08-23-99 CCof a planned unit development, each lot shall have access directly onto an abutting, improved and City accepted public street. Exception to this access requirement may be allowed as a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 4 of this Chapter. 3. Within Structures: The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one structure attached thereto; however, unless provisions are made, no building permit shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off-street parking provisions of this Section. 4. Lot Circulation: Except in the case of single, two- family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. Except in the case of single, two-family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited. 5. Intersection Separation: No curb cut access shall be located less than sixty (60) feet from the intersection of two (2) or more street rights-of-way. This distance shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines. 6. Lot Design: Except in the case of single family, two- family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the standards on the Parking Lot Dimension Table. 7. Curb Cut Size: No curb cut access shall exceed twenty- four (24) feet in width unless approved by the City Engineer. 8. Side Yard Setback: Except with special approval from the Zoning Administrator, curb cut openings shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from the side yard property line in all districts. 9. Curb Cut Spacing: Driveway access curb openings on a public street except for single, two-family, quadraminium, manor home, and townhouse dwellings, shall not be located less than forty (40) feet from one another. 10. Grade: The grade elevation of any parking area or driveways shall not exceed four (4) percent. 116 104 'r CITY OF C)TSECiO REQUEST FOR COU -N -Mi, ACTION AGENDA SECTIOti: DEP--)LRT'ME-N'T: -N EETItiG DATE: DEP.kRTMENT: PREPARED BY: n. Llan Licht. assistant Ciry Planner: Elaine Beata_-. City Clerk, Au--ust 23. 1999 v 6:30P -i ITUNI NUMBER: ITE`I DESCRIPTIO\: 6.1. Highway = it) 1 Business 6.2. Discussion sof Citti• Ordinance Re: Lawn Watering Poliev (CM _ cRerman) 6.3. Any- Other Planning Business BAC -KGRnT. 'N`D. 6.1. This item came to the Council's attention at the last Council lieeting and thee° asked the Staff to r:sear:.h this further and have it come back to this Council --Meeting. Dan Licht has r-,-n,iew d the businesses along T101 aLid a report is attached. He will be pr.-s1--n.,-o discuss farther vv-ith Council. 6.22. Dan will explain, per request by Suzanne Ackerman. 6.3. For am ad di Jon:il Planning Business that may arise. RE C ONES iENDATI O\ : This is for Council' consideration and ani: decision. Thanks, r 1,4 EL -tine AUG -18-1999 14:44 NAC 612 595 '_-8:37 P-02 N MEMORANDUM TO: FROM. - DATE: RE: FILE NO.: BACKGROUND NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - OES'ON - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 18 August 1999 Otsego - Code Enforcement; Highway 101 Corridor 176.08 - 99.08 Our office was directed to undertake an inventory of existing uses along the Highway 101 corridor to document existing violations of the City Code and Zoning Ordinance. This survey was directed by the City Council at their meeting on August 9, 1999 In response to an inquiry regarding the use of property along Highway 101. Tine inventory consisted of visual inspections of the properties along the Highway 101 corridor and file research to identify any past approvals or agreements allowing existing illegal or non-confcrning uses. Ten properties with illegally established uses and/or existing performance standard violations have been identified and are outlined herein. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Map of Non -Conforming Properties Exhibit B: Photographs 5775 1NAY7ATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2.595-9036 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NACC WINTERNET,C:0N1 J Site 4 - SE Comer of T.H. 101 / CSAH 42 (Darkenviald - D -n -R Liquor) Zori, ac: B-3 District �'�cn-Ccniorrnities: Signage (banner signs) Comments: A tenant of the principal building has erected banner signs advertising off -sale Nqucr products. Such signs require a permit from the Zoning Administrator per Section 20- 37-2.H of'.he Zoning Ordinance. Banners signs may not be displayed for more than 10 --crsecutive days, three times every ,'Nvelve months, per the Zoning Ordinance. Sita 5 - iT-N Corner of T,H. 1011CSAH 37 (Ed Dauphir.ais) Zonula: A-1 District ic! ;-Conf�rrritie3: Retail saies / Signage Ccmments: Tle prop oximer is engaged in the sale of horse trailers on the subject Pr.-,Ptir y. 7,9 trailers are displayed to traffic on T.H. 101 with a temporary message ,sign a,!,d a !ar er sign at the intersection of T.H. 1CIICSAH 37. Commercial retail sales, cutsilde sale and display and the existing signs are prohibited in the A-1 District, Ti -:a City enterad into an agreement with the property owner in 1995 regarding the illegal Ms's. The agraemant reccyniZed that t;^e existing use as "interim' until the upgrade o= T. H. 101 virould likely trigger application to deveiop the property wit;n a commercial use. T .is agreement included a sunset date of 1 September 1898 or the completion of the T.H. 1 improv--ernents. Bath of these events have occurred, making t;the agreement expired. ,-.s s +=h, the horse trailer sa ns and related signs ara once again illegal non -conforming '-159S. Cf note, ',here is one 32 square foot sign associated with the legally established grading c^era,;on. Ho,,,, -ever, Section 20-37-S.A does not allow for business identification or advertising signs Wthin the A-1 District_ The existing sign is an illegal non -conforming sign and is raquired to be removed per Section 20-37-7 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4 Site 6 - MV Quadrant of T.H. 101 1 65th Street (Steve's Lawn and Snow) Z�n�n : A-1 District Noc___ ,or_,_formities: Home Extended Business/ Signage Comments: A portable message board advertising a home extended business has been lcceted on the subject site so as to be visible from T_H. 101. Signs associated with home extended businesses are limited to a size of 2 square feet identifying the business per Secticn 20-37-5.A of t;^e Zoning Ordinance. As such, the sign is illegal and is required to to removed Per Section 20-37-7 of tt~e Zoning Ordinance. The I-cme _-.:ended cusiness on the property may e., st ss a interni ase per section 20-29- = :f :-e Zoning Ordinance. Under these provisions, the use must be terminated in 21XI. More detailed research would be necessary to determine the date at which the home a;r;ended business ,rias established. Site 7 - Sc Quadrant of T.H. 101/ 60th Street (60th Street R -O -W) Zonis : N/A Non -Conformities: Outside sales and display / on -street parking. C .�m,ments: A cul-de-sac was constructed at tine terminus of Mth street with the i. provements to T.H. 101. This cul-de-sac has become a location for displaying used cars Ucr sale. Recently, a skid -loader tractor with an accompanying "for rent" sign has been iocatad in t^e R-O-bN. Parking un -licensed vehicles in the public right-of-wAiay is a fivi�tion o. tha Ci .1 Code. The location of the cars may or may not be associated with similar activities on the abutting Elk River Collision site, Site 8 - SE Quadrant of T,H, 101/ 60th Street (Elk River Collision/ Hanson Welding) Zoning: 1-1 District van-consormities: Outside sales and display / exterior storage / required screening / un- licensed vehicles / trash containers Comments_ This site ,,vas the subject of a 1998 PUD -CUP application to allow two principal structures. A site inspection has identified a number of elements of the approved site plan that have not been implemented, as well as a number of illegal non -conforming activities that violate the conditions of the approved PUD -CUP. 5 1-1:43 NPC b.? 595 38 7 P.07 There is substantial outside storage of palettes, metal and scrap material on the north side Of the neNN structure constructed on the property. Per the 1998 CUP all outside storage was to be :xnfined to an area beMeen the two structures that would be screened be a new fence. This fence has not been constructed to date. There are also two outside trash containers, which under the 1998 PUD -CUP, are to be screened from view within an enclosure. Finally, the parking lot fronting T.H. 101 is being utilized for the storage and display of used vehicles for sale. This includes vehicles that do not have licence plates displayed_ The 1998 PUD -CUP speci�icaliy limited outside storage on the subject property to the designated area. The storage and display cf vshicles is not permitted under the, PUD -CUP and must be terminated. Sitz 9 - NE of T,H. 1011CSAH 36 (Pracis;cn Lina Nlotorscorts) ZoninG: B-3 District Non-ccr•fc�rmities: Signage / 9:dericr trash containers g-mments: This property was the subject of a 1998 PUD -CUP to allow construction of a second principal structure. A condition of approval of the PUD -CUP was that site signage ,,vculd be limited to Nvo wall signs per structure and one free standing sign. At the time of application, Staff had identified a significant number of additional signs above that allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. To date, the property owner has not removed the illegal ncn-ccr-forming signs consisting of ore portable message board, one banner sign, and t.�,n freestanding signs. An additional free standing sign advertising warehouse space for rent has also been added to the site. These signs violate the conditions of the approved PUD - CUP. The PUD -CUP also required that all exterior trash c or7tainers be stored within an enclosure and screened from vie\N. On the day of the inspections for this report, the trash containers are ^ct stored within an enclosure and are clearly visible from T.H, 101 or Queens Avenue. Again, this is a violation of the conditions of the PUD -CUP. Site 10 - SE Quadrant of T.H. 101 1 CSAR 36 (Crow River Rental) Zoning: B-3 District Non -conformities: Signage Comments: The subject site displays a portable message sign in addition to the one permitted freestanding sign. Both the portable sign and the freestanding sign are possibly located within the T.H. 101 right-of-way. M ALG -18-1399 14:48 NIf;C G17 5'55 58:x- F. oe CONCLUSION An inventory of the Highway 101 corridor has identified numerous violations of Otsego's existing Codes and Ordinances on 10 separate sites. Some of the identified properties have been documented previously. However, others are uses that have expanded over time without necessary approvals or violate approvals that have been granted. This effort again brings attention to an issue that must be addressed by the City Council. In the past, certain properties adjacent to Highway 101 have been allowed to continue illegally established uses or uses that do not meet performance standards of the Zoning Ordinance. The City has deferred code enforcement activities because of the expansion of Hi0h1,Yay 101 and t; :e potential extension of municipal sanitary sewer and water service, rYn(Ci; 'Yvould result in a higher, long term, use of the propertj. This ar.tici.ated developmentlredeveiopment v;culd be expected to eliminate many of the existing illegal or non -conforming situations over time. Certain property owners entered into interim agreements with the City establishing the conditions for continued use and deferr►ng City enforcement action until Highway 101 was compiete or 1 September 1098. In that both benchmarks have passed, the City Council must again make a policy decision regarding allowing continued use of non -conforming or illegally established uses in this area of the community. A factor in this decision may be that sanitary sewer and water service to the area is expected to be available within the short term. However, the City's past approach to enforcing its adopted Codes and Ordinances in this area is problematic in that it leads to an unequitabie application of the regulations. Some of the documented violations in this area should be addressed regardless of the anticipated future use of property and status of the sanitary sewer and water systems for they do not effect the issue at hand and are a blight to the community_ Signage violations would be an example of such a situation. The City Council must provide direction to staff on how to proceed. Options include beginning contacting the property owners to notify them of the all of the identified violations, targeting specific violations (i.e., signage) or taking no action. Other properties and uses are expected to meet the standards of the City Code or Zoning Ordinance. However, the identified properties in the Highway 101 are blatant and highly visible examples of the City's regulations being violated and not enforced. As such, our office v,ould recommend that the City Council direct City Staff to begin making contact with the owners of the properties identified herein to pursue bringing these properties into conformance +,+nth applicable City Codes and Ordinances. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Jerry Olsen Andy MacArthur 7 CITY 01 01 14:49 � 512 55'5 5- P. 09 SANITARY SEINER SERVICE DISTRICT NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD 8.15E "11,1 ■ � ■ AfSCG.,A'fC. MAY 19" ti0rz, 13 FOR PLkr-Q%'Ll G YLY AND HOULD USF.D FOR MALT .W--%st-R MEN -L SGAt�: N O RTH EXHIBIT A W ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEP ART LENT: MEETING DATE: DEP ART-MENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk August 23, 1999 6:30PM ITEM N`Li iBER: ITUM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Discussion of Overlay Project Assessments 7.2. Consider Approval of 78TH St. Improvement Bids 7.3. "Wetland Permit - Crimson Ponds" 7.4. Any Engineering Business BACKGROUND: 7.1. Is for Discussion 7.2. The bids will be opened at 1 1A on Monday the 23RD, so the information will be available to you on Monday night. 7.3. Information prepared by Mike Robertson - demo is attached. ',Mr. Koshak will attend this meeting and be available to answer questions. See Attached Information) 7.4. Is for any other Engineering Business that should arise. RECO,'vIIVIEN-DATION: This is for Council consideration and approval where necessary. Thanks, . Elaine 73 MEMO Date: August 18, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Crimson Ponds - Wetland Permit As part of the Crimson Ponds development, the City Council has to approve a Wetland Permit for Dennis Bakes. This permit is required because Backes is altering wetlands as part of his development. Backes has proposed filling of approximately 1.5 acres of wetland and, by State law, will be replacing them with over 3 acres of new wetlands. These wetlands are in addition to the stormwater ponds he is creating on site. Though the City Council is the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) that makes the decision on the permit, the permit application was submitted to State and County agencies for comments. Written comments were received from the DNR. They are enclosed along with a written response to DNR from Backes' wetland specialist. We also met on August 4, 1999 with representatives from Wright County Soil & Water Resources and Board of Water & Soil Resources (BOWSR) to discuss their concerns. They had some technical questions which were satisfied by receiving information from Backes' engineers. The one issue that was not resolved was their concerns about a proposal of Backes to fill a finger of wetland in order to create two buildable lots. They recommended that the finger of wetland not be filled. After the meeting, Backes' wetland specialist suggested a way that the lots could be redesigned so that the wetland would not need to be filled and the lots would not be lost. Backes' engineer said they would be getting a redesigned plat to us but we have not received it yet. Backes' engineers should be at the Council meeting Monday to address this issue. AUG.1e.1S99 1:15PM TO:OTSEGO C-7 H nson Anderson As$oc., Inc. vil & Municipal onglneering Land Surveying ITEM 7.1 City CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 8/23/99 No. 651 P.1%'2 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax 1999 STREET IMPROVEMENTS, BITUMINOUS SURFACING, SEAL COAT AND DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS. Consider setting the assessment hearing date for the bituminous overlay for the above mentioned project. Assuming the assessment needs to be filed at the County by the end of November 1999, we would suggest the council consider a date for the hearing in late October or early November. It is important to consider this early due to the large number of property owners on the assessment roll. The assessment roll will take several weeks to prepare, revlew and get council to approve the preliminary draft of the roll. There are approximately 500 plus units being assessed with adjustment to be considered for number of units assessed to large units where the zoning is agriculture. It is legal to assess a project before the completion when we have a bid price for the asphalt overlay and can set the assessment amount. Our original assessment was $1290/unit. We realized a lower asphalt unit price of about 9.6% from our estimate given at the public hearing. However, the number of units will drop from the number projected in the feasibility report due to zoning issues and relief consideration given to agricultural land receiving the burden of multiple assessed units. The revised assessment amount could be difficult to establish until the roll Is ordered to be prepared. Council Agenda Items Pagel 1 of 2 Augu t 18, 1999 Wa0114hared docslMunlclpaMOT5E0019011ot901agenda8-23-99,doc AUG.1e.1999 1:16PN NO.651 P.2/2 IT IT 7.2 CONSIDER AWARD OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BID FOR THE QUADAY AVE., 78TH STREET AND PAGE AVENUE SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN AND STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. The bids will be taken at 10:00`a.m. the 23rd of August. Since this date Is the same date as the Council meeting, results of the bidding will be provided at the Council meeting and will not be in this packet. The recommendation will bei to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, assuming the bid amount is reasonable and within the pre-bid estimate. We would also recommend that the award be conditioned upon the financial commitment of the developers of Prairie Creek, Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Pond. The financial commitment should be through a signed and executed developer's agreement, or by temporary letter of credit until the developer's agreement can: be completed. It would, in our opinion, not be in the City's best interest to move forward with this project until the developers are committed to sower capacity. Temporary letters of credit could get the project started in early September if the final details of the developer's agreement cannot be worked out until later. Mike has set a meeting for the Developers and staff for Tuesday 8/24/99 to discuss this issue with them. 7.3 CRIMSON PONDS — WETLANb PERMITS We are recommending approval of the Wetland Mitigation Plan for Crimson Ponds with the following revisions: 1. Combine Lots 8 & 9 into ,one lot in Block 3. The wetland loss is the issue, and combining will reduce the impact. 