98-17CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION 98-17 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE SCOPE OF WORK AND AUTHORIZING A CONTRACT FOR WORK DONE BY DAY LABOR WHEREAS, a city contract constructed a bituminous overlay project on streets within the Mississippi Shores area in 1996 and; WHEREAS, as part of that project, the final restoration of shoulders via placement of topsoil and seed was proposed to be by a combination of city furnished labor and materials and/or contract labor and materials, and; WHEREAS, the city engineer has reviewed the project area, identified on a sketch plan the .area requiring topsoil shouldering and has solicited unit price costs for material, equipment and labor necessary to spread, seed and complete the shouldering work. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO: 1) That the unit costs and hourly rates for labor and equipment to perform the Mississippi Shores area shouldering work by day labor contract are accepted, and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to enter into a day labor contract for such work with Mastercraft Landscaping Inc. and, 2) That the earth shouldering work is to be performed as described in the City Engineer's design memorandum dated July 7 and 8, 1998, and that the City Engineer is directed to supervise the construction and provide a report on the completed construction as required by Statute 429.41. Adopted by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 27THday of July, 1998. C AShare\W PmunAAOTSEGO\910\ot910res 1.doc Mayor -'C'ity Clerk