02-06-03 WSITEM 3.1. CITY OF OTSEGO MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 6, 2003 6:OOPM COUNCIL WORKSHOP WEST OTSEGO STORMWATER & ROAD PLANNING Roll Call: Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Jerry Struthers, Vern Heidner, Dan Scharber, and Virginia Wendel were present. City Staff: City Administrator Michael Robertson, City Engineer Ron Wagner, and assistant engineers Tim Eggerich, Jeff Elliot, and Jim Johnson. REVIEW OTSEGO CREEK STORMWATER PLAN Ron Wagner reviewed the Otsego Creek Stormwater Plan. The total estimated cost for Trunk Stormwater facilities throughout the length of the creek is estimated at over seven million dollars. This establishes a storm water fee of $2,165 per acre for storm water improvements. This fee would only be paid by properties as they develop. Council consensus was that the plan looked acceptable. There was a lot of discussion that the stretch of Otsego Creek from County Road 19 west to MacIver Avenue would probably need to be constructed in 2004. REVIEW OTSEGO TRANSPORTATION PLAN Ron Wagner and Jim Johnson reviewed the revised Draft Transportation Plan. They described the study done for the Area of 70th Street and MacIver Avenue. Council consensus was that the plan was generally acceptable but needed a few modifications. There was considerable discussion of the difficulty of funding collector road improvements. Ron Wagner will revise the plan per discussion and bring it before the City Council in the near future. With no further business the workshop adjourned at 9:05 p.m. lAicae�11RAbb eer t Zs City Administrator