04-10-00 CCki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4.A. Special Presentations Elaine Beatty, City Clerkr'Zoning Administrator April 10, 2000-6:30 PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. City Accountant, Gary Groen - Preliminary 1999 Budget Report, 2. Highway #101 Market Discussion (Richard LeFebvre/Ken Nathe) BACKGROUND: 1. Attached is a memo and information Re: Preliminary 1999 Budget Report. Gary Groen and \/ Eke Robertson will be present for further questions or information. 2. Attached is information from Ken Nathe and a memo on background of this issue from i\.-iike Robertson. Ken Nathe and Richard LeFebvTe will be present to discuss this item. RECONLVIEN'DATION: These are for Council information and any decisions. Thanks, Elaine MEMO Date: April 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: 1999 Preliminary Final Budget Report This is a preliminary report on the final 1999 budget figures. It is a preliminary report because the figures are unaudited. The final figures will be in the official 1999 audit report. SUV ARY At this point, we have a total 1999 budget surplus of $394,740. This consists of $185,075 in surplus revenues and $209,665 in unexpended funds. There were several contributors to this budget surplus. On the expenditure side, the main reason was the 1999 Street Overlay project. Because of that, we had a total of $179,280 for street maintenance items like sealcoating, crack sealing, and graveling which was not spent. On the Revenue side, the main contributors were surpluses in Building Permits ($102,535), Mobile Home Taxes ($20,178), Delinquent Taxes ($15,492), Other State Grants ($16,536), and Cable Franchise Fees ($10,218). Even though these items are usually projected very conservatively due to their volatility, this is a very good result. Below I have listed in detail each department and how it finished 1999 in terms of the budget. I have enclosed a separate memo with suggestions as to what can be done with this budget surplus. REVENUES The City projected revenues of $1,281,422 in 1999 and received revenues of $1,466,497 for a surplus of $185,075. The major contributors to the surplus were the following; BLilding Permits - These were projected at $60,000 and came in at $162,535, a surplus of $102,535. We were very conservative with our projections because we did not know if any homes in the sewer district would be built in 1999. When some sewered homes were built, it only added to the surplus revenues. We have projected $160,000 for this item for 2000. Mobile Home Tax - No amount is budgeted for this tax, which varies from year to year. The entire amount of $20,178 is surplus. Delinquent Taxes - No amount is budgeted for this item, so the entire amount of $15,492 collected in delinquent taxes is surplus. This probably represents back taxes owed for more than one year. Other State Aid Grants - We never budget for grants, so the entire amount of $16,536 that we received was a surplus. This includes $7,808 for Performance Aid, $6,856 for Minnesota Disaster Relief, and $1,872 for PERA Refund. Cable TV Franchise Fee - This was projected at $8,500 and came in at $18,718, a surplus of $10,218. We have projected $15,000 for 2000. Charges for T; - We do not budget for this, so the entire surplus of $8,342 is a surplus. The majority of this money is from Administrative Fees paid by developers for their developments. We have projected $4,000 for 2000. Interest - This was projected at $18,000 and came in at $26,275, a surplus of $8,275. City Hall Rent - We projected $5,000 and received $12,942 for a surplus of $7,942. This is due to Judy's efforts to expand the rental of the hall. We have projected $7,000 in 2000. 2 EXPENDITURES The City projected expenditures of $1,281,422 in 1999 and actually spent $1,071,756, a savings of $209,665. This savings represents 16.4% of the budget. Most of this surplus was in the Street Department ($146,051). As mentioned above, the 1999 Overlay Project was the source of the Street Department surplus. We also had substantial unexpended funds in City Planner ($28,655), City Attorney ($23,146) City Administration ($21,314), City Council ($16,712); and City Engineer ($13,819). Normally, unbudgeted expenditures should be in the range of 2-5%. When the Street Department surplus is removed, the remaining funds are just under 5% of the budget. All of the projected expenditures for the consultants budgets have been reduced for 2000 under the expectation that most of their work will be due to development applications and billed to developers. I have listed below each department and how it finished 1999. MAYOR & COUNCIL Mayor & Council was budgeted for $66,110 and spent $49,398, for a surplus of $16,712. The major contributors to the surplus were $7,830 in unspent Council salaries and $6,198 in unspent Contingency funds. In 2000 Mayor & Council is budgeted at $64,130. ADMINISTRATION Administration was budgeted at $255,525 and spent $234,210 for a surplus of $21,314. The major contributor to the surplus was $19,298 in unspent Employee Salaries. In 2000 Administration is budgeted at $271,771. 3 FINANCE Finance was budgeted at $23,600 and spent $22,214 for a surplus of $1,386. Contracted Services (Gary Groen's time and payroll costs) was budgeted at $17,000 and spent $17,075 for a deficit of $75.00. That deficit was offset by a surplus of $1,000 in Repairs & Maintenance Equipment. In 2000 Finance is budgeted at $26,850. ASSESSING Assessing was budgeted at $17,500 and spent $20,945 for a deficit of $3,445. The increase was due to the increased number of parcels Pete Merges reviewed. In 2000 Assessing is budgeted at $20,974. LEGAL Legal was budgeted for $50,000 and spent $26,851 for a surplus of $23,149. In 2000 Legal is budgeted for $30,000. PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission is budgeted for $3,700 and spent $2,508 for a surplus of $1,192. In 2000 Planning Commission is budgeted for $3,700. PLANNER The Planner was budgeted for $54,000 and spent $25,144 for a surplus of $28,856. I11 2000 the Planner is budgeted for $43,500. EDA The EDA was budgeted for $6,291 and spent $5,372 for a surplus of $919. In 2000 the EDA is budgeted for $15,356. CITY HALL City Hall was budgeted for $75,556 and spent $69,674 for a surplus of $5,881. There were surplus's in Repair/Maintenance Supplies ($1,640), Repairs/Maintenance Buildings ($1,500), Rentals ($1,267), Cleaning Services ($733) and Garbage Service ($626). This helped to make up for a deficit of $1,305 in Employee costs. In 2000, City Hall is budgeted for $75,855. 19 POLICE Police was budgeted for $135,310 and spent $128,522 for a surplus of $6,787. In 2000 Police is budgeted for $168,536. BUILDING INSPECTION Building Inspection costs are a percentage of the amount of Building Permits. The Building Inspector was paid $84,851 in 1999. The City earned $162,535 from Building permits, so it came out $77,684 ahead. ENGINEERING Engineering was budgeted for $52,000 and spent $38,180 for a surplus of $13,820. In 2000 Engineering is budgeted for $38,000. STREET LIGHTING Street Lighting was budgeted at $16,000 and spent $12,653 for a surplus of $3,347. In 2000 Street Lighting has been budgeted at $16,000. STREET MAINTENANCE Street Maintenance was budgeted at $396,703 and spent $250,651 for a surplus of $146,051. The major contributor to the surplus was the 1999 Overlay project. Because of the Overlay project, $179,280 in the following street maintenance items was not spent; Graveling ($96,268), Crackfilling (($45,398), Sealcoating ($27,614), Patching ($10,000). Due to a limited amount of snowplowing, Salt & Sand ($8,695) and Gas & Oil ($8,185) experienced substantial savings. There were also savings in Overtime ($6,000) and Temporary Employees ($5,000). These savings helped to cover overruns in Repairs & Maintenance -Equipment ($8,953) and Repair & Maintenance -Supplies ($14,602). ANIMAL CONTROL Animal Control was budgeted at $3,500 and spent $1,419 for a surplus of $2,081. In 2000 Animal Control is budgeted at $3,000. 5 RECYCLING Recycling was budgeted at $32,000 and spent $31,717 for a surplus of $283. In 2000 Recycling has been budgeted at $38,000. CLEANUP DAY Cleanup Day was budgeted at $11,000 and spent $9,395 for a surplus of $1,605. This is an area where an overrun is not such a bad thing. In 2000 Cleanup Day has been budgeted at $12,000. RIVER RIDER River Rider was budgeted at $3,195 and spent it all. In 2000 River Rider is budgeted at $3,195. COMMUNITY RECREATION Community Recreation was budgeted at $19,900 and spent $19,882. In 2000 Community Recreation has been budgeted at $21,328. PARR MAINTENANCE Park Maintenance was budgeted at $20,891 and spent $19,276 for a surplus of $1,614. In 2000 Park Maintenance is budgeted at $22,866. HISTORIC PRESERVATION Historic Preservation was budgeted at $4,141 and spent $4,318 for a deficit of $177. This deficit was caused by the purchase of the scanner for photographs. OLD TOWN HALL & SHED Expenses are not budgeted for the old Town Hall and the Shed. We spent $6,814 for both buildings. Utilities ($2,140) and Repairs & Maintenance ($3,446) were the bulk of the items. Neither of these buildings has a budget for 2000. CODE ENFORCEMENT Code Enforcement was budgeted at $4,500 and spent $4,561. In 2000, Code Enforcement has been budgeted at $4,500. cc: City Staff 0 X MEMO 4.4,1 Date: April 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: 1999 Preliminary Budget Surplus Another memo has detailed the preliminary 1999 final budget figures, which have shown a budget surplus of $394,740 in 1999. The decision for the City Council is what to do with the 1999 budget surplus. You could leave the surplus as fund balance. Fund balance is that amount of the City's cash left over at the end of the year. Since the City receives its second half tax settlement and LGA payments in mid-December, its fund balance always looks nice. However, the fund balance has to last for over 6 months because the City will not receive anymore tax money until next July. Because of this, City auditors always recommend that a City have 45-50% of its yearly budget in fund balance. At the start of 1999, Otsego had a fund balance of $594,561. Otsego's budget for 2000 is $1,432,568. To have a fund balance of 45-50% of the 2000 budget, Otsego would need $644,000- $716,000 in fund balance. That means that the City Council should add a minimum of $50,000 from the budget surplus to its fund balance. That is what City Financial Consultant Gary Groen and I recommend. That means that the City has $344,740 in remaining surplus funds. What follows is a list of possible recommendations for the use of those funds, along with the pros and cons of each. This list is not assumed to include all possibilities. 1999 BUDGET SURPLUS OPTIONS 1. RETURN THE MONEY TO THE TAXPAYERS Pros - Everyone loves this idea. Cons - The City is not set up to do this. I could talk to the County to see if they have a mechanism for doing this. I would guess that the costs of doing this would use up a substantial amount of the surplus. 2. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE REVOLVING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND TO BE USED ON FUTURE CITY IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Pros - This provides additional money for projects that cannot be assessed 100% and that are difficult to fund through other sources. The City placed its 1998 budget surplus into this fund. Cons - This money is generated through 1999 taxes and receipts but will probably not be spent for a few years. 3. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE 1999 OVERLAY BOND FUND TO HELP MAKE BOND PAYMENTS Pros - Placing the money in this fund would allow the City to reduce the amount of the tax levy going toward paying off these bonds in future years. Cons - Not all of the budget surplus was generated by not spending road maintenance funds in the Public Works budget. 4. PLACE THE MONEY IN A SEWER & WATER BOND RESERVE FUND TO MAKE BOND PAYMENTS IF THERE IS NOT ENOUGH DEVELOPMENT Pros - It would provide additional reserve for the Sewer/Water bond payments. Cons - The budget surplus money is tax and general revenue money. This method would use it to pay off enterprise fund bonds, which are supposed to be paid off by revenues generated from the enterprise. 2 5. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT FUND TO PURCHASE FUTURE CAPITAL EQUIPMENT Pros - This would provide additional money to the fund and make it less likely that future capital equipment purchases would require tax increases. Cons - The Capital Equipment Fund is currently adequate to meet immediate needs. 6. USE THE MONEY AS SEED MONEY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT EFFORTS Pros - This provides money for marketing or a funding source for incentives to attract industrial or commercial development. Cons - The existence of a pot of money can sometimes cause it to be spent frivolously. 7. PLACE THE MONEY IN THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING FUND TO BE USED FOR FUTURE EXPANSION OF CITY HALL Pros - This provides additional money for a future expansion of City Hall (Police Station?) (Post Office?) etc. that could most likely be funded only through tax supported bonds. Cons - This money is generated through 1999 taxes and receipts but will probably not be spent for quite a few years. 8. USE THE MONEY TO FUND FUTURE SCHEDULED PARR IMPROVEMENTS Pros - Everyone loves park improvements. Cons - City policy has been to fund those improvements through development fees and grants. 9. PAY DOWN THE LEASE ON CITY HALL Pros - This frees up money in the future if we make those payments now. Cons - The financial benefit to the City is not realized for several years until the lease is all paid up. 3 10. USE THE MONEY AS A REVENUE SOURCE FOR THE 2001 BUDGET AND REDUCE THE PROPERTY TAX RATE Pros - This provides additional revenue for the 2001 budget allowing less from property taxes. Cons - A budget surplus cannot be guaranteed every year and if the City becomes dependent upon it as a revenue source they would have to reduce spending or raise taxes suddenly if there was not any surplus. 11. USE THE MONEY TO FUND THE GENERAL OPERATIONS OF THE CITY Pros - This provides additional revenue for the general budget allowing less from property taxes. Cons - A budget surplus cannot be guaranteed every year and if the City becomes dependent upon it as a revenue source they would have to reduce spending or raise taxes suddenly if there was not any surplus. 12. USE THE MONEY TO PAY THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND CONTRACT ACCOUNTANT A NICE BONUS Pros - Two surpluses in a row, they must be doing a great job! Cons - This idea is just as bad as it was last year. Shoot the City Administrator if he ever recommends it again. RECOMMENDATION: Gary and I recommend that the Council put at least $179,000 of the surplus into Option 3, the 1999 Overlay Bond Fund. The $179,000 was generated as a surplus because the 1999 Overlay Improvement replaced money already in the 1999 budget for road maintenance. If this money is placed into the 1999 Overlay Bond Fund, Gary and I will examine the future schedule of bond payments, with an eye toward reducing the future tax levies going into this fund as much as possible. If $179,000 is placed into the 1999 Overlay Bond Fund and $50,000 is put into increasing the General Fund balance, that leaves $165,740 that can be used for other purposes. cc: City Staff 10 M Kenneth and Julie Nathe 19080 Lincoln St NW Elk River, MN 55330 441-3443 Since the spring of 1997 we have made our living by running the 101 Market. We put up a seasonal greenhouse where we grow and sell annuals and perennials during the months of April, May and June. We also sell related products such as pots and dirt that the customers have asked for. In the summer we sell sweet corn and other locally grown vegetables and fruits.- Business has been growing every year and we have started thinking about plans for the future. Within the last month the landowner, Richard Lefebvre, has indicated that he is willing to sell the land to us. We would like to purchase the land and eventually build a full service garden center and produce market. It would consist of a retail building of 4000 to 5000 square feet with permanent glass greenhouses of 6000 to 9000 square feet. We would like to continue operating 101 Market the way we have for the past three years until we're able to proceed with our future plans. Ken and Julie Nathe ......... .... r PIPPIP 77 - , M". . J- - , . THE FUTURE EAST SI -DE ELEV 5 0 - ol M A R K E T WEST SIDE E L E V 1 0 0 - ol 'GR-EENH*OUSE 1 0 1 M A R K E T I THE FUTURE 8 B U I L D I N G L. A Y O U T & P A R K I N G 1 0 1 M A R K E T THE FUTURE 1 0 1 .M A R K E T THE FUTURE I, 9 0 - L 1 0 1 • M A R K E T R E A R' E L E V' F R O N T E L E V MEMO Date: April 5, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Highway 101 Market Request Highway 101 Market will be before you at the Council meeting to ask that they be allowed to continue construction of a greenhouse while their application for a Conditional Use Permit is going through the Planning Commission. I thought I would provide a brief history of this property, the use on it, and the City's interaction with the landowner and renter. The landowner, Richard Lefebvre, received a permit from Wright County in 1986 to construct a building on the site. I have enclosed a copy of the permit. The permit states that the building will be used for seasonal crop sales only, no commercial, and no permanent advertising. Richard Lefebvre apparently rented the building to the applicant, Ken Nathe, three years ago. In 1999 the City received a complaint about the use of the site and the number of advertising signs on the site. The Council directed staff to review all properties along Highway 101 for compliance with City ordinances. Highway 101 Market, along with other businesses along Highway 101, were contacted. I did not keep a copy of the letter I sent Richard Lefebvre at that time. Eventually, Highway 101 Market removed the additional signs and came into compliance with the City's sign ordinance. I had conversations with both the landowner and building renter late in 1999 and early in 2000. In each conversation I urged them to apply for a permit since they obviously wanted to use the site for more than seasonal crop sales. On Monday, March 27, 2000, I was informed that someone was constructing a building on the site. I asked Building Inspector Jerry Olson if a building permit had been pulled for this and he said it had not. I directed Jerry to put a "Stop Work" order on the building. On Tuesday, March 28, 2000 Ken Nathe contacted me. He asked if he could have permission to continue construction of the building since he had already ordered plants. I said he had to apply for a permit. He asked if he could speak to the Council about going ahead with construction while his permit application is being reviewed by the Planning Commission. That is why he is before you tonight. cc: Ken Nathe, Highway 101 Market Richard Lefebvre 2 OFFICE OF PLANNING AND ZONING ENTERED 9C-. 