08-09-99 CCk1k CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: TN FETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4A. Special Presentations Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator August 9, 1999 - 6:30 PTM ITEM INUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 4.A.1. Tom Constant, Otsego Parks and Recreation Commission - Discussion of Park Shelter and Proposed Park Projects. BACKGROUND: 4. A. l . Attached is a sketch plan of a 30'x 60' picnic shelter drawn by Tom B aillargeon. Tom Constant, from P & R will be present to explain their proposed shelter and plans to the Council and be available for questions. Also discussion of Proposed Park Projects. Note: This item was on last Council agenda of.Iuly 26. 1999 and no one from Park and Recs. was present. RECOTNMENDATION: This is for Council information and discussion. Elaine PICNIC SHELTER 30'X 60' -414 - MEMO Date: July 22, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park Board Project Requests Last Wednesday I met with the Park & Recreation Board to discuss their request for an engineer to attend their meetings. The Board noted that they are amateurs and they often feel a need for professional advice. The Board listed the following projects in which they felt they were in need of engineering advice. 1) Design of a Park Shelter for Prairie Park. 2) Finishing the City Trail Plan. 3) Developing a Park Concept Plan for the west area of Otsego in advance of development. 4) Developing a Park Concept Plan for the southeast area of Otsego in advance of development. 5) Obtaining grants for park or trail development. Chair Jeff Bartheld will attend the Council meeting to discuss these projects along with the Park Shelter plans. cc: City Staff R I k 5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ August 9, 1999 (Non -Controversial Items) 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 5.1. Consider Approval of Upgrade of Northern Natural Gas; Town Border Station Expansion. 5.2. Consider Approval for Awarding Bid for 1999 Bituminous Overlay Improvement Project. 5.3. Consider Approval of Pay Estimate #2 for Otsego Pumphouse. BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is a Memo from Dan Licht dated July 21, 1999 and a letter from Larry Koshak no date, regarding the Town Border Station Expansion requested by Northern Natural Gas. 5.2. and 5.3. Attached is information from Ron Wagner from Hakanson Anderson. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, Elaine 1%0 ' JUL-21-1999 11 52 NAC 612 595 9837 P.01i01 N NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNINGI - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 5.1 MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Mike Robertson FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 July 1999 RE: Otsego - Northem Natural Gas; Town Border Station Expansion FILE NO.: 176.08 The existing Town Border Station is considered an essential service, which is a permitted use in the A-1 District and is regulated under Section 32 of the Zoning Ordinance. The subject parcel is a legal non -conforming lot with regard to lot area and width based upon the site plans attached to the July 16, 1999 correspondence from Enron. As the proposed expansion reduces the non -conformity, there are no issues. Under Section 32, the proposed expansion of the facility requires review and recommendation of the City Engineer. The additional requirements of Section 20-32-4.D should be addressed as part of the Engineer's review. Approval of the proposed expansion is made by the City Council. The proposed expansion should not require any additional input from our office. However, if you have any questions, please call me. PC. Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Lary Koshak (page 7 Of 1) 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NACQWINTERNET.COM TOTAL P.01 Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. ivil & Municipal Engineering _and Surveying Memo TO: Mike Robertson, Adm. Elaine Beatty, Clerk FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE Vp_� City Engineer SUBJECT: Town Border Station Expansion SE/4 of Section 36, T12N-RZ3W 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax The request by Northern Natural's contractor Enron for a permit to riprap the west bank of the Crow River has been reviewed. The request also includes a site facilities re -construction. Ordinance 20-24 for land filling applies to this request to rip -rap the west bank. This matter must be approved & permitted by MN/DNR. We recommend permitting this operation of placing rip -rap on the bank of the river with MN/DNR issuance of a permit. The City should receive copies of the final plans and signed permits for this work. I assume the other work by Enron including the construction of the new building & re - piping would be a building inspectors matter. We do need an accurate drawing prepared by a surveyor of the site property & facilities. The proposed facility changes must be shown in the drawing. Setback distances should be complied with per the ordinances. The letter from Brad Brown of Enron states the additional property must be purchased and a new survey completed. When a resurvey is complete a copy should be transmitted to the City. Permits should not be issued until the data has been reviewed. If you have questions please call. cc: Jerry Olson, Bldg. Insp. Dan Licht, NAC \\Ha01 \shared docsWunicipaRAOTSEG0\901 \ot901 mrl 2.doc Li2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTLMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTNMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ August 9, 1999 6:30PM ITEM N-L7XIBER: ITE11 DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider applicant Bridgeland Development Co., 20141 Icenic Trail, Lakeville, MIN. 55044 for owner Myrtle C LuConic 8922 NE Nashua Ave, Otsego; MN. 55330 PID #118-500-201200 (100 -acres). Legal description is the N1/2 of the NE 1/4: Also the Nl/4 of the Sl/2 of the NE 1/4 all in Sec. 20, Twp 121, R23 Co. of Wright, State of Mn. Property is Zoned A-1 (General Agricultural). Request is as follows: 1. PUD (Planned Unit Development) Concept Plan Review of a 50 lot subdivision, with proposed community drainfield area. 6.2. Final Plat Consideration - Applicant Chris Bulow for Grenins Mississippi Hills PID #118-800-142402. BACKGROUND: 6.1. Attached is a memo from Dan Licht dated August 3, 1999 Re: Bridgeland (LuConic) PUD; Concept Plan. The Planning Commission vote on August 2, 1999 P.C. was Unanimous 7 - 0 to recommend approval of this concept plan to the Council with conditions as noted in Dan's Memo. 6.2. Attached is a memo from Dan Licht dated August 3, 1999 Re: Grenins Mississippi Hills; Final Plat. The P. C. voted unanimously to approve 7 - 0 the Final Plat at the P.C. meeting of August 2, 1999, subject to conditions as noted in Dan's Memo. RE C ON17NIENDAT ION: This is for Council consideration and decision. The P.C. has recommended approval of both of the above applications unanimously with the conditions as written by NAC. Thanks. Elaine 14 AUG -03-1999 10'42 NF,Nc MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: -RE: FILE NO.: Mao 612 595 9837 P.02/16 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 61/ Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 3 August 1999 Otsego - Bridgeland (LuConic) PUD; Concept Plan 176.02 - 99.12 The Planning Commission held a public hearing at their meeting on August 2, 1999 to consider the above referenced application. The Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the application subject to the conditions outlined in the attached findings of fact. As part of the public hearing, the applicant provided a detailed description of the proposed communal wetland septic system. The same presentation is expected to be made at the City Council meeting on August 9, 1999, The Planning Commission discussion focused on the timing and density of the project in consideration of potential public benefits. The primary concern is establishing subdivisions outside of the Sanitary Sewer Service District that compete with new urban subdivisions potentially jeopardizing the financial planning for the development of municipal sanitary sewer and water systems. The majority of the Planning Commission believed that the density of the project as proposed was appropriate given the public benefits. Other Planning Commissioners were uncomfortable with the density of the project and would prefer to see the number of lots reduced. The Planning Commission as a whole was supportive, however, of the use of the communal septic system because of its land use efficiencies and potential for future connection to municipal sanitary sewer. Regarding specific issues with the presented PUD concept plan, the Planning Commission concurred with staff recommendations regarding the alignment and extension of 90th Street, access to Nashua Avenue, future street connections and the applicant's responsibility for acquiring easements and constructing the proposed overflow ditch. The applicant indicated that the staff comments would be incorporated as part of their development stage proposal. PC. Mike Robertson t Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Neal Krzyzaniak / Peter Knaeble 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5 5 4 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM AUG -03-1999 10:42 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Bfidgeland Development Company 612 595 9837 P.03/16 PUD -CUP Concept Plan Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a Planned Unit Development -Conditional Use Permit consisting of 50 single family lots served by a communal septic system on the property legally described by Exhibit A ("the property°). City Council Meeting Date: 9 August 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is: See attached EXHIBIT A_ 3. The property lies within the Urban Service Area Reserved as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is guided for continued agricultural use. Development of the project requires consideration of an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to designate the property within the Long Range Urban Service Area for low density residential development. 4. The property is zoned A-1, Agriculture Rural Service District. Development of the project will require consideration of an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance to designate the property as being within the R-3, Long Range Urban Service District (General). 5. The PUD Concept Plan consists of 50 single family lots and one outlots. 0. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed PUD -CUP, with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: A. The proposed action's consistency with the speck policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The Planning Commission and City Council must evaluate if the flexibility of allowing communal utilities serving one acre lots in this project are an appropriate trade-off for the proposed public improvements. The use of the communal drainfteld is certainly positive from the perspective that it eliminates the need for additional lot area to accommodate primary and secondary septic sites on every lot. This results AUG -03-1999 10:43 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04/16" in a more efficient use of the land, which will also likely have less of an environmental impact than if the project were proposed with 80,000 sq. ft. lots and standard septic systems. Further, the use of the communal utilities allows for efficient connection to municipal sanitary sewer, should those services become available in the area. As such, the proposed flexibility may be considered consistent with the following purpose statements of PUD: Innovations in development to the end that the growing demands for all styles of economic expansion may be met by greater variety in type, design and sighting of structures and by the conservation and more efficient use of land in such developments_ More convenience in location and design of development and service facilities. An efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets thereby lowering development costs and public investments. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The subject property is surrounded to the east and northeast to by one acre, non-sewered development, which are in the Long Range Urban Service Area. Properties to the north and south are designated for continued agricultural/rural land uses as part of the Urban Service Area reserve. The City Hall is west of the subject site. The development of one acre lots on the subject site would be compatible with these existing and planned uses. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e_, parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The applicant has indicated that all lots will meet the minimum standards of the R-3 District, provided the DNR and City agree that the project is considered "sewered" under the Shoreland District. Section 21-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance limits block length to not more that 1, 200 feet in order to provide access and circulation throughout neighborhoods. The proposed subdivision includes three blocks, all of which exceed this requirement. The lengths of the blocks are due to physical barriers created by existing development and the lake. As such, conformance with this requirements is not possible. The connection through to the property to the north would, however, break up the block consisting of lots 1-17. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed - 2 AUG -03-1999 10:44 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.05i16 Finding: The proposed development may be expected to have a positive effect on the area by correcfing the existing drainage problems, completing the existing street networks. The project also will provide addition park and trail facilities, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, no negative impact to area property values is anticipated to be caused by the project. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The concept plan provides for internal public streets connected to Nashua Avenue and providing future connections to 90th Street and 87th Street. At Nashua Avenue, the internal street aligns with the north entrance of City Hall. Lots 1, 49 and 50 depend on direct access to Nashua Avenue which is designated as a minor arterial by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update_ The Comprehensive Plan strongly discourages direct access to Nashua Avenue because of intersection spacing requirements and interference with anticipated traffic. As such, the issue of direct access to Nashua must be revisited. The proposed connection to 90th Street at the east property line of the subject site does not align with the existing right-of-way. instead it aligns with the south property line of Lot 1, Block 5 of Otsego Acres 2nd Addition, which is owned by the City. Extension of the street along this corridor would create an off set intersection at 90th Street/O'Brien Avenue. Depending on the purpose and future use of the City property, it may be possible to extend 90th street to meet at the existing intersection. Otherwise, the extension of 90th street should be provided to align with the existing right-of-way at the northeast corner of the subject site. A cul-de-sac extends south from the proposed 90th Street extension to a terminus at the south property line. This cul-de-sac exceeds the 500 foot maximum allowed by the Subdivision Ordinance. However, this cul-de-sac is intended to be temporary until a connection with 87th Street to the southeast can be established with the future development of lands to the south of the subject site_ An additional connection from the internal street to the adjacent forty acre parcel to the north should also be provided. This will allow for the potential development of the north parcel in a manner other than a loop street, provide intra -neighborhood connections and potentially reduce access points to Nasuha Avenue. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. AUG -03-1999 10:45 NAC 612 595 9837 P.O?/16 Finding: The proposed development is intended to be served by a private communal drainfield and water system. No specific utility plans have been provided with the concept plan, which would be required as part of a subsequent development stage PUD application. Generally, however, wetland systems such as proposed conceptually have been used in other communities, most notably Lake Elmo, which was discussed at the clustering workshop held previously this summer. The only concern with the proposed communal septic system at this point is the location of the drainfield. Section 20-71-8.A of the Zoning Ordinance states that sewage treatment systems must be setback 150 feet from the ordinary high water mark of a waterbody. The proposed drainfield location is setback only 20 feet from the OHWM of the subject lake. This location requires further comment of the City Engineer and DNR Staff. Again, the applicant is proposing private ownership of the communal septic systems. The on-going maintenance of the system would be the responsibility of the homeowners association. In that Otsego has not considered such a treatment system, City Officials must make a policy decision as to system oversight and maintenance. One option is private ownership with the alternative being that the septic system be turned over to the City. The City would likely not assume the water system in that it would then be required to be constructed to municipal standards, adding costs. The deciding factor in this evaluahon must be whether the City has confidence in the homeowners association's financial and political ability to protect the pubic health and safety. Given the potential consequences of not being able to fulfill this responsibility, the City may want to have the system turned over For this reason our office would recommend such an approach to these systems. Alternatively, the administration of the system may be a service the City does not want to assume at this point. If that is the policy direction of the City Council, a developers agreement would be required between the City and Homeowners Association to provide for the on-going maintenance of the communal septic system. 7. The planning report dated 27 July 1999 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 8. The report dated 28 July 1999 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 2 August 1999, to consider the proposed PUD -CUP Concept Plan, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the PUD Concept Plan based on the aforementioned findings. 4 AUG -03-1999 10 46 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08/16 Decision: Based on the foregoing Information and applicable ordinances, the requested PUD - CUP Concept Plan is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. An application for Comprehensive Plan amendment, rezoning, preliminary plat and development stage PUD approvals shall be submitted within six (6) months from the date of concept plan PUD approval. 2. All lots shall conform to the performance standards of the R-3 District, subject to determination by the DNR that the project may be considered "sewered". 3. The long term ownership and maintenance of the communal septic system shall be the responsibility of the City of Otsego. 4 A utility plan is submitted for the design of the proposed septic and water systems, subject to comment by the DNR and approval of the City Engineer. 5. No direct single lot access to Nashua Avenue shall be permitted. 6. The 90th Street Extension shall align with the existing 90th Street right-of-way at the northeast comer of the subject site. 7. An internal street connection is provided to the abutting parcel to the north_ 8. All park dedication shall be subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council 9. Grading and drainage plans shall be submitted as part of the development stage PUD application, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. The applicant shall be responsible for all costs for easements and construction of the proposed overflow ditch. 11. Comments of City Staff. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of August, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk F AUG -03-1999 10:47 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09/16 ATTACH LEGAL DESCRIPTION Exhibit A r NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS IN!%%usle COMM U N ITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT `L TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM- Daniel Licht DATE: 28 July 1999 r J�C�zn?f;,:- p RE: Otsego - Bridgeland Development PUD; Concept Plan FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.12 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Bridgeland Development Company has submitted a concept plan for development of 50 single family lots and one outlot on 99 acres located east of Nashua Avenue, directly across from the City Hall facility. The residential lots are proposed to be served by a private communal drainfield and well that would be maintained by a homeowners association. The subject site is within the Urban Service Area reserve designated by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District. The subject parcel includes a natural environment lake identified by the DNR. As such, the property is also within the Shoreland Overlay District. Development of the project would require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan designating the site part of the Long Range Urban Service Area, a rezoning to R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service (General) and approval of a PUD -CUP to accommodate the proposed communal utilities. The applicant is only requesting concept plan PUD approval, in advance of a more complete potential future submission. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Subject Site Exhibit B: Project Narrative Exhibit C: Concept Plan 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM Recommendation The ultimate decision as to the appropriateness of the submitted concept plan is a policy issue that must be decided by City Officials. The proposed concept plan is generally consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan for further development within the Long Range Urban Service area of the community, as outlined herein. PUD flexibility on shoreland lot size requirements may also be appropriate based upon the value of public improvements and the use of communal utilities, which would provided for efficient land use and connection to municipal utilities. If the Planning Commission and City Council make a similar finding, our office would recommend approval of the application as outlined under Option A below. A. Motion to approve a PUD -CUP Concept Plan for development of 50 single family lots with communal septic and water systems, subject to the following conditions: 1. An application for rezoning, preliminary plat and development stage PUD approvals shall be submitted within six (6) months from the date of concept plan PUD approval. 2. All lots shall conform to the performance standards of the R-3 District, subject to determination by the DNR that the project may be considered "sewered". 3. The long term ownership and maintenance of the communal septic system shall be the responsibility of the City of Otsego. 4 A utility plan is submitted for the design of the proposed septic and water systems, subject to comment by the DNR and approval of the City Engineer. 5. No direct single lot access to Nashua Avenue shall be permitted. 6. The 90th Street Extension shall align with the existing 90th Street right-of- way at the northeast corner of the subject site. 7. An intemal street connection is provided to the abutting parcel to the north. 8. All park dedication shall be subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council 9. Grading and drainage plans shall be submitted as part of the development stage PUD application, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 10. Comments of Other City Staff. Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 2 B. Motion to deny the requested Zoning Ordinance amendment based upon a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan. C. Motion to table the application (specific direction should be provided to the applicant regarding necessary revisions and/or action). ISSUES ANALYSIS PUD Process. The applicant is requesting PUD Concept Plan approval. The Zoning Ordinance states that the purpose of the PUD Concept Plan review is to provide the applicant an opportunity to submit a plan illustrating the basic intent of a development without incurring substantial cost in preparing a full submittal. As opposed to a sketch plan review, the Planning Commission and City Council take action on the concept plan, either, approving or denying it. If approved, the applicant must prepare more complete development stage PUD plans, which are subject to a second review process. Approval of a concept plan PUD does not predetermine approval of the development stage PUD. Comprehensive Plan. The subject parcel is currently within the Urban Service Area Reserve, which allows a maximum density of four units per 40 acres. To allow the proposed project, an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan is required. Because the proposed utility system is not municipal sanitary sewer or water, designating the property as being within the Sanitary Sewer Service District is not appropriate. The other alternative is to designate the property as Long Range Urban Service Area, which is designated over existing one acre unsewered developments. Because of the financial commitments to developing a municipal sanitary sewer system, the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update is specific that all new residential development should occur within the sanitary sewer service district and connect to municipal services. Exceptions to this policy include further development of the Long Range Urban Service Areas provided at least one of the following criteria are satisfied: a. Completion of an unfinished street network. Comment: The proposed development would allow for the future extension of 90th Street from O'Brien to Nashua Avenue from Otsego Acres 3rd Addition and the extension of 87th Street from Vassur's Oak Grove Addition. b. Such development shall have the result of the correction or improvement of a demonstrated area drainage problem. Comment: There is an existing drainage problem during high rainfall seasons where the lake on the subject property overflows and floods existing residential areas to the east. As part of this project, the applicant is proposing to correct this issue by Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 3 providing an overflow ditch to the north of the subject property to an existing ditch on the west side of Nashua Avenue. This will involve improvements across the subject site, as well as the abutting property to the north. C. The dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose (i.e., desired parks, public facility structures, right-of-way dedication, etc.). Comment: The project provides for the dedication of public facility structures and right-of-way for the extension of public streets, and additional park land. The potential benefits of the project are listed above following each criteria. Planning Commission and City Council must evaluate the public benefit of the ditch improvements, right-of-way extension and park and trail dedications in determining if the proposed development is appropriate in terms of density and project amenities, which are discussed further below. Zoning/PUD-CUP. The proposed subdivision would require an amendment to R-3 District. A PUD -CUP is also required to accommodate the proposed communal septic system and flexibility on lot size requirements from the Shoreland Overlay District. While the R-3 District minimum lot size is 1 acre, the Shoreland Ordinance allows 80,000 sq. ft. lots for unsewered development and 40,000 sq. ft.120,000 sq. ft. (riparian/non-riparian) for sewered development (NOTE: Although none of the lots are riparian, the Shoreland Ordinance would require that the density of the project be maintained even if the lot sizes were reduced to 20,000 sq. ft.). DNR staff has indicated that, on a concept basis, they may consider the subdivision as "sewered" under the Shoreland Ordinance. The DNR endorsement of smaller lot sizes is dependent upon the design, location and on-going maintenance provisions of the communal septic system. The applicant has indicated that all lots would be at least 1 acre in size, although the concept plan has lot sizes smaller than 1 acre. Sections 20-3-2.17 and 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance outline the specific criteria to be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council relative to the PUD Concept Plan and pending rezoning application: 1. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment. If the Planning Commission and City Council make a positive finding that the project satisfies the criteria for further development of Long Range Urban Service Areas, the rezoning application would also likely be considered appropriate. Regarding the PUD -CUP for the communal septic systems, the Planning Commission and City Council must evaluate if the flexibility of allowing communal utilities serving one acre lots in this project are an appropriate trade-off for the Planning Report- Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 4 proposed public improvements. The use of the communal drainfield is certainly positive from the perspective that it eliminates the need for additional lot area to accommodate primary and secondary septic sites on every lot. This results in a more efficient use of the land, which will also likely have less of an environmental impact than if the project were proposed with 80, 000 sq. ft. lots and standard septic systems. Further, the use of the communal utilities allows for efficient connection to municipal sanitary sewer, should those services become available in the area. As such, the proposed flexibility may be considered consistent with the following purpose statements of PUD: A. Innovations in development to the end that the growing demands for all styles of economic expansion may be met by greater variety in type, design and sighting of structures and by the conservation and more efficient use of land in such developments. C. More convenience in location and design of development and service facilities. F. An efficient use of land resulting in smaller networks of utilities and streets thereby lowering development costs and public investments. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment: The subject property is surrounded to the east and northeast to by one acre, non-sewered development, which are in the Long Range Urban Service Area. Properties to the north and south are designated for continued agricultural/rural land uses as part of the Urban Service Area reserve. The City Hall is west of the subject site. The development of one acre lots on the subject site would be compatible with these existing and planned uses. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment. The applicant has indicated that all lots will meet the minimum standards of the R-3 District, provided the DNR and City agree that the project is considered "sewered" under the Shoreland District. Section 21-7-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance limits block length to not more that 1, 200 feet in order to provide access and circulation throughout neighborhoods. The proposed subdivision includes three blocks, all of which exceed this requirement. The lengths of the blocks are due to physical barriers created by existing development and the lake. As such, conformance with this requirements is not possible. The connection through to the property to the north would, however, break up the block consisting of lots 1-17. Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 5 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed development may be expected to have a positive effect on the area by correcting the existing drainage problems, completing the existing street networks. The project also will provide addition park and trail facilities, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, no negative impact to area property values is anticipated to be caused by the project. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The concept plan provides for internal public streets connected to Nashua Avenue and providing future connections to 90th Street and 87th Street. At Nashua Avenue, the internal street aligns with the north entrance of City Hall. Lots 1, 49 and 50 depend on direct access to Nashua Avenue which is designated as a minor arterial by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. The Comprehensive Plan strongly discourages direct access to Nashua Avenue because of intersection spacing requirements and interference with anticipated traffic. As such, the issue of direct access to Nashua must be revisited. The proposed connection to 90th Street at the east property line of the subject site does not align with the existing right-of-way. Instead it aligns with the south property line of Lot 1, Block 5 of Otsego Acres 2nd Addition, which is owned by the City. Extension of the street along this corridor would create an off -set intersection at 90th Street/O'Brien Avenue. Depending on the purpose and future use of the City property, it may be possible to extend 90th street to meet at the existing intersection. Otherwise, the extension of 90th street should be provided to align with the existing right-of-way at the northeast corner of the subject site. A cul-de-sac extends south from the proposed 90th Street extension to a terminus at the south property line. This cul-de-sac exceeds the 500 foot maximum allowed by the Subdivision Ordinance. However, this cul-de-sac is intended to be temporary until a connection with 87th Street to the southeast can be established with the future development of lands to the south of the subject site. An additional connection from the internal street to the adjacent forty acre parcel to the north should also be provided. This will allow for the potential development of the north parcel in a manner other than a loop street, provide intra -neighborhood connections and potentially reduce access points to Nasuha Avenue. Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 6 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed development is intended to be served by a private communal drainfield and water system. No specific utility plans have been provided with the concept plan, which would be required as part of a subsequent development stage PUD application. Generally, however, wetland systems such as proposed conceptually have been used in other communities, most notably Lake Elmo, which was discussed at the clustering workshop held previously this summer. The only concern with the proposed communal septic system at this point is the location of the drainfield. Section 20-71-8.A of the Zoning Ordinance states that sewage treatment systems must be setback 150 feet from the ordinary high water mark of a waterbody. The proposed drainfield location is setback only 20 feet from the OHWM of the subject lake. This location requires further comment of the City Engineer and DNR Staff. Again, the applicant is proposing private ownership of the communal septic systems. The on-going maintenance of the system would be the responsibility of the homeowners association. In that Otsego has not considered such a treatment system, City Officials must make a policy decision as to system oversight and maintenance. One option is private ownership with the alternative being that the septic system be turned over to the City. The City would likely not assume the water system in that it would then be required to be constructed to municipal standards, adding costs. The deciding factor in this evaluation must be whether the City has confidence in the homeowners association's financial and political ability to protect the pubic health and safety. Given the potential consequences of not being able to fulfill this responsibility, the City may want to have the system turned over. For this reason our office would recommend such an approach to these systems. Alternatively, the administration of the system may be a service the City does not want to assume at this point. If that is the policy direction of the City Council, a developers agreement would be required between the City and Homeowners Association to provide for the on-going maintenance of the communal septic system. Park Dedication. The concept plan identifies the 40.2 acre Outlot A as a park, which would be dedicated to the City. A trail corridor is also illustrated within the outlot. The appropriateness of Outlot A for satisfying park dedication requirements needs to be evaluated by the Parks and Recreation Committee. It should be noted that in terms of satisfying park dedication requirements, the area absorbed by the lake and ponding areas are not included in the calculation. A second issue is that the proposed communal drainfield is within the Outlot. This leaves 16.5 acres of land suitable for dedication. Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 7 Grading and Drainage Plans. No grading and drainage plans have been submitted as part of the Concept Plan. These plans will be expected as part of a subsequent development stage application. All grading and drainage issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. CONCLUSION The decisions regarding the necessary Comprehensive Plan amendment and rezoning applications will be made at the time of a future development stage PUD. The intent of the concept plan PUD application is to give the developer input regarding the general nature of the project. As such, approval of a PUD concept plan should be granted if City Officials believe that the intended project, including density and uses, are appropriate and consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed project generally satisfies the criteria for development of Long Range Service Areas in that it corrects an existing drainage problem and completes a street network and provides additional land for a public purpose. As an incentive for the public improvements, PUD flexibility allowing communal utilities and one acre lots under the Shoreland Overlay District would seem to be a reasonable tradeoff. Generally, the communal utilities proposed for the project are also positive in that they provide for allow a more efficient use of land and future connection to municipal services. Issues that must be resolved as part of a development stage application, if the City Council approves the concept plan, are the design and ownership/maintenance of the communal systems, intra - neighborhood street alignments and connections, and direct access to Nashua Avenue. The concept plan review provides City Officials the opportunity to give direction to the applicant on these matters. Our office's specific recommendations are outlined in the executive summary of this report. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Neal Krzyzaniak Peter Knaeble Planning Report - Bridgeland Development PUD Concept Page 8 The developer and myself will be attending the Planning Commission meeting to review the Concept Plan and answer any questions they may have. Representatives of North American Wetland Engineering will also be attending this meeting to address the community drainfield design issues. If you have any questions or comments, please call. Sincerely, L , Pte7 Pr Knaeble TERRA ENGINEERING, INC. CC: Neal Krzyzaniak, Bridgeland Development Co. (w/ encl.) Curtis Sparks, North American Wetland Engineering (w/ encl.) N►� C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD TERRA ENGINEERING, INC. CIVIL ENGINEERING - LAND PLANNING • CONSULTING July 19, 1999 Elaine Beatty Clerk/Zoning Administrator 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: PUD Concept Plan Review LvConic Site Otsego, MN Dear Elaine: L5 11�!2 L_ U L JUL 2 0 1999 6001 Glenwood Ave. Minneapolis, Minnesota 55422 (phone/tax) 593-9325 As we discussed, attached are five copies (full & 11x17) of the Concept Plan for the above referenced project. We are requesting review of this project at the August 2nd Planning Commission meeting. The Concept Plan is based on the following- * 50 single family lots at 1.0 acre minimum lot size. * 60' road right-of-way, with a temporary cul-de-sac at the south property line for a future extension, and a future connection to the east to NE O'Brien Ave. * A community drainfield area to serve the 50 lots, with the assumption that the drainfield would be owned and maintained by the Homeowners Association. * The project may be designed with a community well to also serve the 50 lots. * This project would include an overflow storm sewer to the north from the existing pond area. This stormwater would be directed, via ditches and berms, to the northwest to alleviate the existing flooding conditions to the northeast. * The proposed storm sewer pond would treat the on-site stormwater prior to discharge into the existing pond area. EXHIBIT B q�+Uil, .\ � c o 1 ' P• II o p - •CITY HALL I ' :MASFIV — i CONCEPT PLAN TERRA ENGINEERING. INC. F3 gig i ' : ." llrwapOrtr, laiz2 -� LUC04C PROPERTY mee.rtaes o ' O�.. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ".:.'' "'_, _ I a . t«+ ° ` O N \, cn f Q^G H=az mvzm \ 1 oQ. tna per. IQ' 0,� p= 1 - +p X ca ,co p � �i _ N d m ��\\\\;\\\, oma• o po / u 290' CT ) r fu r f \ „ D .. I Ac,/(T pJ -Prop. floc Pond Ove n C p / / // / a /I o Z l;l1lrf r I O y♦ t 1 \ i S 1 I t CA ra \ \Ito 1 (I 1 �0 c \ \ \ 1 N N N N tv.IV o11, %0 I` z i 10 o. �, I/ m/ A pl.,„ p NE O'BRIAN AVE. i CONCEPT PLAN TERRA ENGINEERING. INC. F3 gig i ' : ." llrwapOrtr, laiz2 -� LUC04C PROPERTY mee.rtaes o ' O�.. OTSEGO, MINNESOTA ".:.'' "'_, _ I a . t«+ Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. vil & ,Municipal Engineering _and Surveying MEMO TO: Mike Robertson, Adm. Elaine Beatty, Clerk FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE City Engineer SUBJECT: Concept Plan for Luconic Property 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax We have reviewed the concept PUD for the above mentioned property. This following are the concerns and comments. • Wetland Delineation could inpact the lot total. Lot 19 & 20 may be considered wetland type soil. Lot 17 may also have significant wetland soils. The DNR Wetland would be a required delineation. • Who would own Outlot A? • The overflow outlet from the DNR pond diverted to Otsego Creek would be a positive change for the Hall's Watershed District. This change would help avert the periodic high water conditions in the Hall's Pond Watershed. The approval for this change would need a permit from the DNR Hydrologist. • Easements to construction a positive overflow will be required on the proposed PUD and offsite. • Nashua Ave. is proposed on the Wright County long term transportation plan as a County Road. The City needs to limit the number accesses to Nashua Ave. to protect the street for future use. It is our recommendation that no accesses except the streets be allowed onto Nashua Ave. Lots 49, 50 & 1 would not be allowed access. • The location of proposed 90th Street appears to be acceptable except for the location on the east side. The street will need to match up with existing 90th Street. Should this proposal be approved, we would recommend the Developer continue the street to O'Brien Ave. • We assume that a plat using a common sewage treatment system would install sanitary sewer in the streets. That would require concrete curb and gutter and a urban street section. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2200\ot2200mr.doc Page Two July 28, 1999 The common sewage drainfield location appears in a practical place. Design data should be made available to demonstrate the area needed for service is adequate. We need a preliminary design in document form to be able to review the proposal. • We assume water service would be by individual wells. If you have questions on the comments please call. Yours truly, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. 