03-22-99 CCCITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 4. Open Forum:(5 Minute Limit) Elaine Beatty Council of: 3/22/99-6:30PM ITEM NTJIfBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 4.1.SPECIAL PRESENTATION: A. Charlie Rodby - Special Presentation Re: Plans for Bluebird Houses in Otsego Prairie Park (Boy Scout working on this Special Project w/P & R) BACKGROUND: 4.1.A. Charlie Rodby is with Boy Scout Troop 90 in Elk River. He has been working with Jeff Bartheld and P & R Re: Bluebird houses in Otsego Prairie Park. He has written a memo which is attached explaining what he wants to do. He is asking for permission from the City Council to be able to complete this project of installing bluebird houses. RECNDATION: These are for Council consideration and Charlie Rodby is asking for approval by the City Council. Thanks, zeLl Elaine ep, --G - se 6(Z—yyc -- My name is Charles Rodby and I am a Boy Scout through Troop 90 in Elk River. I am working with Jeff Bartheld and the Park & Recreation commission on a `Friends of the Park' project, as part of this project I am placing Bluebird houses out in the Prairie Park. I received enough lumber to build twenty houses, I have been donated twenty seven -foot long poles to mount the houses, and I have been in receipt of enough money to buy equipment to attach the houses to the poles. The next phase of my project is to install the houses I intend to place them along perimeter of the Otsego Prairie Park approximately every two or three hundred feet. Bluebird houses can be mounted anywhere between one foot off the ground to fifteen feet off the ground I will be placing them off the ground about five feet. The houses must be placed at least ten to fifteen feet away from any structures, and since bluebirds prefer reasonably open spaces with scattered trees I choose the park as the best area for bluebirds in this area. The last few things I need before I can place the houses are the City Councils permission and a warm day winen the frost has lifted from the ground to place them. I collected all my information on the placing and mounting of bluebird houses from the book The Bluebird, by Lawrence Zeleny. h MEMO Date: March 18, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park & Recreation Spending Request At their meeting of Wednesday, March 10, the Park & Recreation Commission requested the following from the City Council; 1) Purchase of a set of bleachers for one of the ballfields. The recommended bleachers would have three rows, 42 seats, and cost $1,000. 2) Purchase of a set of benches for the players and coaches to sit on for one of the ballfields. The recommended benches would cost $420 plus cement to seat them. The Park & Recreation Commission recommended that the funds for these purchases be taken from the Park Dedication Fees Account. The balance in that account at the beginning of the year was $7,169. In addition, the Park & Recreation Commission is looking at the construction of a park shelter in Prairie Park. They are meeting with Building Inspector Jerry Olson and myself on Monday before the Council meeting to review building designs. At this point they are estimating construction of the park shelter to cost about $15,000. Currently the park shelter account has $3,139. Their expectation is that the difference would be funded from Park Dedication fees. MAR -17-1999 16:21 tNC: MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE. NAC (l' • / 612 595 9837 P.02i02 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 17 March. 1.999 Otsego -Zoning Ordinance Update; Feedlot/New Dwelling Setbacks FILE NO.: 176.08 - 98.07 At the City Council meeting on March 8, 1999, there was a concern that the new dwelling setback provision as drafted in the proposed ordinance amendment would allow for a hobby farm to obtain the 1,000 foot buffer zone. This situation was not an intended or desired implementation of the buffer zone concept outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. To avoid such an issue, we have suggested to the City Attorney a= modification of this provision that would require an eligible use to be defined both as a feedlot and as a farm under the Zoning Ordinance. The. City Attorney believes such.an approach will accomplish the intended purpose of the provision. However, the City Attorney may have additional comments for the City Council for the meeting on March 22, 1999. The revision suggested by our office is as follows: 20-38-9: NEW DWELLING SETBACKS:. No building permitshall be issued for a new dwelling unit within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing feedlot .that is. registered under, the provisions of Section 2038-2.B, which also cmalifie� as a farm as defined by Section 20-2-2 of this Chanter This rarovL ton_ stall not apply to inclttdirrg dwellings constructed as a principal residence on the same parcel and under the ownership of the.owner/operator of the registered feedlot.. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST, LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 5S4 1 6 PHONE 612-59S-9636 FAX 612 -59S -9B37 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM TOTAL P.O2 R CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE11 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 11 Council of: 3/22/99-6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 6.1. Consider the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment Re: Feedlots 6.2. See 8.1 City Attorney Items. 6.3. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. Attached is a Memo from Andy MacArthur Re: Feedlots (The City Attorney was directed at the Council Meeting of 3/8/99 to research information RE: MPCA's wording for Feedlots, because of a concern that a 10 acre hobby farm owner may register as a feedlot and have the 1,000 ft setback (preventing development within that area). The Feedlot Ordinance amendment was not approved at the last Council Meeting. Andy MacArthur will be present also if you need more explanation or information. 6.2. This item is on for any comment that Dan Licht may have on the Attorney portion of the agenda #8.1. 6.3. For any other Planning Business that may need discussion. This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE II r Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Council of: 3/8/99-6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED 231: 6.1. Discussion of Memo of 2/24/99 Re: Zoning Ordinance Update 6.2. Consider the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment Re: Feedlots 6.3. Discussion of P.C. consideration of pole buildings in Urban Service Area 6.4. See 8.1 Below 6.5. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. Attached is a Memo from Dan Licht for Council consideration. 6.2. Attached is a copy of the proposed Zoning Ordinance update recom.-nended for approval by the P.C. unanimously on 3/1/99 (See attached minutes). Aer little discussion and reference to Dan Licht's Report of February 24, 1999 The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend to the Council to leave the Accessory Building Ordinance as approved at the Council Meeting of 2/22/99. (No Change). (See attached minutes of P.C. of 3/1/99) 6.4 This item is on for any comment that Dar. Licht may nave on the Attorney po=tion of the agenda 48.1. 6.5. For anv other Planning Business that may need discussion. RECOM NOATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine FES -25-1399 10:34 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 N or^ rlo* NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTA.;TS 1 N C COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Mike Robertson / Elaine Beatty FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 24 February 1999 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Update FILE NO.: 176.08 - 98.07 With the update the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances nearly complete, our office wanted to suggest that the development regulations be re -codified at this time. The existing Ordinance has not be updated since April 1992. As a result of numerous amendments, the documents have become somewhat unorganized in terms of format and footnotes. We would envision that the work would entail repagination of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, reorganization of the district sections of the Zoning Ordinance and minor format changes such as type size and font The Planning Commission would need to hold a public hearing and the City Council adopt the re -codified Ordinance in summary fashion. The effort would be completed on a time and materials basis. The cost to complete the recodification we would estimate as not more than $750.00 (not including printing). In terms of costs, this may be an opportune time to undertake re -codification as the City Council directed that all new Ordinances be provided to the City Council, Planning Commission and Staff once all of the amendments were approved. I am available at your convenience if you have any questions or would like to discuss the matter further. 577 S WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA S 54 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NACC? WINTERNET.COM TOTAL P.02 CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING CONINIISSION MEETING MARCH 1, 1999 (MONDAY) 8P -*I MINUTES � 5>�� 1 Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Carl Swenson called the meeting to order at 8PNI. ROLL CALL: Planning Commissioners: Chair Carl Swenson, Richard Nichols, Patrick Nloonen, Gene Goenner, Arleen Nagel, and Jim Kolles. Bruce Rask and Christian Nlbanefo, Alt. were absent. Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk, Zoning Administrator, Dan Licht, City Planner. City Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Mark Benning, Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman. 2. Consideration of the Planning Commission Minutes of: A February 16, 1999 Otsego P.C./CC Meeting This was tabled to next P.C. Agenda of 3/15/99 3 Public Hearing to consider the prop9sed Zoning Ordinance Amendmer�t� Re: Feedlots Hearing was opened by Carl Swenson. Elaine Beatty noted that the proper publishing and posting was completed. Chair Swenson explained the proper hearings procedure. Dan Licht explained NRC's Memo of February 2, 1999 RE: Zoning Ordinance Update; Feedlots. (See Attached). 300' setback has been added. Section 2 definitions have been changed to clarify. Section 3, Page 12 has been changed Re: Building Permits (If it is a farm operation structure - It requires no permit). Hearing was opened to the Public Lloyd Beaudry Do you supersede what the County is doing? Dan Licht noted that Otsego's Ordinance supersedes the County Ordinance. Tony Benning Mr. Licht, the County is saying Otsego is coming under the County Ordinance. Who is right? Mike Robertson explained that when the City incorporated, They were no longer under the jurisdiction of Wright County. Dan Licht - MPCA has designated their review authority to Wright County. It is a separate process, but you still have to get a NIPCA Permit. Otsego's Ordinance governs the actual land use. Gene Goenner - Page .=6, Item D reads six months. Is it six months to start the process? Dan indicated that if they initiate the process within 6 months that they qualify. Gene Goenner - Page 4, Item 1, subsection, we decided to delete this. Dan noted that all deleted items were in Item 6. Gene Goenner said 43 and 4 also fall under that category. Dan Licht noted that #3 is for the Cities process to evaluate. Hearing was re -opened to the Public. CITY OF OTSEGO PLANNING COMMISSION MEETLNG MINUTES OF MARCH 1. 1999 AT 8PNI - PAGE 3 - B. Any other P.C. Business �� �►�`' a Update P.C. on Council Decision on Accessory Building 9 n proposed changes. Reviewed by Dan Licht above. Mike Robertson brought up the training seminars to the P.C. and encouraged attendance. Vern Heidner noted that the Council had approved the contractor for the sewer plant at their last meeting. 