08-09-99 CCCITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY COUNCIL MEETING 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL AUGUST 9, 1999 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call meeting to order: Mayor Larry Fournier called the August 9, 1999 City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. a_ Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. b. Roll Call_ Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Mark Berning, Suzanne Ackerman. Absent: Councilmember Vern Heidner Staff. Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Dan Licht, City Planner. 2_ Consider agenda approval- CM p rn oval_ CM Wendel requested to remove Item 5.1. from Consent Agenda and placed under Item 7. for discussion. CM Berning requested to remove Item 5.3. from the Consent Agenda and placed under Item 7. Engineering also for discussion. CM Ackerman requested to add under Item 9.2. Discussion of the Highway 101 Market. Mayor Fournier requested to add under 9. Lb. Set an Administrative Sub -committee. CM Berning motioned to adopt the Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider Minutes: a. July 26. 1999 City Council Meeting Minutes. CM Berning motioned adoption of the minutes. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 4. Open Forum- 4.1. orum:4.1_ Any Open Forum_ No one appeared under Open Forum. 4.A. Special Presentations - 4.A. 1. resentations_4.A_1. Tom Constant, Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission - discussion of Park Shelter and roposed Park projects Tom Constant stated the Parks Commission is asking for City Council guidance for the construction of a Park Shelter of 30 by 60 feet. Dan Licht stated a Conditional Use Permit is needed since this will be pole construction. City Council Meeting of August 9, 1999, cont'd. Page 2. Mayor Fournier said that it has been suggested rather than building one large shelter, consideration should be given to building two smaller ones. Tom responded that the 30 by 60 would accommodate the large get to -ethers and in the future a smaller shelter could be built. He also said the Parks is looking at constructing the shelter over by the playground which would make it accessible to a future parking lot. He also said that a bathroom and kitchen could be built in the future. Funding will come from Park Dedications fees and the current Park Shelter Fund. CM Wendel suggested to install hooks for tarps and anchors for tables. Mike Robertson said the estimates for the Parks Commission Project Request List will be ready for their meeting on Wednesday. CM Berning motioned that after the Park and Rec. Commission Meeting on Wednesday, August 11, 1999 for City Council to direct staff to obtain information for the Conditional Use Permit for the Park Shelter based on a shelter of 30 ft. by 60 ft. and staff should look at estimates for bids. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. 5. Consent Agenda 5.2. Consider approval for awarding Bid for 1999 Bituminous Overlay Improvement Project Item 5.1. and 5.3. removed and placed under Item 7 for discussion. CM Berning motioned adoption of Consent Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Cr a• Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. Since the City Engineer was not in attendance, Mike Robertson presented the Engineer's concerns. Robertson also noted that this was a Concept Plan, and that many details remain to be worked out before the developer applies for a Preliminary Plat. Pete Knaeble, Terra Engineering representing the applicant feels they have addressed the issues of drainage of pond overflow by proposing a storm sewer pipe flowing north. 3.5 acres will be set aside to accommodate the sewer drainfield which is twice the amount of land needed. They will work on the road access to the north of the property as they continue with the project. Rick Wagner, Northland Wetland Engineering, Forest Lake MN, presented a slide show on the proposed Wastewater Treatment showing the collection treatment technologies, disposal options and permits. Diana Schansh .rg, 91st Street. She lives on the northern end of the development and stated she isn't clear on the road access plan. City Council Meeting of August 9, 1999, cont'd. Page 3. Dan Licht responded that the developer will be addressing this issue. CM Wendel stated concerns with street lighting expense, access to lots 1, 48, 49 and 50, and conditions pertaining to ownership and maintenance of the communal septic system. Mike Robertson stated that it could be built into the deed that the City could assess properties if system fails. The developer stated this issue will be addressed in the Homeowner's Association. Andrew MacArthur stated concerns with Homeowner's Associations. If the City takes the septic over the City can assess expenses to the homeowners. He would like to see what is exactly proposed to the Homeowner's Association. Mayor Fournier was also concerned with the landlocked properties to the North. He would like to see some sort of fund set up for maintenance costs and replacement costs for the sewage system. Mayor Fournier would like to see a positive overflow from the pond. He doesn't see a benefit to a 87th Street connection. He would like to see the City involved with the sewer systems for assurance of a proper operation. If the properties to the North have development options then 87th Street properties should have the same options. Mayor Fournier would also like to see a bike path connect to the Prairie Park bike path. CM Berning stated he liked the Concept Plan but feels this would be more suited for property north of CSAH 39. He feels there are too many houses for this property since the Comprehensive Plan allows only four per 40. He does like the connection of 90th Street but the construction of 90th Street should be a cost to the developer. The proposed cul-de-sac is too long. CM Berning also questioned whether diverting water from Hall's Pond will be too much for Otsego Creek to handle. He also would like to see higher priced homes so as this development would not be competing against the developments located in the sewer area. CM Wendel motioned to approve a PUD -CUP Concept Plan for development of 50 single family lots with communal septic and water systems, subject to the 10 conditions listed in the Findings of Fact but, to review Condition #3 and to include the City Council comments as outlined in the preceding paragraph. Seconded by CM Ackerman. Voting For the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Wendel, CM Ackerman Voting Against the Motion: CM Berning Motion carried three (3) to one (1). 