4ren;�e�GZ"Koshak, Ik/pm cc: Terra Engineering, Inc. Dan Licht, NAC Neal Krzyzcaniak, Bridgeland Development Co. \\Ha0l\shared docs\Municipal�AOTSEGO\2200\ot2200mr.doc PMU Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. AUG-03-1999 10=47 NAC 612 595 91337 P. 10/16 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS fNC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM (4�' 2" TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 3 August 1999 RE: Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.13 Please be advised that the Planning Commission considered the above referenced application at their meeting on August 2, 1999. The Planning Commission discussion focused on two issues: First, the Planning Commission believed that the separate outlots for the clubhouse and bed and breakfast may create future complications with ownership, access and potential uses. Until there is an approved development stage PUD for the property, the Planning Commission recommended that the Final Plat include only one outlot for these planned uses, as originally approved by the preliminary plat. Second, the Planning Commission recommended two changes to the proposed covenants. The first change was to establish a homeowners association that would continue to provide for architectural review and oversight even after the project has been built out. The second change recommended by the Planning Commission is that the charter membership privileges to the golf course should run with the ownership of the single family lots and not just the first owner of such lots. The basis of this recommendation is that the golf course and privileges are supposed to be amenities of the cluster development, which should not be lost to the second owner of one of the single family lots. The Planning Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat subject to the conditions as outlined in the attached findings of fact. PC. Mike Robertson / Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow 5775 WAYZATA SOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NACQWINTERNET.GOM AUG -03-1999 10:48 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Bulow Incorporated 612 595 9837 P.11/16 Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a final plat application entitled "Grenins Mississippi Hills", described by Exhibit A ("the property"), consisting of 17 single family lots and three outlots. City Council Meeting Date: 9 August 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is: See attached EXHIBIT A- 3. 3. The property lies within the Rural Residential Preserve Area as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for rural residential development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned R -C, Residential -Rural Open Space Cluster District. 5. The proposed Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat consists of seventeen (17) single family residential lots and three outlots to be developed as a privately owned golf course (commercial recreation) use. A fourth outlot is proposed to convey property to an adjacent lot to rectify an existing property line encroachment. 6. The planning report dated 27 July 1999 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The reports dated 15 July 1999 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 10. The Otsego Planning Commission, at their regular meeting on 2 August 1999, considered the proposed final plat application. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the final plat applications. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the Final Plat of Grenins Mississippi Hills is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: AUG -03-1999 10:48 NAC 612 595 9837 P.12i16 A corrected preliminary plat reflecting the approval of the City Council on 23 June 1999 is submitted. 2. The final plat is revised to illustrate all existing easements and trail easements required as part of the Preliminary Plat approval. 3. All park dedication requirements are satisfied, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council. 4. Proposed deed covenants shall be subject to review and approval of the City Attomey and City Council. 5. The applicant enter into a development contract and post all required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. The deed covenants are revised to provide for a homeowners association with permanent architectural review control, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 7. The deed covenants are revised to provided that "charter membership° at the golf course facility shall nun with the individual lots and be vested with the members of the homeowners association, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 9th day of August, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk N I N C NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - D E S PLANNING REPORT �' ,-2- TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 27 July 1999 RE: Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.13 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Mr. Chris Bulow, of Bulow Inc., has requested final plat approval of the 82.5 acre Grenins Mississippi Hills subdivision located northeast of CSAH 39 and Kadler Avenue. The final plat consists of 17 single family residential lots and three outlots associated with the planned golf course/bed and breakfast use. A fourth outlot has also been provided in order to convey a small parcel to an adjacent property. The subject site is zoned R -C, Residential - Rural Cluster Open Space District. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A - Site Location Exhibit B - Final Plat Exhibit C- Property Covenants Recommendation Based upon the a review of the application in consideration of the approved preliminary plat, our office recommends approval of Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat, subject to the following conditions under Option A. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM H A. Motion to approve the Final Plat of Grenins Mississippi Hills, subject to the following conditions: 1. A corrected preliminary plat reflecting the approval of the City Council on 23 June 1999 is submitted. 2. The final plat is revised to illustrate all existing easements and trail easements required as part of the Preliminary Plat approval. 3. All park dedication requirements are satisfied, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Committee and approval of the City Council. 4. Proposed deed covenants shall be subject to review and approval of the City Attorney and City Council. 5. The applicant enter into a development contract and post all required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the final plat based upon a finding that it is inconsistent with the approved preliminary plat. C. Motion to table the application (specific direction should be provided regarding changes or additional information). ISSUES ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The submitted final plat is generally consistent with the preliminary plat approved with conditions by the City Council on June 23, 1999. No corrected preliminary plat has yet been submitted, which is required. Other issues stemming from the approved preliminary plat are as follows: • Block 2. The City Council approved the preliminary plat with the condition that three lots be eliminated due to poor soils. The three lots have been eliminated from the final plat with that area now included as part of Outlot A, but does not expand the playable area of the golf course. The revision could have also been made by increasing the area of one or more lots adjacent to Kahler to absorb this unbuildable area. This would, however, create lots that are out of character with others in the subdivision and surrounding neighborhoods. As such, the plat revision as presented is appropriate. Planning Repos` - Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat Page 2 • Outlots B and C. The preliminary plat included one outlot for future development of the proposed clubhouse and bed and breakfast inn uses. The final plat provides a separate outlot for each. This arrangement raises an issue of timing. Outlot C does not have the minimum frontage required to a public street. The preliminary plat anticipated that the clubhouse and bed and breakfast would be on one lot. As such, this issue is a matter of semantics as to whether the approved concept plan PUD -CUP allows for two principal uses on one lot or two lots, one without minimum frontage to a pubic street. However, outlot C is proposed for a future use which requires approval of a Zoning Ordinance amendment before it can be developed. The concern would be that final platting the outlot is premature without considering the development stage PUD and Zoning Amendment concurrently. • Outlot D. The final plat includes a fourth outlot, just to the north of Lot 1, Block 1. The purpose of this outlot is to allow the conveyance of the parcel to the adjacent property owner. An accessory building on the adjacent property overlays the common property line encroaching into the applicant's property. As part of the conveyance, sufficient area should be provided such that the accessory building is setback 10 feet from the proposed property lines. • Easements. The proposed final plat does not illustrate the existing ingresslegress easement extending from 99th Street for the two excepted lots on the north end of the subject site. Also, the final plat does not illustrate proposed easements for cart path access to the golf course that were proposed and approved adjacent to the residential lots. The final plat should be revised to illustrate these easements. Park Dedication. As a condition of final plat approval, all park dedication requirements must be provided for as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Committee. The preliminary plat was approved with the condition that the applicant provide a grade separated trail adjacent to Kadler Avenue. Covenants. The applicant has submitted proposed covenants governing the construction and use of the residential lots. These documents are subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council as part of the development contract. Development Contract. Upon approval of the final plat, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract and post all appropriate securities. The development contract is to be subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed final plat for Grenins Mississippi Hills is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat for this project. Based upon the preceding review, our office recommends approval of the final plat subject to the conditions outlined in the executive summary of this report. Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat Page 3 pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow Planning Report - Grenins Mississippi Hills Final Plat Page 4 m x co C NF2 C BASE ►IAP. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD n h N 0 N EXHIBIT 49/04/1996 23:05 6/24412229 EL'LOW ItiC. PAGE 02 07-14-L995 OL:23;M LUNDBERG LAW CFFICE +1 6112 441 1258 P.01 PROTECTIVE COVZN1JNTS FOR GRENINS MISSISSIPPI HILLS KNGw ALT, 3Y THESE PR SENTS, that Bulow, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, being the owner of real estate platted as Lots 1 thru 12, Block 1 and Lots 1 thru 5, Block 2, GRENINS MISSISSIPPI HILLS and located in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota, (hereafter referred to as "Subdivision") has declared and by these presents does declare that the said lots shall be, subject to the following protective covenants, restrictions and servitudes, and that every subsequent owner of said lots shall be bound to said covenants, restrictions and servitudes, and shall accept title subject thereto. 1. Land Use and Building Type. Each lot shall be used exclusively for residential purposes. No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any lot other than one (1) detached single family dwelling and attached private garage for not less than two (2) cars. 2. Architectural Control. No building shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot until the construction plans and specifications and the plans showing the location of the structure have been approved by the Architectural Control Committee as to quality of workmanship and materials, harmony of external design with existing structures, external colors, and as to location with respect to topography and finished grade elevation. No fence or wall shall be erected, placed or altered on any lot unless approved by this Committee. 3. Quality and Size. All structures shall be of new construction and shall comply with all applicable ordinances, statutes, and regulations. The foundation, and ground floor area of the main floor of the structure, exclusive of open porches and garages, shall not be less than set forth in the following schedule: A. For a single -story building - 1,550 square feet. B. For a two-story structure --1,350 square feet. C. For a split level or bi-level type of construction. - 1,600 square feet. D. For a modified two-story type of construction - 1,400 square feet. All structures must have a minimum construction cost of $250,000.00, including lot and landscaping. All garages shall have a minimum size of 26 feet wide by 24 feet deep. All roofing shall meet or exceed the quality of Timberline shingling. EXHIBIT C 0804/1996 23:05 6124412229 BULOW INC. PAGE 0.3 rr-la-lyyy @1:24FM LUND6EFG LAW CFFICc- +1 622 441 1255 P.02 All structures shall have a roof pitch of 6/12 to 12/12. All mailboxes shall conform to uniform standards to be established by the Architectural Control Committee. Any variance from the foregoing requirements must be approved by the Architectural Control Committee. E. Yard Specifications. A. Front Yard. The front yard shall have grass cover not exceeding three (3) inches in height from roadway to the structure foundation_. The front yard shall initially be sodded or professional seeded from street lire to building setback line. All sod or seed shall be in place before occupancy, provided that if the structure is completed during winter months, then the front yard shall be sodded or seeded no later than June 1 of the following spring. B. Side and back yards. All side and back yards shall have grass cover by seeding or sodding, except such parts thereof as shall be converted to garden or patio space under the approval and supervision of the Architectural Control Committee. C. Driveways. All driveways shall be blacktopped or concrete. S. Antennas No satellite dishes or antennas shall be erected in any yard or attached to any structure without the prior approval Architectural Control Committee. 6. Accessory Buildings. No accessory buildings shall be permitted on any lot except with the approval of the Architectural control Committee and the City of Otsego. 7. Lot Improvements. All improvements to any lot in this subdivision shall require the prior approval of the Architectural control committee. B. Lot Area. No lot shall be replotted, rearranged, or re - subdivided without the consent of the Architectural Control Committee and approval by City planning and zoning authorities. Set -back and yard requirements shall be as set forth in the City Zoning Ordinance. 9. Nuisances. No noxious or offensive trade or activity shall be carried on upon any lot nor shall anything be done thereon which may be annoyance to the neighborhood. No accumulation of junk, garbage, junk cars, or debris may be maintained on any lot. No trailer house, travel trailer, or bus are to be permitted on premises unless properly garaged. No motorized vehicle of any nature which is not in sound and X8/04/1996 23:05 6/24412229 BLLCW INC. PAGE 04 ee-14-1y99 01:24PPI LUND6ERG LOU CFF(CE +1 612 441 1258 P.03 legal operating condition for use on Minnesota's state highways shall be stored either permanently or temporarily for any period of time on any lot. No motorized vehicle exceeding 9,Ooo pounds cross weight shall be stored either permanently or temporarily for any period of time on any lot. No motorized vehicle of any nature shall be stored upon any lot or any public street or right of way for a period of an excess of eight (6) hours unless it is stored within the confines of a garage structure approved by the Architectural Control Committee. !0. Temporary Structure. No structure of a temporary nature such as a trailer house, camping truck, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn, outhouse or other buildings sr.all be used on any lot at any time as a residence, either temporarily or permar�ently, nor shall a structure to be used as a residence be moved upon any lot. All structures shall be completed and finished on the exterior within nine (9) months after commencement of the excavation or construction thereof, and before the structure shall be used as a residence. 