06-26-00 CCI MOM= "0MI"LA ° Project Northiand - Wright County Cathy Cerra, Grant Coordinator (763) 682-7453 Brian Wurtzel, Health Educator (763) 682-7909 Wright County Public Health Dept ♦ 1004 Commercial Dr. ♦ Buffalo, MN 55313 - - -• - _ Madc po®ble tbmugb a gnot from MN. Dept of Chea Famffia and I earnutg and Center for Substance Abux Prewation JY3:•Y �ty tv.. i J Project Northland Background • University of Minnesota research -based project M1= • Based in the Iron Range • Outcome of the original project Evaluation/Research Component • Contracted Evaluator Goals of the Project • To reduce the onset of 04 alcohol use among �..: Wright County Youth. - • To reduce the access of#� alcohol among Wrights ( j County Youth. = :y Evaluation/Research Component • Contracted Evaluator • Three types of surveys`' Stuaents: Parents ... ,. ._, CommunRy Leaders • Reports" •M?.. Y 2 Project Northland — Wright County • Family/community activities AM • Increased communication between school, family and community • Parent surveys 91 n conc 4 Project Northland: A Communitywide Program to Prevent Adolescent Alcohol Use (1990 -1995) Project Northland is a community-based alcohol use prevention research trial, sponsored by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism of the National Institutes of Health, that builds on research of the past two decades in primary prevention of alcohol, tobacco, and c` -her drug use with young adolescents. Project Northland is: • The largest randomized community trial that has ever been conducted for the prevention of adolescent alcohol use, involving 24 school districts and 28 adjoining communities in northeastern Minnesota. • The first prevention trial to systematically link and study behavioral curricula in schools, parental involvement programs, extracurricular peer leadership, and community -wide efforts for young adolescents in grades 6 - 8. Students in the Class of 1998 from the 24 school districts were the focus of the evaluation of Project Northland. School districts and communities were randomized to intervention or reference condition in 1991. The first phase of Project Northland took place in the intervention schools and communities from 1991 to 1994. Reference schools and communities used their own programs before receiving the Project Northland programs in 1994. The education programs are described on the accompanying pages. After three years of Project Northland activities, when the students were at the end of 8th grade, monthly drinking was 20% lower among students in the intervention school districts compared with students in the reference districts, and weekly drinking was 30% lower. Project Northland provides strong suppo:-, for primary prevention programs that systematically involve young adolescent, parents, peers and community members. For more information on Project Northland and its programs, please call, write, or fax: Project Northland Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health University of Minnesota 1300 S. Second Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55454 PH: 612-624-0057 FAX: 612-624-0315 Project Northland Contact Sheet Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health University of Minnesota 1300 South Second Street, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55454-1015 Principal Investigators Cheryl L. Perry, Ph.D. Professor, Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health, University of MN 612-624-4188 Carolyn L. Williams, Ph.D. Associate Professor, Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health, University of MN 612-624-6858 Research Directors Kelli Komro, MPH,Ph.D. (Evaluation Director) Research Associate, Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health, University of MIN 612-625-7333 Sara Veblen-Mortenson, MPH, MSW (Intervention Director) Division of Epidemiology School of Public Health, University of MN 612-624-9378 Project Northland Intervention Communities Aitkin Floodwood Albrook Grand Rapids Babbitt -Embarrass Indus Bigfork Iron Junction Carlton Meadowlands Coleraine McGregor Cook Northome Cotton Orr Deer River Tower -Soudan Esko Wrenshall Facts about Project Northland *Project Northland involved about 2400 students in e�16� � 1998 � and 8th from 24 school districts in northeastern Minnesota durino grade years (1991-1994). *The school districts were randomly assigned as irate eention or control districts in 1991 before any surveys or programs had begun. *Students and parents of the Class of 1998 were surveyed annually. *Project Northland's intervention involved three years of behavioral curricula in the classrooms, parental involvement programs, rg extracurricular peer leadership, and community -wide task force activities. *Participation in the Project Northland programs was very high in all districts and communities over the three years of thestudy. *Students in the intervention group drank significantly less than students 20 in the control group at the end of 8th grade: monthly drinking lower and weekly drinking was 30% lower. likely to be *Students in the intervention group a the end f thesignificantly grade: the use of users of both alcohol and ci0arettes both was 27% lower in the intervention group. *Students in the intervention group who were never -drinkers at the beginning of 6th grade not only drank significantly less thane S ss mean ara control group, they alnts in e so smoked fewer cigarettes and used 1 at the end of the 8th grade: cigarette smoking was 37% lower and marijuana use was 50% lower. *Project Northland was effective in changing peer influence to arentcchhild J normative expectations about how many young people drink, p communication about the consequences of alcohol use, and the importance of reasons for not using alcohol. *Project Northland was less effective in changing perceptions of access to alcohol and actual access to alcohol; this has become a central focus for the second phase of Project Northland which is underway until 1998 Project Northland Intervention Programs for Classrooms and Parental Involvement (6th - 8th grades) The following are brief descriptions of the Project Northland nrnvrams for 6th through 8th grades. Special media features of the programs are presented. Each session of each of the Project North. nd curricula includes detailed descript:Jns of procedures for presenting the activities, with direct questions and/or statements for the teacher to ask students in enclosed boxes. Classroom materials for each session as well as peer leader instruction sheets are included in the teacher's manual. The curricula are designed to be "teacher friendly." Costs for these programs are provided on the attached sheet. 1. Slick Tracy Home Team Program: A six session, six week classroom and home-based program for sixth grade students and their parents, focusing on alcohol use prevention. The program is administered in six classroom sessions and through four activity booklets that students receive in their classrooms and complete at home with their families. The first four classroom sessions, about 15 minutes in length, serve as an introduction to the four activity booklets, with accompanying peer -led activities that complement each booklet's theme. The remaining two sessions total approximately 90 minutes of classroom time. These two sessions are set aside for students to work on alcohol prevention projects and posters, usually completed in pairs during the school day. Slick Tracy Family Fun Night, the final component of the program, brings families and community members together to the school to view the students' completed poster projects. la. Slick Tracy Home Team Activity Booklets: The four booklets included in the Slick Tracy Home Team provide activities for parents and their sixth graders to complete as homework, as well as direct parent education. The themes of the booklets include alcohol use facts, peer influence, media influence, and home rules. The booklets include characters Slick Tracy and Breathtest Mahoney in a comic narrative. 2. Amazing Alternatives'.: An eight session, 45 minute per session, peer -led classroom -based curriculum that is designed to teach seventh grade students the skills to identify and resist influences to use alcohol and to encourage alcohol -free alternatives. The program uses audiotaped vignettes, group discussions, class games, problem solving, and role playing related to themes of why young people use alcohol and alternatives to use, the influences to drink, strategies for resisting influences, normative expectations that most people their age don't drink, and intentions not to drink. 2a. Amazing Alternatives! audiotapes: Each session of the Amazing Alternatives! curriculum begins with an audiotaped introduction. The audiotape brings the themes of each session to life through the stories of four teens (two boys and two girls) who discuss the issues of each session as the story unfolds in these 7th graders lives. 2b. Amazing Alternatives! Home Program Activity Booklets: A home-based program consisting of four activity booklets directly mailed to parents that provides direct education including behavioral prescriptions for parents and activities for parents to complete with their seventh graders. 2c. Alternatives! Program Guide: A guidebook for students working with parent and/or community volunteers to provide leadership experience for seventh and eighth graders outside the classroom through involvement in planning alcohol -free activities for their peers. 3. Powerlines: An eight session, 45 minute per session, peer -led classroom -based curriculum for eighth grade students that focuses on introducing students to "power" groups (individuals and organizations) within their communities that influence adolescent alcohol use and availability, and to teach community action/citizen participation skills. Through work on small group projects, students learn about these power groups and the influences they have within their own communities. Student projects also give eight graders opportunities to become positive influences within their communities, schools, peer groups, and with younger students. 3a. Powerlines audiotape: An audiotape is utilized in one of the sessions to illuminate the issues of an alcohol related incident and its impact on various sectors of the community. PROJECT NORTHLAND PUBLICATIONS Publications March 5, 1997 Forster, J.L., McGovern, P.G., Wagenaar, A.C., Wolfson, M., Perry, C.L., & Anstine, P.S. (1994). The ability of young people to purchase alcohol without age identification. Addiction, 89(6). 687-693. Komro, K.A., Perry, C.L., Nfurray, D., Veblen-Mortenson, S., Williams, C.L., & Anstine, P. (1996). Peer - planned social activities for preventing alcohol use among adolescents. Journal of School Health, 66, 328- 334. Komro, K.A., Perry, C.L., Veblen-Mortenson, S., & Williams, C.L. (1994). Peer participation in Project Northland: A community -wide alcohol use prevention project. Journal of School Health, 64, 318-322. Perry, C.L., Williams, C.L., Forster, J.L.,Wolfson, M., Wagenaar A.C., Finnegan, J.R., McGovern, P.G., Veblen-Mortenson, S., Komro, K.A., & Anstine, P.S. (1993). Background, conceptualization, and design of a community -wide research program on adolescent alcohol use: Project Northland. Health Edu.:ation Re,,earch: Theon- & Practice, 8(1). 125-136. Perrv, C.L., Williams. C.L., Veblen-Mortenson, S., Toomev, T., Komro, K., Anstine, P.S., McGovern, P., Finnegan, J.R., Forster, J.L., Wagenuar, A.C.,& Wolfson, ,Iv1. (1996). Outcomes of a community -wide alcohol use prevention program during early adolescence: Project Northland. American Journal of Public Health, 86(7), 956-965. Rissel, C., Perrv, C., Wagenaar, A., Wolfson, til., Finnegan, J., & Kon-ro, K. (1996). Empowerment, alcohol, 81h grade students, and health promotion. Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education, 41(2), 105-119. Rissel, C., Perry, C.L., Wolfson, M., Finnegan, J., & Anstine, P.S. (1995). Factors associated with maternal interest in community health promotion. -Health Values. 19 161:30-38. Rissel, C., Finnegan, J., Wolfson, M., & Perry, C.L. (1995). Factors which explain amount of participation in rural adolescent alcohol use prevention task forces. American Journal of Health Promotion, 9(3), 169-171. Toomey, T.L., Williams, C.L., Perry, C.L., tilurray, DAA., Dudovitz, B., & Veblen-Mortenson, S. (in press). An alcohol primary prevention program for parents of 7th graders: The amazing alternativesI Home program. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance .Abuse. Wagenaar, A.C., & Perry, C.L. (1994). Community strategies for the reduction of youth drinking: Theory and application. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 4(2), 319-345. Wagenaar, A.C., Finnegan, J.R., Wolfson, M., Anstine, P.S., Williams, C.L., & Perry, C.L. (1993). Where and how adolescents obtain alcoholic beverages. Public Health Reports, 108, 459-464. Wagenaar, A.C., Komro, K.A., McGovern, P., Williams, C.L., & Petrv, C.L. (1993). Effects of a saliva test Pipeline procedure on adolescent self-reported alcohol use. Addiction, 86(2), 199-208. Williams, C.L., & Perry, C.L. (1996). The evaluation of a community--,;,•ide alcohol use prevention program for young adolescents. Alkoholizm i Narkomania (Alcohol and Drug Abuse, in Polish). Williams. C.L., Toomev, T., McGovern, P., Wa2enaar, A.C., & Perry, C.L. (1995. Development, reliability and validity of self-report alcohol -use measures with young adolescents. Journal of Child & Adolescent Substance Abuse, 4(3), 17-40. Williams. C.L., Perry, C.L., Dudovitz, B., Veblen-Nlortenson, S., Anstine, P.S., Komro, K.A., & Toomev, T.L. (1995). A home-based prevention program for sixth grade alcohol use: Results from Project Northland. Journal of Primary Prevention, _16 (2), 125-147. Wolfson, M., Toomey, T.L., Forster, J.L., Wagenaar, a.C.. McGovern, P.G.. & Perry. C.L. (1996). Characteristics, policies, and practices e` alcohol outlets and sales to youth. Journal of Studies on Alcohol. 57(6): 670-674. N �I CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4. OPEN FORUM (5 -Min. Limit) Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator June 26, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 4.A. Special Presentation: 1. Cathy Cerra, Grant Coordinator and Brian Wurtzel, Health Educator Discussion of Project Northland (See Attached Information). BACKGROUND: Attached in information received from Brian Wurtzel, Health Educator, Wright County Public Health via FAX. He and Cathy Cerra, Grant Coordinator will be present to explain their goals for this program of Project Northland and answer questions. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council information and any consideration needed. Thanks, Elaine SUN -08-2000 THU 02:37 PM WRIGHT CO HUMAN SVCS FAX NO. Project Northland - Wright County �., Cathy Cerra, Grant coordinator (763) 682-7453 6 Brian Wurtzel, Health Educator (763) 682-7909 Wright County Public Health Dept. ♦ 1004 Commercial Dr, + Buffalo, MN 55313 Made possibic Ihrou6h i grunt Crum MN. Dopt. of Children, Fnmilics and Lcoming and Cmer for Sub,swnw Abuse Provention Project Northland — developed at the University of Minnesota and tested in the "Iron Range" of Minnesota in the early 1990s, 'Che goals were to reduce the use and access of alcohol to teens in the 6th -8th grade group, A three phase prevention program for grades 6-8 that integrates classroom activities, parent involvement, peer -leadership, and community activities to consistently engage ]rids in a wide range of effective, field tested prevention techniques. Project Northland is one of a handful of research -based prevention programs in the nation. It is the only alcohol prevention program that has scienti fically measured its performance and documented the effectiveness. P. 02 June 26, 2000 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and Council RE: Addition to Council Agenda of June 26, 2000, 6:30PM FROM: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. Mayor, please add this item to Special Presentation section of the agenda 4.A.2. I should have added this when the agenda was written, but forgot - I apologize. These two parcels 118-032-001160 and #118-032-001170 were each charged a special assessment for the Overlay Project in the amount of $1,048.05 ea. PID # 118-032-001170 is a wetland and valued at $2,000.00. I have advised Mr. Davis to have the two lots combined into one lot through the auditors office. This would avoid the special assessment being placed on this lot in the future. Mr. Davis would like to have the City Council abate the amount of the special assessment of $1,048.05 and will be present to ask the Council for this abatement. Thank you for your consideration. (See attached information). Elaine CC: File r ---�I— �TS- ',j�-��7'`� 21 T �1 TkP-121 RANGE -023 EST 1 ST 40 EST ---- —---�-1 _ V`CSFUS'S OPK GROV` AS --' _.- ---------------------- CLSF-401 ri ,T� CHC— 0= SITE . -_ ...- K-001 L0i-016 "LOCK --,2 116-J32-001160/031-------- EMV L00 _ 2C,pOC 11,20:1 PRI-UJJ�493 DAVISEF!V _ 30 H; T;;T 11t200 RIGHARJ J 15944 TULIP ST NN EMV "7C 39t20� rsC HG _ ANDDYER MN 55304 RICIIA.J 04DA EMY GA L N`: ;;TH HST -003493 LES -60:,7341 :AT*.-iE- INCIM DAVIS EXCL ;LAT/Y9 -_-_ REF MV _._ MP K ,. 11 S- 032-001160 _ TILL - GA TIL �1 L.L&ND 26,60C t4P.LANO LF.V LD 26,600 ..TMV T"'V LD ._ c7 10,70, TIL.AC :,C LAV '� 1ia700 1kV P':G _ - [,A. kL. AC Lwd 'D LSV ST y T V.H TMV HG 1Ct700 lip. AC CT.. AC LAV HG 10,700 37,300 TMV 371300 '6 217 THP -17.1 RANGFST21S7 ACRES Lr�V -------.-.--r.r^ISTS-3001 -GROVE .19GO_07. S_CT-21 AD OAK ..---�------r--r-------�..-...._ .._ ----. ---- tiC PCT- _ yASSEUI`S L7T LOCK 11E-032- 001170/001--------- CLSF-201 riSTG-1 J` cIT� 2,- .017. --R PRI-UUU3!t93 Ery LuFjZ, itICHAzO J DAVIS ST r,H Ei�V su EMV VC TOT rtG HG 15944 TULIP Ali 55304 Emv 2t�Jr raL GTH ANDOVER LES -0037341 CATNERINE M oh GA GA LD 51 IMP Mp 113-332-001160 EX�L r f TAX-Se-STEM- 03/09/2000 Se-STEM-03/09/2000 16:16:06 ------------._... _ -.. . _...-------... -- --- ---- — -- - ---------WRIGHT!=OUNT`i -- ----- SPASMT/DITCH FILE MODELER TA950L PAGE 117 =---PARC NUMBER -- _-- -...----•__--_118-032--001170 _ .. _-- . _._ ..._... _.. _ -- —--------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------SPASMT _ ------------ MT START ASMT CALaC INTEREST INITIAL CURRENT =URRENT CURRENT REMAINING ROLL. T`iRE!-PttRCEL.. ttINTH CODE-----____ __...GITI=N �_C�.__`i'EAR._.`i ARS_.METH _.__.._...—RATE..-.___-.AMOUNT__.----PRINCXP_AL_._ _..INTEREST-_—.CtUE--BALANCE_ 3 R iib -032-001170/01 3 20130 0 :.000 i0 0 6.0000 ir164.50 116.45 $0.02 196.47 1,44$.05 -- -- EXTRA .MONTHS/DAYS .-_. -._._._..D-_ 53 -- _ .-------- - -- -- I PRIMARY TAXPAYER..0003493 CLASS S -REGULAR A5MT -- - - RICHARD J DAVIS TYPE I -ROAD IMP --i594�k--.TULIP�T_NW-------.__ .AUTHORI.T'1-TOWNSHTPI�-It�'---------------------------------- �'.� ANDOVER MN 55304 - --- --- - ---- ---- - -------- --- ------------- - R 118-032-001170/01 ' 56010 0 2000 1 0 .0000 40,00 40.00 .00 40.00 .00 -PRIMAR1:-TAXPAYER.-...000.3493___ CLASS_ __-S-REGULAR. ASMT.------._- ;j RICHARD J DAVIS -.--.-----•--.----.--.-----•,------ TYPE F -FIRE DEPT -------------- - - 15944 TULIP ST NW AUTHORITY-TOWNSHIP/CITY 31-AND4VERrMtd -5530 ( a S:PARCEL NUMBER 118-032-001170 = -•-------------- --------__-._ _._......____A5MT5. -. - --•-_-. -_--2- ------ ..--_--___1,204.50__-.---__--156.x5..._..__._.._80..0`-__ ------ ----------- --------------- 36.47_.-i,048�05__ .----------- -PARCEL-NUMBER-_ -- 118-D3:•-00-160 _ .- -- - ``, _------------------------------------�--- R 118-032-001160/O1 20130 O 2000 10 0 6.0000 1,164.50 ii6.45 80.02 196.47 11048.45 EXTRA MONTHS/DAYS - D- 53 --PRIMARY-TAXPAYER. .,0003_4_Q.3_.___- -CLASS,-.- _S -REGULAR RICHARD J DAVIS TYPE I -ROAD IMP -------- -- -------------- ---- --- 18944 TULIP ST NW AUTHORITY-TOWNSHIP/CITY ANDOVER MN - X5304 ------- - - ----- . ai8-032-001ib0/D$ --- 56010 0 2000 1 0 .0000 40.00 40.00 .00 - 40.00 . 0 - -- -- - -..- - - PRIMARY TAXPAYER..0003493 CLASS S -REGULAR ASMT .0 ----RI' HARD-.J-DAVIS- N iS944 TULIP ST NW AUTHORITY-TOWNSHIP/CIT`- --- -- -- - - -- - --- -- -- ------ --- ANDOVER MN E5304 OTALS:PARCEL NUMBER iib -032-00-160 - - ASMTS - 2 1,204.50 156.45 80.02 2.36.47 1,048.OS May 25, 2000 Nfary Palmquist Wright County Auditors Office Wright County Government Center 101V`V 2ND Street Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 RE: Combination of Lots 16 and 17, in M'asseur's Oak Grove Estates IST Addition Richard J. Davis, 15944 Tulip St'_V-' Andover, Mn, 55304 Dear .1.1s. Palmquist: The City of Otsego agrees that the above mentioned lots can be combined into one. One of the lots is mostly wetland and possibly unbuildable and since it is in common ownership it makes sense to combine the two lots into one so they receive only one tax statement. Thank you for your help with this matter. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator eb CC: File Richard J. Davis �..�.�� .. .,L 1:hLe'•_ , Z- •.c. r_ ...:.• :.t7: ! �!,•h„—._`� __ ._ --- 2,00O ' I-opnmry 7 n R11>i-03.Z-0011'O' I- .`j ' f. :.'r R _: a .... 2 22.00 rr�y/�� S 145 i i 22.00 19M • :' _rk •. y+..AAZ. � r i A. t cc w i n •,' `'.- -. RES HS10 REFI HSTD RICHARD J DAVIS I IFX-44 TULIP ST NW ANDOVER MN 5530-4 _ F/O: CATs MOM M DAMS ELK RtYf3L MN 55300 TAXPAYER COO t. P r}PERT T A. r, 40 IL Wright Coaarity u I�.y LLQ %I. i;P BER r�IT�Q 0C -4I.7 RER YL 25M C95 RICHARD DAVIS t. v t59" TULIP ST NW ? e~ ANDOVER Mff 55304 � td� s.• ww SECT -21 TWP-121 RANGE -023 VASSEUR'S OAK GROVE EST 13T AD Y.kX LOT -W BLOCK-WlOR F F/MrATHEMEM DAVM ELK R MND b_d �t f dcb tw- ww --" r .r• .sx-^�nxofil��.v�lc� �ri��'-i�••.•A-•.y}Rm�+�°ti�e. z� iyM+t��+v``� f �•{L�':�'` � J���, ' � f. �!}S. aaHltYnt � IIfG +tM•t. 311 �iE tik�Y•E�dlws Uu:xiaaia.0 - i <I ��'' A� Ii1I' -' . 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OCTOBER15 S 121LOO .... .. ,i::y::' . ,:..:, :7 .:":! � C:7 fi.'t:..•......:•. r4._.n r.L. yr; � �y �.�_ 17A,3.n Ana ^:.rt ry. i.%, %::t:dR.CfA'.0 Cit:,1 t .�. i',Rt. G iC•.M�. •:i;;;=: i'.'t i :\i1i.i `: ; i. _ SECOND HALF DUE OCTOBER 15 �' Y .lFiL E 'Ziww! "o i 6 f% i FIRST HALF DUE MAY 1S I q s ST VFF C WN 1AA PA V X 1. .14 C1 rw - wt, 33,400 :9900 33_-....,400 4w �*INVLA R 118, -032-MIGO 343A3 384.00 384.00 34-1-53 -ai7. RES KSTD PES HSTD RICHARD J DATIS 15944 Tuup ST Nw ANDOVER MN 56304 F/C: CATHERINE M DAV!S ELK Rrim, mm 55330 TE ERIE E,N' IT 0 F P RO P E R T 7 T. -k _X Es P A Y 01 - T 0 4 k X* P.1- Y E R (20 PIZ TAXPAI'ZR; Wright CounIty ii Ak. 11111111 ills Mill 11111 Is 11681114 oil I I'd.. U. Ir-GUGLA's 14. Gwt;o�_R. ? _1Rfk_ I AZWA D M93 C95 RIC*IAW .1 r-6= 4D 4,63Z sm= x. w., a -5c At is&" TWP ST W ANI)OVER IM 66394 3493 Wo SOPS= -7- . . . . . . . . .... n.- -T RANC --f SECT -21 TVP -12 ISM VASSEUP"S OAK GROVE EST I ST AD AST6 AX LOT -01 .6 BLOCK -WI T FIC- CATHERINE M DAVtS s -- N ELK RIVER, MN 55=0 tpt I PW .7.t. Wn11^ t, � ...... ZZ: L e �rW . sckt4 2. mz 2ft tk m _7 96-. k� 11OA4 - 4 ;OPMM. fi 104 C, . ;I.— Lei-, td'$02." 97-4 &07 HOSMALMISHU= Xc- W�� S* 1 7 V6. t"I % m,*5 444 . 7.1 szoo PRINCIPAL 126AS MMEST M02 ROAD IAAF FIRE DEPT- ...... AM- COWDE06 466-00 MAY IS s 310.00 OCTOSER15 S 3!0.00 ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETLNG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. June 26, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider Owner/Applicant Rick Grupa, 19026 Zane St. NW, Elk River, M.n. 55330. PID #118-500-364400 in Sec. 36, Twp. 121, R. 23. Property is located at 6201 Richardson Ave. (S. of 62nd Lane & E. of Rawlings Ave.) Request is as follows: A. A Comp. Plan Amend. to expand the Sanitary Sewer District. B. Rezone to R-4 (from A-1 Gen. Ag.) C. Preliminary Plat 6.2. Consider Owners Kevin and Benita LeFebNTe, 8585 Parrish Ave. NE, Otsego, Mn. and Applicant John Anderson, Tollefson Dev. Inc. 900 W. 128TH ST, Suite #107, Burnsville, Mn. 55337. PID #118-500-221302, located N. of Otsego Elementary School and W. of Co. R. #42 (Parrish Ave NE) Request is as follows: A. Comp Plan Amend. (Map). B. Rezone from A-1 (Gen. Ag.) to R-4 (Residential Urban Single family) and R-6 (Townhouse, Quad. and Low Density Multiple Family District). C. PUD/CUP, Planned Unit Dev., Cond. Use Permit (For Townhouses) D. Preliminary Plat of "Stonegate Estates". 6.3. An -%,-.Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: A. Discussion of Comp. Plan and Sewer Capacity. 6.1. This item was taken off the table at the P.C. meeting of June 19, 2000, as the City of Dayton is now proceeding with their sanitary sewer and water project. The Planning Commission approved the request. Dan Licht will be present to review and answer questions on this item. (See attached Memo dated June 20, 2000 with supporting information). 6. Dan Licht's Items Council Meeting of June 26 2000 - 6.30PM - Page 2 - 6.2. This item came before the P.C. meeting of June 19, 2000, attached is a memo from Dan Licht dated June 20, 2000 for your information and Dan Licht will be present to review and answer questions on this item. NOTE: The P.C. Minutes will be distributed to you when finished. 6.3. This is for any other planning business that needs discussion. A. See attached Memo from Dan Licht Dated June 19, 2000. RECOMMENDATION: 6.1. These item are for Council consideration for approval or denial. Thanks, Elaine r'-! NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH gwpM% MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 20 June 2000 RE: Otsego - Ranch Acres; Preliminary Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.07 Please be advised that the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing on March 20, 2000 regarding the above application. Following closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission tabled the application to allow Dayton and Otsego to finalize details for the extension of sanitary sewer service to the area. Expanding the sanitary sewer service district in advance of these decisions would have been inconsistent with the City's interim land use plan. The Planning Commission placed the application on their June 19, 2000 agenda for consideration now that Dayton is moving forward with their project. With the sewer issue resolved, the Planning Commission supported the expansion of the sanitary sewer service district to include the subject parcel by a 7-0 vote. There was discussion among the Planning Commission regarding the appropriateness of the R-3 District zoning and six lot subdivision versus R-4 District zoning and a 15 lot subdivision. The discussion centered around whether it is advisable from a growth management standpoint to allow large one acre development that is served with sanitary sewer. The Planning Commission did not have such a concern with this project per se because of the location of the parcel and character of the area, but for other potential development proposals more in the central sewer area. In concluding the discussion, the Planning Commission voted 4-3 in favor of rezoning the subject site to R-3 District and 5-2 to recommend approval of the proposed six lot subdivision. This application is to be considered by the City Council at their meeting on June 26, 2000. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9837 RESOLUTION NO.: 00 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN TO INCLUDE THE PARCEL TO BE PLATTED AS RANCH ACRES WITHIN THE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE DISTRICT AND DESIGNATE SUCH LANDS FOR LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL LAND USE. WHEREAS, the property in question ("the property") is legally described by attached Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the property is within the Urban Service Area Reserve established by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update; and, WHEREAS, the City has received a request from Rick Grupa for approval of a preliminary plat entitled Ranch Acres for development of the property with six single family residential lots uses to be served by the City's sanitary sewer services; and WHEREAS, the developer has requested a Comprehensive Plan amendment to expand the Sanitary Sewer Service District to include the property; and, WHEREAS, the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update outlines specific criteria that must be satisfied for the Planning Commission and City Council to expand the Sanitary Sewer Service District as follows: a. Land to be included in the sanitary sewer service district is not "green acred" or enrolled in an agricultural preservation program. b. The land lies within one-quarter mile of the existing sanitary sewer service district boundary or presents environmental problems that can be alleviated by the delivery of City water and sewer service. C. The land is located within the designated urban service area reserve. d. The potential sewer discharge of the land area to be included is within available capacity limits. e. The developer shall hold the City harmless should limitations on sewer hookups be imposed. f. The developer and/or benefitting property owners assume the significant majority of improvement/service costs. g. The land does not qualify as a premature development or subdivision as regulated by the City's Subdivision Ordinance. h. Inclusion of the land in the sanitary sewer service district is necessary to achieve a five year supply and respond to a shortage of land to which service is available. Commercial/industrial development and requests for service to existing, unsewered residential areas shall be given priority over new residential development for service district expansion requests. WHEREAS, the planning report dated 14 March 2000 and addendum report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the letter dated 14 March 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc., is incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on March 20, 2000, to consider the request, preceded by published and mailed notice, and, upon review of the application and evidence received closed the public hearing and subsequently tabled the application until the provision of sanitary sewer to the area was resolved with the City of Dayton; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission again considered the application at their meeting on June 19, 2000 based upon previous evidence and new information that the sanitary sewer extension project will proceed, and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the amendment of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update to include the property within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and designate it for low density residential land use, based upon a finding that the amendment is consistent criteria established by the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT; the request to amend the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update to include the property within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and designate it for low density residential land use is hereby APPROVED based upon a finding that the action is consistent with the following policy of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update.- 2 pdate: 2 Amendments to the Sanitary Sewer Service District boundary shall be evaluated and allowed only in compliance with established City evaluation criteria. (Policy Plan, p. 44) ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th Day of June 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk. 3 CITY OF OTSEGO- WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Rick Grupa 6-20-00 Zoning Map Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone the property included within the proposed Ranch Acres preliminary plat from A-1 District to R-3 District. City Council Meeting Date: 26 June 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density residential land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, as amended. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District; The applicant has requested rezoning to R-3, Long Range Urban Service Area District to accommodate development of the property with a six lot single family residential subdivision entitled Ranch Acres; Single family residential land uses are a permitted use of the R-3 District. 4. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Map amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: Provided that the SSSD is expanded to include the subject property and it is designated for low density residential use, the application of R-3 District Zoning would be appropriate. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: Surrounding land uses consist of low density residential uses to the east and rural or agricultural uses to the north, south and west. The proposed use of the subject property is anticipated to be compatible with these uses, which are planned to continue. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed use of the subject parcel will be required to conform with all applicable performance standards. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: As the use is adjacent to an existing service area, it is a logical growth area expansion that is not anticipated to cause any negative impacts to the area. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding. Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed use is adequately served by public streets. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity provided that sanitary sewer and water services are obtained and the applicant bear all costs associated with serving the parcel. 5. The planning report dated 14 March 2000 and addendum report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The letter dated 14 March 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on March 20, 2000, to consider the request, preceded by published and mailed notice, and, upon review of the application and evidence received closed the public hearing and subsequently tabled the application until the provision of sanitary sewer to the area was resolved with the City of Dayton. 8. The Planning Commission again considered the application at their meeting on June 19, 2000 based upon previous evidence and new information, and recommended by a 4-3 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment, based upon the aforementioned findings. 2 Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Map amendment is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY INCLUDED AS PART OF THE PRELIMINARY PLAT ENTITLED RANCH ACRES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property legally described on attached Exhibit A (the "property"). Section 2. The property is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District designation to an R-3, Residential Long Range Urban Service Area District designation. Section 3. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate changes to the official Zoning Map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification set forth above. Section 4. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Mw Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF 6-20-00 OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Preliminary Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: Rick Grupa Request: Consideration of a preliminary plat entitled "Ranch Acres" for development of six single family residential lots located east of CSAH 36 and South of CSAH 42. City Council Meeting Date: 26 June 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density residential land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update, as amended. 3. The property is zoned R-3, Long Range Urban Service Area District; Single family residential land uses are a permitted use of the R-3 District. 4. The R-3 District requires a minimum lot size of one (1) acre and minimum lot width of one hundred fifty (150) feet; All six of the proposed lots conform with these minimum requirements. 5. The planning report dated 14 March 2000 and addendum report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The letter dated 14 March 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on March 20, 2000, to consider the request, preceded by published and mailed notice, and, upon review of the application and evidence received closed the public hearing and subsequently tabled the application until the provision of sanitary sewer to the area was resolved with the City of Dayton. 8. The Planning Commission again considered the application at their meeting on June 19, 2000 based upon previous evidence and new information, and recommended by a 5-2 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment, based upon the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Ranch Acres Preliminary Plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. Sanitary sewer and water service shall be acquired at the applicant's cost from the City of Dayton and no on-site systems shall be permitted. 2. Access to CSAH 36 shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County Highway Department. 3. The preliminary plat is revised to illustrate a 65 foot setback from CSAH 36. 4. The existing drainage issue at the southwest corner of the parcels is corrected and all grading, drainage and easement issues shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. Park dedication fee in lieu of land is paid at the time of final plat approval, equivalent to $1,075 per lot. 6. The applicant enter into a development contract with the City and post all required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney 7. All lots within the preliminary plat are deed restricted to prohibit further subdivision of said lots. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 JUN.26.2000 2:24PM TOLLEFSON DEV BURNSV 6128901111 N0.048 P.2 Tollefson Development, Inc. )0 West, 128th Street, Suito 107 • Burnsville, MN 55337, P. 890-9431 F. 8901111 ^. June 26, 2000 City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Re: Stonegate Estates preliminary plat removal from City Council agenda. Dear Mr. Mayor and City Council members, Due to possible revisions of the current layout of Stonegate Estates, Tollefson Development, Inc. is requesting that the public hearing that was to be held at the June 26, 2000, City of Otsego, City Council meeting, be removed from the agenda until a later date. This will allow sufficient time to snake any necessary changes to the plat that may be required, I'm sorry if this has caused any inconvenience and thank you for the time that has been, spent on reviewing the plat. Sincerely, An Anderson Project Manager, Tollefson Development, Inc, Cc: Mike Pobertson, City Administrator Elaine Beatty; City C1erIc ban Licht, City'Planner I 7L INC MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 20 June 2000 Otsego - Stonegate Estates; Planning Commission Review 176.02 - 00.18 6.z The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their meeting on June 19, 2000 to consider the above referenced applications. Comments were received of two residents of the Country Ridge Estates subdivision to the west of the subject property. Their concerns were for the impact to area property values that may be caused by the construction of townhomes. Although, specific information regarding the size, construction or value of the proposed townhouses is not available with this concept plan review, the developer stated that the units would be owner occupied and that market conditions are dictating prices in excess of $100,000 per unit. Staff would agree with the developer's comments on market conditions based upon the development proposals for similar type uses in Otsego. The Planning Commission's discussion stressed that the townhouse application is being reviewed at a concept plan stage and that more information will be provided. The Planning Commission also noted that the PUD -CUP is required only to plat the townhouses in unit/base lots and that no design flexibility has been requested. The Planning Commission voted in three unanimous actions (7-0) to recommend approval of the applications. These applications are to be considered by the City Council at their meeting on June 26, 2000. Findings of fact consistent with the Planning Commission's recommendations have been attached to this memorandum. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9637 -1 RESOLUTION NO.: 00 - CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN - LAND USE PLAN MAP TO ALTER THE DESIGNATION OF LAND USES SUGGESTED FOR PROPERTY PROPOSED TO BE DEVELOPED AS STONEGATE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT BASED UPON THE SUBMITTED DEVELOPMENT PLAN. WHEREAS, the property in question ("the property") is legally described by attached Exhibit A; and, WHEREAS, the property is within the Sanitary Sewer Service District established by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update; and, WHEREAS, the approximate west half of the property is guided for low density residential uses and the approximate east half of the property is guided for medium and high density land uses; and, WHEREAS, the developer has submitted a preliminary plat and PUD -CUP development application consisting of single family and townhouse uses; and, WHEREAS, the developer is requesting an amendment of the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map such that the guided land uses generally mirror that of the proposed development plan; and, WHEREAS, the planning report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the Engineering Review dated 15 June 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc., is incorporated herein; and, WHEREAS, the Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 19 June 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the Comprehensive Plan amendment based on the finding that the action would be consistent with the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO THAT; the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Land Use Plan Map to such that the suggested land uses are generally consistent with that of the submitted development plan is hereby APPROVED based upon a finding that the action is consistent with the following policies of the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update: Whenever possible, changes in types of land use shall occur either at the center or rear, mid -block points so that similar uses front on the same street, or at borders of areas separated by major man-made or natural barriers. (Policy Plan, p. 39) Transitions between distinctly differing types of land uses shall be accomplished in an orderly fashion which does not create a negative impact on adjoining developments. (Policy Plan, p. 39) ADOPTED by the City Council of the City of Otsego this 26th Day of June 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO BY: Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk. 2 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Tollefson Development, Inc. 6-20-00 Zoning Map Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a Zoning Map amendment to rezone property located at the southwest quadrant of CSAH 42 and 85th Street from A-1 District to R-4 and R-6 District to allow for development of single family and townhouse uses of the Stonegate Estates Preliminary Plat. City Council Meeting Date: 26 June 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The 34.2 acre property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density and medium to high density residential land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District; The applicant is requesting the property be rezoned to R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-6, Low Density Multiple Family District to allow for development of the preliminary plat entitled "Stonegate Estates"; Single family uses and townhouse uses are permitted uses of the R-4 and R-6 Districts, respectively. 4. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Map amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance.- A. rdinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding. The subject parcel is guided for residential development at urban low and medium to high densities. The location of single family and townhouse elements of the project are generally consistent with the land uses suggested by the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Plan for this parcel. Further, the following policies may be cited in support of the proposed use: • Whenever possible, changes in types of land use shall occur either at the center or rear, mid -block points so that similar uses front on the same street, or at borders of areas separated by major man-made or natural barriers. (Policy Plan, p. 39) Transitions between distinctly differing types of land uses shall be accomplished in an orderly fashion which does not create a negative impact on adjoining developments. (Policy Plan, p. 39) A balance in the availability of quality housing choices throughout the City shall be maintained. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding. The proposed use has been anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan as a transitional land use at the edge of the Sanitary Sewer Service District. As such, the planned land uses were determined based upon compatibility with existing and planned uses of the surrounding area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed development plan will be required to be consistent with all applicable performance standards. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding. Development of the subject project represents infill of a vacant parcel within the Sanitary Sewer Service District. As the development provides a transition between large unsewered residential lots and planned industrial uses, no negative impacts are anticipated. E. _ The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The proposed development is adequately served by 85"' Street, which is designated as a collector street based upon the City's functional classification system. This street has adequate capacity to carry the potential 9, 790 daily trips generated by the proposed development. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding. The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 2 5. The planning report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc.,.is incorporated herein. 6. The engineering review dated 15 June 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 19 June 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the Zoning Map amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Map amendment is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 3 ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO TO PROVIDE FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING CLASSIFICATION FOR PROPERTY INCLUDED AS PART OF THE STONEGATE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. The official Zoning Map of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to change the zoning classification of the property described by attached Exhibit A(the °property"). Section 2. The portion of the property described by attached Exhibit B is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District designation to an R-4, Residential - Urban Single Family District designation. Section 3. The potion of the property described by attached Exhibit C is hereby rezoned from an A-1, Agricultural -Rural Service District designation to an R-6, Residential - Low Density Multiple Family District designation. Section 4. The Zoning Administrator is hereby directed to make appropriate changes to the official Zoning Map of the City of Otsego to reflect the change in zoning classification set forth above. Section 5. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST.- Elaine TTEST:Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF 6-20-00 0 T S E G 0 PUD -CUP Concept Plan & WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Preliminary Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: Tollefson Development, Inc. Request: Consideration of preliminary plat for development of 15 single family residential lots and 164 townhouse units platted in a unit and base lot configuration by Planned Unit Development - Conditional Use Permit entitled Stonegate Estates. City Council Meeting Date: 26 June 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The 34.2 acre property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for low density and medium to high density residential land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District and R-6, Low Density Multiple Family District; Single family uses and townhouse uses are permitted uses of the R-4 and R-6 Districts, respectively. 4. Section 20-17-10 of the Zoning Ordinance requires that townhouse units intended for owner occupancy be platted in a unit and base lot configuration by Planned Unit Development. 4. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the PUD -CUP allowing with theirjudgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: E. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject parcel is guided for residential development at urban low and medium to high densities. The location of single family and townhouse elements of the project are generally consistent with the land uses suggested by the Comprehensive Plan's Land Use Plan for this parcel. Further, the following policies may be cited in support of the proposed use: Whenever possible, changes in types of land use shall occur either at the center or rear, mid -block points so that similar uses front on the same street, or at borders of areas separated by major man-made or natural barriers. (Policy Plan, p. 39) Transitions between distinctly differing types of land uses shall be accomplished in an orderly fashion which does not create a negative impact on adjoining developments. (Policy Plan, p. 39) A balance in the availability of quality housing choices throughout the City shall be maintained. F. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding. The proposed use has been anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan as a transitional land use at the edge of the Sanitary Sewer Service District. As such, the planned land uses were determined based upon compatibility with existing and planned uses of the surrounding area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed development plan will be required to be consistent with all applicable performance standards. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Development of the subject project represents infill of a vacant parcel within _ the Sanitary Sewer Service District. As the development provides a transition between large unsewered residential lots and planned industrial uses, no negative impacts are anticipated. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding. The proposed development is adequately served by 85' Street, which is designated as a collector street based upon the City's functional classification system. This street has adequate capacity to carry the potential 1, 790 daily trips generated by the proposed development. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. 2 Finding: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 5. The planning report dated 13 June 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The engineering review dated 15 June 2000 prepared by the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on 19 June 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the PUD - CUP concept plan and preliminary plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested PUD - CUP concept plan and Preliminary Plat of Stonegate Estates is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only guarantee sanitary sewer service to approved final plats with signed contracts or through a financial commitment for such services to assure the City of timely development. 2. The design and construction of all pubic streets and private drives (which shall include curb and gutter) shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The preliminary plat is revised to designate the townhouse base lots as outlots with overlaying drainage and utility easements and numerate the blocks within the development. 4. The developer shall apply for a development stage PUD -CUP as provided for by Section 36 of the Zoning Ordinance and provide all required information. 5. A homeowners association shall be established for the maintenance of common open space and facilities subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. The site plan shall be revised such that no private driveway is within 15 feet of a public right-of-way or 5 feet of a property line. 7. Townhouse structures shall be set apart not less than one-half the sum of the adjacent building heights. 8. The landscaping plan is revised as part of the development stage PUD -CUP application to specify the type, quantities and size of all proposed plantings, to provide additional plantings adjacent to CSAH 42 and 85' Street and provide typical planting designs for landscape areas adjacent to the townhouse structures. 3 9. Park and trail dedication shall be provided through a combination of land and cash in lieu of land, subject to review by the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 10. The trail bisecting the center townhouse block is relocated to the south to provide a crosswalk at 83`d Street intersection and a second trail is provided on the east and south sides of the looped public street. 11. All grading and utility issues and plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 12. The existing access easement provided for in the easement agreement between the City of Otsego and John Earl LeFebvre Loving Trust, dated April 16, 1990, is transferred in accordance with provision 2.0 of said agreement. 13. The applicant shall be required to enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities upon approval of a final plat, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 26th day of June, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 4 N I N C MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH 6 Mike Robertson / Elaine Beatty Daniel Licht 19 June 2000 Otsego - Comprehensive Plan; Sanitary Sewer Capacity 176.08 As you are aware, the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update states that 30 percent of the available capacity in the City's waste water treatment plant is to be reserved for commercial and industrial uses. Based upon the initial plant capacity, sale of capacity to Dayton and allocation of sanitary sewer capacity for commercial and industrial uses, there was remaining capacity to support approximately 450 residential dwelling units. The following table outlines the preliminary and final platting that has occurred to date and is pending within the sanitary sewer service district: Development # of Lots Preliminary Platted # of Lots Final Platted Prairie Creek (SF) 118 78 Prairie Creek (TH) 93 45 Pheasant Ridge 178 45 Crimson Ponds 180 75 The Pointe 360 184 SUB -TOTAL 929 427 Pheasant Ridge 2nd - - 42 Riverpointe 142 33 Stonegate Estates 179 65 TOTAL 1,250 567 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@WINTERNET.COM As illustrated above, the City has already preliminary platted more that the available residential capacity from this initial waste water treatment plant design. With the pending applications for final plat approval of Pheasant Ridge 2"d Addition, Riverpointe and Stonegate Estates, the City will likely exceed the limit in terms of number of lots final platted as well. It has been anticipated that the development occurring within the City would be accommodated within the capacity available from the planned expansion of the wastewater treatment plant to 400,000 gallons per day. However, the number of existing/potential lots preliminary platted would likely exceed that capacity available to residential development as well. I received a call last week from John Anderson of Tollefson Development regarding the sanitary sewer capacity issue. He was understandably concerned about the issue of available sanitary sewer capacity in regard to their proposed development. I stated that it is anticipated that the City will "borrow" against the reserved capacity in anticipation of a plant expansion. This provided him some satisfaction, yet he is still concerned that the formal policy is that the adopted policy allows for only approximately 450 units. Based upon the concerns of Mr. Anderson and the current number of existing and pending platted lots, we believe that the Planning Commission and City Council need to make a formal resolution of the sanitary sewer capacity issue. Such a decision needs to outline the City's policy to borrow against the reserved capacity and should also establish a firm number of residential units that will be allowed based upon the permitted capacity of the waste water treatment plant. We believe that this resolution is necessary not only to satisfy the concerns of developers, but also to prevent the City from invalidating its growth management policies outlined in the Comprehensive Plan. Our concern would be that not clarifying the City's policy for sanitary sewer capacity allocation at this point may lead to inconsistent application or a default abandonment of the growth management strategy in the near future. If you would like to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to call our office. pc. Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. June 26, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Consider Feasibility Study for Acceptance on Slabtown Sewer & Water Facilities and Set Public Improvement Hearing. 7.2. Consider Easement Acquisition For Stormwater Runoff From Stonegate Estates Plat. 7.3. Update on Well #1 Transfer 7.4. Any Other Engineering Business BACKGROUND: 7.1. through 7.3. See attached information from Larry Koshak. He will be present to explain each item and answer questions. 7.4. This is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council discussion and decisions where necessary. Thanks, _ Elaine Hakanson 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 ASSOC., Inc. Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 6/26/00 Item 7.1 Consider Feasibility Study for Acceptance on Slabtown Sewer and Water Facilities. Find enclosed our correspondence to Mike on this matter. Item 7.2 Consider easement acquisition for stormwater runoff from Stonegate Plat. Find accompanying these items a written report with graphics on options for the drainage route. We will present the report to the council. Item 7.3 Well #1 Transfer to Tower System Update We sent proposals out to four contractors working in Otsego, and received to date only one response. That proposal was from R.L. Larson in the amount of $14,000. We are meeting with EnComm, the contractor for the pumphouse, to get a quote. The quote is higher than expected, but it is a small job and mobilization is a major part of the cost. EnComm may also do the interior building work for the school district along with the work we quoted. Since we are still looking at costs of construction, Mike will need the authority to retain a contractor because our window of time is July 10-14, and the next council meeting is not until July 10, 2000. Item 7.4 Any Other Engineering Business Civil 6- Municipal �� Engineering Council Agenda Items, Page 9 Land Surveying for \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\2000\ot9Olagenda6-26-OO.doc "Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. June 21, 2000 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Historic Village Assessments Dear Mike, 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 ITEM 7.1 We received a copy of the Dayton feasibility study prepared by BRA Associates for the Utility and Street Improvement Project. Also received was a copy of a memo from Mark Hanson, Dayton's City Engineer, on the current status of the project and assessments. As you are aware, the City of Dayton has held their 429 Public hearing required by the Statute. To assess the amount proposed for Otsego in the report, the city must go through a similar process. The City of Otsego will need a feasibility report. First you must, by resolution, call for the study. The council can do that by a 4/5 vote without a 35% benefited land petition. A 2/3 vote is all that is necessary if the petition is adequate. The study needs to be brought before council, reviewed and accepted before a public hearing can be set. The public hearing can be ordered by resolution and held at a convenient time as required. Adequate notice must be given to the landowners. The public hearing gives the council a chance to hear the residents on the value of the improvement and on the willingness to accept the assessment. If the project is rejected by council, it stops; if approved, it proceeds. Our recommendation to council is to choose one of the following options: • Accept the BRA report as written and approved by Dayton. Accept the method of assessment prepared by Dayton's engineer. • Accept the BRA report as written and approved by Dayton, except assess the City's 50% portion back to the landowners. • Instruct that a new feasibility study be prepared for Otsego based on Otsego's current assessment ordinance. Civil 6- Municipal Engineering 2t Land Surveying for \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\614\ot614mr4.doc Mike Robertson Page 2 June 21, 2000 Since the project has been bid and awarded, it would be difficult to revise the method of receiving the bid quantities and prices. However, if the project in Otsego is rejected by landowners and the city council, the City of Dayton would need a change order to reduce the project. The SAC and WAC charges typically in Otsego are charged to the landowner at platting or hookup to the service. The WAC charge would not be used in this case since the entire service is provided by Dayton. The SAC charge should only include the treatment plant portion of that fee. Some day there may be a gravity sewer to that area, but in what time frame is not easy to predict. It would be our recommendation that the City of Otsego own the water and sewer pipes in the streets and easements in the City. If the city allows the project to proceed without the public hearing and assessment notice, the city will be responsible for the costs of that portion of the project in Otsego. If you can't approve the project before the hearing and assessment notice, then the delay may cause contract problems with Dayton's contractor and agreement Dayton City Council made to landowners in Dayton. As we reported before, we felt the assessed costs were fair and equitable, however, that would need to be determined by an appraiser as to the benefit added to the land by assessment. We would at least recommend on the conservative side and make sure the majority of the landowners want this service. If you have further questions, please call me. Yours truly, HAKANSOfgANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Lawre ce/G.-Koshak, P.E. LG :ck cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Attorney Dan Licht, NAC Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\614\ot614mr4.doc Hakanson 1 Anderson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Assoc., Inc. Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 MEMORANDUM ITEM 7.2 TO: Mike Robertson, Administrator FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, P.E. cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk Andy MacArthur, Attorney Dan Licht, NAC DATE: June 21, 2000 RE: Stormwater Outlet to Mississippi for New Developments in Lefebvre Watershed District To facilitate proper stormwater removal for the new developments, the outlet for the Lefebvre Creek requires improvement in the NE 1/4 and SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 22, and the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 23 Township 121N Range 23W. The improvement would consist of a drainage ditch with an 8' bottom and 4:1 side slopes. Also required would be an additional culvert under CSAH 42. We have determined two feasible alternative routes for stormwater removal. Alternate A uses nearly the same alignment as the sanitary sewer. This allows the overlappage use of the sanitary sewer easement. Any crossing through delineated wetlands or ponds would be maintained through the use of an elevated outlet. The low flows would continue through the old creek route in Section 23. Alternate B follows the sanitary sewer easement through the area on Section 22, but follows the original Lefebvre Creek route in Section 23. This will require a larger easement containing the entire wetland area and the remaining sliver of land between the wetland and the sanitary sewer easement. This option also requires extensive amounts of clearing and grubbing, but would require less common excavation. With both alternatives, the excess common excavation could be used in surrounding properties. Fill will be needed for most areas due to city ordinance prohibiting the lowest floor from being less than 1.5' above the 100 -yr. flood elevation. We recommend Alternative A due to the easement being adjacent to the sanitary sewer easement and overall less easement required. It also leaves the original Lefebvre Creek untouched in Section 23 as the ditch follows the edge of the currently farmed area. We have yet to determine a cost, but it is anticipated the cost would be taken out of the funds set aside for the Lefebvre Watershed District impact fees. Delineation of wetlands on the far eastern stretch of the Lefebvre Creek is required. Country Ridge and the two 40 -acre parcels immediately east of Country Ridge should be added to the Lefebvre Watershed District impact fee area. Civil 'Municipal �� Engineering Land Surveying for \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\420\ot420mr1.doc MAnkerson Anderson _ Assoc.•Inc_ ws- xr� s r�o-.n an SECTION 22 \ LEGOO >m DENOTES COSTING URIIIY EASEMDIT `\ DDRO 3 RIORDSED DRANAGE EASEMENT OVER ESKTNG UTILITY EASEMENT (1,42 ACRES) "-"!n DENOTES DRANA EASEMENT (3.11 ACRES) DENOTES RIOROsm DITCH toDATQH ... DENOTES OWWATCD VIER -ARD DEMOTES EIOSIRG SAIATARY SE.0 ----------------- ---- PROPOSED DITCH TYPICAL CROSS SECTION OVERFLOW AT 855'\ OVERFLOW AT ass , , SECTION 23 o ao TIG �I PROPOSEDDfTCCH SEGMENT 551 \ sG [ N RET ALTERNAWE A CITY Of OTSEGO PATE: !/M/00 ME OT.N • • Is Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 TO: City Council Mike Robertson, Administrator Elaine Beatty, Clerk FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, P.E. DATE: June 26, 2000 RE: Well #1 Transfer Quotes We received two quotes for the work to make the transfer of Well #1 to the pumphouse, and placing the Otsego school on the new tower system. The quote by R.L. Larson only included the outside work for: $14,000.00 The quote by EnComm Midwest included both inside and outside work: $14,400.00 Inside means work inside the school to remove the water system from the pressure tanks. The District is supplying the pipe and materials, and also paying for the labor to install at $275.00. The City must pay for the installation of the new 3 -inch meter and signal sending device for $250.00. These items were not included in R.L. Larson's quote. Therefore, the lowest quote is by EnComm Midwest for $13,875.00. We recommend awarding the work to EnComm Midwest of Isanti. This is the same company working on the pumphouse. Civil &Municipal Engineering 2t Land Surveying for \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\510\ot510cc1.doc ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Adm. June 26, 2000 - 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Review Changes in Water and Sewer Ordinance (Cont. from 6/12/2000) 8.2. Franchise Agreement Discussion 8.3. Discussion of City Discharge of Firearms Ordinance 8.4. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: Andy Mac Arthur will be present for comments and information. 8.1. See attached information Memo from Mike Robertson and Revised Sewer Ord. 8.2 & 8. 3. Andy MacArthur will be present for this discussion. 8.4. This item is for any other legal business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine g.\ MEMO Date: June 21, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Water & Sewer Ordinance I have enclosed a revised water and sewer ordinance. The ordinance has been revised based on the City Engineer's comments and the comments of the City Council at the last meeting. ordwatrlwps Cour i & Ma CPI-thur Michael !C. coun-0 Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W uulir •tftiali<+uvea:b, tum TO COURT & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue F ,zu.t PO Box 369 St AItduW, AfN5.5376.0369 (763) 4974930 e763) 497-2599 (tAA) ' J'e� Z;� Za00+ 1 `i :. A VIA FACSIMILED U.S. MAIL A bers ib "ego .0 isCity Clerk Bea 0 9i i'A 0., vile to. Firearms; F4 T this tin bi if isibIt Vc c 'o kw- 39 P r e gfirt -a- , t existing o" di �nt 09e. sl&, eV6%1tS an 2*10 ed - ,h :eXco iio Aire. roeni��dut.. -e 'ith 14U- 'e. thd,sgm - -B the ordinanc i "N h4r9d �ZOAP- t 'I have, ill dh afi-`.CXtA 1.0 t approve. it ity to no pad :3 le t, e 1h, S, ;,-has WAY 0 -CA.*;, so S cotav e -to!thezCitY- 4y -heriff be no eq S e,,: id:Wns s 1! im 0 is M J, Q; e J, lid 4 4418823 P.02 A. al 06-26-2000 02:58Pr''1 FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.03 1 .4 t i CYTY' OF OTSEGO. !-COUNTY OF WRIGHT I + r' ... i STATE OF'AUNNESOTA t i{ 1 . :ORDINANCE .NO:' -N.; BLISZp OTSEGO ORDINANCE... O:9521 E : •; i :.1 :AT 1.0NS PERTAINING, TO TAE DISCHARGE " FiF�RE:AtRMS ` HVXI ING IN TAE eM- . OF OTSEGO, SOT-A: .r. : GIL OF. THS yy''� ..--{ ;.t. r •;�1TIB CITi,UUI CITY OF OTSGO F?RI7AINfi X15 `i PIN RNIl"1'TLa7 iJS OFIIEARfitrIS7VI T N `r O he:ceb ain d d` a` t -.':;• :' i eri a by dduig'fkief�illo �••;' lig; ' ! 'e' T �,.-su ?_p rad n ed in "a 'Ci ;jai rovetk :e e f recirac r i'':g fY Pp ting'- Biu '1 ; .4 Ali engage rieri `o engaged m' periodic`cer-e non` ; :fia1 oi:: 1i ., " y'such� as, er , .. M i . 1 Days observan'ceg, where `iirearn's li we tradition ; been• jdschar e d.� at'oz y lank 6a*=' id es 'or shells are ti led which ma ''►'u 'i.: 1. . ::.g :s o se s>rriinlatci; i. .i !� #`,Etlid charg o a fireaim withouf`tlie firingor. e3eotian of'solid fir ctil o e es:;In: ,. r'�_' c e f:a: ii ortc Hari re . • net &' � � `� r, tory enactrnent; the ovw the:property1u an whieii re, e a rieti�'t s to occur shall notify both_ilie C ty rid thy' �r ght` oun She i' r i.•. ::: ;' yaith: daite;; a and duration of the Tanned re.-e �' acctment: at le ", ! t ;. e p " ..i 4. week { prop i' a ievent. The City.may approve or. isapprove tT'o panned• event at e.disrgtYgn, r: may require the over`to crripl'yitb ce nprovisious:as;i;: t, d 'ofts.ofap}iroval:" t. {.r�t,� ,;j,.;j •i•'• i;a: .y '! :'j' 1 , yi 1i •'f i••_:: 3' •1 •eridrrient��sliall: beco�rre�:eif •S �,;�:.. i ,:,1 :, ; .. ecti�e:upou�itpassa°°` and pubiieat�•o�ii.,�.. f.rlaacordug;ta'7avtr: da of Jun X000 b y e; y'the`'"go -ity. Co �; �j, ;: <;Jti,•:sel :1''1` i' :, �. 1 i 1, r:. fe+0 1:. ti •, •:t •.I i i•l • •y y :i 1 • ':r �1 •t r .;fir. !•t:7-� .,o.<'{� ;r g j .j j V't 1' 1• 't . 1 ! 'r Q t:. 06-26-2000 02:59PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P.04 i(CM OF OTSEGO L#n 1,10 ,.Mayor 1:. it '•t 1 1 i,: !' , . ' `�; �' ' a. ` Ei Clerk � � � • =; ' .. • • a .: ' . � : ; . Y ' into r fil ••� MAIN . t '1.. '! J •,. "` '• : : s i I _ ;s:l . e ••7 I• t l Ia i tr• :,'I �d. •;• '1: ��•{' n••S {{ ,.I i r•: 7: 1'� 1••i .':n;• :•} . r .. 1111 i.•.• • 1 „ •' '•t : •3• .. :}, ..ie.f ?}: ,' .•1' •.1{. •','�, . ' 4. 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WATER USE ORDINANCE SECTION 1. WATER AVAILABILITY AND USE CHARGES. The City Council has determined that in order to pay for the cost of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, operation, and use of the City water system; the cost of State and Federal regulations; and the principal and interest to become due on obligations issued or to be issued, it is necessary to impose just and equitable charges for the use and availability of the Municipal water system pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075, Subdivision 3. A. Usage Charge. From and after hookup of any premises to the City water system, the owner or owners of said premises shall pay for such water service and usage at rates fixed by resolution of the City Council, and any rates so established may be amended at any time by duly adopted resolution of the City Council. B. Penalty Charge and Interest on Unpaid Bills. The monthly water consumption charges shall be deemed delinquent if not paid on or before the due date. Bills will be mailed approximately two weeks before the due date. All delinquent accounts shall be subject to penalty calculated as follows: 1. A bill paid in full within 30 days after the due date shall pay a penalty of 10% of the balance due. 2. Beginning 30 days after the due date all unpaid balances shall accrue interest at a rate established by resolution of the City Council. Said interest will be on top of the penalty charge. C. Availability of Water Service. Owners or users of any property within those areas where City water service is available may not use a non -municipal water system without specific written agreement with the City. SECTION 2. WATER LINE CONNECTIONS. All connections to the municipal water system shall be in conformity with the following rules and regulations, except that the City Council may, by resolution, waive the same upon showing of special conditions justifying such waiver. A. Separate Connection. Every premises served by a water hookup shall have a separate connection and a separate meter. B. Permit Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any water connection or meter to the City water line without first obtaining a permit therefore from the City. The initial connection and turn on operation for any water system connection shall only be performed by a City employee or authorized agent. C. Licensed Plumber Required. No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service, or assist therein, any water line connected to the City water system, unless such person, firm, or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City. D. Connection Charge. The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup of premises to the municipal water system shall be set by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. E. Residential Equivalent Connections (REC) will be established for non-residential users. The number of REC's per use will be as per the current version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual. F. No person shall connect to the City water system without also connecting to the City sanitary sewer system, except by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 3. METERS. All water shall be measured by a City provided meter. Every customer shall provide a suitable place where a meter can be installed. The customer shall pay for the meter from the City, pay for all costs of meter installation in an approved location, and pay for any maintenance or replacement costs of the City. For the purpose of reading or maintaining meters, shutting off or starting service, or other emergency situations, duly authorized employees or subcontractors of the City shall have authority legally to enter upon any premises at a reasonable hour. SECTION 4. ACCOUNTS IN NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER; DEPOSIT; LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. A. Account Name. All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner who personally, or by their authorized agent, shall apply for such service. Said owner shall at all times be personally liable for water consumed upon the premises whether they are occupying the same or not. B. Deposit. The City also reserves the right to demand of each and every customer, before the said service is turned on, a deposit with the City Administrator in an amount established by resolution. 2 C. Lien on Property. All accounts, charges, and interest imposed by and pursuant to this ordinance are hereby made a lien upon the premises served'by the water hookup. All such accounts and charges which are, on the 1st day of October of each year, 30 or more days past due, and the same having been properly billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served, may be certified by the City Clerk as unpaid and delinquent to the County Auditor by the lst day of November of each year. The City Clerk, in so certifying such accounts and charges to the County Auditor, shall specify the amounts thereof, the description of the premises served, and the name of the owner thereof. The amount so certified shall be extended by the County Auditor on the tax rolls against such premises in the same manner as other taxes and shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION 5. TARING WATER WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Any person, firm or corporation who takes water from the municipal water system without complying with the provisions of this ordinance, or without other authorization, or who assists any other person in so doing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. Violators are also responsible for the City's costs for prosecution or in seeking injunctive relief. SECTION 6. RIGHT TO DISCONTINUE SERVICE RESERVED. The City shall have the right and authority to discontinue water service to any property that is delinquent in payment or is in violation of water service rules or other City ordinance. A. The City or its subcontractor shall notify each sewer and water user/owner who have sewer/water accounts thirty (30) days past due. The notification shall include: 1. The amount owed the City including interest and other appropriate charges. 2. Date by which the account must be paid. 3. Service shut-off date. 4. If the user/owner does not contact the City within ten (10) days, the City shall hand deliver a shut-off notice to the delinquent party. B. Shut-off. Services will be discontinued to the accounts who have not made arrangement with the City regarding the payment of delinquent account. The City shall also have the authority to shut-off service immediately without notice pursuant to any action against the property. 3 C. Charges. The City shall charge service fees as established by resolution to discontinue services and to reinstate services to a delinquent account. Any charges incurred by the City in discontinuing service shall be assessed to the property. D. User/Owner Shutoff Request. The user/owner may request that their water be shutoff. The City will then shutoff the water with a service fee as established by resolution. Turning on the water and reinstalling the meter will cost an additional service fee. While the water is shutoff the owner/user will be billed for the minimum charge as established by Council resolution. SECTION 7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS. The cost of all repairs and replacement of any plumbing between the residence or structure and the municipal water main line, shall be borne entirely by the owner of the premises affected, and if such repair or replacement work is performed by the city, the cost of time and material shall be assessed against the owner of the affected premises. SECTION 8. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its publication. SECTION 9. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine not exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty and N0/100 Dollars ($750.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day the violation shall continue. The City is also allowed to seek injunctive or other relief and assess penalties as part of that process. 4 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT ORDINANCE NO. 00-?? SEWER USE ORDINANCE SECTION 1. PURPOSE AND OBJECT. The City Council has determined that in order to pay for the costs of construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, maintenance, operation, and use of the City sanitary sewage system and treatment plant; the cost of new State and Federal regulations; and the cost of principal and interest to become due or to be issued therefore; it is necessary to impose just and equitable charges for the use and availability of the Municipal sanitary sewer collection and treatment system pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 444.075. SECTION 2. SEWER USAGE CHARGES. A. Usage Charge. Sewer charges levied and assessed against the property in the City shall be established by resolution of the City Council. 1. For residential users, the sewer charge shall be determined using the average of the winter months water use. 2. Sewer charges for non-residential users shall be determined in the same manner as for residential users where practical and appropriate. Where this is not practical or appropriate, the monthly sewer charge shall be based on the monthly water usage for the affected premises. B. Penalty Charge and Interest on Unpaid Bills. The sewer usage charge shall be billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served by said sewer monthly and shall be payable to the City within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date in which the statement is issued. All delinquent accounts shall be subject to a penalty calculated as follows: 1. A bill paid in full within 30 days after the due date shall pay a penalty of 10% of the balance due. 2. Beginning 30 days after the due date all unpaid balances shall accrue interest at a rate to be established by resolution. C. Availability of Sewer Service. Owners or users of any property within those areas where City sewer service is available may not use a non -municipal sewer system without specific written agreement with the City. SECTION 3. SEWER CONNECTION CHARGES. All connections to the municipal sewage treatment system shall be in conformity with the following regulations, 5 except that the City may, by resolution, waive the same upon showing of special conditions justifying such waiver. A. Separate Connection. Every premises served by the municipal sewage system shall have a separate connection. B. Permit Required. No person, firm, or corporation shall hook up any sewage connection to the City sewage collection system without first obtaining a permit from the City. C. Licensed Plumber Required. No person, firm, or corporation may hook up or service, or assist therein, any sewage line connected to the City sewage collection system, unless such person, firm or corporation is a plumber duly licensed under the laws of the State of Minnesota or the ordinances of the City. D. Connection Charge. The connection charge imposed by the City for hookup of premises to the municipal sewage collection system shall be set by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. E. Residential Equivalent Connections (REC's) will be established for non-residential users. The number of RFC's per use will be as per the current version of the Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Procedures Manual. Any charges so established may be amended at any time by a duly adopted resolution of the City Council. F. No person shall connect to the City sewer system without also connecting to the City Water system, except by resolution of the City Council. SECTION 4. ACCOUNTS IN NAME OF PROPERTY OWNER; LIEN FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS. A. Account Name. All accounts shall be carried in the name of the property owner who personally, or by their authorized agent, shall apply for such service. Said owner shall at all times be personally liable for sewage treatment service used upon the premises whether they are occupying the same or not. B. Lien on Property. All accounts and charges imposed by and pursuant to this ordinance are hereby made a lien upon the premises served by the sewage treatment hookup. All such accounts and charges which are, on the 1st day of October of each year, 30 or more days past due, and the same having been properly billed to the owner or occupant of the premises served, may be certified by the City Clerk as unpaid and delinquent to the County Auditor by the 1st day of November of each year. The City Clerk, in so certifying such accounts and charges to the County Auditor, shall specify the amounts thereof, the description of the premises n. served, and the name of the owner thereof. The amount so certified shall be extended by the Auditor on the tax rolls against such premises in the same manner as other taxes and shall be collected by the County Treasurer and paid to the City Treasurer. SECTION 5. USE OF SEWER WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Any person, firm or corporation who uses or connects to the municipal sewer system without complying with the provisions of this ordinance, or without other authorization, or who assists any other person in so doing, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable by a fine of not to exceed Seven Hundred Fifty ($750.00) or by imprisonment not to exceed ninety (90) days, or both. Violators are also responsible for the City's costs for prosecution or in seeking injunctive relief. SECTION 6. CLASSIFICATION AND CHANGE OF RATE. The City Council shall have the power by resolution, to classify all types of sewage discharged into the sanitary sewer system of the City based on the quantity, concentration, cost of disposal and other pertinent facts, and to fix, increase, or decrease the rates charged for the use of said sanitary sewer system on any equitable basis the City Council may deem appropriate as the proper basis for measuring the use of said sanitary sewer system. SECTION 7. RESPONSIBILITY FOR REPAIRS. The cost of all repairs and replacement of any sewer service lines between the residence or structure and the public sewer main line, shall be borne entirely by the owner of the premises affected, and if such repair or replacement work is performed by the City, the cost of time and material shall be assessed against the owner of the affected premises. SECTION 8. PENALTY. Any person violating any provision of this ordinance shall, upon conviction therefor, be punished by a fine not exceeding Seven Hundred Fifty and N0/100 Dollars ($750.00) or by imprisonment not exceeding ninety (90) days, or both. A separate offense shall be deemed committed for each day the violation shall continue. The City is also allowed to seek injunctive or other relief and assess penalties as part of that process. SECTION 9. SEVERANCE. The provisions of the ordinance are separable and the invalidity of any provision shall not effect the remaining provisions. 7 SECTION 10. REPEAL OF INCONSISTENT ORDINANCES. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are to the extent of such conflict hereby repealed. This ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after the date of its publication. V. 3 Final Revision 6/6/95 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO: 95-21 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE DISCHARGE OF FIREARMS AND HUNTING IN THE CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS. Section 1. Chapter 7 of the Otsego City Code (Police and Public Safety) is hereby amended to add the following: SECTION 1 FIREARM AND HUNTING REGULATIONS SECTION: 7-1-1: Discharge and Carrying Firearms Regulated 7-1-2: Definitions 7-1-3: Permitted Use of Firearms within the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-4: Permitted Use of Firearms outside the No -Discharge Zone 7-1-5: Prohibitions 7-1-6: Dangerous Weapons 7-1-7-A: Designated No -Discharge Zone 7-1-7-B: Map 7-1-8: Penalties 7-1-1: DISCHARGE AND CARRYING FIREARMS REGULATED: 7-1-2: DEFINITIONS: CARRY: The handling or transportation of a firearm concealed or otherwise outside a person's domicile. DANGEROUS WEAPONS: Slingshot, clubs, blackjacks, spring guns, brass or metal knuckles or any knife with a switch blade which opens automatically under spring pressure with a button or release mechanism or by any other mechanical contrivance. DISCHARGE: The firing or shooting of any firearm. DISMANTLED FIREARM: Any unloaded firearm or bow which is dismantled in such a manner so as to prevent discharge. ENCASED FIREARM: Any unloaded firearm or bow, placed in a case which is tied or otherwise secured in the manner provided. FINE SHOT: Shot sizes F through No.12 inclusive. FIREARM: "Firearms" shall mean any device from which may be fired or ejected, one or more solid projectiles by means of a cartridge or shell or by the action of an explosive substance; or for which the propelling force is a spring, elastic band, carbon dioxide, air or other gas or vapor. LANDOWNER: Any person, group, firm or corporation owning, leasing or legally controlling any lands within the territorial limits of the City. SINGLE PROJECTILE: Any single projectile, whether contained in a metallic, paper, plastic or other cartridge including any method of loading a muzzle loader which results in a single projectile being discharged. SUITABLE BACKSTOP: Any natural or manmade barrier of sufficient mass, size or construction to wholly contain the projectile being discharged. WRITTEN PERMISSION: The following information must be included: The full name. address, date of birth and signature of the person authorized to hunt or discharge a firearm; the full name, address, and signature of the landowner. 7.1.3: PERMITTED USE OF FIREARMS WITHIN THE NO -DISCHARGE ZONE. The discharge or carrying of firearms that are not encased or dismantled is permitted under the following circumstances so long as no innocent party is endangered unless otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law. A. By law enforcement officers in the line of duty or military personnel in the line of duty or persons with a lawfully issued and currently valid "permit to carry a pistol" as defined by Minnesota Statute 624.714. ,21 B. By any person to resist or prevent an offense which that person reasonably believes exposes himself or another to great bodily harm or death. C. By a certified Firearms Safety Training Instructor while participating in a Department of Natural Resources approved Firearms Safety Program. D. By any person while participating in a Department of Natural Resources approved Firearms Safety Program. E. By any person authorized to do so in writing by the Wright County Sheriff for the destruction of diseased, injured or dangerous birds, animals or reptiles. F. By any person on a rifle, trap, archery or target range established in accordance with the City's Zoning Ordinances or as part of a City - sponsored activity. G. By any person possessing, transporting or carrying handguns as specifically allowed by State law. H. By any person slaughtering farm animals which they own or with the permission of the owner. L By any person target practicing with a bow and arrow with target tips only, BB or pellet gun with parental supervision under the age of 18, against a suitable backstop, at least two hundred (200) feet from all buildings, unless the buildings are owned by them or unless they have the owner's permission carried on their person. Bow and arrow target practice may also take place within the confines of a building if a suitable backstop is used. J. By any person participating in a special hunting season, which season may not conflict with State law or regulations. established the City Council for the purpose of wildlife management. The season shall be established by the City Council when, based upon competent professional advice such as a conservation officer, a season is needed to reduce an animal population. The Council may authorize the use of single projectiles as part of the special hunt regulations set forth in the resolution. 2 7.1.4: PERMITTED USE OF FIREARMS OUTSIDE THE DESIGNATED NO - DISCHARGE ZONE. In addition to the conditions set forth is section 7.1.3, the discharge or carrying of firearms is permitted under the following circumstances so long as no innocent party is endangered unless otherwise prohibited by State or Federal law. A. By any person using projectiles for target practice provided that the projectiles are stopped by a suitable backstop and provided further that the discharge occurs at least five hundred (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. B. By any person hunting with a single projectile in accordance with State and Federal regulations and provided further that the discharge occurs at least five hundred (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. C. By any person hunting or target shooting with a shotgun using fine shot at least five (500) feet from all buildings, unless owned by them or with the owner's written permission carried on their person. 7.1.5: PROHIBITIONS: Except as specifically allowed in Section 7.1.3 & 7.1.4. A. The discharge of a firearm is prohibited. B. Hunting using a firearm with a single projectile or with a BB gun is prohibited. C. Carrying or discharge of a firearm by any person under the age of fourteen (14) is prohibited except when accompanied by parent, adult guardian or certified safety training instructor. D. The aiming of any firearm, whether loaded or not, at or towards any human being is hereby prohibited. E. The carrying of an uncased firearm in a motor vehicle, in a place or area open to the public, or in any private place or area unless the private place or area is owned by the person carrying the firearm or with the owner's permission is prohibited. F. No person shall discharge a firearm while traveling on or using a wild, scenic, or recreational river, except for the purpose of hunting during those times and in those areas in which hunting for protected animals is allowed. 0 7.1.6: DANGEROUS WEAPONS: A. Weapons Prohibited: No minor under the age of 18 shall wear under his clothes, conceal about his person or within a motor vehicle, display in a threatening manner, or sell, offer for sale or carry or use any dangerous weapon. B. Exceptions: The prohibition of this Section shall not be construed to forbid any law enforcement officer from carrying or using dangerous weapons in the proper discharge of his or her duties. 7.1.7.A: DESIGNATED NO DISCHARGE ZONE: The City Council shall cause to be published a map designating the areas within the City where no discharge is allowed. Such map shall be published no later than 1 September on an annual basis. Discharge in areas not designated on the map for discharge is prohibited. 7.1.7.B: MAP: See attached map 7.1.8: PENALTIES: Any person who violates provisions of this Ordinance upon conviction shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished in accordance with the provision for misdemeanor penalty under State law as amended, plus costs of prosecution, for each offense. Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Adopted by the City Council, this 24TH day of July 1995. ATTEST: Norman F. Freske, Mayor -5— Publish: Star News 8/9/95 Post: 7/28/95 1 �� Ill/►, q1) `; I�� M; SJR iMl s � a IIUII��I,=•psi �=.�1�=� 1 ' �E= Cwi me, ••� oil Lm- on • • • • • • fS • IL, /, •�• - . . otsSo- • CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING June 26, 2000 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Registers $ 130,244.84 533.16 GRAND TOTAL $ 130778.00 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, June 22, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $13.14 UnPaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $437.68 UnPaid BANK OF ELK RIVER $26,525.37 UnPaid BANYON DATA SYSTEMS, INC. $800.27 UnPaid BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $40.95 Unpaid CAMPBELL ABSTRACT CO $55.00 UnPaid CELLULAR+ $30.03 UnPaid COMMUNITY RECREATION $107.31 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,040.00 UnPaid DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND $153.01 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $8P.91 UnPaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE $40,00 UnPaid ELK RIVER BOWL $200.00 UnPaid ELK RIVER LANDFILL $4,016.41 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,088.84 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $48,775.95 UnPaid HAW KINS $590.01 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid LONG & SONS $759.56 UnPaid LORETTA MOOS $23.00 UnPaid LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. $1,500.00 UnPaid MCALPINE LAWN SPRINKLERS, INC $193.15 UnPaid MEDICA $3,118.41 UnPaid MIKE ROBERTSON $30.23 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $63.20 UnPaid MN MUNICIPAL CLKS & FNCE $35.00 UnPaid MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $111.87 UnPaid NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY $1,041.05 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $3,875.31 UnPaid NORWEST BANKS $11,587.50 UnPaid OMANN BROTHERS INC. $1,991.55 UnPaid ONRAMP, INC $39.95 UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $3,634.54 UnPaid PITNEY BOWES $99.22 UnPaid PRECISION AUTO REPAIR $787,84 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $610.58 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $837.24 UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $204.91 UnPaid STANDARD TRUCK & AUTO $19fl.76 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid TROPHIES PLUS $44.20 UnPaid WASTE MANAGEMENT $112.50 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 Unpaid WRIGHT COUNTY MAYORS ASSOC $150.00 Total Checks $130,244.84 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, June 22, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 5 Check Amt Invoice Comment : t�•.,;:y:.x.4}•{.}}}}:'i «:{-J?}}}��?i?" :�:. � � {-0{.' 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E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $13.14 105406882 cylinder rental Total AIRGAS, INC. $13.14 v.+,vn:vw::«irr:rnw:::«::n•nvv: n:•.:vnw::::?>::\.>:v?F.•:-.:?:{•>?>i>:Svv?>?}'F.^.Ywiriiiir'r.:v»??i?i%vx«•:4%iliRii}%J>:ti«^..%<,�«JO}}yW//ra �YiOY?%dO:4:G:iA::+Y%VJOth'lq}Wpy :y�[<,Gh`EJpJ?F,yyrynyS)pfv::: xn•.vnw.Yv„v:::nvn,Y.: Unpaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS E 101-43100-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $437.68 48140 radio Total AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $437.68 xv.n...n,,,,vn .,n{{«54>:4"f.•:<•: •p�•:":::4x<i•?f??:LK«:{i:.•»<J:«u<Vi4{«««{{«M??:{{«N%KUW(+roKdxJW0.lQ}'�qW«M:IXCJO>OOOJOOtdt<UY,\JXAYdOC«{{G:JSNiiM00C:wt«<Nnv<ns\1•N<✓�M>vn:Y.YiKN. Unpaid BANK OF -ELK E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $50.00 Safe Deposit Box E 421-43100-501 Equipment $3,444.69 Int 99 Equip Cert E 421-43100.501 Equipment $23,030.68 Prin 99 Equip Cert Total BANK OF ELK RIVER $26,525.37 .v:.•nv:.v::::: <: n•.v:n+v:«:::«:n .• •-- �vn+±ox,w�vn m,w.rnw:nmw.wrv.:,.vnxnn:nv..vn......,..:.n.,........>::J'>"{iti^:4?T»N>}>:i Y.t..v:n,vn, m-•.,v.>•.JY .. ......y ... ....w::::.: .. Unpaid n:BANYONnv:::x::DATA SYSTEMS, -INC. E101-41600-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $800.27 00007013 customer support Total BANYON DATA SYSTEMS, INC. $800.27 ..v.�T.wJ.Wiyx i5Ji:6yxQJ:0000Vhb'.:>:Y�+MFv.'nw:.990-NT-IRE 9 ----- •• E -. .. ...Yn,..+�+n„n:vmwrM,,,,•nvnv xvv...«.w.vw.xvnvwwnvn:.mn mr:n,.n+m,•rn<n,vv.{MN:Q�C«9>}>}'•}>x}xG•ir'}xy ..r :.:.:. :::. ,....:...vx.vn,>1, ...:n •.tv...v.•nv<.•«<nv.• ... ... .. .. • Unpaid BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $40.95 280000007A Total BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC $40.95 a....:.,-« x«:x<c:mwa«.�cucoc<xn..a,.««:«n-<n-:..•<n:-«::::::: n..v..:.wn•:.-..v<:«:«:.vn•.:w«.•.w<xx.::n,:<:.,.:.w..,�...,.«.ww«:.v«.::«.vvnv.«<«:::«::::::::::«:«:::nv:::.�,.v<««..�..vav w.<>xr:.cew.c<wsc<{•r:xr-:. l.lnPaicl CAMPBELL ABSTRACT CO G 70 1-21 924 Mining permit #7 $55.00 abstract properties Total CAMPBELL ABSTRACT CO $55.00 CELLULAR+ E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $30.03 00-05-103386 Total CELLULAR+ $30.03 •:rr::;;K.xsc:•;;cr:x•}:{J?x?xc::•:}x>?>::cix>:ii+�v.nx-..u<:.::«c«:::c.wrr..,. arc a»x:.v..r}}xn•: a-.co>»es anu .x,r �.}}w.+.'r:: xeroanxmr«vwreeev.roeeaaanemnneeaxea�em UnPaid COMMUNITY RECREATION E 101-45100-390 Contracted Services $107.31 Winter/Spring 2000 Total COMMUNITY RECREATION $107.31 i{<{•:i4:9[O?:<:ri<«.%i««4�«ti,4f.4Yri<4rii.;y-«:i.{i.:iL:«{:ridE:!f<.:{.?iiii:{<.::OC<.:c:wi«}:<,:}tiK«<:ii:c::;:J.W'.{L.iYwJ:«.}:.:::r:r::n•:::.va,Yxv:.:•N<t:<n'.t�wrrr:::::nY•<:.wiJ:nv<::::.v::«:::«::::::n:v:: r:.::v::::: x:nv:::::: n : x :. Unpaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-41400-371 Clean Up Day $1,040.00 25000 Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,040.00 : n:...,. >;}?: ;:«.:ii ::.....r.,:.wnrn..,....,,.nn..,.................v.n...n,....................:r.....,,....,:.,.......,...,:.................. ............................................................ UnPaid DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND E 101-43100-220 Repair/MaintSupply(GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $23.28 Total DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND ($15.16) PW #17 $9.87 00314830 PW #9 $15.16 00318586 PW #17 $16.44 00312349 PW #9 $23.28 00317533 PW #9 $88.26 00313222 PW #9 $137.85 :•n•:::::::.v::: n•:::.v:::::::::: r:::.v:.v:.,-.v:.v::: n:•:: r:.v::: n•.v::.v:.v:::.v::::::: r-:::::::::::::::::::: nn•rr::.:v:.,:•::: <:::JT •? }:•:?fif.«Jx:«<SV:<J:•/.•>?}:C�:<J'n:{i<:I/!//.!.•}}:4}:%yf. % F!.•if:}}?lf,. } nt:.•}V.«!«<L{.?xJ:n:.?,:<.:<«{-?:.:./{.?:•:.; UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $82.91 25000 street signs Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $82.91 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Thursday, June 22, 20' Page 2 a, Check Amt Invoice Comment :.,'.i':.:.i'.T:.::::::.i:.::i:.>i:::::::.vi}:.i:.i'.:::::J: {�. :,-,.if V...Y::•:}.. %•... ..v. , .R }.Q4.M\ ,\\,V[4. .. . ..,•. v::.,.:,..:: .. ............... .. ........... ... . . .............,......... ...:.........,...... ...:. ;»\��,,,,w».,,,,..x?,.,a\ >. .C.,•:::4 :: .:4i., .: ../" .. 4y. rarf ,.a.... ...uw\ rv.,.:..r:.:4::.�::.,:na•:n\\•�ka>,>.�:.,�..:: ..: •::., .v.....:..v;.::::...:..: ... ........ .....:.:: ....;.; q q�,. ,S y:r•{till+• ... ..... 4.. \�v.....n¢.,ff.�}::>4.vn»4.,?•ir:4:::?w.4%{t{4:{„{Y.{,l{„9rA-,{i?-:{,Wm{v>rn.{,»\\\ti:::•:4:4:?•::vnxiv:{i??{-�,x{{?4<{{{{�\{•i.K,k.,{-.{,\\+L,4?h4.`�•)i:{4:;• -.xw:::.:,v.,:•.wm:rv.:v.v::: nv.v+ru.v: nvrrrrn::\\\\ �>'qV:!4\ ,!gy�gTyry ....HppMp[4pppvp>:[4CxyG:pyv��ppb,[,>y�,rm,xv,rvwmvw,»ywv. Unpaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE E 101-41400-205 Election Supplies $40.00 428540 replace battery Total ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFTWARE $40.00 UnPacf::...,.,........................ »»` ELK RIVER BOWLx,:,».,,,,...nxv.:x,n„x-.,xKM VCVPS'0.YV[P:4[•:[:\`:C[[[•Y[ Av![![[!C:S{4\ti\AC\1\\MOCN[[CP• VK Kh N>:4tt\A\[{Atl4\ E 201-45000-203 Supplies - General $200.00 PR.02 Haunted House Total ELK RIVER BOWL $200.00 -:n:•n•.w:.w::n,v:nv.,vn•rnv::.vw:::::nw::rr:fnx,,,+mmvnv.xvr.v: rr.vnv:.v.,mvnw.,wn„»n„wn,,,w "' YYTT:{4�"- vfn, "".". J600, Tti{htiJw],+WY..:,:?J0.\A• v.C.:' Unpaid ELK RIVER LANDFILL E 101-41400-371 Clean Up Day $4,016.41 Clean up day Landfill Total ELK RIVER LANDFILL $4,016.41 Unpaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $27.00 PW E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $67.19 Adm. Total FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 v:<-w.vn:•.,vw: ••• .. ..............nw::rv.wnvxwfrnvenm,•.vv.,,xxw:.xxwn-nxxmx�,w. [4C[4:! \,1!:k:4 Unpaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $270.62 37045 Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $818.22 36977 Diesel Total HG WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,088.84 RiiP%f.•:ri•:4T:?T>T%4.!![->:4iM4T:.:K::iY:b:JY>%.fw.::.>Yi'A0.4�OP�O�g4�'ny 9yryKy%.:,UyTI�,:J:4" L.