98-09CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTINGENT ACCEPTANCE OF STREETS FOR HERITAGE HILLS PLAT Resolution No. 98-9 WHEREAS, the City of Otsego has previously entered into a Development Agreement, dated June 5, 1997, with Heritage Landing Development concerning that plat. known as Heritage Hills; and WHEREAS, the City Engineer has inspected the Heritage Hills plat and development thereon and has, by letter dated March 17, 1998, indicated that the streets have been inspected and are ready for acceptance by the City as city streets subject to the conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS the Developer has still not yet fully complied with the conditions of street acceptance as set forth in the above -referenced Development Agreement and Subsequent correspondence from the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the Developer has requested Council action to accept the streets, and has represented that all controversies regarding payment between the Developer and its contractors and subcontractors have been resolved. NOWTHERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otsego City Council that the Heritage Hills streets are hereby accepted, subject to the following terms and conditions: n 1. Developer must first provide the City with lien waivers on the balance of the project. 2. Developer must provide a warranty letter of credit to the City in the amount of $63,635.00. 3. Developer must state in writing its agreement to a second warranty year for certain road work, which would be covered by a letter of credit in the amount of $20,000. 4. Developer must provide satisfactory written assurance to the City that all claims relative to construction of improvements within the plat have been satisfactorily resolved. 5. Upon satisfaction of these conditions, and with approval thereon from the City Attorney, the City Clerk shall be authorized and directed to communicate the City Council's acceptance of the Heritage Hills streets to Developer. Dated: March 23, 1998 Larry e , Mayor City df Otsego ATTEST: