09-08-99 CCul ,i•9s►It Ju To: City Council, City of Otsego From: Lee W. Hanson, Hall & Byers, P.A. on behalf of Darkenwald Family Re: Request by City for Right to Construct The Darkenwald Family has asked me to respond to Mr. MacArthur's request of September 7, 1999 that they "consider granting a Right to Construct so that this project could possibly be commenced this fall. Taking advantage of the current bid would result in ultimate savings to all of the involved parties". Mr. MacArthur also indicated that construction this year would help put the City ahead of schedule and would permit the City to take advantage of "a very good bid". The Darkenwald Family has great difficulty in reconciling the City's request with the stringent and comprehensive demands laid down in the City's 5 page outline and accompanying letter of August 17`h in response to the Darkenwald's June 10, 1999 proposal outlining possible content of an agreement that would permit them to use their own sewer and water systems on their own land. The main features of the City's outline required the following of the Darkenwald's: a) transfer of the waste water treatment plant to the City in 15 years b) transfer of all easements for streets, sewer lines, water lines, storm water and related constructions that the City requires c) a total and complete blanket waiver and release of all possible legal remedies and claims, including rights of appeal, that they might have with respect to any action the City might take in the future. The family is also concerned that the City is willing to take their land to aid private developments to the North and West of them when all of the necessary infrastructure, easements and streets can be secured at no cost to the City as part of the proposed development of the adjoining properties. The Darkenwald family has been trying unsuccessfully for 2 and '/Z years to find a way to cooperate with the City in a mutually beneficial way. They are still prepared to act quickly to reach an agreement that would permit the City to stay ahead of schedule and take advantage of the favorable bid - but cooperation is a 2 way street. They are prepared to sit down with council representatives and negotiate a binding agreement that can secure satisfactory resolution of the outstanding issues. OUR DEVELOPMENT GOALS Our primary goal is to be able to use our waste water treatment facilities and water system, which we have operated since 1972 to service our own property. Our investment concept is to own and lease — ground leases, build -to -suit leases, and lot leases. We are investing for the long haul. Our investment philosophy was distributed to the Council on April 22nd at the Special Council meeting but can be summarized as follows: a conservative market driven approach using economies of scale to achieve a favorable cost benefit ratio and thereby reducing own risks. We envision a planned unit development with mixed uses: single family and multiple residential, commercial and, possibly, light industrial. We would require appropriate zoning and densities. We are exploring a variety of manufactured housing types suitable to a variety of housing needs and including a secure senior community with a campus like atmosphere. for the Darkenwald Family 7 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. evil & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 13, 1999 ITEM 5.0 CONSENT AGENDA CONTRACT PAYMENTS ITEM 5.2 PUMPHOUSE #1 — EnComm Midwest Recommend approval of Pay Estimate #3 for $42,576.18. 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax The project percent complete is 22.5%. The building is approximately 85% complete. The large dollar items yet to be completed are: Building Mechanical Building Electrical SCADA System Chemical Treatment Portable Generator Substantial completion date is 11/15/99. Generally the project is proceeding on schedule except for the electrical work, which is just starting this week and appears to be several weeks behind. Attached find a copy of Pay Estimate #3. ITEM 5.3 WATER TOWER AND TANK — Maguire Iron, Inc. Contractor is requesting approval of Pay Estimate #3 for $42,957.00. The project percent complete is 71 %. The tower and tank steel sections are being welded on the ground and will be lifted in place in the next week to 10 days, we are told by the Contractor. The contract will not be substantially complete by September 30, 1999 as required. It would appear that the painting will be delayed if weather conditions prevent painting this fall. We would recommend approving payment but holding sending the check until substantial portion of the tower and tank are erected. Attached find a copy of Pay Estimate #3. Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901consentagenda9-13-99.doc ITEM 5.2 PAY ESTIMATE #3 September 1, 1999 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Pumphouse #1 Contractor: EnComm Midwest, LLC. Contract Amount: $392,736.00 Award Date: April 29, 1999 Completion Date: Substantial Completion by November 15, 1999, Final Completion by July 1, 2000. Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: PART 1 BID SCHEDULE "A" - SITE WORK ENGINEER Item !Description Estimated I'I Quantity I Unit 1 Unit Price I Used to Date j Extension 1 !Clearing & Grubbing 61 TREE $ 300.00 TREE; 4 , $ 1,200.00 :=Grading & Excavation 11 LS $ 1,200.00 LS i 0.8 1 $ 960.00 3 'Class V Gravel (LV) 125; CY $ 15.00 CY ': $ $ - 4 I Parking Lot Bituminous Pavement 140 SY $ 23.50 SY $ 1 $ - 5 Concrete Walk & AC Pad 5.61 SY $ 60.00 SY i 1 $ $ - 6 !Silt Fence 1201 LF $ 2.00 LF 220 $ 440.00 7 ITemporary Security Fences 4201 LF , $ 1.00 ! LF 1 420 $ 420.00 8 lCedar Split Rail Fence 3601 LF $ 5.90 LF $ - 9 [Rip Rap Class III 251 CY $ 86.00 CY 1 $ - 10 112" CMP Culvert 28' LF 1 $ 20.00 LF ! 21 [ $ 420.00 11 8" PVC Culvert 20 LF ! $ 18.00 LF 1 i $ - 12!Seeding (includes seed) 0.7 AC $ 800.00 AC I $ - 13!Mulching 1.41 TON $ 500.00 TON ; $ - I 14 [Fertilizer 350; LBS j $ 0.80 [ LB ! i $ - TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": $ 3,440.00 RIr1 gr:HF=nt 11 F "R" - YARr1 PIPINr. Item ;Description Estimated I !! Quantity Unit ! Unit Price 1 Used to Date Extension 15 i4" Soil Pipe 1801 LF $ 26.00 LF 1 90 j $ 2,340.00 16 4' Dia. Seepage Manhole 21 EA $ 2,100.00 EA I 2 ; $ 4,200.00 17 ! 16" DIP Class 52 261 LF 1 $ 80.00 LF 1 26 $ 2,080.00 18 10" DIP Class 52 6i LF 1 $ 126.50 LF i 6 $ 759.00 19 1 8" DIP Class 52 251 LF $ 48.00 LF 25 1 $ 1,200.00 1 20 'Fittings 5201 LB $ 3.35 LB ! 520 $ 1,742.00 21 i 6"Flushing Hydrant including valve & piping 1 LS 1 $ 2,700.00 LS 1 1$ 2,700.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": BID SCHEDULE "C" - WELL PUMP AND APPURTENANCES $ 15,021.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: $ 800.00 TOTAL PART 1: $ 19,261.00 Share/Municipal/Otsego/ot507bt. xls Sheet. PAY ESTIMATE 3 Page 1 of 3 917199 PART 2 Rlrl 'ZrWr=nl II P "A" - PI IIu1Pl-Ir)l ICF 1 � Estimated Unit Price ! Used to Date j Extension Item I-----....__..._.. luescription - _---__ _ t-- — Quantity -j Unit l-- Unit Price _ i Used to Date I Extension j 1 28 Pumphouse Building t- 1 LS $ 69,150.00 LS ! 0.85 7 $ 58,777.50 I 29 Building Mechanical 1 i LS I $ 45,250.00 LS 1 0.12 $ 5,430.00 30 !Painting and Protective Coating 111 LS $ 6,200.00 LS i $ - 31 !,Building Electrical & Controls _ _ 1; LS I $ 65,980.00 LS $ - 32 SCADA System 1 I LS 1 $ 84,920.00 LS $ - I TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": $ 64,207.50 Rin grHi=nt n F "R" - t-:HFMlrAI TRFATMFNT -T It j Item IDescription Estimated Quantity ( Unit Unit Price ! Used to Date j Extension 33 Chlorine Gas Treatment 1 LS $ 19,800.00 LS $ 34___Fluoridation & Pol phosphate Treatment 11 LS $ 5,780.00 LS __ I _ $ 35- j Process Water Piping for Chemical Treatment 11 LS $ 1,200.00 LS $ - 36 - ' Booster Pump 1 r, LS $ 780.00 LS ! ! $ - TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": $ 27,560.00 $ BID SCHEDULE "C" - PERMITS Estimated Item F Description Quantity Unit Unit Price I Used to Date I Extension `-__37 Permits _ 1 LS 1 $ 2,000.00 1 LS ! 0.607 1 $ 1,214.58 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C" $ 1,214.58 BID SCHEDULE "D" - MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION Estimated ! Item Description Quantity I Unit j Unit Price I Used to Date Extension I j 38 jMobilization & Demobilization 1; LS 1 $ 7,000.00 1 LS 0.5 j $ 3,500.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D": $ 3,500.00 TOTAL PART 2: $ 68,922.08 Al TPPNIATI\/G "A"• P—tf Klc Pn,,., rZ—,nf— SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule "A"- SITE WORK Bid Schedule "B" - YARD PIPING Bid Schedule "C" - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule "A" - PUMPHOUSE Bid Schedule "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule "C" - PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Alternative "A" - GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #1 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #2 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: Share/Municipal/Otsepo/ot507bt. xls Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 3 Page 2 of 3 $ 3,440.00 $ 15,021.00 $ 800.00 $ 19,261.00 $ 64,207.50 $ 1,214.58 $ 3,500.00 $ 68,922.08 $ 88,183.08 $ 4,409.15 $ 19,674.81 $ 21,522.94 $ 42,576.18 9/7199 Estimated 1 I Item Description I Quantity Unit Unit Price Used to Date 1 Extension Portable Power Generator as per Section ( 1 i 39 ! 16201 1 LS $ 37,000.00JLS OI $ - SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule "A"- SITE WORK Bid Schedule "B" - YARD PIPING Bid Schedule "C" - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule "A" - PUMPHOUSE Bid Schedule "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule "C" - PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Alternative "A" - GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #1 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #2 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: Share/Municipal/Otsepo/ot507bt. xls Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 3 Page 2 of 3 $ 3,440.00 $ 15,021.00 $ 800.00 $ 19,261.00 $ 64,207.50 $ 1,214.58 $ 3,500.00 $ 68,922.08 $ 88,183.08 $ 4,409.15 $ 19,674.81 $ 21,522.94 $ 42,576.18 9/7199 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: 1 certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certificatioryby gngineer. �We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. Signed: Title: _ OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: ShetWMuniapal/Otsego/ot507bt. xl s Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 3 Page 3 of 3 917199 ITEM 5.3 PAY ESTIMATE #3 September 1, 1999 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Water Tank & Tower Contractor: Maguire Iron, Inc. Contract Amount: $536,245.00 Award Date: September 15, 1998 Completion Date: November 14, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: itam rlascrintinn OWNER Percent Total Contract Complete Complete to Balance to Price* to Date Date Complete 1 'Design Drawings $10,000.00 100.13 $10,000.00 ! $0.001 2 (Foundations $80,000.00 75 $80,000.00 ! $0.00 3 i Delivery of Steel $239,000.00 0 $239,000.00 I $0.00 4 i Field Erection $100,000.00 40 1 $40,000.00 $60,000.00; 5 Field Painting $80,000.00 0 i $0.00 $80,000.00; 6 Field Electrical $12,000.00 0 i$0.00 ' $12,000.00 TOTALS: $521,000M $3by,UUu.Uu 4ilbz,uuu.uu *Item Breakdown per Contractor Change Order No. 1 Item A i Excavation and grading to develop work $6,550.00 1 100 $6,550.001 $0.00 1 B ; Foundation/Footing Redesign $965.00 100 $965.00; $0.00 C 1Tank & Tower Structural Redesign and Welding $7,730.00 1 57 1 $4,215.001 $3,515.00 TOTALS: $15,245.00 $11,730.00 $3,515.00 Total Contract Price: $536,245.00 USED TO DATE: $380,730.00 LESS 10% RETAINAGE: $38,073.00 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #1: $66,600.00 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2: $233,100.00 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $42,957.00 FILE: Share\Excel\0tsego\0T508BT.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE #3 Page 1 9/7/99 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: FILE: Share\Excel\0tsego\0T508BT.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE #3 Page 2 9/7/99 SEP -08-1999 08 47 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02/07 N W,,0%rM** NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 8 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Crimson Ponds; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.14 The Planning Commission reviewed the submitted final plat for Crimson Ponds at their meeting on September 7, 1999. Please note that a revised final plat Was submitted by the applicant and a revised planning report drafted. The revised planning report is dated 2 August 1999, althouth it was issued on 2 September 1999. There Was no discussion regarding the proposed final plat. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed final plat. A findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation is attached for consideration by the City Council on September 13, 1999. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Lary Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NACC)WINTERNET.COM . SEP -08-1999 08:48 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Backes_ Companies Incorporated 612 595 9837 P.03i07 Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a final plat entitled "Crimson Ponds" consisting of 42 single family lots and six outlots on the property legally described by Exhibit A ("the property"). City Council Meeting Date: 13 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is: See attached EXHIBIT A. 3. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for low density residential development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family. 5. The Crimson Ponds Preliminary Plat, consisting of 180 single family lots and one outlot, was approved by the City Council on 23 July 1999. 6. The proposed final plat consists of 42 single family lots and six outlots consistent with the design of the preliminary plat and applicable conditions of said approval. 7. The planning report dated 2 September 1999 prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 8. The memorandum dated 31 August 1999 from the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson and Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. The Otsego Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 7 September 1999 to consider the proposed final plat. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the final plat based on the aforementioned findings. SEP -08-1999 08 48 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i07 Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Crimson Pond Final Plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. The applicant submit a phasing plan for the future development of Outlot F. 2. The final plat is revised to illustrate Padrick Cove as Padre Cove respectively. 3. All final construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The applicant pay $44,075.00 as park and trail dedication in lieu of land. 5. The applicant enter into a development contract and post all required securities and financial Commitments, subject to review by the City Attorney and approval of the City Council. 6. Comments of other City Staff. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 'lath day of September, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 SEP -08-1999 08:49 NW,6#% 0 INC NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i07 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PL-ANNINO - DESION - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 8 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Prairie Creek; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.17 The Planning Commission reviewed the submitted final plat for Prairie Creek at their meeting on September 7, 1999. During the meeting, it was noted that the length of the cul-de-sac was inaccurately measured and is in fact 500 feet. The only outstanding issue With the project, aside from engineering details, are the street names. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend approval of the proposed final plat. A findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation is attached for consideration by the City Council on September 13, 1999. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM SEP -08-1999 08:49 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Ulmer Construction. Inc. 612 595 9837 P.06i07 Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a final plat entitled "Prairie Creek- consisting of 45 single family lots and three outlots on the property legally described by Exhibit A ("the property"). City Council Meeting Date: 13 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is: See attached EXHIBIT A. 3. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for low density residential development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family. 5. The Prairie Creek Preliminary Plat, consisting of 118 single family lots and one outlot conceptually approved as a PUD tWnhome project with 68 units, was approved by the City Council on June 14, 1999. 6. The proposed final plat consists of 45 single family lots and three outlots consistent with the design of the preliminary plat and applicable conditions of said approval. 7. The planning report dated 1 September 1999 prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 8. The Otsego Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 7 September 1999 to consider the proposed final plat. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the final plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Prairie Creek Final Plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: SEP -08-1999 08:50 NAC 612 595 9837 P.07i07 1. A development phasing plan indicating the anticipated schedule for final platting the balance of the approved preliminary plat is submitted. 2. The proposed street names shall be revised to be consistent with the County naming pattern. 3. All grading and drainage plans and easements shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The applicant submit all construction plans required by the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The applicant pay a park dedication fee in lieu of land in the amount of $48,375.00. 6. The applicant enter into a development contract with the City, post all required securities and pay all applicable fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 7. Comments of other City Staff. PASSED by the Otsego City'Council this 13th day of September, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 TOTAL P.07 Hakanson ITEM 7.3 Order No. 1 Anderson Date: 9/7/99 Assoc., Inc. CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER I ct: Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Owner: City of Otsego, Project 98.04 To: Barbarossa & Sons (Contractor) You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: Description of Changes INCREASEIDECREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price For work shown on Plan Sheet 27 of 42, extend the sanitary sewer to terminate in a manhole with lateral sewer stubs and extend the watermain to locate the hydrant west of the existing service road all as described in attached letter dated 9/1/99 and as shown on Plan Sheet 1 of 1 titled Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Enxtensions CSAH 42 and CSAH 39, dated 9/1/99 and labeled as attachment to Change Order No. 1. Add to the Contract the following pay items: Item Description 63A 1 -inch Corporation 1 EA @ $40.00 $40.00 63B 1 '/z inch Corporation 1 EA @ $45.00 $45.00 77A 4 -inch or 8 -inch PVC Serviced WYE 2.EA @ $60.00 $60.00 P" —ork shall be paid at the contract unit prices based on quantities of work performed . The estimated cost of added work ad by this Change Order is $8,222.00. Net Change in Contract Price: $ $8,222.00 Justification: The sewer and water extensions conform to recent planning for utility extennsions. The work as shown will allow for current and future lateral utilities. Due to the change order, the contract period will be: unchanged to/by: The Contractor has been delayed for work on Quaday Avenue due to the relocation of the high pressure gas main. The date for operational completion is revised to October 1, 1999. Original contract Amount $ 2,173,560.25 Previous contract changes, Change Order # 0 to # 0 $ none Prior approved contract amount $ 2,173,560.25 Change in contract due to this change order $ 8,222.00 Total contract including this and previous change orders $ 2,181,782.25 Original contract period: Operational Completion 9/15/99; Final Completion 11/1/99 Changed contract period from previous Change Order none Contract period including this and all previous change orders: operational completion 101199 Final completion 11i1199 This document will become a supplement to the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. Recommended:7 Zne;esA��rc itec gineer) ate ;pted: ( ntractor) Date Approved by: For the Owner (Name and Title) Date This information will be used as a record of any changes to the original construction contract. G C.S.A.H. NO. 42 F r FUTURE 8" — — _ SANITARY SEWER--*, — — — — WAT .M,,A — — Of RICHT WAY SERVICE ROAD — — 'RTY UNE ------------ -- 1 1 /2' CORPORATION 1" CORPORATION' I I HYDRANTS I 6" VALVE 20LF-6" DIP I I ELEVATIONS OF SEWER AND WATER TO ALLOW FOR FUTURE. SERVICE ROAD ® 861.0 v 'tom TOP OF 53.5 \ C' 2OLF-16" DIP X12" ON 16" CROSS - 2 EACH 12" PLUGS �, // i,—il t TO 6"REDUCER y WEST pFHS V RT VIICE A .0 FT. F�0 PA WATERM N � G FUTURE 8" SANITARY SEWER t GROUND AT HYDRANT = 863.00 HYDRANT BURY TO = 853.00 BARREL LENGTH = 10 FT. WATERMAINeee I hereby eertlhy that Uwe 0140. bye6fkatlo0, o apart wt prepared by me ar, und« my dlReg tered Pro— and Uql 1 am a duly Registered Pro— ieseional EOgln«r 1414« U,e w.s a the State of W-n•eata. OATS REVISION oche at JAH '� Ankerson Anderson ASSOC.,Inc. Ciw F,ng— and lana Swvywe 36d1 Ttwrrtan A• Ane`e. � 7510.1 — ..__ ..,...1_. 1_410 7A71 At UCA owe at JAH... W Q Z �Z- 20 0 20 40 SCALE W FEET OT922\OT922-1.OW0 SHEET WATERMAIN AND 1 SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIONS (IF C.SAH. NO. 42 AND C.SAH. NO. 39 1 CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA SHEETS DOE 8-26-99 FILL "a OT922 STANDARD MH RIM 863.40 INV. 844.51 v INV. 8' NORTH 844.92 INV. 8" S.W. 850.00 C.S.A.H. N0. 42 G 20LF-8" PVC ® 0.4% G PLUG END ® 845.00 Q _ w rn OH G' PVC FUTURE 8" SANITARY SEWER --*`81F-15" r SAWCUT— :•r - 0 \ . Z `— __— __---- ----- Hp 0 H --- - - ----------- --------- 12 ------: ::.-_ . OHP N " _ Q TURE WATERMAIN AWCU ��a . ` c N OF WAY OF SERVICE ROADPERTY UNE \ � '_.}„ SAWCU7 WRIGHT U Z PRO ____ _ r---------------------- 2 EACH 4" SERVIC FUTURE 2.. WATE A 30LF-8" PVC ®0.4x PLUG END ® 850.12 I ELEVATIONS OF SEWER FUTURE 8" SANITARY SEWER AND WATER TO ALLOW ' FOR FUTURE SERVICE ROAD ® 861.0 SAWCUT 70LF REMOVE AND REPLACE 180 SQ. YD. BIT. PAVEMENT SANITARY SEWER I-, - 20 0 20 40 SCALE IN FEET =w NORTH GRAVITY SEWER M INSTALL 16" iDIP y 45' BEND 11 RELOCATEI BA SI ` RESTORATION WITH FIELD TYPE SEED r1 , <T`'VREMO � 11 , � E STA UOVE *NO NSTALL REQUIRED T POLES SEWER ° � ANtWATRMAI ONSRINSTALL HYDRANT INSTALL 16' $P CT S 6" ON 16" TEE ' BEND 5 CH PT' 101E-6- DIP r ) ` 6" GATE VALVE /tj4400 STA. 66+,73,.1�a� INSTA '16" sem. 8x.8 t C �. BUTTERFLY VALVE hM t B i . SAN �. . STA 67+0 --SAN MH � �� �u I 44s"+�'? INSTALL't6", N i6" TEE G-23 �v - a ----_— ---�----------- - I I o w > as _ — ---- zyWW N o LL n n e -o j� tec --------------------o ------------- Nrptpl �8---- ` x SC -AUT 0 45' B IEND Y+ z I= N co z < y 2m INSTALL 16" DIP n x i so oEN errt ewsEuFrt 45BEND m 1001E-24" a STEEL y N — PIPE CASING=WATERMAIN 130LF-24,$ STEEL -- ----- I ------- A EIRZ-_ /------- ----- ---I}--------- ----- Wrrl}Ti BUUMINOUS S (4� 170SY --- — - — - -- . X�, ��--y—_ — --- _ move J31WMIN=1 3TAL913tTU PAVEMENT 170 •:. 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AT HYDRANT '^�^^—^'n T— VALVE 165 .:.. ..�: eat s r TOP TOP PWATFOF 8621 — MAN e6ao _ 16 l 52 LIP 160 HYD HYDRANT : 9MLF .. .................. .............. ............................ .. ............... ................................ TOP OF VALVE 0.83X t WATERNAIN :TOP OF TEE •WATOM 155: :asa3 1 : ......... 10OLF-24" 4 STEEL 1OMF-24"'0: STEEL 150 ..:.........: :.........:.. ....PIPE.CASING PIPE. CASING ................ .............. 14-7LF-15" SOR 26 106LF-15 96LF-15" SOR 26 PVC 1`4LF-15":SDR 26 SOR;26 PVC PVC PIPE AT O.15x : 145 PIPE AT 0.15% PVC PIPE AT 0.159:: 1 PIPE: AT 0.157: : 479LF-15" SOR :26• PVC INV. 844.51 INV. 844.29 INV. 844.13 INV. 843.91 INV. 843-76 _ 1 1301(`-24"0 STEEL 40 1301E-24"0 STEEL ' PIPE CASING... :............................. • � � � PIPE, CASING • o= .3e. : v . . . :n .: .: N .. :o :3 c— ....... ... .... ..... .. .. ........N ............. .... N .... ..... ...N .. .. ...... .. ..... .. �C in . .....:.........:._ ......:.........:.........: z .......:.........:. _ ........: N ..... ........:6 ..... ..... _ :� : : ^ : : •� by 'N arw ++ + +....... .......................... .......... .............. .......................... ................................. ..... ..... ..... ... .... GO G7 GL GS Gd A_q �i? SEP -08-1999 16:33 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02iO4 N 0 r'^ em", #1 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 6,3 MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 8 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Page Avenue 178th Street; EAW FILE NO.: 176.08 - 99.11 BACKGROUND The City of Otsego is proposing to reconstruct a approximately 1/4 mile of Quaday Avenue and construct approximately 3/4 mile of Page Avenue south of existing 85th Street and approximately 3/4 mile section of 78th Street between Page Avenue and Quaday Avenue. The streets are to be constructed to Municipal State Aid (MSA) Standards; Page Avenue and 78th are to be 44 -foot wide urban design sections with a 10 -foot wide off-street bike trail/walkway adjacent to the street, and; Quaday Avenue will be a 40 -foot wide rural design section. The construction of these streets were anticipated by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan update as part of the City's overall transportation system and are designated as collector street corridors. As part of the project, the City Engineer prepared an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) for review. The EAW was published in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor on July 26, 1999. Comments were received from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Historical Society. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the considerations necessary for the City Council to make a determination on the need for completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for construction of the project. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Project Exhibit B: Findings of Fact 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM SEP -0e-1999 15:26 NAC ISSUES ANALYSIS 612 595 9e37 P.03/10• Criteria. Review of EAWs are to be by the process outlined in Section 39 of the Zoning Ordinance. After publication of the EAW in the EQB Monitor and close of the 30 day comment period, the City Council must make a decision on the need for an EIS. In deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, The City Council must consider the following factors as outlined in Minnesota Rules 4410.1700: a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. C. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. DNR Comments. The City received comments from the DNR pertaining to the Page Avenue/78th Street EAW in a correspondence dated 24 August 1999. The DNR's comments focus on two areas in evaluating the need for an EIS: Fish, Wildlife and Ecologically Sensitive Resources. The DNR states that the development of the project may result in a loss of habitat for the threatened Blanding's turtle, which has been documented within 1.5 miles of the subject site. The applicant has stated that the site does not contain the turtle's preferred habitat of sandy slopes on the south edges of wetlands. And, the species was not identified by the DNR's Natural Heritage Data Base used to prepare the EAW. Regardless, the project will not impact the existing wetlands in the project area, thus preserving the existing natural habitat. The DNR also identified a potential impact to the threatened loggerhead shrike habitat. According to the National Heritage database used to prepare the EAW, loggerhead shrike's have been known in the general area of the project. However, as identified in the EAW, the subject site lacks suitable habitat for the loggerhead shrike. As such, development of the project will have a minimal impact to potential loggerhead shrike habitat, if any. Mandatory EIS. The DNR asserts that a mandatory EIS is triggered because the development of Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Ponds subdivisions and construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street are all connected actions. The projects are considered °connected actions" if the Responsible Government Unit (RGU - City of Otsego) determines that the are related in any of the following ways: 2 SEP -08-1999 15:27 NAC 1. One project would directly induce the other; 2. One project is a prerequisite for the other; or 3. Neither project is justified by itself. 612 595 9837 P.04i10 The basis of the DNR's conclusion that these projects are connected actions is that the two residential developments, as well as other potential projects in the Sanitary Sewer Service District, cannot occur without the construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue, which are identified as collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan. This conclusion is erroneous. Pheasant Ridge, as well as Crimson Ponds, have Potential access available from existing or planned local streets. Without construction of Page Avenue or 78th Street, access to Pheasant Ridge may be provided via local streets through the adjacent Country Ridge or Prairie Creek subdivisions. Crimson Ponds has frontage to 85th Street which is an existing collector street. Therefore, while each project is proposed to have connections to Page Avenue and 78th Street, the construction of these streets is not a prerequisite for development of the residential subdivisions. The DNR also cites other properties that abut the proposed Page Avenue or 78th Street right-of-way as evidence of a connected action mandating preparation of an EIS. Again, the development of these parcels with low and/or medium and high residential uses served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service is anticipated by the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. The construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue are planned in order to provide for an efficient transportation system within the City. While development of the transportation system is based on fundamental planning principals, it is not necessitated by any one project or development of a given area. Each parcel abutting the proposed collector street corridors could develop independently with access only via internal streets. The City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a transportation element outlining a functional classification system, which was certified by resolution to the EQB. The adopted functional classification system describes the provision of collector streets such as Page Avenue and 78th Street, to provide property access and local connections and distribution between local streets and arterial roadways. The Comprehensive Plan specifically establishes the need for the extension of Page Avenue from 85th Street to Packard Avenue to provide a north -south through route within the community. Similarly, 78th Street is identified on the Transportation Plan as a future collector street. These streets are not mandatory to accommodate development in this area, but ensure an efficient transportation system consistent with the City's adopted planning goals. The Comprehensive Plan states that these future street extensions should be considered as development proposals in the area occur, allowing the installation of trunk utilities within the right-of-way concurrent with construction of the street. Again, the City could elect to pursue an alternative installation, which would likely be less efficient at a cost to developers and taxpayers within the City. SEP -08-1999 15:2e NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i10 The DNR also states that a mandatory EIS is warranted because, as a connected action with the Crimson Ponds and Pheasant Ridge, the projects the threshold for residential development is exceeded due to the combined number of dwelling units. This finding is inconsistent with the provisions of Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.4400, subp. 14, and the definition of "proposer" as provided for in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0200, subp 68. For the purposes of requiring a mandatory EIS, a "proposers is the person intending to undertake a project on land owned or for which an option is held. In that the construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street, Pheasant Ridge Crimson Ponds and any future developments in the area are separate projects being undertaken by separate developers, it is incorrect to use the sum of the projects in evaluating mandatory EIS criteria. If each project is evaluated separately, the thresholds of a mandatory EIS in terms of dwelling units are not satisfied. Contrary to the DNlTs conclusion, the three projects, as well as future development of other parcels within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, are independent and do not satisfy the criteria for connected actions. Further, the projects may not be considered collectively because they are not being undertaken by any single proposer. The timing of the development of Pheasant Ridge, Crimson Ponds and construction of Page Avenue/78th Street is coincidental and a matter of efficiency relative the imminent availability of municipal sanitary sewer and water service. Each project may be constructed independent of the others and, are in fact, being undertaken by separate contractors with different construction schedules. MHS Comments. The Minnesota Historical Society has reviewed the EAW and commented in correspondence dated August 6, 1999 that there are no properties listed on the National or State Register of Historical Places, Further, the Minnesota Historical Society has found no evidence of potentially significant sites that may be eligible for listing on the National or State Register of Historical Places. As such, the project has no impact to significant or potentially significant historical places. CONCLUSION The EAW prepared and submitted by the applicant outlines that the analysis and findings that have been made relative to potential environmental effects that would result from construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street. In review of the EAW and the comments received pertaining to wildlife habitat, erosion control, connected actions and historical significance, the following conclusions may be made: rd SEP -08-1999 16:34 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03iO4 1. Issues regarding the type, extent and reversibility of potential environmental effects have been or are addressed by the EAW, adopted City plans, policies or Ordinances and conditions imposed as part of approval of the preliminary plat, final plat or development agreement for Pheasant Ridge. 2. No potential cumulative effects of anticipated future projects are anticipated due to the Pheasant Ridge project and effects that were addressed by the EAW_ 3. All potential environment effects of the project will be adequately addressed by existing City plans, policies and Ordinances through requirements imposed on the preliminary plat, final plat or development contract with the City. On this basis, City Staff recommends that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. A finding -of -fact consistent with this recommendation is attached for consideration by the City Council at a their meeting scheduled for September 13, 1999. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5 SEP -08-1999 16:34 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO Applicant's Name: City of Otsego 612 595 9837 P.04iO4 Need for EIS- Page Avenue/78th Street Findings of Fact & Decision Request: The applicant has prepared an EAW pertaining to construction of approximately one and three-quarters mile of Municipal State Aid (MSA) streets ("the project"). In review of the EAW and giving due consideration to comments received, the City Council must make a determination on the need to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the project. City Council Meeting Date: 13 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the submitted EAW, giving due consideration to comments received and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The project is described by Exhibit A. 2. The project is consistent with the transportation plan of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan_ 3. The project required preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) as outlined in Part 4410.1000 subp. 22A of the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Rules. 4. An EAW was prepared for the project by the City Engineer and was published in the EQB Monitor on 26 July 1999. 5. Correspondence dated 6 August 1999 from the Minnesota Historical Society was received and is incorporated herein. 6. Correspondence dated 24 August 1999 from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources was received and is incorporated herein. 7. Comments received regarding the project EAW raised the following issues. The City's response to each issue follows: A. Fish, Wildlife and Ecologically Sensitive Resources (EAW Item 11b) The DNR states that the development of the project may result in a loss of habitat for the threatened Blanding's turtle, which has been documented within 1.5 miles of the subject site. The applicant has stated that the site does not contain the turtle's preferred habitat of sandy slopes on the south edges of wetlands. And, the species was not identified by the DNR's Natural Heritage Data Base used to prepare the EAW. Regardless, the project will not impact the existing wetlands in the project area, thus preserving the existing natural habitat. TOTAL P.04 SEP -08-1999 15:30 NAC 612 595 9837 P.08i10 The DNR also identified a potential impact to the threatened loggerhead shrike habitat. According to the National Heritage database used to prepare the EAW, loggerhead shrike's have been known in the general area of the project. However, as identified in the EA W, the subject site lacks suitable habitat for the loggerhead shrike. As such, development of the project will have a minimal impact to potential loggerhead shrike habitat, if any. B. Mandatory EIS FINDING: The DNR asserts that a mandatory EiS is triggered because the development of Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Ponds subdivisions and construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street are all connected actions. The projects are considered "connected actions"if the Responsible Government Unit (RGU - City of Otsego) determines that the are related in any of the following ways: 1. One project would directly induce the other; 2. One project is a prerequisite for the other, or 3. Neither project is justified by itself. The basis of the DNR's conclusion that these projects are connected actions is that the two residential developments, as well as other potential projects in the Sanitary Sewer Service District, cannot occur without the construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue, which are identified as collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan. This conclusion is erroneous. Pheasant Ridge, as well as Crimson Ponds, have potential access available from existing or planned local streets. Without construction of Page Avenue or 78th Street, access to Pheasant Ridge may be provided via local streets through the adjacent Country Ridge or Prairie Creek subdivisions. Crimson Ponds has frontage to 85th Street which is an existing collector street. Therefore, while each project is proposed to have connections to Page Avenue and 78th Street, the construction of these streets is not a prerequisite for development of the residential subdivisions. The DNR also cites other properties that abut the proposed Page Avenue or 78th Street right-of-way as evidence of a connected action mandating preparation of an EIS. Again, the development of these parcels with low and/or medium and high residenfial uses served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service is anticipated by the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. The construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue are planned in order to provide for an efficient transportation system within the City. While development of the transportation system is based on fundamental planning principals, it is not necessitated by any one project or development of a given area. Each parcel abutting the proposed collector street corridors could develop independently with access only via internal streets. The Cit y of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a transportation element outlining a functional classification system, which was certified by resolution to the EQB. The adopted functional classification system describes the provision of collector streets such as Page Avenue and 78th Street, to provide 2 SEP -08-1999 15:31 NAC 612 595 9837 P.09i10 property access and local connections and distribution between local streets and arterial roadways. The Comprehensive Plan specifically establishes the need for the extension of Page Avenue from 85th Street to Packard Avenue to provide a north - south through route within the community. Similarly, 78th Street is identified on the Transportation Plan as a future collector street. These streets are not mandatory to accommodate development in this area, but ensure an efficient transportation system consistent with the City's adopted planning goals. The Comprehensive Plan states that these future street extensions should be considered as development proposals in the area occur, allowing the installation of trunk utilities within the right- of-way concurrent with construction of the street. Again, the City could elect to pursue an alternative installation, which would likely be less efficient at a cost to developers and taxpayers within the City. The DNR also states that a mandatory EIS is warranted because, as a connected action with the Crimson Ponds and Pheasant Ridge, the projects the threshold for residential development is exceeded due to the combined number of dwelling units. This finding is inconsistent with the provisions of Minnesota Rules Chapter 4490.4400, subp. 14. and the definition of "proposer" as provided for in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0200, subp 68. For the purposes of requiring a mandatory EIS, a "proposer"is the person intending to undertake a project on land owned or for which an option is held. In that the construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street, Pheasant Ridge Crimson Ponds and any future developments in the area are separate projects being undertaken by separate developers, it is incorrect to use the sum of the projects in evaluating mandatory EIS criteria. If each project is evaluated separately, the thresholds of a mandatory EIS in terms of dwelling units are not satisfied. Contrary to the DNR's conclusion, the three projects, as well as future development of other parcels within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, are independent and do not satisfy the criteria for connected actions. Further, the projects may not be considered collectively because they are not being undertaken by any single proposer. The timing of the development of Pheasant Ridge, Crimson Ponds and construction of Page Avenue/78th Street is coincidental and a matter of efficiency relative the imminent availability of municipal sanitary sewer and water service. Each project may be constructed independent of the others and, are in fact, being undertaken by separate contractors with different construction schedules. 8. Not sooner than 10 days or later than 30 days from the close of a comment period of 30 days from the date of publication in the EQB Monitor, the City of Otsego, as the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) is required to determine the need for further environmental review of the project and the need for preparation of an EIS. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.1700, in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the following factors shall be considered: 3 SEP -0e-1999 15:31 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.10i10- a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. FINDING: Issues regarding the type, extent and reversibility of potential environmental effects have been or are addressed by the EA W, adopted City plans, policies or Ordinances and caonditions imposed as part of approval of the preliminary Plat, final plat or development agreement for the project b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. FINDING: No potential cumulative effects of anticipated future projects are anticipated due to the project and effects that were addressed by the EAW. C. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. FINDING: All potential environment efYects of the project will be adequately addressed by existing City plans, policies and Ordinances through requirements imposed on the preliminary plat, final plat or development contract with the City. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. FINDING. The submitted EAW is adequate for anticipating and controlling the extent of environmental effects for the project. 9. The report dated 8 September 1999 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. Decision: Based on the foregoing information, the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and applicable ordinances, the City Council hereby determines that the potential environmental effects of the project have been adequately addressed and the preparation of an EIS for construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street is not required. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 9999, CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 4 TOTAL P.10 N INC MEMORANDUM TO- FROM.- DATE: O:FROM:DATE: RE: FILE NO.: BACKGROUND NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 13 September 1999 Otsego - Page Avenue / 78th Street; EAW 176.08 - 99.11 The City of Otsego is proposing to reconstruct approximately 1/4 mile of Quaday Avenue approximately 3/4 mile of Page Avenue south of existing 85th Street and approximately 3/4 mile section of 78th Street between Page Avenue and Quaday Avenue. All three streets are to be constructed to Municipal State Aid (MSA) Standards; 44 -foot wide urban design sections with a 10 -foot wide off-street bike trail/walkway adjacent to the street. The construction of these streets were anticipated by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan update as part of the City's overall transportation system and are designated as collector street corridors. As part of the project, the City Engineer prepared an Environmental Assessmeni Worksheet (EAW) for review. The EAW was published in the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor on July 26, 1999. Comments were received from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources and Minnesota Historical Society. The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the considerations necessary for the City Council to make a determination on the need for completion of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for construction of the project. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Project Location Map Exhibit B: Findings of Fact 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM ISSUES ANALYSIS 100 Criteria. Review of EAWs are to be by the process outlined in Section 39 of the Zoning Ordinance. After publication of the EAW in the EQB Monitor and close of the 30 day comment period, the City Council must make a decision on the need for an EIS. In deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, The City Council must consider the following factors as outlined in Minnesota Rules 4410.1700: a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. C. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. DNR Comments. The City received comments from the DNR pertaining to the Page Avenue/78th Street EAW in a correspondence dated 24 August 1999. The DNR's comments focus on two areas in evaluating the need for an EIS: • Fish, Wildlife and Ecologically Sensitive Resources. The DNR states that the development of the project may result in a loss of habitat for the threatened Blanding's turtle, which has been documented within 1.5 miles of the subject site. The applicant has stated that the site does not contain the turtle's preferred habitat of sandy slopes on the south edges of wetlands. The project will not impact any existing wetlands, thus preserving the existing natural habitat. The DNR also identified a potential impact to the threatened loggerhead shrike habitat. According to the National Heritage database used to prepare the 1998 wastewater treatment facility EAW, loggerhead shrike's have been known in the general area of the project. Page Avenue and 78th Street are to be constructed on existing fence row property lines, which include a few trees. As a consequence, there will be some unavoidable loss of habitat. • Mandatory EIS. The DNR asserts that a mandatory EIS is triggered because the development of Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Ponds subdivisions and construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street are all connected actions. The projects are considered "connected actions" if the Responsible Government Unit (RGU - City of Otsego) determines that the are related in any of the following ways - 1 . One project would directly induce the other; 2. One project is a prerequisite for the other; or 2 3. Neither project is justified by itself. The basis of the DNR's conclusion that these projects are connected actions is that the two residential developments, as well as other potential projects in the Sanitary Sewer Service District, cannot occur without the construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue, which are identified as collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan. This conclusion is erroneous. Pheasant Ridge, as well as Crimson Ponds, have potential access available from existing or planned local streets. Without construction of Page Avenue or 78th Street, access to Pheasant Ridge may be provided via local streets through the adjacent Country Ridge or Prairie Creek subdivisions. Crimson Ponds has frontage to 85th Street which is an existing collector street. Therefore, while each project is proposed to have connections to Page Avenue and 78th Street, the construction of these streets is not a prerequisite for development of the residential subdivisions. The DNR also cites other properties that abut the proposed Page Avenue or 78th Street right-of-way as evidence of a connected action mandating preparation of an EIS. Again, the development of these parcels with low and/or medium and high residential uses served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service is anticipated by the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. The construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue are planned in order to provide for an efficient transportation system within the City. While development of the transportation system is based on fundamental planning principals, it is not necessitated by any one project or development of a given area. Each parcel abutting the proposed collector street corridors could develop independently with access only via internal streets. The City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a transportation element outlining a functional classification system, which was certified by resolution to the EQB. The adopted functional classification system describes the provision of collector streets such as Page Avenue and 78th Street, to provide property access and local connections and distribution between local streets and arterial roadways. The Comprehensive Plan specifically establishes the need for the extension of Page Avenue from 85th Street to Packard Avenue to provide a north -south through route within the community. Similarly, 78th Street is identified on the Transportation Plan as a future collector street. These streets are not mandatory to accommodate development in this area, but ensure an efficient transportation system consistent with the City's adopted planning goals. The Comprehensive Plan states that these future street extensions should be considered as development proposals in the area occur, allowing the installation of trunk utilities within the right-of-way concurrent with construction of the street. Again, the City could elect to pursue an alternative installation, which would likely be less efficient at a cost to developers and taxpayers within the City. The DNR also states that a mandatory EIS is warranted because, as a connected action with the Crimson Ponds and Pheasant Ridge, the projects the threshold for residential development is exceeded due to the combined number of dwelling units. This finding is inconsistent with the provisions of Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.4400, subp. 14. and the definition of "proposer" as provided for in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0200, subp 68. For the purposes of requiring a mandatory EIS, a "proposer" is the person intending to undertake a project on land owned or for which an option is held. In that the construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street, Pheasant Ridge Crimson Ponds and any future developments in the area are separate projects being undertaken by separate developers, it is incorrect to use the sum of the projects in evaluating mandatory EIS criteria. If each project is evaluated separately, the thresholds of a mandatory EIS in terms of dwelling units are not satisfied. Contrary to the DNR's conclusion, the three projects, as well as future development of other parcels within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, are independent and do not satisfy the criteria for connected actions. Further, the projects may not be considered collectively because they are not being undertaken by any single proposer. The timing of the development of Pheasant Ridge, Crimson Ponds and construction of Page Avenue/78th Street is coincidental and a matter of efficiency relative the imminent availability of municipal sanitary sewer and water service. Each project may be constructed independent of the others and, are in fact, being undertaken by separate contractors with different construction schedules. MHS Comments. The Minnesota Historical Society has reviewed the EAW and commented in correspondence dated August 6, 1999 that there are no properties listed on the National or State Register of Historical Places. Further, the Minnesota Historical Society has found no evidence of potentially significant sites that may be eligible for listing on the National or State Register of Historical Places. As such, the project has no impact to significant or potentially significant historical places. CONCLUSION The EAW prepared and submitted by the applicant outlines that the analysis and findings that have been made relative to potential environmental effects that would result from construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street. In review of the EAW and the comments received pertaining to wildlife habitat, erosion control, connected actions and historical significance, the following conclusions may be made: M 1. Issues regarding the type, extent and reversibility of potential environmental effects have been or are addressed by the EAW, adopted City plans, policies or Ordinances and conditions imposed as part of approval of the preliminary plat, final plat or development agreement for Pheasant Ridge. 2. No potential cumulative effects of anticipated future projects are anticipated due to the Pheasant Ridge project and effects that were addressed by the EAW. 3. All potential environment effects of the project will be adequately addressed by existing City plans, policies and Ordinances through requirements imposed on the preliminary plat, final plat or development contract with the City. On this basis, City Staff recommends that preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement is not required. A finding -of -fact consistent with this recommendation is attached for consideration by the City Council at a their meeting scheduled for September 13, 1999. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak N -! 91,. U 1 1-1 t+E a9cn S. INc IIIIItI � � III II Li ' ' PAGEAVE. u il QUADAY I' 78th 5i . C': S. A. H. NCS. 37' __ I L, S a I sco xcC S-c"L= IN FF -.T Hakanson N Andersgqn INT Assoc.,lnc. 70th Si.) c2 / Q~ 1 I -EXHIBIT A PROJECT LCCA-noN MAP PAGE AVDqUE. 78TH & QUADAY AVENUE -^ tier:>,_SC CITY Or G-Ic.,w0, - c' �I f- ?l • in a. \1U L, S a I sco xcC S-c"L= IN FF -.T Hakanson N Andersgqn INT Assoc.,lnc. 70th Si.) c2 / Q~ 1 I -EXHIBIT A PROJECT LCCA-noN MAP PAGE AVDqUE. 78TH & QUADAY AVENUE -^ tier:>,_SC CITY Or G-Ic.,w0, - c' CITY OF OTSEGO Need for EIS- Page Avenue/78th Street Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: City of Otsego Request: The applicant has prepared an EAW pertaining to construction of approximately one and three-quarters mile of Municipal State Aid (MSA) streets ("the project"). In review of the EAW and giving due consideration to comments received, the City Council must make a determination on the need to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement for the project. City Council Meeting Date: 13 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the submitted EAW, giving due consideration to comments received and evidence received, the City Council now makes the following findings of fact: The project is described by Exhibit A. 2. The project is consistent with the transportation plan of the Otsego Comprehensive Plan. 3. The project required preparation of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) as outlined in Part 4410.1000 subp. 22A of the Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Rules. 4. An EAW was prepared for the project by the City Engineer and was published in the EQB Monitor on 26 July 1999. 5. Correspondence dated 6 August 1999 from the Minnesota Historical Society was received and is incorporated herein. 6. Correspondence dated 24 August 1999 from the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources was received and is incorporated herein. 7. Comments received regarding the project EAW raised the following issues. The City's response to each issue follows: A. Fish, Wildlife and Ecologically Sensitive Resources (EAW Item 11 b) FINDING: The DNR states that the development of the project may result in a loss of habitat for the threatened Blanding's turtle, which has been documented within 1.5 miles of the subject site. The applicant has stated that the site does not contain the turtle's preferred habitat of sandy slopes on the south edges of wetlands. And, the species was not identified by the DNB's Natural Heritage Data Base used to prepare the EAW. The project will not impact any existing wetlands, thus not effecting any existing habitat. The DNR also identified a potential impact to the threatened loggerhead shrike habitat. According to the National Heritage database used to prepare the EAW, loggerhead shrike's have been known in the general area of the project. Because of the location of the proposed streets along existing property lines, there will be an unavoidable loss of habitat. B. Mandatory EIS FINDING: The DNR asserts that a mandatory EIS is triggered because the development of Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Ponds subdivisions and construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street are all connected actions. The projects are considered "connected actions" if the Responsible Government Unit (RGU - City of_ Otsego) determines that the are related in any of the following ways: 1. One project would directly induce the other; 2. One project is a prerequisite for the other; or 3. Neither project is justified by itself. The basis of the DNR's conclusion that these projects are connected actions is that the two residential developments, as well as other potential projects in the Sanitary Sewer Service District, cannot occur without the construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue, which are identified as collector streets by the Comprehensive Plan. This conclusion is erroneous. Pheasant Ridge, as well as Crimson Ponds, have potential access available from existing or planned local streets. Without construction of Page Avenue or 78th Street, access to Pheasant Ridge may be provided via local streets through the adjacent Country Ridge or Prairie Creek subdivisions. Crimson Ponds has frontage to 85th Street which is an existing collector street. Therefore, while each project is proposed to have connections to Page Avenue and 78th Street, the construction of these streets is not a prerequisite for development of the residential subdivisions. The DNR also cites other properties that abut the proposed Page Avenue or 78th Street right-of-way as evidence of a connected action mandating preparation of an EIS. Again, the development of these parcels with low and/or medium and high residential uses served by municipal sanitary sewer and water service is anticipated by the City's adopted Comprehensive Plan. The construction of 78th Street and Page Avenue are planned in order to provide for an efficient transportation system within the City. While development of the transportation system is based on fundamental planning principals, it is not necessitated by any one project or development of a given area. Each parcel abutting the proposed collector street corridors could develop independently with access only via internal streets. The City of Otsego