02-08-99 CCRESOLUTION NO. 99-5 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE BY CABLE TV FUND 14-A, LTD. TO BRESNAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LLC AND WAIVING THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO PURCHASE THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Otsego, Minnesota (the "Franchise Authority") granted to Rite Cable Company of Minnesota, Ltd. a cable television franchise/extension permit to construct, own operate and maintain a cable television system in the City of Otsego (the "Franchise"); and - WHEREAS, by Resolution the Franchise Authority authorized the assignment and transfer of the Franchise to Jones Intercable, Inc. ("JIC"), and subsequently, amended the Franchise to include one or more of JIC's controlled affiliates as the "Grantee" under the Franchise; and WHEREAS, JIC transferred the Franchise to its affiliate, Cable TV Fund 14-A, Ltd. (the "Fund"), as the new Grantee; and WHEREAS, the Fund hasagreed to sell the cable television system serving the Franchise Authority (the "System"), including the Franchise, to Bresnan Communications Company Limited Partnership ("Bresnan"), and Bresnan has agreed to purchase the System, including the Franchise, from the Fund; and WHEREAS, Bresnan will transfer ownership and control of the System and the Franchise to Bresnan Telecommunications Company, LLC (`BTCLLC") ("Transferee"); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Franchise Authority hereby consents to the transfer of the Franchise and the System from the Fund to Bresnan and, subsequently, to Bresnan Telecommunications Company LLC (the "Transaction"). 2. The Franchise Authority acknowledges that its consent to the Transaction shall be effective upon the closing of the sale of the System by the Fund to Bresnan. Written notice of the closing date shall be given to the Franchise Authority. I The Franchise Authority hereby confirms that: (i) the Franchise is currently in Ml force and effect; (ii) the Fund is in compliance in all material respects with the Franchise; and (iii) no event has occurred or exists which would permit the Franchise Authority to revoke or terminate the Franchise. 4. The Franchise Authority hereby waives any right it may have by statute, franchise or otherwise to purchase the System in respect of the sale of the System referred to herein. 5. Franchising Authority hereby consents to and approves the assignment, mortgage, pledge or other encumbrance, if any, of the Franchise, System, or assets relating thereto, or the interests in the permitted holder thereof, as collateral for a loan. Adopted by the City of Otsego, Minnesota on February 8 1999. By: May Y FOUR= The undersigned, being the duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk of the City of Otsego, hereby certifies that the foregoing Resolution No. 99-5 is a true, correct, and accurate copy of Resolution No. 99-5 duly and lawfully passed and adopted by the City of Otsegoon the 8TH day of February '1999. Q n r 19 0462230.01 2. lerk ELAINE BEAZTY Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. -ivil & Municipal Engineering and Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 2/8/99 ITEM 7.1 CONSIDER APPROVAL: A. Partial Payment #1 — Water Tower COP #98.03 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax We recommend payment to Maguire Iron in the amount of $66,600. This represents payment for the Design & Shop Drawing (100%) for the foundation and construction of the foundation (75%). It also includes some portions of the Change Order #1 (26%). B. Partial Payment #2 — Well #2 Construction COP #98.01 We recommend payment to Mark J. Traut Wells, Inc. in the amount of $24,599.06. This amount represents about 93% completion. The Water Analysis Report and about 50% of the site restoration is uncompleted to date. The final payment will be withheld until the restoration is complete this spring. The project will overrun by about $3,000 due to additional hours of development work required. ITEM 7.2 DISCUSSION/CONSIDERATION OF TOM KOERWITZ PROPERTY RECEIVING WATER SERVICE Find attached a report prepared to address the issue of provided public water service to the property in the southeast area. ITEM 7.3 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATER STUDY Find attached a report on the feasibility of providing trunk sanitary sewer and water services to the undeveloped land west of Quaday Ave., south of 85th Street and north of the Lefebvre Ditch. Several developers are at different stages of sketch plans for the 7 or 8 forty - acre parcels in this area. The information in this study is provided to determine how the area will be served and how much it will cost. Mike Robertson, Administrator, asked us to prepare this report. We would recommend a council resolution be approved to initiate the report. It was done before council approval in order to meet the need of the City to address issues presented to the City by the developers. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Paye 1 of 2 February 3. 1999 C LSharelWPrmirilAOT�EG01901\ot901agend i2-99.doc ITEM 7.4 CONSIDER ANY ACTION NECESSARY AS A RESULT OF THE WORKSHOP ON BITUMINOUS STREET OVERLAY STUDY FOR YEAR 1999-2002. ITEM 7.5 PUMPHOUSE #1 UPDATE We are working on the design for the pumphouse and will show the council some overheads of the preliminary plans. We have positioned the pumphouse to face the east or bike path. We are also designing the pumphouse to have capacity for Well #1, Well #2 and a future well. The electrical engineers, Kaeding & Associates, are working on the electrical and SCADA system. ITEM 7.6 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS A. Wastewater Treatment Plant We recommend that some type of communication system be installed between City Hall and the Wastewater Treatment Plant. According to the specification, there are no plans for communication systems. City Engineer Council Agenda Items kanson Page 2 of 2 I.:=.%l -- Anderson February 3, 1999 Assoc., Inc. C1SharelWPm!ini�AOTSEGO19011ot90lagenda2-99 doc in�GUNtE.IRON. IING 1/27/99 Maguire Iron, Inc, P.O. BOX 1446 • SIOUX FALLS, SD 57101 PHONE (605) 334-9749 AFTER HOURS (605) 334-0029 FAX (605) 334-9752 ITEM 7.1 A Mr. Lawrence G. Koshak, P.E. Hakanson Anderson Associates Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 Re: Ostego, Minnesota Dear Mr. Koshak: Enclosed you will find three (3) copies of pay request No. 1 for the water tower project. Sincerely yours, INC. WATER TOWER SPECIALISTS ESTABLISHED 1915 NEW AND USED TANKS Fabricating, Erecting, Repairing and Painting Water Tanks and Towers... PAY ESTIMATE #1 January 25, 1999 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Water Tank & Tower Contractor: Maguire Iron, Inc. Contract Amount: $536,245.00 Award Date: September 15, 1998 Completion Date: November 14, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: OWNER FILE: Share\Excef\lSt. MichaenOT5088T.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 91 Page 1 1125/99 Percent Total Contract Complete Complete to Balance to to Date Date Complete .......... . ••Item._.:Description.................................................................................Price" .:.............................................................................................................. 1 ::Design Drawing.s $10,000.00 100 $10,000.00 ......._ $0.00: ^ ..... _.. _ _ _ _ _ 2 iFoundations _- . _...... �......__..__..__.....; $80,000:00: 75 ............. _ _...._.. $60,000:00 $20,000 :00 ................................................................ 3 Delivery of Steel $239,000.00 0 $0 00 ........ $239,000.00:: ......... .................. ......................., 4 :Field Erection : $100,000.00: ......... ....,.... 0 $0:00 a $100,000:00; .............................................................................................................................................. ............................................................ 5 Field Painting $80,000.00 0 $0.00 $80,000.00:: _ ...... ��� ........ ..... _........ ._ , 6 :Field Electrical : ................ ...................._ $12,000.00 ..............._<............................ 0 $0.00 $12,000.00: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ TOTALS: $521,000.00 $70,000.00 $451,000.00 "Item Breakdown per Contractor Change Order No. 1 Item A :Excavation and grading to develop work platform $6,550.00 46 $3,035:00: $3,515.00 B Foundation/Footing Redesign $965 00 100 $965 00 ......... $0.00 ......... Tank & Tower Structural Redesign and Weldin.� $7,730:00 ........ ................ ; $7,730.00.; .....C....... TOTALS: ..:............0...........;................$0.00: $15,245.00 $4,000.00 $11,245.00 Total Contract Price: $536,245.00 USED TO DATE: $74,000.00 LESS 10% RETAINAGE: $7,400.00 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $66,600.00 FILE: Share\Excef\lSt. MichaenOT5088T.xis SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 91 Page 1 1125/99 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Signed: . e Title: , ENGINEER: Certification by HAKANSON A Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: I certify that all items _ur4mounts are correct for the work completed to date. fl(A. Date: 7ca Zs neer: W recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. ASSOCIATAS, INC. p Date: Date: FILE: Share\Excel\lSt. Michae110T508BT.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE 01 Page 2 125M Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. it & Municipal Engineering Ad Surveying ITEM 7.1 B January 25, 1999 Mr. David Traut Mark J. Traut Wells, Inc. 141 - 28th Ave. S. Waite Park, MN 56387 RE: Partial Payment #2 Municipal Well #2 Construction COP #98.01 Dear Mr. Traut, 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax Find enclosed three partial payment forms. The payment request will be placed on the February 8, 1999 Council meeting agenda for payment authorization. Please sign all three copies and return all copies in the envelope provided to our office by February 2, 1999. This item needs to be placed in the council agenda packets by February 3, 1999. If you have further questions please contact me. Yours truly, HAKANSf1�1 ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ON Enclosures /clk cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\508\OT508mt1.doc PAY ESTIMATE #2 January 25, 1999 Mark J. Traut Wells 41 - 28th Avenue S. .Vaite Park, MN 56387 RE: Municipal Well #2 Construction, COP #98.01 Contract Amount: $49,690.00' Award Date: September 29, 1998 Completion Date: March 1, 1999 Bid Schedule "A" - COMMUNITY P UBLIC WATER SUPPLY FOR THE CITY OF OTSEGO Estimated Contract Itcm rlccrrintinn Quantity t]nit Price Price OWNER Used to Date Extension j 1 jMobilization/Demobilization —i[Drill nominal 24-1/2" Open Hole180 11S LF $5,000.00 LS j $85.00 LF ! $_5,000.00 $15,300.00 1.0 LS_ 172 LF $_5,000.00 C $14,620.00 3!Fill/Bail Open Hole _ 4jSet 18" Casing J _ 8CY i20! FT $130.00 CY $40.00 FT ? $1,040.00 $4,800.00 8 CY 120 FT $1,040.00 $4,800.00 I 51 Install Grout 6CY $325.00 CY i $1,950.00 10 CY $3,250.00 _ _ 6tBlast 2j LB $50.00 LB j $100.00 23 LB $1,150.00 7iF.I.R. Development Equipment 1 ILS $4,000.00 LS $4,000.00 1 LS _$4,000.00 81 Develop Well/Sandstone Removal 80iHR $100.00 HR j $8,000.00 110 HR $11,000.00 91F.I.R. Test Pump Equipment 1;LS $2,500.00 LSI $2,500.00 1 LS $2,500.00 10Test Pump Well 60 HR $55.00 HR I $3,300.00 26 HR $1,443.75 111 Disinfect Well _ 11LS $150.00 LS $150.00 1 LS $150.00 I 12 Gamma Log Well 1 ILS $800.00 LS I $800.00 1 LS $800.00 131Video Record Well 11S $800.00 LSI $800.00 2 LS $1,600.00 _ 14 i Water Analysis Report/Permit/Submittals 1 LS $450.00 LS $450.00 OILS ( $0.00 15; Site Restoration 1; LS $1,500.001 LS I $1,500.00 0.5 LS $750.00 TOTAL: $49,690.00 $52,103.75 'Contract price per Change Order No. 1 USED TO DATE: $52,103.75 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $2,605.19 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #1: $24,899.50 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $24,599.06 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR; Certification by Contractor; I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. MARK J. TRAUT WELLS Signed: Title: Date: �5 ENGINEER: I recommend payment for items and amount of rk a shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. _ Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: FILE: Share\Exceft\0tsego%ot506bt.