05-24-99 CC22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: TTP RTS. r NT: PREPARED BY: L r=r `i1t 11YLLl � 1 4A. Special Presentations Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator May 24,1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. Bob Miller - Wright -Hennepin Electric Y2K efforts BACKGROUND: Mr. Miller will be present to explain their Y2K efforts to the Mayor and Council and answer your questions. This is for Council consideration and any action needed. Thanks lame BOARD DIRECTORS • Alvin E. Heinz, Chairman Rogers, MN • Chris A. Lantto, Vice Chairman Annandale, MN -"ale F. Jans, Secretary -Treasurer Malo, MN �fmothv L. Young, Annandale, MN April 6, 1999 till Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association A Touchstone Energy- Partner PO Box 330 • Rockford MN 55373-0330 Metro • (612) 477-3000 Toll Free • 1-800-943-2667 24 -Hour Fax • (612) 477-3054 Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure • Butch A. Lindenfelser, Monticello, MN • Howard L. Ellis, Buffalo, MN • Thomas B. Mach, Maple Grove, MN • Sandra M. Hunz, Maple Plain, MN • Donald A. Lucas, Maple Grove, MN PRESIDENT & CEO • Mark F. Vogt, Annandale, MLv Welcome to Wright-Hennepin's (W -H's) annual meeting. By now you probably have heard about the Year 2000 computer problem and its potential impact on computer systems. We thought it would be helpful to give you a brief synapsis of our Year 2000 Readiness Project. Here at W -H, we began working on the Year 2000 computer challenge in 1997, and we have made significant progress in our efforts to inventory, assess, test and remediate potential Year 2000 computer problems. A staff task force is working to address all service -critical systems. The team is evaluating all vital components needed to provide our customers with electricity In addition to our in-house applications and electronic equipment needed to provide customer service, security monitoring service and communications. W -H is correcting or replacing any problem systems that we discover. For example, our billing system has been fully replaced with new hardware and software to address Year 2000 readiness issues. We have investigated every piece of critical electronic equipment in our power distribution system. Based on our analysis, we are confident that the Year 2000 Bug will not prevent us from continuously distributing power on January 1st, 2000 and beyond. Our power provider is Great River Energy (GRE). Attached is a copy of GRE's Year 2000 readiness disclosure. W -H's top priority is to provide responsive and reliable service to all our customers. Please contact me at (612) 492-8202 if you need additional inforfffation. Sincerely, Jon. Brekke Y2K Task Force Coordinator The power of human connections GREAT RIVER ENERGY'" 17845 East Highway 10 - P.O. Box 800 - Elk River, Minnesota 55330-0800 - 612-441-3121 - Fax 612-241-2366 Sheila Knop-Laplant Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association P.O. Box 330, 6800 Electric Drive Rockford, MN 55373-0330 Subject; Year 2000 Computer Issue Great River Energy is actively addressing the concern regarding the year 2000 on computer run systems. We have worked internally and with suppliers on our critical equipment and have not found any major concerns in our ability to supply electric service to our customers. We plan to be year 2000 ready by June 30, 1999. This includes contingency plans to deal with the areas of high impact to our customers in the event of a year 2000 failure. Great River Energy will be providing monthly progress updates on the year 2000 issues at its board meetings starting in February. Hopefully, the information you need will be included in the monthly updates, but in case it isn't, you can call Sam Kokkinen at (612) 241-2389 with your specific questions. Sincerely, GREAT RUER ENERGY Thomas A. Larson, P.E. Vice President, Resource Development & Information Technology C: Sam Kokkinen H.Wy Documents\Winwerd\TAL-Letters\WH-Y2K.doc A Touchstone Energy Partner ?0>( Re ort ' . s nu concerns in theand us A report issued by the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) Feb. 1 concluded that distribution systems are the least susceptible to Y2K problems compared to other components of the electric supply system. Wright-Hennepin Coopera- tive Electric Association (W-H) is considered a distribution system. The PUC examined all three of these aspects of power supply in relation to Y2K issues: generation, transmission and distribution. According to its report, the PUC says "most of the state's existing distribu- tion systems were built long before the invention of the computer." Therefore, they are in the "best position to be immune to Y2K problems." "W-H has reviewed all of its essential equipment in the substa- tions," said Rod Nikula, W-H vice president of energy distribution. "We found that most equipment did not contain Y2K sensitive technology. Great River Energy Generation and Transmission Wright -Hennepin Distribution to homes, farms and businesses Equipment that was potentially vulnerable to problems was tested and found to be Y2K compliant." Great River Energy (GRE) in Elk River is a generation and transmission cooperative that supplies W -H's distribution system with wholesale power. GRE has five generation sources in Minnesota, two in North Dakota and one in Wisconsin and has more than 4,000 miles of transmission line that feed power to substations controlled by member distribution cooperatives W H communicates with city and county officials regarding Y2K efforts Jon Brekke, W -H's Year 2000 task force coordinator speaks to a group of city and Wright County officials at the Wright County Courthouse last month about the cooperative's readiness efforts. He also attended a similar meeting in Hennepin County recently. like W -H. The PUC examined the genera- tion and transmission aspects of the power supply business and deter- mined that of the three areas, the generation sector faces the highest risk. That is because of the complex nature of generation facilities, which contain a number of components that have some type of computer -manage- ment function. "GRE has tested, replaced, or is in the process of replacing the critical computer -controlled components at its generation plants," said Sam Kokkinen, GRE's Y2K project coordi- nator. "Except for some independent monitoring equipment problems, no major problems have been found that would reduce our ability to generate electricity." By comparison, the PLIC identi- fied the transmission function as being less at risk because it is largely composed of poles and wires that do not rely on computer -control systems. Areas of concern in some instances are remote monitoring of lines or remote control of circuit line breakers or capacitors that may be impaired by Y2K problems. "GRE's transmission system does not contain significant amounts of computer controlled devices," Kokkinen said. "Many of the devices identified have been tested and no functional problems have been discovered." The PUC also reported that the most uncontrollable element facing Sti, rtday Sfcnd(ly NY (,I ION DECENMEli fi. I9JR Business www,tartrlbune Cnm,nw<In.« StarTrihune Because our region produces monk electricity than it uses, experls do not expect a massive outage. Y2K power failure possible, but unlikely s 11C By Stere Alexander Star 1 ribune Staff Wrirer Wleiul wn a•r.AD� The worst-case Y2K scenario btlg for the electric utility industry EMctolc goes like this: rens of millions of .4 lvreh-l.r people in the United States "m.ert• share file same Row of electric. Tax.. — ity, and a power failure in title location produces devastating results hundreds of miles away. I lusv likely is it that will happen? Interconnected fates Experts my it probably won't• although the nation's largely in- terconnected electric power supply does mean that power failures far away could have an impact here. ','hough Y2K -related plot)• leets might he widely felt. the Twin Cilics appear beucr able to withstand power failures than other areas of the country. Y91 eenenuaa a1 05 In Ile Unled Stales, eleclrki power lbws Urouo flee distill power grkis (see k,sel) It is much easier for utatles to get powet from anolhe truly II they ale on the same grid G the K61lerrlun Bug were to shut down some of Gicago's power ptanis, fa a aug le, unity managers there wo ltl seek to haw power from oiler illevzos Ile grkt krckrAng ilsose In Moresoia. Cticago could also seek power I snorsxlkV stales. McIn TWlnCRIe► Chicago ,MO r-� tranemisslonllne WISCONSIN MINNESOTA Des Moines ILLINOIS IOWA j MISSOURI The U.S, electrical grid Eedern Intercomre<Ibn Western Sy'tA— a•r.AD� Co'Irca ti EMctolc 1 tl - i, Reaabillty ° - CovncN d in— — Tax.. — BloomingtoA INDIANA 1 spingfletd Terra Route KEY ® Flecnlc rNnls — pow. Fres• • cotopknP prom grid Int slgwn Pbocah 0 KENTUCKY slm ebre sop Y2K from Di Places such as Chicago that intport electricity store cel risk; ,l1ds is because our rrgiun pro. duces more electricity than it use%. The electric utility industry ar- gues Ihat a widespread Y2K elec. tric power failure is unlikely for technical reasons: (lack -up power pfnnls will be online for Y2K, and system operators have the ability to Isolate a power failure In a specific geographic area rather than let it spread. In addition, power demand is lower in the winter. when Y2K will occur. Itul. there Is less agreement soh whether Y2K will have n minimal Impact because It will occur .1I nlggbl, when electricity use Iypi- cally is low. Some believe date - sensitive computer chips in elec- IHe power plants may tint all be. set to the right lime, meaning Y2K effects might happen after midnight on Dec. 31, 1999. Blackout 'not likely' ,tut a local Imwer utility offs. cial predicts that the overall hu - pact of Y2K will be molest. . 'i'm not saying everybody will have lights on. 'There may be a problem. But a blackout is not likely,' said Richard Iluloan. general nhanager and c,derexecu- live officer of the Mid continrnl Area Power foal (MAI'1'), a Miu- neapolis hissed oversight ghoul, Ilial monilnrs the electric power gold in this region of the n.1trutl and works with 311 Met l ric utility firms. "I can assure you that the electric network as a whole will be Intact." Bill, des rile Billions,'s assur- ances, nuc�h of the potential Y2K electricity probicm is beyond his control, store. MAI'I"s region eov. ers only Minnesota. Iowa, Ne- braska, North Dakota. Manitoba, Saskatchewan and parts or Wis. consin, South Dakota and Montana. The United Slates is divided Into three electric power grids. Ours, called the Eastero Ittlercon- nectioh, includes every sale east or the Rocky Mountains except Texas. Within that arca, electric• Ily Rows in unteslticled fashion All wherever it Is needed. Thus, it ;a Y2K problem arose, the Twin Clues might he affected by elec- tricity shortages anywhere else In :file Eastern Interconnection, al- though shortages close by would 'probably have the biggest impact. Ilulman said. Texas and the Western sates are oh two separate power grids :that are linked to die Eastern In- ;Ierconnection only by tightly controlled gateways, and thus :Y2K problems there aren't likely oto affect its much. Buhnan said. • Roil the Twin Cities night fare ;better than other Micas if there is :a Y2K failure Its the Eastern huer- :ronneclino power grid. because :MAPP typically produces far .more electricity than it needs, ;and usually resells 00 percent of ;Its electricity lumber area%. However, a city such as China !go, which currently buys power .from MAP,' Irl supplement its ;own power plants, night be it. .1 less comfortable position 11n Uee. .11, 1999. Power for Chicago Hut. because we ore crnusecied rte Chir.1gn. Ihcir phob,enhs could become our pmblrm, l herr is i 3,15.1WO cull powrr line Thal rrgulally carries "Ina rlecuirily from the Twin Cilirs iso Chicago In supplement ills, Wholly City's locally grneraled power. (Noethrrn Slalrs Power Co. said neighborhood Imw'rr lines typically handle 12.51111 volls.) Ou peak electric usage, days. KIAl'I' cat's, that line al- ready is drained it. capacity. What happens if a V21K lNtwc railer makes Chicago Ihhsly (u•rr more of our cletuithy? A pneview or %tell, an evrot occurred lime.. 25, when the MAPP electririly surplus was stretched is, the bnrakiog point by a major powrr sl tinge. that was blamed nn a combination of sumn damage, warm weather nod powrr plaul% in atter regions that were oul of service fill mater lenauce. As a result. MAI',' officials had to tell their I:hicago rnnnlrgher Po, the Mid America Inlrrtuuncrlcd Network Inc. (MAIN) that AIAI'1' cum,dn'I fulfill AIAIN's need for power — much of it being ron- suuu•d by Chicago. 