has adopted a Comprehensive Plan that includes a transportation element outlining a functional classification system, which was certified by resolution to the EQB. The adopted functional classification system describes the provision of collector streets such as Page Avenue and 78th Street, to provide 2 property access and local connections and distribution between local streets and arterial roadways. The Comprehensive Plan specifically establishes the need for the extension of Page Avenue from 85th Street to Packard Avenue to provide a north - south through route within the community. Similarly, 78th Street is identified on the Transportation Plan as a future collector street. These streets are not mandatory to accommodate development in this area, but ensure an efficient transportation system consistent with the City's adopted planning goals. The Comprehensive Plan states that these future street extensions should be considered as development proposals in the area occur, allowing the installation of trunk utilities within the right- of-way concurrent with construction of the street. Again, the City could elect to pursue an alternative installation, which would likely be less efficient at a cost to developers and taxpayers within the City. The DNR also states that a mandatory EIS is warranted because, as a connected action with the Crimson Ponds and Pheasant Ridge, the projects the threshold for residential development is exceeded due to the combined number of dwelling units. This finding is inconsistent with the provisions of Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.4400, subp. 14. and the definition of "proposer" as provided for in Minnesota Rules Chapter 4410.0200, subp 68. For the purposes of requiring a mandatory EIS, a "proposer" is the person intending to undertake a project on land owned or for which an option is held. In that the construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street, Pheasant Ridge Crimson Ponds and any future developments in the area are separate projects being undertaken by separate developers, it is incorrect to use the sum of the projects in evaluating mandatory EIS criteria. If each project is evaluated separately, the thresholds of a mandatory EIS in terms of dwelling units are not satisfied. Contrary to the DNR's conclusion, the three projects, as well as future development of other parcels within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, are independent and do not satisfy the criteria for connected actions. Further, the projects may not be considered collectively because they are not being undertaken by any single proposer. The timing of the development of Pheasant Ridge, Crimson Ponds and construction of Page Avenue178th Street is coincidental and a matter of efficiency relative the imminent availability of municipal sanitary sewer and water service. Each project may be constructed independent of the others and, are in fact, being undertaken by separate contractors with different construction schedules. 8. Not sooner than 10 days or later than 30 days from the close of a comment period of 30 days from the date of publication in the EQB Monitor, the City of Otsego, as the Responsible Government Unit (RGU) is required to determine the need for further environmental review of the project and the need for preparation of an EIS. Pursuant to Minnesota Rules 4410.1700, in deciding whether a project has the potential for significant environmental effects, the following factors shall be considered: a. Type, extent and reversibility of environmental effects. FINDING: Issues regarding the type, extent and reversibility of potential environmental effects have been or are addressed by the EA W, adopted City plans, policies or Ordinances and conditions imposed as part of approval of the preliminary plat, final plat or development agreement for the project. b. Cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects. FINDING. No potential cumulative effects of anticipated future projects are anticipated due to the project and effects that were addressed by the EAW. C. The extent to which the environmental effects are subject to mitigation by ongoing _ public regulatory authority. FINDING. All potential environment effects of the project will be adequately addressed by existing City plans, policies and Ordinances through requirements imposed on the preliminary plat, final plat or development contract with the City. d. The extent to which environmental effects can be anticipated and controlled as a result of other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies or the project proposer, or of EISs previously prepared on similar projects. FINDING: The submitted EAW is adequate for anticipating and controlling the extent of environmental effects for the project. 9. The report dated 8 September 1999 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. Decision: Based on the foregoing information, the policies of the Comprehensive Plan and applicable ordinances, the City Council hereby determines that the potential environmental effects of the project have been adequately addressed and the preparation of an EIS for construction of Page Avenue and 78th Street is not required. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this day of 1999. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 4 aW o c ` I F-1-1 7 IE . INFO d9ch S� ( I NE B9 n S. VIII e S. I II 79th L W' C S. A. H. NQ. 37 a 3 s.:a Ecco F=Er Hakanson T Andersgn Assac.,lnc. 857 S a- - PAGUI AVE QUADAY I' 78th S-1 . I77' I 7171 ( I r_ C� a 7= c S. J d -'ll ti Q r �� -EXHIBIT A PROJECT L0CA_n0N MAP PAGE A�t_:NUE. 78TH ` & QUADAY AV=•NUC- CITY Or CiSc"130, bl.titi-.5 CA7- C3",^,3 __. OilHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. A & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 9/13/99 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax ITEM 7.1 CONSIDER AWARD OF THE LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BID FOR THE QUADAY AVE., 78TH STREET AND PAGE AVENUE SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN AND STREET CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. The bids were taken at 10:00 a.m. on the 23`d of August. The recommendation is to award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, LaTour Construction, in the amount of $1,348,570.12. We would also recommend that the award be conditioned upon the financial commitment of the developers of Prairie Creek, Pheasant Ridge and Crimson Pond. The financial commitment should be through a signed and executed developer's agreement, or by temporary letter of credit until the developer's agreement can be completed. It would, in our opinion, not be in the City's best interest to move forward with this project until the developers are committed to sewer capacity. The bid tabulation of the bidding should have been distributed to you at the council meeting. The city attorney will prepare the resolution awarding the project. The contractor must hold their bid for 60 days after the bid date. ITEM 7.2 DISCUSSION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL IN PREPARATION FOR THE ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR THE 1999 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Attached find a memorandum from our staff engineer Ron Wagner relating that he and Elaine revised the assessable units total, and secondly the percentage of interest on the assessment should be determined by Council to continue preparation of the roll. City Engineer- COUnClI Agenda Items Pace 1 of 2 September 8, 1999 W-001/shared docslMaoic1poiO0TSEG019011VZlagenda9-13-99 doc ITEM 7.3 ITEM 7.4 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 TO THE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN PROJECT. Change Order #1 provides construction authorization to provide temporary sanitary sewer and watermain service availability to the Tom Thumb and Fun City. The estimated project cost includes 30% overhead added on to thp,,.-.,�timated cost for an estimated total of $8,222.00. This is an estimate, final quantities will be determined during construction. These services have been requested by Tom Thumb and Fun City when available. The City would construct the extension of sewer and water with service access. The service beyond the R.O.W. or easement will be installed by the property owner. This work will occur within City property or easement by the present contractor, Barbarossa & Sons. Should the council consider approval, please motion for the approval of Change Order #1. ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 2 of 2 Hakanson Anderson September 8, 1999 � Assoc., Inc. 1\ a011shareddocslMunicipallAOTSEG0190t1ot901agenda9-13-99doc 9. / A MEMO Date: September 7, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Truth -in -Taxation Hearing Dates I have enclosed a resolution establishing the City's Truth -in -Taxation (TNT) hearing dates. These hearings are required by State law. I am proposing that the City's initial TNT hearing be scheduled on Monday, December 6 at 6:30 p.m. The Continuation Hearing (if needed) would be scheduled for Monday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m. The Continuation Hearing is only needed if the City Council does not resolve all issues at the initial hearing. It is my expectation that the Council will officially adopt the 2000 budget at the December 13, 1999 Council meeting. cc: City Staff RESOLUTION NO. 99-36 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION SETTING TRUTH -IN -TAXATION HEARING DATES FOR THE 2000 TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State law to establish a Truth -in -Taxation Hearing date in order to receive public comment on its proposed tax levy for 2000. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That Monday, December 6 at 6:30 p.m. at Otsego City Hall is hereby established as the official Truth -in -Taxation Hearing date, and that Monday, December 13 at 6:30 p.m. at Otsego City Hall is hereby established as the official Truth -in - Taxation Continuation Hearing date, should a continuation be needed. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 99-37 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION SETTING A PRELIMINARY TAX LEVY OF $838,883 FOR 2000 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council is required by State law to establish a preliminary tax levy for 2000 by September 15, 1999, and; WHEREAS, said preliminary tax levy can be decreased but cannot be increased. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That there is hereby approved for proposed expenditures from general taxes the following sums for the purpose indicated. General Government $838,883 Bonded Indebtedness Total Proposed Levy $838,883 FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT as required by State Law the City Clerk shall certify to the Wright County Auditor a copy of this resolution. Dated this 13th day of September, 1999 ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor �9_ • Date: September 8, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Possible prosecution of Michael R. Larson On Wednesday, September 2, 1999 Mayor Fournier, City Engineer Koshak, Building Official Olson, and myself met with Gerald Christian of 6399 Quale Avenue to discuss his complaints about his neighbor, Michael R. Larson. We reviewed the property and the history of our discussions regarding Mr. Larson. I have enclosed copies of our past meetings and letters with Mr. Larson regarding the use of his property. Mayor Fournier asked that this issue be put on the Council agenda to consider possible prosecution of Mr. Larson for violations of City Ordinances. The options for prosecution would consist of issuing a ticket to Mr. Larson for violating City ordinances or seeking a court injunction for him to cease operating a business. City Attorney Andy MacArthur will describe these options in greater detail at the Council meeting. In addition, since there is a dispute about the location of the road right-of-way on Quale Avenue, and whether right-of-way even exists in some areas, I have directed the City Engineer to survey the road to determine the location of any right-of-way. cc: City Staff CITY OF OTSEGO STAFF :MEETING: Au`_ust 13. 1908 - [OAM - Meeting Minutes [OAM - Michael R. Larsen. 6434 Quale Ave `E. Otsego. NIN 55330. PID --118-500- '53'_07 - 5 Acre Ag Zoned land at above address. Discussion of Land tilling/Permit Application - Home Extended Business/ Permit Application. Michael Larson appeared at the Staff Meeting. He stated he is doing grading to plant trees for landscaping_. Trees will be for wholesale (possible). He was asked where the material came from. From on the site. He wants gravity flow irrigation for the trees. He has no plans for grading. The Engineer needs to look at the plan. He can shoot grades and he has the same slope - only 3 feet lower. Larry Koshak. City Engineer said we require that the site plan be prepared so contours and dimensions can be scaled off of it. It is difficult for us to issue a permit if we don't know what we are doing. Mr. Larson said he felt it was no different than plowing up for planting corn. If it is too extensive, he will push it back and plant trees. He is about done. He wants to mix sand with the black dirt. The berm, he was going to grade off and seed it and plant trees. ` Larry Koshak said the existing road may, or may not be on the right-of-way. We need to know how it relates to the street drainage and erosion control, etc. He asked Mr. Larson if he bought the property with a property survey? -N1r. Larson said the South side was staked out and his property goes to the corner on the other side. Larry Koshak said we are concerned with neighbors and the public right of way. We know the road is not in the center of the Right of Way. His recommendation is to remove the berm a good distance away, or provide the information to us. The road was all shifted to the East side of the easement and the old cul -du -sac is in there. Jerry Olson said maybe we should talk about permitted uses out there. He has 5 acres. He bought from Kevin Henry. He bought 8 acres from Mario G. and owns 13 acres total. Jerry Olson explained no advertising, no Commercial use, etc. Mr. Larson said he doesn't plan on using it for Commercial. No warehousing is permitted per the building permit. Mr.. Larson said he now stores his stuff there and plans on using it for housing tractors, etc. Jerry Olson asked him if it is equipment and supplies he stores there? Mr. Larson said he has a Commercial property one mile away. Jerry Olson asked if the vehicles with the for sale signs on them are. Mr. Larson said he has a car rental lot and he derives them home. Some vehicles he has for sale on State Hwy. #101. STAFF MEETING MINUTES - PAGE ? - Dan Licht said you are allowed a tree farm. selling vehicles should not be on the site. His personal vehicle he can sell. .-asked about the mechanical car repair complaints. Mr. Larson said he has ;-1/? acres and 4,000 sq. ft. shop in Hassan Township. He only works on his own vehicles at home. Dan told Mr. Larson that to move dirt there we need a grading plan. If you are selling on site Commercially. it is not allowed. Larry Koshak showed him the right of way drawings. Mr. Larson said he has not interrupted the ditch or drainage. He said water will drain to the East. away from the road. Larry Koshak said we have had severe drainage problems there before it goes across Quale avenue into the yard. The tile was washed out and it affected the drainage. The A.ldens complaint was that the tile was not taken care of and it is the obligation of the property owner to take care of the tile. The City Said. The Tile is not on Larson's property it does not drain it at all Mr. Larson said. Chuck Christian bought five acres from Bud Hauan and the easement is in there for the tile. It seems like it is working. Larry Koshak - It has an impact on houses across the road and was some se -ver --washing out. The City was trying to solve the problem with the drainage issue. There is no definitive boundaries, and any grading would have an effect. If limited drainage from the tile. Mr. Larson said if Larry Koshak wants to meet him out there he can show him. Before he started, for 30 feet there was positive drainage to the tile. He has now brought it down, closer to the buildings and made it drain to the back of the property. Jerry Olson asked about the survey. How do you know where the property lines are. We need to know where the property lines are, where is the dirt piled? Need drainage information, can't see visually. Larry Koshak said all individuals who move over 50 cubic yards either fill or excavation need an administrative grading permit. There is a required drawing to review and that's the Ordinance, we are not picking on anyone. We are required to do it by Ordinance. Mr. Larson will get someone to survey and tell us where the Right of Way is to the East side of the property. Larry Koshak told Mr. Larson to do an overall plan so it can be approved at one time. Get the boundary surveyed, and get the plan to Otsego. Mr. Larson asked about where we are with City sewer and water? He was showed the line for the sewer. Mr. Kosahk talked about the service line and road in there. Mr. Larson asked what is the response of other people as far as the sewer? Mike Robertson said Commercial land Industrial land is in demand and the policy is the same for existing neighborhoods. The plan for the road Mr. Kosahk explained the service road planned to STAFF MEETING MINUTES - PAGE 3 - ,,o through that area on both sides of #101. put the road in. It someone wants to develop. they have to Dan Licht asked about when you call you get a Commercial Number. Mr. Larson said it is a Mobile Phone Number. �Ir. Larson wants a copy of the information from Jerry Olson as Henry told him he was grandfathered in for one or two person Commercial use. Vlore discussion of the road and traffic. Mr. Larson said he was trying to work with Bud Hauan and trying to get a road. It was one year last month that he has owned the property. He wanted the name of the complaintant and phone number. NO FURTHER WORK CAN BE DONE U N71L WE GET A GR_4DING AND EROSION PLAN. Mr. Koshak said we would like you to put a small pond in if you would like. Mr. Larson said he hates ponds. He felt the berm would help that. Some discussion was had on the LeRoy Karst Property. Mr. Larson talked about the draintile and it could be corrected with what he is doing. Mr. Koshak told him that the tile runs between the lines of the two lots. Minutes from: Elaine Beatty's Notes CITY OF TSEGO Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 September 23, 1998 Michael R. Larson 6434 Quale Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Mr. Larson, At a city staff meeting that you attended on August 13, 1998, you were directed to present a plan to the city concerning the use of your property. This plan is to include a survey with elevations and also your proposal for grading. Once this information is received it will be reviewed by the city and if all ordinances are met a permit for the project would be issued. A month has now passed and we have received no information. If we do not receive the requested plan within 15 days the City Attorney will be instructed to take whatever action necessary to require you to restore your property to its original condition. Also I would again remind you that no commercial use is permitted on this property. This would include auto sales, auto body or mechanical work, or any other commercial use. The city has received numerous complaints about commercial activities taking place on your property. Jerry Olson City of Otsego Building Official JO/co cc: Mike Robertson, City Adm. M OLDGUR.WP5 LARSW TRS FARMS MIKE LARSON 6132 QUALE AVE N. E. ELK RIVERNINN.U.S.A -- Phone 612-839,3393 Fax 612-241-7479 Email HEAVYEQIP@AOL.COM � OCT - 51998 September 30, 1998 CITY OF OTSEGO 8899 NASHUA AVENUE N.E. ELK RIVER,NiN.55330 REPLY TO YOUR LETTER DATED 09-23-98 Nir.Olson I have received your letter and I apologize for the time span that it has taken. I have all intentions of getting you the information that you are looking for and have hired Demars and Gabriel of Plymouth to do this work .The survey crews have been very busy and I switched companies to try to accommodate your time expectations at a greater expense to do the same job. I am doing the best I can and will continue to keep you informed of my progress . Please feel free to call me if any further concerns arise. Here is Demars & Gabriels phone number (612) 559-0908 contact is Dave Crook also my phone numbers are listed above .Thank you for you patients Jerry and I'll talk to you soon. Also Jerry I can assure you that anything that I am doing on my property is my personal hobbies and you can pass that on to Mr. Christian next time he bothers you with a phone call. Please feel free to call anytime thanks again for your time. MIFM LARSON -C OP NOV 2 4 19% / December 10, 1998 Mike Larson 6432 Quale Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Mr. Larson, From the survey you presented to us, the City Engineer has determined that the majority of the pile of soil material that you have excavated has been placed in the City right-of-way. This material must be removed from the right-of-way as soon as possible. From the dimensions on the map it appears that this soil would have to be moved 30 to 40 feet to be on your own property. Any questions call Jerry at 441-4414. Jerry Olson, City of Otsego Building Official JO/co BLDGLTR. Wpb A 2640 z WETLAND CONSERVATION ACT '"", CEASE AND DESIST ORDER 11 Issue 0(, Effective OL,,3919 cl Date Time Date Name i first middle last Address `-I S a J u - Cls; s e-ao city state zip DOB () 11 �g 1 6 5:5 OLN C,63 - '3�5 - 19y Phonewcrv, i lT\) 1- 3383 THE ABOVE, AND EELS/HER/IT'S AGENTS, CONTRACTORS, HEIRS, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS, ARE HEREBY ORDERED, PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES 103G.2372, TO LrLqEDIATELY CEASE AND DESIST ANY ACTIVITY DRAINING OR FILLING THE WETLAND IN THE FOLLOWING AREA: County \nj n' '� � County Number Location s -:�j ':kq- re In7 Y'1 7Z �•� L���. C_ r:lcyi�3+- ) �) � 7'- .�.�JQ�'T�!/• Pursuant to Minnesota Rules part 8420.0290 you are hereby advised that your application, if any, for an exemption or no -loss determination should be made immediately to the local government unit listed below. If you do not apply for an exemption or no -loss determination within three weeks of the date of the issuance of this order, or if your application is denied, then whatever drain or fill work has been done may require restoration according to a restoration plan designed by the Soil and Water Conservation District. Local Government Unit t Address 9'cgqA Ate, N�- &1� city state zip Contact person :,tir,v ` �� ' J Phones (k l - ' /V ANY VIOLATION OF THIS ORDER IS A MISDEMEANOR Officer signature��., , a1�,1/Z Badge__?;�_ Station '3)-! 1 Agency �C,n►�-,.��n,,� Phone lS�la j original: officer canary:WEO - pink:LGU - green:SWCD - blue:landowner/contractor WETLAND CONSER VA TION A CT JUL 2 919 jj i I ! RESTORATION ORDER The Commissioner of Natural Resources hereby orders Michael Robert Larson and his/hers/its heirs, successors, and assigns to restore the wetland located Part of NW1/4 of SW1/4 T.121N.-R.23W. Sec. 35 City of Otsego Findings of Fact: On July 12, 1999 the above site was i nv st i gated . A drainage ditch had been excavated through a wetland protected by the Wetland Conservation Act (WCA). At the time of my investigation (See Attachment "A" for continuation). You shall accomplish restoration by doing the following: The newly excavated di the must be closed and graded to the original ground contour. This must be accomplished by Aiigijst 15, 1Agg_ (See Attachments B -C -D for continuation on how to complete the restoration). Attachments are apart of this document (circle one) Yes No This order is issued pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 103G.2372 and MN Rule part 8420.0290. On or before 8-15 , 19 99 , you must either: A. restore the wetland in the manner required by this order and obtain a "Certificate of Satisfactory Restoration/Replacement" from the soil and water conservation district; B. submit an application for approval of a replacement plan to the !ocal government unit; or C. apply to the local government unit for an exemption or no -loss determination. This order will be canceled if you obtain a "Certificate of No -Loss or Exemption" from the local government unit, or a certificate from the local government unit that replacement has been completed according to an approved replacement plan. Otherwise, you must restore the wetland in the manner required by this order. Upon completion of the work required by this order, contact the soil and water conservation district for a "Certificate of Satisfactory Restoration/Replacement". Violation of this order is a misdemeanor. X -I �� X qL% %99 [EnforccOnt Officer] [Date] • Distribute Copies To: DNR Conservation Officer DNR Wetland Enforcement Officer Landowner Local Government Unit (LGU) a:rcstord.for (November, 1998 Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) BWSR Board Conservationist APPLICATION FOR A DETERMINATION OF WETLAND EXEMPTION OR NO -LOSS Submit this application immediately to the Local Government Unit for a Wetland Conservation Act exemption or no -loss determination. If you do not apply to the Local Government unit within three weeks of the issuance of the Cease and Desist Order, or if your application is denied, whatever drain or fill work you have done may require restoration according to a plan designed by the Soil and Water Conservation District. Name 1,4,1<e Date 7-/ l 3- < 1 Address -&'i'3 ( e b, F City, State, Zip e, 55-33 D Telephone Number Cease and Desist Order Number /4 � !'t Type of Project: Drain Fill Project Location S - o-( (� S 4" ft, , � o f a,v ( C Date Project Started �_- o Do you own this property? Yes No Type of Determination: Exemption No Loss _ Submit copies of any documentation or evidence to support your exemption or no -loss claim to the Local Government Unit along with this application. The Local Government Unit may require additional information. Signature of Applicant - - City of Mdple ---- __ 9401 Fernbrook Lane, P.O. Bos 1130, Maple Grove, NIv .35:311-6180 613-494-6000 September 1, 1999 The Honorable Raymond Mounts Citv of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, NfN 55330-7314 Dear Mayor Mounts: The City of Maple Grove is requesting a Letter of Support for the City's application for funds from the following grant programs administered by the Metropolitan Council to develop a regional transit hub: • Federal Surface Transportation Program (STP) • Federal Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program (CMAQ) • Regional Transit Capital Bonding I know you are keenly aware of the transportation issues of the suburban northwest area of the Twin Cities. I hope you can support an investment in a transit hub that will go along way in helping relieve congestion and provide alternative modes of travel. Presently, 20 percent of Maple Grove Transit's ridership to downtown Nfinneapolis is from surrounding communities such as yours. Enclosed is a project summary for your information. If you do support this project, please address the letter to me. However, the letter needs to be received by the City by Tuesday. September 14, 1999. Therefore, it would be much appreciated if the letter could be faxed to 612-494-6428 to the attention of Mike Opatz, Transportation Coordinator and then send the original in the mail. I apologize for the short notice and greatly appreciate your consideration of this request. Please call me at 612-494-6000, if you have any questions. Sincerely, kb� Robert Burlingame Mayor "Serving Today, Shaping Tomorrow" AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER ® Printed on Recycled Paper containing at least la'!" postconsumer papar fiber., Transit Hub Project Summary The City of Maple Grove has plans for construction of a mixed-use transit hub in the northwest quadrant of the interchange of I-94 and Hemlock Lane (see enclosed map). The proposed facility, a decked parking structure and transit station, will be constructed on the 3 -acre parcel. Public-private partnerships are planned to allow certain retail services on site such as dry cleaning, coffee shop, daycare, and other services. The transit hub will be an intermodal, facility with 900 parking spaces, a transit transfer area, indoor passenger waiting facility, bicycle facilities and pedestrian connections. The proposed transit hub is the key transportation element in the Maple Grove Gravel Mining Area Plan (GMA). The GMA is the largest land reclamation development masterplan in the history of Minnesota, located north of I-94 and west of TH 169. The transit hub will enable transit to be a viable alternative to the automobile in serving 5,200 new dwelling units and delivering 40,000 employees to the new jobs in the GMA. The transit hub site is also part of the 389 -acre multi -phase; mixed-use development called Arbor Lakes by the Opus Corporation. The proposed transit hub, located along the heavily congested I-94/694 corridor, is strategically sited to serve the region. Maple Grove residents will benefit from more efficient and increased levels of neighborhood -oriented service connecting them to desired destinations within the community. Northwest Metro residents will benefit from a convenient transfer point for accessing more automobile -competitive and increased levels of downtown -oriented express service connecting them to downtown employment. Central Cities' residents will benefit from increased levels of reverse commute service connecting them to concentrated employment in the GMA. The region will benefit from reduced downtown parking demand, reduced congestion, improved air quality, and more attractive commuter options. The City is applying for the grant maximum of $5.5 million, which will be for land acquisition and construction costs. A minimum of 20 percent local match is required for the project. Sample Letter September , 1999 Mayor Robert Burlingame City of Maple Grove 9401 Fernbrook Lane Maple Grove, Minnesota 55369 Dear Mayor Burlingame: The purpose of this letter is to express my support for the City of Maple Grove grant application for funds for the construction of a transit hub in the Maple Grove Mining Area. As this area grows in terms of population and employment, the need for a variety of transit services will also grow. It is imperative that the necessary transit facilities are in place to provide high quality and efficient transit and other intermodal services. An indoor passenger waiting area will provide riders a safe, secure, and comfortable place to wait for the bus. The entire Gravel Mining Area Plan stresses pedestrian and transit friendly amenities, and a transit hub is a critical element of the gravel mining area plan. The project also provides for a highly visible and accessible transit hub for not only Maple Grove residents, but also the entire region. Residents from many surrounding municipalities as well as transit programs from around the Twin Cities will use the transit hub. In summary, I believe the project represents a sound public investment to improve public transit for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. Sincerely, -w COLUMBUS RAMSEY \\ NAM LAKE 17'. Oj / P[' " ti I 3] ! FOREST LAKE t0oll AN to f DAYTON `� f RoouS ti ANOKA NtK� HAWN1111 � NASSAN _ CHAMPLN It PROJECT LOCATION- 7y ASHINGTO j 1{ YAFLE GROVE f W I ......•.i ...a9E0 • KFORt) DREENFI[LD 1f CORCORAN 10 oil ^H ER Lyle `^� �' � r� RE -) i J _ SO I E fT �{ _ BEAR / . I GRANT i ss HENNEPINNOW any Sr.ANTNO RAMSEY u - :{ — I T � ` OODEN T ` VALLEY ""•-w Y 19 ~ f O BKLVN W:wMwL _`.7. - CENTER 93 k f+rrrw M` a .AKETOWN '0 N ,] �.+... ar:n 20 t0 SSI 99 1 i ,. CHAS ! . ^j .........._...........! - l/"�•• �/! ]I JACKSON i. OAHLOREN 17 23 M OU ! I u +A" I a NNINGER I 14! ! Pft,L �-;;^.� ! « DAKOTA SAN RANCIS/1] Qr~ r ! VERMILLION ! REDR RIVERi •-a,. 6r..rf i EMPIRE MARS SAND CREEK SPRNG UK j i�... SCO SAI UWRENCE ! f >0 47 {' 31 I i t= , ] y°- -F NEW MARKET BELLE PUN I HELENA EDAR LAKE EU KA CASTLE ROCK PION V i iCAAS!v is "r^~ I _� 37 � j � RANDOL►N t FIGURE PROJECT LOCATION CITY OF MAPLE GROVE TRANSIT CAPITAL PROJECT SUBMITTAL 1 MAPLE GROVE TRANSIT HUB --4w 'a0 '0'7 a�a vI d ,s M3VA3NId Yi M SEA 3NU 4 Q 4V L% �Sb21 � Q' OOOM�l W ��� -4'\OOOM3N/^ Z OOOM3000 �1 C�T• O O °M NIA a y/ b 13 a Q� 3dolS ANNnS OOOM3OC3M 0 In a° IN�c �' I- W Clt* 12 cc t3�g A" CID vi d a� a voOnx Q Y1NNIZ r Yl VINNtZ 4y, Yl LU bINNIZ 3 tl p\SH 5 m y Yl V S/DdV NNV LL ek.� v 010 �d VN NiD O gIJON sd P� ^hs r ° d P� U u `gym SVllVO LO _ .nn iii -�b NO1N� iy NO, Ho N S3��w rx I 2 N ml z i a W� OI)m Oa g 6j 2'• §® Yl 121VHO D CIO M: Z d 1LU Zi0 3NV7 �a� H U Cf) WVsIVa NOS !n w Z Q 0 01330 Y1 OOo U 0 w LU �3b �! 1 z n Yt O Q LLI O a3� 89 a -J M3AIS3aOj a z UJ� o d a Q w U t• � Q Yi NOO'IWSH r- o YIS3N YI Z U •dl Ct) ® y I iIn NOf !J YI OOOM)' aDI YI Z138/y H2OTIIM 1 >6, Y1I HOW1 7 IL VnIMALL •M •(�� b) "04%ON ,t, ai a�a vI d ,s M3VA3NId Yi M SEA 3NU 4 Q 4V L% �Sb21 � Q' OOOM�l W ��� -4'\OOOM3N/^ Z OOOM3000 �1 C�T• O O °M NIA a y/ b 13 a Q� 3dolS ANNnS OOOM3OC3M 0 In a° IN�c �' I- W Clt* 12 cc t3�g A" CID vi d a� a voOnx Q Y1NNIZ r Yl VINNtZ 4y, Yl LU bINNIZ 3 tl p\SH 5 m y Yl V S/DdV NNV LL ek.� v 010 �d VN NiD O gIJON sd P� ^hs r ° d P� U u `gym SVllVO LO _ .nn iii September 13, 1999 City Council Meeting Claims List to be approved as follows: Check Summary Register #1 $ 6,168.47 Check Summary Register #2 $ 7,015.48 Check Summary Register #3 $ 421,805.15 Grand Total $ 434,989.10 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 01, 1999 Check Summary Register #1 Page 1 of 1 Aame Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid JERRY OLSON $6.168.47 Total Checks $6,168.47 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 01, 19W Check Detail Register Page 1 of 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid c JERRY OLSON E 101-42410-390 Contracted Services $6,168.47 August Building Permits Total JERRY OLSON $6,168.47 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $6,168.47 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, August 26, 1999 Check Summary Register #2 Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $7,015.48 These checks were mailed 8-26-99 and on the 9-13-99 City Council Agenda. Name Check Date Check Amt \ a�a::.v:...�...........�o::::.�.\\�ai,-•x:;av::;xaa\�a\:�..,v::;:•:s,•i5;i:::::::a::F:�R;�z:�\\J:\\\Rc\\\aa�Rt�ia\D:J:iiS:':e�:2�:';'�\S\\���\U\\\\\ 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER \\\��\�ti:\\\�\�\�.\iQ��\».d UnPajd CHRISTOPHER UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $80.69 UnPaid GERALD KURTTI $355.24 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $1,229.40 • UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES'0 .11 UnPaid PURCHASE POWER $515.00 UnPaid $100.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDE9• Total Checks $7,015.48 These checks were mailed 8-26-99 and on the 9-13-99 City Council Agenda. CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, August 26, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment ' ti',�:i^i:K:•iii:C-:C:P:^::r.`:•i::^i%CCi-:i:::: .v.:w.v:.:v::.v:::::::.v.v:::::.:::: �:::::::::::::::: n „vvx:r:. .v w:::r.v :. w-nv::.v: •niw:::::nv:::: nv: CCOi:i.iy r.\ v W \': nv4i';:::: un nr;, \ . ,. ., ,.:C\'\ilii:,\•:::,\•:i,.::: \i.:, .v....v.,>,iC,\'ii W♦♦� ~ ..\:.,»„vvY.•n+,v.w.,,,,,v:.,v...:.x:iC,iii%-%//m����Kfn41JiC\�SOCWW+4�A�\�`4iY.f,m%iQn,C<A\\,..{,:JCrii{•4+:i<i,\\`QO\14[4hlfr�Yi "2IX'J.C♦\\\�\\\iv'.irC•RC••.: '�:C ,. 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER :06C000>[<, M�\,:NT'Fl Nt\\vrtbsx<a'a:PVYI/nott,� UnPaid CHRISTOPHER HAESKA .nwwrrxrN..ww..v„�n„r�.M.mwxr.w.,rnvnvmww.vr.w„v,w.vwinnw..v.,w,wnv E 701-41400-300 Professional Srvs (GENERAL) $114.47 Refund from Escrow Total CHRISTOPHER HAESKA $114.47_ FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.00 PW STD 91-99 E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $53.69 ADM STD 9-1-99 Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $80.69 UnPaici%...........�........:......,.......<�.�.,GERALD KURTTI E 701-41400-300 Professional Srvs (GENERAL) $355.24 Refund from Escrow Total GERALD KURTTI $355.24 �UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 8-11-99 E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 8-21-99 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $422.39 PPE 8-11-99 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $422.39 PPE 8-21-99 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $1,229.40 ......,,,,.,,,.,..,,,M E D I C A'.»,,,-:r.,�„w.M.,,,...,,.,.,:,.,.V,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,♦h,M,,,,,,x.,..,,.,,�,,,.:.,,.........,,v...-.....w,.,:,..,,....,:.......:......,,»♦.,,.:w.,,,,.,,.,:w::.,..,♦,.:,,.,...., E 101-41400-123 Health $1,948.15 Adm Med Prem 9199 E 101-43100-123 Health $978.92 PW Med Prem 9199 Total MEDICA $2,927.07 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-43100-121 PERA $173.75 PPE 8-21-99 E 101-41550-121 PERA $180.91 PPE 8-21-99 E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.27 PPE 8-11-99 E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.57 PPE 8-21-99 G 101-21704 PERA $306.66 PPE 8-11-99 G 101-21704 PERA $501.80 PPE 8-21-99 E 101-43100-121 PERA $142.15 PPE 8-11-99 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $1,690.11 -,n-„»�„�,.,,,„�,,.•xwxm„�,:x.,-.,xxxxxw:.:.r:: xxx:x:r: x:xx:::: x.: ,:: xxx: xx,,.-:::: x. _ ::: x,x. UnPaid PURCHASE POWER E 101-41400-206 Postage $515.00 Postage Total PURCHASE POWER $515.00 ..UnPaid.<:.:...,,,...<.,.,,.>.».,wx.,,.,,,,♦w.xx.. STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 Act 141923 8-11-99 G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 Act 141923 8-21-99 Total STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $100.00 %11-1:: UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $3.50 Addt'l recdg fees Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $3.50 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $7,015.48 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 08, 1999 Check Summary Register #3 Pagel of 2 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $12.66 UnPaid AT&T $49.10 UnPaid BAYSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP $250.00 UnPaid BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $3,798.67 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 UnPaid BFi - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid BOB'S SIGN COMPANY $1,757.25 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $380.63 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $146.05 UnPaid CAMAS MINNESOTA, INC. $208.28 UnPaid CAROL OLSON $255.50 UnPaid CELLULAR+ $44.76 UnPaid CITY OF MONTICELLO $99.00 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $83.07 UnPaid DENNIS & JUDITH HAVEL $456.67 UnPaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $17.94 UnPaid DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE $42.10 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.54 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $223.97 UnPaid ELK RIVER FLORAL $59.75 UnPald ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $639.23 UnPaid ENCOMM MIDWEST, LLC OLD 1 $42,576.18 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $2,728.29 UnPaid FRANK & ANNICK MULLER $350.38 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $823.2 UnPaid GORDY'S TRUCK & TRACTOR REPAIR $54.06 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $216,162.00 UnPaid GROEN GARY CPA $825.00 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $75,511.74 UnPaid I.S.D. 728 $3,313.68 UnPaid J -CRAFT INC $31.07 UnPaid JOYCE KONGSJORD $280.00 UnPaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST $37.00 UnPaid LONG & SONS $2,434.65 UnPaid LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. $200.00 UnPaid MAGUIRE IRON, INC. $42,957.00 UnPaid MARY THIEBAULT $285.00 UnPaid MENARDS $80.51 UnPaid METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC $1,289.00 UnPaid MID -AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL $78.15 UnPaid MINNEGASCO $100.25 UnPaid MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $381.51 UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $345.06 UnPaid NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT $25.00 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $5,132.60 UnPaid PITNEY BOWES $232.10 UnPaid PRESERVATION ALLIANCE OF MN $75.00 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $253.75 Unpaid RECREATION,SPORTS & PLAY $750.83 Nwne Check Date Check Amt UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $724.72 UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $125.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $1,788.14 UnPaid TRUE VALUE $19.11 UnPaid TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC $87.54 UnPaid UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $120.00 UnPaid US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $472.68 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $10,626.88 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $194.68 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,302.45 Total Checks $421,805.15 CITY OF OT S E G O Wednesday, September 08, ,99g Check Detail Register Page 1 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid AIRGAS, INC. E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $12.66 951200 Oxygen Total AIRGAS, INC. $12.66 _ «UnPaid AT&T E 201-45000-320 Telephone $2.81 Shed Due 9-21-99 E 101-43100-320 Telephone $4.88 PW Due 9-21-99 E 101-41400-320 Telephone $41.41 City Hall Due 9-21-99 Total AT&T $49.10 UnPaid BAYSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP E 206-41400-501 Equipment $250.00 Document Fee Total BAYSTONE FINANCIAL GROUP $250.00 Unpaid ���"�1�''""'•"""'�BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC'�'�"� '�'�'»"--'•»'�M'�"�''�'�� E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($53.25) Credit for PUP E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $151.74 Previous Bal E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $239.65 PUP Trailer E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $3,460.53 1981 Truck Total BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $3,798.67 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE E101-43610-390 Contracted Services $106.25 9992625 September recycling -tMrtNmN�'N:C000t.:JJM.+±r-mxetrroe�,• Total BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 IWCCPN:O)%ONc,^h'OtP\ UnPaid anttdmh, BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER vnwvwvmrrsvnv.,rvMrmvmrnw.vww�w E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $317.50 August recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaidµ BOB'S SIGN COMPANY��Y�M�Y E101-41900-390 Contracted Services $1,757.25 EDAAC INFORM SIGN - Total BOB'S SIGN COMPANY $1,757.25 UW98 '»"h» N.. m< ' + hM BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTSE101-41400-201 Office Supplies $35.96 437706 Office supplies E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $6420 298505 Office supplies E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $280.47 257010 Office supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $380.63 Unpaid BOYER TUCKS�'��1+•'•�•� E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $53.85 1542R 1981 Truck E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $92.20 1539R 1981 Truck Total BOYER TRUCKS $146.05 Unpaid � CAMAS MINNESOTA, INC. E 101-43100-370 Sand andGravel $102.59 1578948 Gravel E 101-43100-370 Sand andGravel $105.69 1578078 Grave; Total CAMAS MINNESOTA, INC. $208.28 Unpaid CAROL OLSON G 101-21706 Hospitalization/Medical Ins $255.50 Medical refund Total CAROL OLSON $255.50 UnPaid m<m CELLULAR+� E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $44.76 102722 Pagers Airtime 3 mths Total CELLULAR+ $44.76 UrFadtl�� ��- CITY OF MONTICELLO E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $99.00 6187 July Animal Control Total CITY OF MONTICELLO $99.00 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING CITY OF OTS E G O Wednesday, September 08, 1 gw Check Detail Register Page 2 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment a��'�''s�.`Ski\\;\viw$a•':\l,c`'.�.�%�.\��'' ��\\�, E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $30.42 Shop Aug Garbage E 101-41940-325 Garbage Service $52.65 Hail Aug Garbage Total CORROW TRUCKING $83.07 UnPaid DENNIS & JUDITH HAVEL G701-21911 Havel CUP 99-3 $456.67 Refund from Escrow Total DENNIS & JUDITH HAVEL $456.67 UnPaid•...,,...�,.Y.,,,,,.,,,....:...wx:,,.,V,,., DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $17.94 234013 Concrete Total DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $17.94 UnPaid DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $42.10 Supplies for Public Works Total DUERRS WATERCARE SERVICE $42.10 YttiV09CTiMCY.•%\MWNCK9C?:•}%CtC:4CM.S:vYiCJ"Ni.'oK� UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC orcsett o':oratm�vrri•:marcmrottaeneioeoeeacmµ+++:++wm....mn.+,r:.w.-n E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $82.54 19122 Street Signs Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.54 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 101-41400-350 PrintBinding (GENERAL) $56.58 Ord 99-7 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $58.94 Ord 99-6 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 Ord 99-9 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $61.30 Ord 99-8 Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $223.97 UnPaid ELK RIVER FLORAL E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $59.75 20578 Funeral arrgt Total ELK RIVER FLORAL $59.75 UnPaid ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES E 101-43100-322 Utilities $29.09 PW Shop 9-15-99 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $32.48 39 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $272.71 39/101 Signal E 101-43160-322 Utilities $62.20 Antelope Park E 101-43160-322 Utilities $46.65 Country Ridge E 101-41950-322 Utilities $41.22 Old Town Hall E 101-43160-322 Utilities $33.55 42/Parrish Overhead E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.77 Nashua/94th E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 Parrish/88th E 101-43160-322 Utilities $39.41 96th E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 Parrish/85th E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 39/Nashua E 101-43160-322 Utilities $10.89 39/Parrish Flashers E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.99 39/Page E 101-43160-322 Utilities $16.93 101/130 Total ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $639.23vmw^Aw:.::k, MUnPaid+Y ^mm ENCOMM MIDWEST, LLC OLD 1 E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $42,576.18 Pay Estimate #3 Total ENCOMM MIDWEST, LLC OLD 1 $42,576.18 _. mmµ Unpaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $300.00 8564 Sewer ROW E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $2,42829 8564 Odean Ave ROW Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $2,728.29 , UnPaid FRANK & ANNICK MULLER G 701-21917 Muller CUP $350.38 Escrow Refund CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 08, 1999 Page 3 of 6 Check Detail Register G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge G 701-21924 Mining permit #7 E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees E 416-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 413-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 416-43100-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backer 99-7 E 418-43100-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21920 JKO Holdings E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic G 701-21916 Darkenwaid $939.38 538 $75.00 544 $23,582.21 549 $2,949.50 554 $39,844.97 574 $1,751.78 $1,285.13 $1,120.88 $980.00 $745.13 $736.36 $490.00 $406.58 $280.00 $112.50 $70.00 550 573 542 Pheasant Ridge Mining Permit 7 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Pumphouse 99 Bit Road Overlay Odean Ave 99 Bit Rd Overlay Ex Crimson Ponds 539 Check Amt Invoice Comment :�»%ricseec,`?'a�;to:'st,•£�'a4?