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE #2 Page 1 Date: Date: 1125/99 A 7 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. & Municipal Engineering Land SurMEMO ITEM 7.2 TO: Mike Robertson, Administrator FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE, City Engineer John A. Harwood, PE DATE: January 21, 1999 RE: Koerwitz Property Water Service 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax As per your direction, we are providing preliminary costs for water service to the Koerwitz property. We considered that this property could develop 110 residential lots. We investigated two scenarios for water service: ➢ Extension of Municipal Service to the property ➢ Development of Independent Water Service for the plat. In extending water service to this area from the current water tower site, it would be necessary to extend 16" pipe part of the way. The remaining pipe size could be a 12" pipe. This size requirement enables the system to provide 1500 gpm fire flow. Therefore, we assume 2700 LF of 16" pipe and 9700 LF of 12" pipe is needed to reach the proposed development. Refer to the hand prepared exhibits attached. Alternative "A" is a route via TH 101 to CR 36, then east to property. $857,000 total project cost, of which $661,000 is for basic system size (8" dia.) and $196,000 is for oversizing for area benefit. Alternative "B-1" is a route via TH 101 to 65th, then to easement, to the WWTF and to the development. Total project cost $741,000. A portion of the system size on TH 101 has a trunk oversize cost of $90,000. The remainder of the alternative is not trunk. The $651,000 would be a development responsibility. Alternate B-2 assumes construction in conjunction with the sewer force main, which has a route along 65th. This concurrent construction would minimize restoration cost. This alternative has a cost of $728,000. The portion along TH 101 has a trunk component of $90,000. The remainder, $638,000, would be a development cost. If alternative A is pursued at a cost of $857,000, and if after public hearing lateral costs were assessed against properties on TH 101 for benefit, then cost to Koerwitz development could be reduced to $217,000, which is extra pipe along CR 36 for service only to development. CAShare\WPmuni\A0TSEG0\901 \0t901 mr&doc Page 1 of 2 If the City is not able to assess benefit along the route, the extension of water service will be funded by the development. Assume that it is uneconomical therefore to extend water service to the site due to cost, and is not in the best interest of the City at that time. The developer has the option of providing an independent system, which could ultimately be purchased by the City for the public utility. The design would require that municipal well, pumphouse and hydropneumatic tank with chemical addition be installed. The system would allow for the City to take over the facilities that were designed by registered engineers and approved by the Dept. of Health (MN DOH) and the City engineer. The well would be capable of providing a minimum 500 gpm sand -free potable water with a minimum of 18 -inch casing, developed in the Ironton -Galesville formation or the Mount Simon foundation. The pumphouse should be capable of providing service for the proposed well and one future well. The chemical treatment will be for chlorine, fluoride and polyphosphates. The building shall be similar in structure to the other City of Otsego pumphouse — brick exterior with mansard roof, landscaping and concrete walkway. The electrical controls shall be compatible with the City of Otsego SCADA system. The hydropneumatic tank shall be large enough to service the development of 110 houses. The building must be designed to be able to remove the hydropneumatic tank if desirable at the time the City water facilities are extended to the area. The tank would not be a usable facility when the City extends service. Estimated Costs: Well Construction Pump Pumphouse Hydropneumatic Tank Estimated Const. Cost Ironton -Galesville Mt. Simon $65,000 $130,000 $25,000 $25,000 $175,000 $175,000 $80,000$80,000 1zkl Overhead costs such as design fees, legal and financial costs are not included. The independent system's valve at the time service is extended would need to be evaluated. The valve could be used to reduce the WAC charges to the homeowners. The costs provided are preliminary estimates and are provided for the purposes of determining the magnitude of options only. C:\Share\WPmun1\A0TSEG0\901 \ot901 mr8.doc Page 2 of 2 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. i Z � 41 X02 c /yJ�l LM62nd r A 4. y r// C ST o E o L4 wo ,, o� 4 maim &�t0 O 2000 8 It N. 5th STREET d O T •• To r n� ,t EN y T f! !4 ro 00 "IX� xg �\ HICHWgy (53 � yFti 5PN ti144, 1 W L.J Z O Q w �- Q M M 0. a O C r A 4. y r// C ST o E o L4 wo ,, o� 4 maim &�t0 O 2000 8 It N. 5th STREET d O T •• To r n� ,t EN y T f! !4 ro 00 "IX� xg �\ HICHWgy (53 � yFti 5PN ti144, 1 n PARSON QUADAY S ARE ;O �p n n0 3 QUALEN 3AV a` ti �Ql IAMN G QUAL 0 a a � o � ydMNQ�N • QUEENS AVE. H.E. CO a -TT o !► n. J sow µ v o Z Z� z y m�> VE. o z KEFu I ouuf AVL N.E. 4�1 Z i t f S $ ZLA M Q Ln rhI n %.\ �za r 0-0 w - 'I ti -� fL ' 8 " fnN/r/� y 62nd mrtf 10 t h S 8 h fi1,u/r/�.tY fvticc� /11/1 � i W J J W N Q Q Q O._ a Q mrtf 10 t h S 8 h fi1,u/r/�.tY fvticc� /11/1 � i ITEM 7.3 FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR TRUNK SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SECTION 27, CITY OF OTSEGO 78T" STREET, WEST OF QUADAY AVENUE January 26, 1999 Prepared by: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 612/427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. od, PE G. Kosh-Sk, City Engineer C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc _ //d y 7 Reg. No. i/,2�/ Reg. No. 7,1-z, Dat �r9 Date ' CONTENTS INTRODUCTION II. DESCRIPTION III. DESIGN BASIS AND ALTERNATIVE a) Sewer Size b) Sewer Location c) Watermain IV. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc INTRODUCTION The City of Otsego is in the process of constructing municipal sewer and water facilities. The wastewater treatment facility is scheduled to be on-line in early summer 2000. The municipal well and water tower are currently under construction. The pumphouse will be under construction early in 1999. The Phase I trunk water trunk distribution & sewer collection system is scheduled for May 1999 through October 1999 construction. During planning for the sanitary sewer collection system, an approximate 440 acre initial development area was identified located west of CSAH 42 and south of 85" Street on lands that generally are in the south half of Section 22 and the north half of Section 27. This initial development area is shown on an enclosure. The purpose of this study and report is to evaluate extension of sewer and water westerly from the Phase I system into this initial development area. A development moratorium has been in effect during the time the sanitary sewer and water planning was being reviewed and approved and while the City comprehensive plans and ordinances were being revised to reflect the impact of public sewer and water. This moratorium will be lifted by Council when the ordinances, permits and policies are in place to receive preliminary plats. These preliminary plats will show the location of the proposed streets and platted lots, which in turn locate trunk and lateral sewer and water systems. In anticipation of the moratorium being lifted, and in anticipation of public sewer and water availability, the City has had initial contact from several property owners and developers regarding extension of sewer to serve their properties. Those contacts have led to City authorization of this report and Feasibility Study for public sewer and water extended westerly from the trunk sewer lift station into the development area. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Excerpts from the June 1997 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Study are enclosed. This study evaluated allowable and potential development density within the sewer study area and identified sewer pipe sizing and elevations to provide service. The current proposed sewer is one of the major trunk lines from that study, which extends approximately 4000 ft. westerly from Quaday Ave. This sanitary sewer provides trunk gravity flow outlet to approximately 400 ± acres of currently vacant and developable property that is under 6 separate ownerships. This ownership is shown on an enclosure. This trunk line consists of 900 ft. of sewer in Quaday Ave. and approximately 4000 LF of sewer westerly from Quaday Ave. While the primary purpose of this report is for Sanitary Sewer extension, the concurrent extension of watermain is recommended since both of these utilities are required for the density of urban service development proposed. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc 1 III. DESIGN BASIS & ALTERNATIVE A. SEWER LINE SIZE The 1997 Sewer Study identified a need for an 18 -inch sewer pipe in Quaday Ave. to provide service to this development area plus provide service extension to the south along Quaday Ave. to serve the south TH 101 development areas. This southerly extension can serve properties to near 65th Street. The sewer study also showed the westerly line from Quaday Ave. to be an 18 -inch diameter line immediately adjacent to Quaday decreasing to a 15 -inch line at a location about 1500 ft. west of Quaday. Since completion of the Sewer Study, the City has revised its Comprehensive Plan to show an "Urban Service Reserve" area located generally southwest of the current sewer study area into Section 28 and southwest towards the Odean Ave. and County Road 37 area. Long range city planning has projected ultimate sewered development within this urban service reserve. While the City has not completed a detailed evaluation of development potential for this urban service reserve, initial review of topography indicates that some of this area, primarily properties located south and west of Lefebvre Creek, which are in the south half of Section 27 and the east half of Section 28, could be served by an extension from the currently proposed trunk line. In order to maintain future flexibility of service, we recommend sizing the entire trunk line from Quaday Ave. westerly to a point 4000 ft. west of Quaday as an 18 -inch diameter rather than the 15 -inch size recommended by the 1997 Sewer Study. The larger pipe size, at 0.15% grade, increases conveyance capacity enough to serve portions of the urban service reserve in Section 28, which are up to an additional 1500 to 1800 residential units. B. SEWER LINE LOCATION The ideal location for any sanitary sewer and watermain facilities, regardless of size or trunk vs. lateral service intent is within the right-of-way for a local street. This location allows construction of a line that has a dual function for local service benefit to directly connected residences as well as trunk service. This dual function results in the cost of basic line construction being a developmental cost paid by abutting and serviced properties. With the facility in a local street, only the cost of facility oversizing and extra depth is paid from trunk sources. For this project we anticipate having knowledge of local street layout, via a submitted preliminary plat, prior to completing final design. Once that detailed information is known, the sewer line will be constructed within the right-of-way for a local street. This location, within a local street, is shown in concept as Alternative B and is the basis for costing and cost allocation. Very often, it is not practical or possible to construct trunk sewer lines in local streets. This is true for the City's Phase 1 Trunk System where construction is in highway right-of-way. Often, an alternate choice for location of trunk sanitary sewer and watermain facilities is on or adjacent to existing property ownership C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc 2 IV boundaries. This option is shown as Alternative A. For the vast majority of developments, the primary ownership boundary between major original land ownerships, such as between original farmsteads, will continue to exist during and after development. Major roads and utilities can most often be routed along original quarter section lines, with relatively minimal impact on development planning. The cost and the allocation of costs for this trunk sewer route along the property line is shown as Alternative A. This alternative can be pursued if development patterns for the adjacent property are not known at the time facility construction is required. This alternative will be within or parallel to a proposed State Aid collector street that has been identified as necessary through the development area from Quaday Ave. to 85t" Street. C. CONCURRENT WATERMAIN Extension of sanitary sewer only, without watermain, could be a problem for developmental timing if the more westerly development area significantly precedes the more easterly areas. Concurrently with any moderate level of development within this 400 ± study area it is necessary to provide watermain looping both for fire service and consumption. The water system looping is proposed to be from Quaday Ave. westerly on local streets or the 78' Street alignment and then through the development area from the 78' St. main to either the vicinity of Well Number 2 or via routes through development areas to the 16 -inch main in CSAH 42. The route of the trunk watermain looping can be along or parallel to a necessary State Aid collector street planned for the area. Construction of the 4000 LF 78th Street watermain westerly from Quaday Ave. is recommended to be concurrent with sewer main construction. The looping of the watermain will be required and provided as new development occurs. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS The costs for the proposed facilities are detailed on separate enclosures. The total estimated project cost, which includes the estimated construction cost plus 30% for contingency and indirect costs, is as follows: Alternative Route A, parallel to existing property lines, the South line of North X, Section 27: Trunk Sanitary System (18" dia.) $517,710 Trunk Water System (12" dia.) $196,500 Restoration, Topsoil & Seed, Agricultural $141,000 Easement & Right -of -Way $32,000 $887,200 C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc 3 Alternative Route B, on local streets: Trunk Sanitary Sewer (18" dia.) $540,000 Trunk Water System $239,000 Restoration $96,000 Easement & Right -of -Way _ 0 $875,000 TRUNK AND LATERAL COSTS Alternative A is located on a property line and does not directly provide services to property although there may be potential for some limited direct hookup and benefit, depending on development patterns. The trunk vs. lateral portions of the cost is as follows, with the lateral portion based on 8 -inch diameter sewer lines at maximum 12 foot depth: Based on current information on development patterns, it is likely that the majority of the cost of Alternative A would be of trunk benefit only, which would require funding all or most of the $887,200 project costs from individual sewer connection or sewer availability charges (SAC fees). Alternative B The utilities are located within a local street, which location assumes that a preliminary plat is submitted that fixes the location of the street. For this alternative, the local or lateral costs would be funded by the developer as a direct benefit to property. Only the trunk oversizing cost, which includes extra depth, would be a City cost. Total Trunk Cost Lateral Size Total OversizinA Sewer Pipe System $517,700 $205,600 $312,100 Water Pipe System $196,500 $127,000 $69,500 Restoration $141,000 $88,400 $52,600 Easement & Right -of -Way $32,000 $32,000 _ $0_ $887,200 $453,000 $434,200 Based on current information on development patterns, it is likely that the majority of the cost of Alternative A would be of trunk benefit only, which would require funding all or most of the $887,200 project costs from individual sewer connection or sewer availability charges (SAC fees). Alternative B The utilities are located within a local street, which location assumes that a preliminary plat is submitted that fixes the location of the street. For this alternative, the local or lateral costs would be funded by the developer as a direct benefit to property. Only the trunk oversizing cost, which includes extra depth, would be a City cost. This alternative depends on property owner submittal of a development plan and a commitment via the development agreements for construction of the sewer and water lines, which would be located to provide both lateral and trunk benefit. The developer would construct the entire $875,000 project and would be reimbursed from the City trunk fund, supported by sewer connection charges (SAC fees), for the $431,000 in trunk costs. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc 4 Total Trunk Cost Lateral Size Total Oversizing Sewer Pipe System $540,000 $224,700 $315,300 Water Pipe System $239,000 $156,300 $82,700 Restoration $96,000 $63,000 $33,000 Easement & Right -of -Way $0 _ $0 _ $0_ $875,000 $444,000 $431,000 This alternative depends on property owner submittal of a development plan and a commitment via the development agreements for construction of the sewer and water lines, which would be located to provide both lateral and trunk benefit. The developer would construct the entire $875,000 project and would be reimbursed from the City trunk fund, supported by sewer connection charges (SAC fees), for the $431,000 in trunk costs. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\313\ot313FEAS.doc 4 n V � 87 874 861.5 r� �} 874 859 82 � . .j. 32 872 8 860.4 E 300 874�� 864 856^. El �' -/L� 83 11 -, ti °. 873.8 1 875.5 I �y� OO ' 86 i 853.2 �00 8801 2 9 880 jj 'A 859.5 1 25 i C5 5 11 0 800 1600 SCALE IN FEET Ankerson l„ Anderson Assoc., Inc. x67.3 85.7 r 880 g6 R 43 9 2 1 0 880 87s 851h ST I m 848.1 1 I�r I 2 � z 8 4 I R m " Ci 11 0 82.46 I 886.7 i o Q 5 l 878 ' /84T.5 Oi00' 858 o 9 i i 72 8 rd 8j T. 46 R 876 6 rig 840.7 8 j8 41 20 f'Y i 300 874�� 864 856^. El �' -/L� 83 11 -, ti °. 873.8 1 875.5 I �y� OO ' 86 i 853.2 �00 8801 2 9 880 jj 'A 859.5 1 25 i C5 5 11 0 800 1600 SCALE IN FEET Ankerson l„ Anderson Assoc., Inc. VIJ�J/v� r 880 g6 852.4 8� 9 2 1 0 880 87s 849.1 848.1 W 8 4 5.7 Q -, 870 10 Oi00' 858 o 856 859.60 6 rig 41 C XX DENOTES DESIGN NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS EXCERPT FROM 1997 SANITARY SEWER STUDY CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA FILE: OT313 VIJ�J/v� 1 n"s r'1► �► vlh�+1�I1M� NM^ni wMNI►' � N�1h�IM �MN11 y►���I�MA► ��V MWNNMr �� 0 600 1200 VCf ' i —� SCALE IN FEET ��;✓�/ , ! r�� ± �u %K,� ' �JAQ A'�EhUE � •, F� ji /� I. i � aotL i f F i j I % ,��/� II \ i ° ? ! ? 0 � � •i �'�° � i 1 t �� �J —1 i i 1• r e i w LLJ W i j C i I�wLLJ� Z C'1 Z Q N x •1 i 1 i• _ G N U ! U a! r• , t it e e ,. i, i ! t Cy� 01 i Jij t t t` I 1 • fi on f ,1_�; •• ��� , �; •' ALTERNATIVE A CONCEPTUAL SKETCH Hakonson TRUNK SEWER AND WATER Anderson ON EXISTING PROPERTY LINE l Assoc.,nc. _�--�-- oc.c CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA siz rw'.4. M. mow. �r4 )!10 •n-a°a° r•. siz-•n-axo FILE: OT313 0T313/0T313EBA.DWO VENUE EASEMEW SOUTH LINE OF THE NORfi MEET QUARTER OF SECTION 27 -;s ADAY AVENUE ,r rm awrrr a.a �. xoo . me qe I mr a T -P..Pam LM w ,� .. i l ♦1 '`- .` 'ii'{r.-'t` j til , \ �. iil(L� i i •I•••i l I ,r riiiliil tt 1 tip I !._: 1 -• -_\, ♦` /l 1 1 `; 11�� \\ 3 - ; 't � �. \t • 11 ' � " r ',�%i%l1 ;1, 1 1 1- .� 1 �♦` I .- .�` , 1" -`. tt it it l It ��" rail /i '♦\t ♦♦ /� ;'Ilt t't ♦� �,,r ll� It fl ,' r'11 �. 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N,.P1,.♦ a anson atc tllV1S0! 3wt H PROPOSED TRUNK SANRARY M • --"` I7 Anderson SEWER AND WATERMAIN, .an �t!!?<11ii.lis�i?9s:::"a.:rl�Ii1RB::R�:::'E:::'t::'�::::'d:��:'tiii,lw.""... `..: �� ■�■ r I1rA ASsoc.,Inc SECTION 27 1 ........:.. :..:....:.........:.........:..... ... .. .. .. .. ase o.. n+""^ .....�.. 1.1t cw a or=. ,..tsar. 50 48 46 44 42 4� 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 24 22 20 wr LGK ,/ie/9! r..t n -.we r» ♦n -m -aa a"f 1/29/99 nc a at313 M's FEB. 8.1999 11:22AM 70: OTSEGO 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, MN 55303 Phone (812) 427-6860 Fax(812)427-0520 small., haaenoka®eol.com N0.755 P.1 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Toe Mike From$ Larry Fwa Pages: 19 Phones IDatet February e_ 1 QQQ Ree Bituminous Overlay Program CCI ❑ Urgent ® For Review ❑ Please Comment O Please Reply 0 Please Recycle e Commentm Welcome Back! At out Feb. V workshop on the above subject the Council requested some changes to the report. They also want to consider adopting the report and setting the public hearing for 3/11/99. I'm faxing a Copy to you before the meeting tonight for your review and we will bang copies to the meeting for the Council. Call me If you have questions. Thank youl FEB. 8.1999 11:23AN 11SHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CMI & Municipal Engineering Lane Surveying February 8, 1999 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Bituminous Overlay Program (1999-2000) Feasibility Report Dear Mike, NO. 755 P.2 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax As was requested at the special council workshop on February 3, 1999, we have updated the bituminous overlay project submitted to the council December 8, 1998. Changes requested were: 1) Change the overlay program from a 3 year (1999 to 2001) program to a 2 year (1999 and 2000) program. 