03-31-99 WSCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO REVIEW THE ENGINEERING MANUAL AND DISCUSS STREET LIGHTING WEDNESDAY; MARCH 31; 1999 - 4PM MINUTES I. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting at 4:20PM, following the ground breaking for the wastewater treatment plant. ROLE, CALL: Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman and Mark Ben -ting. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk -/Zoning Administrator, Larry Koshak, Cit_v Engineer, John Harwood, Assistant City Engineer and Dan Licht, City Planner. 2 Review the Engineering Manual with Larry Koshak, City Engineer. Mr. Koshak handed out a new version of the "forward" section of the Manual and discussed the changes. He noted that work needs to be done so that the Engineering Manual will conform with the City's Ordinances. He noted that the Manual requires a two year warranty for streets and one year warranty needed if the streets are overlaid the second year: Mayor Fournier felt it would be better to wait and place the second course of bituminous the second year. Virginia Wendel - Questioned the two year warranty and how it works. Mr. Koshak explained that it's a two year warranty from when the street is finished. If the street has one lift one year and the final lift the next year and warranty for one year after that, it is still a two year warranty. More discussion of one or two years to finish the pavements on the roads and the effects of soil conditions. Dan Licht - Noted that the main difference between the manual and the Ordinance is the performance standards. The Manual is more specific with financial agreements, warranties and deed restrictions. The Subdivision Ordinance should be more vague and reference the Manual. He felt we could make the changes during the re -codification of the City Ordinances. Larry Koshak - With the Letter of Credit we normally have the contractor come in with the bid and we look at that to determine the amount of the letter of credit. If there is a change order and it increases the project amount, we need an additional letter of credit. There was considerable discussion of the issue. Consensus was to retain the language in the Manual. John Harwood explained that a 500' cul -du -sac is needed because of fire flow - and he discussed watermain looping. Mr. Koshak explained that it is a pressurized system and the more loops, the better the pressure. Discussion of Ulmer property and trunk facilities. Larry Koshak explained that the City should retain the ability to determine if the trunk facilities run through the plat or in the City street. Mr. Harwood - We may have to tell the developer that he cannot build the trunk the way he wants. CITY OF OTSEGO NOTICE OF SPECIAL COUNCIL WORKSHOP TO REVIEW THE ENGINEERING MANUAL AND DISCUSS STREET LIGHTING MARCH 31, 1999 - 4PM - PAGE 2 - Appendix C: Policy on 5tormwater Drainage - This was modified slightly, but it is- almost salmost the same as the original plan that the Council passed last fall. This voids the Street Standards and Stormwater Policy. The name has been changed to the City of Otsego Engineering Manual. Mayor Fournier asked about abbreviations and adding a glossary of definitions. Council Consensus was to add a list of abbreviations. John Harwood - Handed out new information on water meters. He has been discussing water meters with companies. He explained the phone method has some problems that have surfaced. With the radio, you probably have to send someone out in the field. The Council needs to authorize someone to prepare a specification and do the work. Mr. Heidner - I am not sure we want to deal with phone lines - In rethinking it. Discussion of electric metering from a vehicle and a consensus of the Council was to use radio metering. They asked John Harwood to gather the information. Laity Koshak recommends that we get bids from at least three meter companies. Mike Robertson - Feels the Engineer should put the bids together. Mr. Koshak - Wants to make sure we get the most reliable meter. For the AI)ril 121999 CoiincilAg ndaunder Fngine .re ing Items- a. temsa. Authorize the City Engineer to draw up specifications and bids for water meters. b. Recommendation for approval and award of the sewer and water project. c. Overlay issue on agenda also. 3. Discussion of the Street Lighting Policy This item will need to be discussed. The Council needs to review and discuss a policy. Larry Koshak noted that with new developments, we can bill for street lights. 4. Any other City Business Mike Robertson explained his letter to Mary Dare Re: Sewer and Water easements. He also explained that MPCA - Darkenwalds EAW goes out Monday for public comment.. 5. Adjourn MARK BERNING MOTIONED AND SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 6PM CITY O MAYOR AT y YLAINE BEATTY; CITY C.LER ONING ADMINISTRATOR Flle: 99CC-MIN.WPS eb CITY SEAL