02-18-99 WSMAR -02-1999 08:21 NAC b12 5y5 `jHS. 1-'.02102 N W16#% r"", I NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS N%M001 COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESICnN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 2 March 1999 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Update; Accessory Buildings FILE NO.: 176.08 - 98.07 The City Council at their meeting on February 22, 1999 directed that the Planning Commission consider allowing pole buildings on lots five acres in size or larger in areas of the Urban Service Area. This direction followed adoption of an amendment to the accessory building provisions of the Zoning Ordinance that make pole buildings a permitted residential accessory structure only on parcels five acres in size or larger in the A-1 and A-2 Districts in the Rural Service Area. The Planning Commission considered potentially allowing pole buildings in areas of the Urban Service Area, per the City Council's direction, at their meeting held on March 1, 1999. In review of information provided by our office regarding the basis of regulating pole buildings and estabilshed City policy and actions regarding appropriate locataions for pole buildings, the Planning Commission members all expressed opinions that the Ordinance adopted by the City Council allowing pole buildings only in the Rural Service Area was appropirate. Therefore, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recomment to the City Council the accessory building provisions of the Zoning Ordinance remain as adopted. If the City Council accepts the recommendation of the Planning Commission, no further action on this matter is required. Alternatively, the City Council may direct staff to prepare the appropriate Ordinance amendments, which would require a public hearing before the Planning Commission. PC, Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 5 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NACQPWINTERNET.COM TOTAL P.32 CITY OF OTSEGO Development Cost Site Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Streets Surveying & Engineering Services Utilities (gas,electric, telephone& cable) Street Lights Total Irrevocable Letter of Credit (100° City Development Fees City Administration s YI) City Construction Adm. & Inspection Trunk Sewer & Water Access Fee (portion of WAC & SAC charges for number of lots in plat) Trunk Storm Water Inpact Fee Collector Street Impact Fee Park Dedication Fee Street & Traffic Control Signs Total City Development Fees \\C1ndy\share\WPmun1\A0TSEG0W0 \QW developer agreement.doc FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR TRUNK SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION SECTION 27, CITY OF OTSEGO 78TH STREET, WEST OF QUADAY AVENUE January 26, 1999 Re s ed"Qrua Prepared by: HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Telephone: 612/427-5860 I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes Sections 326.02 to 326.16. nce G. Koshak, City Engineer C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 1/D'�17 Reg. No. %/off % Reg. No. JeW INTRODUCTION The City of Otsego is in the process of constructing municipal sewer and water facilities. The wastewater treatment facility is scheduled to be on-line in early summer 2000. The municipal well and water tower are currently under construction. The pumphouse will be under construction early in 1999. The Phase I trunk water trunk distribution & sewer collection system is scheduled for May 1999 through October 1999 construction. During planning for the sanitary sewer collection system, an approximate 440 acre initial development area was identified located west of CSAH 42 and south of 85`h Street on lands that generally are in the south half of Section 22 and the north half of Section 27. This initial development area is shown on an enclosure. The purpose of this study and report is to evaluate extension of sewer and water westerly from the Phase I system into this initial development area. An enclosure, taken'from the 1997 comprehensive sewer plan, shows this inftiat extension into the development area. The 1997 study estimated the sanitary sewed cost at $730,000.of which $314,000 was identified as lateral sewer to be fundedby Developer and',$416,000 .was identified as trunk to be funded by the trunk connection charge. This current study re-examines the proposed