2) Remove Jaber Ave. N.E. from program. It was overlaid by Monticello Township. 3) Raise the contingency from 5% to 10%. Reiterating the program's outline, we have estimated the cost of overlays for all remaining 2" or less paved streets and/or those pavements where the structure requires overlays for strength. Hakanson Anderson Associates; Inc. has divided the proposed overlays into two groups. The first group is proposed to be constructed during 1999, and the second group is proposed to be constructed during 2000. The basis for the groupings Is: 1) Perceived need (ones which are most severely damaged and have more traffic are proposed to be completed first). 2) Construction costs are closely divided over the two years. 3) Location in conjunction with other streets to be overlaid. Exhibit A shows the location and the addition of street name. The type of line around each subdivision or on the street signifies the proposed year the work could be completed. The legend shows the year and the cost associated with each year. CAShare\wPmwnMOTSEGO\910\ot910mr5.doc FEB. 8.1999 11:24AM NO.755 P.3 Mike Robertson Page 2 February 8, 1999 We estimated the cost of the entire project to be $1,766,376. Exhibit B shows a list of those streets with projected estimated costs, We have also followed the cost share approach between landowners and City where landowners pay only for the 2 -inch overlays and the City pays the rest. This would require an assessment to the properties benefiting. The assessment rate shown is based- on the total cost of all of the overlay projects and distributing the cost equally over all properties receiving benefit. Tables 1 through 12 show the quantities of work and materials, and the cost associated with each subdivision or portion of street, The project is technically feasible and will benefit the area served. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact us at 427-5860. Yours truly, HAKANS9.DJiAN Attachment /clk ON ASSOCIATES, INC. k, P. E. cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk C; \share\WPmun NAOT8EG0\910\ot910mr5.doc 111� 11 1111p; f1r illHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. I GREAT RIVER ACHES — Vill- .1J ter_ �— •� ul • ...LAW ESTIMATED ESTIMATED ESTIMATED TOTAL CITY PORTION ASSESSED PORTION ---- 1ST YEAR (1999) $777,247 $331,087 $446,160 2ND YEAR (2000) $989,129 $699,437 $289,692 ASSESSED PORTION IS FOR A 2•• OVERLAY AT A MINIMUM OF 24' WIDTH Anl mn Mders I n Assoc., nc. h•y,J 1 7Z;mw •.oft (� a��iu saa�s7e )ou K 0 1000 8000 SCALE IN FEET PROPOSED 1999-2000 OTSEGO OVERLAY PROGRAM OUTLINING BENEFMW PROPERTIES DATE: FEBRUARY 5, 1999 FILE: OT910 0791 CP -D 5\CT9 , 0P,D5. D WG EXHIBIT B CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAYS (1999-2000) COMBINING ALL OVERLAY PROJECTS AVERAGING ASSESSMENTS Year Subdivision Name City's Cost # of Benefiting Units (Residents) Resident's Cost Assessment/per year Averaging All Subdivisions 1999 Table 1 Hall's 1st, 2nd & 3rd Additions $86,184 83 $127,920 $188.08 1999 Table 2 Deer Feld Acres 8 Hidden Valley $25,223 36 $37,440 $188.08 1999 Table 3 Walesch Estates 8 Walesch Estates 2nd Addition $128,492 103 $131,040 $188.08 1999 ITable 4 Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 1st 8 2nd Additions $52,712 93 $93,600 $188.06 1999 ITable 5 Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 3rd 8 4th Additions $38,477 69 $56,160 $188.08 SUBTOTAL $331,087 $446,160 2000 Table 6 Otsego Acres 1st 8 2nd Additions $34,078 57 $66,300 $188.08 2000 Table 7 Great River Acres 1st Addition $37,088 49 $70,200 $188.08 2000 Table 8 Mason Ave NE (CSAR 39 to 83rd St NE) $97,682 35 $63,492 $188.08 2000 Table 9 83rd St NE (Marlowe are NE to Mason Ave NE) $70,122 4 $12,636 $188.08 2000 Table 10 Marlowe Ave NE (83rd St NE to Both St NE) $70,083 4 $12,792 $168.08 2000 Table 11 80th St NE (Mac Iver Ave NE to Marlowe Ave NE) $73,977 6 $13,260 $188.08 2000 Table 12 BM St NE (CSAH 19 to Mac Iver Ave NE) $316,407 31 $51,012 $188.08 SUBTOTAL $699,437 1 $289,692 TOTAL 1 $1,030,524 570 1 $735,852 Total of Cost of Projects $1,766,376 Benefiting Units = 570 Cost per Benefiting Unit - $1,290.97 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit 7.601. for 10 years: $188.08 SharelexceVotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.)ds Sheet AVG. ASSESSMENTS Page 10 Teal F: a CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE HALLS 1ST, 2ND, & 3RD ADDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 1999 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 290,204 SF Wear Course Mixture =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $164,695 $66,295 $98,400 Contingency @ 10% $16,470 $6,630 $9,840 Indirect @ 20%: $32,939 $13,259 $19,680 Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 83 SharelexcellotsegolOT910-1999 BUDGET -As Sheet TABLE 1 $214,104 $86,184 Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY $127,920 $1,541.20 $224.53 Page 11 m m W W W UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 150 $300 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation SY $1.00 32,245 $32,245 4 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 4,100 $98,400 5 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 6 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 675 $10,800 7 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 2 $4,000 8 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 83 $12,450 Construction Cost: $164,695 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 290,204 SF Wear Course Mixture =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $164,695 $66,295 $98,400 Contingency @ 10% $16,470 $6,630 $9,840 Indirect @ 20%: $32,939 $13,259 $19,680 Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 83 SharelexcellotsegolOT910-1999 BUDGET -As Sheet TABLE 1 $214,104 $86,184 Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY $127,920 $1,541.20 $224.53 Page 11 m m W W W TARLE 2 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE DEER FIELD ACRES & HIDDEN VALLEY PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 1999 ITEMS UNIT FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1.00 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 50.00 $100 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 2,000.00 $300 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 100.00 $750 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (7) T $34.00 30.00 $1,020 " 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 515.00 $773 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 1,200.00 $28,800 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1.00 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 210.00 $3,360 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 0.60 $1,200 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 36.00 55.400 Construction Cost: $48,203 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 2,000 SF Total Surface Area of RoadwayTmprovement = 84;203F - "- Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course M'bxtures =146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAIJSY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $48,203 $19,403 $28,800 Contingency @ 10% $4,820 $1,940 $2,880 Indirect @ 20%: $9.641 $3,881 $5.760 Total Project Cost: $62,663 $25,223 $37,440 Benefiting Units = 36 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,040 Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit Share/exceVotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.As @7.5% for 10 years: $151.51 page 12 Sheet. TABLE 2 TAMI 1='q CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE WALESCH ESTATES AND WALESCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 1999 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 299,285 SF Wear Course Mixture =146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Seeding =13 FT Width Along edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $199,640 $98,840 $100,800 Contingency @ 10% $19,964 $9,884 $10,080 Indirect @ 20%: $39,928 $19.768 $20.160 Total Project Cost: $259,532 $128,492 $131,040 Benefiting Units =103 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,272.23 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit shaWexcelfotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGEr.As @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $185.35 Sheet: TABLE 3 Page 13 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 75 $150 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation SY $1.00 32,100 $32,100 4 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 4,200 $100,800 5 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 6 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 665 $10,640 7 Common Borrow (shoulder widening) CY $5.00 4,000 $20,000 8 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 7 $14,000 9 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 103 $15,450 Construction Cost: $199,640 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 299,285 SF Wear Course Mixture =146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Seeding =13 FT Width Along edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $199,640 $98,840 $100,800 Contingency @ 10% $19,964 $9,884 $10,080 Indirect @ 20%: $39,928 $19.768 $20.160 Total Project Cost: $259,532 $128,492 $131,040 Benefiting Units =103 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,272.23 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit shaWexcelfotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGEr.As @ 7.5 % for 10 years: $185.35 Sheet: TABLE 3 Page 13 TABLE 4 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES IST & 2ND ADDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 1999 Share/excellotsegalOT910-1999 BUDGET.As Sheet TABLE 4 Annual Cost per BenefitingUnit @ 7.5% for 10 years: EXTENSION $2,500 $240 $630 $1,163 $2,040 $1,950 $72,000 $4,000 $3,675 $8,400 $2,000 $112,548 RESIDENT COST $72,000 $7,200 $14,400 $93,600 $1,006.45 $146.63 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY Page 14 UNIT ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 120 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 4,200 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 155 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2') T $34.00 60 6 Bduminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 1,300 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mature (2') T $24.00 3,000 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 9 Common Excavation (for base placement) CY $3.50 1,050 10 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 525 11 Seedling Ac $2,000.00 1 12 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 93. Construction Cost: ASSUMPTIONS: Total Patching Area as Measured in Field = 4,200 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 212,680 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GALISY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Common Excavation =112 FT Deep x 2 