05-08-00 CCGERALD E. KRITZECK Wright County Assessor � Z Wright County Government Center dOO 10 2nd Street NW, Room 240 1�1 fia Buffalo, MN 55313 1183 .4y Phone: (612) 682-73671(612) 682-7368 X855 FAX.- (612) 682-6178 BOARD OF REVIEW OTSEGO CITY FOR MAY 8, 2000 Jeffrey & Donna Krueger 16736 - 59th St. NE Elk River, Minnesota 55330 PID #118-134-001080 Pete Merges and I reviewed the property on May 2, 2000 at 9:15 a.m. with Mr. Krueger. We found the house under some remodeling, both on the main level and lower level. The original flooring is still in the house and will be replaced. We feel due to the condition of the property, a temporary adjustment until remodeling is complete should be granted. Pete will continue to review the remodeling and will adjust accordingly. After recalculating, we recommend a reduction in the 2000 Estimated Market Value from $129,300 to $125,400 (a reduction of $3,900). Elfriede M. Lobeck 14258 - 96th St. NE Elk River, Minnesota 55330 RE: PID #118-019-001040 Pete Merges and I reviewed the property on May 2, 2000 at 9:45 a.m. with Mrs. Lobeck. We found the house to be slightly smaller than we had measured. We also found central air conditioning which hadn't been previously assessed. We made the adjustments and came up with a recommended 2000 Estimated Market Value reduction from $109,500 to $107,900 (a reduction of $1600). John J. Simola 9843 - 92nd St. NE Monticello, Minnesota 55362 RE: PID #118-800-154404 Pete Merges and I reviewed the property on May 2, 2000 with Mr. Simola. The house is in need of a new roof and new windows. When this house was entered into the computer, the condition calculated in the past was missed by data entry. A better condition was erroneously entered. When we corrected the error, the Estimated Market Value for 2000 was reduced from $142,900 to $132,800 (a reduction of $10,100). We recommend the reduction. I want to thank the Otsego City Council and staff for their continued support. I don't believe any of us enjoy seeing property values continue to rise in the double digit percentages. This does not make your job or ours easy. I want to thank Pete Merges for his continued good work. His job will continue to get harder and busier as the City of Otsego grows. I believe a full time assessor may be coming in the not to distant future for the City of Otsego. �ank you a ainf Randal L. DesMarais Assistant County Assessor 04/06/00 08:16 15 :01, 1 N0:2: ■ eonestnoQ� . Fax Transmisson�T1. Assodn ,' tnyh: •r..rr � Aesfy�j' Date: April 5, 2000 From; Ron LaFond To: Mike Robertson Our Flle No: 503-99-100 Organization: City Administrator Pages to Follow: 0 City of Otsego Fax Number., 612-441-8823 Original W111 Follow In Mail: Yes ❑ No® Subject: Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility: Gridor's Chance Order Reauest for Pumos Remarks: Dear Mike, 1. Don Burgardt asked me to send you a FAX regarding Gridor's change request for the centrifugal non -clog pumps. I understand that the City Council will consider this request at an upcoming meeting. •4 2. At bidding, Gridor Construction offered a deduct of $8,000 for accepting pumps from Chicago Pump Co. as alternate equipment in lieu of the base bid Aurora pumps. In a FAX dated February 18, 1999 the local Chicago Pump representative assured us that the Chicago pumps would be in compliance with the specification. We therefore recommended that the City accept them as alternate equipment. The City accepted the $8,000 deduct and awarded the project to Gridor with the requirement to furnish the Chicago pumps. 3. On June 9, 1999 we received a FAX from the supplier of the Chicago pumps indicating that the pumps could not meet a number of sections of the pump specification that he previously stated could be met. In a FAX dated June 21, 1999 we informed Gridor Construction that we would not accept the Chicago pumps unless they could meet the specification as previously stated. At this point in time, Gridor made a decision not move ahead with the Chicago pumps. •'` 4. On July 21, 1999 Gridor made an equipment submittal on the centrifugal non -clog pumps y manufactured by Aurora, the pump originally offered by Gridor as base bid equipment. We approved the equipment submittal in August 1999. The Aurora pumps were installed early this year. 5. Gridor is requesting a change order of $8,000 to cover the amount the contract was decrea,,ed when the Chicago pumps were accepted as alternate equipment. The $8,000 deduct was predicated on the installation of the Chicago pumps. As it turned out, the Chicago pumps could not meet the specification and Gridor decided to furnish and install the base bid pump manufactured by. r 6. It's our opinion that it would be fair for the City to accept this Change Order Request because the City is receiving the benefit of the base bid Aurora pump. The $8,000 cost is the amount the City would have paid had the Chicago pump been rejected as alternate equipment. If you have any questions about this change order issue, please call me at 651-604-4771. . Sincerely cc: Don Burgardt, Bonestroo & Associates Bonestroo, Rosen!j,Anderllk-and Associates 2335 West Highway 36 St. Paul, MN 55113 Phone: 651-636-4600 Fax: 651-636-1311 - rv_l_pj Date: May 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Gridor's Request for Change Order I have obtained some more information on the proposed Gridor Change order. Dayton's Resnonse - The Dayton City Council voted to support any action the Otsego City Council would take on the change order. If we approve it, they will pay their share. History of chanae order - I found out that Bonestroo did not sit on this change order. When Gridor found out that the pump company could not deliver its promised pump, they first tried to get compensation from them. The pump company said that the person who made the promise to Gridor had since retired, and they did not feel bound by his promise. Don Burgardt of Bonestroo asked Gridor what they wanted to do and they said nothing. Burgardt's assumption was that Gridor was going to eat the cost. He was surprised to get the change order request months later but was obligated to pass it on. CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: X1 EETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Michael Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 5.1. Approve Pay Estimate #9 for EnComm Midwest, LLC Construction for Pumphouse #1 and Well #2 in the amount of $39,478.20. BACKGROUND: 5.1. Attached is information from Larry• Koshak regarding these items. CD RECOWMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. Thanks, Mike CITY OF OTSEGO COUNCIL AGENDA May 8, 2000 ITEM 5.0 CONSENT AGENDA ITEM 5.1 CONSIDER APPROVAL OF PAY ESTIMATE #9 TO ENCOMM MIDWEST IN THE AMOUNT OF $39,478.20 FOR COP 98.02, PUMPHOUSE AND WELL #2 PROJECT. This pay request includes payment for the Emergency Generator for the Pumphouse. The bid price for the generator is $37,000. The remaining amount requested is for 5% more on the SCADA system and 100% completion on painting. The City still retains $19,155.48. The outside work needs to be completed also. The water system is on line and functioning manually. The fully automatic system should be completed as soon as the telephone service is installed. Due to the current inactivity of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and Main Lift Station function, part of the SCADA cannot be completed until they are operational. City Engineer Consent Agenda Items Page 1 of 1 C:\WIND0WS\TEMP\ot901 consentagenda5-08-OO.doc MAY. 3.2000 3 : 24PM NO.872 P.1/3 TO:OTSEGO PAY ES71V " -a- May 1, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City Council Past -It' Fax Note 7671 City of Otsego To 8699 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 C04Dept RE: Pumphouse #1 Phone # Contractor: EnCornm Mldwest, LLC. Fax a Contract Amount; $392,736.00 Award Date: April 29, 1999 Completlon Date: Substantial Completion by November 15, 1999, Final Completion by July 1, 2000 Data Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project; PART 7 BID SCHEDULE "A' • SITE WORK I Estimated Rem ; Descrlpdon Quantity Unit Unit Price i Used to Date I F -:derision ! (. 1 `Clearing & Grubbing___ _-�--- 6 T_AEE $_-300_00 1TFiEE, _ 4 , $ 1,200.00 2 IGradlrig & Pxcmm lon_ ; 'I I l..s-� $ 1,200.00 j LS J ----1 _.I 3----1,200.00 _3 LClass V Gravel_LL.Q ' 1?sI_ CY I S_ 15.00 I CY• ( 115 i & 1,725.00 4 IPardng Lot Bituminous Pavement j 140 SY (. $ . 23-60.1 5Y_� •_,_ _ 140 _ _j $ _ 3,290,00 5 Concrete Walk & AC Pad (- 5.61 SY $- 60.00 j _ SY ( 5.9. ! $ 38.6.00 8 �Sflt 1201 LF � 2.00 t_F_ I _ 220 440.00 -- - -$ -• -- 440.00 7 Temporary_Security_"nces__ __--_L _4201_t.F � ��.1 ;001 LF _I _ _ 420 ! $ • . 420.00 -- - - - 8 Cedar SpIR Rail Fence I 380 LF $ _ 5.90 ' LF _(, •_ _ _ 0 _ $ - I e I Rip Ra p Class III 25 CYC$ 86.00 1 CY 0 - - $ --- -- --- --....... j . 10 , f 112" CMP Culvert ___..._..._ .. _. '301.LF $__20.00 _LF 0 - $_ - I i1-_(8" PVC Culvert --�- - - 20 LF S 19.Q0 1 I.F ( _ 0-- 12-lSeeding�lncludes 0.7 AC $ 6g0.00J AC 0 1. 13. 1Mulchlnp - I 1,4 TON 1 500.00-L TON --___0-----L3 - 1 14�Fertiltzer- -_l- 3501 LBS (� -_ Q.80J LB -L._.._ 0_ I,�.„--•-•_I TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'A': $ 8,611.00 p,u avncNUnc v - rnr,u r1rrrrvu _ - - T- - - - - --- Estimates Item Description I_Qusn_tlt� Unit Unit Price _ j Used to Date _Extension _ 15 �4" Sail Pipe - -( - 180 LF _$.----28;00 I-F��--•--90 -� $ ^ 2,340.00 15 4' Dla. Seepage Manhole I 2 E.A S 2,100,00 EA (, 2 - �$ _ 4,200A0 17 16 DIP Class 52 -- _ ..- ....._ .. '_ ._....�. - -: _ ..._- - (---26, -LF - $_---60;00- -- 26 i $ 2,080.00 ---- _1.8_1101 DIP Class 52 8' t•F 128.50 LF 6 ' $ 759.00 ... 4as - --- - I ...... �- - 19 j 8" DIF CIa99 62 _ _ _ _ 25 LF ' --j- - - -- J I . I S 48.00 , LF 25 � $ _ .1,200.00- 20. 1,200.00 • 20_ _1Flttings __- _- ^ - -- �_ _520{ LB I $ 3.35 i LB 520 i $ 1.742.00 - -- i 21 ; 8'Flushlnp Hydrant Induding valve & pipinp 11 Ls . �_$ 2,7a0.00_i _ LS TOTAL SID SCHEDULE "B`: $ 15,021.00 BID SCHEDULE "C -- WELL PUMP AND APPURTENANCES item'Description. I Quantity .i. Unit Unit Price Used to Date I Extension ...21A ITurbine Well Motor •--�•--•-----...-- - -�'----•-;11_,. LS. j• S 5,100.00 I LS.. F .. 1 j $ s'100.60: 22 (Well Haad 1; •Ls _ $ _ 1 900.00 LS 1 I S 1,900,00 1 - 23 -�.... 6` Column PIPO- . ..---�_ -•---------------1 LF I $ 22.00 ! LF ;. i $_._._2,200.00 , _24•-_11.1/4'•tane 25 Sh Bowl Assembly - -- ...-_..80i y� LF -LS 1-S _ 00 ....100 _ 100 _ IPump I 1 $ 3,600.00 _1.3 1_ .__._ 1- _ ._, S_•, •_ 3.600.00 I -26_.1Cg0piet8 Pump..Pgpe_(irjcluaes reintorcmentj _ _... _ 4 --- CY i $ 200.00 CY 4 i $ - ... 600.00 1 27 1 Pre-L.ubrloatlon, PIPs & Valves TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: $ 15,100.00 TOTAL PART 1: $ 38,732.00 \\W'Wwred dxeMuNdp*Naomego\oi5O7Wm7bL-4o SM100 MAY. 3.2000 3:25PM Unit Price Used to Date NO.872 PART 2 1,91600.00-••• Ls— 1 $ 18,800.00 BID.SCHEDULE'A" - PUMPHOUSE• 5,780.00 , LS- • • 1 $ 5,780.00 $1,200.00 Estimated, LS 1 - $ 1,200.00 Item Descrl tion Quantal! ' unit ,i Unit Price 15,100.00 Used to Date $- 28 Pumphouse Building LS ' $ 69,150.00 ; LS 1.0 $ 29•• Bullding•Mechenical 1 LS $ 45,250.00; LS 1,0 $ 7,000,00 I 30 Painting and.Protective Coating LS $ 6,200.00.1 LS , 1.00 S Alternative "A' - GENERATOR .Bu1ld1nQ Etectdcal & Conmols I LS • , S_65,9t30.00 1 LS ! _ _ 1.0 $ $_ , 1,109.00. -31,_ 32 ;SCADA System- - -- - - ` - - -- 9 LS $ 84,920,001 L S 0.95 $ TOTAL 131D SCHEDULE 'A': BID SCHEDULE "B' -• CHEMICAL TREATMENT I Estimated Item ' Description Quantity ' Untt ! 33 Chlorine Gas Treatment---..-.--.-- 34 Fluoridation & PolyphosptWratent 1 I_S i 36 i Process water Piping for Cnemiw Treatment ! _ 1' LS 38 Booster Pump j: I -S • TOTAL 131D SCHEDULE "B': BID SCHF_AUL.E'C' - PERMITS P. 2/3 i Extension 69,150,00' 45,260.00 - 6,200,00 85'980.00 _ 80,674;00 $ 267,254.00 1, Item•,,Descriptlon Unit Price Used to Date Extension ! $_ 1,91600.00-••• Ls— 1 $ 18,800.00 $ 5,780.00 , LS- • • 1 $ 5,780.00 $1,200.00 $ LS 1 - $ 1,200.00 {aid Schedule'C' - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES 7ea.00 I ..Ls 15,100.00 . .. ._-1 — - $- - -- 78.0.00 $ 27,560,00 _ •, Unit, Price _ $ 27,550,001 1, Item•,,Descriptlon I Quantity, I_ Unit_ Unit_Price Used to Date•_. Extension , • _ ____ 37 IPenntts _-- _ LS 16 _ __I 2,000.00 -I:T-[ 0.B67 �$ _ _I 1,21458 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 'C' $ 1,214.58 BID SCHEDULE '0'- MOBILIZATION AND DEMOSILIZATION Bid Schedule'A' - SITE WORK $ 8,611.00 Bid Schedule "B' - YARD PIPINQ $ EatImat0j! I {aid Schedule'C' - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES $ 15,100.00 - S Item i Description PART 2: Quantity, i • Unit I, _ •, Unit, Price _ _ Used to_Date I Extension _38_� Moblllzation 8 Demobilization 1 I t.S�� 27,560.00 7,000.x01 LS _ 1 (� 7,000,00 TOTAL HID SCHEDULE'D": $ 7,000.00 $ 7,000.00 TOTAL. PART 2: $ 303,028.58 ALTERNATIVE 'A': A: Portable Power Generator i Estimated -- jj ---- - 1 j—Item Description Quantity.Unit Unit Price I Used to pate Extension 1 39_ Portable Power Generator as per Seetlon 18201 11 -LS 6_37,000,001LS 1 $ 37_000_00 SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule'A' - SITE WORK $ 8,611.00 Bid Schedule "B' - YARD PIPINQ $ 15,021,00 {aid Schedule'C' - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES $ 15,100.00 Total Part 1: S 38,732.00 PART 2: Bid Schedule 'A' - PUMPHOUSE $ 267254.00 Bid Schedule "B' - CHEMICAL TREATMENT $ 27,560.00 Bid Schedule 'C' - PERMITS $ 1,214,58 Bid Schedule ID' - MOBILIZATION & DEMOSIL-IZAMON $ 7,000.00 Total Pert 2: $ 303,020.58 Alternative "A' - GENERATOR $ 37,000.00 nit Price I Used to Date : Extension__ I work Order #1 $_ , 1,109.00. Change Order#ti: Total: _S $'_ 4,349_.00 I I $ 4,349.00_. TOTAL_ WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: $ 383,10958 Mft01\1hfir*d docs% nunldpfWs*9aW50Ta607bI-* 5/3= MAY. 3.2000 3:25PM NO. E372 P.3•/3 ,! TOTAL. WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: S 383,109.58 LESS 5% RETAINAGE: S 19,188.48 LESS PARTIAL. PAYMENT #1 $ 19,874.81 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT s2 $ 21,522.94 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT 03 $ 42,576.18 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT N4 $ $0,510.10 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT A5 $ 41,405.28 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT N6 $ 118,688.91 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT S7 ; 22,377.06 LESS PARTIAL PAYME=NT Me S 27,720.82 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $ 39,478.20 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: CaltkAtlon py Contractor I certify that all Items and amounts are correct for the work complated to data. Signed: Trqe: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer: We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: Date: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: \Yr■011ahare4 docrLtMolcipaMotsegotnt5o7\o=7M4s k12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: TXIEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Michael Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider Orrin Thompson Homes/Tom Koerwitz A. Request for Rezoning from A-1 (Agricultural) to R-4 (Residential) B. Preliminary Plat Approval of Riverpointe Subdivision (DELAYED TWO WEEKS AT APPLICANTS REQUEST) 6.2. Consider Final Plat of Outlot A of Prairie Creek for 2N�'D Addition Dennis Ulmer - Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corp., Dennis Griswold. 6.3. Consider Final Plat for Big Ed's Land "The Pointe" - Pulte Homes of Minnesota Corp., Dennis Griswold. 6.4. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: 6.1. Orrin Thompson representatives have requested that this item be delayed two weeks until the Council meeting of May 22, 2000. 6_2 Attached is the Planning report from Dan Licht. Dan will be present for comments and information. 6.3. Pulte Homes turned plans in on Tuesday, May 2, 2000 and staff reports were not available at time of agenda preparation. Staff has been working on the development agreement, preparing easement descriptions, and ordering appraisals for the sewer extension on Quaday Avenue. 6.4. This is for any other planning business that needs discussion. RE C OiNEVIE NDAT I ON: 6.2.& 6.3. These items are for Council consideration for approval or denial. Thanks, Mike I NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Nw^ em** INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 24 April 2000 RE: Otsego - Prairie Creek 2"d Addition; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.17 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Pulte Homes of Minnesota, Inc. Has submitted a final plat application for Prairie Creek 2nd Addition. The final plat consists of 45 unit lots within 15 blocks consistent with the three unit design of the dwelling units. The common areas of the first phase of the development are platted as two outlots. The future two phases of the project are also platted as two separate outlots. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat Recommendation The proposed Prairie Creek 2nd Addition Final Plat is generally consistent with the provisions of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance, as well as approval of the preliminary plat. As such our office recommends approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 61 2-595-9636 FAX 61 2-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM The final plat is revised to illustrate street names consistent with the County naming pattern and City policy as approved by the City Engineer. 2. The setback between buildings shall be one-half the sum of the respective building heights, subject to verification of City Staff. 3. The landscaping and grading plan are adjusted as necessary to address encroachment into the City utility easement at the northeast corner of the project, subject to City Staff review and approval. The relocation of any unit block or lot will require processing a PUD -CUP and preliminary plat amendment. 4. All grading, drainage, utility, street or other construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. The applicant provide homeowner association documents, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. The applicant pay $48,375 in park dedication fees in lieu of land. 7. The applicant enter into a development contract with the City and post all required securities and pay applicable fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 8. Comment of other City Staff. ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The general design of the proposed final plat is consistent with that of the approved preliminary plat in terms of phasing, number of lots/units, street design. The applicant has provided two outlots (D and E) for the two future phases of the project, as well as the common open space of the first phase (A,B,C). The final plat has also been adjusted to provide for 25 foot front setbacks for the units in Blocks 1,2, 6-9, 14, and 15. This flexibility was allowed as part of the PUD -CUP to increase the separation from LeFebvre Creek and Quaday Avenue. As such, the modifications are consistent with the preliminary plat approval. The street names illustrated on the final plat are still those indicated on the original concept plat, which are inconsistent with the County naming pattern. The final plat will need to be revised to include street names consistent with City policy. The proposed names of all streets shall be subject to review by the City Engineer. Planning Report - Prairie Creek 2nd Addition Final Plat Page 2 Building Height. The relocation of the unit lots may effect the proximity of the buildings to one another. The separation of structures within a PUD townhouse development is required to be one-half of the sum of the heights of adjacent buildings. As noted during the preliminary plat review, the applicant must submitted scaled elevations for the proposed units such that compliance with the setback requirements may be verified. Landscaping Plan. As part of the flexibility regarding the location of the lots backing up to CSAH 42 and Quaday Avenue, the applicant provided a landscaping plan providing a buffer between the units and streets. The first issue is that the applicant should specify the extent to which the landscaping will be installed as it includes areas of this first phase and future phases. A second issue is that the landscaping and related berm have been found to encroach into a City utility easement, which provides access to the lift station, in the area of Outlots C and E. As such, there will be some necessary revisions to the landscape and grading plans to address the encroachment. The extent of the revisions for this first phase are not expected to be significant and can likely be addressed as part of this application. The revisions in the area of Outlot E may effect the location of some proposed units and should likely be processed as an amendment of the preliminary plat and PUD -CUP Development Plan. Sanitary Sewer Capacity. The City has adopted a policy that only lots that have been final platted and made financial commitments to receive sewer service are to be reserved capacity. To date, the City has final platted 239 single family lots within the three developments. The proposed 45 units within this final plat will bring the total to 284 lots out of an initial residential capacity of approximately 450 units. As such, there is adequate sanitary sewer capacity to support the proposed final plat. Construction Plans. The applicant is required to provide grading, drainage, utility and street construction plans for the project. These plans must be consistent with the Engineering Manual and are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Owners Association. As a PUD townhome development with common open space, the applicant must provide for an owners association to address maintenance and upkeep of the property. Such associations may also be responsible for exterior building maintenance, architectural approval of any modifications, etc. Owners associations are provided for by deed covenants recorded against the property. The applicant must provide the appropriate documentation establishing an owners association for the subject project, which is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. Park Dedication. No park land is proposed to be dedicated as part of the Prairie Creek 2"d Addition. As such, the applicant is required to pay $1,075 per unit as a cash fee in lieu of land to satisfy park dedication requirements. Based upon 45 units, the fee in lieu of land for this first phase is $48,375. Planning Report - Prairie Creek 2"d Addition Final Plat Page 3 Development Contract. Upon approval of the final plat, the applicant is required to enter into a development agreement and post all required securities and fees. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed final plat of Prairie Creek 2"d Addition is generally consistent with the approval of the preliminary plat and stipulations thereof. A revision is necessary to the approved landscaping and grading plans due to encroachment within a City easement. Depending on the extent of these issues, it may be more appropriate to process an amendment of the PUD -CUP and preliminary plat together with the final plat application. A specific recommendation is outlined in the executive summary of this report. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Dennis Griswold Planning Report - Prairie Creek 2id Addition Final Plat Page 4 N�C ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD �e I � O to CD kh yy•1 '9 u _ C7t `, ai i I 11 % C r ro C 1 ' 4 rt I o C.3 i � I I a a C "'Y�a^ �O A•� 781'11 STREET A.F. "' `' I " C h .I "----———— — — — — —— - rcruui.¢rnrur_. •• 'HEIM /!/Pl® ..... ,..,..•...... — t -- I •ararv— . I ruarr uovrs or _ ,,,„� � • I I wix..rsnr.�. a.vc f U I: I' r i I I._ _JI ': �•linj :ir.', . �.a a•"i.;q"�.,�ii�i —�------ __-__ _ — i rn EXHIBIT B Y w a(u' !a d LOL- -- w< ---------- YS'if'. �%•i.w+wLK MU LM1Ml a ----------------------------------- I p gao'K oo c asx8 ao'roi w.2 i,yoos '� 8 ^ 8 e •• R N h e 8 8^ 8 g q 00.9r 00'Lf Lo'x8 - u :.�e / ooroi o,o..i.,00n `�ac'K oozr ao' r •.if s<.,�. v en.� I aorm .m.n.00. � c'u R� ru I �a wnro � In m .L«wwl a Joullo o D.FDSF O s v m?° 00 a a FAgivi ` Nao'�i,oiW N S � • ]tom Nlp 1-yag o A .Tluiryd .u.00s 8 00'K '00'Z[ Oo'Kg 8 W'Lf 01�Z411,Lpr I A ^ & 8 f oo x I g I bb N I ao'K ooec ao'Kz oo'Lr I oa'rai >.o.,...00x ooro. �uoi•oo Lf i cKm I ccau Lou sfL•oCL.• I A .L2IlloJ or_Ki 81j" Sfi s�5.o� aer.s 'a� U I•• � z'.00b'ce t ao 8 01 I; r� I fib fi 5 pl J = I N,sos 94 X - W = u u<aEs z Ty0 00 3 T y0 - ?w w_on-_ n i1- °V a _ '• I vt E < P z: � : F " `o -^ __ o� 00� E'• Oo m w� p E c ; � � - � W c 3 _ 3 io < " •' 2 2Z .• _ - w0 Z - i•i F [Z a.E U a O U U O nI t Y m z o c a(u' !a d LOL- -- w< ---------- YS'if'. �%•i.w+wLK MU LM1Ml a ----------------------------------- I p gao'K oo c asx8 ao'roi w.2 i,yoos '� 8 ^ 8 e •• R N h e 8 8^ 8 g q 00.9r 00'Lf Lo'x8 - u :.�e / ooroi o,o..i.,00n `�ac'K oozr ao' r •.if s<.,�. v en.� I aorm .m.n.00. � c'u R� ru I �a wnro � In m .L«wwl a Joullo o D.FDSF O s v m?° 00 a a FAgivi ` Nao'�i,oiW N S � • ]tom Nlp 1-yag o A .Tluiryd .u.00s 8 00'K '00'Z[ Oo'Kg 8 W'Lf 01�Z411,Lpr I A ^ & 8 f oo x I g I bb N I ao'K ooec ao'Kz oo'Lr I oa'rai >.o.,...00x ooro. �uoi•oo Lf i cKm I ccau Lou sfL•oCL.• I A .L2IlloJ or_Ki 81j" Sfi s�5.o� aer.s 'a� I•• � z'.00b'ce 8 01 I; r� I fib fi 5 pl J = I N,sos 94 8 Q � u ti J h 2 V� W 2 2 / o R / u / N - ----------------- W cc a zi CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: NfEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Mike Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Approval of Easement Acquisitions for Stormwater Drainage 7.2. Project Update 7.3. Any Other Engineering Business BACKGROUND: 7.1. See attached information. Larry will be discussing the need to obtain easements to improve LeFeb-vre Creek stormwater drainage to accommodate the approved developments. The money for these improvements will come from the stormwater fees that the developers have paid. We had discussed obtaining these easements about a year ago but Council wanted to wait until we had received funds from the developers. 7.2. Larry will update Council on the status of various construction projects 7.3. This is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RE C O V111/IEy'DAT I ON: This is for Council discussion to provide staff direction. Thanks, Mike Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 5/8/00 Item 7.1 Drainage Easement Acquisition Due to the rapid pace of development along 78th Street area, we anticipate that some of the trunk facilities proposed for the Lefebvre Watershed District will need to be implemented this year. The facilities would include jacking a storm sewer pipe under CSAH 42 in the Lefebvre ditch and cleaning and deepening the ditch from CSAH 42 to the TH 101 box culverts just 500 ft. north of the intersection with CSAH 42. Should the land referred to as `John Lefebvre's South 40' develop as proposed, then a stormwater drainage route is needed to flow to the ditch mentioned above. Find enclosed attached maps of the area and proposed location for the drainage way and the area to be added to the impact fee area. We are requesting that the Council authorize the attorney to prepare eminent domain proceeding to obtain drainage easement and temporary construction easement in this area. In conjunction with that, include the authorization for the city engineer to prepare descriptions and map of the proposed takings. Also, to allow the city engineer to begin preliminary design on the trunk facilities in order to identify the easement needs before drawing the documents for the filing. The work is part of the Trunk Storm Water Drainage facilities in the stormwater impact fee area proposed in the March 1999 study for the Watershed. The portion to be constructed to 851h Ave. is not now part of the impact fee area at this time. Should this land develop the 40 acres ± of John Lefebvre, it will be brought into the impact fee area. We would anticipate construction late this fall assuming the easements are acquired and adequate funding is available. Item 7.2 Project Update We will, in the following, briefly describe the status of current projects under construction in the City. Civil 6- Municipal �� Engineering Land Surveying for COP #98.05 Odean Avenue The right-of-way is being cleared of the trees and brush. The contractor has also removed the old pavement on the entire project. The contractor will begin grading the street between 85th Ave. and CSAH 39. COP #99.01 1999 Street Improvements Topsoil has been placed on the shoulders of all the overlays done last year. Seeding will begin shortly of those shoulder areas. Mason Ave. 83`d St. and Marlowe Ave. and 80th Street have had the pavement reclaimed. Construction in 80th Street will begin next week. COP #98.04 Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Watermain The contractor will be doing restoration and clean up on the project. All the pipe for sewer and water are installed and about 90% is accepted. The area of the sewer from just south of CSAH 39 to the service road near the Tom Thumb has not been accepted. The contractor needs to correct some pipe grade deficiencies in the jacking under CSAH 39. That work will be going in the next two weeks. The contractor has made arrangement with the County Highway Department to close the eastbound line of CSAH 39 from the intersection of CSAH 42 to about the Bank and Church access on CSAH 39 for approximately two weeks. The contractor will be required to maintain both sanitary sewer and watermain service to the Godfather's Pizza in the meantime. COP #99.08 Quaday Ave., 78th St. & Page Ave. Curb and gutter has been installed last week and gravel will be placed next week. The grading contractor is shaping the boulevards so the utility companies can install their trunk facilities in the south boulevard. The first lift of pavement should be installed by mid-May. The sewer and water lines have been accepted. Crimson Ponds First Phase/Addition is about 80% built out. Second Phase/Addition has the final plat approved. With water and sewer installed, the next item will be curb and gutter, gravel and the first lift of pavement in the 2"d Addition. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Pheasant Ridge The First Phase/Addition has water and sewer installed, and this last week the curb and gutter was also installed. Gravel and the first lift of pavement should follow in the next couple of weeks. Prairie Creek The First Phase/Addition has water and sewer installed last fall. No further progress has been made on street yet this spring. Hopefully in the next 3 or 4 weeks the streets will be installed. The 3`d Addition pre -construction meeting was held this past week. Water and sewer installation is expected to start about May 15t'. The Development Agreement needs to be completed. We have received final plans for review on the 2nd Addition. The grading is anticipated to start in a week. 7.3 Any Other Engineering Business Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEP.4RT-NJENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Michael Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NL.'VIBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Consideration of Amendment of ISTS Ordinance per State Regulations 8.2 Discussion of Water & Sewer Ordinance 8.3. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: Andy Mac Arthur will be present for comments and information. 8.1. See attached information. 8.2 See attached information. 8.3. This item is for any other legal business that may arise. RECONEVIENDATION: This is for Council consideration and approval. Thanks, Mike Michael C Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller 6AW lrcemed in Mna, April 13, 2000 COURT & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 7175 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) cvuriandmacaHhur®pob= cvm VIA U.S. MAIL City of Otsego 8899 Nashau Avenue N.E. Elk River, MN 55330 Attention: Mike Robertson, City Administrator Re: Otsego — Amended Individual Sewage Treatment Ordinance Dear Mike: 1 f: 1 7 20M I am writing with regard to the above -referenced matter. Please find enclosed the following documents: 1. An amended `Sewage and Wastewater Treatment Ordinance' (99-4) 2. A resolution (and summary) authorizing publication of a summary of the ordinance. 3. A copy of the amended ordinance showing the changes by underlines and strike throughs. As you may recall, this ordinance was adopted sometime last Spring or Summer. Subsequent to that adoption, the Legislature and MPCA changed the statutes and regulations related to individual septic systems. The amended ordinance reflects those changes, as well as suggestions made by Mike Marketon at the MPCA. We advise adopting the amended ordinance. The amendment is required by law to be sent to the MPCA for review, even though many of the changes were suggested by the agency. Also, the law requires that the City keep a list of differences between its ordinance and Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080. The enclosed ordinance is consistent with 7080 and therefore no list is required. I mention this in the event that someone asks for such a list. Please let me know when you adopt this ordinance and send it to the MPCA for review. Couri & MacArthur Law Office CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. SEWAGE AND WASTEWATER TREATEMENT ORDINANCE Table of Contents Subdivision 1. Purpose and Intent.......................................................... Page 1 Subdivision 2. Definitions........................................................................ Page 1 2.10 Definitions.............................................................................. Page 1 Subdivision 3. General Provisions........................................................... Page 3 3.10 Scope and Application............................................................ Page 3 3.20 Standards Adopted By Reference ............................................ Page 3 3.30 Permits Required..................................................................... Page 3 3.40 License Requirements............................................................. Page 3 3.50 Additional Soil Treatment Area Required ............................... Page 4 Subdivision 4. Administration................................................................. Page 4 4.10 Ordinance Administration....................................................... Page 4 4.20 Duties of the Clerk.................................................................. Page 4 4.30 Duties of the Building Inspector .............................................. Page 4 4.40 City Engineer Duties............................................................... Page 4 Subdivision 5. Permit Application Requirements and Procedures ....... Page 4 5.10 Application Information.......................................................... Page 4 5.20 Application Form.................................................................... Page 4 5.30 Legal Description, Name and License Date of ISTS Professional................................................................... Page 4 5.40 Site Plan .................................................................................. Page 5 5.50 System Design Data................................................................ Page 5 5.60 Other Data............................................................................... Page 6 Subdivision 6. Permit Approval Procedures .......................................... Page 6 6.10 Permits.................................................................................... Page 6 6.20 Permit Fees............................................................................. Page 6 6.30 Submission of Application...................................................... Page 6 6.40 Technical Review.................................................................... Page 6 6.50 Approval by Building Inspector .............................................. Page 6 Subdivision 7. Inspections....................................................................... Page 7 7.10 General Inspection Requirements ............................................ Page 7 7.20 Time and Manner of Inspection ............................................... Page 7 7.30 Certificate of Compliance and Notice of Non-compliance....... Page 7 7.40 Inspection Protocol.................................................................. Page 8 7.50 No Warranty or Guarantee of Operation .................................. Page 9 Subdivision 8. Non -Compliant Systems; Failing Systems and Systems Posing an Imminent Threat .............................................. Page 9 8.10 Modification or Discontinuance Required ............................... Page 9 8.20 Non-compliant Systems.......................................................... Page 9 8.30 Failing Septic Systems............................................................ Page 9 8.40 ISTS System Posing an Imminent Threat ................................ Page 9 Subdivision 9. Warrantied, Alternative & Other Systems; Variances.. Page 10 9.10 Application for Alternative, Warrantied and Other Systems .... Page 10 9.20 Review by City Engineer......................................................... Page 10 9.30 Requirements for Approval ..................................................... Page 10 9.40 Approval Process.................................................................... Page 10 9.50 No Right to Approval.............................................................. Page 10 9.60 Variances................................................................................ Page 11 Subdivision 10. Record Keeping............................................................. Page 11 10.10 Required Records.................................................................. Page 11 10.20 Reports and Filings............................................................... Page 11 Subdivision 11. Enforcement................................................................... Page 12 11.10 Violations.............................................................................. Page 12 11.20 Remedies............................................................................... Page 12 ii Subdivision 12. Connection to Municipal Sewer .................................... Page 12 12.10 Connection to Municipal Sewer; When Required .................. Page 12 12.20 Cause for Denial; Condition of Approval .............................. Page 12 Subdivision 13. Repealer......................................................................... Page 13 13.10 Repealer................................................................................ Page 13 Subdivision 14. Severability.................................................................... Page 13 14.10 Severability........................................................................... Page 13 iii CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. SEWAGE AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT ORDINANCE The City Council of the City of Otsego hereby Ordains as follows: SUBDIVISION 1. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of the Sewage and Wastewater treatment Ordinance is to provide minimum standards for and regulation of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) and septage disposal including the proper location, design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair to protect surface water and ground water from contamination by human sewage and waterborne household and commercial waste; to protect the public's health and safety, to protect the natural environment and to eliminate or prevent the development of public nuisances. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted under Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 145A and Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 pertaining to sewage and wastewater treatment, as the same may from time to time be amended. SUBDIVISION 2. DEFINITIONS 2.10 Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance the following capitalized and italicized terms and phrases, wherever they appear, have the meanings indicated: `Alternative System' means an ISTS employing the methods and devices presented in Minnesota Rules §7080.0172 or as designated by the Commissioner in §7080.0400, subpart 2. `Certificate of Compliance' means a document written after a compliance inspection, certifying that an ISTS is in compliance with the applicable requirements at the time of inspection. `City' refers to the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation duly organized under the law of the State of Minnesota. `Commissioner' refers to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. `Failing System' means a seepage pit, cesspool, drywell, leaching pit, other pit, a tank that obviously leaks below the designated operating depth, or any system with less than the required vertical separation as described in §7080.0060, subpart 3. `Imminent Threat' means situations with the potential to immediately and adversely impact or threaten public safety or health. At a minimum, ground surface or surface water discharges and any system causing sewage backup into a dwelling or other establishment shall constitute an Imminent Threat. `ISTS' stands for Individual Sewage Treatment System. `Individual Sewage Treatment System(s)' means a sewage treatment system, or part thereof, serving a dwelling, or other establishment, or group thereof, and using sewage tanks followed by soil treatment and disposal or using advanced treatment devices that discharge below final grade. Individual sewage treatment system includes holding tanks and privies. `ISTS Permit' refers to a permit required by and issued pursuant to this Ordinance for the construction, installation, repair, alteration, relocation, maintenance or pumping of an ISTS. `ISTS Professional' means a person who designs, installs, alters, repairs, maintains, pumps or inspects all or part of an individual sewage treatment system and is required to comply with applicable requirements. `Non-compliant System' means an ISTS that is a Failing System, a system posing and Imminent Threat or a system that otherwise does not meet the standards set forth in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080. A Non-compliant System does not include Alternative Systems, Warrantied Systems and Other Systems, provided such systems are not Failing Systems and do not pose an Imminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health, safety and welfare. `Notice of Non-compliance' means a document written and signed by a qualified employee or licensee after a compliance inspection that gives 2 notice that an individual sewage treatment system is not in compliance with as specified under §7080.0060. `Other Systems' means systems described in §7080.0178 that do not meet the technical standards and criteria and rely on soil treatment and disposal. `Standard System' means an ISTS that meets the requirements and specifications of Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080 and which is not a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System. `Warrantied System' means an ISTS product or design on the warrantied systems list under §7080.0450. Any terms or phrases that appear in this Ordinance and which are not specifically defined shall have the meaning given in Minnesota Rules §7080.0020. Any reference in this Ordinance to sections of 7080 refer to Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 as the same may be amended from time to time. SUBDIVISION 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.10 Scope and Application. This Ordinance shall apply to all existing and future individuals sewage treatment systems located within the City of Otsego. 3.20 Standards Adopted By Reference. The City hereby adopts by reference Minnesota Rules Parts 7080.0010 to 7080.0315, as the same may from time to time be amended, relating to minimum technical standards and criteria for Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Any ISTS constructed and installed within the City subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance must comply with these provisions adopted by reference, unless otherwise approved as a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System pursuant to Subdivision nine (9) of this Ordinance. 3.30 Permits Required. No person shall construct, install, alter, repair, extend, relocate or pump any Individual Sewage Treatment System in the City of Otsego without first applying for and obtaining a permit as provided in Subdivision five (5) of this Ordinance. 3.40 License Requirements. No person shall engage in the evaluation, inspection, design, installation, construction, alteration, extension, repair, maintenance or pumping of an Individual Sewage Treatment Systems without first obtaining a license to perform such tasks from the 3 Commissioner as required by Minnesota Rules §7080.0700 through 7080.0720. 3.50 Additional Soil Treatment Area Required. For all lots created after January 23, 1996, the ISTS system design shall identify and designated at least one alternative soil treatment area, in addition to the primary soil treatment area, which can support a standard soil treatment system. SUBDIVISION 4. ADMINISTRATION 4.10 Ordinance Administration. The City Clerk, Building Inspector and City Engineer shall be responsible for the administration of this Ordinance. 4.20 Duties of the Clerk. The City Clerk shall be responsible for the administration and issuance of orders, permits and notices required by this Ordinance. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cooperate with local and state officials and personnel in the enforcement of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state laws. 4.30 Duties of the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall be responsible for site and system inspections, compliance determinations, investigation of failing systems and permit review and any other duties necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state law. The Building Inspector shall be properly licensed by the MPCA to conduct the foregoing duties as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080, as the same may from time to time be amended. 4.40 City Engineer Duties. The City Engineer shall be responsible for review and system design analysis on all Warrantied, Alternative or Other systems approved under subdivision nine (9) of this Ordinance. SUBDIVISION 5. PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES. 5.10 Application Information. Each permit application required by section 3.30 above shall be presented as follows and contain all of the following information: 5.20 Application Form. Applications for permits shall be made on forms approved and furnished by the City. The application must be signed by the applicant and shall be submitted to the City Clerk. 4 5.30 Legal Description, Name and License Data of ISTS Professional. Each permit application shall contain the legal description of the property for which the permit is requested. The application shall also disclose the name of the ISTS Professional who will perform the work for which the permit is required and provide all license data required by Minnesota Rules §7080.0700 through 7080.0720. 5.40 Site Plan. Each permit application shall be accompanied by a site plan, prepared by an ISTS Professional or professional land surveyor, showing the following, unless such requirements are specifically waived, in whole or in part, in writing by the City's Building Inspector: a. the location of any proposed or existing building on the subject property. b. the boundary lines of the subject property. C. the location of water supply facilities. d. the location and ordinary high water mark or any streams, ponds or lakes located on or within 150 feet of the subject property. e. that the proposed ISTS meets all setbacks as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. f. topographic contours at two (2) foot intervals. Topographic contours and elevations shall be drawn to scale on the site plan using common Engineers scale. g. the location of any ISTS or wells on adjoining lots within 150 feet of the subject property. Each site plan shall be accompanied by a certificate of accuracy from the ISTS Professional or land surveyor who prepared the site plan. 5.50 System Design Data. Each permit application shall include a complete design plan showing the size and location of all parts of the ISTS and provide a design certification from a licensed ISTS Professional as to the adequacy and location of the ISTS in relation to the requirements imposed by 7080. 5 5.60 Other Data. Each permit application shall contain any and all additional information, as may be required by the City, necessary to show that the conditions of 7080 will be met. SUBDIVISION 6. PERMIT APPROVAL PROCEDURES. 6.10 Permits. Permits shall be approved or denied as hereinafter provided in this subdivision. 6.20 Permit Fees. The City Council shall, by resolution, set the amount of fees to be collected at the time of application for permits required by this Ordinance. 6.30 Submission of Application. Permit applications shall be submitted to the City Clerk, along with the permit fee. The Clerk shall forward all applications to the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall, within five (5) days, determine whether a submitted application is complete. Incomplete applications shall be rejected and returned to the applicant along with a written explanation as to why the application has been rejected. 6.40 Technical Review. Once a complete application is received, the Building Inspector shall review the application to determine whether it meets the requirements and standards of this Ordinance and of Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. The Building Inspector may, in his or her sole discretion, submit the permit application to the City Engineer for review, comment and/ or a determination as to whether the application meets the requirements of this Ordinance and Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080. 6.50 Approval by Building Inspector. Once a determination is made that the application meets all applicable requirements, then the application shall be returned to the City Clerk who shall issue the ISTS permit. The Building Inspector and/or City Engineer may impose any and all conditions to ensure compliance with the requirements of state law, Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080 and applicable local ordinance. If it is determined that the application does not meet the requirements of this Ordinance or Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080, then the Clerk shall give notice to the applicant that the application has been rejected and state the reasons for such rejection as provided by the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer. The decision to approve or deny the application permit should occur within ten (10) days of the Building Inspector's receipt of a complete application. Failure to approve an application within ten (10) days shall not be construed as an 0 approval or otherwise allowing an ISTS that would not be approved under this Ordinance, Chapter 7080 or other applicable law. SUBDIVISION 7. INSPECTIONS 7.10 General Inspection Requirements. The Building Inspector shall make such ISTS inspections as are necessary to determine compliance with this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and/ or any conditions contained in permits issued hereunder. The following events shall trigger an ISTS compliance inspection: a. a permit is granted under section 6.50 above. b. a building permit or variance is granted for new construction or the addition of a bedroom or bathroom on property served by an ISTS. c. for all new ISTS construction, or any ISTS replacement, repair, alteration, maintenance or operation. d. Granting of request for change in system design or change in permit conditions. e. the City learns or receives a complaint that a particular ISTS may be a Failing System or poses an Imminent Threat to public health safety and welfare. 7.20 Time and Manner of Inspection. Inspections shall be made by the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and any permit conditions. Inspections shall be made within seven (7) days of written notification by any ISTS Permit holder that the ISTS for which the permit was issued is ready for inspection. No part of the ISTS shall be covered until it has been inspected and accepted by the Building Inspector and/ or the City Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant to notify the Building Inspector in writing that the project is ready for inspection. Inspections shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit or variance for new construction or the addition of a bathroom or bedroom on property served by an ISTS. 7.30 Certificate of Compliance and Notice of Non-compliance. No newly constructed, installed, altered, repaired, extended or relocated ISTS shall be placed in operation until it has received a Certificate of Compliance as hereafter provided. Upon completion of the ISTS inspection as described VA in section 7.20 above, the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer shall make a determination as to whether or not the ISTS has been constructed, repaired, extended or relocated in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and any permit conditions. If the ISTS is found to be compliant, then a Certificate of Compliance shall be issued to the property owner within thirty (30) days of inspection. If, however, the ISTS is found to be out of compliance, then a Notice of Non- compliance shall be issued. The Notice of Non-compliance shall state which portions of the ISTS are not compliant and shall further state a reasonable period for the property owner to bring the system into compliance. Once the necessary changes are made or the period specified in the Notice of Non-compliance has run, whichever occurs first, then the ISTS shall be again inspected as provided above. If upon re -inspection the ISTS is not compliant then a Notice of Non-compliance shall be issued to the property owner. The Notice of Non-compliance shall why the ISTS is non -complaint. A copy of the Certificate of Non-compliance shall be forwarded to the City Attorney for enforcement as provided in subdivision eleven (11) below. 7.40 Inspection Protocol. In the event that the Building Inspector cannot complete an inspection or perform all required inspections in a timely manner, the Building Inspector is authorized and directed to develop and inspection protocol. The inspection protocol shall establish the order and priority of inspections. For any ISTS required to be inspected for which the Building Inspector is unable to actually physically inspect the ISTS, the Building Inspector shall require that evidence of compliance be submitted. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. affidavits from the ISTS Professional who performed any construction, installation, repair, alteration or relocation of the ISTS. b. video, electronic or photographic images of certain components and/ or work performed. c. `As -built' drawings. d. any other data, as may be required by the Building Inspector in lieu of an actual inspection, evidencing compliance with this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state law. The Building Inspector shall review such evidence and issue either a Certificate of Compliance or Notice of Non-compliance accordingly. 8 7.50 No Warranty or Guarantee of Operation. Neither the issuance of an ISTS Permit or Certificate of Compliance, nor any inspection of an ISTS shall constitute any warranty or guarantee that said ISTS will operate or function properly. SUBDIVISION 8. NON-COMPLIANT SYSTEMS; FAILING SYSTEMS AND SYSTEMS POSING AN IMMINENT THREAT 8.10 Modification or Discontinuance Required. If upon inspection an ISTS is found to be a Non-compliant System, Failing System or a system posing an Imminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health, safety and welfare, then the ISTS shall, if possible, either be modified or repaired to comply with this Ordinance or its use discontinued within the time periods specified in this subdivision. 8.20 Non-compliant Systems. A Non-compliant System, other than a Failing System or system posing and Imminent Threat, shall be properly repaired or modified or its use discontinued within three (3) years of issuance of a Notice of Non-compliance for said system. However, a Certificate of Compliance issued under this Ordinance for a new system shall be valid for a period of five (5) years, unless said system is subsequently found to be a Failing System or a system posing an Imminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health, safety and welfare. 8.30 Failing Septic Systems. A `Notice of Non-compliance' shall be issued and copies provided to the property owner and to the City within thirty (30) days after inspection when a failing system is found. A failing ISTS shall be upgraded, replaced or its use discontinued within the six (6) months of issuance of the Notice of Non-compliance. In calculating the aforementioned six (6) month period, the months of November, December, January, February, March and April shall not be counted. 8.40 ISTS System Posing an Imminent Threat. Any ISTS posing an imminent threat to the natural environment or public health, safety or welfare shall be upgraded, replaced or repaired, or its use discontinued, within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed three (3) months. In calculating the aforementioned three (3) month period, the months of November, December, January, February, March and April shall not be counted. 0 SUBDIVISION 9. WARRANTIED, ALTERNATIVE AND OTHER SYSTEMS; VARIANCES 9.10 Application for Alternative or Other Systems. Application for approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System shall be made in the same manner applying for a ISTS permit as provided in subdivision five (5) above. 9.20 Review by City Engineer. All applications requesting approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for a determination of eligibility for approval under this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable State law. The City Engineer may require an applicant to submit any additional information as may be required by the City Engineer to determine eligibility for possible approval under this subdivision. If the City Engineer determines, based upon the application materials, that the proposed Warrantied, Alternative or Other System cannot meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 or this Ordinance, then such application shall be denied and the City Clerk shall send to notice of such denial to the applicant. 9.30 Requirements for Approval. To be eligible for possible approval, any Warrantied, Alternative or Other System must meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules §7080.0450, 7080.0172, and 7080.0178 respectively. In addition, the applicant must show that a Standard System cannot be properly constructed on the subject property and that additional land for a Standard System is unavailable. 9.40 Approval Process. If the City Engineer determines that a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System application can meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 and this Ordinance, then such application shall be forwarded to the City Council for consideration, along with the recommendation of the City Engineer as to whether or not approval should be granted. If a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System is approved by the Council, then a `Nonstandard System Approval', in a form recommended by the City Attorney and approved by the Council, shall be signed by the City and the Applicant and recorded against the subject property. 9.50 No Right to Approval. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to guarantee or create in any applicant a right to approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System. The City of Otsego reserves the right to deny all requests for approval of Warrantied, Alternative or Other Systems and to 10 prohibit their construction, regardless of whether such systems meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 or this Ordinance. 9.60 Variances. Any variances from the standard set forth in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 must be granted by the Commissioner as provided in §7080.0030, subpart 3. SUBDIVISION 10. RECORD KEEPING 10.10 Required Records. The City Clerk shall keep and maintain records of all permits applications, permits issued, inspection data, notices of non- compliance, certificates of compliance, orders, enforcement proceedings and all other documents generated in the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance. The storage, maintenance and dissemination of such records shall occur as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. 10.20 Reports and Filings. The Clerk shall prepare an annual report, as required by Minnesota Rules §7080.310, subpart 5, for submission to the Commissioner demonstrating enforcement of this Ordinance. The annual report shall contain information for the calendar year and shall be submitted to the Commissioner no later than March 0 of the following year. At a minimum, the annual report shall contain the following information: a. a copy of the standard permit and inspection forms used by the City. b. the name and address of the program administrator. c. a listing of all qualified employees and contracted licensees authorized by the City to perform ISTS inspections and evaluations as required by this Ordinance. d. the number of ISTS permits issued. e. the number and methods of inspections conducted. f. the number and type of variance issued. g. the number and type of alternative or experimental systems approved, as well as the monitoring results of each. SUBDIVISION 11. ENFORCEMENT 11.10 Violations. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, fails to obtain any required permits, or who makes any false statement on a Permit Application or Certificate of Compliance, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any offense committed under this Ordinance shall be punishable by up to the maximum imprisonment and/or a fine allowed by law for a misdemeanor offense. 11.20 Remedies. In the event of a violation of this Ordinance, in addition to any other remedies available to the City, the City Attorney may institute appropriate civil and/or criminal actions or proceedings, including seeking an injunction, to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such Ordinance violations. In addition, the City may issue stop -work orders and repair orders at such times and upon such terms and conditions as are necessary to prevent violations of this Ordinance from occurring or to eliminate existing Ordinance violations. SUBDIVISION 12. CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL SEWER 12.10 Connection to Municipal Sewer; When Required. When municipal sanitary sewer is available a property served by an ISTS shall be required to discontinue such use and connect to municipal sewer upon the first occurrence of any of the following events: a. upon application for an ISTS Permit. b. When a Notice of Non-compliance is issued in relation to the ISTS serving the property. c. Upon the expiration of a Certificate of Compliance. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the City's ability to specially assess, levy a sewer access charge (SAC) or otherwise bill properties served by an ISTS for the availability of municipal sanitary sewer and the public improvements associated therewith. 12.20 Cause for Denial; Condition of Approval. The future availability of municipal sewer, in the City's sole discretion, may be cause for denial of an ISTS Permit. The issuance of an ISTS Permit may be conditioned upon the applicant connecting to municipal sewer when it becomes available. 12 Connection to municipal sewer when available may be an explicit condition contained in an imposed on any ISTS Permit prior to its approval. SUBDIVISION 13. REPEALER 13.10 Repealer. Ordinance number 99-4, Ordinance number 92-27, Ordinance number 91-24 of the City of Otsego related to Individual Sewage Treatment Systems are hereby specifically repealed in their entirety. SUBDIVISION 14. SEVERABILITY 14.10 Severability. Should any subdivision, section, paragraph, provision, sentence or lesser portion of this Ordinance be found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such invalid portion shall be severed from this Ordinance and all remaining subdivisions, sections paragraphs, provisions and sentences contained in this Ordinance shall be remain in full force and effect. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption and publication in the City of Otsego's official newspaper. Adopted this day of )2000. In favor: Opposed: City of Otsego ATTEST: Clerk Elaine Beatty 13 Mayor Larry Fournier CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEM ORDINANCE TITLE AND SUMMARY Resolution No. WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council has adopted an ordinance entitled `Individual Sewage Treatment System Ordinance' as required by law; and WHEREAS, the above -referenced ordinance is lengthy and, further, the Council finds that publication of the title and a summary of the ordinance, conforming to the requirements of Minnesota Statutes §331A.01 subdivision 10, will clearly inform the public of the intent and the effect of the ordinance; and WHEREAS, a copy of the proposed summary, prepared by the City Attorney, is attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. NOWTHERFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Otsego City Council that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish the attached ordinance summary in the City's official newspaper in lieu of publication of the actual ordinance. A copy of the complete ordinance shall be made available at the City offices for public inspection. Dated: Larry Fournier, Mayor City of Otsego ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk City of Otsego State of Minnesota County of Wright INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT SYSTEM ORDINANCE The following is a summary of Ordinance # adopted by a four-fifths majority or greater of the Otsego City Council: An ordinance authorizing and providing for sewage and wastewater treatment: establishing minimum standards for and regulation of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) within the corporate limits of the City of Otsego; incorporating by reference minimum standards and requirements established by Minnesota Statutes and rules of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; requiring permits for installation, alteration, repair or extension of ISTS in the City; establishing standards for upgrade, repair, replacement, or discontinuance of use of ISTS; imposing penalties for failure to comply with these provisions; providing for enforcement of these requirements; and promoting the health, safety and welfare of the public pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115, 145A, 375, 394, and 471, specifically §§ 115.5 5, 145A.05, 375.51, 394.21 through 394.37, and 471.82; and in furtherance of State and local policy. A full printed copy of this Ordinance is available for inspection at the Otsego City Hall. This ordinance summary is adopted this In favor: Opposed: City of Otsego Larry Fournier, Mayor of ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. SEWAGE AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT ORDINANCE The City Council of the City of Otsego hereby Ordains as follows: SUBDIVISION 1. PURPOSE AND INTENT The purpose of the Sewage and Wastewater treatment Ordinance is to provide minimum standards for and regulation of individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS) and septage disposal including the proper location, design, construction, operation, maintenance and repair to protect surface water and ground water from contamination by human sewage and waterborne household and commercial waste; to protect the public's health and safety, to protect the natural environment and to eliminate or prevent the development of public nuisances. This Ordinance is adopted pursuant to the authority granted under Minnesota Statutes Chapters 115 and 145A and Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 pertaining to sewage and wastewater treatment, as the same may from time to time be amended. SUBDIVISION 2. DEFINITIONS 2.10 Definitions. For purposes of this Ordinance the following capitalized and italicized terms and phrases, wherever they appear, have the meanings indicated: `Alternativeor---Experimental System' means an ISTS employing the methods and devices presented in Minnesota Rules §7080.91-G&Ma0.0172 or as designated by the Commissioner in §7080.0400, subpart 2. `Certificate of Compliance' means a document relation..te--a•-paFdcxlar-ISIS-demonstrating-that-said I-STS--complied-wM the pr-e-,isiens of this Or-dinanee at the time of writtenafter a compliance inspection, certifying that an ISTS is in compliance with the applicable requirements at the time of inspection. paFtiraulm 1ST -8 demenstFating that said 18T-8 does not eemply -Arith the prov}siens-ef#hi-s--Ordinance- `City' refers to the City of Otsego, a municipal corporation duly organized under the law of the State of Minnesota. `Commissioner' refers to the Commissioner of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. `Failing System' meansany rc-rc that dice ar-ges sewage -4e a seepage pit, cesspool, drywell,or leaching pit-andpit, other pit, a tank thatobviousl leaks below the designated operating depth, or any system with less than three (3) feet of soil or- sand between the bettem of the distr-ibution-medium and the satffated sei4 level or- the required vertical separation as described in §7080.0060, subpart 3. `Imminent Threat' means situations with the potential to immediately and adversely impact or threaten public safety or health. At a minimum, ground surface or surface water discharges and any system causing sewage backup into a dwelling or other establishment shall constitute an Imminent Threat. `ISTS' stands for Individual Sewage Treatment System. `Individual Sewaize Treatment Svstem(s)' means a sewage treatment system, or part thereof, serving a.dwellin og, r other establishments_or ou - thereof, and using sewage tanks followed by soil treatment and disposal or using advanced treatment devices that discharge below final gee. Individual sewage treatment system includes holding tanks and privies. `ISTS Permit' refers to a permit required by and issued pursuant to this Ordinance for the construction, installation, repair, alteration, relocation, maintenance or pumping of an ISTS. `ISTS Professional' re€ers-temeans a person who , er designs, installs, alters, repairs, maintains, pumps; or inspects all or part of an LSTSindividual sewage treatment system and is required to comply with applicable requirements--©f-.Minnesota-Rules... Chapter.... 0N -and---this requirements. trained--and.licenrsed--as-.--equired--by-Minnesota-Rules--C-h-apter--7480. K gar_.__- -r �r----------�'-----' `Non-compliant Svstem' means an ISTS that is a Failine Svstem, a system posing and Imminent Threat or a system that otherwise does not meet the standards set forth in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. A Non-compliant System does not include Alternative Systems, Warrantied Systems and Other Systems, provided such systems are not Failing Systems and do not pose an Imminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health. safety and welfare. `Notice of Non-compliance' means a document written and signed by a qualified employee or licensee after a compliance inspection that gives notice that an individual sewage treatment system is not in compliance with as specified under X7080.0060. `Other Svstems' means systems described in §7080.0178 that do not meet the technical standards and criteria and rely on soil treatment anddisposal. `Standard System' means an ISTS that meets the requirements and specifications of Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080 and which is not a Warrantied, Alternative or Exper-imen ffier System. `Warrantied System' means an ISTS that has been pr-eper4y deraument and--accepted-by..the-E©mi-flissimer-pursuant to -M esota-Statutes-§-1"1533; product or design on the warrantied systems list under §7080.0450. Any terms or phrases that appear in this Ordinance and which are not specifically defined shall have the meaning given in Minnesota Rules §7080.0020. Any reference in this Ordinance to sections of 7080 refer to Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 as the same may amended from time to time:. SUBDIVISION 3. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.10 Scope and Application. This Ordinance shall apply to all existing and future individuals sewage treatment systems located within the City of Otsego. 3.20 Standards Adopted By Reference. The City hereby adopts by reference Minnesota Rules Parts 7080.0010 to 7080.0315, as the same may from time to time be amended, relating to minimum technical standards and criteria for indiNidaal sewage tFeatment systems.Individual Sewage Treatment Systems. Any ISTS constructed and installed within the City subsequent to the adoption of this Ordinance must comply with these provisions adopted by reference, unless otherwise approved as a Warrantied, Alternative or V—'--:--ntalOther System pursuant to Subdivision nine (9) of this Ordinance. 3.30 Permits Required. No person shall construct, install, alter, repair, extend, relocate or pump any iadivi&W sewage tFeMmeat syste Jndividual Sewage Treatment System in the City of Otsego without first applying for and obtaining a permit as provided in Subdivision five (5) of this Ordinance. 3.40 License Requirements. No person shall engage in the evaluation, inspection, design, installation, construction, alteration, extension, repair, maintenance or pumping of on site iadi,,idual sewage tFeatment systemsan Individual Sewage Treatment Systems without first obtaining a license to perform such tasks from theMinfleseta Pollution r^„t`'^' AgenoyCommissioner as required by Minnesota Rules §7080.0700 through 7080.0720. 3.50 Additional Soil Treatment Area Required. For all lots created after January 23, 1996, the ISTS system design shall identify and designated at least one alternative soil treatment area, in addition to the primary soil treatment area, which can support a standard soil treatment system. SUBDIVISION 4. ADMINISTRATION 4.10 Ordinance Administration. The City Clerk, Building Inspector and City Engineer shall be responsible for the administration of this Ordinance. 4.20 Duties of the Clerk. The City Clerk shall be responsible for the administration and issuance of orders, permits and notices required by this Ordinance. The Clerk is authorized and directed to cooperate with local and state officials and personnel in the enforcement of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state laws. 4.30 Duties of the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall be responsible for site and system inspections, compliance determinations, investigation of failing systems and permit review and any other duties necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state law. The Building 2 Inspector shall be properly licensed by the MPCA to conduct the foregoing duties as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080, as the same may from time to time be amended. 4.40 City Engineer Duties. The City Engineer shall be responsible for review and system design analysis on all Warrantied, Alternative or ExpeFime Other systems approved under subdivision nine (9) of this Ordinance. SUBDIVISION 5. PERMIT APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS AND PROCEDURES. 5.10 Application Information. Each permit application required by section 3.30 above shall be presented as follows and contain all of the following information: 5.20 Application Form. Applications for permits shall be made on forms approved and furnished by the City. The application must be signed by the applicant and shall be submitted to the City Clerk. 5.30 Legal Description, Name and License Data of ISTS Professional. Each permit application shall contain the legal description of the property for which the permit is requested. The application shall also disclose the name of the ISTS Professional who will perform the work for which the permit is required and provide all license data required by Minnesota Rules §7080.0700 through 7080.0720. 5.40 Site Plan. Each permit application shall be accompanied by a site plan, prepared by an ISTS Professional or professional land surveyor, showing the following, unless such requirements are specifically waived, in whole or in part, in writing by the City's Building Inspector: a. the location of any proposed or existing building on the subject property. b. the boundary lines of the subject property. C. the location of water supply facilities. d. the location and ordinary high water mark or any streams, ponds or lakes located on or within 150 feet of the subject property. 5 e. that the proposed ISTS meets all setbacks as required by Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. f. topographic contours at two (2) foot intervals. Topographic contours and elevations shall be drawn to scale on the site plan using common Engineers scale. g. the location of any ISTS or wells on adjoining lots within 150 feet of the subject property. Each site plan shall be accompanied by a certificate of accuracy from the ISTS Professional or land surveyor who prepared the site plan. 5.50 System Design Data. Each permit application shall include a complete design plan showing the size and location of all parts of the ISTS and provide a design certification from a licensed ISTS Professional as to the adequacy and location of the ISTS in relation to the requirements imposed by 7080. 5.60 Other Data. Each permit application shall contain any and all additional information, as may be required by the City, necessary to show that the conditions of 7080 will be met. SUBDIVISION 6. PERMIT APPROVAL PROCEDURES. 6.10 Permits. Permits shall be approved or denied as hereinafter provided in this subdivision. 6.20 Permit Fees. The City Council shall, by resolution, set the amount of fees to be collected at the time of application for permits required by this Ordinance. 6.30 Submission of Application. Permit applications shall be submitted to the City Clerk, along with the permit fee. The Clerk shall forward all applications to the Building Inspector. The Building Inspector shall, within five (5) days, determine whether a submitted application is complete. Incomplete applications shall be rejected and returned to the applicant along with a written explanation as to why the application has been rejected. 6.40 Technical Review. Once a complete application is received, the Building Inspector shall review the application to determine whether it meets the requirements and standards of this Ordinance and of Minnesota Rules 0 Chapter 7080. The Building Inspector may, in his or her sole discretion, submit the permit application to the City Engineer for review, comment and/ or a determination as to whether the application meets the requirements of this Ordinance and Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080. 6.50 Approval by Building Inspector. Once a determination is made that the application meets all applicable requirements, then the application shall be returned to the City Clerk who shall issue the ISTS permit. The Building Inspector and/or City Engineer may impose any and all conditions to ensure compliance with the requirements of state law, Minnesota Rule Chapter 7080 and applicable local ordinance. If it is determined that the application does not meet the requirements of this Ordinance or Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080, then the eler-kClerk shall give notice to the applicant that the application has been rejected and state the reasons for such rejection as provided by the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer. The decision to approve or deny the application permit slalshould occur within ten (10) days of the Building Inspector's receipt of a complete applioatieft, .plication Failure to approve an application within ten (10) days shall not be construed as an approval or otherwise allowing an ISTS that would not be approved under this Ordinance, Chapter 7080 or other applicable law. SUBDIVISION 7. INSPECTIONS 7.10 General Inspection Requirements. The Building Inspector shall make such ISTS inspections as are necessary to determine compliance with this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and/ or any conditions contained in permits issued hereunder. The following events shall trigger an ISTS compliance inspection: a. a permit is granted under section 6.50 above. b. a building permit or variance is granted for new construction or the addition of a bedroom or bathroom on property served by an ISTS. c. for all new ISTS construction, or any ISTS replacement, repair, alteration, maintenance or operation. d. Granting of request for change in system design or change in permit conditions. e. the City learns or receives a complaint that a particular ISTS may be a Failing System or poses an Imminent Threat to public health safety and welfare. WA 7.20 Time and Manner of Inspection. Inspections shall be made by the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer to ensure compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and any permit conditions. Inspections shall be made within seven (7) days of written notification by any ISTS Permit holder that the ISTS for which the permit was issued is ready for inspection. No part of the ISTS shall be covered until it has been inspected and accepted by the Building Inspector and/ or the City Engineer. It shall be the responsibility of the permit applicant to notify the Building Inspector in writing that the project is ready for inspection. Inspections shall be made prior to the issuance of a building permit or variance for new construction or the addition of a bathroom or bedroom on property served by an ISTS. 7.30 Certificate of Compliance and Notice of Non-compliance. No newly constructed, installed, altered, repaired, extended or relocated ISTS shall be placed in operation until it has received a Certificate of Compliance as hereafter provided. Upon completion of the ISTS inspection as described in section 7.20 above, the Building Inspector and/ or City Engineer shall make a determination as to whether or not the ISTS has been constructed, repaired, extended or relocated in compliance with the requirements of this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and any permit conditions. If the ISTS is found to be compliant, then a Certificate of Compliance shall be issued to the property owner within thirty (30) days of inspection. If, however, the ISTS is found to be out of compliance, then a Notice of Non- compliance shall be issued. The Notice of Non-compliance shall state which portions of the ISTS are not compliant and shall further state a reasonable period for the property owner to bring the system into compliance. Once the necessary changes are made or the period specified in the Notice of Non-compliance has run, whichever occurs first, then the ISTS shall be again inspected as provided above. If upon r-einspee ien-#I}e prepere-inspection the ISTS is not compliant then a Notice of Non- compliance shall be issued to the property owner. The Notice of Noncompl-ience--shall.-state--the--whieh-portiens.e€-outhe-rnanner--in--which--the fSTS is neneempla -'*.Non-compliance shall why the ISTS is non- complaint,- A copy of the Certificate of Non-compliance shall be forwarded to the City Attorney for enforcement as provided in subdivision eleven (11) below. 7.40 Inspection Protocol. In the event that the Building Inspector cannot complete an inspection or perform all required inspections in a timely manner, the Building Inspector is authorized and directed to develop and inspection protocol. The inspection protocol shall establish the order and M. priority of inspections. For any ISTS required to be inspected for which the Building Inspector is unable to actually physically inspect the ISTS, the Building Inspector shall require that evidence of compliance be submitted. Evidence of compliance includes, but is not limited to, the following: a. affidavits from the ISTS Professional who performed any construction, installation, repair, alteration or relocation of the ISTS. b. video, electronic or photographic images of certain components and/ or work performed. C. `As -built' drawings. d. any other data, as may be required by the Building Inspector in lieu of an actual inspection, evidencing compliance with this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable state law. The Building Inspector shall review such evidence and issue either a Certificate of Compliance or Notice of Non-compliance accordingly. 7.50 No Warranty or Guarantee of Operation. Neither the issuance of an ISTS Permit or Certificate of Compliance, nor any inspection of an ISTS shall constitute any warranty or guarantee that said ISTS will operate or function properly. SUBDIVISION 8. ON -COMPLIANT . SYSTEMS; FAILING SYSTEMS AND SYSTEMS POSING AN IMMINENT THREAT 8.10 Modification or Discontinuance Required. If upon inspection an ISTS is found to be a Nencompliant system,Non-compliant System, Failing System or a system posing an Imminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health, safety and welfare, then the ISTS shall, if possible, either be modified or repaired to comply with this Ordinance or its use discontinued within the time periods specified in this subdivision. 8.20 Neneompliant Systems. A neneempliant 18TSNon-compliant Systems. A Non-compliant Svstem. other than a Failing Svstem or system vosi_ng and Imminent... Threat, shall be properly repaired or modified or its use discontinued within three (3) years ofthe issuance of a Notice of Non- compliance for said system. However, a Certificate of Compliance issued 9 under this Ordinance for a new system shall be valid for a period of five (5) years, unless said system is subsequently found to be a feg systeml7ailing_System or a system posing an dueatImminent Threat to the natural environment or the public health, safety and welfare. 8.30 Failing Septic Systems. A `Notice of Noncompliance' shall be issued and copies provided to the property owner and to the City within thirty (30) days after inspection when a failing system is found. A failing ISTS shall be upgraded, replaced or its use discontinued within the six (6) months of issuance of the Notice of Non-compliance. In calculating the aforementioned six (6) month period, the months of November, December, January, February, March and April shall not be counted. 8.40 ISTS System Posing an Imminent Threat. Any ISTS posing an imminent threat to the natural environment or public health, safety or welfare shall be upgraded, replaced or repaired, or its use discontinued, within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed three (3) months. In calculating the aforementioned three (3) month period, the months of November, December, January, February, March and April shall not be counted. SUBDIVISION 9. WARRANTIED, ALTERNATIVE AND EXPER WF,N-T 1L---S�'-&TF,MSOTHER SYSTEMS; I VARIANCES 9.10 Application for Alternative or Rxper-imen Other Systems. Application for approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or Expenmental systemOther System shall be made in the same manner applying for a ISTS permit as provided in subdivision five (5) above. 9.20 Review by City Engineer. All applications requesting approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or Experimental sy Other System shall be forwarded to the City Engineer for a determination of eligibility for approval under this Ordinance, Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080 and applicable State law. The City Engineer may require an applicant to submit any additional information as may be required by the City Engineer to determine eligibility for possible approval under this subdivision. If the City Engineer determines, based upon the application materials, that the proposed Warrantied, Alternative or Other System cannot meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules Rules, Chapter 7080 or this Ordinance, then such application shall be denied and the City Clerk shall send to notice of such denial to the applicant. 10 9.30 Requirements for Approval. To be eligible for possible approval, any Warrantied, Alternative or ther System must meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules §7Q89:91&&7080.0450, 7080.0172, and 7080.0178 respectively. In addition, the applicant must show that a Standard System cannot be properly constructed on the subject property and that additional land for a Standard System is unavailable. 9.40 Approval Process. If the City Engineer determines that art-altemative-Qr- a Warrantied, Alternative or Other System application can meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 and this Ordinance, then such application shall be forwarded to the City Council for consideration, along with the recommendation of the City Engineer as to whether or not approval should be granted. If a Warrantied, Alternative or Expefiinental systemOther System is approved by the Council, then a `Nonstandard System Approval', in a form recommended by the City Attorney and approved by the Council, shall be signed by the City and the Applicant and recorded against the subject property. 9.50 No Right to Approval. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to guarantee or create in any applicant a right to approval of a Warrantied, Alternative or ExpeFifnental system.0ther System. The City of Otsego reserves the right to deny all requests for approval of Warrantied, Alternative or Expeiimental systems0ther Systems and to prohibit their construction, regardless of whether such systems meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 or this Ordinance. 9,60_ Variances._.Any variances from the standard_ set_ forth_ in Minnesota Rules, Chapter 7080 must be granted by the Commissioner as provided_ in §70800030 subpart 3: SUBDIVISION 10. RECORD KEEPING 10.10 Required Records. The City Clerk shall keep and maintain records of all permits applications, permits issued, inspection data, notices of non- compliance, certificates of compliance, orders, enforcement proceedings and all other documents generated in the administration and enforcement of this Ordinance. The storage, maintenance and dissemination of such records shall occur as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act. 10.20 Reports and Filings. The Clerk shall prepare an annual report, as required by Minnesota Rules §7080.310, subpart 5, for submission to the Commissioner demonstrating enforcement of this Ordinance. The annual report shall contain information for the calendar year and shall be submitted to the Commissioner no later than March 1' of the following year. At a minimum, the annual report shall contain the following information: a. a copy of the standard permit and inspection forms used by the City. b. the name and address of the program administrator. c. a listing of all qualified employees and contracted licensees authorized by the City to perform ISTS inspections and evaluations as required by this Ordinance. d. the number of ISTS permits issued. e. the number and methods of inspections conducted. f. the number and type of variance issued. g. the number and type of alternative or experimental systems approved, as well as the monitoring results of each. SUBDIVISION 11. ENFORCEMENT 11.10 Violations. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this Ordinance, fails to obtain any required permits, or who makes any false statement on a Permit Application or Certificate of Compliance, shall be guilty of a msdemeane , punishable by i nt er- a fie ^'"'"'tk_--- defined bymisdemeanor.An_y offense _committed under this Ordinance shall be punishable by up to the maximum imprisonment and/or a fine allowed by law for a misdemeanor offense. 11.20 Remedies. In the event of a violation of this Ordinance, in addition to any other remedies available to the City, the City Attorney may institute appropriate civil and/or criminal actions or proceedings, including seeking an injunction, to prevent, restrain, correct or abate such Ordinance violations. In addition, the City may issue stop -work orders and repair orders at such times and upon such terms and conditions as are necessary to prevent violations of this Ordinance from occurring or to eliminate existing Ordinance violations. 12 SUBDIVISION 12. CONNECTION TO MUNICIPAL SEWER 12.10 Connection to Municipal Sewer; When Required. When municipal sanitary sewer is available a property served by an ISTS shall be required to discontinue such use and connect to municipal sewer upon the first occurrence of any of the following events: a. upon application for an ISTS Permit. b. When a Notice of Non-compliance is issued in relation to the ISTS serving the property. c. Upon the expiration of a Certificate of Compliance. Nothing in this section shall be construed as limiting the City's ability to specially assess leve a sewer access charge (SAC) or otherwise bill properties served by an ISTS for the availability of municipal sanitary sewer and the public improvements associated therewith. 12.20 Cause for Denial; Condition of Approval. The future availability of municipal sewer, in the City's sole discretion, may be cause for denial of an ISTS Permit. The issuance of an ISTS Permit may be conditioned upon the applicant connecting to municipal sewer when it becomes available. Connection to municipal sewer when available may be an explicit condition contained in an imposed on any ISTS Permit prior to its approval. SUBDIVISION 13. REPEALER 13.10 Repealer. Ordinance number n''��d99-4 Ordinance number 92-27, Ordinance number 91-24 of the City of Otsego related to indi Individual Sewage Treatment Systems are hereby specifically repealed in their entirety. SUBDIVISION 14. SEVERABILITY 14.10 Severability. Should any subdivision, section, paragraph, provision, sentence or lesser portion beef-byof this Ordinance be found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, then such invalid portion shall be severed from this Ordinance and all remaining subdivisions, sections paragraphs, 13 provisions and sentences contained in this Ordinance shall be remain in full force and effect. This ordinance shall be effective upon adoption and publication in the City of Otsego's official newspaper. Adopted this day of , 4W9-.2000. In favor: Opposed: City of Otsego ATTEST: Clerk Elaine Beatty 14 Mayor Larry Fournier CITY OF OTSEGO DRAFT COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 00-?? WATER USE ORDINANCE SECTION 1. WATER AVAILABILITY AND USE CHARGES. The City Council has determined that in order to pay for the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, operation, and use of the City water system; the cost of State and Federal regulations; principal and interest to become due on obligations issued or to be issued therefore; it is necessary to impose the following just and equitable charges for the use and availability of said water system pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, Subdivision 3. The following water use charges are found to be just and equitable and as nearly as possible proportionate to the cost of furnishing the City water system: A. Rate Schedule (Use Charge). From and after hookup of any premises to the City water system, the owner or owners of said premises shall pay for water used each month at rates fixed by resolution of the City council, and any rates so established may be amended at any time by duly adopted resolution of the City Council. 1. For the first 2,000 gallons or less, the charge shall be a minimum charge of $5.00 per month. 2. For consumption of water in excess of 2,000 gallons, the charge shall be $0.88 cents per thousand gallons. 3. Where there is more than one dwelling, a business, or industry served through one water meter, the minimum charge shall apply to each such dwelling, business, or industry unit served through that meter. B. Penalty Charge and Interest on Unpaid Bills. The monthly water consumption charges and the monthly availability charge shall be deemed delinquent if not paid on or before the 1st day of the month in which the statement for such charges is issued (the due date). All delinquent accounts shall be subject to penalty calculated as follows: 1. A bill paid in full within 30 days after the due date shall pay a penalty of 10% of the balance due. 2. Beginning 30 days after the due date all unpaid balances shall accrue interest at the rate of 8% per annum. SECTION 2. WATER LINE CONNECTIONS. All connections to the municipal water system shall be in conformity with the following rules and regulations, except that the City Council may, by resolution, waive the same upon showing of special conditions justifying such waiver. A. Separate Connection. Every premises served by a water hookup shall have a separate connection and a separate meter. B. Permit Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any water connection or meter to the City water line without first obtaining a permit therefore from the City Building Inspector. Forms for such application for permit shall be supplied by and be available from the City Building Inspector. C. Licensed Plumber Required. No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service, or assist therein, any water line connected to the City water system, unless such person, firm or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City. D. Connection Charge. The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup of premises to the municipal water system shall be set by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. The water connection charge for duplexes, townhouses, apartment buildings and other multi -unit buildings shall be 100% of the full connection charge for each unit. E. Residential Equivalency Charges (REC's) will be established for non-residential users. The number of REC's per use will be as per the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual, dated January, 1996. Any rates so established may be amended at any time by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. F. No person shall connect to the City sewer system without connecting to the City Water system, except by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 3. METERS. All water sold shall be measured by meters unless it is not possible or is impracticable to install such meters. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can be installed, and the customer shall install and maintain the same. For the purpose of reading meters, duly authorized employees or subcontractors of the City shall have authority legally to enter upon any premises at a reasonable hour. Where meters are not used, a flat rate of not less than the minimum charge may be established by the Council. 2 SECTION 4. ACCOUNTS IN NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER; DEPOSIT; LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. A. Account Name. All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner who personally, or by their authorized agent, shall apply for such service. Said owner shall at all times be personally liable for water service consumed upon the premises whether they are occupying the same or not. B. Deposit. The Council also reserves the right to demand of each and every customer, before the said service is turned on, a deposit with the City Administrator in the amount of Fifty and N0/100 Dollars ($50.00), where the owner of the premises is not available to sign the guarantee or for any other reason. Said deposit shall be held as guarantee to hold the municipality free from any loss occasioned by failure on the part of the owner of any premises served by water to pay any bill legally rendered for water services to his property. C. Lien on Property. All accounts and charges imposed by and pursuant to this ordinance are hereby made a lien upon the premises served by the water hookup. All such accounts and charges which are, on the 1st day of October of each year, 30 or more days past due, and the same having been properly billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served, may be certified by the City Clerk as unpaid and delinquent to the County Auditor by the 1st day of November of each year. The City Clerk, in so certifying such accounts and charges to the County Auditor, shall specify the amounts thereof, the description of the premises served, and the name of the owner thereof. The amount so certified shall be extended by the County Auditor on the tax rolls against such premises in the same manner as other taxes and shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION 5. TARING WATER WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Any person, firm or corporation who takes water from the municipal water system without complying with the provisions of this ordinance, or without other authorization, or who assists any other person in so doing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. SECTION 6. RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE SERVICE RESERVED. 