5. A 'out IOPM GENE GOENNER MOTIONED AND RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:50PM. ARLEEN NAGEL, SECRETARY MINUTES BY ELAINE BEATTY, CITY CLERK/ZONING ADM. RECORDING SECRETARY. FME: 9931PC.14N.R?S MAP. -02-19913 L0:27 NPI: NF,mc F .01/01 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS C O M M U N I T Y PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Mike Robertson / Elaine Beatty FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 2 March 1999 RE: Otsego - Feedlots Administration FILE NO.: 176.08 1 contacted Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District to follow up on Tony Berning's comments that the SWCD was registering feedlots in Otsego under the Wright County Feelot Ordinance. Greg Bangeson of SWCD said that registration refered to by Mr. Berning is provided for in the Wright County Feedlot Ordinace. Under the Ordinance, the County will assume the feedlot permitting process after 1 January 2000. However, SWCD has begun taking registrations in advance of this date in order to inventory the number of feedlots and animal units. The feedlots that ultimately qualifiy for a permit, after the County assumes responsibility for administation of that process, which are registered in advance of 1 January 2000 will simply be issued a new County permit. Mr. Bangeson acknowledged, however, that the Wright County Feedlot Ordinance does not apply within the Cities of Wright County, including Otsego. Mr. Bangeson said that SWCD has propbably registered two or three feedlots that are in Otsego. Because these feedlots are not under the jusrisdicition of the County Ordinance, the registrations are mainly for information purposes. Mr. Bangeson said that he has told those farmers from Otsego that did register with SWCD that the City has adopted its own feedlot regulations with which they must comply. I explained that Otsego was in the process of revising its existing feedlot Ordinance to allow feedlots in certain areas of the City limited expansion opportunities. After the City Council acts on the proposed amendment, I said the City would forward a copy of the new regulations to the SWCD for reference. I also asked that the SWCD stress to feedlot operators in Otsego that they are subject to regulations adopted by the City and not those of the County regarding feedlots to avoid any confusion. Mr. Bangeson said that he would certainly try to assist the farmers understand what regluations applied to their operation depending on their location. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to call me. 5775 VIAYZATA BCULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. M NN=SOYA 55d 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-S9S-9636 FAX 61 2.595-9637 E-MAIL fVr.C(a WINTCRNE7.COM TOTAL P-21 NORTHW SOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC 0"* COMMUNITY P L A N N I N G - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 2 February 1999 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance Update; Feedlots FILE NO.: 176.08 - 98.07 Attached is a revised version of the proposed amendment to the feedlot regulations. The significant changes are outlined below. This information may be reviewed at the Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday, February 16, 1999 at 8:00 PM. A public hearing to consider the proposed amendment has been scheduled for March 1, 1999. • Registration is to be based upon the maximum number of animal units allowed under MPCA permit guidelines. This figure is also to be used in determining expansion potential. An amended registration would be required when the existing number of animal units at the facility is doubled. • Our office contacted the City of Medina regarding changes to their existing hobby farm regulations. City Staff indicated that Medina has talked about changing area requirements, but no amendments to the existing definition has been made. Medina's existing definition is similar to that of Otsego's current definition. In trying to separate farms from hobby farms, the main distinction is the amount of land, the amount of animals/crop agriculture and the commercial purpose of the operation as a principal source of income for the owner. Consideration may be given to setting a higher land amount for a farm, such as 35 to 40 acres. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Jerry Olsen Andy MacArthur 5 7 7 5 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 5 54 1 6 PHONE 61 2 595 9636 FAX 612-5959837 E MAIL rIAC@WINTERN ET.COM CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE #98 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE TO RESPOND TO DIRECTIVES OUTLINED IN THE CCHPREHENSIVE PLAN UPDATE REGARDING FARMS AND FEEDLOT REGULATIONS. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 38 of the Zoning Ordinance (Feedlots) is hereby amended to read as follows: SECTION 38 FEEDLOT REGULATIONS Section 20-38-1: Purpose 20-38-2: Allowed Feedlots 20-38-3: Prohibited Feedlots 20-38-4: Expansion of Animal Units 20-38-5: Structures for Housing Animals 20-38-6: Existing Feedlots: Compliance With MPCA Requirements 20-38-7: Odors 20-38-8: Feedlot Setbacks 20-38-9: New Dwelling Setbacks 20-38-10: Manure Stockpile/Application Setbacks 20-38-11: Destruction of Existing Animal Feedlots 20-38-12: Facility Closure 20-38-13: Abandonment 20-38-1: PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this Chapter is to prohibit the establishment of new animal feedlots within the City of Otsego and to regulate existing feedlot operations within the City of Otsego in a manner conducive to the controls health, These safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego. are needed due to the recent incorporation from township status to City status and the unique location of the municipality in relation to the Metropolitan Ara. These Tanning process regulations are also necessary to promote the p 1 within the City and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City as well as to: A. Establish conditions under which existing animal feedlots within the City can continue to operate. B. Prohibit the establishment of new animal feedlots within the City. C. To prohibit the expansion of existing animal feedlots to levels not conducive with the present character of the City. D. To provide regulations which can be applied in a fair and equitable nature, but that take into account the inherent fluid nature of an ongoing farm operations and the difficulty of applying strict numbers as criteria for control of an ongoing operation. E. Promote best farm management practices. F. Protect valuable groundwater and surface water resources. G. Protect human and animal health. H. Implement specific policies and provisions of the official City Co-1prehensive Plan. I. Promote compatibility of uses. J. Promote continuance of agricultural uses while protecting the residents from nuisances caused by large, non-traditional, and intense agricultural uses. K. Coordinate and assist state agencies in the administration of state-wide statutes and regulations governing livestock operations. 20-38-2: ALLOWED FEEDLOTS: A. Urban Service Area: Those feedlots presently existing within the Urban Service Area, designated by the Comprehensive Plan, may continue operations as provided for in this section, subject to the following: 2 1. Existing feedlots may continue operations as legal nonconforming uses as set forth in Section 20-15 of this Chapter, and as long as they do not constitute a potential pollution hazard. Such feedlots may only continue on the condition that they obtain approval from MPGA, if necessary. a. Interoretation of Section 15: It is understood that 'by its nature the raising of animals and farming creates a situation where there are seasonal, natural, fluctuations in the number of animals within a facility. It is also understood that to remain viable, a farming operation must have a reasonable ability to limited expansion. Due to these peculiar circumstances, and only for purposes of this Section, the phrase `enlarged" contained in Section 20-15 of this Ordinance shall be construed as an enlargement of a legally established pre-existing use in the following circumstances: (1) In a case where a new structure is constructed or is proposed for construction for the purpose of housing additional animals. (2) In a case where a lagoon or earthen basin associated with an increase in animal units is constructed or proposed for construction. (3) In a case where an existing animal feedlot is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of an MPCA permit or interim permit. (4) In the case where additional animal units place the facility in violation of current City ordinances regarding the care of animals. (5) Any increase of the total number of animal units in an existing animal feedlot which raises the cumulative total of animal units above twice the number present upon the facility at the date of adoption of this Ordinance. 3 (6) Any construction, outside of normal maintenance, which has the . effect of increasing the size of a building used for the purposes of housing animals which is done without the conditional use permit required by this section. (7) Ongoing violations of other City ordinances. B. Rural Service Area: Those feedlots presently existing within the Rural Service Area, designated by the Comprehensive Plan, may continue operations and be allowed limited expansion opportunities as provided for in this section, subject to the following: 1. Registration: All existing feedlots shall be registered with the City within six (6) months of DAY MONTH 1999 by administrative permit, subject to the procedures set forth in and regulated by Section 9 of this Chapter. a. An application for an administrative permit to register an existing feedlot shall include the following information: (1) Owner's and operator's name and address. (2) Location of the animal feedlot including quarter, section, range and township. (3) Animal types and existing number of animals of each type confined at the feedlot and maximum number of animal units allowed in conformance with MPCA permits and guidelines. (4) A scale drawing clearly indicating the dimensions of the feedlot and showing all existing homes, buildings, existing manure storage areas and/or structures, lakes, ponds, water courses, known wetlands, dry runs, rock outcroppings, roads and wells within one thousand (1,000) feet of the feedlot. (5) Plans for buildings and structures as required by this Ordinance and/or other County and State ordinances and regulations. 12 (6) A manure and waste management plan as required by the MPCA. (7) Leases or agreements allowing disposal of manure on land other than that of the feedlot owner/operator. No land may be subject to more than one (1) such lease or agreement. (8) Documentation of compliance with all MPCA rules and regulations and approval of MPCA permits, as may be applicable. (9) Information identified in Section 20-9-3 of this Chapter, as may be applicable. b. Amended Registration: An amendment to a registration may be applied for and shall be administered in a manner similar to a new registration application. Amended registration shall be required for any of the following: (1) Ownership of an existing feedlot is changed, including but not limited to the following: (a) A change in ownership of buildings and/or land. (b) A lease for the use of buildings and/or land is entered into, modified or terminated. (2) There is a substantial change in operation of the feedlot. (a) The number of animal units is increased two hundred (200) percent above the number of animal units existing at the feedlot on the date of registration. (b) Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings capable of housing animals. (c) Any change in the operation of a feedlot that would affect tn.e storage, handling, utilization ox disposal of manure. 5 C . Termination. Registration of an existing feedlot shall be valid indefinitely provided that the operation is in full compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and County and/or State regulations, as may be applicable. The owner of a feedlot may terminate an approved registration at any time by submitting a written request to the Zoning Administrator. Once terminated by a feedlot owner, registration shall be permanently forfeited and not be re-established under any circumstances. Any feedlot for which registration was terminated may continue operations as a legal non -conforming use as outlined in Section 20-38-2.A.1 of this Section. d. Any feedlot not registered with the Zoning Administrator within six (6) months of DAY MONTH 1999 may continue operations as a legal non- conforming use as outlined in Section 20-38-2.A.1 of this section. 