2 3 1986 Wright County Court House Permit No. 2S Buffalo, Minnesota Date APPLICATION FOR USE AND BUILDING PERMIT LEGAL LOT 1 AND N 12 72/100 A OF LOT 2 EX-_ PRT FOR HWY DESCRIPTION MUST BE Lot COMPLETE Tax P el q IDENTIFICATION: Please -PM Last Name Owner Lefebvre Contractor [Name Owner TYPE OF IMPROVEMENT: Describe 1 ) New Building ( ) Alteration (Specify) ( ) Addition Room ( ) Move In Room ( ) Other PRINCIPAL TYPE OF FRAME: ( ) Masonry ( ) Wood Frame ( ) Structural Steel 09 Other — Specify pole DIMENSIONS: Basement: ( )Yes ( )No Stories above basement: Sq. feet (outside dimension) Bedrooms Baths o.1...= TWP. 12 First Initial Mailing Address • No. Street, City and State Zip No. Tel. No. Rddhard 9244 NE Parish Avenue 441 - Elk River, MN 55330 1807 RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED USE: NON—RESIDENTIAL PROPOSED USE: ( ) One Family Dwelling (Stick Built) Specify: Storage in winter ( )Mobile Home Dwellingsellin corn in summer O Garage nn (X Other Size 48x88 ESTIMATED COST OF IMPROVEMENT $ —20 00 TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL ( ) Public ( ) Individual Septic Tank, etc. WATER SUPPLY: ( ) Public ( ) Individual Well HEATING: ( ) Electric ( )Gas ( ) Oil ( ) Coal ( ) None Other: TOWNSHIP OFFICERS COMMENTS: CHARACTERISTICS: Lot Area is 31.88 square feet. Water frontage is Building set back from high water mark is feet. (Building Line) Land height above high water mark at building line is n-} feet. Building set back from State Hw�r feet County Road—L3Qjt from �township road or street is Side yard is—30+ and3�1�— feet. Rear yard is50—feet. feet feet. All measurements from centerline. Agreement: I hereby certify that the information contained herein is correct and agree to do the proposed work in accordance with the description above set forth and according to the provisions of the ordinances of Wright County, Minnesota. I further agree that any plans and specifications submitted herewith shall become a part of this permit application. I also understand that this permit is valid for a period of four (4) months. 9-24-86 X ; _ L 22 -x /, Application Date Signat e o caner or Contractor Permit: Permission is hereby granted to the above named applicant to perform thework described in th above statement. This permit is granted upon the express condition that the person to whom it is granted and his agent, employees and wo en sha nform in respects to the inances of Wright County Minnesota. This permit m5/ be at any time upon violation of sai finances. Iss an Date /fin0 � � pffic o tanning and Zoning Permit Fee $ _ 15 . ate Surcharge $ . 0Receipt No. o'��) Variance Granted (yes) (no) Date: PLANS APPROVED: Conditional Use Permit Granted (yes) (no) Date: Signature of Inspector Date x kWAA CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTI ENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht. City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/April 10, 2000 6:30PM ITEM INU BER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 6.1. Consider Application from Dennis Backes, Backes Companies for Final Plat of Outlot "F" - Crimson Ponds 2ND Addition 6.2. Deborah and Randy Carron Relocation of a building 6.3. Consider Application from Dennis Ulmer, Ulmer Construction, Inc. for Final Plat of Outlot 'B" - Prairie Creek 3RD Addition. 6.4. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUNE : 6.1. Attached is a Planning Report dated March 30,2000 RE: Crimson Ponds 2ND Addition Final Plat. Dan Licht will be present for review and questions. 6.2. Attached is the Planning Report dated April 5, 2000 Re: Carron CUP; Planning Conunission Review and Findings of Fact and Decision. Dan Licht will be present for review and questions. 6.3. Attached is the Planning Report dated April 4, 2000 Re: Prairie Creek 3RD Add; Final Plat. Dan Licht will be present for review and questions. 6.4. This is for any other planning business that needs discussion. RECONLVIENDATION: 6.1. These items are for Council consideration for approval or denial. Thanks, Elaine I NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CON ULTAN S'-_� INC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH APR 4 2000 PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council I FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 30 March 2000 RE: Otsego - Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.11 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Backes Companies, Inc. has submitted an application for final plat approval of Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition. The final plat consists of 33 lots within three blocks and two outlots. The subject site is guided for low density residential development within the Sanitary Sewer Service District by the Comprehensive Plan and is zoned R-4, Residential Single Family - Urban District. Section 21-3-3 outlines the process for final plat applications. Final plat applications do not require a public hearing and do not require review by the Planning Commission unless there are substantial changes between the proposed plat and the approved preliminary plat. As such, this application is presented to the City Council without review and recommendation of the Planning Commission. If in review of the application the City Council finds that Planning Commission input would be of value, the application may be referred to that body for recommendations. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 55416 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@ WINTERNET.COM Recommendation In reviewing the submitted final plat application, we find that the plans are generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat as well as the City's Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance. As such, we recommend approval of the Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition Final Plat, subject to the following conditions: A construction barricade is provided on 82nd Street at its intersection with Page Avenue until such time as Page Avenue is extended, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. All construction plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The applicant pay $35,475 to satisfy park dedication requirements in lieu of dedicating land. 4. The applicant enter into a development contract with the City, post appropriate securities and pay applicable fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 5. Comments of other City Staff. /ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The number of lots proposed and the design of this second addition is consistent with that for the area approved as part of the preliminary plat. In conformance with the conditions of approval. Further, the lot widths and sizes proposed as part of the second addition are consistent with the approved preliminary plat and R-4 District requirements of 100 feet (94 feet on a cul-de-sac bulb) and 12,000 square feet. Outlots. The final plat includes two outlots. Outlot A is a portion of a wetland/ponding area that is partially included within the first addition. The second outlot represents the balance of the approved preliminary plat reserved for future final plats and development. Easements. Streets. The internal streets to be constructed as part of this final plat include connections to Page Avenue at 82nd Street and 80th street via Padget Avenue within the first addition. However, it is not intended that Page Avenue will be constructed between 80th and 82nd Street until such time as the second phase of Pheasant Ridge develops with an east intersection at 82nd Street, due to the inefficiency of constructing such a small segment for minimal traffic demand. Also, 81st Circle is proposed with a 500 foot length in accordance with the preliminary plat approval. Planning Report - Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition Page 2 Construction Plans. The applicant provided construction plans for the project, addressing utilities, grading and drainage, that included the proposed second addition. The final plat also includes proposed drainage and utility easements, which are consistent with those approved as part of the preliminary plat. The City Engineer will need to confirm the consistency of the final plat with the construction plans as part of their review. Park Dedication. No park land was dedicated to the City as part of this development. As such, the applicant must pay a fee in lieu of land equivalent to $1,075 per lot to satisfy park dedication. Based upon 33 lots, the total park dedication fee in lieu of land for this final plat is $35,475. Development Contract. If the proposed final plat is approved, the developer will be required to enter into a development contract with the City, post all required securities and pay applicable fees. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed final plat of Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat and applicable conditions of that approval. The proposed final plat is also consistent with the applicable provisions of the City's Comprehensive Plan and development regulations. Our specific recommendation for City Council action is outlined in the executive summary of this report. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Dennis Backes Jeremy Boots Planning Report - Crimson Ponds 2nd Addition Page 3 CITY Ol OZ SANITARY SEWER SERVICE DISTRICT NAC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD BASE MAP: PPdE'r" ■■ AS=.,Inc. MAY 1998 NOTE S FOR PL4NNINC i LY AND SHO UTLD USED FOR EXACT MFaSUREh1ENT. SCALE: 0 NORTH EXHIBIT A -Site Location I e. CRIMSON PONDS BACKES COMPANIES 4�- Ha r -t EXHIBIT B M Iw RISOM M blA al't stio, Jeig xv A I C13 I1 ILLHOK i. . .. . .. . .. xf— � / Y NF,Nc MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 5 April 2000 Otsego - Carron CUP; Planning Commission Review 176.02 - 00.10 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the application of Randal and Deborah Carron to relocate an existing single family house to their property at 14975 95"' Street. No comments were received from the public and the Planning Commission did not have any discussion. Following the close of the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the application. This application is scheduled to be on the City Council's April 10, 2000 agenda. If there are any questions in advance of the City Council meeting, please do not hesitate to call our office. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD, SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK, MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 6 1 2-595-9636 FAX 6 1 2-595-9637 CITY OF 4-4-00 O O T S E G CUP WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: Randal and Deborah Carron. Request: Application of Randal and Deborah Carron to relocate an existing single family dwelling to their property at 14975 95th Street. City Council Meeting Date: 10 April 2000. Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Long Range Urban Service Area and is guided for low density residential land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned R-3, Residential - Long Range Urban Service District (General); Single Family dwellings are a permitted use in this District. 4. The relocation of existing structures to lots within the City of Otsego requires consideration of a conditional use permit pursuant to Section 19 of the Zoning Ordinance. 5. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the conditional use with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Comment. The relocation of this dwelling unit is a positive improvement by providing a dwelling unit that is larger and likely has a higher value than the surrounding homes. The following policies support the applicant's request. • The character of the individual neighborhood shall be reinforced, maintained and upgraded (Policy Plan, pg. 40). • A high quality residential environment shall be maintained through rehabilitation or where necessary, redevelopment of substandard units via private means and/or public action, when feasible (Policy Plan, pg. 46). Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: A building permit is applied for and approved by the Building Official prior to relocation of the structure. 2. The relocated structure shall be ready for occupancy within six (6) months from the date of location on site, subject to approval of the Building Official. 3. The existing septic system and well are evaluated and subject to the review and approval of the Building Official. 4. The applicants post a security as required by Section 20-19-3 of the Zoning Ordinance with the amount to be determined by the Building Official. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 101!1 Day of April, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS NINC COMMUNITY PLANNING - DESIGN - MARKET RESEARCH PLANNING REPORT Le TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 4 April 2000 RE: Otsego - Prairie Creek 3rd Add.; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.14 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background Ulmer Construction, Inc. has submitted an application to final plat the Prairie Creek 3rd Addition consisting of 74 single family lots. The subject parcel is currently platted as Outlot B of Prairie Creek and is zoned R-4, Residential Urban Single Family District. For reference, the proposed final plat would represent the final phase of single family lots within the Prairie Creek Subdivision. Executive Summary: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat Exhibit D: Grading Plan Recommendation The proposed final plat of Prairie Creek 3rd Addition is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat and provisions of the City's Zoning and Subdivision regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. As such, our office recommends approval of the application subject to the following conditions: 1. The final plat is revised to provide a 30 -foot wide trail corridor between Lots 6-7, Block 2 or Lots 7-8, Block 2, subject to review and approval of City Staff. 5775 WAYZATA BOULEVARD. SUITE 555 ST. LOUIS PARK. MINNESOTA 554 1 6 PHONE 612-595-9636 FAX 612-595-9837 E-MAIL NAC@)WINTERNET.COM 2. The applicant pay appropriate cash fees in lieu of land in satisfaction of park dedication requirements equivalent to $1,075 per lot. 3. All construction plans, grading and drainage plans, easements and utilities are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and post all required securities and pay all applicable fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 5. Comments of other City Staff. ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The proposed 3rd Addition Final Plat is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat for Prairie Creek. There have been minor adjustments to the various lot lines as illustrated on the preliminary plat. These changes do not significantly alter the character of the plat or conformance with applicable development regulations. The changes have, however, resulted in one additional lot in the area of Lots 3-11, Block 2 of the final plat. Whereas, the preliminary plat included eight lots in this area, the final plat has nine. The result is an increase in the overall lot count for the final plat by one in comparison with the preliminary plat. All of the proposed lots in this area conform to the minimum R-4 District lot area and width requirements. Therefore, the additional lot does not cause any significant issues. Park Dedication. No park land is proposed to be dedicated as part of the final plat. The Parks and Recreation Commission had recommended that a trail access be provided between Otsego Elementary School and 79th Street. In accordance with this recommendation, the final plat should be revised to locate a 30 -foot wide trail access between Lots 6-7 or Lots 7-8, Block 2. The balance of the park dedication requirements will need to be satisfied by cash fee in lieu of land as part of the development contract. Utilities. The proposed final plat is to be served by municipal sanitary sewer and water services. Sanitary sewer capacity is only reserved for those projects that have received final plat approval and paid appropriate service fees. To date, the City has final platted a total of 225 single family lots out of a capacity of approximately 450 lots. As such, there is adequate residential capacity available to serve the subject final plat with 74 lots. Easements. The proposed final plat illustrates drainage and utility easements at the perimeter of all lots and over ponding and wetland areas. The final plat also illustrates an existing United Power Association easement over the north lot line of the subject parcel. All easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Planning Report - Prairie Creek 3rd Add. Page 2 Construction Plans. The applicant has submitted construction plans for Prairie Creek 3rd Addition along with grading and drainage plans. Said plans are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. If the proposed Prairie Creek 3rd Addition Final Plat is approved, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City. At the time the development contract is executed, the applicant must post all required securities and pay applicable fees. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed Prairie Creek 3rd Addition Final Plat is generally consistent with the approved preliminary plat and provisions of the City's development regulations and Comprehensive Plan. One issue to be addressed is the Park and Recreation Commission requirement to provide a trail access to the school site. A specific recommendation for action by City Officials is outlined in the executive summary of this report. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Dennis Ulmer Matt Davich Chuck Plowe Planning Report - Prairie Creek 3rd Add. Page 3 M 2 co D NAC BASE MAP. ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD P R rz L. I t'wl I NA R Y P L.A T NC4Qr,4 PRAIRIE CRrzrmIG POR: ULMER CONSTRUCTION 163-% Wer,4q 10 NIL. "4 elome CRAPHIC SCAII 91 ZS7Z 1, n 17 27 12 20 2 —20 k.7 To—o Cn A.V. Zj 1-77 \ k L N %• 24 33 N., If s L zi 2 20 C,."q w. 4 35 VIC tM MAP 0 el NOTES 2 17 37 is 30 1-a 29 '78TH STREET­ 4 n 17 27 12 20 2 —20 k.7 To—o Cn A.V. Zj 1-77 \ k L N %• 24 33 N., If s L zi 2 20 C,."q w. 4 35 VIC tM MAP 0 el NOTES 2 17 37 is 30 1-a 29 '78TH STREET­ EXHIBIT B - PRELIMINARY PLAT D41—t AND VriLIFY CAU -01S .0c sHous TWINHOME CERTIFICGTION r' V- 116.RUD 4 BONS. INC. EXHIBIT B - PRELIMINARY PLAT a ' J CL J Q Z ' LL U tO x w _ q! 9a� Eyd�9a: d 8 s� 99 a a^'� 5 Q; 8�1 18 11 �� Ee4b� a [ !N, s °' ad NNI/W NM4 Wf-� _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - 1 1 ll 1 hm is � q Z 1 � 1 @ 1O ��� ^S � \Pa ��_r.-- •wi....o-� �� I a � �/ it L..«`1 --.T.�-j '•L„ � � iYrL yrl ".y,.�,��,r <•+ � i •*tr i s ,fi I,JWt_JOtrz_" r �<`k a d Q- _ - _ c. _ «--11 >.«r..« �\ \Q c\ �L 7 for °«__. 4 Y=s"�*a a t4' /y •r`n � z,•��2 5 r `I - acl 13 4, rd -LLtLi a,IIc��'f/ i Lta i.,.r :r �� 4 ��uu_r[ruu�i a------� d ���' [(�, �: \ —' .r % `•/g '4 al G' ii - `5 _ a��, � q}�� yrti, /t �A 'l' of G 4 _ •\ t :1'. yI (H I ��� �� .rn•�i � (K ley 7ef-� L_.,�,-�L ar .b� 4�n^1`n W )�i "� 44, ' ell ;. s & r Ga-. yr9' 'C h� 1�� i_uuu-.f� 1 r ,>••y r' � • w .�„rr «_�a+Ll-smear-.-� ut� _ N4� �" 1 KY':In rLL e� '}�,�; � •4 v $ tl si': I W .. < '.`� , n `r4 9' i �':�� °// -ter^." T-� ".'�,F 1'-7,�.`� 1 L <[<r� _a•v[fe) �1 DG e i .. �, r / •�, '�q,P 4S t2 .; '+ � r r, �'°' R, < Lv i r--------•• ' Q b, iL- •i�, fQ G•, :a ,t 6� ,fir S? /� R . d i y*t as�sE � Il ''mss ti 3Fri� � y ° F� �, Rp ` __a�Gi[,�1•,-+aHi_?i.�s *,�� � •Q r J/44 N ,.. ~ ', � 4 ti? q'�. J •f / �%?r-rra- rtw- k' - 9?� �s. 'C' .a r:� 1 nq� <L- :9 9�s •P t� 4 � !j�/.. +i a I 1 e 1: �� @� � r�i; �1 tl � �` .,A•!' s + .ern �r ar _I � o4=r-.�`J=:%, •�iq n�-.•,\�•�-w"ti'A ��� t�ll,.•:y.. [ra��_mv_gl{ y�Py ���'�T' df'c ��. �•9��1'-�S•�:.. _�a[.l is l / 4° A / JAG v� iY� �I 1 JI�MtiT. T � � ` '`` q� �nvp/ 1 .S �C gJ1 i15�,i• qgI �1 Ar ----------- o _.e -.-fir-- �----- �--�- '----- ----- �----r ,-�-------- ty pay _�_ ,ll '[[ALN r/i]1MM [MM �.-y_________ ___ _____ t�� [L T L ..Lr nw warn «r.r+r r.rwr" 1 F GRADING PLAN PM- ULMM CONSTRUCTION ofHl= im MR bp—e F-JrK Mm &bA32 PRAIRIE cpjm 3RD AMITION rfPICAL LOT ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE LEGEND — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE wf' CERTIFICATION En. RUD 4 some, INC. EXI1151T D-1 - GRADING PLAN k S,j 3 }§§ ke CITY Or O T SEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SEC'rio,,N: DF.PARTMEN'f: xIEE'CING DATF,: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: '.. Lam- Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Bean%, City Clerk/April 10, 2000 John Harwood 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTIO\ 7.1. Consider Approval of Change Order 1 for COP99.02 78TH ST Project. 7.2. Any Other Engineering Business BACKGROL NEi: 7.1. attached is the information from John Harwood dated April 5. 2000. He will be present to review the infb nation and answer any questions. 7.2. Is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RECON"MENDATION: This is for Council consideration for approval Thanks, P, Elaine HPR. 5.2000 10:51AN Hakanson INAnderson Assoc., Inc. 4"il & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying April 5, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Change Order No. 1, 78th Street Project Dear Mayor and Council: NO. 480 P. 3601 Thurston enue Suite 101 Anoka, Minwe 1 55303 763/427-5860 7637427-0520 c Attached is proposed Change Order No, 1 to the contract with LaTour Construction fc,:' work on 78th Street, The Change Order is for a total of $61,927,24. Of this, $25,394.1-. has been or will be paid by Developers, A total of $21,336.08 will be funded by M&t', The city road, drainage or trunk utility funds will pay for $15,197.20 of the increase. ThL� change order is organized by bid schedules to conform with the contract. The revision -4 and reasons for the revisions are as follows. Part 1. Bid Schedule A — Roadway This section of the contract includes all excavation and grading work, including th 3 stormwater ponds. Pond A is located near Quaday and was revised to match tl':) grading plan for the future townhome portion of Prairie Creek. Pond C is located 0 what became the 3r' Phase of Prairie Creek. The original 78t' Street contract showed Pond C pond excavation to be by the developer. With the work on this portion of Pram 3 Creek delayed to Phase 3, the pond excavation had to be done by the city contract ---r coincident with 78t' Street. The majority of the added excavation for both Pond A a; d Pond C is attributed to the Prairie Creek Development. The costs will be recovered part of the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Development Agreements. In addition to pond excavation, we encountered more marsh type soils than anticipat;d at the location where 78`" Street crossed Lefebvre Creek, We directed the contractor ,. -O excavate these soils as necessary for road stability. The extra excavation is paid .;s "muck excavation", \\HaOl\Shared Docs\MunicipaMQTS5-GO\813\ot613cc3.doc HPR. 5.2000 10:,-lAN NO.430 P. i Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 2 April 5, 2000 Summary of Schedule A Roadway Revision Added Excavation Pond A 3463 CY @ $1.30 $4,501,90 Added Excavation Pond C 15933 CY @ $1.30 - $20,712,90 Subtotal Pond Excavation = $25,214.80 Added Muck Excavation 3250 CY @ $2.15 — $6,987.50 Total Added Schedule A Cost = $32,202.30 Portions paid by Developer = $15,660.44 Portion MSA Funded = $13,962.18 Portion City Funded - $2,579.68 Part 2, Bid Schedule B, Storm Sewer There were two revisions to the Schedule B Storm Sewer work, The first of thes: revisions was related to the final configuration of the Prairie Creek subdivision. Thi original 78th Street plans showed the work in the right-of-way with several outlet pipe -3 that would be constructed "by others", i.e. by the developer. Those outlet pipes would have been a cost participation item where the city would have reimbursed the develop: s* for part of the cost. With the platting of Prairie Creek Phase One and the final design v; the storm facilities, the city constructed more of the pipe system with the develop:: paying the majority of the cost via the Developer's Agreement. These storm sew(�l• revisions added $16,204.94 to the project, of which the city's non MSA eligible share; was $1,747.78, The second revision to the Storm Sewer Schedule was for our directing use of tvwa larger diameter manholes and directing work for afield revision to one manhole, During design we select a manhole diameter based on the number of pipes and on size and locations or angles that the pipes enter the manhole. If the decision on sizing is clos.::, we tend to choose the smaller diameter to reduce costs with the expectation that fir. _:1 manhole size will be reviewed at shop drawing time. Of the approximate 35• structure, we directed the contractor to increase the sizing of two. This increased sizing had a cost of $2,906.00, There was one structure, MH 14-4, that we reviewed for sho? drawing approval while the design review for the Pheasant Ridge Development was s' X11 underway, The manhole as delivered did not fit final approved storm sewer design iC.x the subdivision. We directed the contractor to cut new holes and otherwise modify t:e manhole to make it work. This had a cost of $722.00. Overall, there was extra work performed on these manhole and structure revisio;;s totaling $3,628.00, This work is funded 73% MSA and 27% City, so that the city portion is $979.56. Ha:, ancon An zlerson \\Ha01\Srorad Docs\MunlclpWl AOTSEGO\613\ot613cc3.dgc As:_ >c-, Inc. HPR. 5.2000 10:52AM Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 3 April 5, 2000 Part 3, Bid Schedule C, Sanitary Sewer N0.430 P.• J The construction of the sanitary sewer encountered some very fine silty sand that coul not be dewatered and was too soft for pipe support and bedding. Soil correction wa- necessary and was performed by use of an open graded crushed rock product, Add Item 45A Foundation Correction, 450 Ton 0 $10,60 Contract Change: +$4,770.00 Added work related to sewer system testing and acceptance; The contractor has been directed to perform work on the sanitary sewer system fo:' operational acceptance in April, prior to when the street work will be completed. Thi, will require added traffic control measures and added work to adjust manhole casting:= to interim and final grade. Add Item 51 A, Furnish and haul water for tests, 1 I_S 0 $1,200 $1,200.00 Acid Item 61 A. Ternporary Barricades at manhole$, 14 BA 0 $120.00 $1,680.00 Add Item SIB, Place and Remove temporary MH Castings, 14 EA @ $160.00 +$2,24 0-00 Subtotal: $5,120,00 Attached is a tabulation of total change order costs with identification of the fundis; source. Also attached is Change Order Number 1, along with a tabulation showing the storm sewer revisions incorporated in the Schedule B, Part A Storm Sewer Revision. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. J A. Harwood, P.E. JAH:ck \Wa01\shared Docs\MunicipaMQTSEGO\51$\ot613cc3.doc Ha'. znson Anderson As :,Dc- Inc. HPR. 5.2000 '10;52AM NO. 430 P. CITY OF OTSEGO, 78TH STREET PROJECT TABULATION OF REVISIONS, CHANGE ORDER NO.1 \\Ha01\Sh8red Docs\Municipal\AOTSEC30\513\0I613cc3.dac H,a:znson An Terson As =oc., Inc. MSA STORM CITY ROAD CITY TF :VK ITEM TOTAL DEVELOPER MSA AND SEWER .ND COST COST STREETWATER 39'a DRAINAGE WAT. , I EXC. POND A $4,501,90 $1,575.67 $2,136.15 $790.08 _ I EXC. POND C $20,712.90 $14.084.77 $4,838.53 $1,789.60 X EXCAVATION $6,987.50 $6,987.50 SEWER PART A $16,206.94 $9,733.70 $4,725.46 $1,747.78 _ SEWER PARTS $3.628.00 $2,648-44 $979.56 NRY SEWER — C $4 770.00 $4 7' o.oC STEM TESTING $5,120.00 `� 1 •q(- (Terni Tr)TA I-q ctR1 007 a4 tk?5.394.14 $6.987.50 $14.348,58 $5,307.20 $9,8::0.0( \\Ha01\Sh8red Docs\Municipal\AOTSEC30\513\0I613cc3.dac H,a:znson An Terson As =oc., Inc. �iPR . 5.2000 10 : 53AN Mn/OOT TP -2184-02 (5183) State of Minnesota Department of Transportailon NO. 430 P. t- J . t . Page 1 3 CHANCE ORDER #1 Contractor: ' aTgu' Construct] -Inc. Address: 2134 County Road 8 NW Location: City of Otsego, 78t0 St., Quaday & Page Ave. S.P. No. 217-103-01 F.P. No. N/A Contract No. City of Ctse o 99.02 In accordance with ttie terms of this Contract, you are hereby autho(zed and instructed W perform the Work as altered ny the following provi-i .,ts: Revise the contract plans and quantities of work to match adjacent developments. 2 Schedule A, Roadway Revise the configuration of Pond A to match the Prairie Creek Outlot A sketch plan lays -it. Add Pond C to the project, which pond is located in Prairie Creek Phase IV, Perform a-` fed work to excavate muck from Lefebvre Creek at 780' Street. Add Pay Item 6A Common Excavation Ponding, 19,396 CY ® $1.30 = $25,214.80 Pond A, increase 3,463 CY Pond C, Add new pond 15,933 CY Increase Quantity Item 7, Muck Excavation, 3,250 CY Added work as encountered during construction Total contract change, Schedule A work: Schedule B, Storm Sewer ® $2.15 = $6,987.50 +$32,202.30 PART A Construct as shown on revised plans and on attached revised Schedule B. The revisions include storm piping on Quaday and 78 h to match the new pond and storm piping in the north '_oulevard of 78th Street to match Prairie Creek. The revised work requires several new payment :Nems. Add Item 19A 18" RC Pipe Apron, 1 ea a $360,00 EA Add Item 19B 21" RC Pipe Apron, 1 ea ® $3$0.00 EA Add Item 22A Trash Guard for 18" Pipe Apron, 1 ea 0 $240.00 EA Add Item 228 Trash Guard for 21" Pipe Apron, 1 ea ® $270.00 EA Original Schedule B Storm Sewer Work $183,139.26 Revised Schedule B Storm Sewer Work 198 0 6..20 Total Contract Change (see attachment) +$16,206.94 PART B Schedule B, Storm Sewer; revisions required for construction and increased manhole .;zing Add Item 29A,Construct Drainage Structure 60", 1 ea * $2,040.00 Net + $1,100.00 Add Item 29B, f=ield Revise Drainage Structure 14-4, 1 ea 0 $722.00 Net + $722.00 Add Item 31 A, Construct Drainage Structure Design 96", 1 ea ® $5,063.00 Net + $1,806.00 Contract Change: +$3,628.00 \\Ha01\6hared DocslMunicipaiV\OTSEGO\613\01613CO1.doe r=+PR . 5.2000 10 : 54AM MNDOTTP-2194-02 (5/83) state of Minnesota Department of Trapsportat(an l CHANGE ORDER #1 NO. 430 P. J Page 2, 3 Contractor: t' S.P. No. 217-103-01 Address: _2134 County Road 8 NW F.P. No. N/A _MADIgg Lakr..IVIN 555,,58 Location: City of Otsego; 784h St., Quaday & Page Ave. Contract No. City of Otse o 99.02 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and Instructed to perform the Work as altered by the tollow{ng provlr;, ism 3. Schedule C, Sanitary Sewer Part A — Foundation Correction The construction of the sanitary sewer encountered some very fine silty sand that could , iot be dewatered and was too soft for pipe support and bedding. Soil correction was performer by use of an open graded crushed rock product. Add Item 45A Foundation Correction, 450 Ton 0 $10.60 Contract Change: +$4,770.00 Part B Added work related to sewer system testing and acceptance The contractor has been directed to perform work on the sanitary sewer system for ope ational acceptance in April, prior to when the street work will be completed. This will require ac -Jed traffic control measures and added work to adjust manhole castings to interim and final grade. Add Item 51 A, Furnish and haul water for tests, 1 LS 0 $1,200 $1,200.00 Add Item 61 A, Temporary Barricades at manholes, 14 Ea 0 $120.00 $1,680.00 Add Item 51 B, Place and Remove temporary MH Castings, 14 ea 0 $160.00 +E2.24.0.00 Subtotal: $5,120.00 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\MuniclpalWOTSEGO\613\ot613CO7.doc FAPR. 5.2000 10:54AN Mn/DOT TP -2194-02 (5183) Gtate of Minnesota Department of Transportation t CHANGE ORDER #1 NO. 430 P.E i Page 3 c Contractor: LaTour Constru ti_ ons. Inc_, S, P. No, 217-103-01 Address: 2134 County Road 8 NW F.P. No. N/A RMAplp Lake, UN 55A58 —_ Location; City of Otsego; 7841 St., Qtyaday & Page Ave. Contract No, City of Otse o 99.02 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and Instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provWs •�-1:— TOTAL CHANGE ORDER: item 1, Schedule A Roadway Revisions $32,202.30 item 2, Schedule B Storm Sewer Revisions, Part A $16,206.94 item 2, Schedule B Storm Sewer Revisions, Part B $3,628.00 Item 4, Schedule C Sanitary Sewer, Part A $4,770.00 Item 6, Added for Testing, Sanitary Sewer, Part 8 $5,120.00 $61,927.24 Original Contract Amount $1,348,570.12 Previous Contract Changes, none 0.00 Prior approved contract amount $1,348,570.12 Change in contract due to this change order $61,927.24 ,tat contract including this and previous change orders $1,410,497.36 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME ❑ Is Increased by working Days ❑ Is Decreased by fl Calendar hays gc] is not changed. C1 May be revised If the work affected the controlling operation. ��uaM�Qhararl nnr„n\Munk:inaMOTSEGO\913\ot613COl.doo Issued by. ate oject Engineer Accepted py: Contractor's Authorized Rt present::Jve Date Approved by: For the City of Otsego Date Contractor- LaTour Construction 2134 County Road 8 NW Maple lake, MN 55356 Work and Quantity Revisions to Match Development Planning Attachment to Change Order No.1 SP 217-103-01 City of Otsego Revisions to Schedule 'B" Work Item Number 2 of Change Order Number 1 Prepared By: Hakanson Anderson Assoc. John A. Haywood, PF April 4, 20Da Bid Schedule"S' - Storm Sewer Original original Original Revised Revised Revised 4uanlity Item Description Quantity Unit Price Contract Price Quantilv Unit Price Contract Price Ditference Item 4 Spec.Rel 2 Ea $310.00 Ea $620.00 3 Ea Ea '$530.00 1 78 2301 515 12' RCP ron 3 Ea $325.00 Ea $975.00 2 Ea Ea $ 0•� 1 19 2501.515 15' RC Pi A ort Ea Ea 1 Ea 83&9.00 Fa $360 -Do 1 19A_ 2501.515 18' RC Pi ron Ea Ea 1 En $380.00 Ea 5389 -UO 1 198 2501.515 21' Re P' Apron 4 Ea $410.00 Ea $1.640. 3 Ea Ea 51 230.00 1 20 2501.515 24' RC Pi Apron 2 Ea $135-00 Ea $270.00 3 Ea Ea $405.00 1 21 2501.602 trash Guard for i2' Pl e Apron 3 Ea $16G.DD Ea $480.OD 2 Ea fa $320.00 -1 22 2501.602 rash Guard tot 15' P' ran Ea 1 Ea $240.00 Ea $240.00 1 22A 2501.602 Trash Guard for 18' P A on Ea Ea 1 Ea $270.00 Fa $270.00 1 22B 2501.602 Trash Guard for 21' Pi Apron 4 Ea Ea $275.00 Ea $1,100.00 3 Ea Ea $625-OQ -1 23 2501.6{12 Trash Guard for 24' Pi Apron 239 LF 516.70 LF $3,991.39 398 LF LF $6,fi46.60 139 24 2503.541 12' RCP Design 300fi G 5 419 iF ;17.90 lF $7,300.10 431 LF LF $7,714.90 i2 25 2503541 15' RCP n 3006 Ci 5 220 LFr$21.90 LF ;4.336.00 9oB LF LF $17,978.aD 668 26 2503 541 18' RCP 0 3f106 CI 5 598 LF Lf $13,096.20 846 LF LF 574,147.40 48 27 2503 541 27' RCP Desi 3006 CI 3 796 LF LF $1899240 396 LFLF 59,424.80 402 28 2503.541 24' RCP Desi n 30118 CI 3 2613 LF LF $87,274.20 2754 1F LF $91.883 60 t41 29 2503541 30' RCP Des n 3006 Ci 3 Structure Desi 72' 41)20 5 Ea Ea $13,775.00 5 Es Ea;15,775.00 0 30 31 2500".502 25065fY2 Construct Drain Construct DrakuX Slruclurs Desi n 84' 4020 1 Ea Ea 53257.00 i Ea Ea Ea 53 257.00 $12220.00 0 1 32 2506.502 ConstruclDrai SUucture'Design AorF 12 Ea $940.D0 Ea $i1,2B0.00 13 Ea Ea Ea 760.flD 2 33 2500.502 ConsOucl Drain Structure Desi C or G 2 Ea 5949.00 Ea Ea $ 1,880.00 $7200. 4 10 Ea Ea $6000.00 -2 34 2506.502 Construct Drama Slruclure Desi n H 12 Fa Ea $500.00 $1, 085.00 Ea $2,130.00 3 FB Ea $3,195.00 1 35 2506502 Construct Drainage Structure Design S 2 CY $45,60 CY $2,322.06 57.5 CY CY $2,833 50 6.8 36 2511.501 Random Riprap Class III 50.7 Subtotal, Schedule "S' $182,139-26 $198,346.20 Cost increase $16,206.94 x Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. .vil & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 4/10/00 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763/427-5860 763/427-0520 Fax Item 7.1 Consider approval of Change Order #1 to COP 99.02 — 78th Street, Quaday Avenue, and Page Avenue Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Street Project. The contract with LaTour Construction would increase by $61,927.24. Find attached a copy of Change Order No. 1. Item 7.2 Any Other Engineering Business Council Agenda Items, Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\ot901agenda4-10-OO.doc Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. A & Municipal Engineering Land Surveying April 5, 2000 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Change Order No. 1, 78th Street Project Dear Mayor and Council: 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 763/427-5860 763/427-0520 Fax Attached is proposed Change Order No. 1 to the contract with LaTour Construction for work on 78th Street. The Change Order is for a total of $61,927.24. Of this, $25,394.14 has been or will be paid by Developers. A total of $21,336.08 will be funded by MSA. The city road, drainage or trunk utility funds will pay for $15,197.20 of the increase. The change order is organized by bid schedules to conform with the contract. The revisions and reasons for the revisions are as follows. Part 1, Bid Schedule A — Roadway This section of the contract includes all excavation and grading work, including the stormwater ponds. Pond A is located near Quaday and was revised to match the grading plan for the future townhome portion of Prairie Creek. Pond C is located in what became the 3rd Phase of Prairie Creek. The original 78th Street contract showed Pond C pond excavation to be by the developer. With the work on this portion of Prairie Creek delayed to Phase 3, the pond excavation had to be done by the city contractor coincident with 78th Street. The majority of the added excavation for both Pond A and Pond C is attributed to the Prairie Creek Development. The costs will be recovered as part of the Phase 2 and Phase 3 Development Agreements. In addition to pond excavation, we encountered more marsh type soils than anticipated at the location where 78th Street crossed Lefebvre Creek. We directed the contractor to excavate these soils as necessary for road stability. The extra excavation is paid as "muck excavation". \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613cc3.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 2 April 5, 2000 Summary of Schedule A Roadway Revision Added Excavation Pond A 3463 CY @ $1.30 = $4,501.90 Added Excavation Pond C 15933 CY @ $1.30 = $20,712.90 Subtotal Pond Excavation = $25,214.80 Added Muck Excavation 3250 CY @ $2.15 $6,987.50 Total Added Schedule A Cost = $32,202.30 Portions paid by Developer = $15,660.44 Portion MSA Funded = $13,962.18 Portion City Funded = $2,579.68 Part 2, Bid Schedule B, Storm Sewer There were two revisions to the Schedule B Storm Sewer work. The first of these revisions was related to the final configuration of the Prairie Creek subdivision. The original 78th Street plans showed the work in the right-of-way with several outlet pipes that would be constructed "by others", i.e. by the developer. Those outlet pipes would have been a cost participation item where the city would have reimbursed the developer for part of the cost. With the platting of Prairie Creek Phase One and the final design of the storm facilities, the city constructed more of the pipe system with the developer paying the majority of the cost via the Developer's Agreement. These storm sewer revisions added $16,204.94 to the project, of which the city's non MSA eligible share was $1,747.78. The second revision to the Storm Sewer Schedule was for our directing use of two larger diameter manholes and directing work for a field revision to one manhole. During design we select a manhole diameter based on the number of pipes and on size and locations or angles that the pipes enter the manhole. If the decision on sizing is close, we tend to choose the smaller diameter to reduce costs with the expectation that final manhole size will be reviewed at shop drawing time. Of the approximate 35 structures, we directed the contractor to increase the sizing of two. This increased sizing had a cost of $2,906.00. There was one structure, MH 14-4, that we reviewed for shop drawing approval while the design review for the Pheasant Ridge Development was still underway. The manhole as delivered did not fit final approved storm sewer design for the subdivision. We directed the contractor to cut new holes and otherwise modify the manhole to make it work. This had a cost of $722.00. Overall, there was extra work performed on these manhole and structure revisions totaling $3,628.00. This work is funded 73% MSA and 27% City, so that the city portion is $979.56. Hakanson Anderson \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613cc3.doc I III Ass c., Inc. Honorable Mayor and City Council Page 3 April 5, 2000 Part 3, Bid Schedule C, Sanitary Sewer The construction of the sanitary sewer encountered some very fine silty sand that could not be dewatered and was too soft for pipe support and bedding. Soil correction was necessary and was performed by use of an open graded crushed rock product. Add Item 45A Foundation Correction, 450 Ton @ $10.60 Contract Change: +$4,770.00 Added work related to sewer system testing and acceptance: The contractor has been directed to perform work on the sanitary sewer system for operational acceptance in April, prior to when the street work will be completed. This will require added traffic control measures and added work to adjust manhole castings to interim and final grade. Add Item 51 A, Furnish and haul water for tests, 1 LS ® $1,200 $1,200.00 Add Item 61A, Temporary Barricades at manholes, 14 EA @ $120.00 $1,680.00 Add Item 516, Place and Remove temporary MH Castings, 14 EA @ $160.00 +$2,240.00 Subtotal: $5,120.00 Attached is a tabulation of total change order costs with identification of the funding source. Also attached is Change Order Number 1, along with a tabulation showing the storm sewer revisions incorporated in the Schedule B, Part A Storm Sewer Revision. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. J A. Harwood, P.E. JAH:ck \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613cc3.doc Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO, 78TH STREET PROJECT TABULATION OF REVISIONS, CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 ITEM TOTAL COST DEVELOPER COST MSA STREET MSA STORM WATER 73% CITY ROAD AND DRAINAGE CITY TRUNK SEWER AND WATER COMMON EXC. POND A $4,501.90 $1,575.67 $2,136.15 $790.08 COMMON EXC. POND C $20,712.90 $14,084.77 $4,838.53 $1,789.60 MUCK EXCAVATION $6,987.50 $6,987.50 STORM SEWER PART $16,206.94 $9,733.70 $4,725.46 $1,747.78 STORM SEWER PART B $3,628.00 $2,648.44 $979.56 SANITARY SEWER - C $4,770.00 $4,770.00 SYSTEM TESTING $5,120.00 $5,120.00 TOTALS $61,927.24 $25,394.14 $6,987.50 $14,348.58 $5,307.20 $9,890.00 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613cc3.doc Hakanson 1-111 Anderson Assoc., I n C. Mn/DOT TP -2184-02 (5/83) State of Minnesota Department of Transportation Page 1 of 3 CHANGE ORDER #1 Contractor: LaTour Construction, Inc. Address: 2134 County Road 8 NW Location: City of Otsego; 78`" St., Quaday & Page Ave. S.P. No. 217-103-01 F.P. No. N/A Contract No. City of Otsego 99.02 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: Revise the contract plans and quantities of work to match adjacent developments. 1. Schedule A, Roadway Revise the configuration of Pond A to match the Prairie Creek Outlot A sketch plan layout. Add Pond C to the project, which pond is located in Prairie Creek Phase IV. Perform added work to excavate muck from Lefebvre Creek at 78th Street. Add Pay Item 6A, Common Excavation Ponding, 19,396 CY @ $1.30 = $25,214.80 Pond A, increase 3,463 CY Pond C, Add new pond 15,933 CY Increase Quantity Item 7, Muck Excavation, 3,250 CY @ $2.15 = $6,987.50 Added work as encountered during construction Total contract change, Schedule A work: +$32,202.30 2. Schedule B, Storm Sewer PART A Construct as shown on revised Vans and on attached revised Schedule B. The revisions include storm piping on Quaday and 78 to match the new pond and storm piping in the north boulevard of 78th Street to match Prairie Creek. The revised work requires several new payment items. Add Item 19A 18" RC Pipe Apron, 1 ea @ $360.00 EA Add Item 19B 21" RC Pipe Apron, 1 ea C $380.00 EA Add Item 22A Trash Guard for 18" Pipe Apron, 1 ea @ $240.00 EA Add Item 22B Trash Guard for 21" Pipe Apron, 1 ea ® $270.00 EA Original Schedule B Storm Sewer Work $183,139.26 Revised Schedule B Storm Sewer Work $198,076.20 Total Contract Change (see attachment) +$16,206.94 PART B Schedule B, Storm Sewer; revisions required for construction and increased manhole sizing Add Item 29A,Construct Drainage Structure 60", 1 ea @ $2,040.00 Net + $1,100.00 Add Item 298, Field Revise Drainage Structure 14-4, 1 ea @ $722.00 Net + $722.00 Add Item 31 A, Construct Drainage Structure Design 96", 1 ea @ $5,063.00 Net + $1,806.00 Contract Change: +$3,628.00 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613COt.doc Mn/DOT TP -2184-02 (5/83) State of Minnesota Department of Transportation CHANGE ORDER #1 Contractor: LaTour Construction. Inc. S.P. No. 217-103-01 Page 2 of 3 Address: 2134 County Road 8 NW F.P. No. N/A Maple Lake MN 55358 Location: City of Otsego; 781h St., Quaday & Page Ave. Contract No. City of Otsego 99.02 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: 3. Schedule C, Sanitary Sewer Part A — Foundation Correction The construction of the sanitary sewer encountered some very fine silty sand that could not be dewatered and was too soft for pipe support and bedding. Soil correction was performed by use of an open graded crushed rock product. Add Item 45A Foundation Correction, 450 Ton @ $10.60 Contract Change: +$4,770.00 Part B Added work related to sewer system testing and acceptance The contractor has been directed to perform work on the sanitary sewer system for operational acceptance in April, prior to when the street work will be completed. This will require added traffic control measures and added work to adjust manhole castings to interim and final grade. Add Item 51 A, Furnish and haul water for tests, 1 LS @ $1,200 $1,200.00 Add Item 61 A, Temporary Barricades at manholes, 14 Ea @ $120.00 $1,680.00 Add Item 51 B, Place and Remove temporary MH Castings, 14 ea @ $160.00 +$2,240.00 Subtotal: $5,120.00 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613COt.doc Mn/DOT TP -2184-02 (5/83) State of Minnesota Department of Transportation CHANGE ORDER #1 Page 3 of 3 Contractor: L-aTour Construction, Inc. S.P. No. 217-103-01 Address: 2134 County Road 8 NW F.P. No. N/A Maple Lake_ MN 55858 Location: City of Otsego; 78`" St., Quaday & Page Ave. Contract No. City of Otsego 99.02 In accordance with the terms of this Contract, you are hereby authorized and instructed to perform the Work as altered by the following provisions: TOTAL CHANGE ORDER: Item 1, Schedule A Roadway Revisions $32,202.30 Item 2, Schedule B Storm Sewer Revisions, Part A $16,206.94 Item 2, Schedule B Storm Sewer Revisions, Part B $3,628.00 Item 4, Schedule C Sanitary Sewer, Part A $4,770.00 Item 6, Added for Testing, Sanitary Sewer, Part B $5,120.00 $61,927.24 Original Contract Amount $1,348,570.12 Previous Contract Changes, none 0.00 Orior approved contract amount $1,348,570.12 range in contract due to this change order $61,927.24 i otal contract including this and previous change orders $1,410,497.36 CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME ❑ is Increased by ❑ Working Days ❑ is Decreased by ❑ Calendar Days ® is not changed. ❑ May be revised if the work affected the controlling operation. \\Hao1\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\613\ot613C01.doc Issued by:4eg'-/o 6 oject Engineer a e Accepted by: Approved by: Contractor's Authorized Representative Date For the City of Otsego Date Contractor: LaTour Construction 2134 County Road 8 NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 Work and Quantity Revisions to Match Development Planning Attachment to Change Order No. 1 SP 217-103-01 City of Otsego Revisions to Schedule "B" Work Item Number 2 of Change Order Number 1 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer Prepared By: Hakanson Anderson Assoc. John A. Harwood, PE April 4, 2000 Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Original Qua tity Original Unit Price Original Contract Price Revised Quantity Revised Unit Price Revised Contract Price Quantity Difference 18 2501.515 12" RC Pipe Apron 2 Ea $310.00 Ea $620.00 3 Ea Ea $930.00 1 19 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 3 Ea $325.00 Ea $975.00 2 Ea Ea $650.00 -1 19A 2501.515 18' RC Pipe Apron Ea Ea 1 Ea $360.00 Ea $360.00 1 19B 2501.515 21" RC Pi e A ron Ea I Ea 1 Ea $380.00 Ea $380.00 1 20 2501.515 24' RC Pipe Apron 4 Ea $410.00 Ea $1,640.00 3 Ea Ea $1,230.00 -1 21 2501.602 Trash Guard for 12" Pipe Apron 2 Ea $135.00 Ea 1 $270.00 3 Ea Ea $405.00 1 22 2501.602 Trash Guard for 15' Pipe Apron 3 Ea $160.00 Ea $480.00 2 Ea Ea 1 $320.00 .1 22A 2501.602 Trash Guard for 18' Pipe Apron Ea Ea 1 Ea $240.00 Ea $240.00 1 22B 2501.602 Trash Guard for 21" Pipe Apron Ea Ea 1 Ea $270.00 Ea $270.00 1 23 2501.602 Trash Guard for 24' Pipe Apron 4 Ea $275.00 Ea $1,100.00 3 Ea Ea $825.00 -1 24 2503.541 12' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 239 LF $16.70 LF $3,991.30 398 LF LF $6,646.60 159 25 2503.541 15" RCP Desi n 300605 419 LF $17.90 LF $7,500.10 431 LF LF $7,714.90 12 26 2503.541 18' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 220 LF $19.80 LF $4,356.00 908 LF LF $17,978.40 688 27 2503.541 21" RCP Design 3006 CI 3 598 LF $21.90 LF $13,096.20 646 LF LF $14,147.40 48 28 2503.541 24" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 798 LF $23.80 LF $18,992.40 396 LF LF $9,424.80 -402 29 2503.541 30' RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 2613 LF $33.40 LF $87,274.201 2754 LF LF $91,983.60 141 30 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 72" 4020 5 Ea $2,755.00 Ea $13,775.00 5 Ea Ea $13,775.00 0 31 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 Ea 1 $3,257.00 Ea $3,257.00 1 Ea Ea $3,257.00 0 32 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design A or F 12 Ea $940.00 Ea $11,280.00 13 Ea Ea $12,220.00 1 33 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design C or G 2 Ea $940.00 Ea $1,880.00 4 Ea Ea $3,760.00 2 34 1 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design H 12 Ea $600.00 Ea $7,200.00 10 Ea I Ea $6,000.00 -2 35 1 2506.502 lConstruct Drainage Structure Design Special 2 Ea $1,065.00 Ea $2,130.00 3 Ea I I Ea $3.195.001 1 36 1 2511.501 1 Random Riprap Class III 50.7 CY $45.80 CY 1 $2,322.061 57.5 1 CY I I CY 1 $2,633.501 6.8 Subtotal, Schedule "B" $182,139.26 $198,346.20 Cost Increase $16,206.94 ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETLITG DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty, City Clerk"April 10, 2000 6:30PM ITEM iVUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION S. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney: 8.1. Consideration of People's Service Water Contract. 8.2. Consideration of Stipulation Agreement -with Minnesota Department of Health 8.3. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: Andy Mac Arthur will be present for comments and information. 8.1.and 8.2. See attached information. 8.3. This item is for any other legal business that may arise. RECOINEN ENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Elaine MEMO TJ Date: April 5, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: City Water Operations Proposed PeopleService Contract With regard to the operation of the City's water system, it has become increasingly clear to me that our initial assumption that the City could operate its water system on its own was in error. The State Department of Health has told Larry Koshak that we should have a certified water operator for our water system. I have spoken to PeopleService, who have the contract for operating our Sewer Treatment plant, and they are willing to function as the water system operator under similar terms as their sewer contract. They have also agreed to train City staff in water system operations so as to reduce our dependence on them in the future. PeopleService has enclosed a proposed contract. This contract combines their operation of the sewer plant and water system into one contract. It is broken into three phases to accommodate our slow start-up period, just as the sewer plant contract was. INC OTSEGO, MINNESOTA PROPOSAL FOR WATERIWASTEWATER OPERATIONS 3/29/00 Phase One: Using a "management services" agreement, PeopleService will provide assistance (personnel only) at a cost of $35 per hour, including travel time. The duration of this phase will extend from the current time until flows into the new wastewater treatment plant are initiated, with the water system pumpage more or less paralleling the wastewater flows. This assistance would be at the request of the City of Otsego, through its City Administrator or street department staff, or its outside engineer. This assumes that during this time, wastewater flows are stored in the lift station, from which it is hauled to a nearby wastewater treatment facility by an outside service. Phase Two: Beginning with the time when flows into the new wastewater treatment plant are initiated, again with water system pumpage more or less paralleling the wastewater flows, a "full service" contract would be implemented. This contract would follow along the lines of our earlier proposal, and would include the cost of personnel, support personnel, supplies and materials, chemicals, utilities, maintenance, etc. As was proposed earlier, the monthly cost would include a predetermined amount for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance. At the end of each twelve-month period, the City of Otsego would be billed for expenditures in excess of the budget, or they would receive a refund of any portion of the predetermined budget that remained. This phase would last until either the flows from the City of Dayton are being handled by the new wastewater treatment plant or until flows from Otsego alone reach 40,000 gallons per day (average over a 30 -day time period). Total cost of this phase on an annual basis is proposed to be $66,864 (water -$15,562, ww-$51,302) which includes $19,900 (water -$4,900, ww-$15,000) for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance. The amount to be included each year for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance would be agreed to by the parties at the beginning of each fiscal year, and would be based on historical expenditures and projected changes in flows. Phase Three: When the conclusion of phase two (as described above) is reached, the "full service" agreement would be adjusted back to PeopleService's original proposal, including the impact of any CPI -U escalation that would have occurred in the interim. This phase would continue until the end of the original term of the "full service" agreement (which is proposed to be five years) or a plant expansion is begun. At either of these two times, the parties would be required to negotiate a new "full service" agreement. Total cost of this phase on an annual basis is proposed to be $109,080 (water -$28,655, ww-$80,425) which includes $24,800 (water47,800, ww-$17,000) for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance (both numbers taken from PeopleService's original proposal, but being subject to increases for the appropriate CPI -U escalation that would have taken place between now and then). As was the case with phase two, the amount included for chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance would be subject to additional billing for expenditures in excess of the predetermined budget, or to refund of any un -spent, budgeted dollars remaining at the end of each fiscal year. The amount to be included each year would again be subject to agreement of the parties at the beginning of each fiscal year. Note: With regard to the "cost sharing" arrangement between the City of Otsego and the City of Dayton, it would be easy and fairly administered if all of PeopleService's wastewater_ compensation were to be considered a fixed cost, with the exception of the dollars spend on chemicals, electrical energy and maintenance costs. These costs, which are subject to additional billing or refund, should be considered variable costs. AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES PeopleService, Inc., a Nebraska corporation, its successors and assigns ("PeopleService"), hereby agrees to provide to the City of Otsego, Minnesota ("Owner"), the following services for operation and maintenance of the Owner's water and wastewater utility systems: 1. Provide professional and technical assistance to the Owner's staff in operation and maintenance of the water (production, storage and distribution) and wastewater (collection system and lift station) facilities. Visits to the facilities will only be made when a request is received from of the Owner's staff, and unless it is an emergency, will not be made on weekends or observed holidays. 2. Assistance will include but not be limited to being present during start up of the facilities, advising the Owner's staff on proper operational procedures (including any required sampling), helping to design and implement a fire hydrant flushing plan for the water distribution system, etc. 3. PeopleService will provide a telephone number for after -hour emergencies and will respond as needed to ensure the emergency is resolved. The telephone number is Owner shall: 1. Provide PeopleService with access and use of the plant, equipment, and facilities associated with the operation and maintenance of the wastewater collection system and lift station. 2. Pay all costs associated with the operation of the wastewater facilities, including all major repairs or breakdowns. 3. Be responsible for day to day operation and maintenance of the wastewater collection system. In consideration of the services provided by PeopleService, Owner agrees to pay to PeopleService compensation in the amount of $35 per hour for each hour a PeopleService operator is on site, and during travel time to and from the client's facilities. Should the services of a PeopleService operator be required after hours, on weekends, or on observed holidays, the rate shall be $52.50 per hour. Through this Agreement, PeopleService shall provide assistance to Owner and shall not be liable for plant performance or water quality violations unless due to the sole negligence of PeopleService. This Agreement shall become effective and services shall commence on March 1, 2000 and shall continue for one (1) year. This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon giving sixty (60) days written notice. The parties acknowledge that they have entered into an h: \www\Otsego.wp6 Operation and Maintenance Agreement, and that upon the Effective Date of that agreement, this Agreement for Services shall be terminated. Agreement between both parties is evidenced by the execution of the signatures below. CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA in Date: Attest: Mayor City Clerk Address of Owner: City Hall 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 hA wwv\Otsego.wp6 PEOPLESERVICE, INC. Date: Attest: President Assistant Secretary OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT This Operation and Maintenance Agreement (the "Agreement") dated as of 2000, is between the City of Otsego, Minnesota, a municipal corporation (the "Owner"), whose address is 8899 Nashua Avenue NE, Otsego, Minnesota 55330, and PEOPLESERVICE, INC., and its successors and assigns ("PeopleService"), whose address is 1815 Capitol Avenue, Omaha, Nebraska 68102. RECITALS: WHEREAS, Owner is the owner of a municipal water and wastewater treatment plant as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement (the "Facilities"); and WHEREAS, Owner desires to engage PeopleService to operate and maintain the Facilities on behalf of Owner and PeopleService desires to accept such engagement, all upon the terms and conditions hereafter set forth; and WHEREAS, Owner is authorized by law to enter into this Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as follows: ARTICLE I - SCOPE OF SERVICES 1.1 Commencing on July 1, 2000, or such other date mutually acceptable in writing to PeopleService and Owner (the "Effective Date"), PeopleService will provide all routine operation and maintenance of Owner's Facilities on a 7 day per week basis within the design capacity of the Facilities as described in Exhibit A to this Agreement ("Description of Facilities"). The routine operation and maintenance services to be provided by PeopleService are further described in Exhibit B of this Agreement. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 1 1.2 Commencing with the Effective Date of this Agreement, PeopleService shall implement its standard operating procedures. Within one hundred eighty (180) days after the Effective Date of this Agreement, PeopleService shall place into operation preventive maintenance and process control programs, including documentation of operation and maintenance procedures conducted for the water and wastewater utility system and a written analysis of the condition of all equipment in the Facilities together with a prioritized list of needed repairs. Such records shall be available for inspection by Owner at all reasonable times. 1.3 PeopleService will be responsible for expenses incurred in the routine operation and maintenance of the Facilities, including personnel services, utilities, chemicals (except polyphosphate), materials, supplies, contracted services, insurance, and equipment repair. 1.4 PeopleService shall provide all required maintenance to preserve the existing life of all assigned equipment and vehicles of the Facilities. PeopleService will bear the expense of maintenance and repair of all equipment, physical facilities, and vehicles assigned for PeopleService's use, except for capital replacement expenditures as defined in section 2.1 (b), provided that such expense does not exceed a maximum annual maintenance/repair (noncapital) expenditure of $5,000 for the first year of this Agreement. In subsequent years, the maximum annual maintenance/repair expenditure will be increased by the C.P.I. adjustment contained in section 4.2 of this Agreement. In performing maintenance and repairs, PeopleService will perform in an economical manner and make all reasonable efforts to remain below the annual maintenance/repair expenditure amount while remaining in compliance with all applicable regulations. PeopleService will refund to Owner any unused monies less than the maintenance/repair expenditure amount. In the event that such expenses approach or exceed this maximum annual amount, PeopleService shall promptly notify Owner. Any repair expenses in excess of the maximum amount set forth in this provision shall be approved by Owner. PeopleService shall invoice Owner the amount of maintenance/repair expenses in excess of the maximum annual maintenance/repair limit set forth in this provision at the end of the 12 -month period. Owner shall reimburse PeopleService for such excess expenditures. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 2 1.5 PeopleService will provide properly certified employees for the staffing of Facilities. Backup services will be provided by PeopleService corporate personnel. In addition, PeopleService will be on call 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, for emergency situations. 1.6 PeopleService shall advise Owner and serve as Owner's liaison to regulatory agencies and industrial users in matters related to the operation of the Facilities. However, PeopleService will not act as, or provide, legal counsel in this capacity. 1.7 PeopleService will supervise all regulatory compliance and financial transactions pertaining to the day-to-day operation of the Facilities. Subject to the limitations of this Section 1.7, PeopleService shall operate the Facilities in compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements. PeopleService will pay all fines imposed for process upsets and violation of discharge limits unless the process upsets or violations are attributable to: (a) Flows or pollutants which are not within the Design Capabilities of the Facilities; pollutants include, but are not limited to soluble oil, heavy metals, excessive suspended solids and excessive organic loadings, (b) The malfunction or failure of equipment which is not solely due to the negligent acts, errors or omissions of PeopleService; (c) Construction activities which are undertaken to improve the wastewater treatment process but which are beyond the operating scope of services of PeopleService as delineated in this Article I; or (d) Discharges from industrial facilities in violation of any pretreatment standards applicable to those discharges. In no event shall PeopleService be responsible for the payment of state or federal fines imposed or damages, attorney fees, and court costs awarded as a result of actions, inactions, process upsets or violations which occurred prior to or existed on the Effective Date of this H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 3 Agreement, and which are not due solely to the negligence of PeopleService, nor shall PeopleService be responsible for payment of any fines, penalties, damages or attorney's fees resulting from requirements not expressly assumed by PeopleService herein, including any reporting requirements. With regard to potable water supplies, PeopleService will not be responsible for inherent water quality that fails to meet specifications of the Safe Drinking Water Act and amendments thereto concerning inorganic chemicals, pesticides, volatile organic chemicals, synthetic organic compounds, lead and copper standards. However, PeopleService will use its best efforts to treat Owner's potable water supplies to meet drinking water standards. 1.8 PeopleService shall exercise the due care in performing its obligations and duties under this Agreement which is normally and reasonably provided with respect to similar contract services. 1.9 PeopleService will provide and maintain at all times during the term of this Agreement the following minimum insurance coverage: (a) Statutory Workers' Compensation Insurance in compliance with the laws of the state of Minnesota which has jurisdiction of PeopleService employees engaged in the performance of services hereunder; together with Employers Liability coverage in the amount of $500,000 for each incident; (b) General liability coverage of at least $10,000,000 combined single limit, each occurrence, for bodily injury and property damage with Owner named as additional insured; and (c) Comprehensive auto liability insurance which shall include $500,000 combined single limit coverage for bodily injury and property damage. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 4 PeopleService will furnish Owner with Certificates of Insurance as evidence that policies providing the required coverage and limits are in full force and effect. Such policies shall provide that no less than thirty (30) days' advance notice of cancellation, termination or alteration shall be sent directly to PeopleService and Owner. ARTICLE II - RESPONSIBILITIES OF OWNER 2.1 As part of this Agreement Owner agrees to assume the following responsibilities: (a) Owner shall maintain in full force and effect, in accordance with their respective terms, all guarantees, warranties, easements, permits, licenses and other similar approvals and consents received or granted to Owner as owner of all Facilities and component parts thereof; (b) Owner shall be responsible for all capital replacement and major maintenance/repair expenditures which are defined as nonrecurring expenditures greater than $500, that Owner determines necessary and required, provided that PeopleService will first be consulted for justification and need; (c) Owner shall be responsible for filing, obtaining, and maintaining current water supply operations permit and NPDES permit for discharge of wastewater; and for filing all required reports under the Emergency Planning and Community Right -To - Know Act or any other statute or authority; provided, however, PeopleService shall assist Owner with preparing these filings and shall provide ongoing assistance regarding the maintenance of these permits; (d) Owner shall at all times provide access to the Facilities for PeopleService, its agents and employees; (e) Owner shall provide PeopleService the use of all existing equipment owned by Owner, necessary for the operation and maintenance of the Facilities and warrants that such operating equipment is in good condition; H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 5 (f) Owner shall be responsible for all damage to the Facilities, components thereof, PeopleService equipment on site, and all resulting liability to any and all third parties, when such damage and/or liability are caused by flood, fire, acts of God or other force majeure events, civil disturbance, extreme cold temperatures, excessive subsoil moisture, or misuse of property to the extent Owner was negligent regarding the misuse of such property; (g) Owner shall be responsible for all fines imposed for process upsets and violations of discharge limits attributable to the operation and maintenance of the Facilities to the extent set forth in Section 1.7 as well as fines imposed for failure to report as required by Section 2.1(c). (h) Owner shall designate an individual to act as liaison with PeopleService in connection with the performance of services by PeopleService under this Agreement; (i) Owner shall be responsible for all property, excise and other taxes assessed on the Facilities; and (j) Owner shall bear all costs incurred as a result of regulatory requirements not in effect on the Effective Date of this Agreement. 2.2 Owner shall maintain in full force and effect all existing policies of property and general liability insurance pertaining to the Facilities. Owner shall furnish PeopleService with Certificates of Insurance as evidence that such policies are in full force and effect under such policies. Such policies shall provide that no less than thirty (30) days' advance notice of cancellation, termination or alteration shall be sent directly to PeopleService and Owner. 2.3 Owner shall indemnify and hold PeopleService, its officers, employees and agents, harmless under this Agreement for any and all claims, damages, costs or expenses caused by malfunction or failure of the Facilities or any components thereof or other liability or loss H:wwwVscntrctl0tsego.wp6 6 including injury, death, or damages to any person or property related in any way to the performance of this Agreement to the extent such claims, damages, costs, expenses, liability or loss are caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of Owner. Additionally, Owner shall indemnify PeopleService, its officers, employees and agents harmless for any and all fines, penalties, attorney's fees and damages resulting from Owner's failure to comply with permitting, reporting or other statutory or regulatory requirements which are the responsibility of the Owner. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE III - RESPONSIBILITIES OF PEOPLESERVICE 3.1 PeopleService shall indemnify and hold Owner, its employees and agents, harmless under this Agreement for all claims, damages, costs or expenses caused by malfunction or failure of the Facilities or any components thereof or other liability or loss including injury, death, or damages to any person or property related in any way to the performance of this Agreement to the extent such claims, damages, costs, expenses, liability or loss are caused by the negligent acts, errors or omissions of PeopleService. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV - COMPENSATION 4.1 As compensation for services rendered by PeopleService pursuant to this Agreement, Owner shall pay to PeopleService the sum of $5,572 per month during the first twelve (12) months of this Agreement, commencing with the Effective Date. The monthly payment shall be due and payable on the first day of the month in which services are to be rendered. All other compensation to PeopleService is due upon receipt of PeopleService's invoice and payable within thirty (30) days of the date of the invoice. 4.2 The monthly compensation provided in Section 4.1 shall be adjusted on July 1s' of each year, beginning on July 1, 2001. The basis for the annual adjustment for July 1, 2001 shall be the change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI -U) as regularly reported by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, between April 2000 and April 2001. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 7 For each year thereafter, the adjustment shall be the change in the CPI -U as reported between April of the year preceding the year of adjustment and April of the year of adjustment. 4.3 Within sixty (60) days of the end of the first twelve months after the Effective Date of this Agreement, PeopleService shall provide the Owner with a statement showing the amount of money expended on chemicals and electrical energy at the facilities. Should the amount of actual expenditures for chemicals and electrical energy be less than the "base amount", PeopleService will include a refund equal to the portion of the base amount that remains. If the actual expenditures exceed the base amount, PeopleService shall include an invoice equal to the amount actual expenditures exceed the base amount, which the Owner agrees to pay in accordance with the terms of Section 4.1 of this Agreement. The "base amount" for the first twelve months of this Agreement shall be $14,900. The base amount shall be escalated annually in accordance with Section 4.2 of this Agreement. 4.4 If for any thirty (30) day period during the term of this Agreement the average quantity of wastewater influent should exceed 40,000 gallons per day, or when flows from the City of Dayton begin to be treated by the facilities, PeopleService shall notify the Owner in writing of such event, and both parties mutually agree to amend this Agreement to increase the maximum annual maintenance/repair expenditure amount contained in Section 1.4, the compensation contained in Section 4.1 and the "base amount" contained in Section 4.3 of this Agreement (as they may have been amended by Section 4.2). If the parties are unable to reach agreement on said amendment within ninety (90) days of the delivery of written notice to the Owner by PeopleService, either party may terminate this Agreement upon thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. ARTICLE V - TERM OF AGREEMENT 5.1 This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for five (5) years from the Effective Date. The Agreement shall be automatically renewed for successive terms of one (1) year each unless written notice of cancellation is given by either party to the other no less than ninety (90) days prior to the date of expiration. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 8 ARTICLE VI - TERMINATION 6.1 This Agreement may be terminated by either party in the event of the other party's breach of a material term of the Agreement, by the first party's giving written notice of such breach and the second party's failure to correct within thirty (30) days of receipt of such notice. 6.2 PeopleService shall not be in breach under this Agreement for its failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement, to the extent that the performance of such obligations is prevented or delayed by any event which is beyond the reasonable control of PeopleService, including but not limited to Acts of God, strikes, labor disputes, and unavailability of parts. In the event PeopleService claims that its performance is prevented or delayed by any such event, PeopleService will promptly notify Owner of that fact and the circumstances preventing or delaying its performance. ARTICLE VII - MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Any temporary or portable equipment which is provided by PeopleService during the term of this Agreement and which is not deemed part of the Facilities shall remain the property of PeopleService upon termination of this Agreement. PeopleService shall not make any expenditures for capital replacements of the Facilities or any component thereof without the prior approval of Owner unless there is an emergency. An emergency exists when such expenditures are necessary to continue operation of Owner's Facilities or to provide for public health, safety or environmental protection. If there is an emergency, PeopleService shall provide Owner with verbal notice of the need for the capital replacement expenditure as soon as possible. Owner shall reimburse PeopleService for such emergency capital replacement expenditures in accordance with Section 4.1 of this Agreement. 7.2 This Agreement represents the entire agreement of the parties and may only be modified or amended in a writing signed by both parties. H:www\fscntrct\0tsego.wp6 9 7.3 Written notices required to be given under this Agreement shall be deemed given when mailed by first class mail to PeopleService, Attention: President, and to Owner, Attention: City Administrator, at the addresses set forth for each in the opening paragraph of this Agreement. 7.4 This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the state of Minnesota. 7.5 Neither party shall assign, in whole or in part, any of the rights, obligations or benefits of this Agreement except to a parent, affiliate, or wholly-owned subsidiary, without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. For purposes of this Section 7.5, an affiliate is defined as a company, the controlling interest in which is owned by the parent of the party. 7.6 Upon the Effective Date of this Agreement, that certain Agreement for Services dated March 1, 2000 between the Owner and PeopleService shall automatically terminate and shall be superseded by this Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed as of the date first above written. PEOPLESERVICE, INC. President Attest: Assistant Secretary H:www\f s cntrct\Otsego. wp6 10 CITY OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Attest: Mayor City Administrator OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT A Description of Facilities For purposes of this Agreement, the following water/wastewater utility components are included: ■ WATER SYSTEM: Two (2) water production wells (#1 with a submersible pump and #2 with a line shaft turbine pump); one (1) well house for well #1, which includes chemical addition and control; one (1) elevated 400,000 gallon capacity water storage tower. ■ WASTEWATER SYSTEM: Class "C" oxidation ditch facility consisting of two (2) ditches with a combined flow capacity of 200,000 gallons per day and a maximum CBOD loading of 250 mg/I, and described in the NPDES permit as phase one. The first phase consists of one submersible lift station, manual bar screen, two oxidation ditches, two final clarifiers, alum addition for phosphorus removal with a chemical storage building, ultraviolet (UV) light disinfection, effluent reaeration, one aerobic sludge digester with decant tank, a sludge storage tank, and a control building which houses the bar screen, lab area, blower room, mechanical room and basement pump room. H:www\fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 11 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT EXHIBIT B Services to be Provided by PeopleService Except as otherwise provided in the Operation and Maintenance Agreement, and subject to the limitations set forth therein, PeopleService shall provide the following services to Owner in connection with the Facilities: ■ PeopleService will provide the personnel necessary to manage, operate and maintain the City's water and wastewater treatment facilities in order to achieve optimum performance and to maintain equipment for system integrity, within the Owner's budgeted resources. ■ PeopleService will provide technical training to the water and wastewater operator on treatment process, preventive maintenance techniques, and safety awareness, including the continuing education units (CEU's) necessary for the operating personnel to maintain their licenses. ■ PeopleService will procure and pay for all utilities, consumable supplies, chemicals (except for polyphosphate), vehicle fuels, and materials and services necessary for the safe and efficient day to day operations. ■ Monitor, sample, analyze, and report as required by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDOH) in matters related to municipal water supply. Testing will include those tests necessary to maintain the daily operation of the water system. Any additional testing costs as required by regulatory agencies such as for coliform bacteria, inorganic chemicals, synthetic organic chemicals, volatile organic chemicals and pesticides will be the responsibility of the Owner. ■ PeopleService will monitor, sample, analyze, and report as required by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) and the NPDES permit issued for the H:wwwVfscntrct\0tsego.wp6 12 wastewater treatment facility. Testing will also include those tests necessary to optimize and maintain the daily operation of the wastewater treatment plant. ■ PeopleService will act as a liaison between the Owner and the MDOH/MPCA and to the federal E.P.A. in matters relating to compliance with water quality and discharge requirements, and other liaison activities, as required. ■ PeopleService will be responsible for effluent quality, including liability for fines and civil penalties should permit conditions be violated, while plant loadings and flows are within the design capability of the wastewater treatment plant, but only in those situations where the permit condition could have been met using existing in- place plant equipment. ■ PeopleService will coordinate and direct the disposal of the sludge from the plant, using an outside contractor. The third party contractor's cost to do this work will remain the responsibility of the Owner. In addition, PeopleService will maintain the required records for compliance with the MPCA and °503" sludge regulations. ■ PeopleService will implement the use of a comprehensive, preventative maintenance program in an attempt to ensure the projected life expectancy of plant equipment, and will enforce existing equipment warranties and guarantees, and maintain all warranties on any new equipment purchased after the effective date of an agreement. ■ PeopleService will maintain cleanliness of process equipment and buildings, and general appearance of all buildings and grounds, except for the mowing of grass and the plowing of snow, and will conduct operations such that nuisances of sight, sound, and odor are eliminated or minimized to the extent reasonably possible. ■ Within the limits of available security devices, PeopleService will secure and protect utility facilities for which it is responsible. H:wwvAfscntrct\Otsego.wp6 13 ■ PeopleService will provide a monthly, written report to designated Officials of the Owner, summarizing plant performance, production, flows, major projects or accomplishments, and preventive and corrective maintenance activities for the month. ■ PeopleService will comply with all applicable city, state, and federal laws, regulations, and administrative rules. ■ PeopleService will use a professional manner in dealing with community groups concerned with any facet of the operations, including tours and other public relations programs. ■ PeopleService will coordinate and cooperate with the Owner's Engineer and contractors to facilitate the completion of any expansion or improvement to the facilities. ■ PeopleService will serve as liaison between the Owner and any new or existing major contributing industries, and provide technical assistance to the Owner in consultation to existing industries and to any new industries, in matters relating to their pretreatment process, or agreements with the Owner and/or the MPCA. ■ PeopleService offers several types of professional services to our clients without charge. We term these additional services as "value added" services that clearly differentiate us from the typical 0&M contract services provider. By providing these studies, audits, and assessments, we hope to gain a firm knowledge of our client's systems and at the same time increase our value to them so that we are able to establish a long-term, lasting relationship. The following lists our "value added" services, which we provide to our clients as part of our support services package: ■ Five Year Wastewater Capital Improvements Assessment and O&M Budgeting Assistance H:wwMfscntrct\Otsego.wp6 14 ■ Water and/or Wastewater Rates Study ■ Industrial Pre -Treatment Investigation ■ Laboratory Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) Program Miscellaneous A - PeopleService will provide the necessary information to complete all forms required through the administration of the water and wastewater treatment systems. PeopleService will not be required to pay any fees associated with the licenses or permits required by the state agencies. PeopleService will pay all expenses associated with the individual operator certification. B - PeopleService will not be responsible for any additional costs associated with any construction project or upgrades involving the water and/or wastewater systems. H:www \fscntrct\Otsego.wp6 15 M I N N E S O T A DEPARTMENTOFHEALTH Protecting, Maintaining and Improving the Health of All Minnesotans Mr. Michael Robertson City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue Northeast Elk River, MN 55330 Dear Mr. Robertson and Mr. Renner: March 31, 2000 Refer to: License Number 71015 Mr. Roger Renner E.H. Renner and Sons, Inc. 15688 Jarvis Street Northeast Elk River, MN 55330 i Subject: Stipulation Agreement for Noncomplying Well Installation, Minnesota Unique Well Number 593608, Otsego Wastewater Treatment Plant Well, Located in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. Enclosed is the amended stipulation agreement which will allow the noncomplying well to remain and to be used, with conditions, as a source of water for the Otsego Wastewater Treatment Plant. Please review the enclosed document. If you have any questions or concerns that you feel are not adequately addressed in the agreement, please contact me. Otherwise, if you find the agreement satisfactory, please sign it and return it to my attention using the enclosed envelope no later than May 1, 2000. Once I have received signed copies of the agreement from both parties, I will forward fully executed copies of the agreement to both of you for your records. If the signed copies of the enclosed document are not returned to me by the deadline, the Minnesota Department of Health will rescind the offer for the stipulation agreement and may require the well to be permanently sealed, and a new complying well constructed. Please call me with any questions or concerns at (651) 215-0821. Sincerely, /" 6-L /Mark A. Johnson, Enforcement Coordinator Well Management Section MAJ:RDT:jab Enclosure cc: Steve Shakman, Office of the Attorney General 121 East Seventh Place • St. Paul, NIN 55101 - http://www.health.state.mn.u, STIPULATION AGREEMENT In the Matter of a Noncomplying Well, Minnesota Unique Well Number 593608, Located at 17330 53rd Street Northeast in the City of Otsego, Wright County, Minnesota. STIPULATION The following is hereby stipulated and agreed, by and between the Minnesota Department of Health, Well Management Section (MDH), by the director of the Environmental Health Division, the city of Otsego (Otsego), and Roger Renner and E.H. Renner and Sons, Inc. (Renner). I. STATEMENT OF FACTS The following constitutes a summary of the facts upon which this Stipulation Agreement (Agreement) is based: 1. Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103I grants the commissioner of health authority to regulate the construction, repair, and sealing of wells and borings in Minnesota. 2. It is the intent of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103I, to protect the public health and groundwater in Minnesota. 3. Minnesota Rules, part 4725.2020, subpart 1 states that a well or boring must not be constructed to interconnect aquifers separated by a confining layer and that a permanent open bore hole or screened portion must not extend through more than 10 feet of a confining layer. 4. Mr. Roger Renner is the representative of E. H. Renner and Sons, Inc. a licensed Minnesota well contracting firm. 5. Mr. Michael Robertson is the city administrator for the city of Otsego. 6. On May 13, 1999, Renner filed a notification with the MDH to drill a well, Minnesota Unique Well Number 593608 (subject well), for the city of Otsego located at 17330 53rd Street Northeast, Wright County, Minnesota (subject property). 7. Renner constructed Minnesota Unique Well Number 593608. On June 28, 1999, Renner contacted Mr. Ronald Thompson (Thompson) metro regional supervisor of the MDH. Renner reported that the subject well was cased with 6 -inch steel City of Otsego Mr. Roger Renner Page 2 of 5 casing to a depth of 160 feet, and that the casing was cement grouted. He further reported that the initial interpretation of geology from well records in the area and a gamma log of the subject well determined that the geology consisted of glacial sediments overlying the Franconia formation. Renner further reported that subsequent review by the Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS), after the well had been completed, determined that the geology consisted of glacial sediments overlying the Jordan sandstone. 9. On July 1, 1999, Mr. Bruce Bloomgren (Bloomgren), of the MGS reported that the geology of the subject well consisted of glacial sediments from 0 to 93 feet, the Jordan sandstone from 93 to 159 feet, the St. Lawrence formation from 159 to 190 feet, and the Franconia formation from 190 to 255 feet. Bloomgren reported that the Jordan sandstone contained silty feldspathetic zones atypical of the Jordan, and that the Mazomanie member of the Franconia formation was abnormally thick. 10. On July 1, 1999, Renner, Thompson, and Mr. Richard Foster of Bonestrtoo Rosene Anderlik & Associates, consulting engineers to Otsego, discussed the subject well. Thompson stated that the well did not meet the requirements of Minnesota Rules, part 4725.2020, subpart 1 since the well was constructed with open hole through more than 10 feet of the St. Lawrence confining layer. Thompson indicated that to bring the well into strict compliance with Minnesota rules, the well must be sealed and a new well drilled, or the well reconstructed which would generally not be practically or economically feasible. Also discussed were options of obtaining a variance to install a cement -grouted 4 -inch inner casing in the subject well, or to seal the St. Lawrence with cement grout and subsequently drill a small diameter hole through the St. Lawrence. 11. Renner and Otsego chose to attempt to seal the St. Lawrence with cement and drill a small diameter hole through the St. Lawrence into the Franconia formation. 12. On July 15, 1999, the MDH televised the subject well after cementing and drilling by Renner. The televison inspection indicated that the cementing and drilling attempt was unsuccessful. The St. Lawrence formation was only completely cemented for a depth of 3 feet and the second drill hole deviated from the original drill hole within 10 feet of the bottom of the casing. 13. On September 22, 1999, Mr. Robertson wrote a letter to the MDH asking that the MDH accept the well in it's present condition. 14. On October 19, 1999, the MDH wrote a letter to Senator Mark Ourada, Representative Bruce Anderson and Otsego. 15. On November 8, 1999, the MDH wrote a letter to Otsego forwarding three options for resolution of the subject well, sealing of the well and construction of a new well, installation of a 4 -inch cement grouted inner casing, or entering into a stipulation agreement to allow the well to remain with conditions. The MDH indicated they believed the best long term City of Otsego Mr. Roger Renner Page 3 of 5 solution was to seal the well and construct a new well in complete conformance with the rules. 16. On January 4, 2000, Otsego wrote a letter to the MDH requesting to enter into a stipulation agreement. II. RESPONSIBILITIES OF PARTIES RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE MDH The MDH agrees: Except as required to enforce the terms of this Agreement, the MDH shall not initiate any further enforcement actions against Otsego or Renner for the violations described herein. 2. The MDH retains the right to initiate additional enforcement actions against Otsego, Renner, or any other party in its sole discretion, for any violations of Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4725, and Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 103I, other than those described herein, in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, section 144.99. 3. The MDH shall collect a water sample from the subject well, shall analyze the sample for tritium at no cost to Otsego or Renner, and shall send a copy of the analysis results to Otsego and Renner. 4. The MDH shall provide Otsego a wellhead protection vulnerability assessment worksheet and shall assist Otsego with completion of the vulnerability assessment. 5. This Agreement may be executed in as many counterparts as desired by the parties thereto, any one of which shall have the full force and effect of the original copy. The MDH shall maintain the original agreement and signature page(s), and shall copy and distribute to each signatory a fully executed copy of this Agreement including copies of all signature pages. City of Otsego Mr. Roger Renner Page 4 of 5 RESPONSIBILITIES OF OTSEGO Otsego agrees: 1. A copy of this Agreement and cover letter must be maintained on file at the city of Otsego until the subject well is sealed. 2. Otsego must complete a contaminant source inventory form, and submit the completed form to the MDH by May 1, 2000. 3. Otsego must collect a water sample from the subject well, have the water sample analyzed for total coliform bacteria and nitrate -nitrogen by a certified laboratory, and submit the results to the MDH annually until the well is sealed. RESPONSIBILITIES OF RENNER Renner agrees: 1. E. H. Renner and Sons, Inc. constructed the subject well. 2. Renner constructed the subject well based upon the initial interpretation of formation samples, geology from well records in the area, and a gamma log of the subject well. Based upon information available at the time of construction, Renner constructed the subject well in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 4725.2020, subpart 1. Subsequent review by the MGS, after Renner had completed construction of the subject well, determined that the actual geology consisted of glacial sediments overlying the Jordan sandstone. Based upon the subsequent interpretation of the geology, the subject well was not constructed in accordance with Minnesota Rules, part 4725.2020, subpart 1. 3. That this Agreement is public data. City of Otsego Mr. Roger Renner Page 5 of 5 This Agreement shall be effective when signed by all parties. The Agreement is valid for the lifetime of the well. Failure to comply with the terms of this Agreement shall make it null and void. For: The City of Otsego By Honorable Larry Fournier, Mayor Dated this day of —52000 By Elaine Beatty, City Clerk Dated this day of , 2000. Minnesota Department of Health By Patricia A. Bloomgren, Director Division of Environmental Health Dated this day of , 2000. For: E. H. Renner and Sons, Inc. and Roger Renner By Roger Renner Dated this day of 12000. Direct all Correspondence to: Well Management Section Enforcement Minnesota Department of Health P.O. Box 64975 St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0975. 04-06-2000 01:46PN FROM Couri & MacArthur TO Michael C. Cousr• Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller •A4W UMMAd ix nssde April 0,2000 COITRI & MACARTHUR Attarne)w at Law 20 Central Avmue East PO Box 369 A Michael, MN5537",3469 (763) 497-1930: (763) 4.97-2599 (FAV couriandrnaoarthwinpobox cam 4418823 F.J2 City .Council MemVprs City of Otsego c/o. Elaine Beat, City Clerk 5899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk: Riyer, MN;5,5330 RE: City of Otsego- Stipulation Agreement for Nan -Complying. Well Installation Dear City Council Members: i At.the:iequest of :thc City, have reviewed the proposed Stipulation between the City of Otsego, Minnesota Department of Health and E.H. Renner and Sons, Inc. The stipulation recites ;facts that iar,6in general conformance with my understanding6.f the situation.: The well work W. performed by E.H. Renner under contract. Bonestroo was the j engineer -:m chairge of the project. The affect of the Ci MDH and Renner signing fining the Agreement is that: the Minnesota ` 1 i)epart hent of Health agrees not to take enforcement action against either the City or Renner as long ;as they comply with the Agreement MAH reserves the. right of 1 enforcement in;the ovent that the Agreement is not complied with, or there are other violations. It allciws:: the well to remain as drilled. as long as the parties comply with the Agreement. The Agreement as drafted does not'preclude the City from taking action, if deemed . i appropriate, against the well driller or involved engineering firm. This would be a i separate evalu.atib, n which would be made.based upon whether or not those parties use4_7 f the necessary professional care in initial review and drilling,: and whether or not it is i worth the City"sauce and money to evaluate and pursue the matter further. The matter has bb�cn previously presented to the Council by Bonestroo. 04-06-2000 01:46PM FROM Couri & MacArthur TO 4418823 P J3 `L,etterto. Otsego City Council April 6, 2000 . I Page 2 If you'bve any pother questions • or concerns regarding this matter I will be available ;tr ! 'answer them at the Monday night meeting. Wry > -F,=L' cc: Latry• Koihak, )rTakanson Anderson I 1 • i i CLEAN UP DAY SATURDAY MAY 6, 2000 9AMto2PM Central Appliance Recycling $10.00 $12.00 Air conditioners $15.00 $15.00 First State Tires Car Tires $1.00 $1.00 Light Truck Tires $2.00 $2.00 Large Truck Tires $5.00 $5.00 Tractor Tires $15.00 $15.00 and up (tractor tires charged at staff discretion) Innertubes $ .50 $1.00 Bike Tires $ .50 $1.00 Motorcycle Tires $ .50 $1.00 Corrow Sanitation Scrap metal No Charge Batteries (vehicle) No Charge Demcon Disposal Disposal of household goods No Charge $135 a pull plus landfill costs Mattresses, box springs $15.00 each $10.00 Sofas, recliners (anything containing springs) $7 item $5.00 Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller *A Lw rice "i in tlfuwir March 27, 2000 COURI & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN55376-0369 (612) 497-1930 (612) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacanhur®pobox. mm Ms. Gretchen Severin Munsterteiger Law Offices P.A. Anoka Professional Bldg., Suite 300 403 Jackson St. Anoka, MN 55303 Re: City of Otsego — Sebeck Condemnation Dear Ms. Severin: Enclosed and hereby served upon you by United States mail please find the Report of Commissioners in the above -referenced matter. This report was filed on Thursday, March 23, 2000. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, drew J. X cArthur Couri & MacArthur AJM/khb Enclosure cc: Court File Joyce Farrell, Commissioner Clarence Eull, Commissioner Alan Hoekstra, Commissioner City of Otsego STATE OF MINNESOTA DISTRICT COURT COUNTY OF WRIGHT TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Court File No. C9-99-669 Case Type: Condemnation City of Otsego, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Petitioner, V. REPORT OF COiINEMaSSIONERS Merrili Asleson, Bank United of Texas, FSB, DBA Commonwealth United Mortgage, The Bank of Elk River, Ellen Bouley and LaDonna Haipster, as Trustees of the Bouley Living Trust, Martin G. Bouley, LouAnn Bouley, Merlin A. Brisbin, Mary Brisbin, The First National Bank of Elk River, Anthony Buirge, Leah Buirge, Darlene C. Cota, Michael Cota, D & Y Family Ltd. Partnership, Gilbert Darkenwald, Billie Darkenwald, Mary Rose Dare, Elk River Independent School District #728, Elk River Rogers Post No. 5518 VFW, Bradley D. Estvold, Judy M. Estvold, Thomas D. Juergens, Jurergens' Joint Venture, J4 Company, L.L.C., Vernon C. Kolles, Anita Kolles, Wayne Lahn, Beverly Lahn, Kevin Lefebvre, Trustee of the John Earl Lefebvre Loving Trust dated April 16, 1990, Richard Lefebvre, Patricia L. Lefebvre, Ronald L. Pouliot, Delores M. Pouliot, Marvin R. Reich, Mary Ann Reich, George A. Sebeck, Diane M. Sebeck, Michele R. Sobieck, Scott C. Thompson, Winter Family Ltd. Partnership, Jon T. Zachman, Doneva G. Zachman, also, all other persons known or unknown claiming any right, title estate, interest or lien in the real estate described in the Petition herein. Respondents. 49 � ate; , 9 ' CC iT -:;Cj rY. IN THE MATTER OF THE CONDEMNATION OF CERTAIN LANDS FOR CONSTRUCTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND WATER COLLECTOR SYSTEMS ALONG WITH NECESSARY PERMANENT EASEMENTS AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REPORT OF COMMISSIONERS TO THE COURT ABOVE NAMED: The undersigned commissioners appointed by this Court in the above entitled action by Order of the Court dated May 10, 1999, do hereby report as follows: I. That we met at the time and place appointed by this Court therefore, to -wit: at the office of the Clerk of District Court in the Wright County Courthouse, Buffalo, Minnesota, on the �I, / 7r day of tiJAC"j , 1999, and severally took the oath prescribed by law. II. That after we gave written notice to the respondents named there, we then viewed the premises described in said Petition. Upon written notice being given to the persons interested, we held public hearings at the Otsego City Hall, Otsego, Minnesota, from time to time, and heard the persons interested who appeared and asked to be heard. We have appraised the value of the lands so proposed to be taken and the damages sustained by.the several respondents by the reason of the taking thereof, and the same are as follows: (See Attachment A.) Dated this 'j rd day of � , 2000. J e ell, Commissioner 2 Clarence Eull, Commissioner Alan Hoekstra, Commissioner STr.T� OF N TiA „i;;f �T r+ ' by 2 �.fl:p �il� tri?,Ct CO", `•.�+° -^ •' Ce..f ed ,o — Cid ro{? Ir.m� office ;his La:io,n �l^•P°u r u't �dnir'.+rrtor 3y: ATTACHMENT A George and Diane Sebeck 8116 River Road NE Otsego, MN 55330 Parcel 22-01 A 50.00 foot permanent easement for utility purposes over, under and across all that part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 121, Range 23, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southeasterly of "Line B" to be hereinafter described, and lying northeasterly of WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAT NO. 8. Said "Line B" being described as commencing at the northwest comer of said Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 59 minutes 44 seconds East, assumed basis of bearings, along the north line thereof for a distance of 815.93 feet to the actual point of beginning of said "Line B" to be hereby described; thence South 46 degrees 01 minutes 04 seconds West along said "Line B" for a distance of 664.19 feet, more or less, to terminate said "Line B" at the intersection thereof with said Highway centerline. The centerline of said permanent easement is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the easterly line of WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY RIGHT-OF-WAY PLAT NO. 8 and a line 368.00 feet southerly of the north line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence easterly parallel with said north line a distance of 150.00 feet; thence deflecting to the right 64 degrees 45 minutes a distance of 375.45 feet; thence deflecting to the left 11 degrees 51 minutes a distance of 776.42 feet; thence deflecting to the right 01 degrees 19 minutes a distance of 889.78 feet; thence deflecting to the left 22 degrees 08 minutes a distance of 20.25 feet, more or less, to a point on the east line of said Section 22 distant 565.66 feet northerly of the southeast corner thereof and said line there terminating. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 100.00 feet northeasterly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for utility purposes. Together with a temporary easement for construction purposes over, under and across the above described property lying 25.00 feet southwesterly of and adjoining the above described permanent easement for utility purposes. The permanent easement for utility contains 45,379 sq.ft. 1.04 acres The temporary construction easement contains 101,669 sq.ft. 2.33 acres RESPONDENT IS HEREBY AWARDED: $ APPRAISAL FEES AWARDED: $ —s—rm.Cw TOTAL: $ i Z,, c�-0 , cv Hakanson 1 Anderson Assoc., Inc. i Municipal Engineering Land Surveying February 29, 2000 Mike Robertson, Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, MN 55330 ITEM 7.2 Re: Otsego Annual Groundwater Monitoring Dear Mike: 3601 Thurston Avenue Suite 101 Anoka, Minnesota 55303 612/427-5860 612/427-0520 Fax Enclosed are the results of the testing monitor wells performed on the three (3) groundwater monitoring wells in Otsego. The results indicate that the groundwater near all three wells meets potable water standards set by both the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). The following table summarizes the results for all three groundwater monitoring wells: PARAMETER MW #1 MW #2 ( MW #3 STANDARD Unique Well # 550506 I 545303 550505 Location Park 90 St. N.E. & Ohland Ave. N.E. 85th St. Water Elev. (FT) 856.95 860.26 858.95 pH 7.03 7.46 7.43 Temp (CO) 9.2 10.0 9.8 Spec. Cond. &umhos/cm) 935 662 804 Chloride (mg/1) 123 13.7 41.4 250 Fecal Coliform (Cfu/100 ml <1 <1 I <1 Presence Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl <0.1 I 0.1 <0.1 0.6 Nitrate & Nitrite 0.98 <0.2 <0.2 0.2 Ma01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\606\ot606m2.dcc Mike Robertson Page 2 February 29, 2000 The parameters above are used as indicators when looking for pollutants in groundwater due to failure of septic drainfield systems. The results indicate a failing result in the nitrate and nitrite. Maximum allowable is 0.2 mg/I and in the well in Otsego County Park well the level was 0.98 mg/L. Nitrate can come from overfertilization in agricultural regions. Health hazards from ingesting nitrate and nitrites in water is primarily to infants 0-3 months. Nitrates interfere with the infant's ability to transfer oxygen in the blood. Infants in homes using well water should be given bottled water for this reason. Adults have no problem with much higher doses of nitrate and nitrite intake. I have compiled all of the previous data on to charts with a trend line. This can be updated yearly and should be useful to quickly see if there are any trends we should be aware of. Trend lines show that the groundwater quality appears to be decreasing, but still is within safe drinking water standards. If you have any questions or comments, you may contact me at 427-5860. Sincerely, HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. ner, RW:clk cc: Elaine Beatty, Clerk -- Cavvr-ence G.' K0shak, P.E. \\Ha01\shared docs Wlunicipal\AOTSEGO\606\ot606mr2.doc Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. Ground Water Monitoring Well Results 85th Street Well C:/Ron/work/jOtsego/ot606/wellresults.xls Sheet 85th St. 1/95 2/96 2197 4/97 5/98 1/00 Elevation Temperature Specific Conductivity pH Chloride Nitrate & Nitrite Nitrogen Coliform (Fecal) 862.31 862.75 862.49 864.08 862.93 858.95 6.2 9.9 11.7 11.4 11.8 9.8 540 548 476 811 893 804 6.65 7.69 7.11 6.58 7.3 7.43 25.1 25.8 30.8 - 29.5 41.4 <1 1.2 <.5 - <.2 <.2 <1 <1 <.5 - <0.6 <0.1 <1 <1 <10 <1 <1 <1 C:/Ron/work/jOtsego/ot606/wellresults.xls Sheet 85th St. Ground Water Monitoring Well Results 90th Street & Ohland Well C: Ron/work/Otsego/ot606/wellres uIts. As Sheet 90th St. & Ohland 1/95 2/96 2/97 4/97 5/98 1/00 Elevation Temperature Specific Conductivity pH Chloride Nitrate & Nitrite Nitrogen Coliform (Fecal) 861.98 862.7 862.62 864.1 861.22 860.26 6.8 9.8 10 10.6 11.8 10 486 476 452 680 637 662 7.79 8.14 7.21 7.73 7.5 7.46 10.7 9.7 10.8 - 27.8 13.7 <1 1.3 <.5 - <.2 <.2 <1 <1 0.91 - <0.6 0.1 <1 <1 <10 <1 <1 <1 C: Ron/work/Otsego/ot606/wellres uIts. As Sheet 90th St. & Ohland Ground Water Monitoring Testing Results Otsego County Park Well C:Ron/work/Otsego/ot606/well res uIts. xIs Sheet Otsego County Park 1/95 2/96 2/97 4/97 5/98 1/00 Elevation Temperature Specific Conductivity pH Chloride Nitrate & Nitrite Nitrogen Coliform (Fecal) 853.4 856.28 855.7 860.93 854.07 856.95 6.5 8.8 9 8.1 10.3 9.2 555 525 387 742 826 935 6.99 7.49 7.4 7.85 7.3 7.03 55.1 74.5 94.4 - 78.4 123 3 2.5 <.5 - <.2 0.98 <1 <1 <.5 - <0.6 <0.1 <1 <1 <10 <1 <1 <1 C:Ron/work/Otsego/ot606/well res uIts. xIs Sheet Otsego County Park CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 10, 2000 TO: City Council Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register $ 78,238.44 Automatic Pay Deductions $ 3,100.20 GRAND TOTAL $ 81,338.64 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson Deputy Clerk/Treasurer CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY MARCH 2000 The following claims are set up for automatic pay from the City's Checking Account. Park Commission Phone Service in the Shed $ 36.03 Act # 201-45000-320 Subtotal$ 36.03 Public Works Phone Service $ 65.61 Act # 101-43100-320 Subtotal $ 65.61 City Hall Phone Service $ 362.50 Act # 101-41400-320 Subtotal $ 362.50 TOTAL FOR US WEST $ 464.14 City Hall Service $ 334.56 Act# 101-41940-322 Subtotal $ 334.56 Old City Hall $ 157.01 Act# 101-41950-322 Subtotal $ 157.01 TOTAL FOR RELIANT ENERGY $ 491.57 CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY MARCH 2000 Sewer and Water Services Otsego Well #1 Lift Station at Quaday & Cty Rd 42 Pump House #1 Water Tower #1 Act. # 601-49400-322 City Hall Services $ 20.60 $ 33.45 $165.31 $ 18.28 Sub -total $237.64 Shed $ 25.00 Otsego City Hall Parking Lot $ 7.08 Otsego City Hall $562.77 Act. # 101-41940-322 Sub -total $594.85 City Services Signal Light at Hwy 101/42 $148.66 Street Light at Odean/37 $ 7.99 Street Light at Odean/37 $ 7.99 Siren at Quaday/42 $ 8.79 Act. # 101-43160-322 $173.43 Country Ridge Street Light at Palmgren $ 7.08 Street Light at 83rd Cul-de-sac $ 7.08 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 7.08 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 7.08 Street Light at Parell Avenue $ 7.99 Street Light at Palmgren Avenue $ 7.99 Street Light at Palmgren Avenue $ 7.99 Oday Acres Street Light at Oday Circle $ 11.82 Lin -Bar Estates I & H Street Light at Ogren Avenue 2N $ 11.82 Street Light at Ogren Avenue 1S $ 11.82 Street Light at Ogren/71st $ 11.82 Street Light at 71st $ 11.82 Street Light at Odell Circle $ 11.82 Wright -Hennepin, continued. Street Light at 72nd/Odean $ 11.82 Street Light at 72nd St. $ 11.82 Street Light at 72nd St. $ 11.82 Heritage Hills Street Light $ 11.82 Street Light $ 11.82 Street Light $ 11.82 Street Light at Ochoa Ct/Ochoa Ave $ 11.82 Street Light at Ochoa Court $ 11.82 Street Light $ 11.82 Rolling Ridge Creek Street Light at Large Court $ 11.82 Street Light at Large Court $ 11.82 Crimson Ponds Street Light at 7860 Padre Cove $ 11.82 Street Light at 15020 78th Way $ 11.82 Street Light at Padgett & 79th St. NE $ 11.82 Meyer Addition 3 Streets Lights billed this month $35.46 Act. # 101-43160-322 Sub -total $288.69 Grand Total payable to Wright -Hennepin Electric $ 1,294.61 CLAIMS LIST AUTOMATIC PAY MARCH 2000 Public Works Building $ 233.30 Act # 101-43100-322 Sub -total Old City Hall (Rented by Head Start) $ 53.19 Act # 101-41950-322 Sub -total Flasher Light at Cty Rd 39/Parrish $ 25.67 Street Lights at 101 & Cty 130 $ 16.93 Overhead Lights at 42/Parrish $ 33.55 Traffic Signal at 39/101 $252.50 Street Lights Cty Rd 39 $ 32.38 Street Light 85th/Parrish $ 12.78 Street Light Cty Rd 39/Page $ 7.99 Street Light Cty Rd 39/Nashua $ 12.78 Street Light Parrish & 89th St. $ 12.78 Bulow Estates Street Light $ 7.77 Antelope Park Street Lights $ 62.20 Country Ridge Street Lights $ 46.65 Street Lights at 96th Street $ 39.41 $ 233.30 $ 53.19 Act # 101-43160-322 Sub -total $ 563.39 TOTAL FOR ELK RIVER UTILITIES $849.88 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid JERRYOLSON CITY OF OTSEGO Check Summary Register Name Check Date Total Checks Thursday, February 17, 2000 Check Amt $7,859.87 $7,859.87 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid JERRY OLSON Thursday, February 17, 2000 Page 1 of 1 E 101-42410-390 Contracted Services $7,859.87 March Bldg Services Total JERRY OLSON $7,859.87 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $7,859.87 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, February 16, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Date Check Amt ��.�,.:�:�: �����.;.�,,.•.. ����`'... ��\, �g •..w •,•,�� ,•�, •;:,; •���<{� ••; ,,,. �...,, �, ,`.;. ,�?ate :��•� 00 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid AFFINITY PLUS $50.00 UnPaid CLARK PRESSLER $2,500.00 Unpaid FRANK & MELANIE MORRISETTE $3,500.00 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $756.57 Total Checks $7,421.27 CITY OF OTSEGO Wednesday, February 16, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Check Detail Register Check Amt Invoice Comment pp Y, ��(,-�„ { }i,:, :•i:,��- .t.{ 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFINITY PLUS G 101-21709 Medicare $50.00 Olson 141923 Total AFFINITY PLUS $50.00 UnPaid CLARK PRESSLER R 702-38090 ESCROW DEPOSIT $2,500.00 Escrow Refund Total CLARK PRESSLER $2,500.00 UnPaid FRANK & MELANIE MORRISETTE E413-43100-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $3,500.00 Easement Settlement Total FRANK & MELANIE MORRISETTE $3,500.00 UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 3-18-2000 E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.92 PPE 3-18-2000 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD G 101-21704 PERA $361.90 PPE 3-18-00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $199.70 PPE 3-18-00 E 101-43100-121 PERA $194.97 PPE 3-18-00 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $756.57 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $7,421.27 CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, February 20, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 CITY OF OTSEGO Sunday, February 20, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid CLARENCE EULL E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $1,022.62 Appraisal Total CLARENCE EULL $1,022.62 vw.wiwwn+nxvmk:emw::nvOIVVPMP)OOP%£NPY.Y4TJiM:•N'NV.•J:Y9P.VJ%'4Y�AP%O4PoOP)OP90000 V Unpaid GEORGE SEBECK iittV9V4JTMV0Y JO>.'JOPJ000:0%Odi000CN!^,X+4N,Sv<.Y.•:.+nbl:bw.y. E 415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $6,942.00 Easements Total GEORGE SEBECK $6,942.00 .,,,m.............v.,nvmvv,w:,+.Att9POMCP44«90POPCCJOPGCSS59 UnPaid W MOOOCOOOCOC-NC9000MC4 JOYCE B. FARRELL, CFRA E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $1,029.29 Appraisal Odean Total JOYCE B. FARRELL, CFRA $1,029.29 ::•w:,+vv,•.,vMw..w.:,,rvvn+.nn,,,,•.v:.:,,,,mn.x•]0 UnPaid \..VOCOCJ04PPy\'P?]OOf.^OP90MC90CSCOLSK„N090DOOPOJPpOKPX9P):4?NK RUBEN BONK ...,�h XMF,Yffm+M±K.\,v:. E 413-43100-390 Contracted Services $1,034.80 Appraisal Total RUBEN BONK $1,034.80 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $10,028.71 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, February 19, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 or 1 Total Checks $52,928.59 Name Check Dots Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid 21ST CAPITAL CORP $5,892.93 UnPaid AT&T $80.92 UnPaid B & D PLUMBING & HEATING INC $195.00 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $823.46 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $12.57 UnPaid BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNTING $218.02 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,568.75 UnPaid DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION $74.00 UnPaid EARL F ANDERSON INC $83.89 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $315.92 UnPaid EVERGREEN LAND SERVICES CO $400.00 UnPaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE $7.00 UnPaid FORTIS BENEFITS INSURANCE CO $94.19 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $734.18 UnPaid GRIDOR CONSTR., INC. $26,400.00 UnPaid LONG & SONS $529.12 UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $127.78 UnPaid PITNEYBOWES $21.57 UnPaid RANDY'S SANITATION $257.50 UnPaid STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $125.00 UnPaid USF DISTRIBUTION $82.29 UnPaid WASTE MANAGEMENT $112.50 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $14.454.50 Total Checks $52,928.59 CITY OF OTSEGO Saturday, February 19, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 3 ♦♦;ti♦� f..,,♦ Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid 21ST CAPITAL CORP E 415-43251-390 Contracted Services $5,892.93 99157MN TV Inspect lines Total 21ST CAPITAL CORP $5,892.93 "UnPaicJ'» AT&T E 101-43100-320 Telephone $34.76 PW E 101-41400-320 Telephone $46.16 City Hall Total AT&T $80.92 Unpaid B & D PLUMBING & HEATING INC E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $195.00 333584 Repair Men's Restrm Total B & D PLUMBING & HEATING INC $195.00 «9:`JLMK99pMSCMpWOIWSttta:NCT:,CWNMLML9pQ�N9:90ttC�KSKM:NCC•]!r{�<:vSK<.:C<.:: ft!<f::::d>:M-0OOtt<AtlAOM«MhCUO <tl.»f.K<.`v«x<«<+M«N..Y<E4>. x«u<m«M?»«.Y«n0�<Mkry+.vmr„vxmxm,:mmw.�n,. UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $317.50 March recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $317.50 ..•vSY:.^:h'^::: n..::? :::::: :.................. ?:<'t-::ic•U'A000AU YCNOOiJJ, .. :SM^k\tA?\)N)04- ]�!^�w^K•vxnv-h -=... ._. Unpaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $158.72 540513 Office Supplies E 101-41400-203 Supplies - General $664.74 466953 Filing Cab. Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $823.46 t,:.,,.�,:,x,;,: <::>-F.;<«.»v,>r-::»>--,-.,:: <.r:::,.:.......<:. ::::. ::::. ..,•.:..::::::.:-::..:�:..».�.»,�,.w,.»�r.,w.w...........:.....rwm.,..»,,....,w.»,»•::m:mr,.»•::,,,,»,-:..�>::<x>� ,��-.�, x: UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) ($6.66) 1992 Ford E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $19.23 1994 Ford Total BOYER TRUCKS $12.57 x+v««xeNdMNFNMh-.,vMm�e4X{Aw[mm<mvmme::nvnv:::::x:::.v:nnrr:xxrxnw:m:::mx:xx:x.w::nwm:mr:rRlWOYNVYFi00000000}JQP:OYhY:YAW>iJ>}Xr.�iWYM�YFGYAifR>:4FR>JPf.•iT%:iXiiWY)006>Wi6'wLva i>%K XC:,% UnPaid BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNTING E101-41600-201 Office Supplies $218.02 025916 Checks Total BUSINESS FORMS AND ACCOUNTING $218.02 ..»�<.V,M,»�,�:xm».,�,..,,,,,,,,,,,,w:::::::xx:x:.»::,:»•::m.,w:.,.:.,,,•::.w.,wxx.,..,,»»„»,,,.,:,,,.w.,�:«<�«�.��..�::t�.�<,s„«:�,�::t«-f.<r,�i.�:���«,.,,;w«:�;« UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $1,568.75 Feb recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,568.75 .??riM;:iic>xr»wfnwc.,r»x.ucwc>na»,::rmx.,v<xrraem>,:.�r.,-:::.:.:.:::.,,...n»•::::::::x:.,,-::::::._:x::::.,-:..•:.:¢•:.w.w�..�..»,�..�„•mx:wv..»wx.:mwx,.»•:xx:::.-rx:::r::: m:rr:<.,,•x:::..w.^xt,V•T �::r.:st<vx->Tx•TT:m�T:tsTT:t�ctt•: Unpaid DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION E 101-41940-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $74.00 7795 Man Fire Ext Total DEHMER FIRE PROTECTION $74.00 . Mrx.%lxxxiNxnv<.v:::::x:::::.v: x:::: r:r:::::::: m»•:::::.:n:n:: n:.:•r.v:..:xvrinvr:rrrmvrrrm.»»wrmrxvnw:: m::::rnvx: xx::::::::::::rx: r: xxr::vTYiTTi? f/F:T:t•:t•TTTAM>1r:<S?:WffH' �V'. Unpaid EARL F ANDERSON INC E 101-43100-393 Street Signs $83.89 Signs Total EARL F ANDERSON INC $83.89 rFilA'1.rFl:-l..ri:Nfiii>:,�,p>i%iiYifi:J:.:: xr:::nv:::.vxr.,::n::::::::.,.: .......,, r.., n r.:.vrrxxnvxrx�xmxxvrrxrn:.vn,»vv�xrr.,,vxr�nvn xrr�rmrxxrrHY.^:ttt ::fff. t?T:4f/.tri �.>i:<t<:<:4!/f. tt4T. UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $28.29 88726 Septic Bids E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $37.72 88725 91-08 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $37.72 89105 Carron PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $40.08 88353 99-03 E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $40.08 88357 Grupa PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $42.44 88354 Baiari PH E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $47.15 88350 Dauphinas PH CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Saturday, February 19, 2000 Page 3 of 3 Check Amt Invoice Comment '�a'.�''��''�i��i��h�'u"�iA'.\�".s�f"a"°ao<�r`r' n .. 'Sieh.%ff`�`�x�w.•>`.'o:•.�`wi3a��3o-'`�'",ti� i`..... :�:::'":::::::i:; E 101-42420-301 Legal Services $125.00 Fritz Code Inforce Total STEPHEN CONROY, ATTORNEY $125.00 Unpaid USF DISTRIBUTION E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $82.29 6187873 Miscell Parts Total USF DISTRIBUTION $82.29 nouxeecoaa<c:sxaecc«cwox�wvaoma az:.uoo�-+.�i+.�eaxn«<.-«xx«:<:.nrr<.+en.exrr«<:r<rr<n,.mvw,wus.•rr;<n<«n>+ar«r:«.w..w<ww.::::::::::<::r::n,.:::«..r::nw::<::::::::::::::.,-:.,.«x««r<,w.v:>rf:m:u»».,r: »: o+»rr.: UnPaid WASTE MANAGEMENT E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $112.50 2012 Feb Recycling Total WASTE MANAGEMENT $112.50 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $13,999.50 Patrol -4 Patrol for April E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $40.00 Taxes 118-010-0077100 E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $40.00 Taxes 118-500-202100 F 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $40.00 Taxes 118-500-202102 E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $335.00 Taxes 118-010-078010 Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $14,454.50 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $52,928.59