11. Architectural Control Committee Membership. The Architectural Control Committee shall be the Developer, Bulow, Inc. The Architectural Control Committee may for good cause provide a variance on an individual basis with regard to any of these covenants. 12. Procedure of the Committee. The Committee's approval or disapproval as required in these covenants shall be in writing. The Committee or its designated representative shall approve or disapprove all plans within .thirty (30) days of submissio:.. No construction upon or alteration of any lot shall be permitted without the written approval of the Committee or its designated representative. 13. Term. The covenants are to run with the lard and all the persons claiming under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date these covenants are filed or recorded, after which said covenants shall be automatically extended for an additional ten (10) years unless an instrum,,nt signed by the majority of the then owners of the lots has been filed or recorded, agreeing to change said covenants in whole or in part; Provided that the Architectural Control Committee shall automatically be disbanded 90 days after the last lot to be built upon shall have received a occuioancy permit from the City of Otsego. 14. Enforcement. If there be a violation or an attempt to violate any of these covenants or restrictions, the Architectural Control Committee or any person owning any real estate in this subdivision may bring suit in law or equity for damages or injunctive relief or both.' In addition to damages or injunctive relief, any person being found to have violated any of these covenants shall be liable for the attorney fees and other costs necessarily incurred to obtain damages or injunctive relief. 08/04/1996 23:05 6124412229 BULOW INC. PAGE 05 kfe-14-1999 01:25PM LUNDBERG LAW OFFICE *1 612 441 1258 P.04 15. Severability. If any of these covenants or restrictions are found by any Court to be invalid, the invalidity of any covenant or portion thereof shall not effect the validity of the remaining covenants which shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Bulow, Inc. has caused these covenants to be executed this day of 11999. Bulow Inc., Developer By Christopher P1. Bulow its President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) S5. COUNTY OF Sherburne ) The foregoing instrument has been acknowledged before me this day of , 1999, by Christopher M. Bulow as President of Bulow, Inc., a Minnesota corporation. Notary Public TOTAL P.04 08/04/1996 23:05 6/24412229 ELLGW INC. PAGE 06 Charter Membership Priviliges I . Charter members can purchase yearly memberships ar a 10 percent discount. 2. When accompanied by a charter Member their guest may purchase a guest pass ar a 10 percent Discount. 3. Block 1 Lots 1 - 12 are allowed direct access to hole 7, with a prior reservation. Block 2 lots 1 - 5 are allowed to access the club house directly by way of an easement to the golf course property. 4. Unlimited practice on putting green. 5 percent off any Pro Shop merchandise. Use of Club house for small gatherings or special occasions, during regular business hours and by appoil-fitment. 5. charter Members will have priority tee times. Charter Members should identify themselves when calling for the tee time. Restricted only on league and special events. A Charter Member Original Home owners of Block 1 Lots 1 - 12 and block 2 Lots 1 -5 of Grenins Mississippi Hills. M AUG. 4.1999 2:46PN l� Hakanson Anderson 01 Assoc., Inc. Wil & Municipal Engineering -and Surveying MEMORANDUM TO: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attorney Chris Bulow, Bulow Inc. John Oliver & Associates, Surveyor & Engineer FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, P.E, Craig J. Jochum, PE DATE: August 4, 1999 RE: Grenin's Mississippi Hills N0.243 P.2/3 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax The current Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control plan, dated 6/24/99, and the Drainage Calculations dated June 25, 1999, have been reviewed. The following engineering issues still need to be addressed: 1. Traffic volumes at the intersection of Kadler Ave. & CSAH 39 will increase and therefore safety issues are a concern. Site distance at the intersection needs to be reviewed with cost of the sight improvement allocated to the development. 2. As indicated in Wright County Department of Highways letter dated July 16, 1999, a right turn lane and bypass lane will be required at the access point'to County Road No. 39. Show the turn lane and bypass lane on the grading plan and provide construction details for the lanes, 3. The Wetland Determination and Delineation Report identified one wetland in the NW comer of the site. It is not apparent from the grading plan whether this wetland will be impacted during the grading operation. The limits of the wetland should be shown on the grading plan. If the wetland will be impacted , an Exemption Decision as discussed in the report should be requested for the project. The wetland needs to be protected with silt fence during the grading operations. 1\Ha01\sharad docsWlun(clpaNAOTSEG0121971ot2197mr4.doc PUG. 4.1999 2:44PM N0.242 P.2i2 Mike Robertson Page 2 August 4, 1999 4. Drainage and utility easements on lots rear, front and those abutting non -platted parcels must be a minimum of 10' wide. Lots in Block 2 will require additional drainage easement to the proposed 100 -year flood elevation of 951.55. Easement is also required around the wetland area for lots in Block 1, 5. The series of ponds which are located within the golf course are proposed to drain east, and are all interconnected with 12" HDPE pipe. The outlet for the system consists of a proposed '12" HDPE pipe which is adjacent to the north end of Lot 1, Block 2. The proposed outlet connects to an existing draintile at the NE corner of Lot 1, Block 2, We recommend that the existing 12" draintile not be accepted as the outlet for the golf course ponds for the following reasons: • The condition and actual location of the tile is not known east of the plat boundary. According to the Developer's Engineer, the tile is currently being located. • It is not evident from the information we have received if the tile daylights. It is not known if there is easement for the tile system. • If the tile fails in the future the city will likely need to correct potential flooding problems since the tile may be within the street R.O.W. • According to the drainage calculations, the tile would need a capacity of 4.3 cfs during the 24-hour 100 -year storm event to maintain the peak flood elevation of 951,55. Computations have not been provided to verify the the capacity. If the the failed, the backyards on Block 2 could experience flooding, however, the septic areas and low floor elevations reported on the grading plan are higher than the emergency overflow, which is at elevation 955.0. Connecting the the directly to the surface water system as proposed could increase the rate of discharge in tile. Downstream effects from this increased rate should be verified. \1Nao1\shered docsWiunic1paMOTSEGO\21971ot2l97mr4.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., ! nc. A CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTILEN T: MEETING DATE: DEPART'NIENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ August 9,1999 6:30PM ITEM NC', IBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Consider Wright -Hennepin proposal concerning Nater Service Billing (Cont. from July 26, 1999 agenda) B. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUJIND: 9.1. A. Mike Robertson will be present to discuss Wright-Hennepin's proposal. See attached copy of letter dated 6/10/99 and proposal from Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association from last agenda packet and has been continued a few tunes. B. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. REC0INLNIEIND ATI0N: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval needed. as, Elaine rvrl-DTVMO Date: August 4, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Wright -Hennepin Billing Proposal I met with Wright -Hennepin Electric officials to discuss their water/sewer billing proposal. We discussed the following issues. MONTHLY BASE FEE I discussed with them the City's concern that the base fee was too high given the small amount of customers we would be starting out with. They said that the base fee was a pass through cost from their software company and that Wright -Hennepin was not adding any additional costs to it. They said that Wright-Hennepin's compensation was strictly in the Monthly Customer Fee. They were not willing to reduce the Monthly Base Fee even if the City agreed to an increase in the Monthly Customer Fee. CREDITING OF PAYMENTS They said that their intent was to credit underpayments proportionately between the customer's electric bill and the City water bill. They said they would detail this procedure in the contract that the City and Wright -Hennepin would sign regarding the billing. ITRON METER READING SYSTEM We discussed Council concerns that the City could be locked into one supplier for meter reading systems and subject to high costs. They said that they currently use Itron because they consider it the industry leader in radio modules for utilities. They said the Itron radio module can be used with many different kinds of meters. They also said that the module and the meter can be placed anywhere in the home and do not have to be placed on the outside of the house. They feel that there is plenty of price competition in this market and have indicated that they are not worried about Itron increasing prices unreasonably. Their meter reading contractor has water meters in stock in their warehouse. They offered to put the Itron module into the water meter and ship them to us as we need them. They have also provided some technical information sheets on the Itron system which I will bring to the Council meeting. CONTRACT ISSUES Wright -Hennepin would like to sign a two year contract with Otsego because they are just as uncertain as we are about how this will work out. They do see it as a natural complement to their electric business. I suggested that they start preparation of a draft contract based on our discussion and that I would call them after August 9 with the Council's decision. RECOMMENDATION Wright -Hennepin is the only viable outside bidder left. If the Council decides not to contract with them, I think we immediately have to start lining up the necessary equipment to do the billing ourselves. I think doing the billing ourselves will require additional staff. Giving the changes in staff the City will face near the end of 2000, I would like to try working with Wright -Hennepin for the first two years of our water system. If it doesn't work out or is costing the City too much money, I think it would be easier at that time to seek another vendor or bring the billing in house. cc: City Staff 2 BOARD DIRECTORS r 6/10/1999 ]us Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association A Touchstone Energy' Partner Kt> PO Bax 330' Rocktora SAN 55373-0330 Metro • (612) 4%7-3000 Toll Free • 1-2100-941-2266; 34 -Hour Fax • (612) 4'-3054 , t Mike Robertson Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330-7314 Subject: Water Reading/Billing Proposal Mike: I 1 J�!I t'jut dvnfel.�er.IvIantwello .W, Howard L. Ellis, Surralo, XIS - -I 1I nia lach, M1,111i Grcliv.MN *ar3c^'r tt' Mont, 1T,ie-Plaut. AIN • Donald A. Lucas, Mavle Gro''e, MN PRESIDENT do CEO • Mark F. Vo-, t. Anna?: tale. AIN Please find attached, Wright-Hennepin's proposal concerning water service billing for the City of Otsego. Our proposal encompasses residential meter reading, customer billing, cash collections, and delinquent account management. In our opinion, these are the prevalent services that would be of benefit to the City. Thanks for reviewing the proposal; we look forward in -turn to having a further discussion with you on this project. Regards, Bob Miller Key Account Representative The power of hurnun connections City of Otsego Proposal Background Information Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WH) is an electric distribution cooperative, formed in 1937. Currently, W -H serves over 26,000 members in the counties of Wright, Hennepin, Stearns, Meeker, Sherburne and Carver counties. The cooperative is consumer owned, and govemed by local citizens. Services other than electricity provided by WH include: Home Security, Security Response, Wireless & Land Line Communications, Electric Installation and Contracting, Pager, 24 hour Electric Dispatching, Internet, Appliance Warranty, and Surge Protection. This proposal concerns an additional service, where W -H would provide water reading/billing services to the City of Otsego. W -H's proposal is related to the City's current construction of a new wastewater treatment plant & potable water infrastructure, which will initially serve a 1,000 — 1,400 home development. Otsego City administration projects that the development will be complete in five to ten years, assuming that 150-250 homes are built per year. The wastewater treatment is scheduled to be operational by the fall of 1999, and is sized to add future systems beyond the development at issue. W -H Services Proposed services which Wright -Hennepin would provide to the City for the water/sewer project include the following: • Meter Reading • Billing • Cash Collection • Management of Delinquent Accounts • 24 Hour Dispatching (Optional) Meter Readinq Wright -Hennepin currently has the equipment and software, to accommodate meter reading of the water/sewer project. Wright -Hennepin would be responsible for physically collecting the meter data, provided that the City purchases & installs the Itron remote reading system (ERT) into the city's choice of water meter. Since the new homes will also be -H customers, WH would also install the ERTs into their electric meters at the time of installation. W -H currently has handheld meter reading devices which have the capa ility of reading the ERTs by radio frequency, therefore the meter reader does not have to go onto the customer's property. Page t W -H's contracted eter reading service, RMR Services, Inc, would read the water meters simultaneo sly with the electric meters (under WH/RMR's current contract). Not only would this create efficiencies for both entities, it would also eliminate the redundancies created by two meter readers reading the same residence. The City of Otsego area meters are read the second week of the month or around the 10th of the month. RMR currently reads 36,000 of WH meters on a monthly basis. RMR Services would have the ability to install the ERTs into the city's choice of water meter. For further technical information, please contact Brent Anderson at RMR Services, Inc, 1228 South 7th St, Minneapolis, MN 55415. 