08-18-03 WSITEM 3_6_ CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP August 18, 2003 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, Vern Heidner, and Virginia Wendel. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, and City Accountant Gary Groen. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 6:00 p.m. REVIEW OF PROPOSED 2004 BUDGET City Administrator Robertson reviewed the levy limit the City received from the State. Council consensus was to put the maximum preliminary tax levy allowed on the Council agenda for September 8, 2003 because the City could reduce it later. Council reviewed the following items. Financial Management - Council directed City Accountant Groen to estimate his cost for managing the City's bonds and to charge that amount to the bond funds proportionately. Council also discussed the sewer and water funds. Cleanup Day - Councilmember Heidner suggested that the Council examine giving residents a voucher to be used at any nearby solid waste site as a way of reducing the cost of administering Cleanup Day. Recreation Activities - Robertson was directed to contact the Elk River School District about what they are doing for Rogers in terms of providing recreation activities for a fee. He was also directed to talk to St, Michael and Monticello about what they do for recreation activities, and examine Otsego`s recreation costs for the last few years. Building Inspector - Council agreed to provide mileage reimbursement for the building inspectors rather than to budget for vehicles at this time. Historic Preservation Commission - Council discussed that besides documenting Otsego's past that the HPC could also document the present via photographs, interviews, etc. because that would be historically significant in the future. Particularly information about areas that are about to be developed. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 8:22 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator