09-27-99 CC1�pb �tinlvf.�s.�` A— Jam. v zy�n�rc mRtr4� VFW'100th Anniversary Commemorative Year >999 Born in the fires of a revolution and tempered by civil war and foreign conflicts, the United States of America today embodies the highest ideals of freedom and democracy, and For over two hundred years millions of Americans have answered our nation's call to defend our freedoms and our democratic form of government against all enemies, and Such service has required sacrifice, hardship, endurance, dedication, bravery, courage and the highest level of patriotism; those who have served our country deserve special attention, now Larry Fournier i¢Ivtayor of the /city of en , do hereby call upon all my fellow citizens to recognize the 100th Anniversary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the Unites! States. Founded in 1899 by veterans of the Spanish-American War, the VFW is dedicated to serving all of America's veterans and their families. Further, I urge all individuals, schools, businesses, churches, and civic organizations to proudly display the Flag of the United States of America and participate in programs honoring the VFW and all of America's 26 million veterans. Freedom isn't free, and these are the men and women Who paid fort e fr dom al of us enjoy today. (' ritilayor� Larry Fournier ... 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETI.NG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4A. Special Presentations Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator September 27, 1999 - 6:30 PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 4.A.1. Jim LeFeb-vTe - Discussion of City bill for recent variance BACKGROUND: 4. A.1. Attached is a copy of the billing for Jim LeFeb-vTe for CUPA'ariance. There is a dispute on the billing and Mr. LeFebvre feels he should not have to pay for anything after the Planning Commission Hearing. He will be present to discuss this. Mike Robertson has circled the items that Mr. LeFebvre is disputing. RECOMMENDATION• This is for Council information and any decision. Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO General Ledger Audit Detail Fund 701 DEVELOPMENT ESCROWS FUND Audit 1999 Yar Account is Active S0 Per Transaction Batch Name 6 Cash Receipt 6/30/99 G 701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 8 Direct Payme 08-23-99 G 701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 9 Direct Payme 09-13-99 G 701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 Total GL Act G 701-21923Lefebvre 99-12 Fund 701 DEVELOPMENT ESCROWS FUND Grand Total 09/14/99 5:53 PM Page 1 Debit Credit Balance $942.19 $600.00 $342.19 Tran Dr Tran Cr $0.00 $600.00 Lefebre Application Fee $922.19 $0.00 Lefebvre CUP/Var $20.00 $0.00 Lefebvre CUP $942.19 $600.00 lin Balance $942.19 $600.00 $942.19 $600.00 Balance due the City is $342.19. Attached are copies of NRC's invoices. If you have any questions, please contact City Hall, 441-4414. N WwArm""""', NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC 5 7 7 5 W AY Z ATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 5 5 5 N"O' C C ST.LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 554 1 8 '`I Y G_ PHONE (6 1 2)595-9636 August 4, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO City Administrative Offices 8899 Nashua Avenue NE ATTN: Elaine Beatty Otsego MN 55330 In Reference To: July 1999 Technical Assistance - Private Projects Invoice No. 8843 DDL 7/7/99 Review application/draft letter re: incomplete 1.20 60.00 submission/phone call with Ms. Beatty and Mr. 50.00/hr Robertson re: same/copy DDL 7/14/99 Phone call with Ms. Beatty/review fax and 0.40 20.00 follow up phone conversation 50.00/hr DDL 7/14/99 Trip to City Hall to pick up application 0.80 40.00 50.00/hr DDL 7/15-7/16/99 Draft report and review with 7.80 390.00 staff/prepare exhibits/finalize/copy and drop at post 50.00/hr office/fax to applicant's attorney/phone from Ms. Beatty and Ms. LeFebvre re: report/call to Ms. LeFebvre re: report DDL 7/15-7/16/99 Phone call with Mr. MacArthur re: access easements 0.80 40.00 50.00/hr PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT ANY UNPAID BALANCE AFTER 30 DAYS IS SUBJECT TO 1 .5% INTEREST CHARGE PER MONTH Hrs/Rate Amount 99.11 JIM & RITA LeFEBRVE CUP/VARIANC AB 7/22/99 Review variance finding for minor 0.30 25.50 subdivision/discuss review with staff 85.00/hr AB 7/27/99 Review findings for variance approval/discuss 0.20 17.00 with staff 85.00/hr DDL 7/7/99 Review application/draft letter re: incomplete 1.20 60.00 submission/phone call with Ms. Beatty and Mr. 50.00/hr Robertson re: same/copy DDL 7/14/99 Phone call with Ms. Beatty/review fax and 0.40 20.00 follow up phone conversation 50.00/hr DDL 7/14/99 Trip to City Hall to pick up application 0.80 40.00 50.00/hr DDL 7/15-7/16/99 Draft report and review with 7.80 390.00 staff/prepare exhibits/finalize/copy and drop at post 50.00/hr office/fax to applicant's attorney/phone from Ms. Beatty and Ms. LeFebvre re: report/call to Ms. LeFebvre re: report DDL 7/15-7/16/99 Phone call with Mr. MacArthur re: access easements 0.80 40.00 50.00/hr PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT ANY UNPAID BALANCE AFTER 30 DAYS IS SUBJECT TO 1 .5% INTEREST CHARGE PER MONTH NW^rm% NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC 5 7 7 5 W AY Z ATA B O U L E V A R D, SUITE 5 5 5 INVOICE ST.LOUIS PARK, M I NNESOTA 5 54 1 6 PHONE (6 1 2) 5 9 5- 9 6 3 6 CITY OF OTSEGO Page 2 Hrs/Rate Amount DDL 7/19/99 Phone call from Ms. Beatty re: exhibits 0.10 5.00 50.00/hr DDL 7/20/99 Draft findings of fact and memo to City 0.90 45.00 Council/finalize 50.00/hr DDL 7/22/99 Phone call with Mr. MacArthur, Vern Heidner, 2.80 140.00 Mayor Fournier, and Mike Robertson/discuss with 50.00/hr staff/prepare memo with alternative findings and conditions/review with staff/fax to Mr. Robertson and Mr. MacArthur DDL 7/27/99 Revise findings of fact and mail to City CPY 7/16/99 Trip to printers for reductions - Mileage - Communication - Reproductions - Photocopies Sub -Total of this Project: For professional services rendered 0.6030.00 50.00/hr 0.50 21.25 42.50[hr 8.05 35.20 2.44 42.75 [ 16.40 922.19] 16.40 $922.19 PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT ANY UNPAID BALANCE AFTER 30 DAYS IS SUBJECT TO 1 .5% INTEREST CHARGE PER MONTH NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS 1 NC 3 7 7 5 W A Y Z ATA B O U L E V A R D, SUITE 3 5 5 N VO 1 C E ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 554,1 g PHONE (6 1 2) 5 9 5- 9 6 3 g September 1, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO City Administrative Offices 8899 Nashua Avenue NE ATTN: Elaine Beatty Otsego MN 55330 In Reference To: August 1999 Technical Assistance - Private Projects Invoice No. 8894 Hrs/Rate Amount 99.11 JIM & RITA LeFEBRVE CUPNARIANC DDL 8/9/99 Call from Ms. Beatty re: document recordings 0.40 20.00 50.00/hr Sub -Total of this Project: [ 0.40 20.00] For professional services rendered 0.40 $20.00 PAYABLE UPON RECEIPT ANY UNPAID BALANCE AFTER 30 DAYS IS SUBJECT TO 1 .5% INTEREST CHARGE PER MONTH 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ September 27, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUiLIBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Arcon Development, Pheasant Ridge Final Plat 6.2. Chris Bulow, Grenings Mississippi Hills Preliminary/Final Plat for PL'D Dev. Stage Application for Outlot B 6.3. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. Attached is information on final plat and P.C. recommendation for Pheasant Ridge final plat from Dan Licht. Dan Licht will be present to explain and answer questions. 6.2. Attached is information on Outlot B PUD Development Stage for Grenins Mississippi Hills Findings of Fact and Decision. Dan Licht will be present to answer questions and present this. Attached also is a draft for the P.C. Minutes by Judy Hudson. 6.3. For any additional Planning Business that may arise. RECOT MENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any decision. Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION SEPTEMBER 20, 1999 8 P CITY HALL 1. Chair Carl Swenson will call meeting to order: Chair Swenson called the meeting to order at 8:01 PM. Roll Call: Carl Swenson, Arleen Nagel, Christian Mbanefo, Richard Nichols Jim Kolles. Absent: Eugene Goenner, Patrick Moonen. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Dan Licht, City Planner. Council Representative: Vern Heidner. City Council Members Attending: Suzanne Ackerman 2. Consideration of the September 7. 1999 Planning Commission Minutes, Commissioner Nichols motioned to approve the Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Mbanefo. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Final Plat Review - Applicant Rick Packer for Pheasant Ridge Residential Development" Dan Licht, Planner, presented the Planner's Report. Commissioner Nichols motioned to recommend approval of Pheasant Ridge Final Plat consisting of 45 lots and two (2) outlots subject to the conditions listed in the Findings of Fact. Seconded by Commissioner Nagel. All in favor. Motion carried. Mike Robertson reported this item will be on the September -2 7-99 City Council Agenda. 4. Hearing for Preliminary and Final Plat and a PUD Development State Application for Outlot B. Grenings MississiDni Hills Plat for applicantlowner Chris Bulow. Inc. PID 118-800-142402 located on north of CSAH 39 and east of Kadler Avenue. Chair Swenson opened the Public Hearing Mike Robertson reported the proper noticing and publishing were done. Dan Licht, Planner, presented the Planner's Report. Chris Bulow, Developer, asked if the City will pay the utility bills after the street light is installed and if he can choose the type of street light. Mike Robertson said the City will consider this as an internal light. Chris also asked the Planning Commission to eliminate the 10 foot center island in the parking lot and in exchange he would put in larger areas at the end caps with trees and shrubs planted. Dan Licht said the west lot line of Lot 1, Block 1 doesn't match the final plat. Chris Bulow said he would check this out. Chris also asked how much his park dedication will be. Chair Swenson opened the Hearing for Public Comment: No one appeared for Public Comment I� INC MEMORANDUM NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CO�'S'LILTA�I - 1 i COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKE1Ti, RESEARCH IL \. 4 -- TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 September 1999 RE: Otsego - Pheasant Ridge; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.16 The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed final plat at their meeting on September 20, 1999. There was no discussion pertaining to the final plat application. The Planning Commission voted 5-0 to recommend that the City Council approve the final plat. A findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendation has been prepared for consideration by the City Council at their meeting on September 27, 1999. pc. Mike Robertson vElaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 16 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595.9837 E-MAIL NAC@a WINTERNET.COM CITY OF 9-21-99 OTSEGO Final Plat WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: Acron Development, Inc. Request: Request for approval of a final plat entitled "Pheasant Ridge" consisting of 45 single family lots and two outlots on the property legally described by Exhibit A ("the property"). City Council Meeting Date: 27 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is: See attached EXHIBIT A. 3. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for low density residential development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family. 5. The Pheasant Ridge Preliminary Plat, consisting of 178 single family lots and three outlots, was approved by the City Council on 23 July 1999. 6. The proposed final plat consists of 45 single family lots and two outlots consistent with the design of the preliminary plat and applicable conditions of said approval. 7. The planning report dated 16 September 1999 prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc. is incorporated herein. 8. The Otsego Planning Commission at their regular meeting on 20 September 1999 to consider the proposed final plat. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 5-0 vote that the City Council approve the final plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Crimson Pond Final Plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. A phasing plan is submitted indicating the anticipated schedule for final platting the remainder of the project for which a preliminary plat has been approved. 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTiVTENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ September 27, 1999 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 5.1. Consider Payment No. 4, Barbarossa & Sons - Sewer & Water Installation - $537,012.67 5.2. Consider Payment #1, Bauerly Bros. - Street Overlay - $218,897.21. BACKGROUND: 5.1. and 5.2. Attached is information from Larry Koshak regarding payments No. 4, Barbarossa & Sons and #1, Bauerly Bros. Larry Koshak will be present to give an explanation and answer questions if necessary. RE C OTNEMEN"DAT I ON: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, i Elaine Hakanson And1�1 Assoc•so c. til & Municipal Engineering ,and Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL AGENDA SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax ITEM 5.0 CONSENT AGENDA CONTRACT PAYMENTS ITEM 5.1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PAYMENT NO. 4 FOR THE SANITARY SEWER & WATERMAIN TRUNK FACILITIES - COP #98.04 Attached is Pay Estimate No. 4 to Barbarossa & Sons in the amount of $537,012.67 for work in August. During the past month, the contractor completed over 10,000 LF of watermain, 4,400 LF of gravity sewer and 1,300 LF of forcemain. As of the end of August, payments totaled 65% of the contract amount. As of this date (September 22nd), the primary remaining work is on the forcemain and watermain in Quaday near the VFW soccer fields where the contractor is still trying to get the ground water down, and on the sewer and water facilities near the County Road 42 & 39 intersection. The contractor has not yet installed the equipment for the lift station. Project restoration is well underway. The contractor added gravel to 65th Street last week, and has been given a "punch list" for all restoration and clean up work south of 72nd Street. The final grading and restoration of properties impacted by the gravity sewer east of County Road 42 is now occurring. We are within several weeks of project completion. Overall, the project is going very well. ITEM 5.2 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PAYMENT NO. 1 FOR THE 1999 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. The amount of Payment No. 1 to Bauerly Bros., Inc. is $218,697.21. The contractor has completed the reclaiming of all streets in Hall's Additions, Walesch Add. and a portion of Hidden Valley & 91St Street. The Hall's Addition has been overlaid, as is the Otsego Acres area. The current activity is centered around gravel shouldering and widening where required. The crack sealing has been completed, however, the seal coating will be delayed until next year. The rock for seal coating has been delivered and stored on city property. That rock is included in the pay request. Culvert pipe has also been put in place. Ma01\shared docs Wlunicipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901consentagenda9-27-99.doc rMt cJ 1.."1C84 Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Project City of Otsego Project #98,04 For Work through August 31, 1999 .. _ptember 3, 1999 Barbarossa & Sons 11000 93rd Avenue North P.O. Box 367 Osseo MN 55369 R itary Sewer and Watermain Think Facilities Cc, .,r. Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Contract Amount: $2,173,560.25 Award Date: May 5, 1999 Completion Date: November 1, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - REMOVALS ITEM 5.1 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": $ 89,072.00 5 66,550.00 BIl =DULE "B" - RESTORATION 'OTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": $ 185,282.25 S 33,503.25 Shere/M W dpaVOt3 ego/a 1612bt.bs Sheet PAY ESTIMATE p4 Page 1 of 3 91999 PAY ESTIMATE #4 Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Project City of Otsego Project #98.04 A -M nnAfR1A.-C For Work through August 31, 1999 I --- - - - - - -ec Description - Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work or this Period Total to Date Extension Spec 2501 8' CS Pipe Culvert 22 LF S 15.00 LF S 330.00 201 this 20 LF S 300.00 401 2501 15' CS Pipe Culvert 128 LF S 18.00 LF $ 2,304.00 01 Total to Date 0 LF S 41 2501 58 'A' Span RC Arch Pie 32 LF S 104.00 LF $ 3,328.00 0 $ 26,600.00 0 LF 5 42 2501158 X' Span RC Arch Pipe Apron 2 EA S 850.00 EA S 1,700.00 0 551 0 EA S 43 2503112' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 24 LF S 22.00 LF $ 528.00 48 2611116' Cl 52 DIP Watermain 48 LF S 1,056 00 44 2503112- RCP Apron 2 EA S 300.00 EA S 600.00 4 11500 LB 4 EA S 1,200.00 45 2503115' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 706 LF S 23.00 LF S 16,236.00 318 120 438 LF S 10,074.00 46 2503 15' RCP Apron 36 EA S 325.00 EA $ 11,700.00 16 4 20 EA S 6,500.00 47 2503118" RCA Design 3006 Cl 3 102 LF S 24.00 LF S 2,448.00 0 135.00 0 LF S 48 2503 18' RCP Apron 4 EA S 375.00 EA S 1,500.00 0 25 0 EA S - 49 2503 24' RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 344 LF S 28.00 LF S 9,632.00 72 120 192 LF I S 5,376.00 50 2503 24' RCP Apron 13 EA S 400.00 EA S 5,200.00 4 10 EA 4EA 5 1,600.00 51 2503 30' RCP Design 3006 C13 24 LF 5 36.00 LF S 864.00 0 15 0 LF S 52 2503 30' RCP Apron 1 1 EA I 5 475.00 EA S 475.00 1 01 3 0 EA $ TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C": arrn�� at�t S 56,847.00 $ 26,106.00 T' - BID SCHEDULE "D": $ 654,877.00 $ 434,348.50 Work Work Work Spec Estimated Spec iDescription Estimated Spec Total Contract Previous this Previous this Item Ref. Quantity Contract Price Ref. Description Price Work Period Total to Date Extension 531 2600124- Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking 370 LF S 140.00 LF S 51,800.00 70 120 190 LF $ 26,600.00 541 2611 lConnect to Existing Watermain 4 EA S 850.00 EA $ 3,400.00 3 S 160.00 LF 3 EA S 2,550.00 551 261118- Cl 52 DIP Watermain 1250 LF S 18.00 LF $ 22,500.00 1250 30 LF 1250 LF $ 22,500.00 561 2611116' Cl 52 DIP Watermain 15256 LF S 32.00 LF S 488,192.00 5600 4433 10033 LF S 321,056.00 571 26111011 Fittings 11500 LB S 2.00 LB S 23,000.00 50001 2000 7000 LB S 14,000.00 581 261118' Gate Valve 1 EA S 650.00 EA S 650.00 11 112,590.00 1 EA $ 650.00 59 2611116' Buttedly Gate Valve 23 EA S 1,350.00 EA S 31,050.00 9 9 18 EA S 24,300.00 60 2611 4" Watermain Insulation 9 SY 5 15.00 SY $ 135.00 4.5 540 LF 4.5 SY S 67.50 61 2611 6' CL 52 DIP Watermain Hydrant Leads 200 LF S 17.00 LF $ 3,400.00 25 100 125 LF S 2,125.00 62 2611 6" Gate Valve - Hydrant 15 EA S 450.00 EA S 6,750.00 3 7 10 EA S 4,500.00 63 2611 Hydrant 15 EA S 1,600.00 EA $ 24,000.00 3 7 10 EA I S 16,000.00 T' - BID SCHEDULE "D": $ 654,877.00 $ 434,348.50 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE E1, E2, AND E3: $ 1,092,140.00 $ 793,097.00 Share/MursdpaV0tsa90/018120t. Ids Dana 'I nr 1 919M Work Work Spec Estimated Total Contract Spec Estimated Total Contract Previous this Price Work Period Item Ref. Description Extension _. Quantity Contract Price .. ... ... ,.....,,;...:.•..,::..,-...... Price Work Period Total to Date n�n.::.x:.t�::::::.,,.,.. ::•: •........... Extension n•::.:. :;::x:;<;;:;;:<;:y:<;r:??KK;;:;:;>•:w-;:;•:;;;:;}::rri::;:ri::`t::%>k::::2 ..:........ .. ........ .:...:..... ii;::i:<;: ....... 15ol i:•?.;:?2;::<':::<>i`:i;;;;ti:?<:^S::};>;iti .:.....:....::... 200 .............:.:...,-...............::..: 350 LF 1 5 ^r.°::::::::;:::` 56,000.00 64 2600124* Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking Casing-Jacking 530 S 160.00 LF S 84,800.00 13500 1284 14784 LF S 80 2621 OIP Fttin s 65 2621 8' SDR 26 PVC Pie all depths) 30 LF S 40.00 tF s 1,200.00 01 30 30 LF I $ 1,200.00 66 2621 15' SOR 26 PVC Pie 16'-20' 400 LF S 44.00 LF S 17,600.00 0 2 EA 0 LF 11 5 6.200.00 1 67 2621 15" SDR 26 PVC Pi a 20'-24' 4500 LF S 45.00 LF $ 202,500.00 0 2502 2502 LF 5 112,590.00 68 2621 15' SDR 26 PVC Pi 24'-28' 1335 LF S 46.00 LF $ 61,410.00 0 1335 1335 LF S 61,410.00 69 2621 15' SOR 26 PVC Pie 28'-32' 600 LF S 47.00 LF $ 28,200.00 528 12 540 LF $ 25,380.00 70 2621 8' PVC Pipe Plug2 EA $ 20.00 EA S 40.00 0 1 1 EA $ 20.00 71 2521115' PVC Pipe Plug1 EA S 75.00 EA S 75.00 0 72,525.00 LS 0 EA S 0.3 0.7 72 73 Deleted per Addendum No. 1 2621 16" DIP Sewer 100 LF $ 65.00 LF $ S 6,500.00 0 100 3,800.00 0 100 LF $ S 6,500.00 74 2621 18' RCP Sewer 18 LF S 55.00 LF $ 990.00 15 0 LS 15 LF S 825.00 75 2621 Sanitary Sewer MH to 8' Deep 23 EA S 2,050.00 EA S 47,150.00 3 12 15 EA S 30,750.00 76 2621 Extra Depth Sanitary MH > 8' 352 VF $ 80.00 VF $ 28,160.00 80 120 200 VF S 16,000.00 77 2621 Construct Outside Crop 3 EA I S 1,600.00 EA S 4,800.00 2 2 EA s 3,200.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE E1, E2, AND E3: $ 1,092,140.00 $ 793,097.00 Share/MursdpaV0tsa90/018120t. Ids Dana 'I nr 1 919M Work Spec Estimated Total Contract Previous this Item Ref. Description Quanta Contract Prica Price Work Period Total to Date Extension _. . .. .... .......... .. ...... .... :.:........................... ...........:i..,w.,-::.:..�:.:x:..:.«-::-:: n•.,�:. r«-:::::;•:r.;-:.}••}•4:?4;}x•:•:,«:;:i?::.,•:,}•«•r.,.::::;5?,.;..;.:;}}}ri';�;:.: ... ..... ......... vn::n.t«.......n:............. n.. ..... }.. n. .. ....... .. .... ....... .. ...... ..... r. .. ;. ...vrr. rn.x «i.t..........n .non• �uvit:}iii::.••ty ....v .....,....v n....t ........... .. .......... ... n.n......n.f.:...:........v.n.i.... rrn....:.,:. 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QQ;:::>:E'iiS: ::i:'<' ::i:�:•.:r::.'::: ::.. .... 84 2621 Lift Station Electrical 1 5,200.00 LS S 5,200.00 0 0 LS S 2621 Lift Station Mechanical 1 LS 13.000.00 LS S 13,000.00 0 0 LS S 2621 Lift Station Pump; 1 LS 35,300.00 LS S 35,300.00 0 LS S 2621 Lift Station Structure 1 LS 72,525.00 LS S 72,525.00 0.3 0.7 1 LS S72,525.00 3,600.00 00 2621 Lift Station Valve MH F-6 1 LS 3,800.00 LS s 3,800.00 0 1 1 LS S 89 2621 Lift Station Site Gradin 1 LS 1,000.00 LS S 1,000.00 0 0 LS S TOTAL BID SCHEDULE E1, E2, AND E3: $ 1,092,140.00 $ 793,097.00 Share/MursdpaV0tsa90/018120t. Ids Dana 'I nr 1 919M PAY ESTIMATE #4 Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Project City of Otsego Project #98.04 F Work through August 31, 1999 BID SCHEDULE "F" - SPECIAL CROSSING OF CSAH 4 Item Spec Ref. loescriptlon Estimated Quantl lContractPrice Total Contract Price Previous Work Work I Total to Date Extension -SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN JACKING UNDER CSAH 42; STA 58+59 Estimated 1,092,140.00 810 SCHEDULE "F1, F2 & F3" - SPECIAL CROSSING: Total Contract Previous this 62 LF S 4.00 LF S 248.00 0 vec .f, Descri Uon QuantityContract Price 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casin , Jacking, Watermain Price Work Period Total to Date 0 LF Extension 109 .. 300 LB S 2.00 LB S 600.00 3. :.A .:SESNEit:JipGl�fN6..t11�R,G 16' Steel Pipe Casin Jackin , SanitarySewer 120 S 125.00 LF S 15,000.00 120 S 2,340.00 120 LF S 15,000.00 KPM6221 Construct Outside Oro 1 EA 5 1,300.00 EA $ 1,300.00 0 1 1 EA S 1,300.00 $ 500.00 EA 8' DIP Sewer 128 LF S 30.00 LF $ 3,840.00 128 1 EA 128 LF S 3,840.00 931 2621 IDIP Fittings 45 LB S 2.00 LB S 90.00 25 20 45 LB S 90.00 941 2564 Traffic Control, W. of CSAH 42 1 LS S 500.00 LS $ 500.00 0.5 0.5 1 LS S 500.00 951 2575 Seeding & Restoration W. of CSAH 42 0.3 AC S 1,000.00 AC S 300.00 0 S 325.00 EA 0 AC $ 0 EA ::::F�2;SREEFFRF.t.'�:'SEV.�21EFi:'AiVii:Klitk'L•EL�IUFJLItYlli�IfiNQ::UNT3EFf'.t'511£�:'. "{S:FAkSa:�i1=3::si:?: ?,'^•.`:::$;;';#:::?:$;7��3Q 2503 15' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 96 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking Casing-JackingWatermain 80 LF S 125.00 ILF S 10,000.00 01 80 80 LF S 10,000.00 97 2611 DIP Fitrigs s 300 LB S 2.00 LS S 600.00 0 150 150 LB S 300.00 98 2611 8" CL 52 DIP Watermain 100 LF S 18.00 LF S 1,800.00 0 80 80 LF S 1.440.00 99 2611 6' CL 52 DIP Watermain Hydrant Leads 10 LF S 17.00 LF S 170.00 0 0 LF $ 100 2611 6' Gate Valve - Hydrant 1 EA S 500.00 EA S 500.00 0 0 EA S 101 2611 Brant 1 EA S 1,600.00 EA I S 1,600.00 0 0 EA S 102 2600 16Steel Pipe Casing, Jacking, Sanitary Sewer 110 LF S 125.00 LF S 13,750.00 0 110 110 GF S 13,750.00 103 2621 8' SDR 26 PVC Pi all depths) 128 LF S 30.00 LF $ 3,840.00 0 128 128 LF $ 3,840.00 104 2621 8' PVC Pipe Piu 1 EA S 10.00 EA S 10.00 0 0 EA 1 LS S $ - 500.00 105 2564 Traffic Control West of CSAH 42 1 LS S 500.00 LS S 500.00 0 1 106 2575 SeedingAH & Restoration, West of CS42 0.3 AC S 1,000.00 AC S 300.00 0 0 AC $ Item Spec Ref. loescriptlon Estimated Quantl lContractPrice Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period I Total to Date Extension -SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN JACKING UNDER CSAH 42; STA 58+59 $ 1,092,140.00 810 SCHEDULE "F1, F2 & F3" - SPECIAL CROSSING: S 107 2104 Remove Pipe Culverts 62 LF S 4.00 LF S 248.00 0 0 LF $ 108 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casin , Jacking, Watermain 100 LF S 125.00 LF S 12,500.00 0 0 LF S $ 109 2611 DIP Fittings 300 LB S 2.00 LB S 600.00 0 0 LB 110 2611 8" CL52 DIP Watermain 130 $18.00 LF S 2,340.00 0 09 $ 111 2611 6' CL 52 DIP Watermain Hydrant Leads 10 LF S 17.00 LF S 170.00 0 0 LF S S 112 2611 6' Gate Valve - Hydrant 1 EA $ 500.00 EA $ 500.00 0 0 EA 113 2611 Hydrant 1 EA S 1,600.00 EA S 1,600.00 0 0 EA S 114 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casing, Jacking, Sanitary Sewer 130 LF S 125.00 LF S 16,250.00 0 0 LF $ 1151 2621 8' SOR 26 PVC Pie All depths) 158 LF S 28.00 LF $ 4,424.00 0 0 LF S 2621 8' PVC Pi a Plu 1 EA S 10.00 EA $ 10.00 0 0 EA S 2503 15' RCP Apron 2 EA S 325.00 EA S 650.00 0 0 EA S 2503 15' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 50 LF S 23.00 LF S 1,150.00 0 0 LF $ 1191 2564 Traffic Control West of CSAH 42 1 LS S 500.00 LS $ 500.00 0 0 LS S 1201 2575 Seedin &Restoration West of CSAH 42 1 0.3 AC 1 S 1,000.00 AC S 300.00 01 0 AC S TOTAL BID SCHEDULE F1, F2 and F3: 95,342.00 BID SCHEDULE "A" - REMOVALS $ 89,072.00 BID SCHEDULE "B" - RESTORATION S 185,282.25 BID SCHEDULE "C" - CULVERTS AND DRAINAGE S 56,847.00 BID SCHEDULE "O" WATERMAIN S 654,877.00 BID SCHEDULE "E1, E2 & E3"- SANITARY SEWER". $ 1,092,140.00 810 SCHEDULE "F1, F2 & F3" - SPECIAL CROSSING: S 95,342.00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE. S 2,173, 560.25 TOTAL TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 1111: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 93: WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR; Certification by Contractor, I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. BARSAROSSA & SONS, INC. Signed. 6 4--j- Title: jTitle: Date: L ENGINEER: I recommend payment for items and amount of work as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON SCCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: Date: =R - CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date. $50560.00 66,550.00 33, 503.25 26,106.00 434,348.50 793,097.00 50,560.00 $ 1,404,164.75 $ 70,208.24 $ 166,107.50 $ 258,399.76 $ 372,436.58 $ 537,012.67 Sh"WMurvcPaV0tse90l0t612bL)" Page 3 of 3 9Nt99 Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 94 j�mber 16, 1999 PAY ESTIMATE #1 OWNER ,Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego ITEM 5.2 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 1999 Street Improvement actor. Bauerly Bros., Inc. _ _..tract Amount: $1,187,606.70 Award Date: 8/10/99 Completion Date: November 15, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: BID --r-HED"! E e _ OVERLAY RECLAMATION AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION ,.,, ...._..,..__ Item # .. Spec.Ref. _ . _..- . -- Item Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Used to Date Extension 1 2021.5 Mobilization 1 LS $6,200.00 IS 0.5 $3,100.00 2 2101.5 Grub 36" Stump) 3 EA $125.00 IEA $0.00 3 2104 Salvage Retaining Wall 2 EA $250.00 /EA $0.00- 4 2104.5 Remove Culverts 24" or less 835 LF $6.00 /LF 80 $480.00 5 2104.51 Remove Bit. Pavement 9500 SY $1.00 /SY 35 $35.00 6 2104.5 Remove Concrete Pavement 90 SY $2.00 /SY $0.00 7 2104.5 Sawcut Bit. Pavement 1750 LF $3.00 /LF 1700 $5,100.00 8 2104.5 Sawcut Concrete 325 LF $7.00 /LF $0.00 9 2105.5 Common Excavation CVP 23700 CY $4.56 /CY $0.00 10 2105.5 Granular Borrow CVP 10300 CY $5.66 /CY $0.00 11 2105.6 Minor Grading 325 RD STA $30.25 /RD STA 117.5 $3,554.38 2 2112.6 Sub rade Preparation 9500 SY $0.30 /SY $0.00 13 2120.5 Earth Shouldering To Soil 3500 CY $7.50 /CY $0.00- 14 2211.5 Aggregate Base Cl 5 5900 Ton $6.18 /Ton $0.00 15 2211.5 Aggregate Base Cl 5 D 125 Ton $6.82 /Ton $0.00 16 2211.5 Aggregate Base Cl 5(patch) 575 Ton $6.18 /Ton $0.00 17 2221.5 Aggregate Shoulderin , Cl 2 2401 Ton $20.00 /Ton $0.00- 18 2221.5 Aggregate Shoulderin , Cl 5 1070 Ton $6.82 /•Ton $0.00 19 2232.5 Reclamation of Bituminous Surface 86355 SY $0.68 /SY 62,554 $42,536.72 20 2232.51 Reclamation of Bituminous Surface & Transport 16150 SY $0.97 /SY $0.00 21 2340.5 1 Type 41 Wear 22810 Ton $23.18 /Ton 5,968 $138,338.24 22 2340.5 T e 41(patch) 210 Ton $35.00 /Ton 34 $1,190.00 23 2357.5 Bit. Mat for Tack 4540 Gal $0.75 /Gal 500 $375.00 24 2401.5 Structural Excavation, Cl U, CVP 300 CY $2.00 ICY $0.00 25 2451.5 Course Filter Aggregate 60 CY $14.00 /CY $0.00 26 2501.5 30" RCP End Section 1 EA $470.00 /EA $0.00 27 2501.5 24" RCP End Section 12 EA $390.00 /EA 2 $780.00 28 2501.5 15" RCP End Section 20 EA $320.00 /EA 2 $640.00 29 2501 30" RCP FES Trash Guard 1 EA $895.00 /EA $0.00 30 2502.5 3" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN 16001 LF 1 $5.45 /LF 1 $0.00 //HA01/shared docs/municipal/aotsego/336/ot336BP.xis Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 91 1 of 3 PAY ESTIMATE #1 Item # Spec.Ref. Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price $0.91 /LB Extension 31 2502.6 Connect to Existing Drain 4 EA $255.00 /EA $0.99 /Gal $0.00 32 2503 30" RCP 734 LF $37.80 /LF $19.00 /Ton $0.00 $11,827.50 2503.5 24 " RCP 328 LF $28.60 /LF 40 $1,144.00 34 2503.5 18 " RCP 1037 LF $23.95 /LF $0.22 /LF $0.00 35 2503.5 15" RCP 614 LF $22.05 /LF 40 $882.00 36 2503.6 Connect Existing Drain Pipe to Storm Sewer 1 EA $350.00 /EA $0.00 37 2503.6 Ductile Iron Pie 100 LF $26.70 /LF $0.00 38 2506 Construct Drainage Structure C,G, N or H 13 EA $820.00 /EA $0.00 39 2506.5 Construct Drainage Structure 48" 4020 1 EA $930.00 /EA $0.00 40 2506.5 Construct Drainage Structure 54" 4020 1 EA $1,780.00 /EA $0.00 41 2506.5 Construct Drainage Structure 60" 4020 2 EA $2,115.00 /EA $0.00 42 2511.5 Random Riprap Cl II 75 CY $45.00 /CY $0.00 43 2531.5 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement 40 SY $40.00 /SY $0.00 44 2540.6 Relocate Mailbox Support 376 EA $75.00 /EA $0.00 45 2563.6 Traffic Control 1 LS $4,000.00 /LS $0.00 46 2564.6 Relocate Sin 61 EA $50.00 /EA $0.00 47 2564.6 Sign Panels Type C 9 SF $22.00 /SF $0.00 48 2573.5 Bale Check 20 EA $6.00 /EA $0.00 2573.5 Silt Fence, Type Preassembled 1000 LF $1.60 /LF $0.00 50 2575.5 Seeding 10 Acre $600.00 /Acre $0.00 51 Install Retaining Wall 1 EA $500.00 /EA $0.00 52 Install Bituminous Flume 4 EA $150.00 /EA $0.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE A: BID SCHEDULE B - SEAL COAT AND CRACK FILLING $198,155.34 53 2231.5 Crack Filling Material 10200 LB $0.91 /LB 22,225 $20,224.75 54 2356.5 Bit. Mat for Seal Coat 22000 Gal $0.99 /Gal $0.00 55 2356.5 Seal Coat Aggregate FA2 1645 Ton $19.00 /Ton 622.5 $11,827.50 56 1 2564.6 4" Double Solid Yellow - Epoxy 21110 LF $0.49 /LF $0.00 57 2564.6 4" Solid White - Epoxy 90000 LF $0.22 /LF $0.00 58 2564.6 4" Dashed Yellow - Epoxy 5060 LF $0.36 /LF $0.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE B: //HA01/shared docs/municipal/aotsego/336/ot3368P.xls Sheet: PAY ESTIMATE 41 2 of 3 $32,052.25 ,20-1,399 MON 06:35 AM BAUERLY CO. SAUK RAPIDS FAX NO. 3202510011 -SEP,17.1999 5:09PM NO. 196 PAY E$nMATE M1 1510 SCHFDULE - OT51~GO CREEK (83RD ST J CULVERT nPLACEMRNT P. 04 P, 414 }t,.mr 69 cK• 2104. IrsmD■acr don Rc ave 60" CMP mala Quandt 50 LF UnkP oo $10.00 /LF $0.00 Rdantlan 50,00 80 2105. Channel Excavatlan, CV 70 G $8.70 ICY §218,697 21 $0.00- 61 52 240 I.E 2 Structural n=vatiart C1 U C P 88" 5P N RCPA 300 64 CY LF 14.00 /CY $207.00 /L F V.00 $0.00 83 250 88" SPAN RCPA FES 2 EA $1.740.00 /EA $0.00 64 2 0 Angragata Bedd ri Mateld 16 C $16.00 IC $0.00 66 20 Common Borrow 150 CY 34.20 /CY $0.00 64 251 JA Random Rlpr92 Cl V 100 CY S47.00 / $0.00 65 2511 G gigtaxtIls Fabric Type V 870 BY $1.20 /9Y $0,00 TOTAL 91D 8CH DULE C; SUMMARY OF BIDDING: USED TO DATE; LESS 5% RETAINAGE. WE RECOMML'ND PAYMENT OF; APPROVAL3: COMfFACTOIt: M FtLY SROS., INC. $0.00 810 SCHEDULE A: $198,155.34 BID SCHEDULE B; $sz,a✓52,26 BID SCHEDULE C: $0.00 TOTAL USED TO DATI✓: 3230,207,59 ;230,207.60 1¢11,510,39 §218,697 21 that all Rams end 3rMUnar era carred for the Work caMplatud Io dots. QNGINIMR: CsrthIcah n by EngInaar: We r002rtlmW4 paymord fbr www and quar+W as ahown. HAKANSO i AN N A830CtA , INC. SIGH: K.vr�o/i �l T�'� D � Da1•; / OWNF-A. cITY of, orseac, Maroc Tdb: I Dab; 1/H/w1MVI(*d doohnunklPAVact&%OM3erot33a@P-41k ✓,hoar PAY EalluATK #1 3013 INC MEMORANDUM TO- FROM- DATE: O-FROM-DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 21 September 1999 CONSOLTAN,TS^y MARKET,.RESEARCH Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Outlot B PUD Development Stage 176.02 - 99.15 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above referenced application. The applicant was present to discuss various issues and there were no comments from the public. The Planning Commission discussion focused on issues outline in the September 15, 1999 Planning Report. The discussion included allowing a "vintage" style light at the entrance to the site and encouraging, but not requiring, additional brick facade on the building. The other issue was the proposed subdivision creating a separate outlot for the developer's planned bed and breakfast inn. The Planning Commission was comfortable with creating the outlot provided that the development contract is amended to include a provision that would require the applicant to re -combine the parcels if zoning approval for the inn has not been approved within three years. Based upon their discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the application by a 5-0 vote. A findings of fact consistent with this recommendation has been prepared and is attached for review by the City Council at their meeting on September 27, 1999. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Chris Bulow 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Bulow Incorporated 9-21-99 Development Stage PUD -CUP & Preliminary/Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Application for development stage PUD -CUP, as well as preliminary and final plat approval for development of Outlot B, Grenins Mississippi Hills with a commercial recreation facility (clubhouse) associated with the approved commercial recreational use of Outlot A, Grenins Mississippi Hills. City Council Meeting Date: 27 September 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact.- 1. act: 1. The legal description of the property is Outlot B, Grenins Mississippi Hills. 3. The property lies within the Rural Residential Preserve as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for rural residential development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 5. The property was zoned R -C, Rural Open Space Cluster District by the City Council on 23 June 1999. 6. A concept plan PUD -CUP for development of Outlot B, Grenins Mississippi Hills was approved by the City Council on 23 June 1999. 7. Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance requires the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse impacts of the proposed planned unit development - conditional use, with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding. The proposed use is incidental to the approved golf course approved as the required open space preservation under the R -C Zoning District. Provided measures are taken in terms of architecture and site design to integrate the club house and maintenance facilities into the rural area, the proposed use would be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. the development stage PUD -CUP and preliminary/final plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested development stage PUD -CUP and preliminary/final plat entitled "Vintage Golf' is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. -An access easement for Outlot A is provided through Lot 1, Block 1 of the Vintage Golf addition and included within the development contract. 2. The area of Outlot A of Vintage Golf is at least one (1) acre. 3. The driveway is relocated seven feet to the east out of the drainage and utility easement, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The landscaping plan is revised, subject to City Staff review and approval, to address the following: a. Additional boulevard trees, evergreen trees and tall shrubs are provided adjacent to CSAH 39. b. The parking lot is revised to provide a 10 -foot wide median landscaped with trees and tall shrubs. C. Landscaping around the storage building is increased including a fence on the south and east sides of the building to screen service areas. d. The landscape plan is revised to indicate areas to be landscaped with small shrubs, bushes or perennial plantings. 5. Concrete curb is provided along the south and east sides of the surface on the east side of the storage building. 6. All final signage plans shall be generally consistent with the concepts presented in terms of number, materials and size, subject to review and approval of the City Staff. 7. An exterior light shall be provided at the property access at CSAH 39. 8. Exterior storage of landscaping materials associated with the golf course shall be permitted within concrete three sided bins with a concrete base. All exterior storage bins shall be completely screened from view of the public right-of-way and adjacent properties. 9. Any exterior trash receptacle shall be completely enclosed within a structure, subject to review and approval of the City Building Official. 3 Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. ,il & Municipal Engineering id Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 9/27/99 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax ITEM 7.1 REPORT ON STORMWATER DRAINAGE IN DOWNTOWN OTSEGO We have been requested by the City Council to bring a cost of engineer services to study the area and purpose methods by which to accommodate runoff from this area. We will also determine if an impact fee for trunk facilities will be recommended. See attached memo on proposal. ITEM 7.2 DISCUSSION OF THE ASSESSMENT ROLL IN PREPARATION FOR THE ASSESSMENT HEARING FOR THE 1999 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. Attached find a memorandum from our staff engineer Ron Wagner relating that he and Elaine revised the assessable units total, and secondly the percentage of interest on the assessment should be determined by Council to continue preparation of the roll. ITEM 7.3 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER #1 TO PUMPHOUSE #1, COP 98.02, CONTRACT WITH ENCOMM MIDWEST Find attached a copy of the Change Order #1 for additional costs related to electrical construction in the pumphouse. In the design phase based on discussion and data from pump suppliers, it appeared the well pump could be sized for a 30 HP motor. However, during shop drawing review, the manufacturer could not meet the required conditions without sizing up to 40 HP. There is no cost increase in the pump. However, several conduits placed under the floor had to be upsized. The Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) had to be increased, and that increase came with a larger cabinet, etc. The plans did not show providing conduits in place for future well #3. We directed those be placed before the concrete floor was poured. We felt that it would be prudent to install those now instead of doing that at a later date when the installation would be more expensive and difficult. ITEM 7.4 ANY OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS Cih; —F:�]glneer Council Agenda items Saotet-nber- 22, 1999 'iii..ii!!•�;iGl; lri��:OCS'„'.•It:r rF7f;''!!1.'r•`_, iiii'.ii)�•W," lei/.L;011; l - Ir". Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ,i) & Municipal Engineering id Surveying ITEM 7.1 MEMORANDUM TO: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE FROM: Craig J. Jochum, PE DATE: September 22, 1999 RE: Proposed Hydrologic Study 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax A hydrologic study has been proposed for the commercial/industrial area near County Road 39 and State Highway 101. Improvements to CSAH 39, CSAH 42 and Highway 101 area have been made in the early and mid -1990's. As part of these improvements, 100 -year design events were used to size the culverts under CR 39 and Highway 101 at the intersection of the two roadways, as was the case for the ponding. The proposed study would focus on the following items: • Determine the ultimate pipe size which would extend to the west from the intersection of CR 39 and Highway 101 to CR 42. This pipe would serve the proposed development along CR 39 and the developments which are NW and SW of the intersection of CR 39 and 42. • Determine the capacity of the existing Mn/DOT pond and propose additional regional ponding if necessary. • Coordinate the proposed drainage system with Mn/DOT since the system ultimately discharges to existing Mn/DOT storage pond located SE of the intersection of CR 39 and Highway 101. • Prepare a report which discusses the proposed drainage system and improvement costs. • Recommend method for financing the improvements. The anticipated cost for this study is $3,500. Ma01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot9011k1.doc COST ESTIMATE TASK HOURS $/HOUR TOTAL 1.0 Review Old Reports 4 $70 $280 2.0 Modeling 20 $70 $1,400 3.0 CADD Exhibits 10 $55 $550 4.0 Coordinate with Mn/DOT6 $70 $420 5.0 Report 10 $70 $850 \\Ha01\shared docs Wlunicipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot9011k1.doc TOTAL: $3,500 —� Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Civil & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying ITEM 7.2 MEMORANDUM TO: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE FROM: Ronald J. Wagner, PE DATE: September 2, 1999 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax RE: City of Otsego Project #99.01 Street Improvements On August 26, Elaine Beatty & I reviewed the benefiting properties and assigned units of assessment (usually 1 per lot). The attached exhibits of each subdivision show the assessment boundary. Using the bid price for asphalt obtained from Bauerly Brothers bid, it was determined it would cost $736,474.96 to place a 2" overlay on the streets involved. Exhibit 11 shows how this number was obtained. Upon tallying the number of benefited units using existing ordinances, we totaled 525 assessable units. Using 525 units as a base point (this number may change due to any number of circumstances such as unbuildable lots, removal of one of two driveways, etc.) the cost per unit is $1,402.81. I have provided several different interest rates at a 10 year assessment length for your information: 1) 10 years @ 6.0% _ $190.65/year or $15.89/month 2) 10 years @ 6.5% _ $195.20/year or $16.27/month 3) 10 years @ 7.0% _ $199.76/year or $16.65/month 4) 10 years @ 7.5% _ $204.38/year or $17.03/month \\Hanl�ahared docs\Municioal\AOTSEGO\336\ot336ik2.doc ASSESSABLE UNITS NAME UNITS Halls Additions 83 Great River Acres 51 Otsego Acres 54 Walesch Estates & Oday Acres 100 Deer Field Acres 14 Hidden Valley 21 Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 2250 1St & 2nd 92 3rd & 4th 66 Mason, Marlowe, 83rd & 80th 44 525 ESTIMATED COST TO RESIDENTS 2" TYPE 41 OVERLAY NAME TONS Halls Additions 4100 Deer Field Acres/Hidden Valley 1200 Walesch Estates 4200 Vasseur's Oak Grove 1St & 2nd 3000 Vasseur's Oak Grove 3rd &4 th 1800 Otsego Acres 2125 Great River Acres 2250 Mason Ave. 2180 Marlowe 430 83rd St. 430 80th St. 2725 TOTAL 24,440 24,440 x $23.18/TON (Bid Price) _ $566,519.20 x 1_3 Contingency & Indirect Costs $736,474.96 Ma01\shared docs\Municipal%OTSEGO\336\ot336lk2.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 'J Z --' Q w 0 03 w z N.E. 85TH ST. STS pew po pw as N.E. 88TH ST. 400 0 400 800 SCALE IN FEET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT Hakanson 83 UNITS CITY PROJECT X99.02 l" Mdenon ,�„«.,Ina, HALL'S ADDITIONS a.... —...,. CITY OF OTSECO, MINNESOTA IJ7N-JO /In7W �_ � A %/AAII A 3 'iJ} i pom cS q ' TSEGq,n.>a, CEMETER YLO ACRE lw 30 Q l,oa� polio ,vm-w Z �-- - o l,oeo a pom S� 3r A DITI `y w Fr, na Q 0 w z > 39. > f„m "`� , Q U ”' 400 0 400 900 41 R n" SCALE IN FEET V 0 Q Y �. I„w m10% Q Z , .>�w Q ..no -w �' g �-1 l,om �� polo, a w wu,_w Q R R J / F o W p,m Z om w 0 .. 30 <W 3- l,aw Ql _ J S/ R I sor-w w,rw R = Z /„7o = ••�' ?'� �' l,oa 0� llaw pom polo 3 !S V' 9251-30 nae -w • .6 W neo -w �� polo _ ms -x /1(yp���� n� w oioe'oo-w nw 121M lz= n,.i /„00 I„vo �Sp� olim /3,00 Inn -w #,151 (�pA 0,000 3 R .ns -w .177-]0 a. w 's w z 51 UNITS Hak '� Anllonson n n Aoaoc..Pnc. I „ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 GREAT RIVER ACRES CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA N.E. 90TH ST. 10020 m%`... ' 12010 14097-30 0 11080 #1070 11060 #1056 #1040 /1030 01010 Q 11030 11020 0 #1010 1 0 0 0 0 0 TSEGO ACRES " 2nd "ADDITION m o 54 UNITS '� Hallanson 300 0 300 600 I „'Maerson Assoc..lnc. SCALE IN FEET a W Z ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 OTSEGO ACRES IST ADDITION AND OTSEGO ACRES 2ND ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA W 6960-30 Y Y � 8 � N � f 1020 12020 " 130,0 Q N.E. 89 ST ^ 8950-30 ,� _ 8949-30 r 14237-30 8937-30 #1040 a 0 12030 #2100 n o n n o nv 8916-30 8821-30 n n ,.1 n N 12010 8907-30 11050 0#2110 #2130 Y 15010 8886-30 #0010 C) 12120 (2140 02150 879-30 12020 14060 #4050 #4030 #4020 /4010 #2090 #2080 02070 02060 /2050 /2040 /5020 - 8871-30 #4040 8841-30 Q 00TSEGOr n ACRES w 1 st m ADDITION a m /2030 0 Y #5030 8821-30 ZQ Y n < O N O N 6612-30 0 n o n 0 m #5040 p O N. 0 88TH ST. 8765-30 n 0 n o n 0 n 0 R n o #5050 Z #3140 Y + N v n Y n v Y v 8768-30 #3080 13070 /3060 13050 03040 P 3030 13020 #3010 8765-30 13130 13120 #3110 03100 /3090 #3010 8710-30 1 1 m7 I 54 UNITS '� Hallanson 300 0 300 600 I „'Maerson Assoc..lnc. SCALE IN FEET a W Z ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 OTSEGO ACRES IST ADDITION AND OTSEGO ACRES 2ND ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA m m 8210-30 71-30 240-30 8255-30 I aw l,ao 11610 /,am R Holo polo !+m i,ov I ,ow /2' flow,. d R 30 - N r _ 3� aa,-.w 822 b ? o R A 8 l,oa a»r !,m p _ "` k P � lion '� e Moro R all /,tto R ,( mya 1 11100_ p � flow ej� /mw ot. w Ima imeo I e,x 30 I ,Q flow f„m .n • er !mm �G,G sl.rlo r~$ c 3112-130 Ld 300 0 300 600 r°m v Im,o R N„o Jim Q SCALE IN FEET nao-w > eoes-w 121Wfineo 81C Mo 9 eoxa-w it,w eon-w ft,eo 2 Iwo!ww S !wa � � fmm f„m f1,70 rfp�ao ,p ! '/ww Iweo yR S nao Z Q 0 III= 112,0 '8 k x '6 I -0 -P QOT Imes � po,ow `' po,mo po,o,o 7, N.E.79 ST. i 'j fwm �- *� �y� JawQ' 1:301'afm'° G �seo-w polo 7O 13M ieee'lo �_ Ioo,aea Iww �� N,ao �eerj0 Z_ fineo reeo-w W Ntw fpm 3 t1j 'W_- o p,w �"- po,aro IZ rsw-w Z Nolo N,ao R Inw #3170,t#3170,R R R R R 't' I /mao R len -w P _eo o R p,m 100— p6w U paw fi,-w N E. 8 ST w R . A R R R R R R R St R ? ? ^How f+o,o Ham How Hox, Hoeo faro /aaeoa,.o fsouo H,ao I.,1.150a,o ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 ESTATES AND ,'c. 100 UNITS WALESCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION CITy OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA w Q z Q Ld 0 0 LJ z 14 UNITS 21 UNITS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 Andena°n 200 0 200 400 x DEER FIELD ACRES ■.. Anoc.,Inc. I HIDDEN VALLEY `} SCALE IN FEET CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA r.c. nn36 W Q Nakansan l„ Anavaon Assa.,lnc. .85TH I !I- 92 I- 92 UNITS 400 0 400 800 SCALE IN FEET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 VASSUER'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 1ST ADDITION AND VASSUER'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 2ND ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA N.E. 85TH ST. 1,010 12010 «75-30 11010 "75-m "70-30 11°10 120m 1,cm ,mm �e.15-30 8446-31 Q 1m30 6N m 1+0.70 /m30 flow NI/ -30 M1Y30 N76_&0 6567-30 125W ,m10 � 6385-6385-30- O� W� 9L7-30 Q [[\ \ 11050 1,o& � pow 515&-30 luso 9760'30 /230 &15&-30 OQ -co OW 6flow W/I 655,-30 1aW /mho ,loco ?� 652&&0 en, -30 � 65s�o 1,070 ,azo 1m7& 0,070 30 6301-30 6 30 .30~30 1,oeo 121W =75-30 I'm &17}]0 Q W -30 Imm &171-W W. R o ,a5o /2W0 ,IOW $ C1 W &1+s-30 p 1,,W film n1a CD a,5-30 O O 11110 0101-30 /a30 1,110 < Y12110 Q01,20 fam I2120 1,,m 0157-30 6156-30 6355-30 .0 11130 00130 11,30 611!-30 t10 111w /aao,"/ 121M &,a-30 61&1-30 6101-30 W Lq 12150 f, 150 W73 -W Z W7s-30 U) / /i 7 1+,60 n1&0 1„W C/n/)! R /1,70 1676-w 1.w, 1 -x W ew+-w sas-z .i -: / > 11,70 N.E. 80TH ST. _ c.�,_.._u... _..._._�... _._..... .. .. _ 11,170 WI -m /29110, � Hakanson 5677-30 ■�■ Marson Asaoc.,lne. 8, rM L I 66 UNITS 300 0 300 600 FM 511111111110-11! SCALE IN FEET ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CITY PROJECT #99.02 VASSLIER'S OAK GROVE ESTATE 3RD ADDITION AND VASSLIER'S OAK GROVE ESTATE 4TH ADDITION CITY OF OTSEGO. MINNESOTA . 500 0 500 1000 27 UNITS ASSESSMENT DISTRICT '� Ha{fanson �T 1 Maarson x CITY PROJECT X99.0 a..,... Assn - Inc- SCALE IN FEET 80TH ST. AND MAR LOWE AVE CITY Of OT5E00. MINNESOTA, V i�f J ` 1JU (C-S.A.H. NC. N.E. 95TH 39) ST. FF} YYY i N cn O O p Z O rn Z U 1 t O o m la 0 OA 6T O N.E. 87TH ST. v DD C � fT1 Z_ � f 10 — NO • e O jF Fj 9 9 D u o ( N.E. 83RD ST. i a 0 om Z `Mr z �0-i o iTt a z,D�- o Z >N n mo Hakanson ITEM #7.3 Order No. 1 ■■ Assoc.,AnderIn C Date: 9121/99 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Project: Pumphouse #1, COP #98.02 Owner: City of Otsego, Wright County To: EnComm Midwest, Cambridge, Minnesota (Contractor) You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: Description of Changes INCREASE/DECREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price Division 16 — Electrical & Controls 1) Add: conduits for future Well #3 VFD and include increased conduit size for Well #2 $1,035.00 2) Increase VFD to 40HP in lieu of 30HP $2,215.00 Totals: $ $3,240.00 Net Change in Contract Price: $ $3,240.00 Ji-tification: 1. Conduits for future Well #3 were inadvertently not provided for in the contract documents. It is prudent that these conduits be installed before the building is finished 2. Motor size requirement changed from design to the actual shop drawing determined th VFD size be incresed to accommodate the extra horsepower. Due to the change order, the contract period will be: to/by: Original contract Amount $ 392,736.00 Previous contract changes, Change Order # 0 to # 0 $ 0 Prior approved contract amount $ 0 Change in contract due to this change order $ 3,240.00 Total contract including this and previous change orders $ 395,976.00 Original contract period: Substantial completion by 11 /15/99 with final completion by 7/1/2000 Changed contract period from previous Change Order 0 Contract period including this and all previous change orders: 0 This document will b Recommended: Accepted roved by: Is'uppl n o e contract and all provisions will a ply ereto. ( ka n Anderson Associates, Inc.) ate (EnComm Midwest) Mike Robertson, City Administrator Date Date This information will be used as a record of any changes to the original construction contract. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\507\ot5o7COl.doc File. RCA -CC W?S 25 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: NIEETLNG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty_ , City Clerk,' September 27, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Set State Mandated Public Hearing for Tax Levy increase for October 11, 1999 B. Consider Information from Heritage Preservation Commission. C. Discussion of State Hwy. #101 Businesses. D. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND 9.1. A. Attached is a memo dated September 21, 1999 from from dike Robertson. He will not be present to discuss with Mayor and Council, but has suggested Monday October 11, 1999 at 6:30 PM as the Public Hearing for same. B. Attached is a memo from Ron Black to Mike Robertson dated September 14, 1999 with explanation of what the Heritage Preservation Commission requests are. This is for Council consideration. C. This was put on the agenda at the request of Jerry Struthers to CM Ackerman. Mike Robertson has been handling this item and is not able to be present so suggestion is that it be continued to the October 11, 1999 Council for Mike Robertson to be able to address same. B. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECONLY ENDATION: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval. Thanks, t;talTle MEMO Date: September 21, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: State Mandated Tax Rate Increase Hearing Under a new State law, the City is required to hold a public hearing and pass a resolution if its tax levy increases. The State law requires that this resolution must be filed with the County Auditor by October 20, 1999. Accordingly I am recommending that the City Council set a public hearing for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 11, 1999. There are not any notice requirements as part of the new law, so posting the hearing on the bulletin boards at City Hall should be sufficient. cc: City Staff Sep -14-99 04:18P TBBJ Law Ofc. 612 441-0901 P.01 TO: Mike Robertson �-� FROM: Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission X?4 r SUBJECT: Old Town Hall DATE: September 14, 1999 The Otsego Heritage Preservation Commission requests authority to dismantle and move the old town hall to the storage building by city hall for safe keeping. At its last meeting the Commission discussed at length the status of the old town hall. The Commission acknowledged that it has no funding available at this time to restore or even stabilize the structure at its present location. Recognizing that fact, as well as the fact that the building needs repairs at this time, the Commission recommended that the building be dismantled and placed in storage until a plan is developed for a future use, a suitable location is found and funding for restoration is available. The project would entail the following: 1 . Record and document dimensions/details of building; 2. Remove and discard fiberboard on interior; 3. Remove and discard roof, shingles and underlayment; 4. Mark in sequence roof trusses; 5. Remove roof trusses; 6. Remove peaks on north and south walls level with side wall; 7. Sever walls at the corners; 8. Move walls and trusses to the storage building by city hall for safe keeping. We plan to secure volunteer labor. The city would dispose of the debris. The only item we would need to secure from the outside is scaffolding for use in removing the roof. The Commission requests that the Council consider this request. The chair of the Commission is available to provide any additional information needed. Plans are to do this project immediately after Halloween. „ .wn CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 22, 1999 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Claims List for 9-27-99 City Council Meeting Name Check Date Check Amt �.;. �V�.v\\\ \ \ •:. 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $114.50 UnPaid BARBAROSSA & SONS $537,012.67 UnPaid BAUERLY $218,897.21 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $225.42 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,605.57 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $5,449.50 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $43.03 UnPaid DON'S BAKERY $25.12 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $82,81 UnPaid EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237,92 UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $181.05 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $2,294.45 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $80.69 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $453.48 UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $24.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $443.42 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid MAMA $32.00 UnPaid MEDICA $2,809.21 UnPaid MENARDS $48,17 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $58.60 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 Unpaid MONTICELLO TIMES, INC $31.00 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $268.70 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $631.31 UnPaid RENEA L PRAUGHT $175.00 UnPaid RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC $94.03 UnPaid SAFETY TRAIN, INC. $1,223.00 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $2,635.88 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid TOM HENDRICKSON $1,400.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $50.00 UnPaid ZIEGLER INC $32.84 Total Checks $777,815.28 Claims List for 9-27-99 City Council Meeting CITY OF OTS EGO Wednesday, September 22, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 3 E 416-43100-390 Contracted Services $218,897.21 Pay #1 Overlay Total BAUERLY $218,897.21 1JnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $15.96 829332 Office supplies E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $72.61 878938 Office supplies E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $136.85 828953 Office supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $225.42 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $30.42 PW Garbage Service E 101-41940-325 Garbage Service $52.65 City Hall Garbage Ser E 101 -43610-390 Contracted Services $1,522.50 August recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,605.57 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE E 601-49400-301 Legal Services $127.50 Well #1 E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $1,777.00 General Legal E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $952.00 Odean Avenue E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $591.00 78th Street G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $569.50 Grenin Hills G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $425.00 Prairie Creek E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $76.50 Wastewater Treatment E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $127.50 Morrisette E 417-43251-301 Legal Services $93.50 EAW Response G701-21923 Lefebvre 99-12 $85.00 Lefebvre G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic $85.00 Bridgeland G 701-21916 Darkenwald $540.00 Darkenwald Total COURT MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $5,449.50 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $43.03 70488 Grader parts Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $43.03 Unpaid`.,.k...:.:«.............:......................::DON'S BAKERY'N...:.<..,.......«.» M<...w :::.»:<�:M<.,.:....-,.<.....:....::.:.......:.......::.< M........,.....,.....,..............,..,..,. E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $25.12 Econ Dev Meeting Total DON'S BAKERY $25.12 Unpaid EARL F ANDERSON INC E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $82.81 197799 Street Signs Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.81 Unpaid EAST SIDE LEASING CO E 101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $237.92 4991 Monthly rental on copier Total EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237.92 UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU ...................... ......................... E 101-41400-204 Insurance $181.05 009365 Bldg Dept supplies Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $181.05 Unpaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 22, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 2 of 3 Check Amt Invoice Comment Contracted Services $664.45 8583 Sewer ROW Agent E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $1,630.00 8583 Odean Ave ROW Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $2,294.45 FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $53.69 Billing period 10-1 to 11-1-99 E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.00 Billing period 10-1 to 11-1-99 Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $80.69 Unpaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $115.40 PW supplies E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $222.68 PW Uniforms E 101-41940-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $115.40 City Hall supplies Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $453.48 UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $24.00 9080571 August - 104 calls Total ,�,>„»_.,.,.,,......-:. GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $24.00 �.,..t..:- UnPaid .::.<...�,.,,,,mss<,.,,,�..,,,,..>w:::.,.:....,>: ,.:.>.r<,n,., �,,•�:,>�-,.�.x•,.,,„rr,,,�.r,x, H G WEBER OIL COMPANY ..,..,.:, E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $129.92 34877 Oil Drums E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $313.50 34723 Diesel Fuel Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $443.42 UnPaid [CMA RETIREMENT TRUST E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 9-4-99 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $422.39 PPE 9-4-99 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 vUnPaid ..,<.r,,:..>.... _,>........, ........:..„....MAMA",.»...:nn.n.,«.................:...wnvm.,:>.».wn:...»,...,....v,:..>...,vn..,,,...::n:n...n.,,»..,.,,>:.>,n,.::...,..M.M,n,,,>n,w.�„n„k>k.�>.»•.:.:.,»..�„N. E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conferences $16.00 1210 7-15-99 Meeting E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conferences $16.00 1234 8-19-99 Meeting Total MAMA $32.00 Unpaid:.........,....., .....................:nn«:..... -:.AAEDICA�....................................>.....,....,x..,•n.,::...:.:.,:::k.:....._:......,:..,.....:.:..........:.. ...::..:.wN..,,.M>�,....,,-......,................,... E 101-43100-123 Health $978.92 PW Health Ins E 101-41400-123 Health $1,830.29 Adm Health Ins Total MEDICA $2,809.21 Unpaid ,K.<...............................n........:MENARDS :.......nn.......n,.....,.............n.>:...............,:..,.,:.,......,..,...... .......... ......................n......, E 201-45000-203 Supplies - General $48.17 75672 Haunted House supplies Total MENARDS $48.17 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 ADM STD due 10-1 E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.60 PW STD due 10-1 Total MINNESOTA LIFE $58.60 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101 -4271 0-390 Contracted Services $30.00 94 8-23-99 pickup Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 ::.:,.::::.:,.:::::::..::::::::::>:,:.::::«:::::.,..,.>:::n:::::::..,::.::.,.::::.::::::::.::::::•.,•.:::.,::.,.:::::::::>::::,::,._ Unpaid MONTICELLO TIMES, INC >:>k............................................ E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $31.00 Renewal Total MONTICELLO TIMES, INC $31.00 »�N A: Rti,\•�Y.•yf.Y:4"f.•l.�lt-F..!!iF?>i%>ro0>x.:✓dnolm<.v.,vwv:.:y.»u>v:'.:<v.»vi.r«lunouvlfi»»>rw<n.:.»'.>:...l,..w.m,+..ro,arvmna-nw.>, UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP w>.w<:..r.w.rr+.-:rv.mro: <::::::.�.w.x...::,.v.,rn�: nv.v:.wn�.:.:...w::.,.::::: rn:.v..�mw E 101-41400-123 Health $97.45 Period 9-15 to 10-15-99 E 101-41400-123 Health $171.25 Period 9-15 to 10-15-99 Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $268.70 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-43100-121 PERA $133.86 PPE 9-4-99 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, September 22, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 3 E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $32.84 50061 Grader parts Total ZIEGLER INC $32.84 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $777,815.28 Check Amt Invoice Comment :::::..:::.:.::..,•:::.::.:::_::...:::::::::.:::::........................... ^iii::::. �:::. �... .. v .......................... :v:::::::::::::::ii:.ii:<vi:<;•:r::\,.;nv...\�\\w:x.1.:::::::::::.,:\.w.v:::::::::.:�:::::::::.�::::::::.:,\.,,,,,.w::::::n:w.w :::::•nw:::::::::n•:._::.w.w:::.w::. E 101-41400-121 PERA $195.47 PPE 9-4-99 G 101-21704 PERA $301.98 PPE 9-4-99 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $631.31 RENEA L PRAUGHT G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $175.00 Refund for cancel Total RENEA L PRAUGHT $175.00 Unpaid::::::................................................................................................................................................................................ RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC .................................................... E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $9.04 294859 Miscell supplies E 101-41950-310 Miscellaneous $84.99 297021 Old City Hall Total RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC $94.03 UnPaid SAFETY TRAIN, INC. E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $1,223.00 Two Yr Contract Total SAFETY TRAIN, INC. $1,223.00 UnPaid SOFTRONICS E 101-45300-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $2,635.88 Heritage Comm Computer Total SOFTRONICS $2,635.88 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 Act 141923 Olson Total STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 93978 August recycling Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid TOM HENDRICKSON E413-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $1,400.00 Easement Total TOM HENDRICKSON $1,400.00 UnPaid:.......................,...............:.........:::.WRIG -HT COUNTYAUDITOR-TREASU.R..E::.....:...N....».... E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $50.00 Recording Notary sign Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $50.00 Unpaid ZIEGLER INC ...... ..,:., E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $32.84 50061 Grader parts Total ZIEGLER INC $32.84 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $777,815.28 MEMO Date: September 23, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Ordinance Enforcement on Highway 101 I am providing this update because I understand from Councilmember Ackerman that a citizen might bring up the issue at Monday's Council meeting which I will not be at. I have talked to all of the businesses and property owners along Highway 101 who were in violation of the City's ordinances. D&R Liquor and Precision Motorsports have removed the offending signs. Crow River Rental is now in compliance. Richard Lefebvre (Highway 101 Market), the Darkenwalds, Big Ed, and Elk River Collision Center have not come into compliance. Elk River Collision Center has begun making progress by removing their cars from the street. I have prepared letters to send to the property owners who are not in compliance. I had intended to send those letters out today because the Elk River Star News was going to do a story on our enforcement action on Michael Larson and I thought the story would help convince people to comply with City ordinances. I have been told by the Star News that they are holding the story because they want to talk to Michael Larson and hear his side of the story. I am holding off on sending the letters for this reason and because I will not be here next week to respond to any questions people might have after they receive the letters. I will send the letters when I return the week of October 4, 1999. That way any concerns of the affected property owners can be discussed at the Council meeting of Monday, October 11, 1999. cc: City Staff City Attorney Date: September 23, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Committee meeting with Albertville Councilmember Virginia Wendel and I met on Tuesday, September 21, 1999 with Councilmembers Duane Berning and Patti Stalberger and City Engineer Pete Carlson of Albertville to discuss the issues identified at the recent joint Council meeting. I-94/County Road 19 Ramps We told them that the City would be willing to write a letter of support for off ramps at County Road 19 but would not be willing to contribute any money. Duane and Patti clearly were interested in some financial contribution and there was discussion of the benefits of off -ramps for Otsego. Otsego Creek Meeting Patti and Virginia set an Otsego Creek Authority meeting for 4:00 on Wednesday, October 13, 1999 at Albertville City Hall. Patti and Virginia will walk the Creek at 1:30 assuming good weather. Provision of Sewer to Otsego Pete Carlson said that Albertville had completed in Sewer Facility Plan for the expansion of its sewer plant and submitted it to the MPCA. He said that the Facility Plan envisioned an expansion from 315,000 gallons per day capacity to 929,000 gallons per day while serving just land within Albertville. He said that to add land in Otsego to the Facilities Plan would require an amendment to the Facilities Plan and would undoubtedly delay MPCA approval of their expansion permit. Both Albertville Councilmembers said that they did not envision serving any Otsego land with this sewer plant expansion. They said they would have Sept 15, 1999 DRUG TASK FORCE MEETING For the P quarter the task force did not have a break down of arrest for the different cities because there was a change in commands and the new director did not have the time to get the report ready. He will have one as soon as possible for us. Lenny Walker was promoted to Lieutent and the new director of the Task Force is now Todd Hoffman. Spot (their dog) was also transferred to Todd, his report said he is working hard training Todd and by year 2000 he should be in a good position to command. There were 22 arrest ------15 white males and 7 white females. They had 7 search warrants, 2 indoor marijuana grows & 3 meth labs. They are working on 2 outdoor cultivated marijuana grows and a major trafficker of cocaine and meth and 3 methamphetamine labs. Besides that they have to go to court for trials, give presentation to different local organizations explaining the program and demonstrating how they use the dog Spot. It was an interesting meeting and the next one should be in Dec. Virgie Wendel Sept. 20, 1999 COMMUNITY RECREATION BOARD MEETING The City of Dayton has withdrawn from the Comm. Rec. program. This should not affect the budget that they planned as they had figured it with Dayton dropping out. They will still attend the meeting as least for the remainder of the year and may someday join them again. There was a lot of discussion about the best way to let the people know what programs are offered and how to register for them. They would like each city to help advertise and I told them we could probably put an article in the Otsego View when it comes out next time and then we could stress that they should add Otsego to their address. Someone suggested that we change the color of our paper because it didn't have much eye appeal. Dayton got funds from their Lions Club, (I think $15,000) and they got a matching grant for that for their parks. They are also looking into a grant (T 21, I think) for putting in connecting trails. Elk River also got a trail grant. What is happening in Otsego? C),;,,�, . { L6 r (L,.( Sept. 21 1999 OTSEGO — ALBERTVILLE SEWER MEETING Patty, Berning, Their Planner, Mike R. and Virgie attended There was some discussion about our shared roads, if we were ready to black top them and the answer was no, not at this time. 70'h Street would be nice to have black topped if there was more development around it and moving McIver over so there would be houses on both east and west of the road, (Otsego property) and it would go all the way to the service road by the store. No plans for that as of now. Patty and I are meeting for the Otsego Creek walk Oct IP at 1:30, anyone wanting to join us, meet at the Albertville City Hall. We will have the next joint meeting with them on Nov. 29`h at 7:00 P.M. We talked about our support for the off ramp on Cty. 19, we offered to do all we could in the way of letter writing and whatever we could do, but no financial help right now. MnDot has 5 sites on the freeway from Rogers to St.Cloud that they are considering, maybe not for many years but they are talking about them along with the state. Cty road 19 is one of them and so is the ramp someplace by St. Michael. They were told if they wanted that one they would have to pay for it, St. Michael agreed but have not gotten the ok for the permit to build it. (the above sentence was taken from the River Rider meeting on Wed) We had a long discussion about the sewer and it doesn't look like Albertville would be able to help us in any way right now. They are working on plans for their next sewer upgrade that would take care of all their needs. Before they would even consider sewer for us they want a land use plan so they know what we have in mind, as to residential, commercial, etc. this would be at least 4-5 years away. We discussed the Becker farm and they said no they can not get sewer to them either. They are still interested in sharing or buying water from us if we could build. a well on that side, and then the sewer would be easier to get too. Virgie Wendel Sept. 22 1999 Wright Cty. Transportation Task Force, (River Rider) The transportation programs were reviewed. Mary Bolander stated she had one request from a Otsego resident to go to St. Cloud. She had to turn her down. She also went over the other cities and the different requests she had for them. Montrose was thinking they should drop out of the program as they don't have many riders at all. They are going to do a resident survey to see how many people want the service and how many even know it is there for them. Otsego ridership is going up slowly. St. Michael and Otsego share the same bus routes at times. Albertville has not joined yet. They discussed the new fee schedule. I have enclosed a copy for you. One things they would like to do is raise the rates to help get a bus replacement or more drivers. They have the new rates that they just suggested and each city and do as they like with them. They had suggested raising the rates by $1.00 each round trip. I am afraid we would loose riders if we charged that much more each time. I know that doesn't sound like much to some of you but I would like to see this program continue and grow and I don't think you will do it by raising the rates that much. They also has a transportation costs for all the cities. I will try to explain how they came up with the new amount we will be expected to pay. They took 50% for the population, 30% for the miles traveled and 20% for number of riders and they came up with our share. Last year we paid $3,195 and I believe that is what we have in the budget for this year. This year they would like to have us pay $2,634 or $561 less than last year. I told them I did not see any problem with that as we had agreed to keep the budget the same as last year. I would like the council to consider raising that $2,634 to $3,000 which is less than last year but a little more than they asked for and then we would not have to raise the bus fares for any residents. This extra $366 that we would be paying could be put into their new bus fund that they are trying to get so when the time comes for new equipment they have some money. This River Rider is not only for the seniors but for anyone who needs and want to ride it if it will fit into your schedule. Virgie Wendel RIVER RIDER TRANSPORTATION COSTS (RIGHT COUNTY CURRENT RIDES MILES POPULATION CONTRIBUTION ity Route LOCAL SHARE 20% Contribution 30% Contribution 50% Contribution BASED ON ALLOCATION !UFFALO 10,613 31,030 9,900 76% 64% 32% $9,114 $3,202 $4,045 $3,371 $10,619 ;OKATO- -- - - - ------------ 9,724 --------2,480 - 2,883 -------- -- 20.5% 19.5% 16% $2,367 $864 $1,233 $1,686 $3,782 tONTROSE- — -- -- 0.5% 0.5% 1.5% 3% $1,026 $21 $95 $316 $432 ;T MICHAEL 250 4,283 8,577 2% 9% 28% $3,940 $84 $569 $2,950 $3,603 1TSEG0 134 3,230 6,500 1% 6% 21% $3,195 $42 $379 $2,212 $2,634 :OUNTY SHARE 'OTAL COST $19,642 $4,214 $6,321 $10,535 $21,069 f l5os -- 33� -T6/ 4 Nal rb-�y MON 12:45 FM WRIGHT COUNTY FAX NO 6126826178 P. 3/ 4 AUG -Ib -4 r0A 1 C: U 1 SHhXUUKNt WUN I Y YX l HL r MA NU, O 1 LL414OU0 r. u3 Fare Structure Proposal — Wright County commumpy Current Fare Shvctury _ _ Propos ►d Fare Structure Buffalo $1.50 round trip (unAmKed) $.75 each boi riling Cokato $1.50 round trip (unlimited) $.75 each bo; rding To Buffalo $3.00 round trip + aft service in 9uffalo $4.00 round b ip + all service in Buffalo I Montrose To Buffalo $2.00 round trip + an service in 3uffalo $3.00 round t Ip + all service in Buffalo St. Michael TO Buffeld $2.25 round trip + all service In Buffalo $3.23 round hip «all service In Sufialo Otsego To Elk River 1 $1.75 round trip + allservlca in Elk Rivar $2.75 round tip t all service in Elk River Community Service Days & Hours Buffalo Monday thru Friday 7:30 AM - 4:45 PM Cokato Morday. Wednesday, Friday 1i):00 AM - 2:00 PM To Buffalo 1'K 3 3rd Tuesday 8:30 AM 1eav3 Cokato, 2:00 PM return Montrose To Buffalo 1" of P Tuesday 8:45 AIM leava Montrose, 1:45 PM return - -� St. Michael + To Buffalo Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10-00 AM leave St. Michael 2:00 PM return Otsego To Elk River Tuesday, Thursday 10:00 PM ioave Otsego, 2:00 PM rettirn CAMy DxwnonfsH/ERWERHL\Wr..ght Counlytpropwwd 'ara otructure.doc RECEIVED AUG 16 1999 ',VRIGHT " VI NrY "'JAMN SERVICES July, 10 1998 Mayor Fournier Otsego City Hall Otsego, MN Dear Mayor Fournier: In April of this year we purchased property at 13481 95th Street. On order to make an informed decision regarding the purchase of this land we spoke to people at City Hall. We explained our intentions of subdividing the land into one acre lots, building a new home for ourselves on one of them. In addition we talked about having two driveways off from Nashua Street. We were told none of these things would be a problem and that we should to go ahead with our plans. The person did go on to say the city would probability not allow more than two driveways off from Nashua Street, and that the current moratorium that is in effect now would be lifted by mid summer. At this time we made the decision to purchase the land. We had planned to break ground and start building by the end of the summer. On July 9th Arne attended a short meeting at the City Hall and was informed that some of this land is agricultural and some is wet lands which, as we understand involves the D.N.R. These issues did not come up at any time through the discussions with people at City Hall so we are wondering why they are coming up now. With all the development currently happening in this city it is unclear to us why this seems to be a problem. Our intentions are the same; we want to subdivide the property and we want build our new home before winter. Please let us know what we need to do to speed up this process so we can move forward with our plans. Sincerely, Arne and Carole Baker i1i- 15-67 "1 CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441_4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441.8823 September 22, 1999 Minnesota Department of Health Well Management Unit Attn: Ron Thompson PO Box 64975 121 East 7th Place St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 Re: City of Otsego Well #593608 Dear Mr. Thompson: The City of Otsego has been made aware that its recently completed well at its wastewater treatment plant has not been approved by the State Department of Health and that a new well is required. The reason for this is that the City of Otsego's well was supposedly drilled through the Jordan acquifer and the St. Lawrence confining formation, which is not allowed. A new well will cost the Otsego taxpayers an additional expense of $28,837.50. I do not feel that this expense is justified for several reasons. 1. THE WELL WAS CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH STATE CODES The well design was determined based on the published geological records in the area. It is similar to many other wells in the area which have been approved by the State of Minnesota. All geological records show that the Glacial Drift formation overlays the Franconia -Ironton formation. There are no records which show the existence of the Jordan formation in this area and it has been accepted that it does not exist in this area. The well was constructed with a six inch casing set into the top of the Franconia -Ironton formation and was developed and test pumped. We feel the well as originally constructed complied with the State code. 2. THE DEPTHS OF ACQUIFER FORMATIONS ARE UNCERTAIN The City went to the additional expense of gamma - logging the well and providing formation samples for the State's use. From this example, the State determined that the Jordan acquifer did exist at this site. This determination means that our well is now considered to have penetrated into the St. Lawrence confining layer which separates the Jordan formation from the Franconia -Ironton formation. This determination means that the well does not comply with State code. Approximately $12,000 has been spent in an unsuccessful effort to seal the St. Lawrence confining layer with cement grout. I have been told by our engineers, Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik, & Associates that the State is 65% sure of its interpretation of our gamma -log and formation samples. If we go ahead and drill a new well based on the State's current interpretation, and that interpretation is later found to be wrong, the City will once again be in non- compliance with State law because the well would have been drilled into the wrong formation. This would mean that the well would go into the Mt. Simon -Hinckley formation which is contrary to the regulations of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. 3. THERE IS MINIMAL IMPACT ON GROUNDWATER PROTECTION The well is only intended to serve the Otsego wastewater treatment plant. It is not a Municipal Well which is intended to serve a number of users. As such, it has an impact similar to a well serving a single home. The extent of the St. Lawrence confining formation is unknown in our local area and is non-existent toward the Mississippi River. This confining formation may provide minimal protection due to its limited extent. If this formation is suddenly interpreted to exist in this area, then it can be assumed that there are many local residential wells which penetrated uncased through the Jordan Acquifer and St. Lawrence confining layer into the Franconia -Ironton formation. Are these local residential wells all going to made to comply with this new interpretation or are they going to be considered as "grandfathered" in? The Otsego wastewater treatment plant well was constructed in accordance with State Water Well Codes and based on State provided geological information. This well should have the same grandfathered consideration as other wells in the area that do not meet code due to this new interpretation of geological formations. It is also possible that additional information from new wells constructed in the area will change this interpretation back to the previous interpretation in the future. The City of Otsego requests that the well be accepted in its present condition and that we be allowed to install the pump and the piping to the treatment plant. It would be better to stay where we are than to drill a new well and find out later that we are in the Mt. Simon -Hinckley formation. If the State will not allow that, please provide justification in writing to me of your decision. Also please provide in writing a statement that if Otsego drills a new well based on the new interpretation of geological formations and that interpretation is proven incorrect in the future, that the State will allow that new well to be grandfathered in and continue to provide water to the wastewater treatment plant, or alternatively, that the State will assume all costs to the City of Otsego of complying with the new interpretation. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, gii;;;� Michael Robertson City Administrator cc: City Council City Engineer City Attorney State Senator Mark Ourada State Representative Bruce Anderson MEMO Date: September 23, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Update on various issues 1) Maple Grove Transit Hub I spoke with Maple Grove's Transit Coordinator and he said their transit hub is set up for buses only. Maple Grove has opted out of the Met Council's (MTC) bus system and operates their own bus system. Because of this opt out they don't pay the transit tax to the Met Council. I faxed them the letter of support on Tuesday. He also shared that Maple Grove's long term (10+ years) plans are to build another transit hub at the future connection of Highway 610 and Highway 694. Highway 610 is planned to be extended across the Mississippi at a bridge to be constructed somewhere and sometime in Dayton. 2) Crimson Ponds Construction Schedule We were told today that the construction schedule for the Crimson Ponds development, done by Dennis Backes on the former Fabian Sadowski land, is as follows. De-Waterina - Starting now, estimated to take between 5-9 days. Tnstal 1 ati on of Sewer & Water nines - Starting either next week or the following week, depending on the de -watering. Construction of Streets - Base preparation and gravel work would start near the end of October. Curb & Gutter Installation - First week in November. First i f _ of Bla _k _ol - Mid -November. 09-27-1999 11:53AM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO Michael G COUH- Andrew J. Mmklhur Marcus W. mHer *A40 air a aaoc� COURT & MACAR THUR Affm p a law 70 Cenral Avew Fast PO Boaz 369 A Mjdiad, MN55376-036.9 (W) 497-1930 (612) -2399 (FX courf4rdnnacarrhwCpobati com FACSWILE COVER PAGE TO: .NA FROM: vcf G SUBJECT: ? L� /I" /,? - - (/�e--r' Ail FAX NUMBER: qty/ — g �a3 DATE: 7/027/97 Tam: OTM TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) 3 ADDITIONAL CONEVff NNTS : 4418823 P.01 e��,ll ,d "•�I a -C-fi& it r Lq/.h.7 /L k, THIS FACSINIILE TRANSMISSION IS CONFIDENTIAL. IT MAY BE PRIVII-EGED AND IS 2 TENDED FOR THE USE OF THE ADDRESSEE ONLY. IF YOU ARE NOT THE ADDRESSEE (OR A PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THIS TRANSMISSION TO THE ADDRESSEE) DO NOT READ, COPY, OR USE THIS TRANSNIISSION IN ANY :WAY, BUT PROMPTLY CONTACT THE SENDER BY TELEPHONE TO ARRANGE FOR TEE RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO US. 09-27-1999 11:54AM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID 4418823 P.02 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Ci of Otsego Project 99.02, Street and Utility Improvements on Quaday Avenue, 78� Street and Page Avenue on Tuesday August 17, 1999 at 11 o' clock a.m. bids we're received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: (See Exhibit A); AND WHEREAS, it appears that LaTour Construction, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with LaTour Construction, Inc. in the name of the City of Otsego for the improvement of according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk, subject to receipt by the City of the necessary easements and/or right of entry, right to construct for the project. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Elaine Beatty, City CIerk day of September, 1999. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor 09-27-1999 11:54RM FROM : CITY OF OTSEGO :w--� 7 Hakcanson A 1�.lCwn r�,7aoc,lr C. $ mwiapal Engineering surverins August 23, 1899 FROM Couri & MacArthur TO C,xri r v • , ,, Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Cbego 8.899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Otsego, MN 56330. RE: Quaday Avenue, 781' Street and Page Avenue Sanitary Sewer, WaWmain and Storm Sewer and Street Construction Project — COP #89.02 Dear Mayor and Council Members, r r 4418823 P.03 S12 441 4414 3W 7bx*Dn A mm Suite 101 Amkk Mhytaon 88303 6 t 3/427-5864 612/427.8.52a Fac At 11100 a.m. today, August 23, 1999, Mike Robertson, Administrator, Elaine Beatty, Cleric. and I received bids for the above mentioned project. The bidders are 11sted below in order of lowest Inst: L.aTour Construction. Ina. $1,348,570.12 8alb$rassa & Sons, Inc. $1,388,988.30 Northdale Construction Co, $1,449,822.41 S.R. Weidema, Inc. $1,473,954.12 Ryan Contracting Co. $1,568,070.85 Richard Knutson, Inc. $1,605,151.57 A= Cons'Ct'uction Co., Inc. $1,729,452.06 Our engineer's estimate was $1,587,78330. We have worked with LaTour Constrtictiorr, Inc. recently in ft dries of St. Michael and Anoka, where they have successfully completed ti'tose projects. The company has been:in the sewer and water contracting busfnm for at least 10 years, artd we have worked with them in the past also, We recommend award to LaTour Construction [no- in the amount of $1,348,570.12 The award is assumed to be contingent on Developer's commitment to the project, Acquisition of the R.O.W. and easements, and clearance of the E.A.W. If you have questions on the project, I will be available at the meeting on August 23, 1999. Yours tru HAW9U"NDF-f9SON ASSOCIATES, rNC. �ct�ll e � • Pt= cc; lNrdm Robertson, Adminisn to Elaine Beatty, Cierk ATTACHMENT: Bid TabulaWn 1WrO1WQred 4MV4unisiwWTW4016ma di3=i " 09-27-1999 11:53AM FROM Couri 8 MacArthur TO mkhael G Couri- Andrew J. M=Anhur Manus W. Amer WO oCV%Ud a aaac� COURT & MACAR 77MR Affmmp at law 705 Cmc AVMW East PO Bax 3d9 A M`dmd, MN55376o=9 (W) 497-1930 (612) 4972599 OUM com FACSBdILE COVER PAGE T0: " ` ice s l6 OF: FROM: /Vj_ j, -C /a/Lll'/11 6. G SUBJECT: ? �— e v FAX NUMBER- DATE: UMBER:DATE: TIME: OTM TOTAL PAGES (INCLUDING COVER SHEET) ADDITIONAL �h� f 4418823 P.01 THIS. FACSMi.E TRANSNIISSION IS CONFIDENTIAL. IT MAY BE PRIVILEGED AND IS INTENDED FOR THE USE OF THE ADDRESSEE ONLY. IF YOU ARE NOT THE, ADDRESSEE (OR A PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR DELIVERING THIS TRANSMISSION TO THE ADDRESSEE) DO NOT READ, COPY, OR USE THIS TRANSNIISSION IN ANY WAY, BUT PROM''II.Y CONTACT THE SENDER BY TELEPHONE TO ARRANGE FOR THE RETURN OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO US. 09-27-1999 11:54AM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF NMSNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID 4418823 P.02 WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Ci of Otsego Project 99.02, Street and Utility Improvements on Quaday Avenue, 78� Street and Page Avenue on Tuesday August 17, 1999 at 11 o' clock a.m. bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: (See Exhibit A); AND WHEREAS, it appears that LaTour Construction, Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with LaTour Construction, Inc. in the name of the City of Otsego for the improvement of according to the plans and specifications therefor approved by the city council and on file in the office of the City Clerk, subject to receipt by the City of the necessary easements and/or right of entry, right to construct for the project. 2. The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk day of September, 1999. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor 09-27-1999 11:54AM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.03 FROM :: CITY OF OTSEGO X n ! V FME NO. : 612 441 4414 AM Ha anson "Ji'111JAndewn Assoc,irw- CO &. mw ido End LanosuYjng August 23, 1899 Honorable Mayor arta City Council City of Cfisego 5899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Otsego, Miff 56330. RE: Quaday Avenue, 78$' Street and Page Avenue San'Rary Sewer, Watermain eN Storm Sewer end Street Construction Project—COP #59.02 Dear Mayor and Council Members, 36017hi rmw Minm suiee 101 612/427 -SBO 6 t 2/427.0M Fic At 1'ITO a.m. today, ALCust 23, 1999, Milos Robertson, Administrator, Elalne Beatty, Cleric. and i received bids for the above mentioned project. The bidders are 11sted below in order of lowest first: LaTour Construction, Inc. $1,348,570.12 6arbarossa & Sons, Inc. $1,386,896.30 Morthdale Construction Co. $1,44%922.41 S.R. Weiderna, Ina. $1,473,954.12 Ryan Contracting Co. $1,568,070.85 Rkttard Knutson, Inc. $1,605,151.57 Amour Construction Co., Inc. $1,729,452-06 Our engineer's estimate was $1,587,793.20. We have worked with LaTour Constnt ctiorr, Inc. recently in the does of St, Michael and Anoka, where they have successfupy completed #me projects. The company has been -in the sewer and water contracting business for at least 10 years, and we have worked wish ftrn in the bast also We recommend award to LaTour Construction Inc, In the amount of $1,348,570.12. The award is assumed to be contingent on Developer's commitment to the project, Acquisition of the R.O.W. and easements, and clearance of tl a E.A.W. If you have questions on the project, 1 will be available at the meeting on August 23, 1999. Yours tru HAWr0"NDEFqSON ASSOCIATES, CNC. /Cile Cif KIK, FE cc; ii WO Robertson, Adminise to Elaine Bdatty, Clerk ATTACHMENT, Bid Tabulation %WdQ1%@Nr" 49wV4unicipeWT3b4056t3wd13 iAsm