612-376-7600. Billie W -H would be responsible for calculating the billing based on the meter data collected. WH would print and mail the statements. Proposed pricing includes paper, outer envelope, reply envelope and postage and management of the receivable. The water and sewer billing would be included as a separate line item on the customer's electric statement. WH would set the water and sewer billing up as a separate receivable. The water and sewer billing would be included on WH's statement, but displayed as a separate service. The customer would see the total of their water and sewer service as well as the total to be remitted for all services on the statement. See sample of statement (attached). The City of Otsego is currently billed for electric and other services the third week of the month (approximately the 21St of each month). Payment is due the 8th of the following month unless the customer chooses the EZ Pay plan (ACH) which provides the customer with additional payment choices of the 1 St Stn or the 15th of the following month. Cash Collection W -H would be responsible for collecting and posting all payments, and remitting payment to the city on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. W -H is flexible regarding timing and related arrangements. Delinquent Accounts W -H would be responsible for collection of delinquent accounts, through the City's standard disconnect period. WH's current software system has the capability of putting a reminder on the bill, and sending out disconnect notices etc. for individual services. W -H would send out the disconnect notice, but it would be the City's responsibility to physically disconnect the customer. Pricing includes reminder statement and disconnect notices, as well as coordination with the City for payment arrangements and disconnects. Page 2 24 Hour Dispatching (Optional) W -H provides 24 hour dispatching services. WH could provide the City the following dispatching services.- Around ervices: Around the clock personal response. Disconnect and reconnect customer call handling. Please note that pricing for the above dispatch services are not included in this proposal, but could be added at the City's request. Proposed Pricinq W -H's proposes a monthly package fee for the City, to include the services of meter reading, billing, cash collections, and delinquent account management. Package cost would be per the following: Monthly Base Fee $200 Monthly Customer Fee $1.75 (per account) This proposal is valid for 60 days from date of issuance (6/10/1999). Upon acceptance, length of agreement shall be for a two-year period. Presented b -� %�` Accepted by Representing: Wright -Hennepin Date , o Z_�if Page 3 Representing: City of Otsego Date Wright -Hennepin :ooperaNM E4cv�nnepi n Account #: 123456789 CID#: 1234341 DOE, JOHN 1234 ANYWHERE ANYTOWN, MN 55333 Due Date: June 30, 1999 Amount Due: $100.00 Wright -Hennepin Statement Date: 05/05/99 Cooperative Electric Association Account #: 123456789 PO BOX 330 Total Amount Due: 5100.00 Rockford MN 55373.0332 j Billing summary Previous Balance: $101.00 ayments Received: -5101.00 Balance Forward: $0.00 Total Electric: $50.00 Total Security: $10.00 Total Water: $40.00 Total Amount Due: $100.00 marketing message Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association PO BOX 330 Rockford MN 553730332 Electric Service 0113 111 Usage Period 04-01.99 to 05-01.99 Sry Addr 1234 ANYWHERE STREET Meter a Pres. Rag Prev. Rog Multiplier Basic Service $ 8.25 12345678 500 0 1 Energy 500 kWh @ 0.081 $ 40.50 100 W light 43 kwh $ 7.30 Power Cost Adj 543 kwh @ (0.0163) $ 8.85 Sales Tax @ 0.065 $ 3.06 Total for Electric Security Service Sry Addr 1234 ANYWHERE STREET Monitor Charge $ 9.40 Sales Tax a 0.065 $ 0.60 Total for Security Water Service Usage Period 04-01-99 to 05.01.99 Sry Addr 1234 ANYWHERE STREET Meter a Pres. Rdg Prev. Rdg Multiplier Basic Service $ 0.00 87654121 10,000 0 1 Water usage 10,000 gal 0 0.00376 $ 37.60 Sales Tax a 0.065 $ 2.40 Total for Water $ 40.00 :% CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTNIENT: NIEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9 COL'N;CH_ ITEMS: Elaine Beatty. City Clerk, August 9, 1999 6:30PM ITEM N-L-MBER• ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.2. )vlike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Consider a third full-time person for Publics `Yorks B. Discussion of driveway width issues C. Discussion of Cost Estimates for Sewer Hookups D. Consider Payment #3 for Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility to Gridor Construction, Inc. for 5220,165. BACKGROUND: A. Mike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions. B. See attached memo dated August 3, 1999 from dike Robertson. C. Mike Robertson will explain this information. D. Attached is information from Bonestroo and letter dated August 3, 1999 which has the information needed for this Pay Estimate 93 request. RECONMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thaks, Elaine q• ,-,) 'A Date: August 4, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Hiring a third person for the Public Works Department During the Budget Workshop the Council directed staff to put the issue of hiring a third, full-time person for the Public Works Department on the Council agenda. The proposed 2000 budget has a third full-time person budgeted at a salary of $12.00 an hour. We would probably advertise at a slightly lower rate, with the thought that after the person passed their probation they could receive an increase. Dave Chase has made increased use of part-time help since the last person hired full time did not work out. With the growth in population of the City Dave feels that a third full time person is needed. Dave would like the person to start in the Fall so that they work one winter while on their probationary period so that everyone can see if they can handle it. X C,� Date: August 3, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Driveway width I was informed by Jerry Olson that another homeowner in Lin -Bar Estates has just had a driveway installed that is wider than allowed by City ordinance. This installation apparently occurred last weekend. Jerry says that the homeowner was one of the people who attended the hearing on this issue a few months ago and that the builder was well aware of the City's ordinances because Jerry had explained it to him several times. This is now the fourth driveway in Lin -Barr Estates that has installed wider than allowed by City Ordinance. The City has escrow money deposited by the builder on driveways, typically either $1,000 or $2,000. Jerry has been in contact with the other homeowners who have installed wider driveways and they have basically told him to keep the escrow because they want a wider driveway. The word is apparently out that if you want a wider driveway you just do the work on a weekend and forfeit your escrow money. The City is left with an unenviable choice; (1) Let people ignore our ordinances. (2) Hire a contractor to go in and cut the driveways down until they are 24 feet wide at the right-of-way line. crnr ot. �TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue. N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 4414414 Elle River. MN 35330 Fac: (612) 441-8823 PETITION FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT DATE: _ 51 TO: City Council, Ci of Otsego, Minnesota _- - We, the owners of the following described or identified real property, do hereby petition for the improvement as described herein with the entire cost of such improvement, including indirect or administrative costs, to be assessed against our property. We hereby agree to pay all costs as may be incurred by the City, and to pay the entire project cost as apportioned by the City to each property. The improvement and assessment shall be as authorized by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. A) Description of the requested Improvement: B) List of Owners and Properties Signature of Owners Property I.D. Property Address � _ ► i g - S o a- ZZ �. X73 � s%� . Note to Property Owners: If your mailing address is different than the property address, please provide a mailing address on the reverse side of this petition. C) Certification by City Cleric This petition was received on the date identified below. I have reviewed the nature of the requested improvement and find that the signatures and properties identified above appear to be located such as to benefit from the requested improvement and that the total number of property owners signatures appear to represent approximately % of the probable benefited parcels or approximately °%o of the probable benefited property frontage. Otsego City Clerk Date: 1999 C:1Shara\MunlclpaPAOTSEGO19011ot901 PM.doc A JABonestroo 0 Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects August 3, 1999 Mr. Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 Bonestroo, Rosene. Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Acrion/Equal Opportunity Employer Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. PE. • Joseph C. Anderlik. PE. • Marvin L. Sorvala, P.E. Glenn R. Cook. PE. • Robert G. Schunicht. P.E. • Jerry A. Bourdon. P.E. - Robert W. Rosene. P.E.. Richard E. Turner. PE. and Susan M. Eberlin. C.P.A.. Senior Consultants Associate Principals. Howard A. Sanford. P.E. • Keith A. Gordon, P.E. • Robert R. Pfefferle. P.E. Richard W. Foster, PE. • David O. Loskota, PE. • Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. Michael T. Rautmann. PE. • Ted K.Field, P.E. • Kenneth P Anderson, P.E. • Mark R. Rolfs. P.E. Sidney P Williamson. P.E.. L.S. • Robert F. Kotsmith • Agnes M. Ring • Allan Rick Schmidt. P.E. Offices: St. Paul. Rochester, Willmar and St. Cloud. MN • Milwaukee. WI Website: www.t)onestroo.com Attn: Mike Robertson, Administrator Re: City of Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility BRA File No. 50399100-P.R. Dear Mr. Robertson: C, �Z �Dr Transmitted herewith are four (4) copies of Request for Payment No. 3 from Gridor Constr., Inc. for the above referenced project for the period ending July 26 1999. The requested payment amount is $220,165. I recommend approval of this pay request by the City. Please return one signed copy of the approved pay request to our office. Send two to the Contractor along with his check, one for him and one for the Bonding Company. Keep one final copy for your files along with the supporting documentation. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the requested payment amount, please call me at 651-604-4851. Sincerely, BONESTR�OO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. 0-1 C/ Donald C. Burgardt Cc: Bob Meyer, Gridor Constr., Inc. 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 August 4, 1999 Mr. David Sahli Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Rd N St Paul, MN 55155-4194 Re: Progress Report #3 (July) Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility Otsego, Minnesota BRA File No. 503-99-100 Dear Mr. Sahli, The construction of the Otsego WWTF is coming along per the Contractor's schedule. The prime contractor is Gridor Construction. The following is a progress report for the month of June. July, 1999 - Concrete installation continued on the structures. Foundation walls were poured for the digester and oxidation ditches. GME was on site for all pours to test the quality control of the concrete and test the suitability of the soils. Pipes were placed from the control building to the sludge storage, digester, oxidation ditches, and clarifiers. Backfilling procedures began the last week of July around the control building and oxidation ditches. NSP hooked up power to the site and placed the main transformer. There were some days of rain in July but due to the sandy materials in excavated areas the Contractor was able to work those days. Overall the project seems to be on track with the Contractor's schedule. If you have any questions concerning the progress report or the Contractor's schedule please call me at (651) 604-4888. Sincerely, BO S 00, RO NE, ANDE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Glenn Gustafson cc: Mike Robertson, City of Otsego Shirley Slater, City of Dayton Ted Field, BRAA Don Burgardt, BRAA 2335 West Highway 36 • St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 Bonestroo Bonestroo. Rosene, Anderlik and Associates. Inc. is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. P.E. • Joseph C. Anderlik, P.E. • Marvin L. Sorvala. PE. 4"Glenn Rosene R. Cook. P.E. • Robert G. SChunicht. P.E. • Jerry A. Bourdon. P.E. Robert W. Rosene. PE.. Richard E. 7Urner, P.E. and Susan M. Eberlin. C.P.A.. Senior Consultants NEM Anderlik & Associate Principals: Howard A. Sanford, P.E. • Keith A. Gordon. P.E. • Robert R. Pfefferle. P.E. Richard W. Foster. P.E. • David O. Loskota. PE. • Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. . Associates Michael T. Rautmann. P.E. • Ted K.Field. P.E. • Kenneth P. Anderson. P.E. • Mark R. Rolls. P.E. Sidney P. Williamson. P.E.. L.S. • Robert F Kotsmith • Agnes M. Ring • Allan Rick Schmidt. PE. Offices: St. Paul, Rochester. Willmar and St. Cloud, MN • Milwaukee, WI Engineers & Architects Website: www.bonestroo.com August 4, 1999 Mr. David Sahli Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Rd N St Paul, MN 55155-4194 Re: Progress Report #3 (July) Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility Otsego, Minnesota BRA File No. 503-99-100 Dear Mr. Sahli, The construction of the Otsego WWTF is coming along per the Contractor's schedule. The prime contractor is Gridor Construction. The following is a progress report for the month of June. July, 1999 - Concrete installation continued on the structures. Foundation walls were poured for the digester and oxidation ditches. GME was on site for all pours to test the quality control of the concrete and test the suitability of the soils. Pipes were placed from the control building to the sludge storage, digester, oxidation ditches, and clarifiers. Backfilling procedures began the last week of July around the control building and oxidation ditches. NSP hooked up power to the site and placed the main transformer. There were some days of rain in July but due to the sandy materials in excavated areas the Contractor was able to work those days. Overall the project seems to be on track with the Contractor's schedule. If you have any questions concerning the progress report or the Contractor's schedule please call me at (651) 604-4888. Sincerely, BO S 00, RO NE, ANDE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Glenn Gustafson cc: Mike Robertson, City of Otsego Shirley Slater, City of Dayton Ted Field, BRAA Don Burgardt, BRAA 2335 West Highway 36 • St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE P.O. BOX 41246 PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 612-559-3734 owner CITY OF OTSEGO, Mi 1 Date 7/26/99 For Period 6/28/99 TO 7/26/99 Request No. 3 Engineer BONESTR00 ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SUMMARY: 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 2 CHANGE ORDER - ADDITION 3 CHANGE ORDER - DEDUCTION 4 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 5 VALUE COMPLETED TO DATE 6 MATERIAL STORED 7 AMOUNT EARNED THIS PERIOD 8 LESS RETAINAGE - 5% 9 SUB -TOTAL 10 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. Z��a_ I - (Project Engineer) Approved by Contractor: GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. ROBERT MEYER i (Project Manager) V 7/26/99 Specified Contract Completion Date: 7/1/00 PAYXLS 7/26/99 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Approved by Owner: CITY OF ... Date $ 2,031,323 $ 2,031,323 $ 575,660 $ 217,706 $ 793,366 $ 39.668 $ 753,698 $ 533,533 S 220,165 UNIT BID WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY PAY ESTIMATE NO. 3 OTSEGO, NLN 6/28/99 TO 7/26/99 AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL ITEM CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COMPELTED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT APPROVED THIS PERIOD TO DATE 1 SILT FENCE 3200 1.30 4,160 3,715 3,715 2 EROSION- HAY BALES 150 5.00 750 250 250 3 18" PVC, SDR 35, 0'-8' DEEP 500 25.50 12,750 12,622 12,622 4 24" PVC, SDR 35, 0'-8' DEEP 520 35.50 18,460 18,460 18,460 5 24" PVC, SDR 35, 8'-10' DEEP 200 37.00 7,400 7,770 7,770 6 24" PVC, SDR 35, 10'-12' DEEP 25 38.00 950 950 950 7 24" PVC, SDR 35, 12'-14' DEEP 40 39.00 1,560 1,560 1,560 8 24" PVC, SDR 35, 14'-16' DEEP 45 42.00 1,890 1,470 1,470 9 24" PVC, SDR 35, 16'-18' DEEP 140 45.50 6,370 6,370 6,370 16 18" DIRECTIONAL BORING 130 242.00 31,460 31,460 31,460 17 4 FT. SANITARY MANHOLE 5 1682.00 8,410 8,410 8,410 18 4 FT. MANHOLE OVER 8' DEEP 32 90.00 2,880 1,989 1,989 19 CONC. COLLAR OVER HDPE 1 1160.00 1,160 1,160 1,160 20 FOUNDATION MATERIAL 1300 0.01 13 0 21 SLBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) 4900 1.75 8,575 8,575 8,575 22 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE 3300 5.80 19,140 17,388 17,388 23 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW -C 3800 6.20 23,560 16,895 16,895 24 18" RCP CLASS 5 42 37.00 1,554 1,184 1,184 25 18" RCP APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 2 830.00 1,660 1,660 1,660 26 4" PERF. DRAIN TLLE W/SOCK & 108 6.00 648 564 564 27 GEOTEXTILE FAB. TYPE V-STR 4000 1.30 5,200 4,485 4,485 28 SEED W/ TOPSOIL & FERT. 6.5 2830.00 18,395 0 29 SOD W/ TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER 9000 2.20 19,800 0 30 WELL MOBILIZATION 1 19000.00 19,000 16,150 16,150 31 DRILL, CASE & GROUT 6" WELL 150 34.00 5,100 5,440 5,440 32 DRILL HOLE THRU IRON'TON-G 50 16.00 800 1,680 1,680 33 DEVELOP WELL BY JETTING 20 160.00 3,200 0 34 DEVELOPMENT OF WELL 20 160.00 3,200 640 640 35 TEST PUMPING 16 105.00 1,680 0 36 6" SCREEN IN PLACE 20 50.00 1,000 0 37 15" RCP, CLASS 5 70 32.50 2,275 1,040 1,040 38 15" RCP, APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 4 790.00 3,160 1,580 1,580 39 12" RCP, CLASS 5 24 24.50 588 588 588 40 12" RCP, APRON W/ TRASH GRD 1 655.00 655 655 655 41 RIP RAP - CLASS 3 20 62.50 1,250 500 500 42 AND'L. 4' WIDE SIDEWALK / L.F. 150 5.80 870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PART 1 239,523 175,210 0 175,210 MATERIAL STORED 0 0 0 (CHANGE ORDERS) 0 0 TOTAL 239,523 175,210 0 175,210 ITEM NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 LS BID WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, N[ DESCRIPTION BOND AND MOBILIZATION EXCAVATION & BACKFILL FINE GRADE SITE CHAIN LINK FENCE CONCRETE WORK 1300 C. Y. 270.00 REINF. STEEL 125 TON 1000.00 PRECAST CONCRETE MASONRY MISC. METALS, WEIRS & BAFFLES CARPENTRY & ROOFING F. R. P. DOMES & COVERS NSUT.ATION METAL SIDING & TRIM CAULKING DOORS, FRAMES & FIN. HDW. WINDOWS PANTING FINISH CEILINGS SPECIALTIES CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP FINAL CLARIFIERS BLOWERS AERATION MECHANICAL AERATORS SUBMERSIBLE MIXER CHEMICAL TANKS & PUMPS SAMPLER & PARSHALL FLUME FLOW METERS U -V DISINFECTION ODOR CONTROL LAB EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE PROCESS PIPE, VALVES - MATERIALS PIPE LABOR - EXTERIOR PIPE LABOR - INTERIOR PLUMBING VENTILATION ELECTRICAL SUBTOTAL MATERIAL STORED (CHANGE ORDERS) UNIT PRICE ITEMS TOTAL PAY ESTIMATE NO. 3 6/28/99 TO 7/26/99 AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COMPELTED AMOUNT APPROVED THIS PERIOD TO DATE 25,000 20,000 20,000 142,000 74,000 74,000 3,000 0 15,000 0 351,000 97,000 114,700 211,700 125,000 35,000 40,000 75,000 5,000 0 32,000 0 46,000 0 33,000 0 60,000 0 1,000 0 28,000 0 800 0 12,000 0 6,000 0 39,000 0 4,000 0 4,000 0 23,000 0 7,000 0 19,000 0 60,000 0 27,000 0 11,000 0 96,000 0 13,000 0 22,000 0 7,000 0 6,000 0 43,000 0 23,000 0 19,000 0 110,000 0 72,000 1,000 10,000 11,000 8,000 1,000 1,000 34,000 4,750 2,000 6,750 24,000 0 236,000 1,000 1,000 0 1,791,800 232,750 167,700 400,450 153,654 64,052 217,706 0 239,523 175,210 175,210 2,031,323 561,614 231,752 793,366 STORED MAT'L 153,654 84,052 20,000 217,706 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED 64,052 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY MATERIAL STORED OTSEGO, NIN PAY ESTIMATE NO. 3 ITEM PREVIOUS THIS NET NO. DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER AMOUNT AMOUNT INSTALLED AMOUNT 6 MISC. REINF. AMBASSADOR STEEL 37,011 3,754 20,000 20,765 11 F R P DOMES & COVER FIBERGLASS STRUCTU 56,763 56,763 26 MECH. AERATORS BAKER HUGHES 9,319 9,319 28 CHEMICAL PUMPS MILTON ROY 12,244 12.244 31 U -V DISINFECTION TROJAN 41,961 41,961 34 D. I. PIPE PLANT & FLANGED 42,009 23,368 65,377 34 SUNIP BASKET TRI STATE PUMP 532 532 34 PVC PIPE & FITTINGS INDELCO PLASTICS CO 490 490 34 MANHOLE CASTINGS NEENAH 605 605 34 HYDRANTS KUPFERLE FOUNDRY 2,550 2,550 38 HVAC GREEN MECH. 4,000 3,100 7,100 153,654 84,052 20,000 217,706 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED 64,052 X AUG. 5.1999 3:03PM TO:OTSEGO 3601 Thurston Avenue suite 101 Anoka, MN 55303 (612)427-5860 (812)427-0520 fax haaanoka(Maol.com Fax NO. 287 P.1/9 Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. To: Elaine Beatty, Clerk From: Ron Wagner Fax: Pages: 9 including cover Phone: Date: 8/5/99 Re: Bid Tabulation CC: ❑urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑Please Reply ❑Please Recycle The Bid Tabulation for the 1999 Otsego Roadway Imp. Proj, follows, along with the Engineer's Estimate. Please include in Agenda Item #5.2. Thanks AUG. 5.1999 3:25PM N0.297 P.2/9 r,son BIDDER'S LIST � G OT336 CITY OF OTSEGO 1999 ROADWAY IMP. PROJECT AUGUST 5, 1999 @ 10:00 A.M. ADDENDUM BID NAME RECEIVED BOND AMOUNT 1. Bauerly Companies X X $1,187,606.70 2. North Valley, Inc. N_ x_ $1,365,135.70 3. Richard Knutson, Inc. X X $1,423,066.84 4. W.B. Miller X X $1,486.270.45 5. Midwest Asphalt X X $1,607,322.65 6. Hardrives, Inc. X X $1,719,512.90 7. Buffalo Bituminous X X $1,950,376.00 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $1,435,000.00 *indicates corrected amount Received and opened by: Ronald J. Wagner Michael Robertson X AUG. 5. 1999 3: -SPM N0.297 P.3/9 ctty of Otsego Estimate of Construction Cost _ ti 1999 Street Improvement Project vProject #99.01 July 16,1999 Totals CostlUNIT Tota! Cost ttam A 8 Rat Item Description Unit 1 2021.501 IMobilization LS 1 $50 000.00 000x)0 2 2101.507 Grub Stump) SA 3 $200.00 $600.00 3 2104 Setvage Retaining Well EA 2 1100.00 $200.00 4 2104-501 Remove Cuhverts 4" or less LF 838 $7.50 $8,262.50 5 2104.501 Remove 60'CMP LF 50 $15.00 $750.00 6 2104.503 Remove Bit, Pavement BY 9500 $2.00 $19000.00 7 2104.503 Remove Concrete Pavement SY 90 $2.00 180.00 8 2104.513 Sawcut Bit. PavemarY LF 1750 $2.00 53.500.00 9 2104.513 Sawcut Concrete LF 325 $200 $M.00 10 2105.501 Common Excavation CVP CY 23700 $4.00 $94,800.00 11 2105.511 Channel Excavation CV CY 70 $25.00 $1.750.00 12 2105.521 Grarular Borrow CVP CY 10300 $5.00 $51,500.00 13 2105.605 Minor Gra Road Sts 1 325 $25.00 $8,125.00 14 2112.602 Subgrade Prepartation SY 9500 $1.00 ;9,500.00 16 2120.501 Earth Shoulders o CY 36W $15.00 $52,5W.00 16 2211.501 Acgregate Base CI 5 Ton 59W $7.50 544 250.00 17 2211.501 Base CI 5 Ton 125 $10.00. S1.250.00 18 2211.501 lAgqr2gste Base CI 6 oh Ton 575 $15.00 S8,625,00 19 2221,503 Aggregate Shoukfe C12 Ton 240 $15.00 $3.600.00 20 2221.503 Aggregate Sh2uld, C16 Ton 1070 T10.00 $10,700.00 21 2231.5177 Crack Fillity Material LB 1 10200 $0.75 37 650.00 22 2232,501 Reclamation of Bituminous Surface SY 66355 $1.00 $86,355M 23 2232.601 Reclamation of B uminous Surface & Transport SY 16150 $1.50 524 5.00 24 2340.508 Type 41 Weer Ton 22810 $24.00 $547.440.00 25 2340.508 Type 41(patch) Ton 210 $34.00 57 14000 26 2356.505 Bit. Mat for Seal Coat Gel 220DO $1.00 000.00 27 2358.507 Seal Coat A=MMIc FA2 Ton 1645 $20.00 $32,900.00 28 2357.602 Bit. Mat for Tack Gal 4540 $1.00 $4,540.00 29 2401.521 Structural Excavation CIU CVP CY 300 $10.00 53 600.00 30 2451.511 Course Filter A t ate CY 60 510.00 $600.00 31 1.516 30" RCP End Section EA 1 .00 3600.00 32 2601.515 24" RCP Ern! Section EA 12 43000 55 160.00 33 2501.515 15" RCP End Section EA 20 $300.00 56000.00 34 30" RCP FES Trash Guard EA 1 $250.00 $250.00 35 2502.541 3" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN LF 1600 S4.00 $6,400.00 36 2502.601 Connect to 5xtstft Drain EA 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 37 2503 SW SPAN RCPA LF 64 $450.00 $2B 600.00 30 2503 88" SPAN RCPA FES EA 2 54,0M.00 $8,000.00 39 2503 30'RCP LF 734 $80.00 $44,040.00 40 2503.511 24 " RCP LF 328 $30.00 $9 840.00 41 2503.511 18" RCP LF 1037 $30.00 531 110.00 42 2503.511 15" RCP LF 614 $25.00 $15,360.00 43 2503.602 Connect Existing Drain Pipe to Storm Sewer EA 1 $250.00 $250.00 44 2503.603 Ducde Iron PIpe LF 100 $20.00 $2,000,00 45 2506 Construct Dratrace Structure C d N or H EA 13 $1,0M00 $13,000M 46 2506.502 Construct DrelaW Structure 48' 4020 EA 1 $1,500.0_Q 47 2506.502 Conatruct Dralrom Structure 54.4020 EA 1 __31,500.00 $1 750.00 $1.750.00 48 2606.502 Construct OTainam Structure 60" 4020 EA 2 S3 000:00 $6,000.00 49 2511,501 Random Riprap CI N CY 92 $75,00 $619M.00 50 2511.501 Random R CI 11 CY 75 $50,001 $3,750.00 51 2611.515 13eotextlle Fabrlo Type V SY 870 55.00 $4,350.00 52 2631.507 6" Concrete Ddymay Pavement BY 40 bb0. $2,C00.00 53 2540.602 Relocate Mailbox SyR22rt EA 376 8150.00 56 400.00 54 2563.601 Traffic Control LS 1 10 000.00 $1 D 000.00 55 2564 602 Reloce Sion EA 1 6 $50,00 $300.00 65 2564.803 4" Double Solid Yellow - Epoxy LF 1 21110 10.50 S10,565.00 56 2564,603 4" SoOd White - Epoxy LF 1 90000 025 $22,500-00 57 2564.603 4' Dashed Yellow - Epm LF 5060 025 $1 26500 2584.804 Skp PaneFs Type C SF 9 $2000 $180.00 69 2573.501 Bale Check 20 $10.00 $200.00 80 2573.602 SIR Fence Type Preassembled LF 1000 ;1P.00 $10,()00.00 61 2575.501 Seeding Acre 10 000.00 $20.0()0.00 62 Instal Retainft RetainWall EA 1 $1,000,D0 $1000.00 83 Install Bitumkraua Flume' EA 4 $260.00 $1,000-00 $1 434 94250 AUG. 5.1999 3:28PM NO. 287 P.4/9 R (N� i. (N� N N NN N y�NNy N tptpl + �+ NN tNl� NNV1 L1 N N N N .L1 Ilm T p W p N 17Y111 p .N+ p p X71 p L1 p U1 A �+ �11 y� ;u A D C 1 1 OI N fJl < p •l W I OO O O O fly O O N Vt O S � N � � N � O S S N W fmNn mm <[ D CJ1 S S O S S S (/1 S m V 00 N S W N W O O S ON1 S S S S S S o cn a O S S S O O O S H O fl1 fJl O S S S N O N 8 (WJ1 O S O S N W S S S a -< -< X a a a a a a a N cvn 8 8 8 8 S 8 8 8 9 8 i v�Ajj b H S b S S N N N N S S Ld 50 4 H $ N O lJ1 O N N S O VI vi S 8 S AUG. 5.1999 3:29PM A�q VI k N V N0.287 P.5/9 K! 8 t to f it It G lit t 01 O Ol SI ffi IV, w it, �1 1!1 N � � m T m (A O dl UI 8 8 8 8 8 S. 8 ig 8 T t,8(pp gff- O V tp�D y a Cal s 8 S � P S 8 N H H S 14 8 T O O V ta S S S u'i 8 S A�q VI k N V N0.287 P.5/9 K! 8 t to f it It G lit t lit 8 8 SI ffi IV, w it, �1 1!1 1! all gff- y a Cal a m � o 0 2r R � S o. o w Iq mr8-mmi.rI- O Opo � O � � A11 3 S p� 8 S pO S pO O O H pO O S O S (~l� S vp O H pO O p� O S CD y� O 41 fOp O pO O y„Qa, 44 yO� 8 OSf S O S C S O N S q c1f S O ffi (T O 8 [�tS [�TS (QTS [QTS O O �y rl O Ui tT O O V t(Al�� flt {A� A V GpO (N� N O d i i i f0 -m`Vp1 y S S N Li S S S �7 O S O 8 S H ( 11 N8 O vF pH v}Of /99 ' }� mm 44 r� tQnl W 0�0 QI J f Loff O S p�p 9 S O S H S O S O S S S O H O S AUG. 5.1999 3:30PM Aa m e �m O NO . c37 P.6/9 a s o Y rr m c n W N ZII o Vl y (pN� W (Nps W o N Oyp� A (T1 ai Lz O O O y n hn rrrt i � � 8 O tq j �w flt O Wp N L O N N O Wco W [p a 0 6 v o? p D W Of lD N o a s p�O 1 8 S AAe S p O p S 8 ((oo,'fT 111 Cri 8 V � W (1 N cn NO . c37 P.6/9 0 Y N ZII o Vl o lh (pN� W (Nps W o N N t+ A (T1 i � � 8 co p Wp N L a p�O 1 8 S 8 S p O p S 8 8 8 pN ppol� [iJ f LS 8 a 8 8 g g 8 b N 3 �YY¢¢"pnn NI NMp C In m O N (Il p 8 p 8 V�1 pM 0±O{ ' 0 AUG. 5.1999 3:31PM NO.287 P.7i9 8 8 W V O w A W N O W V O1 in A W N G � pe a ppb N p� O i8� O O 9 p O A O {V� flf N VI I I I N (71 i ! �p O W (n N W S S � O O. S N O S O O S N b S N cJil 5 S O O iT fA O (�11 S O o AG i w 10 V1 OD O (ll O W O N VI Vt O [r O O .-WJ :V O O UI O p 8$ 8 8-8 8 8 8 i co g 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 bi '8 44 e W p 8 8 p }{,�� pU M �py� pN� Gyp A r mpN M A Iq ppm f�1 8 m AUG. 5.1999 3:41PM Fn m I 01 4 N G1 1@ NN OI lip In r- j NW N L. QN! (J?1 W N AO b Oi T W (9 A W N tl [t $ EX 8 8 & }}ig STI � Q (ll t11 tJ1 bf m W kA fll (l� <I1 (11 S H O S H O T �q Oa ink O �p N t��f OM O (A O O H $ 8 o 8 � 8 8 NO. 287 P. S,/9 QN! (J?1 W N AO b Oi V W (9 A W N tl [t N� (ll t11 tJ1 bf m W kA fll (l� <I1 (11 (T CI � T R s O O O l0 O! Qf S V1 N W H LA A V AA 3 D E; Ig! D (n IT T rn mil �T7 y H S S M O S S CS H N SH tR H H H H H O o O O N � 61 O bl O <n S O yLn 8 8 $ $ $ 8 $ 8 8 8 H 8 $ $ $ 8 $ $ £S $ $ 8 8 H H O S H S H S S O S S O S O S S O S S S G. 5.19 5 a:a P j ; § / � � ; , § g q § § m e s _ ° � ƒ k 2 q ƒ \ } e 7 A § � ) % . % § � § E E o \ ( ) 2 . e ¥ \ $ } \ ) \ q) 9 g G)) r ! b ) § q \ q » q B ¢ § < d ) \ ( # ) \ \ \ \ § \ 8 § \ ■ § / � � ; , § ƒ \ } e 7 A § � ) % . % § � 3 2 g q) 9 g G)) r ! b ) § q \ q » q B ¢ § < d ) d q ( # ) \ \ \ / \ \ �n f ] ƒ s s 8@ 8 8 8@ S \ \ 2 2 # # \ - ( \ \ k / d \ ? § § \ § \ § § ( # q d § ) § § § § 2 § § / � � ; , § 09 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL August 9, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, July 24, 1999 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $268,464.46 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AT&T $104.45 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $151.53 UnPaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $169.24 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $2,038.59 UnPaid BRANDON G. MAIER $290.00 UnPaid CAROL OLSON $66.00 UnPaid CITY OF MONTICELLO $2,015.75 UnPaid COMMUNITY RECREATION $495.00 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,501.25 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $6,069.60 UnPaid CYNTHIA REWITZER $330.00 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,060.90 UnPaid ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $564.06 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $4,566.73 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $3.78 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $220,165.00 UnPaid JERRY OLSON $9,962.62 UnPaid LONG & SONS $553.80 UnPaid LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUIP $526.33 UnPaid MENARDS $230.46 UnPaid MINNEGASCO $99.99 UnPaid MN MAYORS ASSOCIATION $20.00 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $253.75 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $37.20 UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $362.50 UnPaid STEVE BOIE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $2,500.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $1,358.94 UnPaid US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $435.52 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $10,626.88 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $234.00 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,216.84 Total Checks $268,464.46 CITY OF OTS E G O Saturday, July 24, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 4 _ Check Amt Invoice Comment `?:•\\,,»T-<�\`\:S: 'lei::+ \;Lii:'•i:^}:•?>:iiiii:^}:ii: ': ,+� �.(:..v-::..:i'+�.'4%i^\�,`\1`C'^ .,... j!;,\\C,:�ti:<:G:iax\A,isx\.xJ�JfS\\��<;4>'ixJi:•>i>:tiJiii:ii:;::\\+*i.,�kitiA'A,t\��\1+;e`:fl,S\\;iini-.'+-+,+%��\\\M`n\n\•:'�k.\+[�Q\\-1'1+\ti`n•:,+v<.\y0+ygG)yq 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AT&T E 101-43100-320 Telephone $21.01 Public Works E 101-414CO-320 Telephone $63.66 City Hail E 201-45000-320 Telephone $19.78 Warming House Total AT&T $104.45 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $106.25 July recycling Total BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 UnPaid BFI - W OODLAKE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $317.50 July recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 Unpaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $151.53 716626 Office supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $151.53 :,+>;;:�>:.:�>x: :.,-::.>+�.tt•:a:>a:�»x•>:;vx,>:,.w.xwwa,:-..:u'.r,;rao»>rao»a,,e.:mee,.o,w>-..,.:.o,w>v.»:>+,.»,o,.,.o>,,.w»r<�-:..K,.-.,..m«...,,+....�m.e,.w....�.,m...,-.,,. UnPaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $169.24 063375 Meeting Otsego resid Total BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $169.24 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS E101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $5.22 Ford Tractor E 101-43100-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $24.02 IH Truck E 101-43100-4C0 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $2,009.35 92 Ford Total BOYER TRUCKS $2,038.59 UnPaid BRANDON G. MAIER R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($110.00) Less Bldg Super fees G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Dep Refund Total BRANDON G. MAIER $290.00 ................ Unpaid CAROL OLSON . G 101-21706 Hospitalization/Medical Ins $66.00 Medical reinbursement Total CAROL OLSON $66.00 :::-> •>: x<;::... -,+>x<.:;.:<;.»»:<•;»:,;-:�,<;.;;:v>:.:<.:«.�;.,><.>:;,.:,�:,�>w><«.,,�,>;:;.::,«««�:«.�.x.�.,.,..<«�...,w:..�.,�..,«�.<u.:.»,m,.�«<.>,K.,:a,..«<.,:.»-«�««».<.,x«<:N<.,«4.,-,.-::F.,:.w,::,.,-.,,,,.rom...,,,...,,�:. UnPaid CITY OF MONTICELLO E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $327.00 Animal Control E 202-42200-390 Contracted Services $1,688.75 Fire Protection Total CITY OF MONTICELLO $2,015.75 ................................................. ::.,:.,,,,:,,s,.»»•:.,...w.,,.,.-:H:wn.,»•::,�»-,,,..:,.�,,.M.,V,,,,,:.»»w.».�....,,,�,,,-:.,M,�.-r,.•.,-.,,:,.,wx.,,»•:.,ter,,, Unpaid COMMUNITY RECREATION ,.:.,w,.,..�,,,.,.w,..,.,., E 201-45000-310 Miscellaneous $495.00 Winter/Spring Prog Total COMMUNITY RECREATION $495.00 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $1,501.25 June recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,501.25 ....:................M+.,...,..,,,..�...,..,,.,�,., �UnPaid«COURIY(viACARTHUR+LAW OFFICE„».,::.:<.:.,..,::::::,.k::..::::.:...�,:,::,,,:::�..,..,.,,,::,:,:.M.� E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $1,633.90 General Legal G 701-21901 CUP 98-10 ER COLLISION $24.00 Elk River Collision E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $76.80 1999 Overlay project E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $229.70 78th St Const E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $230.40 Dauphinais Condemn G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $297.50 Grening Hills E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $637.50 78th St. Const G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backer 99-7 $663.00 Crimson Ponds E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $678.50 Wastewater Treat CITY OF OTS E G O Saturday, July 24, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 2 of 4 Total ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $564.06 �UnPaid•:.......:..:....r...:......,..,.w.,...�.::.k.,:w:. EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO,xn..,.,.r..::..,:....,...,..,,.....,,.,,...,.N:..,.w�.,,,..:H..:..�.,,..,.,.:.:,,,,.M,,.,,,�..,.....,,,,.w�.�,. E 415.43251-390 Contracted Services Check Amt Invoice Comment :N;:>,���:.:n};..}o-:.}:;}r_J:c:;:;J>�:x:::.`%S>;tir»r:;�:.:awy±r/yp,>>��,.`+��>n•/.p(�� v>onry)p(p,+p >N>++r>NxcrN:wr o `Nrr.}r!c•N>±»;w� r. vNNoavw voavx>rrx����:,:.mxc r .J:::±: ±:: ... /.:':::N\+.0±:.:: N. a.}n.:.}. ,y>T"�`. Z. MNL,.N±>: •}>Nrxry.. •:}:, .,.••. `�, �'P'lV�i,��"»r'/.•r!>::>Y.•±•^xxxN\\��±�x'f[�Cl.:rx.\`�i�aw\�>,:ir�xTr:\?,:N?N±xN>S::»x^:J,�.`�•x�',aRNx. G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $680.00 Prairie Creek E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $918.30 Odean Avenue Total COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $6,069.60 E 101-43100-220 Unpaid±r:a.:...,.....,a..,,.:....,..,rxM.,., CYNTHIA REWITZER PUP Trailer Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Dep Refund R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($70.00) Less Bldg Super Fees E415-43251-500 Total CYNTHIA REWITZER $330.00 Unpaid::.,....: ...........................,., ,,.,..:,.:..ECM PUBUSHERS INC ..,...�.v... w E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $56.58 Bid E 101-414CO-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $636.54 Bid E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $63.65 Ord 99.5 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $49.51 Arcon PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 Lefebvre PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 Bridgeland PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $42.44 Valdez PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $18.86 Operator Bid E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $18.86 Budget Workshop E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $80.16 Bid Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,060.90 N.•.,,ww,..�,r,�.,.�.......,,,.:...,,,,>,•: <:,,.,.w. UnPaid ........:....M.�,,,. V„wMw,,.,..,..,,,,,.,,�,,,,..,w:..,.,,w:..,w...,,w.,��,,..M,..w�,•.w.,,,.,,,,..w.,,,..w.,.:::.,-.,:.-,w,,..,,,,.,.,,�.w,.,,.,,,..vw.,...,..,..�,�.M„�,,..w^...... ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.99 39 & Page E 101-43160-322 Utilities $33.55 OH 42 & Parrish E 101-43160-322 Utilities $46.65 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $41.22 39 & Parrish E 101-43160-322 Utilities $250.17 39 & 101 E 101-43160-3292 Utilities $39.41 96th St E 101-41950-322 Utilities $38.88 Old City Hall E 101-43160-3292 Utilities $32.28 39 E 101-43100-322 Utilities $23.65 Public Works E 101-43160-322 Utilities $16.93 101 & 130 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 85th & Parrish E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.77 94th & Nashua E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 Parrish & 88th Total ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $564.06 �UnPaid•:.......:..:....r...:......,..,.w.,...�.::.k.,:w:. EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO,xn..,.,.r..::..,:....,...,..,,.....,,.,,...,.N:..,.w�.,,,..:H..:..�.,,..,.,.:.:,,,,.M,,.,,,�..,.....,,,,.w�.�,. E 415.43251-390 Contracted Services $969.70 8507 S&W ROW E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $3,597.03 8507 Odean ROW Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $4,566.73 rl.•r%ri �J:!CC.-r: i!!: �•r:!•:i!?:C»fi»^:Sii?>vro�v,':.iw.:N.�i.,iarwr; UnPaid w�uca�x � �wu! m uv.,w.rmnrar.mnm.rvr..w..,.,... GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC a....,...,r.. ru.n.., urorur.Y.vm em-nrn r..wv..r.r,w..-.rr...mw...:.-.w..,.vn.. E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $3.78 00132235 PUP Trailer Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $3.78 w::N,:,:,:, �:.,.. �.,:.:,:.,,.::::.,:::N.,-..,k.,.,-.,,,.::,.,.::.,,..�w...�,.,,,,w.r.:r:,,..w,,,,.,,,..k.,.w.�,,,:N.�..w:..,.,,..,,,w.�..,,.H.�r,.,.,,.:.,•:::,..:.,.:.:.:::.,.:.,.:::,:,.,.,,k::.,,,,�,,..,.w,w:,.,.,,,.........M...w.,..,,.,• Unpaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. ...............�.,......... E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $220,165.00 Pay #3 Treat Fac Total GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $220,165.00 Unpaid ,... w ..,.,,.... JEE �,.RRY OLSOSON E 101-42410-390 Contracted Services $9,962.62 July Services Total JERRY OLSON $9,962.62 ..UnPaid LONG & SONS E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $33.80 Tax E 101 -41 940-389 Cleaning Services $75.00 7-24-99 Rent Clean E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $75.00 7-31-99 Rent Clean CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, July24, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 4 Check Amt Invoice Comment :•;:<-}::<,,:;;;„,: ;,}}}; �..,}> :':Y:.}ti:: .... ::.:.v.]�-->\�3:;1i;}}.+..•::::::::::::::ai}.:}}ih»v: �, � :}.,ate ,yt.� :.veS »•,,.,}..-;,. na;..- ........a„•}iv:.::...,\.\\1•.\ras.•'>\�\\fs'}:•i:•:\C}. r.. .•;:�:: ii.... �\ �. •}::;+>}: +'�;°�' "n} 24�2•� <:.v::<a:u::::: �n'��...,A`,.� \,.}.\\�\...,::y::.,\i \lta.,,»\ E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $370.00 City Hall Cleaning Total LONG & SONS $553.80 \UnPaid 4•>x....,...,\..�,.......�»rr :..p•�� LONG LAKE TRACTOR &EQUIP E 101-43100-220 RepainMaint Supply (GENERAL) $526.33 Ford Tractor Total LONG LAKE TRACTOR & EQUIP $526.33 ..UnPaid<:.__..................._...,..,.:,,.,,.,...-:MENARDS» n...,,Y.<,»,..,,»»:.......»»,,.,-,:<,»„�,,:.,,»�,.,,:�..»..,.M...................,:..:.,,.,.,.,,....,....,,.»v..,,,-........:.....,,...,,,,.....»„v:.,.,, E 201-45C00-310 Miscellaneous $230.46 Repair hayrack Total MENARDS $230.46 :.UnPaid::.................................:......................MINNEGASCO ,•..» ..:.,,., ...,...,,,r...»,,,,.,...kx.,,»:..,::.................,.,,,.............,........,.,,.,,....,..... .:,....M.N.. ,. . E 101-41950-322 Utilities $24.01 Public Works E 101-41940-322 Utilities $75.98 City Hall Total MINNEGASCO $99.99 Unpaid MN MAYORS ASSOCIATION E101-41100-355 Dues & Memberships $20.00 1999 Mayor's Assoc Total MN MAYORS ASSOCIATION $20.00 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $30.00 87 Animal Pickup 7-14-99 Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 UnPaid':........................:......w<...,..,...,...,.:.RAND *,-,YS-SAN-ITA-TION ..,... ...,.::.v .,, »..::.k..»....,................,...........:..:...,..........................., » � N::. » E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $253.75 July recycling Total RANDY'S SANITATION $253.75 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $37.20 Case Tractor Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $37.20 ....................<.............,..:::STE P H EN � CON ROY,�ATTORNEY .w.<:.:::..,.<.::..::...<......,...............:<....<......................................,.,,:,,.�.,,.,,..,.,,..,.,�,,,.:, E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $362.50 July Services Total STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $362.50 Unpaid STEVE 801E CONSTRUCTION, INC. E 702-41400-310 Miscellaneous $2,500.00 Escrow Ref P98-120 Total STEVE BOIE CONSTRUCTION, INC. $2,500.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $217.00 409 Swale & South Woods E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $504.00 409 VB, NW BF, SB field E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $345.00 409 Prairie Park E 101-41950-310 Miscellaneous $98.00 409 Old City Hall E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $82.94 409 tax E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $52.00 409 Well & Oakwood lot E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $60.00 409 City Hall Total SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $1,358.94 �UnPaid,�:....:...............,...,,.�..,,,,,�»W,<« US WEST COMMUNICATIONS.»..�,�.�,..�a�,.�.7«<a..,:.,,...<.,»,.,..,, ..........:....::..,,.,.,,.v...:,.w...,,...�::,.,:,,...,r.»:�.,.,....:.. E 101-43100-320 Telephone $34.93 Warming House E 101-43100-320 Telephone $43.01 Public Works E 101-41400-320 Telephone $357.58 City Hall Total US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $435.52 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $10,626.88 Patrol -8 August Services Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $10,626.88 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Lefebvre CUP E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Pheasant Ridge Zone CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, July 24, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 4 of 4 Check Amt Invoice Comment ;v4.*} • \ .. ti -v 4�.v,.rn• , r �..: Yy �•. W�'�i4:!S!'w"SO+i 4'.n\\ \\!i!!Cn\\�1�2`:C:'.ih„`�,�iC`.vn .tw,� �.w +m, t w.vr.•,� \ A `i\\?:�ri'C: =:lh:� 4Y �'` \ :i:.�f/:'+n ����:dGLi6.r. Mi::�:. •. f/hi'.iri'i`!,�\�' t ei. �.5�`•..'.C�,,tt".,:: �%�.i�,?` �� � E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Pheasant Ridge PP E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Crimson Ponds PP E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Midwest Station CUP E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Lefebvre variance E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 JKO variance E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 JKO P/FP E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Grenings rezone E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Crimson Ponds rezone E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 JKO zoning amend E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Grenings PP Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $234.00 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN C0 -0P E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.56 Odean & 37 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $205.00 Signal Light E 101-41960-322 Utilities $25.07 Shed E 601-49400-322 Utilities $19.49 Well :1 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Rolling Ridge Creek E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Ogren Light 2 N E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Ogren Light 1 s E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Oday Acres E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Meyer Addition E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Lin Bar E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.86 Ouadylay & 42 siren E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.56 Country Ridge E 10 1 -43160-322 Utilities $8.56 37 & Odean E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.50 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.50 City Hall Pkg Lot E 101-41940-322 Utilities $657.80 City Hall E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.24 Heritage Hills Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,042.58 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $268,290.20