20-38-3: PROHIBITED FEEDLOTS: No new animal feedlots shall be established within the City. No existing animal feedlot is allowed to expand beyond its level of operation at the date of DAY MONTH, subject to Section 20-38-2 of this section. No operation or facility established with ten (10) animal units or less may expand to more than ten (10) animal units. 20-38-4: EXPANSION OF ANIMAL UNITS: An existing feedlot in the Rural Service Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, which is registered pursuant to Section 20-38-2.B may be allowed to increase the number of animal units, subject to the following: A. The increase in number of permitted animal units shall be based upon the following provisions: 1. For existing feedlots arta allowed not more than four hundred (400) animal units by MPCA permit on zart the date of registration, the number of permitted animal units may be increased up to three hundred. (300) percent. 2. For existing feedlots that are allowed more than four hundred (400) animal units by MDCA permit on the date of registration, the number of permitted animal units may be increased up to two hundred (200) percent. 2 3. The number of animal units of any existing feedlot shall not be increased to more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) animal units. B. There is existing building and animal holding areas necessary to adequately house the increase in animal units, in conformance with applicable City ordinances. Any construction of a new building or expansion of an existing building necessary to adequately house the increase in animal units shall be subject to Section 20-38-5 of this section. C. The feedlot owner/operator shall own or have sufficient land under contract for spreading of manure generated by the expanded feedlot operation. D. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-38-2.B of this Chapter. 20-38-5: STRUCTURES FOR HOUSING FARM ANIMALS: The construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings intended to house animals in association with an existing feedlot that is in full compliance with this Section shall be subject to the following provisions: A. Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing building for the purpose of housing farm animals is allowed for existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, which are registered per Section 20- 38-2.B -orovided that: 1. Any new building intended to house farm animals is within three hundred (300) feet of an existing building that houses farm animals, except by conditional use permit. 2. Any new building or expansion of an existing building intended to house farm animals may not encroach within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing residential use, except by conditional use permit. 3. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-38-2.B of this Chapter. B. Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings for the purpose of housing farm animals for existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area that are not registered in accordance with Section 20-38-2.B and existing feedlots in the Urban Service Area shall be subject to the provisions of 20- 7 38-5.A above and require approval of a conditional use permit. C. Conditional Use Permits: Application for a conditional use permit under this section shall be regulated by Section 4 of this Chapter. Such a conditional use permit may be granted provided that: 1. Applicant provide proof that the proposed building or building expansion is the necessary to provide sufficient room for the number of animal units to be added, and that the number is allowable under this section. 2. That the proposed building or building expansion is the minimum expansion necessary to adequately house said animals, and to comply with existing City ordinances. 3. That the building or building expansion is to be constructed in such a manner as to not increase the non- conformity; to minimize the impact on surrounding properties; and as may be allowed below: a. For proposed buildings located beyond three hundred (300) feet of an existing building used to house animals, the applicant must demonstrate physical justification for the increased separation and that the distance from existing buildings is the minimum necessary. b. For allowed feedlots within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use, the proposed building or building expansion may not encroach closer to said residential use. 4. The applicant provide documentation of compliance with all MPCA rules and regulations and approval of MPCA permits, as may be applicable. 5. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-38-2.B of this Chapter. 6. The provisions of Section 4.2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. 20-38-6: COMPLIANCE WITH MPCA REQUIREMENTS: All existing animal feedlots operating on DAY MONTH 1999 shall continue operating only in strict compliance with all applicable MPCA rules and regulations. 20-38-7: ODORS: All animal feedlot operations shall take responsible measures to minimize odors which have the effect of creating an adverse impact on the environment and quality of life for the residents of the City. 20-38-8: FEEDLOT SETBACKS: DAY NTH 1999u1ly may be aDontinaed elots i lishenthe location prior to existing on such date. 20-38-9: NEW DWELLING SETBACKS: No building permit shall be issued f an for a new dwelling unit within one thousand (1,000) et of existing feedlot that is registered under the provisions Section 20-38-2.B, not including dwellings constructed as a principal residence on the same parcel and under the ownership of the owner/operator of the registered feedlot. 9 20-38-10: MANURE STOCKPILE /APPLICATION SETBACKS: The following manure stockpile and application setbacks are required for all existing animal feedlots: CATEGORY MANURE APPLIC Surface/ Inc, Irrigation InJ Public lake, 300 feet 100 fee river, or stream str Public streets 25 feet -surface 10 (as measured from 300 feet - the outer irrigation boundary of the right-of-way) Platted 300 feet -surface 30C Subdivisions 1,000 feet - irrigation Municipal wells 200 feet 20C Private wells 200 feet 20( public or private 300 feet 10( ditch (including those in a public rights-of-way) Residence other 300 feet -surface 30 than landowner or 1,000 feet - operator irrigation 20-38-11: DESTRUCTION OF EXISTING ANIMAL FEEDLOTS: Notwithstanding Section_ 20-15-3.J of this Chapter, any animal feedlot lawfully existing as an allowed use under this Section 20-38-2 of this Chapter and any structures or buildings lawfully existing and which are used for the purpose of containing animals associated with anl allowededlot extent sof more are than fifty edor (50) partially destroyedto percent of its fair market value, may be restored and the same use resumed (if such use was lawfully existing as an owed use, pursuant to Section 20-38-2 of this section, prior such damage and destruction)or any conforming use established, provided that such reconstruction be completed P within nitwelve (12) months after the date of such damage 10 20-38-12: FACILITY CLOSURE: A. Responsible Parties: The landowner, owner and operator of an existing animal feedlot shall be responsible for the ongoing management of manure and the final closure of the facility including the cleaning of buildings and the emptying and proper disposal of manure from all manure holding facilities. B. Closure: If an existing feedlot operation ceases operation, the owner and/or operator shall be responsible for the following: 1. All wastes from the feedlot operation and its waste control system shall be removed and disposed of on land or in some other legally permissible manner as soon as practical, but no more than six (6) months, and in a manner conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. Closure of the operation may be postponed for a period of twelve (12) months if the property is posted for sale. 3. Notification to the City that the feedlot operation has been discontinued, and that the property is in compliance with this Section of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. If the property is for sale, notification shall be given to all potential buyers of the status of the feedlot use of the property which must comply with all presently applicable zoning ordinances if the feedlot operation is discontinued for a period of six (6) months, as well as the other provisions of section 20-15 of this Chapter. 20-38-13: ABANDONMENT: Owners and operators of animal feedlots, either at the time of abandonment or after, shall have joint and several liability for clean up, closure or remediation of abandoned feedlot sales. Section 2. Section 20-2-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance (definitions) is hereby amended to read as follows: Farm: An unplatted tract of land containing a -t least ten (10) acres or more, or two (2) or more abutting parcels under the same ownership having an area of a+' Least ten (10) acres, measured from the centerline of abutting roads, ususally with which f house and other buidlings, ani-orr crincio� 11 11 commercial aaricultural activities such as raising c s crops are and/or livestock in numbers which do not constitute an animal feedlot, unless the operation is allowed to keep a larger number of animal pursuant to rights as specified in Sections 20-15 and 20-38 of this Chapter. Section 3. Section 20-26-2 of the Zoning Ordinance (Farms - Building Permits) is hereby amended to read as follows: 20-26-2: BUILDING PERMITS: The construction of any building or structure on a farm as a Dart of the farm oceration eXeILLPted shall require admin st-Utive review and approval of the City Building Official, A11 other structures, including residential dwellings and residential nrncccnry ctrnrtiire�. shall reauire a building permit and be in compliance with the Uniform Building Code. Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. PASSED this day of ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator 1999. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: 12 Larry Fournier, Mayor CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 8.Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney: EB Council 3/22/99 6:30 -PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 8.1. Consider Lifting the Subdivision Moratorium (Cont from 3/8/99) 8.2. Consider a Resolution to Obtain Right-oWay for Odean Ave. 8.3. See 6.1 Above (Planners item) 8.4. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: No. 8.1 through 8.4 Above: Attached in the information from Andy MacArthur. He will present it to the Council and answer any questions you may have. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and Mr. MacArthur will explain which items he needs action on. Thanks, Elaine DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE ?. Larry Koshak, City Engineer Elaine Beatty Council of: 3/22/99-3:302M ITEM NUMBER. ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 7.1. Consider the Resolution Adopting the Engineer Guideline Manual for the City of Otsego 7.2. Consider Approval of Plans & Specifications and Authorize Bids for Pumphouse #1 7.3. Any other Engineering Business BACKGROUND: Items 7.1 through 7.2 above Larry Koshak, City Engineer will be present to explain these items and answer any questions. Attached is the information from Larry Koshak. 7.3. Is for any further Engineering Business that needs discussion, RECOMNIENDATION: This is for Council information, update and any decisions. Thanks, laine ,-t 7.1 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING ENGINEER GUIDELINE MANUAL WHEREAS, the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., has drafted an Engineer Guideline Manual dated February, 1999 for the purpose of setting forth requirements, materials and standards to be incorporated into plans and specifications for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, watermain, trails and street construction constructed within the City; and WHEREAS, said Engineering Guideline may be amended or revised from time to time by resolution of the Council; and WHEREAS, the Engineering Guideline Manual will serve as a convenient reference for those developing within the City. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO: 1. That the Engineering Guideline Manual dated February, 1999 prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is hereby adopted by the City of Otsego as setting forth the approved standards and specifications to be incorporated into projects requiring City approval. 2. Copies of the Engineering Guideline Manual shall be distributed to those applying for development within the City, and Agreements, conditions, and findings related to such development shall reference the Guideline Manual where appropriate. ADOPTED this day of March, 1999 by the Otsego City Council. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk X TES -:651-296-1754 Feb 26 99 17 : 1 1 N0.007 P.02 - old language to be re.'noved = new language to be added ..ricer=r-nred g NOTE: If you cannot see any difference in the key above, you need to �..,n P t}le disvla�of stricken and/or underscored language. AUthc�rs and S a us ■ List vclsiQns HY No. 696, as introduced: 81st Legislative Session (1999-2000) Posted on 2/11/99 A bill for an act requiring the 1.2 1.2 relating to -metropolitan gvernm:nts 1.3 metropolitan area local govert enmetr000lito tarlcounciln 1 4 growth boundaries; requiring -owth boundaries; 1.5 to review and approve the urban g- 6 requiring the metropolitan council to negotiate with 1.7 the St. Cloud reg amending to preserve agricultural and opcn space between the urbanized ar 1.8 eas in the two reg=ons; aamending Minnesota Statutes 1998, sections 473.175, by b 1 and 473859 sudivision2. � }0 adding a subdivision% 1 11 BE iT gj,1ACTED BY T^:S LFr-JSL;.TUF-y OF TE;e'" STATE OF MINNE-SC -A: 12 Section. I. Diir�esota Statutes 1998, section 473.175, is 13 amended by adding a subdivision to read: 1a. [AppROVAL OF URBA N GROWTH BOUNDARY.I mg 14 r: r 1.15 Pt' ntt ry r ; V P 1.16 a av a lanc a r o 1.17 „ ; r• r ` fv ' y. 0r"i � 1 .13 t a n aT �o t ; 1 r1 P"P 1.19 r n ^�ran ^r� r Pa P 1.20 Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 473.659, 1.21 n. 2, is amended to read: 1.22 subdivision plan Shall include 1.23 Subd. 2. (LAND USE p?,Ati • 1 A land use p_ plan required by section 103B.235, and 1,24 the water management p ro osed location, intensity 1.25 shall designate the existing and P P ing 1 1.26 andextent ofusenof land alddrainageecoursesLyand adjoining tland s� 1,27 rivers, 1 2g areas that affect water natural resources, for agricultural, 2 1 residential, commercial, industrial andr°oSes.er puAlic land use planPrivate 2.2 purposes, or any combinationofsuchapurpnoses-.ate for historic 2.3 shall contain a protection e_ement, az, 2.4 sites, the matters listed in the water mana°gQctiorplan re `red 2.5 by section 103B.235, and an element for p_ 2,6 development of access to direct sunlight for solar energy ement 2 7 systems. A land use plan shall alio include a housing adequate containing standards, plans and programs for providing 2.9 housing opportunities to meet existing and projected local and 2 g 2.10 regional housing needs, including but no�ltdtte promote.11 officialhe use of controls and land use planning o 2.12 availability of land for the development of low and moderate , a ���� nl ren mus` t ronr; fy rh- anti 2.13 income housing. -sion 2.14 Y� P P 2.15 alist 2.16. io m rr Qes n 2.17 r e r a-� d r P a P t r .i ^ y "' 2.18 r ,' Y 2.19 2.20 ll3 2-S-•- 2.a6/9g 3;44' 2126'99 3:48 P- Y, 03-22-1999 02:34PM FROM Couri 3 MacArthur TO 441ee23 P.02 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF INIINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROPOSED LEGISLATION WHEREAS, water quality cooperatives can fill a need for alternative sewer treatment in areas where municipal wastewater treatment is not available within the foreseeable future; and W`HEREAS, the:City Council believes that providing municipal wastewater treatment to its residents is an essential government service which can be provided to residents in a most cost effective and environmentally sound method through traditional municipal wastewater treatment in areas where it is accessible and subject to direct municipal control in other areas of the City: and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that wastewater treatment concerns in close proximity to its borders may best be resolved by extension of municipal services to those areas: and WHEREAS, in the future, extension of municipal wastewater treatment facilities to areas not currently within the existing municipal boundaries may be the preferred solution to wastewater treatment problems; and WHEREAS, it is in the best long range interests of the City to restrict the activities of water quality cooperatives within close proximity to the City's boundaries. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL as follows: 1. The City Council supports legislation which would prohibit water quality cooperatives from operating within two miles of the City's border; provided, however, that in instances where a City felt it was unable to provide adequate municipal wastewater treatment, the City could waive this provision. 03-22-1999 02:34PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.03 ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this Elaine Beatty, City Clerk day of March, 1999. CITY OF OTSEG-U Larry Fournier, Mayor TOTAL P.03 X\ CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 15. CONSENT AGENDA (Non -Controversial Items) Elaine Beatty Council of 3/22/99-6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 5.1. Approve resolution supporting legislation (See attached Information) BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is a letter from Nancy Evers, City Administrator of the City of Rockford, Minnesota. This letter is self explanatory and the resolution that was approved by the Council and Rockford Mayor and Administrator signed is also attached. This is for Council review and consideration if they would like the City Staff to prepare a similar resolution for signature by the City of Otsego. REC0I4NDATION: This is for Council approval. If this item needs further discussion, it will need to be removed to another portion of the agenda. If approved, a Resolution will be prepared for signature by Otsego Mayor and Administrator. Thanks, Elaine G�E0R�'Lt 1881 February 17, 1999 �ti�'- 4 1559 .R Cityof Rockford 6031 Main Street • Rockford, NIN 55373 • (612) 477-6565 • Fax 477-4393 MISSION STATEMENT: To recognize and fulfill our citizens' needs for all services in a respectful, efficient, and economical manner. City of Otsego Mike Robertson, Administrator 415 Central Avenue Otsego, MN 55369 Dear Mike: As you may be aware the City of Rockford has been dealing with a group called the Headwater Rural Utilities Association. The HRUA submitted a petition to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil and Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, containing many false statements against the city being allowed to construct any storm water systems within our city limits. This was brought about due to a landowner adjacent to a development within the city, who resides in the Rockford Township. The Rockford Township and residents adjacent to our city hired the HRUA to act on their behalf. This group has some good ideas for rural areas, but we feel they should not be have the authority to enter into incorporated municipalities. In retaliation to this group and their methods, our city Mayor, Engineer and myself met with our Senator and Representative asking for their assistance in changing the legislative authority groups such as the HRUA have been given. They suggested the city draft legislation and submit it to their office at our earliest convenience. Attached is a copy of the legislation we are proposing. The League of Minnesota Cities mentioned your city as having had some dealings with the hRUA recentiy and that is why I am contacting you. Please submit this information to your council for review and ask for their support by adopting a similar resolution to be submitted to your representative and senator. Thank you for your support, I am also sending this on to other cities who have had to deal with this organization. If you have any questions, please contact my office. Sincerely, Nancy Evers City Administrator NE/kd RESOLUTION 99-19 RESOLUTION SUPPORTING PROPOSED LEGISLATION WHEREAS, water quality cooperatives can fill a need for alternative sewer treatment expertise in areas where municipal wastewater treatment is not available; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that providing municipal wastewater services to its residents is an essential government service which can be provided to residents in a most cost effective and environmentally sound method through traditional municipal wastewater treatment in areas where it is accessible; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes that the growth pressures which the City has faced in the recent past are likely to continue in the foreseeable future and will thus result in an expansion of the present City boundaries; and WHEREAS, the City anticipates a need to extend its municipal wastewater treatment systems to growth areas surrounding the City; and WHEREAS, the Legislature has recognized a need for cities to protect a growth area around cities by permitting cities to extend their zoning regulations two miles from the City borders; and WHEREAS, the City Council believes it is necessary to protect the City's growth area by restricting private sewer treatment systems and water quality cooperatives within the City's growth area. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council as follows: 1. The City Council supports legislation which would prohibit water quality cooperatives from operating within two miles of the City's border; provided, however, that in instances where a City felt it was unable to provide adequate municipal wastewater treatment, the City could waive this provision. The foregoing Resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Rockford on the 9`h day of February 1999. CITY OF ROCKFORD: By Jo Wa r, Mayor ATTEST: By Nancy Ev r Administrator An act Amending Minnesota Statutes Section 115.58 Minnesota Statutes Section 115.58 is amended by adding the following language: "Subdivision 4. Restriction on activities A water quality cooperative must not conduct any activities nor exercise any powers affecting real property located within two miles of the border of any inco!porated municipality. The governing body of a municipality may by resolution waive this restriction." CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 March 23, 1999 Eric Kilberg Minnesota Pollution Control Agency - Metro Division 520 Lafayette Road North St. Paul, MN 55155-4194 Re: City of Otsego Darkenwald Family EAW Dear Mr. Kilberg: After discussing this issue with the Otsego City Council last evening in their regular Council meeting, they have authorized the following letter to the MPCA. The City Council of Otsego believes that the comment period on the Darkenwald Family Partnership EAW should not be initiated at this time. The City of Otsego has recently received its NPDES Discharge Permit and has awarded a bid and authorized construction of its approved wastewater treatment facility. The Darkenwald's currently own only a small amount of undeveloped land adjacent to their wastewater treatment plant outside of their proposed development. The only reason for their proposed wastewater treatment plant expansion would be to serve their proposed development. The City Council would prefer to see the land use issues regarding the Darkenwald's proposed development resolved before their wastewater treatment plant expansion is considered. At this time, no formal application for development has been received by the City from the Darkenwald Family Partnership. If an EAW for the Darkenwald facility was put out at this time for public comment, the City would not be able to intelligently comment on potential environmental affects of the proposed expansion without knowing the intended uses to be served by the facility, the contemplated service area, and the affect of any proposed use upon the City's service area. Consequently, the City would be required to provide substantive comment and, most likely, would need to formally request that the comment period be extended until proper application and review of any development proposal has been completed by the City. The City believes that all parties, including the MPGA, would be better served by not putting the EAW out for public comment until these matters have been resolved. At its regular Council meeting last evening, the City Council also took action to lift the moratorium on development for the eastern section of Otsego (including the Darkenwald land) effective upon publication of the resolution. This means that the City of Otsego will accept development applications for land in this area effective April 1, 1999. The Darkenwald's can make application for development and their application will go through the regular process of review and decision. For your information, a summary of the process for approval for the Darkenwald Family's proposed development, or any other proposed development in the City, is as follows (for a more complete listing of requirements a development application packet can be sent if you so request); 1) Applicant would file a signed application along with the proposed development plans, application fee, and escrow. 2) Applicant would hold a meeting with City staff at which their application would be reviewed and staff would explain City ordinance requirements, provide advice, and help the applicant potentially avoid any unnecessary plan modifications or site design related conflicts. staff would also note any additional items needed in order for the application to be complete. Typical additional items might be stormwater plans, proof of land ownership, etc. 3) Applicant submits any additional information. Once it is determined that all requirements of a development application are met, the applicant is scheduled for a public hearing before the Otsego Planning Commission. The Planning Commission meets the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month at 8:00 p.m. A complete application must be received at least three (3) weeks prior to the Planning Commission meeting in order to be considered at that meeting, due to the requirement for publishing public notice of a hearing at least ten (10) days before the hearing. 4) A hearing is held before the Planning Commission at which the Planning Commission hears the staff report and any recommendations on the development application, takes public comment, and has an opportunity to question the applicant. The Planning Commission makes a recommendation to the City Council and then the application is forwarded to the City Council. 5) The City Council meets every 2nd and 4th Monday at 6:30 p.m. The application will typically be scheduled for the next City Council meeting. Though the City Council may take additional testimony on the development application or ask questions of the applicant if it wishes, it is not required to do so because the Public Hearing was held before the Planning Commission. The City Council then takes a vote and makes a decision. 6) Typically developments are approved contingent upon the negotiation of a Developer's Agreement. Negotiation of a Developer's Agreement is conducted between staff and the applicant. 7) Once a satisfactory developer's Agreement has been negotiated, and upon payment of any fees owed, the applicant can then submit building plans to the City Building Inspector. Upon satisfactory review of the building plans, the Building Inspector can issue a building permit. This process can take anywhere from six (6) weeks to four (4) months. Submission of a complete application is the best way for an applicant to speed up the process. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Michael Robertson City Administrator cc: City Council mr/mpcaltr6 �L W Michael C. Couri• COURT & MACARTHUR Andrew J. MacArthur Attorneys at Law Marcus W. MiMer 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 •Acre licensed in ttu„ou St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthurgpobox. com March 17, 1999 City of Otsego City Council Members c/o Elaine Beatty, Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Re: City of Otsego—Resolution Authorizing Procurement of Permanent and Temporary Construction Easements and Other Lands for Improvements to Odean Avenue by Eminent Domain Dear City Council Members: Enclosed please find a copy of the resolution in the above referenced matter. This resolution is for possible Council action at Monday night's meeting. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, An W J. ur OURI & , CARTHUR AJM/khb Enclosure cc: Dan Licht Larry Koshak CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PROCUREMENT OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS AND OTHER LANDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO ODEAN AVENUE BY EMINENT DOMAIN WHEREAS, the City of Otsego proposes to construct and improve Odean Avenue; and WHEREAS, the improvements consist of a bituminous overlay and reconstruction of the roadway, including necessary storm water drainage improvements, retention and holding pond areas, and a bike path parallel or along the roadway of said Odean Avenue; and WHEREAS, certain permanent roadway easements, drainage and utility easements, land parcels, and temporary construction easements are required to construct said Odean Avenue as set forth on Exhibit A hereto attached; and WHEREAS, the City has authority to acquire said land parcels and easements by eminent domain pursuant to Minn. Stat. 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the City has the right to acquire the easements prior to the filing of an award by the court appointed Commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 117.011 and 117.042; and WHEREAS, the land over which said permanent roadway easements, utility and drainage easements, separate parcels, and temporary easements are required is owned by the following persons (See Exhibit A); and WHEREAS, the following have an interest in said lands (See Exhibit B); and WHEREAS, the City has contracted with Evergreen Land Services to negotiate said easements and acquisition of parcels; and WHEREAS, Evergreen Land Services has, as of this date, been unable to successfully negotiate the acquisition of the required easements and land parcels; and WHEREAS, Evergreen Land Services will proceed to make offers to affected land owners based upon appraisals ordered by the City prior to service of Notice of Intent to Take Possession and filing of a petition in Eminent Domain. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Otsego City Council hereby authorizes the acquisition of said land by eminent domain and to take title and possession of that land prior to the filing of an award by the Court appointed Commissioners, pursuant to Minn. Stat. 163.02, Subd. 2, 117.011 and 117.042; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that prior to filing of a petition that offers based upon City ordered appraisals shall be presented to all affected property owners; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Attorney is requested to file the necessary Petition therefor, and to prosecute such action to a successful conclusion or until it is abandoned, dismissed, or terminated by the City or the Court. Motion to adopt this Resolution made by , this IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ATTEST: Elaine Beatty City Clerk day of and seconded by Council Member . 1999. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier Mayor Superior Lawn & Snow Randolph E Brenny 9859 Parrish Ave. NE Otsego MN. 55330 612-241-0772 Pager 612-329-1268 March 17, 1999 Lawn Maintenance Proposal - April 1 to November 31, 1999 Otsego Praire Park Wooded Picnic Area - Grass mowing $70.00 each time General Spring Clean-up, stick removal, vaccuum and dethatch, fill in rutted areas. $195.00 spring time Pre -emergent (crabgrass control) spring fertilization, Fall fertilization. $595.00 Total for season Broadleaf Weed control Spraying (One time per season) $325.00 Athletic Fields 2 Softball fields, Soccer Field. - Grass mowing $155.00 each time Volleyball, Play Area Grass mowing $ 38.00 each time NW Ballfield Grass mowing $ 40.00 each time General Spring Clean-up $165.00 spring time Pre-emergent(crabgrass control) spring fertilization, Fall fertilization $1690.00 Total for season Broadleaf weed control Spraying (one time per season) $560.00 Outiving Areas Swale - Grass mowing $35.00 each time South wooded area - Grass mowing $49.00 each time Old City Hall Approx. 1.5 acre - Grass mowing $49.00 each time City Hall Area running along Nashua Avenue, Area around holding pond, Area around City Hall and Maintenance shed (3acres) - Grass mowing $65.00 each time General Spring Cleanup, dethatch and vacuum Pre -emergent (crabgrass control) spring fertilization Fall fertilization Broadleaf weed control spraying (one time per season) City Well Inside fence and 3 swipes around fence - Grass mowing City Owned lots 85`h Street and Oakwood - Grass mowing Will trim all areas every 3`d week or when asked. $150.00 spring $549.00 total season $195.00 $10.00 each time $42.00 each time I am licensed by the State of Minnesota to spray herbicides and pesticides and to apply fertilizer. Equipment: Toro 220 with 62" Deck - with Bhp vacuum and trailer system Toro 44" commercial walk behind. 10 foot boom sprayer 10 foot fertilizer spreader Numerous weed eaters, chain saws and blowers Thank You Randolph V. Brenny r l 9�CSS S CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty March 22,1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. A. Discussion of Animal Control Ordinance (Cont. from 3/8/99) B. Discussion of Surplus General Fund (Cont. from 3/8/99) C. Set date for Groundbreaking Ceremony for Wastewater Treatment Plant (Cont. from 3/8/99) D. Update by Virginia Wendel - Drug Task Force Meeting & River Rider E. Establish EDAAC Project. F. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: Items 9.1. A, B. and C were tabled last agenda for consideration at this meeting. (see attached information from last agenda) D. Attached is a memo from Virginia Wendel who will be able to answer any questions the Council has. E. Attached is a Memo from Mike Robertson dated March 17, 1999, and he will be present to answer questions. F. This is for any other Council Business that should arise. RECOINENDATION : This is for Council information and any decision. Thanks Elaine I , /.�. 3%z2- /q GI CITY OF OTSEGO KLQL,LS_I' kUK C;UU..NC;IL AC; Mur AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty March 8,1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB,CC 9.1. A. Discussion of EDAAC B. Discussion of Animal Control Ordinance C. Discussion of Surplus General Fund D. Set date for Groundbreaking Ceremony for Wastewater Treatment Plant E. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: 9.1.A. The Council received a letter from the EDAAC at last meeting that was tabled for review on this agenda. 9.1.S. Suzanne Ackerman asked this item to be on the agenda last meeting and it was tabled for discussion on this agenda. 9.1.C. Mike Robertson and Gary Groen gave the Council information on the surplus general fund last meeting. It was tabled to this agenda for discussion as to what the money should be used for. 9.1.D. This item was also tabled from last agenda for action at this meeting to set date. 9.1.E. This item is for any other Council Business that needs discussing. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information decision. Thanks Elaine 2-1 MEMO Date: March 3, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Animal Control Possibilities I checked with the Sheriff's office of Sherburne County regarding animal control. They told me that someone had given me the wrong information and that they did not pick up dogs. I called the Elk River Police Department to see if they would be interested in picking up dogs in Otsego. The Chief told me that they use Community Service Officers (CSO) for animal control. Right now they have three CSO's and they work nights but rarely work weekends. He is trying to get a grant to add a fourth CSO and then he would have weekends covered. If he can do that he might be interested in a weekend contract with us. The dog catcher in Monticello has said that it would not be financially worthwhile for her to be on call on weekends. She has indicated that if someone could bring a dog over to her building on weekends and page her, if she is there to receive the page, that she could take the dog. I don't think that truly would resolve the problem because there are too many "ifs". cc: City Staff 17 February 1999 To: Larry Fournier, Mayor, City of Otsego Fr: Otsego EDAAC Sub: Future direction of the EDAAC Last September we met with City Council to discuss the future of the EDAAC. At that time, we suggested that we be combined with the EDA or to disband the EDAAC. Since that time we have had several additional meetings on the same topic. Following are several alternatives that address the disposition of the group: 1.) Combine the EDA and the EDAAC into a new EDA with the specific task of developing the city and minimizing risk. 2.) Continue with the current EDA and EDAAC concept provided that the two groups meet on a regularly scheduled basis. Attached is a memo dated ,14 January 1997 from David Licht that encourages "continuing communication and participation of all parties". We believe that his comment is 100% correct and regret that we did not recognize this earlier. Our frustration is the result of the lack of communication and joint planning. Two possibilities for this option could be: a.) Meet on a monthly basis for 30 minutes prior to the start of the regularly scheduled council meetings. The meeting should also include the City planner. After the joint meeting we could then continue with our independent meetings. b.) Meet every other month for a planning meeting with the EDA, EDAAC and the City Planner. This could be a very powerful meeting considering the attendees and the planning focus. The EDAAC would then conduct their independent meetings during the off months. 3.) Disband the EDAAC unless the city council is committed to one of the options above or an acceptable alternative. With due respect to all parties involved, it's time to put the past behind us, and begin the cooperative effort of planning the economic development of our community. Sincerely, The Otsego EDAAC Attachment S. NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS *t4F1NkCC-00MMUN1TYPLANNfNG - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCF MEMORANDUM TO: Larry Fournier FROM: David Licht DATE: 14 January 1997 RE: Otsego - EDAAC / Comprehensive Plan FILE NO: 176.08 I have had a chance to review Liz Wilder's memo to you of 8 January 1997. Of specific interest is Item No. 2 and the EDAAC's role in the Comprehensive Pian. While our office agrees the EDAAC should be actively and primarily involved in the formulation of economic development policies, there needs to be recognition that this should be a cooperative effort involving the EDA and City Planner. We are concerned that unless there is continuing communication and participation of all parties, we will have a repeat of past situations where different directions are being taken. This is again an instance where "team' work, rather than independent work, is critical. PC: Elaine Beatty Liz Wilder X MEMO 9 C -G Date: March 3, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Budget Surplus Options I have enclosed a copy of the options for use of the 1998 budget surplus that you received at the last Council meeting. (I did remove the one option which met with universal disfavor.) As I noted at the end of the meeting, after Gary checked on the matter he found that $47,000 in pre - 1998 sewer and water expenditures had not yet been reimbursed from the Sewer & Water bonds. So that $47,000 can be added to the surplus, which increases the total amount of the surplus to $221,432. When the $72,000 that is recommended to go into fund balance is removed, the amount available to the City is $149,432. cc: City Staff MEMO Date: February 17, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: 1998 Preliminary Budget Surplus Another memo has detailed the preliminary 1998 final budget figures, which have shown a budget surplus of $174,432 in 1998. As noted, this surplus is due to a variety of positive factors, all of which are not likely to reoccur. The decision for the City Council is what to do with the 1998 budget surplus. You could leave the surplus as fund balance. Fund balance is that amount of the City's cash left over at the end of the year. Since the City receives its second half tax settlement and LGA payments in mid-December, its fund balance always looks nice. However, the fund balance has to last for over 6 months because the City will not receive anymore tax money until next July. Because of this, City auditors always recommend that a City have 45-50% of its yearly budget in fund balance. At the start of 1998, Otsego had a fund balance of $504,884. Otsego's budget for 1999 is $1,281,422. To have a fund balance of 45-50% of the 1999 budget, Otsego would need $576,000- $640,711 in fund balance. That means that the City Council should add a minimum of $72,000 from the budget surplus to its fund balance. That is what City Financial Consultant Gary Groen and I recommend. That means that the City has $102,434 in remaining surplus funds. What follows is a list of possible recommendations for the use of those funds, along with the pros and cons of each. This list is not assumed to include all possibilities. 1998 BUDGET SURPLUS OPTIONS 1. RETURN THE MONEY TO THE TAXPAYERS Pros - Everyone loves this idea. Cons - The City is not set up to do this. I could talk to the County to see if they have a mechanism for doing this. I would guess that the costs of doing this would use up a substantial amount of the surplus. 2. PLACE THE MONEY IN A SEWER & WATER BOND RESERVE FUND TO MARE BOND PAYMENTS IF THERE IS NOT ENOUGH DEVELOPMENT Pros - It would provide additional reserve for the Sewer/Water bond payments. Cons - The budget surplus money is tax and general revenue money. This method would use it to pay off enterprise fund bonds. 3. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND TO PURCHASE FUTURE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Pros - This would provide additional money to the fund and make it less likely that future capital equipment purchases would require tax increases. Cons - The Capital Equipment Fund is currently adequate to meet all immediate needs. 4. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE REVOLVING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TO BE USED ON FUTURE CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Pros - This provides additional money for projects that cannot be assessed 100% and that are difficult to fund through other sources. Cons - This money is generated through 1998 taxes and receipts but will probably not be spent for a few years. 5. USE THE MONEY AS SEED MONEY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS Pros - This provides money for marketing or a funding source for incentives to attract industrial or commercial development. Cons - The existence of a pot of money can sometimes cause it to be spent frivolously. E 6. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING FUND TO BE USED FOR FUTURE EXPANSION OF CITY HALL Pros - This provides additional money for a future expansion of City Hall (Police Station?) (Post Office?) etc. that could most likely be funded only through tax supported bonds. Cons - This money is generated through 1998 taxes and receipts but will probably not be spent for quite a few years. 7. USE THE MONEY TO FUND FUTURE SCHEDULED PARK IMPROVEMENTS Pros - Everyone loves park improvements. Cons - City policy has been to fund those improvements through development fees and grants. 8. PAY DOWN THE LEASE ON CITY HALL Pros - This frees up money in the future if we make those payments now. Cons - The financial benefit to the City is not realized for several years until the lease is all paid up. 9. USE THE MONEY AS A REVENUE SOURCE FOR THE 2000 BUDGET AND REDUCE THE PROPERTY TAX RATE Pros - This provides additional revenue for the 2000 budget allowing less dependence on property taxes. Cons - A budget surplus cannot be guaranteed every year and if the City becomes dependent upon it as a revenue source they would have to reduce spending or raise taxes suddenly if there was not any surplus. 10. USE THE MONEY TO FUND THE GENERAL OPERATIONS OF THE CITY Pros - This provides additional revenue for the general budget allowing less dependence on property taxes. Cons - A budget surplus cannot be guaranteed every year and if the City becomes dependent upon it as a revenue source they would have to reduce spending or raise taxes suddenly if there was not any surplus. cc: City Staff 3 9 ' �, 10-- D / Wed. March 9, 1999 River Rider Meeting After the usual roll call, minutes from last meeting and agenda the following subjects were discussed: More information was needed on bus vouchers. The initial vouchers are all gone now but some areas offer passes for about half price to attract seniors to ride the buses. Annandale is transporting one vet to the Mpls. Vet hospital a few times a month, they are looking for more vets that may need the ride at the same time or a volunteer driver. Sherburn County also goes there but does not pick up Wright Cty. Passengers. Monticello has an average of 1000-1200 riders, mostly in and around town and this inclused picking up kids and taking them to other schools(like the swim team, from Jr. High to Sr. High), it is cheaper than hiring a school bus. They will send the rider count to me for Otsego We went over the advertising plans for the buses, nothing was decided yet but it would help with the cost of the buses. They also had a large newspaper ad, it included all the different kinds of buses, River Rider, Heartland Express from Annandale, Delano and Monticello. The price is quite high for printing the ad, and then running off 26,000 ads and inserting them in the Drummer. I told them I thought an ad in our Views would do more good for Otsego than the Drummer. Monticello also had a newspaper they wanted to use. Continued this to next meeting. This group will only be meeting until sometime this summer unless the county feels they need to meet longer. MnDot is giving 3 busses to 3 different cities, not new ones but to replace their old buses that are getting OLD Jir'�Ie 9, �'- Tues. March 9, 1999 Drug Tast Forse Meeting There were 7 of the 11 members present. Don Lindell (the same man that came and talked to us awhile back) led the meeting. I thought it was very interesting. Some of the highlights: The Annual report is attached. This report is does not include any drugs found in cars. They take the dog, Spot, with them to the schools when talking about the DARE program and have students or teachers hid drugs and the dog finds them, very impressive with the younger children on the DARE program, But they were called to a school because the teacher thought two students had drugs, the Dog sniffed out two lockers, found the jackets but no drugs. Then they let him go into the class rooms and he found the two studends, they had the drugs on them One also had a pipe that was stolen from the teacher days before and he hid it under a desk, dog found it. They now a have a heat light that they use to find drugs in homes, growning marijuana plants, etc. They can turn the light onto a house and it shows which rooms are extra hot where the plants would be growing. Again, they only use it when there is cause to look. They gave us a list of cities and the number of arrests in that city, the person may not live in that city but was arrested there: I am giving you the figures but not the names as some of the cases are not closed yet. There is also a list of the kind of drugs and the number of times it was involved in the arrest. They would like to have another dog but it cost $5000 to get the dog and another $50,000 for the officer and car to go along with the dog, pretty expensive every year. They appreciated the help Otsego gave them, the $1000 and hope we can do it again next year. Don Hozempa Tom Kelly Don Lindell Richard Mattson Kath Mottl Myron Morris Mike Simmons Robert Fix Sue Vergin Lenny Walker Virginia Wendel Wright County Drug Task Force Advisory Board 1999 - Wright County Sheriff - Wright County Attorney - Chief Deputy, Wright County Sheriff's Office - Wright County Commissioner - Assistant Wright County Attorney - Chief of Police, City of Annandale - Chief of Police, City of Howard Lake - Chief of Police, City of Buffalo - Clerk, City of Hanover - Wright County Drug Task Force Supervisor - City of Otsego City # of Arrest ALBERTVILLE 6 ALBION TWP 1 ANNANDALE 7 BUFFALO 12 CLEARWATER 1 COKATO 1 COKATO TW[ 7 DELANO 1 HANOVER 3 HENNEPIN 5 MAPLE LAKE 1 MARYSVILLE TWP 3 MONTICELLO 17 MONTROSE 2 OTSEGO 31 ROCKFORD 4 ROCKFORD TWP 2 SILLVER CREEK 2 ST. MICHAEL 14 WAVERLY 3 They also broke the arrest down to what kind of drugs they were: Amphetamine 31 arrest - Value $ 28,430.00 261.49 Grams Cannabis, Marijuana 24 arrest - Value $580,005.00 1971.19 Grams Hashish 1 arrest Mushrooms 4 arrest - Value $940.00 113.11 Grams Opium 1 arrest Value $200.00 2.00 Grams Unknown 1 arrest Total value $622,377.00 bas V% The above was for 1998, only 1 cocaine. So far in 1999 there have'* 3 arrest for cocaine. Also enclosed is the 1999 report, as you can see it is starting to be a busy year. Don Lindell Chief Deputy Gary Miller, Captain Administration Gary Torfin, Captain Jail Administrator City of Otsego Mayor and Council, TY Q,c WRIGHT�-� -COUN SHERIFFS OFFICE m to O Y DON HOZEMPA - _._J855 SHERIFF Non—Emergency 682-1162 Administration 682-7620 Records 682-7622 10 2nd St. NW, RM 170 Civil 682-7645 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313-1197 Warrants 682-7688 1-800-362-3667 Investigation 682-7630 Jail Admin. 