FT Wide Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST Construction Cost: $112,548 $40,548 Contingency @ 10% $11,255 $4,055 Indirect @ 20%: $22,510 HAU Total Project Cost: $146,312 $52,712 Benefiting Units = 93 Cost per Benefiting Unit Share/excellotsegalOT910-1999 BUDGET.As Sheet TABLE 4 Annual Cost per BenefitingUnit @ 7.5% for 10 years: EXTENSION $2,500 $240 $630 $1,163 $2,040 $1,950 $72,000 $4,000 $3,675 $8,400 $2,000 $112,548 RESIDENT COST $72,000 $7,200 $14,400 $93,600 $1,006.45 $146.63 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY Page 14 TARLF 5 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 3rd & 4th ADDITIONS PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 1999 UNrr ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 80 $160 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 2,100 $315 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (6") T $7.50 80 $600 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $34.00 30 $1,020 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 785 $1,178 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 1,800 $43,200 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 9 Common Excavation (for base placement) CY $3.50 650 $2,275 10 Top Sol Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 325 $5,200 11 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 1 $2,000 12 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 69 $10.350 Construction Cost: $72,798 ASSUMPTIONS: Estimated Total Patching Area = 2,000 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement =128,040 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBSICF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAUSY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Common Excavation =112 FT Deep x 2 FT Wide Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $72,948 $29,598 $43,200 Contingency @ 10% $7,295 $2,960 $4,320 Indirect @ 20%: $14,59Q um 1$,114.4 Total Project Cost: $94,832 $38,477 $56,160 Benefiting Units = 69 Cost per Benefiting Unit: $813.91 Sharelexcellotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.As Annual Cost per BenefrtingUnit Sheet TABLE 5 @ 7.5% for 10 years: $118.58 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY t t s Page 15 M to m W 0 3 TARI F 6 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement =151,392 SF -- — OTSEGO ACRES IST & 2ND ADDITIONS Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF M P PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAUSY P PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost $77,214 $26,214 ITEMS °D Contingency @ 10% $3,861 $2,621 $5,100 UNIT $5,241 $10,200 ° FINANCED kD ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 * N 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 80 $160 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 1,575 $236 * 3 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (61 T $7.50 60 $450 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2') T $34.00 25 $850 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 925 $1,388 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2') T $24.00 2,125 $51,000 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 380 $6,080 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 1 $2,000 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 57 $8.550 Construction Cost $77,214 ASSUMPTIONS: Estimated Total Patching Area =1,500 SF Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement =151,392 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBSICF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAUSY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost $77,214 $26,214 $31,000 Contingency @ 10% $3,861 $2,621 $5,100 Indirect @ 20%: $15,4443 $5,241 $10,200 ° cr U Total Project Cost: $96,517 $34,078 $66,300 Benefiting Units = 57 z Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,163.16 Share/excellotsegolOT910-1999 BUDGET.As Annual Cost per BenefitingUnit Page 16 Sheet: TABLE 6 @ 7.5% for 10 years: $169.46 TARLE 7 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE Great River Acres 1st, 2nd & 3rd Additions c PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 . ITEMS °D UNIT FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 ' 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 70 $140 * N 3 Remove Bituminous Pavement SF $0.15 5,130 $770 3 4 Aggregate Base Class 5 (61 T $7.50 180 $1,350 5 Type 41 Base Course Mixture (2") T $34.00 65 $2,210 6 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat Gal $1.50 1,100 $1,650 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2') T $24.00 2,250 $54,000 8 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 9 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 410 $6,560 10 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 1 $2,000 11 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 49 $7,350 Construction Cost: $82,530 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Estimated Patching Area = 5130 SF Total Surface Area for Roadway Improvement =183,838 Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBS/CF Bituminous Material for Tack Coat = 0.05 GAUSY Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST Construction Cost: $82,530 $28,530 $54,000 Contingency at 10%: $8,253 $2,853 $5,400 z Indirect @ 20%: $16,506 $5,706 $10,800 Total Project Cost: $107,288 $37,088 $70,200 Benefiting Units = 49 -o Cost per Benefiting Unit: $1,432.65 N Share/exceVotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.As Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit Sheet TABLE 7 @7.5% for 10 years: $208.72 page 17 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE IAULM-0 CITY COST RESIDENT COST $123,980 $75,140 $48,840 $12,398 MASON AVE NE (CSAH 39 to 83rd St NE) $4,884 $24,796 $15,028 $9,76S $161,174 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 $63,492 ITEMS UNIT FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 45 $90 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation SY $1.00 16,110 $16,110 4 Salvaged Pavement Reclamation SY $1.00 16,110 $16,110 5 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 2,035 $48,840 6 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (1" extra) T $24.00 1,020 $24,480 7 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 8 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 300 $4,800 9 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 0.9 $1,800 10 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 35 $5.250 Construction Cost: $123,980 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement =144,980 SF Wear Course Mixture =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Construction Cost: Contingency @ 10%: Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 35 Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit SharelExceVOtsego/OT91D-1999 BUDGET.As °@ 7.5 % for 10 years: Sheet* TABLE 8 PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST $123,980 $75,140 $48,840 $12,398 $7,514 $4,884 $24,796 $15,028 $9,76S $161,174 $97,682 $63,492 $1,814.06 $264.28 TARRI F 9 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE 83rd St (Mason Ave. NE to Marlowe Ave NE) PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 ITEM DESCRIPTION 1 Mobilization 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation (Pickup) 4 2' Deep Subcut 5 Select Backfill 6 6" Aggregate Base Class 5 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") 8 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (T) 9 Traffic Control 10 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) 11 Seeding 12 Mailbox Relocation ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 28,820 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost Contingency @ 10%: Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 4 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: PROJECT COST CITY COST 63,660 53,940 6,366 5,394 12.732 10.788 82,758 70,122 3,159 460.22 EXTENSION .$2,500 $90 $6,730 $14,575 $10,600 $8,325 $9,720 $4,920 $4,000 $1,200 $400 $600 $63,660 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY RESIDENT COST $9,720 972 7.944 $12,636 Share/exceUotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET -As Sheet: TABLE 9 " UNIT UNIT COST QUANTITY LS $2,500.00 1 LF $2.00 45 SY $2.00 3,365 CY $5.00 2,915 Cy $5.00 2,120 T $7.50 1,110 T $24.00 405 T $24.00 205 LS $4,000.00 1 Cy $16.00 75 Ac $2,000.00 0.20 EA $150.00 4 Construction Cost: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 28,820 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost Contingency @ 10%: Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 4 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: PROJECT COST CITY COST 63,660 53,940 6,366 5,394 12.732 10.788 82,758 70,122 3,159 460.22 EXTENSION .$2,500 $90 $6,730 $14,575 $10,600 $8,325 $9,720 $4,920 $4,000 $1,200 $400 $600 $63,660 ITEMS FINANCED BY CITY RESIDENT COST $9,720 972 7.944 $12,636 Share/exceUotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET -As Sheet: TABLE 9 " TARI F In CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE Marlowe Ave NE (83rd St NE to 80th St NE) PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 27,192 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: Contingency @ 10% Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 4 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST $63,750 $53,910 $9,840 ITEMS $5,391 $984 $12,750 UNIT S1,96g $82,875 FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 45 $90 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation (Pickup) SY $2.00 3,175 $6,350 4 2' Deep Subcut CY $5.00 2,950 $14,750 5 Select Backfill CY $5.00 2,140 $10,700 6 6" Aggregate Base Class 5 T $7.50 1,120 $8,400 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (7) T $24.00 410 $9,840 8 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (1 T $24.00 205 $4,920 ' 9 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 10 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 75 $1,200 11 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 0.20 $400 12 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 4 X44 Construction Cost: $63,750 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 27,192 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBS/CF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: Contingency @ 10% Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 4 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST $63,750 $53,910 $9,840 $6,375.00 $5,391 $984 $12,750 S10,782 S1,96g $82,875 $70,083 $12,792 $3,198.00 $465.90 SharelexceVotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.xis Sheet TABLE 10 N W A 3 TAR[ F 11 CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE RESIDENT COST $67,105 - -80th St (Mac lver Ave NE -to Marlowe Ave NE)-- E)- $10,200 $6,711 $13,421 $5,691 $11.381, $1,020.00 $2,040.00 $87,237 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 PROPOSED $13,260 ITEMS UNIT FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 45 $90 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation (Pickup) SY $2.00 3,650 $7,300 4 2' Deep Subcut CY $5.00 3,100 $15,500 ' 5 Select Backfill CY $5.00 2,200 $11,000 6 6" Aggregate Base Class 5 T $7.50 1,170 $8,775 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (2") T $24.00 425 $10,200 8 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (T) T $24.00 215 $5,160 9 Traffic Control LS $4,000-00 1 $4,000 10 Top Soil Shouldering (L1/) CY $16.00 80 $1,280 11 Seeding Ac $2,000-00 0.20 $400 12 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 6 =0 Construction Cost: $67,105 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement = 31,188 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBSICF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: Contingency @ 10% Indirect @ 20% - Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 6 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: SharelexceVotsego/OT910-1999 BUDGET.As Sheet: TABLE 11 PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST $67,105 $56,905 $10,200 $6,711 $13,421 $5,691 $11.381, $1,020.00 $2,040.00 $87,237 $73,977 $13,260 $2,210.00 $321.97 21 Tent F V) CITY OF OTSEGO OVERLAY COST ESTIMATE RESIDENT COST $282,630 80th St. (Mac leer Ave NE to CSAR 19)-' $39,240 $28,263 $24,339 $3,924 156,526 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION YEAR: 2000 $L848 $367,419 $316,407 $51,012 ITEMS UNIT FINANCED ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT COST QUANTITY EXTENSION BY CITY 1 Mobilization LS $2,500.00 1 $2,500 ' 2 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) LF $2.00 45 $90 3 Full Depth Pavement Reclamation (Pickup) SY $2.00 13,500 $27,000 ' 4 2' Deep Subcut CY .