06-01-99 PHCITY OF OTSEGO SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING PUBLIC HEARING FOR PROPOSED BITUMINOUS STREET CONSTRUCTION OF ODEAN AVENUE NE OTSEGO, MINNESOTA TUESDAY JUNE 1, 1999 7 PM OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayer Larry Fournier will call meeting to order_ Mayor Fournier called the meeting to order at 7:03 PM. a. Roll Call. Mayor Larry Fournier; Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel, Suzanne Ackerman, Mark Berning and Vern Heidner. Staff: Mike Robertson, City Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Ron Wagner, Project Engineer. Absent: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator. b. Introductions Mayor Fournier introduced the Council and Staff. He also explained that the City is required to hold a Public Hearing for any public improvements. 2. City Administrator Robertson will explain the formal hearingrop cess. Mike Robertson explained the requirements of MN Statue 429. Mike also explained the Council intends to assess each benefiting property and the current estimated assessment is $3,000. A Federal Grant (ISTEA) of 1.3 million dollars will be used and the City will also use Minnesota State Aid (MSA) Funds. The project will cost approximately 2 million dollars, of which less than $200,000 is being paid for by assessments. Mr. Robertson also stated that the City will hold an Assessment Hearing after the project has been completed. I Turn meeting over to City Engineers for presentation of Feasibility Report for Proposed Bituminous Street Reconstruction of Odean Avenue NE. Mayor Fournier stated that this Public Hearing being held tonight is not about exact dollar amounts just estimates. If the project costs come in lower than the assessments will be lowered. Larry Koshak explained the Federal and State Funding the City will receive for this project. Ron Wagner using overheads explained the design of Odean and bike path. Larry Koshak presented the Construction Cost breakdowns. He also went over the City's Assessment Policy. Odean Avenue Public Hearing of June 1, 1999, cont'd. Page 2. 4. Open Public Hearing - Formal Question and Answer Session Larry Koshak stated he can answer the questions concerning construction questions and also offered to meet individually with property owners. His office wouldn't be able to address any questions regarding negotiations that are currently going on about easement purchases. Mayor Fournier opened the Public Hearing for public comment, requesting the public to state their name, address and limit comments to five minutes. Rex Osterbauer, 7380 Odean Avenue. Asked if the centerline of the road is going to be changed. Ron Wagner answered that the centerline will be moved 7 feet east of the existing centerline accommodating the bike path on the west side which will be 6.5. feet from the edge of the street. Larry Koshak explained the right-of-way will be 80 feet except at the intersection of 85th and Odean which will be 100 feet to accommodate the turn lanes. Gary Inman, 7262 Odean Avenue. Asked if the survey stakes marking the property lines will be replaced if removed during construction. Larry Koshak replied all lot corner stakes will be replaced. Ron Black, 713 Main St., Elk River, representing Greg Knoll of 8100 Odean Avenue. Questioned if there should be a fee purchase rather than easement since this is a permanent easement and should be owned by the Public rather than the Knolls. He also questioned the rational of moving the wetland to the south. Mayor Fournier directed for City Staff to meet with Ron Black and the Knolls. Frank Morrisette, 7460 Odean Avenue. He requested to meet with City Staff to the discuss the Morrisette pond. Boyd Erickson, 7200 Odean Avenue. Mr. Erickson stated concern for all the trees along his property and what the City will do when they all start dying from having their roots disturbed because working in the ditch. Ron Wagner answered there will be some trees removed because of construction but feels the remaining trees will still be back far enough to avoid damage.. Mr. Erickson felt that anything in an easement will get damaged. Ron Gunthan, 7848 Odean Avenue. He stated concern for 40 trees of his that are along Odean Avenue. The driveway coming off of Odean is for his garage, his residence driveway is off of 78th Street. Mr. Gunthan said a lot of the trees are in the right-of-way but they benefit his property. Ron Wagner replied he counted 16 trees that will be taken down, mostly cottonwoods. Ron said the ROW is 50 feet and doesn't feel the power line will go that far back. Mayor Fournier suggested for City Staff to meet with Mr. Gunthan at his site. Odean Avenue Public Hearing of June 1, 1999, cont'd. Page 3. Tom Hendrickson, 14501 92nd Street NE. He wanted to know about the centering of the road. He also stated when Evergreen contacted him they had different plans from what was presented at the information meeting. Ron Wagner pointed out on a overhead the proposed road will be moved 7 feet toward the east and also explained how the new road will be wider. Mike Robertson explained the plans Evergreen had for each individual property were done based on what knowledge the City had and initial plans have changed. Ron Wagner also explained how preliminary plans are submitted to the State for review and the State made changes. Boyd Erickson also asked what the City proposes to do with fencing. Mike Robertson answered the City would prefer to pay the property owner and the property owner work with a fence contractor. Gerald Gorden, 8389 Odell Avenue. He asked when the project will start and when it will be completed. Both Ron Wagner and Larry Koshak went over the schedule which a start date will be late August of 1999 and completion will be in Summer of 2000. The State of MN controls the project. The goal for 1999 will be putting in the curb and one layer of blacktop and final the project out next year. Gary Inman asked where the mailboxes will be moved to. Mike Robertson explained the mailboxes will be moved to an interim location, grouping them together. CM Heidner thought that once the curbing is done the mailboxes could be put back. Odean Avenue will be kept open for traffic at all times. Jerry Johnson 7996 Odean Avenue. Mr. Johnson's concern was losing all his trees which are 20 to 25 feet in height. He requested to meet with staff. He also stated that it appears to be 40 parcels rather than 65 parcels that will be assessed and if the assessment will still be per parcel and not per parcel footage. CM Heidner stated the Council agreed at a cap of $3,000 per parcel unless easement acquisition cost goes over the estimated $107,000. If that is the case then the assessment might be increased. 5 Close Public Hearing CM Heidner motioned to close the Public Hearing. Seconded by CM Berning. All in favor. Motion carried. Public Hearing closed at 8:23 PM. Odean Avenue Public Hearing of June 1, 1999, cont'd. Page 4. 6. Any other Council Business Mayor Fournier directed staff to have this project on the June 14, 1999 City Council Agenda. 7. Adjourn. CM Berning motioned to adjourn the Public Hearing.. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM. ayor La Fournier ttest: Elaine Beatty,/(City Clerk/Zo n Adm. Recorded by: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk City Seal