11-22-99 CC• � CITY OF OTSECiO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22, 1999 - 6:30PM ITEM INUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 5.1. Approve the Albertville Fire Service Contract (See Attached) BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is a copy of a letter from Linda Goeb, City Administrator dated November 3, 1999 and supporting information for the amount charged for Fire Service. Also attached is a contract "2000 Fire Protection Agreement with the City of Otsego" for approval by the Mayor and Council. $15,121.57 was the last contract amount. This years amount is $17,520.32 or a difference of $2,398.75. We have already estimated and set the fire service amount for Albertville Fire Service at the same as last year. We do have a fairly large surplus in the Fire Service fund to more than cover this difference in cost. RECONEUENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, Elaine r--- T -I D71, i9ss j 5975 Main Avenue N.E. NOV Q f, ';: I i P.O. Boz 9 Albertville, MN 55301 mss: y:IW November 3, 1999 Mike Robertson, City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Mike, -'. (612) 497-3384 Fax: (612) 497-3210 I am enclosing two copies of the fire service contract for year 2000 for your City's review and approval. I've also included a copy of the 1999 tax capacity breakdowns for our fire district. Your fire service contract price is calculated on a pro -rata share of the Fire Department budget. Please include approval of the Fire Service Contract on your next Council agenda After the contract has been approved, please return one fully executed copy for our records. Should you have any questions about the contract, please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Cordially, Linda Goeb City Administrator Enclosures 1999 NET TAX CAPACITY FOR THE ALBERTVILLE FIRE DISTRICT 2000 CONTRACT YEAR CITY OF OTSEGO CITY OF ST. MICHAEL, CITY OF ALBERTVILLE TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY $356,539 . $423,468 $1,950,966 $2,730,973 2000 FIRE BUDGET $146,457 2000 STATE FIRE AID (129,257) TOTAL COSTS ALLOCATED $134,200 TAX PERCENT OF PORTION OF COST CAPACITY TOTAL VALUE ALLOCATED ALBERTVILLE $19950,966 71.43% $959870.46 OTSEGO $3569539 13.06% $179520.32 ST. MICHAEL $4239468 15.51% $209809.22 2000 FD Budget 146,457.00 2000 Fire Aid 12,257.00 134,200.00 356,539.00 0.130553836 17,520.32 423,468.00 0.155061218 20,809.22 1,950,966.00 0.714384946 95,870.46 ALBERTVILLE FIRE DEPARTMENT Service Sections 1999 NET TAX CAPACITY Part of 14-121-24 26-121-24 23-121-24 Part of 27-121-24 24-121-24 34-121-24 25-121-24 Part of 36-121-24 TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY $254,281 30-121-23 31-121-23 32-121-23 33-121-23 TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY $102,258 CITY OF ST MICHAEL 4-120-23 5-120-23 Part of 6-120-23 TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY $423,468 TOTAL NET TAX CAPACITY $1,950,966 Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer jh 2000 FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF OTSEGO This agreement made and entered into by and between the City of Albertville, a municipal corporation of the County of Wright in the State of Minnesota, and the City of Otsego, in the County of Wright in the State of Minnesota. WHEREAS, Otsego desires the services of the fire department of Albertville in case of fires occurring in Otsego, as well as the emergency medical services of Albertville in case of a medical emergency, and WHEREAS, Albertville maintains a volunteer fire department with emergency medical response capability, which department is available to provide fire protection and emergency medical response services to properties located in St. Michael, and THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between said parties as follows: 1. Albertville, through its fire department, shall provide fire protection and emergency medical response services to those properties in Otsego. Such fire protection and emergency medical response services shall be provided from January 1 through December 31, 2000. 2. Otsego shall agree to pay Albertville $17,520.32 in exchange for the provision of fire protection and emergency medical response services as described above. Payment due for the year 2000 shall be made in two installments of $8,760.16 on or before July 1, 2000, and $8,760.16 on or before December 31, 2000. 3. Albertville's obligation to provide fire protection service and emergency medical response shall be subject to the following: a. If road and weather conditions at the time of the call ark'such that the fire/medical run cannot be made with reasonable safety to men and equipment, and the decision of the Fire Chief or his Deputy in charge shall be final in such matter, no obligation arises under this agreement on the part of the City of Albertville to answer such call. b. In the event that a sufficient amount of the fire fighting/medical equipment and the number of volunteer firemen, or both, are committed at the time of the fire call, in sole judgment of the Fire Chief or his Deputy, to fighting pre-existing fires or attending pre-existing medical emergencies, so as to render the available equipment and manpower inadequate to answer a fire or medical call from Otsego, no obligation shall arise under this agreement to answer such call, and no person or party shall have recourse against the City of Albertville for refusal to answer such call. A pre-existing fire/medical emergency to which the fire department of Albertville is called previous to receiving the call from Otsego and which fire is still being fought or medical emergency is still being attended to by the Albertville Fire Department at the time the call from Otsego is received. c. In the event a fire call by Otsego is answered by Albertville, but before the fire in question is extinguished, the fire fighting equipment or volunteer firemen, or both, are needed to fight a fire in Albertville or protect. property in Albertville from a fire, the Chief or his Deputy without liability therefore to any person or to Otsego under this agreement, may in their judgement recall the fire equipment and firemen to Albertville for the purpose of fighting the fire in Albertville. The judgement of the Fire Chief or his Deputy shall be final and no person or party shall have recourse against the City of Albertville for any damages or losses resulting from such action or decision. 4. The parties acknowledge the fact that Albertville may enter into similar contracts with other municipalities, and acknowledge that Albertville has entered into mutual aid contracts with other fire departments in other municipalities, and that a fire call under any such contract preceding a call in Otsego could be a valid and reasonable basis for the decision of the Fire Chief or his Deputy in refusing to answer a fire call in Otsego. 5. Because the City of Albertville has heretofore entered into mutual assistance fire fighting agreements with other municipalities possessing fire fighting equipment and firemen, which equipment and firemen could be called by the Chief or his Deputy to a fire in Otsego, the City of Otsego agrees to pay such additional cost as may be incurred thereby if in the sole judgement of the Chief or his Deputy, such additional fire fighting equipment and firemen are needed to fight a fire in Otsego and are in fact called to such fire by ftie Chief or his Deputy. 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seals this day of '1999. • Y A , MR /12n,X.Olson, ATTEST• Linda Goeb, City Clerk q CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk • ,22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22, 1999 - 6:3QPM ITEM NUMBERS ---ITEM DESCRIPTION 5.2. Approve the 1999 end of year audit agreement. (See Attached) BACKGROUND: 52. Attached is a copy of a letter from Steven R. McDonald, CPA from Abdo, Abdo Eick & Meyers, LLP Re: Auditing for end of year 1999 for your approval. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. e � / FA V4lY11.1i 1 L' 1 W LLP Certified Public Accountants & Consultants 7241 Ohms Lane Suite 200 Miru a polis, MN 554.39 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego Otsego, Minnesota November 11, 1999 We are pleased to confirm our understanding of the services we are to provide the City of Otsego for the year ended December 31, 1999. We will audit the general purpose financial statements of the City of Otsego as of and for the year ended December 31, 1999. Audit Objectives The objective of our audit is the expression of an opinion as to whether your general purpose financial statements are fairly presented, in all material respects, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit will be conducted in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and the standards for financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States, and will include tests of the accounting records of the City of Otsego and other procedures we consider necessary to enable us to express such an opinion. If our opinion on the general purpose financial statements is other than unqualified, we will fully discuss the reasons with you in advance. If, for any reason, we are unable to complete the audit or are unable to form or have not formed an opinion, we may decline to express an opinion or to issue a report as a result of this engagement. We will also provide reports (that do not include opinions) on internal control related to the financial statements and compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions or grant agreements, noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the financial statements as required by Government Auditing Standards. Management Responsibilities Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining internal control and for compliance with laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of the controls. The objectives of internal control are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorizations and recorded properly to permit the preparation of general purpose financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Management is responsible for making all financial records and related information available to us. We understand that you will provide us with such information required for our audit and that you are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of that information. We will advise you about appropriate accounting principles and their application and will assist in the preparation of your financial statements, but the responsibility for the financial statements remains with you. That responsibility includes the establishment and maintenance of adequate records and effective internal control over financial reporting, the selection and application of accounting principles, and the safeguarding of assets. 612.835.9090 • Fax 612.835.3261 City of Otsego November 11, 1999 Page Two Audit Procedures—General An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements; therefore, our audit will involve judgment about the number of transactions to be examined and the areas to be tested. We will plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable rather than absolute assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud. Because of the concept of reasonable assurance and because we will not perform a detailed examination of all transactions, there is a risk that a material misstatement may exist and not be detected by us. In addition, an audit is not designed to detect errors, fraud, or other illegal acts that are immaterial to the general purpose financial statements. However, we will inform you of any material errors and any fraud that comes to our attention. We will also inform you of any other illegal acts that come to our attention, unless clearly inconsequential. Our responsibility as auditors is limited to the period covered by our audit and does not extend to matters that might arise during any later periods for which we are not engaged as auditors. Our procedures will include tests of documentary evidence supporting the transactions recorded in the accounts, and may include tests of the physical existence of inventories, and direct confirmation of receivables and certain other assets and liabilities by correspondence with selected individuals, creditors, and financial institutions. We will request written representations from your attorneys as part of the engagement, and they may bill you for responding to this inquiry. At the conclusion of our audit, we will also require certain written representations from you about the financial statements and related matters. Identifying and ensuring that the City complies with laws, regulations, contracts, and agreements is the responsibility of management. As part of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement, we will perform tests of the City's compliance with applicable laws and regulations and the provisions of contracts and agreements. However, the objective of our audit will not be to provide an opinion on overall compliance and we will not express such an opinion. An audit of the general purpose financial statements performed in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards is not designed to determine whether the computer systems of the City are year 2000 compliant, or to provide any assurance on whether the City has addressed all of the affected systems on a timely basis. Further, we have no responsibility with regard to the systems of vendors, service providers, or any other third parties. These are responsibilities of the City's management. However, we may choose to communicate matters that come to our attention relating to the Year 2000 Issue. Audit Procedures—Internal Controls In planning and performing our audit, we will consider the internal control sufficient to plan the audit in order to determine the nature, timing, and extent of our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the City's general purpose financial statements. We will obtain an understanding of the design of the relevant controls and whether they have been placed in operation, and we will assess control risk. Tests of controls may be performed to test the effectiveness of certain controls that we consider relevant to preventing and detecting errors and fraud that are material to the general purpose financial statements and to preventing and detecting misstatements resulting from illegal acts and other noncompliance matters that have a direct and material effect on the general purpose financial statements. Our tests, if performed, will be less in scope than would be necessary to render an opinion on internal control and, accordingly, no opinion will be expressed. ii City of Otsego PR November 11, 1999 �J 116 Page Three An audit is not designed to provide assurance on internal control or to identify reportable conditions. However, we will inform the governing body or audit committee of any matters involving internal control and its operation that we consider to be reportable conditions under standards established by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Reportable conditions involve matters coming to our attention relating to significant deficiencies in the design or operation of the internal control that, in our judgment, could adversely affect the entity's ability to record, process, summarize, and report financial data consistent with the assertions of management in the general purpose financial statements. Audit Administration, Fees, and Other We understand that your employees will prepare all cash or other confirmations we request and will locate any invoices selected by us for testing. The workpapers for this engagement are the property of Abdo, Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP and constitute confidential information Our fee for these services will be at our standard hourly rates plus out-of-pocket costs (such as report reproduction, typing, postage, travel, copies, telephone, etc.) except that we agree that our gross fee, including expenses, will not exceed $4,500. Our standard hourly rates vary according to the degree of responsibility involved and the experience level of the personnel assigned to your audit. Our invoices for these fees will be rendered each month as work progresses and are payable on presentation. The above fee is based on anticipated cooperation from your personnel and the assumption that unexpected circumstances will not be encountered during the audit. If significant additional time is necessary, we will discuss it with you and arrive at a new fee estimate before we incur the additional costs. Government Auditing Standards require that we provide you with a copy of our most recent quality control review report. Our 1998 peer review report accompanies this letter. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to the City and believe this letter accurately summarizes the significant terms of our engagement. If you have any questions, please let us know. If you agree with the terms of our engagement as described in this letter, please sign the enclosed copy and return it to us. Sincerely, ABDO, ABDO, EICK & MEYERS, LLP Certified Public Accounts _,3� P, IYQ eve Steven R. McDonald, CPA RESPONSE: This letter correctly sets forth the understanding of the City of Otsego. CLIENT COPY Signature: Title: Date City of Otsego November 11, 1999 Page Four 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER ITEM. DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Discuss Chris Bulow's Park and `Frail Fees for Grenins Mississippi Hills Plat. 6.2. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. This item has been raised to the Council on more than one occasion, but the Mayor and Council requested more information at the last Council Meeting be brought back to this council meeting. Attached is the background information Memorandum Elated November 3, 1999 from Dan Licht. He will be present to present and discuss this item. Attached also is a Memorandum from Mike, Robertson, who will also be present to discuss this item. 6.2. Is for any additional Planning Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and any decisions. Thanks, laine Ir k Ad CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION (&AGE.'NDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: d 6. Dan Licht, Assistant City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Cl rki November 8, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESC N: 6.1. Discuss Chris Bulow's Park and Trail Fees Por Grenins Mississippi Hills Plat. BACKGROUND - 6.1. This item has been raised to the Council, but Mr. Butow asked that it be brought back to this council agenda. Attached is the background information Memorandum dated November 3, 1999 from Dan Licht. He will be present to present and discuss this item. 6.2. Is for any additional Planning Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and any decisions. Thanks, Elaine �/(. ' NOV-03-1999 09:22 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02i05 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTA ITS NPINkCGCOMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM- via fax transmission TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 3 November 1999 RE: Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Park Dedication Fees FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.13 BACKGROUND On August 2,1999, the City Council approved a rezoning, PUD -CUP and preliminarynal plat for Grenins Mississippi Hills for applicant Chris Bulow. The project consisted of 17 single family residential lots and a commercial golf course to be constructed on one lot and one outlot within the requirements of the R -C, Residential Rural Cluster Open Space District. The processing of a PUD -CUP was necessary to accommodate flexibility for ownership and use of the open space required to be preserved within the R -C District. As part of the concept plan for the project, the applicant proposed to provide a trail adjacent to Kadler Avenue. It was understood by staff that the trail was to be an amenity of the project offered by the applicant as incentive approval of density bonuses allowed by the Comprehensive Plan for rural cluster developments and PUD flexibility for the ownership and use of the required open space. The applicant disagrees stating that it was their intention to provide the trail in lieu of park and trail dedication fees. In consideration of the final plat, the Planning Commission recommended to the City Council to require installation of the proposed trail, as well as require payment of the full park and trail fees based upon the number of platted lots. The City Council considered the recommendation of the Planning Commission and City Staff and approved the final plat with the requirement that the trail be installed and full park and trail dedication fees be paid. The development contract has been signed consistent with the approval of the final plat. The applicant is requesting that the City Council reconsider requiring both installation of the trail and payment of trail fees. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@)WINTERNET,COM NOV-03-1999 09:22 NAC 612 595 9837 F a3i05 ISSUES Trail Proposal. The applicant was proposing to provide an off-street trail adjacent to Kadler Avenue on the west side of the project from CSAH 39 to the north property line of the plat. Extension of the trail further north of the property would be the City's responsibility and would include right-of-way acquisition and construction of the trail. To this end it may be reasoned that the trail proposed by the applicant is only partially beneficial to the public in that it does not provide a full trail corridor. Requiring both the construction of the trail and the payment of the trail fees, which could be used to complete the corridor, results in a more desirable public amenity. Because of the existing physical characteristics of the area adjacent Kadler Avenue, the City Engineer does not recommend construction of the trail as proposed. Rather, it has been recommended that the money for the estimated cost of the trail be escrowed until a future corridor can be determined, possibly with development of other parcels in the area. The escrowed funds may then be applied to that project. The fact that the trail is not recommended to be constructed does not change the considerations effecting this issue. The applicant should provide for the full amenity as the incentive perceived by the City Council for the density bonuses and PUD flexibility. Trail Dedication. Section 21-7-8 of the Otsego Subdivision Ordinance provides for separate dedications for the park facilities and trails. The present cash donation for trails is $125.00 per residential lot. Based upon the 17 lots platted, the applicant is required to pay $875 as a trail dedication in lieu of land. The City also requires $925.00 as payment in lieu of land for park dedication. Because the improvement in question is only related to trails, the applicant should be required to pay $925.00 per lot regardless of the City Council's decision on the trail improvement. Density Bonus. The Comprehensive Plan establishes a base density of four units per forty acres for residential development in the Rural Residential Preserve. The Comprehensive Plan also allows for that density to be increased up to ten units per 40 acres for rural cluster developments that satisfy the objectives of the R -C District. The final project approved by the City Council has a density of approximately 7 units per forty acres. The number of lots was reduced from the original proposal of 20 lots to 17 due to site conditions that rendered three lots un -buildable. PUD. As noted above, the project required PUD -CUP flexibility to accommodate a privately owned commercial golf course as satisfaction of the open space requirements of the R -C District. PUD flexibility is to be used to achieve "a development pattern in harmony with the objectives of the Comprehensive Plan" and " a more desirable and creative environment than may be possible through the strict application of zoning and subdivision regulations." Within this context, it is the burden of the developer to prove a public purpose and benefit for the PUD flexibility. The project must go over and above PA NOU-03-1999 09:23 NAC 612 595 9837 F.j4i05 what can be achieved through a standard subdivision to warrant flexibility from established Ordinances. If no greater public purpose is realized through the PUD, the flexibility is no more than unequitable and arbitrary application of the City's development regulations. If a developer does not wish to be held to this higher standard, then it is their option to pursue a project within the standard provisions of the Ordinances. R -C District Objectives. An objective of the R -C District is to provide "physical integration of neighborhoods, open spaces and places of destination in order to establish municipal identity and community interaction. The Comprehensive Plan identifies a future trail corridor extending along Kadler from CSAH 39 to the Mississippi River. This trail corridor would connect the existing trail on CSAR 39 to the River access_ A future park as also been identified in the area adjacent to the Mississippi River by the Comprehensive Plan. Therefore, the providing the trail along with funds for additional required segments would be consistent with the objectives of the R -C District. The Planning Commission and City Council, therefore, allowed additional density for the project on the basis that the trail is provided as an amenity above what may be achieved through a standard subdivision. CONCLUSION The City has the option as part of the rural cluster density bonuses and the PUD flexibility to require amenities above those that would be required for a project within a standard zoning district at base density. Whether or not it was intended by the applicant, the project was approved on the condition that the trail along Kadler Avenue be provided for and that trail fees be paid. The applicant has the option to proceed with the project as approved or to withdraw if they believe the City's required incentives for the density bonuses and PUD flexibility are too significant. The applicant's request is for the City Council to reconsider the conditions of approval. In this regard, the circumstances of the approval must also be considered. The project benefited from density bonuses and PUD flexibility to accommodate the proposed number of building sites and private commercial use of the required open space. The trail proposed by the applicant was accepted as an amenity of the project as an incentive for increased density and PUD flexibility. The City Council must therefore consider if altering the conditions of approval effect the PUD flexibility and project density. The City Council has the following options to consider regarding the applicant's request. Note, option 3 is the requirement imposed by the City Council at the time the final plat was approved. 1. Eliminate the proposed trail or payment for the cost of the trail and require payment of $2,125 as dedication to the City's trail system. 3 NOV-03-1999 09:24 NAC 612 595 9837 F 35/05 2. Require construction of the trail or escrow of funds equal to the cost of the trail (as determined by the City Engineer) for a future project in this area and do not collect the additional $2,125 trail dedication. 3. Require construction of the trail or escrow of funds equal to the cost of the trail for a future project in this area and collect $2,125 as trail dedication. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 4 TOTAL P.05 NOV-17-1999 12:24 NAC 612 595 9837 P.01/03 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS NING COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Mike Robertson FROM: Daniel Licht DATE. 17 November 1999 RE: Otsego - Grenins Mississippi Hills; Trail Dedication FILE NO.: 176.02 - 99.13 I have reviewed your memorandum to the City Council regarding the debate an Grenins Mississippi Hills trails and trail fees. I offer the following comments: The Planning Commission should've reviewed the final plat at their meeting on August 2, 1999. It is my recollection of that meeting that staff presented the trail on Kadler Avenue as being in addition to trail fees. Chris Bulow was present at that meeting and stated that was not his intention. The Planning Commission debated the matter and finally recommended to the City Council that the trail be constructed and trail fees be collected as conditions of final plat approval - Mr. Bulow was not able to attend the August 9, 1999 City Council meeting. In reviewing the recommendation of the Planning Commission for the City Council, it was specifically noted that Mr. Bulow objected to the conditions of approval requiring construction of the trail and payment of dedication fees. Mr. Bulow has referred to his narrative of the project as describing what his original intentions were pertaining to the trail. These narratives were attached as exhibits to the planning report of May 12, 1999 and addendum report of June 15, 1999. Neither of the project narratives make note of the trail. These narratives should be provided to the City Council with the other information attached to your memorandum If you would like to discuss this matter further or have additional comments, please do not hesitate to give me a call. ".5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 5541 S PHONE 61 2-595-9836 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NACCW WINTERNET.COM NOV-17-1999 12:24 NAC To: The City of Otsego 612 595 9837 P.02iO3 This is a letter to respond to the NAC memorandum dated the 26`s of April 1999. File #176.02 -9904 We are proposing a Golf Course and Single Family homes development. We would place. 20 higher end homes, (roughly $250,000.00), along the natural topography of the land. This will create setbacks that vary according to the lay of the land, which will give this project a unique look, unlike row homes.. With thin plan we achieve a beautiful view for all the new homes and as many of the existing homes as is possible. We feel we are in accordance with all the RC. zoning ordinances, lot width, lot size, the cluster, the open space, the view shed. This property is approximately 83 acres and we are using only 20 acres for home sites and 63 acres to be left wide open as golf course use, The demand for this type of project is high. The City has a coufi!reuce center that has been trying for years to get a golf course in this area. The proposed developments close proximity to other developments and the freeway make this the perfect place for this type of project. This type of 18 hole Golf Course will be executive style. Meaning, a shorter course, a par 62 to 64 and 3400 yards in length. This again is a bit for this area with the conference center .needing quicker play. The ownership will be Bulow, bw_ along with a management company. We are currently interviewing many companies that are qualified to do the job. We have not mads our final decision in bast area. We are not only searching for management for the course but also qualified subcontractors for the construction of the course. We need to be ready for construction the day we get approval in order to break ground to quake the end of August 1999 planting season if we have approval in a timely mummer we could be open for golf by the middle of June of 2000. You can see our need to work timely, if we would be delayed even one meetbag at this time it would set us back to spring of 2001 for opening of golf. We have the knowledge and the ability to accomplish this project for the conmunity, and we appreciate your help in making this successful. We are also working into this project a Bed and Breakfast. We feel this also Sits with the golf community in allowing others the ability to enjoy this facility and as a compliment to Riverwood, as it sometimes has a lack of room. This year-round Bed and Breakfast would serve as as added benefit to the commu aity, we feel it Meas the ozdin uuce if we deed restrict this to be a non -homestead pareeL Below, Inc. would also be the owner, and we have interviewed the manageutent company that is currently managing Riverwood Conference Center. Some concerns we have on our plat regarding adjoining property will be addressed. First, platting a right-of-way for ingress egress for the home in the Northern most bast corner, also adjusting the North West line to give that parcel additional property to keep the shed on the current owners property. The need far the PUD Zoning in this project is necessary so the land that the golf course is c wstr ►cted on can be owned slang with the Club house. If the golf oo►use land was owned separately from, the Club house it could cause appraisal problems and well as many other future problems for us and the city. A. PUD zoning is needed for the uniquely staggered homes, as well as, it would allow same leniency for the city to determine if the Bed and Breakfast is a good use for this area. This will be a very beautiful and successful development that wilt W a benefit far all of Otsego, while improving tax base without adding to city services. We appreciate your help and support, Th �- l Chris Bulow Xl�'7159 EXHIBIT D - PUD NARRATIVE NOV-17-1999 12:25 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/03 To: The City of Otsego Planning Commission City Council RE= Grenins Mississippi Hills Proposed Development Grenins Mississippi Hills development will consist of 20 high end homes surrounding an 18 Hole Executive Golf course. The golf course has been designed by a well known professional and has been reviewed by a representative of the MGA. The MGA will also give the golf course an MGA rating, making it known to 91,000 members and giving it statice with other golfers_ The homes will have varied setbacks and elevations taking advantage of the gently rolling terrain, putting the homes closer together but appearing further apart with maximum privacy for the home owner. Which will give this development a unique look both from the surrounding streets and from the golf course. The golf course will be privately owned and operated, expertly maintained, and open to the public_ It maintains future open space and supports the community by storing and cleansing on and off- site storm water by incorporating a number of ponds. The ponds have been strategically located to work with the existing drainage patterns and compliment the course layout, serving as water features, while providing; a recreational opportunity for the entire community of Otsego. The Club house would be professionally managed by an experienced management firm. The club house would have many uses, including small gatherings, small business meetings, weddings, graduations and family functions. We have plans for a limited line of pro shop accessaries. Catering would be available via other local business's. Convenience food and beverages would be available for sale to the public at the club house. The surrounding home owners will have special privileges, one being the benefit of convenient access to the golf course. Lots 1 through 12 Block 1 could be allowed, by an easement across the East end of their properties, to start golfing on hole 7 and ending on hole 6 just by calling and notifying the club house. Lots 13 through 20 Block 2 and surrounding residence will be able to access the club. house by a easement for pedestrian traffic between lot 20 and the bed and breakfast. This easement would be maintained by the golf course as part of there grounds keeping. These 20 sites will be considered charter members and have special pricing and preferred tee times as well as providing a place for community interaction. The Bed and Breakfast would be professionally managed by a reputable management company. In our preliminary estimates the Bed and Breakfast would consist of not more than 10 guest rooms in a Victorian or Country style. The Club house and out buildings would have a matching exterior to give it a cozy and relaxing atmosphere. The Bed and Breakfast would offer year round accommodations, offering cross country skiing and snowmobiling in the winter months and golf packages in season for the guests. In conclusion, our proposed project is beneficial to current residents, other local business's, the new landowners and the entire City of Otsego. "Ile homes and golf course facility will bean asset to the community. This project meets and exceeds all zoning guidelines and will be something we can all be proud to have in our community Yours, Chris Bulow President - Bulow Inc. EXHIBIT B TOTAL P.03 MEMO Date: November 17, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Written record of debate Grenins Mississippi Hills Approval I have enclosed copies of all of the relevant meetings at which the approval of Grenin's Mississippi Hills was discussed. As you can see, there is really no information that addresses the heart of Chris Bulow's claim. I offer the following comments from my own recollections and notes. PARK & RECREATION MEETING MAY 12, 1999 This meeting was held before Planning Commission and Council consideration of Mr. Bulow's application. The minutes of this meeting only reflect that a trail was discussed. I don't have any notes of the meeting. My recollection is that Chris Bulow was seeking the support of the Park.& Recreation Commissioners for his development application. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING MONDAY, JUNE 21, 1999 This was the Planning Commission meeting at which the Planning Commission recommended unanimously that the Council deny Mr. Bulow's application. There was some discussion of the trail on Kadler as noted in the minutes. I have no information on this in my meeting notes and do not recall any other information. COUNCIL MEETING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23, 1999 This was the Council meeting at which Grenin's Mississippi Hills received Rezoning, Preliminary Plat approval and PUD/CUP approval. The only mention of the bike path in the minutes is on page 5 where the bike path was added as a condition of approval. My notes of the meeting on the bike trail show only that there was discussion among the Council of whether the bike path should be located on the west side or east side of Kadler. My recollection of the meeting is that this was one of the few issues that I did not have a sense of how the Council would vote. My recollection is that Chris Bulow said he would build the bike path when approval of his application was still in doubt. My assumption, and the assumption of staff when we discussed the issue the next day, was that his offer of the bike path was not only over and above what the City would require for park and trail dedication purposes but that it was the offer of this extra incentive that in fact clinched the positive Council vote in favor of his application. Obviously I was disappointed when I found out that Chris viewed his offer differently. PARR & RECREATION MEETING WEDNESDAY JUNE 30, 1999 There are no minutes of this meeting. My understanding is that the Park & Recreation secretary has not turned them in yet. I don't have any notes of the meeting. My recollection is that Chris Bulow discussed his feelings regarding the Cities interpretation of his offer on the trail on Kadler with the Park & Recreation Commission. Jeff Bartheld said that it was a Council decision regarding development approvals and reiterated that the Park & Recreation Commission would like to see a trail on Kadler. My recollection is that all of the Commissioners supported this statement but that there was no motion or vote on it. COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 9, 1999 This was the meeting at which Council approved the Grenin's Mississippi Hills Final Plat. The bike trail construction was one of the conditions of approval. There is nothing beyond this in the minutes of the meeting. My recollection is that Chris Bulow was unable to attend this meeting and the Council discussed briefly his concerns regarding the requirement to install a trail on Kadler. COUNCIL MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 1999 Council discussed Chris Bulow's request to not pay any Park and Trail fees as part of his application for Final Plat approval for Grenin's Mississippi Hills Outlot B. Council tabled action until the October 25, 1999 meeting. I was not at this meeting and so have no notes that would differ from the published minutes. 0 COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 8, 1999 Chris's request of September 27, 1999 was carried over to this date at his request. Council discussed Chris Bulow's request. Council tabled any action until the November 22, 1999 meeting in order for staff to provide copies of the various meeting minutes and to note their recollections of the meetings. cc: City Staff 3 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 'ivil & Municipal Engineering .and Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 11/22/99 Item 7.1 Water Tower & Tank 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax The painting inside and outside, including the logo, was completed on 11/12/99. They may have worked on Saturday and Sunday, however, as a practical matter it was done on the 12tH The liquidated damages associated with the delays are $12,900. Completion of the painting needed to be done on October 31 to meet the scheduled set up in the contract between the City and Maguire Iron. The time needed to complete the tower and tank over and above the October 31 date was 43 days. Forty-three days times $300 per day for liquidated damage charges is equal to $12,900. The remaining work associated with the site was required to be completed by November 15, 1999. It appears that the site work will not be completed until November 19, 1999. However, site work was not a critical item in the operation of the water system. No liquidated damages are recommended for that aspect of the work. The proposal/contract Maguire Iron has sent to the City to dissipate the liquidated damages appears to be less value to the City than the $12,900. The two free tank cleaning services are worth $2,600 as per their proposal. These cleanings are regommended services and have real value. However, what would be don' e for that service is not explained in the contract proposal. The exter-Wed 5 year coating guarantee has significant value should the coatings fail within that period. The cost of painting this new tank and tower was $80,000 inside and outside. The average life of a "paint job" is probably 5-10 years, at which time the repaint cost could be more or less depending on the remedial effort It is difficult to value the 5 year guarantee. Usually guarantees and warranties only cover payment for workmanship and material failures. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901agendal1-22-99.doc Our recommendation would be to take the liquidated damage. The city will have a one-year warranty on the project and there is a provision for a 1 year warranty inspection. We would also recommend approval of partial payment #5 in the amount of $130,775.75, with a 5% retainage of $26,812.25. We recommend that the retainage be held until the liquidated damages issue is resolved. Item 7.2 Otsego Overlay Project A. Bauerly is currently working on shouldering, driveways and general cleanup. They hoped to have this work completed by November 19th. They are placing material along the edge of the road so no cars will be damaged by steep drop offs. Bauerly's will again come in next spring and place an additional layer of topsoil over this material. Dragging and seeding of shoulders is to be completed next spring. B. Any asphalt corrections (driveways, overlays, etc.) will be accomplished next spring. The corrections are to be completed with a finer mix of asphalt and should be done in warmer weather for the best possible finish. Item 7.3 Any other Engineering Business A. Project Progress — Pumphouse #1 The pumphouse will not be substantially completed until around 12/15/99. The delay is primarily related to late shipments of electrical control devices. Some have still not been delivered to the site. It appears that the manufacturers could not meet the delivery dates. We are recommending extension of the substantial completion date from 10/15/99 to 12/15/99. Site work is allowed by the contract documents to continue in the spring of 2000 as is the hookup of the Otsego Elementary School to the water system. B. Project — Odean Avenue Odean Avenue & 85th St. intersection should have been reopened to the public on November 19, 1999. The roadway has the base course (2 '/2") in place and we will be adding the final lift (2") and the bike path next year, probably late June or July. Other items such as seeding, driveways, and driveway aprons for this area will be installed next year. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901agendal1-22-99.doc ITEM 7.1 PAY ESTIMATE #5 November 17, 1999 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Water Tank & Tower Contractor: Maguire Iron, Inc. Contract Amount: $536,245,00 Award Date: September 15, 1998 Completion Date: November 14, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: FILE: Share\Excel\01sego\0T5080T.x1s SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE #5 Page 1 11/17/99 Percent Contract Complete Total Complete to Balance to Item Description Price' to Date Date Complete 1 Design Drawings $10,000.00 100 $10,000.00 $0.00 2 Foundations $80,000.00 100 $80,000.00 $0.00 3 Delivery of Steel $239,000.00 100 $239,000.00 $0.00 4 Field Erection $100,000.00 100 $100,000.00 $0.00 5 Field Painting $80,000.00 100 $80,000.00 $0.00 6 Field Electrical $12,000.00 1.00 $12,000.00 _$0.00 TOTALS: $521,000.00 $521,000.00 $0.00 'Item Breakdown per Contractor Change Order No. 1 Item A Excavation and grading to develop work $6,550.00 100 $6,550.00 $0.00 B Foundation/Footing Redesign $965.00 100 $965.00 $0.00 C Tank & Tower Structural Redesign and Welding $7,730.00 100 $7,730.00 $0.00 TOTALS: $15,245.00 $15,245.00 $0.00 Total Contract Price: $536,245.00 USED TO DATE: $536,245.00 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: $26,812.25 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #1: $66,600.00 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2: $233,100.00 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #3: $42,957.00 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #4: $36,000.00 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $130,775.75 FILE: Share\Excel\01sego\0T5080T.x1s SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE #5 Page 1 11/17/99 ITEM 7.1 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: FILE: Share\Excel\0tsego\0T508BT.xls SHEET: PAY ESTIMATE k5 Page 2 11/17/99 31 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL. ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPAR'T'MENT: MEETING DA'Z'E: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Consider Resolution Adopting Assessment for Otsego Street Project 99-1 Roadway Improvement Project (2" Asphalt Overlay) (Attached) 8.2. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: 8.1. Andy MacArthur will be present to explain and I have attached the information from Andy. I have also attached information on a letter to be mailed to residents, a certification of assessment roll and updated assessment roll as of the date of agenda 11/17/99. I will bring updated one to Council Meeting as of 11/22/99. 1 have also attached information on deferments requested, which needs to be considered and passed or denied by the Mayor and Council. I have also attached copies of the letters from residents objecting to the assessment. 8.2. This item is for any other legal business that may arise. RECOMHWNDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 99-44 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT FOR OTSEGO CITY PROJECT #99-01-1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the City Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of the roadways within the following described area by application of a two inch overlay of bituminous and additional improvements to the roads and road right of ways: includes HALLS V, 2nd and 3`d ADDITIONS, VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES I", 2°d, 3'd and 4m ADDITIONS, HIDDEN VALLEY, DEER FIELD ACRES and WALESCH ESTATES 1s` and 2"d ADDITIONS, a portion of O'DAY ACRES; also, OTSEGO ACRES 1" and 2nd ADDITIONS, GREAT RIVER ACRES 1`4, 2" d N' 3rd ADDITIONS, MASON AVENUE (CSAH 39 to 83`d Street N.E.), 83`d STREET N.E. (Marlowe Avenue N.E. to Mason Avenue), MARLOWE AVENUE N.E. (83`d Street N.E. to 80`s Street N.E.), 80`' STREET N.E. (MARLOWE AVENUE N.E. to CSAH #19) CITY OF OTSEGO, COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA. Those parcels, either abutting or non -abutting, the above described roads and described on the Assessment roll hereto attached are found to be benefited by the improvements. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract therein included is hereby found to be benefited by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January 2000, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2000. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid assessments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and they may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. Partial prepayment of the assessment is also allowed pursuant to Otsego Ordinance No. 24-1-10. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the County. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED by the OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL this 9h day of November, 1999. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: ABSTAINING: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 November 23, 1999 TO WHOM IT iVLAY CONCERN: This is to notify you that the final assessment for Improvement No. 99-1 was adopted by the City Council on November 22, 1999 pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. The final assessment is on file for inspection in the office of the City- Cleric. The amount of the assessment is S 1.164.50 per parcel. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this Resolution; and (s)he may at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. (Payment of assessment, either partial or full payment needs to be paid to the City Treasurer by December 1, 1999 to be interest free). An owner may appeal his assessment to the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081, by serving notice of the appeal upon the Mayor or Clerk of the City within 30 days after adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the District Court within ten (10) days after service upon the Mayor or Clerk. However, no appeal may be taken on the amount of the assessment unless a written objection signed by the property owner was filed with the City Clerk at or before the assessment hearing, unless the failure to object was due to reasonable cause. CITY OF OTSEGO: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk File: 2000SPAS. WPS CITY OF 071"SEGO ;899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 _ Quem er 23. 1 99V Tony Duerr Wright County auditors Office Wright County Government Center 10 N'W 2ND Street Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 RE: Certified Final Assessment Rolls for Proved 99-1 Roadway Improvement Project - City of Otsego Dear Tony: :-attached is the information regarding the above mentioned Assessment Roll. Please note that each parcel amount being assessed is 51,164.50 per parcel. Interest is 6% over a 10 year time period. The exceptions are as follows: PID =1 19-032-0022200 - Underdahl - Partial payment of 5430.00 = S734.50 Total Assessment Amt. PID #118-500-194200 - Specht - Assessment is for 60 Acres or 1-1/2 Assessment = S1,746.75 Total Assessment Amt Deferments requested and approved are three (3) - Listed as "D" on the assessment roll. I have marked each PID No. with * and Assessment Paid in Full -date-and taken off of assessment roll for any that have paid their assessment. I am enclosing copies of receipts for payoff of assessments and information on deferments for your double-check if necessary. Thank you for your help with this Special assessment. any questions, please call me at 441-4414. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beam, City Clerk;'Zoninv Adm. eb ME - :000s[ ASAtTs �i �A RAI, / i CITY OF OTSEGO COU N OF XNRIGHT CERTIFICATION OF ASSESS-NNIENT ROLL I do hereby certify that the attached assessment Roll for Fees Due the City of Otsego is a true and correct copy. Dated this 23RD day of November, 1999. CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beatty, Clerk/Zoning Adm. (CITY SEAL) t_�_ ( r�Fp_ �_ '. (1//7��9 CITY OF OTSEGO ASSESSMENT ROLL 499-1 - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (Includes Halls, I st, 2nd & 3rd Additions, Vasseur's Oak Grove Est., I st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Additions, Hidden Valley, Deer Field Acres and Walesch Estates I st and 2nd Additions, A portion of O'day Acres, Also; Otsego Acres I st & 2nd Additions, Great River Acres I st, 2nd & 3rd Additions, Mason Ave., (CSAH 39 to 83rd St. N.E.), 83rd St. N.E. (Marlowe Ave N.E. to Mason Ave. N.E.) Marlowe Ave. N.E. (83rd St. N.E. to 84th St. N.E.), 80th St. N.E_ (Marlowe Ave N.E_ to CSAH # 19) City of Otsego, County of Wright, Minnesota.) NAME ADDRESS PID #'S Amount GREAT RIVER ACRES IST ADD: Christopher M Guimont 9432 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001100 Raymond A & Diane Tenut 9370 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001110 Charles F Brown 9320 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001120 Donald L & C E Eckstrom 9266 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001130 Vernon D & Gloria K Heidner 13922 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001140 Ross A & Sandra A Herman 13962 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-015-001150 * 118-015-001151 Paid in Full on I I/15194 Taken off Assessment Roll Todd J & Jane F Zych 14072 91 SI` ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001160 James C Andrnnsko. & D M Duvall 14030 91 ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001161 Duane M & Judith R Halstad 14180 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 115-015-001180 Brian & Jodi Fero 14234 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001190 Marlin H & Kathy Sarrvick 14282 - 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001200 EL D & Jean M Corrow 14340 91 ST ST NE, EIk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001210 Robert L & Joyce M Cassell 14398 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-001220 Harry G & Audrey Friedman 2500 Medicine Lake Blvd E., Plymouth, Mn. 55441 118-015-001230 (2 -lots) 1118-015-001240 Mark A & Jennifer E Wohlers 144 7,1 9I ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002010 Barbara M Brevik 14433 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002020 Wallace G & D Lambrecht 14397 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-042030 Gordon W & Darlene Donais 14353 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002040 Mr. & Mrs. Ross Olson* I I/1/99Newl4311 91 ST ST NE, Elk River MN. 55330 (was Wright 118-015-002050 Richard A Powell 9110 Ochoa Circle NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002060 Lyle A Peterson 14269 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002061 * 118-015-002070- Paid in Full 11/10/99 - Taken Off Assessment Roll Lloyd & Lois Welsh 14150 90TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002080 Elmer H Broda & Barbara J Broda 9051 Ochoa Circle NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002090 Richard E & Margaret A Olson 9073 Ochoa Circle NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002100 Lane & Janet Wick 9093 Ochoa Circle NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002110 Gordon JR & Michele Cornelius 14053 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Nin. 55330 118-015-002120 Bradley J DeMars 14019 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002130 Myles A & Lynn M Plude 13983 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, NIn. 55330 118-015-002140 ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 2 - GREAT RIFER ACRES IST ADDITION (CONT.): Russell R & Donna M Voght 13949 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002150 Steven L Bucholz 1392191 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002160 Paul & Mary Barthel 9175 NehT=k Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-015-002170 Dale E & Susan C Vogtlin 9I79 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-015-002180 Donald J & A O O'Rourke 9223 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-015-002190 GREAT RIVER ACRES 2ND ADDITION: Sandra D Stice & M Jansson % Honey Do Farm P O Box #36 Haztwood VA 22471 118-016-001040 Fank W & Cynthia R Nagle 948I Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-01&001050 Brett L & LaDonna J Ahrens 9397 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-016-001060 Doug K & Wendy C Jorges 9359 Nelmark Ave. NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-016-001070 Richard Wilt 9309 Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-016-001080 Richard E Diekman 926I Nelmark Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 11 M 16-001090 GREAT RIVER ACRES 3RD ADDITION: Steven V & Terryl K Duea 9351 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-001020 Donald A & L I Tholices 9313 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-001030 John K & Julieann H Wenner 9279 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River Mn. 55330 118-017-001040 Paul T Soltvedt 9219 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-001050 Ronald J & Karey L Dobbelaire 9175 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-001060 Carroll A & Colleen Hecklinger 9382 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-017-002010 Dwayne & G Thompson 9342 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-002020 Marlyn & Connie Englert 7948 North Douglas Dr. Brooklyn Park, Mn.55443 118-017-002030 Lisa J Dayon 9280 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-017-002040 HALL'S ADDITION: Mark R Kemkamp 9046 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-001010 John R Jr. & J N Stewart 8990 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-018-001020 John C Nuhlicek 8956 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River Mn. 55330 118-018-041030 Roger W & J Rognli 8928 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-001040 Bret R Gimpl 8870 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-001050 John L Wirtz 8842 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-018-001060 Galen L & Kathryn J Johnson 8932 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 1 I8-018-042010 Daniel B Starks 14655 -89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-002020 Michael J & Nicole L Martin 14695 -89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-002030 Lawrence D Moe & J Mayer 14729 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn- 55330 118-018-002040 John K & Nancy Larson 14759 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-042050 Russell J & Connie A Schwecke 8889 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-002060 Christopher J Weber 14730 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-002070 Lance E & Melissa L Bale 14696 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-002080 Cory A & Juanita M Thompson 14656 &9,TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 1I8 -018-042M James P Boles 8888 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-0 1 8-0(r. t 00 Reid N Ende & Margaret A Ende 14567 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-003010 Leland L Silvemess & J M P -S 8893 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-018-003020 Lee W & Linda S Norquist 8855 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-043430 Douglas A & Beverly Nelson 8817 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-003040 Mark D Faue 14526 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-003050 Robert S & Clarise Reinhardt 14525 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-018-003080 * 118-018-044410 - Paid Assessment in full 11/10/99 Taken off Assessment Rolls * 118-018-004020 - Paid Assessment in full 11/15/99 Taken off Assessment Rolls Thomas A Paaverud 14616 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-004030 ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 3 - HALL'S ADDITION (CONT.) Charles W & M R Curtis 8981 Ogden Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-004040 Roger L & Christine Ensminger 9055 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-005010 Mark T & Cheryl Hathaway 8987 - Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-005020 Glen T & Gloria A WeIIe 14870 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, 'Vin. 55330 118-018-005030 David L Wisnieski 14828 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-005040 Stan F & Julie A Steuter 14792 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-005050 Michael K Reischl 14754 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-018-005060 Scott P Johnson 8980 Ogden Ave NE, Elk River, IVIn. 55330 118-019-005070 OTSEGO ACRES 1ST ADDITION: Russell D & Joann M Balamut 14200 90TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-00010 Sharon R McAlpine 14428 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-001030 Charles & Rachel Landon 14400 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-001040 Charles & Judith Finch 14370 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-001050 Rodney L Bengtson & L Wilder 14340 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-026-001060 Gregory J & Donna Knott 14308 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-001070 Duane V & Sharon A Ose 8980 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-001080 Steven D & Nartcy Knox 14461 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002010 *Edwin Stan- & Robin Crosswaite I4462 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 (11/3/99) 118-026-002030 Justin W & Sheryl A Bauer 31913 64TH AVE, Cannon Falls, Mn. 55009 118-026-002040 Gregor' C & Debra Coklas 14400 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002050 *Cary H Nelson(Escrow held) 14370 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-026-002060 John J Purdes & P Windsperger 14340 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-026-002070 Robert A Letchworth 14308 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002080 Debra A Anderson 8812 - Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002090 Richard J & Ahm Roe 142791- 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002100 Lance A Tregoing I4307 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, l�vIn. 55330 118-026-002110 Wallace D & V S Bonnevier 14339 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002120 Richard A & Brenda D Thrall 14369 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002130 Anthony B Lau & K Metzgar 14399 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-002140 David J Johnson 14427 - 89TH ST NE, Elk River, vin. 55330 118-026-002150 Steven R Sr & Susan M Shackle 14449 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River Mn. 55330 118-026-003020 Deborah J & David J Hedberg 14421 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003030 Glen T & Janice M Regnier 14395 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003040 Alma H Lemberg 14363 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn- 55330 118-026-003050 Gary A & Catherine L O'Borsky 14331 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003060 Scott D Cottrell I4299 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 I 18-026-003070 Duane & K Salzwedel 14259 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003080 Scott R & Debbie A Wilmot 14237 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003090 Thomas E & Susan G Koch 14209 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003100 Jay R & Amy W Stemler 14183 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-026-003110 Wilber A & Lois G Self 14155 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003120 Richard E & Claudia M Nelson 14123 - 88tH ST NE, Elk River, M1 n. 55330 118-026-003130 Donald A & Toni L Larson 8768 - O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-003140 Chipper D & Julie McDowell 14238 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn_ 55330 118-026-004010 Cavin Thiery 14210 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-004020 Mail to Occupant (just sold) (Former Gerald C & Garcia G Michels 14184 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-004030 Mail Above to: Stewart Title, 6300 - Shingle Creek Pky, Brooklyn Center, Mn. 55430 ATTN Lillian File #99421504 (Title Company is holding Escrow to pay this assessment off) ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 4- *118-032-002010 - Paid Assessment 11/10/99 - Taken off Assessment Roll Terri Ruschmeier OTSEGO ACRES IST ADDITION (Cont) 118-032-002020 Donald L Johansen 14156 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-026-004040 Jerald L Loss Sr 14124 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-004050 Michael J Raymond 14098 - 88TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-026-004060 William R & P Lampson 8879 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-005010 Terrance & Judy Wood 8841 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-005020 Gregory R & Canie L Dungan 8821 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-005030 Frank W Jr. & B S Podrebarac 8791 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-026-005040 Norman M & Karen R Waagen 8765 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 119-026-005050 8189 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 OTSEGO ACRES 2ND ADDITION: Mark S & Mona L Sundeen Steven R & Linda I Pieper 14155 - 90TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-001010 Brian H & Kern A Olson 14123 - 90TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-001020 Louis J & May R Szenay 49I3 - 50TH AVE, Princenton, Mn 55371 118-02 7-00 1030 Matt & Nancy Thomas-Googins 8916 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-001040 Lloyd M & Julia M Dehn 8886 - O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn: 55330 118-027-001050 Steven E & Diane J Wiltermuth 8937 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-002020 Richard A & Cheryl A Behncke 8907 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, bin. 55330 118-027-002030 Todd C Schwerin 14237 - 90TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-003010 Thomas M & Terryl L Corder 8821 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-027-003011 VASSEIJR`S OAK GROVE ESTATES IST ADD: Kevin E Brand 14959 - 85TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001010 John C & Cindy L Pollan 8440 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001020 Brian S & Joan M Lindquist 8420 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-00I030 Dentis D & Eiaina M Groess 8392 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001040 Dewayne L Seffurga 8362 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001050 Tonya Daugherty 8334 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001060 Walter C & Sandra K Brunelle P 0 Box 645, Elk River, Mn. 55330-0645 118-032-00IG70 Travis A Reckard 8276 - Packard Ave NE, ELk River, Mn. 553W 118-032-001080 Trevor E & Constance Gray 8246 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001090 Dawayne F & Sharon Girard 8218 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001100 Dwaine M Nordquist 8190 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001110 Thomas M & Elaine Osborn 8160 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001120 Norman R Carlson 18685 Bobcat Rd W, Casa Grande Az. 85222 118-032-001130 Mike Vasseur 8104 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001140 Charles D Lasley 8076 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-001150 Richard J Davis 15944 Tulip St NW, Andover, Mn. 55304 118-032-001160 Richard J Davis " 118-032-001170 *118-032-002010 - Paid Assessment 11/10/99 - Taken off Assessment Roll Terri Ruschmeier 8439 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002020 Wesley C Jr & Barbara L King 8419 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002030 Daniel J Adamek 8391 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002040 Richard L Shaw 8361 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002050 Edwin L & Barbara A Joseph 8333 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002060 James M & Deborah J Berg 8305 Packard Ave NE, ELk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002070 Robert M & Katherine J PoIaschke 8275 Packard Ave NE, ELk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002080 Bruce & Betty A Raider 8245 Packard Ave NE, ELk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002090 Steven L & Suzanne Ackerman 8217 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002100 Charles J & Rosemarie Cassady 8189 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002110 Mark S & Mona L Sundeen 8159 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002120 Nathan & Branstner Humphreys 8131 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-032-002130 David A Schmid 8103 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002140 ASSESSMENT ROLL - ##99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 5 - VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES IST ADD (Cont.): Troy H & Julie A Moseng 14834 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002150 David J & Betty S Erwin 8132 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002160 John D & Kimberly A Wornson 8160 Ogren Ave NE, ELk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002170 Charley W & Kathy S Smith 20685 Concord St NW, EU River, Mn.55330 I I8 -032-002I80 John S & Jean T Kasper 8218 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002190 **Partial Payment Paid 5430.00 - 11/15/99 - 5734.50 still owing (to be added to assessment roll) ------ / --PP-Beverly A Underdahl 8246 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 (**See above) 118-032-002200 Richard L Dahlin & B Krank 8276 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-032-002210 Richard A JR & JM Randall 8306 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002220 Michelle A Hoppe 8334 Ogren Ave NE, EU River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002230 Richard M & Janice Tveitbakk 8362 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002240 Rodney & Mavis Zettergren 8392 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-032-002250 Viola M Erickson 8420 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002260 Richard & Nona Palmer 8440 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-002270 Robert E & Elizabeth Walz 8057 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-032-003010 Lorin M & Lois A Schwab P 0 Box I3, Elk River, Mn. 55330-0113 119-032-003020 Tab J Dulski 1486181 ST ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 118-032-003030 Ben L & Geraldine M Hengel** ! 8038 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-032-003040 **ESCROW HOME SECURFFY/ Attention: Lori Troseth/ VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES ZND ADD: John & Cheryl Butler 8439 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001010 Virgil V & Marge L Stackhouse. 14766 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001020 Chester R & Jeanette M Holm 14738 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001030 Paul Goebel 14710 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001040 Mark A Mards 14682 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001050 Tommy W & Carol M Lloyd 14656 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001060 Lance Boese 14626 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-0330WI070 Robert W Steinhaus P 0 Box 546, Elk River, Mn. 55330-0546 I 18-033-00I080 Marley Brechlin 14576 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001090 William} C & Naomi Carlson 8419 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001110 Gerald K & Joanne A Gordon 8389 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001 120 Wayne R & Laura M Rude 8357 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001130 Eugene E & Darline C Erickson 8328 O'Dean Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-001140 Lawrence P Vasseur 8393 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002010 *Robert Ost i m (will pay -call him) 201 N Atlas Palmas Rd 70, Harlingen TX 78552 118-033-002020 Carolyn M Sieben & D Sieben % Caroly Brown/ 14737 84TH ST NE, Elk River, MN.55330 118-033-002030 Terry Mack & Sherryl McCann 14896 85TH ST NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-033-002040 Scott Willis 14681 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002050 Raymond A & Margaret L Jensen % Don Jensen 4323 Priorwood ST SE, Prior Lake, Mn. 55372-4403 118-033-002060 Daniel B & Deborah A Goodrich 14625 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn: 55330 118-033-002070 Forrest S & Nancy J Kars 14599 84TH ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002080 Dwight W & MR McKenzie 8352 O'DeII Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-033-002090 Mark A Reents 14626 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002100 Robert J & Florence Rogers 14682 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002110 Robert J & Theresa F Rogers 14682 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002120 Robert i%,I Warner 14710 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002130 Karen J Wilson 14738 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-002140 *Roland Hedtke (revised 10/26) 14766 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033402150 ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO -1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 6 - VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 2ND ADD (Coot.): Bennie V & DM Kowalski 8337 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, NIn. 55330 118-033-002I60 Linda J Vasseur 8282 O'Dean Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-003010 Myron Charles McKenzie 14599 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004010 Kris Moen & Kerri Swart 14631 - 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004020 Kerry J & Cynthia L Samuelson I4699 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004040 Dennis N & Carol Sieben 14731 83RD ST NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004050 Daniel D & Rose C Kohler 14779 83RD ST NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-033-004OW Mark P & Nancy M Wilmer 8245 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004070 Secretary of HUD 220 2ND ST S, Minneapolis, MN 5540I-2195 118-033-004090 David L & Rosa V Scarset 8189 Ogren Ave NE, Elk Rier, MN 55330 118-033-004090 Aloys E & Olivia Gerads 8159 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004100 Edward A Koehler 8131 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004110 Elizabeth Humphreys 8I03 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-033-004120 Lyle R & Leanne K Jorgensen 23045 142ND ST NW, Elk River, MN 55330 118-033-004130 Kurtis & Delphia D Hinton 8045 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-033-004140 Peter E & Ruth A Thomsen 8013 Ogren Ave NE, Elk river, MN 55330 118-033-004150 VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 3RD ADD: Lee D & Marlys B Luedke 8446 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-034-001020 Frank P & Annick C Muller 8416 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034001030 John H & Amy F DeGroat 8388 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034-001040 John M Karnes 8360 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 119-034-001050 Timothy L & Teresa R Mueller 8332 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034-001060 LeRoy B & Charlem Terebayza 8304 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034001070 Cheryl A Pratt 8274 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-034-001080 Mark F Locnikar 8216 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Lin 55330 I I8-034-OOI I00 Ross E & Kay L Bengtson 374 Baldwin Ave, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034-001110 Ronald C Wirth & AR Schmidt 8158 Oakwood Ave. NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-034-001120 Gary E & Kelley K Knight 4808 Lamplighter Ln, Minnetonka, MN.55345 118-034-001130 Todd L Lofgren S IO2 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 11 M34 -GO I I40 Gary & Bonnie Keays 8074 Oakwood Ave NE,. Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-001150 Miles F & Maria C MMer 8044 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 118-034001160 John H & Cheryl L Rose 8614 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-001170 Gregory J & M Brown ProR= Address: 13915 85TH ST NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 Mailing Address : 8475 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-034-002010 Thomas L & Gloria E Williams 8445 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-034002020 August & Kathleen Nordhausen 8415 Oakwood Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-034002030 vfichaeI J Keating & Chery Johnson 8387 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, Nin 55330 118-034-002040 Judith A Fundingsland 8359 Oakwood Ave NE, EU River, MN. 55330 118-034-002050 Kenneth D & Alice Crosbie 8331 Oakwood Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-034002060 Matthew A & Julie A Walney 8303 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk Rier, MN 55330 118-034-002070 Marvin L & June F Grotte 23 Crestwood DR. Osseo, NN. 55369 118-034-002080 Brian J & Brenda L Blaine 8243 Oakwood Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-034-002090 Donald G Brenner 8215 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034002100 Rocky A & Frances L Applegate 8185 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002110 Terry N Brown 815 7 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-034-002120 Jim & Gloria Becher 8129 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034002130 "D"Robert G Hanson 8101 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034002140 Doris F Quigley 8073 Oakwood Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034002150 Wayne C Torgerson 13912 80TH ST NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118-034-002160 Russell J & Leslie G Welton 13878 80TH ST NE, EU River, Mn. 55330 118-034-002170 " " - Kent R & Charlotte B Speer 13836 80TH ST NE, ELk River, MN 55330 118-034-002180 ASSESSMENT ROLL - 99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 7 - VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 3RD ADD.(Cont.): Francis JR & Joan I Kichler 8074 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN, 55330 118-034-002190 Loren J & Arleen L Nagel 8102 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002200 Chad Coleman 6770 Horseshoe Bend Dr, Corcoran Mn 55340 118-034-002210 Charles J & A Beliveau 8158 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-034-002220 Kenneth D Kitzman 8186 Needham Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-034-002230 Thomas R & Louisette Guimont 8216 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-0_54-002240 Darrel L & G Nicholauson 8244 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002250 Bradley J Ries 8274 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-034-002260 Dennis J Kroll 8304 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002270 Robert W & Shirley Madland 8332 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002280 Michael T & Jacqueline J Weide 8360 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-034-002290 Thomas H & Janet L Elliott 8388 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-034-002300 VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE ESTATES 4TH ADD: Duane I & Iosine M Beyer. 8475 Needy Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001010 Loren J & Arleen L Nagel 8102 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001020 John P & Lillian Aariie 94I5 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001030 Thomas E & Eva M Hudson 8387 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001040 Keith A & Tiffany M Hilgart 8359 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001050 Kevin J & Linda M Wolf 8331 Needharrr Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001060 Nancy J Ebner 8303 Needham Ave NE, ELk River, TYIN 55330 118-035-001070 Norbert J & Cecilia Chapp 8273 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001080 Timothy P & Margaret M Boyle- 8243 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001090 Rodney & Barbara Zernechel 8215 Needham Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-035-001100 Thomas A & Karin R Moe 8185 Needham Ae NE, Elk River, NfN 55330 118-035-001110 David L & Jean E Carlson 8157 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001120 Ralph & Shirley M Adamson 8129 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001130 Loren J & Aileen L Nagel .8102 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001140 Wendy J & Denise D Deane 8073 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, NIN 55330 118-035-00I I50 Steven L & Kristie L Jarmuzek 8043 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001160 Allen C & Barbara Zabel 8013 Needham Ae NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-001170 Charles J Firick 8416 Needham Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-035-002030 WALESCH ESTATES: Debra L Rosa 14292 82ND ST NE P O Box 33 Elk River MN. 55330118-036-001010 Joseph A & Rebecca L Gosiak 14320 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-041020 Joseph M & Teresa S Panka 14348 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001030 Brian L Biske 14367 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001040 Daniel J & Stacey L Minor 19308 Baldwin St NW, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001070 * 118-036-1080 Takers Off 11/10/99 Paid Assessment in Full Thomas M & Elaine J Osborn 8160 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-OOI M Gregory J & Joy M Maher 8086 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001100 Stephan G Fritz 8060 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001110 Donald E & Laynette I Boyer 8026 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001120 Allan R & Joanne O'Shea ETAL 1831 Fulham ST, Roseville, MN. 55113 118-036-001130 Gary E Anderson 8017 O'dean Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-001140 William R Daby 8114 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002010 Colleen J Bongaarts 8144 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002020 John J & Virginia A Pufahl 14295 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002030 Brian L Biske 14367 - 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002040 Jerry C Becher 4580 Oakview LN, Plymouth, MN 55442 118-036-002050 Jerry C Becher 11 it118-036-002060 ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Pages - WALESCH ESTATES (Cont.): Richard J & Jov K Hartfiel 8105 O'Dav Ave NE, Elk River, N1N. 55330118-U3o-002010 Llovd H & Ellen M Hill 8063 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 15330 118-036-002080 Mitch E & Chen'l L Bengston 8031 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002090 Mark J Campbell 14330 81 ST NE NE, Elk River, ivN 55330 118-036-002I00 Daniel J Fietek 14305 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-03o-002110 Viola Wirtz 14276 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-002120 Roger D & Joan I Kluver 14221 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-003010 Eugene A & Diane C Torgerson 14263 91 ST ST NE, Elk River, NIN 55330 118-036-003020 Shirley A Prader 14293 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-036-003030 Herman JR & PH Nloseng 14353 81 ST ST NE, Elk N 5 River, N5330 118-036-003040 I, 1P " 1. 118-036-003050 Kenneth L JR & S Suitter 14379 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, NIN 55330 118-036-003060 Bryan G Woodruff & Sara C Lees 14403 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-030-003070 WALESCH ESTATES 2ND ADDITION: Lynn P Hillman % Carol Osborn 9453 Thompson Pt Rd, Deerwood, MN.56444 118-037-001010 Ervin A Nfathison I42I0 82ND ST NE, Elk River, iVN 55330 118-037-001020 Richard P & Sharon Goth 14158 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001030 * 118-037-001040 Paid Assessment in full 11/16/99 Taken off Assessment Rolls "D"Eugene J & Marian Lent 14086 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001050 Alan D Wurzinger 14062 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001060 John G Fife & A S Gustafson (Fife)* 14030 82ND ST NE, Elk River, hN 55330 118-03-17-00107/0 Richard E & Judy L Nitz 14061 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001080 John L & Annette D Sandness 14205 82ND ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001090 John J & Virginia A Pufahl 14295 82ND ST NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-037-001100 Jeffrey A & Karen Klonne 8125 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk river, MN 55330 118-037-001110 Jeff Anderson 8103 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001120 John J Gardas 8073 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-031-001130 Charles N & Donna R Klein 8045 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001140 Dale M Hauble 8019 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk river, IVN 55330 118-037-001150 Vernon J Theisen 7995 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001160 David A & Jane M Gardner 1953 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001170 Richard N & B L Sauter 7933 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001180 Robert Hammer 7917 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River MN 55330 118-037-001190 Gary M SR & Patricia A Gyder 11301 Lake Dr, New Port Richey FL 34654 118-037-001200 Bobbie JO & Joe Anderson ETAL 1=1042 79TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-001210 Walter E & Ellen C NeIson 14014 79TH ST NE, Elk River, IVNI 55330 118-037-001220 John W Breiwick & V Oman 7984 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-002010 James & Delores Stevens 7972 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 553-M I IS -037-002020 Scott Welcome 7958 O Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-002030 Joseph E & Vanessa R Zabilla 7942 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-002040 Robert A & Geraldine Maland 7928 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-037-002050 Donald B Dittbemer 7908 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003060 Thomas W & Shannon N Smith 7888 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-031-002070 Thomas S & Susan.M Houdek 7864 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-037-002080 Clifford F & Sharon Poganski 14376 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-002090 Thomas H Johansen 7894 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, %VIN 55330 118-037-003010 Thomas L & MLI Switzer 7900 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003020 Nicolette Schullo 7914 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003030 Reinhard J & Nlary A Karst 7928 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-03 7-003040 Harold W &Sandra M Jammes 7944 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, NN 55330 118-037-00+050 ASSESSMENT ROLL - #99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 9 - Michel J Palmer & Christa A Tregorung WALESCH ESTATES 2ND ADD. (Cont.): 118-037-005030 Thomas & Patricia Davison 7964 Ochoa Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003060 Mark D Wankel 7953 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003070 Harold M & Louise L Jammes 7939 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003080 Thomas P & Jamet R Strassburg 7923 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003090 Vickie Campbell 7901 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003100 Scott L & Janee L Adamson 7867 O'Day Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003110 Gary D & Deanna M Riggs 14320 78TH ST NE, Elk River MN 55330 118-037-003120 Mary K Gunderson I4266 78TH SINE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003130 Keith J Dubin 14238 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003140 Anthony R Diaz 14208 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003150 Jerome M & S M Kowalczyk 14182 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003160 Steven W V alerius 14146 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003170 Michael Renz 14084 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-003180 Stanly A Lindrud 14083 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004010 Cecil J SR & Cecil J JR Adams 14107 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004020 Kevin G & CheryI J Cook 14167 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004021 Elwin J & Jane C Thackeray 14195 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004050 Gregory & Mary Paurnen 14223 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004060 Sunny J Orendorff 14253 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004070 Ronald C & Ilene M MacDiarmid 14281 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-037-004080 Leonard A Loss 14311 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004090 Ronald G Webber 14339 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004100 Norman D & Frances Sebeck 14367 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004110 Gerald R & Judith Mossak I4395 78TH STNS, Elk River, MN 55330 119-037-004120 Paul & Charlotte Lebrun 14423 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004130 Mark R & Bonita L Nolden 7771 Odean Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-004140 * 118-037-005010 - Assessment Paid in Full 11/15/99 Taken Off Assessment Rolls Matthew R & Christine M Hall 7849 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-005020 Michel J Palmer & Christa A Tregorung 7821 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-005030 Donald F Goth 7761 O'Brian Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-037-005050 Robert W & Elizabeth L Lee HALLS 2ND ADDFITON: 118-039-002040 Jerome L & LM Marquette 8798 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001010 David N & Julie K Hill 8756 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001020 (*Dana R & Tina M Anderson / 8720 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001030) Lawrence L Lerunard 822 East River Rd, Anoka, MN 55303 118-039-001040 Barthel Const, Inc. / (*MAIL TO/Peter Wood, 5101 France Ave N.Brooklyn Center,MN 55429) %Mike lannacone/ 101 5TH ST E- STE 1640 St Paul, MN 55101 118-039-001050 Corrrrie M Engen & G A Stewart 86W Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001060 Perry A Heigl 8570 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001070 Redgie L & Teresa O Reznicek 8525 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-001080 Nathe Family REV TR 1/17/98 8927 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002010 Donald A & Alice J Nathe TRTEE Denise M & Amanda J EuII 8895 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002020 Gregory C & Bernal Larson 8865 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002030 Robert W & Elizabeth L Lee 8821 Ohland Ave NE, Elk river, MN 55330 118-039-002040 Richard N Troedson 8781 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002050 Scott L & Tawni A Schweninger 8743 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, ININ 55330 118-039-002060 Michael J & Christie Galde 8705 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002070 Jeffrey & Lisa K Haskamp 8669 Ohland Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 118-039-002080 ASSESSMENT ROLL- 99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROTECT - Page 10 - HALL'S 2ND? ADDITION (Cont.): Daniel R & Bernadette Klobucher 8625 Ohland Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-039-002090 Mark K Sieg & Gayle Iten 8638 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002100 Douglas A & CA Pollock 8670 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002110 Daniel C Foss 8706 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002120 Mark G Stang & Deborah Kasper 8744 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, ININ 553M 119-039-002130 Gregory R & P Reinlang 8780 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002140 Bjorn J & Barbara L Bjornson 8820 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002150 Rene J Hunger 8850 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002160 Gary D & Suzanne M Macrunnel 8886 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 119-039-002170 Victor P Olson 14821 89TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002180 Sandy J Hanson 14851 89TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-039-002190 8583 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 HALLS THIRD ADDITION: Michael N & Nyrea D Thielges Miles A & Melinda M Zroka 8840 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-042-001010 David R & Donell I Chase 14610 88TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-001020 Curtis J Rath & Alice Iohnson 14605 88TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-001030 Kenneth W Ducharrne 14567 88TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-001040 Richard H Savitski 14525 88TH SINE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-001050 Lowell G & Gayle Beaudry 8859 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, Mn. 55330 118-042-002010 Richard I & Teresa L Walch 8823 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002020 Robert W & Virginia Horner 14838 87FH Circle NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002030 Lang M Halvorson 11 It 14800 87TH Circle NE, Elk River, MN 55330 11 M 118-042-002040 118-042-002050 Karen M Doty 14801 87TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002060 I/ 11 11 118-042-002070 Lawrence 0 & M Virnig 8673 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002090 Thomas R & Mavis F Crawford 8635 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002090 Patrick D Archer 4040 Brunswick Ave N, Crystal, MN 55422 118-042-002100 Ricky A & Debbie Reemts 8571 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-002110 Gary W & Candace A Johnson 9527 Ogren Ave NE, Elk river, MN 55330 119-042-002120 Jeffrey A Chouinard 8606 Ogren Ave NE, Elk river, MN 55330 118-042-003010 Kelly D Martinson & Robin M Byrne & Anita G Roberson 8599 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-003020 Dale E & KM Beyer 8583 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-003030 Michael N & Nyrea D Thielges 8527 Packard Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-003040 Corry P Gunderson 8524 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-003070 Dana A Larsen 8574 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-042-003080 ODAY ACRES: Matthew J & Jodi M Augustson 14483 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 (10/25) 118-056-001010 Douglas C & Stacy A Tiedt*Revised14453 81ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 (10/25) 118-056-001020 *Harvey A & Mary F Collin (new) 14423 81 ST ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 (10/15) 118-056-001030 (* Name & Address Change) DEER FIELD ACRES: Curtis R & Linda E Rieck 14680 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-000011 Ronald L Guenther 7848 O!Dean Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-001010 Kathleen M Lang 14556 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-OOI M Dale A & Dianne Pederson 14584 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-001030 Darlene M Carlson 14624 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-002010 Robert & R Kosloski 14656 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-002020 Dalvin D & Maryann S Strass 14521 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN. 553W 118-123-002030 Manuel & Deborah A Cortez 14567 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-003020 Ameriquest Mortgage Co. 505 S Main Ste 6000, Orange Ca 92868 118-123-003030 Kenneth J & Ellen J Nordstrom 7769 O!Dell Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-003040 ASSESSMENT ROLL - 99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 11 - DEER FIELD ACRES (Cont. Christopher D Adams 7824 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-004010 Constance E Wicks 14661 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-004020 Craig A & Christi A Kingren 7792 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-123-004030 Patrick D & Cynthia D Meyer 7764 O'Dell Ave NE, Elk River, iVfN 55330 119-123-004040 HIDDEN VALLEY: Kim Bergman 7981 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001010 Donald JR & Jennifer- Dittberner 7931 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001020 Daniel G Moss 7899 Ogren Ave NE, EU River, MN 55330 H8429-001030 Randy M Kuehn 7869 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001040 Sue M Kroll 14814 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001050 Jackie N & Judy A MC Spadden 14800 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001060 Alan D & Nancy Skogman I4766 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-I29-001070 Gerald A Musielewicz 14702 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-001080 Daniel M & Susan M Peterson 7994 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002010 Timothy J & Sharon Bourgeois 7960 Ogren Avenue NE, Elk River, MN55330 118-129-002020 Gary 1Vi & Jeanette Johnson 7938 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN. 55330 118- 129-002030 Tyler J Putnam 7904 Ogren Ae NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002040 *Michael & Linda Pylka (Rev. 10/26)7860 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002050 Joseph T Stacey 7850 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002060 Bruce & Jane M LeVasseur 7828 Ogren Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002070 Anthony J Faust & A C P Faust 14831 787H ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002080 Chad M Wenurn & C Adamczyk 14811 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002090 Brian E Rogers & M A Fulayter 14781 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002100 Jason F Mdtz 1475I 'i SI'H ST NE, Elk River, NIN 55330 I I 8- I 29-002I I 0 Leon F & Theresa K Schmidt 14725 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002120 Michael Gorman & J Terebayza 14705 78TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-129-002130 L'NPLATTED PROPERTIES WESTERN PORTION: SECTION 18: - Range 23 Elizabeth Borns 209 Peninsula Rd, Minneapolis, MN 55441 118-500-183103 Raymond K & Lisa C Davis 9465 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-183I04 Dennis J & Mary K Meyer 9395 Mason Ave NE, Elle River, MN 55330 118-500-183105 Marvin K Andersen 9031 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-183400 Amell V & Janet L Beckman 9018 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-184200 SECTION 19: - Range 23 George D Ocel 5705 Johnson Dr. Edma MN 55436 118-500191201 BilI L & Janet R Hill 8762 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-191202 Michael G & Brynda L Brown 8834 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, Mn 55330 (10/25) 118-500-191203 Mary S & D A Dahlheimer 8856 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500191204 John J DeMars 8790 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-191206 Joseph T DeMars 8592 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MNT 55330 118-500-191207 Betty A Benson 8982 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 (10/25) 118-500-191208 Kenneth L & M Maxine Davis 8841 Masan Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-192100 Joel L & Jeaneen M Koltes 8925 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-192101 Randal T & Karen K Pouliot 8457 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MIN 55330 118-500-192400 1. 118-500-193100 Walter Berning & Sons, Inc. 10265 - 99TH ST NE, Monticello, MN 55362 118-500-193200 Jeraldine C Vetsch 8052 Marlowe Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-193400 Edwin J & Elizabeth A Specht 8748 Mason Ave NE, Elk River, MN 55330 118-500-194200 (60 Acres 1.5 Assessments) (60 -ACRES) (1-1/2 ASSESS.) ASSESSMENT ROLL - 99-1 OTSEGO - 1999 ROADWAY IMPROVEMENT PROJECT - Page 12 - Eldin J & Marjorie G Walter Lyle & Nancy Vetsch Waiter Berning & Sons, Inc. Jerome & Nellie Opay Gerald & Mary Holland Hugh & Brenda'C'Donnell Berning Family Dairy Iames & Alvina Cook Paul A Barthel & J & C Barthel Paul & Carol Barthel Alfred & Bertila Barthel %aPaul Barthel Randy & Bounyeng Carstensen Allen & M. LeVasseur Edmond & Marilyn DeMars Benning Family Dairy Walter H Berning TRI/25/91 Robert & A Berning Trustee SECTION 29: - Range 23 1387780TH ST NE, Elk River, MN 55330 (10/25) 118-500-291101 SECTION 30: - Range 23 12265 NE 80TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 11800 NTH ST NE, Albertville, MN 55301 I2111 NE 80TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 12197 NE 80TH ST, Elk River, MN 55330 12239 NE 80TH ST, Elk River, MN. 55330 SECTION 24: - Range 24 11756 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 8014 LaBeaux Ave NE, Albertville, MN 55301 11464 NE 80TH ST Albertville, MN. 55301 11464 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN. 5530I 11344 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN. 55301 11364 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 11576 NE NTH ST, Albertville, MN 5530I 11624 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 11756 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 7776 Co RD 37 NE, St Michael, MN 55376 118-500-342102 II8-500-302200 118-500-302201 118-500-302203 118-..500-302204 118-800-241400 118-800-243300 118-800-243400 119-900-24341 1 118-800-243402 118-800-243403 II8-800-244300 118-800-244301 118-800-244302 118-800-244400 118-800-251102 118-800-251103 119-900-251200 118-800-251202 118-800-251203 118-800-251204 I19-800-251205 118-800-251207 118-800-251208 118-800-251209 II8-800-252I00 118-800-252200 SECTION 25: - Range 24 Roger Berg & M Winslow 11861 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN. 55301 Ronald & Kimberly Beaudry 11893 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN. 55301 Robert & Gail Duncan 11597 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 James A Holmberg 11537 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 Lawrence D. O'Connell(Wm. Curtis)l1511 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN. 55301 Albert & Jean Shonyo 11689 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 Albert & Jean Shonyo 11689 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 David & Eilzabeth Miodus 11613 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 Luveme & Sue Klinkner 11653 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 C. Collin & Judy Ruch 11805 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 Bums P Doran & Debra A Hill 11421 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 Lloyd & Judith Beaudry 11161 NE 80TH ST, Albertville, MN 55301 118-500-342102 II8-500-302200 118-500-302201 118-500-302203 118-..500-302204 118-800-241400 118-800-243300 118-800-243400 119-900-24341 1 118-800-243402 118-800-243403 II8-800-244300 118-800-244301 118-800-244302 118-800-244400 118-800-251102 118-800-251103 119-900-251200 118-800-251202 118-800-251203 118-800-251204 I19-800-251205 118-800-251207 118-800-251208 118-800-251209 II8-800-252I00 118-800-252200 1999 Bituminous Improvement Deferment Request We,.T) AES" Sfl�c-�2 .