11-24-03 CCITEM 3-7 OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 24, 2003 OTSEGO CITY HALL 6:30 PM 1. Mavor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Dan Scharber and Jerry Struthers. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Licht, City Planner and Ron Wagner, City Engineer. Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Consider agenda approval CM Struthers requested to add under Item 10.2. Parks and under Item 10.3. Time Limits. Ron Wagner requested to add under Item 7.3. Award Well Bid for Prairie Creek Park. Mike Robertson requested to add under Item 10.4. Pay Estimate for Park Construction, Mayor Fournier requested to add under Item 8.3. Nuisance Update. CM Heidner motioned adoption as amended. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following minutes: 3.1. November 10 2003 City Council Meeting_ Mayor Fournier noted on Page 2, to change the last motion from change at amtime to change at that time. CM Heidner motioned adoption as amended.. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum: (5 minute limit) Krishona Martinson, 8789 Nashua Avenue, stated concern with the recent signs posted in Prairie Park for No Horses allowed in the Park. She wasn't aware of any problems or issues. Mike Robertson explained City Hall received several complaints from the Otsego Festival Committee about horse manur&. Parks Maintenance people also complained. Mrs. Martinson suggested a 10 -foot path for horses going around park. She noted in the past 3 years there has only been a select group using the park. Kim Blase, 8725 Nashua Avenue, also was concerned with these signs and would like to see a horse trail around the park. Mayor Fournier suggested that the Park Commission review this request at their next meeting which is Friday, December 12, 2003 at 7 PM. 5. Consent Agenda (Non -controversial items) 5.1. Approve Claims List CM Struthers motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of November 24, 2003. Page 2. 6. Dan Licht, City Planner. 6.1. Maple Hills Development: A. Rezone property from A-1 to R -C Rural Cluster Development. B. Preliminary Plat for development of 17 single-family lots. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Ron Wagner presented the Engineering Report. Brad Pauman, applicant, stated he agrees with all the conditions. The Council agreed to keep Kadler Avenue as a straight road. CM Heidner motioned to approve a Zoning Map amendment rezoning the subject site from A-1 District to R -C District based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to approve the Preliminary Plat of Maple Hill, subject to the nine conditions listed in the Findings of Plat and to add that the location of principal buildings on each lot shall generally conform to the building pads identified on the grading plan, subject to City Staff review and approval. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 6.2. Final Plat for Kittredge Crossings 3rd and 4`h Additions. Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Lucinda Gardner, Farr Development, stated she agrees with the conditions and she needs to work out the color schemes. They are creating a series of smaller developments within this Plat. They would like each to have one color scheme. Mayor Fournier asked when the commercial development starts. Ms. Gardner replied she has her commercial agents working on this and expects to bring the plats this winter. The consensus of the council is to see 4 or 5 different color schemes. CM Heidner motioned to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for the Kittredge Crossings 3rd Addition, subject to the 11 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact with condition No. 3 revised to remove roof shingle requirement and review by Planning Commission and no one color scheme used for more than 30 percent of the building exteriors. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. CM Heidner motioned to approve a PUD Development Stage Plan and Final Plat for Kittredge Crossings 4`h Addition, subject to the 8 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact with condition No. 3 revised to remove roof shingle requirement and review by Planning Commission and no one color scheme used for more than 50 percent of the building exteriors. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of November 24, 2003. Page 3. 7. Ron Wagner City Engineer: 7.1. Pay Estimate No. 7 to Dressel Contracting for $92.880.45. Ron Wagner reviewed the Pay Estimate. CM Heidner motioned to approve Pay Estimate No. 7. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 7.2. Any other Engineering Items A. Prairie Park Irrigation SupplySystem Bid Ron Wagner reviewed the bids. CM Struthers motioned to award bid to EH Renner & Sons for $111,660.00. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 8. Andrew MacArthur City Attornev: 8.1. Assessment Roll for 85`h Street Extension Mr. MacArthur explained that from talking to the Kolles and their attorney they would prefer the assessment to split evenly between them and the Days. He said the Council needs to decide which way to approve the assessment. If the Kolles' assessment is deferred, interest starts from the date the assessment roll is adopted. Jim Kolles said their position is that they didn't want the street, prefer the even split with a reasonable rate of interest or no interest. Their only benefit from the land is if it is sold. Mr. Kolles requested a lower rate of interest. CM Struthers motioned to go with even split of assessment (Option 2) with the interest rate of 4.8% with Kolles assessment deferred until developed. Seconded by CM Scharber. All in favor. Motion carried. 8.2. Any other Engineering Items A. Nuisance Update. Mr. MacArthur gave a update of current nuisance violations. 9. Council Items: 9.1. East and West Sewer Plant Update. A. Letter from Ted Field re Darkenwald WWTP Mike Robertson reviewed the letter. 9.2. Set Administrative Sub -committee Meeting. Mayor Fournier motioned to set a Public Hearing for December 22, 2003 to set the Building Code and Fee Schedules. Seconded by Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Fournier set December 11, 2003, 4 PM, for Administrative Subcommittee Meeting. Mike Robertson noted that on December 4, 2003, 4 PM at St. Michael City Hall there will a meeting to discuss road funding. City Council Meeting of November 24, 2003. Page 4. 10. Mike Robertson. Citv Administrator: 10.1. Update Project Priorities. Mike Robertson reviewed the memo. CM Struthers requested to add under Attorney Items: Meth Labs and Ordinance regarding rental properties, Wards Research and Used Car Sales on private property. Mike Robertson is adding under Gary Groen: Financial Procedure Manual and expanded budget project. Under City Engineer: Otsego East Side Water Plan. Council directed this list be placed on the next Council Agenda. 10.2. Parks CM Struthers said that Prairie Park has a horseshoe pit made out of concrete and questioned if this was in the specs. He also suggested to having fencing around these pits and also the skate park. CM Scharber feels some of the Parks Construction had poor quality control. The Council would like to see the sliding hill moved but at this time put some straw bales put out. CM Scharber said the water fountain in School Knoll Park runs constantly and who is responsible for the winterization of the Parks. Mayor Fournier set March 3, 2004, 7:30 PM for a Workshop with the Police Commission. January 13, 2004, 7 PM was set for a All Commissions Legal Workshop with the City Attorney. January 21, 2004, 4 PM, City Council Workshop to discuss Park Commission duties. 10.3. Time limits Administrative Subcommittee will meet with the City Attorney to discuss issues. 10.4. Park Construction Payment. CM Scharber motioned to approve a payment of $151,740.04 to American Liberty Construction. Seconded by CM Struthers. All in favor. Motion carried. 11. Judy Hudson. City Clerk. No items 12. Adjourn by 10 PM. CM Scharber motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM. &IV ayor L F urnier ATTEST: Com. Ju1V ud o Ci Clerk/Zoning Adm.