682-7662 January 27th 1999 I wish to thank you for your support of the Wright County Drug Task Force. I have enclosed the 1998 Annual Report for your review. It is with support from communities such as yours that the Drug Task Force is able to continue its' efforts against illegal drugs. It was my pleasure to have the opportunity to address your council and staff. If there is anything we can do for you in the future, presentations etc., please contact me. Respectful y, Sgt., enny Walker Supervisor Wright County Drug Task Force ANNUAL REPORT 1998 WRIGHT COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE This is the 8th year of operation for the Drug Task Force. The Task Force is comprised of four agencies in Wright County. The Wright County Sheriff's Office, Buffalo P.D., Annandale P.D., and Howard Lake P.D.. The Wright County Sheriff's Office is the sponsoring agency and oversees the day to day operations of the Task Force. The Task Force is located in the Wright County Court House with the Wright County Sheriff's Office. Wright County Sheriff Don Hozempa assigned three full time officers to the task force as well as one full time clerical person. A Drug Dog "SPOT" is also assigned to the Task Force by Wright County. Buffalo P.D. and Annandale P.D. assign officers on a part time basis. The Task Force is also supported by various specialized units within the Wright County Sheriff's Office such as Emergency Response Team, Criminal Investigations, and others as the need arises. Wright County committed over $43,000.00, City of Buffalo $2,000.00, Cities of Annandale and Howard Lake $1,000.00 each for match monies to obtain a $53,000.00 federal grant to facilitate the Task Force operation. Monies that are seized and forfeited or proceeds from vehicles, property, or other items that are sold after being forfeited are divided as follows: 70% to Task Force, 20% to Prosecution, 10% to State for Victim Witness Program. The 70% the Task Force receives is used to further the Task Force objectives and have been used to purchase equipment, buy and maintain a drug dog, purchase vehicles, pay overtime etc. that would otherwise have been funded by taxpayers funds. The Task Force investigates all reports of illegal activity involving zontrolled substance crimes in Wright County. Complaints from all law enforcement agencies are forwarded to the Task Force for investigation. The Task Force is utilizes in a variety of investigative techniques. Undercover operations, surveillance, covert operations, reverse stings, buy bust operations, and informants are some. Wright County Drug Task Force drafts and executes an average of one search warrant per,week and handles over 3 new cases every week. Officer assigned to the Task Force work hand in hand with prosecutors from the Wright County Attorney's Office, Attorney General Office, and Federal Prosecutors depending on the court level a case is being tried in. Officers assigned to the Task Force must undergo a selection process prior to being assigned to ensure their ability to adapt to this specialized assignment. Officers undergo a specialized training routine because of the various hazards, such as chemicals, and unique situations, such as undercover work, involved in drug enforcement. Members of the Task Force are also involved in training other officers in the jurisdiction and assisting agencies such as fire departments, emergency medical personnel, volunteers, etc. in the possible hazards of drug use and manufacturing. Task Force members give public presentations to school faculties and students, social service workers, correction officers, and others on the current trends and activities effecting their communities with an emphasis on how they can help in the fight against drugs. The Task Force established a "1 -800 -TIP -US -OFF" (access code 612) confidential information line for persons to give information or voice •oncerns with out giving their name. i^`Y WRIGHT CO DRUG Arrest Statistics for period 01/01/98 to 12/3 /98 9 Total Arrests 157 Charge Breakdown Felonies 104 Misdemeanors 53 Other/Unknown 0 (as there may be more than one charge per arrest, the sum of these three will likely be more than the Total Arrests) White Males 122 White Females 32 Black Males 2 Black Females 0 Other Males 1 Other Females 0 Total Males 125 Total Females 32 produced by Drug Trak for Windows 1998 DRUG TASK FORCE ACTIVITY STATISTICS 156 New cases initiated 194 Cases investigated 137 Cases cleared by arrest 12 Cases dropped for lack of cause 32 Search Warrant executed 19 Arrest warrants served 152 Arrests made in -1998 2 Indoor marijuana grow operations seized 2 Outdoor marijuana grow operations seized 9 Clandestine Methamphetamine labs seized Arrests by classification: 100 Felonies 52 Misdemeanors/Gross Misdemeanor 122 Males 30 Female 13 Felony Distribution of Drugs 23 Felony Manufacture of Drugs 47 Felony Possession 9 Felony Conspiracy for Manufacture/Distribution Drugs 8 Non Drug Felony 20 Misdemeanor Possession 24 Drug Paraphernalia Possession Misdemeanor 8 Non Drug Misdemeanors Seizures in 1998: Street value of drugs seized over $600,000.00 8 vehicles seized $ 19,956.99 19 currency seizures $ 24,725.00 36 weapons seized $ 10,287.00 4 seizures of jewelry $ 9,915.00 1 residence seized $103,000.00 Forfeitures in 1998: $ 20,802.55 in proceeds from forfeited property or money $ 6,230.00 in fines and restitution ordered by courts ALL REVENUES RECEIVED THRU SEIZURE/FORFEITURE ARE USED BY THE WRIGHT COUNTY DRUG TASK FORCE IN THE CONTINUED FIGHT AGAINST ILLEGAL DRUG CRIMES AS `UTLINE IN TASK FORCE GUIDELINES. Wright County Drug Task Force Advisory Board Meeting Date: March 9th 1999 Time: 1:30 P.M. Location: Wright County Attorneys Office, Court House - Buffalo, Mn. 1999 has started out as an extremely busy end of the century. The Drug Task Force has been involved in the discovery and dismantling of 4 clandestine methamphetamine labs so far in 1999. Over 20 arrests have been made, several vehicles seized, a substantial amount of cash, real estate, and a large vohime of drugs taken off the streets. - a fish house meth lab on Waverly Lake - a meth lab in the city of Howard Lake - a meth lab in Annandale - a meth lab floating in the Mississippi River in Otsego - over 4 pounds of marijuana in a buy bust in the City of Buffalo - approximately 8 pounds of marijuana and over $15,000.00 of methamphetamine in South Haven - 2 persons distributing cocaine in the City of Buffalo - an indoor marijuana growing operation in the City of Annandale The Task Force has also been involved in training local fire departments in the identification of clandestine methamphetamine labs and recognition of dangers associated with them. So far in 1999 the Task Force has given training to 7 Wright County Fire Departments. The drug dog "Spot" has made several visits to local schools at their request and 4 presentations to various school groups have been completed. "Spot" has also been instrumental in some of the above mentioned arrests. Task force officers also participated in training over 30 officers in evidence collection, packaging, preservation, and documentation. A course on basic identification of drugs and paraphernalia is scheduled for April and is being prepared and presented by Task Force officers. Because of the recent explosion in the number of methamphetamine labs being found in our Task Force area, a member of the Task Force is being sent to Niebreska for specialized training by the D.E.A. in handling these types of cases. kA ks4.z MEMO Date: March 17, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Proposed EDAAC Projects Below is a list of potential EDAAC projects proposed by the Mayor, NAC, and others. At its last meeting Council discussed selecting one of these projects and directing the EDAAC to do it. 1) Host an Economic Development Forum with all of the property owners in the commercial and industrial areas invited. 2) Establish an Economic Development plan for the City, similar to the Comprehensive Plan. 3) Develop a public advertising strategy to promote economic development in Otsego. Prepare ads and press releases for various publications. 4) Request MNDOT for City identification signs on I-94 and Highway 10. 5) Search and identify grant programs that may be available from government or private sources to provide assistance for industrial development. 6) Design and maintain a promotional web page for the City. 7) Organize continuing education opportunities such as speakers or workshops to encourage ongoing training and develop new skills and abilities in the local workforce. 8) Look at EDAAC's in other cities and see how they function and report back to the EDA. 9) Establish a partnership with property owners or agents in a planned commercial or industrial area and assist with marketing and development efforts of that property. 10) Undertake an analysis to determine the available workforce in the area that could support industrial development. 11) Undertake a visioning process to define the abilities of the EDAAC as a group and identify potential projects they could undertake which would benefit the City. edaproj 2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty Council 3/22/99-6:302M ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 9.2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Discussion of Street Department Part- Time Hours B. Discussion of Letter to MPCA C. Discussion of Parks and Recreation Commission Request D. Any Other Administration Business BACKGROUND: 9.2.A. See the information from 3/8/99 Council Meeting. 9.2.B. See attached letter for your review. 9.2C. Mike's Memo attached of March 18, 1999 Re: Park & Recreation Spending Request 9.2.D. This is for any other Administration Business that may be added. Mike Robertson will be present to answer questions and give explanations. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council Information and any decisions needed. Thank you, � nem Elaine Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller 'Also licensed in Illinois March 17, 1999 COURI & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacanhur@Wbox. com Larry Koshak and Ron Wagner Hakanson Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 Re: City of Otsego—Odean Avenue Appraisals Dear Larry and Ron: Enclosed please find copies of the appraisals for the Odean Avenue improvement project. These copies are the first two summary pages of each appraisal. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, i Andrew J. MacArthur COURI & MACARTHUR AJM/khb Enclosure NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO- Mayor Larry Fournier FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 22 March 1999 RE: Otsego - EDAAC; Strategic Economic Development Plan FILE NO.: 176.08 Per your request, we are providing a brief description of a strategic economic development plan. This description follows: A strategic economic development plan is a comprehensive document intended to coordinate and outline the specific efforts of a City in terms of developing commercial and industrial businesses. An economic development plan should include a community profile of existing businesses, labor force characteristics, housing characteristics and community facilities such as infrastructure, schools, churches, etc. An issues section identifies opportunities and constraints for economic development. Strategies for attracting new businesses to the community are outlined in a third chapter. A final "action plan" section should be included in the document that prioritizes the strategies of the plan for implementation by the City's economic development authority or advisory board. Many of the projects that were identified for the EDAAC to possibly undertake would be smaller individual strategies outlined in the broader economic development plan. The economic development plan would coordinate these efforts in terms of prioritizing resources and limiting overlap. Overtime, the economic development plan is modified to continue efforts that have proven successful while re-evaluating efforts that were less effective in the City's economic development effort, as well as implement new ideas that may arise. If you have further questions regarding this information, please do not hesitate to call. PC. Mike Robertson 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 6 1 2- 5 9 5- 9 6 3 6 FAX 6 1 2-595-9S37 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM IR9 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty March 8, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NLIMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: EB 9.2 Mike Robertson, City Administrator -Update: A. Discussion of Street Department part-time Hours B. Any Other Administration Business BACKGROUND: A. A Memo from Mike Robertson dated March 2, 1999 is attached for Council Review. Mike will be present to answer questions and explain. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council Discussion and any decision. Thanks ✓ _ , Elaine MEMO Date: March 2, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Street Department 1998 Hours In 1998 the Street Department employees, including full and part-time employees, worked a total of 5,161 regular hours and 220 overtime hours. Dave Chase and Rick Knutson combined worked a total of 3,963 regular hours and 181 overtime hours. Which means that the part-time people combined worked 1,198 regular hours and 39 overtime hours. These numbers were accumulated during what was a pretty good year, weather wise. As an example, so far just during January, 1999, part-timers have already accumulated 181 hours and Dave and Rick have accumulated 110 hours of overtime. Because of the increasing amount of part-time hours, and because of the expected increase in the amount of work due to increased development, the Public Works Sub -Committee has recommended that the City Council look seriously at going back to three full-time people on the Street Department. The 1999 budget for the Street Department was based on three full-time workers. Dave Chase feels that the best time for a new person to start is September or October. That way they go through one winter of work while still on their six month probation and Dave can see whether or not they can handle the toughest part of the job. Because of this, Dave would like a decision on whether or not he can hire a full time person by late June. cc: City Staff I CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Item 9 Council Items March 22, 1999 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 9.4.A. Clean Up Day Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk As the "Grand Event" is fast approaching, the Fee Schedule listed on the attached reported should be considered: I changed the vendor for appliance recycling. We have always used ARCA but they wanted to charge $15 per appliance. I checked with a couple of other vendors and located one in St. Cloud who would be able to help us out. It is Central Appliance Recycling. They charge $10.00 per appliance. They will have a roll -off on site and two men. They will also be doing Big Lake and Monticello that same day, therefore, some appliances might not be removed until Monday. They have all the insurance requirements. The appliance recycling is getting higher restrictions each year. We have to be very careful not to tip over any appliances causing any spillage. Also, do NOT ACCEPT appliances from RV vehicles unless they want to pay $100.00. The men from Central Appliance Recycling will try to catch any of them prior to being dropped off but all of us should be on the look out for these. I am recommending`a $12.00 fee per appliance. In the past few years we have charged $2 more than what the City is charged BUT we do not charge for microwaves, dehumidifiers and humidifiers. Also, for the scrape metals - this industry is also getting fussier each year. They will not accept the metals with any tires (non-metals). I will be advertising this but be prepared. Corrow will be doing the scrape metals and this year one of their employees will be on site to supervise. There is a $10 increase for each roll -off from Demcon. (now $135.00) I have also attached a report on the 1998 Clean Up Day. The 1999 Budget is $8,000. I will not be able to participate at this year's Clean Up Day. My step -son is getting married that day (and I had nothing to do with setting their wedding date! ! ! !). I have been keeping Carol informed and updated on everything and I will try and have everything lined up. Between Carol, Elaine and Dave everything will be handled very efficiently that day. Of course, without the Sentence to Serve, Volunteers and the Otsego City Council, our Clean Up Days would not be happening. Thank you. CLEAN UP DAY SATURDAY MAY 1, 1999 9AMto2PM Central Appliance Recycling $10.00 $12.00 Air conditioners $15.00 $15.00 First State Tires Car Tires $1.00 $1.00 Light Truck Tires $2.00 $2.00 Large Truck Tires $5.00 $5.00 Tractor Tires $15.00 $15.00 and up (tractor tires charged at staff discretion) Innertubes $ .50 $1.00 Bike Tires $ .50 $1.00 Motorcycle Tires $ .50 $1.00 Corrow Sanitation Scrap metal No Charge Batteries (vehicle) No Charge Demcon Disposal Disposal of household goods No Charge $135 a pull plus landfill costs Mattresses, box springs $15.00 each $10.00 Sofas, recliners (anything containing springs) $7 item $5.00 NAME OF VENDOR ITEM NUMBER TONNAGE AMOUNT AMOUNT DIFFERENCE OF ROLL OFFS AMOUNT COLLECTED PAID 1998 Clean Up Day ARCA Applicances _ Appliances 155 units $1,020.00 $1,317.00 _($297.00) DEMC_ON_ _ _ _ Hauling - 20 ands & _ _ $1,250.00 $1,25_0.00) DEMCON_ _ _ Landfill 7 - 30 Aa cls 51.86 tons $830.00 $5,492.60 $4,662._60) FIRST STATE TIRE Tires 638 tires 2.65 steel $628.00 $980.00 $352.00) SI ENVIRONMENT Oil Fifters Oil 750 gallons $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 CORROW --Scrape meta 8 roll offs 20.82 tons $728.89 $977.21 _($248.32 CORROW Batteries _ mixed dmp 2 roll offs 4 tons $0.00 $551.25 ($551.25) RECYCLERS 298 TOTAL ADVERTISING ads _ 2 times $213.60 j $213.60) MISCELL COSTS food $117.32 $117.32 TOTALS $3,206.89 $10,898.98 $7,692.09 County reinbursement Final City Cost A CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING MARCH 22, 1999 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. The grand total you are considering is as follows: Batch 03-22-99 $106,245.62 GRAND TOTAL $106,245.62 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer 17 Mar 1999 Cliima Llit Page 1 Wed 8:57 ?M CITY OF OTSEGO Name 3atc^ Name 032299 ACNE TYPEWRITER, INC. AIRGAS, INC. AIRGAS, INC. AT &7 aT&7 Al&T BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK CASSIDY REALTY & APPRAISAL CELLULAR+ CITY OF OTSEGO CLARENCE EULL APPRAISAL CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN CRAG'N'S CONF CENTER CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT ECM PUBLISHERS INC EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE GOVERNMENT TRAINING SERVICE GROEN GARY CPA H G WEBER OIL COMPANY H S 'WEBER OIL COMPANY H G 'WEBER OIL COMPAN'01 H G 'WEBER OIL COMPANY HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANOERSCN ASSOC INC HAKANSOrI ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON A55cr INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASS:; INC HAKANSON ANDERSON 45300 INC HAKAN50N ANDERSON ASS u-; INC HAKANSON ANDERSON A:SOC INC HAKAN50N ANDERSON ASS;Z INC HAKANSON .ANCERSON ASSOC INC H06A;RT COR=ORATION ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST Dept Description General Govt Buildings -8899 Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Administration Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Economic Development Authority Hays, Streets, & Roads Administration PLANNING COMMISSION Finance Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction Engineer Engineer Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Engineer Hwys, Streets, & Roads Engineer Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Engineer Engineer Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer Construction General Gout Buildings -3899 Comments Repair paper shredder Oxygen etc Oxygen etc Phone Service Phone Service Phone Service Propane/car wash Office supplies General Engineering Phosphorus Removal issues Bidding procedures Appraisal Dauphinais Balance Due Petty Cash Dauphinais Appraisal Bid for Sewer Plant Room Reser/Robertson Parts Printing Ord 99-2 Service 2-16 thru 2-28-99 City Hall supplies Uniforms M Robertson/Cragun MCMA P Moonen/Land Use Workshp February services Diesel Fuel Gas Diesel Fuel Heating Oil Water Tower Construction Water Tower Construction 78th St Trunk Sanit Sewer 99-2002 Bit Rd Overlay Lefebvre Drainage Study Utility Standards Water Tower Construction Staff Meeting MSA Administration Wetland Act 1991 Pump Ho,lse Controls O&C Wastewater Sewer 78th St/Page Study Miscell Engineering KoerwitZ Review Trunk Sanitary Sewer Trunk Sanitary Sewer Pump House & Controls Repair Dishwasher PPE 3/5/99 Transaction Batch Amount Name 177.40 032299 10.63 032299 56.39 032299 27.58 032299 9.15 032299 9.57 032299 62.30 032299 64.42 032299 363.66 032299 1,975.00 032299 7,668.00 032299 513.05 032299 4.77 032299 44.26 032299 513.92 032299 214.60 032299 208.55 032299 231.08 032299 320.62 032299 4,317.83 032299 50.00332299 662.18 032299 135.00 032299 99.00 032299 1,020.00 032299 222.53 032299 359.60 032299 191.90 032299 109.36 032299 1,342.74 032299 1,385.00 032299 3,851.83 032299 2,393.10 032299 7,329.83 032299 7,517.82 032299 140.00 ;.03?2cq 110.00 )32299 3:0.00 032299 379.51 732299 49i.55 032299 1,00.31 032299 91.0.00 0.2290 1,0 ..25 032299 14,040.00 032299 22.137.11 0322,9 100.04 032299 422.39 032299 17 Mar 1999 Claims List Page 2 Wed 8:57 PM CITY OF OTSEGO Dept Transaction Batch Name Description Comments Amount Name Batch Name 032299 1CMA RETIREMENT TRUST Administration PPE 3/6/99 192.31 032299 LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. Hwys, Streets, & Roads Appraisals 0.00 032299 LYL: H 4AGELL CO INC. Hwys, Streets, & Roads Appraisals 3,400.00 032299 MINNEGASCO General Govt 8uildings-8899 Gas for City Hall 362.38 032299 MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control Dog pick up 30.00 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Planner General Planning 701.66 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Planner Meeting Attendance 750.00 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Planner Zoning Ordinance Update 487.55 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Sanitary Sewer Construction Sanitary Sewer System 63.75 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Sanitary Sewer Construction Dayton Comp Plan Review 97.75 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Water Utilities (GENERAL) Odean Ave 412.25 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Sanitary Sewer Construction Water Tower Rezoning CUP 68.00 032299 NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Sanitary Sewer Construction Miss Wild S Scenic Plan 264.50 032299 PAUL EDERER Sanitary Sewer Construction Appraisal Dauphinais 509.28 032299 PITNEY BOWES Administration Rental postage meter 219.55 032299 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD Hwys, Streets, b Roads PPE 3/6/99 143.66 032299 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD PPE 3/6/99 297.13 032299 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD Administration PPE 3/6/99 180.38 032299 SOFTRONICS Administration Computer labor modem 1,396.50 032299 STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION PPE 3/6/99 50.00 032299 SUPERIOR SERVICES Recycling Recycling 460.00 032299 TRUE VALUE Hwys, Streets, & Roads Supplies 125.85 032299 WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE Administration Assessment Books 122.20 032299 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT Hwys, Streets, 5 Roads Sand and Salt 8,075.39 032299 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT Hwys, Streets, & Roads Blades and supplies 371.09 032299 ZIEGLER INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads Parts for Grader 126.04 032299 Grand Total 106,245.62