•yWEJ>yyyl•A�c.,avL%NOOOOOd1]f6aH+ob[A[sax[MM\[s4xfM,Y[: AChvxbl. <-v.,vv:nx:»»vnvvnwnvnv: UnFajd HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC E 413-43100-302 Engineering Fees $10,776.93 Odean Ave #98.05 E 416-43100-302 Engineering Fees $1,236.89 Rd. Overlay G 701-21941 Pulte Homes $1,237.04 Prairie Creek 2nd G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backes 99-7 $1,239.65 Crimson Ponds E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $1,435.00 Trunk Sanitary Sewer #98.04 E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $1,651.24 Pump House & Cont. #98.02 G 701-21940 The'Point' - Big Ed's $2,050.28 The Pointe G701-21927 O. Thompson CUP 99-18 $2,367.08 US Homes - Koerwitz E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $8,138.45 78th St. Trunk S & W G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $11,079.42 Pheasant Ridge G 701-21931 Apex Bldg Addn $37.50 Apex Bldg 3rd Add. E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $858.52 Trunk Sanitary Sewer E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $3,923.85 78th St. Trunk Sewer Sewer E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $96.32 Pump House -Design & Const. E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $35.00 W & S G 701-21944 Bauerly/Bajari $37.50 Bauerly- Bajari G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $37.50 Prairie Creek 1st G 701-21936 Mississippi Pines PUD 00 $75.00 Miss. Pines Plat E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $674.75 Misc. Eng. E 101-41660-302 Engineering Fees $140.00 G 701-21924 Mining permit #7 $187.50 Mining Permit # 7 E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $262.50 Crow River Rental E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $280.00 Mun State Aid Adm, E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $381.60 City Map G 701-21947 Prairie Creek 3rd Addn $536.43 Prairie Creek 3rd Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $48,775.95 fNf.Jif/:Y:vY>Y>:::>+riv:[[!vi:T:T>:::v.•:JG>�\\ vV//NIMOOT.Y%!.'l.:J>\O>::->:.Y%iY%fh' �,WW:(.%p'wVW pY:o>.1'.:MVA'mxx,»w:xwnv.,w.w.:vn:w::::::::::::::::r:nvnvv:::::::.w:::nw::::n•.v::::nvvri: r:::nw:::::: n.::.vnv:::::::: Unpaid HAW KINS CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, June 22, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 5 Check Amt Invoice Comment :.:.,,.aa;..-f-Xi::,4»XwyXa\�>�k\\#a�,BJ4.a„$w'.•:Yi�c:�laa.J2a�aaa�.'•.Y.. �, y 4.\�^�'y{'Yt{{:-,.-rii#.'•>2>}:?+:.#:5:�::;:{!::<:}:!:?X:::i:::;x,.<{•;;i4:{.>::;;.>:•>i:t-:4>}»: ±+iw{N'C.aQFtaE-�i'l.S:<{.%Y��it4:}.\+,� fr^vn\{::::.:^:{<,a•.::.:v:n::v:^ri-..:::.v.:t{w}ii:C}.}???}iii:C E+601-49400-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $10.00 DM 41255 Water Treatment ?>i: E601-49400-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $580.01 212276 Chemical Total HAWKINS $590.01 lJnA ic..:-..:.:.........::.-.....:...:^-:::.ICM-A RETIRE NTNT TRUST vxxx :mr>YC4P 00. pg ppp yff }.< 4Yfa RU?h:4 •U>?4 4?Yw•X\C?i>??i?:t•Y.•?:41':`"+:•?•}}}%{.4 "Y:4:{-}}: }}}X•? G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 6/10/00 E101-41400-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $201.92 PPE 6/10/00 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 vmvvn..:...^x.:x.:.,nv.xn:S4X•:4:SSMC!S•XCC•:XS«:<..: t, CPGV.YNw9W000PP"A4W>?%tt•OOQ:<«4Ctt4:CCKr:CF\,Y�M000GfVi000GiJG{900W.M{-:KY.4fAiCOtt:«JD0000:9NC�]9fMt<AY<vY:MOfiYCC �UnPaicJ � LONG &SONS E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $145.20 Supplies E101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $198.00 Com. Rm. May 6th & 7th E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $370.00 May Cleaning E101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $46.36 Tax Total LONG & SONS $759.56 NfK Y.}vn:}w2�•M::vgvw,w[<n,Hy,}•.vyy;y�{y,>,,,,,w.w:x,,,••:xn:.^w.,•:xmw.w.vxvn„v:,Hvw,wiwmx•.,wmmxmux�/.SQP:S SSMCM4X94ft.C}?:C:YrYF.OWJfW.4iGV9P:-Y.SS4R4?::-?'f.<{MX<OC4:4i0M•:SSPXSF.t4%.:CY.W..X::'f..iY^4<4:SSSC}:. Unpaid LORETTA MOOS E 101-45300-310 Miscellaneous $23.00 Reimbursement Total LORETTA MOOS $23.00 „•::.,•::.v::.w:.,::w.::w.,w:•+'^::.�::.%^:,,,,�:,,•nw:,,v^w�:,,,.,,,,•:.,-.,:„wxm.,,w.,�n-n,,.,w�,.,M»x.,::•x.,w:nw.,,,..,w:,nX�CC<%•>XY,%SSY.M:[-?Y:<i ICCCTYRS9::MGC:CMC }0:'P:N%CC:OPIXVCM:tl00:4XMPFA:4'fiX4hX•N>:L:::.>y,.\««,,;;;;Y, Unpaid LYLE H NAGELL CO INC. G 701-21951 NO DESCR $1,500.00 Pulte Acct. Total L SLE H NAGELL CO INC. $1,500.00 LAWN SPRINKLERS, ..... ....... INC E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $193.15 261 Total MCALPINE LAWN SPRINKLERS, INC $193.15 MEDICA+wx:.,ww.,w.x.,w„,,,,,x.,„vm,�:wxw.,,.-:...,�«•:«•:«<«<t«:.,,{-::..t<M,X�X4-.%4:.{4X::«4...:..,:4Xa<•»>X«;4:.X{�«4X<«4»::;;Yv%«::; E 101-43100-123 Health $1,288.12 E 101-41400-123 Health $1,830.29 Total MEDICA $3,118.41 •.w:. _ nv:^•.wnv:.v.::v.,+w.:vv.v..:,w:::.vx.:,w:,4:!•»:<tttM 54:4:IXC:C:4>:<vviM«CXtt«<SCUU:MCC«VCV]MCK,VVK<VC tia\lVCC4:{4MXP4C;<:AYA,.U00{O:{<n:XJCMACq+p(q«yy.NppC.XC<w,4JCq+Cq,%/,.1.:;;;;C:«\<Mh %A,Y.v:::n•:::::::::.v:: ^v::: Unpaid MIKE ROBERTSON E 101-41400-360 Education Training/Conferences $30.23 MN CITIES CONF. Total MIKE ROBERTSON $30.23 :>•::::x.m: m.%.wm:x m •::.:-xm^,•:.wxxx^.,.: m:.w: m::xxxxmx.,v-^w:xm::m • �,w:x:x:M 4> Y{ > X 4 -: r «-k . M� P:Y:-u�..t<4:;.X4 >:4 o-» .,> u %.>.:»>::,;.%;<.» Unpaid MINNESOTA LIFE E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 Adm. E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $34.20 PW Total MINNESOTA LIFE $63.20 :.n..n.:,.:,:rc.::n,,.atSSCP:tf•Y'C�iYFi%^. Cttr::A:tt4»>?:vi'X4:!MYNI/FYAt'.sYY.!t!4COfiGT:4iCIXtttttt:H.4:4%/IA�wCPYCCVIGYXCK A'lM'OOCOOY a//.OfCN� /-0f4i'lY! Unpaid MN MUNICIPALCLKS &FNCE // �! lx V+ E 101-41400-355 Dues & Memberships $35.00 Membership Fees Total MN MUNICIPAL CLKS & FNCE $35.00 i"Y/>ft•:C>??ftC:\ii!.>TS?>::SSC>:.vJCvi:<.:.Y:.WiXv....v. •." .•X.:C>:<YHY4;4i. X:iO4'X000±PVC<;....'C?%.:w::^-<.vx: n•.vx:.tix,v:x:m.,l::v:::::,:, Unpaid l NTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL E 101-42710-390 Contracted Services $30.00 148 Animal Control Total MONTICELLO ANIMAL CONTROL $30.00 :..:..^..,......::..,..............., lf...:?:4>^ ..>.WfYJ?XM:YI.'iP:'f.•>X.....M:Ci'li..'l..i: .: H:in:.?:.Y: Y.Y%V. �/m' . •:::::::::::::::::: .. .. .. ....... .............:. .v:.:%•>?>:ttti::•+?><'i?ff.•>i?F//R : y ..v:: <p}>:�i>i?ii::: -.: •. mx Unpaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $18.21 755529 11W # 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, June 22, 2( Check Detail Register Page 4c E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $1,041.05 Total NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY $1,041.05 .. .:. ., ...,w ....:.......:............:::.....\. Unpaid ..... .. .. v:«:-w�YY:?, r:f•:os..,:s,.�-.�:..ca. x-:cccm: r xweaw.x ...<anra�?acwrooceoaaxroacm000eounzouxcaa NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS Check Amt Invoice Comment iG% .}Y::v:.}:.?.;::.,-?J'::h}ii>i:^'v:n%h};}:?4:•}%h:-:,\, J::'.:?J}}: l.; .: :•.; .?�?Y,�q ..::.+ '?i:4n\-}'?'??4 .n....,..'.?{h}}::�Y:�+Y?:{::�:i}:,+:v �i}iY.::.: w::: % h.: w:...::1...:\ + .M .,. ., \... Yx.:v'•:{+Y: 4??S: . v.ri,v Y:. : .m.:•. �f,�ppp p�(p(ppm.:.�f�Ci•Y?�:S:xv'L}:L.Fi}xr:{::.:;: x: i:Y:!i�}ii.......,.\. \.... { ;?\\;?�f�•:: i,Y??�y:::rw::{: {.;::?:?::: ,.... f/:.,,, \ .:/ffxnn...v... r.•x:\: �,TT>i:•n-.-h\Yti"++\.�:.:.C!'.f'-:qQq\\1:?f:-.tn'-iY:Y::::::::v:COi:•Y?`.�•isi;?:i}}::::::::::.:w:::.Yn•.,-x:��v:::Yi}iY1:?Gii:'vY!�?i}i>:SiY �?�ii E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $19.68 757035 PW # 9 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $55.91 754269 PW # 6 E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $18.07 751903 PW # 6 Bauerly/Bajari Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $111.87 $253.04 Orin Thompson }»:v>^>:�>U»\l»>xY]V.N:viP:VN}YFf.:4YY:tiV>1.0:>}\W}}:.'/:»Y:?d:nwb}Yx.»:ny»}»»»J»»:.}»>»}i»»:n}YxCOW.•}\%•YY.,v.y»»:Mw:nw:.Yn::r.,v.,•.,w:n, UnPaid NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY .:::::::::::::. �::: n,+v.,,�MW.MwMI�M,MN� ,Y,•:n,-.w:.:w:.w::::::::.,x E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $1,041.05 Total NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY $1,041.05 .. .:. ., ...,w ....:.......:............:::.....\. Unpaid ..... .. .. v:«:-w�YY:?, r:f•:os..,:s,.�-.�:..ca. x-:cccm: r xweaw.x ...<anra�?acwrooceoaaxroacm000eounzouxcaa NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS aoo}:oxxc?aaca�e»aow»».wxaowox. ,m>,+w.Y..Ym,,,.::::n,.::.»,.+Y.Y G 701-21947 Prairie Creek 3rd Addn $193.75 Prairie Creek 3rd E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $1,400.00 Prof. Services - May G 701-21940 The 'Point* - Big Ed's $504.20 The Pointe E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $404.02 General Planning G 701-21944 Bauerly/E jari $319.00 Bauerly/Bajari G701-21927 O. Thompson CUP 99-18 $253.04 Orin Thompson E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $239.70 Ord. Bldg Materials G 701-21936 Mississippi Pines PUD 00 $144.00 Miss. Pines G 701-21941 Pulte Homes $66.00 Prairie Creek 2nd G 701-21949 Stone Gate Estates $38.80 Stonegate G 701-21952 NO DESCR $27.50 JK MINI Storage G 701-21928 Christ Lutheran -Addition $27.50 CLC E 201-45000-300 Professional Srvs (GENERAL) $18.80 Park & Rec Com. E 101-45300-390 Contracted Services $9.40 HPC G 701-21948 Godfathers Sign $0.00 Fun City Sign G 70 1-21 949 Stone Gate Estates $229.60 Stone Gate Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $3,875.31 n-� -::--::.,.,,Yw.,-::.,-:.�-:.�:.. :«.x�}x�..:Yx,.:x,,.,:.r....,...........,....:,.:xw. UnPaid .. .................K, :Y...Y.Y.,:.....Y..M::.<:.?n...,n:.> NORWEST BANKS «.�..�w.�w:.�w,.w::.nx•:.,•:.,:•:.�::.,•: ::::::::::::::Y:::w:::.�n,•nw:::::n,,,w::::.,,>:?:,aF:.Y,;>Y;.Y};Y:>Y:.:•>: E 302-47000-602 Bond Interest $11,587.50 Go Improvedment A 8-1-96 Total NORWEST BANKS $11,587.50 -- - -�.�.. k w:::}}}:•}x,..>x.%::Y:?„»n\\,>:..�..»:.}:n»>»��.„V»,,».�Y.�:�,.a.�>YYnr•.Y�..�xM,,,,•.,,,,,..,.:.,,,,-:.,.:::.,,.,w..::.,.::.,-:::.,-:...,:w:.:,,..,:.::::::....:..,,:,:..:.::.::.:r...:::...,.,.:, UnPaid OMANN BROTHERS INC. E 101-43100-394 Rock,etc $1,991.55 2 Crushed shingles Total OMANN BROTHERS INC. $1,991.55 :xxaocruvww>rx>: v»x-: r.:c•:.}:a?;,Y,:w»au»Y:c%awo:a}ae'.x;:oanaY,wx:`,senr:;,a:nsa. »uaaswa•»xr.' Yvza::awo>+Y.+n.,,>w,Y'.,,a+».+m+,�n.+w,was,.,,,,,,,,,,•.,,Yx: n,w.,,,,Y.,•: n,•::.::. _:::. _:. UnPaid ONRAMP, INC ... ......................... E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $39.95 Monthly Web Host Total ONRAMP, INC $39.95 UnPaid ff..:....,....r......................f,..,.....,.?.YPEOPLE >SERVICE INC. :,>.x«o>Y.w� x:MY:N.w�.:.,...,..,.................................:...........,....:........................:.......... E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $3,634.54 0003395 Labor and Materials Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $3,634.54 :.<?::•»:?;?•>•Y:?_Y;}Yx•:k�:.:,.,.,.,,,.,.a\. - .....%.,:,>~.:�?:.�.�>�«��xx%N..,,.v.xwn,.w.,Y.,.w�w.w..:Ynwnw.•:,w.w..,,n-:::.:-::.w:::r::::::::::::::nY:::::,.-:.,:.:.w::::::.._::.:,....::. UnPaid PITNEY BOWES E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $99.22 4705027-JN00 Total PITNEY BOWES $99.22 "'•>!x?•i»i}'r%ii::Y}Y}:v'/%.Y.i6:JxJii}YY%ryY1:?J:.%::.%:rYYY»%i:4...HYa:M>%:w,:dnV:L%0'+:::nv:::rv•nrn•�:::.Y::: x........,....... .... .....rr.....................:.. r.....: UnPaid PRECISION AUTO REPAIR E 413-43100-310 Miscellaneous $787.84 repair Total PRECISION AUTO REPAIR $787.84 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Thursday, June 22, 2000 Page 5 of 5 ;�•A,::.;:.:.::;:;.;:,:;-;:•::-;:.>,-•;;::.>:•:;-;::>••:•::;.::;;,;:•:,:::::::::::::n.., Check Amt Invoice Comment -:;: <:.: •:..,:.:::.; •::ti' ....,.....,...awn.r:.�.ur,::sw<r•.:,:a,;a��zt„W4'txw:A��:;�,�::st �:;r{>;;?;2::<:::','•,>.::s;;;:;:.:::Y�i:•r':;:YxJ:;�:R;•M1O:;:o:;�?�.k2,Y.'W.�u;Y:4;:<;;<:;i:: ::•w:r:..:::.,•.::.,wnxw:.wn.a...n....,»:w:m»»r>.v.>wvcwa>s:xo»Noo»rraaeowwrfa»w,rrnfaxa,•;:::r..r:.:;:;;.,:.,>x�.xorn>ma>avnw+„an>+xvw..n,•:.,•:n::,:,:: -.xn,x,•.wxxw.x . ,.,..:.,-: ..vxuc..a,:: ... , -.>...r.. Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP E 101-43100-123 Health $439.33 PW E 101-41400-123 Health $171.25 Adm. Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $610.58 -:n•.xv::x.,v.w:::us:•.wnw:u:.,vrv:::.-.x•.vvri•:}TXSSi:SaTT:S:Ci:S:M:w.,v,:i;R:ri[••]C:<x•••.+•YE .;MC•MSS\v-:xxAK?:x:_T"'M[xN:tt•%V!A[4YMF.WMxN.riY:OC:HAC.Q\;a:M�Ktxn-ix;,vrx;-0CAa]tt;aY.9•?S{{x••h+!{rr.XX.N'.vrx<x m,vdvrn Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.33 PPE 6/10/00 E 101-43100-121 PERA $235.43 PPE 6/10/00 G 101-21704 PERA $400.48 PPE 6/10/00 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $837.24 OYlP%Vh%gCia!C..nr,w.,.. tlsl,Ax,nM1,>w�xhxOOppp�p�„xw:+ryvv.+�nnvrrrmm�wrrx,rn„w.x,mnw.wvn,,,,i.,w,v.Ana.w�nv:44:GSMh`tx:VO4.•>MMSaMMCVc Unpaid wSCHARBER � SONS E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $28.64 PW #27 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply(GENERAL) $176.27 PW # 27 Total SCHARBER & SONS $204.91 Un n,wa>xpxaide,nxxxmxx>.xx>wa,>anmmwn,>.,•n,,,:,•:::.wn,,.x:...•::n„.x:xxx,•nw::n,x,�n:.,w.xx,:�n,•:.,,,w.w.,xavmawau>rriucx:swx<woxvxavttr:c^ :r:;ar.:•::+:•�-:<-x-a xa.>::ccwoax.va,+ta>uxsakx;xx<;•rsw,c+:< STANDARD TRUCK &AUTO E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $198.76 PW # 6 Total STANDARD TRUCK & AUTO $198.76 .....:n:.:,,.•a...... ....... ......:r<.Y:n.,:::::::,,w:,:.,,,,,,,.µ..rx.w:.,.n,,.: :,,,•::.:n ,,... ,.:.�-:::..::.:.:._.:_:.�:....,,,.::.,..,-.,-:. UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 138816 MAY RECYCLING Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 ..wwx,•.v.+a�wnVow..w.W,NaMN.,>wn,.w..'e�w�,v:.w.v:.xw::n:::.:n:•::M,::v:.xx„v.,w.w::n,...n,,,:v.,::,wn,,,,,.:.,,,�n„v,.w,.Y.MM^.s,SxM-..'^S:M-,:.;�.:a::MS�ACxp-,.Ma:M-i::;MS•:MSMSMSMMMS.��S•:S�:a:Xx;4::A;:x;S\;:: ,::<?•:•a -,.S Unpaid TROPHIES PLUS E 101-41100-310 Miscellaneous $44.20 Total TROPHIES PLUS $44.20 ..,w...,x,x wx.,xx ,xw w., <. xn•:.: ,,,,..,, .,- . Mx.:� ,w , ,,,:.n.x x,•:: x vx •.,, , w.x-.V aux« -�,a> M;;<M<;.,:<•»:;v:.» •> ;M:.;m a:M Unpaid WASTE MANAGEMENT E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $112.50 159-3333 TC - WEST Total WASTE MANAGEMENT $112.50 ::.Unpaidw........:......::N.xn...«.;.Kn.::n:nnn•:WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR TREASURE >.:x..xa�>�n f.,-x�.,,,.-n.,....,...n•::na:n•:.•::...,..,.....nn....:>:....,...,:....::.:..:,-,..n.>n.. E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $13,999.50 Patrol -6 JUNE PATROL Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 ;xMYI!;:/fiti0%x;SOD?CA\'S:.: C�MJWOW:C.rn:nYLxfM aw[KK.:.v::e:.v::.vvwnvvvvv.,vxxvxv:m-.vvvnmx•.vv+vnxw.vnv:.vvxnwn•:rnrxmvwiwr.•:nxvvvvnv:.:,xvx::::f::nvxv:.w::.wnw.w:::::n;Sv:MM;SfF.•h:SSiitiS:4}iTJ:SSi%:�ii:•f.S:: Unpaid W RIGHT COUNTY MAYORS ASSOC E 101-41100-355 Dues & Memberships $150.00 Membership dues Total WRIGHT COUNTY MAYORS ASSOC $150.00 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $130,229.68 CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, June 19, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid GREG KNOLL $533.16 Total Checks $533.16 CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, June 19, 2( Check Detail Register Page 1 Y� Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER '�UnPaid GREG KNOLL,..,,.,,,..,,,,»»„�.�..�„�,�.r..r.,�,»„�.x.,»V,...y,,,.:m,:»•:..•.,.:.,•. E 413-43100-310 Miscellaneous $533.16 Car Repair Total GREG KNOLL $533.16 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER