01-07-99 CCCITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT MINUTES OF JANUARY 7, 1999 7:OOPM SPECIAL MEETING ODEAN AVENUE RECONSTRUCTION INFORMATIONAL MEETING 1. MAYOR FOURNIER WILL CALL MEETING TO ORDER Mayor Larry Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:OOPM. Roll Call: City of Otsego: Larry Fournier, Mayor, and Councilmembers Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman, and Virginia Wendel were present. City Staff. Michael Robertson, City Administrator; Ron Wagner, City Engineer; and John Harwood, City Engineer; were present. PUBLIC HEARING - PROPOSED BITUMINOUS STREET RECONSTRUCTION OF ODEAN AVENUE NE, OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Mayor Fournier introduced the Councilmembers and staff. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing at 7:02 p.m., described the format of the meeting, and turned the meeting over to City Administrator Robertson for the staff report. Robertson explained that the City had received a grant of over $1.2 million dollars from the Federal government under the ISTEA program, and that this information meeting was held as part of the requirements of that program. Robertson noted that the City hoped to proceed with the improvement of Odean Avenue this summer, but that the timetable was dependent upon federal approval of the plans. Robertson introduced City Engineer Ron Wagner, who gave a presentation on the proposed improvement. Wagner indicated that Odean Avenue presently consisted of a two lane, 24 foot wide road with 3 inches of blacktop upon a 3 inch base of gravel, with ditches and cross culverts for drainage. The new road will be improved to an approximately 43 foot wide road with two travel lanes plus paved shoulders. The road will have 4-1/2 inches of blacktop on top of a 7 inch gravel base, along with curb and gutter and an off road bike trail. Wagner noted that at its intersection with 85th Street the road would be widened to four lanes each direction. The four lanes would be a left turn lane, a through lane, a right turn lane, and an opposite direction through lane. The intersection would be controlled by a four way stop. Wagner reviewed the social and environmental effects that may be caused by the reconstruction of Odean Avenue. Each public and governmental agency contacted by the City was mentioned, along with their responses. Issues covered were; a) Section 4(1) Park & Recreational Property - None within project area b) Historical sites - None within project area Page 2 - Minutes of January 7, 1999 - 7:00 p.m. Special Meeting C) Endangered Species - No concerns d) Prime and Unique Farmland - None within project area e) Wetlands - Mitigating for unavoidably filled wetlands f) Flood Plains - No flood plains within project area g) Hazardous Waste - No known hazardous waste sites within project area h) Air Quality - No significant air quality impact i) Construction Noise - No unique noise receptors and no generation of unique or excessive noise At the end of the City Engineer's presentation Mayor Fournier called a break in the formal part of the meeting and those present reviewed the plans displayed around the room and asked questions of the City Engineer's regarding conditions on their particular lots. After approximately 30 minutes Mayor Fournier called the meeting back to order and asked for questions from the audience. At this point there were approximately 16 people in attendance. (Sign in list enclosed.) Mark Nolden, 7771 Odean Avenue; stated that he liked the proposed reduced speed limit and asked how it would be enforced. Administrator Robertson said it would be enforced through increased patrols and noted that the City Council had increased its contracted hours with the Wright County Sheriffs department for 1999 for speed limit enforcement. Frank Miles, 8188 Odean Avenue; expressed concern about water from the wetland in his front yard coming over his driveway. City Engineer Wagner said that the City would put a culvert under his driveway to prevent that from happening. Page 3 - Minutes of January 7, 1999 - 7:00 p.m. Special Meeting Mr. Reichardt, 89th & Odean; was upset about losing his trees in his front yard. City Engineer Harwood said that just because the easement included his trees did not mean that they would automatically be removed. Harwood indicated that they did not want to remove any more trees than they had to and they would make every effort to preserve his trees. Jerry Johnson, 7976 Odean Avenue; asked about the appraisal process for the City's acquisition of right-of-way easements. Administrator Robertson explained the process. Gary Inman, 7262 Odean Avenue; wanted field access road preserved; he also expressed his dislike for the design of the intersection of Odean Avenue and County Road 37 and asked if the intersection could be re -done. City Engineer Harwood said that the County has indicated that it is not interested in changing the intersection. Harwood discussed the history of how that intersection ended up the way it did. Wayne Rude, 8357 Odell Avenue; thanked the Council for the information and said that he was looking forward to the road being reconstructed because it had needed it for a while. Hearing no further questions, Councilmember Heidner, seconded by Councilmember Berning, moved to close the public hearing at 8:32 p.m. Carried 5-0. Mayor Fournier asked if there was any other Council business. There was none. Councilmember Berning, seconded by Councilmember Wendel, moved to adjourn at 8:33 p.m. Carried 5-0. CITY OF OTSEGO RY F RSR MAYOR ATTEST: ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK ccminsp/mr