07-12-99 CCA L22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4A. Special Presentations Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator July 12, 1999 - 6:30 PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 4.A.1. Gary Groen, City Accountant - Information on cash flow. BACKGROUND: 4. A.1. We are hoping to have Gary Groen, City Accountant at this meeting to be able to give information and discuss the cash flow of the City with City Council. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information and discussion. X n'I O O O_tOyO_M.O__---. Q����»x88M��AMm pp IIJ� 11 n HI <IISs�s� ur I'. 8 II pp O 'R O 1 N N - 11 O II Q 11 00 O II g F o N N H II 0 Y N n o Im H tl ^ U n ._...___.—y -___x o N G �ep1 U + 8 F N N M - - Y N m Ma S yClk7< N O W N IYMI M � Q I� `6! -yd A IXI IC q M u � u I o 0 0 8'—_—_--__—_.— Y v F^ II p p u o N O n tl r o��oo X Nn o n - �1 p X 1 °° g ii n» » N r N r• ii e G N A N M II N N II Mp rn o �o 0� IMI - N u "i e 0 ", 'm O n ■ M IPI p P Y ap n n ■ W II I LL N I LL II M N b N M YOp Ck 1�Mjj VO Q pp �p __U-• N ^ o G yp■ N N Y N IINII » p O N 0 O O O O S»j N R4 yy�� M O `y>: r• Z M N N N A� A N M II N N II Mp rn o �o 0� IMI - N u "i e eC Iynl 25 1- ,� pY cote ♦� og GS oS vol � M 9[ O N e•I N � w � N» eM II » II N M M SII II N K II u S Qp_p p p 8 8 p pp�• S H N p• �I_ _ _____ __---_ -__ o ♦+ - M N N Y n W I R Y001 W » N b N N cn D o c 88 88 oo p 8 8 O Y . aa pp w_._. _INA^.S II ,C Ip■I - X p �pp_�_pp F -__-_-Q1-1II�I'Ij._1aS�.-CO•�� O o�♦I�I 4 S M S n p li Lpp_� __ N m K -1 II II N op$8xIli &1:3bibi&�p� yj O kki$bi&5tR$5t8� 11 -8 a v --a -- » --0M11 � � N N x N 0n � N � t�•f m W W II PI O I■I in p-� � V�� N p � � K 11 • . 0 g --]2 j N W _25.-W------------- -- ii W It WW UU) U)wK - aZQ��V'f~Dt� --�_a Z ~?"-Y�WW =-'i------- �Z-2Q-yVW7-=-�-----Z-------------- ZZ -- - anasCiiW�a> XXa<il Go�wcnf w V X L!5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ July 12, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider Applicant Jeff Ophoven, JKO Holdings, LLC, 19315 County Road #30, Corcoran, Minnesota 55340. Owner is Shirley A Peterson (Jim Peterson, Jr. 486 Upland Avenue NW, Elk River, MN 55330. PID #118-155-001010 and #118- 155-001020 in Section 2, Township 120, Range 23. Lots I and Lot 2, Block 1, Autumn Woods Commercial. This is on Queens Avenue NE, Just East of State Hwy. #101, North of County Road #36 and South of MacAlpine Well Co. These two lots are currently Zoned B-3, General Business District. Request is as follows: A. Rezone Property from B-3, General Business District to I-3, Industrial District. B. Variance to allow a holding tank Septic System C. Site and Building Plan Review 6.2. Any other Planning Business. BACKGROUND: Jeff Ophoven, JKO LLC and Greg Ebert, Builder appeared before the Council for the above noted requests. I have attached the planning reports, Findings of Fact and summary of the P.C. meeting by Dan Licht. As he noted, we did have some concerned residents who did not want to see approval of this application. They also had concerns with the stonnwater drainage, holding tank septic system, Queens Avenue traffic, and screening from the residential lots. (See Dan Licht's summary, planning report from NAC and Findings of Fact attached. Dan Licht will be here to present and ask any questions. At the Hearing the residents requested more information on ponding and drainage, screening,etc. I will try to complete the minutes for the Council. 6.2. Is for any other planning business that should arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration. The P.C. has recommended approval of all of the above unanimously with the conditions as written by NAC. ThApks, Elaine , y JUL-07-1999 09:36 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i12 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INCMNNCOMMUNITY PLANNING- DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 7 July 1999 RE: Otsego - JKO Holding; Planning Commission Recommendations FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.09 The Otsego Planning Commission held a public hearing at their meeting on July 6, 1999 regarding the applications of JKO Holding, Inc. for a rezoning, Septic Ordinance Variance, preliminary/final plat and sitelbuilding plan review. At the meeting, several residents of the adjacent Autumn Woods single family subdivision spoke in opposition to the applications. The concerns voiced by those who spoke included the following: • Changes in existing levels of storm water runoff from the site and impact to existing ponds and wetlands in the area. • Use of septic holding tanks and potential for overflow and contamination. • Need for additional visual screening of the residential areas. • Noise and traffic impacts from potential tractor -trailer traffic. In response to these concerns, the applicant stated that the proposed use involves 15 to 25 employees. The business, which is relocating from Plymouth, currently works one 6 AM to 4 PM shift. A second shift and occasional weekend shifts are a future possibility. Deliveries will be limited to UPS twice daily and tractor -trailer deliveries once per month. The additional loading facilities included as part of the building are in anticipation of re -use should the proposed tenant sell or vacate the building. The issues regarding drainage and design of the holding tank system must be addressed as part of the City Engineer's detailed review of the site and building plans. The Planning Commission did recommend, however, that the on-site ponding be designed to control an extra 25 percent capacity in order to address existing drainage issues in the area. The Planning Commission also recommended that the location of the proposed holding tanks be away from existing wetlands or drainageways on the property to the extent possible. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC9WINTERNET.COM JUL-07-1999 09:3? NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/12 A final recommendation of the Planning Commission is that the proposed Landscape Plan is supplemented to provide additional plantings on the east and south property lines. The additional plantings are Intended to provide a more complete screen of the proposed building from the residential areas. The Planning Commission, following the discussion, voted 4-0 in three separate motions to recommend approval of the Zoning Ordinance amendment, Septic Ordinance Variance and preliminaryffinai plat and site plan applications. This recommendation was made subject to the conditions listed under Option A below. A. Approval (Each action should be made as a separate motion): Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment to rezone the subject site from B-3 District to 1-3 District. 2. Motion to approve a variance from the Septic Ordinance based upon a finding that there are special circumstances associated with the subject property warranting use of holding tanks. 3. Motion to approve a preliminary/final plat of Autumn Woods 2nd Addition and site plan for development of an industrial manufacturingMar'ehouse use subject to the following conditions: a. The subject site is developed in substantial conformance with the following plans on file with the City of Otsego, except as modified herein: Site Plan dated 15 June 1999 Grading and Erosion Control Pian dated 15 June 1999 Landscape Plan dated 15 June 1999 b. The landscape plan is revised to: I. Specify the size of all proposed plantings, subject to review and approval of City Staff. ii. Specify the size, type and location of any plantings proposed adjacent to the front building facade, subject to review and approval of City Staff. iii. Provide additional plantings on the east and south side of the property to provide a complete screen of the use from the adjacent residential use subject to review and approval of City Staff. 2 JUL-07-1999 09:3? NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i12 c. The applicant submit detailed utility system plans for the septic holding tanks and water well location, subject to City Engineer review and approval. The septic holding tanks shall be located away from existing wetlands and drainage ways to the extent possible. d. The City Engineer review and approve of the proposed 36 foot access to Quast Avenue. e. The City Engineer review and approve circulation to and from the loading facilities. f. The site plan and building elevations be revised to indicate the location and type of all exterior site lighting, subject to review and approval of City Staff. g All exterior signage shall conform to the provisions of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. All grading, drainage and erosion plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. On-site ponding areas and drainage control measures shall be designed to provide one hundred twenty five (125) percent of the required storm water storage. j. The applicant enter into a development contract and post appropriate escrows for the on-going maintenance of the septic holding tank system, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. k. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to decry the requested Zoning Ordinance Amendment based upon a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. C. Motion to table the applications (Specific direction should be provided to the applicant on additional information necessary to consider the applications). pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andrew MacArthur Larry Koshak Jeff Ophoven Greg Ebert JUL-0?-1999 09:38 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: JKO Holding Incorporated 612 595 983? P.05i12 Zoning Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a Zoning Ordinance amendment (map) to rezone the property legally described by Exhibit A ("the property) from B-3, General Business District to 1-3, Special Industrial District. City Council Meeting Date: 12 July 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact and recommendation: 1. The legal description of the property is Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Autumn Woods Commercial Addition. 3_ The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for industrial development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan. S. The property is zoned B-3, General Commercial District. 6. Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse effects of the proposed amendment, with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subJect parcel is guided for industrial development by the 9998 Comprehensive Plan Update. This industrial area was specifically identified as an opportunity to encourage a lower capital industrial area for small businesses due to the character of the existing uses in the area. Following this directive, the Zoning Ordinance was amended to establish the 1-3, Special Industrial District to accommodate development of vacant parcels in this area. As such, the requested rezoning is consistent with and encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan. JLL-07-1999 09:38 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06/12 B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding. The subject parcel is surrounded by existing and/or planned industrial uses to the north, west and south. There are existing single family residential uses to the east of the subject site. The site plan for the property includes intensive landscaping on the east property line to mitigate any potential visual or noise impacts from the proposed use. Additionally, the proposed building is setback 100 feet from the east property line. The adjacent houses to the east are setback 160 feet from this property line, creating a significant separation between the uses. As such, the proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding. The proposed use complies with all applicable performance standards.. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The proposed site design includes elements such as building orientation and landscaping that serves to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent residential uses. Therefore, the use will not have a negative impact to the area in which it is proposed. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Fincfrng: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject property is served by Quast/Queens Avenue. This street is designated as a collector street by the Comprehensive Plan and will have sufficient capacity to serve the subject property. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity_ Finding. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's overall service capacity. 7. The planning report dated 28 June 1999, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 2 JUL-07-1999 09:39 NAC 612 595 9837 P.07i12 8. The report dated 24 June 1999, prepared by the City Engineer Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., Is Incorporated herein. 9. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 6 July 1999, to consider the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Ordinance amendment Is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 12th Day of July, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO BY= Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 3 JUL-07-1999 09:40 NAC ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA 612 595 9837 P.06/12 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY INCLUDED AS PART OF THE PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT OF AUTUMN WOODS COMMERCIAL 2ND ADDITION. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described as Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Autumn Woods Commercial Addition (the "property"). Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from a B-3, General Business District designation to an 1-3, Special Industrial District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate changes to the official Zoning Map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 12th day of July 1999, CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk JUL-07-1999 09:40 NAC CiTY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: JKO Holding Incorporated 612 595 9837 P.09i12 Septic Ordinance Variance Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a variance from the Otsego Septic Ordinance to allow temporary use of holding tanks as a sewage disposal system for an industrial warehouse office use. City Council Meeting Date: 12 July 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact and recommendation: 1. The legal description of the property is Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Autumn Woods Commercial Addition. 3. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 4. The property is guided for industrial development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan. 5. The City Council approved an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance on July 12, 1999 to designate the property 1-3, Special Industrial District. 6. Section 3 of the City Septic Ordinance prohibits the use of holding tanks for sanitary systems unless a temporary variance is approved by the City Council. In considering the variance, the following factors from Section 16.4.2 of the Septic Ordinance must be satisfied: A. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that strict application of the provisions of [the Septic] Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the applicant's land; and Finding: The subject parcel is impacted by topography and soil conditions that limit the building area and potential locations for a standard septic system or mound system. The subject site is within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, although no timetable for the availability for serving this area has been established. These conditions are considered special circumstances that wan -ant variance for temporary holding tanks until sanitary sewer service may be available. JUL-07-1999 09:41 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.10/12 B. Granting the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to other property. Finding: The proposed use is a low generator of sanitary waste, limited to employee bathrooms, water fountains, etc. As such, the use of holding tanks will be adequate until sanitary sewer service maybe made available to the subject site. The City will require an escrow and documentation that the holding tanks are pumped and maintained regularly through a development contract. 