10-23-00 CCk1i CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 5. CONSENT AGENDA Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/ October 23, 2000 (Non -Controversial Items) 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION• 5.1. Approve Fire Service Amounts for the following: Albertville Fire Service Elk River Fire Service Monticello Fire Service Rogers Fire Service 5.2. Approve extension of the Effective Date to December 1, 2000 for Operation and Maintenance Agreement between City of Otsego and PeopleService, Inc. (See attached letter for Mayors signature). BACKGROUND: 5.1. Albertville Fire Service according to Linda Goeb, Administrator estimates it slightly higher than 2000, but with fund surplus we can leave the amount at $53.00 per parcel and be safe. Elk River's Fire Service according to Lorrie Ziemer, Assistant Finance Director estimates remain the same as 2000. The fund has a surplus for any overrun and the amount of $40.00 per parcel should be safe. The reconciliation of the 1999 numbers we paid $840.51 additional amount which was paid for by surplus funds. Monticello's proposed Fire Service amount according to Rick Wolfsteller, Administrator is $40.00 per parcel which is an increase from $35.00 per parcel. It is contract renewal time for another 3 year contract and Rick will be forwarding a contract for Council consideration. The Monticello Fire Service Contract has always been at $35.00 per parcel. This is a straight amount and not estimated. Rogers Fire Service proposed amount according to Brad Fiest, Fire Chief will remain the same at $50.00 per parcel. This is a straight amount and not estimated. I need to send these fire service numbers in to Wright County Auditor to be placed on the assessment rolls by the end of October. Thank you for your consideration. 5.2 Is self explanatory as it is just a contract amendment. OCT 18 100 10:41AN CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO Ms. Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Zoning Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua NE Elk River, MN 55330 Re: 2001- 2003 Fire Service Contract Renewal Dear Elaine: October 18. 2000 P.2/3 The Monticello Joint Fire Board met October 17-h to discuss fire service contract renewal terms for cities and townships served by our fire department. As you know, our current contract expires December 31, 2000, The Joint Fire Board reviewed the proposed budget for operating the fire department in the year 2001 and noted that our present $35 fee per parcel has not been increased since 1994. Recormizina that the fire department costs have continually increased over the years for equipment purchases and operating expenses, the Joint Fire Board will be recommending to the Monticello City Council and to the Monticello Township Supervisors that the per parcel fee be increased to $40 starting in the year 2001. The Joint Fire Board would like to continue with three year contracts and is proposing that the $40 fee remain the same for all three years. The $40 fee was arrived at as a compromise amount after reviewing what the fee would have been if it had been adjusted at 3% annually since 1994. I -lad a 3% inflation adjustment been used, the fee should have been approximately $43 for the first year of the contract increasing, to $45.50 by the third year. The Joint Fire Board felt that an increase to $40 at this time was warranted and should be adequate to cover our costs for the entire three year contract. Upon ratification by the City Council and Township Supervisors, a new three year contract will be forwarded to you for your approval. In the meantime, should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Yours truly, F MONTICELLO Rick Wolfstell City Administrator RW/dg Enclosure: Contract Data cc: 2000 Fire Contract File Monticello City Ball, 505 Walnut Strcct, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 - Fax: (763) 271-3272 OCT 18 '00 10:42AM CITY OF MONTICELLO FIRE CONTRACT RENEWAL CPI ADJUSTMENT (g, 3% Annually) Base Fee 1994 $35.00 1995 $36.00 1996 $37.25 1997 $38.25 1998 $39.50 1999 $40.50 2000 $41.75 2001 $43.00 2002 $44.25 2003 $45.50 P.3/3 PAGE 2 - CONSENT AGENDA RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and approval. If Council has any questions or need to discuss further, the item should be removed to another section of the Agenda. The only change is Monticello Fire Service amount and is in line with the other fire service amounts. Thanks, Elaine PeopleService I N C 1815 Capitol Avenue Omaha, Nebraska 68102 October 12, 2000 Mr. Larry Fournier, Mayor City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Elk River, MN. 55330-7314 Dear Mayor Fournier, 71-1 j OC? 1 6 2000 9,a Article 1.1 of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement between the City of Otsego and PeopleService, Inc. dated April 10, 2000 states that the Agreement will be effective "July 1, 2000, or such other date mutually acceptable in writing .to PeopleService and Owner". By letter dated July 6, 2000, the parties had agreed to delay the Effective Date to October 1, 2000. Since it now appears that flows through the new Otsego wastewater treatment plant will not begin before December 1, 2000, the purpose of this letter is to change the "Effective Date" of the Operation and Maintenance Agreement referenced above. We would propose that the "Effective Date" be changed to December 1, 2000, unless changed by the parties via a letter similar to this letter. If you concur with the delayed "Effective Date", please indicate your concurrence by signing in the space provided below. I have enclosed two originals of this letter, and would ask that you sign both of them, keeping one for the City's files and returning one to me for our files. We appreciate the opportunity to be of continuing service to the rapidly expanding number of residents in Otsego. If at any time in the future you have questions, please don't hesitate to contact Curt Reetz our Regional Manager, or myself. Yours truly, G� 07 _, -- Alan F. Meyer President We accept December 1, 2000 as the revised "Effective Date" for the Operation and Maintenance Agreement dated April 10, 2000. For the City of Otsego, -arty Fournier, Mayor ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEP PREPARED BY• 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk October 9, 2,000 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION• 6.1. Consider Final Plat of Stonegate Estates 6.2. Consider Final Plat of Bauerly's Industrial Site7Bajari Land 6.3. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: Dan Licht will be present to explain and discuss the following items. 6.1-., 6.2, See attached reports from Dan Licht-. Larry Koshak will. also be present for any questions or comments. These items were continued from the October 9, 2000 meeting. 6.3_ This is for any other planning business that .needs discussion. R -E C QM114iENDA T1 QN: These items are for -Council consideration for approval or denial Thanks, Elaine Date: October 18, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Re: Proposed Stonegate Extension of road Mike Robertson Final Plat to connect with 83rd Street City Attorney Andy MacArthur and I met with John Anderson of Tollefson Development and his attorney Sean Kelly. Mr. Anderson maintained that Tollefson was never told that the City would require them to pay for the construction of the road across City property (the John Lefebvre access easement) to tie in with 83rd Street in Country Ridge subdivision. I maintained that we had informed them of this requirement during staff discussions and that it was not listed as a specific condition because there was no objection to it. I have checked with City Engineer Koshak and City Planner Licht and their recollection is the same as mine. The City Engineer and Tollefson have estimated this cost as approximately $17,000-20,000. I maintained that Tollefson is saving more costs than this through PUD flexibility and being allowed narrower streets than required under City ordinances. Mr. Anderson offered a compromise. He offered that Tollefson would pay for the costs of grading and removal in the disputed section of street if the City paid for the costs of blacktop. gravel, curb & gutter, and utilities. After some discussion of the difficulty of putting an actual costs to these items, Mr. Anderson made a second offer. Mr. Anderson's second offer was to split the costs of the disputed section of street 50-50 with the City. The City's 50% would be paid for by credits on the developer's agreement, so the City would not have to write Tollefson a check. I agreed I would present this offer to the City Council in the Council agenda packet so that they would be ready to discuss it at the Council meeting, and that City staff would not make a specific recommendation on the compromise offer. CC: City Attorney Andy MacArthur City Engineer Larry Koshak City Planner Dan Licht John Anderson, Tollefson Sean Kelly, Larkin/Hoffman stonegtwps Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller Robert T. Ruppe— 'Also licemed in II&uns **AW licensed in Califomia October 23, 2000 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Mike Robertson, City 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 COURT & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthur®pobox. com Administrator RE: Stonegate Estates- Construction of Extension of 83rd Avenue Dear Council Members: Enclosed please find correspondence received from Attorney Sean Kelly relative to off plat construction of the proposed extension of 83rd Street as a condition of plat approval for the above-mentioned plat. As per Mike Robertson's memo, it is Tollefson's position that the fact that they would have to pay for this extension was never conveyed to the Developer. City staff believe that this condition was clearly conveyed and understood. Also enclosed you will find my response letter which sets forth the City staff position. As indicated in that letter I spoke with Mr. Kelly has to whether or not a meeting could result in anything productive. We did determine that it would be worthwhile to meet with the Developer and subsequently myself and Mike met with Mr. Kelly and John Anderson from Tollefson. At that meeting the Developer proposed that they pay 50% of the cost of the road construction and that the remaining 50% be credited to them in the Developer's agreement as a credit against City fees. Mike and myself indicated that we would present this to the Council without comment at tonight's meeting. Since this is a matter that could potentially result in litigation, the Council should be aware of this during any discussion. I will present the matter and outline options available to the Council at the meeting this evening. Letter to Otsego City Council October 23, 2000 Page 2 Very trul ours, ew J.ta ur COURI&CARTHUR Ends. cc: Sean Kelly, Attorney Tollefson Development Dan Licht, City Planner Larry Koshak, City Engineer Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller Robert T. Ruppe•- *ALso licensed in tl6nois ••ALso licmW in Califomia October 16, 2000 COURI & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) courian&nacarthur@pobox. com VIA FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL Sean D. Kelly Larkin, Hoffman, Daly & Lindgren, Ltd. 1500 Wells Fargo Plaza 7900 Xerxes Avenue South Bloomington, MN 55431-1194 RE: Plat of Stonegate Estates- City of Otsego Dear Mr. Kelly: I am in receipt of your correspondence to City Administrator Robertson dated October 13, 2000. Obviously, the City takes exception to your characterization of the facts in this case. The idea that the Developer was informed that he would have to pay the cost of extension of 83`d Street to the cul-de sac within the plat of Country Ridge for the first time at the City Council meeting on October 9 is simply untrue. As a matter of fact, Mr. Anderson called me prior to the meeting to complain about this fact. It is obvious that the Developer knew or should have known about this condition long before the Council meeting for consideration of final plat. This matter was discussed in meetings between your client's engineer and the City Engineer and other staff. The City Engineer feels that it was clearly conveyed on more than one occasion that this would be a Developer responsibility. The proposed road construction was included on your own Engineer's submittals. Minutes of the August 21 Planning Commission indicate that the issue of this street extension was raised and it was clearly not be an assessed City project. Thus, it is obvious that this matter was discussed previously, yet at no time did your client raise any objection to construction of this extension or any request for reimbursement. Obviously, if your client had assumed that the City would be constructing this extension there would have been some conversation regarding when this would be done and by whom, and possible coordination with contractors. No such inquiries were ever made. Letter to Attorney Kelly October 16, 2000 Page 2 What further aggravates City officials and employees, is that your client has received substantial density increases through a PUD -CUP, has been allowed to construct private streets that do not meet the City's requirements for public streets (which has probably saved them substantially more money than the cost of the required street extension), and has been allowed to proceed through the plat process rapidly, even though they have not timely submitted all documents for review. In your letter, you request a meeting between the City and developers to try and reach a compromise. I have been informed that the City Administrator would be available to meet on Wednesday afternoon. However, prior to any such meeting I would like to discuss this matter further with you to determine whether or not such a meeting could actually be productive. I have talked to the various City staff and they are quite firmly of the opinion that your client knew about this requirement early on, and if they maintain that they did not know of this they should closely examine their own internal communications and procedures. Although you may have an argument in the purely technical sense, the logical implication of your argument would result in plats within 108 conditions rather than 8. Most of the issues related to plat approval are contained in general language and much is left to the Developer's Agreement, which is itself a condition of plat approval. To do it otherwise would result in escalated costs for the City and enormous additional costs and required submittals by your client. Please give me a call tomorrow to further discuss this matter. VenwJ. rs, Arthur COURI & MACARTHUR OTSEGO CITY ATTORNEY cc: City of Otsego Larry Koshak, City Engineer Dan Licht, City Planner ROBERT HOFFMAN GERALD H. FRIEDELL EDWARD J. ORISCOLL GENE N. FULLER JOHN D. FULLMER FRANK 1. HARVEY CHARLES S. MODELL CHRISTOPHER J. DIETZEN LINDA H. FISHER THOMAS P. STOLTMAN MICHAEL C. JACKMAN JOHN E. DIEHL JON S. SWIERZEWSKI THOMAS J. FLYNN JAMES P. QUINN TODD I. FREEMAN GERALD L SECK JOHN B. LUNDQUIST OAYLE NOLAN' JOHN A COTTER' PAUL 8. PLUN(ETT ALAN L KLDOW KATHLEEN M. PICOTTE NEWMAN MICHAEL B. LESARON GREGORY E KORSTAD GARY A VMI CLEVE' TIMOTHY J. KEANE ALAN M. ANDERSON MICHAEL W. SCH/LEY RONN B. KREPS TERRENCE E. BISHOP GARY A. RENNEKE CHRISTOPHER J. HARRISTHAL KENDEL J. OHKROGGE BRUCE J. DOUGLAS ILL WIAM C. GRIFFITH, JR. JOHN R. HLL PETER J.COYLE LARRY D. MARTIN JANE E. BREMER JOHN J. STEFFEN AGEN MICHAEL J. SMITH October 13, 2000 Michael Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. N.E. Elk River, MN 55330-7314 LARKIL . HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN,' :D. ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1500 WELLS FARGO PLAZA 7900 XERXES AVENUE SOUTH BLOOMINGTON, MINNESOTA 55431-1194 TELEPHONE (952) 835-3800 FAX (952) 896-3333 Re: Final Plat Application for Stonegate Estates Dear Mr. Robertson: XT 1 6 Zia. ANDREW F. PERRIN FREDERICK W. NEBUHR RENEE L JACKSON WILLIMI G. THORNTON CHRISTOPHER K. LARUS DOUGLAS M. RAMLER ANN M. MEYER STEPHEN J. KAMNSKI THOMAS F. ALEYANDER DANIEL T.KADLEC SHARNA A. WAHLGREN JOHN F. KLOS ADAM S. HUHTA' NICHOLAS AJ. VUETSTRA C. ERIK HAWES JAMES M. SUSAG DANIEL J. BALUNJTINE JOHN A MACK JEFFREY O. CAHILL SEAN 0. KELLY SONYA R. BRAUNSCHWEIG JOSEPH J. FITTANTE. JR. JONATHAN J. FOGEL CYNTHIA M. KLAUS MARK O. CHRISTOPHERSON NEAL J. BLANCHETT TAMARA O'NELL MORELAND JAMES A. MCGREEVY, III THCMMAS A GUMP TOM A TAYLOR CHRISTOPHER J. DEIKE MARLA M. ZACK OF COUNSEL JAMES P. LARKIN' JACK F DALY D. KENNETH UNOGREN ALLAN E. MULLIGAN JOSEPH GTTIS ALSO ADMITTED IN WISCONSIN SENT VIA FAX AN U.S. MAIL As you are aware, our firm has been retained by Tollefson Development, Inc. (the "Developer") in connection with the Final Plat application for Stonegate Estates. After tabling the Final Plat approval at the October 9, 2000 City Council meeting, the Developer was informed by the Council that it would be required to pay for roughly 200 feet of roadway connecting Stonegate Estates to another subdivision located to the west. Based on our review of applicable legal authority and the City's past actions regarding this subdivision, we conclude that the imposition of this requirement as a condition to the Final plat is an improper exercise of the City's subdivision authority. The purpose of this letter is to outline our legal conclusions and request a meeting next week to try to resolve the issue. BACKGROUND Stonegate Estates is a planned unit development consisting of detached single-family homes and townhomes. Immediately adjacent to the western boundary of the subdivision is a strip of property owned by the City and utilized for a recreational trail system and park (the "City Property"). Immediately to the west of the City Property is the Country Ridge subdivision. When the Developer originally submitted plans for this development, City Staff expressed a desire to connect the Country Ridge and Stonegate Estates subdivisions by extending 83rd Street east across the City Property to the Stonegate Estates subdivision (the "Road Extension"). For this reason, the Developer's preliminary plat application included a depiction of the Road Extension to be connected with Stonegate Estates. LARxm, .WFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTL Michael Robertson October 13, 2000 Page 2 On August 21, 2000 the Otsego Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat and the PUD -CUP Concept Plan for Stonegate Estates. On September 25, 2000 the City Council approved the Preliminary Plat and PUD -CUP Concept Plan subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat shall not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only guarantee sanitary sewer service to approved final plats with signed contracts or through a financial commitment for such services to assure the City of timely development. 2. The separation between individual townhouse structures shall be at least one-half the sum of adjacent building heights. 3. The design of all public and private streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. The landscaping plan is revised to eliminate proposed plantings within Outlot A, provide two staggered rows of plantings spaced not more than 20 feet on center along 85th Street and CSAH 42 and provide a more formal landscape treatment within the traffic circle, subject to City Staff approval. 5. Park and trail dedication requirements are satisfied through combination of cash fee in lieu of land and dedication of Outlot A subject to review and approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. 6. The subject parcel shall be included within the LeFebvre Creek Watershed District, subject to applicable impact fees. All grading, drainage, utility and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The 40 foot easement conveyed to the John LeFebvre Loving Trust in the agreement dated April 16, 1990 is terminated. 8. Upon approval of a final plat, the applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City, provide documentation of a homeowners association and pay all fees and post required securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. In connection with its approval, the City Council made various findings establishing the subdivision's compliance with City regulations and its Comprehensive Plan. With respect to traffic capacity in particular, the City found that: The proposed development is adequately served by 85th Street, which is designated as a collector street based upon the City's functional classification system. This street has adequate capacity to carry the potential traffic generated by the proposed development. At the October 9, 2000 City Council meeting the Developer was instructed that approval of the Final Plat would be conditioned upon the Developer paying for the proposed Road Extension. None of the documentation submitted by the Developer to date has indicated any willingness on its part to pay for LARKIN, _ IOFFNIAN, DALY & LINDGREN, LTL Michael Robertson October 13, 2000 Page 3 such off-site improvements. Moreover, with the exception of an October 12, 2000 Engineering Review that was received well after the Road Extension issue had been brought to light, the Developer has not received any documentation from the City identifying this obligation. Understandably, the Developer has assumed that the City would pay for a roadway to be constructed across the City Property to an adjoining subdivision. DISCUSSION Section 462.358, Subd. 3b of Minnesota Statutes mandates that the City approve the Developer's Final Plat for Stonegate Estates within sixty (60) days of submission if: ...the applicant has complied with all conditions and requirements of applicable regulations and all conditions and requirements upon which the preliminary approval is expressly conditioned either through performance or the execution of appropriate agreements assuring performance. (emphasis added) Section 21-3-3 of the City's Subdivision Ordinance mirrors the foregoing statutory requirements. As per the findings made in connection with the Preliminary Plat approval, the Stonegate Estates planned unit development is consistent with City development policies and complies with all applicable regulations contained in the City's Ordinance Code. With respect to roadways specifically, the subdivision complies with Section 21-7-5(D) and (E) regarding the continuation of existing streets in adjoining areas. The Final Plat extends 83rd Street to the western boundary of the subdivision at a location that would accommodate the Road Extension. The Subdivision Ordinance does not require the Developer to construct roadways past the boundaries of the subdivision.' Nor can the requirement for the Road Extension be implied by virtue of any general access requirements contained in the City's Ordinance Code. In approving the Preliminary Plat, the City Council made the express finding that Stonegate Estates was adequately served by 85th Street to the north. In addition to such general regulations contained in the City's Ordinance Code, the Final Plat complies with, or will comply with, the express conditions of the Preliminary Plat identified above. In particular, the Developer's opposition to paying for the Road Extension does not constitute a violation of any of the Preliminary Plat conditions. The only condition even remotely related to this issue is condition (3) stating, "The design of all public and private streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer." This condition does not even mention construction of the Road Extension, much less dictate what party is responsible for the cost. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 462.358, Subd. 3b set forth above, any such requirement must be expressly stated as a condition to the Preliminary Plat in order to be valid condition to Final Plat approval. ' Similarly, the Country Ridge subdivision complied with Section 21-7-5(E) by "stubbing" 83rd Street at its eastern boundary with a cul-de-sac in anticipation of future development to the west. If Country Ridge and Stonegate Estates were contiguous, there would be no need for the Road Extension. This requirement arises due to the location of the City Property between the two subdivisions. LARKr�, AOFFMAN, DALY & LtNDGREN, LTL Michael Robertson October 13, 2000 Page 4 In sum, the Developer has satisfied (or will satisfy under the terms of a development agreement) all of the City's general regulations applicable to Stonegate Estates and all of the special conditions upon which the Preliminary Plat was approved. According to the plain language of Minn. Stat. 462.358 and the City's own Subdivision Ordinance, the Final Plat must, therefore, be approved and the City is prohibited from imposing any additional requirements related to the Road Extension. CONCLUSION The Developer never anticipated that it would be required to pay for the Road Extension, given the fact that the improvement would be constructed over the City Property and would benefit the City and the Country Ridge subdivision to the west. To the contrary, the Developer logically assumed that the benefited parties would pay for the Road Extension. The City, on the other hand, apparently assumed all along that the Developer would pay for the Road Extension, but did not identify this obligation as condition. Notwithstanding the legal conclusions outlined above, the Developer would like to seek a compromise with respect to the Road Extension. To this end, we request an opportunity to meet with City officials some time next week to attempt to resolve the issue to both parties satisfaction. Please advise as to whether the City is agreeable to such a meeting and, if so, a suggested time and place. Thank you for your time and consideration. I am hopeful that the parties can resolve this matter and avoid incurring additional legal expense. Since ly, Sean I3 elly, for L�, HOFFMAN, DALY & LINDGREN, Ltd. cc: Andy McA,rthurL City Attorney. John Anderson ""4v William C. Griffith, Jr. ::ODMA\PCDOCS\LIB I\623668\1 "0N't"WIST ASSOC1*Tab ca"Sumk"T34, INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 5 October 2000 RE: Otsego - Stonegate Estates; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.18 BACKGROUND Tollefson Development, Inc. has submitted an application for final plat approval of the first addition of Stonegate Estates. The proposed final plat consists of 16 single family lots, 46 townhouse unit lots and seven outlots. The subject site is within the sanitary sewer service district and is zoned R-4 and R-6 District. The preliminary plat of Stonegate Estates was approved by the City Council on September 26, 2000. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The proposed final plat is consistent with the design of the approved preliminary plat. The applicant must still address the condition of approval that no townhouse structures are located closer than one half the sum of adjacent building heights with submission of scaled building elevations. One other issue is that the final plat indicates a 50 foot NSP easement bisecting the property, where as a 30 foot Minnegasco easement is shown on the preliminary plat. This easement crosses into a large portion of several unit lots, reducing the buildable area. If the additional easement includes area that is to be vacated with relocation of the power lines to the perimeter of the site, this should be resolved prior to recording the final plat. Lot Requirements. The single family lots are subject to the performance standards of the R-4 District, which requires a minimum lot size of 12,000 square feet and 75 foot minimum lot width. All of the proposed single family lots meet or exceed these requirements. The townhouse element of the project is subject to per unit lot area requirements. The area provided for the proposed townhouse units is consistent with the space allocations of the preliminary plat, which exceeded the minimum lot area per unit requirements. Outlots. The final plat includes six outlots. Outlot A is the parcel being dedicated to the City in partial satisfaction of park and trail requirements. Outlots B and C are intended to allow for monument development signs in accordance with Section 37 of the Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance. Outlots D and E are the common open space of the townhouse portion of the first addition. Finally, Outlot F and G are large parcels reserved for development of future phases. Landscape Plan. A condition of preliminary plat approval is submission of a revised landscape plan. This plan has not been submitted and is required prior to finalization of the development contract. The preliminary plat approval made the revised landscape plan subject to review and approval of City staff. Park and Trail Dedication. The applicant is dedicating Outlot A to the City as partial credit for park and trail dedication requirements. The applicant will be required to satisfy the balance of the park dedication with a cash fee in lieu of land, based upon a percentage of the total requirement. Construction Plans. The applicant has provided construction plans addressing grading, drainage, streets and utilities. These elements must be consistent with the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. It should be noted that all public streets proposed on the preliminary plat will be constructed during the first phase of the development, including the extension of 83`d Street and removal of the temporary cul-de-sac. Easements. The final plat provides perimeter easements around all of the single family lots as required by the Subdivision Ordinance. Drainage and utility easements will also be required over Outlots D and E in accordance with City policy. All easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Development Contract. If the City Council approves the final plat, the applicant must enter into a development contract with the City. The development contract requires the applicant to pay applicable fees and dedications and post required securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. -2- CONCLUSION The requested Stonegate Estates Final Plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat, although some additional information is required regarding building height and revised landscaping. These issues may be verified by staff upon approval of the final plat, prior to recording. As such, our office would recommend approval of the application subject to the following conditions: Documentation is provided that the 50 foot NSP easement is vacated with relocation of the power lines to the east and north boundary of the subject site. 2. The applicant provide scaled elevations for the proposed townhouse structures such that City staff can verify compliance with required setbacks. 3. The applicant submit a revised landscape plan in accordance with the conditions of preliminary plat approval, subject to City staff review and approval. 4. Park and Trail dedication requirements are satisfied with a combination of land dedication and cash fee in lieu of land, subject to review and approval of the Parks and Recreation Commission and City Council. 5. All construction plans and easements are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The applicant shall enter into a development contract with the City and pay all applicable fees and securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 7. Comments of other City Staff. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur John Anderson Gary Harris -3- m x x Em a N/. C vvvvName ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD .+J»..✓•'JI .. COa �J..y ✓•, u, ... .. _r.,.., ,.JMy IM,1. :.c . ,�. ,.,. cL [UUu JNh 4 , C _ _ ha A �iSQ - "�a >; r 2 ag, 56s ea .H 3 go $4 R ' p� r Etitas a (� a rrAFf:� 222ra1 tri as 6i! 9r 'il FY e9y@5 t Cq Y fa ►� rrr ayyrr�t� rrrrr t ���3a'9� !�� agi FAR ;•''��%� 0� X 2 m \N a m u' OTSEGO• MN., OMve, A Assoc/�fe�,Y o, w""'^'•'W FOR ••,w.-�. r...,.,, a... ..., .. m'. iY, TOLLEFSON DEVELOPMENT PRELIMINARY PLAT @ .. A.„w ,,,,, „ �•� pL�r"� PHASING/SITE PLAN iI ;..._,....... 7 � _ Q_'� i 7 � _ ` OCT -19-2000 10:12 NAC 612 595 9837 P.01/04 'I WAY .. �O�xrwxx ���o�y�►x�� �0��1r����►�x�, IINC.. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac®winternet.com MEMORANDUM - via fax transmission TO: Mike Robertson / Elaine Beatty FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 19 October 2000 RE: Otsego - Stonegate Estates; Revised Landscaping FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.18 PAGES: 4 Our office has received another revised landscape plan (Exhibit A) for the above project. This revision is intended to address the comments outlined in our correspondence of October 17, 2000 regarding the previous submissions. The changes to the landscape plan include: Provision of additional planting materials along 851 Street and CSAH 42 necessary to provide staggered planting rows with trees within each row not more than 20 feet on center. We would also note that there is no minimum number of trees that must be provided for the townhouse element of the project. Each development is required to provide whatever landscaping is necessary to meet the screening and amenity needs as determined by the Planning Commission and City Council The City does establish minimum landscape requirements for single family lots as part of the development contract, requiring that two trees be planted for each lot. A berm has been provided behind the townhouses block designated as block 5 of the second phase. According to the applicant, this is the extent of berming that can be provided in consideration of necessary site drainage and the existing gas line_ The landscape plan for the traffic circle has been revised to provide a formal arrangement of shrubs surrounding a single Pin Oak tree. We would also suggest that perennials could be added at the outside perimeter of the proposed shrubs to further enhance the amenity. OCT -19-2000 10:12 NAC 612 595 9837 P.02iO4 • The plantings previously proposed to be installed on Outlot A have been removed from the landscape plan_ The City will be responsible for design and development of the future park. It is our opinion that the revised landscape plan satisfactorily addresses the intent of the preliminary plat approval condition, provided that additional plantings are added to the traffic circle area as recommended above_ If there are further questions on this issue prior to the City Council meeting on Monday, October 23, 2000, please do not hesitate to call me. pc_ Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur John Anderson Gary Harris Page 2 of 4 OCT -19-2000 10:13 _ NAAACY�']��ff� 612 595 9837 MO '. C � I V�sw..n�G iv +�I DSV»-+ � ... .. v.�w.♦ w .1.iG1 IV IV L� 'ONI LN3MdO'MA3Q Noscr i `1 "^^iO0 k^' � w°�°r—• —:mo = „„ „�,� � -�sa Y.r.FrosaY � Sao way S31v153 31VJ3N0 7� cis G if C VC II� 4 I i 1.71 f !+ , x I S� f a uH m I �a�Jd0A7xac�-q ;, I rrn.nor inrwr: nrrn o3 ° I I I I I. I II I I I I P. 03/04 EXHIBIT A-1 OCT 1 620 {L f;eVuieuu. ND 1 1; ENGINEERING REVIEWS-e�� Hakanson Residential Subdivision UTILITY PLANS Anderson for the City of Otsego Assoc., Inc. by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Submitted to: Mike Robertson, Administrator cc: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk, : Dan Licht, City Planner Andy MacArthur, City Attomey John Oliver & Assoc., Developer's Eng. & Surv. John Anderson, Tollefson Development Reviewed by: Lawrence G. Koshak, PE Ronald J. Wagner, PE Date: October 12, 2000 Proposed Development: Stonegate Estates 1St Addition Street Location of Property: NW 1/a SE'/a Section 22, T121, R23 37.4 ± Acres, South of 85th Street and West of CSAH 42 Applicant: John Oliver & Associates 201 W. Travelers Trail, Suite 200 Burnsville, MN 55337 Developer: Tollefson Development Purpose: 16 single family detached homes with 144 townhomes, quad homes & 6 piexes. Jurisdictional Agencies: (but not limited to): City of Otsego, Wright County Permits Required (but not limited to):NPDES Considerations: \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2219\ot2219RVWiCP.doc INFORMATION AVAILABLE Final Plat of Stonegate Estates 1St Addition, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc., Land Surveyor Final Grading Plan of Stonegate Estates 1 st Addition, 9/26/00, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc., Land Surveyor Final Construction Plan of Stonegate Estates 1 st Addition, 9/29/00, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc., Engineer Stormwater Computations, 10/5/00, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc., Eng. City of Otsego Engineering Manual, March 1999 Minnesota Rules, Chapter 4410 — EAW Requirement Stonegate Estates Preliminary Tree Planting Plan, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc. 8/3/00 Trunk Stormwater Facilities Study for Portions of Lefebvre Watershed, March 1999 City of Otsego Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, February 1991 National Wetland Inventory Map, 1991 Geotechnical Exploration of Stonegate Estates, by American Engineering Testing, Inc., 6/9/00 Stonegate Estates Stormwater Drainage Report, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc., 10/5/00 Stonegate Estates Specification & Proposal, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc. 9/00 Stonegate Estates 1 st Addition Specifications & Proposal, by John Oliver & Assoc., Inc. 9/00 SHEETS 3 TO 13 1. Written scale in upper right corner of profile must either be removed or replaced with a bar scale due to half size plans which may cause confusion. 2. A note to the affect of calling out all outlots being covered with a drainage & utility easement. 3. Lighten future phases & label phases in profile. (water main lengths should reflect Phase 1 only) Page 1 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2219\ot2219RVW1CP.doc SHEET 2 1. Replace the dashed line with a solid bold line for the line which separates Phase 1 from future phases. 2. Lighten future phases & label future phases. SHEETS 3 TO 7 1. Sanitary manhole inverts must be labeled for each individual invert & must have a 10' drop for same size pipe or match 8/10 point for different size pipe. 2. A note referencing the hydrant distance of 5' from back of curb must be shown. SHEET 6 1. Correct watermain length to reflect Phase 1 installation. SHEET 7 1. Hydrant 7 is to be included in Phase 1 and the phase line must be adjusted and the length of watermain shown in profile. SHEETS 9,12 & 13 1. Catch basin information (inverts, rims) must be shown. SHEET 11 1. Note to the affect that barbwire fences should have been removed during grading. 2. Note to the affect that the woven wire fence was removed between right of way of 83`d St. at Developer's cost. 3. Note to the affect of removal of gravel driveway to pump house and location of curb cut at Developer's cost. 4. Vertical curve data for all curves must be shown. 5. Curb cuts and bike path removal at the location of 83`d St. must be shown. Removal and curb cuts at Developer's cost. 6. Note to the effect that the removal of 83`d St. cul-de-sac and re -shaping of inslopes is required by the Contractor, and it is at Developer's expense. SHEET 14 1. Wooden skimmer structure is not allowed. Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\2219\ot2219RVW1CP.doc SPECIFICATIONS 1. Page GC 4 of 4 should read "Otsego" not "Belle Plaine". 2. The special provisions must include the requirement of televising sanitary sewer regardless of weather or not all visual inspection, leakage testing and deflection testing passes. This is in contradiction to the existing CEAM spec found in 2621 Pg. 15 Part M. 3. Televising of sanitary sewer must be included in the bid schedule. Storm sewer calculations have been checked, and we have the following comments: 1. The pipe from CBMH 110 to CBMH 109 carriers a flow of 27.87 cfs at 0.45% and must be sized to a 30" RCP. 2. CB106 must be lowered approximately .5' to allow 2' minimum cover over top of pipe. We have included a set of redlined plans to assist you in your corrections or additions. Please send us two sets of plans for our review & one original cover sheet for signature and final approval. For clarification, when this set of plans meets approval it is for Phase 1 only. Phase 2 and Phase 3 construction plans will be approved separately. Stormwater pond review is being completed and will be ready soon. If you have any questions or comments you may contact me at 763/427-5860. Sincerely, Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc. Ronald agne E rjw/pm Enclosure Page 3 \\Haot\Shared Docs\Municipaf\AOTSEGO\2219\ot2219RVW1CP.doc NOIRTIAWIST ASSOCMAxRID CONSULTANTS, yNC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 18 October 2000 RE: Otsego - 1-94 West Industrial Park; Final Plat Revisions FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.31 Rhea Development, Inc. has submitted revised plans for their final plat application. This application had been tabled to allow the developer to address issues with the final plat and development plan for this industrial park. Subject to further comment from the City Engineer regarding the revised plans, the City Council may approve the final plat subject to the following conditions: 1. All existing residential and agricultural buildings are demolished. 2. All grading and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Otsego Creek Watershed Board. 3. The applicant shall demonstrate that all lots have adequate area for primary and secondary septic systems and well facilities, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Park and trail dedication shall be made as a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 5. The applicant shall enter into a development contract and post all required securities and fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. Comments of other City Staff. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur NORTOWRST AS$OCMATto CONSULTANTS" INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com PLANNING REPORT TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 4 October 2000 RE: Otsego - 1-94 West Industrial Park; Final Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.31 BACKGROUND , 3 Rhea Company has submitted a final plat for a 12 lot industrial subdivision located at Jalger Avenue/70 Street in the southwest portion of the community to be titled 1-94 West Industrial Park". A preliminary plat, entitled "Bauerly Industrial Park", was previously approved concurrent with a rezoning to 1-2, General Industrial District on August 12, 2000. Attached for Reference: Exhibit A: Site Location Exhibit B: Preliminary Plat Exhibit C: Final Plat ANALYSIS Preliminary Plat Consistency. The proposed final plat is generally consistent with the number of lots and layout of the approved preliminary plat. Specific issues related to the preliminary and final plat are identified in subsequent paragraphs. The final plat must be revised to include all title sheets and information required by the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, including items outlined in the City Engineer's memo of October 2, 2000. Existing Buildings. There is an existing residence and agricultural buildings on the subject site. With the rezoning of the site, these uses are non -conforming and incompatible with anticipated industrial development. A condition of preliminary plat approval was that these structures be removed. Lot Requirements. The 1-2 District requires a minimum lot size of 2.0 acres and minimum lot width of 200 feet. All of the proposed lots, including Lot 1, Block 2, meet or exceed these minimum requirements. Grading and Drainage. Grading and Drainage. The applicant has submitted a revised grading and drainage plan. Easements have been provided at the perimeter of each lot and over proposed ponding areas and wetlands. All grading and easement issues are subject to the City Engineer's approval. The plat may also be subject to review and approval by the Otsego Creek Watershed Board. Utilities. The proposed lots are to be served by individual septic and well systems. The applicant must provide information demonstrating that there is adequate area on each lot for a primary and secondary septic system. There is specific concern with regards to the western portion of the parcel which was disturbed during construction of the MNRoad facility. All utilities are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Streets. The final plat includes a public street intersecting 70m Street to provide internal access for all of the proposed lots. The street has a right-of-way