/20/02 2:30 PM Page 1 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER npaid ACT ELECTRONICS INC E 423-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $11,921.51 1441 QUADAY ST PROJECT Total ACT ELECTRONICS INC $11,921.51 AIR -GAS, INC. . ................................. E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $19.75105779732 ACET/HAZMAT/OXYGEN Total AIRGAS, INC. $19.75 Unpaid AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING E 420-43100-302 Engineering Few $928.40 20520 PAGE 79TH TO 85TH Total AMERICAN ENGINEERING TESTING $928.40 . . .... ............................... CITY OF ALBERTVILLE E 211-42200-390 Contracted Services $9,045.15 FIRE PROCTECTION Total CITY OF ALBERTVILLE $9,045.15 Unpaid CO-OPERATiVE HOME BUILDERS INC E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 8052 PARELL LNDSCP Total CO-OPERATIVE HOME BUILDERS INC $1,000.00 CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $267.05 93373 MISCSUPPLIES E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $129.86 93860 MISC SUPPLIES Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $396.91 Unpaid DAVID & STACY EDDY R 601-37150 WATER SALES $300.00 WATER BILL REFUND Total DAVID & STACY EDDY $300.00 DON'S BAKERY E 101-41900-430 Miscellaneous (GENERAL) $12.87 5821 MEETING 10/29 E 101-41400-205 Election Supplies $44.93 5822 ELECTION FOOD Total DON'S BAKERY $57.80 Unpaid DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 8141 PADGETT AVE LNDSCP Total DRAKE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $1,000.00 Zr�aj` ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $48.45 137101 CANCELLATION NOTICE E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $51.30 137103 NOTICE LANDCOR E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $51.30 137104 NOTICE LANDCOR E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $54.15 137105 NOTICE LANDCOR Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $205.20 Unpaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE E 101-41400-205 Election Supplies $4.97 502172 SEALS/WIRE Total ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE $4.97 . . . . . . . ........................................... Unpaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E 101-45300-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $1,433.49 16248 HPC BOOKS Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $1,433.49 Unpaid FENNA HOMES E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $1,000.00 8275 PADRE CRT LNDSCP Total FENNA HOMES $1,000.00 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM CITY OF OTSEGO 11/20/02 2:30 PM Page 2 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Amt InvoiC_e_ Comment E 101-41940-390 Contracted SeNces $80-09 100o0q MATS M M E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $95.41 100010 UNIFORMS E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $76.77 885310 UNIFORMS E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $80-09 890179 MATS E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $73.26 890180 UNIFORMS E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $66.62 895084 UNIFORMS Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $472.24 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $9.64 1222740029 81 TRK E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $11.36 1222770009 81 TRK E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $129.45 122-2840028 POWWER UNIT Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $150.45 U n p GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. E429-43256-5CO Capital Outlay (GENERAL) ..$137,731.00 PAY 8 WWTF Total GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $137,731.00 Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $307.52 45092 OIL E101-43100-202 Gas& Oil $614.68 45130 DIESEL E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $140.90 45248 GREASE E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $332.70 45279 DIESEL E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $99.26 45280 FUELOIL Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,495.06 npaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC G 701-21958 Crimson Ponds 111 $57.75 6762 CP 4TH G 701-21988 Cummings $450.00 6763 OTS IND 5TH G 701-22313 BLACKWOODS SITE $123.47 6765 BLACKWOODS G701-22329 QUADAYADDITION $337.75 6766 QUADAY ADDITION E 420-43100-302 Engineering Fees $2,812-80 6767 PAGE 79TH TO 85TH E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $37.50 6770 MINING PERMITS E 203-45210-302 Engineering Fees $906.75 6771 PRAIRIE PARK E 203-45210-302 Engineering Fees $339.63 6772 LILY POND PARK E 420-43100-302 Engineering Fees $603.17 6773 85TH ST BIKE PATH G 701-21927 0. Thompson CUP 99-18 $1,217.07 6774 RIVERPOINTE 1 G 701-21936 Mississippi Pines PUD 00 $387.10 6775 MISSISSIPPI PINES G 701-21938 TNIH Development $130.06 6776 DAYPROP G 701-21942 Ranch Acres $42.98 6777 RANCH ACRES GRUPA G 701-21949 Stone Gate Estates $115.50 6778 STONEGATE1 G 701-21958 Crimson Ponds 111 $57.75 6779 CP3RD G 701-21961 Pheasant Ridge #rd & 4th $158A6 6780 PR 4TH G 701-21940 Thq "Point I & 2" - Big Ed's $125.13 6781 THE POINTE G 701-21987 Baurely site Plan Review $211.53 6782 1-94 WEST G 701-21974 Prairie Creek 4th $57.75 6783 PC 4TH G 701-21970 MEADOWLANDS $1,148.18 6784 MEADOWLANDS G 701-21977 Stone Gate 2nd $388.95 6785 STONEGATE2 G 701-21980 Hidden Creek Trail Subd $406.08 6786 HIDDEN CREEK G 701-22321 RIVERPOINTE2ND $3,560.94 6787 RIVERPOINTE 2 G 701-21993 Otsego Farms $342.47 6789 OTSEGO FARMS E 101-41400-348 Maps $1,347.50 6790 CITY MAP E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $220.95 6791 STAFF MEETING G 701-21940 The "Point 1 & 2' - Big Ed's $3,905.95 6792 THE POINTE 2 G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $1,696.38 6793 GRENINGS MISS HILLS G 701-22333 MIDWEST LNDSCP $909.39 6794 MIDWEST LANDSCP G 701-22326 VALERIUS $150.00 6794 VALERIUS CITY OF OTSEGO 11/20/02 Z30 PM Page 3 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment G 701-22325 101 MARKET $349.13 6794 101 MARKET G701-22310 LEFEBVRE CARPET REZONE $75.00 6794 LEFEBVRE G 701-22331 PHEAST RIDGE 6 $1,708.13 6796 PR 6TH E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $4,054.52 6797 MISC ENG E 423-43100-302 Engineering Fees $13,078.99 6798 TRAFIC SIGNALS 39/42 E 423-43100-302 Engineering Fees $10,284.81 6800 QUADAY & 91 ST G701-22324 RIVERPOINTE3 $1,028.01 6802 RIVERPOINTE 3 E 434-43100-302 Engineering Fees $6,276.51 6803 85TH ST EXTENTION Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $59,103.74 Unpaid HAWKINS CHEMICAL E601-49400-209 WELL#30PERTCOST $198.50 480330 RIVERPOINTE WELL 3 Total HAWKINS CHEMICAL $198.50 1CMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement $230.00 PPE 1119 CK 11/13 E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 11/9 CK 11/13 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $429.31 paid JUDY HUDSON E 10 1 -41600-201 Office Supplies $100.00 DESK FOR FINANCE OFFICE E 101-41400-321 Mileage/Travel $82.80 MILEAGE ELECTIONS E 10 1 -41400-321 Mileage/Travel $74.00 MILEAGE CLERKS CONF E 10 1 -41400-205 Election Supplies $106.93 ELECTION SUPPLIES Total JUDY HUDSON $363.73 unj�l- —'-­—L1T'TLE FALLS MACHINE E101-43100-220 RGpair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $101.61 28949 DRAW CLAMP Total LITTLE FALLS MACHINE $101.61 MEDICA E 101-41400-123 Health $2,588.94 ADMIN - DEC E 101-43100-123 Health $1,803.11 PW - DEC Total MEDICA $4,392.05 Unpaid MIKE DAY E101-45250-203 Supplies -General $567.44 REIMBURSEMENT HAUNTED HOUSE Total MIKE DAY $567.44 MININESOTALIFE E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.40 ADMIN - DEC E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $74.60 PW - DEC Total MINNESOTA LIFE $102.00 Unpaid NAILIBENDER CORP INC G 101-12300 Special Assess Rec-Deferred $8,569.00 ASLAGSON SEPTIC Total NAILEENDER CORP INC $8,569.00 Unpaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS G 701-22332 PHEAST RIDGE 7 $316.27 12232 PHEAST RIDGE 7TH G 701-22325 101 MARKET $474.95 12232 NATHE 101 MARKET G 701-22318 RIVERVIEW BANK $201.50 12232 WTRFRT BANK/OFFICE G 701-22334 GODFATHER PUD $149.50 12232 GODFATHERS G 701-22335 KITTREDGE LNDING $889.05 12232 FARR COMP G 701-22337 Quest Development $551.05 12232 QUEST COMP G 701-22304 OTSEGO WATERFRONT $80.55 12232 WATERFRONT PUD G 701-22340 WATERFRONT LIQUOR STORE $39.00 12232 WTRFRT LIQ STORE G 701-22341 WATERFRONT FAM REST $39.00 12232 WTRFRT FAM REST CITY OF OTSEGO 11120/02 2:30 PM Page 4 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 G701-22342 WATER FRON CONV STORE rheckAmt $39-00 Invoice 12232 Comment WTRFRT CON/GAS G 701-22343 WF3RD ADD FINPLAT $39.00 12232 WTRFRT 3RD ADDN G701-22320 RETAIL OFFICE SPACE $117.00 12232 WTRFRT RETAIL E 101-41570-303 Planning Few $667.90 12233 GENERAL E 203-45210-303 Planning Fees $115-50 12233 PARK PLANNING E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $55-90 12233 87TH ST VACATION E 10 1 -41570-303 Planning Fees $2,077.47 12233 ZONING UPDATE E 101-45300-390 Contracted Services $280.50 12233 HPC E 101-42420-310 Miscellaneous $435.48 12234 CODE ENFORCEMENT E 10 1 -41570-303 Planning Fees $1,000-00 12235 MEETINGS E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $1,050-00 12236 CITY CODE E 10 1 -41570-303 Planning Fees $1,092.00 12237 ZONING ORD UPDATE Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $9,710.62 Unpaid OMANN BROTHERS INC. E 101-43100-433 Crackfilling $57.33 5116 AC FINES MIX Total OMANN BROTHERS INC. $57.33 Unpaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. E601-49400-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $1,286.25 6269 LABOR/SERVICE E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $2,791.45 6269 MONTHLY SERVICE E 602-49450-390 Contracted Services $7,834.5�- 6269 MONTHLYSERVICE Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $11,912.25 ipaid PITNEY BOWES ........... .............. E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $100.02 4705027-NVO2 POSTAGE METER Total PITNEY BOWES $100.02 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD G 101-21704 PERA $620.17 PPE 11/9 CK 11/13 E 101-41400-121 PERA $371.26 PPE 11/9 CK 11/13 E 101-43100-121 PERA $301.18 PPE 11/9 CK 11/13 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FID $1,292.61 paid 11*1--,."",.""",l*--.".-,-,".,-"-..Ill.l..,- RMR SERVICES, INC -- . . . ......................... ...... E 601-49400-203 Supplies - General . . $1,681.48 2002-218 METERS Total RMR SERVICES, INC $1.681.48 Unpaid RUM RIVER CONTRACTING E 101 -43100-434 Blacktop Patching — $2,950.00 1519 BLACKTOP TOM THUMB ROAD Total RUM RIVER CONTRACTING $2,950.00 Unpaid .. ................. SAFETY TRAIN, INC. E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conforences $350.00 101802 SAFETY TRAINING WALKTHROUGH Total SAFETY TRAIN, INC. $350.00 Unpaid SCHARBER & SONS E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $0.52 282904 94 FORD TRK Total SCHARBER &SONS $0.52 paid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC ........... . E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $144.33 V106245 93 CASE TRACTOR E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $117.50 V106250 93 CASE TRACTOR E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $58.49 V106251 93 CASE TRACTOR Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $320.32 Unpaid TARGET STORES E 101-43100-203 Supplies - General $22.94 1103230120 DAWN SOAP CITY OF OTSEGO 11 /20/02 2:30 PM Page 5 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total TARGET STORES Unpaid TRUDELL TRAILERS OF MN INC Unpaid E702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $2,500.00 LNDSCP REFUND Total TRUDELL TRAILERS OF MN INC $2,500.00 US BANK 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER $809,862.95 FILTER: None E 315-47000-602 Bond Interest $67,782.50 BOND 99A 33375720 E 315-47COG-602 Bond Interest $101,552.50 33367920 E 315-47000-601 Debt Sry Bond Principal $160,000.00 S/W 98A 33367920 E 316-47000-601 Debt Sry Bond Principal $175,000.00 BOND 19996 33375730 E 316-47000-602 Bond Interest $32,566.25 33375730 Total USBANK $536,901.25 paid USINTERNET E 101 -41400-390 Contracted Services $49,95 451691 MONTHLY FEE Total US INTERNET $49.95 Unpaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT . . . . ............ . ............ E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $50.00 3557 2 UTILITY PERMITS Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $50.00 ZIEGLER INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $733.90 552520 CUTTLING EDGE E 101 -43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $247.45 553825 CAT LOADER Total ZIEGLER INC $981.35 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER $809,862.95 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 11/ 18/02 11: 00 AM Page 1 *Check Summary Register@ NOVEMBER 2002 FILTER: None Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid ANDERSON DELLA $144.00 UnPaid ANN MBENTZ UnPaid BARB DEMARS $150.00 UnPaid BEAUDRY GERMAINE $82.00 UnPaid BETH SPECHT $144.00 UnPajd BEVERLY ANN RODEN $146.00 UnPaid BLACK PAM $86.00 UnPaid BLESI JUDITH $92.00 UnPaid CASSADY ROSE $76.00 UnPaid CEALIA CHAPP $232.00 UnPaid DEBRA K CHRISTMANN $144.00 UnPaid DENNIS EBERT $108.00 UnPaid DONNA STEINKOPF $146.00 UnPaid DORYCE LESHOVSKY $146.00 UnPaid DUERR NANCY $80.00 UnPaid ELAINE BEATTY $144.00 UnPaid ERICKA LARSON $212.00 $82.00 UnPaid GABRIEL DAVIS $92.00 UnPaid HENNICK LORENE $132.00 UnPaid KATHY EVILSIZER $16.00 UnPaid KELLY ELLIS UnPaud LINDA RAYMOND $64.00 UnPaid LINDENFELSER ARLENE $82.00 iPaid MADLAND SHIRLEY $144.00 -jnPajd MARGARET BOYLE $152.00 UnPaid NIKKIE WELTON $146.00 UnPajd PACKER PATRICIA $80.00 UnPaid PHYLLIS FOURNIER $130.00 UnPaid RACHELHAGEN $106.00 UnPaid RICHARD WILT $146.00 UnPaid SCHOEN JULIE $16.00 UnPaid SCHUCK STEVE $92.00 UnPaid SCHULTZ LILLIAN $164.00 UnPaid SHIERTS BONNIE $80.00 UnPaid SWENSON JOY $144.00 UnPaid VETSCH BERNADETTE $146.00 UnPaid VIRGINIA MARQUETTE $144.00 $92.00 Total Checks $4,382.00 FILTER: None CITY OF OTSEGO 11/18/02 11:02 AM Page 1 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Ch" Invoice Comment 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER DELLA E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total ANDERSON DELLA $144.00 M BENTZ E 101 -41400-103 Election Judges $150.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total ANN M BENTZ $150.00 Unpaid BARB DEMARS E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $82.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BARB DEMARS $82.00 Unpaid BEAUDRY GERMAINE . .. . ............................ E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BEAUDRY GERMAINE $144.00 Unpaid BETH SPECHT E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BETH SPECHT $146.00 Unpaid ..... .... . . . BEVERLY ANN RODEN E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $86.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BEVERLY ANN RODEN $86.00 ipaid BLACK PAM E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $92.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BLACK PAM $92.00 BLESI JUDITH E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $76.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total BLESI JUDITH $76.00 Unpaid CASSADY ROSE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $232.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total CASSADY ROSE $232.00 npaid CEALIA CHAPP E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total CEALIA CHAPP $144.00 Unpaid DEBRA K CHRISTMANN E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $108.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total DEBRA K CHRISTMANN $108.00 DENNIS EBERT E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total DENNIS EBERT $146.00 Unpaid DONNA STEINKOPF E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total DONNA STEINKOPF $146.00 j npaid DORYCELESHOVSKY E 101 -41400-103 Election Judges $80.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total DORYCE LESHOVSKY $80.00 'Z E 101 -41400-103 Election Judges $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY CITY OF OTSEGO 11 / 18/02 11:02 AM Page 2 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Am voice Comment Total DUERR NANCY $144.00 Unpaid ELAINE BEATTY E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $212.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total ELAINE BEATTY $212.00 Vn ERICKA LARSON . . . ................................ E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $82.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total ERICKA LARSON $82.00 Unpaid GABRIEL DAVIS E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $92.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total GABRIEL DAVIS $92.00 U npaid HENNICK LORENE E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $132.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total HENNICK LORENE $132.00 Unpaid KATHY EVILSIZER E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $16.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total KATHY EVILSIZER $16.00 npaid KELLY ELLIS—— - . . . . . . . . . . . ................................. E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $64.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total KELLY ELLIS $64.00 .ripaid LINDA RAYMOND E101-41400-103 Election Judges $82.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total LINDA RAYMOND $82.00 Unpaid LINDENFELSER ARLENE E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges; $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total LINDENFELSER ARLENE $144.00 Unpaj MADLAND SHIRLEY E101-41400-10.3 ElectionJudges $152.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total MADLAND SHIRLEY $152.00 Unpaid MARGARET BOYLE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total MARGARET BOYLE $146.00 Unpaid NIKKIE WE"L"i'O.."N"'."' . ......................... E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $80.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total NIKKIE WELTON $80.00 npaid PACKER PATRICIA***' E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $130.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total PACKER PATRICIA $130.00 Unpaid FO6hNIE'R' E101-41400-103 Election Judges $106.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total PHYLLIS FOURNIER $106.00 _jr;�w_____RACH_EL__ HAGEN E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total RACHEL HAGEN $146.00 ---RICHARD WILT .......................... .......... E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $16.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY CITY OF OTSEGO 11/ 18102 11:02 AM Page 3 *Check Detail Reqister@ NOVEMBER 2002 Check Amt Invoice Comment Total RICHARD WILT $16.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Unpaid SCHOEN JULIE E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $92.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total SCHOEN JULIE $92.00 SCHUCK STEVE . . . .. . . . .. . . .................................. E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $164.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total SCHUCK STEVE $164.00 Unpaid SCHULTZ LILLIAN E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $80.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total SCHULTZ LILLIAN $80.00 Unpaid SHIERTS BONNIE E101-41400-103 EfectionJudges $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total SHIERTS BONNIE $144.00 Unpaid SWENSON JOY E 101 -41400-103 Election Judges $146.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total SWENSON JOY $146.00 VETSCH BERNADETTE . . . . . . . . ................................. E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges; $144.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total VETSCH BERNADETTE $144.00 -npaid VIRGINIA MARQUETTE E101-41400-103 ElectionJudges $92.00 ELECTION JUDGE PAY Total VIRGINIA MARQUETTE $92.00 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER $4,382.00 FILTER: None Bonestroo Now Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architec,ts October 25, 2002 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equi ITEM 5.2. and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. RE. , Marvin L. Sorvala. RE. - Glenn R. Cook. RE. - Robert I G. SChunichr. RE. Jerry A. Bourdon, RE. Senior Consultants: Robert W. Rosene, RE. Joseph C. Anderlik. RE. Richard E. Turner, P.E. Susan M. Eberlin. C -PA. Associate Principals: Keith A. Gordon, RE. Robert R. Plefferle. RE. Richard W. Foster, RE. David 0. Loskota. RE. Mark A. Hanson. RE, - Michael T Raurmann, RE. - Ted K. Field, RE. - Kenneth P Anderson. RE. Mark R. Rolfs, RE. David A. Bonestroo, M.B.A. - Sidney P. Williamson, RE.. L.S. - Agnes M. Ring, M.B.A. - Allan Rick Schmidt, RE. - Thomas W Peterson, RE. - James R. MaJand, PE. - Miles B. Jensen. RE. - L. Phillip Gravel Ill. RE. - Daniel J. Edgerton, RE. Ismael Martinez. PE. - Thomas A. Syfko. RE. - Sheldon J. Johnson - Date A. Grove, RE. Thomas A. Roushdr. RE. Robert J. Devery. RE. Offices: St. Paul. St. Cloud, Rochester and Willmar, MN - Milwaukee, WI - Chicago, IL Website: www.bonestroo.com City of Otsego Mike Robertson, City Administrator 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Otsego East WWTF Phase 2 Work Request Number 7 BRA File No. 503-01-102 Dear Mike: .r 2 9 20 0 2 Attached is the "Status of Change Orders" for the Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility. be updated as work requests it Will are generated. The following information relates to Work Request No. 7 which has been reviewed and found to be in order. Approval of the Work Request enclosed herein, is reconuriended. WorkRequest Number 7 Sidewalk Changes/Additions: Cost to increase . the lineal footage of sidewalk on the project in addition to grading changes necessary to eliminate the steps in the sidewalk run to the existing final clarifiers. See attached figure. Add: $1,200.00 Masonry Changes/Additions: Note — This work has been completed. Cost to complete extra row of block around the top of the Pretre'atmentand Sludge Handling Buildings. Add: $2,195.44 Contractor mark up & bond: $204.56 Net Ad: $3,600.00 If you have any questions please call me at 651-604-4889. Sincerely, BON EST 00, kp�NE, ANPERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. N ��, I - A U Joel cc: KatJe Cavett, Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik W/attachments 2335 Weit Highway 36 a St. Paul, MN 55113 - 651-636-4600 - Fax: 651-636-1311 City of Otsego East WWTF Phase 2 Improvements Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik file number 503-01-102 Work Request Approval Record Work Request Number 7 Sidewalk Changes/Additions: Cost to increase the lineal footage of sidewalk on the project in addition to grading changes necessary to eliminate the steps in the sidewalk run to the existing final clarifiers. See attached figure. Add: $1,200.00 Masonry Changes/Additions: Note — This work has been completed. Cost to complete extra row of block around the top of the Pretreatment and Sludge Handling Buildings. Add: $2,195.44 Contractor Markup & Bond: $204.56 Total Net Add: $3,600.00 Approved: Date Michael Robertson, Otsego City Administrator Page I of 1 1U/25/02 FRI 10:51 FAX 61.2 559 3736 GRIDOR CONSTR Request for Change Order GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE Request No. SEVEN PLYMOUTH, IVIN 55441 Date OCT. 23, 2002 (7G3)383-6086 FAX (763)559-3736 Name of Project WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Location OTSEGO, MN, To BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC Address 2335 WEST HIGHWAY 36 ST. PAUL, MN 55113 Attention JOEL SCHMIDT Phone No. 651/ 604-4889 Fax No. 651/ 636-1311 Descriptions of Change MASONRY WORK SUBCONITRACTOR AXEL H. OHMANI, NIC. EXTRA ROW OF BLOCK AROUND TOP OF PRFTREATMENT AND SLUDGE BUMDa;G. SIDEWALKS - 100 L.F. x 4 FT. WIDE 400 S.F. P, $3.00 Labor $0.00 Material $0.00 Equipment SIDEWALK $1,200.00 Subcontract MASONIRY $2,195.44 SUB -TOTAL COSTS $3,395.44 Markup & Bond $204.56 TOTAL CHANGE AF)T-) $3,600.00 The contract completion date to be Increased Price subject to change after 30 days. GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. s2 ROBERT MEYER REQUEST.XLS 10/23/2002 3 calendar days. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER (a 002 10/25/02 FRI 10:51 F.A-T. 612 559 3736 GRIDOR CONSTR -A-X-EL H. OHMAN, INC. CONCRETF AIND NIASONRY CONTRACTOR Equal Opportunity Employer 247 WEST 6 C'T STREET, MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 Phone- (612) 861-6025 Fax: (612) 861-3247 September 3, 2002 Gridor Constr., Inc. 18 8 6 Berkshire Lane Plymouth, MN 55441-3723 Attention: Bob M.eyer RE: Otsego - WWTP Bob, There is an extra for laying block arcund the top of the sludge building at the precast edge. Bricklayer 6.5 hrs @ $69.15 $449.47 Labor 6.5 hrs @ $61-71 401.11 Material, tools, trucking 574.00 $1,424.58 Respectfully submitted,' A Irvd X111V pp D at* Paid ,hock No scove'D Z 00.3 10/25/02 FRI 10:52 FtX 612 559 3736 GRIDOR CONSTR 01 '- 04PN P! AXEL H. OHMAN, INC. C*O,NCRF*T1-* ANT] MASONRY CONTRACTOR Hyi:0 Opportunity Employer �-47 WFST 6 1'� rTRr-PT. MTNNRAP0(As',.VN 55.54 1 P 11honc: F.vi: (6 12) SO -3"Z47 October I S.2002 Gridor Constr., I rw 1 1996 Berkshirc 1 -uric PlYMULIth, MN 55441-372.3 Attcntion: Rob M-L:yer- RE: OtSego - WWTP Boll, There is an extra for laying block around the top of the pretreatinctit building at the PI-Ccast cdsc. Brickdaycr 4.5 lirs Ca, S69.15 Labor 4.5 lirs @7' S61,7 I Matcriil, tools. [I'LIC1011" 5311-17 277.69 .00 $ 770.86 Resp"tfully subinitted. 12004 10/25/02 FRI 10:52 FAX 612 559 3736 GRIDOR CONSTR zoo -3 WORK ORDER AXEL H.-OHMArd., IPJC. 247 WEST 6 IST STR55r * MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55419 (612) 861-6025 Date -rigekorm cx/r kA/�-T 640 5 0 r 'spor"'e 41 ix 6,44o 1�r mus 7) &OCAL oM IZ 14 'o. �� C to P �q Aa, 17e. e--oac--s CONCRETE AND MASONRY CCNTRA4zrOR pu�-6-�o Bonestroo NEM Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects November 7, 2002 N11r. Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 Sonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equal ITEM 5.3. and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo, RE. - Marvin L Sorvala. RE. - Glenn R. Cook. RE. - Robert G. Schunicht. PE, - Jerry A. Bourdon, RE. Senior Consultants: Robert W. Rosene. RE. Joseph C. Anderlik, RE. Richard E. Turner. RE. Susan M. Eberlin. C,PA. Associate Principals: Keith A. Gordon. RE. Robert R. Pfefferle. RE. Richard W Foster. RE. David 0. Loskora. PE. Mark A. Hanson. RE. . Michael T. Rautmann, RE. - Ted K. Field. PE. - Kenneth P. Anderson. RE. Mark R. Rolls, RE. David A. Sonestroo. M.8 A. - Sidney P Williamson, RE., L.S. - Agnes M. Ring, M.B.A. - Allan Rick Schmidt. RE. - Thomas W. Peterson. RE. - James R- Maland, RE. - Miles S. Jensen, RE. - L. Phillip Gravel Ill. RE. Daniel J. Edgerton. PE. Ismael Martinez, PE. - Thomas A. Syfko, RE. - Sheldon J. Johnson - Dale A. Grove, RE. - Thomas A. Roushar, RE. Robert J. Devery, RE. Offices: St. Paul. St. Cloud. Rochester and Willmar, MN - Milwaukee, WI - Chica 99 -- — F-' website: www.bonestroo.com P7 I t Nnil 1' 9 2002 1 I Attn: Mike Robertson, Administrator Re: City of Otsego� East Wastewater Treatment Facility Phase 2 Payment Request Number 8 BRA File No. 50301102-P.R. Dear Mr. Robertson: Enclosed are fou'r (4) copies of Request for Payment No. 8 from Gridor Constr., Inc. for the above referenced project for the period September 26, 2002 to October 30, 2002. The requested payment amount is $137,73 1.00. 1 recommend approval of this pay request by the City. Note the retainage is shown as zero because Gridor Construction Inc planned the alternate retainage method. If this has not been completed yet the pay request should be contingent upon completion of the alternate retainage account. Please return one signed copy of the approved pay request to our office. Send two to the Contractor along with his check, one for him and one for the Bonding Company. Keep one final c-c-pY for'.,,,our files. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the requested payment amount, please call me at (651) 604-4851. Sincerely, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Joel Schmidt cc: Bob Meyer, Gridor Constr., Inc. 2335 West Highway 36 w St. Paul, MN 55113 a 651-636-4600 - Fax: 651-636-1311 GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 Owner CITY OF OTSEGO T__ For Period 9/26/02 0 1 0_,'3_0,'_02____ —Engineer BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK& ASSOC. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SUMMARY. I ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 2 CHANGE ORDER - ADDITION -5-6 +5v' 9 1 CHANGE ORDER - DEDUCTION 4 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 5 VALUE COMPLETED TO DATE 6 MATERIAL STORED 7 AMOUNT EARNED THIS PERIOD 8 LESS RETAINAGE - 5% 9 SUB -TOTAL 10 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID I I AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST Recommended for Approval by: Engineer 0c, I ;? �_l ". (Project Engineer) Approved by Contractor: GRIDOR,�qNSTR., INC. )W,,p4t 7& Robert Meyer ecified Contract Completion Date: 4 1/1 /22 0 03 s 0:\BOB\Otsego 2001NPay Estimate\PAY.XLS EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 763-559-3734 Date A- ­­_ t No. 8 Approved by Owner: CITY OF ... Date 2,217,700 $ 2,217,700 $ 1 036,720 -5-6 +5v' 9 1 $ 1,495,639 0 1,495,639 1,357,908 137,731 ITEM NO 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 325 36 37 38 39 40 PAY ITEMS WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, M[N DESCRIPTION BOND & NIBILIZATION EXCAVATION & BACKFILL FINE GRADE SITE FENCE ROADS & WALKS TREES & SHRUBS CONCRETE 1300 CY @ $340.00 REINF. STEEL 130 TON @ $1,200.00 PRECAST CONCRETE MASONRY MISC. NfETALS - FRP - HATCHES CARPENTRY WOOD TRUSSES FRP DOME INSULATION & SHINGLES METAL SIDING & TRIM CAULKING DOORS & WINDOWS FLOOR TREATMENT PAINTING SPECIALTIES VORTEX GRIT PUMP POLYMER FEED EQUIPMENT UV DISINFECTION FINAL CLARIFIER CENTRIF. NON -CLOG PUNTS PROGRESSING CAVITY PUNTS GRIT CYCLONE & CLASSIFIER FORCED VORTEX GRIT CHAM[BER CYLINDRICAL FINE SCREEN GRAVITY BELT THICKENER CARROUSEL MECHANICAL AERATOR ODOR CONTROL SYSTEM PROCESS PIPE, VALVES, METER - MATERI.Al PIPE& EQUIPM[ENT LABOR EXTERIOR PIPE & SLEEVE LABOR INTERIOR PLUNMING VENTILATION ELECTRICAL SCADA SYSTEM SUBTOTAL MATERIAL STORED (CHANGE ORDERS) TOTAL PAY ESTIMATE NO. 8 9/26/02 TO 10/30/02 10/28/2002 AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COMPELTED AMOUNT APPROVED THIS PERIOD TO DATE 60,000 45,000 2,500 47,500 70,000 60,000 5,000 65,000 7,000 0 18,000 800 800 9.000 0 6.000 442,000 360,400 37,400 397,800 156,000 127,200 22,800 150,000 22,000 12,000 10,000 22,000 46,000 44,000 44.000 70.,000 1,000 3,000 4,000 22,000 5,000 12,000 17.,000 9,000 5,000 4,000 9,000 41,000 0 28.,000 14,000 14.000 44,000 0 5,000 0 22,000 1,000 I'mo 6,000 0 45,000 0 3,700 0 13,000 0 10,000 0 20,000 0 58,000 0 21,000 0 25,000 0 20,000 0 28,000 0 82,000 79,000 79,000 112,000 103,000 103,000 55,000 0 61,000 0 lio.,000 0 56,000 28,000 14,000 42,000 15,000 3,000 1,000 4,000 31,000 3,900 3,900 77,000 0 264,000 10,000 6,600 16,600 28,000 16,120 16,120 2,217,700 706,300 330,420 1,036,720 651,608 i 9 2. 6 9 f"' NJ 458.919 0 0 2,2 17;700 1,3 i7,908 137..731 1.495,639 10/28/2002 ITEM NO. 8 11 14 18 18 18 21 21 22 23 24 25 27 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 38 STORED MAT'L WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, NfN DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER REINF. STEEL A-'VIBASSADOR STEEL NUSC. METALS METRO MFG. FRP DOME FIBERGLASS STRUCT. WINDOWS W. L. HALL HNI DOORS & FRAMES DAVID HDW. DOORS FRANIES HDW DAVID HDW. LOUVERS OLSEN ENTERPRISES FIRE EXTINGUISHERS BARTLEY SALES VORTEX GRIT PUMP PARSONS ENGR-D. PROE POLYMER FEED EQUIP. US FILTER STRANCO UV DISINFECTION TROJAN FINAL CLARIFIER EIMCO PROGRESSING CAV. P. NETZSCH VORTEX GRIT CHAMBE SMITH & LOVELESS CYLINDRICAL FINE SCR LAKESIDE EQUIP. GRAVITY BELT THICK ASHBROOK CARROUSEL LICENSE EIMCO ODOR CONTROL SYS. CALGON CHECK VALVES GA IND. / DAVCO D. 1. PIPE & FITTINGS PLANT & FLANGED M. J. VALVE ACCESS. DAVCO FLOWNETER WILLIAM E. YOUNG PLUG VALVES SPX - DEZURIK MANHOLES ELK RIVER CONC. PROE MISC. SMALL PIPE US FILTER HVAC MATERIALS GREEN MECHANICAL MATERIAL STORED PAY ESTIMATE NO. PREVIOUS THIS AMOUNT AMOUNT 11,500 27,690 34,602 3 230 1:768 9,300 1,595 301 11,567 8,143 18,105 47,925 20,980 25,541 78,661 102,841 51,821 55,646 1,542 68,324 2,888 3,183 13,005 7,871 1,129 313 42,450 INSTALLED 11,500 78,661 102,841 NET AMOUNT 0 27,690 34,602 3,230 1,768 9,300 1,595 301 11,567 8,143 18,105 47,925 20,980 25,541 0 0 51,821 55,646 1,542 68,324 2,888 3,183 13,005 7,871 1,442 42,450 651,608 313 193,002 458,919 TOTAL CONMLETED & STORED 10/28/2002 4V5 DISTRIBUTION GROUP JSF - Rogers MN 3ranch - 243 16195 54th Street N.E. St Michael MN 55376 763/428-7473 Date Branch Account Salesperson Invoice Da Invoice Numb vo' t 0/0 06 243 099717 IDAN MARTIN 9120/02T - - 8770653 Remit to: US FILTER DISTRIBUTION GROUP PO BOX 91595 INVOICE CHICAGO, IL 9zr)C01j I 111 1111 1 111 if I I 1 1111111 111 ill, 1111 1 111 11 11 11 11 Shipped to: GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION (230) 09/052 CUSTOMER PICK-UP 1886 BERKSHIRE LN N PLYMOUTH MN 55441 3723 CUSTOMER JOB- 99 J 3 j Total Amount Due 146.41 VARIOUS SITES Thank You For The Opportunity To Serve You. Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit We appreciate you r prompt payInent. Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO No. Job Name Job No. Bill of Lading Shipped Via Order Number 9/18/02 _. 9/18/02 OTSEGO VARIOUS SITES 99 ---------- WILL -CALL 8770653 Product Code Description QL�anti7 Back- �'hippe Ordered Price Pel- Amount 2104TO40M 4X4 MJ TEE C/L CP DI C153 1 68.60800 EA 68.61 21AMF8041104 41, MEGALUG MJ RESTRAINER 1104 5 15.06400 EA 75.32 MG104 41, MJ REGULAR GASKET F/DI 3 3 NIC EA �j_AMG104 41, mi REGULAR GASKET F/DI 2 2 1.24000 EA 2.48 ;.prjrvd "01 C& ��' T Dato Paid. --- 4 h a t,' M 0 Terms Subtotal Freight Delivery Handling Re NET 30_ 146.41 Mise Tax Invoice Total THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER BY REQUESTO USF PO# TO MATCH VENDOR PACKING SLIPS IS Please pay this aniount NOW ON THE FIRST LINE OF DIRECT INVOICES. DAN MARTIN 763/428-7473 USF Rogers MN Branch - 243 16195 54th Street N.E. AfIVENDI 01971 St Michael MN 55376 watercompany Page: 1 Invoice: 8770Ar,*4 DISTRIBUTION GROUP USF - Rogers M:N Branch - 243 16195 54th Street N.E. St Michael MN 55376 763/428-7473 Branch Account Salesperson ------------- Invoice Datc Invoice Da tc Invoice Nurn Inv ice N urn 243 111131 KEVIN DOUD /20/02 /0 80768343 8 Remit to: US FILTER DISTRIBUTION GROUP 10 101 11595 INVOICE CHICAGO, IL 9 niz a -j 11 1 1 11 1 111 11 11 1 1 111 1 11 11111 111 1 1 11 1 111 11 11111 1 11 11 Shipped to: GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION 09/050 CUSTOMER PICK-UP 1886 BERKSHIRE LN N PLYMOUTH MN 55441 3723 Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Date Ordered Date Shipped Custoteer �PONo�.Job Nam�e�Job �No. 3 0 9/18/02 OTSLEGO 0 9/ 1 1 OTSE�GO Product Code Description Quanfiy Ordere 21044M 4 MJ 45 BEND C/L CP DI C153 2 21AMG104 41, MJ REGULAR GASKET F/DI 4 'j Z) I Total Amount Duc 104.05 Thank You For The Opportunity To Serve You. lVe appi-ecialeyoui-proiiipipayiiteizt. Bill of Lading Shipped Via Order Numbe WILL CALL 8768343 nti Back- )Pey Ordered Price Per Amount Apprvd For 2� Date Pi SIC Check I I 10ZI Freight I Delivery I Handling T Restock 2 1 45.25000 JEA 4 1 1.80000 EA an M_ No 3� Nfisc ***** THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ***** BY REQUEST, USF PO# TO MATCH VENDOR PACKING SLIPS IS NOW ON THE FIRST LINE OF DIRECT INVOICES. KEVIN DOUD 763/428-7473 USF - Rogers MN Branch - 243 16195 54th Street N.E. AfIVEN DI 01973 St Michael MN 55376 waterc.mp,,y fle Terms NET 3 0 'Fax 6.35 Please pay t1lis amount 90.50 7.20 Subtotal 97.70 Invoice Total 104.05 -S Page: 1 Invoicp- A7rPlal-� DISTRIBUTION GROUP JSF - Rogers MN Branch - 243 16195 54th street N.E. St Michael MN 55376 763/428-7473 Branch Account Salesperson Invoice Date Invoice Numb 9/25/02 243 099717 DAN MARTIN = 8782594 Remit to: US FILTER DISTRIBUTION GROUP PO BOX 99595 INVOICE CHICAGO, IL 60901 qqq 11 it 11111 111 11JI III IIIIIIIIII 11 11 Shipped to: GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION (230) 09/117 CUSTOMER PICK-UP 1886 BERKSHIRE LN N PLYMOUTH MN 55441 3723 Total Amount Due 62.18 CUSTOMER JOB- 99 VARIOUS SITES Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Thank You For The Opportunity To Serve You. rdfred D�ateh/i �ed e �rP 0 ]NTo Job N, We appreciate your promptpayntent. Date Ordered Date Shipped Customer PO NO. Job Name 0 7Ship:pe.1 Via ] Order Number 9/2�3/02 q 2) A / r),:� �OZEG WILL er' 4 02 SITES 19 L WILL CALL 8782594 Product Code Description uan ity Quantity Back- - 8rdered Shippe Ordered Price Per Amount 21062M 6 MJ 22-1/2 BEND CP DI C153 1 1 62.17600 EA 62.18 RECEIVED SEP .3 n 2302 GRIDOR CONS u T4, INC. 'T�� Freight I Delivery I Handling I Restock Ap Prvd Fo Da �e Paid Gh�ck No Terms NET 3 0 Misc Tax ***** THANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER ***** BY REQUEST, USF PO# TO MATCH VENDOR PACKING SLIPS IS NOW ON THE FIRST LINE OF DIRECT INVOICES. DAN MARTIN 763/428-7473 USF - Ro4ers mN Branch - 243 16195 54th Street N.E. St Michael KN 55376 AVENDI 02129 wate rcompany Subtotal 62.18 Invoice Total 62.18 Please pa�, t1lis amount .1 Page: 1 Invoice: 8782594 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - T'i F. G n. M lk, 5 3 12 -T- % V: Co� Z"', 4UCIT 11; Trr N T I N"; AR'0-CT '-T, it' "Ar; 7 57 - -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- .1 Q E F : R Il N A S z, Hil W V i "j, ------- CON.RACT. I'; T I a U A^ T I Gu M A br, Ctl M E 4 T G 7 4 7 T A C.4 E 0 ------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ ------------ APPROVE", T�Js mirl""i ------------------------ I k,11 Der �,j a - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - - - T I T A L S 7 r., C. A 7 6 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;:7G;..AL -'-PANGE LIKERS ---------------- --------------------------------------- CONTRA0OR Clc.RFIFFIEIW� 7 0 TK EESj IWIALEDGE, 3%ci7r� Cl-�*VE.M 6v -H."S APPLICAH.G.,; �47i*il',1"Ir �Al, -!r.,*4Pi E7 TD MR0.0i" Wl TH 7-� U l'i 0 C U -1 --- 0. T HVIE BEEN 'A.V V JR ;31R �F.'CA aREVIOUS L'Z4TlF7W".3j FOR r-,Yri7-?lT OERE iSSUr'D 41@ PAYMEATS "U"IM FFPO.l "�E �;40 THAT CUAPE4T SHOW14 dEREIN IS NOW CQE.� 7 -391011AL COAT;M 4MOU'r .............................. NET CHANGE 3Y CHANGE CREVZ ..................... ... CONTRACT SUN TO DATE (.1-11E It" THli PIGE) ............ 261,963.00 4. TOTAL C2,447TEa & S70RZD TG Wn7E .................. (CCLUM-4 1, ON 2ND P41SE) 5. RRETAINAGE: A. 5.00% F COMPLETED 110�1;'% 04 (COLUM-11 4+5 ON 2,'ID PAt^2.:i+ 3. !.001' V STORED 4' CDLUMN 6 ON 2 -ND ?AGE.1- 4 R17AINAGE jtlN: : - A OTA. T4 CG-.LMh 10 ON 2ND P A,G E ................... 6. M7'11L i"URNE) 1LESS PETPINAC ............................ i 15.71i.io '%;�-NE 4 1 ESS LINE THIS PAGE, 7. ��5'JS JRv/1O-*.'5 ,E.RTIFICATES .70-1 �PYIENI .......... ;.-IME 6 FRO?. PAKOR CEA'.Tl.-:CP.'TE.; - 13 CLRRE�'T PAYMENT DUE .................................. . 3. 50il, .3 c S. -TN.ISH 6 8 PLUS AETAILPAGE .................... . fiLiKE 3 LiSS LINCE 5 F-3011 i'MS PrAr--1 FOR ?Vlz" .-I ' T E,, M. - E �C,'jTl A CT a il U, r. E 0, E 'NE. E ;'l`,A COMPRIS-.XG 45211: APPLICA,71-1-%4, ri 0 1� .I L. -i;AT IC TNE 3E!T OF 7�r cj7::jrz- 7c Rr, -q6 E RY. Nlr� I TRACI] r YIZ17 lF HE A r, 0:.,! -1 1 E 14 T E 0 F 2,03CRILM AND VSR �,O 8EEFWr' D A Y 3 F ILA, NCTA;Y PULIC- M,f COMMISSION EXPERE: ALICE -3. BFIENN-� NOTARY FUSLIC - MMESUTA my Comm. Exp. Jan. 31. 2m !NOUNT C;lp. TFIED ........................ ............ A T 'I A C 4 EX F 1. A N A T 1314 1 F C A 0 1IN i L E R 1 r : I Z �, C 1 F F R S 0 M THE AMUNT APMED :OR.) 3"' T ic V-' �4: T Er L 4!. '. R LE . .1 - v "It.*-' 7C -4E "WRAC!,51; -;1MENT IND ?F P ; Y NIT -Y 7 ;U R 'U; D '.'A 11SY ;`G'H'To� CF 7.6'! T A' (T. 0, R - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . ...... T,4 I Rl 4-1, "'Ar - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- S.]t' v MTER71* L A. p R' MEN-, -0 G A /I %"V T tif i MA I V r A .00.00 00 25 00 2 LABOR C. C. i -i 0 Cl coo. 30 .00 ).a oc 500GE N'�CCJIG- 2L�� 1 00 0 150CAG A -34) 00 75 C -f' AN MATER74L oc, A 0 AKR A 7 ]l I T C '000.00 - MAT M" 00 .00 0 5:01 0 2 LA20R Tort 7 Oct 4050.0 r1p.7EF .1c A .00 70�--t zyS-,EX :;'-ERCRE,4T -�c C-0 K-Rit. ,I A j m -'.*" , ;X rl n . C� 1c, T 12 R k .00 0 1". CIO a 21 14 C. 0 K7 6 c OUR ORDER NO YOU �OflDER -40' - - .- ­ I - I I I I I . 1. 1. SHIPPEDVIA I'art.6as ­- .. , I PPD oF1 COLLT SALES Su6contract Agreetnent ;C '7ruck �BARI e Lot 'OrL e Lo i Ome Lo t One: La t :7, a t i o n e r, i a. Js for exi-stima We(" .1 1 La 41 Controf Panel. (Lnd -existing 1141#,ITP C o it t ro AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS CO. CUSTOMER NUMBER G BOX 120359 JOB NUMBER ot-, pf icS Pane f (SCP2) t 0 r e. - ST. PAUL, MN 55112 I ocat ed comput er hardw are at W1 ill (651) 631-9005 DESCRIPTION CODE 6"-," TAX CODE W - r 0 11) 10/1-5/02 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - INVOICE NUMBER 13247S A.G055.0c, INVOICE DATE 10/16/02 SOLD R. C C." TOTAL ANJOUNT LUE TO A T T,,Jr SHIP MON' L 'V'W7'_r 1�86) TO f 14G;,A1N1Q1flNT"" TO BE BILLED: re -pre sd n.t i ng site programvtLng to Cie v M0 a t F. t t er. h%TP startup. OUR ORDER NO YOU �OflDER -40' - - .- ­ I - I I I I I . 1. 1. SHIPPEDVIA I'art.6as ­- .. , I PPD oF1 COLLT SALES Su6contract Agreetnent ;C '7ruck �BARI e Lot 'OrL e Lo i Ome Lo t One: La t :7, a t i o n e r, i a. Js for exi-stima We(" .1 1 La 41 Controf Panel. (Lnd -existing 1141#,ITP C o it t ro 0-m DH - 4 S 5 t J.�o T Mo If i f il,,c. a t i on hfa It e r a f r, f C; ot-, pf icS Pane f (SCP2) t 0 r e. - I ocat ed comput er hardw are at W1 ill -Coml;uter ha-rdivare r�elocat ion [a-bor F'XistinG._P(J:ne&" and , ne two r k -mod i f i --ra t i on labcr Pellarmed o'TL"9/1.f-)j 912'0, and 10/1-5/02 - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - 35 00 0 5 5. 0 SUB -TOTAL -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - A.G055.0c, Sales. Tax IMN 6. 5 Material Por-ioni- 65 Oci N G, '--hippinglDefivery ChLL7'qe-s Applica6C,- TOTAL ANJOUNT LUE 16.1. 2 0 G t) li��' �V. AF, f 14G;,A1N1Q1flNT"" TO BE BILLED: re -pre sd n.t i ng site programvtLng to Cie t er. h%TP startup. 14 CC) K �&o '16 >\ Unless other arrangements have been made and approved in writing by this office at time of order, payment is due in full and payable 30 days from the date of invoice, unless start up service is required prior to the expiration of the 30 days, in which case payment is due in full prior to start up. Your payment to us will not be dependent or contingent upon receipt of payment by you from any other party. -Any balance remaining due 31 days beyond the invoice date will be subject to a 1.5 percent monthly service fee until paid. r)I IPI 1(-.ATIP Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL CITY ENGINEER'S AGENDA November 25, 2002 Item 7.1: Consider Pay Estimate #2 For 85 th Street Extension Item 7.2-. Consider Pay Estimate #1 For 85 lh Street Bike Path Item 7.3: Consider Pay Estimate #3 For Quaday Avenue & 91s' Street Item 7.4: Consider Pay Estimate #2 For Improvements To CSAH #42 & CSAH #39 Intersection Item 7.5: Consider Any Other Engineering Items ci,il 6- M.,i,ip.l Engineering 25 G:\Municipal\AOTSEGO�Agendas\councilagenda�t��--'Yi-gfOr PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 ITEM 7.1 CITY OF OTSEGO IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 02-07 85TH STREET ( EAST OF C.S.A.H. 42) November 20, 2002 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Improvement Project No. 02-07, 85th Street ( East of C.S.A.H. 42) Contractor: W.B. Miller, Inc. Contract Amount: $ 238,929.58 Award Date: 08/12/02 Completion Date: 11/15/02 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Schedule "A" - Street Item N o. Description Unit Cty Unit Price Contract Extension Used To- Date Used to -Date Extension 1 Mobilization LS 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 1 $5,000.00 2 Traffic Control LS 1 $8,300.00 $8.300.00 1 $8,300.00 3 Class 5 Aggregate Base TN 2100 $10.00 $21,000.00 1773.69 $17,736.90 4 Type 31 Non -Wearing Course Mixture TN 635 S32.90 $20,891.50 688.94 $22,666.13 5 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture TN 476 $40.25 $19,159.00 30 $316.50 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat GAL 290 $1.30 $377.00 $6,041.60 7 Curb and Gutter Design B618 LF 2064 $7.45 $15,376.80 2017 $15,026.65 8 Sign Panels (Type C) SF 36.75 $33.50 $1,231.13 9 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy EA 1 $260.00 $260.00 61 $8,34000 10 4" Double Solid Line Yellow - Epoxy LF 940 $1.15 $1,081.00 2 $2,700.00 11 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy LF 1910 $0.55 $1.050.50 3 $3,405.00 12 24" Stop Bar White - Epoxy LF 35 $12.85 $449.75 2 $1,390.00 13 Adjust frame and Ring Casting EA 4 $255.00 $1,020.00 4 $1,020.00 14 Adjust Water Valve Box EA 5 $180.00 $900.00 6 $1,080.00 15 Straw Bales EA 60 $10.30 $618.00 16 Turf Establishment by Seeding AC 2 $825.00 $1,650.00 11 7 Saw Bituminous Pavement 150 $2.60 $390.00 18 _1 Remove Existing Bituminous Pavement $7.25 19 Mill Bituminous Surface $7.25 Schedule "A" Totals $99,001.18 - $70,829.68 Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer Item No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Contract Extension Used To- Date Used to -Date Extension 20 15" RC Pipe Class 5 LF 96 $17.50 $1,680.00 96 S1,680.00 21 24" RC Pipe Class 5 LF 223 $31.65 $7,057.95 226 $7,152.90 22 115" RC Pipe Class 3 LF 65 $17.50 $1,137.50 65 $1,137.50 23 18" RC Pipe Class 3 LF 169 $19.35 $3.270.15 164 $3,173.40 24 15" HDPE Pipe LF 40 $10.55 $422.00 30 $316.50 25 18" HDPE Pipe LF 387 $12.80 $4,953.60 $6,041.60 26 21" HDPE Pipe LF 10 $16.35 $163.50 10 $163.50 27 27" HDPE Pipe LF 230 $24.55 $5,646.50 28 4' Dia. Catchba sin/M an hole EA 3 $1,390.00 $4,170.00 61 $8,34000 29 4' Dia. Storm Manhole EA 7 $1,350.00 $9,450.00 2 $2,700.00 30 2'x 3' Catchbasin EA 3 $1,135.00 $3,405.00 3 $3,405.00 31 18" RCP FES EA 2 $695.00 $1,390.00 2 $1,390.00 32 i Class 11 Field Stone Rock Rip -Rap CY 4 4 -$420.001 Schedule "B" Totals $43,166.20 $35,920.40 otsego/343/ot343payestl x1sPay Est. 2 PE -1 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 CITY OF OTSEGO IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT 02-07 85TH STREET ( EAST OF C.S.A.H. 42) Schedulp "C" - Rnnitn� Rawor ITEM 7.1 Item No. Description Unit Qty Unit Price Contract ___ITsed Extension To- Date Used io--Date Extension 33 8" PVC SDR 26 12 - 14' Deep LF 114 14.7 $1,675.80 225 $3,307.50 34 8" PVC SDR 26 14-16' Deep LF 145 $14.80 $2,146.00 150 $2,220.00 35 8" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep LF 370 $15.35 $5,679.50 465 $7,137.75 36 8" PVC SDR 26 18-20'Deep LF 300 $16.15 $4,845.00 130 $2,099.50 37 8" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep LF 85 $16.70 $1,419.50 44 $734.80 38 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep EA 3 $1,445.00 $4,335.00 3 $4,335.00 39 Manhole Overdepth VF 24 $77.25 $1,854.00 28.23 $2,180.77 40 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer Drop Manhole LS 1 $2,975.00 $2,975.00 1 $2,975.00 41 8"x 6" PVC Wye EA 8 $36.00 $288.00 8 $288.00 42 6" PVC SDR 26 Service Pipe LF 350 $10.60 $3,710.00 392 $4,155.20 43 6" PVC SDR 26 Riser VF 24 $20.50 $492.00 13.5 $276.75 44 .. lug EA 1 $55.00 $55.00 1 $55.00 45 Televise Sanitary Sewer LF 1 1014 $0.80 $811.20 46 Dewatering LFT 1014 $15.45 $15,666.30 1014 $15,666.30 Schedule "C" Totals $45,952.30 $45,431.57 Schedule "D" - Watermain Item No. Description Unit Qty I Unit Price Contract Extension Used To- Date Used to -Date Extension 47 6" DIP Watermain Class 52 LF 487 $13.90 $6,769.30 471 $6,546.90 48 12" DIP Watermain Class 52 LF 1020 $22.15 $22,593.00 1022 $22,637.30 49 Insulation SF 96 $3.10 $297.60 192 $595.20 50 Watermain Fittings - LBS 3580 $1.50 $5,370.00 1673 $2,509.50 51 Connect to Existing 16" DIP, cut and install 16" x 12" le LS 1 $2,575.00 $2,575.00 1 $2,575.00 52 Hydrant wl Gate Valve - EA 4 $2,165.00 $8,660.00 4 $8,660.00 53 1 2"Butterfly Valve EA 1 $825.00 $825.00 1 $825.00 54 6" Gate Valve EA 8 $465.00 81 $3,720.00] bchedule "U" Totals $50,809.90 $48,068.90 Total Schedule "A" - Street $99,001.18 $70,829.68 Total Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $43,166.20 $35,920.40 Total Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $45,952.30 $45,431.57 Total Schedule "D" - Watermain $50,809.90 $48,068.90 Total All Schedules $238,929.58 $200,250.54 WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: $200,250.54 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $10,012.53 LESS PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 $94,577.50 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $95,660.51 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: W.B. Miller, Inc. Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: Date: OWNERCITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: otsego/343/ot343payest1.x1sPay Est. 2 PE -2 November 20, 2002 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Pay Estimate No. I City of Otsego Improvement Project No. 02-08 85th Street NE Bike Path RE: 85th Street NE Bike Path, Improvement Project 02-08 Contractor: Contract Amount: Award Date: Completion Date: Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - Streets ITEM 7.2 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 1 Remove Concrete Curb & Gutter 64 LF $5.00 84 $420.00 2 Common Excavation (P) 759 LS $9.75 759 $7,400.25 3 Class 5 Aciaregate Base (6") 380 LF $11.00 311.87 $3,430.57 4 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (B) 215 LF $50.00 220.21 $11,010.50 5 Concrete Curb and Gutter Design B618 64 LF $22.00 84 $1,848.00 6 Sign Panels, Type C 18.75 LF $32.50 21 $682.50 7 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 140 SY $10.00 144 $1,440.00 8 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration (Hydroseeding) 0.5 EACH $5,227.20 $0.00 Seedin Mixture - 60B 75 LF $0.00 $0.00 r9 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 1 250 LF $0.00 $0.00 :11::01 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 1 0.63 1 SF $0.00 $0.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" Field Modification 1 $26,231.82 $1,200.00 BID SCHEDULE "A" - STREETS $26,231.82 FIELD MODIFICATION 1 $1,200.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $27,431.82 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $1,371.59 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $26,060.23 FILE: SharekMunicipallaramsey/ot7l2pe.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 1 �Description Contract Used To Item Quantity Unit Unit Price Date Extension IRemoval and Placement of 4" of Topsoil of 4" 11 Common Excavation I LS $1,200.00 1 $1,200.00 $1,200.00 BID SCHEDULE "A" - STREETS $26,231.82 FIELD MODIFICATION 1 $1,200.00 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE $27,431.82 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $1,371.59 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $26,060.23 FILE: SharekMunicipallaramsey/ot7l2pe.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 1 Pay Estimate No. I City of Otsego Improvement Project No. 02-08 85th Street NE Bike Path APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNECITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: FILE: Share\MunicipaVaramsey/ot7l2pe.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 1 Date: Date: ITEM 7.2 November 20, 2002 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Pay Estimate No. 3 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE RE: Improvement Project No. 02-03, Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE Contractor: Arcon Construction Contract Amount: $1,054,085.50 Award Date: Completion Date: Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - Streets ITEM 7,3 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 1 Mobilization 1 LS $20,000.00 1 $20,000.00 2 Remove Culvert 94 LF $6.00 94 $564.00 3 lRemove Bituminous Pavement 50 SY $3.001 0 $0.00 4 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 200 LF $4.00 0 $0.00 5 Salvaqe & Reinstall Sign 1 EACH $120.00 0 $0.00 6 Common Excavation (P) 7,070 CY $3.33 7070 $23,543.10 7 Topsoil Stripping (P) 15,260 CY $1.15, 15260 $17,549.00 8 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7") 3,300 TON $10.87 5039.2 $54,776.10 9 IMill Bituminous Surface 25 SY $5.73 0 $0.00 10 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 1,190 TON $32.73 0 $0.00 11 Tvr)e LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,480 TON $28.30 1390.74 $39,357.94 12 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 550 GAL $1.001 250 $250.00 13 Adjust Valve Box 34 EACH $150.00 10 $1,500.00 14 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 16 EACH $300.00 10 $3,000.00 15 Raise Ex. Manhole (w/ Barrel Sections) 6 VF $160.00 6 $960.00 16 Raise Ex. Valve Box 1- VF $150.00, 6 $900.00 17 Raise Ex. Hydrant (1' Hydrant Extension) I EACH $285.001 3 $855.00 18 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (4") (see C01 1,700 SY $57.00 0 $0.00 19 Stamped Concrete Sidewalk (6") 150 SY $62.00 159.39 $9,882.18 20 Construct Pedestrian Curb Ramp 6 EACH $200.00 7 $1,400.00 21 Concrete Median (6") (See C01 ) 470 SY $28.50 0 $0.00 22 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B61 8 5,600 LF $7.00 5145.18 $36,016.26 23 6" Concrete Apron / Valley Gutter 250 SY $29.00 250 $7,250.00 24 Traffic Control 1 LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500.00 25 Sign Panels, Type C 420 SF $21.50 17 $365.50 26 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) -Epoxy 24 EACH $76.00 0 $0.00 27 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00, 0 $0.00 FILE: Share\Municipal/aotsego/ot347pe,xls SHEET. PAY ESTIMATE 3 Pay Estimate No. 3 ITEM 7.3 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE Bid Schedule "A" - Streets (Continued) Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension :�� 28 Pavement Message (Thru Arrow) - Epoxy 20 EACH $76.00 0 $0.00 29 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy 3,000 LF $0.36 0 $0.00 30 12" Solid Line White - Epoxy 450 LF $1.25 0 $0.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 185 LF $2.50 0 $0.00 32 Bale Check 30 EACH $5.00. 38 $190.00 33 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 4,500 LF $1 �75 7337 $12,106.05 34 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 ACRE $1,500.00 -0--$0.00 3 $4,500.00 35_ Sodding - Type Lawn Restoration 2,250 SY $2.50 2025 $5,062.50 36_ Seeding Mixture - 60B - 300 LBS $2.20- 300 $660.00 37 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 1,500 LBS $0.25 1500 $375.00 38 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 1 TON $630.00 1 $630.00 3 9 Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 6 3 TON $630.00 3 $1,890.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" Bid Schedule "B" - Watermain $233,976.59 tem Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 40 Connect to Existing Watermain 1 LS $300.00 4 $1, ?00.00 41 16" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 1440 LF $28.95 1440 $41,688.00 42 12" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 790 LF $19.551 790 $15,444.50 43 8" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 3425 LF $17.151 3435 $58,910.25 44 6" Ductile Iron Pipe Cl 52 365 LF $22.80 552.75 $12,602.70 45 Ductile Iron Fittings 11,000 LB $1.65 7337 $12,106.05 46 16" Butterfly Valve and Box 4 EACH $1,425.00 4 $5,70&00 47 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $800.00 2 $1,600.00 48 8" Gate Valve and Box 18 EACH $675.00 13 $8,775.00 49 6" Gate Valve and Box 17 EACH $495.00 8 $3,960.00 50 _ Hydrant 8 EACH $1,670.00 10 $16,700.00 51 Hydrant Extension 24 LF - $285.00 6.5 $1,852.50 52 Salvage and Reinstall 16" Plug 1 EACH $100.00, 1 $100.00 53 2" Insulation 500 SF $1.40 448 $627.20 54 12" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking and Boring o 20" Steel Casing 230 LF $165.00 245 $40,425.00 Total Bid Schedule "B" FILE: Share\Municipal/aotsego/ot347pe.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 3 $221,691.20 Pay Estimate No. 3 ITEM 7.3 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE 3id Schedule "C" - Storm Sewer Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 55 15" PVC SDR 26 16-18'Deep 203 LF $61.25 203 $12,433.75 56 15" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep 690 LF $61.25 690 $42,262.50 57 12" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep 427 LF $60.501 413 $24,986.50 58 12" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep 110 LF $60.501 110 $6,655.00 59 10" PVC SDR 26 16-18' Deep 20 LF $55.951 20 $1,119.00 60 10" PVC SDR 26 18-20' Deep 10 LF $55.951 50 $2,797.50 61 10" PVC SDR 26 20-22' Deep 416 LF $62.051 346 $21,469.30 62 110" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 10-12' Deep 10 LF $69.101 0 $0.00 63 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 12-14' Deep 9 LF $69.10 9 $621.90 64 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 14-16' Deep 10' LF $69-10 �O $691.00 65 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 16-18' Deep 36 LF $69.10 36 $2,487.60 66 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 18-20' Deep 10 LF $69.10 10 $691.00 67 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., 20-22' Deep 60 LF $69.10 60 $4,146.00 68 8" PVC SDR 35 O-B'Deep 10 LF $15.151 0 $0.00 69 8" PVC SDR 35 8-10' Deep 252 LF $15.15 232 $3,514.80 70 8" PVC SDR 35 10-12'Deep 10 LF $15.15 0 $0.00 71 6" PVC SDR 35 Service Lateral 360 LF $17.40 360 $6,264.00 72 Standard Sanitary Sewer Manhole 0-8' Deep 11 EA $1,910.00 11 $21,010.00 73 Manhole Overdepth 126 VF $135.00 117 $15,795.00 74 Outside Drop Connection 0-2' 1 EA $960.00 1 $960.00 75 Extra Depth Outside Drop Connectioin >2' 8- VF $65.00 8 $520.00 76 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer at Manhole 1 EA $1,180.00 1 $1,180.00 77 6" PVC Riser Pipe 67 VF $17.40 57 $991.80 78 15"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $185.00 2 $370.00 79 12"x 6" PVC Wye 3 EA $125.001 3 $375.00 80 1 0"x 6" PVC Wye 2 EA $105.00 2 $210.00 81 8"x 6" PVC Wye 1 EA $65.00 1 $65.00 82 12" Plug 1 EA $60.00 1 $60.00 83 10" Plug - 2 EA $55.00 2 $110.00 84 _ 6" Plug 9 EA $30.00 -9- $270.00 85 _ 10" DIP CL 52, Fastite Jt., Installed by Jacking and Boring of 18" Steel Casing 1 260 ILF $180-001 260 $46,800.00 86 Televise Sanitary Sewer 2533 Total Bid Schedule "C" Bid Schedule "D" - Storm Sewer $218,856.65 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 87 _ 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $1,085.00 1 $1,085.00 88 _ 36" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $900.00 1 $900.00 89 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Apron w/ Dropwall 1 EACH $1,545.00 1 $1,545.00 90 15" RIC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 80 LF $29.80 79 $2,354.20 91 _ 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 48 LF $31.50 48 $1,512.00 92 21" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 61 LF $32.50 61 $1,982.50 93 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CIL III (all depths) 160 LF $37.45 160 $5,992.00 94 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 6 LF $44.50 65 $2,892.50 95 33" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CIL III (all depths) 275 LF $46.75 275 $12.856.25 96 36" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 59 LF $55.60 59 $3,280.40 97 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 864 LF $31.05 820 $25.461.00 FILE: Share\MunicipaUaotsegolot347pe.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 3 Pay Estimate No. 3 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE Bid Schedule "D" - Storm gpwpr Irnnfiminril ITEM 7.3 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 98 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 105 LF $74.25 — 105 $7,796.25 99 45" x 73" RC Arch Pipe Sewer CL III (all depths) 651 LF $129.15 651 $84,076.65 100 15" Pipe Plug 4 EACH $60.00 4 $240.00 101 18" Pipe Plug 2 EACH $65.0:L 2 $130.00 102 42" Pipe Plug 2 EACH 001 2 $280.00 103 45" x 73" RCPA 45" Bend 2 EACH $2,180.00 2 $4,360.00 104 45" x 73" RCPA 35' Bend 1 EACH $2,180.00 1 $2,180.00 105 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $480.00-1 $480.00 106 107 Construct Draingage Structure Design 48" 4020 Construct Draingage Structure Design 66" 4020 3 2 EACH EACH --$-1,225.00 $1,985.00, —3 2 $3,675.00 $3,970.00 108 Construct Draingage Structure Design 72" 4020 1 EACH $ 2, 3 15—. O—OT 1 T2, 3 15-0 0 109 Construct Draingage Structure Design 78" 4020 2 EACH $3,130.00 2 $6,260.00 110 Construct Draingage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 EACH $3,965.00 1 $3,965.00 111 Construct Draingage Structure Design 90" 4020 0 EACH $0.00 ----0— $0.00 112 Construct Draingage Structure Design 96" 4020 1 —1 EACH $4,040.00 —�-7,065. —1 $40-40.00 113 Construct Draingage Structure Design 120" 40-20 EACH 00 — 1— $7,065.00 114 IRandom RipRap Class III - 100 CY $55.001 106.65 $5,865.75 115 IRandom RipRap Class IV 40 CY $55.001 51 —T2—, 805.00 Total Bid Schedule "D" Change Order No. I $199,364.50 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 1 Remobilization (Hydrants) 1 LS $2,465..83 1 $2,465.83 2 Remove Concrete Weirs 1 T&M $1,378.141 —1— $1,378.14 3 31" x 51" RC Arch Pipe 16 LF $97.95 16 $1,567.20 4 Upqrade 27" RCP CL 5 from 27" RCP CL 3 65 LF $16.21 65 $1,053.65 5 36" Trashgu rd 1 EACH $850.00 1 $850.00 6 42" Trashguard 1 EACH $950.00 —1— $950.00 7 45" x 73" Trashguard 1 EACH $1,600,00, —1 $1,600.00 8 4" Concrete Sidewalk - Stamped & Colored 437 SY $69.051 $27,201.56 9 4" Concrete Sidewalk 1263 SY $21.801 1*0 $25,506.00 10 Concrete Median (4") - Stamped & Colored 235 SY $68.8011 198.77 $13,675.38 11 Concrete Median (4") 235 SY $25.25 364.37 $9,200.34 E� Concrete Curb 139 LF $3.35 139 $465.65 13 Sod/Blanket Seed 300 SY $4.40 $0.00 Summary Of Work Completed To Date: Bid Schedule "A" - STREETS Bid Schedule "B" - WATERMAIN Bid Schedule "C" - SANITARY SEWER Bid Schedule "D" STORM SEWER Change Order No. 1 WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: ESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 LESS PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: FILE: SharekMunicipal/aotsego/ot347pe.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 3 4 $85,913.75 $233,976.59 $221,691.20 $2 18,856.65 $199,364.50 S85,913.75 $959,802.68 $47,990.13 $590.858.64 $104,503.34 $216,450.56 Pay Estimate No. 3 ITEM 7.3 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-03 Quaday Avenue NE and 91st Street NE APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Arcon Construction Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNECITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: FILE: Share\Municipallaotsego/ot347pe.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 3 Date: Date: Pay Estimate No. 2 ITEM 7.4 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-04 CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 Traffic Signals November 20, 2002 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Improvement Project No. 02-04, CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 Traffic Signals Contractor: Design Electrical Contractors Contract Amount: $520,656.80 Award Date: July 22, 2002 Completion Date: December 1, 2002 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 1 Mobilization 1 LS $10,000.00 0.75 $7,500.00 2 Remove 3" Concrete Median 465 SY $7.14 272.22 $1,943.65 3 - Remove 6" Concrete Median 20 SY $39.74 0 $0.00 4 Remove Curb and Gutter 1,550 LF $3.62 2183.5 $7,904.27 5 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1,370 SY $2.05 2188.08 $4,485.56 6 - Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 3,800 LF $2.36 4965.3 $11,718.11 7 Sawing Concrete Curb and Gutter and SW 50 LF $21.00 20 $420.00 8 Common Excavation (EV) 620 CY $9.08 620 $5,629.60 9 Granular Borrow (LV) 700 CY $11.03 700 $7,721.00 10 Topsoil Stripping (EV) 820 CY $9.98 410 $4,091.80 11 Class 5 Aggregate Base (7) 2,250 TON $8.66 2084.8 $18,054.37 12 Mill Bituminous Surface - 425 SY 1$5.88 $0.00 13 Type LV 4 Wearing Course Mixture (C) 660 TON $39.43 $0.00 14 Tvr)e LV 3 Non -Wearing Course Mixture (B) 1,150 TON $35.54 1253.32 $44,542.99 15 Bituminous Material For Tack Coat 600 GAL $1.05 200 $210.00 16 Adjust Frame & Ring Casting 1 EACH $183.75 $183.75 17 48" Diameter Storm MH/CB I EACH $1,837.50 $1,837.50 18 Connect to Existing Storm 1 EACH $2,257.50 $2,257.50 19 Concrete Median (Y) 860 SY $0.00 20 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B61 8 500 LF .$21.74 $9.08 $0.00 21 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B624 2,050 LF $9.77 $0.00 22 Traffic Control 1 LS $6,825.00 0.75 $5,118.75 23 Sign Panels, Type C 205 SF $21.53 $0.00 24 Pavement Message (Right Arrow) - Epoxy 8 EACH $78.75 $0.00 25 Pavement Message (Left Arrow) - Epoxy 14 EACH $78.75 $0.00 26 -[4�"7Solid Pavement Message "ONLY" - Epoxy 19 EACH $89.25 $0.00 27 Line Yellow - Epoxy 1,650 LF $0.19 $0.00 FILE: Share\Municipallaotsegolot349pe.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 2 Pay Estimate No. 2 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-04 CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 Traffic Signals Bid Schedule "A" - Streets (Continued) ITEM 7.4 Item Description Contract Quantity Unit Unit Price Used To Date Extension 28 4" Solid Line White - Epoxy 8,500 LF $0.18 $0.00 29 8" Solid Line White - Epoxy 60 LF $0.36 $0.00 30 24" Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy (Hatching) 300 LF $4.18 $0.00 31 24" Stop Line White - Epoxy 360 LF $4.10 $0.00 32 3'x 10' Pedestrian Cross Walk 2,500 SF $0.00 33 Bale Check 10 -$2.05 EACH $6.83 $0.00 34_ Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 100 LF $3.68 $0.00 35 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 0.5 ACRE $1,050.00 $0.00 36 Seeding Mixture - 60B 75 LBS $3.15 $0.00 37 Commercial Fertilizer, 10-10-10 250 LBS $0.42 $0.00 38 _ Hydraulic Soil Stabilizer Type 5 0.65 TON $3,360.00 $0.00 39 Full T Act T Control Signal System 1 SIGS $150,341.00 0.25 $37,585.25 40 2" Non -Metallic Conduit 2,650 LF $2.79 1 2707.2 $7,553.09 41 13" Non -Metallic Conduit 70 LF $5.27 219.8 $1,158.35 42_ 2" Rigid Steel Conduit 230 LF -$8.20 231 $1,894.20 43 Underqround Wire 1 Cond. No. 2 750 LF $0.87 $0.00 44 Underground Wire 1 Cond. No. 4 7,920 LF $0.00 45 Underground Wire 1 Cond. No. 8 10,560 -$0.62 LF $0.47 $0.00 46 Service Cabinet - Lighting/Outlets 1 EACH $3,990.00 $0.00 47 Service Cabinet Foundation 1 EACH $790.00 1 $790.00 48 Lighting Unit Type 11 Foundation 12 EACH $397.00 12 $4,764.00 49 Lighting Unit Type I Foundation 29 EAC H $377.00 29 $10,933.00 50 Lighting Unit Type 11 12 EACH $1,607.00 $0.00 51 _ Lighting Unit Type 1 29 EACH $3,079.00 $0.00 52 Pull Box Design Mpls 2 EACH $527.00 $0.00 53 iBenches 4 EACH 1$183.75 1 $0.00 54]Trash Receptacles 2 1 EACH J$143.85 1 $0.00 Total Bid Schedule "A" $161,204.10 Bid Schedule "A" - STREETS $161,204.10 WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: $161,204.10 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $8,060.21 LESS PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 $53,634.47 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: 5 . 0 . 9 4 .. 3 . FILE. Share\Municipallaolsegolot349pe.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 2 Pay Estimate No. 2 ITEM 7.4 City of Otsego Improvement Project 02-04 CSAH 39 and CSAH 42 Traffic Signals APPROVALS: CONTTRACTOR: Design Electrical Contractors Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: FILE: ShareXMunicipaVaotsego/ot349pe.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 2 Date: Date: :3 0 0 Bonestroo 013M Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects November 20, 2002 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. RE. - Marvin L. Sorvala. RE. - Glenn R. Cook. RE. - Robert G. Schunicht. RE. Jerry A. Bourdon, RE. t Senior Consultan s: Robert W. Rosene. RE. Joseph C. Anderlik. RE. Richard E, Turner, RE. Susan M. Eberlin, C.PA. R r Associate Principals: Kelth A. Gordon, RE, Robert R. Pfefferle, RE. icha d W. Foster. RE. David 0. Loskota, RE. Mark A. Hanson, RE. - Michael T. Rautmann, RE, - Ted K. Field, PE. - Kenneth R Anderson, RE. Mark R. Rolfs. RE. David A Sonestroo. M BA. - Sidney P Williamson. RE., L S. - Agnes M. Ring, M.8A. . Allan Rick Schmidt. RE. - Thomas W Peterson. RE, - James R. Maland. RE. - Miles S. Jensen, RE. - L. Phillip Gravel III, RE. Daniel J. Edgerton. RE. Ismael Martinez. RE. - Thomas A. Syfko, RE. - Sheldon J. Johnson - Dale A. Grove, RE. - Thomas A. Roushar, RE. Robert J. Devery, RE. Offices: St. Paul. St. Cloud. Rochester and Willmar, MIN - Milwaukee. WI - Chicago. IL Website. www.bonestroo.com City of Otsego Mike Robertson, City Administrator 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Otsego East WWTF Phase 2 Work Request Number 8 BRA File No. 503-01-102 Dear Mike: Q T V, NOV 2 HE Attached is the "Status of Change Orders" for the Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility. It will be updated as work requests are generated. The following information relates to Work Request No. 8 which has been reviewed and found to be in order. Approval of the Work Request enclosed herein, is recommended. Work Request Number 8 RAS Piping Relocation: Cost to relocate RAS piping in the existing Control Building Lower Level. Move 6" DIP out of away from the existing electrical transformer. Add one 6" flange 90 - degree bend. See attached figure. Add: $202.00 Net Add: $202.00 If you have any questions please call me at 651-604-4889. Sincerely, BONES R400 10 ENE, NDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Joel Schmidt cc: Ka n Cavett, Bonestroo W/attachments 2335 West Highway 36 - St. Paul, MN 55113 - 651-636-4600 a Fax: 651-636-1311 City of Otsego East WWTF Phase 2 Improvements Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik file number 503-01-102 Work Request Approval Record Work Request Number 8 RAS Piping Relocation: Cost to relocate RAS piping in the existing Control Building Lower Level. Move 6" DIP out of away from the existing electrical transformer. Add one 6" flange 90 -degree bend. See attached figure. Add: $202.00 Total Net Add: $202.00 Approved: Date Michael Robertson, Otsego City Administrator Page I of I WORK REQUEST NO. 8 OTSEGO, MINNESOTA WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY 503011 02WR8.dwg NOV. 2002 503-01-102 Bonestroo Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects 11/19/02 TUE 14:34 FAX 612 559 3736 GRIDOR CONSTR Request for Change Order GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE RequestNo. EIGHT PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 Date NOV. 19,2002 (763)383-6086 FAX (763)559-3736 Name of Project WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY Location OTSEGO,,MN To BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. Address 2335 WEST HIGHWAY 36 ST. PAUL, MN 55113 Attention JOEL SCH.MIDT Phone No. 651/ 604-4889 Fax No. 651/ 636-1311 V/' Descriptions of Change RE -LOCATE PIPING EXISTING CONTROL BTJILDING MOVE 6" D. I. P. OTJT AWAY FROM EXISTING ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER. ADD ONE 6" FLANGE 90 DEGREE BEND AND FLANGE JOINT MATERIAL. Labor $80.00 Material $94.00 Equipment $0.00 Subcontract $0.00 SUB -TOTAL COSTS Markup & Bond $174.00 $28.00 TOTAL CHANGE ADD $202.00 The contract completion date to be increased , I calendar days. Price subject to change after 30 days. GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. ROBERT ME��R REQUESTALS 11/19/2002 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 12001 Michael C Couri- Andrew J. MacAilhur Robert T. Ruppe-- DaWd R. Wendorf *Also licensed Ln Illinois **AW licensed in California November 20, 2002 City Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 COUN & MACARTHUR Attomeys at Law 705 Central Avenue Eayt PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) coutiandnocanhur@pobox.com RE: Proposed Minnegasco Franchise Ordinance Dear Council Members: Please find enclosed a revised version of the proposed Franchise Agreement with Reliant Energy- Minnegasco which was presented to the Council awhile ago. I have made some minor changes, specifically referencing the adopted Otsego Right of Way ordinance and others. The changes have been underlined. I have also enclosed a portion of the Minnesota Rules 7820.3500 indicating what is required on a billing statement, which includes "the amount of state and local taxes separately itemized." The proposed franchise agreement reserves to the City the right to impose a franchise fee through separate ordinance, anytime during the period of the franchise as long as the procedure and qualifications of the Franchise Agreement are followed. The proposed franchise ordinance also requires a notice and period of negotiation with the Franchisee in the event that the City makes changes in the existing right of way ordinance since it is specifically incorporated in the Franchise Resolution. The proposed ordinance would also waive any construction performance'bond, letter of credit or proof of insurance required under the right of way ordinance. It would not be a waiver of any fees, degradation costs, or a waiver of any charge or penalty that the City could impose under the right of way ordinance. The proposed ordinance would also incorporate the relocation requirements contained within the City's right of way ordinance, except for any federally funded project, in Letter to Otsego City Couxicil November 20, 2002 Page 2 which case an agreement must be reached to pay for "non -betterment costs" (as defmed in the ordinance) when and if such fimds become available to the City. I believe that the representative from Minnegasco, Mr. Hendrickson will be available to answer any questions at the meeting. I will also be available to answer questions. The Council has previously been copied with a long and short form franchise as well as a copy of the City right of way ordinance. Hopefully, any remaining issues will be resolved and the Franchise ordinance can be either passed in present form or brought back to the Council for final action at the first meeting in December. Very truall Yurs, ew J. ly�Arthur L /1111� COURI & MACARTIEFUR Encls. cc: Ron Wagner, City Engineer Arnold Hendrickson, Reliant Energy GAS ORDINANCE ORDINANCE NO. CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE GRANTING RELIANT ENERGY MINNEGASCO, A DI'VISION OF RELIANT ENERGY RESOURCES CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, A NONEXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE TO CONSTRUCT, OPERATE, REPAIR AND MAINTAIN FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT FOR THE TRANSPORTATION, DISTRIBUTION, MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF GAS ENERGY FOR PUBLIC AND PRIVATE USE AND TO USE THE PUBLIC WAYS AND GROUNDS OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA, FOR SUCH PURPOSE; AND, PRESCRIBING CERTAIN TERMS AND CONDITIONS THEREOF. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: SECTION 1. DEFINITIONS. For purposes of this Ordinance, the following capitalized terms listed in alphabetical order shall have the following meanings: City. The City of Otsego, County of Wright, State of Minnesota. City Utility System. Facilities used for providing public utility service owned or operated by City or agency thereof, including sewer, storm sewer, water service, street lighting and traffic signals, but excluding facilities for providing heating, lighting, or other forms of energy. Commission. The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission, or any successor agency or agencies, including an agency of the federal government, which preempts all or part of the authority to regulate gas retail rates now vested in the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission. Company. Reliant Energy Minnegasco, a division of Reliant Energy Resources Corporation., a Delaware corporation, its successors and assigns including all successors or assigns that own or operate any part or parts of the Gas Facilities subject to this franchise. Gas Facilities. Gas transmission and distribution pipes, lines, ducts, fixtures, and all necessary equipment and appurtenances owned or operated by the Company for the purpose of providing gas energy for public or private use. Gas. Natural gas, manufactured gas, mixture of natural gas and manufactured gas or other forms of gas energy. JMS-178096v12 SH155-77 Non -Betterment Costs. Costs incurred by Company from relocation, removal or rearrangement of Gas Facilities that do not result in an improvement to the Gas Facilities. Notice. A writing served by any party or parties on any other party or parties. Notice to Company shall be mailed to Reliant Energy Minnegasco, V.P., Regulatory & Supply Service, 800 LaSalle Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55402-2006. Notice to the City shall be mailed to the City of Otsego, 8899 Nashua Ave NE, Otsego, MN 55330-7314. Any party may change its respective address for the purpose of this Ordinance by written notice to the other parties. subd. 3. Public Way. Public right-of-way within the City as defined in Minn. Stat. § 237.162, Public Ground. Land owned or otherwise controlled by the City for park, open space or similar public purpose, which is held for use in common by the public. SECTION 2. ADOPTION OF FRANCHISE. 2.1. Grant of Franchise. City hereby grants Company, for a period of 20 years from the date this Ordinance is passed and approved by the City, the right to import, manufacture, distribute and sell gas for public and private use within and through the limits of the City as its boundaries now exist or as they may be extended in the future. This right includes the provision of Gas that is (i) manufactured by the Company or its affiliates and delivered by the ' Company, (ii) purchased and delivered by the Company or (iii) purchased from another source by the retail customer and delivered by the Company. For these purposes, Company may construct, operate, repair and maintain Gas Facilities in, on, over, under and across the Public Ways and Public Grounds, subject to the provisions of this Ordinance. Company may do all reasonable things necessary or customary to accomplish these purposes, subject however, to such lawful regulations as may be adopted by separate ordinance and as currently exist under City Ordinance 98-2 , eedified as Seefien ("Seefien The Company shall be notified 60 days in� -advance of proposed changes to Seetieft -Otsego Ci1y Code Ordinance 98-2. The City and Company shall negotiate in good faith to reach mutually acceptable changes. If the City and Company are unable to agree, disputes will be handled under the terms of Section 2.5 of this Ordinance. If a provision of Seefiall Otsego City Code Ordinance 98-2 conflicts with a provision on the same subject in this Ordinance, this Ordinance will control. 2.2. Effective Date, Written Acceptance. This franchise shall be in force and effect from and after its passage of this Ordinance and publication as required by law and its acceptance by Company. If Company does not file a written acceptance with the City within 90 Days after the date the City Council adopts this Ordinance, or otherwise places the City on written notice, at any time, that the Company does not accept all terms of this franchise, the City Council by resolution may either repeal this ordinance or seek its enforcement in a court of competent jurisdiction. 2.3. Service and Gas Rates. The service to be provided and the rates to be charged by Company for gas service in City are subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission JMS-178096v12 2 SH155-77 2.4. Publication Expense. The expense of publication of this Ordinance shall be paid by Company. 2.5. Dispute Resolution. If either party asserts that the other party is in default in the performance of any obligation hereunder, the complaining party shall notify the other party of the default and the desired remedy. The notification shall be written. Representatives of the parties must promptly meet and attempt in good faith to negotiate a resolution of the dispute. If the dispute is not resolved within 30 days of the written notice, the parties may jointly select a mediator to facilitate further discussion. The parties will equally share the fees and expenses of this mediator. If a mediator is not used or if the parties are unable to resolve the dispute within 30 days after first meeting with the selected mediator, either party may commence an action in State District Court Wrig-ht Coqn1y, to interpret and enforce this franchise or for such other relief permitted by law. 2.6. Continuation of Franchise. If the City and the Company are unable to agree on the terms of a new franchise by the time this franchise expires, this franchise will remain in effect until a new franchise is agreed upon, or until 90 days after the City or the Company serves written Notice to the other party of its intention to allow the franchise to expire. SECTION 3. LOCATION, OTHER REGULATIONS. 3.1. Location of Facilities. Subject to regulation under Seetien — Otsego Ordinance 98-2, Gas Facilities in the Public Way shall be located, constructed, and maintained so as not to disrupt normal operation of any City Utility System. Gas Facilities may be located on Public Grounds as determined by the City. 3.2. Restoration of Public Ways and Public Ground. Restoration of the Public Way shall be subject to Seetien _Otsego Ordinance 98-2. After completing work requiring the opening of Public Ground, the Company shall restore the Public Ground to as good a condition as formerly existed, and shall maintain the surface in good condition for six (6) months thereafter. All work shall be completed as promptly as weather permits. If Company shall not promptly perform and complete the work, remove all dirt, rubbish, equipment and material, and put the Public Ground in the said condition and after demand to Company to cure, City shall, after passage of a reasonable period of time following the demand, but not to exceed five days, have the right to make the restoration of the Public Ground at the expense of Company. Company shall pay to the City the cost of such work done for or performed by the City. This remedy shall be in addition to any other remedy available to the City for noncompliance with this Section. 3.3. Waiver of Performance Security. The City hereby waives any requirement for Company to post a construction performance bond, certificate of insurance, letter of credit or any other form of security or assurance that may be required under Seefien Otseszo Ordinance 98-2 currently or in the future. The City reserves all other rights under Otsego Ordinance 98-2 Seefie —to enforce Company performance requirements for work in the Public Way or Public Ground. JMS-178096vl2 3 SH155-77 3.4. Avoid Dama2e to Gas Facilities. Nothing in this Ordinance relieves any person from liability arising out of the failure to exercise reasonable care to avoid damaging Gas Facilities while performing any activity. SECTION 4. RELOCATIONS. 4.1. Relocation of Gas Facilities. Relocation of Gas Facilities in Public Ways shall be subject to Seetien Otse-go Ordinance 98-2. City may require Company at Company's expense to relocate or remove its Gas Facilities from Public Grounds upon a finding by City that the Gas Facilities have become or will become a substantial impairment to the existing or proposed public use of the Grounds. Relocation Gas Facilities in Public Ground shall comply with applicable City ordinances consistent with law. 4.2. Proiects with Federal Fundin . Relocation, removal, or rearrangement of any Company Gas Facilities made necessary because of the extension into or through City of a federally -aided highway project shall be governed by the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 161.46, as supplemented or amended. City shall not order Company to remove or relocate its Gas Facilities when a Public Way is vacated, improved or realigned because of a renewal or a redevelopment plan which is financially subsidized in whole or in part by the Federal Government or any agency thereof, unless agreement is made that the reasonable Non -Betterment Costs of such relocation and the loss and expense resulting therefrom will be paid to Company when available to the City. The City need not pay those portions of such for which reimbursement to it is not available. 4.3. No Waiver. The provisions of Section 4 apply only to Gas Facilities constructed in reliance on a permit or franchise from City and Company does not waive its rights under an easement or prescriptive right or State or County permit. SECTION 5. CHANGE IN FORM OF GOVERNWNT. Any change in the form of government of the City shall not affect the validity of this Ordinance. Any govemmental unit succeeding the City shall, without the consent of Company, succeed to all of the rights and obligations of the City provided in this Ordinance. SECTION 6. FRANCHISE FEE. 6.1. Reservation of Rights. The City reserves all rights under Minn. Stat. § 21613.36, to require a franchise fee at any time during the term of this franchise. If the City elects to require a franchise fee it shall notify Company and negotiate in good faith to reach a mutually acceptable fee agreement, which shall be set forth in a separate ordinance and not adopted until at least 60 days after Notice enclosing such proposed ordinance has been served upon the Company by certified mail. If the City and Company are unable to agree on a franchise fee or on any terms related thereto, each hereby consents to the jurisdiction of State District Court, Seet4 Wrigh County, to construe their respective rights under the law, subject to all rights of appeal. JMS-178096vl2 4 SH155-77 SECTION 7. LIMITATION ON APPLICABILITY; NO WAIVER. This Ordinance constitutes a franchise agreement between the City and its successors and the Company and its successors and permitted assigns, as the only parties. No provision of this franchise shall in any way inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitute any such person as a third party beneficiary of the agreement or of any one or more of the terms hereof, or otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any person not a party hereto. This franchise agreement shall not be interpreted to constitute a waiver by the City of any of its defenses of immunity or limitations on liability under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 466. SECTION 8. AMIENDMENT PROCEDURE. Either party to this franchise agreement may at any time propose that the agreement be amended. This Ordinance may be amended at any time by the City passing a subsequent ordinance declaring the provisions of the amen(hnent, which amendatory ordinance shall become effective upon the filing of Company's written consent thereto with the City Clerk within 60 days after the effective date of the amendatory ordinance. SECTION 9. PREVIOUS FRANCHISES SUPERSEDED. This franchise supersedes and replaces previous franchises granted to the Company or its predecessors. Upon Company acceptance of this franchise under Section 2.2, the previous franchise shall terminate. Passed and approved: Mayor of the City of Otsego, Minnesota Attest: City Clerk, Otsego, Minnesota JMS-178096v12 5 SH155-77 7820.3100 UTILITY CUSTOMER SERVICE premises without the customer's consent unless it would be unreasonable u C. identification facts and circumstances to do so. D. the number ar. Statutory Authority- MS s 216B.08; 216B.09 E. a complete it. - 7820 -3200 BILLING BASIS. Bills for service will be based on meter readings or estimated usage and F. the amount of G. the date on wh. in accordance with applicable rate schedules on file with the commission. H. late fee, if customer is eligible to take service under more than one rate, the utility shall advise 64"""'M any customer in the selection of rate or rates which in its judgment result in the lowtu 1. if an estimated of projected consumption, based on 12 months' service and on the information at ated bill; Each utility shall, at the time of any change in the applicable rate schedule, deliva IV J. the amount of s each customer the schedule of rates applicable to the customer*s type of scTvkl�, K. fuel or power a Statutory Authority: MS s 216B.08; 216B.09 -A_ L. the informatior. History: 17 SR 1279 Statutory Authority: .1 7820.3300 METER READING AND BILLING PERIODS. .3600 INABILITY TO Readings of all meters used for determining charges to customers shall be madi If a utility is unable t each month unless otherwise authorized by the commission upon petition by the utw ths of the effective da The term "month" for meter reading and billing purposes is the period betweeW r a temporary exceptic successive meter reading dates which shall be as nearly as practicable to X44; ification for noncompliL intervals. When a utility is unable to gain access to a meter, it shall leave a metef6�-' pliance. reading form for the customer. -,- Statutory Authority: A A utility may permit the customer to supply meter readings on a form supplied by the utility, providing a utility representative reads ' the meter at least once every I . 2 AD, . months or at an interval determined upon petition to the commission and when there is a change in customers and when requested by the customer. This form should advise 0.3700 INACCURATE the customer of the utility's responsibilities to read the meter. If the billing period is longer or shorter than the normal billing period by more Subpart 1. Meter too f than five days, the bill shall be prorated on a daily basis. an average error of r Omer the overcharge. 'V Statutory Authority: MS s 216B.08; 216B.09 r of more than two pe 78203400 ESTIMATED BILLING. not included in the bil slow meters shall be bz When access to a meter cannot be gained and the customer fails to supply a the time elapsed since meter -reading form in time for the billing operation, an estimated bill mky be be established that the rendered. In cases of emergency, the utility may render estimated bills without reading th reasonable certainty, ir meters or supplying meter -reading forms to customers. When a customer fails to return te, but in no event for a r a meter -reading form under the customer meter -reading plan, an estimated bill mav be rendered. Estimated bills shall be based on the customer's normal consumption 6r 3 r Subp. 2. Meter fails to corresponding period during the preceding months or any other method specificalh- Ot be determined by tc authorized by the commission. Only in unusual cases or when approval is oblaine� gister intermittently, the from the customer shall more than two consecutive estimated bills be rendered. unless ed, which shall be calcula the customer fails to supply meter readings as provided in part 7820.3300. riods in previous years o: If an estimated bill appears to be abnormal when a subsequent reading is obtained, own accurate measurem, the bill for the entire period shall be computed at a rate which contemplates the use of h charge be for a period service during the entire period and the estimated bill shall be deducted. If there is Subp. 3. Recalculation reasonable evidence that the use occurred during only one billing period, the bill shall e an existing customer o: be so computed. amount of the calculatt Statutory Authority: MS s 216B.08, 216B.09 ount shall be refunded cash or as credit on a 7820.3500 BILLING CONTENT. fund is due a person no Bills rendered periodically to customers for electric and gas service shall in,:IuJc- e last known address a ereafter shall refund th� but are not limited to. the following information: ount due the utility exc. A. the present and last preceding meter readings; ue. The first billing iendc- B. the date of the present reading; lained in detail. 10 6 1017 UTILITY CUSTO,),IER SERVICE 7820-3700 in aah1c under t e . C. identification of the applicable rate schedule; D. the number and kinds of units metered; E. a complete itemization of all charges incurred at each level Of customer usa2e: -d usage and cOmputeq. F. the amount of the bill; d. G. the date on which the bill will become delinquent; commission. When a �e utility shall advise the H. any late fee, if applicable; result in the lowest cost. estim I. if an estimated bill, clear and conspicuous language identifying the bill as an he information at han&� ated bill; -ate schedule. deliver to- J. the amount of state and local taxes separately ite ized; )meCs tvPe of service�. m A K. fuel or power adjustment clause separately itemized, if applicable; and L. the information required by part 7820.0200, item C. Statutory Authority: MSs216B.08;216B.09 -istomers shall be madi. 7820-3600 INABILITY TO COMPLY WITH REQUIRED BILLING CONTENT.. n petition by the utility' If a utility is unable to comply with any provisions of part 7820-3500 within 1 is the period betwe 4, months of the effective date of the rule, the utility shall petition the commissio 2 either a temporary exception or a perm n for practicable to 30 -da anent exemption. The petition shall include the it shall leave a met justification for noncompliance, the duration of the desired exception, and the plan for compliance. i on a form supplied Statutory Authority: USs216B-08;216B.09 . at least once every �ssiori and when there ADJUSTMENT OF ELECTRIC BILLS r -his form should a 7820.3700 INACCURATE METERS. bi ieriod by mo Sub art I. Meter too fast or too slow. Whenever any meter i found upon test to p have an average error of more than two percent fast, the utilitysshall refund to the customer the overcharge. Whenever any meter is found upon test to have an average error of more than two percent slow, the utility may charge for electricity consumed, but not included in the bills previously rendered. The refund or charge for both fast and slow meters shall be based on corrected meter readings for a period equal to one- orner fails to suppo" 111alf the time elapsed since the last previous test but not to exceed ix months, unless it zstimated bill may' -d bills without re can be established that the error was due to some cause, the date Of which can be fixed customer fails to re with reasonable certainty, in which case the refund or charge shall be computed to that �n estimated bill MY., date, but in no event for a period longer than one year. -mal consumption cann Subp. 2. Meter fails to register or registers intermittently. When the average error �er method spe ,�Sot be determined by test because the meter is ter notfound �n approval is ob intermittently the utility ma charge for a to register or is found to y n estimated amount of electricity ,ills be rendered, Wd, which shall be c�lculated by averaging the amounts registered over corresponding 820.3300. 'eriods in previous years or in the absence of such information, over s ilar periods of S. kno"'. n accurate measurement preceding or subsequent thereto, but iinmno event shall ent reading is ob �ontemplates t C UN 11ch charge be for a period longer than one year. ,e deducted- if . . Subp 3 Recalculation of bill. If the recalculated bills indicate that more than S1 is nz period, the brill' due an '- : existing customer or $2 is due a person no longer a customer of the utility, the hill amount of the calculated difference between the amount paid and the recalculated !r4ftlt shall be refunded to the customer. The refund to an existi cash or as c ng customer may be redit on a bill. Credits shall be shown separately and identified. If a 111und is due a person no longer a customer of the utility, a notice shall be mailed to ,is service shall 6e last known address and the utility upon demand made within three month 1kreafter shall refund the amount d " If the recalculated bills indicate that ths ftount due the utility exceeds $10, t ue. e he utility may bill the customer for the amount The first billing tendered shall be separated from the regular bill an ftPlained in detail. d the charges ITEM 8.3. A NORTHLAND(t SECURITIES November 1, 2002 Mr. Michael Robertson, Administrator CITY OF OTSEGO City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330-7314 RE: Dissemination Agent Agreement for Continuing Disclosure Reporting Dear Mike: Greetings from Northland Securities, Inc. In early October, we informed you that all of the employees in the Juran & Moody division of Miller Johnson Steichen Kinnard, Inc. are now employed by Northland Securities, Inc. We are genuinely excited about the quality of service that we can provide at Northland. Since about 1995, virtually all new bonds issues of a city, county, etc. (the "Issuer") of $1,000,000 or more (and a few issues of under $1,000,000) are subject to an annual reporting rule of the Securities and Exchange Commission known as Rule 15c2 -12(b)(5). The Rule requires that an Annual Report be prepared and filed by the Issuer (or its designated agent) with a National Repository. The report contains information about the Issuer similar to that contained in the original Official Statement. The purpose is to have information about the Issuer on file at centralized locations available for review by investors. In order for us to continue to prepare (and file on your behalf) your Annual Report, we need your City Council to approve the enclosed Dissemination Agent Agreement. Please schedule it for Council consideration at their next meeting. Assuming their approval, please have the two (2) enclosed copies signed and returned to us. Upon their receipt, we will sign them and return one (1) copy to you. Meanwhile, we have started to gather the needed information for the reports that are due December 31, 2002. At Northland, our vision and goal is to maintain long term relationships with clients that are built on trust, consistency and reliability. We value our past relationship and look forward to serving you in the future. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Lori Giampaolo or me at 1-800-851-2920. Sincerely, NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC. Paul Donna Vice President, Partner Enclosures Northland Securities, Inc. 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2500, Minneapolis, MIN 55402 T.11 Fm,a 800-85 1-2920 Loci, 6 12-85 1-5900 Fax 6 12-85 1-5987 wwwnorthlandsecurities.corn NASD.,,,,i SM, DISSEMINATION AGENT AGREEMENT THIS DISSEMINATION AGENT AGREEMENT (the "Dissemination Agreement"), dated as of the Ist day of November, 2002, by and between the City of Otsego, Minnesota, 8899 Nashua Avenue Northeast, Otsego, MN 55330 (the "Issuer") and Northland Securities, Inc., 45 - South 7th Street, Suite 2500, Minneapolis, MN 55402 ("the Dissemination Agent") in connection with bond issues of the Issuer (the "Bond Issues") identified in Exhibit A which is attached to and by reference made a part of this Dissemination Agreement: The Issuer and the Dissemination Agent covenant and agree as follows with respect to the Bond Issues: SECTION 1. Definitions. the following capitalized terms shall have the following meanings: "Annual Report" shall mean the document or documents filed by the Dissemination Agent with a National Repository or State repository pursuant to this Dissemination Agreement. "Annual Report Data" shall mean the Issuer's audited financial statements, such other financial information and operating data for each Bond Issue as may be requested by the Dissemination Agent to compile the Annual Report, and information collected by the Dissemination Agent (such as data from the county auditor). "Continuing Disclosure Agreement" shall mean that certain agreement or undertaking executed by the Issuer at the time of issuance of the bond issues listed in Exhibit A. "Disclosure Representative" shall mean the Administrator of the Issuer or his or her designee, or such other officer or employee as the Issuer shall designate in writing to the Dissemination Agent from time to time. "Listed Events" shall mean any of the material events listed in Section 5(a) of this Dissemination Agreement. "National Repository" shall mean any Nationally Recognized Municipal Securities Information Repository for purposes of the Rule. Attached to and by reference made a part of this Dissemination Agreement is Exhibit B, a current list of National Repositories. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, Exhibit B may be amended from time to time by the Dissemination Agent, following the designation of additional National Repositories or loss of such status by an existing National Repository, by delivering a notice of amendment and an amended Exhibit B to the Issuer. "Rule" shall mean Rule 15c2 -12(b)(5) adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as the same may be amended from time to time. Otsego Page 1 10/28/2002 "SEC" shall mean the Securities and Exchange Commission or any successor to its functions governing state and municipal securities disclosure. "State" shall mean the State of Minnesota. "State Repository" shall mean any public or private repository or entity designated by the State as a state repository for the purpose of the Rule. As of the date of this Agreement, there is no State Repository. "Tax -Exempt" shall mean that interest on the Bonds is excluded from gross income for federal income tax purposes, whether or not such interest is includable as an item of tax preference or otherwise includable directly or indirectly for purposes of calculating any other tax liability, including any alternative minimum tax or environmental tax. SECTION 2. Pu1pose of the Dissemination Agreement. This Dissemination Agreement is being entered into by the Issuer and the Dissemination Agent in order to assist the Issuer in complying with the Rule. . SECTION 3. Provision of Annual Ret)orts. (a) On or before December 1, 2002 and by August I of each year thereafter, the Issuer shall provide the Annual Report Data to the Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent shall compile and provide to each Repository by December 31st, of each year commencing December 31, 2002, the Annual Report for each Bond Issue in a forinat consistent with the Rule. (b) If by August I of each year, the Dissemination Agent has not received a copy of the Annual Report, the Dissemination Agent shall contact the Issuer to detennine if the Issuer is in compliance with subsection (a). (c) The Dissemination Agent shall: W detennine each year prior to December 3 1 ", the name and address of each National Repository and each State Repository, if any; and (ii) file a report with the Issuer and the Trustee (if applicable) certifying that the Annual Report has been provided pursuant to this Dissemination Agreement, stating the date it was provided and listing all the Repositories to which it was provided. SECTION 4. Content of Annual Reports. The Annual Report prepared by the Dissemination Agent for each Bond Issue shall contain or incorporate by reference the financial infon-nation and operating data specified in the applicable Continuing Disclosure Agreement or continuing disclosure provisions of any applicable Resolution, Indenture, Loan Agreement or Lease Agreement, relating to bond issues listed in Exhibit A. Otsego Page 2 10/28/2002 SECTION 5. Reporting of Significant Events. (a) This Section 5 shall govern the giving of notices of the occurrence of any of the events listed below or in the Issuer's Continuing Disclosure Agreement or in the applicable Resolution, Indenture, Loan Agreement or Lease Agreement: (1) Principal and interest payment delinquencies; (2) Non-payment related defaults; (3) Unscheduled draws on debt service reserves reflecting financial difficulties; (4) Unscheduled draws on credit enhancements reflecting financial difficulties; (5) Substitution of credit or liquidity providers, or their failure to perform; (6) Adverse tax opinions or events affecting the tax-exempt status of the security; (7) Modifications to rights of security holders; (8) Bond calls; (9) Defeasances; (10) Release, substitution, or sale of property securing repayment of the securities; and (11) Rating changes. (b) The Dissemination Agent shall, within one (1) Business Day of obtaining actual knowledge of the occurrence of any of the Listed Events, contact the Disclosure Representative, infon-n such person of the event, and request that the Issuer promptly notify the Dissemination Agent in writing whether or not to report the event pursuant to subsection (D. (c) Wienever the Issuer obtains knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event, the Issuer shall as soon as possible determine if such event would constitute material information for Holders of Bonds. (d) If the Issuer has determined that knowledge of the occurrence of a Listed Event would be material, the Issuer shall promptly notify the Dissemination Agent in writing. Such notice shall instruct the Dissemination Agent to report the occurrence pursuant to subsection (f). Otsego Page 3 10/28/2002 (e) If in response to a request under subsection (b), the Issuer determines that the Listed event would not be material, the Issuer shall so notify the Dissemination Agent in writing and instruct the Dissemination Agent not to report the occurrence pursuant to subsection (f). (f) If the Dissemination Agent has been instructed by the Issuer to report the occurrence of a Listed Event, the Dissemination Agent shall file a notice of such occurrence with the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board and each National Repository and State