7. The planning report dated 28 June 1999, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. a. The report dated 24 June 1999, prepared by the City Engineer Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 6 July 1999, to consider the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Ordinance amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested variance is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 12th Day of July, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 N W^fO% NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council Otsego Planning Commission FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 28 June 1999 RE: Otsego - JKO Holding; Rezoning/Septic Variance FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.09 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Mr. Jeff Ophoven, owner of JKO Holding, is proposing to construct a 25,000 square foot industrial manufacturing/warehouse building on Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of the Autumn Woods Commercial Addition. The 3.18 acre parcel is located within the industrial area originally platted under Frankfort Township jurisdiction east of T.H. 101 and north of CSAH 36. As part of the development of the building, the applicant is proposing to combine the two separate parcels, as well as utilize holding tanks for collection of septic waste. The subject site is presently zoned, B-3, General Commercial District. Development of the building requires consideration of a Zoning Ordinance amendment to 1-3, Special Industrial District to accommodate the proposed use, as well as building materials. The proposed septic holding tanks requires consideration of a variance from the provisions of the City's Septic Ordinance. The combination of the existing parcels is being considered as a concurrent preliminary/final plat. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Building Plans Exhibit C: Final Plat Exhibit D: Site Plan Exhibit F: Landscape Plan Exhibit F: Grading Plan 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 16 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC WINTERNET.COM Recommendation. Decisions regarding Zoning Ordinance amendments are policy decisions that must be made by City Officials. The requested rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Update's discussion that the area should be developed as a lower capital industrial park based upon existing uses and character. If the Planning Commission and City Council make a similar finding, the requested rezoning is appropriate and may be approved. City Officials must also make a determination on a variance from the Septic Ordinance to allow holding tanks in place of a septic or mound type system. This is also a policy matter that must be decided by City Officials. Topography and soils limitations of the property may be a justified hardship. If City Officials make such a finding, the variance from the Septic Ordinance may be approved. If requested rezoning and variance applications are determined to be appropriate, the Planning Commission and City Council may then act on the specific site plan design. The subject site and proposed use are generally consistent with all applicable performance standards outlined by the Zoning Ordinance. Based upon the consistency with adopted plans, policies and ordinances, our office would recommend approval of the submitted site plans as outlined under Option A. A. Approval (Each action should be made as a separate motion): Motion to approve a Zoning Ordinance amendment to rezone the subject site from B-3 District to 1-3 District. 2. Motion to approve a variance from the Septic Ordinance based upon a finding that there are special circumstances associated with the subject property warranting use of holding tanks. 3. Motion to approve a preliminarynal plat of Autum Woods 2nd Addition and site plan for development of an industrial manufacturing/warehouse use subject to the following conditions: a. The subject site is developed in substantial conformance with the following plans on file with the City of Otsego, except as modified herein: Site Plan dated 15 June 1999 Grading and Erosion Control Plan dated 15 June 1999 Landscape Plan dated 15 June 1999 Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 2 b. The landscape plan is revised to: I. Specifiy the size of all proposed plantings, subject to review and approval of City Staff. ii. Specifiy the size, type and location of any plantings proposed adjacent to the front building facade, subject to review and approval of City Staff. iii. Provide additional spruce trees in a staggered pattern on the east side of the property, adjacent to the driveway, subject to review and approval of City Staff. C. The applicant submitt detailed utility system plans for the septic holding tanks and water well location, subject to City Engineer review and approval. d. The City Engineer review and approve of the proposed 36 foot access to Quast Avenue. -e. The City Engineer review and approve circulation to and from the loading facilities. f. The site plan and building elevations be revised to indicate the location and type of all exterior site lighting, subject to review and approval of City Staff. g All exterior signage shall conform to the provisions of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. i. All grading, drainage and erosion plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. j. The applicant enter into a development contract and post appropriate escrows for the on-going maintenance of the septic holding tank system, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. k. Comments of other City Staff. B. Motion to deny the requested Zoning Ordinance Amendment based upon a finding that the application is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 3 C. Motion to table the applications (Specific direction should be provided to the applicant on additional information necessary to consider the applications). ISSUES ANALYSIS Zoning. The applicant is requesting a rezoning to 1-3, Special Industrial District to accommodate a light clothing manufacturing use, as well as proposed building materials. Section 20-3-2.f of the Zoning Ordinance directs the Planning Commission and City Council to consider the possible adverse impacts of the proposed amendment, with judgement based upon (but not limited to) the following factors: The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment: The subject parcel is guided for industrial development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. This industrial area was specifically identified as an opportunity to encourage a lower capital industrial area for small businesses due to the character of the existing uses in the area. Following this directive, the Zoning Ordinance was amended to establish the 1-3, Special Industrial District to accommodate development of vacant parcels in this area. As such, the requested rezoning is consistent with and encouraged by the Comprehensive Plan. 2. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Comment. The subject parcel is surrounded by existing and/or planned industrial uses to the north, west and south. There are existing single family residential uses to the east of the subject site. The site plan for the property includes intensive landscaping on the east property line to mitigate any potential visual or noise impacts from the proposed use. Additionally, the proposed building is setback 100 feet from the east property line. The adjacent houses to the east are setback 160 feet from this property line, creating a significant separation between the uses. As such, the proposed use is anticipated to be compatible with present and future land uses of the area. 3. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Comment: This issue will be discussed in subsequent paragraphs. 4. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Comment: The proposed site design includes elements such as building orientation and landscaping that serves to mitigate potential impacts to adjacent Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 4 residential uses. Therefore, the use will not have a negative impact to the area in which it is proposed. 5. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Comment: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. 6. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Comment: The subject property is served by Quast/Queens Avenue. This street is designated as a collector street by the Comprehensive Plan and will have sufficient capacity to serve the subject property. 7. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Comment: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's overall service capacity. Lot Standards. The following table illustrates the required performance standards for lots and uses within the 1-3 District. The proposed site and site design meets or exceeds all of the applicable performance standards for lots and uses in the 1-3 District. Building Construction. The proposed 25,000 square foot building consists of one floor and a small mezzanine level. The building will be constructed with a continous foundation. Metal siding, which is allowed only in the 1-3 District, will be used for the exterior finish. A four foot tall brick accent has been added along the front and portions of the side facades. The color of the building had not been determined as of the date of this report. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 5 Setbacks Impervious Lot Area Lot Width Surface Bldg. Height Front Side Rear Parking Bldg. Site Front Side/ Rear Required 1.0 ac. 150 ft. 65 ft 10 ft 20 ft. 15 ft 5 ft. 50.0% 85.0% 35 ft Proposed 3.2 ac. 450 ft 85 ft. 10 ft/ 100 ft 15 ft. 10 ft 14.4% 36.7% 24. ft. 190 ft Building Construction. The proposed 25,000 square foot building consists of one floor and a small mezzanine level. The building will be constructed with a continous foundation. Metal siding, which is allowed only in the 1-3 District, will be used for the exterior finish. A four foot tall brick accent has been added along the front and portions of the side facades. The color of the building had not been determined as of the date of this report. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 5 Landscaping. A plan illustrating the location, type and quantities of proposed landscaping has been submitted. The landscape plan also generally illustrates existing vegetation. The size of proposed plantings is not included on the plan and must be specified. In review of the landscape plan, our office has the following comments: • The landscape plan provides for a mix of birch and maple trees on the boulevard adjacent to Quast Avenue. The proposed Amur Maple trees are an exotic species from Asia, which produce a large number of seeds if not pruned. Without pruning, the seeds can spread and the species become invasive. Additionally, these trees only grow to 15 to 18 feet tall. If the intent is to provide shade trees, substituting a species more similar to the River Birch, which grow to 40-70 feet tall, may be more appropriate. • The building elevations illustrate vegetation along the front facade of the building, however, no such plantings are indicated on the landscape plan. The proposed plantings for this area should be specified. • The landscaping on the east property line include sumac plants on the slopes with Colorado Green spruce trees and crab trees at the edge of the driveway/loading areas. At full growth, the spruce trees will provide adequate screening of the loading areas from the adjacent residential uses. However, it can take up to 30 years for these trees to reach their full growth. The spruce trees should be planted in a staggered line along the east driveway to "fill in the gaps" and provide a more complete screen at the time of construction. Utilities. No specific utility plan has been received. The site plan includes a location for two 2,000 gallon holding tanks for sanitary waste. There are no well locations indicated on the submitted plans. More detailed plans for the proposed utilities will be required and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Section 3 of the City Septic Ordinance prohibits the use of holding tanks for sanitary systems unless a temporary variance is approved by the City Council. In considering the variance, the following factors from Section 16.4.2 of the Septic Ordinance must be satisfied: 1. There are special circumstances or conditions affecting said property such that strict application of the provisions of [the Septic] Ordinance would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the applicant's land; and Comment. The subject parcel is impacted by topography and soil conditions that limit the building area and potential locations for a standard septic system or mound system. The subject site is within the Sanitary Sewer Service District, although no timetable for the availability for serving this area has been established. These conditions may be considered special circumstances that warrant variance for temporary holding tanks until sanitary sewer service may be available. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 6 aa;. 2. Granting the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety and welfare or injurious to other property. Comment. The proposed use is a low generator of sanitary waste, limited to employee bathrooms, water fountains, etc. As such, the use of holding tanks should be adequate until sanitary sewer service may be made available to the subject site. The City will need to require an escrow and documentation that the holding tanks are pumped and maintained regularly through a development contract. The ultimate design of the septic holding tanks must be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Access. The subject site is proposed to have two curb cuts to Quast Avenue. Properties are allowed one curb cut plus and additional curb cut for each 125 feet of street frontage. Based upon 450 feet of street frontage, the two curb cuts may be allowed. The two proposed curb cuts are approximately 175 feet apart and not closer than 10 feet to a side lot line, which is consistent with the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. Section 20-22- 4.H.7 limits the width of the curb cuts to 24 feet, unless approved by the City Engineer. The north curb cut is proposed to be 36 feet across. This width may be necessary to accommodate tractor trailer access, subject to further comment and approval of the City Engineer. The south curb cut is 24 feet wide as allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. Parking.- Section 20-22-9.Y of the Zoning Ordinance requires one off-street parking stall for each one and one-half employee on the maximum shift, plus one space for each 7,500 square feet of floor area. The specific calculation is shown below. (35 employees / 1.5) + (25,000 sq. ft. / 7,500 sq. ft.) = 28 stalls The site plan incorrectly indicates 23 three stalls, likely due to the mezzanine level not being included and rounding errors. Regardless, there a 40 off-street parking stalls provided, including two disability van accessible spaces. All of the parking stalls are 18 feet by nine feet and served by a full 24 foot wide driveway as required by Section 20-22- 4.H of the Zoning Ordinance. Loading. The building includes docking bays for four tractor -trailers, as well as two drive- in overhead doors on the east side of the building. With regard to the four docking bays, the driveway area may not be large enough to circulate a tractor -trailer if other tractor - trailers are parked at the loading spaces. The City Engineer should review and comment on this issue further. The need for additional landscaping to screen these loading facilities has been noted in previous paragraphs. Lighting. No exterior lighting is indicated on the site plan or building elevations. The plans will need to be revised to indicate the location and type of any and all site lighting. the location of site lighting should be subject to staff review and approval to ensure no negative impact to adjacent residential properties and/or the public right-of-way. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 7 Trash. An exterior trash enclosure has been located at the southeast corner of the building. The enclosure is to be constructed of a wood fence. Plans for the enclosure are subject to review and approval of the Building Official at the time of building permit review. Signage. No plans for any exterior signage have been provided. All exterior signage must conform to the provisions of Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance. A sign permit is required to be approved for any exterior signage, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. Grading and Drainage. A grading and erosion control plan has been submitted for review. Said plan is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Subdivision. The subject site currently exists as two separate lots. A preliminary/final plat combining the two lot as Lot 1, Block 1 Autumn Woods Commercial 2nd Addition has been submitted. As noted above, the combined parcel meets all the performance standards for lots in the 1-3 District. Development Contract. If the applications are approved, a development contact will be required primarily to establish parameters for the monitoring and maintenance of the proposed septic holding tanks. An escrow for these purposes should also be required as part of the development contract. CONCLUSION Decisions regarding Zoning Ordinance amendments are a policy decision that must be determined by City Officials in consideration of adopted plans and policies. In this regard, the requested rezoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan Update's discussion that the area in which the subject property is located should be established as a lower capital industrial park. The Planning Commission and City Council must also make a determination on a variance from the Septic Ordinance to allow holding tanks in place of a septic or mound type system. This is also a policy matter that must be decided by City Officials, topography and soils limitations of the property may be a justified hardship. The low waste generated by the proposed use also alleviates concerns associated with use of holding tanks. The proposed site desing and proposed use are generally consistent with all applicable performance standards outlined by the Zoning Ordinance. Beyond the basic performance standards, the site plan provides attention for mitigating any potential impact of the proposed use through landscaping and building location/orientation. The only issue with the site plan concerns insufficient circulation area to/from the loading docks and minor landscaping matters. Our office's specific recommendation is outlined in the executive summary of this report. Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 8 pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Jeff Ophoven Greg Ebert Stephen Johnson Planning Report - JKO Holding Page 9 JUL-07-1999 09:44 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i06 EXHIBIT A-1 JUL-07-1999 09:45 NAC 612 595 9e37 P.03/06 C" -M NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNERS 'bZ �% :z awpfo-, xo ko" LLC TV -002-077104 ov^zQ! Skv— P, & OWW-X* Abert C. & 04,Ae L. MAipm owt4c-R- Peter P. a rw,A 5rmqi V�sma L. Pat- PC #- 413-Q4-003030 1-4 m Jr. IM -L%-00300 PO r. 110-04-003070 "r-- 100 200 SCALE IN FEET Pwr*R: 5hrley A. Pfttfn plo jp 118-155-001010 T SUBJECT SITE OWE S1.r4-y A. Fne— pp #: 10-155--001720 owrL-9- Nwito A. Pete -Am 3 OWNER: K"n Sauer PID 1. in-m--oolopo &O&Q; 'r,4-" G. & L,,do r. PV J: IZ-194-001060 awrx-4t PC P: 193-U7-00020 EXHIBIT A-2 OWPL-9- MAlpm Bravws P#p%r4rWw PC jr 118-w2-02000 "r-- 100 200 SCALE IN FEET Pwr*R: 5hrley A. Pfttfn plo jp 118-155-001010 T SUBJECT SITE OWE S1.r4-y A. Fne— pp #: 10-155--001720 owrL-9- Nwito A. Pete -Am 3 OWNER: K"n Sauer PID 1. in-m--oolopo &O&Q; 'r,4-" G. & L,,do r. PV J: IZ-194-001060 awrx-4t PC P: 193-U7-00020 EXHIBIT A-2 JUL-07-1999 09:49 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04i06 EXHIBIT B-1 JUL-07-1999 09:50 NAC 612 595 9837 P.05i06 b EXHIBIT B-2 JUL-07-1999 09:50 NAC ii >yas�^ rs- � ( a Al I ; a a ( s �, oy -'' O `r 3 IT a1 I , 1 ii >yas�^ rs- � ( a Al I ; a a ( s �, oy a1 >yas�^ rs- E'a a a s IT isIN , e i I �I I rte' r.. a� I 612 595 9837 E P. 06/06 EXHIBIT C TOTAL P.06 rs- E P. 06/06 EXHIBIT C TOTAL P.06 I II1I •„ . . li Ir � GO NOTES .wws�i ®PARMG SUMMARY mow¢ rer .«.� - .za-.• ®AREA SUMMARY .J K O HOLDING 674" WANOW AW *L& Y IAR =now& mm PROJECT JKO HOLDING OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Ft# JKOIHOLDING .70, PROJECT JKO HOLDING OTSEGO. Mt*.414ESOTA E' EXHIBIT E I 1 ------1 — ----rte II' 1 I II _",e—rte •% , 0 - _-----_-- A .r--- '\.```'�--_------• -------------- \ owlvnune.rare • w . tee aeeee v.;• ��` . ,« 0 Ago \ \ \: f\ \ R.O 1 lot :a• nr y�J� v-rr.av • o.ros ,, \1 —L_ �I 1 � I 1 1 � V✓ Ir� 0 - _-----_-- A .r--- '\.```'�--_------• -------------- \ owlvnune.rare • w . tee aeeee v.;• ��` . ,« 0 Ago \ \ \: f\ \ R.O 1 lot :a• nr y�J� v-rr.av • o.ros ,, \1 noa1� OC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ®GR.\OING/EROSION CONTROL NOTES — ` HOLDING .,., a.,m...�..s j m� o ru. M nwuna a.. r mva >. i a.w..o•p••y„•.ee° ""'ten o --. aunt .nwrr w Mr •��, �` c� ..n• Kung �•.reer 1 ®NOTES .roe.., .. �.. 1 1 1 � M�POIr• � !! gee w X MP1 M nr K w M PROJECT . �.1„r w w. A .x M .... w..w .•c. w JKO HOLDING 5—'LT FENCE DETAIL OTSEGO. MUNINIESOTA NO qCd== vew:e K . I 0 30 60E SCALE IV rECr —L_ �1 noa1� OC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ®GR.\OING/EROSION CONTROL NOTES — ` HOLDING .,., a.,m...�..s j m� o ru. M nwuna a.. r mva >. i a.w..o•p••y„•.ee° ""'ten o --. aunt .nwrr w Mr •��, �` c� ..n• Kung �•.reer 1 ®NOTES .roe.., .. �.. 1 1 1 � M�POIr• � !! gee w X MP1 M nr K w M PROJECT . �.1„r w w. A .x M .... w..w .•c. w JKO HOLDING 5—'LT FENCE DETAIL OTSEGO. MUNINIESOTA NO qCd== vew:e K . I 0 30 60E SCALE IV rECr JUL-07-1999 09:41 NAC CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicants Name: JKO Holding Incorporated 612 595 9837 P.11i12 Preliminary/Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for approval of a preliminary/final plat entitled "Autumn Woods Commercial Second Addition' and site and building plan review for development of a industrial manufacturing/warehouseloffice use. City Council Meeting Date: 12 July 1999 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact and recommendation: 1. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. The legal description of the property is Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Autumn Woods Commercial Addition. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District as identified in the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. The property is guided for industrial development by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan. The City Council approved an ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance on July 12, 1999 to designate the property 1-3, Special Industrial District_ The proposed structure has floor area of 25,000 square feet. The proposed lot and use conforms to all performance standards of the 1-3 District, as illustrated by the following table. Lot Area Lot Widffi Setbacks Impervious Surface Bldg. Height 35 ft. Front 65 ft Side 10 ft Rear 20 ft Parking Bldg. 50.0% Site 85.0% Front 15 ft Side/ Rear 5 ft Required 1.0 ac. 150 ft Proposed 3.2 ac. 450 ft 85 ft. loft/ 190 ft 100 ft 15 ft 10 it. 1 14.4% 36.7% 24. ft. JUL-07-1999 09:42 NAC 612 595 9837 P.12i12 8. The planning report dated 28 June 1999, prepared by Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. The report dated 24 June 1999, prepared by the City Engineer Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 10. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 6 July 1999, to consider the proposed preliminary/final plat and site and building plans, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 4-0 vote that the City Council approve the application based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the Preliminary/Final Plat for Autumn Woods Commercial 2nd Addition and site plan is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 12th Day of July, 1999 CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 TOTAL P.12 ✓y ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk( July 12, 1999 6:30PM ITEM N U". iBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Approve Plans and Specs. for Overlay Project and Authorize Bid Date. (Resolution) 7.2. Consider Approval of Partial Payment #1 for Pumphouse COP98-02 7.3. Any Other Engineering Business BACKGROUND: Items 7.1 through 7.2. has information prepared by the City Engineer, Larry Koshak. Attached is the information needed for these items for your review. Mr. Koshak will attend this meeting and be available to answer questions. 7.3. Is for any other Engineering Business that should arise. RECOtiUVlENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval where necessary. Thanks, Elaine 07-09-1999 02:11PM FROM C,ouri & MacArthur TO Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. AfacArthur Marcus W. Miller 'AW lk auat in ttfim" July 9, 1999 COURI & MACAR771UR Attorneys at law 705 Central Avenue .East PO Bas 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandrnwarthu>apobox. coni VIA FACSIMILE and;U.S. MAIL 4418823 P.01 Elaine Beatty City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Ordering Advertisement for Bids — City of Otsego 1999 Bituminous Overlay Project Dear Elaine: Please find enclosed the above -referenced resolution for the city council meeting on Monday, July 12`h . Please call Andy if you have any questions. Sincerely, Monica R. rown Legal Assistant Couri & MacArthur enclosure 07-09-1999 02:11PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.02 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLU1 ION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFCATIONS AND ORDERING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CITY OF OTSEGO 1999 BITUMINOUS OVERLAY PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to a resolution passed by the city council on June 14, 1999, the city engineer (14akanson Anderson Associates, Inc.) has prepared plans and specifications for the improvement of: The City of Otsego 1999 Bituminous Overlay Project including all exist.ing roadways within the following described areas: A. Halls 1St, 2nd and 3" Additions B. Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates 1", 2°`', 3`d and 41h Additions C. Hidden Valley D. Deer Field Acres E. Walesch Estates I" and 2"d Additions F. Otsego Acres 1" and 2nd Additions G. Great .Raver AcresI't, 2"d and 3rd Additions H. Mason Avenue (CSAH 39 to 83rd Street NE), (Marlow Avenue NE to Mason Avenue NE) I. Marlow Avenue NE (83rd Street NE to 80t6 Street NE) J. 80th Street NE (Marlow Avenue NE to CSAH 19) and has presented such plans and specifications to the city council for approval; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such plans and specifications, a copy of which is attached, hereto and made a part hereof, are hereby approved. 2. Thecity clerk shall prepare and cause to be inserted in the official paper and in the Construction Bulletin an advertisement for bids upoti the making of such improvement under such approved plans and ;specifications. The advertisement shall be published for three weed s, shall specify the work to be done, shall state that bids will be received by the city clerk until 10:00am on August 5, 1999, at which time they will be publicly opened in the city hall by the city clerk and engineer, will thea be tabulated and will be considered by the city council at 6:30 pm on August 9, 1999. Any bidder whose res6nsibility is questioned during consideration. of the bid will be 07-09-1999 02:12PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.03 i gives} an opportunity to address the city council on the issue of respdnsibility. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the city clerk and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's cheA, bid bond or certified check for five percent (S%) of the amount of such bid. Adopted by the city council this day of , 1999. Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 0 TOTAL P.03 11 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. it & Municipal Engineering d Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 7/12/99 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax ITEM 7.1 APPROVE PLANS & SPECIFICATION FOR 1999 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND AUTHORIZE BID DATE. The attorney will provide a resolution to consider the action. We have provided a set of plans for the project at the City Hall. We appreciate any comments or questions on the project. We will require one easement for storm sewer pipe over Albert Shonyo's property on 80th Street. The majority of the piping will cross the City lot and then across the Albert Shonyo property to Otsego Creek. Upon review of existing culverts, we determine some need to be replaced, particularly in the Mason Ave., 83rd Street and 80th Street area. The first date of advertisement would be 7/16 and then 7/23 and 7/30 in the Construction Bulletin. The City would receive bid on August 5, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. in the City Hall. ITEM 7.2 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PARTIAL PAYMENT FOR PUMPHOUSE #1 — C.O.P. #98.02 Find attached a copy of the 1St Partial Payment due the Pumphouse contractor, EnComm, Inc., for the amount of $19,674.81. The contractor has completed the footings and below grading block, the buried pipe, hydrant and rough graded the access road. The contractor is 5% complete with this request. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Page 1 of 2 July 7, 1999 11CindylshareVOunicipaAAOTSEG019011ot901 agenda 7-12-99. doc ITEM 7.3 OTHER ENGINEERING BUSINESS For your information: A. Trunk Sewer & Water Project Force main completed from Wastewater Treatment Plant to 72nd Ave. (includes 65th Street and TH 101). 2. Continuing dewatering at lift station and for gravity sewer in the Quaday Ave. and CSAH 42 area. 3. Next will work on watermain from water tower to 72"d Ave. B. Water Tower and Tank Erection crews have moved on site and should be started by 7/8/99. The erection will take 4 to 6 weeks, at which time the painting crew arrives. C. 78th Street Trunk Water, Sewer and Street Project We intend to complete the plans and specifications for consideration of approval and set bid date at the 7/26/99 council meeting. We would propose taking bids on 8/17/99. D. The EAW for the proposed Street Construction for Quaday Ave., 78th Street & Page Ave. will be completed by this Council meeting. The document is not complete for this packet. We would recommend the document be approved and published in the EQB Monitor as soon as possible. We intend to get Mike Robertson a copy before council meeting for his review. City Engineer Council Agenda Items Hakanson Page 2 of 2 Anderson July 7, 1999 Assoc., Inc. 11CindylsharelMunicipaMOTSEG019011ot901 agenda 7-12-99. doc ITEM 7.2 PAY ESTIMATE #1 June 30,1999 CONTRACTOR Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Pumphouse #1 Contractor: EnComm Midwest, LLC. Contract Amount: $392,736.00 Award Date: April 29, 1999 Completion Date: Substantial Completion by November 15, 1999, Final Completion by July 1, 2000. Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: PART 1 BID SCHEDULE "A" - SITE WORK ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Estimated Item i Description Unit ................................................................................................................ Unit Price Used to Date Extension „Quant: ...P.........., t ....................... . 1 :Clearing. & Grubbing € 6: TREE€ $ _. 300.00 TREE: _..... ...._..... 4 - $ 1,200.00 -� .._.2................_ _ ...__ . _ _�_..._ _ . _ _... T &Excavation 1'• LS $ 1,200.00: ..........L LS 0.8 $ ....... ............................. •� {Grading .........................................a.................................a...................... 3 :Class V Gravel (LV) _ »_ 125: CY $ 15.00 ' CY € $ » »»„ 4 :Parking Lot Bituminous Pavement 140: SY : $ 23.50 ° SY $ .... t E.............................................................................. Y ....... 5 Concrete Walk & AC Pad 5.6 SY $ .. a............................... 60 00 SY 3 i......... _ 3 6 Sift Fence 120 LF : $ 200 LF 220 $ 440 00 ........... {.. ..................................................a............... ............ ........ Temporary Security Fences 420 LF : $ ............a.. 100 LF '• ....... ......... a 420 -J »� 420-00 »mS » �7 » 8 :Cedar Split Rail Fence 360: LF $ 5.90 s {.............,........................... LF .. .. i .......................... ................ ................ a.......... 9 : Rip Rap Class 111 : 25 CY $ 86 00 . CY $ - E �� t_....... _ -.... .............. 10 12" CMP Culvert 28 LF $ 20 00 -.a LF ....----i $ ....... .....{........................................................................................ a..................... ... .,.... 1�� 1 8" PVC Culvert : 20 LF ' $ ......... ............o.......................... 18.00 LF a € S - 12 :Seeding (includes seed? 0.7: AC : $ 800.00: AC $ - Mulching... 1.4i TON $..... 500 00 ;TON : w : $ ,....13 . ..-. . _.................... _.... _ _.............. 14 :Fertilizer :...............:.........................................................................................:............. 350... LBS....................0 ......LB...:. ............................. i.a TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": $ 3,020.00 BID SCHEDULE "B" - YARD PIPING ............................ ............................................................................................... ..Esfjmated .......................................... Item : Descri tion ? :Unit ' Unit Price. Used to Date : Extension ............................P. .Quantity 15 :4" Soil Pipe 180: LF : $ .................................................................................,............:.....................66.,............................................................................ 26.00 ': :..............-----...................................._..... LF $ 16 :4: Dia: Seepage Manhole : 2 EA $ 2,100.00 ....LF...a EA ............ $ ...........a.$...........2,080.00'i .. 17 :16" DIP Class 52 ,....LF...a x'...........80:00 .... .............a............................. <........... 1 ...............{.......... . . . . ..................................................................{..................................a 18 :10" DIP Class 52 6 LF $ .. 126.50: LF............. 6 ....... : $ ...... 759.00..: ...............:............................................................,........................................,............. ............................... 19 ; 8" DIP Class 52 : 255 LF $ 48.00 : LF i 25 ; $ 1,200.00 ................................:............................................................................... :Fittin95LB $ 3.35 LB :.........520..... .. 1,742.00. .....20......... ...........................;....................................;.................................., ................................................. .... :.....21 6"Flushing Hydrant including valve.&.P..iP..!.9............................?.:....LS : $ .......... ...............................................I. 2.700.00: LS ............ �..............'..$..........2!..x:00.: TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": $ 8,481.00 BID SCHEDULE "C" - WELL PUMP AND APPURTENANCES ......................... ................Y•Estjmated. ........................................... Item 'Descri tion Quant' : Unit Unit Price Used to Date I ....... Extension... ...................................................................................................•.:..............!h!..,.......................................,.............:........................... 21 :Turbine Well Motor 1; LS $ 5,100.00 LS $ - :.......................................:.........................................-................................:................................. :Well Head 1': LS : $ 1,900.00: LS ........... 23 "Column Pipe..»...........,»..........:..,..»»....».»..........:...» ,... �-F, ...a„...»,..,,.x.00..;. »LF .. ......................,..,,........, ,.$.............._..»...'... ».w.,..».». »..,.. s 24 1 114” Line Shaft 80: LF $ 12:00: LF : $ ........................ ...................... ...............:.........................................................................................:.................................s................ - 25 :Pump Bowl Assembly 1. LS $ 3. ...................... ...,.3.. ,... ....................................... .............................. .......................................... ;.... ; ...... 26 :Concrete Pump Base (includes reinforcment� : 4 CY : $ 200.00: ...........................{. Cy : $ .. _ {..............:..................................:....... 27 Pre -Lubrication Pipe & Valves»�»» 1' LS $ 300.00: LS a,.,._...,..... TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: $ TOTAL PART 1: $ 11,501.00 Share/Municipalrotsego%1507bt. xis Page 1 of 3 7!7/09 Sheel. PAY ESTIMATE 1 eo No lnh u. f r rr 5 f7 1� 4:7 �� a V i 4:7 �� a s � cn C.", .'Sy & �<-; ro r DeA s Q-1 �\ co n �S�y Asc:)n �G v\ V n mn i (n w CD I �I 0 w _ -_Block 1-=_-- --- -- _ Autumn �'\ } I '' 11 Z �------- ---------------- WOODS �� 7 8 m , 1 1.04 ; 1.12 ;� 2.2s ,, 1.29 \`\1.15 I 1.09 --- c-------------- N.E. .E_5757th St. t.1�......... 17 -_/- - . ,.�`'.04 3.11< 1 16515 9 1. 07 : 1.20 , .rn... t. x..r..�� -- I 14 ' 5 4 ��; `1.08\�, v \``� �`'---- - �'' �s\`.J ♦ t f / 2.30, `- 1.00�I \ \ t 1.46 i 1.459 ? 13 �,� 1.34 1.28 - ,', \ _ �� ` . a ► .^ 2.71 �- ..• • �' 2.08 • 1 I 1lw r ��~+�� `W L fy�M, t 1 O A A ` � 2 � �� '' "� „ -- � 1.21 '1 i 12 1 1.35 �\ `� �` �► ` I, I 1.60 �. --- ----- I I i --Block 2- ter' •. ` II - 11 1.15 2A4 HOMES p 1 : P - L - U S 1.45 B E I GD EE IR S 74. ` -29 Exclusive Homesites •1-3 Acre Lots -Protective Covenants oad 36 -Natural Gas Goljvm R -Underground Utilities c PART 2 BID SCHEDULE "A" - PUMPHOUSE ..................................................................................................... ....Item....: Description................................................................ 28 ;Pumphouse Building ................. i 29 Building Mechanical ...................................................... 30 ;Painting andProtective Coating ........................... ....:....... 31 :: Building Electrical & Controls ......... .......................... i..... 32.....SCADA System ................................................ TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": BID SCHEDULE "B"- CHEMICAL TREATMENT Item i Description !...............{................................................................................... 33 :Chlorine Gas Treatment 34 :,Fluoridation & Polyphosphate Treatment 35 Process Water Piping for Chemical Treatment t........... ; ?.....36 Booster Pum.. ...................................... TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": BID SCHEDULE "C" - PERMITS ..................................................................................................... ;...Item Description .............................................. 37 :Permits TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C' BID SCHEDULE"D"- MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION Estin Item Description Qua 38 :Mobilization & Demobilization ..................................................................................... TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D": TOTAL PART 2: ALTERNATIVE "A": Portable Power Generator Unit Unit Price Used to Date ` Extension ............ ,. ii. ..........; .............. $....... .4 494.75 ...LS... :.$...69,150.00.....LS 1 LS $ 45,250.00: ....:..........0,065........... LS $ -.._., {................ 1 LS :.$.....6,200:00..€....�5 ............................... ..........I .................. ................:.. 1 LS $...65,980:00 LS r................................. `: : $ - ...r. 1: LS i $ 84,920.00: .................................................................... LS ................................................................... $ - $ 4,494.75 . ........ ...........I....................... ........................ ............................ UnitUnit Price Used to Date Extension .................. ................. ........................................a;.............................n 1 LS : $ 19,800.00: LS $„ 1 LS$ 5780.00: LS .. ................. ............... 1 LS $ ..............{............................................:.... 1,200.00:... LS..,i ........................... '..a......... ........ . LS : $ 7 80.00_.: LS ................ : $ .... $ 27,560.00 $ Unit Unit Price Used to Date Extension :............... ............................; LS€$2�.00 i LS:0:607. $...........1214:58 .........�.........................:,..: $ 1,214.58 Unit MLS Item 'Descri tion Quanti Unit ..........................P..........................................................................................h!........................... 39 •. Portable Power Generator as per Section 16201 ? 1: LS $ 37 SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule "A" - SITE WORK Bid Schedule "B" - YARD PIPING Bid Schedule "C" -WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule "A" - PUMPHOUSE Bid Schedule "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule "C" - PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Alternative "A" - GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: Price Used to Date Extension 00 LS € ........ OS $ 3.500: 0 .................................................. . $ 3,500.00 $ 9,209.33 PriceUsed to Date Extension nn€tS 0$ $ 3,020.00 $ 8,481.00 $ 11,501.00 $ 4,494.75 $ 1,214.58 $ 3,5C0.00 $ 9,209.33 $ $ 20,710.33 $ 1,035.52 $ 19,674.81 Share/Municipa1/0tseg010t 507bt. xls 717199 Sheet PAY ESTIMATE 1 Page 2 of 3 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: . Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: SharelMunicipal/Otsego%t507bt.x/s Page 3 of 3 717199 Sheet PAY ESTIMATE 1 g 0 V "'r kAA CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ July 12, 1999 (Non -Controversial Items) 6:30PM ITEM NUI113ER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 1. Approve the EAW for Construction of Quaday Ave, 78TH ST and Page Ave. 2. Approve Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik & Associates, Inc. Payment No. 2 Wastewater Treatment Facility for $309,196.30. BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is the above referenced EAW for Council to consider for approval. 5.2. Attached is a letter from Glenn Gustafson RE: BRA File No. 503-99-100 Progress Report 42 for Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility dated July 7, 1999 along with the Request for Payment #2 for Council review and consideration for approval. RECONI 1ENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, Elaine E ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET (EAW) NOTE TO REVIEWERS Comments must be submitted to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), during the 30 -day comment period following notice of the EAW in the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Monitor. (Contact the MPCA or the EQB to learn when the comment period ends.) Comments should address the accuracy and completeness of the information, potential impacts that may warrant further investigation, and the need for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). 1. Project Title 78th Street and Page Avenue, City of Otsego Project 99.03 2. Proposer City of Otsego 3. RGU City of Otsego Contact Person Larry Koshak Contact Person Mike Robertson and Title City Engineer and Title City Administrator Address 3601 Thurston Avenue Address 8899 Nashua Avenue Anoka, MN 55330 Otsego, MN 55330 Phone 612-427-5860 Phone 612-441-4414 4. Reason for EAW Preparation EIS Scoping X Mandatory EAW Citizen Petition RGU Discretion Proposer Volunteered If EAW or EIS is mandatory give EQB rule category number(s). Minnesota Rules 4410.43, Subpart 22, Highway Project construction of a new road over one mile in length, acting as a collector. 5. Project Location N '/4 Section 27 and SW 1/a Section 22, Township 121, Range 23 County Wright City/Twp Otsego Attach copies of each of the following to the EAW: Figure 1. Wright County Map showing project location Figure 2. USGS map indicating the project area Figure 3 Project Location Map, from City Feasibility Study Figure 4 Transportation Map, from City Comprehensive Plan Figure 5. Excerpt from County soils map showing project location Figure 6. Excerpt from National Wetland Inventory Map showing project location TDD (tor hearing and speech impaired only): (612)282-5332 Printed on recycled paper containing at least l 0% fibers from paper recycled by consumers 6. Description Give a complete description of the proposed project and ancillary facilities. Emphasize construction and operation methods and features that will cause physical manipulation of the environment or produce wastes. Indicate the timing and duration of construction activities. The project will construct approximately 9000 LF (1.7 miles) of 2 lane local collector street within a newly developing area of Otsego. The construction is a 45 foot wide urban section bituminous surfaced street with concrete curb and gutter within an 80 foot wide right of way. Public utilities constructed coincident with the street will include trunk sanitary sewer, watermain and storm drainage pipes. Provide a 50 or fewer word abstract for use in the EQB Monitor Notice: 7. The project will construct 1.7 miles of 45 foot wide urban section local collector street. Work will include sanitary sewer, watermain and drainage facilities to serve adjacent developments. Project Magnitude Data Total Project Area (acres) 16.5 Ac or Length (miles) _ Number of Residential Units U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Unattached Not Applicable Attached Commercial/Industrial/Institutional Building Area (gross floor space) Total Not Applicable square feet; Indicate area of specific uses: Section 401 Certification of Office Manufacturing Retail Other Industrial Warehouse Institutional Light Industrial Agricultural Other Commercial (specify) Building Height(s) 1.7 miles Not Applicable 8. Permits and Approvals Required List all known local, state, and federal permits, approvals and funding required: Unit of Government Type of Application Status U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Dredge and Fill To be obtained Nationwide Permit 12 MPCA Section 401 Certification of To be obtained Section 404 Nationwide Permit MPCA Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit To be obtained City of Otsego Certificate of Wetland To be obtained Exemption Wright County Roadway Work in County R.O.W. To be obtained DNR Temporary Ground Water To be obtained Appropriation Permit MN Board of Health Watermain Extension Permit To be obtained -2- 9. Land Use Describe current and recent past land use and development on the site and on adjacent lands. Discuss the compatibility of the project with adjacent and nearby land uses; indicate whether any potential conflicts involve environmental matters. Identify any potential environmental hazard due to past land uses, such as soil contamination or abandoned storage tanks. Existing land use is agricultural. Adjacent land use is either agricultural or low density residential (1 Ac to 2 '/i Ac lot size). The entire area is proposed for service by public sanitary sewer and water. The area and adjacent properties are currently being platted and subdivided for urban service residential lots (15,000 SF lot size). 10. Cover Types Estimate the acreage of the site with each of the following cover types before and after development (before and after totals should be equal): 11. Fish, Wildlife, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources a. Describe fish and wildlife resources on or near the site and discuss how they would be affected by the project. Describe any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. There are no fish resources. Wildlife would be limited to species normal to agricultural land and associated untilled fence rows. The habitat will be lost. b. Are there any state -listed endangered, threatened, or special -concern species; rare plant communities; colonial waterbird nesting colonies; native prairie or other rare habitat; or other sensitive ecological resources on or near the site? X Yes No If yes, describe the resource and how it would be affected by the project. Indicate if a site survey of the resources was conducted. Describe measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. An EAW prepared for the City of Otsego trunk sewer and water system in 1998 identified a sighting of a loggerhead shrike. Any habitat for such wildlife within the project area will be lost. 12. Physical Impacts on Water Resources Will the project involve the physical or hydrologic alteration (dredging, filling, stream diversion, outfall structure, diking, impoundment) of any surface water (lake, pond, wetland, stream, drainage ditch)? X Yes No The road construction crosses an unnamed creek that serves as the outlet for DNR wetland 6W. This unnamed creek will be contained within culvert pipe under the new road. The road embankment will result in fill of 1500 SF of wetland adjacent to the creek. -3- Before After Types 2 to 8 Wetlands Wooded/Forest Brush/Grassland Crop Land 14.7 0 Urban/Suburban Lawn/Landscaping 0.8 7.2 Ac Impervious Surface 9.3 Ac Other (describe) Existing Gravel Road 1.0 Ac 0.0 11. Fish, Wildlife, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources a. Describe fish and wildlife resources on or near the site and discuss how they would be affected by the project. Describe any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. There are no fish resources. Wildlife would be limited to species normal to agricultural land and associated untilled fence rows. The habitat will be lost. b. Are there any state -listed endangered, threatened, or special -concern species; rare plant communities; colonial waterbird nesting colonies; native prairie or other rare habitat; or other sensitive ecological resources on or near the site? X Yes No If yes, describe the resource and how it would be affected by the project. Indicate if a site survey of the resources was conducted. Describe measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. An EAW prepared for the City of Otsego trunk sewer and water system in 1998 identified a sighting of a loggerhead shrike. Any habitat for such wildlife within the project area will be lost. 12. Physical Impacts on Water Resources Will the project involve the physical or hydrologic alteration (dredging, filling, stream diversion, outfall structure, diking, impoundment) of any surface water (lake, pond, wetland, stream, drainage ditch)? X Yes No The road construction crosses an unnamed creek that serves as the outlet for DNR wetland 6W. This unnamed creek will be contained within culvert pipe under the new road. The road embankment will result in fill of 1500 SF of wetland adjacent to the creek. -3- 13. Water Use a. Will the project involve the installation or abandonment of any wells? b. Will the project require an appropriation of ground or surface water (including dewatering)? X Yes No If yes, indicate the source, quantity, duration, purpose of the appropriation, and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) water appropriation permit number of any existing appropriation. Discuss the impact of the appropriation on ground water levels. The project includes extension of sanitary sewer, watermain and storm drainage pipes. All such utility lines require dewatering. The contractor for the project will apply for a appropriations permit. c. Will the project require connection to a public water supply? X Yes No If yes, identify the supply, the DNR water appropriation permit number of the supply, and the quantity to be used. The municipal well is still under construction. The DNR appropriation permit has been applied for. The unique well number is 622715. 14. Water -related Land Use Management Districts Does any part of the project site involve a shoreland zoning district, a delineated 100 -year flood plain, or a state or federally designated wild or scenic river land use district? Yes X No If yes, identify the district and discuss the compatibility of the project with the land use restrictions of the district. 15. Water Surface Use Will the project change the number or type of watercraft on any water body? Yes X No If yes, indicate the current and projected watercraft usage and discuss any potential overcrowding or conflicts with other users or fish and wildlife resources. 16. Soils Approximate depth (in feet) to: Ground Water: minimum: 0 ft. to 4 ft. average: 10 ft. Bedrock: minimum: 100 ft. average: 150 ft. Describe the soils on the site, giving Soil Conservation Service (SCS) classifications, if known. (SCS interpretations and soil boring logs need not be attached.) Soil Types S1_ o ke Bd Biscay Loam, Sandy Subsoil Variant EtB2 Estherville Sandy Loam 2-6% slope HrB Hubbard Loamy Sand 2-6% slope HrC2 Hubbard Loamy Sand 6-12% slope HrE2 Hubbard Loamy Sand 12-35% slope HuA Hubbard Sandy Loam 0-2% slope HuB Hubbard Sandy Loam 2-6% slope TcA Terril Loam, Sandy Substratum 0-2% slope Soils are primarily Hubbard Sandy Loams — classified as SM soils. 17. Erosion and Sedimentation Give the acreage to be graded or excavated and the cubic yards of soil to be moved: 16.5 acres; 60,000 cubic yards. Describe any steep slopes or highly erodible soils and identify them on the site map. Most soils are moderately erodible. -4- Describe the erosion and sedimentation measures to be used during and after construction of the project. Best management practice erosion control will be employed including silt fences, hay bales and timely vegetation establishment. 18. Water Quality - Surface Water Runoff a. Compare the quantity and quality of site runoff before and after the project. Describe methods to be used to manage and/or treat runoff. All areas disturbed by construction will be restored. Post construction runoff from paved areas will be routed to environmental ponding areas prior to discharge. b. Identify the route(s) and receiving water bodies for runoff from the site. Estimate the impact of the runoff on the quality of the receiving waters. The road is an urban section design, with curb, gutter, catchbasins and storm pipes. Runoff will be routed to sedimentation ponds prior to discharge to wetlands and to an unnamed creek that drains the area. Ultimate discharge of surface water is to the Mississippi River just east of the project area. 19. Water Quality - Wastewaters a. Describe sources, quantities, and composition (except for normal domestic sewage) of all sanitary and industrial wastewaters produced or treated at the site. None b. Describe any waste treatment methods to be used and give estimates of composition after treatment. Identify waters (including ground water) and estimate the impact of the discharge on the quality of the receiving waters. Not Applicable. c. If wastes will be discharged into a sewer system or pretreatment system, identify the system and discuss the ability of the system to accept the volume and composition of the wastes. Identify any improvements which will be necessary. Not Applicable 20. Ground Water - Potential for Contamination a. Approximate depth (in feet) to ground water: 0 ft. to 4 ft. minimum; 10 ft. average. b. Describe any of the following site hazards to ground water and also identify them on the site map: sinkholes, shallow limestone formations/karst conditions; soils with high infiltration rates; abandoned or unused wells. Describe measures to avoid or minimize environmental problems due to any of these hazards. There arecrio unusual site or soil conditions or hazards. There will be infiltration of surface water via retention in extensive ponding systems. c. Identify any toxic or hazardous materials to be used or present on the project site and identify measures to be used to prevent them from contaminating ground water. Fuel oils and materials normal to construction equipment will be on the site during project construction. Routine inspection of equipment and any storage areas will verify no leakage of petroleum products. 21. Solid Wastes; Hazardous Wastes; Storage Tanks a. Describe the types, amounts, and compositions of solid or hazardous wastes to be generated, including animal manures, sludges and ashes. Identify the method and location of disposal. For projects generating municipal solid waste indicate if there will be a source separation plan: list type(s) and how the project will be modified to allow recycling. None -5- b. Indicate the number, location, size, and use of any above or below ground tanks to be used for storage of petroleum products or other materials (except water). None 22. Traffic Parking spaces added none . Existing spaces (if project involves expansion) none . Estimated total Average Daily Traffic (ADT) generated Estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated (if known) and its timing: For each affected road indicate the ADT and the directional distribution of traffic with and without the project. Provide an estimate of the impact on traffic congestion on the affected roads and describe any traffic improvements which will be necessary. The project itself does not generate traffic. It is a local collector street intended to serve approximately 400 acres of future and potential residential development areas. This local collector road is intended to convey that future traffic to regional collector or arterial roads without congestion. Ultimate traffic on the road is likely to be in the range of 5000 to 7000 ADT. 23. Vehicle -related Air Emissions Provide an estimate of the effect of the project's traffic generation on air quality, including carbon monoxide levels. Discuss the effect of traffic improvements or other mitigation measures on air quality impacts. This project does not create vehicle related air omissions other than emissions from construction equipment. The project is a local collector street intended to efficiently convey traffic from projected and future residential development. 24. Stationary Source Air Emissions Will the project involve any stationary sources of air emissions (such as boilers or exhaust stacks)? Yes X No If yes, describe the sources, quantities, and composition of the emissions; the proposed air pollution control devices; the quantities and composition of the emissions after treatment, and the effects on air quality. 25. Will the Project Generate Dust, Odors, or Noise during Construction and/or Operation? If yes, describe the sources, characteristics, duration, and quantities or intensity, and any proposed measures to mitigate adverse impacts. Also identify the locations of sensitive receptors in the vicinity and estimate the impacts on these receptors. Dust normal to earthwork and road construction activities will be mitigated by spraying water for dust control. Noise will be mitigated by working hours limited to normal daytime. There are no sensitive noise receptors adjacent to the project. 26. Are Any of the Following Resources on or in Proximity to the Site: a. Archaeological, historical, or architectural resources? Yes X No b. Prime or unique farmlands? X Yes No c. Designated parks, recreation areas, or trails? Yes X No d. Scenic views and vistas? Yes X No e. Other unique resources? Yes X No If any items are answered yes, describe the resource and identify any impacts on the resources due to the project. Describe any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. The project will be constructed on property that is currently used for agriculture. That area is likely not unique, but it will be permanently lost to agriculture. The project serves approximately 400 acres of new residential development that will occur on existing agricultural land. That future developmental use will convert farmland to residential property in the relatively near future. 27. Will the Project Create Adverse Visual Impacts? (Examples include: glare from intense lights; lights visible in wilderness areas; and large visible plume from cooling towers or exhaust stacks.) Yes X No If yes, explain. 28. Compatibility with Plans Is the project subject to an adopted local comprehensive land use plan or any other applicable land use, water, or resource management plan of a local, regional, state, or federal agency? X Yes No If yes, identify the applicable plan(s), discuss the compatibility of the project with the provisions of the plan(s), and explain how any conflicts between the project and the plan(s) will be resolved. If no, explain. The City of Otsego Comprehensive Plan guides this area for residential development to be served by municipal sewer and water. The City of Otsego Stormwater Management Plan has identified and directed implementation of a surface water management plan to pond, retain and control development related surface water runoff. 29. Impact on Infrastructure and Public Services Will new or expanded utilities, roads, other infrastructure, or public services be required to serve the project? X Yes No If yes, describe the new or additional infrastructure/services needed This project is a component of an overall City of Otsego plan for providing municipal sanitary sewer and water to existing and future development areas. There are no additional public service required to serve this project, but the project is part of the public services that will be provided to serve planned development areas. 30. Related Developments; Cumulative Impacts a. Are future stages of this development planned or likely? X Yes No If yes, briefly describe future stages, their timing, and plans for environmental review. This project is a local collector street that is in conformance with the transportation element of the City Comprehensive Plan. There will likely be future extensions of roads both westerly and southerly from the project. Such extensions are not currently programmed. b. Is this project a subsequent stage of an earlier project? X Yes No If yes, briefly describe the past development, its timing, and any past environmental review. The City of Otsego is in the process of providing municipal services including sanitary sewer and water. An environmental assessment worksheet was prepared and distributed on September 18, 1998 for the Otsego Sanitary Sewer Collection System and Wastewater Treatment Facility. Subsequent to finding of no significant impact for that EAW, the collection system and treatment plant are now under construction. This project is within the service area for those municipal sewer facilities. c. Is other development anticipated on adjacent lands or outlots? Yes X No If yes, briefly describe the development and its relationship to the present project. Individual subdivisions and residential development plats have been submitted to the City for properties adjacent to this local collector street project. Those developments are expected to be approved for phased construction. d. If a, b, or c were marked yes, discuss any cumulative environmental impacts resulting from this project and the other development. Cumulative impacts resulting from this project and the other developments that will occur within areas planned for urban residential subdivision include existing habitat loss and conversion of existing farmland to residential use. Cumulative impacts can be controlled and mitigated by in- -7- place City of Otsego planning and regulatory programs including Best Management Practices for Wetland Impacts and Surface Water Management in conformance with the Otsego Drainage Plan and Policies. 31. Other Potential Environmental Impacts If the project may cause any adverse environmental impacts which were not addressed by items 1 to 28, identify and discuss them here, along with any proposed mitigation. None identified. 32. SUMMARY OF ISSUES List any impacts and issues identified that may require further investigation before the project is commenced. Discuss any alternatives or mitigative measures that have been or may be considered for these impacts and issues, including those that have been or may be ordered as permit conditions. None identified. CERTIFICATIONS BY THE RGU (all 3 certifications must be signed for EQB acceptance of the EAW for publication of notice in the EQB Monitor). A. I hereby certify that the information contained in this document is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature B. I hereby certify that the project described in this EAW is the complete project and there are no other projects, project stages, or project components, other than those described in this document, which are related to the project as "connected actions" or "phased actions," as defined, respectively, at Minn. R. 4410.0200, subp. 9b and subp. 60. Signature C. I hereby certify that copies of the completed EAW are being sent to all points on the official EQB EAW distribution list. Signature Name and Title of Signer Date WRIGHT COUNTY MAP SHOWING PRnJECT LOCATION dir,n i Lax Mud Rka Laka 1 La .e 79 ' 1 I 3 i 1715 1 33 33 I i 17 I I i �'i Twin I ELK 23 �� 11 35 12 19 I RlYER 1 II kw�t�n '. 23 29 Z7 I 23 163 44 22 j 101 40 33 14 33 3s 'o 31 1 F a 1 { r �12 1 64 1 139 'a I 42 ,s 63 ,zo I Y st a Project t lo o s 21 23 Z� , 9 101 sr. zo 1 i Z" M a 13 O L. 17 a x 27 25 rrZS 30 29 i 23 V zs 25 �,. .� Itc-ca L. 37 19 42 33 crn sr. m 3rs 3i 32 34 _ 3 3a 33 6 118 _ ST: 37 ------- ' . - -- ------ `", At�TT T A u,>,a 36 1 Z 3 } I 35 �, 94 d 2 ------------ 7 LAW {{ ll Y.l f••.. �.. .. 14� 1 ST. YICHAE>. ,j le s �" 1S 22 r I t yba 121 Co..1. —_—_—, i 3 I Cumand LAX.- - P . 1 ani 'T. R��L11 O Lb ` y •_-___-_- �a.. Malfan` L.ik• _I rll.. '� � I iL'.