08-02-99 WSCITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES AUGUST 2 (MONDAY) 1999 - 6PM 1. Mayor Fournier will call meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:02PM. Roll Call: Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Council Members Vern Heidner, and Virginia Wendel. Council Members Mark Berning and Suzanne Ackerman arrived at 7:05PM Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer and Gary Groen, City Bookkeeper. 2 Consider approval of the Payment of the Local Share for Odean Avenue Project of $171,268.42. RE: S.P. 217-105-02. It was noted that this amount is the general fund local share for Odean Avenue Project and most of it be paid back through special assessments. The original amount of local share was estimated at $188,000. A chart prepared by Engineer Ron Wagner was handed out. The second page of this handout laid out the costs. Mike Robertson explained what costs were eligible for MSA funds/reimbursement. $12,350.00 bike trail cost will be paid for by Park and Trails funds. Discussion of the end of year transactions to transfer funds to the proper fund. CM Heidner wanted it noted that he is a little nervous about the costs of Odean and it looks like we will have $50,000 in general fund costs. Robertson indicated that based on the Engineering figures, the City will be getting two miles of new collector road for about $850,000 in MSA Funds, $120,000 in Special Assessments, and $50,000 in General Funds. He thought that was a good deal. He indicated that the General Funds could come from the Capital Improvement Fund. CM Heidner agreed, but noted that costs for this project had increased over the estimates first viewed several years ago. He also noted that every MSA dollar spent on this improvement was one less available for the next improvement. MOTION BY CM WENDEL TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF $171,268.42 FROM THE ODEAN AVENUE FUND FOR ODEAN AVENUE PROJECT. MAYOR LARRY FOURNIER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 to 0 - CM Berning and Ackerman were not present. (CM HEIDNER AGREED, WITH RESERVATIONS, AS STATED) 4. Legislative Overview by Mike Robertson. Mike noted that $838,883 is our levy limit and it is $39,000 more than last year. He noted that by the next Budget Workshop he will have all the numbers estimated and in the budget. He also said that a new State law requires the City to hold a Public Hearing and pass a resolution stating it is raising taxes. CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 6PM - PAGE 2 - Page # 16 - Mayor and Council Budget reviewed. Discussion of the contingency amount in the Mayor and Council Budget. Consensus was leave it in and revisit it later. Page #17 - Administration was reviewed. Mike Robertson noted that the department costs have increased about 4%. Health costs have risen 20%. A 5% salary increase is proposed. Part time help was included in the Administration Budget. It was noted that in 2001 a new copier will be looked at when the present lease runs out. Staffing issues were discussed. Mike will draw up staffing recommendations this winter for the next couple of years. It was noted that voice mail is something we may want to consider. (We will get estimate for same). Use of part-time help was discussed. Everyone agreed that they did not want to go to an automated phone answering system like many businesses are using in order to save on Staff. Finance - The same amount for contracted services is anticipated. Discussion of Gary Groen's Contract. Mike noted that in the future a finance director may be needed. Mike will review as part of the staffing review this winter. Assessor - Increase anticipated from $6.50 to $7.25 per parcel. Pete Merges had noted that the County has increased to this amount for their employees for the same job. It was noted it is a 11.5% per parcel increase. Mike was asked to check with Wright and Sherburne Counties as to what they currently are paying their assessors. #21. Legal - Has been reduced by $20,000, because most of Andy's work is being changed to particular projects.. #22. Planning Commission - No change from last year. #23 Planning - No budget from Planner yet. Feel it will be close to 1999 budget amount. Discussed special projects such as Parks and Recreation use of Planning time. #27. EDAAC -No budget estimate yet. Same as last year anticipated. #29. City Hall - $600. below last year. Utilities are higher but the payment on the City Hall Bond is decreasing. It was noted that the Bond Lease for the City Hall is finished on 12/1/07. 32. Police. Unofficial increase of $1.50 per hour. County Bd. has not yet approved same. Two additional hours a day contracted time would cost $27,922.50. A warning siren cost estimate has not been included. Mike handed out April - July incident report from Sheriff's Dept. (for 2-hrs extra a day contracted man -time). CM Beining would like to see the amount for Sheriff Contract increased. This will be revisited later. CM Heidner - Suggested we could increase the Sheriff amount two extra hours every other year. It was CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 6PM - PAGE 3 - noted that the warning siren would be left in the budget and put in the "capital equipment fund". Estimated cost was $16,000.00. #33 - Building Inspection - Jerry Olson will line up a part time building official to help out as we get busier. (Needs to have wavier forms). Amount for code enforcement same as last year. 6. Any Other Business Elaine Beatty left the meeting early to get ready for the Planning Commission Meeting. at 7:45PM. CM Heidner left to attend the P.C. Meeting at 8PM. #34 - Engineering - An estimate has not been received yet, but few changes are expected from last year's budget. #35 - Street Lighting - Same as 1999. #36 - #37 - Streets - A 3RD full-time person has been added at $12.00 per Hr. After discussion Staff was directed to put hiring a 3RD person on the next CC Agenda. The 5% salary increase and 20% Health increase have also been added. The Overlay Bond Payment has been added as a line item. Other maintenance cost estimates will be received as part of the Engineer's budget. #38 - Animal Control - Has reduced $500 due to decreased costs. CM Wendel expressed satisfaction with this. #39 - Recycling - Staff has proposed an increase of $6,000 because the garbage haulers have asked for an increase. Robertson said he had asked the haulers for a proposal several months ago, but had not received one yet. When asked, Judy said she did not think the haulers had received any increase since the early 90's. #40 - Community Rec. - CM Wendel said budget figures were expected in mid-August. #40 - Other Community Service Activities - Clean Up Day - Costs were increased $1,000 due to expected increases in population. River Rider Transport. - Left unchanged #41 - Parks - No changes are expected in mowing and repair and maintenance costs. Mowing costs will be separated for City Hall, water tower, pumphouse, and sewer plant and charged to those respective departments. The recreation estimate will be provided by the Park and Recreation Commission. #42 - Historic Preservation Commission - The estimate will be provided by the HPC. Mike said he expected they would at least ask for $7,500 for the proposed Vogel Study. CITY OF OTSEGO BUDGET WORKSHOP MEETING MINUTES OF AUGUST 2, 1999 AT 6PM - PAGE 4 - GENERAL DIRECTIONS: Staff was directed to provide the figures for the Capital Equipment Fund (CEF) and the Capital Improvement Fund for the next workshop. The CEF will be listed as a line item on the Revenue Budget. The next Budget Workshop was set for Thursday, September 2, 1999 at 6:QQPM. 7. Adjourn CM ACKERMAN MOTIONED TO ADJOURN. CM WENDEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:14PM. CITY OF OTSEGO: MAYOR FILE 2ffl6-SGT.WPS