01-10-00 CCRESOLUTION NO. 2000-01 S. l• CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ADOPTING AN OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER WHEREAS, the Elk River Star News is a qualified newspaper of general circulation within the City of Otsego; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the Elk River Star News is hereby designated the City's official newspaper. 2. That all ordinances and any other matters which are required by law to be published in an official newspaper, and all other matters which the City Council shall deem advisable and in the public interest to be published, shall be published in the Elk River Star News. Dated this 10th day of January, 2000 CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk RESOLUTION NO. 2000-02 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS WHEREAS, the City of Otsego each year must stipulate official depositories for City funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That the following are designated as official depositories for City funds. Bank of Elk River - Elk River, MN Investment Center located at Bank of Elk River Juran & Moody, a division of Miller, Johnson & Kuehn, Inc. First National Bank of Elk River - Elk River, MN Investment Center located at First National Bank of Elk River - Anoka, MN Marquette Bank of Monticello - Monticello, MN First Banks - FBS Investment Services, Inc. Norwest Investment Securities - Minneapolis, MN Edward D. Jones & Co. - Northern Chicago Bank Smith, Barney - Chemical Bank - Minneapolis, MN Minnesota Municipal Money Market (4M) Fund - St. Paul, MN 2. That to properly diversify and protect the City's funds the City Treasurer is authorized to deposit up to five (5) million dollars ($5,000,000.00) in each of these depositories. Collateral is required for funds that are not directly invested in investment securities that are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or other United States Government Agencies. Investments shall be in accordance with investment securities allowable under the State of Minnesota guidelines for municipalities. The City Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the City's funds into the approved depositories and withdraw the same when necessary, or when directed by the City Council. Dated this 10th day of January, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk DEC.21.1999 4:52PM Pay Estimate 93 �1, 1 . 810 SCHEDULE C- OTSEGO CREEK (83RD ST.) CULVERT REPLACEMENT NO. 771 P. �l J> I A3of4 Item R S sf. Item Desa tion Eatlm4tad QuentIty UnR Price Ussd to Oate Eater "on 50 2104.501 Remove 60' CMP 50 LP V0,00 !LF 50 E :00.00 60 2105.511 Channel Excavation CV P 70 CY $8.70 /CY 70 :..09.00 61 2401.521 Structural Excavation CIU CV P 300 CY S4.00 /CY 300 51 00.00 62 2603 88' SPAN RCPA 64 LF $207.00 /LF 64 313 '48.00 83 2503 88' SPAN RCPA FES 2 EA S1,740.00 /EA 2 $3.'180.00 64 2105 Acarscats Beddinci Material 15 CY $15.00 ICY 15 - '40.00 65 2015 Common Borrow 150 CY $420 /CY 176 39 20 54 2511.501 Random Rlprap CIV 100 CY $47.00 /CY 45.02 2 JI 5,94 65 2511.515 Oeotextile Fabric e V 870 3Y $1.20 /SY 780 :: 036.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: S23 ;68.14 MATERIAL ON HAND 28 2501 15" RCP End Sectlon 4 EA $75.55 EA 4 "-,-!02.20, 32 2503 30' RCP 40 EA 37.80' EA 40 $1 il2.00 33 2503 24' RCP 2 EA $24.18 EA 24 : 380.32 34 2503 18' RCP 8 EA S17.79 EA 8 : 142.32 35 2503 15" RCP 88 EA $15.28 EA 88 $1.344.64 Total for Materlal on Hand: 'Cianrlot pay Meterfal on Hand for mm than dd price. SUMMARY OF BIDDING: USED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE:- LESS fiTAINAGELESS PAY ESTIMATE A1: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 42: VvE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: $: _ X61.48 BID SCHE=DULE A: ;581.F22.52 BIO SCHEDULE S: $32,052.25 BID SCHEDULE C: $2'5.068.14 MATERIAL ON HAND: 5,..881.48 TOTAL USED TO DATE: $64'-.424.39 $644,424.39 $21!,697.21 $34 .225.46 $5:.,280.50 %\hath\-M,ed1mim DEC.21.1999 4:S8PM Pay Bttim4ta 03 AMITWX-& =M-1 Ct>aRt 8AUIPLY VC96Ift I X1fV% rte IIS toad glifatM aR conal Wr4 WM cw*Aodla fru.. ENGINEER: C460catton by ErKOwer. W* momfYMnq YnwM fa worn and quanO WS as shown. HAKANSON AN OCTA S. OWNSH: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed; Tide; Date: NO. 771 P.5 Poo" .4 %VW6I kW1=1/44 DEC.21.1999 4:45PM NO.771 P.2 5 Pay Estimate #3 oecamdar 21. , am Honnreble Mayor 6 Gty Council City of 01a8Q0 8ea9 Nmh4e Avenue N.E. Owoego, MN 55330 Firm: 1969 Sweat Imprwrmont Cantractar B3avarty Bros., Inc. Contract Amouni; $1,187,606.70 Award Date: SMOX2 CoMletfon Date; June 30, 2000 Dear Coarct Memw% The f0owln0 work has boon comploled on Uw above referenced Protects BID SCHEDULE A - OVERLAY. RECLAMATION AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION F 11of4 Item ff 300C.Ref, ttam Decal Ion ffloRixted ownaty Cormact Price Used to Dote Exon 'on 1 2021.501 Moblllutlon 1 LS W,200.00 /LS 1 S6.,=00.00 2 2101.507 Grub 36" Stump) 3 EA $125.00 /FA 0 $0.00 3 2104 Salva a Retaining Wall 2 EA $250.00 /EA 1 50.00 4 1 2104.501 Remove Culverts 24" or less 835 LF $6.00 /LF 673 )38.00 5 2104.503 Remove Bit. Pavement 9500 SY $1.00 /SY 220 $20.00 5 2104.503 Remove Concrete Pavement 90 SY $2.00 /SY 0 $0.00 7 2104.513 Sawcut Bit. Pavement 1750 LF 1 $3.00 /LF 2725 75.00 8 2104.513 Sawcut Concrete 325 LF $7.00 AY 0 $0.00 9 2105.501 Common Excavatlon CVP 23700 CY $4.56 ICY 0 30.00 10 2105.521 Granular Borrow CV p 10300 CY 66 /CY 716 S4.)62.56 11 2105.605 Minor Gradna 325 RO STA %30.25 /RD STA 357 $10,799.25 12 2112.602 Sub rade Preparation 9500 SY $0.30 /SY 1434 5.1130.20 13 2120.501 Earth ShouldednR LToe Solt 3500 CY $7.50 /CY 1140 550.00 14 2211.501 Aggregate Base CIS 6900 Ton $8.18 /Ton 1281 $7 316.58 15 2211.501 Aggregato Baae Cl 5 Q 125 Ton $6.82 Iron 466 $3 '78.12 16 2211.501 Aggregate Base CI 5(patch 575 Ton $6.10 /Ton 275 S1 399.50 17 2221.503 Agpiregate Shouldering, Cl 2 240 Ton $20.00 /Ton 0 $0.00 18 1 2221.503 Aneiregats Shouldering, CI 5 1070 Ton $6.82 Iron 981 56.690.42 19 2232.501 Reclamation of Dltuminous Surface 86355 SY $0.68 /SY 62,554 $42,538.72 20 2232.501 Reclamatlon of Bituminous Surface & Trans rt 16150 SY $0.97 /SY 0 $0.00 21 2340.508 Tlvpa 41 Wear 22810 Ton $23.18 /Ton 18 192.6 S375,344.47 22 2340.508 41 tch 2101 Ton .00 /Ian 280 $9 800.00 23 2357.502 Bit Mat for Tqck 4540 Gal $0.75 /Gal 2100 51.57S.C10 24 2401.521 Stn,ctural Excavatlon CIU CVP 300 CY $2.00 ICY 210 `:420.00 25 2451.511 Course MerAggreGate 60 CY $14.00 /CY 0 $0.00 26 2501.515 30' RCP End Sectlon 1 EA $470.00 /EA 1 11470.00 27 2501.515 24" RCP Fpd Sectlon 12 EA $390.00 /EA 20 S-71300.00 28 2501.515 150 RCP End Section 20 EA $320.00 IEA 16 $5,120.00 29 2501 30" RCP FES Trash Guard 1 EA 898.00 /EA 0 $0.00 30 2502.541 3" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN 1600 LF 55.45 /LF 0 50.00 �VnoruMr+a oecMrnidp.AmraepobaiBoaleea xl� 1221198 Pay Estimate #3 N0.771 P.? F ;e2of4 Batt mw Ilam ti S C Rpt. TOTAL DID SCHEDULE A: BID SCHEDULE R . Sr -AL Cner Akin now n✓ r. .. ,. $585,422.52 53 Rom OOeCr Ilan a ar"Ity Unit Prlcs Used to fete Erten •in 31 2502.801 Connect b E)fttlnR grain 4 EA $255,00 /E4 1` 15.00 32 2503 30" RCP 734 LF 7.80 /LF 675 25. 15.00 33 2503.511 24 RCP 328 LF $28.60 ALF 464 13..70.40 34 250&511 18 ` RCP 1037 LF 23,95 /LF 32 T'88.40 35 2503.&11 15" RCP 614 LF 822,05 /LF 128 0 36 2503.602 nett Existin D►91n Pi Sn Storm Sewer 1 EA $350.00 /FA 0 $o.00 37 2503,603 Ductile Iron Pbe 100 LF $26.70 A -F 0 $0,00 38 2506 Constrict Drama a Structure CA N or H 13 EA $820.00 /EA 0 $0.00 39 2506.502 Construct Drains a Structure 48" 4020 1 E4 $WO.00 /EA 0 $0,00 40 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structur1.54-14020 1 EA $1,760-00 /EA 0 $0.00 41 2506.502 Construct Drama a Structure 60" 4020 2 EA 1 $2,115.00 /EA 1 SZ 115.00 42 2511.501 Rancdam RlprELp, Cl II 75 CY 00 /CY 1 63.5 $2,067.50 43 2531.507 6" Concrete Drive wa Pavement 40 SY 1 $40.00 /SY 0 $0,00 44 2540.602 Relocate Majlhox Support 376 EA 75.00 /EA 405 $M, 175.00 45 1 2563.607 Traffic Con trot 1 LS $4,000,00 ILS 0.5 52.)00.00 46 2564.602 Relocate S n 6 EA $50.00 /I_,4 0 $0.00 47 2564.604 SI n Panels T e C 9 SF 22.00 /SF 0 ,00 48 2573.501 Bale Check 20 EA S6.00 /EA 0 $0.00 49 2573,502 Silt Fence 7y1pe Preassemblad 1000 LF $1.60 /LF 0 00 50 2575.501 Seedin 10 Acre $600,00 /Acre 0.3 �180.00 S1 nstall Retaining Wall 1 EA $600.00 /EA 0 00 52 Install Bituminous Fiume 4 EA 150,00 /EA p N.00 TOTAL DID SCHEDULE A: BID SCHEDULE R . Sr -AL Cner Akin now n✓ r. .. ,. $585,422.52 53 2231.5�Cr�Fljljn aterial 10200 I -S 0.81 A -B 22,225 0.:'.24.75 54 2358.5al Coat 22000 Gal $0.99 /Gal p $0.00 55 2358,507 Seal Coat Aggregate FA2 1645 Ton $19.00 /1'0n 622.5 $11,827.50 56 2564,603 4" Double Solid Yellow - Epoxy 21110 LF $0.49 /CF 0$0.00 67 2564.603 4" S011d Whha - Enoxv 90000 LF 0.22 /LF 0 $0.00 5$ 2564.603 41 Dashed Yellow - Epoxy 5060 LF 50.38 /LF 0 ,00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE 13: S3Z,OS2,25 V"I W W" eon4nun1 lrowoobo�eomeeP•h. 1 z/21I89 JAN. 4.2000 4:59PM PAY ESTIMATE #7 January 4, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City CoWcq Ctry of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.H. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Pumphouse Ai Contractor, EnComm Midwest LLC. Contract Amount; $382,736.00 Award Date: April 29, 1999 COmpien011 Date: Su09Wtial Completion by November Oear council Members: The following work has been completed on Ta above PART '1 BID SCHEDULE 'A' - SITE WORK item Descr}ptlon 1 Clearing & Grubbing 2 Grading & Excavation 3 Class V GMVel (LV) 4 Parxing Lot Bituminous Pavement 5 Concrete Walk & AC Pad 6 Slit Fence 7 Temporary Security Fences e Cedar Split Rall Fence 9 Rlp.pap Class Ill.. 10 12' CMP Culvert 11 B" PVC Culvert 12 Seeding (includes seed) 13 Mulching 14 Fenllizer TOTAL Big SCHEDULE "A': . PiD SCHEDULE "B" - YARD PIPING item Descriplon 15 4' Soil Wipe 16 4' Dia. Seepage Manhole 17 16" DiP Class 52 18 10' DIP Clare 52 19 8" DIP Class 52 20 Ftttings 21 6'Fl49hing Hydrant including valve & piping TOTAL BID SCNEOULE'B-: BID SCHEDULE OC'- WELL PUMP AND Item Descriptlon 21A Turbine Wall Motor 22 Well Heed 23 6' Column Pipe 24 1 1/4' Line Shaft 25 Pump Bowl Assembly 26 Concrete Pump Base (Includes rainforcment) 27 Pre -Lubrication, Plpe & Valves TOTAL 810 SCHEDULE C- TOTAL PART 1: NO. 885 P.2 4 "W'W'GIN -I!R -t L' A Unit Price Used to Date . 1880, Final Completlon by July 1, 2000. 5,100.00 LS erxxd project: $ 5,100.00 1 LS $ 1,900.00 LS >=stimatsd $ .. so LF S 22.00 LF Quantity Unit $ Unit Pr1ce Used to pate S Extension 6 TREE 4 300.00 TREE 4 $ 1.200.00 1 LS $ 1,200.00 LS 1 $ 1,200.00 125 CY $ 15.00 CY 115 $ 1,725.00 140 SY S 23.50 SY 140 $ 3,280.00 5.6 SY $ 60.00 BY 516 $ 336,00 120 LF $ 2.00 LF 220 $ 440.00 420 LF $ 1.00 LF 420 $ 420.00 360 LF $ 5.80 LF 0 $ - 25 CY $ 86.00 CY 0 $ - 2B LF $ 20.00 LF 0 w 20 LF $ 18.00 LF 0 S - 0.7 AC $ 800,00 AC 0 _ - 1.4 TON $ 500.00 TON 0 $ - 350 L88 $ 0.80 LS 0 $ - $ e,sll.00 :etirnated Quantity Unit Unit Price Ueed to Date Extension 180 LF $ 26.00 LF 90 $ 2,340.00 2 EA $ 2,100.00 EA 2 S 4,200.00 26 LF $ 80.00 LF 26 $ 2,080.00 6 LF 126.50 LF 6 $ 758.00 25 LF $ 40.00 LF 25 S 1,200-00 520 LB $ 3.35 1-8 520 $ 1,742.00 1 LS $ 2,700.00 LS 1 $ 2,700.00 $ 16,021.00 ry Unit Unit Price Used to Date Extension i US $ 5,100.00 LS 1 $ 5,100.00 1 LS $ 1,900.00 LS 1 $ 1,900.00 so LF S 22.00 LF 100 $ 2,200,00 Ba LF S 12.00 LF 100 $ 1,200.00 1 LS $ 3,600.00 LS 1 3 3,600.00 4 CY $ 200.00 CY 4 800.00 1 LS $ 300.00 LS 1 S 300.00 $ 15,100.00 $ 38.732.00 NVa01WAr.d doc2VnwrV0Pd1 C1"ftW?N0tse7p A6 1 1/4/00 JAN. 4.2000 5:OOPM PART 2 Q1D SCHEDULE'A' - PUMPHOUSE Item Description 28 Pumphouse Building 29 Building Mechanical 30 Painting and Protective Coating 31 Building Electrical & Controls 32 SCADA System TOTAL Bit) SCHE13ULE -A-: Blp SCHEDULE 'S"- CHEMICAL TREATMENT Item Description 33 Chlorine Gas Treatment 34 Fluoddatlon & Polyphoephate Treatment 35 Process Water Piping for Chemical Treatment 38 Booster Pump TOTAL BID SCHEDULE'S': BID SCHEDULE 'C' - PERMITS Item Description 37 Permits TOTAL 8113 SCHEDULE "C' Estimated Ouantlty unit Unit Price 1 LS $ 68,150.00 LS 1 LS $ 45,250,00 LS 1 t 4 $ 6.200.00 LS 1 LS $ 65,8e0.00 LS 1 LS $ 84,920.00 LS Eztlmated Quantity Unit UnR Price 1 LS $ 19,800.00 LS 1 LS $ 5,780,00 LS 1 LS $ 1,200.00 45 1 LS $ 780.00 LS $ 27,560.00 sornated Quantity Unit Unit Price 1 LS $ 2,000.00 LS BID SCHEDULE 'D'- MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION Item Description EstimatedQuantity Unit 38 Mobilization & Demoblllzatlon 1 LS TOTAL BID SCHEDULE '0% TOTAL PART 2: NO. 885 P.' -D 4 Used to Date Extent. 0.98 $ 67.71...00 1 $ 45.2; -.00 0 $ 0.98 $ 64,6L ".40 0.75 $ 63,6 .Q0 $ 241,34:'.40 Used to Date Extension 1 $ 5,780.00 1 $ 1,20:.00 1 $ 70'x.00 $ 27,515! �.00 Used to Date Extenslc; i 0.607 $ 1,214,58 $ 1.2111.58 Unit Price Used to Date Padenslon $ 7,000.00 LS 0.5 S 3,500.00 $ 3,500.00 $ 273,841.96 ALTERNATIVE'A': Portable P4werGenerator Estimated Item Description Quantity Unit Unit Price Used to Date Extension 39 Portable Power Generator as per Sectlon 16201 1 LS $ 37,000.00 LS 0 $ - SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule'A' • SITE WORK Bid Schedule 'B' - YARD PIPING E40 Schedule 'C' - W51-4 PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule 'A" - PUMP HOUSE 510 Schedule 'B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule 'C' - PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Alternative "A' - GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: $ 9,611.00 $ 15,021.00 $ 15,100.00 $ 38,732.00 $ 241,367.40 S 27,560.00 $ 1,214.58 $ 3,500.00 S 273,641.88 � 312,373.98 tVw 1* -Gd Coc WWNdpaNvAm0W5071Q=7bL0 I 11"o JAN. 4.2000 5:OOPM NO. se5 P.4,'4 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT 41 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT 02 LP -33 PARTIAL PAYMENT NO LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT 04 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT 04 LESS PARTIAL. PAYMENT #9 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL, PAYMENT OF: APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR; Certification by Contrsctor. I certify that all Items and amounts are correct for the work completed to data. Signed: Title: ENGINEER: CertiffoA y Sn ser We reg end ymen[ for worts and quar�tjttes as shown. HAKeucnnr'e ��. .,. , , .�.n ._ _ Signed: Title, OWNER: CITY OF Signed: . Tltie: _ RU �wa0itsh.rsd doFeP+��Badct6a�o+sa7tx.�da Date; $ 312,373.gg $ 15,614.70 S 19,874.91 $ 21,5.22.94 $ 42,574.19 $ 30,510.10 $ 41,405.28 S 118,6es,91 $ 22,377.oG 1/4100 December 28, 1999 7-,3,1 Minnesota Pollution Control The Honorable Larry Fournier Mayor, City of Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 Dear Mayor Fournier: i - DEC 3 0 1999 �,_,qency Enclosed is Permit Number 23099 for the construction and operation of a sanitary sewer extension system to be located in Otsego, Minnesota. Please carefully review the permit, including any Special Conditions, General Conditions (No. 1-20) and information relative to plans and the permit application. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these documents. If you do have questions, you may contact me at the address listed below or contact me at (651)296-7762. If you like, you may also use our toll free number, which is 1-800-657-3864. Sincerely, Donald K. Perwien, P.E., Staff Engineer Regular Facilities Section Metro District DKP. j eh Enclosures: Sewer Extension Permit General Conditions cc: Michael Robertson, Administrator Jeff A. Shopek, Loucks & Associates Metropolitan Council -Environmental Services, Don Bluhm 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20% fibers from paper recycled by consumers. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency PERMIT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF A DISPOSAL SYSTEM CITY OF OTSEGO Hennepin County Pursuant to authorization by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA), and in accordance with the provisions of Minn. Stat. chs. 115 and 116, plans are approved and a permit is hereby granted to the above -referenced Permittee for the construction and operation of a sanitary sewer extension in Otsego, Minnesota. The facilities will consist of 4,835 linear feet of 8 and 12 -inch sanitary sewer pipe. The facilities are further described in MPCA approved standard specifications and plans designated as: "Crimson Ponds" received September 23, 1999, prepared by Loucks & Associates for the city of Otsego. It is the Permittee's responsibility to assure compliance with any special conditions and the general conditions that are required by this permit. This includes taking all necessary measures needed to comply, including, but not limited to, the notification of contractors or others who may be carrying out this work. PERMIT NUMBER: 23099 DATED: December 28, 1999 Douglas A. Hall, Supervisor Major Facilities Unit 1 Operations/Planning/Major Facilities Section North District 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed on recycled paper containing at least 20% fibers from paper recycled by consumers. December 28, 1999 Minnesota Pollution Contr The Honorable Larry Fournier Mayor, City of Otsego City Hall, 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 Dear Mayor Fournier: f; 'A enco Enclosed is Permit Number 23099 for the construction and operation of a sanitary sewer extension system to be located in Otsego, Minnesota. Please carefully review the permit, including any Special Conditions, General Conditions (No. 1-20) and information relative to plans and the permit application. Please let us know if you have any questions regarding these documents. If you do have questions, you may contact me at the address listed below or contact me at (651)296-7762. If you like, you may also use our toll free number, which is 1-800-657-3864. Sincerely, Donald K. Perwien, P.E., Staff Engineer Regular Facilities Section Metro District DKP:jeh Enclosures: Sewer Extension Permit General Conditions cc: Michael Robertson, Administrator Jeff A. Shopek, Loucks & Associates Metropolitan Council -Environmental Services, Don Bluhm 520 Lafayette Rd. N.; St. Paul, MN 55155-4194; (651) 296-6300 (Voice); (651) 282-5332 (TTY) Regional Offices: Duluth • Brainerd • Detroit Lakes • Marshall • Rochester Equal Opportunity Employer • Printed nn recycled paper ==taming at least 20`., fibers from paper recycled by consumers. MINNESOTA POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY Water Quality Division INFORMATION RELATIVE TO REVIEW OF PLANS AND PERMIT APPLICATIONS February 1, 1998 The review of plans and specifications for sewage, industrial waste or other waste disposal systems and application for permits is made in accordance with the authority conferred by law (see HS, Section 115.07). Approval of plans and permits is based upon the assumption that the information provided by the applicant is correct and that all necessary legal requirements have been or will be satisfied. Plans for sewage, industrial waste or other waste disposal systems are examined with regard to the design features which apply to operation and maintenance of the treatment works or sewer system, the degree of treatment to be provided, the effectiveness and reliability, of the system or method; employed, and compliance with applicable standards systems. The bulletin entitled Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 1991 Edition, and supplements thereto, as well as other information are used in examination of the design, operation and maintenance aspects of the proposed system. Sewer plans are recommended for approval on the basis that the system is to collect only domestic sewage and such. industrial or other waste as May have been provided for in the design. Foundation or footing drains to collect ground water and roof drains or other surface water conduits s!could not be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Adequate field supervision and inspection by a qualified representative of the owner should be provided at all tines dusring construction to assure that the project is constructed in compliance with the approved plans and specifications. The Agency assumes no responsibility for the integrity of structures or physical features, or for the reliability, durability or efficiency of specific items of propriety equipment or material. All applicable federal, state and local laws, regulations or ordinances must be followed in the design, location. and construction of proposed sewer systems or treatment works. The Agency reserves the right to withdraw its approval of plans if construction is not undertaken within a reasonable period after issuance of the permit. -2- 8) Stream Bank Stabilization shall be utilized if it is needed to prevent erosion, and shall be constructed of materials which will not pollute waters of the State. 9) If an effluent will result from the project the Contractor shall' submit to the MPCA plans, for approval, to provide for the following: a) Water from dewatering operations including effluents from construction activities shall only be discharged when the effluent complies with the applicable water quality and effluent standards. Dewatering shall be performed using well points where feasible and practical, all other dewatering shall be performed so as not to result in increased turbidity in the receiving water. This may require the use of desisting ponds to reduce suspended solids. When the MPCA requires, permits must be obtained. b) A Disposal System Permit shall be obtained by the Contractor from the MPCA prior to any hydraulic dredging or tunneling, or other activity including an effluent which may contain potential pollutants. 10) This permit shall not release the permittee from any liability or obligation imposed by Minnesota or Federal statutes or local ordinances and shall remain in force subject to all conditions and limitations now or hereafter imposed by law. 'The permit shall be permissive only and shall not be construed as stopping or limiting any claims against the permittee for damage or injury to persons or property, or any waters of the state resulting from any acts, operations or omissions of the permittee, its agents, contractors or assigns for damage to state property, or for any violation of the terms or conditions of this permit. 11) No assignment of this permit shall be effective until it is executed im writing and signed by the parties thereto and thereafter approved by the Agency. 12) No major alterations or additions to the disposal system shall be made without the written consent of the Agency. 13) The use of the disposal system shall be limited to the treatment and/or disposal of the sewage, industrial waste, other waste materials or substances described in the plans and/or permit application and associated material filed with the Agency. 7 tt , 1A; h y^,--„cj-may --mVQI j , �ii�fsc4�iv, '=tis .Ti Eya' _- "Wri}U 1 E'`f!I 1 i7' L' �.-II Vb pCl'1 fi 1 after giving notice and providing an opportunity for a public hearing or by taking direct enforcement action, or any just cause including failure: (a) to comply with the terms stated herein, or (b) to comply with Agency water quality regulations and standards presently in force. Nothing herein shall prohibit the Agency from exercising its emergency powers. 7. 3 �2- CITY OF TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 January 4, 2000 Minnesota Department of Health Well Management Unit Attn: Dan Wilson & Ron Thompson PO Box 64975 121 East 7th Place St. Paul, MN 55164-0975 Re: City of Otsego Well #593608 Dear Mr. Wilson & Mr. Thompson: This letter is official notice to you that the City of Otsego would like to enter into a stipulation agreement regarding the above referenced well. I understand from our engineer Don Burgardt of Bonestroo that there may be some costs to the City for this. Please provide me with an estimate of costs or give me a call to discuss them,.as I would like to do what I can to minimize costs. Please also copy Don Burgardt of Bonestroo with any future correspondence on this matter. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, Michael Robertson City Administrator cc: City Council City Engineer City Attorney Roger Renner, E.H. Renner & Sons y /- SENATOR MARK OURADA Ranking Minority Member, Election Laws Committee District 19 145 State Office Building 100 Constitution Avenue St. Patti, MN 55155.5-1206 Phone: (651) 296-5981 Fax: (651) 296.5241 Home: 1110 Innsbrook Lane Buffalo, MN 55313 Phone: (612) 682-5024 Fax: (612) 682-1106 December 29, 1999 Larry Fournier City of Otsego, Mayor 16632 NE 70th St. Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Larry Fournier: lnrrrlt"r�► Y Y 1�*iilr Senate State of Minnesota You are an important person in our community! I encourage you to contact me as soon as possible with your legislative needs for the 2000 Session which begins February 1 St. The upcoming session is a short one, so time is limited to organize our efforts. It is difficult to hear everything and to be everywhere, so please feel free to contact me. Your insight and information, both positive and negative, is invaluable. I will do my best to keep you informed of legislative issues affecting our community. Sincerely, �/ MARK OURADA State Senator COMMITTEES: Election Laws • Jobs, EDevelopment Transportation • State It,•�:grL•d ��„��•,• Energy &Communisy p • 1 Iffy, A,.,r. Government Finance • Economic Development Budget Division • Transportation Budget Division ( n.vumerFiber E-mail: seii.Itlark.oura(la@senate.leg.state.lnn.us a4930 m a , l` 5975 Main Avenue N.E. N 5 � P.O. Boa 9 Albertville, MN 55301 -- (612) 497-3384 Fax: (612) 497-3210 January 3, 1999 City Administrator Michael Robertson Otsego City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Mike, This letter is in response to your letter dated November 8, 1999, regarding future meetings between Albertville and Otsego. The Albertville City Council feels that there is some misunderstanding regarding Albertville's position on the extension of sanitary sewer into a portion of the City of Otsego. It has always been the City of Albertville's position that sanitary sewer service could be extended beyond its corporate limits to serve portions of the City of Otsego, however, the City of Albertville insists on being instrumental in the planning of an expanded service area. We feel that with joint planning and an equitable financial arrangement, both cities will benefit. The Albertville City Council is still interested in working on a sub -committee level to attempt to resolve the sewer issue, as well as other issues of mutual interest. Perhaps after the holidays, we can arrange a committee meeting that is convenient to everyone. cc: City Council Sincerel Linda Goeb City Administrator ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PARTNERSHIP OF WRIGHT COUNTY A Non -Profit Private / Public Development Partnership TWO YEAR PLAN 2000-2001 Approved August 26, 1999 CONTENTS ExecutiveSummary ..................................................................3 Marketing................ .............................4 ................................. Workforce Development.............................................................7 Finance................................................................................. 8 Membership........................................................................... 9 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In late October of 1998, the Economic Development Partnership of Wright County's Board of Directors met to develop a long range plan for the organization and to more clearly define the Partnership's role in the development process. Building on input from committees and guided by staff, the board continued its discussions at subsequent meetings in November 1998 and January 1999. Early on in the process, the Board concluded that the Partnership's role, in addition to managing the Wright County Enterprise Fund, in Wright County's economic development process will be that of a one-stop resource for community and economic development. Although details of development will ultimately be up to each individual community, the Partnership will encourage community and economic development by providing information, facilitating resources and establishing networks. With the organizational role clearly defined, the discussion shifted to how the Partnership could carry out that role. Four key principles were developed to focus the Partnership's activities and strengthen its capabilities. 1. Marketing — The Partnership is in an ideal position to market the county, its communities and itself. Additionally, the Partnership will promote the retention and growth of existing businesses and attract new business. 2. Workforce Development — The labor shortage in Wright County is not a unique dilemma but a national phenomena. The Partnership will assist businesses face this challenge through building a network of resources to help retain, recruit and train employees and increase their productivity. 3. Finance — A key component in economic development, the Partnership will' continue to research and seek additional funding options from both the private and public sectors. Also, investigate sources to grow the Enterprise Fund. 4. Membership — Members provide financial support, input and credibility to the Partnership. Although a fair portion of the organization's time and effort must be spent on economic development issues and projects, time must also be taken to maintain and expand the existing membership base and provide tangible benefits to members. The following pages set clear objectives as well as specific goals and actions as they relate to the key principles described above. A timeline for the completion and/or implementation of the goals has been established and is attached. Additionally, a journal will be kept detailing the progress of the goals and objectives. I. MARKETING Marketing is perhaps the primary activity of economic development. However, marketing is more than simply placing an ad in a real estate journal or attending trade shows. Rather, there are four stages in an economic development marketing plan: Research Stage, Strategic Stage, Implementation Stage and Evaluation Stage. The Partnership's marketing activities need to focus on promoting Wright County, the cities of Wright County and the Partnership. The following objectives and goals outline how the Partnership will work towards a comprehensive marketing plan. OBJECTIVE 1: Conduct research to develop a comprehensive base of information on which to establish a successful marketing program. Goal 1-1: Conduct a situational analysis and identify what Wright County has of value to offer businesses and residents, what industries are here now, who our competitors are and the county's challenges and opportunities 1. Update the Wright County business database. 2. Complete a county -wide inventory of available industrial land and buildings. Also identify development plans and development tools of Wright County cities. 3. Utilize labor statistics from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security to identify available workforce. 4. Create a directory of local, regional, state and federal' community and economic development programs. Completed by 12/31/99 Goal 1-2: Conduct a situational analysis and identify what amenities Wright County has to offer residents, workers and visitors. Completed by 12/31/99 OBJECTIVE 2: Develop an economic development strategy that matches what Wright County and its cities offer and their development goals. Goal 2-1: Establish clear marketing goals and objectives. 1. Interview city and county officials and identify what is important to their community in regards to growth and which industries match their values and needs. 2. Define measurable results for success. Completed by 12/31/99 4 Goal 2-2: Develop a County Marketing Profile that illustrates specific industries, geographic focus and a database of supporting materials. This will coincide with updating the OEDP. Completed by 6/30/00 OBJECTIVE 3: Implement the economic development strategies that encourage existing business retention and expansion, attract new businesses and entrepreneurial activity and promotes use of recreational amenities. Goal 3-1: Undertake activities that retain businesses and encourage them to expand 1. Complete Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) surveys with a cross-section of small and large industrial businesses in Wright County, identifying which ones have expansion plans. Completed by 12/31/99 2. Gather data on the University of Minnesota's BRE program, including funding sources. Determine if the program will be implemented in Wright County. Completed by 2/29/00 3. Form partnership with the regional SBDC office to promote their free services, which assist in business development, to Wright County businesses and to further the Partnership's position as an informational resource. Formed by 10/31/99, ongoing 4. Promote the Partnership and its services through presentations at meetings of chambers of commerce and Rotary. Ongoing S. Schedule and implement events and seminars that promote and enhance businesses. May include business workshops, business appreciation receptions and educational seminars. Quarterly 6. Coordinate semi-annual direct-mail piece to existing businesses promoting the Enterprise Fund and additional resources for expansion. March/Sept. Yearly Goal 3-2: Attract new and expanding companies to Wright County. Create database of existing businesses and contacts within the county and firms outside the county who fit our County Marketing Profile. Completed by 8/31/00 2. Webpage must be updated quarterly. Links need to be placed with all appropriate sites (i.e. county, cities, DTED, etc.). Become involved with TC Web when they expand membership to market webpage. Quarterly Press Releases: All projects will receive media attention and elected officials involved will be recognized. Ongoing 4. Develop high quality marketing packet. Completed by 1/31/00 5. Coordinate semi-annual direct-mail piece to qualified businesses promoting the Enterprise Fund and additional resources for relocation to and start-up in Wright County. March/Sept. Yearly Goal 3--3: Create and maintain a high-level awareness of Partnership by the county, cities and businesses. Make it known that the Partnership is the one-stop resource for new and existing businesses. 1. Publish monthly columns regarding economic development in all (as many as will agree) community papers. This will coincide with a monthly spotlight on KRWC. Begin 2/1/00, Monthly Thereafter 2. Present at monthly meetings of area chambers of commerce, Rotary and city councils and quarterly presentations to the Wright County Board. Ongoing 3. Exhibit at area business expos. Ongoing Goal 34: Implement marketing strategies that promote utilization of Wright County recreational amenities - identified in the research stage - by residents, workers and visitors. L Incorporate these amenities into brochure format so that it can be marketed to the constituents listed above, potential and current businesses in Wright County and posted on our webpage. Completed by 4/29/00 r.1 OBJECTIVE 4: Evaluation of the marketing plan must take place throughout implementation of the plan and ultimately at the completion of all stages. Goal 4-1: Determine through interaction with community stakeholders what impact the marketing activities have had on Wright County. Ongoing Goal 4-2: Whenever possible, incorporate a response mechanism in marketing activities to solicit feedback. Ongoing II. Workforce Development The Business Retention and Expansion survey conducted last year found that many businesses consider the shortage of labor to be their primary barrier to growth. Additionally, a report published by the Citizen League in November of 1998 recommended that economic development efforts place an emphasis on addressing labor shortage issues. The Partnership will address the labor shortage in Wright County by building a network of resources that can improve business production. OBJECTIVE 1: Develop a network of existing local and state organizations that can assist Wright County businesses with increasing their productivity in a tight labor market. Goal 1-1: Facilitate and promote the MN.Iobs Skills Partnership in Wright County. 1. Learn more about the MN Job Skills Partnership, which offers financial assistance to companies working with educational institutions to train new and existing employees. • Meet with MN Job Skills Partnership Staff to discuss the program and the Partnership's role in facilitating it in Wright County. • Meet with Standard Iron and other companies who have used the program. Meetings held by 12/31/99 2. Establish relationships with area technical colleges, the Wright Technical Center and the Central Minnesota Jobs & Training Services. Meetings held by 12/31/99 Determine how the Partnership can coordinate these various 7 resources. Determination made by 3/31/00 4. Promote the program to Wright County businesses. • Press Releases • Direct Mail • Industrial Networking Group • Individual Meetings Ongoing Goal 1-2: Promote the resources available from Minnesota Technology to Wright County businesses. 1. Staff and Board Members will meet with MN Technology representatives to discuss how the Partnership can best promote and/or facilitate MN Technology's resources. Meetings Held by 12/31/99, Promotion Ongoing III. FINANCE Financial resources can spur entrepreneurial investment in the area, encourage existing business to expand and attract new businesses to the area. Additionally, financial resources reflect a community's friendly business climate. OBJECTIVE 1: Finance business expansions, start-ups and/or relocations in Wright County through the Enterprise Fund. Goal 1-1: Actively coordinate use of Enterprise Funds in conjunction with other resources. EDP will be the coordinator that brings all appropriate parties together to finance a deal(s). Goal 1-2: Maintain fiscally sound management of the Enterprise Fund 1. Utilize Fund guidelines and checklists in review of all applications and upon release of funds. 2. Upon approval, maintain ongoing contact with the businesses using the Enterprise Fund loan. OBJECTIVE 2: Explore options for establishing additional financial resources to assist business expansion and attraction. Goal 2-1: The Finance Committee will explore in detail each of the following options: Grow the dollars in the Wright County Enterprise Loan Fund. 2. Establish a venture capital fund and/or an incubator. Identify grants for eligible projects. 4. Locate alternative sources of financing or capital from the private sector. Research into these options, (and others) may include meeting with outside resources and measuring the interest in various models within the county. Options could be explored and reported on quarterly. Completed by 12/31/00 IV. MEMBERSHIP -Membership is critical to the Partnership's continued success and growth. It provides financial and political support as well as credibility to the Partnership. It also expands the organization's network and resources. Not only must the Partnership seek new, members, it must maintain its existing membership base by delivering results. OBJECTIVE 1: Develop a systematic process that retains currents members. Goal 1-1: Meet with existing government and business members throughout the year to ensure satisfaction and idents their challenges and opportunities. Ongoing Goal 1-2: Provide events and seminars of value to the membership to further their knowledge and expand their business network Quarterly Goal 1-3: Publish a resource guide that outlines all members and their products/services. Additionally, list resources that assist business development. Completed by 6/30/00 OBJECTIVE 2: Develop a comprehensive membership development plan that will grow the Partnerships revenues and expand the resources available to members. Goal 2-1: Recruit new members who benefit from the Partnership's work in economic development. 1. Identify business and organizations to target for membership. Generate through existing members, businesses assisted in the past and business directories. Ongoing 2. Create a membership prospect package that outlines the benefits of membership. Ideally, it would utilize the same shell as marketing packet but with different inserts. Completed by 1/31/00 3. Actively recruit those identified with mailings, phone calls and meetings. Ongoing Goa12-2Modem current dues structure to be more reflective of what a business pays and the extent to which the business benefits. Completed by 12/31/00; Implement new dues structure 1/1101 10 CITY OF y 1.216� TSEGO 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD (612) 441-4414 Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: (612) 441-8823 January 6, 2000 Liz Harris General Manager Elk River Star News 506 Freeport Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Liz: Thank you for meeting with me yesterday. Based on our discussion I am sure that something can be worked out for a regular Otsego page in the Star News. I have enclosed the following items; 1) A map of Otsego. 2) A map of the school district boundaries in Otsego. 3) A list of the businesses in town. The list was updated about a year and a half ago but I do not think there have been any major changes. 4) A list of addresses and people who have complained to me in the past about not receiving either the Otsego newsletter or the Star News. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, z, Michael Robertson City Administrator cc: City Council a Mayor Fournier appointed Councilmembers to committee duties as follows: Planning Commission: CM Heidner Alternate: CM Wendel EDAAC: CM Wendel Alternate: Mayor Fournier Parks and Rec.: CM Berning Alternate: CM Ackerman Heritage: CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Benning Public Works Sub -committee: CM Ackerman, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Administrative Sub -committee: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Berning Otsego Creek Authority: CM Berning, CM Wendel Alternate: CM Heidner Urban/Rural Taxing District: CM Bernina, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Wendel Community Rec.: CM Wendel Alternate: CM Heidner Post Office: CM Wendel, CM Berning Alternate: Mayor Fournier Albertville/Otsego Shared Road Sub -committee: CM Wendel, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Beming Sewer Sub -committee: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Berning Otsego Police Department: CM Wendel, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Heidner Mayor Fournier requested a report from the Urban/Rural Taxing District Subcommittee by the August Budget Meeting. CM Heidner motioned to adopt Mayor Fournier's 1999 committee appointments. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. MEMO q' /' 8 Date: January 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Public Works Subcommittee Report The following items were discussed at the Public Works Subcommittee meeting of Monday, January 3, 2000. In attendance were Mayor Fournier, Councilmember Ackerman, City Administrator Mike Robertson and Public Works Supervisor Dave Chase. Vehicle Repair Costs - Councilmember Ackerman noted there had been a question at the last Council meeting about vehicle repair costs. Dave Chase described the repairs that have been done to various vehicles recently. Dave said that the Public Works department had looked at buying a new pickup truck last fall, which was in the budget, to replace the oldest pickup truck. After examining various options they decided they would have to custom order a truck to find one that would fit their needs. Then there was a strike at the Ford plant, which would have delayed the arrival of the new truck, and they decided to wait until 2000 to visit the issue again. While doing maintenance on the truck engine, they found out that the block was cracked and ordered a new engine, which has a 60,000 mile warranty on it. Mike suggested to Dave that they take a look at ordering a new pickup truck in the fall of 2000, since the pickup truck is 20 years and still says Otsego Township on its, side. Shoo arag Door - Dave noted that the garage door was damaged in an accident and had to be replaced. General Public Works Tasks - Dave described what the Public Works department had been doing the last few weeks and what was planned for the immediate future. Mike said he would call Steve Gatzel to see if he was still interested in cleaning cul-de-sacs. cc: City Staff !� Rnncsrroo. ruR•ne. .Vr•.rh.. �:C .:nJ 4.cuCa4cs. inr a .n• irf,rn. It" ar do �. UAI O Airy CPortu � 7 fmpinver. ..7 I Bonestroo Otto r;, done,o,•, PE lusc•Ph C Anue":a .'E 161.vvm L SO/vaLi, PE — Glenn R. Cook, PE. • RObc'"r G Schumcht, PE • Je•-. 4 Sour -Ion. PE • • Rosene Robert W Rosene. PE. Ric P% d E Turner. PE mo S;. %1 cberlm. CPA i Senior Consultants Anderlik & Assoaare PnnUp,tls Hpw.nd A S.mtortl. PE • Kertn o uo•ec^ ?E • Robert R Pfef'erle, PE Rich,vd W Foster. PE. • Oavid Cl Loskora. PE • Robe •; C RL.sse:. A.i.A U .Nark A Hanson. ?E . 1 i .14�chael r Rautmann, PE • red K Field. PE. • Kennet^' -Xnde•son. PE • iark R Rods. ?E. Associates Sidney P Wdhamson, PE. L S • Robert F Kotsmrtn . Tyres Rmg • Alla R ck Schmidt. PE - I; - Office 'SL Paul. ROCnester, Willmar and St. Cloud. '.th . '6Li.v3ukee. '.VI _..---"-- Engineers & Architects WebLle www.bonestroocom December 28, 1999 Mr. 'Mike Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave NE Otsego, MN 55330 Attn: Mike Robertson, Administrator Re: City of Otsego Wastewater Treatment Facility BRA File No. 50399100-P.R. Dear Mr. Robertson: Enclosed are four (4) copies of Request for Payment No. 8 from Gridor Constr., Inc. for the above referenced project for the period ending December 22, 1999. The requested payment amount is $99,331.00. I recommend approval of this pay request by the City. Effective with pay request no. 6, Gridor Constr. has been utilizing an alternate form of retainage that is authorized by Minnesota statute. To date the contractor has earned $1,648,159. Based on this earned amount, the standard form of retainage (5%) would equal $82,408. The alternate retainage consists of a S 100,000 certificate of deposit (CD) pledged to Otsego. Note that the $100,000 CD exceeds the required amount of retainage. Please return one signed copy of the approved pay request to our office. Send two to the Contractor along with his check, one for him and one for the Bonding Company. Keep one final copy for your files. If you have any questions regarding this letter or the requested payment amount, please call me at 651-604-4771. Sincerely, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. d Q Ronald A. LaFond cc: Bob Meyer, Gridor Constr., Inc. 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. 1886 BERKSHIRE LANE P.O. BOX 41246 PLYMOUTH, MN 55441 612-559-3734 Owner CITY OF OTSEGO. MN Date 12/22/99 For Period 11/23/99 TO 12/22/99 Request No. 8 Engineer BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. REQUEST FOR PAYMENT WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY SUMMARY. 2,036,517 1 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 2 CHANGE ORDER - ADDITION 3 CHANGE ORDER - DEDUCTION 4 REVISED CONTRACT AMOUNT 5 VALUE COMPLETED TO DATE 6 MATERIAL STORED 7 AMOUNT EARNED TO DATE 8 LESS RETAINAGE - 5°6 9 SUB -TOTAL 10 LESS AMOUNT PREVIOUSLY PAID I 1 AMOUNT DUE THIS REQUEST Recommended for Approval by: BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK & ASSOC. (Project Engineer) Approved by Contractor: GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. ROBERT MEYER (Project Manager) U 12/22!99 Specified Contract Completion Date: 7%1'00 $ 5,194 $ 2,031,323 $ 2,036,517 S 1.219,145 $ 429,014 $ 1,648,159 $ 0 S 1.648.159 S 1,548,828 S 99,331 * ALTERNATE RETAINAGE AMOUNT REQUIRED (5%) =S S82,408 PLEDGED SECURITY (CD)=$100,000 PAYXLS 12/23/99 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Approved by Owner: CITY OF ... Date LS BID WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY PAY ESTIMATE NO. 8 OTSEGO, MN 11/23/99 TO 12/22/99 AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL ITEM CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COMPELTED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT APPROVED THIS PERIOD TO DATE 1 BOND AND MOBILIZATION 25,000 24,000 24,000 2 EXCAVATION & BACKFILL 142,000 140.000 140,000 3 FINE GRADE SITE 3,000 0 4 CHAIN LINK FENCE 15,000 14,000 14,000 5 CONCRETE WORK 1300 C. Y. 270.00 351,000 349,000 1,000 350,000 6 REINF. STEEL 125 TON 1000.00 125,000 125,000 125,000 7 PRECAST CONCRETE 5,000 5,000 5,000 8 MASONRY 32,000 32,000 32,000 9 MISC. METALS, WEIRS & BAFFLES 46,000 5,000 2,000 7,000 10 CARPENTRY & ROOFING 33,000 32,000 32,000 11 F. R. P. DOMES & COVERS 60,000 1,000 58,000 59,000 12 INSULATION 1,000 1,000 1,000 13 METAL SIDING & TRIM 28,000 26.000 1,000 27,000 14 CAULKING 800 0 15 DOORS, FRAMES & FIN. HDW. 12,000 1;000 9.000 10,000 16 WINDOWS 6,000 6.000 6,000 17 PAINTING 39,000 1.000 1,000 18 FINISH CEILINGS 4,000 0 19 SPECIALTIES 4,000 0 20 CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS 23,000 0 21 SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS 7,000 0 22 PROGRESSIVE CAVITY PUMP 19,000 0 23 FINAL CLARIFIERS 60,000 47000 4,000 24 BLOWERS 27,000 0 25 AERATION 11,000 0 26 MECHANICAL AERATORS 96,000 0 27 SUBMERSIBLE MIXER 13,000 0 28 CHEMICAL TANKS & PUMPS 22,000 0 29 SAMPLER & PARSHALL FLUME 7,000 0 30 FLOW METERS 6,000 0 31 U -V DISINFECTION 43,000 0 32 ODOR CONTROL 23,000 0 33 LAB EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE 19,000 0 34 PROCESS PIPE, VALVES - MATERIALS 110,000 0 35 PIPE LABOR - EXTERIOR 72,000 70,000 70,000 36 PIPE LABOR - INTERIOR 8,000 2,000 2,000 37 PLUMBING 34,000 15000 15,000 38 VENTILATION 24,000 14,000 8,000 22.000 39 ELECTRICAL 236,000 9,800 84,200 94,000 40 0 SUBTOTAL 1,791,800 876,800 163,200 1,040,000 MATERIAL SPORED 496.818 (67,804) 429,014 (CHiVNGE ORDERS) 0 UNIT PRICE ITEMS 239,523 175.210 3,935 179.145 TOTAL 2,031,323 1,548;828 99,331 1,648,159 UNIT BID WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY PAY ESTIMATE NO. 8 OTSEGO, MN 11/23/99 TO 12/22/99 AMOUNT AMOUNT TOTAL ITEM CONTRACT PREVIOUSLY COMPLETED COMPELTED NO DESCRIPTION AMOUNT APPROVED THIS PERIOD TO DATE 1 SILT FENCE 3200 1.30 4,160 3,715 3,715 2 EROSION- HAY BALES 150 5.00 750 250 250 3 18" PVC, SDR 35,0'-8- DEEP 500 25.50 12,750 12,622 12,622 4 24" PVC, SDR 35, 0'-8' DEEP 520 35.50 18,460 18,460 18,460 5 24" PVC, SDR 35, 8'-10' DEEP 200 37.00 7,400 7,770 7,770 6 24" PVC, SDR 35, 10'-12' DEEP 25 38.00 950 950 950 7 24" PVC, SDR 35, 12'-14' DEEP 40 39.00 1,560 1,560 1,560 8 24" PVC, SDR 35, 14'-16' DEEP 45 42.00 1,890 1,470 1,470 9 24" PVC, SDR 35, 16'-18' DEEP 140 45.50 6,370 6,370 6,370 16 18" DIRECTIONAL BORING 130 242.00 31,460 31,460 31,460 17 4 FT. SANITARY MANHOLE 5 1682.00 8,410 8,410 8,410 18 4 FT. MANHOLE OVER 8' DEEP 32 90.00 2,880 1,989 1,989 19 CONC. COLLAR OVER HDPE 1 1160.00 1,160 1,160 1,160 20 FOUNDATION MATERIAL 1300 0.01 13 0 21 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION (EV) 4900 1.75 8,575 8,575 8,575 22 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE 3300 5.80 19,140 17,388 17,388 23 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW -CV 3800 6.20 23,560 16,895 16,895 24 18" RCP CLASS 5 42 37.00 1,554 1,184 370 1,554 25 18" RCP APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 2 830.00 1,660 1,660 1,660 26 4" PERF. DRAIN TILE W/SOCK & ROC 108 6.00 648 564 564 27 GEOTEXTILE FAB. TYPE V -STREET 4000 1.30 5,200 4,485 715 5 00 28 SEED W/ TOPSOIL & FERT. 6.5 2830.00 18,395 0 29 SOD W/ TOPSOIL & FERTILIZER 9000 2.20 19,800 0 30 WELL MOBILIZATION 1 19000.00 19,000 16,150 16,150 31 DRILL, CASE & GROUT 6" WELL 150 34.00 5,100 5,440 51440 32 DRILL HOLE THRU IRONTON-GV 50 16.00 800 1,680 1,680 33 DEVELOP WELL BY JETTING 20 160.00 3200 0 34 DEVELOPMENT OF WELL 20 160.00 3,200 640 640 35 TEST PUMPING 16 105.00 1,680 0 36 6" SCREEN IN PLACE 20 50.00 1,000 0 37 15" RCP, CLASS 5 70 32.50 2,275 1,040 520 1,560 38 15" RCP, APRON W/ TRASH GRD. 4 790.00 3,160 1,580 1,580 3,160 39 12" RCP, CLASS 5 24 24.50 588 588 588 40 12" RCP, APRON Wi TRASH GRD 1 655.00 655 655 655 41 RIP RAP - CLASS 3 20 62.50 1250 500 750 1,250 42 AND'L. 4' WIDE SIDEWALK / L.F. 150 5.80 870 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SUBTOTAL PART 1 239,52.'+ 175,210 3.935 179,145 MATERIAL STORED 0 0 0 (CHANGE ORDERS) 0 11 TOTAL 239.523 175.210 3.935 179,145 ITEM NO. 6 9 11 15 16 19 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 38 STORED MAT'L WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITY MATERIAL STORED OTSEGO, MN PAY ESTIMATE NO. 8 DESCRIPTION MISC. REINF. MISC. METALS F R P DOMES & COVERS DOORS & FRAMES WINDOWS SPECIALTIES SUBMERSIBLE PUMP PROG. CAVITY PUMP FINAL CLARIFIERS BLOWERS AERATION MECH.AERATORS SUBMERSIBLE MIXER CHEMICAL PUMPS CHEMICAL TANKS SAMPLERS FLUME & ENCLOSURE FLOW METERS U -V DISINFECTION ODOR CONTROL LAB EQUIPMENT D. I. PIPE SUMP BASKET PVC PIPE & FITTINGS MANHOLE CASTINGS HYDRANTS MANHOLES EXPANSION JOINTS HVAC SUPPLIER PREVIOUS AMOUNT THIS AMOUNT INSTALLED NET AMOUNT AMBASSADOR STEEL 0 0 METRO MFG. 15,975 15,975 FIBERGLASS STRUCTURES 56,763 56,763 0 DAVID HDW. 8,981 8,981 0 VAL-PRO 0 0 CONST. SUPPLY 1,163 1,163 WALDOR 5,836 5,836 NETZSCH, INC. 17,248 17,248 WESTECH 52,271 52,271 VESSCO 24,708 24,708 SANITAIRE / PLANT & FL 8,504 8,504 BAKER HUGHES 93,061 93,061 WALDOR 12,109 12,109 MILTON ROY 12,244 12,244 VESSCO 8,017 8,017 AMERICAN SIGMA 4,896 4,896 AMERICAN SIGMA 1,364 1,364 WM. E. YOUNG 5.851 5,851 TROJAN 41,961 41,961 CALGON 23,430 23,430 BURRELL 11,422 51040 16,462 PLANT & FLANGED 73,997 73,997 TRI STATE PUMP 532 532 INDELCO PLASTICS CORP. 490 490 NEENAH 605 605 KUPFERLE FOUNDRY 2,550 2,550 ELK RIVER CONC. PROD. 41931 4,931 STANCHFIELD & HAUPT 809 809 GREEN MECH. 7,100 7,100 0 496,818 5,040 72,844 429,014 TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED (67,804) CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 10, 2000 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. GRAND TOTAL $271,253.87 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 23, 1M Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $258,930.19 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $12.66 UnPaid AT&T $70.85 Unpaid BAUERLY $52,280.50 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $169.45 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $106.78 UnPaid BRIGGS & MORGAN $1,545.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER RENTAL $25.07 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $558.02 UnPaid ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $803.06 UnPald ENCOMM $22,377.06 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $250.00 UnPaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE $15.20 Unpaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $197.46 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $99,331.00 UnPaid GROEN GARY CPA $795.00 UnPaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $70,337.75 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid JURAN & MOODY $1,808.48 UnPaid LONG & SONS $394.05 UnPaid MINNEGASCO $524.70 UnPaid MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $417.67 UnPaid MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC $75.00 ' UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $828.37 UnPWd PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $959.47 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $258.75 UnPaid SAXON MOTORS INC $2,012.02 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $34.56 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $50.00 UnPaid US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $463.46 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,246.60 Total Checks $258,930.19 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register A M r r Thursday, December 23, 1999 Page 1 of 4 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid AIRGAS, INC. E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $12.66 175183 Rental Total AIRGAS, INC. $12.66 Unpaid AT&T E 101-43100-320 Telephone $12.11 PW Shed E 201-45000-320 Telephone $12.84 Parks E 101-41400-320 Telephone $45.90 City Hall Total AT&T $70.85 UnPaid BAUERLY�rr�m„ E 416-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $52,280.50 Pay Est #3 Total BAUERLY $52,280.50 Unpaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $317.50 December recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid. BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General ($59.60) 325198 Supplies Credit E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General ($37.39) 878860 Supplies Credit E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $80.77 210194 Supplies E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $185.67 162312 Supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $169.45 Unpaid BOYER TRUCKS �w E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $63.11 1994 Ford Truck E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $43.67 1992 Ford Truck Total BOYER TRUCKS $106.78 UnPaid E 421-43100-301 Legal Services $1,545.00 GO Equip Cert 1999 Services Total BRIGGS & MORGAN $1,545.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER RENTAL M E 101-43100-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $25.07 Engine Crane Total CROW RIVER RENTAL $25.07 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC ......... .. E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $37.72 John Daniels PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $117.78 Otsego View E 101-41400.350 PrintBinding (GENERAL) $155.32 Otsego View Print E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $247.20 Buget Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $558.02 UnPaid .�� ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES E 101-43160-322 Utilities $32.38 Street Light 39 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $271.50 Traffic Signal 39/101 E 101-41950-322 Utilities $177.47 Old City Hall E 101-43160-322 Utilities $62.20 Antelope Park E 101-43100-322 Utilities $50.13 Public Works Shop E 101-43160-322 Utilities $33.55 OH Light 42/Parrish E 101-43160-322 Utilities $39.41 96th St Lights E 101-43160-322 Utilities $46.65 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $16.93 101 & 130 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 Parrish & 88th E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 85th & Parrish E 101-43160-322 Utilities $12.78 39 & Nashua CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 23, 1 W9 Page 2 of 4 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.99 39 & Page E 101-43160-322 Utilities $777 94th & Nashua E 101-43160-322 Utilities $18.74 Flashers 39/Parrish Total ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES $803.06 UnPaid ENCOMM E 415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $22,377.06 Pay Est #7 Total ENCOMM $22,377.06 -GPEid-- EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $250.00 8762 ROW Sewer Total EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $250.00 UnPaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE E 101-43100-203 Supplies - General $15.20 Supplies Total FINKEN'S WATER CARE $15.20 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC Elol-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($109.70) Elol-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $307.16 1981 Truck Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $197.46 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $99,331.00 Pay request #8 Total GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $99,331.00 Unpaid - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- GROEN GARY CPA E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $795.00 December Services Total GROEN GARY CPA $795.00 UnPaid M HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $15,188.41 1121 Water Tower Staking E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $47.44 1116 City Map E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $245.00 1136 Miscall Eng G 701-21914 Grenings - Miss Hills 99-6 $291.00 1117 Grenings Miss Hills E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $318.84 1126 Pump House Design E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $595.00 1122 Water Tower Adm E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $2,229.13 1130 Pumphouse Design G 70 1-21 91 2 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $2,528.76 1118 Prairie Creek PP G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $2,879.88 1120 Pheasant Ridge E 414-43100-302 Engineering Fees $2,970.01 1125 Pouliot Driveway E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $3,910.86 1131 78th S & W E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $5,530.00 1158 Trunk Sanitary Sewer G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backes 99-7 $6,154.41 1123 Crimson Ponds G 701-21916 DarkenwaJd $37.50 1119 Fun City Rest Add E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $12,331.66 1128 Trunk SS Insp & Stk E 413-43100-302 Engineering Fees $15,079.85 1124 Odean Avenue Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $70,337.75 Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST E 101-41400-121 PERA $192.31 PPE 12-25-99 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $422.39 PPE 12-25-99 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid JURAN & MOODY E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $58.48 Expenses E 101-41600-390 Contracted Services $1,750.00 Report Preparation Total JURAN & MOODY $1,808.48 '-6WW LONG & SONS CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 23, 1999 Page 3 of 4 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-41940-389 Cleaning Services $394.05 December Cleaning Total LONG & SONS $394.05 UnPaid MINNEGASCO E 101-41940-322 Utilities $347.05 City Hall E 101-41950-322 Utilities $177.65 Old City Hall Total MINNEGASCO $524.70 UnPaid MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $417.67 83565 Copier rental Total MINNESOTA COPY SYSTEMS $417.67 UnPaid MN MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $75.00 1 year dues Total MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC $75.00 �UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $27.23 721319 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $101.07 720015 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $95.78 720985 Miscall E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $77.63 720017 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $66.13 720016 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $47.72 723314 Ford Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $39.37 717856 Pickup Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $29.58 720179 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($34.07) 721669 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $26.91 716600 1992 Ford Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $317.74 717715 1994 Ford Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($20.77) 717959 1994 Ford Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $2.12 721634 Miscell E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $2.71 717747 1992 Ford Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $4.25 720999 1994 Ford Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $5.40 720404 Pick Up Truck E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $12.96 723023 Ford Tractor E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $26.61 721668 Pick Up Truck Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $828.37 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-41400-121 PERA $204.65 PPE 12-25-99 E 101-43100-121 PERA $223.34 PPE 12-25-99 G 101-21704 PERA $458.96 PPE 12-25-99 E 101-41550-121 PERA $72.52 PPE 12-25-99 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $959.47 Unpaid RANDY'S SANITATION ��'�'��'�""�����'�•+�"�'�MW��N'�11�� E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $258.75 December recycling Total RANDY'S SANITATION $258.75 UnPaid SAXON MOTORS INC W E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $2,012.02 Pick Up Truck Total SAXON MOTORS INC $2,012.02 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $34.56 V101018 Case Tractor Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $34.56 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 Act 141923 Olson Total STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 23, 1999 Check Detail Register Page 4 of 4 Check Amt Invoice Comment UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $50.00 Code Enforcement Total STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $50.00 UnPaid US WEST COMMUNICATIONS E 101-43100-320 Telephone $61.03 PW Shop E 101-41400-320 Telephone $366.43 City Hall E 201-45000-320 Telephone $36.00 Shed Total US WEST COMMUNICATIONS $463.46 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC E 101-43160-322 Utilities $8.79 Quaday Siren E 101-43160-322 Utilities $178.00 Signal Light E 601-49400-322 Utilities $37.00 Water Tower #1 E 101-41940-322 Utilities $28.22 Shed E 601-49400-322 Utilities $24.50 Well #1 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $11.77 Rolling Ridge Creek E 101-43160-322 Utilities $11.77 Oday Acres E 101-43160-322 Utilities $11.77 Heritage Hills E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.90 Odean & 37 E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.90 Country Ridge E 101-43160-322 Utilities $7.03 Country Ridge E 101-41940-322 Utilities $7.03 City Hall E 101-41940-322 Utilities $695.35 City Hall E 101-43160-322 Utilities $11.77 Lin Bar Estates Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $1,048.80 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $258,732.39 40 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Summary Register Sunday, December 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1 Nom Check Date Check Amt ... ,,,:: ♦♦. 'n:;'n' \?::: 10100 BANIKOFELKRIVER UnPaid FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH $100.00 UnPaid JERRYOLSON $12,223.68 Total Checks $12,323.68 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH E415 -4 -3251 -SW Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $100.00 Easement for S&W Total FRIENDSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH $100.00 UnPaid JERRY OLSON �w E 101-42410-390 Contracted Services $12,223.68 December Services Total JERRY OLSON $12,223.68 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $12,323.68 Sunday, December 19, 1999 Page 1 of 1