6:30 PM
MARCH 22, 1999
1 _ Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order:
Mayor Fournier called the March 22, 1999 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30
a. Pledge of Allegiance.
Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
b. Roll Call.
Mayor Larry Fournier: Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning.
Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 7:15 PM.
Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning
Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney,
Dan Licht, City Planner; Larry Koshak, City Engineer.
2. Consider agenda approval
CM Berning requested to remove Item 5.1. from the Consent Agenda and place under
Item 7.3. for discussion. CM Heidner requested to add under Item 8.4. Discuss the
Dayton Sewer Contract. Mayor Fournier requested to move Ite -1 8.1. to Item 6.2. and
Item 9.4.b. to under Item 8.4. and Item 9.2.c. to Item 4. Lb.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt the March 22, 1999 City Council Agenda as
amended. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried.
3_ Consider Minutes:
a_ Regular Council Meeting of March 81999.
CM Heidner noted on page 4, the statement regarding a non -legal motion. This motion
was withdrawn and record should reflect this. The City Council agreed.
Mayor Fournier noted on page 7, the motion he seconded, should specifically define the
March 4, 1999 correspondence. (Mr. MacArthur's letter from Ted Field of Bonestroo
discussing construction observation).
Mayor Fournier motioned to adopt the March 8, 1999 City Council Minutes as
amended. Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
4. Open Forum:
4.1- Special Presentation_
a. Charlie Rodby-Special Presentation Rep Plans for Bluebird Houses
in Otsego Prairie Park. (Boy Scout working on Special Project
with Parks and Rec. ).
Charles Rodby, Boy Scout Troop 90, is working with the Park and Recreation
Commission on a "Friends of the Park" project as outlined in his attached memo.
City Council Meeting of March 22, 1999, cont'd. Page 2.
Mike Robertson will give Charlie the support he needs to place the Bluebird Houses in the
Park. He will also write a letter of recommendation. Mayor Fournier thanked Charles,
saying he supports this project and appreciates all he has done for Otsego.
4.2. Any other Open Forum,
9.2_c. Discussion of Parks and Recreation Commission Request,
Mike Robertson noted that the Park & Rec. Commission requested approval for the
purchase of bleachers and benches for the ball fields with the funds to come from Park
Dedication Fees. Mike also explained he met with the Building Official, Jerry Olson,
regarding the Park Shelter. Jerry, Mike and the Parks Commission
will be coordinating this project and bring plans and specifications to the Council.
CM Berning motioned to authorize City Staff to purchase the bleachers and
benches for the ball fields as recommended by the Parks Commission. Seconded by
CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
Council directed Mike to prepare a resolution transferring 1998 Park & Rec. Budget
surplus to the Park Shelter Fund. Also discussed was placing wood chips and fabric down
to prevent weed growth.
5. Consent Agenda,
5-1- Approve Resolution supporting legislation_ (see attached information).
This Item was removed from the Consent Agenda and placed under Item 7.3.
6_ Dan Licht, City Planner,
6-1. Consider the pr posed Zoning Ordinance Amendment rev Feedlots.
Dan Licht reviewed his attached report of March 17, 1999.
CM Heidner motioned to approve Ordinance 99-3, an ordinance amending the
Otsego Zoning Ordinance to respond to directives outlined in the Comprehensive
Plan update regarding Farms and Feedlot Regulations. Seconded by CM Wendel.
All in favor. Motion carried.
6.2. See 8.1. below.
8.1. Consider lifting the Subdivision Moratorium.
Mr. MacArthur discussed with the Council and Staff lifting the moratorium over the entire
City or only within the urban service area.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution No. 99-14 a Resolution terminating the
extension of an Interim Ordinance restricting residential development within the a
portion of the City of Otsego (identified as the "sewer district area") to be published
immediately. Seconded by CM Wendel.
CM Heidner amended motion to include in his motion the Long Range Urban and
Sanitary Sewer Districts. CM Wendel agreed.
All in favor. Motion carried.
6.3_ Any other Planning Business.
City of Otsego City Council Meeting of March 22, 1999, contd. Page 3.
-cnlrntinn arinntina the Fna
CM Ackerman arrived at 7:15 PM.
CM Ackerman motioned to set a City Council Workshop for review of Engineer
Manual for Wednesday, March 31, 1999 4 PM. Seconded by Mayor Fournier.
Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Ackerman, CM Wendel
Voting Against the Motion: CM Berning, CM Heidner.
Motion carried three (3) to two (2).
CM Berning motioned to adopt Resolution No. 99-15, adopting Engineer Manual.
Seconded by CM Heidner. All in favor. Motion carried.
7-2. Consider approval of Plans & Specifications and authorize Bids for
Pumphouse #L
CM Heidner motioned to approve Plans & Specifications and authorize bids for
Pumphouse #1 with bid opening at Hakanson Anderson, Inc. Friday, April 23, 1999.
Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
7.3_ ,any other Engineering Business_
5.1. Approve Resolutipn sunnorting legislation- (See attached Information).
Mike Robertson went over the Resolution Mr. MacArthur prepared and faxed over this
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution No. 99-17 supporting proposed
Legislation prepared by the City Attorney. Seconded by CM Ackerman.
Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Ackerman, CM Wendel., CM
Voting Against the Motion: CM Berning
Motion carried four (4) to one (1).
92.b. Discussion of EAW processing for imposed developments-
evelo m n s_Mr. Koshak questioned if the Council will require all developments to have EAWS if they
are not mandatory. The Council directed Mike Robertson to research this for them.
Mike Robertson went over the letter he drafted to the MPCA dated March 23, 1999.
Noted changes to this letter were to use the word 'prefers' in the second paragraph rather
than 'believes' and in the third paragraph to use another word rather than 'small'.
CM Wendel motioned to direct Mike Robertson to send his letter to the MPCA with
the above changes. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
Consider •• the Subdivision Moratorium (continued •u:SI
Discussion• action taken under•
Mr. MacArthur went over the Resolution.
CM Heidner motioned to adopt Resolution 99-16 authorizing procurement of
permanent and temporary construction easements and other lands for
improvements to Odean Avenue by Eminent Domain. Seconded by CM Wendel.
City Council Meeting of March 22, 1999, cont'd. Page 4.
All in favor. Motion carried.
CM Berning questioned if this project is getting too late to do this year. Mr. Koshak
replied that it will depend on how fast the State approves the Plans and Specs.
8.3. See 6.1. above.
8.4_ Any other Legal Business.
9A.B. Discussion of Lawn Mowing,
Judy Hudson received a quote from Superior Lawn & Snow for the City's lawn
maintenance. They preformed this service in 1998 and staff has been very pleased with
their service. Approximately $8,000 was spent in 1998. Staff recommends to contract
with Superior Lawn & Snow for 1999 and 2000.
CM Heidner motioned to award the City lawn Maintenance service to Superior
Lawn and Snow for 1999 and 2000 as quoted in the attached document dated
March 17, 1999. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried.
Dayton Sewer Contract.
The Council directed Mike Robertson to invoice the City of Dayton for their agreed upon
share plus interest from December. The Council would also like to see a complete list of
the total amount spent to date on the Sewer and Water Project at their next City Council
9. Council Items_
9.1- A Discussion of Animal Control Ordinance (Cont. from 3-8-29)
CM Ackerman stated she is concerned with all the dogs running loose and the owners not
taking responsibility for their dogs. The Council felt the ordinance is good but the problem
is enforcement, which is very expensive. Everyone felt the current policy in place with
Monticello Animal Control is adequate for the present.
B Discussion of surplus General Fund (Cont'd from 3-8-991
CM Heidner motioned for the surplus in the General Fund be placed in the Capital
Improvement Fund to be used on future City Improvement Projects. Seconded by
CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried.
Plant. (Cont'd from 3-8-99).
Mayor Fournier set March 31, 1999 at 3 PM for the Groundbreaking Ceremony.
D Update by CM Wendel - Drug Task Force Meeting & River Rider
CM Wendel went over her recent meetings for the Drug Task Force and River Rider Bus
Service. She would like to see more advertising for River Rider in the Otsego View.
F.. Establish ED AC Project.
The list of potential projects was discussed. It was the consensus of the Council that
Numbers 3, 4 and 5 from the list are projects that the EDAAC should work on. Mike will
notify the EDAAC.
F. Any other Council Business.
Website: CM Heidner is checking on possibilities for establishing a
City website.
City Council Meeting of March 22, 1999, cont'd. Page 5.
9.2. Mike Robertson. City Administrator - ul2dqte.
A_ Discussion of Street Del2artment part-time hours.
Mike reported the Public Works Subcommittee recommended that Council look into a
third full-time maintenance person. Mike noted that there are funds in the budget for a
third full-time person. Dave Chase would like this person to start in the fall.
B. Discussion of EAW's for proposed developments-
evelo mp ents-
Previously discussed under Engineering Items.
C. Discussion of Parks and Recreation Commission Request.
Previously discussed under Open Forum.
D. Any other Administration Business.
No other Administration Business.
9.3. Elaine B .a M City Clerk - update.
Elaine had no items.
9.4. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk - update.
A. Consideration of approving 1999 Clean Up Day Fees,
Mayor Fournier motioned to approve the fees as outlined on the attached schedule
for the 1999 Clean Up day. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion
B_ Discussion of Lawn Mowing,
Previously acted on under Legal Items.
9.5. Consider Claims List fora approval,
CM Heidner motioned to accept the Claims List as presented. Seconded by CM
Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried.
9.6. Closed Meeting to discuss Pending Litigation
CM Ackerman motioned to close the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM
Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting closed at 9:36 PM.
CM Ackerman motioned to open the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM
Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting opened at 10:16 PM.
9.7. Adjourn by 10 PM_
CM Berning motioned to adjourn at 10:17 PM. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in
favor. Motion ca 'ed.
'-Mayor L ry Fournier
Ifflaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adi 'strator
Attest: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk
City Seal