09-08-03 PHIT1=M 3-7_ PUBLIC HEARING 87`h STREET AND OBRIAN AVENUE MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2003 6 PM, OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Fournier will open the Public Hearing Mayor Fournier oyened the Public Hearing at 6.30 PM Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel and Dan Scharber. Absent: Jerry Struthers. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Attorney; Judy Hudson, City Clerk; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; Jeff Elliott, Assistant City Engineer and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. 2. Comments by City Attorney. Andy MacArthur explained the legal process required for this project. 3. Presentation of the proposed proiect by City Engineer. Jeff Elliott presented the proposed 87`h Street and Obrian Avenue Project. Cost is estimated at $150,000 using the same contractor as 85`h Street and the project is feasible. At 23 properties the assessment per property is approximately $6,500 per parcel. 4. Public Comments. Mayor Fournier opened for Public Comments at 6:11 PM. Randy Lohse, 14200 87`h Street, asked about the bid from the contractor. Ron Wagner explained by using Dresel, the contractor of the 85`h Street project, the cost will be cheaper. Otherwise small projects like this would be a higher price. Dave Peterson, 14333 87`h Street, asked if the assessment will be over 10 years and asked if the contractor will do the driveways. Andy MacArthur replied yes for ten years with interest. Ron Wagner said the contractor would not do the driveways as it takes special equipment. Mayor Fournier said staff would try and work something out for driveways. Mike Gregersen, 8591 Obrian Avenue, asked if the City is willing to pay for any of this cost as he feels the City will save money by not maintaining the gravel road. Mayor Fournier said that typically the benefiting properties pay. Guy Rowe, 14031 87`h Street, before the City incorporated they said they would look at doing this project and they also said it takes 3 times more money to maintain a gravel road. Loren Butler, 14186 87`h Street, asked if the new road would stand up to truck traffic. Ron Wagner explained this would be a 9 -ton road. Mr. Butler also asked about the easements on the backs of the lots. Andy MacArthur said the abstracts were never brought in to him and the plat didn't show any back lot easements. Public Hearing of September 8, 2003. Page 2. Randy Gregersen, 87`h Street, stated he has lived there since 1988 and had a water problem then and a large culvert was put in, it is now halfway plugged and asked if this can be cleaned up so it can be mowed. Ron Wagner said that it will be graded and fixed up and surveys will be done to correct any drainage problems. Dave Peterson, 87th Street, he views this project as a benefit as was the 85`h Street project which corrected a water problem he has had. Marty Carroll, 8710 Obrian, stated her lot is smaller than the others and she said she couldn't afford the assessment although she sees a lot of pluses to this project. Paul Dahlheimer, 14250 87`h Street, asked what is the schedule to put in sewer and water. Mayor Fournier said there are no plans to put in water and sewer and the City don't have the capacity. He explained the neighborhood would need to petition if it wanted sewer and water. Jane Davis, 14299 87`h Street, stated they have lived there for 17 years. She is sick of dust and wants this paved and stated this project will improve their property. George Vyskocil, 14418 87ffi Street, he stated he wants this project done as he is sick of the dust. Mabel Huss, 14280 87`h Street, stated she wants this project done, as she is sick of the dust. Larry Feela of 87`h Street, he supports this project, as he is sick of the dust. Mike Gregersen, 87`h Street, said he is for this project and asked about the interest rate. Mike Robertson said it is typically 1 to 1 %z% over bond, which would be about 5 % or 6%. Randy Lohse, 87`h Street, stated support for the project. David Peterson, 87`h Street, said he would support the project if everyone wants it and if everyone wants the increase in taxes. Guy Rowe, 87`h Street, asked if the drainage problem on 87`, and Obrian would be corrected. Ron Wagner said it is included in the project. Paul Dahlheimer, 87`h Street, said he wished the project was done 10 years ago and supports the project. 5. Close the Public Hearing. Mayor Fournier stated the consensus is to go forward with the project. Mayor Fournier closed the Public Hearing at 6:38 PM. 6. Council Discussion CM Wendel' asked if the City needs to buy easements. Ron Wagner said he might need terns some ary easementsbut expects the property owners will work with the City on this. �1-41 Attest:_ l �IY/1(1, Judy Hudson, City Clerk