extension base on current developmental timing. This study estimates the cost of the proposed 1999 trunk extension and identifies the portion of those costs deemed to be`s"ll.", , of trunk benefit, which :trunk portions are to be funded by the connection chaage income." A development moratorium has been in effect during the time the sanitary sewer and water planning was being reviewed and approved and while the City comprehensive plans and ordinances were being revised to reflect the impact of public sewer and water. This moratorium will be lifted by Council when the ordinances, permits and policies are in place to receive preliminary plats. These preliminary plats will show the location of the proposed streets and platted lots, which in turn locate trunk and lateral sewer and water systems. In anticipation of the moratorium being lifted, and in anticipation of public sewer and water availability, the City has had initial contact from several property owners and developers regarding extension of sewer to serve their properties. Those contacts have led to City authorization of this report and Feasibility Study for public sewer and water extended westerly from the trunk sewer lift station into the development area. II. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT Excerpts from the June 1997 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Study are enclosed. This study evaluated allowable and potential development density within the sewer study area and identified sewer pipe sizing and elevations to provide service. The current proposed sewer is one of the major trunk lines from that study, which extends approximately 4000 ft. westerly from Quaday Ave. This sanitary sewer C:\.Share\WPmunMOTSEGo\613\ot313FEAS.doc 1 provides trunk gravity flow outlet to approximately 400 ± acres of currently vacant and developable property that is under 6 separate ownerships. This ownership is shown on an enclosure. This trunk line consists of 900 ft. of sewer in Quaday Ave. and approximately 4000 LF of sewer westerly from Quaday Ave. While the primary purpose of this report is for Sanitary Sewer extension, the concurrent extension of watermain is recommended since both of these utilities are required for the density of urban service development proposed. III. DESIGN BASIS & ALTERNATIVE A. SEWER LINE SIZE The 1997 Sewer Study identified a need for an 18 -inch sewer pipe in Quaday Ave. to provide service to this development area plus provide service extension to the south along Quaday Ave. to serve the south TH 101 development areas. This southerly extension can serve properties to near 651 Street. The sewer study also showed the westerly line from Quaday Ave. to be an 18 -inch diameter line immediately adjacent to Quaday decreasing to a 15 -inch line at a location about 1500 ft. west of Quaday. Since completion of the Sewer Study, the City has revised its Comprehensive Plan to show an "Urban Service Reserve" area located generally southwest of the current sewer study area into Section 28 and southwest towards the Odean Ave. and County Road 37 area. Long range city planning has projected ultimate sewered development within this urban service reserve. While the City has not completed a detailed evaluation of development potential for this urban service reserve, initial review of topography indicates that some of this area, primarily properties located south and west of Lefebvre Creek, which are in the south half of Section 27 and the east half of Section 28, could be served by an extension from the currently proposed trunk line. In order to maintain future flexibility of service, we recommend sizing the entire trunk line from Quaday Ave. westerly to a point 4000 ft. west of Quaday as an 18 -inch diameter rather than the 15 -inch size recommended by the 1997 Sewer Study. The larger pipe size, at 0.15% grade, increases conveyance capacity enough to serve portions of the urban service reserve in Section 28, which are up to an additional 1500 to 1800 residential units. B. SEWER LINE LOCATION The ideal location for any sanitary sewer and watermain facilities, regardless of size or trunk vs. lateral service intent is within the right-of-way for a local street. This location allows construction of a line that has a dual function for local service benefit to directly connected residences as well as trunk service. This dual function results in the cost of basic line construction being a developmental cost paid by abutting and serviced properties. With the facility in a local street, only the cost of facility oversizing and extra depth is paid from trunk sources. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 2 For this project we anticipate having knowledge of local street layout, via a submitted preliminary plat, prior to completing final design. Once that detailed information is known, the sewer line will be constructed within the right-of-way for a local street. This location, within a local street, is shown in concept as Alternative B and is the basis for costing and cost allocation. Very often, it is not practical or possible to construct trunk sewer lines in local streets. This is true for the City's Phase 1 Trunk System where construction is in highway right-of-way. Often, an alternate choice for location of trunk sanitary sewer and watermain facilities is on or adjacent to existing property ownership boundaries. This option is shown as Alternative A. For the vast majority of developments, the primary ownership boundary between major original land ownerships, such as between original farmsteads, will continue to exist during and after development. Major roads and utilities can most often be routed along original quarter section lines, with relatively minimal impact on development planning. The cost and the allocation of costs for this trunk sewer route along the property line is shown as Alternative A. This alternative can be pursued if development patterns for the adjacent property are not known at the time facility construction is required. This alternative will be within or parallel to a proposed State Aid collector street that has been identified as necessary through the development area from Quaday Ave. to 85th Street. C. CONCURRENT WATERMAIN Extension of sanitary sewer only, without watermain, could be a problem for developmental timing if the more westerly development area significantly precedes the more easterly areas. Concurrently with any moderate level of development within this 400 ± study area it is necessary to provide watermain looping both for fire service and consumption. The water system looping is proposed to be from Quaday Ave. westerly on local streets or the 78' Street alignment and then through the development area from the 78th St. main to either the vicinity of Well Number 2 or via routes through development areas to the 16 -inch main in CSAH 42. The route of the trunk watermain looping can be along or parallel to a necessary State Aid collector street planned for the area. Construction of the 4000 LF 78th Street watermain westerly from Quaday Ave. is recommended to be concurrent with sewer main construction. The looping of the watermain will be required and provided as new development occurs. IV. ESTIMATED QUANTITIES AND COSTS The costs for the proposed facilities are detailed on separate enclosures. The total estimated project cost, which includes the estimated construction cost plus 30% for contingency and indirect costs, is as follows: C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 3 Alternative Route A, parallel to existing property lines, the South line of North 'X, Section 27: Trunk Sanitary System (18" dia.) $517,710 Trunk Water System (12" dia.) $196,500 Restoration, Topsoil & Seed, Agricultural $141,000 Easement & Right -of -Way $32,000 $887,200 Alternative Route 8, on local streets: Trunk Sanitary Sewer (18" dia.) $540,000 Trunk Water System $239,000 Restoration $96,000 Easement & Right -of -Way $00 $875,000 TRUNK AND LATERAL COSTS Alternative A is located on a property line and does not directly provide services to property although there may be potential for some limited direct hookup and benefit, depending on development patterns. The trunk vs. lateral portions of the cost is as follows, with the lateral portion based on 8 -inch diameter sewer lines at maximum 12 foot depth: Based on current information on development patterns, it is likely that the majority of the cost of Alternative A would be of trunk benefit only, which would require funding all or most of the $887,200 project costs from individual W`Mt - n sewer connection or availability charges (WAC-�"and SAC fees) This f n -ding a od� r been anrlgpat�d in the 199 Compre ien ve Sanitary Sewerrand o able ;tea er Supp'y!# a" s C:\Share\WPmuniWOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 4 Total Trunk Cost Lateral Size Oversizinq Sewer Pipe System $517,700 $205,600 $312,100 Water Pipe System $196,500 $127,000 $69,500 Restoration $141,000 $88,400 $52,600 Easement & Right -of -Way $32,000 $32,000 $887,200 $453,000 $434,200 Based on current information on development patterns, it is likely that the majority of the cost of Alternative A would be of trunk benefit only, which would require funding all or most of the $887,200 project costs from individual W`Mt - n sewer connection or availability charges (WAC-�"and SAC fees) This f n -ding a od� r been anrlgpat�d in the 199 Compre ien ve Sanitary Sewerrand o able ;tea er Supp'y!# a" s C:\Share\WPmuniWOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 4 Alternative B The utilities are located within a local street, which location assumes that a preliminary plat is submitted that fixes the location of the street. For this alternative, the local or lateral costs would be funded by the developer as a direct benefit to property. Only the trunk oversizing cost, which includes extra depth, would be a This alternative depends on property owner submittal of a development plan and a commitment via the development agreements for construction of the sewer and water lines, which would be located to provide both lateral and trunk benefit. The developer _would construct the entire $875,000 project and would be reimbursed from theifj trunk funds, supported by sewer connection charges (SAC fees) end Vate co Seca a g MM—WANG f es} for the $431,000 in trunk costs. g@ � � � � _r C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 5 Total Trunk Cost Lateral Size Oversizinq Sewer Pipe System $540,000 $224,700 $315,300 Water Pipe System $239,000 $156,300 $82,700 Restoration $96,000 $63,000 $33,000 Easement & Right -of -Way —$0. _$0 $875,000 $444,000 $431,000 This alternative depends on property owner submittal of a development plan and a commitment via the development agreements for construction of the sewer and water lines, which would be located to provide both lateral and trunk benefit. The developer _would construct the entire $875,000 project and would be reimbursed from theifj trunk funds, supported by sewer connection charges (SAC fees) end Vate co Seca a g MM—WANG f es} for the $431,000 in trunk costs. g@ � � � � _r C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot313FEAS.doc 5 .5 SIV •_� Y 87 874 861.5 }-+-+ T+ -q 0 874 859 82 i. � 872 (3Dmo 860.4 852 870 66 i` 0 LJ ' � 858 gg 10 C o 2 9 O 856 859.6 C3 880 {l 859.5 O 5 O XX DENOTES DESIGN NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS 0 800 1600 T SCALE IN FEET EXCERPT FROM 1997 I SANITARY SEWER STUDY Hakanson CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ''1 ■ ■ Anderson ■ ■ Assoc.,Inc. FILE: OT313 r 8,5.7 67.3 43 C.7 85th ST2-2 I 1 I Z z A 882.4 6 I 886.787 ; a.5 878 y ; 8-4757 3 46 72 e rd T. 876 300 O 840.7 1 20 874 856 t •� El� 864 is ? L 4 83 11 F 0 e �'9� 873.8 1 875.5 % 86 / E 855 ',, / a � 880 $6� -6 852.4 878 - 853.2 U 3 100 92 1 0 880 880 876 851.6 849.1 848.1 LLt 884 5.7- Q Q P. 870 66 i` 0 LJ ' � 858 gg 10 C o 2 9 O 856 859.6 C3 880 {l 859.5 O 5 O XX DENOTES DESIGN NUMBER OF CONNECTIONS 0 800 1600 T SCALE IN FEET EXCERPT FROM 1997 I SANITARY SEWER STUDY Hakanson CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ''1 ■ ■ Anderson ■ ■ Assoc.,Inc. FILE: OT313 r.� %��� www w!'► r.; wwr► �w ►�i:".:�wv rwr► �r►'�l � -r w�i �MMr �M I:Aw~iyi I iM � � IOWA,, �' WWIMRM ��rii r MW ,��IVIII �► wr►�� : w► �.LI� II � II �_\.q�K .�j I'J' II �`�.A''1•;��I ITh•JiJ \ 1 \l i, I�y iia,'Q,Z `-. 78TH STREET TRUNK SEWER LATERAL 314,000 TRUNK 416,000 TOTAL $730,000 `y Z ;; -E 31 P \ iy N ST I d 9 i i `ems ! I I 0 2500 5000 I ' SCALE IN FEET — w ,,, CITY OF OTSEGO LEGEND SANITARY SEWER -- i YEAR 1 BASE SYSTEM COLLECTION SYSTEM STUDY ---t— YEAR 5 EXPANSION EXPANSION H a k a n s o n PHASED SYSTEM YEAR 10 EXPANSION I'1 ■ ■ Anderson EXPANSION YEAR , 5 FORCEMAIN ASSOC.,InC. pr612\DwG\Exr+lal r ,,io�-���.. City of Otsego Sanitary Sewer Collection System Funding Analysis for Phase 1 Trunk Facilities Year Lateral Project Trunk Capital Total Pro ect Cost Cost Expenditure Capitalized Interest Trunk Capital Expenditure Inflated 3% per Yr. Total Payments Residential Equivalent Connections Per Year Cost Per Connection Inflated 3.00% Per Year Income From Connections and Capitalized Annual System Interest Balance Total Cumulative System Balance $1,395,000.00 $0.00 $1,395,000.00 10% 1998 $1,191,000.00 $452,000.00 $739,000.00 $213,400.00 $2,347,400.00 $0.00 $3,000.00 $213,400.00 $213,400.00 $221,936.00 1999 $204,657.03 68 $3,090.00 $210,120.00 $5,462.97 $236,494.93 2000 $204,657.03 68 $3,182.70 $216,423.60 $11,766.57 $258,191.96 2001 $204,657.03 68 $3,278.18 $222,916.31 $18,259.28 $287,509.29 2002 2003 $1,180,000.00 $650,400.00 529,600.00 5.00% 26,480.00 $644,649.00 $204,657.03 $204,657.03 68 68 $3,376.53 $3,477.83 $229,603.80 $236,491.91 $24,946.77 $31,834.88 $324,954.30 $371,060.75 2004 $204,657.03 68 $3,582.16 $243,586.67 $38,929.64 $426,390.00 2005 $260,860.48 68 $3,689.62 $250,894.27 ($9,966.21) $433,080.75 2006 $260,860.48 68 $3,800.31 $258,421.10 ($2,439.38) $447,867.02 2007 0.00% $260,860.48 68 $3,914.32 $266,173.73 $5,313.25 $471,307.48 2008 $2,182,400.00 $1,349,100.00 $0.00 $1,119,886.00 $260,860.48 68 $4,031.75 $274,158.94 $13,298.46 $503,990.19 2009 $358,497.20 68 $4,152.70 $282,383.71 ($76,113.49) $444,991.76 2010 $358,497.20 68 $42,577.28 $290,855.22 ($67,641.98) $392,443.77 2011 $358,497.20 68 $4,405.60 $299,580.88 ($58,916.32) $346,868.55 2012 0.00% $358,497.20 68 $4,537.77 $308,568.30 ($49,928.90) $308,817.24 2013 $428,000.00 $366.00 $0.00 $96,594.00 $358,497.20 68 $4,673.90 $317,825.35 ($40,671.85) $278,871.21 2014 $366,918.70 68 $4,814.12 $327,360.11 ($39,558.59) $248,885.12 2015 $366,918.70 68 $4,958.54 L $337,180.92 ($29,737.79) $227,913.23 2016 2017 $366,918.70 $366,918.70 68 68 $5,107.30 $5,260.52 $347,296.34 $357,715.23 $19,622.36 ($9,203.47) $216,622.50 $215,715.80 2018 $366,918.70 68 $5,418.33 $368,446.69 $1,527.99 $225,933.53 NOTES: Annual Interest rate on Bond sales, for 20 equal annual payments is 6.00% Capitalized interest on each bond sale as shown CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK SEWER FACILITIES IS FUNDED BY A CONNECTION CHARGE OF $3,000.00 THE LATERAL PORTION OF THE FACILITIES ARE A DEVELOPMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY, FUNDED BY THE DEVELOPMENT OR BY ASSESSMENT OF PROPERTY Share/exceVOiseg o/613/ot613 sscsFund.xls 2115/99 Excerpt from 1997 Sanitary Sewer Study The trunk portion of the 78th Street Sewer, $416,000, was funded by the trunk connection charge. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot613-97sss.doc o era Cos :Cosmo sCos Year 1; Base System Lift Station & Forcemain 0 1,395,000 1,395,000 Year 1; Gravity System County Road 39 area 291,400 125,600 417,000 85th Street area 160.600 613.400 774.000 452,000 739,000 1,191,000 Year 5; North Parish Avenue 28,400 113,600 142,000 Quaday, County Road 42 to 72nd St 308,000 0 308,000 78th#Stree�M 650,400 529,600 r 80'000 Year 10; County Road 39 & County Road 42 526,000 234,200 760,200 78th Street, West Residential 356,600 88,400 445,00 Quaday to County Road 37 216,600 308,600 524,6600 South District 246.600 202,100 449,000 1,349,100 833,300 2,182,400 Year 15; West 82nd Street Area 171,000 40,000 211,000 TH101 area to 65th Street 195,000 22.000 217.000 366,000 62,000 428,000 TOTALS 2,817,500 3,558,900 6,376,400 The trunk portion of the 78th Street Sewer, $416,000, was funded by the trunk connection charge. C:\Share\WPmuni\AOTSEGO\613\ot613-97sss.doc 0 600 1200 �) �. '•;� ' �` �_ T_ SCALE IN FEET ° ✓`'�rA �' t1ADAY AVE ,Jy w ! - z W W -w ! Cl Y a ► Z Or O ,! t ,t_ At CNI . I 1�t ,�• in r 00'! .� -' ; Vii•; •�, I ... ' �• (!• � ;T 'ice.• �: ;jll jj' i�%% '.. % r ALTERNATIVE /-, CONCEPTUAL Np EWA ER CH TRUNK SEWER A Anderson Ason ON EXISTING PROPERTY LINE Ander Assoc.,Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO• MINNESOTA OT313 0 600 1200 SCALE IN FEET � �• • �!• °""� ' i N.�. 0 D� (!AVENUE ,V,--Q ! f--�� LL- LLJ i LJ LLJ Lp LLJ Of LLJ V) v) i� 1� �� fj \ J it 1 �✓ i U' 1. O z i !<� t- 1 n n �t i'tf I �Im i• , ; }} / i0 \ I i � i � l 1 � i I"' .I i � • � iii �� .t t. O '• 1 ! ! ' 1 �� � ,.moi '�� - I ��% 'I t• l � I ,,/ nitK 'NJ ! ! D /// ! i• El I i \v 1. � rte.! � t t • � � 1 /i af ct!' ���/ 1 •�^ _ (/��j t i til 4F I ! •,✓ 1 � • t ! �^,ter i / � 1' r , i , � i.i � f � i', / i . � ' , ALTERNATIVE B CONCEPTUAL SKETCH Hakonson TRUNK SEWER AND WATER '-� Anderson WITHIN LOCAL. STREET SYSTEM Assoc.,Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ... ""`.,:...,.°,.. FILE: OT313