�,ecarE/� , who reside at 139 �D "S� , /V.� , aS,.Fo. Al/1� 3--)r)Property Legal description l�� 6s e u As &5-r-3P-D�n request to defer the �or_p�� /g��K-ooz Pl D IIS C) 002-/ 90 assessment of $1,164.50 for the 1999 Bituminous Improvement for the following reason in accordance to Ordinance No. 4A: Hardship Deferment tired by Permanent and total disability <'Y� e o� il-t� art, -) Senior Deferment Green Acres Deferment The above reason checked must meet and submit the required proof according to the conditions outlined in the attached Ordinance 4A. Signature Date Signature D to Signing this Request does not guarantee deferment. Deferment must be approved by the City Council. Ordinance 4A attached. 1999 Bituminous Improvement � J ` 1 Deferment Request � We,.(I) b`r* \tai"I.� �L� -- it / � , who reside at Property Legal descriptio , 7 a 4/2 ,request to defer the assessment of $1,164.50 for the 1999 Bituminous Improvement for the following reason in accordance to Ordinance No. 4A: Hardship Deferment Retired by Permanent and total disability Senior Deferment Green Acres Deferment The above reason checked must meet and submit the required proof according to the conditions outlined in the attached Ordinance 4A. Signature Date Signature Date Signing this Request does not guarantee deferment. Deferment must be approved by the City Council. Ordinance 4A attached. / Q MN. THORACIC i�p ft ID:6125767501 Thoracic Associates P.A. NOV 10'99 Nl 1� NLI/007�203 PATIENT NAME: r • /1jW,5 0r DATE OF SURGERY: _ _ �&w cy- q/g/G9 Heat Loo A BOO W M it M4 M0. Jim 9a*% MA FWW W MA Ctrbkoo limmkMA 449 0. Jo^ MA Ma K MkWft A Jda VR Oratork Jt. MQ John A, Salbrw k, Mb, BrMLiKMA TYPE OF SURGERY: O219e07-01n y -/VK6 -/V 5646 6;eY SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: <J% hum's Neal inalihda Nath Nod Cera Had Ceml at Mary HO*W 920 E. 20 SUN. 1110 3300 Oakd4b Am N.,1200 40/0 Coon Rapl& 8W. NW,1100 Mina oft. MN 55407 Row n ook. MN M422 Coon ROO. MN 55133 Phone: 612 63.3999 • Fu: 612 663-3991 Peon: 612 63.3999 • For 612 663.3991 Phpn6 812 518.1500 • Fm 612 576.7501 Social Security Administration Supplemental Security Income Notice of Change in Payment Date: November 29, 1998 Claim Number: 471-38-4721 DI 679 EUGENE J LENT 14086 82 CIRCLE ELK RIVER MN 55330-6860 We are writing to tell'you about changes in your Supplemental Security Income payments. The rest of this letter will tell you 111ore about this change. Information About Your Payments • The amount due you beginning January 1999 will be $375.50. • The amount due you is being raised because the law provides for an increase in Supplemental Security Income payments in January 1999 if there was an increase in the cost -of -living during the past year. Things To Remember • You may use this letter when you need proof of your SSI payment amount for other assistance programs such as food stamps, rent subsidies, energy assistance, medical assistance, bank loans, or for other purposes. However, if you get another letter saying your SSI payment is changing again, use that letter instead. • We may share information about you with other government agencies that pay benefits. Agencies use such information to see if a person qualifies for benefits. We sometimes use computer matching to share information and compare our records with those of other Federal, State, or local government ageacies. i he law allows us to use computer matching even if you do not agree. If You Disagree With The Decision If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal. We will review your case and consider any new facts you have. • You have 60 days to ask for an appeal. • The 60 days start the day after you get this letter. We assume you got this letter 5 days after the date on it unless you show us that you did not get it within the 5 -day period. • You must have a good reason for waiting more than 60 days to ask for an appeal. 99A.L8161.06H-02.00009261 See Other Side 029089690 Social Security Administration Supplemental Security Income Notice of Change in Payment Date: November 29, 1998 Claim Number: 472-48-7600 DS 679 MARIAN LENT 14086 82 CIRCLE ELK RIVER MN 55330-6860 We are writing to tell you about changes in your Supplemental Security Income payments. The rest of this letter. will tell you more about this charge. Information About Your Payments • The amount due you beginning January 1999 will be $375.50. • The amount due you is being raised because the law provides for an increase in Supplemental Security Income payments in January 1999 if there was an increase in the cost -of -living during the past year. Things To Remember • You may use this letter when you need proof of your SSI payment amount for other assistance programs such as food stamps, rent subsidies, energy assistance, medical assistance, bank loans, or for other purposes. However, if you get another letter saying your SSI payment is changing again, use that letter instead. • We may share information about you with other government agencies that Ebenefits. Agencies use such information to see if a person qualifies for benefits. We sometimes use computer matching to share information and compare our records with those of other Federal, State, or local government aaercies. The la :v allows us to use cor: puter matching even if you do not agree. If You Disagree With The Decision If you disagree with the decision, you have the right to appeal. We will review your case and consider any new facts you have. • You have 60 days to ask for an appeal. • The 60 days start the day after you get this letter. We assume you got this letter 5 days after the date on it unless you show us that you did not get it within the 5 -day period. • You must have a good reason for waiting more than 60 days to ask for an appeal. VRA.iA151.01SA-02-000092.52 See Other Side 029089691 11/10/1999 15:04 6122951900 JORDAN MEDICAL PAGE 81 JORDAN MEDICAL, P.A. 114 W. Third Streit. Suite 100 • Monflcelo. MN 56.362 Phone (612) 296-8826 • Fax (612) 295-1900 November 10, 1999 To whom This May Concern: This letter is to inform you that Eugene and Marian Lent, both of whom are patient's of this clinio, have been diagnosed as completely disabled as of April 1999. If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact this office at (612)295-8826. Sincerely, Matthias J. Jordan, M.D. MJJ/jle 1999 Bituminous Improvement Deferment Request We,. (1) —50, 41)e- S , , who reside at Property Legal description r a. request to defer the assessment of $1,164.50 for the 1999 Bituminous Improvement for the following reason in accordance to Ordinance No. 4A: Hardship Deferment Retired by Permanent and total disability Senior Deferment Green Acres Deferment The above reason checked must meet and submit the required proof according to the conditions outlined in the attached Ordinance 4A. Signat re Date Signature Date Signing this Request does not guarantee deferment. Deferment must be approved by the City Council. Ordinance 4A attached. ' V V O • SEE THE REVERSE FOR MORE INFORMATION Box 1. Name Box 2. Benefklary's Social Security Number JOSEPH T D&IARS 477-72-7765 Box 3. Benefits Paid In 1998 Box 4. Benefits Repaid to SSA In 1998 Box 5. Not Benefits for 1808 p+u..t mkw esx N $14,421.60 HM $14,421.60 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT IN BOX 3 DESCRIPTION OF AMOUNT W BOX 4 Paid by chock or NOME direct deposit $13,896.00 Nadicare preeivala deducted from your benefit $525.60 Total Additions $14,421.60 P7. tery Federal Income Tax WItNleld esPH T DENIMS XASON LIVE ELK RIVER HE 55330-7405 Box 8. Claim Number Pas "nuffdw N you need to contact SSA) 477-72-7765A Form SSA -1099 -SM (1-W DO, NOT: RETURN THIS FORM TO.SSA.OR IRS—, Social security Aduinistratioa Office of Central operations 1500 Moodlaxn Dr Baltimore MD 21235-1500 OFFICIAL BUSINESS PENALTY FOR PRIVATE USE, $300 0099a W2010 FIRST-CLASS MAIL C POSTAGE AND FEES PAID X35 SOCIAL SECURITY p ADMINISTRATION PERMIT NO. G-11 5 -DIGIT 55302 JOSEPH T DEXARS 8592 XASOH AVE ELK RIVER XN 55330-7405 Farre SSA-10WSM (1-99) .- -- - nM MIX- o Paapd LP[Ors 1 :30L{+o aNuwre 1N3Y+a13Aae "sna S11d3N38 Aiiu 33S WOOS :10 d00ad dOd WHOA SIHl d33N a3S0-13N3 N0I11dWH0:1N1 XVIUNI LIFT TO OPEN r FACTS ABOUT YOUR 1998 SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFIT STATEMENT Your 1998 Social Security Benefit Sr temc• i is on the back of this form. Use it, along with the information below, to see if pan of your Social Security benefits may be taxable. What You Need To Do Use the 1998 statement on the reverse, with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Notice 703 below, to see if any of your Social Security benefits are taxable. Do not return this form to us or the IRS. Do not attach it to your income tax return. We also are sending this benefit information to IRS. We did not include your SSI benefits, if any, on this statement. You may wish to keep this statement as proof of your income for use with public assistance. If you do not receive public assistance and you do not owe taxes on your Social Security benefits, you may ignore this form. Who Receives This Statement We must, by law, send you a statement that shows the Social Security benefits you received or repaid in 1998. We send separate statements to each person when we combine your check with another person's check. If you get more than one check each month, we tray send you more than one statement._ Explanation of Items Box 1"Name"- shows the name of the person for whom we paid benefits. Box 2 -"Social Security Number"- shows the Social Security number of the person shown in Box 1, if we have the number. Box 3-1113enefits Paid in 1998"- shows the total amount of Social Security benefits we paid you in 1998. This amount may not agree with the pay- ments you actually received it, 1998. The total we show includes amounts withheld to pay Medicare Part B premiums, etc. Our total also excludes some payments IRS does not tax. These items are listed in the -Description of Amount in Box 3." We included, in a separate column, payments we made in 1998, but for earlier years. Box 4 -"Benefits Repaid to SSA in 1998"- shows the total amount of benefits you repaid us in 1998. We show items that apply to you in the column headed "Description of Amount in Box 4." Box 5 -"Net Benefits for 1998"- shows the amount in Box 3 minus the amount in Box 4. An amount in parentheses is a negative amount. Fnt� er this amount on line A!2[ IRS Notice 703 to see if env of vour Social Security benefits are taxab1 Box 6 -"Voluntary Federal Income Tax Withheld"- shows the total amount of benefits voluntarily withheld and paid for Federal income tax. Include this amount on your income tax return as tax withheld. If You Have Any Questions If you have any questions about the amounts on this form, call or visit any Social Security office. Please have this form with you. please use the claim number shown in Box 8 if you contact SSA. If you have questions about how to figure the taxable part of your Social Security benefits after you complete Notice 703, call IRS on the IRS toll-free number for your area. Facts About Computer Matching Programs do the checking. The law allows us to check this way even if you do not agree to it. we may also share information about you with other government agencies that pay benefits. They will use this information in their computer matching programs. if You Want More Facts If you want to learn more about computer matching or how we use information about you, please contact any Social Security office. Congress passed a law (PL 100-503) in 1988 that says you have a right to know that we may use information you give us when we match records by computer. Below, we tell you about computer matching and how it may affect you. What Are Computer Matching Programs? Computer matching programs compare Social Security and/or Medicare records with those of Notice 703 ,".., s.o,.nmar 1998, other Federal, State, or local government agencies. Many agencies may use matching programs to find or prove that a person qualifies for benefits paid by the Federal Government. How Do Computer Matching Programs Affect You? On forms that you fill out for us you give us information about yourself. Sometimes, we check the information you, and others, give us. We use computer matching to 1 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service Read This To See If Your Benefits May Be Taxable If your Social Security and/or SSI (Supplemental Security Income) benefits were your only source of income for 1998, you probably will not have to file a Federal income tax return. Fill in lines A through E below to see if you may have to include part of your Social Security benefits on your 1998 Federal income tax return. part of your Social Security benefits may be taxable if, for 1998, you were: 1. Single, and line E below is more than $25,000. 2. Married, and • You would file jointly, and line E below is more than $32,000; or • You would file separately, and line E below is. more than zero (more than $25,000 if you lived apart from your spouse for all of 1998). Note: If you plan to file a pint income tax return and your spouse also received a Form(s) SSA -1099, add your spouse's amounts to yours on lines A. C, and D below. Even if your spouse did not receive a Form(s) SSA_ 1099, include his or her income on lines C and D. A Enter the amount from box 5 of all your Forms SSA -1099. If both you and your spouse A received a Form SSA -1099, see the Note above . . . . . . . . . . . . If line A is zero or less, stop here; none of your benefits are taxable this year. B B Enter one-half of the amount on line A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C Enter the total of any taxable income such as taxable pensions, wages, interest, and C dividends . . • • • ' . ' ' . ' . . . .p D Enter any tax-exempt interest such as interest on municipal bonds. . . . . . ..,,, ,..ems a r enri n and enter the total here. Then, read the Information below. . E If your figures show that part of your benefits may be taxable, see Social Security Benefits in your Federal income tax return instructions. If they do not, none of your benefits are taxable this year unless you exclude income from sources outside the United States, interest income from series EE U.S, savings bonds issued after 1989, or employer-provided adoption benefits. For more details, get IRS Pub. 915 or contact the IRS as explained below. Get More Information From the IRS If you still have questions about whether your Social Security benefits are taxable, see the 1998 Federal income tax return instructions for ways to get help from the IRS. If you do not have the instructions, you can get your questions answered by: • Calling the IRS at 1-800-829-1040. e Sending written tax questions to your IRS District Director. To Note: If your figures show that part of your benefits may be taxable and you received benefits in 1998 that were for a prior year, see Pub. 915 for rules on a special election you can make that may reduce the amount of your taxable benefits. get the address, call 1.800-829-1040. • E -mailing the IRS at www.irs.ustreas.gov. • Using TTY/rDD equipment. Call 1-800-829-4059. DO NOT RETURN THIS NOTICE TO THE SSA OR THE 1H, �.� fl2 rs A I -L5 ce, LA November 6, 1999 To: The Otsego City Council From: John & Kim Wornson Subject: Special Assessment Project #99-1 To: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk of Otsego NOV - 81999 ' flbl This is in response to your Special Assessment for the above roadway improvement, Of which I am strongly opposed to being charge for any such assessment. I have lived in the same house for almost ten years paying taxes to the city of Otsego for services of which the only one I have ever notice has been the plowing of snow in the winter. The first time the City wants to make and improvement or provide an added service you wish to assess me or tax me more. I also pay State and Federal taxes, which you also share in, where does this money go. In the last two years, my neighbors and I have signed two separate petitions against this project, the first we were told you lost and the second you ignored because you know what is better for a neighborhood, than the people who live there? I believe in the not to distance future you intend to run sewer and water into these same neighborhoods do you actually believe you can do that with out tearing up the road surface that was just laid. Does this mean I will have to pay for these so called improvements once again. I must say that this road is a big improvement for our neighborhood at night the speeds past our house have risen 20 to 30 mph, thank you very much. I very much like to attend the meeting but my son's choir concert may prevent my attendance. Which may force my appeal through the District Court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.081. I you decide that you cannot function without this assessment I would like to see the amount cut in half or at least a payment plan offered at no interest. I hope to attend your meeting on the night of November 9`h, if not I hope you hope you consider all and future petitions signed by the residents of your city, before you proceed with spending or money, if not maybe Otsego should not be a city at all. 1 0 U.-P-ro �2ELY �t,�l,� _ C,pLI,VICi � j�i,(.rvLFiPa'�j tb _G -h e. _ � ro pcnej _ s-� ca C� s pr pt A�- 0.1-I -_IG�G Q.C"l,)ac� Q �_ S CSU n,tt buA -L�- L rMXnU*- dnlL bcl r Y -W, -yt C) mi- QL&�-j �:�kA6 a CTi,�- qAktj�� af u- -'J� �Lo�c.m�� o-r� C�nsi s� C�oo�otu a--Lc��q � �.i s-� Jt 6act wcam, jc �oa� Un Col�-b o 0 � � �eb ce- � a.u,c_.o_c�o 0131 e,ve, Such mcuY)t�rt �-�- T� ar, o(��+tsn ori vmr za� VZ 6ve��y , q4f-q767 CIC)�-�3 U � q st �� A - z Lrl 11 (5641 1 Qa7z-q --) qILC M. 7- 150,(� ifFA. �:.. a rd r-oec., bVi ;ld : -), -- 'kD S S.e S /Yt Q 0 U i E _mac � �►��� rj 3 ,�� It4 �� - CA_ m -a A,4e. C&,T3 3331 November 9, 1999 City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Re: Objection to Proposed Special Assessment for Project#99-1 Dear City Council Members; Please be advised that I do hereby object to the proposed special assessment for project #99-1 - 1999 Roadway Improvement project. I do not feel that the alleged improvements that were done by my home in Deer Field Acres were necessary. The alleged improvement only consisted of re -tarring the existing roadway. This roadway was in fine condition and there was no need for this alleged improvement. This was merely maintenance work done for the City of Otsego. I believe such maintenance costs are already budgeted by the City as a whole. Furthermore, the work that was done to the roadway directly in front of my driveway was poorly and improperly done. I have a red -rock driveway and the maintenance workers filled in the skirt area meeting the tarred city road with class five gravel covering my existing driveway. Saic�rly, Craig and Christi Kin en 7792 O'Dell Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 otn4 612/441-1612 V's , � 4t_- aij :�,Ko-uo b_ m_.Q. Ij SLA Co u_nC.�Q h c mom. Le ndd Ln_c.0Q_,Q_ 5o. Lc12 — q�3 - q44(o ._ ,� ,- to-��-�q ---- _-- LCUn� NOV 1 f999 E. M: RCA-CC.WPS kim CITY OF OTSEOO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22,1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: TTENI DESCRIPTION 9.1. A. Future Development of Becker Farm E. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: 9.1. A. This item was added to the Council Agenda at Virginia Wendel's request. She will further discuss this with Council and Mike Robertson may also have some information to add Re: Developer. B. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council discussion and any consideration for approval. Thanks, Elaine NOV-17-1999 16:52 NAC NF,N0 MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: BACKGROUND 612 595 9837 P.02/0e NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 16 November 1999 Otsego - Becker Faun Development 176.08 At their meeting on Monday, November 22, 1999 the City Council will discuss the potential development of the Baker farm. The property is located south of CSAR 37 and abuts the City of Albertville's Westem boundary. The property is within the Long Range Urban Service Area designated by the Comprehensive Plan Update and is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. The adjacent lands to the east in Albertville have been developed with single family homes served by municipal sanitary sewer and surrounding a golf course, which abuts, the subject parcel's south boundary. The area north of the subject site has developed With large lot, dry -industrial uses. Areas to the west are developed with small tracts of unsevered single family uses. There is a 40 acre parcel used for agricultural production to the southwest of the Becker parcel. Exhibit A: Subject Site Exhibit B: Comprehensive Plan - District 7 Map Exhibit C: Cedar Creek Concept Plan 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 5541 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612.595-9$37 E-MAIL NACQWINTERNET.COM NOV-17-1999 16:52 NAC 612 595 9837 P.03/08 ISSUES Process for Review. The potential development of the Becker property represents a broader issue directly related to the policies and plans of the Comprehensive Plan and general land use. The development of this property would likely involve amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Map. These approvals require proper public notice and hearing before any determinations or specific can be offered. It also would be appropriate for the Planning Commission to have an opportunity to comment on this matter, prior to the City Council reaching any conclusions, consistent with Otsego's existing development review procedures. Comprehensive Plan. It is a basic premise of the Comprehensive Plan Update that development outside of the Sanitary Sewer Service District should be limited 1) for environmental protection, 2) facilitate future extension of urban services, and 3) to protect the City's financial commitment for construction of municipal sanitary sewer and water services. However, extension of municipal services (i.e., sewer and water) to this area of the community is not anticipated until such time as requested by effected property owners and such service may be made available from the City of Albertville. Further unsewered development within the Long Range Urban Service areas of the City is not recommended so as to avoid future water pollution issues and re -subdivision problems unless one of the following criteria are satisfied (Policy Plan, page 45): a. Completion of an unfinished street network. b. The correction or improvement of a demonstrated area drainage problem. C. The dedication of lands to a legitimate public purpose (i.e., desired parks, public facility structures, right -df -way dedication, etc.) The Planning District section of the Comprehensive Plan Update specifically addresses the proposed development site. The subject parcel is within Planning District 7. The description of Planning District 7 includes the following paragraph. In the area south of CSAH 37 and west of Albertville, low density residential uses have been suggested. To avoid groundwater contamination comms and potential future re -subdivision difficulties, it is recommended that only sewered residential development be considered in the area. Until sanitary sewer service is provided, however, a continuance of one per forty residential densities should be allowed. It is anticipated that future sanitary sewer service to the area may be achieved via an extension from the City of Albertville and governed by a joint powers agreement with Otsego. Water service to the area may be provided for by the City of Otsego, jointly with Albertville, or by private wells (Development Framework, Page 995). 2 NOV-17-1999 16:53 NAC 612 595 9837 P.04/08 As presently written, the Comprehensive Plan Update does not support development of unsevered land uses for the subject property or other lands surrounding Albertville. Any direction by the Council for development of this property or this area represents a change in policy as documented by the Comprehensive Plan. The benefits of such a change In policy to accommodate development of this parcel are not clear. It is suggested that lots within this project would benefit from being adjacent to the golf course in Albertville. While some lots may be more desirable if there is a view shed, such an amenity would not be applicable to the balance of the project. Further, the actual golf course only abuts the southern boundary of the subject property. Therefore, any tie-in with the golf course is circumspect unless there is a direct relationship. We would suggest that a higher and better use of the subject parcel may ultimately be achieved at such time as sewer is available, because for potential higher densities. The availability of sewer would allow for development of approximately three lots per acre verses less than one lot per acre for unsevered development. Sanitary Sewer. Based upon meetings with the City of Albertville, it is fairly certain that sanitary sewer service will not be available to areas of Otsego from the Albertville waste water treatment plant for at five years, at the earliest. This does not preclude the extension of services permanently, however. Service may be available with the next potential expansion of the Albertville waste water treatment plant, or other circumstances may change opening up the availability of sewer service. Otsego must therefore be cautious in allowing development in areas adjacent to Albertville so as not to complicate a future service extension. Development of the subject property with unsewered development will become a barrier for a future extension of services for potential urban development or lands to the west. Unless the unsewered projects were required to connect or be assessed for the cost the potential lateral benefit, there would likely be a one-quarter to one-half mile segment of trunk sewer line that would need to be installed without lateral benefit, raising the project cost. These increased costs may ultimately effect the feasibility of extending services to the area. Environment. The need to construct the City's sanitary sewer and water system was mandated by the environmental concerns associated with past development of unsewered one acre residential lots. Sanitary sewer service is to be made available to existing developed areas, designated as the Long Range Urban Service Area to avoid an environmental catastrophe caused by failing septic systems. Although information regarding this specific: site is not known, the City is familiar with development limitations in the soils from the adjacent Otsego Industrial Park. These same issues may be prevalent for the subject parcel as well, further raising the advisability of developing unsewered uses. Precedence. Unless it can be demonstrated that the development of the Becker property satisfies one of the three criteria outlined in the Comprehensive Plan for development within the Long Range Urban Service Area, a precedence may be established contrary to the City's growth management policies. There is likely development pressure on other 3 612 595 9837 P.05i08 properties that abut the City of Albertville. To this point, such development has been delayed until sanitary sewer service can be made available. if the Becker parcel were developed, an argument could be made to allow other parcels adjacent to Albertville to develop in advance of sewer service. CONCLUSION The Comprehensive Plan Update specifically recommends that the lands adjacent to Albefirille develop only when the areas in Albertville have developed to avoid "leap -frog" land use patterns and only when sanitary sewer service may be available. The purpose of this plan is to avoid the environmental issues associated with unsewered development in other areas of the City and facilitate the future extension of utility lines. While the subject parcel is contiguous to development in Albertville, no municipal services are anticipated to be available for at least five years. Unsewered development of one acre lots has not proven to be a problematic land use in Otsego's past. Our office would question what unique circumstances are presented by this parcel that would make this development pattern desirable. We also have further concerns that allowing such a development pattern may compromise the City's land use plan for this area by impacting the ability to extend services in the future. Allowing development of this parcel without urban services would also, in our opinion, be contrary to adopted growth management policies and establish a precedence for continued development of unsewered residential lots. Finally, environmental characteristics of the area may limit the developability of the parcel. If the site were developed with unsewered uses, the environmental characteristics could mandate services in the future. Patience must be exercised at this time in implementing the Comprehensive Plan Update in order to realize the desired results. Finally, we want to emphasize that the City Council should not offer specific direction on the proposed development without any application. Such comments may be construed as bypassing the City's established development process. The necessary approvals for s potential development of the Becker property require public hearings and the recommendation of the Planning Commission. Potential development within the City includes issues that are within the scope of the Planning Commission's role to advise the City Council on land use matters. The value of the Planning Commission's deliberations and recommendations may be compromised if the City Council has already made conclusions on this issue. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 4 NOV-17-1999 16:55 NAC 612 595 9837 P.06/08 EXHIBIT A-1 NOV-17-1999 16:55 NAC Z a2 4 � N » G Ol IV! 612 595 9837 P.87i08' 0) E LL a) 12 m cn IT cn CD L O D j�C) IL LSI � m as w m L _ < a) _L A Q V O � � C C W CL a. C a) x W a Ta � C � U � Q J V w EXHIBIT B NOV-17-1999 16:56 NAC 612 595 9837 e r � 1 •. H f Qi � •/ t '[ a - \ G / CL L- \ 0 O !� r r :pyx •s .. � � '- V .. r f� "• ;�E 'ae c eP i:►R :��t _ rn P.08/08 EXHIBIT C TOTAL P.08 r f� "• ;�E 'ae c eP i:►R :��t P.08/08 EXHIBIT C TOTAL P.08 )yseth takes t. ►anksgiving The Albertville City Council dis- cussed and took actions related to the Outlets of Albertville develop- ment. The council also approved some ordinance amendments related to property subdivisions and heard a request from the Family Services Collaborative. This and other action took place at the Monday, Nov. 15, meeting. MALL It was noted that the fire depart- ment toured the new mall site (at County Rd. 19 just north of Inter- state 94) and has several requests for the developer — including addi- tional hydrants along the rear of the building, red lights by each horn on the alarm system and no parking signs in front of all stores and hy- drants. City attorney Mike Couri said the no parking signs and lighting should be brought to the developer's atten- tion, but that the city has no means to require the developer to install additional hydrants. The council then authorized a motion to have the fire chief and city administrator jointly draft a letter to the mall developer outlining the fire department's request. In more news about the mall, city attorney Couri said the developer's agreement states that all road im- provements to County Rd. 19 be com- pleted by Feb. 1, 2000. The final lift of blacktop is not scheduled to be placed until spring 2000, and the council was informed that this date is unacceptable to the developer. Couri said that during a recent meeting, the developer agreed to al- low the final lift of blacktop to be installed next summer, but during nighttime hours (after the mall is closed for the evening). It was further noted that the developer's agreement must be amended by stating that the final lift of blacktop will be installed between the hours of 10 p.m. and 10 a.m. no later than July 31, 2000. The council approved this amendment. In other news, the council ap- proved ordinance amendments re- lated to development. The council approved an amend- ment to the sidewalk ordinance by requiring the developer to install at the council's discretion either a 5- foot sidewalk or an 8 -foot bituminous trail. Next, the council adopted an ordi- nance amending the city's subdivi- sion ordinance by requiring develop- ment applicants to show trail loca- tions on the preliminary plat and to pay for and install sidewalks or trails. The council also adopted a motion to change the required street width (with a sidewalk or trail) to 34 feet. Lastly, the council adopted an or- dinance amendment to reduce street CHA-Ed)[4, PIANO _ ILLE, ROGERS. 'iGNSHIP CORCO, on S pavement width standards for local streets that include sidewalks or trails with the right-of-way. FAMILY SERVICES In further news, the council heard from Family Services Collaborative representative Sandy Greninger. She said the program is a joint effort between St. Michael - Albertville School Dist. and the city of St. Michael to provide activities and schedule facilities for youth and family activities. Greninger requested that Albertville also participate in the program. The council asked Greninger to provide more information on the pro- gram to city administrator Linda Goeb and the financial amount to participate. In other action at the meeting, the council: HEARD from city councilor Bob Gundersen that he feels a letter from the city of Otsego was misleading in the fact that Albertville has never said it would not be able to provide sanitary sewer service to Otsego for a period of five years. Gundersen said the city council should respond to Otsego stating Albertville's inten- tions. City administrator Goeb will prepare a letter for the council to consider at its next meeting. SET a joint meeting with the city of St. Michael Monday, Jan. 31, at 7 p.m. at Albertville City Hall to dis- cuss joint planning issues. ness in residt impacted," r, see how this plan, and ti comes in." Lion4 ; donQ The St. Mi, annual wild g Check the f elk, bear or ax Call Mark information o.- an : an EIS. y The devt family resdc All home- proposed omeproposed h CountyR d• : :;.. County Rd The EAA The dock period encgr for review'a All comm Robert Deft St. Michael, 1EADL NEWS - noon T e-mail: pressnews@%mr.net 31 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCEL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. COUNCIL ITEMS: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ November 22, 1999 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: _ ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Review Policy for Sewer and Water Hook-up Fees B. Revised Sewer Plant Operation Proposals C. Discussion of using City Fall for School Elections D. Any Other Administrative Business BACKGROUND: A., B., and C. Mike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions. See attached information from Mike on Sewer Plant Operator Agreements, and any other supplied. D. Is for any Other Administration Business. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine MEMO Date: November 17, 1999 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Proposed Sewer & Water Hookup Policy I have enclosed a suggested Sewer & Water hookup policy. I have left flexibility for Council by describing the policy as being for guidance purposes. I have provided a range of figures under section 5 of the policy. The Council can pick one of the figures or determine a range it will assess if it wants. The Council could also change the land uses or interest rate. This policy could be expanded. I have not addressed multi -family uses except to say the City will not allow them any discounted or assessed hookup fees. CITY OF OTSEGO PROPOSED SEWER & WATER HOOKUP FEE POLICY NOVEMBER, 1999 (1) This policy is for guidance purposes only. The City Council reserves the right decide each case on its own merits. 2) Sewer & Water hookup fees are required so that the users will pay for their portion of the City's cost to construct a sewer and water system. City policy is that sewer and water hookup fees shall be paid upfront as part of the platting or development approval process. 3) The City may discount the hookup fees for commercial and industrial property. Said discounts would be part of a negotiated agreement and would be based upon the tax value to the City of any constructed building. The City will not discount hookup fees for residential, institutional or non -tax paying property. 4) The City may allow up to one half of the sewer and water hookup fees to be paid on the building permit for single family housing. 5) The City may allow a percentage of the hookup fees to be assessed for commercial and industrial developments, with the remainder paid upfront. The percentage allowed for assessment shall be up to (75%, 67%, 50%, 330, 25%) of the total hookup fee and shall be based upon the tax value to the City of any constructed building and the proposed land use. The assessment shall be spread across 5 years at an interest rate a minimum of 2% above the Wall Street Prime Rate. Said assessment would be part of a negotiated agreement and the applicant would have to waive any objections to the assessment as part of the agreement. 6) The City will not allow any percentage of hookup fees to be assessed for residential, institutional, or any non -tax paying property. hookup2.vps CITY OF OTSEGO PROPOSED SEWER & WATER HOOKUP FEE POLICY NOVEMBER, 1999 (1) This policy is for guidance purposes only. The City Council reserves the right to decide each case on its own merits. 2) Sewer & Water hookup fees are required so that the users will pay for their portion of the City's cost to construct a sewer and water system. Hookups are based on a Residential Equivalency Charge (REC), which is the hookup charge for one single family home. City policy is that sewer and water hookup fees shall be paid upfront as part of the platting or development approval process. Changes to this policy can only occur as part of a negotiated developer's agreement. 3) The City may discount the hookup fees for commercial and industrial property. Said discounts may be part of a negotiated agreement and may be based upon the tax value to the City of any constructed building and the number of REC's generated by the land use. The City will not discount hookup fees for residential, institutional or non -tax paying property. 4). The City may allow up to one half of the sewer and water hookup fees to be paid on the building permit for single family housing. 5) The City may allow a percentage of the hookup fees to be assessed for commercial and industrial developments, with the remainder paid upfront. The percentage allowed for assessment shall be up to 50% of the total hookup fee and shall be based upon the tax value to the City of any constructed building and the proposed land use. The assessment shall be spread across 5 years at an interest rate a minimum of 2% above the City's bond rate. Said assessment would be part of a negotiated agreement and the applicant would have to waive any objections to the assessment as part of the agreement. 