'We sold Ihrnt Illev Ind Io go get power stluu•place rl%r. ,hat we couldn't provide ahs' nunr," said Mir hat•, Gahagau. AIAI•I''< dcI fy grurtal managet and chief opchatinr. nllioeh. If Y2K rhraled a Aim iia, rI ilicai shortage, would Ihduran shut ill Chicago? "In the event we can't get it all clone. we go lis a hark up plan dol sets out how we stove the load we run srn•c.' he <alot "W% tine ultimate decision we have In make. We don't waist to dankest auyuue's electtio' ccr,i(c unle<s ,hat's Thr only solution." Profit center But even if Y2K doesu'I slacken large areas, Y2K-cau%ed electric. ily shortages could genraie n big profit for some, r(rr lric utililirs .11141 be cosily lmr tillers. Gahagan said. Ilow cold Y2K be .1 profit center? During I,IIIC m power shortage, the wholesale prirc of electricity briefly leaped 250 fold. Gahagan said.l he price suddenly went from $30 per mrgsvalt foul oililon waits) to a peak of 57.500 a megawast. I.Iagail said. Forluo mely lar MAI',', Chiragn we% wiiliul; In pay those high prices because it herded electric power. lennifer Kenuefick, a spokeswoman Commonwealth Edison Co.. which serves Chicago and northern Illinois• said her firm Inid up to 115,1100 a nhegn- wall hour during [lie lune Imwer shortage. Codd Y21Z dike clrcuitily prices sky high agmu? Rills; ... I Itnllry, executive discolor of MAIN. says no. Ile j reslici% Thal hf% rrgiun wou'l nerd as sour Is pnwct from MAI•P discolor. Y2K beransr it will make a bigger e.1 lass us lhave mace lack -up INowrt Piaui% ready In go. Hill NIM'i' isn'I no stir.. If V -1k put% Chicago in the scone rlcr- Writy left, it pu,iiia.. it rn< is. Inst ahnnnsrr. "Ihele could be. a prolft rut MAI'P-arra utility filum soh Y2K: t.lsagan said. ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ May 24, 1999 (Non -Controversial Items) 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 5.1. Approve Resolution Ordering Preparation of Plans for Otsego 1999 Bituminous Overlay Program. BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is a Resolution Ordering Preparation of Plans for Otsego 1999 Bituminous Overlay Program and is self-explanatory. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, Elaine IMI . -. i �- I - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO, RESOLUTION ORDERING PREPARATION OF PLANS FOR OTSEGO 1999 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY PROGRAM WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 8th day of February, 1999, fixed a date for a Council hearing on a bituminous overlay program including improvement of all existing roadways within the following described areas: Halls 1st, 2"d & 3'" Additions, Vasseurs Oak Grove Estates tat, 2nd 3r & 4h Additions, Hidden Valley Acres, Deerfield Acres and Walesch Estates 13t & 2n Additions, which hearing was held on the 18th day of March, 1999, and; WHEREAS, a resolution of the City Council adopted the 12th day of April, 1999, fixed a date for a Council Hearing on a bituminous overlay program including improvement of all existing roadways within the following described areas: Otsego Acres tat and 2"d Additions, Great River Acres tat, 2"d and 3rd Additions, and Mason Ave.CSAH 39 to 83'0 St, N.E,), 83rd St. N.E. (Marlowe Ave. N.E. to Mason Ave. N.E.), Marlowe Ave, N.E, (83rd St. N.E. to 80th St. N.E.), 80th St. N,E. (Marlowe Ave. N.E, to CSAH 19) of the City of Otsego, which hearing was held on the 4th day of May, 1999; and WHEREAS, the City Council may order construction of all or parts of the bituminous overlay program within the areas described above and desires preparation of plans and specifications on said improvement areas. NOW THEREFORE, 13E IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. is hereby designated as the engineer for this improvement, The engineer is hereby authorized and directed to prepare plans and specifications for such improvements within the two areas described herein. ADOPTED by the Otsego City Council this 24th day of May, 1999. Honorable Mayor Larry Fournier Elaine Beatty, City Clerk C:\Share1MunlcIpaISAOTSEGO\337bt337RESORDPLNS.doe 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL, ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ May 24, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Jack Grotkin - R. J. Ryan, Builder PID #118-158-001010 Lot 1, Block 1 Otsego Ind. Site 2nd Add. American Institutional Warehouse Building - Review of Site and Building Plans. 6.2. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. Dan Licht's Report of May 18th, 1999 explains the P.C. discussion and information needed. After review at the Planning Commission Fleeting of May 17, 1999 the P.C. made the following motion: (See attached NAC Report) GENE GOENNER MOTIONED TO APPROVE THE REVIEW OF THE SITE AND BUILDING PLANS FOR AMERICAN INSTITUTIONAL SUBJECT TO CONDITIONS LISTED IN NAC'S REPORT AND THE EXTENSION OF THE SOUTH TREE LINE TO BUFFER AND ALSO APPROVAL OF THE ENGINEERS REPORT. RICHARD NICHOLS SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6.2. This item is for any other planning business that should arise. RECONDAE1NDATION: This is for Council consideration for approval. The P.C. has recommended approval with the conditions. I'IHT-10-1777 1C• 1J NH[_ bila, b'jb 7ty 5 r r. IU-eZub NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmisson TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 18 May 1999 RE: Otsego - American Institutional; Planning Commission Review FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.06 The Planning Commission reviewed the proposed development of a 13,502 square foot industrial warehouse building on Lot 1, Block 1, Otsego Industrial Park 2nd Addition at their meeting on May 17, 1999_ The applicant has since submitted revised plans that address the issues raised in the Planning Report and at a staff meeting with the applicant. - i - R 8-• 0 rem- Exhibit Q Site Plan (revised) Exhibit 13: Landscape Plan (revised) Exhibit C: Grading Plan The Planning Commission discussion focused on the specific issues raised in the Planning Report regarding parking area design and landscaping. The revised site plan provides 24 off-street parking stalls in a layout consistent with the Staff recommendation. The applicant is proposing construct 11 of these stalls, with 13 additional stalls illustrated on the site plan as "proof -of -parking". In that the building occupant has only 3 employees, the use of proof -of -parking may be appropriate to minimize hard surface on site. The revised layout eliminates the concerns cited in the Planning Report about conflicts between the parking and main driveway. The Planning Commission was supportive of the proof -of - parking concept in this case. A development contract will be required to provide a mechanism where the City may require construction of the parking if there is a future need. The revised landscape plan provides additional tall plantings in areas that will screen view of the loading facilities. The landscaping provides screening from both Jensen Avenue and Kadler Avenue. The Planning Commission also recommended that the trees proposed on the south property line be extended to the east building line to buffer the property to the south. This modification is illustrated on the revised plans. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM Cd 0 Q z Q m 0 YJ 0 tL MAY-18-1yy'j 12 16 NAC 612 595 9837 .,;1 �1j1s�i�;`+t.•• � ;# � �tosauuiy� �o9as10 �+—� yj3E �E��sJ' IVNOI.L( -LUSNI NVVDlN3WV Ri ` .i hili Pi;illT f r �N j e+{ • jS ,r !1I"WO `� FI�!►Ilrw/l : , ; I!;!J1!#1!,llf j sr " 9cl=, • ,`;a: du+u.rr>1�} ` Y liJ 1 aJfs i�! _ Vii_ J K" � � 3: - �' Ifj .���;� i �f �•_�- a * 1 '�. �:.. fill `x".". ElYYitf!1iJ1J1fJ i�Il-s-ljf.i .�.I.fi.iis..tf•.lY�. aIyJl >S(B�• iAh"i:+'lil 1j1jfig, MI -ii ,1jf.l !f1 ;!r>JJrI1�21 j�i�7• �1=Jlls`.jJJ st���J!i ijT ]J i�,rl.+ tiJl1l �Ji4J.t1 • j.,.• � I v a �� d r _ ti ' r � a--�•� a 3•N 3AY XFMW 71 H 3y Mi'a,1T• 411 -Ai iL {{rr y 7 •r s ` J r l..ilC: l I LDili <J I I �1 I r �f. -• x , P. 04/06 C W W z d CL w F3 W . .. , �- — _ ..r,... Ole J7 JO 11�i�1�i I.I�I 1•, ._ 11{I""•'III�II A�d� ( sI!@ 114 alt �i �R36a ' J'; s� �1e ii !3 J7 V w • f A A w ...._------,. _... . '3N '�nV ieii 7g` !.j S yr .ji t31 iR rl I� f i ti J ? O F Z O p O FZ7 Z NDN 3-3 .Z L0OY I K r . q0/ lat7 TOTAL P.06 ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILI Mr. Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Elk River, MN 55330 322 King Avenue Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Phone (612) 441-2020 Fax (612) 441-8099 Subject: Water and Waste Water Construction Project MAY 2 41999 ; I May 21, 1999 Dear Mike, We would like to thank you and John Harwood for the time spent with us addressing our concerns for your water/ waste water project. As we discussed, your project will require the Elk River Municipal Utilities (ERMU) to expend a considerable amount of time and effort to accommodate this construction along CSAH 42. This is particularly disconcerting considering we have permits from the Department of Highways of Wright County for our facilities in this right-of-way and the heavy handed approach taken by some of your representatives. Please keep in mind this electric line is the only source of electrical power to our portions of Otsego and Dayton. In permitted right-of-way situations, the "utility facility and installation shall not interfere with any existing utility facility on the county highway right-of-way u. The interfering utility typically reimburses the existing utilities for costs incurred to do the new construction. This is the case at hand when Otsego requires other utility owners to move to make way for this project. During our discussion, you made the case that all effected utility companies will benefit by Otsego installing a water/ waste water system. Therefore these effected utility companies should be willing to relocate their utilities at no cost to Otsego. Although we do not totally agree with this agreement we will accept it in the spirit of cooperation except for two instances. The Bank of Elk River and a private residence on the east side of CSAH 42 and 85th Avenue will require new electric service lines to accommodate your construction project. The service line serves only these two customers. The cost to replace these two service lines is estimated to be $9,000. We request Otsego to reimburse ERMU the cost of replacing these two electrical services for a cost not to exceed $9,000, and in turn ERMU will absorb the remaining costs incurred by us to accommodate construction of your water/ waste water project. Bes regards, /44v/ 16/ C✓ Bryan C. Adams, P.E. General Manager cc: File Glenn Sundeen, Line Superintendent 12 CITY OF OTSEGO -REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ May 24, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Set meeting with Darkenwald's Family Partnership 8.2. See 9.5. A below 8.3. Any other Legal Business BACKGROUND: 8.1. Andy MacArthur will be present to explain and answer questions and give suggestions Re: Darkenwald's Family Partnership Meeting. 8.2. 9.5.A. Andy MacArthur will be available for the closed meeting. 8.3. This is for any other legal business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine YU: RCA -CC WPS 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ May 24, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Discussion of Parks and Rec. Commission Requests B. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: 9.1. A. Mark Berning, Parks and Rec. Council Member can explain P&R's requests. 9.2. B. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECONIMENDATION: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval needed. r;� Elaine CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 24, 1999 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. The grand total you are considering is as follows: Batch 05-17-99 $ 173,152.44 GRAND TOTAL $ 173,152.44 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer 19 May 1999 Claims List Page 1 Wed 1:50 PM CITY OF OTSEGO Name Batch Name 051799 AFFORDABLE SANITATION AIRGAS, INC. BANK OF ELK RIVER BFI - WOOOLAKE SANITATION SER BOYER TRUCKS 8RC7E INDUSTRIES BREZE INDUSTRIES CAMPBELL ABSTRACT CO CELLULAR+ CENTRAL APPLIANCE RECYCLERS CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC CORROW TRUCKING COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Dept Description Culture and Rec (GENERAL) Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction Recycling Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Hwys, Streets, & Roads Sanitary Sewer Construction Hwys, Streets, & Roads Administration Administration Administration Sanitary Sewer Construction Legal Services Sanitary Sewer Construction COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Sanitary Sewer Construction COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Hwys, Streets, d Roads COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Legal Services COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Sanitary Sewer Construction CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT Hwys, Streets, & Roads CUB FOODS ELK RIVER Administration CUB FOODS ELK RIVER Administration EARL F ANDERSON INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads EENHVIS, JODI & CAROL Hwys, Streets, 3 Roads FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING Administration FIRST STATE TIRE RECYCLING Administration G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM General Govt Buildings -8899 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM Hwys, Streets, 6 Roads G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM Hwys, Streets, & Roads GONZALES, M EVERETT & FAIRABEL Hwys, Streets, & Roads GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads H G WEBER OIL COMPANY Hwys, Streets, & Roads HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Engineer HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC Sanitary Sewer Construction Engineer Comments 1 rental unit Supplies Easement Settlement April recycling Parts for 92 Ford Truck Leather Gloves Parts - Miscell Lands in 27-121-23 Pager rentals Clean Up Day -appliances Driveway Escrow Refund Dumps of Steel/C1eanUp0ay Wastewater Treatment General Legal Lavedure Site Elk River Collision Dayton Sewer Agreement Odean Avenue Grennin Hills EAW Response Transfer from Trust Acct Parts Supplies Supplies Posts/signs Easement settlement Tire recycling Tire recycling Supplies Supplies 152.68 Easement Settlement Locate call service Fuel Darkenwald WWTF Odean Ave Extra Services Pumphouse & Controls Pumphouse & Control Ext 78th St Trunk Sanit Sewer Grenings Miss Hills Well No 2 Construction Miscell Engineering Trunk Sanitary Sewer Ext Trunk Sanitary Sewer Water Tower Specification Water Tower Construction Backus plat Prairie Creek Prelm Plat 99-02 Bit Overlay Transaction Batch Amount Name 114.50 051799 12.25 051799 9,981.00 051799 317.50 051799 18.24 051799 23.96 051799 46.73 051799 401.00 051799 44.76 051799 1,665.00 051799 1,500.00 051799 880.00 051799 2,626.50 051799 2,036.00 051799 25.50 051799 17.00 051799 85.00 051799 969.00 051799 391.00 051799 42.50 051799 -99.00 051799 181.57 051799 74.28 051799 104.62 051799 699.71 051799 1,179.00 051799 447.00 051799 990.00 051799 75.93 051799 75.92 051799 152.68 051799 5,486.00 051799 8.00 051799 616.54 051799 525.00 051799 4,141.46 051799 3,073.81 051799 1,260.00 051799 3,542.76 051799 37.50 051799 70.00 051799 1,120.00 051799 1,056.66 051799 1,910.73 051799 425.00 051799 105.00 051799 75.00 051799 1,363.50 051799 428.71 051799 r 19 May 1999 C14113 Ust Page 3 Wed 1:50 PM CITY OF OTSEGO Dept Transaction Batch Name Description Comments Amount Name Batch Name 051799 SUPERIOR SERVICES Recycling Recycling 460.00 051799 TRUCK TECHNOLOGIES Hwys, Streets, 6 Roads DOT Insp trailer 94.30 051799 TRUE VALUE Hwys, Streets, & Roads Supplies 58.30 051799 US BANK Debt Service (GENERAL) REF SA33367920 98 GO Rev 109,515.00 051799 WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT Hwys, Streets, b Roads Winter Mix 34.08 051799 ZIEGLER INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads Grader parts 111.17 051799 ZIEGLER INC Hwys, Streets, & Roads Grader parts 322.28 051799 Grand Total I 173,152.44 24 May 1999 Unpaid Summary Check Register Page 1 Mon 3:38 PM CITY OF OTSEGO C' `c N :r Date ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Vendor Amount T00001 00609 D & Y FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 6,732.00 T00002 00605 DARLENE COTA 2,832.00 T00003 00607 ED DAUPHINAIS 4,810.38 T00004 00602 ELK RIVER SCHOOL DISTRICT 11118.00 T00005 00611 ELK RIVER-ROGERS VFW POST 3,010.00 T00006 00600 GEORGE SEBECK 5,058.00 T00007 00606 JON ZACHMAN 2,769.00 T00008 00604 KEVIN LEFEBVRE 2,149.00 T00009 00601 MERLIN BRISBIN 1,289.00 T00010 00603 MERRILI ASLESON 4,587.00 T00011 00610 RON POULIOT 2,201.00 T00012 00612 THOMAS JUERGENS 892.00 T00013 00608 VERNON KOLLES 4,525.00 T00014 00613 WINTER FAMILY PARTNERSHIP 985.00 Grand Total 42957.38