05-04-99 PHCITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET OVERLAY 11MPROVEMENTS Otsego Acres 1st & 2nd Add., Great River Acres 1st, 2nd & 3rd Add., Mason Ave., Marlowe Ave (83rd St. to 80Th St NE) Marlowe Ave NE 83rd St NE to 80111 ST NE) 80TH ST NE (!�iarlowe Ave NE to CSAH #19) City of Otsego, lain. TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 - 7PM 1. Mayor Larry Fournier will call the meeting to order. Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7PM. He read the project information. A. Welcome. Introduction and Roll Call: Mayor Fournier welcomed the residents and staff. Roll Call: Council: Mayor Larry Fournier, Vern Heidner, Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel and Suzanne Ackerman, Council Members. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator, Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Lary Koshak, City Engineer and Ron Wagner, Assistant City Engineer. B. Open Public Hearing: Mayor Fournier Opened the Public Hearing. 2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator will give presentation. Mr. Robertson told the public that this is not an assessment hearing. We have estimated the assessment at this time at $1,291 per household. The assessment hewing will be held in the future if the City agrees to order the overlay improvement project. 3. Meeting will be turned over to the City Engineers Larry Koshak and Ron Wagner who will make a presentation of the Improvement Project information. The project for overlay was shown on the overhead projector and explained. Background and history was given by Larry Koshak. They evaluated and ranked streets in the City by their condition. 1%1r. Koshak explained there are a number of sub -standard streets in the City. They are trying to upgrade the streets to hold up for an additional 10-15 years. The projects vary in degree of repair needed. On some roads new base and structure is needed and for some others just overlay is needed. The proposal to the Council from the City Engineer is that the assessment be based primarily on improvement to the street for the overlay. The rest of the construction be paid for from City funds. The residents cost for a 2" overlay is $1,290.97 estimated cost per unit. Assessment would be for a 10 year period at 7-1/2% interest with an estimated cost of $188.08 per year, per unit. The City portion of this project would be paid for by bonding. It would allow the City to have all their bituminous streets at a 9 -ton standard with 10 to 15 year life -span with normal maintenance. Ron Wagner - Assistant City Engineer explained 1). Otsego Acres/ Great River Acres - patch bad spots and overlay 2" of bituminous. 22 to 23" wide roads. Seed edges of the roads. 2). Mason Avenue NTE - 22 to 29" wide road. Reclaim (grind) asphalt, pack it down, 2" overlay. 83rd Street and Marlowe - 80th. Reclaim asphalt - 2" overlay CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET OVERLAY IINDROVEMENTS TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 - 7PM - PAGE 2 - All other country roads, 6" class 5 gravel, 3" overlay on top. Match the ground to the road and re -seed. Storm drainage is planned in some areas. 3). 80th Street and MacIver to #19 - Remove asphalt and cut 2' and backfill with 6" of class 5 gravel. 3" of asphalt overlay. Put in bituminous curb in. Top soil match - Ditch work for drainage. Larry Koshak - Some other things, 83rd crossing Otsego Creek culvert to be replaced. Culverts to be replaced on 80TH ST NE. Drainage to get water to the creek by pipe, to keep road bed dry-. 4). Great River and Otsego Acres Additions - Patching, cracksealing and overlay. 4. Any questions from Mayor, Council or Staff Mayor Fournier - Questioned about water and sewer. Mayor Fournier - Asked for definition of "Street Improvement" and " Street Maintenance". Mr. Koshak - Street Maintenance is sealcoating, crackfilling and cosmetic surface healing. Street Improvement is overlay to add stregenth Mayor Fournier - Background information. The City has 100% assessed overlays in the past. The Council thought the costs were too high. The City now is paying 50 to 60 percent of the project. The cost would be approximately $3,000.00 per property if the City is not paying a portion. Approximate cost per resident parcel is $1,300.00. Vern Heidner - This affects us also. Three Council Members live in this green. Others live on County Roads and this way they pay a portion of the cost also. Mayor Fournier - Explained that if you live on a County Road, in the past you didn't pay. Now they will help pay. We all drive on the roads. 5. Ouestion and Answer period from the property owners: Rod Bengtson, 14380 - 89TH ST NE - Asked Mr. Koshak to show which roads have the 7 and 9 ton road limitations. Mr. Koshak noted that roads in red or blue do not meet the 9 -ton requirements. They were installed prior to 1991 change in policy. Mr. Bengtson - Asked if it is a City or County requirement? If City is it that common? Mayor Fournier - I believe it is. Mr. Koshak explained further that it is common in varied soil types. Mr. Bengtson asked how will you join the overlay to the driveways? Mr. Wagner noted 2' tapered in and make sure that there is 2% slope so water will shed and make a smooth transition by raking it out. Mr. Bengtson - Noted he is worried and asked for additional method of looking into connecting into the driveways. Mr. Koshak - Where asphalt driveways are we cut and match them. On gravel we taper into it. Mr. Bengtson asked the life expectancy of the overlay. Mr. Koshak - 10 to 15 years maximum, which assumes proper maintenance. Mr. Bengtson asked about 89th Street 2" overlay and how maintained? Will it last as long as other areas? Mr. Koshak noted it depends on