6) The City will not allow any percentage of hookup fees to be assessed for residential, institutional, or any non -tax paying property. hookup2.wpz MEMO 9, �c Date: November 18, 1999 Lam. To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Sewer Plant Operator Agreements I have enclosed copies of agreements submitted by PeopleService Inc. and PSG to operate the Otsego Sewer plant. These revised agreements were per Council direction to these companies to provide a proposed agreement for reduced cost of operation while Otsego was in the process of starting up the sewer plant. Both companies remain eager for the contract and have called me several times. I delayed putting this on the agenda due to Councilmember absences, full agendas, and a busy work schedule. cc: City Staff September 26, 1999 Mr. Mike Robertson City Administrator The City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, Minnesota 55330 Dear Mr. Robertson: Your L Thank you for the opportunity to present our proposal on August 26, 1999 for the operation, maintenance and management of Otsego's wastewater facility. We are enthusiastic about this opportunity and we are confident that our approach, combined with our capabilities, will result in a highly successful and cost-effective public/private partnership for the City of Otsego. Because there is no budgetary history for the facility, as you requested we have revised our proposed annual fee for the first year of full contract operations. As was discussed, we have removed several variable cost items from our original proposed budget. Specifically, these line items include electricity, aluminum sulfate and L.P. gas. By removing these variable costs, PSG proposes a revised first year annual fee of $79,465. The variable costs of electricity, aluminum sulfate, and L.P. gas will be paid directly by the City. We agree that this would be a fair and equitable solution for payment of these variable costs during the first year of operations. I have spoken with Mr. Ted Fields, P.E. of Boonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates regarding the construction and start-up schedule for the facility. According to Mr. Fields, construction will not be completed until April 2000 and it is anticipated that the facility will begin receiving flow in late September or early October 2000. At that time, the facility will receive approximately 90,000 gallons per day within a thirty -day period. Professional Services Group Pine River Rural Route 1, Box 818 Pine River, Minnesota 56474.9735 (218( 587.2924 Fax: (218) 581.4954 Mr. Mike Robertson September 26, 1999 Page Two PSG proposes a two-phase approach for the period during construction through the summer of 2000 and the actual start-up and full contract operation of the facility. During Phase I, PSG proposes to reasonably attend construction and other meetings as directed by the City, visit the construction site on a regular schedule to become familiar with the plant, participate in all vendor related start-up training on equipment, and exercise/maintain the equipment during the summer of 2000. The cost for Phase I services will be $1800 per month, and most likely extend to September or October 2000. Phase H includes the full contract operation of the facility for a lump -sum annual fee of $79,465. This price includes everything in our original proposal, less the variable costs of electricity, aluminum sulfate and L.P. gas. The second year of operations, after a cost history has been established, PSG will then assume responsibility for paying these items and include them in the annual fee. We believe the City will benefit from Phase I service because operator input can be invaluable during construction. Plant staff are required to receive equipment start-up training, and maintenance of the facility should be performed during the interim period between the end of construction and actual start-up of the facility. We have found this two-phase approach to be highly successful and have used similar approaches with the City of St. Michael as they constructed their new facility and with the City of Hanover as they construct their new collection system. We wish to express our interest in working with City officials on this approach. The contracting out for services does not, by virtue of the transfer of responsibilities, imply the exclusion of the City in the process. On the contrary, it requires the participation of City officials so that you are ensured that the expected services are delivered. We foresee a public/private partnership in which both parties benefit. Our comprehensive approach integrates PSG operations and management personnel with the City to create a partnership which will cost-effectively solve problems through innovation, close interaction and attention to detail. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me. S' c rely, ick and Copy: Peg Becker, PSG Area Vice President f eo pl eServrce i N c OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROPOSAL ADDENDUM 9/21/99 Phase One: Using a "management services" agreement, PeopleService will provide assistance (personnel only) at a cost of $35 per hour, including travel time. The duration of this phase will extend from the current time until flows into the new wastewater treatment plant are initiated This assistance would be at the request of the City of Otsego, through its City Administrator or street department staff, or its outside engineer. This assumes that during this time, wastewater flows are stored in the lift station, from which it is hauled to a nearby wastewater treatment facility by an outside service. Phase Two: Beginning with the time when flows into the new wastewater treatment plant are initiated a "full service" contract would be implemented This contract would follow along the lines of our earlier proposal, and would include the cost of personnel, support personnel, supplies and materials, chemicals, utilities, maintenance, etc. As was proposed earlier, the monthly cost would include a predetermined amount for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance. At the end of each twelve month period, the City of Otsego would be billed for expenditures in excess of the budget, or they would receive a refund of any portion of the predetermined budget that remained This phase would last until either the flows from the City of Dayton are being handled by the new wastewater treatment plant or until flows from Otsego alone reach =0,000 gallons per day (average over a 30 day time period). Total cost of this phase on an annual basis is proposed to be $51,300, which includes $15,000 for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance. The amount to be included each year for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance would be agreed to by the parties at the beginning of each fiscal year, and would be based on historical expenditures and projected changes in flows. Phase Three: When the conclusion of phase two (as described above) is reached, the "full service" agreement would be adjusted back to PeopleService's original proposal, including the impact of any CPI -U escalation that would have occurred in the interim. This phase would continue until the end of the original term of the "full service" agreement (which is proposed to be five years) or a plant expansion is begun. At either of these two times, the parties would be required to negotiate a new "full service" agreement. Total cost of this phase on an annual basis is proposed to be $81,960, which includes $17,000 for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance (both numbers taken from PeopleService's original proposal, but being subject to increases for the appropriate CPI -U escalation that would have taken place between now and then). As was the case with phase two, the amount included for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance would be subject to additional billing for expenditures in excess of the predetermined budget, or to refund of any un -spent, budgeted dollars remaining at the end of each fiscal year. The amount to be included each year would again be subject to agreement of the parties at the beginning of each fiscal year. Note: With regard to the "cost sharing" arrangement between the City of Otsego and the City of Dayton, it would be easy and fairly administered if all of PeopleService's compensation were to be considered a fixed cost, with the exception of the dollars spend on chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance costs. These costs, which are subject to additional billing or refund, should be considered variable costs. Proposal Addendum Overview The addendum proposes to utilize three phases to progress the operations of the wastewater facility operations. The wastewater operations would be phased in, by taking into consideration the wastewater flow, along with time/labor and NPDES permit requirements. The three (3) phases are based on: a. The ability to possibly store wastewater in the collection system and haul to another facility if less costly than operating the wastewater facility with very minimal flow. b. Potential minimal flow possibilities during startup and during the immediate months to follow. c. A possible timeframe where the City of Dayton may be connecting to the wastewater facility. d. Potential growth that could take place. The following would be a brief description of the different phases. 1. Phase One would cover "as needed" or "as requested" labor and/or professional assistance. This phase would be considered a management services agreement. 2. Phase Two would become effective when wastewater flow is initiated to the facility. Initiating flow would put testing demands, operational monitoring, maintenance and certification requirements on the facility. This phase would be the considered the initial fiill service agreement. 3. Phase Three would become effective when the wastewater facility receives what could be considered significant wastewater flows including but not limited to the hookup of the City of Dayton sewer system. This phase would be considered a full service agreement as originally proposed in response to the Request for Proposal. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION DEPARTMENT MEETING DATE Item 9 Council Items November 22, 1999 ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: PREPARED BY: 9.4.A. Clean Up Day Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk Attached is the 1999 Clean Up Day Report and Clean Up Years Report. The City finally received the 1998 and 1999 Clean Up Days reimbursements thanks to Pat Sawatzke. In talking to Commissioner Sawatzke, I told him the City will need to order more recycling bins and I asked if there would be any money available to help us out as there was in 1995 when I placed the last order. He told me he would definitely support this for Year 2000. I will wait until after the first of year before ordering. If you have any questions, please let me know. Thank you. 1999 G_ _.n Up Day NAME OF VENDOR ITEM I NUMBER OF ROLLOFFS TONNAGE AMOUNT AMOUNT COLLECTED AMOUNT PAID DIFFERENCE Central Appliance Recycling liances 160 Units $1,294.00 $1,665.00 $421.00 DEMCON Hauling 12 - 30 yards $1,620.00 $1,620.00 DEMCON Landfill 61.27 tons $641.00 $3,573.90 $2,932.90 First State Tire 800 tires 5.92 steel $1,175.00 $1,437.00 $262.00 SI Environment Oil Filters 2 drums $0.00 $100.00 $100.00 Oil $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 orrow Steel 4 - 30 yrds $0.00 $480.00 $480.00 - 20 yrds $0.00 $400.00 $400.00 Batteries No count done $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Schwartzman Company Steel 20.57 tons $411.40 $0.00 $411.40 Total Rec clers 291 Advertisinq Ads 2 times $224.00 $224.00 Miscell Costs Food $74.28 $74.28 TOTALS 87.76 tons $3,471.40 $9,574.18 $6,102.78 ,County reinbursement $798.251 1 Final City Cost ($5,304.53) Prepared by Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 of Rec clers 398 82 400+ 400+ 335 350 326 276 298 Expenses non available $860.00 $8,126.00 $7,480.00 $10,080.99 $7,448.00 $7,152.71 $7,477.13 $10,898.98 Receipts non available $717 $2,615.60 $2,231.00 $3,346.50 $3,531.00 $3,134.00 $3,293.40 $3,206.98 Re. from County None None None None $200.00 $2,354.00 $1,457.50 $1,346.50 $704.40 OST TO CITY $143.00 $5,510.40 $5,249.00 $6,534.49 $1,563.00 $2,561.21 $2,886.23 $6,987.69 Budget Amount (Approx. amts $7,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 $3,000.00 1999 2000 of Rec clers 291 Expenses $9,574.18 Receipts $3,471.40 Re. from County $798.25 OST TO CITY $5,304.53 Budget Amount $8,000.00 CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING November 22, 1999 TO: City Council Attached are the Claims Lists for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. GRAND TOTAL $ 13,481.07 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF OTSEGO Friday, November 05, 1999 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Nemo Check Date check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $816.92 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $10.00 Total Checks $1,491.62 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Friday, November 05, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement E 101-41400-121 PERA $422.39 PPE 10-30-99 $192.31 PPE 10-30-99 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD M www v G 101-21704 PERA $390.77 PPE 10-30-99 E 101-41400-121 PERA $188.23 PPE 10-30-99 E 101-43100-121 PERA $165.40 PPE 10-30-99 E 101-41550-121 PERA $72.52 PPE 10-30-99 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $816.92 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 PPE 10/30/99 141923 Olson Total STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER E 101-41400-340 Recording Fees $10.00 Extra fee/Lindenfelser record Total WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER $10.00 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $1,491.62 CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 06, 1999 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $11,989.45 Name Check Date check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $134.50 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $54.78 UnPaid BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $1,070.43 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid BONINE TRUCKING, INC. $3,150.00 UnPaid CASSADY ROSE $59.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $322.06 UnPaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $44.32 UnPaid DON'S BAKERY $27.21 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $985.97 UnPaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $211.03 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $884.18 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $281.27 UnPaid GROEN GARY CPA $750.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $268.27 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $105.00 UnPaid LITTLE FALLS MACHINE $111.40 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $58.60 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 UnPaid NORTHERN $31.94 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $1,800.42 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $316.23 UnPaid RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC $21.52 UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $48.68 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid UNLIMITED ELECTRIC INC $338.89 Total Checks $11,989.45 CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 08, 1999 Page 1 of 3 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION E201-45000-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $134.50 991163 October Rental Total AFFORDABLE SANITATION $134.50 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $12.66 079959 Rental E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $42.12 064814 Oxygen Total AIRGAS, INC. $54.78 UnPaid BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $24.00 1255345 1981 Truck parts E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $358.65 1254865 Pickup Truck parts E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $687.78 1255696 1981 Truck parts Total BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $1,070.43 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $106.25 11992625 November recycling Total BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $106.25 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $317.50 October recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid "BONIIVE TRUCKING, INC.. x.K.v:,.,.,::::,...:,,.,:,w.,.�..,�..,�,.,.w�.:.N.,..,.:x,.,..,...K:.,:.,.:.wk.:,...,.k...»..:,..,,.,,,.....,.,..,....�..,....,..HM.,...., E 207-45210-390 Contracted Services $3,150.00 1011 Install culvert 8457 Mason Total BONINE TRUCKING, INC. $3,150.00 UnPaid CASSADY ROSE E 201-45000-310 Miscellaneous $59.00 Supplies Haunted House Total CASSADY ROSE $59.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $322.06 71582 Miscell parts Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $322.06 Unpaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER ,�.�,..,.,.,..,�:,.N,,,,..,,, n..,:.v:.:.,::::.:,......:..........,........,..,,_..,.�...:..... E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $31.78 Safety equipment E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $5.96 Miscell E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $6.58 Miscell Total DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $44.32 UnPaid,M.,�,,,�:,�.>,�.,,.•.,,.»,..,,�,�. DOW'S BAKERY..�.,,w...,.,,.,..»..,�.k�..,..,,..».:,..,,,,,,.�:,:::.».,.,w ..:.::::.:..............�..,,...,...,..�.»,......V,.,..,,..,.,.. E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $27.21 5809 Treats for PH Total DON'S BAKERY $27.21 ----,, Unpaid ,., I INN ----N,.,».V:,...:.»..,,..,.,,,. ,,..,,,- -INC ECM PUBLISHEE RS C E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 PH Off Sale Liquor E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $150.88 PH Overlay E201-45000-310 Miscellaneous $787.94 Haunted House Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $985.97 Unpaid ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU E101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $211.03 9541 Name Plates Total ELK RIVER PRINTING & PARTY PLU $211.03 -.x.w �rfocovrw nc««v��i�iiiincuc•:v�.cow•000co•i..nwnoowrox„w�,oaac00000eo.,.�.c..uwc..c000wawwoowruo��.,•�.,..,...e>......,,.<..,....,..-.......,...,,...„. UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO ................................................,.,,......,,,,,.......... E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $166.53 8690 E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $717.65 8690 Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $884.18 &""K' TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM N.,»,,.:,:.:,.,,.»,M,>,,,,,,:.»,»-:w,-,:,.,.,..-,,,,.,,...M,.,,,,,.w.».....,,.,,.,,..,.,,. E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $176.87 Uniforms CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 08, 1999 Page 2 of 3 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $104.40 Shop supplies Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $281.27 UnPaid GROEN GARY CPA E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $750.00 October Total GROEN GARY CPA $750.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $268.27 35216 Oil Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $268.27 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC G 701-21929 Northern Gas $105.00 829 Gas Station Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $105.00 UnPaidLITTLE FALLS MACHINE E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $111.40 22653 1992 Ford Truck parts Total LITTLE FALLS MACHINE $111.40 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 ADM Life E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.60 PW Life Total MINNESOTA LIFE $58.60 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $30.00 106 Dog Pick Up Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 Unpaid NORTHERN E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $31.94 Miscell parts Total NORTHERN $31.94 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS�� G701-21927 O. Thompson CUP 99-18 $57.64 9015 Orin Thompson E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $650.00 9017 Meetings E 101 -41 570-303 Planning Fees $486.26 9016 Planning Items G 701-21928 Christ Lutheran -Addition $285.67 9015 Christ Luth Church G 701-21925 99-16 PUD - Bulow $158.17 9015 Grenins Miss B G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $62.66 9015 Pheasant Ridge G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backes 99-7 $30.00 9015 Crimson Ponds G 701-21926 Thibodeau CUP 99-17 $70.02 9015 Fun City PUD Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $1,800.42 Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP V:..k.:._,.�,,,.,.,,,...�:..,�,,._,,.,::_-„„�„„�„,,,....,_.."W,�..•- E 101-43100-123 Health $144.98 PW Dental E 101-41400-123 Health $171.25 Adm Dental Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $316.23 UnPaid RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC E 101-41950.203 Supplies - General $21.52 Old City Hall Total RIVER VALLEY LUMBER INC $21.52 Unpaid SCHARBER & SONS E 201-45000-310 Miscellaneous $48.68 Haunted House Supplies Total SCHARBER & SONS $48.68 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 October recycling Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid UNLIMITED ELECTRIC INC E 101-41960-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $338.89 4194 Old Shed Total UNLIMITED ELECTRIC INC $338.89 CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, Navwnb`08. 1W9 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 3 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $11,989.45