09-29-03 WSITFORA -j CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP September 29, 2003 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, City Bookkeeper Kathy Grover, and City Accountant Gary Groen. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 6:05 p.m. REVIEW OF PROPOSED 2004 BUDGET City Administrator Robertson noted that after all departments had been reviewed that their was a budget deficit of $297,000. Council reviewed Robertson's suggestions for balancing the budget. Revenues - Robertson noted that he and Gary Groen had revised their revenue estimates for an additional $45,000. Mayor Fournier asked if the Building Permits estimates weren't light. Robertson agreed that they were purposely estimated low because it was a volatile revenue source that could go up and down without much warning. 2003 Budget Surplus - Robertson and Groen said that if present trends continued they expected a 2003 budget surplus of at least $150,000-200,000. Public Works - There was considerable discussion of public works staffing levels and snowplowing. Council was in consensus not to budget for an additional maintenance worker in 2004 and to rehire Kurt Otterness for part-time work during the winter months. This would be a savings of $25,000 in the 2004 budget. Council also agreed to cut the $45,000 budgeted for Dust Control because 88th Street and Quaday Avenue will be paved. Mayor Fournier said the Public Works Subcommittee would review the budget further with Dave Chase on Wednesday. Police - Council agreed to remove the additional $133,000 in additional money from the 2004 budget and instead transfer a similar amount from the 2003 budget surplus to a new account entitled "Police Capital Equipment Fund': Administration - Council agreed to cut the $10,000 budgeted for an intern. Council will review the proposed telephone system to determine whether leasing or purchasing now will be the best option, which would save an additional $15,000. Recreation - Robertson and Groen reviewed the amount of funds available in the current recreation budget. Robertson indicated that he had met with Charlie Blesner of the Elk River School District to discuss the City contracting with the District to provide some recreation services. Robertson stated he had not heard back from Blesner yet. Council agreed to cut the $20,000 for the proposed Recreation Coordinator because there would still be enough funds in the recreation budget for the position if the 2003 funds were carried over to 2004. Council agreed they would discuss recreation further when they heard back from the School District. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 7:25 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator �-Ir FM :A_S_ CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL WORKSHOP - DOG ORDINANCE REVIEW September 29, 2003 Roll Call: Otsego City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel, Jerry Struthers, Dan Scharber, and Vern Heidner. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Clerk Judy Hudson, City Attorney Andy MacArthur. Mayor Fournier called the workshop to order at 7:25 p.m. REVIEW OF PROPOSED DOG ORDINANCE CHANGES City Attorney MacArthur reviewed the proposed changes to the ordinance. Council discussed definitions, dangerous dogs, other animals, and licensing. Council agreed to limit homes to three animals total without a kennel license, and with no more than two dogs. MacArthur stated he would make the proposed changes and have the ordinance on the Council agenda for the October 27, 2003 Council meeting. With no other business, Mayor Fournier adjourned the meeting at 8:25 p.m. Michael Robertson City Administrator