Repository. SECTION 6. Dissemination Agent. The Issuer has engaged the Dissemination Agent to assist it in carrying out its obligations under this Dissemination Agreement and may discharge any such Dissemination Agent, with or without appointing a successor or Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent may terminate its duties hereunder upon fifteen (15) days written notice to the Issuer. For its services hereunder, the Dissemination Agent shall be paid an annual fee of $1,000 plus $250 per Bond Issue for each Bond Issue in excess of an original par value of $1,000,000 as listed in Exhibit A that is required by the Rule to file an Annual Report. In addition, the Issuer shall reimburse the Dissemination Agent for out of pocket expenses incur -red in preparing the Annual Report. Such expenses shall not exceed an annual amount of $300.00 unless approved in advance by the Issuer. SECTION 7. Amendment, Waiver. Notwithstanding any other provision of this Dissemination Agreement, the Issuer and the Dissemination Agent may amend this Dissemination Agreement, and any provision of this Dissemination Agreement may be waived, in writing, as agreed to by the parties thereto. SECTION 8. Additional Information. Nothing in this Dissemination Agreement shall be deemed to prevent tl�e Issuer from disseminating any other information, using the means of dissemination set forth in this Dissemination Agreement or any other means of communication. SECTION 9. Duties, Immunities and Liabilities of Trustee and Dissemination Agent. The Dissemination Agent shall have only such duties as are specifically set forth in this Dissemination Agreement, and the Issuer agrees to indemnify and save the Dissemination Agent, its officers, directors, employees and agents, han-nless against any loss, expense and liabilities which it may incur arising out of or in the exercise or performance of its powers and duties hereunder, including the costs and expenses (including attorneys' fees) of defending against any claim of liability, but excluding liabilities due to the Dissemination Agent's gross negligence or willful misconduct. SECTION 10. Beneficiaries. This Dissemination Agreement shall inure solely to the benefit of the Issuer and the Dissemination Agent, and shall create no rights in any other person or entity. Otsego Page 4 10/28/2002 SECTION 11. CounteEparts, This Dissemination Agreement may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the CITY OF OTSEGO and NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC. have caused this Dissemination Agreement to be executed in their respective names, all as of the date first written above. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA an And Its Mayor Its City Administrator -Clerk NORTHLAND SECURITIES, INC. By Its Sr. Vice President Otsego Page 5 10/28/2002 EXHIBIT A BOND ISSUES SUBJECT TO CONTINUING DISCLOSURE OTSEGO, MINNESOTA FIRST FINAL LAST ISSUE DATED REPORT MATURE REPORT - PAR ISSUE DATE DUE DATE DUF lb4,')00,000 (i 0 Sewer and Water Revenue 08-01-98 Bonds of 1998, Series A $2,595,000 G 0 Sewer and Water Revenue 07-01-99 Bonds of 1999, Series A $1,800,000 G 0 Improvement Bonds of 1999, 07-01-99 Series B —F 12-31-99 12-01-20 2--01-21 12-31-99 12-01-20 12-01-21 12-31-99 12-01-09 12-01-10 Otsego Page 6 10/28/2002 EXHIBIT B LIST OF NATIONAL REPOSITORIES Bloomberg Municipal Repository P.O. Box 840 Princeton, NJ 08542-0840 Phone: 609-279-3200 Fax 609-279-5962 Interactive Data Attn: Repository 100 Williams Street New York, NY 10038 (212) 771-6899 FAX: (212) 771-7390 E -Mail: NRMS IR@interactive. coin Website: http://www.InteractiveData.com Standard & Poor's J.J. Kenny Repository 55 Water Street, 45"' floor New York, NY 10041 Phone: 212-438-4506 DPC Data, Inc. One Executive Drive Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Phone 201-346-0701 Fax 201-947-0107 Otsego Page 7 10/28/2002 ITEM 9. 1. A SAFETY TRAIN., INC. Susan Pearson wk: 763-428-2297 Cell -612-718-8801 13005 Main Street Fx: 428-2298 Rogers, MN 55374 SAFETY SURVEY I conducted the safety walkthrough of your city on October I oth 2002. My objective was to identify all areas of safety violations. I thank you for allowing SAFETY TRAIN, INC. to be your safety company. 1 -hope this report will help you increase productivity and decrease your safety related costs. I was favorably impressed with the general cleanliness and order in your facility. There appears to be a high level of fire protection and fire fighting equipment in well-positioned locations. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: A. OSHA 300 log must be on file—and posted for your employees each February, B. A first report of accident log must be maintained and kept on file. C. Written programs must be available to employees for: a) Hazard Communication b) Bloodbome Pathogens c) Respiratory Safety d) Lockout Tagout e) Evacuation Procedures f) First Aid, and CPR g) Personal Protection Equipment h) Hearing Conservation i) Confined Space j) Fire Safety Your Safety Manual is an important part of OSHA compliance. Safety Manuals must be updated annually. When you feel your budget allows, please call and I will be glad to update your Manual for you D. At this time, your employees must have the following training: 1. Ri2ht to Know— All employees must have this training before beginning work and then participate in annual refresher courses. 2. Lock Out/Tali Out— All employees that install, repair or unjam machinery are required to participate in annual training. All employees that are affected by Lockout Tagout procedures must have level B training. 3. Emenzency Action,— This training can be accomplished at new employee training as long as proper records are kept. 4. First Aid and CPR-- OSHA requires that there be one certified CPR/FA trained employee in each building, on each shift. If you use an AED, those using the AED- must be trained arinually. 5. Fire Safety— I suggest at least supervisors are trained to properly use Fire Extinguishers. This training should be annual. 6..Personal Protection Equipment—All employees who use PPE must be trained as the proper way to don, use, clean and store their PPE. 7. Respirator Safety- all employees that use a respirator. 8. Bloodborne Pathozens all employees that could during their normal work activities come in contact with human blood. 9. Confined Space— all employees that enter confined spaces. 10. Chain Saw Safety—for those that saw trim trees. 11. Heat Stress—for Public Works E. MSDS must be available, and the location of these sheets known to all employees. F. Operating permits and inspection records must be on file for elevators, air pressure tanks, sprinkler systems and fire doors. G. Fire extinguishers must be checked at least yearly, and monthly where chemicals are kept. H. Emergency telephone numbers must be kept by each phone and by First Aid boxes. 1. In accordance with NIN OSHA, safety meetings must be conducted at least quarterly. It is important to have regular Safety Meetings. These meetings must be conducted on a regular basis (at least quarterly). There must be written documents - stating the following: A procedure for handling employee suggestions, A procedure for investigation of each accident, A procedure to document each injury, and An enforcement procedure for safety violations. It is important that you keep an MSDS book. The index in your MSDS book must match with the List of Hazardous Chemicals in the RIGHT TO KNOW chapter of your Manual. It would be helpful if the list were kept in alphabetical order. OBSERVATIONS I am listing the OSHA violations area specific. CITY HALL, Entrv— Entry lighted Exit sign out. CONFERENCE ROOM: No violations seen. Main File Room: Clear Aisles Be sure all overhead storage is neatly boxes, shrink-wrapped or secure. Copier Room: Label all chemicals - Use Haz Mat Stickers Clear a 32 -inch aisle around electric panels, and clear flarnmables from this area. 32 ii I !C -s ic, tjei A 1 1-, r 1'; 1) 4 x r If the electric box carries a voltage of over 600 Volts—there must be a 36 -inch clearance around the box with no storage or flarnmables. All doors must be keep closed and there must be a warning sign, "HIGH VOLTAGE". Stora2e room to Council Chambers: Improper ladder storage. Vertical storage over 5 feet high must be secured. Chamber: Temporary Electric cord on floor, S! SCO I . . I I - �� ! I CIS i "De LLZ-7' I US" L he U an L-1 h il i i 1'_' in 1-1 Light out in exit light. Storage Room: - Label all chemicals 2 "d half of chamber -- Burned out exit light to exterior. Remove strap form walkway by door. Kitchen: First Aid Kit must have proper fill. I suggest a bum -kit in this area. Firi�f Aid Vnhinvt- Ah !�A 11 "1 "11, - I - mirzt h.- pr n,-riv f'r Li I C Ui an, d th n Remove voting booth from aisle. Label all chemicals and use hazmat stickers. Signs to rooms should be at eye level. Janitor area: Clear aisle to electric panel. Clear flammables and all storage from an area 32 -inches around the panel in all directions. Label all chemicals and have hazmat stickers on all chemicals. Hang and secure shovels. Kitchen: Clear floor Secure overhead storage. Stove missing guard from bottom. Posters for employees need to be updated. Janitor area by Kitchen: Clear Aisle Label all chemicals Use hazmat stickers All spray cans must be stored in a flameproof cabinet. NOTLE: ifl-h- -1 einicak aj--- lroonn I th., ch I IS L 1c, 1'ia�t2 ai-� INI"SLDS5 SI-OC'T I o. h c e co", i c a J, Z S. B U "OfY "A -'s T :. I -N-1 :1, Hall: Label all ambiguous doors. Exterior Exit light out. Side Corridor—Storage Room: Clear Aisle This could receive a housekeeping violation. Hang and secure shovels. Heritne Room: Temporary cords are to be used for 8 hours, and then wound and hung. I suggest you use a smaller table and move it to the wall so that electric cords are not in an aisle. There are not enough electric outlets in this room. Front Hall: Fire extinguisher sign should be directly over the extinguisher. Exit light out. PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE: All Public Works employees must be trained per above schedule. All exterior exit signs must be lighted. All fire extinguishers must be signed. No fire extinguisher may be stored on the floor—it must be hung on a bracket. Secure all vertical storage over 5 feet high. Sign retractable doors. Remember that you are limited as to the amount of oil on site. 0 1 is� I on e ZLI LI If 1. 0 L " �- 1 i , 'A I'Llifill1ing I'Small, Quanditv VV'astte t;J--gulaJons. It is in-ipcqta�ji that dh��- oil Is d regulark—this sahouid b, Ulu LIC All barrels, buckets and bottles of chemicals must be labeled and' have a hazmat sticker. The new employee posters must be hung. Clear aisle to lockers Every exterior exit sign must be lighted. All electric panels must have a 32 -inch clear aisle to them with no flammabtes of storage in that space. Be sure overhead storage is neat, boxed or shrink-wrapped. Vertical storage over 5 feet must be secured. All first aid drugs should be in a cabinet, not our in the open. Garame: Secure shovels I suggest a Waming Sign by all retractable doors. No electric cord is allowed to pass through doorways. W"eldina Site: P I fleed- I'l oper PPII_�,muist *,')%- at this site. (1-lelmet. szlo,,�es) These taiiks n-tust be uncoiinected and SLo'red chaii-ied to a �vaii _25 Foot a.i),Irl e(ach Ilight qnles.c; aiiv. 1�1 . - used & E,r- lold s-hould bt� T)rnnerIV 1-r.iined as in cornp ,jnln�.Peq thnt I'' pressed vas of -.1"! vvheli v;ekdl "HII-I ref -A - _0O,__L!rCU_ LID VI WaIll-- a-,�-ay from any ai-j"' FlanninalDle ficiell gase, ni-I ust 'De store d feezt 1-1-01-11 Odwl- or _'5 fO()t 8 fbekkeerl theill. T -I here can be no smoking in. ill' se areas. - Tbese areas must be signied. -i'�-O S�NIOKING­. Under Stairs: Chemicals must have Hazmat. Oily rags must be stored in proper cans, and removed each night. Wet floor must have a proper dry Bridge/mat. Secure Ladders. Remove illegal vests.—Public Works employees must wear CLASS 11 vests. Move battery charger to proper area. Battery Charger Ar -e -Lis: T In e s -. a re as I n iis, t e i a e a i e a 11IN 0 S, Nvi 0 K FN� C, Prof er PPF r 1.) on. ancl tile. qt" t i- o r P P E. i)r filled, in this qri-n ,i I n I I 'Z t ho -%vit-hin 25 bstructed., _11hiS e-7-11"ach niust be I -A .1 Welding unit—see above. Secure shovels under steps. UP: Al! overhead storage areas nnist have: -A 1,, -,ad lirnit sign. -A pronet railingy 422 NO!, witb a s-econd rail at 1I i I io r T_ ' - I - - 'liches. arid MUst alisc, .­ 1 1 -1 hw,�,e a h_o-,ird that iq r,t) more than '4- inch froni the floor. I open iin'E�vaar-1-11, be 1,C)ck-able alij to 1VV;+hs*-t-d t1_1 t -P., v pt unds presstire. be a proper stairv,'ay of lad der em p ()-Vees L-ise t -1711S area. c1e(al- 30", W ile lit UJ I storage areitS, All -overhead danger areas must be marked with hazard tape. Overhead heaters must have an area 48 inches all around cleared of any flammables. Fluorescent bulbs must be stored properly. There could be a housekeeping violation in this area. All chemicals must be labeled and have a bazmat sticker. All step-ups should have hazard tape on them. Old Garne: Battery charger area -see above Be sure overhead storage is neat and secure. T' I I r in ccl t� -e proper stgna,-- as to hea—q LV' site wiope-r si=a,,c ib, all Lin-, Al I chemicals must be labeled and have a Haz Mat sticker. Air-ict 1:11rca: T. m3s area MUSE oe signed. and naiv'e PPL oil s* he end coFthle i-iose nmlst halv'e a lre2uiator. A! V.—tes al. I Ali I U� kve z r LICYLIS llcw evewasl-t nnust '00 vv'tri Improper rag storage, Be sure all old radios and CD players are double insulated, UL listed, or 3 - prong. Label wood door. Clear Aisle in bathroom. Cover wire ends. Secure brooms. & it S -1810 -%WN A 4- W, "IfAd-)Llk 11 r, J I I %- A 1, , I " rL&% ik-1 r- ; M11 che"l-lica'S shoul I I e stor-al a special che Ilicul siorage ar%. This areas Mould be labele(I. I iave proper signage for PPE need -d, the proln-�r PPJ-- oil site, There should be pr(ini-r j-011ftilt Inpl-11 and autoirn-atic ventilation Nvit.h. the fi�g=ht svvitch. -1 -11*11-ut- --n, .""11 L" —� -0 F.11.1 sl1olls, 1,11 ble 1.5 11 �Vlntitlllr% c- fl,,r)%,V -A-111 '13,1 ;v% r 11, 1 ol.--, and :I -I— --A ; IA -C. This 'Ljthl� LIMI-It"'I Proncriki. Y %uv 1j%1Ik"%-%.41J �1 Id 3161ji-m sib-Ct.43, TIADF thle ChIC-11-lica"is i-ni that area sl ould ne Present OU Outside: Coffee cans are not proper storage. Label all barrels. SUMMARY SAFETY TRAIN, INC. is pleased to provide you with this walkthrough of your facilities. Please remember that these results are for your internal use only. This report was prepared is strict confidence and will not be reprinted without your express consent. Our intent is to help you become more prepared should OSHA decide to inspect your facilities. OSHA does not sanction this service or does it guarantee that you would be in full compliance. If you have any questions, or would like further information as to exact OSHA specifications regarding any of the hazards or recommended means of correction, please do not hesitate to call us at 763- 428-2297.