02-22-99 CCCITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING FEBRUARY 22, 1999 - 6:30PM MINUTES t ;blavor Larry Fournier will call mPPtinu to order: Mayor Fournier called the Council Meeting to order at 6:30PM. _ a Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Fournier led the Pledge of Allegiance. b Roll Call Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman and Virginia Wendel, Council Members. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner, Larry Koshak, City Engineer, Andy MacArthur, City Attorney. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer - Absent. 2 Consider a ends aunroval (Dem Virginia Wendel added to agenda: 9.1. Community Recreation Update 9.2. EDAAC Meeting Mayor Fournier added to agenda: February 17th letter from EDAAC (Add to March 8th Agenda) Suzanne Ackerman added to agenda: 9.3 Discussion of Otsego Dog Ordinance. VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED �TO ADOPT THE AGENDA AS MOTION CARRIED DED. MARK BERNING SECONDS THE MOTION. UNANIMOUSLY. 3 Consipr Minutes: a Regular Council Meeting of February 8. 1999 MARK BERNING MOTIONED AND SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADOPT H BITTEN INUTES MOTION CAOF RY 8,1999 RRIED UNANIMOUSLY. GULAR COUNCIL MEETING AS b Workshop Overlay McPt;,,a �f FPhni ry 3 1999 MARK BERNING MOTIONED TO ADOPT FE�RUARG ,,1999OR WORKSHOP NIA SHOP OVERLAY MEETING MINUTES AS WRITTEN. SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION AS NOT PRESCARRIED 4 S T AT THIS MEETING. SUZANNE ACKERMAN ABSTAINING 4 Onen Forum -(5 minute limit) 41 SDF rJ JAL "RESENT aiMAIN A TED FIELD Engineer from BoneStroo -Consider Acceptance of Wastew tAr Treatment Plant Bids. Engineer Ted Field noted that last week bids were opened and he reviewed the letter of February 18, 1999 summarizing the bids. ttute pump manufacturer is Gridor te�for 8,0 0 00 $2 0 9, 2233 0_0_ Alternate includes a subs less. The $10,000 00alternate 0 O0000 for the Laboratory equoratory ipment. Mr. Field noted this bid onestroo recommends adding was $270,000 less than the engineer's estimate. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22,1999 - 6:30PM - PAGE 2 - Mayor Fournier asked Ted Field if he has worked with Gridor Construction, Inc. Mr. Field said Gridor rates very high. They have ndor builnstructet the Watertown Trefor Delano, atment Howard Lake and Cokato. Mike Robertson said G Plant and the former City Manager raved about them. Mayor Fournier asked what the bids would have been 5% higher and the same would probably be true 3 months from now. These bids were taken at a very good time. Mark Beming asked what is the construction time? Answer 16 month estimated construction. VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED THAT THE PROJECT BE AWARDED TO GRIDOR CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE BID AMOUNT OF $2,029,323.00, PLUS $10,000.00 FOR ALTERNATE NO. 1 AND LESS $8,000.00 FOR ONE ALTERNATE DEDUCT, FOR A TOTAL BUD PRICE KE $KHAN SE SEAS CONDED THE R ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION. SUZANNE THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mr. Berning asked if this affects the contract we are currently working on with Bonestroo? Answer: No. Larry Koshak asked if it affects the agreement with Otsego/Dayton Re: Wastewater Treatment services. Answers: No. B GARY GROEN - Discussinn of 1999 Rndget Report Mr. Groen discussed the Preliminary Final Budget Report (See Attached). The City received $88,836 more than expected in revenues and spent $84,596 less, leaving a surplus for 1998 of $173,432. Mr. Heidner questioned if the $84,00 sewer and water items that were paid from 10 u g enepal fund and then red funds had eimbursed ed fromfrom e Sewer and Water Bonds to the general fund. Gary Groen said that the project expenses for sewer and water were not cndrged against Council agrhe budget. eed to put this item on the March 8th, obertson said it was accounted for in the general fu 1999 Council Agenda. 4.2. Qin Forum Steve Ackerman Complained that a dog was loose on his block chasing 8217 Packard Ave. NE people, going after his kids. The City needs something to Otsego, Mn. take care of dangerous animals. I am not going to let my family be in danger. You need a dog catcher to remove dangerous dogs. Keith Knutson Re: Condition No. 3 on his CUP, which is to remove 3 6630 Odean Avenue NE detached accessory buildings within 60 days. He requests Otsego, Mn. this to be increased to 60 days after the pole building is completed. He requests that he be allowed to keep one building and reduce it's size to 150 sq. ft. - turn it into a gazebo. After much more discussion, and a motion that was withdrawn, Mr. Knutson decided that he could meet the standards as written in the CUP. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 1999 - 6:30PM - PAGE 3 - $ CONSENT AGENDA (Non Controversial Itemsl (No items on this agenda) ecc�ctant City Panner � 6 1 Consider the nrnnnaed Zoning ^-a;,..,....p AmPnriment: An OrdinAncp Amending Building �tAnrlards. Dan Licht explained the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment on Accessory Building Standards. Mayor Fournier -The P. C. did not recommend unanimously, why? Vern Heidner explained that Patrick Moonen did not like that on one acre lots the accessory buildings could only be 1500 sq. ft, not larger. Dale Beaudry Requested a change to the proposed Accessory Building Standards to read "5 nr more acres m the rural preserve area instead of more than 5 acres. He stated that he has obtained bids on a stick built building and it is $3,000 to $4,000 more to build than a pole building. He informed the Council that 100% of the residents at the P.C. Hearing were in favor of the "5 or more acres" language. Vern Heidner - 100% did agree with the 5 acre or more language, but only three residents spoke. It is popular to let people do whatever they want. The Council and P.C. had discussion of this item at length. We are also residents. Virginia Wendel - Disagreed with Vern Heidner and disagreed with the P.C. on this. This is a rural area with farming and a lot of pole buildings. Vern Heidner - This area was allowed to go from 1 per 40 to 4 per 40 density. The rural flavor is going away. Mr. Beaudry has a stucco building and he should be allowed stud walls and metal sides and roof. The real issue is compatible type materials. Virginia Wendel - The Rural area is without sewer possibly for 30 years. The 5 acre and above lots should be allowed pole buildings. Mr. Heidner - If we do allow this, we should allow it for all 5 acre lots in the City. Keith Knutson - Felt five acres is plenty of room to have a pole building. Pole buildings hold up good and the cost of the stick built building may change in the future. We should have more flexibility. Please allow the pole building. VERN HEIDNERMOTIONED TO ADOPT THE ILDINGS AS RECOMMENDED PLANNINGRDTHE NCE CCESSORY BU COMMISSION. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF A SECOND. VIRGINIA WENDEL MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE RE: ACCESSORY BUILDINGS RALLO ING POLE BUILDINGS OSECONDED THE MOTIONNMOT ON 5 ACRES OR MORE. SUZANNE ACKEM CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH VERN HEIDNER OPPOSED. Mark Berning asked if this is just for the rural service area? Virginia Wendel answered yes. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22,1999 - 6:30PM - PAGE 4 - VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED TO HAVE THE PLANNING COMMISSION LOOK AT THE URBAN SERVICE AREA ON 5 ACRES OR GREATER TO HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS THE RURAL SERVICE AREA RE: POLE BUILDINGS. SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7 Larry Koshak, ity Engineer: 7 Action needed base on Workshop�n Bituminous Street Overlay Study 1 for year 1999 2002 /Set Hearing Date Mr. Koshak said the bonding issue is the first issue. Mike Robertson - The only concern of Tom Truszinski was that adding the 1.7 million bonding amount for the bituminous street with the water and sewer bond would push the expected amount close to the five million limit. Discussion of temporary fund balance transfers to make cash flow work. Lang Koshak discussed the projected cost savings over 5 years of not doing maintenance on the streets that are overlaid. The projected savings are $264,000. The City's cost for overlays is one million dollars and residents cost is $735,000. Mr. Heidner noted that with the budget surplus and MSA funds it can be done. This would ALSO return the surplus to voters. Larry Koshak read the resolution receiving report and calling for a hearing on the public improvement. Mr. Heidner's only concern was to bill everyone equally for both projects if done in a two year program. Council agreed to do the overlay projects in two years. MARK BERNING MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE CITY ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION FOR OVERLAYS. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Larry Koshak will change the Resolution and add the project roads as they will be done in 1999. The Council agreed that the hearing date for the 1999 Overlay Project will be March 18, 1999 at 7PM. MARK BERNING MOTIONED TO RECOMMEND THE RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT THE ENGINEERS RECOMMENDATION OF THE OVERLAY PROJECT. LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7.2. Update on State Aid Funds for 1999 Larry Koshak explained that there is $1,223,687 in the 1999 MSA construction fund. $500,000 approximately will remain after the Odean Avenue reconstruction project commitment. By the end of the year 2000, $800,000 to $850,000 will be in the MSA construction fund. 7.3. Accept Plan and Spec for Trunk Sewer & Water Proiect Authorize Going Out For Bids Larry Koshak explained that the City is at a point where we can go out for bids. A schedule has been provided and was reviewed by Mr. Koshak. Assuming that the condemnation is done as planned and the right of way is available, May 30, 1999 is the anticipated start date. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22,1999 - 6:34PM - PAGE 5 - VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE SEWER AND WATER TRUNK LINES AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. Mark Berning questioned the cost estimate of the project. VERN HEIDNER RETRACTED HIS MOTION. SUZANNE ACKERMAN RETRACTED THE SECOND. MOTION WAS RETRACTED. Discussion of Hwy #42 and jacking the mains under it. The Council agreed that the three jacking operations would be listed as addendum's and after they received the bids they would decide whether to proceed with them. The Council agreed to advertise immediately and receive the bids on March 23, 1999 at 11:00AM. VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS. SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. After discussion a decision was made that we need two generators (one at wastewater treatment plant and one at lift station). It was noted that it is not critical to have two the first year. 8 Andrew MacArthur,City Attorney: 81, Resolution Authorizing Condemnation for Odean Avenue Road Pr_oiect. Mr. MacArthur explained that he is withdrawing this from the Agenda at this time. 8.2- Review Proposed Bonestrnn Contract Mr. MacArthur explained his letter of February 22nd, 1999. He also explained the changes he would like to see in the contract. The Council discussed the changes with Mr. MacArthur and it was agreed that Mr. MacArthur and Bonestroo would hash out the differences and bring back to the next Council Meeting on March 8, 1999 at 6:30. 8 3 AM Other Legal Business There was none. 9 Council Items• 9 1 A ly Council Business A Discussion of EDAAC Letter received. Agreement by Council to add this to the 2/8/99 Council Meeting Agenda. B Discussion of Community Rec Meeting -Virginia Wendel Ms. Wendel noted that she had attended the Community Rec. Meeting and they discussed the North Bound Liquor Store Youth Group. They discussed the whole mission. She noted that Dayton is concerned about Community Rec. cost also. C. Ordinance discussion - Suzanne Ackerman Suzanne Ackerman stated she wants to review the Dog Ordinance. We have more houses and people have to be held accountable for their dogs. Virginia Wendel asked Suzanne Ackerman what she would like us to do. Answer: Hold owners CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES OF FEBRUARY 22, 1999 - 6:30PM - PAGE 6 - more accountable. Discussion if Wright County Sheriff picks up dogs. Mike Robertson said no they do not. Sherburne Co. does have someone available on weekends. Mr. Robertson will check with them and give a recommendation to the Council. D Mark Bernins asked Mike Robertson to look into cost estimates for players benches and bleachers for Otsego Prairie Park Ballfield. 9 Mike Robertson. Ci y Administrator - update: A. Administration Business Mike Robertson advised the Council that Gary Groen had just informed him that we have $47,000 that is owed the general fund from the sewer and water fund. That means we have that much more General Fund surplus. 9.3. Elaine Beatty City Clerk- u2date Mike Robertson was directed to check on the Dayton/Otsego Sewer Contract. 9.4. Judy Hudson, puly City Clerk- iDdate Absent 9.5. Consider Claims List for approval. MARK BERNING MOTIONED AND SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO APPROVE THE CLAIMS LIST AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mark Berning asked if the Council can get Public Works Sub -Committee notes. 9.6. Adiourn by 10 PM, VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED AND SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 9:45PM. ARRY YOUANIER, MAYOR ATTEST: 11 E -NE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZO ING ADMINISTRATOR EB FILE: 99CCAUN I'S