2. Do not disturb the w000ed area on the. island. The reason is to provide upland and retain mature vegetation in this area. It will also provide some screening between the existing plat and Crimson Pond. We do not have the actual approval letter available at the time of this writing since the information being provided by the Developer's engineer has not arrived yet. We hope to have this completed by the Council meeting on 8/23/99. 7.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS City l ngineer Council Agenda Items Hakanson Pag 2 of 2 Anderson Aug sf 98, 9999 Assoc., Inc. I%He01 hexed docsWunkipaAAOTSEGOWOI1 ot901egenda8-23-99.doo STATE Of DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURjL CE � PHONE NO. Division of Fish and Wildlife - Ecological Services FELE NO 1601 Minnesota Drive, Brainerd, Minnesota 56401 Phone: (218) 828-2433 July 29, 1999 Mr. Mike Robertson, City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue, N.E. Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Dear Mr. Koshak: The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has reviewed the Wetland Conservation Act replacement plan submitted by Backes Companies, Inc. to place fill into 1.53 acres of Type 2, 3, and 4 wetlands for construction of roadways in association with development of a residential subdivision in the west half of Section 22 and 27, T. 121 N., R. 23 W., in Otsego. Mitigation is proposed by wetland creation on site. The applicant has requested sequencing flexibility be applied because the farmed areas of wetland are degraded. We do not believe sequencing flexibility is appropriate in this case, because if farming ceases - as it will when the site is converted to a residential subdivision - emergent wetland vegetation will readily re-establish itself. In other words, the degradation that has occurred is noi`Teversible. The area of farmed wetland has established hydric soils and a seed bank that cannot immediately be created at a replacement site. Furthermore, our Montrose Area Fisheries Office staff consider this a quality wetland. Therefore, we believe that appropriate mitigation sequencing, starting with avoidance and minimization, must be followed. We have two basic concerns with the project as proposed. First, we believe that most of the wetland impact in the southwest corner can be avoided. This could be accomplished by locating the road AT the narrowest point in the wetland, not just NEAR the narrowest point as is currently proposed, and shifting part of Padget Avenue to the east; and by redesigning 79'b Way to come in from the southeast. This would still preserve Lots 1-5 off of 79th Way, but would require eight other lots to be reconfigured into a smaller number of lots. A marked up copy of Figure 2 is attached to clarify this recommendation. Our second concern is that an extension of Padget Avenue to the south of this parcel would impact a large wetland there. Figure 4 shows that Padget Avenue is located 33.7% of the way across the bottom of the parcel, from west to east. However, the National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) map (see Figure 3 of the wetland delineation report) shows that there is a large palustrine forested wetland on the south side of the subject parcel extending from 17-51 % of AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER the way along the same border. In other words, it appears any extension of Padget Avenue to the south would run through the middle of this wetland area. There is no information in the WCA replacement plan to indicate whether this wetland is accurately depicted on the NWI map. Lastly, we suggest that an EAW is mandatory on this project, as it is clearly a connected action to the 78' Street and Page Avenue project, and it is clearly a connected action to any development of the parcel to the south. It is also arguably a connected action to the Pheasant Ridge project since they share Page Avenue and are connected through the 78'b Street and Page Avenue project. The definitions of connected actions are contained in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0200 Subp. 9B. A precedence for combining two subdivision projects into one EAW can be found in the Eagle Ridge Estates and Redtail Ridge project in Sherburne County that was out for review in March 1999. Preparation of an EAW would allow for alternative layouts to be considered, and for cumulative impacts to be evaluated, especially regarding impacts to adjoining wetlands such as the one south of the proposed Crimson Ponds development. We remind you that Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.3100 Subp. 1 prohibit any government decisions, approvals, or permits until a negative declaration on the need for an EIS is made (i.e., the EAW process is completed). If a decison is made on this wetland replacement plan under WCA rules, please notify us of the decison within the period for appeal, as required by WCA. If you have any questions about these comments, please feel free to call me. Sincerely, Michael R. North Regional Environmental Assessment Ecologist cc: C.B. Bylander C. Christianson G. Fox K. Grow J. Hiebert L. Kramka M. McNamara M. Maurer D. Norris 'N8W25'17"W 40.01 WETLAND ` II .I- 10 ,A,T WETLAND- ` Mta nry to..ruoAs w MAY 16 111111111 ` \ ccof ( o � m WETLANa A i � \,.\� � /' tea` � � � -: '. \ r •� / `\ N00'5�:2�iN 17,82 1 wx wne.o trlF✓ w/Dl an.la v,iJJn �YIQ Ww Ws. Otl,trT WINKYRvq.TC I S-rI TA-. 2C.0 �t•rtl� STING ZONING = A-1STMI :m' sot pLY.r1O, �. slteT,a -LT roes o . urn•. CAUTION .eu go." Ta lY9Di 9r � a 9r" A TII CMM. 891.0m "LL @f lA O ffi16tlOQ A 1 TQ .Y9D.O MO= CRIYOO rx= !+T D dM ww T0. CTlO• a R !!• �.YmT 0M1111111111t MAM TO � ■ 199D1T TD rMM 9EtIIIIIIIIIID CO.I.OD/. r m r mmm R Ta am" is Olts anmwm AM.CNL DI\IRI�.A M mow` rr. LL%ICTLALCArIi w ®Oa,EAr.. SCI—Il' :.-Cc ENVI.,OTAL TDt10ES CSor /O./se. qo.. L cA=ra: u.c _ — — 1r1\.Ol L✓wr —- — — 1O.OiRA.-IC O.T. DOTAIMM n1O- n,E CITY OF Ory:p;Fmww�c . .DLOCAIIOI x==— MCWA J .D..,,. O.A,IR,L. �E49 71 LI CRIMSON PONDS I � I OTSEGO i� Otf Tla atAT ■lVa IOAD BACKES COMPANIES Wo-'yartc Kau owlet warts 7.1 RtDO1O.TM 90tAiY,1.TD 9ROOKLTM CENTM mm 33429 FAX (•12) SN -,623 I DD3.. f'/m/ r� 1 ova i rr.. I� .a— b... . ::xis, tNC CONDriONS PLAN sxttr z or z IDLdZi L-- � i-2 FIGURE 2 August 5, 1999 KjoLHAuGENVIRONMENTAL SERVIC Providing Sound. Balanced, Comprehensive Natural Resource Solutions Mr. Mike Robertson, City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, Minnesota 55330 RE: Crimson Ponds Dear Mr. Robertson: IEC��M��. 9 I We have received a copy of the July 29 letter sent by the DNR commenting on the Crimson Ponds wetland replacement plan application. As the primary preparer of the application, we are responding to these comments on behalf of the project proposer. We are limiting our responses to the DNR's comments on the wetland replacement plan application. Some of these comments will be repetitive of the discussion which occurred during our August 4 Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) meeting and overlap with comments that you will receive from the project engineer, Loucks Associates, Inc. I would concur with the DNR's comment that Wetland 3 is a quality wetland in the permanently flooded portion along the west property line. However, shallow fringe areas of the wetland that extend into the crop field are significantly lower in quality due to farming impacts and the presence of invasive weedy plant species. I would also concur with the DNR that impacts to these degraded areas are not irreversible. However, this argument can be made with just about any degraded wetland area in an undeveloped setting. Given enough time from cessation of farming activities, many farmed wetlands will eventually revert to a more natural and less degraded state. Even partially drained wetlands will eventually become wetter due to non -maintenance of drainage systems. In regard to this project, the development would result in converting the area surrounding these farmed wetland areas from crop field to lawns, driveways, streets, and homes. In this setting it is unlikely that natural features of the wetland will develop. Because of the seasonal and temporary hydrology of these farmed wetland areas, they will inevitably be subject to impacts from homeowners during dry periods including mowing and dumping of yard wastes. In addition, runoff of fertilizers and chemicals will likely influence the type of plant species that re -colonize the areas. Thus, sequencing flexibility is applicable because the cessation of farming activities and conversion to residential development will not allow the farmed wetlands to revert to a natural state. We had a discussion at the TEP meeting regarding the DNR's suggested alternative for the southeast corner of the project. As pointed out by Loucks Associates, the alternative is not feasible or safe. The proposed angle at which the cul-de-sac is coming off of 4767 Richmond Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 • Phone: 6t2-472-4875 • Fax: 612-472-1040 Padget Avenue creates an unsafe intersection and would not be allowed by the City as was discussed at the TEP meeting. In addition, shifting Padget Avenue to the east as the DNR's alternative shows results in the street heading directly into a wetland area south of the property. The alignment as proposed by the developer allows the street to stub directly into an upland area south of the property. Wetland boundaries were field mapped on the property south of the proposed Crimson Ponds development prior to aligning Padget Avenue. The PF01C designation on the NWI map is wrong. This area is a wooded, upland knob surrounded by lowland with partially drained wetlands. Any future extension of Padget Avenue would extend onto this upland knob and would not run through the middle of a wetland area as the DNR suggests. If you have any questions on these comments, please contact me at 612-944-7630. Sincerely, Kjolhauugg Environmental Services Company, Inc. Ken Powell Wildlife Biologist cc: Jeff Shopek, Loucks Associates Jeremy Boots, Loucks Associates Mark McNamara, Wright County SWCD Lynda Peterson, BWSR Michael North, DNR Padget Avenue creates an unsafe intersection and would not be allowed by the City as was discussed at the TEP meeting. In addition, shifting Padget Avenue to the east as the DNR's alternative shows results in the street heading directly into a wetland area south of the property. The alignment as proposed by the developer allows the street to stub directly into an upland area south of the property. Wetland boundaries were field mapped on the property south of the proposed Crimson Ponds development prior to aligning Padget Avenue. The PFO1C designation on the NWI map is wrong. This area is a wooded, upland knob surrounded by lowland with partially drained wetlands. Any future extension of Padget Avenue would extend onto this upland knob and would not run through the middle of a wetland area as the DNR suggests. If you have any questions on these comments, please contact me at 612-944-7630. Sincerely, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company, Inc. Ken Powell Wildlife Biologist cc: Jeff Shopek, Loucks Associates Jeremy Boots, Loucks Associates Mark McNamara, Wright County SWCD Lynda Peterson, BWSR Michael North, DNR August 5, 1999 KJOLHAUGEN-VIRONMENTAL SERVIC Providing Sound, Balanced. Comprehensive Natural Resource Solutions Mr. Mike Robertson, City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, Minnesota 55330 RE: Crimson Ponds Dear Mr. Robertson: We have received a copy of the July 29 letter sent by the DNR commenting on the Crimson Ponds wetland replacement plan application. As the primary preparer of the application, we are responding to these comments on behalf of the project proposer. We are limiting our responses to the DNB's comments on the wetland replacement plan application. Some of these comments will be repetitive of the discussion which occurred during our August 4 Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) meeting and overlap with comments that you will receive from the project engineer, Loucks Associates, Inc. I would concur with the DNR's comment that Wetland 3 is a quality wetland in the permanently flooded portion along the west property line. However, shallow fringe areas of the wetland that extend into the crop field are significantly lower in quality due to farming impacts and the presence of invasive weedy plant species. I would also concur with the DNR that impacts to these degraded areas are not irreversible. However, this argument can be made with just about any degraded wetland area in an undeveloped setting. Given enough time from cessation of farming activities, many farmed wetlands will eventually revert to a more natural and less degraded state. Even partially drained wetlands will eventually become wetter due to non -maintenance of drainage systems. In regard to this project, the development would result in converting the area surrounding these farmed wetland areas from crop field to lawns, driveways, streets, and homes. In this setting it is unlikely that natural features of the wetland will develop. Because of the seasonal and temporary hydrology of these farmed wetland areas, they will inevitably be subject to impacts from homeowners during dry periods including mowing and dumping of yard wastes. In addition, runoff of fertilizers and chemicals will likely influence the type of plant species that re -colonize the areas. Thus, sequencing flexibility is applicable because the cessation of farming activities and conversion to residential development will not allow the farmed wetlands to revert to a natural state. We had a discussion at the TEP meeting regarding the DNR's suggested alternative for the southeast corner of the project. As pointed out by Loucks Associates, the alternative is not feasible or safe. The proposed angle at which the cul-de-sac is coming off of 4767 Richmond Road, Mound, Minnesota 55364 • Phone: 612-472-¢875. Fax: 612-472-1040 A. File. RCA -C:- --VPS 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTXIE�sTT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk August 23,1999 6:30P -M ITELI NLtiiBER: ITE -I DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Approval of Community Recreation Year ?000 Budget. B. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: 9.1. A. Attached is a memo dated August 18, 1999 from Xlike Robertson. He will be present to discuss with tilayor and Council. B. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECO NCVIENDAT10N: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval. Thanks, Elaine MEMO Date: August 18, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Proposed Community Recreation 2000 Budget I have enclosed a copy of the Joint Community Recreation Board's proposed 2000 budget along with supporting information (shown on pages 1, 3, & 4). This budget was adopted unanimously at their regular meeting on Monday, August 16, 1999. The Joint Board is asking all of its members to let them know if the budget, and the proposed assessment, is OK. Otsego's proposed assessment (shown on page 5) would rise from $19,882 in 1999 to $21,328 in 2000. This is an increase of 7.3%. The increase is caused solely by a large increase in the number of Otsego residents participating in the Joint Board's program (shown on page 6). The Joint Board is using the same assessment formula (page 5) as in 1999. Last year's figures are shown on page 7. The 2000 assessment shows that Otsego's population (in the Elk River School District) decreased from 5,271 to 5,128. This lowered our costs for this part of the assessment formula. The number of participants increased from 610 to 757, which increased our costs for this part of the formula. While I doubt that our population actually decreased, I certainly didn't object to this because it worked in Otsego's favor. In addition, the Board took action in their meeting of Monday, August 16 to reallocate spending for the 1999 budget (shown on page 2). They are taking the money saved due to the departure of Jeff Asfahl and spending it for some new office equipment and remodeling of some new office space. The new office space is the Emporium, which is the former Northbound Liquor. This space is owned by the City of Elk River and is currently being used by a youth group. The City of Elk River has to approve all of this, but has been involved in all of the discussions and planning for this. This move is expected to be a short-term move of 3-5 years. Somewhere during that time, Elk River expects to receive an offer for the land that it can't refuse. cc: Park & Recreation Commission C-> Proposed 2000 Community Recreation Budeet LINE BUDGET ITEM 1999 ADOPTED $102,619 $21,025 1999 TO DATE (AS OF 6/30/99) $51,310 $16,752 1999 REMAINING 1999 EST. EXP. (7/1/99-I2/31/99) 2000 PROPOSED $112,467 $0 $112,467 $0 $0 $0 $35,000 $4,260 $3,500 $18,789 $4,260 $2,600 $1,200 ITEM I REVENUE City Assessments $51,310 _...