01-15-03 WSITEM 3.2. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP WEDNESDAY JANUARY 15, 2003 4:30 PiI 1. Mayor Fournier will call the Workshop to order - Mayor Fournier called the Workshop to order at 4:33 PM. Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber and Jerry Struthers. Sheriff Gary Miller and Deputy Dan Anselman. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, City Clerk. Discussion of Police Issues. Mayor Fournier updated Sheriff Miller that the City Council has decided to form a Police Commission with seven residents and two Councilmembers. Mike Robertson asked about the scheduling of deputies for Otsego. He said he would like to see the same officers on for the full 6 -day shift rather than splitting the shifts so that they would become more familiar with the City and its ordinances. Sheriff Miller explained he doesn't do the scheduling but it is a very complex system and he will look at the schedule. CM Struthers asked that the loose dogs should be turned over to the Monticello Animal Control rather than just returning them to the owners. The Council agreed. Sheriff Miller said there would be County Wide Meeting for all officials to discuss issues such as dogs with the County Attorney. Deputy Anselman went over the 2002 Nuisance Calls. Sheriff Miller said they applied for a grant for added snowmobile patrol and did receive it for St. Michael, Monticello and Otsego where they have 24-hour coverage. Mayor Fournier said they must be doing a great job because he hasn't received any snowmobile complaints. Both Mayor Fournier and CM Heidner said they haven't received any phone calls on law enforcement issues or complaints for the last couple of months. Sheriff Miller said the crime rate and calls in Otsego have gone down and attributes this to the 24-hour coverage. Mike Robertson asked what generates a search warrant. Sheriff Miller explained they have a computerized system that a clerk enters all activity and calls. Wright County is the States 10`h largest agency and the 4`h in arresting drug related calls and gives credit to the Drug Task Force. The Sheriff said he encourages everyone to call in to report anything they consider suspicious because it is all entered into the database. CM Heidner asked if the Sheriff's Budget would be affected by the State's shortfall. Sheriff Miller said it would be but that Wright County is in better shape than a lot of other counties. City Council Workshop of January 15, 2003, cont'd. Page 2. Deputy Anselman said Monticello is having their Police Commission Meeting next Wednesday night at 7 PM. CM Heidner feels that having the deputies driving through the neighborhoods especially in the afternoons has made a lot of difference. Sheriff Miller said he would reinforce the neighborhood drive through with the officers. CM Struthers requested to have at least one officer's log to review with the Sheriff Report. The next Police Workshop was set for April 15, 2003, 4:30 PM. Mike Robertson requested the Sheriff to direct the dispatchers to tell Otsego residents to call City Hall for City Ordinances. The Sheriff said he has already done that. CM Wendel updated the Council on her recent River Rider Meeting with Wright County River Rider has merged with Sherburne County and there will be a reductions in routes. Mayor Fournier set a Public Work's Subcommittee Meeting for Thursday, January 30`x' at 4:30 PM and an Administrative Subcommittee Meeting for February 6`h, 4:30 PM. Workshop,atljourned at 5:,'�4 PM. `AKyor LI�6 Four'fiier Recorded by Judy Hudson, City Clerk cd� A