the areas. Some cracks may transfer after five years. Where patched before, we would do more. Mr. Bengtson - Concerned with the City sewer on Odean Ave NE. Mr. Koshak - No plans at all for sewer on Odean. We are reconstructing Odean Ave this summer. Mayor Fournier explained that unless it is requested by petition, we will not be putting in sewer in existing areas of development. Mr. Heidner - The easiest way to solve the water CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET OVERLAY LVIPROVENIENTS TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 - 7PM - PAGE 3 - problem is run City water in. He further explained we would cross under Odean with sewer lines if needed, in the future. Sharon Weise, 14428 - 89TH ST NE - Asked about the mailbox bumpout and if the residents would need to take out their mailboxes? Mr. Wagner - Noted that re -location of mailboxes will be included in the project and the same one will be replaced. More discussion. Charles - 87TH ST - Who authorized Odean being paved as it is? Mr. Koshak - 1995 we applied for a Federal grant. It took this long to get it. We knew it was a problem, so we did enough fixing to get by. We received 1.2 million in federal grant money. Now it will be able to be totally reconstructed. Lawrence Wiese - 14428 - 89TH ST NE - When you fix the road, are you fixing the cracks by taking out the material? If you fix the cracks, fix the cracks. If you overlay the road, do it right or don't do it at all. Mr. Koshak explained how the road will be fixed. More discussion of crackfilling. Ed Specht, 8748 Mason Ave NE - What is a unit? Mr. Koshak explained it. Single residence, in platted areas one platted lot is one unit. In the rural area, each 40 acres is 4 -units. In some areas 4 per 40 would be counted, if they have street frontage. Mr. Specht - I live on Mason and owns 60 acres. He would have 5 -assessments. The rules just changed on this. Mr. Specht noted he has a problem with that as he feels other owners would. Mayor Fournier - The benefit to 40 Acres is 4 -building sites. Mr. Specht - Culverts under Mason, several in tough shape. I'vIr. Koshak - We replaced one last fall. Most are corrugated metal pipe and would be replaced. 83RD ST is a concrete one and any other ones needing replacement would be replaced. Mr. Specht noted that along their property 2 -culverts do not drain well. Mr. Koshak - Replacement of those culverts would be done if they are in poor condition. Mr. Specht noted that if they had a hint of the assessment costs - more people would have attended the hearing. Mr. Koshak noted that Council has to decide if they will proceed with the project. If they proceed, an assessment hearing will be held. It is important to attend if you have a problem with an assessment. Mfr. Bengtson - The road maintenance plan is an annual plan? If it needs maintaining, will we do it? Further information on maintenance issues and Lang Koshak explained the road maintenance manual. Mr. Bengtson explained he felt maintenance should be looked at every year. Mr. Koshak explained they do review roads year by year and the 9 -ton streets are fairly good. Mr. Bengtson asked if the residents report road damage to City Hall will it be looked at? Mayor Fournier felt that is a good idea. Rick Wilt, 9309 Nellmark Ave NE. When will the project start? Mayor Fournier - It has not yet been adopted. After the public hearing a decision will be made. Mr. Wilt - Who pays for Odean? 1.2 million of federal funds and the rest is state aid funds the rest is from the assessments of residents along Odean. Mr. Wilt - Odean has to be fixed, but what about the new houses that are being built? Mr. Robertson explained that the new developments are over by the elementary school, not Odean. Mayor Fournier noted that the sewer costs you nothing if you don't use it. Mr. Wilt - The road I live on is good, road CITY OF OTSEGO PUBLIC HEARING ON STREET OVERLAY IMPROIVEMENTS TUESDAY, MAY 4, 1999 - 7PM - PAGE 4 - management is the key. Tony Berning, 11756 - 80TH ST NE - I need more information from Larry Koshak on 80TH ST. Take down the road and rebuild, where are you going with the water? Curb where the houses are. Mr. Koshak explained that they plan to take clay out of the street and add gravel and 3" of asphalt and edge drains for the water problem there. We will work with the residents on where to take the water out. We may want to take the water to the creek. As far as drain tiles, we hope we have cooperation with the residents. Mr. Berning noted that the old clay file by his land goes to Otsego Creek. Mr. Koshak noted he will be talking to residents and try to find a way to take the water off the street and away. Mr. Berning noted that the ditches are quite frill of dirt and should be cleaned so the water runs. 6. Any Other Business None VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED TO CLOSE THE PUBLIC HEARING ON THE OVERLAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. VIRGINIA WENDEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Mayor Fournier noted we would take a 5 minute break Meeting was called back to order at 8:30PNL Discussion of easementshight-of-way for Ellen Bouley/Harpster property. MAYOR LARRY FOURNIER MOTIONED TO APPROVE BOULEY /HARPSTER OFFER, SUBJECT TO THE RIGHT OF ENTRY BEING 12MMEDIATELY SIGNED, FOR $16,389.00. VIRGINIA WENDEL SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 TO 1 WITH VERN HEIDNER VOTING NO. Some discussion on the #728 School Meeting at Virginia Wendel's request. 7. ADJOURN MEETING: VERN HEIDNER MOTIONED AND SUZANNE ACKERMAN SECONDED THE MOTION TO ADJOURN TBE MEETING AT 9:05PM. MOTION CARRIED UNANEVIOUSLY. CITY OF OTSEGO: WM.2144 c. ATTEST: EL UNE BEATTY, CITY CLE ONNG ADM. EB FILE: 99CC-MN. WPS