--------• $2,000 ----- 2 Non Resident Fees/Surcharge 3 TOTAL $123,644 $68,062 $53,310 $29,335 $2,903 $2,196 $12,252 $1,()95 $1,478 $9,102 -- $1,095 --- - ----- $1,036 -$230 $0 EXPENSES 4 Director $47,968 5 Benefits $4,000 $1,097 $3,754 $13,498 $1,305 $1,592 $9,065 $1,305 $1,144 $1,430 $0 $0 $16,875 $1,305 $1,592 $9,083 $1,305 $1,144 $2,500 6 FICA/PERA/WC/etc. $5,950 7 Program Supervisor/Manager $25,750 $2,400 $3,070 8 Benefits 9 FICA/PERA/WC/etc. 10 Secretary/ Receptionist $18,167 11 Benefits $2,400 12 FICA/PERA/WC/eic. $2,180 13 Support Staff for Office (includes FICA, etc.) $1,200 14 Program Assistant $0 $0 $0. $11,440 15 Benefits $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $1,144 16 FICA/PERA/WC/etc. $0 $0 17 Program Assistant $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $11,440 $0 $1,144 $1,300 18 Benefits $0 $0 19 FICA/PERA/WC/etc. $0$0 $452 $0 $1,348 $0 $500 20 Mileage $1,800 21 Dues/Conf/Training $800 $290 $510 4536 $235 $1,614 $414---- $370 --- -$163 $0 $450 $500 $300 $2,400 $5(X)-- $5W - ------ $0 $10,336 $8,000 $1,400 $2,4W $1,500 $6,500 -.$2,500 $1,40 See Dues/Conf. $690 22 Office Equipment $0 $536 23 Office Supplies $800 $4,(XX) $1'0() $0 $o $565 $2,386 $1,604/$782 $1,086---.- $630 - $163 $0 24 PrintinF_____ 25 Brochure Printing/Deliverer--- Advertisirkg/Marke 26 Postale- Staff Training 27 28 29 Technology_ Office Construction 30 TOTAL $122,985 $58,932 $64,053 Re - serve , from * 1",9 -,- $57,290 $1 - 12,467 131 4a&b 4a Proposed Amended '99 Community Recreation Budget/Line Item Explanations for Remaining Expenses This amended budget allows the board to invest in the equipment, technology and space needs to maximize the ability to offer quality programs in an efficient manner and will enable future growth. I LINE I EXPLA�INATION ITEM # i 2 Cost of purchasing a credit card machine and running a phone line I _ 28 13 computers at $1,200/each=$3,600 13-1T' monitors at $300/each=$900 1 laser printer $1,000 12 Office2000 Premium packages at $149/each=$298 1 Office2000 Professional package $99 1 League Scheduler $149 12 QuarkXPress $1,400 1 Activity Registration package (2 user)+1 year maintenance $2,890 29 The Communitv Education building is not a good work environment for anyone to work in. It would in everyone's best interest to find another location to work from until such time as another facility is constructed. It would cost approximately $6,000 for construction at Emporiums. We would also ;need phone lines, shelving for storage, etc. $2,000 would be for a sign and any additional needs to complete the offices and storage space. I 31 !This is the reserve from the 1999 budget after technology needs are met and offices are complete. This amount would be applied against the 2000 budget. Fil Proposed 2000 Community Recreation Budget Line Item 46 lan ti LINT (FXPI A N e'T'Tnt�r Ex n :M # 1'Total city assessments applied to 2000 budget 2; Eliminate surcharge fee I To promote an increased interest in providing recreational opportunities, 50% of all non-resident fees Icollected would be paid to the cities in which the program was offered. The remaining 50% would stay with the Community Recreation Board to build a reserve in the event of unforseen expenses. 3 2000 budget total 4 No Director Position 5 No Director Position 6 No Director Position i 7 Michele's proposed salary 8 Suggest benefits offered are consistant with the payroll agent's plan. This would mean a maximum of $355/month. Any difference between the City's contribution and the premiums for single health, e dental, and single life insurance may be used to reduce the employee's share of the family FE H.!'healthinsurance premium. 9! Cost of FICA/ PERA /WC/ etc. i 10 RaeAnn's proposed salary, based on scale set in 1997 plus 3% 11 Suggest benefits offered are consistant with the payroll agent's plan. This would mean a maximum of $355/month. Any difference between the City's contribution and the premiums for single health, single dental, and single life insurance may be used to reduce the employee's share of the family health insurance premium. 12 Cost of FICA/PERA/WC/etc. 13 Support staff includes additional staff for projects, busy times, coverage for receptionist time off, etc. 14 20 hrs per week for a programmer. Proposed to hire a person at 25 hrs. per week, 20 hrs charged to administrative budget and 5 hrs. to be charged against programs they work. They could work more than 25 hrs. total if they wanted to work other programs they plan. These additional hours j would also be charged back to the programs worked. 15 No benefits expense to the Rec Board. 16 Cost of FICA/PERA/WC/etc. 17'20 hrs per week for a programmer. Proposed to hire a person at 25 hrs. per week, 20 hrs charged Ito administrative budget and 5 hrs. to be charged against programs they work. They could work I more than 25 hrs. total if they wanted to work other programs they plan. These additional hours would also be charged back to the programs worked. 4Q -Wt o 4b Proposed 2000 Community Recreation Budget Line Item Exvlanations 18' No benefits expense to the Rec Board. 19,Cost of FICA/ PERA /WC/etc. I 20 Mileage for all administrative staff. i 21;This includes'.,vWA dues, WIL.S dues, staff training/ workshops, etc. i 22 Cost of copier lease agreement at $200/month. 23 . '-Miscellaneous office supplies such as paper, pens, etc. 24 Cost of printing our brochure and additional flyers needed for marketing. The additional flyers would be sent out for printing. 25 Covers the cost of additional marketing such as newspaper ads, etc. This would include joint mktg. efforts with Community Education and ECFE. 26 Postage expenses. i 27, Included in Dues, Conferences, Training (see line 21) 28 Cost of maintaining web site and annual maintenance fee for RecTrac. 29 No expenses for 2000. 30 Total of 2000 budget expenses. O 4b Community Assessment Information Community Assessments 1999 Total 2000 Population' 2000 Participation 2000 Total ;Difference Population Fall 1997/ Fad 1998 X $2.61 Dayton $3,185 78 =2% 895/890 $2,323 $794 $3,117 -$68 Elk River $62,028 2352 = 61% 15,000/15,483 $40,411 $24,230 $64,641 ; $2,613 Hassan Township $8,306 251=6% 2,221/2,419 $6,314 $2,383 $8,697 $391 Otsego $19,882 757 = 20% 5,271/5,128 $13,384 j $7,944 $21,328 $1,446 Rogers $9,218 424 =11% 1,821/1,979 $5,165 $4,369 $9,535 $317 i Program Fee Surcharge $12,900 $0 Non -Resident Fees $8,125 $0 i Reserve from 1999 $5,149 TOTALS j $123,644 $72,745 $39,722 $112,467 2000 Budget Amt.; $112,467 4b Growth Comparison for Program Users YEAR; MUNICIPALITY USERS DIFFERENCE 19971 Elk River 2222 1998Elk River 2352 +6% I 1997] Otsego 610 1998; Otsego 757 +19% 19971 Dayton 79 1998; Dayton 78 -1% 1997 Rogers 393 1998 Rogers 424 +7% 1997: Hassan 201 1998' Hassan 251 +20% Proposed 1999 Revenue Expenditures 1997 1998 Participant Personal Service Population/'97 (Population x 2.61) M of $36,900) Office Equip/Supplies 895 Dayton $2,336 + $849 = $3,185 15,000 Elk River $39,150 + $22,878 = $62,028 2,221 Hassan $5,797 + $2,509 = $8,306 5271 Otsego $13,757 + $6,125 = $19,882 1821 Rogers $4,753 + $4,465 = $9,218 Program fee Surcharge $12,900 Non -Residents $8,125 25,208 (53.2%) $65,793 (46.7%) 557.851 = $123.644 Actual identified registrants as of 7/27/98 = 4646 Expenditures O 1997 1998 1999 Personal Service $96,820 $105,710 $111,885 Office Equip/Supplies $800 $800 $800 Trans/Training/Dues $2,300 $2,400 $2,600 Advert/Broch/Print $5,800 $5,500 $5,500 Postage $900 $900 $1,000 Support Staff Cont. $300 $800 $1,200 $106,920 $116,110 $122,985 O A 3i CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: IlEETL`G DATE: DEPART'MEN T: PREPARED BY: 9. COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk August 23, 1999 6:30PNI ITEtit N`LAMBER: ITEti[ DESCRIPTIO`: 9.2. Mike Robertson, Citv Administrator - Update: A. Discussion of driveway width issues (Cont. from 8/9/99) B. Budget 2000 - Assessor Costs C. Request from Rudy Thibodeau for Sewer and Nater Service D. Any Other Administrative Business. BACKGROUND: A. Mike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions. See attached Memo and Ordinance information dated August 12, 1999 prepared by Mike Robertson (A review of surrounding communities asked for by the Mayor and Council at last Council )vleeting). B. See attached memo dated August 3, 1999 from Mike Robertson. (Note: No. 7. from the City Ordinance, "Curb Cut Size" may need to be reviewed as other Cities say "right-of-way line" (It may be confusing). (Page #116 20-22-4) C. See attached Memo from Mike Robertson dated August 18, 1999. D. Is for any other Administrative Business that may arise. RECOVLVIEND ATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine MEMO Date: August 12, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Driveway width comparisons with surrounding communities I have reviewed the surrounding communities' regulations regarding driveway width for residential developments, both in their urban areas and in their rural areas. They are listed below. ELK RIVER - Maximum 30 foot width at the right-of- way line. 5 foot setback from side property line required for driveway. No difference between rural and urban areas. MONTICELLO - Maximum 24 foot width at the right-of- way line. 3 foot setback from side property line required for driveway. No difference between rural and urban areas. ST. MICHAEL - Maximum 25 foot width at the right- of-way line. 5 foot setback from side property line required for driveway. No difference between rural and urban areas. ALBERTVILLE - Maximum 24 foot width at the right- of-way line. 5 foot setback from side property line required for driveway. No difference between rural and urban areas. DAYTON - Maximum 24 foot width at the right-of-way line. 5 foot setback from side property line required for driveway. Rural residential (non- agricultural use) areas with driveways over 150 feet can add a 2 foot gravel shoulder to either side of the driveway. All cities allow someone (City Engineer, Zoning Administrator, etc.) the ability to allow an increase in the size of a driveway opening. All cities also allow an appeal to the City Council. cc: City Staff 2 3. Within Structures: The off-street parking requirements may be furnished by providing a space so designed within the principal building or one structure attached thereto; however, unless provisions are made, no building permit r . shall be issued to convert said parking structure into a L dwelling unit or living area or other activity until other adequate provisions are made to comply with the required off-street parking provisions of this Section. 4. Lot Circulation: Except in the case of single, two- family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking areas shall be designed so that circulation between parking bays or aisles occurs within _ the designated parking lot and does not depend upon a public street or alley. Except in the case of single, two-family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking area design which requires backing into the public street is prohibited. 5. Intersection Separation: No curb cut access shall be located less than sixty (60) feet from the intersection of two (2) or more street rights-of-way. This distance [ shall be measured from the intersection of lot lines. 6. Lot Design: Except in the case of single family, two- family, townhouse, quadraminium, and manor home dwellings, parking areas and their aisles shall be developed in compliance with the standards on the Parking Lot Dimension Table. - 7. Curb Cut Size: No curb cut access shall exceed twenty- four (24) feet in width unless approved by the City Engineer. 8. Side Yard Setback: Except with special approval from the Zoning Administrator, curb cut openings shall be a !1 minimum of five (5) feet from the side yard property line in all distrItts.__,.: 9. 1 Curb Cut Spacing: Driveway access curb openings on a public street except for single, two-family, quadraminium, manor home, and townhouse dwellings, shall not be located less than forty (40) feet from one another. 10. Grade: TY trade elevation of any parking area driveways s. ._1 not exceed four (4) percent. G MEMO Date: August 18, 1998 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Budget 2000 - Assessor Costs I have checked out the prices for assessing in surrounding areas and listed them below. WRIGHT COUNTY I spoke with Wright County Assessor. He said Wright County is charging $7.50/parcel, which is $0.25/parcel more than what Pete Merges proposed to charge. He said that Wright County bases its charges on what private property appraisers are charging since they want to stay close to market costs. What this means is that Wright County does not want to subsidize the costs of assessing for any of the local governments that use its services. SHERBURNE COUNTY I spoke with the Sherburne County Assessor. They charge $2.00 a parcel. He says they subsidize everyone's assessing costs because they believe its all the same pot of money and they want to provide a consistent property assessment for the entire County. Obviously at that price every government in the County contracts with them. When asked if they would be willing to do someone outside the County for that price he said no. He said he didn't know what his contract price would be but thought it would probably be close to ten dollars an hour. HENNEPIN COUNTY The Wright County Assessor also had the figures for costs in Hennepin County. Hennepin charges $9.00/parcel for residential lots and over $30.00/parcel for commercial lots. Hennepin County also charges an additional $500.00 plus time for any parcel they have to defend in Tax Court. 9.a G MEMO Date: August 18, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Request for Sewer & Water Service from Rudy Thibodeau I have received a request from Rudy Thibodeau for sewer and water service. I have also been told that Tom Thumb would like sewer and water service but have not received a request from them. It would be difficult, if not impossible, to provide sewer and water to these two properties without digging up and repairing/reconstructing the frontage road. I directed John Harwood to prepare a quick estimate of costs of providing sewer and water to these properties. That report is enclosed. I have talked with Rudy and met with his builder, and they would like to start construction in October and hook up to City sewer and water within a month. There are several options that the City Council can consider; 1) Consider John Harwood's report a feasibility study, set a public hearing date, and invite all of the commercial property owners in this area to the hearing to gauge their interest in being connected to City Water & Sewer. The level of interest shown would determine the timing and size of the improvement. 2) Provide service only to Rudy' restaurant and Tom Thumb, upon Tom Thumb's request. Repair the portion of the road that is disturbed rather than reconstruct it. This option would be based on the assumption that the rest of the road will be disturbed in the near future to provide sewer and water to the rest of the businesses, and that the road could be reconstructed then. This request could probably be processed as a Change Order to the current sewer and water project and constructed some time this fall. 3) The same as Option #2 but just provide service to Rudy's restaurant. In addition, John Harwood's report discussed several different options for assessing the cost of the improvement to benefiting properties. When a decision is made about the improvement a decision will also need to be made about how the improvement is assessed. cc: City Staff 011 7= Ell Hakanson 3601 Thurston Avenue Anderson g ._ _._ suite lol 1 �/'J I�j•�•. Assoc., Inc. Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 ,il & Municipal Engineering 612/427-0520 Fax Ad Surveying ►--- - r r►T-r�►T,us] ZT-11 \ d 11► 1 TO: Mike Robertson, Otsego City Administrator FROM: John A. Harwood, PE DATE: August 16, 1999 RE: Engineering Report and Feasibility Study Extension of Lateral Sewer and Water Mississippi Shores 6th & 7th Additions Commercial Area, Northwest Quadrant CSAH 42 & 39 The trunk sewer and water project will construct a 16 -inch watermain and a 12 -inch sanitary sewer to the northwest quadrant of the intersection. This review examines and evaluates extending the sewer and water to service the commercial zoned properties at that corner. The attached detailed quantity and cost estimate shows the following: Sanitary Sewer, East & South Frontage Road $40,300 Water Main, East & South Frontage Road $32,700 Site Work, Removals and Restoration 8148,200 Total Estimated Project Cost $221,200 The quantity and cost data is based on extension of services to the property line. The data assumes removal of the existing service road and restoration to city standards with concrete curb & gutter. The cost data assumes that there will be no responsibilities within the study area for current or future utility cost in Park Avenue north of the improvement area. This would be true if no sewer and water service were provided from Park Avenue to properties in this study area. It should be noted, however, that some properties will be responsible for future street improvements on Park Avenue. All properties will be separately responsible for on-site utilities including the piping and site restoration work associated with the private sewer and water work. Also, each property will be responsible for connection charges based on the number of equivalent connections determined by property use. Related to allocation of cost, the intent will be equity, with a formula selected to fairly assess the costs. Several options are available including an allocation based on front footage, an allocation by area or a division of cost on a unit basis. For discussion purposes, an assessment based on the average of all three methods is shown. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\922\ot922mr3.doc Mike Robertson Page 2 August 16, 1999 Parcel i Frontage Area Frontage Area Basis Basis Unit Basis Average Percentage Based on Average A 382.85 43,560 30.9% 14.0% 20% 21.6% $47,800 B 223.82 82,818 18.0% 26.5% 20% 21.5% $47,600 C 208.65 31,385 16.8% 10.0% 20% 15.6% $34,500 D 208.65 74,945 16.8% 24.0% 20% 20.3% $44,900 E 216.26 79,612 17.5% 125.5% 20% 21.0% $46,400 1240.23 312,320 TOTAL COST: $221,200 Our recommendation is that the city call a public hearing as authorized by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429, to consider the making of a public improvement that has special benefit to property. The hearing would be for sewer, water and street improvements to the commercial district that comprises the Mississippi Shores 6th & 7th Addition. The recommended project is shown on attached sketch sheets. The project as configured provides sewer and water service to the entire commercial district and constructs sewer and water facilities that conform to the city overall utility planning. The project is feasible as proposed and can be constructed as a single project. Assuming public hearings scheduled this fall, the project can be designed and bid over the winter for early spring construction and substantial completion about the middle of July, year 2000. I hereby certify that this Plan, Specification or Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes 326.02 to 326.16. 11047 August 17, 1999 J A. Harwoo-d, PE Reg. No. Date Attachment: Cost Estimates, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain & Street Exhibit I - Location Map Exhibit II - Excerpt from City Comprehensive Sewer Plan Exhibit III - Sketch Map, Parcel Area and Frontage Exhibit IV - Sketch Map of Proposed Sewer & Water Facilities Exhibit V — Sketch Map, Summary of Utilities \\Ha01\shared docs WlunicipaiNAOTSEGO\922\ot922mr3.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. SEWER AND WATER UTILITIES Mississippi Shores 6th and 7th John A. Date: 8/16/99 Harwood, PE 1. Sanitary Sewer $1,200 900 LF 8 -inch PVC to 10 ft depth @ $18.00/LF $16,200 400 LF 8 -inch PVC to 20 ft. depth @ $28.00/LF $11,200 5 EA Standard Manholes @ $1,200.00 $6,000 20 LF Extra Manhole Depth @ $120.00 $2,400 5 EA Service Wyes @ $80.00 $400 150 LF 4 -inch Service Pipe @ $10.00 $1,500 Subtotal Construction: $37,300 30% Contingency & Indirect: $11,300 Total Estimated Project Cost: $48,600 Less Trunk Cost - Extra Depth: $8,300 Total Estimated Lateral Cost: $40,300 2. Watermain 1260 LF 8 -inch DIP Watermain @ $14.00 $17,640 3 EA Hydrants, 6 valve & Lead @ $1,400 $4,200 2 EA 8 -inch Gate Valves @ $900.00 $1,800 5 EA 1 -inch Service Stops @ $40.00 $240 5 EA Curb Box for 1 -inch Service @ $80.00 $400 150 LF 1 -inch Copper Service Line @ $6.00 $900 Subtotal Construction: $25,180 30% Contingency & Indirect: $7,520 $32,700 3. Site Work, Removals & Restoration Remove Existing Bituminous 1300 FT X 24 Ft = 3500 SY @ $1.50 $5,250 Remove Bituminous at Driveways & Parking Areas, 1 Lump Sum $1,200 Aggregate Base Class 5 1400 X 40 X 6" = 2200 TON @ $6.50 $14,300 Concrete Curb & Gutter 2700 LF @ $7.50 $20,250 Driveway Entrances 6 EA @ 28 ft. x 30 = 600 SY @ $12.00 $7,200 Bituminous Frontage Road 1300 X 32 @ 3 Y2" = 1050 TON @ $26.00 $27,300 Topsoil and Fill 2800 FT x 20 FT x 6' = 1100 CY @ $7.00 $7,700 Sod Restoration 2800 FT x 20 FT = 6000 SY @ $2.00 $12,000 Boulevard Plantings, 20 TREES @ $170.00 $3,400 Catch Basins, 6 EA @ $800.00 $4,800 Manholes, 3 EA @ $1000 $3,000 Storm Pipe, 12" to 18", 400 LF @ $30.00 $12,000 Subtotal Construction: $114,000 30% Contingency and Indirect: $34,200 $148,200 Total Estimated Project Cost, Street and Utilities: $221,200 Hakanson \\HaOl\.shared docs Wlunicipal\AOTSEGO\922\ot922mr3.doc Anderson 1111 Assoc., Inc. Elul Ulillll 1 ■�A �■ ■� ���' ffi%4 bf KIM �► ,, .■.1111111111! .����. ��•:.: COUNTY HIGHWAY RlGlii-OF—WAY PLAT NO. 8 _a A !L Z MAY N0. 10T I / J C.S.A.H. NO, 42 (N.E C - Sf1EgyUANE CG oti ` AVE.) SIDE FARK �I 8 ­'PS8 1 A `8 5 5 2\7 872 > 8 8 _l-j.0RES 870 876\ 817-2. $1 P_ :L Act -870 IDDMONI 860 879.8 861;.5 < 8 7,en IN 875,.7 .0 aa' 1 8y 863 867 7 I LLj 857 868-9`• ` 8. �3,; ` ...872 aqcL- 562 CN 876 868 6 7-a .10 187-.2 854.5 875:'9, 88 I s; r, 8 Cf� 6 1806 $64.5 7 '2, i rd- _�j L 859.5 ��W'7 17) 4 7 TZ5L� 00' -8 6 PP! ' H1 0 p C' d A: �D rl 8 7,4 5 8671 S `__�� 18 877 7 8.17 873 \3- 893.3 8 6-/' 852- 866 T_ 5.3 % /848.5 867.9 _874- 8'6s.7 5 g- 858- 846 �5_48 5 /87 7.8v• 8 6 !OR, 13 LLJ ILJ 62.. i en oilTint 44. 9 862- 8 6' 8 oDr- 0 ..,86;6 ]bum= BAP'Q-iFl 76 t 872 ?4 b b 87 -3-4 852.9 863.81 8! 843.91 i r SL rh x 7% MISS/SS/PP/ SHORES 6 T" A DDI TION Otsego Township Wright County Minnesota 4Vffl •^-----11a •L+92.7? -,68.01•- e Lr/74.62.. �• $O w _ FON F.OGE Z2342 • FAo.v�nct 2/6.2 6 , � � < " = �' / 4/169 79.6/Z sr so- 11 'f3 Ane.vrnae 2o e. 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W 6 ir I 'SOB iJ � qq �•' O d Pi6�2(-/3.05 a • di� do 9� - 90/h STREET NE ` a� gY,- _ _ •a1i� go STREET N.E. h - •-- ,'' a9 -- - _;__,-� _� 768.92 o lz 901). rnE f STA a+riE AND °! n \ iTaa6laa] wST o, .-SoulA line of the SW l/4 of lt.a SEl/4, Sec. � 1 lyt!_ 0' /f�/1—..} -'Orl 1A' IEE �" OV/ ►/ /`C.S.A.N. N ]4 t i (3 GOQ Centerline an conalrucleC /P•'—_--'2 ,fil.v/r�NY i6wEk Cv/�TG�• !2//l�..�-��-_�X�' --- cw��•" - ---` -= `sem - EfOU LF B r' TO /U r OGare " 7 c%PP 86o G/r 8 '��( 4in Cdi/�Q.r.�..,.i,. •tt, a +, 4,�t•, '• (W.4rCn.r1.41•0 4 ,.•,y nvNoc�� L= F, S- PitJ c nY C 6 z C/I 8 1 gArC I/Ac it6- I J iE J 4 .i ll/ G , " A kqAAr CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: X EETLNG DATE: DEPART-MENT: PREPARED BY: 9.6. Council Closed Meeting Elaine Beatty, City Clerk' August 23, 1999 6:30PM ITE'NI NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.6. Closed Meeting - Re: Odean Ave. Easement. BACKGROUND: Attached is information Re: 9.6 Above. City Attorney Andy MacArthur will be present to conduct this closed meeting. At this time Bill Waytas has not given us his evaluation. Hopefully we will have it by Mondav the 23RD to copy to the Mayor and Council. RECONLVIENDATION: This is for Council consideration as Andy Mac Arthur will explain. Thant , Elaine Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc To: City of Otsego 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, Minnesota 55303 (612) 427-5860 (612) 4273404 Fax 0520 8899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Attn: Mike Robertson {� _.. 17 ;. ❑ 103 Pine Street Monticello, MN 55 (612) 295-5800 (612) 295-4488 Fa Date: August 16, 1999 Project: Odean Avenue Reconstruction "Morrisette Pond" Memo ot334 We are sending you: Attached x Separately by Messenger ❑ Shop Drawings ❑ Prints ❑ Specifications ❑ Reports ❑ Change Order ❑ Inspection Report ❑ Contracts ❑ Memorandum No. of Drawing or Copies Ref. No Description Memo regardinq "Morrisette Pond" These are transmitted as checked: ❑ No Exceptions Taken ❑ Note Markings ❑ For Your Use ❑ Rejected ❑ Comments Attached ❑ As Requested ❑ Revise & Resubmit ❑ Review & Comment ❑ For Signature Remarks: cc Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Attorney William Waytas, Lyle Nagell By. Ron d . Wagner, 4. 1:_n]Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. it & Municipal Engineering -and Surveying MEMORANDUM TO: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE, Otsego City Engineer FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, PE, Odean Avenue Project Engineer RE: Morrisette Pond — Odean Avenue FILE: OT334 DATE: August 13, 1999 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax I have reviewed previous drainage calculations performed when the Morrisette property applied for the Conditional Use Permit. We also performed additional drainage calculations on the proposed condition, and offer the following comments: 1. In 1994, when Frank Morrisette was applying for approval of a plat, a drainage study was performed by Kevin Kielb, P.E., then of Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., and Mr. Willis Gilliard, P.E. representing Mr. Morrisette. The study determined a watershed of 26 acres drained to the low land now labeled "Morrisette Pond" on the attached exhibits. This drainage area was determined from U.S.G.S. Quad maps with 10' contour lines and a scale of approximately 1" = 2,000'. (Most accurate information available at that time without performing a survey.) The land was divided into two TR55 curve number groups. Impervious Area (roads, houses, DW, patios, etc.) with a curve number of 98, and Crop Land with a curve number of 81. A weighted average curve number of 83 was determined to represent the "Morrisette Pond" water shed. However, it was decided to use a curve number of 65 for the calculations of runoff because of the probability that this area would be developed into low density residential. Using a curve number of 65 and 26 acres, a 100 -year event was determined to flood to 925.7 and was the basis for the drainage easement configuration. 2. Using Mark Hurd elevations purchased in 1995 by the City of Otsego, a more accurate drainage area for the "Morrisette Pond" was determined. Existing conditions show a drainage area of 15.57 acres. Using SCS curve numbers of 98 for roadway area and 81 for Crop Land a weighted curve number of 81.6. This requires a volume for a 100 -year event of 5.19 acre ft. Existing _ground elevations show a 100 -year flood elevation of approx. 924. 3. The construction of Odean Avenue will increase both the amount of roadway and cropland drained to "Morrisette Pond." Using Mark Hurd in conjunction with Odean Avenue plans a drainage area of 18.54 acres was determined. A weighted CN of 85 was determined using 98 for Roadway and 81 for Crop Land. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\334\ot3341k1.doc Larry Koshak Page 2 August 13, 1999 The volume of runoff for the 100 -year rainfall event would produce 6.64 acre ft. Subtracting this amount from the 5.19 acre ft. currently reaching the "Morrisette Pond" an increase of just under 1.5 acre ft. is realized. Therefore, the volume of proposed excavation at "Morrisette Pond" is 1.5 acre ft. This is to accommodate the additional runoff. The elevation of the 100 -year flood is 924. 4. The elevation of the 100 -year flood pre and post Odean Avenue reconstruction projects are identical. 5. When development eventually occurs in the drainage area of "Morrisette Pond", an outlet structure and piping or ditching will set a new maximum elevation for the pond (lower than current). The outlet goes to Corbins low area, then to a wetland to the east below the ridge, then into Lefebvre Creek and eventually into the Mississippi River. (See exhibit.) Part of any developments in the area will require platting and dedication of drainage easements to facilitate this. CONCLUSION: The reconstruction of Odean Avenue will not change the 100 -year flood elevation at "Morrisette Pond" and the existing drainage easement will not need to be changed. \\Ha01\shared docsWunicipal%AOTSEGO\334\ot3341kl.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. N2 I - -0 M ---------------- < z 'o z u -t77 0 u %I -- ------------------ -t77 %I V ...n.l r \ ..+ 1 . ..... .. ... ... I 0 _ r � �t. ' • V sj-'I W Q w H w=ate V Q < Z O ZaV0` Ow0V a ul Al \ ..f.i•-.�•'. � 111.1.11\ 11 1. \1 \ . V ...n.l r \ ..+ 1 . ..... .. ... ... I 0 _ r � �t. ' • V sj-'I W Q w H w=ate V Q < Z O ZaV0` Ow0V a -'v AUG -23-1999 1130 INC TRANSMITTAL NAC 612 595 9837 P.01i02 S T. L O U I S PARK, MINNESOTA 5 5 4 1 6 PHONE (6 12)595-963e DATE: TO 1 I NUMBER OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: I Z FROM: QUANTITY: MATERIAL/DESCRIPTION: r VIA: REMARKS: MAIL FAX El 1 PICK IJP 0 DELIVERY 11 PROJECT: JOB NUMBER: l��•.o� DATED: AUG -23-1999 11:31 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/02 1001 REGULATION OF THE USE OF WATER AND SEWER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO AND REGULATING THE USE OF WATER AND SEWER IN THE CITY OF OAK PARK HEIGHTS ESTABLISHING RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE WATER AND SEWER SYSTEMS IN THE CITY AND MATTERS RELATING THERETO, INCLUDING ALL PROPERTIES, MAINS, RATES AND CHARGES IN CONNECTION THEREWITH AND ESTABLISHING AN INDUSTRIAL USER STRENGTH CHARGE IN ADDITION TO THE CHARGE BASED UPON THE VOLUME OF DISCHARGE BY AN INDUSTRIAL USER AND ESTABLISHING TAX LIEN AGAINST PROPERTY SERVED IN CONNECTION WITH SUCH STRENGTH CHARGE AND SEWER AND WATER RULES AND REGULATIONS AND REPEALING ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THEREWITH. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OAK PARK HEIGHTS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, MINNESOTA, DOES ORDAIN: 1001.01 EstablishMent of Dement. There is hereby established a Public Utilities Division of the Department of Public Works of the City of Oak Park Heights which shall be under the supervision of the Director of Public Works. The water and sewer systems as they are now constituted or shall hereafter be enlarged or extended shall be operated and maintained under the provisions of this ordinance subject to the authority of the City Council at any time to amend, alter, change or repeal the same. The City Council shall have responsibility for the management, maintenance, care, and operation of the sewer and water systems of the City subject to the delegation of such authority to City employees, individual Council members, or the City Clerk as the Council shall make from time to time. 1001.085 Water ConservatiQn. To secure the conservation of municipal water as a resource for the benefit of the people of the City of Oak Park Heights, all water sprinkling and irrigation systems and practices shall be regulated to allow water sprinkling and irrigation systems to operate in the following manner: as to all properties which property address ends in an even number, those properties will be allowed to sprinkle or irrigate on even numbered calendar days. As to all properties whose property address ends in an odd number, their right to use sprinkling and irrigation systems shall be limited to calendar number days ending in odd numbers. TOTAL P.02 0B-23-1999 04:56PM FROM Couri & MacArthur tAtor�a�CsFnadrLaLrt� �•rIIa�atta�eti►t :qac 696"n i 08-23-1999 04:56PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO F. 4418823 P.03 3JVYo •rR ,:w Iq 9D1'* +4+rs 1 ,/' •� _ .ol + J It i + + r•'r "rte~^ ~~ "�•• `wti ' •,• `+ � S , • �` • •, 1 i• 0. pit le �� !• •_� f Ir +��'`'�w"."�r'�+.'\� � � f~�\ `� '+ �`� f` fir, ! ! f� � \'�l •• � �� � �1 1 j J irJ''%l ,,•s, ', 1, •,944_ �'�, +"• , +. �!r�j r �,'� .'f •ter' '^ -�J �1{� t i err•"'We +r..y .r .. -.r• 1�-ir��.r •• w.�.� .�= •� �Jrr .•w rn .•Y \'�•_wrr .rte---.•w.•^�Y.. r rM - mow, '• A � n'� w ^ � .. r..r^•. CBd�•d fr'� .rl OZiC'FO 1� G1B9`� F �� f Z , � �• ' •til• .- n. .. n .r��y.'•i . � �.r�..=r�r.++ ;�;�+•� •.. ....Y..r +.•..-- •••.rte ��— . ^♦ ^^. � GNOd tEULLES11JUON '�•�1 n • h•—�YL 1 •N .. raw. -✓, ���.. •w-+.t,.�. TOTAL P.03 F Hakanson Anderson IIIIAssoc.,Inc. ,il & Municipal Engineering ..nd Surveying August 23, 1999 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Quaday Avenue, 78th Street and Page Avenue Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer and Street Construction Project — COP #99.02 Dear Mayor and Council Members, 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax At 11:00 a.m. today, August 23, 1999, Mike Robertson, Administrator, Elaine Beatty, Clerk, and I received bids for the above mentioned project. The bidders are listed below in order of lowest first: LaTour Construction, Inc. $1,348,570.12 Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. $1,386,996.30 Northdale Construction Co. $1,449,922.41 S.R. Weidema, Inc. $1,473,954.12 Ryan Contracting Co. $1,568,070.65 Richard Knutson, Inc. $1,605,151.57 Arcon Construction Co., Inc. $1,729,452.06 Our engineer's estimate was $1,587,793.20. We have worked with LaTour Construction, Inc. recently in the cities of St. Michael and Anoka, where they have successfully completed those projects. The company has been in the sewer and water contracting business for at least 10 years, and we have worked with them in the past also._ We recommend award to LaTour Construction Inc. in the amount of $1,348,570.12. The award is assumed to be contingent on Developer's commitment to the project, Acquisition of the R.O.W. and easements, and clearance of the E.A.W. If you have questions on the project, I will be available at the meeting on August 23, 1999. Yours trul La)�tey(ce G/KgAak, PE /clk cc: Mike Robertson, Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk ATTACHMENT: Bid Tabulation \\Ha01\shared docs\MunicipalAOTSEGO\613\ot613cc1.doc BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th SL - Page Avenue City of Otsego Otsego Street S Utility Improvements NORTMOALE CONSTRUCTION Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. BARBAROSSA d SONS. INC. CO. Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estlmated Quanti Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $20.380.00 LS $20.380.00 535,500.00 LS S35,500.00 511,000.00 LS $11,000.00 2 2101.511 Clearing 8 Grubbing 1 LS $7,800.00 LS 57,800.00 $8,000.00 LS 58,000.00 $8,073.00 LS $8,073.00 3 2104.501 Remove Fence 2500 LF $0.90 LF $2.250.00 51.00 LF S2,500.001 $0.75 LF $1,875.00 4 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 160 SY $1.50 SY $270.00 $2.00 SY $360--L52.50 SY $450.00 5 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 425 LF 51.50 LF 5637.50 $2.00 LF $850.00 $4.50 LF $1,912.50 6 2105.501 Common Excavation 32535 CY $1.25 CY S40.668.75 $1.60 CY $52,056.00 $1.26 CY $40,994.10 7 2105.505 Muck Excavation 2550 - CY $2.15 CY $5,482.50 $2.00 CY S5,100.00 $2.23 CY $5.686.50 8 2105.535 Salvaged Topsoil 36900 CY $1.20 CY S44.280.00 51.00 CY $36.900.00 $1.22 CY $45,018.00 9 2211.501 jAggregate Base Cl 5 12875 To $8.00 Ton $77.250.00 56.30 Ton $81,112.50 S6.47 Ton 583,301.25 10 2340.508 T pe 41 Wearing Course Mixture 4610 To $23.50 Ton $108,335.00 $24.70 Ton $113,867.00 $24.32 Ton 5112,115.20 11 2340.514 Type 31 Wearing Course Mixture 4510 To $22.00 Ton $99,220.001 $21.50 Ton $96,965.00 $22.77 Ton $102,692.70 12 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 1600 Gal $1.00 Gal $1,600.00 $1.20 Gal 51,920.00 $1.04 Gal $1.664.00 13 2501.511 42" RC Pipe Culvert Cl 3 144 LF 569.90 LF 510.065.60 $70.00 LF $10,080.00 $71.96 LF 510,362.24 14 2501.515 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 Ea $1,085.00 Ea $1,085.00 5750.00 Ea 5750.00 $981.34 Ea $981.34 15 2501.602 IInIet Structure (16-1) 1 Ea $3,300.00 Ea $3,300.00 $1,700.00 Ea $1,700.00 $3,403.94 Ea $3,403.94 16 2511.501 Random Riprap Class 111 14.9 CY S45.80 CY I S682,421 $40.00 CY $596.00 $73.50 CY S1,095.15 17 2531.501 I Concrete Curb 8 Gutter Design 6618 10670 LF $6.45 LF 1 $68,821.50 $6.50 LF 1 $69,355.00 $6.68 LF 571,275.60 Subtotal"A" $492,128.27 $517,611.50 5501,900.52 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer Item 0 Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 18 2501.515 12" RC Pipe Apron 2 Ea $310.00 Ea $620.00 $270.00 Ea 5540.00 S295.91 Ea I $591.82 19 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 3 Ea $325.00 Ea $975.00 $280.00 Ea 5840.00 $312.57 Ea 5937.71 20 2501.515 24" RC Pipe Apron 4 Ea 5410.00 Ea $1,840.00 5350.00 Ea $1,400.00 5379.92 Ea $1,519.68 21 1 2501.602 Trash Guard for 12" Pipe Apron 2 Ea $135.00 Ea $270.00 5130.00 Ea $260.00 $189.14 Ea 5378.28 22 2501.502 Trash Guard for 15" Pipe Apron 3 Ea $160.00 Ea $480.00 $160.00 Ea 5480.00 $215.93 Ea 5647.79 23 2501.602 Trash Guard for 24" Pipe Apron 4 Ea $275.00 Ea $1,100.00 $280.00 Ea $1,120.00 $336.87 Ea $1,347.48 24 2503.541 12" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 239 LF 516.70 LF 53,991.30 $21.00 LF $5,019.00 $19.40 LF $4.636.60 25 2503.541 15" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 419 LF $17.90 LF $7,500.10 $22.00 LF $9,218.00 $20.70 LF 58,673.30 26 1 2503.541 18' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 220 LF $19.80 LF $4,356.00 $23.00 LF $5,060.00 $22.62 LF 54,976.40 27 2503.541 21" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 598 LF $21.90 LF $13,096.20 $24.00 LF $14,352.00 $24.83 LF $14,848.34 28 2503.541 24" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 798 LF $23.80 LF $18.992.40 $25.00 LF 519,950.00 $26.75 LF $21,346.50 29 2503.541 30' RCP Design 3006 CI 3 2513 LF S33.40 LF $87,274.20 538.00 LF 599,294.00 $37.53 LF 598,065.89 30 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 72' 4020 5 Ea $2.755.00 Ea $13,775.00 52,650.00 Ea 513,250.00 52,692.09 Ea $13,460.45 31 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 Ea 53.257.00 Ea 53.257.00 $3.700.00 Ea $3,700.00 $4.34867 Ea 54,348.67 32 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design A or F 12 Ea $940.00 Ea $11,280.00 $1,180.00 Ea S14,160.00 51,173.04 Ea 514,076.48 33 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design C or G 2 Ea $940.00 Ea 51,880.00 $1.030.00 Ea $2,060.00 $1,332.79 Ea $2,665.58 34 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design H 12 Ea 5800.00 Ea $7,200.00 5960.00 Ea $11,520.00 $879.19 Ea $10,550.28 35 2506.502 I Construct Drainage Structure Design Special 2 Ea $1,065.00 Ea $2.130,001 51,300.00 Ea I 52,600.00 $1,400.95 Ea 1 $2,801.90 38 2511.501 Random Ri)rap Class III 50.7 CY $45.80 CY $2.322.06 $40.00 CY 1 $2,028.00 $68.50 CY 1 $3,472.95 Subtotal"B" $182,139.26 $206,851.00 $209,346.10 &23/99 Bid Tabulation Page 1 of 6 BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th St. - Page Avenue City of Otsego NORTHDALE CONSTRUCTION Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer LATOUR CONSTRUCTION, INC. BARBAROSSA d SONS, INC. CO. Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price 52 Extension 37 2503.511 Ea 12" SDR 26 PVC Pie (12'- 16) 89 LF $45.70 LF $4,067.30 540.00 LF 53,560.00 S70.62 LF $6,285.18 38 2503.511 $5,860.00 12" SDR 25 PVC Pie (24'- 28') 416 LF $61.70 LF $25,567.20 $64.00 LF $26,624.00 $70.62 LF S29,3T7.92 39 2503.511 $2,000.00 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (28'- 321 1 644 LF $67.70 LF $43.598.80 $84.00 LF 1 $41,216.00 $70.62 LF $45,479.28 40 2503.511 $3.120.65 1 18' SDR 26 PVC Pie (16'- 20') 309 LF $63.10 LF $19,497.90 $72.00 LF $22,248.00 584.20 LF 526,017.80 41 2503.511 57 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (20'- 24') 1823 LF S68.10 LF $124,146.30 $72.00 LF $131,256.00 584.20 LF 5153.496.60 42 2503.511 8" Water Main -Duct Iron Ci 52 18" SDR 28 PVC Pipe (24' - 28') 150 LF 574.10 LF $11,858.00 $72.00 LF 311,520.00 $84.20 LF $13,472.00 43 2503.511 LF 18" SDR 26 PVC Pie (28'- 32') 1560 LF $80.10 LF $124,956.00 $72.00 LF $112,320.00 $84.20 LF 5131,352.00 44 2503.511 $4,585.00 18" SOR 26 PVC Pipe (32'- 36' 856 LF $86.10 LF $73,701.60 $72.00 LF 561,632.00 $84.20 LF $72,075.20 45 1 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (all depths) 400 LF 549.70 LF $19,880.00 $25.00 LF $10,000.00 $30.00 LF $12.000.00 46 2503.602 1 Construct Outside Drop 4 Ea S1,565.00 Ea 56,260.00 $1,200.00 Ea 54,800.00 $2,418.75 Ea $9,675.00 47 2503.602 8" PVC Plug 6 Ea $14.00 Ea 584.00 $20.00 Ea $120.00 $33.96 Ea $203.78 48 2503.602 12" PVC Plug 2 Ea $35.00 Ea $70.00 $50.00 Ea $100.00 $52.50 Ea 5105.20 49 2503.602 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 Ea $600.00 Ea 5600.00 $1,000.00 Ea $1,000.00 S1,000.00 Ea $1,000.00 2506.602 Construct Sanita Manhole 16 Ea $1,600.00 EaE$25,600.00 $1,200.00 Ea $19,200.00 $1,388.59 Ea $22,217.44 Fol 2506.603 Extra Depth Manhole (over 8 ft) 270.96 VF $102.70 VF7.59 $80.00 VF $21,676.80 582.11 VF 522.248.53 Subtotal"C" $507,812.69 $467,272.80 $545,005.91 Bid Schedule "D" - Water Svstem Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 52 2504.602 Connect to Existing Watennain 4 Ea $250.00 Ea 51,000.00 $1,000.00 Ea 54,000.00 $500.00 Ea $2,000.00 53 2504.602 Hydrant 4 Ea $1,465.00 Ea $5,860.00 $1,500.00 Ea $6,000.00 $1,412.46 Ea $5,649.84 54 2504.602 6" Gate Valve 8 Box 4 Ea 5460.00 Ea $1,840.00 $500.00 Ea $2,000.00 $467.64 Ea $1,870.56 55 2504.602 8" Gate Valve 8 Box 5 Ea 5620.00 Ea $3,100.00 $600.00 Ea $3,000.00 5624.13 Ea $3.120.65 56 2504.602 12" Butterfly Valve 8 Box 10 Ea $835.00 Ea $8,350.00 $850.00 Ea $8,500.00 $850.53 Ea $8,505.30 57 2504.603 6' Water Main -Duct Iron Cl 52 44 LF $10.40 LF $457.60 $16.00 LF $704.00 $15.39 LF 5677.16 58 2504.603 8" Water Main -Duct Iron Ci 52 375 LF $13.00 LF $4,875.00 $18.00 LF $6,750.00 $18.00 LF $6,750.00 59 1 2504.603 12" Water Main -Duct Iron Cl 52 4954 LF $19.10 LF $94,821.401 $22.00 LF $108,988.001 $22.63 LF I $112.109.02 60 1 2504.82 1 Ductile Iron Fittings 3275 Lbs $1.40 Lbs $4,585.00 $2.00 Lbs $6,550.00 $1.03 LbsS3,373.25 Subtotal"D" $124,689.00 $146,492.00 $144,055.78 6/29199 Bid Tabulation Page 2 o/ 6 BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th St - Page Avenue City of Otsego NORTHOALE CONSTRUCTION Rid G-hnd, do 'F'. T-fr- Control LATOUR CONSTRUCTION_ INC_ Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quant; Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 61 2554.602 Permanent Barricade 4 Ea $225.00 Ea $900.00 $250.00 Ea $1,000.00 $253.58 Ea $1,014.32 62 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 $1,000.00 LS $1,000.00 $3.500.00 LS $3,500.00 63 2564.603 4" Double Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 4820 LF $1.10 LF $5,082.00 $1.20 LF 1 $5,544.00 $1.64 LF $7,578.80 54 2564.603 4' Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 720 LF $0.55 LF $396.00 $0.70 LF $504.00 $0.58 LF S403.20 65 2564.603 4" Solid Line White -E xy 10780 LF $0.50 LF $5,390.00 $0.60 LF $6,468.00 $0.50 LF S5,390.00 66 2564.603 12' Crosswalk Line White -Epoxy 640 LF $1.50 LF 5960.00 $1.60 LF $1,024.00 $1.55 LF $992.00 67 2564.603 8" Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 520 LF $1.50 LF $780.00 $1.60 LF $832.00 $1.55 LF $806.00 68 1 2564.604 Crosswalk Markin -E xy 2520 SF $2.00 SF $5.040.00 $2.10 SF 1 $5,292.00 52.07 SF 1 $5,216.40 89 1 2564.604 1 Sin Panels Ty e C 183 SF $21.30 SF $3,897.90 $35.00 SF I S6,405.00 $21.99 SF I $4,024.17 Subtotal "E" $22,945.90 $28,069.00 $28,922.89 Rid Schedule "F" - Restoration & Lands caoe Item # Spec.Ref Item Description $20,700.00 Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price - Roadway Extension 70 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Pre -Assembled E2000 $182,139.26 $1.00 LF $2.000.00 51.80 LF 53,600.00 $1.50 LF $3.000.00 71 2575.501 Seedin $144.055.78 $250.00 AC $1,750.00 5190.00 AC $1,330.00 $196.65 AC $1.376.55 72 1 2575.502 Seeding Mixture 500 490 Lbsl $2.00 lbs $980.00 $4.50 Lbs 1 $2,205.00 $4.66 Lbs $2,283.40 73 2575.505 Sodding Type Lawn 6000 SY $1.80 SY $10,800.00 $1.80 SY 510,800.00 $1.86 SY $11.160.00 74 2575.511 Mulch Material, Type 1 14 To $100.00 Ton $1,400.00 $120.00 Ton $1,680.00 $124.20 Ton 51,738.80 75 2575.519 Disk Anchoring 7 AC $50.00 AC $350.00 565.00 AC $455.00 567.28 AC $470.96 76 2575.532 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 3150 Lbs $0.50 Lbs $1.575.00 $0.20 Lbs $630.00 $0.21 Lbs 5661.50 6123199 Bid Tabulation Page 3 of 6 Subtotal "F" $18,855.00 $20,700.00 $20,691.21 Summary of Bidding: Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway $492,128.27 $517,811.50 $501.900.52 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $182,139.26 $206,851.00 $209,346.10 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $507,812.69 5467,272.80 $545,005.91 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System $124,689.00 $146,492.00 $144.055.78 - Bid Schedule "E" - Traffic Control $22,945.90 $28,069.00 $28,922.89 Bid Schedule "P' - Restoration & Landscape $18,855.00 $20,700.00 $20,691.21 TOTAL BID: $1,348,570.12 $1,386,996.30 $1,449,922.41 6123199 Bid Tabulation Page 3 of 6 BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th St. - Page Avenue City of Otsego Otsego Street & Utility Improvements Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway S.R. WE/DEMA, INC. RYAN CONTRACTING CO. RICHARD KNUTSON, INC. ARCON CONST. CO., INC. Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Item Description Estimated Quantity I Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 1 2021.501 2501.515 Mobilization 1 LS $68,417.00 LS $68,417.00 $27,200.00 LS $27,200.00 $16,000.00 LS $16,000.00 S80,000.00 LS $80,000.00 2 2101.511 2501.515 Clearin & Grubbing 1 LS 5500.00 LS $500.00 $10,000.00 LS $10,000.00 $5,000.00 LS 55,000.00 $7,800.00 LS $7,800.00 3 2104.501 20 Remove Fence 2500 LF S1.00 LF 1 $2.500.00 $2.50 LF $6,250.001 S2.50 LF I 56,250.00 $0.90 LF I S2,250.00 4 2104.503 21 Remove Bituminous Pavement 180 BY S3.00 BY S540.00 $2.00 BY $360.00 51.00 BY S180.00 $4.00 SY $720.00 5 2104.513 $540.00 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 425 LF $2.50 LF 51,062.50 $2.00 LF $850.00 $2.50 LF $1,062.5b $3.00 LF 51,275.00 6 2105.501 $900.00 Common Excavation 32535 CY S0.97 CY $31,558.95 51.50 CY $48,802.50 $2.85 CY $92,724.75 $1.22 CY $39,692.70 7 2105.505 $1,680.00 Muck Excavation 2550 CY $0.97 CY $2,473.50 $3.50 CY $8,925.00 $2.65 CY $6,757.50 $2.15 CY $5,482.50 8 2105.535 25 Saivacied Topsoil 36900 CY S0.97 CY $35,793.00 $1.20 CY S44.280.001 $2.65 CY $97,785.00 $1.18 CY 543,542.00 9 2211.501 26 Aggregate Base Cl 5 12875 To $6.25 Ton $80,468.75 $7.25 Ton $93,343.75 56.80 Ton $87,550.00 56.25 Ton $80,468.75 10 2340.506 27 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture 4610 To 524.65 Ton $113,636.50 $24.50 Ton $112,945.00 $24.00 Ton $110,640.00 $23.50 Ton 5108,335.00 11 2340.514 28 T pe 31 Wearin Course Mixture 4510 To $21.35 Ton $96.288.50 $22.50 Ton $101,475.00 $22.45 Ton $101,249.50 522.00 Ton $99,220.00 12 2357.502 29 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 1600 Gal $1.20 Gal $1,920.00 $1.00 Gal 51,600.00 $1.05 Gal $1,680.00 51.00 Gal $1,6W.00 13 2501.511 30 42" RC Pipe Culvert Cl 3 144 LF 577.80 LF $11,203.20 $90.00 LF $12,960.00 587.01 LF 59,649.44 $92.38 LF $13,302.72 14 2501.515 31 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 Ea $1,029.75 Ea $1,029.75 $1,420.00 Ea $1,420.00 $879.97 Ea $879.97 $1.120.00 Ea $1,120.00 15 2501.602 32 InletSWcture(16-1) 1 Ea 53,100.00 Ea $3,100.00 54.000.00 Ea 54,000.00 $3,635.00 Ea $3,635.00 $4,640.00 Ea $4,640.00 16 2511.501 33 Random Riprap Class III 14.9 CY S95.20 CY $1,418.48 S50.00 CY $745.00 $47.00 CY $700.30 574.00 CY 51.102.60 $2.660.00 2531.501 2506.502 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 10670 LF $6.45 LF $68.821.50 56.50 LF 1 $69,355.00 $6.60 LF $70,422.00 56.45 LF $68,821.50 Subtotal"A" $520,731.63 $544,511.25 5612,165.96 $559,372.77 Bid Schedule "B" - Storrn Sewer Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 18 2501.515 12" RC Pipe Apron 2 Ea $412.10 Ea $824.20 $425.00 Ea $850.00 $275.48 Ea $550.961 $435.00 Ea $870.00 19 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 3 Ea $452.55 Ea $1,357.65 $445.00 Ea $1,335.00 $292.60 Ea $877.80 5455.00 Ea $1,365.00 20 1 2501.515 24" RC Pipe Apron 4 Ea $639.55 Ea $2,558.20 $520.00 Ea 1 $2.080.00 $371.82 Ea 51,487.28 $590.00 Ea 1 $2,360.00 21 2501.602 Trash Guard for 12" Pipe Apron 2 Ea 5272.55 Ea $545.10 $265.00 Ea $530.00 $154.86 Ea S309.72 $270.00 Ea $540.00 22 2501.602 Trash Guard for 15' Pipe Apron 3 Ea $283.25 Ea $849.75 $300.00 Ea $900.00 $181.97 Ea $545.91 $300.00 Ea $900.00 23 2501.602 Trash Guard for 24' Pipe Aron 4 Ea $293.90 Ea $1,175.60 5425.00 Ea $1,700.00 5308.28 Ea $1,233.12 5420.00 Ea $1,680.00 24 2503.541 12' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 239 LF $25.90 LF $6,190.10 $19.00 LF 54,541.00 $18.06 LF $4,316.34 $29.74 LF $7,107.86 25 2503.541 15' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 419 LF 527.45 LF 1 511,501.55 $21.00 LF $8.799.001 $19.42 LF 1 $8,136.98 $31.14 LF 1 $13,047.66 26 2503.541 18" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 220 LF S29.25 LF 56,435.00 $25.00 LF $5,500.00 $21.34 LF $4,694.80 533.04 LF $7,268.80 27 2503.541 21" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 598 LF $27.05 LF $16,175.90 $28.00 LF $16,744.00 $23.70 LF $14,172.60 $32.92 LF $19,686.16 28 2503.541 24' RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 798 LF $28.85 LF $23,022.30 $30.00 LF $23.940.00 $25.34 LF $20,221.32 534.52 LF $27,546.96 29 2503.541 30" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 2613 LF 538.95 LF $101,778.35 540.00 LF 5104,520.00 $35.40 LF $92.500.20 $44.82 LF $116,592.06 30 2506.502 Construct Draina a Structure Design 72" 4020 5 Ea 52.659.50 Ea $13.297.50 $2,400.00 Ea $12.000.001 $3,286.01 Ea $16,430.05 $3,430.00 Ea $17.150.00 31 2506.502 Construct Draina a Structure Design 84" 4020 1 Ea $3,252.70 Ea $3,252.70 $3,250.00 Ea $3,250.00 54,628.11 Ea $4,628.11 $4,840.00 Ea $4,840.00 32 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design A or F 12 Ea 51,353.50 Ea 518,242.00 $1,475.00 Ea $17,700.00 $1,297.75 Ea $15,573.00 $1,370.00 Ea $16.440.00 33 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design C or G 2 Ea 51,353.50 Ea $2.707.00 $1,165.00 Ea 52.330.00 $1,356.82 Ea $2,713.64 $1,330.00 Ea $2.660.00 34 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design H 12 Ea $726.95 Ea $8,723.40 $925.00 Ea 511,100.00 $802.94 Ea $9,635.28 5890.00 Ea 510,680.00 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design Special 2 Eal $3.100.00 Ea $6,200.00 $1,555.00 Ea $3.110,1301 52,466.26 Ea 54,932.52 $2.230.00 Ea $4,460.00 2511.501 Random Ri rap Class III 50.7 CY $95.20 CY 1 $4,826.64 $50.00 CY I S2.535.00 547.00 CY $2,382.90 $74.00 CY 1 $3,751.80 Subtotal "B" $227,660.94 $223,464.00 $205,342.53 $258,946.30 6/23199 Bid Tabulation Page 4 of 6 BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th St. - Page Avenue City of Otsego .,_ ..r•• c--.. .....". RVAIU (`nIJTDArTrun - Rrr`rJ- --cm. Illr ARr rw r nAi zr rn wx Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Unit Price Extension 37 2503.511 12" SOR 26 PVC Pipe (12' - 16') 89 LF $63.35 LF $5,638.15 $77.00 LF $6,853.00 $71.51 LF $6,364.39 $57.42 LF $5,110.38 38 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (24' - 28') 416 LF $65.70 LF 527,331.20 $77.00 LF $32.032.00 $79.51 LF S33,076.16 $74.42 LF $30,958.72 39 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe 28' - 32') 644 1F $67.40 LF $43.405.60 $77.00 LF $49,588.001 S84.51 LF $54,424.44 $83.32 LF 1 $53,658.08 40 2503.511 18" SOR 26 PVC Pipe (16'- 20') 309 LF $74.70 LF $23,082.30 $89.00 LF $27,501.00 $84.26 LF $26,036.34 $75.62 LF $23,366.58 41 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (20'- 24') 1823 LF $75.85 LF $138,274.55 $89.00 LF $162,247.00 $86.26 LF $157,251.98 $82.12 LF $149,704.76 42 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (24' - 28') 160 LF $77.25 LF S12.360.00 $89.00 LF $14,240.00 $91.26 LF $14,601.60 S89.82 LF $14,371.20 43 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (28' - 32') 1560 LF 1 $78.90 LF 5123,084.00 $89.00 LF $138,840.00 $96.26 LF $150,165.601 $98.72 LF $154,003.20 44 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (32'- 36') 856 LF $86.95 LF $69,293.20 $89.00 LF $76,184.00 $101.26 LF $86.678.56 $109.62 LF $93,834.72 45 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (all depths) 400 LF $62.50 LF 525,000.00 $50.00 LF $20.000.00 $15.20 LF $6,080.00 $63.12 LF $25,248.00 46 2503.602 Construct Outside Drop 4 Ea $1,518.00 Ea $6,072.00 $3,035.00 Ea $12,140.00 $2,800.00 Ea $11,200.00 $2,040.00 Ea $8,160.00 47 2503.602 8" PVC Plug 6 Ea S7.20 Ea 543.20 $50.00 Ea $300.00 - $19.00 Ea S114.00 $36.00 Ea 5216.00 48 2503.602 12" PVC Ptug 2 Ea S29.40 Ea $58.80 $90.00 Ea $180.00 $38.00 Ea $76.00 566.00 Ea $132.00 49 2503.602 Conned to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 Ea $1,182.50 Ea $1,182.50 $10,000.00 Ea $10,000.00 5637.50 Ea $637.50 $260.00 Ea $260.00 50 2506.602 Construct Sanitary Manhole 16 Ea $1,523.15 Ea $24,370.40 $1,450.00 Ea $23,200.00 $1,779.00 Ea $28,464.00 $1,570.00 Ea $25,120.00 51 2506.603 Extra Depth Manhole (over 8 ft) 270.96 VF $86.35 VF 523.397.40 $85.00 VF S23,031.60 $80.00 VF 521,676.80 586.00 VF $23.302.56 Subtotal "C" $522,593.30 5596,336.60 $596,847.37 5607,446.20 Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 52 2504.602 Conned to Existing Watermain 4 Ea 5349.00 Ea $1,396.00 $1,500.00 Ea $6.000.00 $285.00 Ea $1,140.00 S130.00 Ea $520.00 53 2504.602 Hydrant 4 Ea $1,462.35 Ea $5,849.40 $1,420.00 Ea $5,680.00 $1,438.23 Ea $5,752.92 $1,540.00 Ea $6,160.00 54 2504.602 6" Gate Vatve & Box 4 Ea 5410.85 Ea 1 $1,643.40 $410.00 Ea 51,640.00 $407.64 Ea $1,630.56 $515.00 Ea $2,060.00 55 2504.602 8" Gate Valve & Box 5 Ea $559.95 Ea $2,799.75 $565.00 Ea $2.825.00 $574.13 Ea $2.870.65 5755.00 Ea $3,775.00 56 2504.602 12" Butterfly Valve & Box 10 Ea $767.60 Ea $7,676.00 $780.00 Ea $7,800.00 $750.51 Ea $7,505.10 $1,011.00 Ea $10,110.00 57 2504.603 6" Water Main -Dud Iron Cl 52 44 LF $24.00 LF $1,056.00 $15.00 LF $660.00 $21.84 LF $960.96 $27.09 LF $1,191.9e 58 2504.603 8' Water Main -Duct Iron Cl 52 375 LF $20.80 LF $7,800.00 $17.00 LF 58,375.00 $22.38 LF $8,392.50 $29.69 LF $11,133.75 59 2504.603 12" Water Main -Dud Iron Cl 52 4954 LF $24.30 LF 1 $120,382.20 $24.00 LF $118,896.00 $21.07 LF $104,380.78 S28.77 LF $142.526.58 60 2504.62 Ductile Iron Fittings 1 3275 Lbs $1.45 Lbs 1 $4,748.75 $1.05 lbs $3,438.75 $1.20 Lbs $3,930.00 $2.00 Lbs $6.550.00 Subtotal "D" $153,351.50 $153,314.75 $136,563.47 $184,027.29 8/23/99 Bid Tabulation Page 5 of 6 BID TABULATION Quaday Ave. - 78th St - Page Avenue City of Otsego .. ., ,.,r,.. �... ,., ... . . _ rcnu rur• aonnu nnucr r Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Extension 61 2554.602 Permanent Barricade 4 Ea $225.00 Ea $900.00 $225.00 Ea $900.00 $230.00 Ea S920.00 $225.00 Ea $900.00 62 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $4,500.00 LS $4,500.00 $8,500.00 LS $6,500.00 $8,000.00 LS $8,000.00 $1,000.00 LS 51,000.00 63 2564.603 4' Double Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 4620 -LF $1.20 LF 55.544.00 $1.08 LF $4.989.601 $1.11 LF $5,128.20 57.50 LF $34,650.00 64 2564.603 4' Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 720 LF $0.65 LF 5468.00 $0.54 LF $388.80 $0.55 LF $396.00 53.70 LF $2,564.00 55 2564.603 4 -Solid Line White -Epoxy 10780 LF $0.60 LF $8,468.00 $0.48 LF $5,174.40 $0.49 LF $5,282.20 53.60 LF $38,808.00 66 2564.603 12' Crosswalk Line White -Epoxy 640 LF $1.60 LF 51,024.00 S1.50 LF 5960.00 $1.53 LF $979.20 $6.00 LF $3,840.00 67 2564.603 8' Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 520 LF $1.60 LF $832.00 $1.50 LF $780.00 $1.53 LF $795.60 S8.00 LF 54,160.00 68 2564.604 Crosswalk Mari(ing-Epoxy Marking-Epoxy 2520 SF $2.10 SF S5.292.00 $2.00 SF 55,040.00 $2.93 SF $7,383.60 53.50 SF $8,820.00 69 2564.604 Sin Panels Type C 183 SF 521.25 SF $3,888.75 $21.25 SF 53,888.75 521.88 SF 53,967.44 $22.50 SF 1 $4,117.50 Subtotal"E" $28,916.75 $28,621.55 $32,852.24 $98,959.50 Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price - Roadway Extension Unit Price Extension Unit Price Bid Schedule "B" Extension Unit Price $223,464.00 Extension 70 2573.502 - Sanitary Sewer Sift Fence, Type Pre -Assembled 2000 LFI S1.80 LF $3,600.00 $1.00 LF $2,000.00 $1.85 LF 53,700.00 $1.80 LF $3,800.00 $32.852.24 2575.501 Bid Schedule "F" Seeding 7 AC $190.00 AC $1.330.00 $200.00 AC S1,400.00 $194.00 AC $1,358.00 $190.00 AC $1,330.00 2575.502 Seeding Mixture 500 490 Lbs 54.50 Lbs $2,205.00 $3.00 Lbs $1,470.00 S4.60 Lbs $2.254.00 54.50 Lbs 1 $2.205.00 73 2575.505 Sodding Type Lawn 6000 SY $1.80 SY S10.800.00 $2.35 SY $14,100.00 $1.85 SY $11,100.00 $1.80 SY $10.800.00 74 2575.511 Mulch Material, Type 1 14 To $120.00 Ton $1,680.00 $100.00 Ton $1.400.00 5122.50 Ton $1,715.00 $120.00 Ton $1,680.00 75 2575.519 Disk Anchorin 7 AC $65.00 AC 5455.00 $50.00 AC $350.00 $66.50 AC $465.50 565.00 AC 5455.00 76 2575.532 lCornmercial Fertilizer, 20.10-10 3150 Lbs $0.20 Lbs $630.001 $0.35 Lbs 1 $1,102.50 $0.25 Lbs $787.50 $0.20 Lbs 5630.00 Subtotal '7" $20,700.00 $21,822.50 $21,380.00 $20,700.00 Summary of Bidding: Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway $520.731.63 $544,511.25 $612,165.96 $559,372.77 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $227,660.94 $223,464.00 $205,342.53 $258.946.30 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $522,593.30 $596,336.60 $596,847.37 $607,446.20 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System $153,351.50 $153,314.75 $136,563.47 $184,027.29 - Bid Schedule "E" - Traffic Control $28,916.75 $26.621.55 $32.852.24 $98,959.50 Bid Schedule "F" - Restoration ✓f< Landscape S20,700.00 $21,822.50 $21.380.00 $20,700.00 TOTAL BID: 51,473.954.12 51,568,070.65 51,605,151.57 51,729.452.06 6123,99- Bid /23/99-Bid Tabulation Page 6 of 6 ,tate of MinnQsota SECRETARY OF STATE �'?" g � -, "'7- Z -Z4 - CERTIF':CATE OF INCORPORATION ✓•. I, Mary do certify that: Kiffineyer,. Secretary of State of Minnesota, Articles and acknowledged Inco, have under oath, Incorporation, duly signed been filed in the Office of incorporation the Secretary on this date of State, for the of accordance with the following the corporation, under and in `... Statutes listed provisions below. of the chapter of Minnesota This corporation is now legally organized under the laws of Minnesota. Corporate Name: WRIGHT/SIERBURN£ CHAPTER OF MINNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION Corporate Charter Number: 1T-194 Chapter Formed Under: 317A This certificate has been issued on 03/30/1999. ecreta of State. TAX EXEMPT LAW OFFICE OF EVE ROSE BORENSTEIN 3754 PLEASANT AVENUE S., # 107 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55409 612.822.2677 Fax: 612.822.2626 eve@taxexemptlaw.org April 8, 1999 Mike McGinty Minnesota Waterfowl Association 5701 Normadale Road Minneapolis, MN 55424 Re: Wright/Sherbure Chapter Dear Mike: Enclosed please find the original Articles of Incorporation for Wright/Sherburne Chapter of Minnesota Waterfowl Association stamped by the Secretary of State. If you have any questions please call. Sincerely, 4o Tamara a ey Administrative Assistant REPRESENTATION AND PLANNING ON FEDERAL TAX AND STATE ADMINISTRATIVE LAW MANDATES FOR TAX-EXEMPT AND NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS ale of Minnes of - c SECRETARY OF STATE CERTIF:'_CATE OF INCORPORATION �- I, Mary do Kiffineyer,. Secretary of State of Minnesota, -;" certify that: Articles of Incorporation, duly signed and acknowledged under oath, have been filed on this date in the Office of the Secretary of State, for the "= incorporation of the following corporation, under and in accordance with the provision:- of the chapter of Minnesota Statutes listed below. This corporation is now legally organized under the laws of Minnesota. Corporate Name: WRIGHT/S".IERBURNE CHAPTER OF MINNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION Corporate Charter Number: 1T-194 Chapter Formed Under: 317A This certificate has been issued on 03/30/1999. i ecreta� of State. Tj `T•J 7- ! ?�Z ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION OF WRIGHT/SHERBURNE CHAPTER OF MINNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION The undersigned incorporator, a natural person 18 years of age or older, in order to form a corporateems. under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 317A, adopts the following articles of incorporation. ARTICLE I NAME/REGISTERED OFFICE The name of this corporation shall be: WRIGHT/SHERBURNE CHAPTER OF MINNESOTA WATERFOWL ASSOCIATION�-The corporation's registered office address shall be located at: 5701 Normandale Road, Minneapolis, MN, 55424. ARTICLE II PURPOSE This corporation is organized exclusively for charitable purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that also qualify as Section 501(c)(3) exempt organizations. To this end, the corporation shall protect, preserve, restore, develop, enhance and maintain wetland habitats, waterfowl and wetland wildlife, and educate the public to the benefits of same, including the use and appreciation of wetland habitats, waterfowl and wetland wildlife. All funds, whether income or principal, and whether acquired by gift or contribution or otherwise, shall be devoted to said purposes. ARTICLE III LIMITATIONS At all times the following shall operate as conditions restricting the operations and activities of the corporation: No part of the net earnings of the corporation shall inure to any member of the corporation not qualifying as exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended, nor to any Director or officer of the corporation, nor to any other private persons, excepting solely such reasonable compensation that the corporation shall pay for services actually rendered to the corporation, or allowed by the corporation as a reasonable 63558 of allowance for authorized expenditures incurred on behalf of the corporation; '. 2. No substantial part of the activities of the corporation shall constitute the carrying on of propaganda or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, or any initiative or referendum before the public, and the corporation shall not participate in, or intervene in (including by publication or distribution of statements), any political campaign on behalf of, or in opposition to, any candidate for public office; 3. Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the corporation shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by a corporation exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as now enacted or hereafter amended; and 4. The corporation shall not lend any of its assets to any officer or Director of this corporation, or guarantee to any person the payment of a loan by an officer or Director of this corporation. ARTICLE IV DIRECTORSIMEMBERS The corporation shall have voting members, and such membership, if any, and classes thereof, shall be as defined in the corporation's bylaws. The corporation shall have a Board of Directors, who shall manage the affairs of the corporation as defined by statute, this Article, and the corporation's bylaws. No member or Director shall have any right, title, or interest in or to any property of the corporation devolve from their relationship to the corporation as a member or Director. ARTICLE V DEBT OBLIGATIONS AND PERSONAL LIABILITY No member, officer or Director of this corporation shall be personally liable for the debts or obligations of this corporation of any nature whatsoever, nor shall any of the property of the members, officers or Directors be subject to the payment of the debts or obligations of this corporation. ARTICLE VI DISSOLUTION Upon the time of dissolution of the corporation, assets shall be distributed by the Board of Directors, after paying or making provisions for the payment of all debts, obligations, liabilities, costs and expenses of the corporation, for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction of the county in which the principal office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes. ARTICLE VII INCORPORATOR The incorporator of this corporation is: Eve Rose Borenstein Attorney at Law 3754 Pleasant Avenue South, ¢107 Minneapolis, MN 55409 The undersigned incorporator certifies both that she/he/they executes these Articles for the purposes herein stated, and that by such execution, she/he/they affirms the understanding that should any of the information in these Articles be intentionally or knowingly misstated, she/he/they is/are subject to the criminal penalties for perjury set forth in Minnesota Statutes 609.48 as if this document had been executed under oath. L -ti110— signature date STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF STATE FILED MAR 3 0 1999 `�° f 7-7 sea*W-V of sl* Minnesota Lawful Gambling Page 1 of 2 10/98 For Board Use Only Fee Paid Application for Exempt Permit - LG220 Check No. Organization Information InitialsReceived Organization name ` ' I Previous lawful gambling exemption number Cr. . Street City State/Zip Code County Name of chief executive officer (CEO) of organization Daytime phone number of First name Last name � _ C,- � l /'� CEO: (LP i a— ))II "" C -P lj C�4 Name of teasurer of organization First name Last name Daytime phone number of treasurer- C,_ — �p 'IY') Type of onprofit Organization Check the box that best describes your organization: ❑ Fraternal ❑ eligious ❑ Veteran Other nonprofit organization Check the box that indicates the type of proof your organization attached to this application: ❑ IRS letter indicating income tax exempt status ❑ Certificate of Good Standing from the Minnesota Secretary of State's Office A charter showing you are an affiliate of a parent nonprofit organization ❑ Proof previously submitted and on file with the Gambling Control Board Gambling Premises Information Name of premises, where gambling activity will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place) c Address (do not use PO box) City StateZ Code \County D e(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing) ` 9 CZ1 `\WKA Ch cic the box or boxes that indicate the type o gambling activity your organizati n will be conducting: ❑ -Bingo P Raffles ❑ 'Paddlewheels FI -Pull -Tabs ❑ 'Tipboards 'Equipment for these activities must be obtained from a licensed distributor. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, Braille) upon request. The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. You have the right to refuse to supply the information requested; however, if you refuse to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue you a permit. If you supply the information requested, the Board will be able to process your application. Your name and and your organ'ization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. AD the other information that you provide will be private data about you until the Board issues your permit. When the Board issues your permit, all of the information that you have provided to the Board in the process of applying for your permit will become public. If the Board does not issue you a permit, all the information you have provided in the process of applying for a permit remains private, with the exception of your name and your organization's name and address which will remain public. 11 Private data about you are available only to the following: Board members, staff of the Board whose work assignment requires that they have access to the information; the Minnesota Department of Public Safety; the Minnesota Attorney General; the Minnesota Commissioners of Administration. Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies: anyone pursuant to court order, other individuals and agencies that are specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this Notice was given; and anyone with your consent. Application for Exempt Permit - LG220 Page 2 of 210/98 Organization Name L_Uv_C% vI Lvvvcl1u1rnn[tacKnowieagment If:th city. hin atyaimits,'the 1 On behalf of the city, I acknowledge this application and three options for the city: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, the city allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a first class city), 2. Waive the above -noted waiting period: The city allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days (60 days for a first class city). Docu- mentation attached. 3_ Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days (60 days for a first class city). Print name of city: (Signature of city personnel receiving application) Title Date Required by Statute) ;If�the amb �n prem�lg&s�is lgcated) j owii'siup;�boUT Zftles. �il +�. w . .n"""`�rnustsignhis'a'i'p`'cation ~x On behalf of the county, I acknowledge this application and three options for the county: 1. Approve the application: By taking no action, the county allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. 2. Waive the above -noted waiting period: The county allows the Board to issue a permit before 30 days. Documentation attached. 3. Deny the application by passing a resolution within 30 days. Print name of county: (Signature of county personnel receiving application) Title Date / / On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat. sec. 349.213, subd. 2). Print name of township: (Signature of township official acknowledging application) Title Date Chief Executive Officer's Signature The information provided in this application is complete andZj urate to the best of my knowledge. Chief Executive Officer's signature�{a „, Q,, [k,Q,A Name (please print) n l_ n f� F L ( G Date_ /�d Mail Application and Attachment(s) At least 45 days prior to your scheduled activity date send: • the completed application; • a copy of your proof of nonprofit status -and • a $25 application fee (make check payable to "State of Minnesota"). Application fees are not prorated, refundable, or transferable. Send to: Gambling Control Board 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South Roseville, MN 55113 If your application has not been acknowledged by the local unit of government, do not send the application to the Gambling Control Board. ication for Exem Permit - LG220, Information Sheet 10198 Who may be issued an An exempt permit can be issued to nonprofit organizations conducting lawful gambling activity exempt permit? on five or fewer days, and awarding less than $50,000 in prizes during'a calendar year. Separate applications Complete a separate application for each occasion. An occasion may be either. required 1. One day of gambling activity. • If your organization wants to conduct gambling activity on April 5, May 5, and June 5, you must submit a separate application and fee for each activity date. -OR- 2. Two or more consecutive days of gambling activity. • If your organization wants to conduct gambling on July 3, 4, and 5 at the same site, you may submit only one application and one fee. If you are conducting a raffle, each day a drawing is held constitutes one day of gambling. If drawings are held on more than five days in a calendar year, your organization must obtain an organization license, a gambling manager's license, and a premises permit. How to Obtain a Copy of Proof of Nonprofit Static rinanciai report and • On the first working day of the month in which your gambling activity is being held, the Gambling recordkeeping required Control Board will send your organization a financial report form and instructions. • Complete and return the financial report form to the Board within 30 days of your date of activity. Your organization must keep your gambling records for 3-1/2 years. Questions? Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at -651-639-4000. If you use a TTY, you can call the Board by using the Minnesota Relay Service at 1-800-627-3529 and ask to place a call to 651-639-4000. I CITY OF Oi SEGO .,899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 NOTICE OF WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT DECISION Name of Applicant: Dennis Backes Application Number: OT2198 Type of Application (check one): ❑ Exemption Decision ❑ No Loss Decision ® Replacement Plan Decision ❑ Banking Plan Decision Decision on Application: ❑ Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Postponed ® Approved with Stipulations Date of Decision: August 23, 1999 Location of Project: Within Sections 22 and 27, T121N, R23W, City of Otsego, Wright County Summary of Project: Backes Companies is proposing to develop a 120.5 acre site for 181 single-family homes in the City of Otsego. Development activities will include an internal roadway system with nine cul-de-sacs, ten water quality treatment ponds, and installation of sanitary sewer and water services. The applicant proposes to fill 64,033 SF of wetland and create 104,108 SF of new replacement wetland. The applicant proposes 295,337 SF in public value credits. List of Addresses: Keith Grow, BWSR Mark McNamara, Wright SWCD Robert Hance, DNR.Region 3 Administrator Doug Norris, DNR Wetlands Program Coordinator Gary Elftman, COE Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Jeff Shopek, Loucks and Associates Dennis Backes, Backes Companies You are hereby notified that the decision of the Local Government Unit on the above - referenced application was made on the date stated above. A copy of the Local Government Unit's Findings and Conclusions is attached. Pursuant to Minn. R. 8420.0250 any appeal of the decision must be commenced by mailing a petition for appeal to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources within fifteen (15) days of the date of the mailing of this Notice. Date of mailing of this Notice: August 23, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO Title: \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc .,899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 CITY OF OIS,G0 ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD CERTIFICATE OF MAILING OF NOTICE OF WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT DECISION (612) 441-4414 Fax: (612) 441-8823 The undersigned certifies on August 24, 1999, he/she mailed copies of the attached Notice of Wetland Conservation Act Decision to the addresses listed thereon by depositing the same in the United States Mail in the City of Anoka, County of Anoka and State of Minnesota, properly enveloped with prepaid first class postage. By: Title: Date: August 23, 1999 Keith Grow, BWSR Mark McNamara, Wright SWCD Robert Hance, DNR Region 3 Administrator Doug Norris, DNR Wetlands Program Coordinator Gary Elftman, COE Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company Jeff Shopek, Loucks and Associates Dennis Backes, Backes Companies \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc CITY OF Sn' G 0 j899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 CRIMSON PONDS — WETLAND PERMIT APPLICATION LIST OF STIPULATIONS Name of Applicant: Application Number: Project Name: Project Location: Dennis Backes OT2198 Cr=imson Ponds Within Sections 22 and 27, Wright County T121 N, R23W, City of Otsego, The Wetland Permit Application for Crimson Ponds dated July 7, 1999 has been approved with the following stipulations. - 1 tipulations: 1. Receipt of Escrow in the amount of $15,000 to be returned to applicant after wetland mitigation is complete after 5 year period. 2. Execute Affidavit of Landowner and record Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetlands and Consent to Replacement Wetland following review by city staff. Specific and detailed legal descriptions shall be written for each replacement area. 3. Provide Proof of Property Ownership 4. Wetland impact has been reduced by revising the grading plan for Lots 1 and 2 of Block 4 (shown as lots 8 and 9 of Block 3 in the Permit Application). Also new wetland creation has been reduced to save existing trees. The tree area shall remain as a conservation easement. Revise the wetland impact areas, public value credit areas, and wetland creation area shown in the plan. 5. Revise all applicable numbers and figures in the Wetland Permit Application and resubmit a final document. 6. The new wetland creation area which was revised to save trees does not meet the requirements of the permit application. The area is shown deeper than 4.5 feet and the shoreline and bottom is not undulating. Revise the grading plan. 7. Place silt fence between the wetland replacement areas (at the normal water elevation) and uplands. 8. Revise the grading plan north of Lot 5, Block 3. The grading does not match the impact limits shown in the permit application. Applicant Signature Date LGU Official Signature Date Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc CITY OF TSEGO ,)899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 Name of Applicant: Application Number: Type of Application: I. INTRODUCTION WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS Dennis Backes OT 2198 Replacement Plan Backes Companies is proposing a 181 single-family home development on 120.5 acres of existing farmland in Otsego, Minnesota. The proposed development includes an internal roadway system with nine cul-de-sacs, ten water quality treatment ponds designed to National Urban Runoff Program (NURP) standards, and areas of existing and newly created wetlands set aside as permanent.open space. Future access to undeveloped properties to the east and south is provided by stubbing roadways at the property boundaries. This will provide for proper traffic flow if the adjacent properties are developed in the future. The proposed plan involves 1.47 acres of wetland fill and 2.39 acres of wetland creation. The following text describes existing conditions on the site, the proposed replacement plan, and a sequencing discussion. Figures and appendices referenced in this application are included. II. SITE LOCATION The site of the proposed single-family housing development and subsequent wetland filling is located in Sections 22 and 27 of Township 121 North, Range 23 West, City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Specifically, the site lies southwest of the intersection of Page Avenue and 85th Street just east of Packard Avenue. III. FINDINGS • Currently, the property consists of an old farmstead, row crop fields, wetlands, and a small portion of deciduous woodland. In general, the site is relatively flat with wetlands occurring in distinct depressional areas. There are 5 wetland basins on the site including wetland types 2,3,4, and 6. Wetlands were delineated in October, 1998 and field reviewed by the Wright County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD). Soils on the site are sandy and relatively well -drained. Hydrology for wetland areas is driven by a combination of groundwater and surface water runoff. Page 1 of 3 \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc • The total proposed wetland impact is 65,033 SF. The deminimus is 400 SF. The proposed project results in wetland impact of greater than 10,000 SF over the deminimus. TEP members have been notified with a complete wetland permit application plan and have submitted comments. The impact is through fill. • The project is not exempt. • The wetlands are not DNR protected waters. • The applicant has,,demonstrated that the activity will minimize wetland impacts through modifying the size, scope, configuration, and density of the project. • The applicant suggests that no feasible alternative project configurations exist that would totally avoid all wetlands while allowing access to all portions of the site, allowing potential future access to adjacent properties, and providing for an economically feasible development plan. • The applicant suggests that sequencing flexibility may be applied because the wetland to be impacted has been degraded to the point where replacement of it would result in a certain gain in function and public value. IV. WETLAND REPLACEMENT PLAN A wetland replacement plan has been submitted. A replacement plan application has been submitted. A complete wetland replacement plan has been sent to TEP members for comment. A TEP meeting was held on August 4, 1999. Declaration of Restrictions, Affidavit of Landowner, Consent to Replacement, and Proof of Property Ownership have not been completed for replacement wetland. Replacement is proposed to be through creation, conservation easement and storm water quality ponding at a ratio of 2:1. 1. The replacement plan proposes a wetland elevation of 871 ensuring adequate supply of water. 2. Hydrology will be supplied by pre-treated stormwater, groundwater, and drainage from adjacent upland. 3. Hydrophytic vegetation will be provided through volunteer. 4. The created wetland is proposed as an'overall Type 4 complex, and the shore line and bottom contour are undulating. 5. Side slopes are not steeper than 5:1. 6. Best management practices and erosion control measures are not shown around the entire replacement site. 7. Sandy soils of the area are anticipated to provide an appropriate substrate for wetland establishment. If soils are found to be inappropriate for wetland establishment, the area will be topsoiled with soils taken from impacted wetland areas. Page 2 of 3 \1Ha01lshared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc 8. Fringe areas of the created wetlands above the anticipated normal water level will be seeded with an appropriate temporary cover crop following initial construction. 9. Placement of sod and planting of bluegrass lawn will not occur within specified new wetland creation areas. 10. A monitoring plan with photo points has been submitted. 11. Replacement is proposed to be through creation of 104,108 SF of new wetland and 295,337 SF of public value credit. 1. Page 3 of 3 \\HaOI shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGOO98\OT2198NOTICEWCADec.doc Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE WETLAND REPLACEMENT AND/OR BANKING PLAN Compliance is reached when all required signatures below are complete, at which time monitoring of replacment wetland is complete. The landowner is perpetually responsible for the success of the replacement wetland as outlined in the Declamtin of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. Escrowed funds, if any, will be returned after required annual monitoring report(s) have been received and corrective measures have been taken. APPLICANT INFORMATION Dennis Backes Name(s) of Applicant 7026 Brooklyn Blvd. Street Address Brooklyn Center, MN 55429 City, State, Zip Code (612) 566-1524 Check one: ® Replacement Plan: Project Number: OT2198 ❑ Banking Plan: Account Number: Project Location: T 121N R 23W S 22 and 27 UTM Coordinates: X: Y: Country Name/Number: Wright Mark Kjolhaug Name(s) Authorized Agent 4767 Richmond Road Street Address Mound, MN 55364 City, State, Zip Code (612) 4724875 Project Name: CRIMSON PONDS Major Watershed Name/Number: Mississippi River/# 17 (For LGU use only) CONSTRUCTION COMPLIANCE For Replacement Plans Only: LGU certifies that a qualified LGU representative has performed a site inspection, and finds that construction of the replacement plan identified above has been completed according to plan on (Date). (LGU Official Signature) (Date) (For LGU and TEP use only) MONITORING COMPLIANCE FOR REPLACEMENT AND BANKING PLANS ❑ Year One Report Received on (Date) ❑ Year Two Report Received on (Date) ❑ Year Three Report Received on (Date) ❑ Year Four Report Received on (Date) ❑ Final Report Received on (Date) ❑The Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) members certify by signature below that replacement is fully functional prior to five years following construction of the replacement plan and that a complete five years of monitoring is not necessary. (LGU write "Not Applicable" on lines for annual reports which were not deemed necessary.) (Signature of LGU Representative on TEP) (Date) (Signature of SWCD Representative on TEP) (Date) (Signature of BWSR Representative on TEP) (Date) ❑ LGU certifies by final signature below that a qualified LGU representative has performed a final site inspection and finds that monitoring of the replacement site or banldng site has been completed as required, any problems identified have been adequately addressed and remedied, and the goal of the replacement or banking plan has been achieved. (LGU Official Signature) (Date) \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\ot2198CertofCom.doc WETLAND MONITORING REPORT COMPONENTS After completion of the wetland mitigation areas, monitoring must be conducted for a five year period to evaluate the success of the mitigation area, to identify maintenance and management needs, and to correct any identified problems with the mitigation. During the growing season of each year, hydrologic and vegetative parameters should be measured in each of the mitigation areas. If standing water is expected, the hydrology of the mitigation areas will be monitored by installing staff gauges immediately upstream from each control structure and measuring water levels on a monthly basis during the growing season. In cases where there is little or no standing water, soil pits must be dug, depth of standing water recorded, and the location of each soil pit located on a site plan of the mitigation site. Wetland vegetation must be both quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated once per year during the period of July through August in each mitigation area. Hydrology should also be monitored from early May to mid June. Documentation photographs. should also be taken during the months of July through August from fixed reference points established at each wetland within the mitigation plan. At the end of the five years, a wetland delineation may be conducted to verify that the areas have met the three parameter wetland criteria and the results of the delineations should be addressed in the final report submitted A monitoring report must be prepared annually during the five-year monitoring period. The report should describe the status of the wetland mitigation, summarize the results of the vegetative and hydrologic monitoring, and discuss management activities and corrective actions conducted during the previous year as well as activities planned for the upcoming year. The report must be submitted to the LGU by December 31 of each year. At a minimum, the annual report must include the following information: • In the first report only, a comparison of the as -built specifications with the design specifications and an explanation for significant modifications. • A brief description of the wetland mitigation areas, including location, size, vegetative and hydrologic monitoring reports, current wetland types and desired wetland types. • For each subsequent year, a comparison of existing conditions in the wetlands with as -built specifications and an explanation for any significant differences. • A summary of water level measurements or soil pit data collected to date and a determination as to whether the hydrology in the wetlands meets the design elevations and wetland hydrology criteria as defined in federal wetland delineation manuals. Data for at least one soil pit near the wetland edge must be submitted. • A summary of plant species growing in each wetland and a determination whether the vegetation meets the wetland criteria as defined in federal wetland delineation manuals. For wetland mitigation areas greater than 0.5 acres, plant species data from at least two sample locations must be collected and their locations indicated on a site plan included with the monitoring report. Mitigation areas less than 0.5 acres only need plant species indicated for one sample location. Percent dominance should be recorded at each location with emphasis placed upon dominant species present. • A summary of management activities and/or corrective actions conducted in the wetlands during the previous year and activities planned for the following year (i.e. burning, retilling, regrading, herbicide application, reseeding and mulching). • Color photographs of the wetland mitigation sites taken in July through August of each year at the designated photo -reference points. At least one photo should be taken from each reference point. Photo -reference points should include views of any control structures and enough additional points to adequately depict the entire project. The direction in which the picture is taken should be specified. NOTE: The LGU may reserve the right to extend the wetland monitoring period beyond five years and withhold or cash any monitoring escrow required as part of an approved wetland replacement plan in the event that the wetland monitoring requirements are not met. It is possible that, based on a TEP determination, wetland establishment criteria will be achieved prior to completion of the five-year monitoring period, at which time monitoring report requirements may be terminated. Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2198\ot2198CertofCom.doc WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT CERTIFICATE OF REPLACEMENT PLAN (CONCEPTUAL APPROVAL) 'Compliance is reached when all monitoring requirements have been satisfied. At which time the LGU will complete a Minnesota Wetland Conservation Act Certificate of Compliance of Wetland Banking and/or Replacement Plan. The Landowner is perpetually responsible for the success of the replacement wetland as outlined in the Declaration of Restrictions and Covenants for Replacement Wetland. Escrowed funds if any, will be returned after the required annual monitoring report(s) have been received and corrective measures have been taken. City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 Dennis Backes, 7026 Brooklyn Blvd., Brooklyn Center, MN 55429, 612-566-1524 . (Name, address, and phone of applicant) Crimson Ponds, Single Family Residential (Description of project/Name of development) Within Sections 22 and 27, T121N, R23W, City of Otsego, Wright County (Location of work: Township, Range, Section, Qtr. Section, Lot, Block, Subdivision, City, County) Wetland activity at the above site is in compliance with the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA) for the following reason: Wetland has been replaced as per approved plan. This Replacement plan certification expires 12-31-00. (Date) Description of Proposed Replacement (See attached stipulations): The replacement plan dated July 7, 1999 with stipulations has been approved. Wetland impacts.cannot exceed 64,033 square feet, or permit is null and void. Created wetlands must meet minimum standards per 8420.0550, Subp. 2, Items A -H, and all added restrictions, monitoring requirements must be satisfied or permit is null and void. The information provided for this determination is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge. (Applicant Signature) (Dated) (LGU Official Signature) (Dated) 'THIS CERTIFICATION ONLY APPLIES TO THE WCA OF 1991. Permits from local, state, and federal agencies may be required. Check with the appropriate authorities before commencing work in or near wetlands. The Combined Project Notification form can be used for this purpose. FOR ALL APPROVED REPLACEMENT PLANS: A landowner draining or filling a wetland under an exemption shall ensure that; appropriate erosion control measures are taken to prevent sedimentation of the water, the drain or fill does not block fish passage, and the drain or fill is conducted in compliance with all other applicable federal, state and local requirements, including best management practices and water resource protection requirement established under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 10311. \\hlaOl\shared docsWtunicipal\AOTSEGO\2198\ot2198WCACertofRP.doc k 1'l-\.VIV�; cnu.r.r;tVr.rattvc; I_1VII tit nve\INO nV\'I If :\tIr'1 q' c'1�fiML1�iS, May 26, 1999 Mr. Mike Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 N.E. Nashua Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 Re: Crimson Ponds Loucks Project No. 98-187 Dear Mr. Robertson: In our discussions with Greg Downing with the EQB and reviewing the Minnesota State Statutes it has become apparent that our site does not meet any of the thresholds for requiring an EAW. The thresholds that were in question are as follows: MANDATORY CATAGORIES 4410.4300 MANDATORY EAW CATEGORIES Subp. 19 Residential Development A. (4) 250 unattached units The proposed subdivision and all other property owned by our client does not exceed 250 units using the existing zoning and comprehensive plan. Subp. 28 Agricultural and Forestry D. Conversion of 80 or more acres to a more intensive land use. The general layout of our subdivision includes large open spaces. Thus the total acreage that has been converted to a developed land use is approximately 75 acres. It is also our understanding that the City \\ill be completing an EAW as part of the construction of Page Ave N. and 78" street. If you have any questions. please Jeff Shopek or myself at 612-424-5505. Sincerely. LOUCKS & ASSOCIATES, INC. Jeremy S. Boots Project Engineer cc: Dennis Backes \.a.i,it I o -_t AIIItvi nt,l.,N\1 !i Itttt•\lu•tI ;I (t I itit) iit_• I:. u.i_ -1_1 -..I . tl_ 1!LiN_' �• nt.n1 lout L��.