6.2- Final Plat Consideration - Applicant Chris Bulow for Grenins Mississi i Hills_ Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. After Council discussion the following motion was made: CM Berning motioned adoption of the Final Plat entitled "Grenins Mississippi Hills" subject to the seven conditions listed in the Findings of Fact and to allow the applicant six (6) weeks to submit the required final engineering items to the City Engineer. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of August 9, 1999, cont'd. Page 4. 6.3. Any ether Planning Business. Dan Licht updated the City Council and staff on the Wild and Scenic Project with the DNR. 7. Larry Koshak, City_Engjneer. 7.1. Any other Engineering Items. -5.1. Consider approval of upgrade of Northern Natural Gas* Town Border pan Station Ex Sion. (Removed from the Consent Agenda) Mike Robertson explained this is a station that basically takes gas in at a certain pressure and releases out gas at another pressure. The city needs to officially approve this. CM Berning motioned to approve the Northern Natural Gas Town Border Station Expansion. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. .; 2 ('nncir , annrnvnl of pav Pctimata a7 fnr ntePan P11mnhc)nrP CM Berning motioned to approve Pay Estimate #2 for $21,522.94. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 9. Council Items: 9-1. A Consider Wright -Hennepin proposal concerning Water Service Billing(cont'd from last agenda)- Mayor Fournier motioned to accept Wright -Hennepin Electric billing proposal. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Any other Council items. 9.h, 1 Set Administrative Sub -committee Mayor Fournier set Tuesday, August 31, 1999 at 4 PM. 9-b.2. Discussion of 101 Market, CM Ackerman stated she had a phone call from a resident who stated the Highway 101 Market is a retail market not an agricultural products market and that it's in violation of its permit. Dan Licht stated the 101 Market was established prior to incorporation by the County. The City views this business as an interim use in anticipation that the property will develop into a higher use with water and sewer services. The Council has done this with other properties along Highway 101. CM Berning questioned if the signage on this property is in compliance with City Ordinance. Mike Robertson stated that Council policy is that staff does not inspect all properties in the City for compliance with City Ordinances but waits for complaints and responds to them. Council directed staff to review this property and other similar retail uses on Highway 101 and report back to at the next meeting. City Council Meeting of August 9, 1999, cont'd. Page 5. K Mayor Fournier motioned to direct staff to proceed with the process to hire a third Public Works Employee. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. B. Discussion of driveway width issues. Mike Robertson stated the City Ordinance requires no more than 24 feet of driveway width at the right-of-way line. Since the Council has discussed this, wider driveways continue to be installed. Mike questioned if the Ordinance should be enforced or reviewed again. CM Berning motioned for staff to enforce the Ordinance. Seconded by CM Ackerman. Mayor stated he would like to see what other cities are doing. Voting For the Motion: CM Ackerman, CM Berning Voting Against the Motion: Mayor Fournier, CM Wendel. Motion Failed. Mayor Fournier motioned to have City Administrator find out what other cities allow for driveway standards and present information at the next City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. C. Discussion of Cost Estimates for Sewer Hookup Mike Robertson went over cost estimates he received from John Harwood. It was estimated at $28,000 for sewer hook up and $7,000 for water hook up for John Zachman. The higher costs were due to the distance involved. Mr. Zachman withdrew his request when he was told he has to hook up to water also. D. Consider Payment #3 for Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility to Gridor Construction, Inc. for 5220.165. CM Wendel motioned to approve Payment #3 for $220,165 to Gridor Construction for the Wastewater Treatment Facility. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in motion. Motion carried. No items. No items. 9.5. Consider Claims List for apnroval" CM Ackerman motioned to adopt the Claims List as presented. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 9.6. Closed Meeting - Consider possible Sewer Franchise Agreement, CM Ackerman motioned to close the City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Closed at 9 PM. CM Wendel motioned to open the Closed Meeting. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Opened at 9 PM. CM Ackerman motioned to close Closed Meeting. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion Carried. Meeting closed at 9:36 PM City Council Meeting of August 9, 1999, cont'd. Page 6. CM Ackerman motioned to re -open City Council Meeting. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting re -opened at 9:36 PM. 9.7. Ad oum by 10 PM. CM Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:37 PM ayor L Fournier Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy City Seal