01-24-00 CCki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk-, January 24, 2000 6:30PM ITEM tiLTMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider P.C. Recommendation for Owner C/D Molder Norman Carlsonliene Thackerav, 18685 W. Bobcat Road, Casa Grande, Az. 85222 and C/D owner Charles Klein, 8045 Ochoa Ave. NE, Otsego, MN. Applicant is Dwain Pearson 5782 Naughtor Avenue, Rogers, NIN. 553=47. Property ID is #118-032-001130. Legal description is Lot 13, Block 1, Vasseur's Oak Grove Estates in Section 21, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota. Property is zoned R-2 Residential (Large Lot) and located on Packard Avenue between 91ST and 82ND Streets. Request is as follows: A. Conditional Use Permit to allow relocation of an existing home. 6.2. Anv other Planning Business. BACKGROI_,ND: This item came before the Otsego Planning Commission on Jamar- 18, 2000. See Dan Licht's attached memo dated January 19, 2000 and CUP Findings of Fact and Decision. You have pretiiously received the Planning Report dated January 11, 2000 and because there does not seem to be major issues, I have not enclosed same. Please let me know if you need a copy. RECON N%IENDATION: This is for Council consideration for approval. P.C. has recommended approval unanimously. Thanks, Elaine t%• INC IL_ MEMORANDUM •^� b 12 5y5 'JUS( F 02/05 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTA ATS GO.MMUNITY PLANNING DESIGN 'MARKET RE'3E..RCH TO: Otsego Mayor and City. 'Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 19 January 2000 RE: Otsego.- .Pearson CUP FILE' NO.:. 176.02 = 00.01 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearirig.at their meeting an January 18, 2000 to consider the above referenced application. There were.no comments from the public and no questions from the Planning Commission. The Planning .Commission voted 7-0 to recommend approval of the CUP as reflected in the attached findings of fact. This application. is to be considered at the'City Council meeting .on January,24; 2000. If there are any questions in advance of the meeting, :please do not`hesitate to call our office. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Jerry Olson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5.775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS :PARK, MINNESOTA 5 5 4 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9,636 FAX 612-595-9637, E-MAIL_ NAC@W'INTERNET.COM, � I • INHI, 612 595 9837 F 04/05 Finding: As noted above, the subject site and relocated structure conform r th a# applicable performance standards. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The relocated dwelling and single family use of the property will no; have a negative impact to the area. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is prop.0sed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The relocated structure will not generate any additional traffic. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity_ 5. The planning report dated 11 January 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing, at their regular meeting on 18 January 2000, to consider the proposed conditional use permit, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 7-0 vote that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit to relocate an existing structure is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions.- 1. onditions:1. A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official prior to relocation of the structure_ 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. 3. The existing septic system and well are evaluated and subject to review and approval of the Building Official. 2 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. '-ivil & Municipal Engineering Id Surveying January 19, 2000 Honorable Mayor and Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 ITEM 7.4 RE: Assessment Ordinance Revision Dear Mayor and Council, 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax Attached is a recommended revised Ordinance 24 related to local improvements and assessments. Also attached are memorandum and sketches related to assessment. This information was provided to you in September of 1999 and has been revised somewhat to conform to the policies and practices that are being used in the three new sewer and water subdivisions. We have also revised the language for trunk sewer and water area assessments with deferment of such assessments being optional. The assessment ordinance contains all of the guidelines required. The ordinance however, does not include hard and fast rules for all public improvements. since there are many variations in projects and properties. The ordinance contains the criteria and special rules to guide assessment. For any project, the engineering and feasibility report will evaluate the unique features and recommend the specific assessment basis which may incorporate necessary modifications to standard procedures. For all assessments, the ordinance is to be followed except as modified by specific council resolution based on the unique project. To the greatest extent possible, the consistency of assessment practice as defined by the ordinance is to be followed. Section 24-1-3 of the assessment ordinance calls for assessment of Class B trunk sewer and water on an area basis. The option to use connection charges is specifically referenced. The city has implemented a connection charge system, which is an allocation based on the equivalent unit. This ordinance section calls for Class B collector street roadway to be assessed on the basis of either frontage or units. Collector streets have in the past been assessed by both methods. The frontage method was used for 85th Avenue and a unit method was used for Nashua Avenue. Section 24-1-3 also incorporates the storm sewer assessment procedures that were adopted in March of 1995 calling for assessment on an equivalent square foot basis. \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\920\ot920cc4.doc Honorable Mayor and Council Page 2 January 19, 2000 Section 24-1-4 of the assessment ordinance relates to Class C lateral water, sewer & street improvements, calling for assessment on the basis of frontage. Many of the special rules in the ordinance are primarily related to determination of frontage. Some specific examples of frontage determination are included as attachments. There is a hierarchy of assessment rules consisting of the general rules contained in ordinance 24, the more detailed rules that are attachments to that ordinance, and finally the very specific project rules that are reviewed in any feasibility study and adopted concurrent with any project authorization and approval. In all instances, the ordinance and rules specifically allow city council flexibility in making assessment so that fairness and equity is reached. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. 4e,'4 1�roe �' arwoo , PE Xlk \\Ha01\shared docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\920\ot920cc4.doc hugHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE 24-1 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS AND ESTABLISHING A GENERAL POLICY THEREFOR SECTION 24-1-1: Classification of Projects 24-1-2: Financing Class B and C Improvements 24-1-3: Assessment Regulations for Class B Improvements 24-1-4: Assessment Rules for Class C Improvements 24-1-5: Special Rules 24-1-6: Postponed Assessments 24-1-7: Apportionment of Assessments Upon Subdivision of Land 24-1-8: Federal, State and County Aid Use 24-1-9: Branch Service Lines 24-1-10: Partial Payment 24-1-11: Certification of Assessments 24-1-12: Assessment Manual 24-1-13: Effective Date THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO ORDAINS: 24-1-1: CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS: A. In general. Public improvements are divided into those classes specified in the following subdivisions according to their respective benefit to the city as a whole, to specific areas of the city and to property specially served by the improvement -aid B. Class A. Class A improvements are those which are of general benefit to the city at large, including (1) public buildings, except a building which is part of an improvement described in one of the following subdivisions; (2) any public park, trail, playground, or recreational facility; and 3 ; and (4) any improvement not described in Minn. Stat. 429.021, Subd. 1. All such improvements shall be financed from general city funds and not from special assessments. Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municioal\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc C. Class B. Class B improvements are those which are of both general benefit and special benefit to abutting or nearby property. Class B improvements include (1) trunk watermains larger than eight (8) inches; (2) trunk sanitary sewer mains larger than eight (8) inches; (3) permanently surfacing collector streets; (4) storm sewers and (5) the installation and maintenance of street lighting systems; D. Class C. Class C improvements are those which are primarily if not exclusively of benefit to property abutting or in the area of the improvement, including (1) the construction of water mains with inside diameters no larger than eight (8) inches in single family residential areas or tem -twelve (4-812) inches in commercial industrial areas or high density residential areas; (2) the construction of sanitary sewer mains no larger than eight (8) inches in inside diameter; (3) the construction of curbs and gutters; (4) grading, graveling, oiling, and applying non -permanent surfacing to streets; (5) permanently surfacing residential streets; and (6) the abatement of nuisances. 24-1-2: FINANCING CLASS B AND C IMPROVMENTS: It is the policy of the city to finance Class B and C improvements by the methods prescribed in Sections 3, 4 and 5. The apportionment of the cost between benefited property, between specific areas and between the city at large and the method of levying assessments prescribed in those sections shall be followed in each case unless the council, by resolution, finds that because of special circumstances stated in the resolution, a different policy is necessary or desirable in the particular case. Any local improvement described in Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.02 and not placed in Class A, B or C by Section 1 shall be financed as the council determines to be the most feasible and equitable in each case. In each case, the council shall examine the assessment roll before approval and adjust any assessment which exceeds the benefit received by the property assessed. 24-1-3: ASSESSMENT REGULATIONS FOR CLASS B IMPROVEMENTS: A. Trunk water mains and sanitary sewers. The cost of trunk sanitary sewage works and trunk water works shall be allocated to the properties that are benefited or can be served by the improvement. The cost allocation may be made by assessment of benefited properties on the basis of area or by connection charge against properties that can be served. The city council may fund all or any portion of trunk system costs by any combination of area wide methods or connection charges. Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared DocsWunicioaMOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc 1. When a water or sewer main is constructed that can provide current or future service to a property or that provides current or future benefit to a property, that property may be assessed on an area basis for the costs of the improvement That assessment shall be levied at the time that the public improvement proiect is authorized The assessment may be deferred if the council deems such deferment to be necessary or appropriate. GtheF prepeFty beRefited by the 4614 sewer er water maiR bUt URable te utilize it 6141 a lateral GGRReGted te the 4614 sewer er wateF FnaiR has been built te se waler main YRtil the lateFal is built. The assessment fGr the lateral shall theR 2. When a trunk sewer or water main is constructed and is to p�ethat -also serves as a lateral sewer or water line, , the abutting property shall be assessed for the facili sizing that is defined as Class C improvement in Ordinance Section 24-1-1 D. assessed fGF the GGSt ef a lateral sewer 9F YvateFmaiR ef eight (8) eF teR (I a lateFal watermaiR of tad4otYyg- /i RGhe pIi, ifc nrFGPertiGRa-te share of the In addition that property shall be responsible for its proportionate share of the cost of the trunk system on the basis of area assessment or connection charge. 3. The cost of t#e–any trunk sewer or water main in excess of the lateral assessment shall be assessed on the basis of area or unit against all properties benefited— or shall be allocated on the basis of a connection charge. 4. The cost of a lift station shall be assessed on the basis of area against t#at those properties y actually benefited by the lift station. 5. eek -Connection charges for both sewer and water shall be established by council resolution. B. Collector Street Surfacing. Collector streets as are designated in the City Comprehensive Plan in the City Transportation Plan and by the City's adopted State Aid Street Plan. The cost of the pavement on any collector street roadway shall be assessed against the benefited property either on the basis of frontage on the abutting street or upon lot unit equivalents. When the construction standards for such paving are higher than those the city would use for a residential street, the cost to be assessed shall be based on the cost of paving a standard residential street. of the same w 'dth The rest Gf ► Any additional cost to construct to collector street standards shall be paid from gea,�non-assessment Page 3 \\Ha01\Shared DocsWunicipaMOTS EGO\920\OTS EGO ORDINANCE 24-1 REVISED.doc funds. If bonding is used to finance the improvement at least twenty percent (20%) of the cost of the improvement must be assessed against abutting properties. 1. If improvements are made to an MSA designated and eligible street, the abutting properties shall be assessed for the costs of a typ+eal city standard residential street and any additional costs shall be paid for by the City. 2. Within newly constructed deyelepmont residential or commercial -industrial developments, the Developers shall pay 100% of the costs of newly constructed streets unless any street is MSA eligible in which case Developer shall be assessed for the costs of a i standard residential or commercial street and any additional costs shall be paid for by the City. C. Storm Sewers. This section adopted by Ordinance 95-4, 3/27/1995. Cost for construction of storm sewers shall be assessed against the property in the area served by the sewer on the basis of the equivalent square footage of the property. The area to be assessed shall be determined on the basis of topographic maps and other pertinent data. The equivalent square footage for properties shall be determined in accordance with rules or procedures adopted by council resolution. 1. As a general policy, all properties are responsible for a proportionate and equitable share of the costs of storm sewer and surface water system components. a) All individual properties or aggregation of properties within a drainage area, development area, or other defined area are responsible for the total costs to construct storm sewer improvements that serve the area, including lateral facilities which are the surface water and storm sewer drainage pipes, ditches and appurtenances that provide service to smaller or local areas and trunk facilities. Lateral facilities can consist of portions of trunk facilities, with the basic system costs allocated to lateral service and the portion of system cost associated with oversizing and/or added depth as required for area service allocated to the trunk system. b) All individual properties or aggregation of properties within a drainage area, project. area, development area, or other defined area are responsible for providing ponding to reduce peak runoff rates from Page 4 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municioal\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc developed property to the rates from property in its natural state and to enhance surface water quality. c) All properties are responsible for an equitable proportion of the costs of trunk storm sewer facilities which are the larger surface or storm water drainage pipes, ditches and appurtenances that provide service to an entire area. d) All properties are responsible for an equitable proportion of the on-going costs of storm sewer utility system operation, maintenance, repair and replacement as required for proper drainage system function. 2. Costs and charges for construction, operation and maintenance of the surface water and storm sewer management and control system will be allocated, assessed or paid under statutory authority including the municipal authority for zoning and subdivision control, the municipal authority to charge for the use and availability of storm sewer facilities, the municipal authority to establish storm sewer tax districts, the municipal authority to establish a storm sewer utility and the municipal authority to construct and assess the costs of public improvements as a benefit to properties. Under this authority, surface water management and storm sewer systems costs will be allocated, assessed and paid as follows: a) For all land use changes made under City zoning and subdivision approval authority, properties will be responsible, at the. time of the land use change approval, for total costs of construction of required storm sewer improvements, for costs of providing required ponding, and for proportionate costs of the trunk drainage system. b) To pay for the construction, reconstruction, repair, enlargement, improvement, or obtainment of storm sewer systems, including mains, holding areas and ponds, and other appurtenances and related facilities for the collection and disposal of storm water, the city shall impose just and equitable charges for the use and availability of the facilities. Charges to individual properties shall be as nearly as possible proportionate to the cost of furnishing the service, or shall be just and equitable. All charges shall be based upon established statutory procedures, city ordinances, resolutions, or by reference to procedures and rules established by the city council pursuant to statute, ordinance or resolution. Said rules shall set forth the classification of properties based upon the quantity and quality of storm water produced, and other relevant factors. Such charges shall be imposed to all eligible properties in a project area at the time when facilities are constructed for the use and availability of properties and shall include the costs of storm sewer improvements, required ponding and trunk drainage. Page 5 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municioal\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc c) All properties shall be responsible for a periodic fee, charge or tax for on-going and continued operation, maintenance and repair of storm sewer facilities with such fee, charge or tax established by municipal authority as a storm sewer taxing district and/or under municipal authority for a storm sewer utility. 24-1-4: ASSESSMENT RULES FOR CLASS C IMPROVEMENTS: A. Water and Sewer. The cost of ;Rtemal lateral water mains or necessary appurtenances Ret exeeedi eight (8) inches in diameter and smaller in single family residential areas and twelve (12) inches and smaller in industrial commercial or high density residential areas and the cost a44d of lateral sanitary sewer mains not exceeding eight (8) inches in diameter shall be assessed against abutting property on the basis of frontage. The cost of water mains to be assessed includes the service lines, if furnished, hydrants and valves. The cost of sewer mains includes service lines, if furnished. The cost of lateral sanitary sewer and water mains shall include all components or appurtenances to make the utility complete and may include the cost of restoration including street surfacing if such restoration is not otherwise funded The lateral water and sewer cost shall include the cost of extending the facilities from where the existing sewer may end to the properties to be served and to the far end of those properties as necessary for upstream sewer service or for adiacent property water service. Lateral water line cost shall include facilities necessary for system looping as required. B. Streets. The cost of construction of curbs and gutters on any street, of grading, graveling, oiling, and applying non -permanent surfacing to any street, or of applying permanent surfaces to FeSideRtial streets, shall be assessed on the basis of frontage, to properties that abut are accessed from and/or are benefited from the street improvement. Assessment of residential street improvement may be made on the basis of the lot, the unit or on an equivalent unit at the discretion of the city council based on the findings of equity and benefit C. Nuisances. The cost of abating nuisances shall be assessed in a manner determined by the council in each case to measure most equitably the benefit received by property to be assessed. The assessment in any such case may be made against non -abutting property to the extent the property is benefited by the improvement. 24-1-5: SPECIAL RULES: A. General. Assessment methods are established by the City Council aimed at fair and equitable distribution or allocation of costs In general the maximum size Page 6 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municii)al\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1 REVISED doc requirements for trunk sewer, water and drainage facilities is closely correlated to development density which is most closet' related to land area and the proposed planned or permitted use of that land The most equitable assessment system for trunk sewer, trunk water and drainage facilities is most often on an area basis In general, the requirement for local street and for extension of lateral sewer and water is closely correlated to the width of lots and to the length of the street or utility necessary to serve each lot and adjacent lots The most equitable assessment basis for street & lateral sewer and water is on the frontage basis In all instances the City Council has the right to review the basis of assessment and modify that basis as deemed appropriate. A modified basis may include unit assessments by lot or parcel and may include equivalency determinations for area frontage or units to achieve equity. B. Intersections and areas not abutting properties. The cost of street, water and sewer improvements in street intersections or in easements and other areas not directly abutting_ properties shall be included as part of the assessable cost. l the C. Adjusted Frontage. When the amount of an assessment is determined by frontage, an equivalent front footage shall be determined according to the following rules when an irregular lot requires such an adjustment to maintain fairness in the assessment: General The front of a lot is in order of precedence the side or direction that the house faces, the side that the property address is assigned or the side from which primary access is made. The frontage of a property is measured along the front property line. On platted property that frontage is the lot dimension shown on the plat. For unplatted property, that frontage will be determined in order of Precedence by, the legal description by computation or by scaling dimensions from a city approved map. 2. Adjusted Frontage For irregular shaped lots, equivalent front footage shall be determined by dividing the square footage of the lot by the general lot depth fer pie shaped 'Gt Where a lot or unit consists of a combination of rectangular and pie shaped or irregular portions, the equivalent front footage shall be determined as the sum of the straight front footage plus the remainder in accordance with applicable rules. 3. Frontage on Curved Streets a) For lots fronting on curved streets or cul-de-sacs the frontage shall be measured along the arc at the building setback line and shall not be Page 7 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municit)al\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1 REVISEDdoc less than the minimum lot width required by ordinance for the specific zoning district. 3. Corner Lots. In any assessment made on the basis of frontage, except one for water or sanitary sewer, corner lots shall be assessed for footage along the longest side if residential property and along both sides if commercial - industrial property. Any remaining footage shall be spread among all other assessed properties. In the case of an assessment for a lateral water or sewer main, Class C, corner lots shall be assessed for the footage onl along the front side of the lot and `'hall be assessed fer the feGtage along the front side of the street ab ittiRg the Int Where frontage curves so greatly as to give a general appearance of a corner, the lot shall be considered a comer lot and equivalent front footage, as well as side footage where required, determined on the basis of an irregularly shaped lot. 24-1-6: POSTPONED ASSESSMENTS: A. If the city advances its own funds to pay for improvement costs relating to property abutting on but not initially assessed for an improvement, the city may reimburse itself for all or any portion of this cost by levying assessments against such property upon notice and hearings provided for the assessments at a later date. B. If the city advances its own funds to pay for improvement costs that benefit non - abutting property not initially assessed for it, but able to use it when extensions or other improvements are made, the city may include all or any portion of the costs originally advanced into assessments for later improvements if notice to that effect is included in the notice of hearing on the matter of undertaking the later extension or improvements. 24-1-7: APPORTIONMENT OF ASSESSMENTS UPON SUBDIVISION OF LAND: If a special assessment is levied against a tract of land which is later subdivided, the installments remaining unpaid can be apportioned among the various lots and parcels in the tract upon a finding that such apportionment will not materially impair collection of the balance due. This may be done upon application of the property owner or by the City Council acting upon its own motion, but notice of such apportionment and of the right to appeal must be mailed to or personally served upon all owners of any part of the tract. If the assessment has been pledged towards payment of improvement bonds, the City Council must require the owner or owners to provide adequate security. The City Council may also, at its discretion, require security in other cases. Page 8 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\920\OTSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc 24-1-8: FEDERAL, STATE AND COUNTY AID USE: If the city receives financial assistance from the federal government, the state, or the county to defray a portion of the cost of a street improvement project, such aid shall be used first to reduce the share of the project cost which would be met from general city funds according to the assessment formula contained in this ordinance. If such aid is more than the amount of the improvement cost to be bome by the city such additional amount shall in no way affect a reduction in individual assessments calculated pursuant to this ordinance and city assessment policy. 24-1-9: BRANCH SERVICE LINES: Water and sewer lines shall be installed from the main to the front property line of property to be served before any permanent street surfacing is constructed in the street. If any property owner fails to put in such water and sewer service lines within 30 days after notice from the city engineer, the city council shall proceed to have water and sewer service installed and to assess the cost against the property. 24-1-10: PARTIAL PAYMENT: After the adoption by the city council of the assessment roll in any local improvement proceeding, the owner of any property specially assessed in that proceeding may, prior to the certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay to the city treasurer any portion of the assessment not less than $100. The remaining unpaid balance shall be spread over the period of time established by the council for installment payment of the assessment. 24-1-11: CERTIFICATION OF -ASSESSMENTS: After the adoption of any special assessment by the council, the clerk or deputy clerk shall transmit a certified duplicate of the assessment roll with each installment, including interest, set forth separately to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax lists of the county. 24-1-12: ASSESSMENT MANUAL: The city clerk and staff shall prepare an administrative manual specifying more detailed procedures for the conduct of local improvements and the levy of special assessments in supplementation of this ordinance, and consistent therewith. Upon approval of the council by resolution, such manual shall be used with this ordinance in the conduct of all local improvement proceedings to which they apply by their terms. Page 9 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municioa1\A0TSEG0\920\0TSEGO ORDINANCE 24-1 REVISED doc 24-1-13: EFFECTIVE DATE: This Ordinance to be effective upon its passage and publication according to law. Motion for adoption made by Councilperson Councilperson this _ IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: History: and seconded by day of '1999. Ordinance 24-1 Originally adopted October 24, 1994 Ordinance 95-4 Originally adopted new section 24-1 —3c Storm Sewer March 27, 1995 Ordinance 99- Adopted Miscellaneous Revisions, '1999 . Page 10 \\Ha01\Shared DocsWunicipaMOTS EGO\920\OTS EGO ORDINANCE 24-1REVISED.doc CITY OF OTSEGO Attachment to Ordinance 24 Related to Assessments for Public Improvements City Ordinance 24-1 relates to and sets the regulations for local improvement and special assessments. The construction of public improvements that are a benefit to property is authorized by Minnesota Statues, Chapter 429. This attachment contains information that is supplemental to the city ordinance and State Statute and is intended to further explain or provide details on assessment policies and procedures. 24-1-1 Classification of Project The classification of projects into Class A, B and C relates to various degrees of general versus special benefit. Class A improvements benefit the city as a whole with no assessment. Class C improvements have special benefit to specific properties. The costs of Class C improvements are in general 100% assessed or allocated to properties. Class B improvements are combination, with some general and some special benefit. Ordinance 24-1 contains sections that define methods used for making decisions or special vs. general benefit. These ordinance provisions are used to the greatest extent possible so as to provide consistency of assessment for all city projects. Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429 contains enabling authority that permits the city to construct public improvements and assess the property for the costs of the improvements. Minnesota Statutes establish procedures to follow in making improvements and assessments including specifying the public hearings and notices. The statutes do not address specific methods for allocation of cost, other than that the assessment upon property is to be based on the benefits received. Questions related to assessments have frequently gone before the courts. The courts have not adopted, proposed or recommended any uniform assessment policies and practices. The court system has generally affirmed the authority of a city council to make assessments in any fashion deemed appropriate. If a city has policies aimed at equitable, uniform and fair assessments with consideration of benefit to property, the court system has generally upheld assessments levied by the city. 24-1-2 Financing of Class B and C Improvements This section of the ordinance specifies that the methods of levying assessments as contained in the ordinance will be followed unless the council makes specific findings, via an officially adopted resolution, that different policies are necessary or desirable. This specifically reinforces the council authority to adjust assessments to fit specific project conditions but encourages as few such revisions as necessary. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\920\ot920ORD24ATCHMT.doc 24-1-3 Assessments for Class B Improvements The assessment ordinance calls for the costs of trunk sewer and water systems to be paid either by area assessments or by connection charges. The preferred method of the City of Otsego has been by connection charges where estimated project costs have been divided by the estimated connections. The connection charges are made at the time of property platting, at the time of service or for new developments, by agreement. Area assessments are determined based on improvement cost and the benefit to properties within an area. Area assessments for trunk facilities can be certified for collection or may be deterred until lateral systems are constructed. Lift stations are improvements that are of benefit only to the properties tributary to the lift station. If a lift station is required for a single property, its cost is considered a lateral cost to be paid by that property. If a lift station is required to serve a development or a group of properties, the cost of lift station construction will be allocated on a proportionate basis to those benefited properties. If a lift station has general benefit to all properties or is intrinsic to the total system operation, its costs may be in part attributed to trunk facilities. 24-1-5 Special Rules The assessment ordinance contains language to set standards for determining the assessment basis, primarily frontage. Attached are samples and exhibits on how that language translates to frontage determination for typical lots. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\920\ot920ORD24ATCHMT.doc METHOD A NORMAL OR STANDARD FRONTAGE EQUALS LOT WIDTH FRONTAGE `I r' METHOD B IRREGULAR LOT FRONTAGE EQUALS AREA DIVIDED BY LOT DEPTH REVIEW OF STREET FRONTAGE FOR VHakanson Anderson PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT im Assoc.,Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: SEPTEMBER, 1999 PAGE 1 OT920\OT9200ET.DWG CUL-DE-SAC FRONTAGE MEASURED ON STRAIGHT LINE BASED ON SETBACK 111 ` 1 1 1 V V V CUL-DE-SAC FRONTAGE BASED ON SETBACK LINE REVIEW OF STREET FRONTAGE FOR hill An arson sonPUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT AssoAnderc.,inc. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA DATE: SEPTEMBER, 1999 PAGE 2 OT920\OT9200ET.Dw0 MEASUR CURVE I MEASURED FRONTAGE r Iurwi� u Hakanson ■ ■ ■ Anderson Assoc.,Inc. DATE: SEPTEMBER, 1999 CURVE I a CURVE II a CURVE ]l a REVIEW OF STREET FRONTAGE FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PAGE 4 .. n..n. nTn nnn CT I'1U/ MAIN ROAD EXISTING SEWER AND WATER FRONTAGE LOT 1 i ^'r It i nn LOT 8 LVIL 1LO LOT 3 118 LOT 4 120 LOT 5 140 LOT 6 110 LOT 7 110 LOT 8 123 TEMPORARY CUL—DE—SAC EXTEND SEWER AND WATER TO UPSTREAM END OF PROPERTY - Ankerson l ' ' Anderson Assoc.,Inc. DATE: SEPTEMBER, 1999 LOT 2 p PROPERTY — 3.7 ACRES Qi LOT 7 LOT 3 1Li I LOT 6 Z LOT I I LOT 5 SUBDIVISION — 8 LOTS POSSIBLE FUTURE ROAD EXTENSION EXTEND SEWER AND WATER AS NECESSARY TO REACH PROPERTY MH MH MAIN ROAD VALVE HYDRANT-' VALVE CONNECT TO SANITARY LOT 1 g s �ONECT TO WATER g _ g LOT 8 I sQ g LATERAL SEWER AND LOT 2 ® LOT 7 WATER LINES AS REQUIRED M I SERVICES EXTEND TO PROPERTY LINE s sQs SANITARY SERVICE LOT 3 g g LOT s ® WATER SERVICE HYDRANT MANHOLES CONSTRUCTED AS REQUIRED sQ sQ GATE VALVES AS REQUIRED LOT 4 M H ®LOT 5 EXTEND SEWER AND WATER TO END OF PROPERTY REVIEW OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENT CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Civil & Municipal Engineering -ind Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 1/24/00 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax Item 7.1 Southwest Triangle Sewer, Water & Storm Water Study We have provided a letter attached with costs for the study of the technical feasibility for installation of wastewater treatment, sanitary sewer collection system, potable water system and storm water runoff facilities in the triangle area. The attached letter details the costs with at least 2 options to consider. If you decide to move forward the timing for completion will depend on if you decide to order topography for the area and in which year of aerial photography is flown. Item 7.2 Water Meter Quotes We received four quotes from vendors on 1/18/00 at our office. Find enclosed a letter of recommendation from John Harwood, who put the specification out for quotes. Item 7.3 Preliminary Report for Storm Water Drainage Plan in the East Commercial Section of the North Mississippi Watershed District. Find a copy of the draft report attached. We would appreciate an opportunity to present the report to the Council either at Council meeting or at the workshop on 1/31/00 before finalizing the study. Item 7.4 Proposed Revision to Ordinance 24 and Discussion on Proposed Assessment Policies We have shown on the attached Ordinance 24 the proposed revisions in the document as lined through, and bold as new language. These proposed changes are recommend to be discussed at the 1/31/00 workshop. The attorney needs to review the revisions we proposed before the workshop. Council Agenda Items, Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared DocsWunicipaRAOTS EGO\901 \ot901 agenda 1 -24-OO.doc Item 7.5 Joint Utility Trench Ordinance We are requesting that the Council authorize the attorney to draft an ordinance requiring "common trench burial' for electric, gas, telephone and cable in any new developments in the city. At this time the City has no ordinance that covers this matter, and utility companies have questioned our requirement that this be done. Common trench is more economical for the utilities since there is only a single trench instead of 4 trenches spread out across the ROW and easements. It is a better use of the property by consolidating the location and easier to locate. The Engineer's Manual has a plate or diagram showing the current policy or location of utilities. In areas other than new plats, locations for electric, gas and telephone may still be desirable per these existing policies. In the Crimson Ponds plat, the utilities are in a common trench approximately 6 feet behind the curb. However, to get the utilities to do this was difficult because Minnegasco did not want to install if service to customers was going to be long term. The gas main to the area needs to be brought along 78 Street and the boulevard was not graded sufficiently to place utilities in last December. Also, the frost depth deters further installation. However, Wright -Hennepin wanted to go ahead to serve Crimson Pond because electric service could be used almost immediately for the model homes by extending a temporary overhead line from the west. This situation may not occur again, but we feel an ordinance requiring the single trench in new developments would eliminate this issue and establish a more efficient system. Item 7.6 Any Other Engineering Business Council Agenda Items, Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901agenda 1-24-OO.doc Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. r ivil & Municipal Engineering I Surveying January 13, 2000 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 ITEM 7.1 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax RE: Water, Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Study for the SW area of Otsego Dear Mike, The council directed us to provide a cost estimate for a study that would estimate costs and provide an opinion on the feasibility of installing public services in this area. The area of the study is generally described as bounded on the: • east by the City of Albertville north by 1-94 west by Monticello Twp. • south by the City of St. Michael and is referred to as the "triangle". We would include in the study the following proposed public facilities: • Sanitary Sewer Collection System • Wastewater Treatment Facilities • Potable Water Source, Storage and Distribution • Trunk Stormwater Facilities We did not propose a transportation plan at this time. Both CSAH 37 and 118 traverse the area, and the only city streets in this area are Jansen Ave., Kad ler Ave., 60`h Street and Jaber Ave. Of those, only Jansen Ave. is paved and meets city standards for industrial/commercial street standards, the others are gravel rural section streets. This area of Otsego does not have contour mapping. With contour map the tasks of the study are made easier and can be completed in more detail. Having contours provides better estimate costs and overall helps the engineering analysis. The cost of the topographic data and the surveying needed to provide ground control is estimated at $8,500. Of this, $4,500.00 is for the aerial photography and map preparation and $4,000 is for survey ground control. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MunicipalWOTSEGO\901\ot901WSSDStudy.doc Mike Robertson Page 2 January 13, 2000 Most of the cost of the mapping can be recouped by selling the topo to the developers/landowners. Without the contouring map we would use the existing U.S.G.S. map with 10 foot contours and other aerial photos, USDA maps, etc., none of which provide the definition of the 2 foot contours. We would be able to reduce some cost of the study portion by about $2,000 with the 2 foot contours available. It would take about 4 months to get the 2 foot contour maps if a new year 2000 flight is required. One firm, Mark Hurd, has a 1994 flight from which maps would be ready in 2 to 3 weeks. A. Sanitary Sewer System — Collection and Treatment 1. Treatment We will review treatment method and systems with respect to on-site disposal and discharge of treated water into local ditches. Irrigation of treated water over land is also another option. This portion of the study will require looking at several approaches, however until the Mn/PCA reviews the matter as a preliminary proposal, it is difficult to get indication as to the most acceptable system for the area. We are also assuming that neither Albertville nor St. Michael has capacity available in their plants that they would sell to Otsego for this area. We will need to determine the approximate required capacity of the facilities, and that would be done by determining developable acreage and the type of zoning in those areas. We would request that the planner, NAC, assist in this portion of the study. 2. Collection System The sewer collection may be a system of gravity sewers and/or a combination of gravity sewer and lift stations. With a contour map, completing this part of the study would be much quicker and more accurate. Without contours, we would be making more judgements on elevations of the land. B. Potable Water System In this part of the study, we would provide analysis and cost estimates for a system that included wells, elevated water storage, pumphouse with chemical treatment and a distribution system. Hakanson Anderson \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901 WSSDStudy.doc Assoc., Inc. Mike Robertson Page 3 January 13, 2000 We would determine the water tower size and capacity and provide a location for the facilities, likely with one primary and one alternative tower site. The well's source for the potable well would likely be a deep well in the Mt. Simon aquifer. The pumphouse with chemical treatment of the water as per the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Health will be shown located in two alternate areas. A preliminary computer study will be done to assure adequate pressure and distribution in the system. With industrial/commercial uses, fire protection requires higher flow capacity than residential. The water system is basically designed to meet the capacity for industrial area fire flow and not just the potable needs for drinking water. The distribution system would show the trunk system with looping. Lateral pipe location would be determined with development. C. Storm Water Drainage Plan This area lies within two drainage districts; the Otsego Creek and County Ditch #9. Otsego Creek flows into the Mississippi River and except for a portion in the City of Albertville and Monticello Twp., the majority of watershed acreage lies within the City of Otsego itself. The County Ditch #9 flows into the Crow River with only a small portion of the watershed in the City of Otsego. We will determine the criteria for discharge of storm water runoff into County Ditch #9 from the County Engineer. The storm drainage plan will be determined based on flow rate control and water quality requirements. The current policy for storm water runoff will be applied to this area. COST ESTIMATE With 2 -Foot Contour Mapping A. Sanitary Sewer & Treatment B. Potable Water System C. Storm Water Drainage Subtotal Study Contours Mapping (2' intervals) Total Estimated Cost of Study with Topo \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901WSSOStudy.doc $5,400 $2,000 $2,400 $9,800 $8,500 $18,300 Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Mike Robertson Page 4 January 13, 2000 Without 2 -Foot Contour Mapping A. Sanitary Sewer & Treatment $6,800 B. Potable Water System $2,200 C. Storm Water Drainage $2,800 Total Estimated Cost of Study without Topo $11,800 If you wish to modify the scope of the work either by adding or deleting some portion, we can discuss that scenario. What we have proposed is what is envisioned to provide reasonably sound information for the council to use in evaluating development needs in this area. I will be available at the 1/24/00 council meeting to discuss the above with yourself and council. Yours truly, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. (4/ W'4;� L - r nce . shak, P.E. /clk cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901WSSDStudy.doc Hakanson _ Anderson Assoc., Inc. Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Civil & Municipal Engineering and Surveying January 19, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Residential Water Meters Dear Mayor and Council: ITEM 7.2 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax We solicited quotations for residential water meters including the Itron automatic water meter reading system. We received four quotations as follows: RMR Services, Mpls; Hersey Meter, AY MacDonald Brass, $250.33 each 2. Mid America Meter, St. Louis Park; ABB Meter, Ford Brass, $271.18 *each 3. Hydro Survey Co., Bumsville; Badger Meter, AY MacDonald Brass, $271.58 each 4. Davies Water Equipment, Brooklyn Park; Schlumberger Meter Ford Brass, $325.69 each * The Mid America quote is an average of five prices they provided, one price for each of the 5 years of the quotation period. This five price quotation is not responsive to our request. Based on the received data, we recommend acceptance of the RMR Services quotation and recommend placing an initial orderwith that supplierfor approximately 20-30 meter assemblies. The number ordered may also depend on the length of delivery time, so that should be considered. The water meter assemblies consist of a 3/4 inch copper yoke, a brass check valve and a brass shut off valve, all of which are to be installed in a residence by the licensed plumber engaged by the home builder. The actual meter and Itron meter reading module is a unit that fits within its provided yoke. The meter unit is typically installed by the City just prior to occupancy and is provided to the homeowner for a fee, which is considered to be a long-term lease paid on a lump sum basis. The home builder usually pays the fee before the meter is installed. Billing will go directly to the new home owners, not to the builder. When any meter needs repair, servicing or replacement, the work is done by the City at no cost to the property owner. The deposit should be sufficient to cover normal repairs over the life of the meter. \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\509\ot509mayor.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 2 January 19, 2000 With receipt of the current quotation, the City can complete implementation of the water meter system that includes: 1.) Fix the fee of the water meter and assembly based on price of unit from distributor, add any handling charges at City Hall by staff, each meter must be installed and water service value in the front yard turned on by staff. Assume that the meter, in its 15-25 year life, will need to be re -calibrated once and minor repairs done. This means removal and re -installation. Our recommendation that you consider at least $100 over the retail price of the assembly for the fee. 2.) Enter into a contract with Wright Hennepin Co-op for meter reading and data reporting service. 3.) Complete a contract with a utility operation and maintenance firm who will provide personnel to actually install the meter assembly, or train a member of the Public Works Department to do so. 4.) Order meter assemblies that will be placed in stock at the City maintenance garage. The meter yoke assemblies will be provided to builders upon request. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC A. Harwood, P.E. /clk \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\509\ot509mayor.doc FIRHakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. PART III — QUOTATION FORM We, the undersigned, submit the following price quotation for furnishing of water meter assemblies as described herein, which is in response to an RFQ from the City of Otsego dated January 10, 2000. This quotation is on the basis of each assembly as described. The quoted price shall be valid for the 5 year time period February 1, 2000 through February 1, 2005. The price shall include all material, labor, shipping and other costs to assemble and test the meter with AMR module, and to deliver the material and assembly to the City of Otsego. Each meter assembly shall consist of: 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3/4 inch size Copper Yoke as manufactured by AY Mc nona1 d , Model 40-3DD33 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3/4 inch size Ball Meter Valve as manufactured by AY McDonald ,Model 6100M 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3/4 inch size Straight Check Valve as manufactured by A,-- me trona 1 d , Model 1 1 -3 TF 1 EACH Assembled Component consisting of a 3/4 inch by 3/4 inch size AWWA C 700 Specification Water Meter as manufactured by T4Prcav , Model 44 TTR T R W/ FR—1 s nsor assembled with Sthe specified Itron Radio Read Automatic Meter Reading Module Unit, which assembly shall be tested and certified prior to delivery. Total Price per Unit Applicable Sales Tax $ 234.95 $ 15.27 Total Price, all materials, labor, delivery, fees & taxes $ 250 22 per complete assembly Signed Name gzS���l OL- Title Company eryig SC✓vl c.P TtA� Address _ jZ2� �u 7H' S L Date: January , 2000 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\507\ot507RFO.doc :Y::; .: .. eF..:.11►7IE.QS:.:.;.. Prir_pc in affart until .em Quantity Unit Projected CPI 3/4" C700 Water Meter equipped Bronze Case with Poly Register Housing and Lid, Cast Iron Bottom Plate with plastic Iens,SCANCODER B 40WERT module (OMR) (6 Digit) 10 EA Assembly and testing 10 EA 3/4" Ford No 3 Copperhom 10 EA 3/4" Swivel 10 EA 3/4" Balt valve # B13 Ford 10 EA 3/4" Check valve Ford HS91 10 EA subtotal ' 5% Sales tax r-reight Out Copperware 10 EA Freight in Meters 10 EA subtotal TOTAL COST America Meter, Inc Bruce G. Pietig, President January 10, 2000 2/11/01 1 -Feb -02 5% 1 -Feb -03 5% 1 -Feb -04 1 -Feb -05 5% 5% 144.90 152.15 15 9.7 5 167.74 176.13 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 28.18 29.58 31.06 32.62 34.25 4.44 4.66 4.89 5.14 5.40 26.91 28.26 29.67 31.15 32.71 11.74 12.33 12.95 13.59 14.27 216.17 226.97 238.32 250.24 262.75 14.05 14.75 15.49 16.27 17.08 10.15 10.66 11.19 11.75 12.34 5.02 5.27 5.53 5.81 6.10 15.17 15.93 16.73 17.56 18.44 245.39 257.66 1 270.54 1 284.07 298.27 r; yd Z71. 19 I V ".V. PART 111- QUOTATION FORM We, the undersigned, submit the following price quotation for furnishing of water meter assemblies as described herein, which is in response to an RFQ from the City of Otsego dated January 10, 2000, This quotation is on the basis of each assembly as described. The quoted. price shall be valid for the 5 year time period February 1, 2000 through February 1, 2005.- The price shall include all material, labor, shipping and other costs to assemble and test the meter with AMR module, and to deliver the material and assembly to the City of Otsego. Each meter assembly shall consist of: 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3/a inch size Copper Yoke as manufactured by A Y McDonal,A_ , Model zn a MM III 1 EACH Separate Component, a -% inch size Ball Meter Valve as manufactured by A Y MrT]nnal A , Model 61 O1W 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3A inch size Straight Check. Valve as manufactured by a v McDonald , Model 11-3 Z a 9x 1 EACH Assembled Component consisting of a -Y4 inch by 3/t inch size AWWA C 700 Specification Water Meter as manufactured by Badger Meter , Model 35 3/4" x 9 - assembled with the specified Itron Radio Read Automatic Meter Reading Module Unit, which assembly shall be tested and certified prior to delivery, Total Price per Unit Applicable Sales Tax $ 255.00 16.58 Total Price, all materials, labor, delivery, fees & taxes $ 271-58 - per complete assembly Signed Name Steve Mereness Title r Company HYdro Supply CO- Burnsville, MN 55337 Date: January18 , 2000 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MuniclpaNAOTSEGO\50Tot507RFCI.doc PART III — QUOTATION FORM We, the undersigned, submit the following price quotation for furnishing of water meter assemblies as described herein, which is in response to an RFQ from the City of Otsego dated January 10, 2000. This quotation is on the basis of each assembly as described. The quoted price shall be valid for the 5 year time period February 1, 2000 through February 1, 2005. The price shall include all material, labor, shipping and other costs to assemble and test the meter with AMR module, and to deliver the material and assembly to the City of Otsego. Each meter assembly shall consist of: 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3A inch size Copper Yoke as manufactured by FORD 1, Model 40-N3 1 EACH Separate Component, a % inch size Ball Meter Valve as manufactured by FYoi -14 NJ Model 513-342W 1 EACH Separate Component, a 3A inch size Straight Check Valve as manufactured by FORD , Model miSCNA-333 - 1 EACH Assembled Component consisting of a 3A inch by -% inch size AWWA C 700 Specification Water Meter as manufactured by SCHLUMHER, •R , Model T-10 assembled with the specified Itron Radio Read Automatic Meter Reading Module Unit, which assembly shall be tested and certified prior to delivery. Total Price per Unit $ 109; 8 i Applicable Sales Tax $ 19.88 Total Price, all materials, labor, delivery, fees & taxes $ 325.69 per complete assembly Signed Name Title Company Davies Water Equipment Company Address 4124 83Ld Brooklyn Park MN 55443 Date: January17 , 2000 \Via01\Shared Docs\MunicipaMOTSEGO\507Tot507RFQ_doc ITEM 7.3 REPORT TO BE HANDED OUT AT COUNCIL MEETING January 12, 1999 Otsego City Council Dear Council Members: i JAN 1 8 2000 I am writing this letter in regard to the flooding of my hunting fields as a result of dewatering during the construction of the new 78th Street. I have owned and operated a DNR Licensed Hunting Preserve called Pheasant Dreams Inc. since 1987. Since 1991, I have leased land owned by Frank Morrisette, and Tom Corbin for the purpose of releasing Pheasants and Chukars for hunters to hunt and train dogs. For the past 3 years or so I have also leased Russel Marties property for this purpose. Corbis is now owned by Backes Companies and Marties by RCON Development. Both of these new owners gave me verbal permission to hunt their properties on or about October 1, 1999. At that time, they were flooded from the dewatering of Fabian Sadowski's former property, also owned by Backes companies. Mr. Backes compensated Pheasant Dreams for water damage, lost income etc. to the Frank Morrisette property from October 1, 1999 thru November 10, 1999. when the water levels went back to normal. 7I7ianksgiving weekend has traditionally been our busiest weekend of the year and we usually turn down more business than we can accept due to lack of areas to hunt. Thanksgiving weekend for 1999 was booked solid weeks in advance twice per day for the three areas I've previously mentioned. When the time came to hunt, however, the water levels had come way back up due to a sudden change in the discharge area of the dewatering project for the contruction of 78th Street. I called Mr. Robertson at City Hall and asked if the Northern Dewatering could extend their discharge pipes all the way to Lef-Co Farm's drainage ditch and he found out it would cost the city approximately $20,000 to do so. With all 3 areas now under 6" to 24" of water, I was forced to cancel Many hunts for families who had planned to hunt for weeks in advance. All told these 3 areas were totally unhuntable from about November 20th until December 10th, 1999. However, since the pumps have been shut off, about 1 inch layer of ice was formed 6" to 18" above the ground and has made these areas very dangerous to hunt. I cannot understand how someone can pump millions of gallons of water onto and across other property owners land and damage someone's livelihood. Pheasant Dreams Inc. has been severely affected by this dewatering project. 1) Pheasant Dreams has lost untold dollars of income due to flooding. 2) Pheasant Dreams' reputation has been permanetly damaged due to cancelling previously scheduled hunts. 3) Pheasant Dreams customer satisfaction level has dropped dramatically from trying to hunt wet and ice crusted areas. As a result of difte cimanages, Pheasant Dreams Inc. is requesting the City of Otsego to pay damages of $10,01)0. I hope this matter can be rectified without the involvement of an attorney but if necessary I will do SO. If any further information is needed or any negotation needs to be done - please contact me at 441- 7204. Thank You for your time and prompt consideration of these matters. S'cerely, Z; -Greg Lefeb e Owner - Pheasant Dreams Inc. incdependent School District ADMINISTRATION OFFICES 327 King Avenue Elk River, MN 55330 71/ January 14, 2000 Mr. Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Robertson: OAVld M.JUNNE93Y fU jpei 111tendent of Schools 1-3400 Fax (61 The School Board is eager to have a joint meeting with all city councils and township boards within the school district. To this end, they have scheduled the meeting for Monday, February 7, 2000, at 7 p.m. in the band room at Meadowvale Elementary School, 12701 Elk Lake Road, Elk River (enter Door 7, first room to the right). School Board members and district administrators would like to have the city officials discuss their comprehensive planning processes, residential and commercial development plans and plans for utilities. This kind of information is critical for our planning. We hope that at least some council members and staff can attend: Area legislators also will be invited to attend this meeting. Also, the School Board and I are prepared to schedule separate joint meetings with the School Board and individual city councils if requested. Please contact me at 241-3401 or Londa at 241-3418 to discuss possible dates if you're interested. The School Board and I appreciate your cooperation and access to the information that is necessary in our planning process. We look forward to meeting with you on February 7. Sincerely, V a A- -•-el, David Flannery Superintendent of Schools bJ/t c/ptntoo CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING January 24, 2000 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. GRAND TOTAL $123,018.15 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, January 09, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $123,018.15 Name IN Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $229.00 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $17.52 UnPaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $108.75 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $213.97 UnPaid CLARENCE EULL $1,276.10 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $3,243.00 UnPaid CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $127.03 UnPaid CUB FOODS ELK RIVER $61.37 UnPaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $34.92 UnPaid EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237.92 UnPaid G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $403.94 UnPaid GME CONSULTAMT,. INC. $6,641.62 UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $12.00 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,806.46 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid JEFF BARTHELD $110.00 UnPaid JOYCE B. FARRELL, CFRA $1,276.10 UnPaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES $110.00 UnPaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST $139.00 UnPaid M R SIGN $461.63 UnPaid MEDICA $3,118.41 UnPaid MIKE DAY $100.00 UnPaid MIKE FAUST $70.00'' UnPaid MINNESOTA STATE TREASURER $1,991.00 UnPaid NICOLE MARTIN $70,00 UnPaid NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $2,162.08 UnPaid NORWEST BANKS $93,547.50 UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $316.23 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $949.63 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $729.82 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 UnPaid SUE KROLL $110.00 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $4fi0.00 UnPaid TARGET STORES $36.68 UnPaid TOM BAILLARGEON $fi0.00 UnPaid TOM CONSTANT $110.00 UnPaid VERNON KOLLES & SONS $2,000.00 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC til ri Total Checks $123,018.15 CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, January 09, 2000 Check Detail Register Pepe 1 of 3 :/}`•,�`\�:v,1,ti1yhry`,"!��//qq•\�•`\. \`\**1\, may\ p Check Amt Invoice ..: : vR �f.'F.t�i �'AA\'C�'i:iKiS,�i?y�rii�•�{' 9C:v]L� Comment ••�f�i:����+FSv,K,�KA2T,`tt[{9tGP+c:�M<� Si �rii 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION E201-45000-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $229.00 000112 Dec & Jan rental Total AFFORDABLE SANITATION $229.00 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $17.52 186712 Supplies Total AIRGAS, INC. $17.52 Unpaid BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $108.75 January recycling Total BEST DISPOSAL SERVICE $108.75 Unpaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $213.97 Supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $213,97 Unpaid CLARENCE EULL E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $1,276.10 Commission pay -Condemn Total CLARENCE EULL $1,276.10 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $85.00 Odean Avenue E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $1,441.00 General Services E 415-43251-301 Legal Services $926.50 Wastewater Treat G 701-21912 PLT 99-4, D. Ullmer $416.50 Prairie Creek E 601-49400-301 Legal Services $110.50 Elementary Well G 701-21916 Darkenwald $42.50 Darkenwald E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $25.50 78th Street G 701-21931 Apex Bldg Addn $195.50 Apex Total COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $3,243.00 UnPaicl CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $127.03 Miscell supplies Total CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT $127.03 ..w,,.�,,..•..�<.�.,.���<.«.,..N.w,..,,,,....,....,�..,.,,,,,,•M,..Y...,M,...xk:,.,,...w.�..,..,•:....,..,�...............:,:,:.w,.~,..�,.., UnPaid CUB FOODS ELK RIVER V.,,.�..N...,,.,x•..�,.,,,w:,.�,,....k,„..•,,,,,..,,.w..V,v.,.....�•. w..,.�,.,..,.x.,.�.M.,....,M.,..,M,w..,::.,,..,.. E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $61.37 Supplies Total CUB FOODS ELK RIVER wUnpaid $61.37 �v � DJ'S TOTAL HOME CSNTER,H:,,,...~�~�'N �•�'��V�•w••••~,y.V E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $26.34 122099 Miscell E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $8.58 120999 Miscell Total DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $34.92 Unpaid EAST SIDE LEASING CO E101-41400-413 Office Equipment Rental $237.92 5020 January rental Total EAST SIDE LEASING CO $237,92 —UnPaicl G& K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM ”" E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $91.22 Supplies - PW E 101-41940-390 Contracted Services $139.02 Supplies - City Hall E 101-43100-225 Uniforms $173.70 Uniforms Total G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM YUnPaid $403.94 GME CONSULTANT,. INC E 418-43100-302 Engineering Fees $6,641.62 5434 78th St Field Testing Total GME CONSULTAMT,. INC. $6,641.62 Unpaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $12.00 9120572 December 1999 Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $12,00 CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, January 09, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 2 of 3 Check Amt Invoke Comment Unpaid H G W EBER OIL COMPANY E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $545.48 Gas E101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $925.40 Diesel Fuel E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $172.32 Heating Oil E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $163.26 Oil Total HG WEBER OIL COMPANY $1,806.46 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 1-8-00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.92 PPE 1-8-00 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid JEFF BARTHELD E101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $110.00 Parks Commission 1999 Total JEFF BARTHELD $110.00 Unpaid JOYCE B. FARRELL, CFRA �� W"""'�""" E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $1,276.10 Commission pay -Condemn Total JOYCE B. FARRELL, CFRA $1,276.10 Unpaid LEAGUE OF MN CITIES ,...�.,�.,..,�.�,.,,..�,�...�,,,,�.,M.,,,..w..V,�,•�. �"""""" E 101-41400-360 Education/Training/Conferences $55.00 7253 Conf - Mike E 101-41100-360 Education/Training/Conferences $55.00 7253 Cont - Suzanne Total LEAGUE OF MN CITIES mUnPaid $110.00 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST E 20441400-310 Miscellaneous $139.00 Balance Due LMC Trust Total LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST $139.00 UnPad M R -SIGN E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $461.63 105158 Signs Total MR SIGN $461.63 E 101-43100-123 Health $1,288.12 PW Health Ins. E 101-41400-123 Health $1,830.29 Adm Health Ins Total MEDICA $3,118.41 Unpaid ,�«o,,,MIKE DAY E101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $100.00 Parks Commission Total MIKE DAY •.Unpaid.�.�..,.�<.�....�,...,,�. $100.00 MIKE FAUST k..�....:.............� ,,.,:�.x...N.k,,,,,..,,..,.,,.,.,,....N..�,M...,..,.....,.�..,.,�..�..,.,,.M,..,.,..,�.,.,. E 101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $70.00 Parks Commission 1999 Total MIKE FAUST $70,00 G101-21801 BUILDING PERMIT SURCHARGE $1,991.00 December 99 Surcharge Total MINNESOTA STATE TREASURER $1,991.00 Unpaid u ,NICOLE MARTIN E101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $70.00 Parks Commission 1999 Total NICOLE MARTIN $70,00 <H Unpaid �� NORTHWESTASSOCCONSULTANTS�M`�<�� E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $331.50 9131 Review of Eng Guidle E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $450.00 9132 Meetings E 101-41570-303 Planning Fees $322.02 9131 General Planning G 701-21933 Long Haul $265.00 9130 AJE CUP G 701-21931 Apex Bldg Addn $182.61 9130 Apex replat E 101 -41570-303 Planning Fees $169.15 9131 Comp Plan Printing G 701-21933 Long Haul $127.17 9130 Long Haul Trucking CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, January 09, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 3 Check Amt Invoice Comment G 701-21918 Bridgeland/Luconic $83.54 9130 Bridgeland PUD G 701-21930 Clark & Vera Pressler $75.40 9130 Presler CUP G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $10.00 9130 Pheasant Ridge G 701-21915 Crimson pondsBackes 99-7 $10.00 9130 Crimson Ponds G 701-21928 Christ Lutheran -Addition $5.00 9130 Christ Luth Church G 701-21932 Otsego Indust. 4th Addn $130.69 9130 Otsego Industrial Pk Total NORTHWEST ASSOC CONSULTANTS $2,162.08 Unpaid NORWEST BANKS E 302-47000-601 Debt Sry Bond Principal $80,000.00 Principal GO 96 E 302-47000-602 Bond Interest $13,547.50 Interest Total NORWEST BANKS $93,547.50 Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUPm E 101-43100-123 Health $144.98 1-15-00 thru 2-14-00 E 101-41400-123 Health $171.25 1-1500 thru 2-14-00 Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $316.23 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-41550-121 PERA $72.52 PPE 1-8-00 G 101-21704 PERA $454.25 PPE 1-8-00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $200.46 PPE 1-8-00 E 101-43100-121 PERA $222.40 PPE 1-8-00 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD :^U» $949.63 w.�,�,v,.,»,»�<x.,,,�:.,:.,,,,..,,,.»,.,�.,�...,»,,::.»,..x:: ...,:. � w»»»..,,,». Unpaid SOFTRONICS ,•N.,».». w� M � .., » »:.,:._..� x.,: �. :.:.:.N.µ ... ..................... E101-41400-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $729.82 Labor computer systems Total SOFTRONICS $729.82 UnPaid STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 PPE 1-8-00 Total STATE CAPITAL CREDIT UNION $50.00 MUnPaid � w SUE<KROLL«k< <M« E101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $110.00 Parks Commission 1999 Total SUE KROLL $110.00 Unpaid SUPERIOR SERVICES E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 December recycling Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $36.68 PW Supplies Total TARGET STORES $36.68 Unpaid TOM BAILLARGEON E 101-45200-101 Full -Time Employees Regular $60.00 Parks Commission 1999 _ Total TOM BAILLARGEON $60.00 ,...N.M.,::.<.�,:::.,<,:...,,:,::.,..�..wN<� Unpaid`."..«.�«r«,"..�...,�N:�::.,:.,v,.,:.<.,..,.,TOM VCONSTANT E101-45200-101 Full -Time Emplayeas Regular $110.00 Parks Commission 1999 Total TOM CONSTANT $110.00 E 415-43251-310 Miscellaneous $2,000.00 Crop Damage Total VERNON KOLLES & SONS $2,000.00 »a UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC E 101-43160-322 Utilities $11.77 Lannon Avenue Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $11.77 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $123,018.15