�tnutlt nt•t •tct•tt{r,l;;r lnt{t �n�\r\� I noun llt•1-It.ut! ti, 1'�•i 1: \I•! .• •.d is c ..c. \., itn.,.i I111d1' . \h",-it-ti I:. •til_ 17.' t.L', t:7S1,t..' ouds August 17, 1999 Mr. Mike Robertson City Administration City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, Minnesota 55330 Re: Crimson Ponds Loucks Project No. 98-187 Dear Mr. Robertson: 1°L.\NNING CIVIL ENGINEERL\G LAND SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL ARCFL\EOLOGY We are responding to the comments per the DNR letter dated July 29, regarding the wetland replacement plan for Crimson Ponds. Kjolhaug Environmental prepared a letter dated August 5, 1999, in response to the wetland issues. Our respond will address the water table issues, the cul- de-sac layout sketch in the southwest corner of the site and the EAW comments. Soil borings were conducted by GME Consultants in December of 1997. Their report indicates water table ranging in elevation from 870 to 872. In addition, Loucks & Associates, Inc. has been monitoring the water elevation in four wetlands over the spring and summer months. The water elevation has varied from 871 to 869. We also conducted approximately 10 soil test pits with a backhoe which indicated groundwater at the elevations indicated by the borings and wetlands. Therefore, these soils boring, tests pits and wetland monitoring indicate that the proposed mitigation will be adequately saturated to obtain the desired wetland characteristics. The cul-de-sac sketch in the southwest corner appears not to impact wetlands, but when positioning homes around the cul-de-sac it will actually result in more impact to wetlands than the proposed cul-de-sac on the preliminary plat. In addition, the angle between this cul-de-sac and the main road is such that it would be an unsafe intersection. The EAW issue was discussed with the EQB in May, 1999. The attached letter indicated the issues regarding the requirement of the EAW. We have contacted the EQB and sent them the DNR letter for their review. Please call me if you have further questions. Sincerely, Loucks & Associa�,s, Inc. ✓ z Je rey A. Shopek, P.E. Principal Engineer Encl: GME Soil Report Water level shots in wetland & Map EAW letter dated May 26,1999 cc: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. y L()l (:Ks & Asso c1.\rrs, hc. • 7200 Hrw.ocK L.\.`E, Suar. 300 • MAPLL GmYVE, MINNESOTA 55369-5592 • "r1t1.: (612) 424-5505 • F.\x: (612) 424-5822 e-mail. loucks@minn.nel . web page: lilrp://w,,wv t . mirin.nev-IOLicks/ F'.u.1. R. St SON • 6015 C:\1111.1. A\um.L E.\ST • INVER GwAL I hoictrrs. N11NNLSOT.\ 55076 . Tel.: (613) 457-364. • F.": 1612) 457.8643 Hakanson BIDDER'S LIST I—IN Anderson OT613 Assoc..Inc. OTSEGO STREET & UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS August 23, 1999 @ 11:00 A.M. ADDENDUMS BID NAME RECEIVED BOND AMOUNT 1. LaTour Construction 2. Ryan Construction t 3. Arcon Construction 4. S.J. Louis Construction 5. Richard Knutson, Inc. 6. Bonine Trucking 7. Progressive Contractors 8. Kenko Contractors 9. Barbarossa & Sons 10. Northdale Construction 1. R.L. Larson Excavating 12. North Valley, Inc. 13. Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. 14. Bauerly Companies 15. Hardrives, Inc. 16. Brown & Cris ' 17. S.R. Weidema, Inc. 18. S.M. Hentges & Sons" 19. Thielen Construction Co., Inc. 20. Rud Construction, Inc. 21 22. 23. 24. ''�.. $ D.12- i $ 70. 667 ✓ $ 70-12.9ss? .06 fi �5g7,1�.za io CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 The above Claims List was on the August 23, 1999 City Council Agenda for consideration of approval. Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $114.50 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $30.18 UnPaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $92.38 UnPaid BARBAROSSA & SONS $372,436.58 UnPald BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $19,634.35 UnPaid CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN $469.80 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,513.75 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $57.37 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.67 UnPaid EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237.92 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $6,033.41 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $373.70 UnPaid GME CONSULTAMT,. INC. $3,747.50 UnPaid GROEN GARY CPA $1,170.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $467.34 UnPaid MINNESOTA MUTUAL $58.60 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $4,619.69 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $226.99 UnPaid RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $704.00 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $475.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid SUSAN NYSTROM $280.00 UnPaid TRUE VALUE $45.68 UnPaid USF DISTRIBUTION $127.80 UnPaid VALENTINE KRALJIC $280.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $847.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $128.00 UnPaid ZIEGLER INC $836.27 Total Checks $415,550.48 The above Claims List was on the August 23, 1999 City Council Agenda for consideration of approval. CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Page 1 of 3 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment ............. �::.�::. .::................w ....... ...............».......................,,.........,.,..............,....... 10100BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION E201-45000-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $114.50 990836 July Unit Rental Total AFFORDABLE SANITATION $114.50 �UnPaid».,.,,,.<�,.,..�.k,Ma„<.,........................::AIRGAS, INC.:.........:..:...,,,,,,,.......:......,..,.w..»..,.......<............,............................,..,....,...,•...,...:..:....,,,�<...w..xw:.:...xx.»,,...,. E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $12.66 903340 Tank rental E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $17.52 912768 Oxygen Total AIRGAS, INC. $30.18 UnPaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS�f E 101-41940-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $92.38 42277 Phone Line Total AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $92.38 nw::. ::.yiiv3,yl.:C:.:::.P>:J . :.�000•:w,:T T�,?]Pl�,ri-:FTTa±c.,•a+„x--..:. UnPaid �.,»-.v::.aw:: n„-:: n.:::::.a..::: n„v.,a,-:: m,w,-:.r»„w.,a,-n.n„mw.»a,»-mwn+n»w:xnvrxx,vnvw„xxx,axx•.»w.w: BARBAROSSA & SONS m-.,,-.,»w::::::.vn-.,w::::.,,vn,x:.:::::: E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $372,436.58 Pay #3 Trunk Sewer & Water Total BARBAROSSA & SONS $372,436.58 ::.UnPaid~:...�,,,..,.,....Y..,....x ..................::BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK:.».,....,.............................,..........................................,,,..xx..ax, wM.:.<..,w..... E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $19,634.35 063704 WW Treatment Plant - Eng Total BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $19,634.35 �UnPaid.:.........................,.....:.r.<.<.<,...::;..,�::CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN:..,...w>..>..,�,.....,,.,«.<a..«..,.«.<„<....�.�..,>..,<.>,...,,,<�.,�.«.....,.....<,,,<M.,w,.,,M«.,,....,.,...,.:.k.. E 420-43100-310 Miscellaneous $108.75 C865624 Page St Bid Advert E 416-43100-310 Miscellaneous $252.30 CB65624 Overlay Bid Advert E 418-43100-310 Miscellaneous $108.75 CB65624 78th St Bid Advert Total CONSTRUCTION BULLETIN $469.80 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $1,513.75 July recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,513.75 :;•:UnPaid<:.........a,.......,..<,....,,,«.:,�<,..x<v.<..-<..,CROW �RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT ..:.......:.....:.:..........:...........,:..:....:..:..:.,,,,:....,....,,:...:..<..:................:.. E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $57.37 70136 Miscell supplies Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $57.37 Unpaid:�...•<.�.,m,,,..>,................................:..EARL F �ANDERSON�INC::...............................,.....,.....................................................................,.,.,..,.-.:..xx.,x,.,.,.,,.,,. E101-43100-393 Street Signs $82.67 18779 Street Signs Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.67 .:.....:......:.:......,...:............,.:.,,.....,...........,...,-::::.:.:....:.::::.,.:L-E-:::..,,:.:..,.........,............ Unpaid •-��-�� � ��������-���� �� ����� ����������� ���EAST SIDE LEASING�CO � ���-�������� E 101-41400-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $237.92 4978 Monthly rental Total EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237.92 Unpaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $4,070.71 8534 Odean Ave ROW Agt E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $1,962.70 8534 W&S ROW Agent Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $6,033.41 :....:........................................... :::::::::::::::::::.::.::::::::::.•::::,:::.,.<.,x:.::.,•:::::::::..•N Unpaid .: <::.._:::::::•.:::::::::::::•::::.,•::::.»•:.,,:.::::::-N....w.. G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM ::. www :.:.::, E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $218.68 Uniforms E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $77.51 Supplies E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $77.51 Supplies Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $373.70 ,................. ::::<.»:•::::::,•::::.:::::::::<:::::::::::: Unpaid •::::::::::::.::.:.,•:::<:.,,,::.:.,.. M :.:•:::::..x.::::::::.,:.::::.a-:::::.,•:. GME CONSULTAMT,. INC. �:.. xx » N . :NkM w<::. ,.<.wN::H.H w . ................. E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $180.00 3537 Washed Grad Tests E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $377.50 3537 MDH Grout Backfill E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $3,190.00 3537 Geotechnical report Total GME CONSULTAMT,. INC. $3,747.50 �UnPaid:..<::...........<.........,.<::....:..<.<:....x..a, '<.<:.:...:<....N......:.:<:.:.,.....w:::,,w..:::.<............<......<.<..:.:.:<...<.,:.:<.::..::.::.<....a.w..M...,V,,...H,.,.M.<.,,.,:.<,..x<,�. GROEN GARY �CPA E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $1,170.00 July Services CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Page 2 of 3 Check Amt Invoice Comment ( Total GROEN GARY CPA $1,170.00 .............M,,.,..........,.... n.........:........,......,,.,,,.,,..::.H:.G WEBER OIL COIvIPAIV`(•::....,.»,•.n.».<n,�. E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $21.70 Tax E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $197.80 Gas E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $247.84 Diesel Fuel Total HG WEBER OIL COMPANY $467.34 ..0 nP aid::........................................,,-......:::.fv11 N N ESOTA MUTUAL :.............,:.,....»..:... n.,k..n.:........:....................................................:..,.,......,n.,,.,»»:»:.,:»::.,,:»,,, E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 Employee Life Insurance E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.60 Employee Life Insurance Total MINNESOTA MUTUAL $58.60 UnPaid NORTHWEST .................................... • ' - `NORTHW EST ASSOC CONSULTANTSw�,�..�.<,.<.V.<.,�.«.M�w.,.<.,.««n�.<,.:..,,,..:a,,..»,.,,...�.»»,:,,.,,.»..,.» G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $374.71 8843 Pheasant Ridge PP G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $30.00 8843 Prairie Creek PP G 701-21921 Midwest Station $150.70 8843 Midwest Stat CUP E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $199.75 8844 Eng Guidelines Review E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $414.16 8844 General Planning E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $446.72 8844 Miss Wild & Scenic G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic $466.19 8843 Bridgeland PUD G 701-21920 JKO Holdings $589.83 8843 JKO Rezone/Site Plan E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $750.00 8845 Meetings G 701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 $922.19 8843 Lefebvre CUP/Var G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $275.44 8843 Grenins Miss Hills Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $4,619.69 .....:.�:•::..:..:....:n..vn:,,,e.,,:nw.,��,n,�::.<::n_::n_:::n,.::<:n:.::::::::n.::::::.::::.:n:.::::::::n,.:::.�.,.:::::::.::::.::.w:n»:..,»::..,:..:,,.::n,,..-<n:»,.::::..:.:::::.::n:_:::::::::::::::.�n,:.::._:::::n�n,.::n,:»::..,,:.:.,::..»:::::-.,,.:::,, Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP E 101-43100-123 Health $82.23 Employees Dental Coverage E 101-41400-123 Health $144.76 Employees Dental Coverage Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $226.99 UnPaid RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $704.00 157 Mason Ave Patch Total RUM RIVER CONSTRUCTION COMPANY $704.00 UnPaid SOFTRONICS E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $475.00 1762 9.5 hours of labor -Financial S Total SOFTRONICS $475.00 :: «: «,,,•<.,,..<<.,..,,,,. w.,..,,,.<,,,,,.:.,: x::::. _ ::::.,•:::::::: <:::::::: n,.:. � : n, .:::::::::::.» � ::::: nw:: n w.».::::: UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES n,-::::::::::::::::: n,.: n,.:.»-<:::.,•::::::::::::::::::::::::: n _ :::::::::::::: n � :: n _ : n,..w::<:..,,...,,,wn,,..<..,,..,......:n.,..,..:».<..w,.. E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 89321 July recycling Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 .�.UnPaid�n..........:....................,......<N....:,.,,.nSUSAN NYSTROM,»...,....:..n»...,.:,n.,,,,,,,�.�,�,�.»,::ww.n.,,n„w..,...»..n,:,:.n.,�..,,.:,�.,.,.,...........,...,..,.,..._,........»... G101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Depost Ref R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($120.00) Less Bldg Sup Fees Total SUSAN NYSTROM $280.00 n:....,..,.»„vv......:..,.. m...........<.. v.,.�.}r4WiiSi:.iYTF.,.:S.. .,,..,�,....w,rna,v ra.... n, n,.,n..... UnPaid TRUE VALUE n..,....... rc....,...,..-.v<:.m,,,:.....,mn n,...... n-.�...::n. n........ n.w......., E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $45.68 Miscell supplies Public Works Total TRUE VALUE $45.68 UnPaid USF DISTRIBUTION E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $127.80 5559575 Signs for Gate Values Total USF DISTRIBUTION $127.80 UnPaid < VALENTI N E•-KRALJ ICS.:..».........,........:::nn..nnn..:n. R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($120.00) Less Bldg Sup Fees G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Deposit Total VALENTINE KRALJIC $280.00 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, August 18, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 3 E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $836.27 240740 Cutting Edges Total ZIEGLER INC $836.27 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $415,550.48 Check Amt Invoice Comment ....., ............................,,.,,,..,..,,,, @:a;:x.:,,:;;::;o,22k:}> ��i'z,::<:�>?:'•oris`?::z>3�>s?EY:`'� ...... .....................................»........ UnPaicl WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $114.00 118-066-000030 E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cant (equip) $180.00 118-066-000010 E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $114.00 118-066-000020 E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cant (equip) $49.00 118-802-012100 E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $41.00 118-010-077100 E 101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cant (equip) $349.00 118-010-078010 Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $847.00 UnPaid`:;.,..Y.,.,...,..,, .,... ..h K,..,........::: WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER::.....,.........,..,........::.............:..................................,.,,.......,..,. .»...,......:.,,...,.,.... E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Darkenwald lot line E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Lefebvre Adm Sub E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Lefebvre Deed Restric E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $19.50 Specht Lot Line E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $50.00 Add recdg fees due Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $128.00 ri:•:+^C•Tim•:•w�•nN}H}}}NiJiP:t5JFF4}\•:•:•: TriVw.,h./w�,.oY.aeaaa<•'w}:va."- UnPaid ZIEGLER INC E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $836.27 240740 Cutting Edges Total ZIEGLER INC $836.27 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $415,550.48 BANG OF ELK RIVER . JL dY' SLK RYVER Member F�iC July 29; 1999 City of Otsego Attn: Judy 8899 Nashua Ave. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Otsego MN GO IMP 1991 P.1/1 Dear Judy: The interest and principal due on the above bond is as follows: Interest Due 8--1-99 $3,906.25 L{ O ex) — Principal Due 8-1-99 $25,000.00 3 O l_ L�-� D 0 O 1 Thank you! I apologize for the late notice. Sincerely, Chery A. Dehmer Cashier MAIN STREET OFFICE SCHOOL STREET OFFICE OTSEGO OFFICE 630 Main Street 846 Froepott Avenue 15800 88th Street NF- Elk EElk River, MN 55330 Elk River. UN 55330 Otsego, MN 55330 (612)441-1000 (612)441-9000 (612)441-7700 Fax (612) 441-0847 Fax (612) 441-0791 Fax (612) 441-7755