3 A. Notice. The City or its subcontractor shall notify each sewer and water user/owner who have sewer/water accounts thirty (30) days past due. The notification shall include: 1. The amount owed the City including interest and other appropriate charges. 2. Date by which the account must be paid. 3. Service shut-off date. 4. If the user/owner does not contact the City within ten (10) days, the City shall hand deliver a shut-off notice to the delinquent party. B. Shut-off. Services will be discontinued to the accounts who have not made arrangement with the City regarding the payment of delinquent account. C. Charges. The City shall charge fifty dollars ($50.00) to discontinue services and fifty dollars ($50.00) to reinstate services to a delinquent account. D. User/Owner Shutoff Request. The user/owner may request that their water be shutoff. The City will then shutoff the water and remove the water meter for a cost of fifty dollars ($50.00). Turning on the water and reinstalling the meter will cost an additional fifty dollars ($50.00). While the water is shutoff the owner/user will not be billed for the minimum availability charge. SECTION 7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS. The cost of all repairs and replacement of any plumbing between the main water line and the curb stop, including thawing of frozen lines, shall be borne entirely by the owner of the premises affected, and if such repair or replacement work is performed by the city, the cost of time and material shall be assessed against the owner of the affected premises. SECTION 8. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its publication. SECTION 9. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine not 4 exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty and N0/100 Dollars ($750.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day the violation shall continue. 5 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 00-?? SEWER USE ORDINANCE SECTION 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECT. The City Council has determined that in order to pay for the costs of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, operation, and use of the City sanitary sewage system and treatment plant; the cost of new State and Federal regulations; and principal and interest to become due or to be issued therefore; it is necessary to impose the following just and equitable charges for the use and availability of said sanitary sewer treatment system pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075. The following sewage treatment availability and use charges are found to be just and equitable and as nearly as possible proportionate to the cost of furnishing the City sewage treatment system: SECTION 2. SEWER AVAILABILITY AND USAGE CHARGES. A. Usage Charge. The sewer rental charge levied and assessed against the property in the City as aforesaid shall be as follows. 1. Said monthly sewer charge shall be 500% of the monthly water rate for the affected premises, with exception of large volume and high strength users. 2. The rate for large volume and high strength users shall be determined separately for each such affected premises based on consultation with the City Engineer. The rate shall be set by special agreement, including findings of fact, with the owners of said premises. Large volume users are defined as premises using in excess of 75,000 gallons per month. High strength users in excess of 0.167 pounds of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) per capita with pH values less than 6.5 or pH values greater than 8.5. 3. For residential users, the sewer charge shall be determined by using the average of the winter months water usage multiplied by 500%. This amount shall be the monthly sewer charge for the remainder of the calendar year. 4. Sewer charges for non-residential users shall be determined in the same manner as for residential users where practical. Where this is not practical, the monthly sewer charge shall be 500% of the monthly water rate for the affected premises, with exception of large volume and high strength users. 0 B. Penalty Charge and Interest on Unpaid Bills. The sewer rental charge shall be billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served by said sewer monthly and shall be payable to the City on or before the 25th day of the month in which the statement is issued (the due date). All delinquent accounts shall be subject to a penalty calculated as follows: 1. A bill paid in full within 30 days after the due date shall pay a penalty of 10% of the balance due. 2. Beginning 30 days after the due date all unpaid balances shall accrue interest at the rate of 8% per annum. SECTION 3. SEWER CONNECTION PERMIT AND CHARGES. All connections to the municipal sewage treatment system shall be in conformity with the following rules and regulations, except that the City Council may, by resolution, waive the same upon showing of special conditions justifying such waiver. A. Separate Connection. Every premises served by a sewage treatment hookup shall have a separate connection and a separate meter. B. Permit Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any sewage treatment connection or meter to the City sewage treatment line without first obtaining a permit therefore from the City Building Inspector. Forms for such application for permit shall be supplied by and be available from the City Building Inspector. C. Licensed Plumber Required. No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service, or assist therein, any sewage treatment line connected to the City sewage treatment system, unless such person, firm or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City. D. Connection Charge. The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup of premises to the municipal sewage treatment system shall be set by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. The sewer connection charge for duplexes, townhouses, apartment buildings and other multi- unit buildings shall be 100% of the full connection charge for each unit. E. Residential Equivalency Charges (REC's) will be established for non-residential users. The number of RFC's per use will be as per the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual, dated January, 1996. Any charges so established may be amended at any time by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. 7 F. No person shall connect to the City sewer system without connecting to the City Water system, except by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 4. ACCOUNTS IN NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER; LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. A. Account Name. All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner who personally, or by their authorized agent, shall apply for such service. Said owner shall at all times be personally liable for sewage treatment service used upon the premises whether they are occupying the same or not. B. Lien on Property. All accounts and charges imposed by and pursuant to this ordinance are hereby made a lien upon the premises served by the sewage treatment hookup. All such accounts and charges which are, on the 1st day of October of each year, 30 or more days past due, and the same having been properly billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served, may be certified by the City Clerk as unpaid and delinquent to the County Auditor by the 1st day of November of each year. The City Clerk, in so certifying such accounts and charges to the County Auditor, shall specify the amounts thereof, the description of the premises served, and the name of the owner thereof. The amount so certified shall be extended by the Auditor on the tax rolls against such premises in the same manner as other taxes and shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION S. CLASSIFICATION AND CHANGE OF RATE. The City Council shall have the power by resolution, to classify all types of sewage discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the City based on the quantity, concentration, cost of disposal and other pertinent facts, and to fix, increase, or decrease the rates charged for the use of said sanitary sewer system on any equitable basis the City Council may deem appropriate as the proper basis for measuring the use of said sanitary sewer system. SECTION 6. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS. The cost of all repairs and replacement of any plumbing between the main sewer line and the curb stop, including thawing of frozen lines, shall be borne entirely by the owner of the premises affected, and if such repair or replacement work is performed by the City, the cost of time 0 and material shall be assessed against the owner of the affected premises. SECTION 7. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine not exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty and N0/100 Dollars ($750.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day the violation shall continue. SECTION 8. SEVERANCE. The provisions of the ordinance are separable and the invalidity of any provision shall not effect the remaining provisions. SECTION 9. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its publication. 0 Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller •ALv liumed in IUWoir May 4, 2000 COURT & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthur0pobox. aom W City Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Amended IST Ordinance Dear Council Members: At the last Council meeting an amended version of the City ordinance related to septic systems was presented. An issue that I brought up was that the ordinance, as drafted, could arguably preclude a cluster or wetland type treatment system. As presently drafted section 9.30 states that eligibility for construction of an "Other System" includes, "...the applicant must show that a Standard System cannot be properly constructed on the subject property and that additional land for a standard system is unavailable." I spoke with Larry Koshak about this issue and it is feeling that a cluster or "Other System" should not be approved outside of areas which will be sewered in the foreseeable future. The idea is that such systems should only be in areas where they can eventually be hooked up to the municipal system. I am therefore proposing two alternative changes to Section 9.30 as follows; 1. ALTERNATIVE ONE. "In addition, the applicant must show that a Standard System cannot be properly constructed on the subject property and that additional land for a Standard System is unavailable, unless an Other System is proposed to serve several lots within a newly platted subdivision within the then existing urban service or long range urban service area of the City, and the Other System has been approved by both the City Engineer and by resolution of the City Council." 2. ALTERNATIVE TWO. "In addition, the applicant must show that a Standard System cannot be properly constructed on the subject property and that additional land for a Standard System is unavailable, unless an Other System is proposed to serve several lots Letter to Otsego City Council May 4, 2000 Page 2 within a newly platted subdivision and the Other system has been approved by both the City Engineer and by resolution of the City Council." Both myself and Larry Koshak will be available to discuss the matter further on Monday evening. Ve:ewl trul ,yours, Ma ur COURI & CARTHUR cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson Jerry Olson, Building Inspector Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Manus W. Miller •AIw Ucaued w 116no4 May 4, 2000 City Council Members COURI & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthurCpobox com F. Z City of Otsego c/o Mike Robertson, City Administrator 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Proposed Sewer and Water Availability and Rate Ordinances Dear Council Members: At the request of the City Administrator I have reviewed the proposed sewer and water rate and availability ordinances. In general, they appear satisfactory. I do however have some general comments which will apply to both ordinances since they are substantially in the same form. 1. Section 1, B the language should be modified here to make it clear that the bill will be issued within a certain time prior to the due date. In number 2 it should be clarified that the 8% interest charge is on top of the 10% penalty. 2. Section 1 should also include language prohibiting new development or certain expansions of existing development from utilizing any non -municipal sewer and water systems without specific agreement with the City within those areas where sewer or water service is available. 3. Both ordinances should include broader authority for the City, its employees, agents or contractors to enter the premises to read meters, shut off service or in emergency situations. 4. Section 4, C the language in this section should include interest as well as accounts and charges. 5. Section 5 of the water ordinance should include costs of prosecution, as well as a provision allowing the City to seek injunctive relief if necessary as well as specific Letter to Otsego City Council May 4, 2000 Page 2 authority to immediately shut off service and assess any costs related to City action against the property. Similarly, the sewer ordinance should include a provision for unauthorized use of municipal sewer facilities and similar remedies and penalties. 6. The shut off notice and procedures set forth in the water ordinance should be included within the sewer ordinance. Some mechanism should be established so that the customer has some avenue for disputing bills if clearly erroneous prior to service shut off. 7. The penalty provisions of both ordinances should not only include misdemeanor but should allow the City injunctive and other relief. I will be available to further discuss this matter at the City Council meeting on Monday evening. Very truly ours, ew J. jai Arthur COURI CARTHUR cc: Larry Koshak, Hakanson Anderson File RCA -CC VPS 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPAR7%1ENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: iMichael Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9. Council Items: A. Discussion of Godfather's Pizza Opening Night B. Set Public Works subcommittee meeting. C. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: A. This item was added at the request of Councilmember Heidner. B. This item was added at the request of Councilmember Ackerman. C. This is for any other Council Business that may be added. RECON, LME DATION: These are for Council consideration. Thanks, 1\/Eke MEMO Date: May 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Attendance of City officials at Godfather's Pizza opening The following City officials were in attendance at the Godfather's Pizza opening on Monday, May 1, 2000. City Council - Mark Berning (2 people), Larry Fournier (2), Suzanne Ackerman (5), Virginia Wendel (2), and Vern Heidner (1). Planning Commission - Gene Goenner (4), Arleen Nagel (2), Richard Nichols (2), and Ken Fry (3). Staff - Mike Robertson, Judy Hudson, Jerry & Carol Olson. There were 12 people with Council, 11 with the Planning Commission and 4 staff. The total price of the buffet is $6.26 a person including drink and tax. Vern Heidner has already written a check to Godfathers. Staff will write individual checks for those who attended. This is provided for Council's information. cc: City staff ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. COUNCIL ITEMS: i\/like Robertson, City Administrator May 8, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.2. Mike Robertson, City Administrator - Update: A. Recommendation on hiring of part-time Secretary/Receptionist B. Proposed Change Order - Gridor Construction - Wastewater Treatment Plant C. Any other City Administrator business. BACKGROUND: Mike Robertson will be here to explain this and answer questions on these items. A. See attached Memo from Mike Robertson. B. See attached Memo from Mike Robertson and faxed information from Bonestroo. RECOTNE IENDATION: These are for Council consideration and approval. Thanks, Mike MEMO Date: May 3, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Hiring Recommendation for part-time Secretary We advertised for a part-time Secretary/Receptionist in the Star News on April 5 and April 12, 2000. We received 15 applications. All of the applicants had some of the qualifications we were looking for, so it was difficult but we succeeded in determining 5 people to interview. Secretary Carol Olson, Deputy Clerk Judy Hudson and myself interviewed 5 applicants on Tuesday, May 3, 2000. Though all of the applicants were qualified, we were unanimous in our selection of Karee Rowell as the most qualified. Ms. Rowell has had several positions involving clerical work, phone receptionist, and customer service in the past 15 years. She worked part-time for the City of Hanover in 1995 and 1996, so she is familiar with City business operations. Her references, including the City Clerk of Hanover, were very positive. I recommend the City Council authorize the hiring of Karee Rowell as a part-time Secretary/Receptionist, at a starting salary of $9.00 an hour, six month probation, starting date of Monday, May 15, 2000. This position has been budgeted in the 2000 budget at $9.00 an hour, 20 hours a week, so there are adequate funds in the budget. cc: City staff CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING May 8, 2000 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register $ 258,871.06 Automatic Pay Deductions $ 2,931.58 GRAND TOTAL $ 261,802.64 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY May 2000 The following claims are set up for automatic pay from the City's Checking Account. Park Commission Phone Service in the Shed Act # 201-45000-320$ 36.03 Public Works Phone Service Act # 101-43100-320 $ 70.94 City Hall Phone Service Act # 101-41400-320 $382.08 TOTAL FOR US WEST $ 489.05 City Hall Service Act# 101-41940-322 $ 297.87 Old City Hall Act# 101-41950-322 $ 170.24 TOTAL FOR RELIANT ENERGY $ 468.11 CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY May 2000 Sewer and Water Services Otsego Well #1 Lift Station at Quaday & Cty Rd 42 Pump House #1 Water Tower #1 Act. # 601-49400-322 City Hall Services $ 28.48 $ 35.23 $229.69 $ 22.16 Sub -total $315.56 Shed $ 28.16 Otsego City Hall Parking Lot $ 7.16 Otsego City Hall $336.59 Act. # 101-41940-322 Sub -total $371.91 City Services Signal Light at Hwy 101/42 $201.44 Street Light at Odean/37 $ 8.08 Street Light at Odean/37 $ 8.08 Siren at Quaday/42 $ 8.79 Act. # 101-43160-322 $226.39 Country Ridge Street Light at Palmgren $ 8.08 Street Light at 83rd Cul-de-sac $ 7.16 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 7.16 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 8.08 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 7.16 Street Light at Palmgren Avenue $ 8.08 Street Light at Palmgren Avenue $ 7.16 Oday Acres Street Light at Oday Circle $ 11.90 Lin -Bar Estates I & II Street Light at Ogren Avenue 2N $ 11.90 Street Light at Ogren Avenue 1S $ 11.90 Street Light at Ogren/71st $ 11.90 Street Light at 71st $ 11.90 Street Light at Odell Circle $ 11.90 Wright -Hennepin, continued. Street Light at 72nd/Odean $ 11.90 Street Light at 72nd St. $ 11.90 Street Light at 72nd St. $ 11.90 Heritage Hills Street Light $ 11.90 Street Light $ 11.90 Street Light $ 11.90 Street Light at Ochoa Ct/Ochoa Ave $ 11.90 Street Light at Ochoa Court $ 11.90 Street Light $ 11.90 Rolling Ridge Creek Street Light at Large Court $ 11.90 Street Light at Large Court $ 11.90 Crimson Ponds Street Light at 7860 Padre Cove $ 11.90 Street Light at 15020 78th Way $ 11.90 Street Light at Padgett & 79th St. NE $ 11.90 Meyer Addition 3 Streets Lights billed this month $ 35.70 Act. # 101-43160-322 Sub -total $326.58 Grand Total payable to Wright -Hennepin Electric $ 1,240.44 Public Works Building CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY MAY 2000 Act # 101-43100-322 Old City Hall (Rented by Head Start) Act # 101-41950-322 Flasher Light at Cty Rd 39/Parrish $ 24.11 Street Lights at 101 & Cty 130 $ 16.93 Overhead Lights at 42/Parrish $ 33.55 Traffic Signal at 39/101 $ 235.39 Street Lights Cty Rd 39 $ 32.38 Street Light 85th/Parrish $ 12.78 Street Light Cty Rd 39/Page $ 7.99 Street Light Cty Rd 39/Nashua $ 12.78 Street Light Parrish & 88th St. $ 12.78 Bulow Estates Street Light $ 7.77 Antelope Park Street Lights $ 62.20 Country Ridge Street Lights $ 46.65 Street Lights at 96th Street $ 39.41 Act # 101-43160-322 Sub -total $ 544.72 TOTAL FOR ELK RIVER UTILITIES 733.98 $ 138.40 $ 50.86 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, March 04, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $258,871.06 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid ALCOHOL & GAMBLING $20.00 UnPaid AT&T $46.16 UnPaid BANK OF ELK RIVER $200.00 UnPaid BEST WESTERN KELLY INN $214.08 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $339.73 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $19.32 UnPaid CHOUINARD OFFICE PRODUCTS $441.02 UnPaid CITY OF MONTICELLO $1,936.50 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $81.82 UnPaid DONNA GOSKEY $245.00 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,112.85 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $100.00 UnPaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE $384.07 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid JERRY OLSON $10,440.72 UnPaid LONG& SONS $720.58 UnPaid MARK & SHERRI FAUE $535.00 UnPaid MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $391.01 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $62.70 UnPaid MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $762.46 UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $370.46 UnPaid NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT $25.00 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $762.97 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $257.50 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $490.09 UnPaid STEFFENS MEAT $41.97 UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $412.50 UnPaid SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $713.55 UnPaid TC BUILDERS INC $975.00 UnPaid UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $330.00 UnPaid US BANK $217,088.75 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $4,641.86 Total Checks $258,871.06 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, March 04, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 4 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER .o,-:...�.�x.::,:;�!,�,�,.�an.>m,�„«, x,,,:M,,... .�xw.�.wxxxx,.x„x,•mrx„xxx,w.x Unpaid ALCOHOL &GAMBLING E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $20.00 Godfathers Pizza Total ALCOHOL & GAMBLING $20.00 Unpaid ,.xx...:.. E 101-41400-320 Telephone $46.16 City Hall Total AT&T $46.16 •mvmn,vvrnµxmmnv„•rnvxvxvvx+rxv,wnm VOIW�]C•:: X^^:^Y!M.C.%%K•%SR`CC!GCVOI'COOO0000%K000490M>tC^::q. vvx, vwvn±nnMHXNd Unpaid BANK OF ELK RIVER E 101-41400-371 Clean Up Day $200.00 Cash for Clean Up Day Total BANK OF ELK RIVER $200.00 w,.mV,.�,yx�.m-w,,,,,»r<nw,,,m�,..,,r�.�•>�. .. wxw..wxx:.:a.aa.�xw>,..,,,. Unpaid BEST WESTERN KELLY INN E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conferences $214.08 MN Cities Conf 6.13/6-15/Robertson Total BEST WESTERN KELLY INN $214.08 vx.�n•:..>�..,x�.x.�mw.,..w.x,..,...mw.arm,,,,,.w:.,,,,.w.,xw...wm,...-m,w�G„�.G.xw...,w.xx...,.,n >.�,,,o��.r>��„•yx.. � >o -w Unpaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $339.73 8000143 April recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $339.73 ..,V.,..w.xxxxxw..-w..�,,,.,,:�G!G�.xG,,:!--.�,�«!G�«.�«:,�>«„!�G�.«v.,�r.�:..e«�.•«�wnx Unpaid BOYEFi TRUCKS E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $19.32 1994 Ford Total BOYER TRUCKS $19.32 •.,..,.r<„rm.x�„M•m,.G�wr...r.,,,.nx,�,-,w�,.,w;:«.,�:u..�!rr:w>M:�,-.oG•:G��,x> :4>.:kR,::.,..,�:o�,�G:,>v:,x,�:G�>«w,c;:.W,:,,.:,�:n>....,::.:N:.,•.,,,,:..:.xx,xw. Unpaid CHOUINARD OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $133.23 Calculator E101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $307.79 Desk/Chair/Mat Total CHOUINARD OFFICE PRODUCTS $441.02 ,xwm,xm,x,....x.,.,,VGw000�!.,,!•.� ww!•,�>oGGGGGG�.N:nxw.Gx>�:.x,,.m:!rru.,. Unpaid CITY OF MONTICELLO E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $99.00 AN Control E 202-42200-390 Contracted Services $1,837.50 2nd Qtr. Fire Total CITY OF MONTICELLO $1,936.50 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING '°�°�^�H• - •rr.rrrrrnr. E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $29.17 April recycling E 101-41940-325 Garbage Service $52.65 April recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $81.82 /% b'AGf:VOGYiiYiJVJriI ri:a+(•iw4:xbvsvfnyny:mina%mvnrv,K.:.vnvvxxvvnxsvavxY:epe,+avr/<evxv�::r:::::nx.:rmxxvvv.:vvnxvrrvrrw.xvx:mxvvwNrrmv.mvwOvvm:rrxrmvrrw.!C.•:C:YM.MCCC4%SriC!'Y.!!•iv\tt!!!rF.!:�!!:% �UnPaid DONNA GOSKEY G 101-21803 DAMAGE DEPOSIT PAYABLE $400.00 Damage Deposit Ref R101-38992 CITY HALL RENT ($155.00) Less Super Fees Total DONNA GOSKEY $245.00 :.Unpaid xw.. rrn,rrx—..».,,,,....:..: ,ECtv1 PUBLISHER E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $56.58 89566 Ord 00-1 $216.30 90774 Clean Up Day $185.15 91154 View Print $90.00 90031 Ad - Sec $90.00 89640 Ad - Sec $87.23 90309 Ord 00-04 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, March 04, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 2 of 4 Check Amt ..,�%ki���iv^M9P?K,::�WSM"�Y,1�w{iT m��/HNi.\\�����U`\\:i� �::; :s'OA'A'�,`Cb\\O�•+ .. „``],':,�m Invoice 0 } 0 .. ,J}Comment �li.�%1.: Y E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $40.08 89974 YOlYV4 Lefebvre PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $63.18 48632 View Inserts E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $54.22 90311 Ord 00-05 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $51.87 90312 Ord 00-02 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $44.79 90307 Korwitz PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $33.01 90306 Bids E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $28.29 90308 Assess Notice E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $25.00 48560 Vol Ad E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 90310 Ord 00-06 Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,112.85 UnPaid� EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $50.00 00-364 Odean ROW E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $50.00 00-365 Sewer ROW Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $100.00 .,,,,<M,�,,..�:::Jr.<•Jmror.A ..Jo"XX � �X<M��J„ H>,.<...,�,.,u,�. Unpaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $9.35 PW Supplies E 101-41940-203 Supplies - General $16.20 City Hall E101-41950-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $358.52 Peavey Hse Total FINKEN'S WATER CARE $384.07 Unpaid �.),�.•«.�<..,�..�..�.�..:,,xs,,,:::::.:,:<:::.,.N:�:k._::::::::F,.,.:<.y:<k,«...:.,,.M,....,.,�.x.��,.,,,)>.��„�>.,> »>�»>oo�>�»o� FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.00 PW STD E101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $67.19 ADM STD Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 4/15/2000 E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.92 PPE 4/15/2000 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 w.,�nxvw.•n,,, e.. n.+H•m,wnvAY fff.<Yr: �J:^JCC' .>:<M%f\YA\1:]:IX<KKA^:COM4X'MT K<A:»:C<AMVOA >V%. fiCO444iC<.0.h:iNFOfIIfFAb%:.1:%MHS\„%.xv1N<'M<M Unpaid JERRY OLSON E101-42410-390 Contracted Services $10,440.72 April Services Total JERRY OLSON $10,440.72 k M nom) vn7 J z `�M�� , H•l. ,.1 , a ,<��,,., ., H Unpaid LONG i£ SONS E101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $43.98 Sales Tax E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $72.60 Supplies E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $234.00 Comm Room E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $370.00 April Cleaning Total LONG & SONS $720.58 Unpaid n,v�,,,n•:««iv.,ti+rY!!H'iTX4%!!!!!i!i!i>:-:'MARA."R' T»>N/NfI!!!f/i lN.vYgppy!/»;:li>nVY aXV' '>GFVG WpplyAppy%plprypy !/k HS11,N<//llM1•.S,•u.U<n,,,,v v:i<;: <l::• K &SHERRI FAUE E413-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $535.00 Odean Easement Total MARK & SHERRI FAUE $535.00 Unpaid � MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $391.01 86680 Rental Total MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $391.01 MINNESOTA LIFEM-,.,M,,,, M CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, March 04, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 4 Check Amt Involce Comment E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 Adm Life E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $33.70 PW Lite Total MINNESOTA LIFE $62.70 llnPaiclmTOFTRANSPORTATION E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $762.46 PA38081 Lab Test Odean Ave Total MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $762.46 Unpaid '•"�<�•'<-x�<"»"mm's""��M'»»�'<wNAPA OF ELK RIVER INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/MaintSupply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-45200-390 Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $10.64 746297 Miscell Parts $31.39 747005 Ford Tractor $39.72 750609 Miscell Parts $75.41 744859 Miscell Parts $75.97 748387 Miscell Parts $137.33 748384 Ford Tractor $370.46 UnPaid NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT E101-45300-355 Dues & Memberships $25.00 Dues Total NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF PRESERVAT $25.00 .w%��,:�-.v,�..�>.»>� �w.Y«<..w«_,,..Kx,,�»,<xwxxw„•xnmx::•,w. �UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-43100-121 PERA $198.31 PPE 4/15/00 G 101-21704 PERA $364.96 PPE 4/15/00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $199.70 PPE 4/15/00 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $762.97 x.,�xax�w,n<nxr<w<xx<x,r.wxx,»» ��»:<:�•�.« �UnPaid RANDY'SSANITATION E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $257.50 April recycling Total RANDY'S SANITATION $257.50 U% » ». mem,»,,,,:.,,m,.,w<r »mn.wxm......,...,....::...........«.........t.,........... UnpPaidaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $490.09 1540 Case Tractor Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $490.09 !A4(<AJpOC«xvxn»v«««Fxixv..mxxx»»x»„rx<nwar<K««<i«a+o�«<xx<n•.+w:.rv+vv++mvwxvnr<w»•�rw�nCwnrmw.vxx<xx«rvx«nwex<.vx«xnw<xx>:�T1PY<TWN>NC>M0009>:M..�TT' W/f #N:! UnPaid STEFFENS MEAT E 101-41400-371 Clean Up Day $41.97 Clean Up Day Total STEFFENS MEAT $41.97 W,�,oo..t�:�«<,,,�,ua<.:,•,xyw«,»wxxxx<.,:.x»:,..»»•<.w:xx<x<,.•x<xxx.,:.,,,M,nrx<xxxx:.:. n.»<n<..x:xx.wxxx«.x<xx<xx<xxxnx:«:»:!.>;:>:�::!•»>%:>%..!.»>:-•»,!••!-:. Unpaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $412.50 April Services Total STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $412.50 <'pp•:pp- :pry �//)f)yvrxx<nay.l. n/nm �n»•.x,vvwwnMvw.�nrm,vnmvnmxv..,,nwx.:<:rxrm xx.:m:nvvx<n x: :vV%ttVOiCV.•W. FCSO:CY.4:L•:<^O:t^.Ct!N!!. • v,»,.:n»„»»mwrxx<Aw.w.vr»„»�:<mlx:.»x, UnPaid SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $195.00 463 Prairie Park E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $475.00 463 City Hall Lawn E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $30.88 463 Sales Tax E 101-45200-390 Contracted Services $12.67 463 Sales Tax Total SUPERIOR LAWN & SNOW $713.55 -w%/>%/AV/fi00P>)%/l/!//ii :»Yi%l/!//A:i%-'T`\v:.>:.�VWhU:-ER E <:!. I N m'mnbHN.xxmvme0eeuvnreen»a•Mbwsxmxxrriiii<x.•i<rrrix vix<xi«x/:.m n»:wx:rxn xv:<x«nxvr+<irr<xxx r�UnPaid TC BUILDERS INC G 203-20200 Accounts Payable $975.00 Refund of Park/Trail Fees CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment Total TC BUILDERS INC $975.00 n � UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA E 101-41400-360 EducationJTraining/Conferences $330.00 Otsego MMCI Fee/Hudson Total UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA $330.00 Saturday, March 04, 2000 Page 4 of 4 Unpaid US BANK E 315.47000-602 Bond Interest $39,791.25 06-01-2000 Improve 19998 E 315-47000-602 Bond Interest $67,782.50 06-01-2000 SW Series 1999A E 315-47000-602 Bond Interest $109,515.00 06-01-2000 S&W Rev Bond Total US BANK $217,088.75 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $13,999.50 Patrol -5 May Services Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 Unpaid WRIGHT OUNTYHIGHWAY�DEPT.,,,�,,,,.:.V.,..N,,..,,,,,,.,.,,,.-k.,,,..,,,,.,,..:.,,,.�,.....,..,,..�,xw,,,,..,,�,,,,:a,.:r>�:::,:,:,r>;•::w.h::.,. E 101-43100-372 Salt & Sand $4,396.50 2566 Salt & Sant E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $81.09 2567 Cold Mix E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $164.27 2568 Signs/supplies Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $4,641.86 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $258,871.06