02-03-99 WSCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP RE: CITY ROAD OVERLAYS FEBRUARY 3, 1999 - 4PM MINUTES 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier waited for CM Berning to arrive and opened the meeting at 4: l OPM ROLL CALL: Mayor Larry Fournier, CM Vern Heidner, CM Virginia Wendel and CM Mark Berning were present. CM Suzanne Ackerman was absent. Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Larry Koshak, City Engineer and Ron Wagner, Engineer from Staff. Ron Wagner explained that the project path report for the Odean Avenue project was accepted by the Feds. Engineer Koshak also gave an overview of the Helen Wilson Berge property for drainage ponding. She has agreed to granting an easement on the North of her property if the city will install a cyclone fence with vines for privacy. 2. Turn Meeting over to City Engineer, Larry KoshaL who will discuss overlays for City roads. The Overlay Report of December 8, 1998 was reviewed by Larry Koshak and Ron Wagner. The Halls 1, 2 and 3 additions, Deerfield Acres/Hidden Valley area is the top priority. The rest is in addition to that. Ron Wagner explained that he divided the projects into three years and tried to keep them similar so not to spread them out too much. (See Exhibit A) . Any cost to get the road into good shape other than the 2" overlay was charged to the City's portion of the cost, because of the lack of maintenance over the years of these roads. The 2" overlay was treated as 100% the property owners cost. It includes Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates and Otsego Acres. The third year Mason Avenue, 83RD ST, Marlow, 80TH there is some money in this project to make a deep cut and remove bad material and select granular material will be hauled back in to replace bad soil. They have relied on existing drainage. It could possibly cost more money without ditching it. Mason Avenue is the only one that did not have a 2" sub -cut in the costs. These would be 10 year assessments at 7-1/2% interest. The figures are for a 3 -year project. The Cities portion of the projects will need to be figured into the equation. Discussion of bonding for the projects. LarryKoshak noted that these projects will not go down in price, possibly they will go up. A 5% contingency fee is built in. CM Heidner asked if we can do all three years projects in one year? Reclaiming, pick up the surface of the road, chew it up and lay it back down and possibly bond for all of it ahead of time. The Council seemed to like the two year time schedule instead. First year: Halls Additions, Walesch Estates, Deerfield Acres, Hidden Valley and Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates, 1 ST and 2ND Additions. CITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP OF FEBRUARY 3,1999 - 4PM - PAGE - 2 - Second year: Mason Avenue, 83RD ST NE, Marlow Avenue, 80TH ST, Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates 3RD & 4TH Additions, Great River Acres (Also the second year a culvert will probably be installed in 83rd street. Discussion of the City of Albertville helping pay for it. It was noted that Mike Robertson is gathering figures to give to Albertville for the culverts that have been installed.) Discussion of 78TH ST. and Page Ave. roads to be built in the new sewered area, trunk lines for wastewater treatment and developer guarantees. Exhibit A will be revised by Ron Wagner to show the two year schedule for the projects. Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 5:35PM. The report will be revised next week and added to the Council Agenda of 2/22/99 at 6:30PM under Engineering. The date for the Hearing for these projects was tentatively set for March 11, 1999 at 7PM. VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED AND MARK BERNING SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Meeting Adjourned at approximately 5:45PM. CITY OF OTSEGO: t l e LiL'-cam ARRY R, MAYOR ✓• ATTEST: ELAINEEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONIN ADM. (CITY SEAL) FILE: "CC-,%IV.WpS EB