$5.00 11,700 $58,500 ' 5 Select Backfill CY $5.00 8,500 $42,500 ' 6 6" Aggregate Base Class 5 T $7.50 4,500 $33,750 ' 7 Type 41 Wearing Course Mature (7') T $24.00 1,635 $39,240 8 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture (1') T $24.00 820 $19,680 9 Bituminous Curb LF $0.50 8,000 $4,000 ' 10 Traffic Control LS $4,000.00 1 $4,000 ' 11 Top Soil Shouldering (LV) CY $16.00 295 $4,720 ` 12 Seeding Ac $2,000.00 1 $2,000 ` 13 Mailbox Relocation EA $150.00 31 $4,650 14 Road Drainage Improvement LS $40,000 1 $.40+000 ' Construction Cost: $282,630 ASSUMPTIONS: Total Surface Area of Roadway Improvement =115,500 SF Class 5 Aggregate Base =140 LBSICF Base & Wear Course Mixtures =146 LBS/CF Top Soil Shouldering & Seeding = 3 FT Width Along Edge of Roadway Construction Cost: Contingency @ 10%: Indirect @ 20%: Total Project Cost: Benefiting Units = 31 Total Cost per Benefiting Unit: Annual Cost per Benefiting Unit @ 7.5 % for 10 years: SharelexceUotsege/OT910-1999 BUDGErxls Sheet: TABLE 12 PROJECT COST CITY COST RESIDENT COST $282,630 $243,390 $39,240 $28,263 $24,339 $3,924 156,526 $48,678 $L848 $367,419 $316,407 $51,012 $2,125.50 $309.66 Pe.^a 2' FEB. 8. 1999 11:37AN NO. 755 P.1 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION FOR RECEIVING REPORT AND CALLING HEARING ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution of the Otsego City Council adopted February 8, 1999, a report has been prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. with reference to the improvement of all existing roadways within Hall's 11t, 2nd & 3rd Additions, Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley plats, Walesch Estates and Walesch Estates 2nd Addition, Otsego Acres 1st and 2nd Additions, Great River Acres 1st, 2nd and 3'd Additions, and Mason Ave. (CSAH 39 to 83rd St. NE), 83rd St. N.E. (Marlowe Ave. NE to Mason Ave. NE), Marlowe Ave. NE (83rd St. NE to 801h St. NE), 80th St. NE (Marlowe Ave. NE to CSAH 19) of the City of Otsego by construction of bituminous overlays and other related improvements to such streets and this report was received by the Council on February 3, 1999. WHEREAS, the report provides Information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost effective, and feasible. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the improvement of such streets in accordance with the report and the assessment of abutting property for a portion of the cost of the improvement pursuant to Minnesota Statues Chapter 429 at an estimated total cost of the improvement of $1,766,376. 2. A public hearing shall be held on such proposed improvements on March 11, 1999 in the Council chambers at city hall at 7:00 pm and the clerk shall give mailed and published notice of such hearing and improvement as required by law. Adopted by the Otsego City Council this 8th day of February, 1999. Honorable Mayor Lary Fournier Mike Robertson, Administrator C:\Share\WPmunMOTSEGO\337\ot337RES2.doc FEB. 8.1999 11:38AM N0.755 P. 1'j CITY OF OTSEGO RESOLUTION RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF REPORT ON IMPROVEMENT WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve streets within Hall's tat, 2"d & 3rd Additions, Deer Field Acres and Hidden Valley plats, Walesch Estates and Walesch Estates 2nd Addition, Otsego Acres Vt and 2nd Additions, Great River Acres IM, 2"d and 3rd Additions, and Mason Ave. (CSAH 39 to 83`d St. NE), 83`d St. N.E. (Marlowe Ave. NE to Mason Ave. NE), Marlow Ave. NE (83`d St. NE to 80" St. NE), 80th St. NE (Marlowe Ave. NE to CSAH 19), and to assess the benefited property for all or a portion of the cost of the improvement, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA; That the proposed improvement be referred to Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. for study and that they are instructed to report to the council with all convenient speed advising the council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. Adopted by the council this day of '1999. Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Clerk C:kSharelWPmun(WOTSEGO\337\ot337RESt.doo 02-08-1999 02:42PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.01 C. Cow Michael l• COURT & MACAR THUR Andrew J. MacArthur at Law Bag Marcus Nr mmr 705C4mrl Awnue Po Bax 369 i Wrhad, MN 53376-0369 4ALw awwt w . (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) i 1 I" Cv i f FAcsimiLE COVER PAGE i TO: G l OF: FROM: SUBJECT: ' FAX NUMBER: DATE: C;L/ TOTAL PAGES (IN( ADDITIONAL AMe UDING COVER SHEET) IT MAY BE PRI"VII.EGED AND IS T THE THIS FACSAv�I.E ��USES OONT� �DRES• SFS ONLY. IF YOU ART IN'TENDEA FO SvIISSION TO ,ADDRESSEE (OR A P SON RE5POCOS� USE 'I7�IIS TRAa�TSSSION IN ANY WAY, THE ADDRESSEE) DOI NOT READ, HONE TO ARRANGE FOR THE BUT PROMP'T'LY ORi IIvAL � TO US.R BY �� RETURN OF THE 02-08-1999 02:43PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO Michael C. Court- COURI & MACARTHUR Andrew J. M"Afthur Attorneys at Law Marcus W. Miller 70 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 Si. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-259.9 (FAX) cousian&naeanhurapobox. com 4418823 P.02 February 8, 1999 VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAEL City Council Member City. of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue 1NE Elk Raver, MN 553301 RE: Proposed Resol6tion Approving Transfer Of Cable Television Franchise To Bresnan Telecommunications and Waiving Right of First Refusal Dear Council Members: At the request of the gity, I have reviewed the documents forwarded to the City relative to the transfer of the c1cisting City cable television franchise from Cable TV Fund 14-A, Ltd. to Bresnan Telecommunications Company LLC. Federal law requires that certain disclosures be made b, the buyer, and that the franchising authority approve any transfer of substantially all of the assets of the current franchise holder prior to the transfer. The data submitted to;the City by the buyer has been reviewed and, in my opinion, is satisfactory. This dat> is deemed confidential and should not be released to the public. The proposed resolution requests that the City consent to the transfer and confirm that the current franchise hold6r is materially in compliance with the Agreement, that the Agreement is in force; and effect, and that no present condition exists which would allow the City to revoke or Terminate the Franchise. The franchise is in effect at this time. Elaine has utdicated that the City has received the payments due it under;' the franchise, and that there are no present existing unresolved complaints regarding the franchise holder's performance at this time. Upon transfer, the current franchise will iemain in place with the new entity (limited liability company) as the franchise holder. 02-08-1999 02:43PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO Letter to Otsego City i ouncil February 8; 1999 Page 2 441ee23 P.03 The resolution also states that the City will waive its right of first refusal granted within the franchise. I am assuming that the City has no interest in acquiring the cable television assets. Based upon my revic4v of the documents and the above I would recommend that the City adopt the proposed re6olution as drafted. If you have any questions regarding this matter please feel free to contact me_ Very urs, OURI CAR''HYJR Encl. pc: Mike Robertson, City Administrator 02-08-1999 02:44PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.04 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE BY CABLE TV FUND 14-A, LTD. TO BRESNAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY LLC AND WAIVING THE RIGHT OF FIRST REFUSAL TO PURCHASE THE CABLE TELEVISION SYSTEM WHEREAS, the City of Otsego, Minnesota (the "Franchise Authority") granted to Rite Cable Company sof Minnesota, Ltd. a cable television franchise/extension permit to construct, own operates and maintain a cable television system in the City of Otsego (the "Franchise"); and WHEREAS, by Resolution the Franchise Authority authorized the assignment and transfer of the Franchise to Jones Intercable, Inc. ("JIC"), and subsequently, amended the Franchise to include ohe or more of JIC's controlled affiliates as the "Grantee" under the Franchise; and WHEREAS, JIC transferred the Franchise to its affiliate, Cable TV Fund 14-A, Ltd. (the "Fund"), as the new Grantee; and WHERE S, the Fund has agreed to sell the cable television system serving the Franchise Authoriry (the "System"), including the Franchise, to Bresnan Communications Company Limited Partnership (`Bresnan"), and Bresnan has agreed to purchase the System, including the Franchisef from the Fund; and WHEREAS, Bresnan will transfer ownership and control of the System and the Franchise to Bresnan Telecommunications Company, LLC ('BTCLLC") ("Transferee'; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Franchise Authority hereby consents to the transfer of the Franchise and the System from the Fund to Bresnan and, subsequently, to Bresnan Telecommunications Company LLC (the "Transaction" ). 2. The Franchise Authority acknowledges that its consent to the Transaction shall be effective upon the closing of the sale of the System by the Fund to Bresnan. Written notice of the closing date shall b� given to the Franchise Authority. 3. The Franchise Authority hereby confirms that: (i) the Franchise is currently in full force and effect; (ii) the Fund is in compliance in all material respects with the Franchise; and (iii) no event has occurred or exists which would permit the Franchise Authority to revoke or terminate the Franchise. 02-08-1999 02:45PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.05 4. The Franchise Authority hereby waives any right it may have by statute, franchise or otherwise to purchase the System in respect of the sale of the System referred to herein. 