��dc%r:urn: �,�:\tea?`•�c`fto'. f'xot��� y%�r.��3;��., .. ,.ac6:G::•: .. '�9` Total FRANK & ANNICK MULLER $350.38 Grenings Miss Hills '..-'..,,, N GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC: Unpaid 541 Bridgeland PUD E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $73.83 134755 1981 Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $498.79 132960 Grader E 101-43100.220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $118.09 132960 Ford Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $14.42 132837 Miscell parts E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $118.09 134756 Ford Tractor Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $823.22 UnPaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST OP.`90,\Y\V�"?:CP::AQP•:KV:((?:i\\::M%FR\CCW:YfnM�KNO0IX.J0]WMNNo:!.: om,':....vn.,<v„vrn<�w.•naxn-.r.,vmw.w.sn..,....mw.M.w. UnPaid GORDY'S TRUCK & TRACTOR REPAIR $37.00 508 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $54.06 $37.00 Press out bearings Total GORDY'S TRUCK & TRACTOR REPAIR $54.06 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $216,162.00 Payment No 4 Total GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $216,162.00 ,,,:., ,.,..,.,,.:..............�, .,�: : riw.,.,,.,..:.. UnPaid,.,YH69 ENGAR GARY -CPA , x. w , M,..w .............,.....,...,..,...,.....,..,M E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $825.00 August Services Total GROEN GARY CPA $825.00 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge G 701-21924 Mining permit #7 E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees E 416-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 413-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 416-43100-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backer 99-7 E 418-43100-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21920 JKO Holdings E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic G 701-21916 Darkenwaid $939.38 538 $75.00 544 $23,582.21 549 $2,949.50 554 $39,844.97 574 $1,751.78 $1,285.13 $1,120.88 $980.00 $745.13 $736.36 $490.00 $406.58 $280.00 $112.50 $70.00 550 573 542 Pheasant Ridge Mining Permit 7 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Pumphouse 99 Bit Road Overlay Odean Ave 99 Bit Rd Overlay Ex Crimson Ponds 539 78th St/Page 540 JKO Holdings 535 W etiands Cons Act 551 Miscell Engineering 543 Grenings Miss Hills 555 Water Tower Const 541 Bridgeland PUD 545 Darkenwaid WWTF E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $142.32 546 City Map Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $75,511.74 UnPaid I.S.D. 728 E 101-45100-390 Contracted Services $3,313.68 Sept & Oct Assessments Total I.S.D. 728 $3,313.68 �:do>•.,�a,:(,� ��::.x-,,,,,,,.,,ri.�,.� r,«.,,,,.. ,,,,... UnPaid J -CRAFT INC ,:_,.,v.�.,.,,,,,w.,,..�,,,,w..w..w�,.,.w.,,,..,.:...,,,n,.v.,,.,..,,,,m..,w.,M.�,,,.,.w,,...,V.,,,,,M,,,,...,,,,,w.,,.,,w.,,,,,,., E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $31.07 23376 Backup bulb Total J -CRAFT INC $31.07 -UnPaid JOYCE KONGSJORD M..: R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($120.00) Less Super Hours G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Dep Refund Total JOYCE KONGSJORD $280.00 UnPaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST E 204-41400-310 Miscellaneous $37.00 508 Add 99 Felling Trailer Total LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST $37.00 .,..,,M:r.,...:.,,..•K,..,,.�,,.,,:,w..,,,w:,...�,...H,,,,..w�:.,.�..V,�w«..,�,,..�.M,,.,w�,.,�., UnPaid LONG & SONS CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 08,,99s Check Detail Register Page 4ots Check Amt Invoice i��xr'so��`<,,;�;2-:�?$��<ra,`'''�"�.�\x<s"i�.'o��'R`:"Y. , >�»>tca"i�%'� `��''t' �i':••,;'• Comment 3?`�. E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $51.06 Tax E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $75.60 Supplies E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $97.53 Tax E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $160.00 Windows Cleaned E 101-41940.389 Cleaning Services $340.00 Comm Rm Cleaning E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $370.00 August Cleaning E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $630.00 Hard floors E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $674.46 Carpets Cleaned E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $36.00 Chamber area Total LONG & SONS $2,434.65 UnPaid .t...,.:.n..:r: x.rrcrrcp}n.-:: LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. "--'-•-..:. -... - v:. w:: :.. rcn,,, nv::.w:rx:: rrw.,-n�•nv:: :::nw:rr:.w.�-n E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $200.00 8227 Morrisette Odean ROW Total LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. $200.00 UnPaid MAGUIRE IRON, INC. E 415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $42,957.00 Pay Estimate #3 Total MAGUIRE IRON, INC. $42,957.00 .».,w.,.�.,,r.,..,,,,,,,,»,.,,•:.,•nv.:..:.,•n.:nxx::.,.::.,-.»,,.r.,,..,.,•.,,:•:::xn„•:.,•.,»„•x.,•.wn,nwn,,..,.,»,,:::.,.v::::.»•:.,,,»,w.r,�..,,,.�....,�,..-.�.,..,,».,,rw.,»�...._.... UnPaid MARY THIEBAULT --- -------....,,.. G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Dep Refund R 101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($115.00) Less Supery Hours Total MARY THIEBAULT $285.00 _99,>,,:,,,,,»:•.::.,•r.»»,w...,..w.,,,.n,»,»,,.:n,-:.,.::::n,•x.,.:::.,,,,»vw.»,,,,»:,,,,»,»,.::.,•::.»w.».:n,,,»,» Unpaid MENARDS »,,,• ,: n,» w ,,,• w� ,»,»,,,, .»»»,,,w r,»wn,»» .», w »wn E 101-41950-310 Miscellaneous $80.51 72571 Shades for Old City Hall Total MENARDS $80.51 ­UnPaidxnrnn»xw.,.v.:..,w.v..wKrrc fv1ETROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $1,289.00 990463 Pup Trailer parts Total METROPOLITAN GRAVEL CO INC $1,289.00 x:.>:<.>>::,.>:.<�:.:;:.>v.,,:M».::<•:<.�..w..:«<•:;.�.m:««n.<.»Y<,�.:<..,,»,.-..<««v:«,«�«<.,«~<.:«�.,:N.<:.»:..,,�. UnPaid .ter« MID -AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL �:.,4,r.,.. „rr..�_,.r,,., r w., E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $9.65 Tax & Freight E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $31.00 Glass Cleaner E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $37.50 Vehicle Cleaner Total MID -AMERICAN RESEARCH CHEMICAL $78.15 :vm-m:<xovc::ccw«cc«<•xrr..croucx:n Unpaid .irvaoocc«w:««<ou<«<««r.«coao�i:.,cuoowwouowoxocvow>xccuu<uwuao«cu.K<e.<o...„,..x<«..:c:cr:.,....c.:«r.�.Y......,,w.,o.««c«.,..x.<.+«......w.<�,......«.......mow..,.„.r.rr...... MINNEGASCO E 101-41950-322 Utilities $22.48 Old Town Hall 9-19 E 101-41940-322 Utilities $77.77 City Hall due 9-19-99 Total MINNEGASCO $100.25 UnPaid µms» YM»» n n»MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMSnwxxn,xnxrxn» n:rrr....n,.,xr wrnn nwvxwxx »w w » , x w E 101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $381.51 80537 26,535 copies 6-25-8-24-99 Total MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $381.51 Unpaid 'M»»w•..,.,,"n"n"„'»",.",,,,x....•�' „»,»AP'A_»,»K: `IVE,.»w,.,rrxxn:,. NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $8.73 688166 Miscell parts E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $229.95 692812 Pup Trailer E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $177.51 692749 Pup Trailer E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($110.76) 693325 Credit for parts E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $18.02 692750 Pup Trailer E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $21.61 687844 Case Tractor Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $345.06 x,.�r..rcrwrn.x...»„»•rrrr..,.n,.nwrn,,,»,..rr.,,,x.,,..:,,.r...xr,,,,,.•n...wxrxr,,,,,.,.,,,,w.,...w.w,..,xx,.. Unpaid NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT ..W..�..._._ -.W� E 101-45300-355 Dues & Memberships $25.00 Membership dues Total NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT $25.00 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS CITY OF OTS E G O Wednesday, September oa,1999 Check Detail Register Page 5 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment :i�,f�n�U'.44 �».,•<:,<.:C.:..J:\:Gr::fv::.:x,.:;%:c::;:,-�\\\ w\�.r•: ^w.a�� � \ ♦ w� �\� �v \", � Y G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $96.97 8894 Grenings Miss E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $1,212.92 8895 Comp Plan Printing E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $960.51 8895 General Planning E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $762.29 8895 Miss Wild & Scenic E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $750.00 8896 Meetings E 101-42420-310 Miscellaneous $610.62 8895 101 Code Enforce G 701-21920 JKO Holdings $235.00 8894 JKO Holdings G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic $153.49 8894 Bridgeland PUD G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $90.00 8894 Pheasant Ridge PP E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $42.50 8895 City Demo summary G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $21.00 8894 Prairie Creek PP G701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 $20.00 8894 Lefebvre CUP E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $1.27 8895 Prairie Pk Shelter G 701-21915 Crimson pondsBackes 99-7 $176.03 8894 Crimson Ponds Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS ••:........< $5,132.60 ....................,...................,•:.PITNEY BOWES,,,,.,,,....»,,.....,....,<.,...,»,<.:.,v,.:..w,V.,�»,..,,<.».,.........,.,..,.....,......,-.......,.:.,....,,..,..<.,..,».,�.,�..,,»w...,».w.».�,,,�. �UnPaid E 101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $232.10 405207 Rental scale/meter to 1/15/00 Total PITNEY BOWES $232.10 UnPaid:,:.»,,,,...,.,»,,,......,..,.....,,....,,.,,-PRESERVATIONAALLIANCE OF MN E 101-45300-355 Dues & Memberships $75.00 Membership Dues Total PRESERVATION ALLIANCE OF MN $75.00 Unpaid.»..�,_•.,,..,.:..Y.,,.......,_.......»..,...,,.,,,,,,:,,RANDY'S SANITATION„�,-.,...<....»».,»„w..,�.,..»,<,,,,»,.,.,..,.......,.,..,.<..,.»,..,...:.,».,:..,»»»..»k,.,,�,,,,.,,,..,,,�,.,.,..,...,,.�. E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $253.75 August recycling Total RANDY'S SANITATION $253.75 UnPaid:..,..»......»..N..- ..<..,..:<......., RECREATION,SPORTS & PLAY'<.w E 201-45000-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $187.71 Wood Chips E 201-45000-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $863.12 Wood Chips Total RECREATION,SPORTS & PLAY $750.83 Unpaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $70.39 V100560 Case Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $93.35 V100477 Case Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $252.70 SW26387 Case Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $308.28 V100527 Case Tractor Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $724.72 U Paid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY k E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $125.00 August Ord Enforcement Total STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $125.00 UnPaid'»µmm SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $84.00 424 Oakwood Lot E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $560.00 424 Ballfields,soccer, VB E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $350.00 424 Praire Park E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $325.00 424 City Hall Lawn E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $203.00 424 Swale & South Woods E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $109.14 424 Tax E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $10.00 424 City Well #1 E 101-41950-310 Miscellaneous $147.00 424 Old City Hall Total SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $1,788.14 U� nPaid TRUE VALUE E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $19.11 Miscell Total TRUE VALUE $19.11 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 08, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 6 of 6 A � ,. �........ ..f Check Amt Involca Comment Unpaid TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $87.54 Disc Mower Total TRUEMAN-WELTERS INC $87.54 UnPaid UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA E 101-41550-360 Educadon/Training/Conferences $120.00 Merges - Education Total -UnPaidn,,,»:..h.,.....SUS UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $120.00 WEST COMMUNICATIONS ...,..........:.., ........ .,r,. . .. ,w. N ,»w. w .k ,.,.. .,, E 101-43100-320 Telephone $69.88 PW due 9-11-99 E 101-41400-320 Telephone $367.81 City Hall due 9-11-99 E 201-45000-320 Telephone $34.99 Shed due 9-11-99 Total US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $472.68 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $10,626.88 Sheriff Patrol for September Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE .h....,.<...,,..<....r.,.A., $10,626.88 xUnPaid ' ,» WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $194.68 Posts Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $194.68 COSK9C9(tiOMKV�:i•:Y.SitiA•;A\ii+:,\S:Vvi4.'S::ttiSi4:.. UnPaid fttuvcwanrow0000ronmv�eemeacmettc<ari+rear.r.,..+nrooemnmcarem.nattcemnrw+ammx.�.�mecm'oM�,�.y«............wnvwr. WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.79 Quaday/42/siren E 101-43160-322 Utilities $174.00 Signal Light E 101-41960-322 Utilities $23.90 Shed E 601-49400-322 Utilities $17.51 Well #1 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Rolling Ridge Creek E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Ogren Light 2N E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Ogren Light IS E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Oday Acres E 101-43160-322 USlities $12.38 Meyer Addition E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Heritage Hills E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.75 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.75 37/Odean west E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.75 37/Odean east E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.64 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.64 City Hall Pkg Lot E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.64 83rd Cul de sac E 101-41940-322 Utilities $773.46 City Hall E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.38 Lin Bar Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,133.49 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $421,636.19