•. S 24 �r'' ■ I ° 7t— • I .• - . 120 33 Rogers 49 _•• F..n<n ,�. � w 28 Hassan IJY. 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K r- figure o PROJECT LOCATION MAP PAGE AVENUE, 78TH ST. & QUADAY AVENUE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE 03/99 FILE OT337 aB W ri ht Count Soils Map - --- s. ,,, EtA Hu82 f �_• i' _ ESA •_ / 0: t,. ::.3�'- 4••...., \ - Et82 � y � -�uA2 :�_�i ��� c R3'r�.,,• � *..�....-�_ °S�y� �- qV Z Fr WaB2 oe7' J Y r,�.�1 t� �y`4 .�•rl a-t? t tea:, t *� '4� HUA2 ,a~ U82 Hrli \yp� Hu FaA uA Hu B2 m r � (.I ' �\ ti -a• . ti 6q. . '•rte` ...�, t,•., k ,�s 1 , Il I � r+•.•�. y,� �s� 1 ,V .� 3'+ Y •C ��'�� 7 � � i �'. i'{� - N� �..,r ,.I,:.. yG92 a ii' HlTA2 \` E tB2. \ j . y� "- �: EtA 2 ' ' r't' 1 '^t•� lj �\� HuB 0 a Et62 ,2 " • `r - � _ • . r . `8v r �. f •r], . tl� . „4"'� 1 ri �"`-ti,. _ - Fre� , c- `�' Eby / 1 •� x :t 'i �. `r :q...•. j 1 '_ rt ". EtA: iF� 1 j . ` HrE2 / Bb N. 9bt + t r T TIA . ti• \\ r c .,.. / - � '\rt r+` . #6 m .. r r .. \• �HuB2 HuA \`� ` .,/ HuB2 �. . HrC2 ' ug Hub TIAL - HrC2 • yGe� \\\ rV �, HUA2 (� H rC y 8 WaA Elb ' Hu HuA e 1 Hu62 HUB2 Hr82 rsf HrC2 _ 1" •" Bb\ :" �. 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I R2U6G• V O PEW i PFJrtC -- Pro t c . i EPEMC I �. z�- __ j lrTf pec QUBF \u6Ex p£MA $IC ' vEMc PE±vVIr�i� bP C PFUICd� 1 PUBFxd ;�; PEMC r � PFO1C P MC PSSICd \ - Pi01CdI � MC' ( MAT A P \ \ FEMA' ' • ' _ '--_ .= ..� PEMF PEMCd • PEMC \ I �n -PEMA pEMA. L etc 5S►C si. _�n�\- PEMC MIC PEMC `OIA �\ PEMAIZ Q Pssm PEMF 2 z i PEMC--� b e! PEMC �� „� �PEr�IC.d PEMCd r �\ ,D PEMT3 PFOICa �y Q rtl i MIA FU EMC( PEMFP�t r P I '' `` PEOF \(� PEMC P 55 Cd EPUBFz 55 Cd �pEM � i MMA / PEMA � PEMCd ?EMC I PEMF t '� 1FLiBf PEMCd_ n1PUBFh PUBG 71 PFO1C o--PEMC I Figure 6 SPECIAL NOTE NC This document was oreoared orlmar lv by sterensrnn.r CVRAPni r1r-V GYA ILADI C • A- Bonestroo oRosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects July 7, 1999 Mr. David Sahli Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Rd N St Paul, NIN 55155-4194 Bonestroo. Rosene. Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative Action; Equal Opportunity Employer Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. PE. • Joseph C. Anderlik. P.E. • Marvin L. Sorvala, P.E. Glenn R. Cook, P.E. -Robert G. Schunicht. PE. • Jerry A. Bourdon, P.E. Robert W Rosene, PE., Richard E. Turner, PE. and Susan M. Eberlin, C.PA., Senior Consultants Associate Principals: Howard A. Sanford. P.E. Keith A. Gordon, PE. • Robert R. Pfefferle, PE. Richard W Foster, PE. • David O. Loskota. PE. Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. Michael T. Rautmann. PE. • Ted K.Field, P.E. • Kenneth P Anderson, PE. • Mark R. Rolfs, P.E. Sidney P Williamson, PE., L.S. • Robert F. Kotsmith • Agnes M. Ring • Allan Rick Schmidt, P.E. Offices: St. Paul, Rochester, Willmar and St. Cloud, MN • Milwaukee, WI Website: www.bonestroo.com Re: Progress Report #2 (June) Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility Otsego, Minnesota BRA File No. 503-99-100 Dear Mr. Sahli, The construction of the Otsego WWTF is coming along per the Contractor's schedule. The prime contractor is Gridor Construction. The following is a progress report for the month of June. June, 1999 - Concrete installation began for many of the structures. The foundation slabs were poured for the control building, chemical building, oxidation ditches, sludge storage tank, and digester. The foundation walls were poured for the control building and the chemical building. GNIE was on site for all pours to test the quality control of the concrete and test the suitability of the soils. There were many days of rain in June but due to the sandy materials in excavated areas the Contractor was able to work most days. E.H. Renner and Sons drilled the water well and began developing the well. Overall the project seems to be on track with the Contractor's schedule. If you have any questions concerning the progress report or the Contractor's schedule please cal: me at (651) 604-4888. Sincerely, BONE O SENE, ANDERLIK & AS CIATES, INC. Glenn Gustafson cc: Mike Robertson, City of Otsego Shirley Stater, City of Dayton Ted Field, BR.AA Don Burgardt, BRAA 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 1 Bonestroo osene nderlik & Associates 'ngineers & Architects Owner: City of Otsego, 8899 nashua Ave NE, Otsego, MN 55330 Date: July 7, 1999 ::or Period: June 1, 1999 to June 28, 1999 Request No: 2 contractor: Gridor Constr., Inc., 1886 Berkshire Lane, P.O. Box 41246, Plymouth, MN 55441 REQUEST FOR PAYMENT Wastewater Treatment Facility File No. 503-99-100 SUMMARY 1 Original Contract Amount 2 Change Order - Addition 3 Change Order - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 5 Value Completed to Date 6 Material on Hand 7 Amount Earned 8 Less Retainage 5% Subtotal Less Amount Paid Previously 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST FOR PAYMENT NO. Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. �3 Approved by Contractor. GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. Specified Contract Completion Date: K:\503991001pr1 Pa Approved by Owner: CITY OF OTSEGO Date: $ 2,029,323.00 $ 2,029,323.00 $ 407,960.00 $ 153,654.00 $ 561,614.00 $ 28,080.70 $ 533,533.30 $ 224,337.00 $ 309,196.30 GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE P.O. BOX 41246 612-559-3734 PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 Owner CITY OF OTSEGO, NEN Date 6/28/99 For Period 6/1/99 TO 6/28/99 Request No. 2 Engineer BOIv'ESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SUMMARY., 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 2 CHANGE ORDER - ADDITION 3 CHANGE ORDER - DEDUCTION 4 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 5 VALUE COMPLETED TO DATE 6 MATERIAL STORED 7 AMOUNT EARNED THIS PERIOD 8 LESS RETAINAGE - 5% 9 SUB -TOTAL 10 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. (Project Engineer) Approved by Contractor: GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. ROBERT MEYER )"_ (Project Manager) U 6/30/99 Specified Contract Completion Date: 7/1/00 PAYXLS 6/30/99 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER $ 2,029,323 $ 2,029,323 $ 407,960 $ 153,654 $ 561,614 $ 28,081 $ 533,533 $ 224,337 S 309,196 Approved by Owner: CITY OF ... Date UNIT BID ITEM NO WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, NIN DESCRIPTION PAY ESTIMATE NO. 6/1/99 TO 6/28/99 AMOUNT CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY AMOUNT APPROVED 2 AMOUNT COMPLETED THIS PERIOD TOTAL COMPELTED TO DATE 1 SILT FENCE 3200 1.30 4,160 3,715 3,715 2 EROSION- HAY BALES 150 5.00 750 250 250 3 18" PVC, SDR 35, 0'-8' DEEP 500 25.50 12,750 12,622 12,622 4 24" PVC, SDR 35, 0'-8' DEEP 520 35.50 18,460 18,460 18,460 5 24" PVC, SDR 35, 8'-10' DEEP 200 37.00 7,400 7,770 7,770 6 24" PVC, SDR 35, 10'-12' DEEP 25 38.00 950 950 950 7 24" PVC, SDR 35, 12'-14' DEEP 40 39.00 1,560 1,560 1,560 8 24" PVC, SDR 35, 14'-16' DEEP 45 42.00 1,890 1,470 1,470 9 24" PVC, SDR 35, 16'-18' DEEP 140 45.50 6,370 6,370 6,370 16 18" DIRECTIONAL BORING 130 242.00 31,460 31,460 31,460 17 4 FT. SANITARY MANHOLE 5 1682.00 8,410 8,410 8,410 18 4 FT. MANHOLE OVER 8' DEEP 32 90.00 2,880 1,989 1,989 19 CONC. COLLAR OVER HDPE 1 1160.00 1,160 1,160 1,160 20 FOUNDATION MATERIAL 1300 0.01 13 0 21 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) 4900 1.75 8,575 8,575 8,575 22 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE 3300 5.80 19,140 17,388 17,388 23 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW -C 3800 6.20 23,560 16,895 16,895 24 18" RCP CLASS 5 42 37.00 1,554 1,184 1,184 15 18" RCP APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 2 830.00 1,660 1,660 1,660 26 4" PERF. DRAIN TILE W/SOCK & 108 6.00 648 564 564 27 GEOTEXTILE FAB. TYPE V-STR 4000 1.30 5,200 4,485 4,485 28 SEED W/ TOPSOIL & FERT. 6.5 2830.00 18,395 0 29 SOD W/ TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER 9000 2.20 19,800 0 30 WELL MOBILIZATION 1 19000.00 19,000 16,150 16,150 31 DRILL, CASE & GROUT 6" WELL 150 34.00 5,100 5,440 5,440 32 DRILL HOLE THRU IRONTON-G 50 16.00 800 1,680 1,680 33 DEVELOP WELL BY JETTING 20 160.00 3,200 0 34 DEVELOPMENT OF WELL 20 160.00 3,200 640 640 35 TEST PUMPING 16 105.00 1,680 0 36 6" SCREEN IN PLACE 20 50.00 1,000 0 37 15" RCP, CLASS 5 70 32.50 2,275 1,040 1,040 38 15" RCP, APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 4 790.00 3,160 1,580 1,580 39 12" RCP, CLASS 5 24 24.50 588 588 588 40 12" RCP, APRON W/ TRASH GRD 1 655.00 655 655 655 41 RIP RAP - CLASS 3 ` 20 62.50 1,250 500 500 42 AND'L. 4' WIDE SIDEWALK / L.F. 150 5.80 870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PART 1 239,523 151,300 23,910 175,210 MATERIAL STORED 0 0 0 (CHANGE ORDERS) 0 0 TOTAL 239,523 151,300 23,910 175,210 Prepared by Bob Meyer 6/30/99 ITEM NO 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 LS BID WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, NIN. DESCRIPTION BOND AND MOBILIZATION EXCAVATION & BACKFILL FINE GRADE SITE CHAIN LINK FENCE CONCRETE WORK 1300 C. Y. 270.00 REINF. STEEL 125 TON 1000.00 PRECAST CONCRETE MASONRY MISC. METALS, WEIRS & BAFFLES CARPENTRY & ROOFING F. R. P. DOMES & COVERS INSULATION METAL SIDING & TRIM CAULKING DOORS, FRAMES & FIN. HDW. WINDOWS PAINTING FINISH CEILINGS SPECIALTIES CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP FINAL CLARIFIERS BLOWERS AERATION MECHANICAL AERATORS SUBMERSIBLE MIXER CHEMICAL TANKS & PUMPS SAMPLER & PARSHALL FLUME FLOW METERS U -V DISINFECTION ODOR CONTROL LAB EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE PROCESS PIPE, VALVES - MATERIALS PIPE LABOR - EXTERIOR PIPE LABOR - INTERIOR PLUMBING VENTILATION ELECTRICAL SUBTOTAL MATERIAL STORED (CHANGE ORDERS) UNIT PRICE ITEMS TOTAL PAY ESTIMATE NO. 6/1/99 TO 6/28/99 CONTRACT AMOUNT 25,000 142,000 3,000 15,000 351,000 125,000 5,000 32,000 46,000 33,000 60,000 1,000 28,000 800 12,000 6,000 39,000 4,000 4,000 23,000 7,000 19,000 60,000 27,000 11,000 96,000 13,000 22,000 7,000 6,000 43,000 23,000 19,000 110,000 72,000 8,000 34,000 24,000 236,000 AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY APPROVED 20,000 52,600 2 AMOUNT COMPLETED THIS PERIOD TOTAL COMPELTED TO DATE 232,750 20,000 21,400 74,000 0 0 0 97,000 97,000 35,000 35,000 561,614 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 0 4,750 4,750 0 1,000 1,000 0 1,791,800 72,600 160,150 232,750 12,244 141,410 153,654 0 151,300 23,910 175,210 1,791,800 236,144 325,470 561,614 Prepared by Brent P. Theisen 6/30/99 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY OTSEGO, 'i'vLN ITEM NO. DESCRIPTION SUPPLIER STORED MAT'L MATERIAL STORED PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 PREVIOUS THIS NET AMOUNT AMOUNT INSTALLED AMOUNT 6 MISC. REINF. A,lIABASSADOR STEEL 11 F R P DOMES & COVER FIBERGLASS STRUCTURES 28 CHEMICAL PUMPS MILTON ROY 12,244 34 D. I. PIPE PLAINT & FLANGED 34 SUMP BASKET TRI STATE PUMP 34 PVC PIPE & FITTINGS INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 34 MANHOLE CASTINGS NEENAH 38 HVAC GREEN MECH. 54,511 17,500 3 i,u t i 56,763 56,763 12,244 42,009 42,009 532 532 490 490 605 605 4,000 4,000 12,244 158,910 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED Prepared by Brent P. Theisen 6/28/99 17,500 153,654 141,410 PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER CITY OF OTSEGO File No. 503-99-100 CONTRACTOR GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount Total Change Orders PAYMENT SUMMARY Completed NO. 1 muni start v 06/08/99 .j....... 224,336.80 11,807.20 223,900.00 2 06/08/99 06/28/99 309,196.30 28,081.00 407,960.00 Material on Hand $153,654.00 Total Payment to Date $533,533.10 _Original Contract $2,029,323.00 Retainage Pay No. 2 28,080.70 Change Orders Total Amount Earned $561,613.80 Revised Contract $2,029,323.00 payrequesQ File. RCA-CC.WPS 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: XfEETLtiG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ July 12, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Consider Wright -Hennepin proposal concerning Water Service Billing (Cont. from last agenda) B. Consider Unlimited Electric Quote for updating Electric in City Shed. C. Report on EDAAC Meeting - Consider quotes for marketing sign D. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND 9.1. A. Mike Robertson will be present to discuss Wright-Hennepin's proposal. See attached copy of letter dated 6/10/99 and proposal from Wright Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association from last agenda packet. B. Attached is a copy of a quote and a memo dated July 1, 1999 from Mike Robertson. He will explain and answer questions. C. Attached is a memo from Mike Robertson Re: EDAAC Meeting. Please be aware that the quotes for the sign will be given to Council Monday night as we have not yet received all of them. Mike Robertson will review with Council. D. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval needed. Thanks, e e BOARD DIRECTORS • Alvin E. Heinz, Chairman Rogers, XfN • Chris A. Lantto, Vice Clurirman Annandale, XIN ile F. Jans, Secreairv-Treasurer iffalo, XIN • Timothy L. Young, .Annandale, XCI; 6/10/1999 M. - Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association A Touchsrone Energy' Farmer M."n_ PO Boz 330' RoUdord MN 55373-0330 t tlh Jodenk� ..,Monticello, MNward L. Ellis, C:' ivLV .. umas . N(ach, Mapl Grove, MV e -Plain, MNI - Donald A. Lucas, iWaple Grove, AW PRESIDENT & CEO Metro • (612) 477-3000 Toll Free • 1-800-943-2667 • Mark F. Vogt, Annandale, IvLV 24 -Hour Fax • (612) 477-3054 Mike Robertson Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330-7314 Subject: Water Reading/Billing Proposal Mike: Please find attached, Wright-Hennepin's proposal concerning water service billing for the City of Otsego. Our proposal encompasses residential meter reading, customer billing, cash collections, and delinquent account management. In our opinion, these are the prevalent services that would be of benefit to the City. Thanks for reviewing the proposal; we look forward in -turn to having a further discussion with you on this project. Regards, Bob Miller Key Account Representative The power of human connections City of Otsego Proposal Backaround Information Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association (WH) is an electric distribution cooperative, formed in 1937. Currently, W -H serves over 26,000 members in the counties of Wright, Hennepin, Steams, Meeker, Sherburne and Carver counties. The cooperative is consumer owned, and governed by local citizens. Services other than electricity provided by WH include: Home Security, Security Response, Wireless & Land Line Communications, Electric Installation and Contracting, Pager, 24 hour Electric Dispatching, Internet, Appliance Warranty, and Surge Protection. This proposal concerns an additional service, where W -H would provide water reading/billing services to the City of Otsego. W -H's proposal is related to the City's current construction of a new wastewater treatment plant & potable water infrastructure, which will initially serve a 1,000 — 1,400 home development. Otsego City administration projects that the development will be complete in five to ten years, assuming that 150-250 homes are built per year. The wastewater treatment is scheduled to be operational by the fall of 1999, and is sized to add future systems beyond the development at issue. W -H Services Proposed services which Wright -Hennepin would provide to the City for the water/sewer project include the following: • Meter Reading • Billing • Cash Collection • Management of Delinquent Accounts • 24 Hour Dispatching (Optional) Meter Readinq Wright -Hennepin currently has the equipment and software, to accommodate meter reading of the water/sewer project. Wright -Hennepin would be responsible for physically collecting the meter data, provided that the City purchases & installs the Itron remote reading system (ERT) into the city's choice of water meter. Since the new homes will also be W -H customers, WH would also install the ERTs into their electric meters at the time of installation. W -H currently has handheld meter reading devices which have the capability of reading the ERTs by radio frequency, therefore the meter reader does not have to go onto the customer's property. Page 1 W -H's contracted meter reading service, RMR Services, Inc, would read the water meters simultaneously with the electric meters (under WH/RMR's current contract). Not only would this create efficiencies for both entities, it would also eliminate the redundancies created by two meter readers reading the same residence. The City of Otsego area meters are read the second week of the month or around the 10th of the month. RMR currently reads 36,000 of WH meters on a monthly basis. RMR Services would have the ability to install the ERTs into the city's choice of water meter. For further technical information, please contact Brent Anderson at RMR Services, Inc, 1228 South 7th St, Minneapolis, MN 55415. 612-376-7600. Billin W -H would be responsible for calculating the billing based on the meter data collected. WH would print and mail the statements. Proposed pricing includes paper, outer envelope, reply envelope and postage and management of the receivable. The water and sewer billing would be included as a separate line item on the customer's electric statement. WH would set the water and sewer billing up as a separate receivable. The water and sewer billing would be included on WH's statement, but displayed as a separate service. The customer would see the total of their water and sewer service as well as the total to be remitted for all services on the statement. See sample of statement (attached). The City of Otsego is current� billed for electric and other services the third week of the month (approximately the 21 of each month). Payment is due the 8th of the following month unless the customer chooses the EZ Pay plan (ACH) which provides the customer with additional payment choices of the 1 st 8th or the 15th of the following month. Cash Collection W -H would be responsible for collecting and posting all payments, and remitting payment to the city on a monthly or semi-monthly basis. W -H is flexible regarding timing and related arrangements. Delinquent Accounts W -H would be responsible for collection of delinquent accounts, through the City's standard disconnect period. WH's current software system has the capability of putting a reminder on the bill, and sending out disconnect notices etc. for individual services. W -H would send out the disconnect notice, but it would be the City's responsibility to physically disconnect the customer. Pricing includes reminder statement and disconnect notices, as well as coordination with the City for payment arrangements and disconnects. Page 2 24 Hour Dispatching (Optional) W -H provides 24 hour dispatching services. WH could provide the City the following dispatching services: • Around the clock personal response. • Disconnect and reconnect customer call handling. Please note that pricing for the above dispatch services are not included in this proposal, but could be added at the City's request. Proposed Pricing W -H's proposes a monthly package fee for the City, to include the services of meter reading, billing, cash collections, and delinquent account management. Package cost would be per the following: Monthly Base Fee $200 Monthly Customer Fee $1.75 (per account) This proposal is valid for 60 days from date of issuance (6/10/1999). Upon acceptance, length of agreement shall be for a two-year period. Presented b Accepted by Representing: Wright -Hennepin Date 6Z_u Page 3 Representing: City of Otsego Date Account #: 123456789 CID#: 1234341 DOE, JOHN 1234 ANYWHERE ANYTOWN, MN 55333 Due Date: June 30, 1999 Amount Due: $100.00 Wright -Hennepin C000erative Electric Association Statement Date: 05/05/99 Account M 123456789 PO BOX 330 Total Amount Due: $100.00 Rockford MN 55373-0332 Bi[IingSutittnary :� _ - Previous Balance: $101.00 ayments Received: •3101.00 Balance Forward: $0.00 Total Electric: 550.00 Total Security: $30.00 Total Water: $40.00 Total Amount Due: $100.00 marketing message Wright -Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association PO BOX 330 Rockford MN 55373.0332 Net" a rtes. ne{ rree. an IIIYIYr11C! Dear. —a- 12345979 500 0 1 Enemy $00 kwh im 0.081 $ 40.50 100 W Ught 43 kwh $ 7.30 Power Cost Ad) 543 kwh @ (0.0163) $ 8.85 Sales Tax Q 0.065 $ 3.06 Total for Electric $ 47.20 Saturity5e5trioe Sty Addr 1234 ANYWHERE STREET Mondor Gorge $ 9.40 Sales Tax 0.065 $ 0.60 Total for Security S 10.00 Water Service P"tod r 0401-99 to OS -01.99 Sry Addr 11234 ANYWHERE STREET L Neur s rras. Rd8 Prev. Rd8 NuItlplNr Bak SarrKe i 0.00 87654321 10,000 0 1 wot" Usage 10,000 gal O 0.00376 S 37.60 S.1" Tu c 0A65 $ 2.40 Total W Woter $ 40.00 MEMO Date: July 1, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Park Commission Meeting Electrician Quotes to upgrade tin shed On Wednesday, June 30, 1999 the Park Commission considered the quote from Unlimited Electric to upgrade the lighting in the tin shed. The Park Commission would like the lighting upgraded in order to add some emergency lights for the Halloween Haunted House and to add more outlets to make it easier to work in the building. The Park Commission recommended approval of the quote and asked that the money be taken from the park dedication fees. ELECTMC, INC. 10486 80TH STREET N.E. MONTICELLO MN 55362-8117 -HONE (612) 497-4312 FAX 497-4983 NAME/ADDRESS OTSEGO CTI -Y HALL 8399 NASHUA AVE N.E. ELK RIVER MN 55330 i Estimate DATE ESTIMATE 6/3/99 233 I �-J PROJECT WIRING IN POLE SH... ITEM I DESCRIPTION OTY TOTAL A9010 ' BID PRICE I 1,365.00 WIRING OF POLE SHED AS PE.R MIKE ROBERSON AND ! JEFF BARTHEL j -FIX YARD LIGHT (PHOTO EYE) AND WIRE TH&M SO THEY COME ON WTIH 1 BREAKER _ -PUT EXISTING OUTLETS ON GFI (TOTAL. 3 CIRCUITS) CLEAN UP EXISTING WIRING (WITHIN REASON) � ! I -MOVE SWITCH FROM WARMING HOUSE AREA BY DOOR r f AND ADD ANOTHER 3 WAY FOR NEW LIGHTS BY BACK I OVER HEAD I( CIRCUITS TOTAL OF 7 OUTLETS IN SHED ADDITION 2 ' QUO'TE'S ARE GOOD FOR 30 DAYS! CALL WITH QUESTIONS OR TO AUTHORIZE WORK! I TOTAL $1,366.00 ** TOTAL PAGE.002 ** MEMO Date: June 23, 1999 To: EDAAC From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: EDAAC Meeting I have enclosed your agenda for your next meeting which is scheduled for Monday, July 12, 1999 at 7:00. Since the Council meets on the same day, I am suggesting on your agenda that at least one person attend the Council meeting when the EDAAC meeting is over to report on any actions. For those who have not been able to attend every meeting, I have enclosed copies of the EDAAC meeting minutes as well as the meeting minutes of the EDA-EDAAC meetings. In terms of the marketing project, I have the following updates; 1. Sign - I have solicited quotes for a sign to be placed at either end of Highway 101 in the City. I expect that a sign will be ordered at the Council meeting of July 12, 1999. 2. Marketing Meeting - A marketing meeting has been set for Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. Local commercial & industrial landowners, realtors, and developers will be invited to this meeting. The format will be similar to the informational meetings we held as part of the Comprehensive Plan. There will be displays set up around the Council chamber with staff, EDAAC members, and Council available to answer questions and interact with attendees. I will not be available to attend the EDAAC meeting of July 12 because I will be at the City Council meeting. If you have any questions for me, please give me a call before the meeting. CITY OF OTSEGO EDA -E6 00 MEETING PM DRAFT JUNE 14, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Fournier called the EDA-EDAAC Meeting to order at 6:00 PM. ROLL CALL: EDA; Mayor Fournier, Councilmembers Mark Berning, Virginia Wendel, and Suzanne Ackerman. EDAAC; LeRoy Lindenfelser, Gabe Davis, Steve Ackerman, & Rudy Thibodeau. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. 2. DISCUSSION OF EDAAC MARKETING PROPOSAL. Rudy Thibodeau discussed his $5,000 marketing plan. He suggested a sign at either end of the City on Highway 101 noting the construction and indicating that Otsego was constructing a sewer and water system and was open to business development. He suggested a meeting of landowners and local realtors to get everybody interested in selling the land. That would be followed by a meeting of landowners, realtors, and developers to get everyone interested in developing the land. These meetings would be run like the City Informational Meetings held as part of the Comprehensive Plan, with City staff in attendance to answer any questions. Rudy recommended that the City prepare an informational packet for the developers which would include the City's development regulations, a checklist of what needed to be done, and a list of development incentives. He suggested that the City use some of the money it had saved in constructing the sewer and water system for financial incentives. He thought that the City should also try and determine in advance what types of developments would be eligible for incentives. Mayor Fournier noted that the time allotted for the meeting was up. He thought that this was a good plan and should be reviewed and discussed as quickly as possible. After discussion the EDA and EDAAC agreed to meeting again Monday, June 21, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. 3. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Larry Fournier, President Michael Robertson, City Administrator CITY OF OTSEGO EDA-EDAACME 6:30 PMETING DRAFT JUNE 21, 1999 1. CALL TO ORDER. Mayor Fournier called the EDA-EDAAC Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. ROLL CALL: EDA; Mayor Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel and Vern Heidner. EDAAC; LeRoy Lindenfelser, Gabe Davis, & Rudy Thibodeau. Staff: City Administrator Mike Robertson. 2. DISCUSSION OF EDAAC MARKETING PROPOSAL. Rudy reviewed his marketing plan. The EDA-EDAAC discussed this and came to the following conclusions; Signs - The EDA directed Administrator Robertson to obtain some bids on a 12 x 8 sign to be put up at each end of Highway 101. Incentives - There was considerable discussion of what types of businesses should be eligible for incentives and what incentives should be offered. The EDAAC will make a recommendation on the types of businesses that would be offered incentives. Discussion was to tie the incentive to a percentage of the building value. Developers Meetings - The EDA agreed that only one meeting would be needed as most of the landowners already seem to be in contact with realtors. Developers, landowners, and realtors would be invited to this meeting. The EDAAC will work on the invitation. The EDA-EDAAC suggested the meeting be held on Thursday, September 16, 1999 at 7:00 p.m. 3. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Larry Fournier, President Michael Robertson, City Administrator 3 JI 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: N1EETLNiG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9 COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk' July 12, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Draft RFP B. Consider letter to League of Minnesota Cities BACKGROUND: A. Mike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions. These items were continued from June 14, 1999 Agenda. Copies of that information are attached. B. See attached memo of June 23, 1999 from Mike Robertson and draft letter for Council review. RECOiNaIENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval needed. Thanks, Laine �' CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTIOti: DEPARTtiiENT: l•fEETLNG DATE: 9 COLIN-ICIL ITEMS PREFARE 1) t3 y : Elaine Beatty, City Clerk' ung f, 1999 6:30PNf ITEM NL7IBER: ITEM DESCRIPTIO`: 9.2. Nfike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Draft RFP BACKGROUND: A. bike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions. RECON LME �`-DATION: This is for Council consideration and approval needed. Thanks, Elaine GjL�•�.3; IC ! c WI -4w% Date: June 23, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Letter from HRUA To League Proposed letter to League I have enclosed an 11 page memo from HRUA to League of Minnesota Cities Executive Director Jim Miller. (I have not enclosed the 40 page addendum which went with the letter). I have also enclosed a letter which I have proposed to send to the League in response to this memo. I will place this item on the next City Council (July 12, 1999) agenda. The memo was in response to letters Jim Miller sent to University President Mark Yudof and Governor Jesse Ventura. The letter to President Yudof was in response to a rumor that HRUA was going to bring action against a League lobbyist. The letter to Governor Ventura was asking him to veto funding for HRUA, which he subsequently did. The majority of the memo is about allegations made by a private citizen, Chuck Lymangood, who has no connection to the League. The rest of the memo contains HRUA's unique interpretation of events. I think it would be a good thing to provide the City's side of the story. CITY OF TSEGO 399 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 .Ik River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 June 30, 1999 Jim Miller, Executive Director DRAFT League of Minnesota Cities 145 University Avenue West St. Paul, MN 55103-2044 Re: Headwaters Rural Utility Association, Inc. Memo to you dated June 10, 1999 Dear Jim: I thought I would write this letter to you regarding the claims made by Jon Erik Kingstead of the CRTCD, HRUA, HRUC, and who knows what other acronyms his organization goes by, in his memo to you dated June 10, 1999. With specific regard to Otsego, HRUA's challenge did create_ a delay in our permitting process with the MPGA. They also, as part of that challenge, made written statements regarding City policies that were not true. Had there been no challenge, our EAW would have been approved earlier than it was, and, consequently, our NPDES Discharge permit undoubtedly would have been approved earlier than it was. While I can point to no concrete evidence that the delay affected our bid numbers, everyone is aware that in the construction business, delays mean extra costs. Once thing the delay definitely did is delay the start of construction just long enough so that our contractor had to wait an additional amount of time for the end of road restrictions to begin his work. This means the construction will take longer than it otherwise would have. The fact that our bids came in under our engineer's estimates is not news, and no way relieves the HRUA of their responsibility for the delay they caused in our permitting process and the subsequent delay in our construction schedule. I also want to make it clear that no one from the Otsego City Council or staff has ever invited the HRUA to attend any City meeting. The HRUA was invited to a meeting of Otsego's Economic Development Authority Advisory Commission (EDAAC) by its chair. The chair is a member of HRUA's board of directors and is an employee of an organization located in Otsego that objected to the City developing its own sewer and water system. The EDAAC never took any vote of any type regarding the HRUA's presentation. With regard to the League's lobbying position on behalf of cities, I am sure you can familiarize Mr. Kingstead with the League's mission. The City of Otsego is a member of the League of Minnesota Cities and so has authorized the League to lobby on its behalf regarding any legislation which would impact Otsego. The notion that the League cannot respond to and lobby against proposed legislation which suddenly appears in a legislative session because there is no specific policy regarding that legislation is ludicrous. If the League had not lobbied against the bills Mr. Kingstead lists it would have been derelict in its duties because those bills would have given the HRUA the ability to hold up every sewer extension it felt like holding up, including to existing homes. This would have interfered with cities ability to regulate public health and welfare within their boundaries. I have been authorized by my City Council to testify against any legislation that I feel would harm the City of Otsego. I have also been authorized by my City Council to testify before the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency against the permit the HRUA is seeking. I request that the League provide whatever assistance it can in opposing the permit the HRUA is seeking. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Michael Robertson City Administrator cc: City Council 9' 4 -1Kcol Date: June 10, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Wastewater Treatment Plant Operator Request for Proposals I have enclosed a copy of a draft of a Request for Proposals (RFP). This will be advertised and mailed to companies who have indicated an interest in serving as Otsego's Wastewater Treatment Plant operator. The RFP is a generic RFP that has been used by several communities. I got a copy from St. Michael and made some minor modifications to it. Council should review the RFP and let me know if there are any areas that they would like charged. At this point in time we have received calls from three companies that are experienced in operating wastewater treatment plants on a contract basis. I hope that I will be able to locate more companies at the League of Minnesota Cities conference. The three companies that have said they will bid are Professional Services Group (PSG), America's Water Services, and PeopleService, Inc. Request Qualifications and Price Proposal for the Operation, Maintenance and Management of the WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT for the City of Otsego, Minnesota JUNE, 1999 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. GENERAL BACKGROUND ....................... 1 II. PRE -PROPOSAL CONFERENCE AND FACILITY EVALUATIONS ................................. 1 III. CONTRACTOR INFORMATION .................. 2 1V. REQUIRED STANDARDS ........................ 3 V. EQUIPMENT OWNED BY THE CITY ............... 3 VI. PROJECT PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVE ............. 4 VII. SUBMITTAL FORINIAT AND CONTENT ............ 5 VIII. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS .......................... 9 IX. SCORING OF SUBMITTALS . ............ ....... 10 X. EXCLUSIONS .................................... 13 XI. NEGOTIATIONS WITH HIGHEST SCORING FIR2Nl ... 14 The City of Otsego is requesting Statements of Qualifications and Price Proposals (SOQ/PP) from firms interested in providing operations, maintenance and management services to the City's wastwater treatment plant. The City expects the SOQ/PP to address all activities of the wastewater treatment plant. It is understood that the SOQ/PP and the innovative approaches, guarantees and experience demonstrated therein shall be the general basis for selection of a firm to provide these professional services. The City expects to select the highest scoring firm based on a structured point scoring evaluation of first, the Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and then second, the Price Proposal. The scoring evaluation (Section VIII) shall consider the innovative approaches, ability to make financial and technical guarantees, experience, technical expertise and price of services of each competing firm. After the City has selected the highest scoring firm, the City will immediately begin negotiations. Should the negotiations fail to result in an executed agreement, the City may elect to terminate neaotiations with the first -ranked firm, begin negotiations with the second - ranked firm, and so on, or cancel the process. i •: •:••• • ; i� r �•. ***** If the City Council wants to advertise for proposals soon, there obviously would not be much of a facility to tour and we would skip this part of the RFP. ********** The City will conduct a pre -proposal conference and tour of the facilities on to begin at a.m./p.m. at Otsego City Hall, located at 8899 Nashua Avenue -'E, Otsego, Minnesota. Attendance at the pre -proposal conference and tour is mandatory. The purpose of the pre -proposal meeting is to answer questions regarding the Request for Qualifications and Price Proposals (RFQ/PP). All contractors interested in submitting an SOQ/PP should contact City Administrator Mike Robertson by no later than to indicate their intent to attend the pre -proposal conference. Fach interested contractor should ensure that they meet or exceed the Required Standards set forth in Section ITT of this document. To ensure that each firm has sufficient information to submit a proposal, the City will make available on the day of the tour construction plans and specifications, design reports, NPDES compliance reports and shop drawings, operating budgets and other pertinent data. At the time of the tour, each firm will have an opportunity to schedule a maximum of three consecutive eight-hour days for an independent evaluation of the facilities in order to familiarize themselves with the current operation and maintenance practices and to research additional records that will be made available at the time of the individual facility evaluations. Arrangements for the inspection and/or copying of documents shall be coordinated through the City Administrator and a fee of 5.10 a page will be charged for photocopies of any documents not already printed for distribution. All questions concerning the RFQ/PP shall be submitted in writing to: City Administrator Mike Robertson Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MIN 55330 Contact with other City officials is prohibited and can be considered as grounds for disqualification from the selection process. Questions must be received at least 10 days prior to the SOQ/PP due date. Copies of all questions and answers, and any addenda to supplement the RFQ/PP, will be sent to each firm no later than three days prior to the SOQ/PP due date. Only formal written responses to properly submitted questions will be binding. 11 •VV 0,0.4-110 093.64 1►1 am; Kw" Each selected Contractor must respond to each of the following requests/questions in a clear and comprehensive manner. Failure to do so may result is disqualification. Provide the full name, tax identification number and main office address of the entity (hereafter referred to as the "Contractor") which would ultimately enter into a contract with the City. 2. Identify when the Contractor was organized and, if a corporation, where incorporated and how many years engaged in providing Contract Operations Services under that name. 3. Provide a listing of all full-service contract operations, maintenance and management Contracts Which the Contractor has currently,incl-ud ng tfie gross annual amount of each contract; the contract start date; the anticipated completion date; the name, address, contact person and telephone number of the owner; and the size and type of facility. Full service operations, maintenance and management contract means, at a minimum, providing all labor and management, paying all O & M expenses, guaranteeing a maximum cost, and guaranteeing regulatory agency compliance. 4. Does any councilman or other officer, employee, or person who is payable in whole or in part from the City have any direct or indirect personal interest in the Contractor? If so, describe the circumstances. 5. Identify the firms that you intend to subcontract or otherwise use to perform work on this project. 6. Contractor must furnish a copy of a fully executed contract with another community for services similar to those requested by the City. This section establishes certain standards of experience and financial capability that the City requires for a Contractor to be considered qualified. The City, in its sole discretion, will decide if a Contractor meets the standards. Scoring of the qualified firms will be as described in Section IX. 1. Contractor must have been in business ofproviding contract operations, maintenance and management of water and wastewater treatment facilities for at least five (5) years. 2. Contractor must operate at least five (5) or more water and/or wastewater treatment facilities of similar or larger size to the Otsego facility. 3. Contractor must furnish liability and property damage insurance of not less than $10,000,000 combined single limits for bodily and/or property damage. Enclose an insurance certificate. 5. Contractor must demonstrate the ability to provide a performance bond of at least $5,000,000. 5-99-YoUNFORY1 • A 1 1 : .1 All land, buildings, improvements and permanent equipment which are presently in place, or new facilities which will be added by the construction projects, shall remain or become. _ the property of the City. Should the contractor fund the implementation of any facility— - } improvement at the request and approval of the City, such facilities shall become the City's after the completion of a repayment schedule. All existing facilities shall be made available to the contractor for his use in providing the services under the contract. Expendable supplies and spare parts which are on hand on the day and date of the contract execution shall be inventoried. The Contractor shall have access to these materials during the duration on the contract, but shall maintain the inventory such that at the end of the contract period, the City inventories shall be replenished for materials used or substituted, with City approval, during the term of the contract. The Contractor shall maintain all land, buildings, improvements, vehicles and permanent equipment that are within the scope of the agreement. Equipment and vehicle maintenance shall be performed by the Contractor in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations or good industry practices and the Contractor will be required to provide proof thereof to the satisfaction of the City. Separately, the City and the Contractor may arrange for the contractor to purchase, maintain, and replace the rolling stock and transportable equipment currently in use by the City. Such purchas: prices shall have buy-back provisions to enable the City, upon contract completion or early termination, to buy back the same or similar inventory, if such equipment is still in use or being used under conditions similar to those under which the Contractor purchased same from the City. ':• :'•ORMS1 •: 1 Disko►/ The purpose of this project is to operate, maintain and manage the City's wastewater treatment facilities more cost effectively and more cost efficiently. The objective is to save the City money, operate in compliance, improve maintenance, consider innovations to lower the capital and operating costs of any and all aspects of utility operations and continue local purchases of supplies, consumable and services, wherever practical. OVIAMWONONFF9EMMIMMI Ell WTO1 • r DO 611 KT4 IBM 1 •) W11IF41 a 13 OWEVOr• The submittal document for complying with the SOQ/PP is suggested to contain at least the chapters that follow: • Executive Summary Required Standards/Contractor Information • Qualifications/Related Experience • Operating Plan • Business Considerations • Draft Contract The SOQ shall identify any and all non -monetary terms and conditions associated with the services included in the SOQ. After selection of the highest scoring firm, the scope of work shall be clarified, any changes shall be negotiated along with the Agreement, beginning with the Draft Contract submitted in the SOQ. Following are further discussions relative to the content of each of the suggested chapters of the SOQ. Fxecutive Information/Re q„ired Standards -- Responses to questions contained in Sections III and IV of this Request. (lialifica ions/R .la d FxDerience -- A brief discussion of contractor's experience in similar type and size of projects. OI) rating Plan -- The Operating Plan should discuss the following topics: a. Provide a listing of the sl2ecific individuals assigned to the Management Team and to Technical Support that the Contractor will assign to this contract during the transition and operation, and provide the background and experience of those individuals. b. Provide a detailed staffing plan indicating the type and quantity of the various positions the contractor feels is necessary to provide the services requested. Discuss the transition procedure and the impact of any surplus employees and the Contractor's plan to accommodate them. d. Provide an operating plan for the facilities and other responsibilities that indicate how the Contractor will provide operations, maintenance and management services. e. Provide description of any deficiencies observed in operations and maintenance of the City's facilities. Business Ap rp oath -- Discuss contractor's position on such business issues as assumption of risk, future years' price adjustments, capital versus repair issues and guarantees. Draft Contract - Include a draft contract for City review. The City is requesting a Draft Contract as a part of the SOQ/PP. However, a summary of some of the general provisions the City will expect to see in any final contract are as follows: Provision of liability without any dollar limit for the payment of fines and/or civil penalties levied against the Contractor and/or the City by any regulatory agency having jurisdiction, as a result of failure to comply with the terms and conditions of any duly authorized permit, court order, administrative order, law, statute, ordinance, etc. for reasons resulting from the Contractor's negligence during the period of the contract. Provisions for compliance with State of Minnesota and other EPA & OSHA regulations regarding treatment and reporting requirements and a process control system which furnishes complete and accurate records. System should be capable of readily providing historical data and trends. Provision of indemnification and hold harmless of the City and its agents, officers, assigns, employees, etc. from any loss or liability for claims, damages, lawsuits for reasons resulting from the Contractor's negligence during the period of the contract. Such indemnification shall include indirect, consequential and pollution damages. Provision of comprehensive liability insurance policies naming the City as additional insured for bodily injury and/or property damage in an amount of not less than ten million dollars ($10,000,000); a certificate of such insurance shall be submitted to the City upon signing of the Contract. Provision of a fixed dollar value for Repair and Replacement such that the contractor's obligations will be explicit as to maintenance of the City's equipment and facilities. Such Repair and Replacement limit will not include Contractor's on- site labor. A specific method of decision making concerning the use of funds for repair and replacement should be outlined. Provision that the Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all manufacturer's warranties on new equipment purchased by the City and assist the City in enforcing existing equipment warranties and guarantees. Provision that the Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of certified qualified personnel, including management, administrative, operational, technical, laboratory and clerical, who meet relevant State of Minnesota requirements and certifications regarding wastewater treatment operations and maintain the facility. Provision for termination of the contract if performance is unsatisfactory. A E July 8, 1999 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Mike: JUL 1 2 ;amu Li 5975 Main Avenue N.E. P.O. Box 9 Albertville, MN 55301 (612) 497-3384 Fax: (612) 497-3210 The City Council considered your request for a joint meeting to discuss sanitary sewer service at their meeting earlier this week. In order to make the joint meeting as productive as possible, we need information specifying what properties are to be considered for sanitary sewer and the number of gallons of wastewater those properties would require daily. Please provide this information as soon as possible so that our engineer can review the proposal to determine if the City would be able provide the requested services. In addition to discussing sanitary sewer service at the joint meeting, our Council would like to discuss several other concerns with your Council, specifically the maintenance and/or improvement issues of our shared roads, fire protection services and the need for a ramp at I-94 and CSAH 19. The Council wishes to extend an invitation to meet jointly with your Council at our City Hall on August 30, 1999, at 7:00 PM. If that date is not convenient for you, please let me know as soon as possible. I look forward to hearing from you soon regarding what your Council proposes for sanitary sewer service so that our meeting will be productive and beneficial to both cities. Cordially, Linda Goeb City Administrator TO: Mayor Fournier, City Council Members and City Staff FROM: Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk DATE: July 8, 1999 RE: CLAIMS LIST The Claims List will not be completed in time to be included in the Council Packets. We are in the process of converting the Financial Software to "Windows". This should be completed by the end of the day on Thursday. The Claims List will be a big one as you will be considering claims for Gridor Construction for $309,196.30, EnComm Midwest $19,674, Bonestroo for $30,793.32 etc. I will try to have the Claims List done as early as possible on Monday. Please call me with any questions or concerns. Thank you.