5. Franchising Authority hereby consents to and approves the assignment, mortgage, pledge or other encumbrance, if any, of the Franchise, System, or assets relating thereto, or the interests �j the permitted holder thereof, as collateral for a loan. Adopted by the City of Otsego, Minnesota on 1999. Mayor The undersigned, being !the duly appointed, qualified, and acting Clerk of the City of Otsego, hereby certifies that the aforegoing Resolution No. is a true, correct, and accurate copy of Resolution No. duly and lawfully passed and adopted by the City of Otsegoon the day of _, 1999. 0462230.01 l 2. Clerk TOTAL P.05 A - 0 Minnesota Department of Health Central District Office 3400 North First Street, Suite 305 St. Cloud, MN 56303-4000 Telephone: 320/255-4216 Fax: 320/255-4264 January 28, 1999 Honorable Larry Fournier Mayor, City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mayor Fournier: f .. FEB - i� Pursuant to Minnesota Rule 4720.5130 Subpart 3, the City of Otsego is required to prepare and submit to Minnesota Department of Health a wellhead protection plan for all wells in the public water supply system when you connect another well to your municipal public water supply. A wellhead protection plan must be completed and submitted within two years from this date unless your public water supply system qualifies for additional time as specified in the wellhead protection rule. Wellhead protection (WHP) is a program intended to prevent contaminants from entering wells used by public water supply systems. The emphasis is on preventing problems before they occur, supporting public health protection, and the protection of the resources you have invested in your public water supply system. As noted above rule provisions do provide for additional time periods to prepare a WHP Plan. The rule grants additional six-month time periods for each of the following: ♦ each two existing or new wells up to six,<+.5 > ♦ privately owned systems, ♦ lack of state or local funding,<+.5> ♦ the wellhead protection area is within more than one governmental jurisdiction, and ♦ the wellhead protection area is influenced by another public water supply well that is not in the public water system. The City of Otsego is to complete a WHP plan three years from the date the new well is connected and online. This determination is based on the first three criteria listed above. If it is determined during the delineation of the wellhead protection area, that your wellhead protection area qualifies for the last two Mayor Larry Fournier/ page 2 criteria listed above you will be automatically granted 6 months for each criteria you meet The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) is committed to providing you with a high level of assistance and technical support in this endeavor. I have been assigned as a primary contact to work with you as you develop your WHP Plan. I will be contacting you in the near future to discuss requirements and how to get started. MDH will also sponsor a wellhead protection plan development workshop that will be targeted for public water suppliers just beginning the wellhead protection planning effort. Additional workshops will target specific plan elements including delineation and vulnerability assessments, contaminant source inventories, and other plan components. There are several initial steps you must take to ensure development of an effective WHP Plan. The first step is to identify a Wellhead Protection Plan Manager. This individual will coordinate plan development and implementation and serve as the principal contact for MDH. A public water supplier should also budget for plan development and implementation over the time required to develop and implement the plan. Enclosed for your information is a fact sheet entitled "The Ten Most Asked Questions About Wellhead Protection" which discusses wellhead protection planning in Minnesota. We look forward to working with you to provide your customers with a safe and healthy water supply. If you have questions, please contact me. Sincerely, 1M4ikeHoVwe, Planner Source Water Protection Unit C: Mike Robertson, Administrator; Elaine Beatty, Clerk; Larry Koshak, Engineer • MINNESOTA WELLHEAD PROTECTION THE TEN MOST ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WELLHEAD PROTECTION 1. What is wellhead protection all about? Wellhead protection is a method of preventing well con- tamination by effectively managing potential contaminant sources in the area that contributes water to the well. This area is known as the wellhead protection area. The Minnesota Groundwater Protection Act of 1989 grants the commissioner of health authority to develop wellhead protection measures for wells serving public water supplies. Also, the 1986 Amendments to the federal Safe Drinking Water Act require states to implement wellhead protection programs for public water supply wells. 2. What is a public water supply well? A public water supply well provides piped drinking water for human use to 15 or more service connections or to 25 or more persons for at least 60 days a year. A public water supply well is further defined as either a community or noncommunity water supply well. A community water supply well serves 15 or more service connections used by year-round residents or at least 25 year-round residents. Examples include municipalities, subdivisions, and nursing homes. Noncommunity water supply wells are divided into two groups: • A nontransient noncommunity supply well serves at least 25 of the same people over six months of the year. Examples include schools, factories, and hospitals. • A transient noncommunity supply well serves all other public water systems. Examples include restaurants, gas stations, and churches. 3. What is in it for me, the public water supplier? The wellhead protection program provides owners of public water supply wells with another 'tool' that will be used to provide a safe drinking water supply to their customers. The long-term goals are to 1) reduce the use of costly treatment facilities, 2) avoid drilling new wells, and 3) avoid cleaning up contaminated groundwater. 4. How does wellhead protection affect the drinking water supply? The purpose of wellhead protection is to manage potential contamination at its source. This means that the water coming to the well will continue to be of high quality. 5. What will be required of me, a public water supplier? All public water suppliers are required to: A. Maintain the isolation distances from potential contamination sources defined in the state Well Code; B. Monitor noncomplying sources located on their property; and C. Report to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) other violations to the isolation distance, or ask a local governmental unit to regulate these sources. In addition to maintaining the isolation distances, owners of community and nontransient noncommunity wells must develop a wellhead protection plan which includes: A. A map of the wellhead protection area, B. A vulnerability assessment of the well and the wellhead protection area, C. An inventory of potential sources of contamination within the wellhead protection area, D. A plan to manage and monitor existing or proposed potential source(s) of contamination, and E. An emergency response plan. 6. Will all wellhead protection plans look alike? All plans will not look alike because the geologic setting, the political setting, and the land use within the wellhead protection area are not the same. For example, the inventory of potential sources of contaminants for a vulnerable well will include all types of sources. The inventory of a nonvulnerable well will include only those uses which penetrate the geologic layer that protects the contributing water to the well. 7. How much does it cost, and who will pay to prepare these plans? The cost to prepare a plan will vary greatly. It is too early to determine cost but will be dependent on the geology of the area. It will be the responsibility of the public water supplier to pay for this work. However, there appears to be a number of low-interest loans available as well as support from local, state, and federal planning and groundwater protection programs. As information is known, it will be shared with the public water supplier when they are required to prepare a wellhead protection plan. 8. When will I need to start this wellhead protection program? All public water suppliers are required to oversee the management of the isolation distances and will be phased into the program between June 1998 and June 2003. Municipalities are required to prepare a wellhead protection plan when they add a well to their water supply system. Also, owners of community wells and nontransient noncommunity wells are required to prepare a wellhead protection plan when notified by MDH. The phasing is based on well vulnerability, population served, and availability of resources. 9. How much time do I have to develop a wellhead protection plan? The time allowed to prepare a plan for all of the wells in a public water supply system will vary from two to five years. It is based on 1) the number of wells in the system, 2) the availability of funding, 3) whether the system is privately owned, and 4) the number of governmental jurisdictions involved. 10. Once it is completed and approved by MDH, who sees that the plan is implemented? It is up to the public water supplier to implement the plan on property under their jurisdiction. Areas outside of their jurisdiction will be addressed through participation by state and local agencies. Minnesota Department of Health Source Water Protection Unit Drinking Water Protection Section P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975 IC #141-0170 (6198) To request this document in another format, call: Unit Receptionist - (651) 215-0800, Division TDD - (651) 215-0707, or Minnesota Relay Service for Greater Minnesota - 1-800-627-3529 (ask for (651 ] 215-0800). JAN 29 '99 10:37PM LEAGU Nr_ CITIES P.1 ?, /. L ..�..FRIDAYFAx Number 4 A weeldy legislative update from the League of Minnesota Cities January 29, 1999 Governor recommends replacing HACA, extending levy limits Gov. Ventura announced his budget recommendations for the 2000-2001 biennium yesterday. The centerpieces of his budget are a billion dollar sales tax rebate and a permanent income tax cut. But what will impact city governance most directly are his proposals to extend levy limits and to sunset most major city and county aid programs including LGA and HACA. )v Ventura's budget „ummary states: Minnesota's property tax and local aid system is overly complex and it makes localities less accountable for their local revenue raising and spending decisions. State pay- ments in local aid help shield taxpayers from the true cost of local spending. Too much aid is distributed without understandable rationale --without regard to either a jurisdiction's relative wealth or need. The governor recommends estab- lishing a Tax Reform Study Com- mission to devise a new intergov- ernmental finance system that. Better targets assistance to individuals who need property tax relief; • Reallocates local government aids so property tax burdens are more fairly distributed among different types of property and regions of the state; and, • Better targets aids to local governments based on pro- gram needs and local revenue capacity. The commission's recommenda- tions ecommendstions will be included in the governor's F.Y. 2002-03 budget. The governor's budget calls for the continuation of levy limits until the new system is in place. The governor's budget does not in- clude the repeal of the sales tax on local government purchases. The governor's budget also includes new transit funding. He recommends $60 million for light rail and $18.6 million for greater Minnesota transit and Metro Mobility operations. The governor recommends cutting the Motor Vehicle Registration Fee by nearly $200 million per year. The gover- nor recommends covering the deficit this would cause in the highway user tax distribution fund with general fund transfers. The budget includes $16 million for the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for programs to retain affordable rental housing that promotes self-sufficiency, and to develop new affordable housing in cooperation with private and nonprofit entities. Proposed budget cuts include $22 million for the Dislocated Worker Fund at the Department of LGA and Trade and Economic Development. The money would be transferred to the general fund to pay for other services that benefit dislocated workers. Funding for the Board of Government Innovation and Cooperation would be eliminated. The bulk of new spending recom- mended by the governor is in the areas of K-12 and higher educa- tion, which would receive $561 million and $248 million respec- tively. The governor also recom- mends using $1.3 billion in one- time tobacco settlement revenues to establish endowment funds to improve the health of the citizens of the state and to conduct medical research and education. Sales tax repeal bill hearing The House tax committee is hearing H.F.52, authored by Rep. Bill Haas (R -Champlin) that would reinstate the sales tax exemption for local govern- ment purchases. No action is expected to be taken on the bill today. We will report on the hearing in next week's Cities Bulletin. _._.r.._ ,,W Relations teen. a__..... -,,..#,..i _u month., of the Learus of M mnesota Cities Intergorernnr Minnesota Department of Transportation Transportation Building 395 John Ireland Boulevard Saint Paul, Minnesota 55155-1899 January 26, 1999 76 John Harwood City of Otsego Engineer Hakanson Anderson & Associates 3601 Thurston Ave. Anoka, MN 55303 RE: Notice of Annual Apportionment Dear Mr. Harwood: FEB - 1 1999 ;t The following 1999 allotments have been credited to the City of Otsego's state aid accounts in compliance with the 1999 Commissioner's Order, and will be released in accordance with the current rules. General Allotment Trunk Highway Turnback Less: General Fund Advance Repayment Total Maintenance Construction $76,592.00 $229,774.00 0.00 $76,592.00 $229,774.00 If you have any questions, please contact Cindy Degener at (651) 296-7414, or Brad Kennedy at (651) 297-3740, of the State Aid.Finance Office. Since y, EIn klenberg Commissioner of Trans ',- cc: City Clerk An equal opportunity employer STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PAGE — 1 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA 55155'. ' OF OTSEGO, CITY OF STATUS OF MUNICIPAL STATE AID ACCOUNTS AS OF 98/12/31 MAINTENANCE-;.,.,. CONSTRUCTION ' UNEXPENDED BALANCE S 0.00 $ 762,910.52 I ALLOTMENT 77, 001.00 ' ` 231, 002.00 TOTAL 77,001.00 993,912.52 )SITS 0.00 .; 0.00 x 1t y s+ )TMENT TRANSFERS , 0 00 ,, - 0 00 +� 1URSMENTS ./7, 001.00 UNEXPENDED BALANCE 0.00 993,912.52 ENCUMBRANCES X0100 , ,• 0 00 tom, , BALANCE AVAILABLE �:N>'" { i> '.i0.00� ` i 993,912 52.,J •' t t aka W d z '.. s ALLOTMENT EMCUMBRANCES s :."FtiY.: sr�'.'r' �£ c'i; . ufi .vxrM�.F '. tk , : yes... 'ROJECT NO AMOUNT TOTAL 0.00 )1 STs 4i. :r. r y ..t � � Z.s. 3 a x n yrs $,¢�,, � d� � �xt��" �f z � � x •.,u' s �` Yt au<x'i'.-. b "f''»x r� ��.1, t ,, r c rx • $ '�. ' �,�„��.}4�Y,� �� 'a,.. . (1'Ri. 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Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer A Feb 19°9 C W 12 Litt Page 1 Thu 5:22 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Name Ba' me 020399 4T. AT&T AT&T BANK OF ELK RIVER BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS BOY SCOUTS TROOP 190 BOYER TRUCKS ST OFFICE PRODUCTS CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURT MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE DUE""ATERCARE SERVICE ECI 'SHERS INC ECM rucLISHERS INC ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES _LK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES LK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO GIRL SCOUTS TROOP 137 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC Dept Description Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Debt Service (GENERAL) Recycling Recycling Administration Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration Legal Services Legal Services Sanitary Sewer Construction Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction General Govt Buildings -8899 Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Old Town Hall Hwys, Streets, & Roads Old Town Hall Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Comments Phone Phone Phone 1991 GO IMP Interest Recycling Recycling Supplies Donation from Park & Rec Parts for 81 Truck Supplies Advert bids sewer plant Long Haul Trucking Legal General Services Litigation Wastewater Treatment Odean Avenue Precision Line Dayton Sewer Agree Apex Water Tower Elk River Collision Knutson LavedUre Site Salt for City Hall Supplies for Maint Legal noticing Winter Fest Advert Antelope Park Country Ridge 96th St 94th & Nashua 42 & Parrish 88th & Parrish 85th & Parrish 101 & 130 39 & Page CSAH 39 39 & Nashua Flashers 39 39/ 101 Signal Shop Old City Hall Final Bill Peavey House Printing Supplies Appraiser Short Term Disability Short Term Disability Donation from Park & Rec Parts for 92 Truck Transaction Batch Amount Name 5.63 020399 28.70 020399 28.84 020399 3,906.25 020399 101.25 020399 317.50 020399 490.69 020399 50.00 020399 13.81 020399 25.88 020399 205.90 020399 68.00 020399 2,198.00 020399 96.00 020399 2,106.10 020399 109.00 020399 586.50 020399 137.10 020399 68.00 020399 19.20 020399 272.00 020399 127.50 020399 2,078.65 020399 24.30 020399 27.90 020399 106.09 020399 464.63 020399 62.20 020399 46.65 020399 39.41 020399 7.77 020399 33.55 020399 12.78 020399 12.78 020399 16.93 020399 7.99 020399 32.38 020399 12.78 020399 36.68 020399 308.81 020399 64.00 020399 198.79 020399 28.89 020399 239.63 020399 2,127.00 020399 26.69 020399 54.00 020399 50.00 020399 121.11 020399 4 Feb 1999 Clams List Page 2 Thu 5:22 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Name 5 dame 020399 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST JERRY OLSON LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST LONG & SONS LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. MAMA MINNEGASCO MLNNEGASCO MN COUNTIES INSURANCE TRUST NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC NORTHERN AIRGAS PITNEY BOWES PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD P'" EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FO F EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD PUBLiC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD RANDY'S SANITATION SOFTRONICS STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION TARGET STORES TARGET STORES TRAUT WELLS TRUE VALUE US WEST COMMUNICATIONS US WEST COMMUNICATIONS US WEST COMMUNICATIONS WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY 'BRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ;!RIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP WRICaT-HENNEPIN CO-OP DEPT ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC Dept Description Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, 3 Roads Administration Administration Building Inspections Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration General Govt Buildings -8899 Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration General Govt Buildings -8899 Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, b Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, b Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Assessing Recycling Administration Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Water Utilities (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, b Roads Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Administration Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Street Lighting Comments Parts for IH Truck Parts for 81 Truck PPE 1-9-99 PPE 1-9-99 PPE 1-23-99 PPE 1-23-99 January Services Life Ins Life Ins Cleaning January appraisals Otsego City Adm 99 Dues City Hall Old Town Hall 99 Dues Drug b Alcohol 92 Truck parts IH Truck parts 81 Truck parts Case Tractor parts Miscell parts Oxygen Postage rental PPE 1-23-99 PPE 1-23-99 PPE 1-23-99 PPE 1-23-99 January recycling Labor -fix problem comput PPE 1-23-99 1141923 Olson Winter Fest Miscell for Shop Repair Well 11 Miscel Phone service Shed Phone service Shop Phone service City Hall County Maps Palmgren Ave Palmgren Ave Ogren & 71st 71st St 37 & Odean 72nd & Odean 37 S Odean West Rolling Ridge Creek Ogren Ave Ogren Ave Parell Parell Transaction Batch Amount Name 10.62 020399 372.75 020399 499.31 020399 192.31 020399 422.39 020399 192.31 020399 841.94 020399 29.60 020399 26.85 020399 435.58 020399 400.00 020399 45.00 020399 558.48 020399 464.84 020399 50.00 020399 37.18 020399 7.97 020399 30.28 020399 79.14 020399 337.57 020399 17.52 020399 23.35 020399 251.34 020399 188.23 020399 455.32 020399 56.98 020399 262.50 020399 175.00 020399 50.00 020399 20.50 020399 37.20 020399 1,866.54 020399 41.06 020399 36.13 020399 52.11 020399 345.98 020399 25.76 020399 7.02 020399 7.89 020399 11.76 020399 11.76 020399 7.89 020399 11.76 020399 7.89 020399 11.76 020399 11.76 020399 11.76 020399 7.02 020399 7.02 020399 4 Feb 1999 Cl1lse Lllt Page 3 Thu 5:22 AM CITY OF OTSEGO Dept Tr#neection Bitch Napa Description Comments Amount Name 8aC�....ame 020399 4 IGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Parell 7.89 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting 72nd Street 11.76 020399 'ARIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting 72nd Street 11.76 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Palmgren Ave 7.89 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Rolling Ridge Creek 11.76 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Odell Cir 11.76 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Oday Cir 11.76 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting 83rd Cul de Sac 7.02 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC General Govt Buildings -8899 City Hall 669.38 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC General Govt Buildings -8899 City Hall 7.02 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Water Utilities (GENERAL) Otsego Well #1 18.88 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC General Govt Buildings -8899 Shed 25.42 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Signal Light 169.00 020399 WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC Street Lighting Ouaday & 42 Siren 8.79 020399 Grand Total 27,239.92