of 84 feet consistent with Plate #102 of the Engineering Manual. The design and location of all streets shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. Park Dedication. Section 7 o the Subdivision Ordinance requires park and trail dedication for industrial properties of 10% of the estimated market value of the property prior to development, in lieu of land. The applicant will be required to make an appropriate dedication in lieu of land with approval of the final plat. Development Plan. The City requires that a development plan be submitted that illustrates the plat and information regarding buildable area, drainfield locations drainage and lot sizes and dimensions. This plan must be provided prior to issuance of any building permits. Development Contract. If the final plat is approved, the applicant will be required to enter into a development contract with the City and post all required fees and securities. The development contract is subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. CONCLUSION The proposed final plat is consistent with the approved preliminary plat and applicable conditions of approval. There is a number of information details that must yet be provided or revised prior to the final plat be suitable for recording. As such, we would recommend that the City Council approve the 1-94 West Industrial Park Final Plat subject to the conditions outlined below or table the application. -2- 1. All existing residential and agricultural buildings are demolished. 2. The final plat is revised to include all information required by the Subdivision Ordinance and Engineering Manual, subject to City Staff review and approval. 3. All grading and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and the Otsego Creek Watershed Board. 4. The applicant shall demonstrate that all lots have adequate area for primary and secondary septic systems and well facilities, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 5. A development plan illustrating buildable area, drainfield locations, setbacks and lot dimensions is submitted prior to issuance of any building permits, subject to City Staff review and approval. 6. All the design of all streets shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. Park and trail dedication shall be made as a cash fee in lieu of land in accordance with the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 8. The applicant shall enter into a development contract and post all required securities and fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 9. Comments of other City Staff. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur Steve Scharber -3- NF.n.kC ON THE GREAT RIVER ROAD r \ c AY IN I \ •\ � ti _ \ q _ Y r_ P< I y r - s' ,(:- 0 �R.a :'r,P.^.F ��...: R::J:� ... .. �nC. a ---t t Mebebftt a:0 e4 . W=X= x•2� Gt (aNn be -EM: a� m.rr. w � �'rtsxrt - 11) SeMe MYeC 6. NE by teeth lII !1J)')-WM h (3101 !tD-?TS) EXHBIT 8 O TSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK EXHIBIT C-1 Jon Oliver 6 Aeaodsf*s. SKEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS "I N xptin EwE P rME SOUrn I/: 121"61151 ME SE i/t, SEC III -- N89'41'39'W 2625.25-- I II 700,pp---------------1 1 I I I ssa \ 1 1 I II 81 uil & -I GRAPHIC SCALE I loo a 5o 190 zoo II I r.l l J I SCALE IN FTET 1 LIQ W I 811 JI utility Eoe.menl. U�>_ nparN EnS] tine a rnf spvrR IR / U.E K ixE SWM - fEET Di inf SE. I/t Or' rfK a(a W OI EE inf iE 1/1 I �f'z2• I I ,, Z OD r' W 327.82 a.`I I _r \ 1 J > s n Z iii C ___ Q -I e.in la rest r, . en ouwoe a cose —Na9'!I'39'W— 35201 \,p3��J• f \ . l a �ghtpor'o a e. mn9 s fr«i yAok.G4 _ /,,�, — 71ST STREET N.E_ t"�L�o ` \� _ I N aidtx, a oNwl� and ads lot„e. e. en..n ant . 0.1 f-- of Z II ?BJ \ \'iI oI J nth �t of Sec 27� T'at. .aw 121. 2t .med 89'39'33' rest olt E wq MW E W r I 0 coots. a/2 incn x Ia inch hon monum.nt ! t .IN pl "ti, plug "—p” 21)29. — 2 mlI I aI I I .Denote. I/2 Inch . It Inch iron on — 811 rrni R rilh o plastic plug at=ped R.L.S. 21729. tot b. 0V itt in IoteEr of r._,ding this plot. �n n - _ LN's'P, pA5P4E.\'7' ��y-r,��� I • Denotes 'con monument found. T —I "I II---Jlie G,90'JJ�jI'r—_ '2 �_„33.0 29500 zao.91 !7s _–:M�Ij�K �'. 0'.�0 I 1489'38 55'E „ -39.33-W 3W.71 �ry N89 1148,82-p 3 n tits a rrc a 1/e a ixE sE 1/t. tMc 17 ... �.. -� t_ ;: u caoua ci rlc sWTn 1 ��' .— . - V red sf Ira. SEn :n r 1 EXHIBIT C-1 Jon Oliver 6 Aeaodsf*s. SKEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS �9/18/00 1 / L_��__ -IX /.r y. 3 flaIf x v .- / tip•/\\ :� rc,1 r.L / .Z•. / ,r?j• / r� ///b� 1 L\i A , +n At n \ p LY G� /av / I •�S \ L - 1 \) Co FC I 1 1 y04 ��----t40.Se__ -il = NOo'le'21'E 57Loe J �'i r------- ------ - _----- _-------------------- I • - • 0 0 30 So 00 659 ' q I IL o li� 1 E� Cg • ns E �C'• I 1 1 13$ cin ui a nc sx. I/• I 1 x W ,Ix sE 1/4. MC. n. I ".YA SA co 18 Ig A IPPO A •u0� I le'21i s71.51 L__- I � q 1 + y GIN / !- Q I y I •'eg �g • a \ � MATCH LINE N m x m 1 0 W OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK OTSEGO, MN GRADING PLAN John OMver d Aasocletes, Arc. ayvNnY• r..n( n.nwou E33g Ovdye Avn•ve A'Ik RWer, Nvn•«uta SSJ90 (6IEJ1(I-R0>E (PAIJI(I-6386 EDI I. hav,4re 00 tlornevlll•. Afinneeob 3399) (6IEJ9Y1-90(S (PAXJ391-90(9 er OY cerllfY that IhM Dbn. iciliuolion, w newt wa pf uerWaf my difeal uI IwIMI I c Lwanpd Pro linear un3e IhD laws of Ihi Mir�na�ola. 9/11/00 Reg. No. 26777 DESIGN BY: DLC DRAWN BY: TCL CHECKED BY: DLC ND.: 7928 10-01 DESCRIPTION iiia $ A �FQ � � I YYYYY m x m 1 0 W OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK OTSEGO, MN GRADING PLAN John OMver d Aasocletes, Arc. ayvNnY• r..n( n.nwou E33g Ovdye Avn•ve A'Ik RWer, Nvn•«uta SSJ90 (6IEJ1(I-R0>E (PAIJI(I-6386 EDI I. hav,4re 00 tlornevlll•. Afinneeob 3399) (6IEJ9Y1-90(S (PAXJ391-90(9 er OY cerllfY that IhM Dbn. iciliuolion, w newt wa pf uerWaf my difeal uI IwIMI I c Lwanpd Pro linear un3e IhD laws of Ihi Mir�na�ola. 9/11/00 Reg. No. 26777 DESIGN BY: DLC DRAWN BY: TCL CHECKED BY: DLC ND.: 7928 10-01 DESCRIPTION (D 0) co co 0 0 0 0 3n 160 m John -0#Ver& Assocletea, Inc. x OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK i OTSEGO, MN A-- ED —1.Aft I (14X)141-5611 0 71ST STREET NE v PLAN AND PROFILE TE: 9/14/00 BY.. mc poser umlar Ina lows °1 Iha 31uIa DRAWN BY: TGL MinnafalU. CHECKED BY: OEC I)EXT —_HONE X R". N°. X ME NO.: 792a.10-0.1 DESCRRIM a m.... iaD-E'E w.... 1R Et NE: w '972.40 ............. .......... .1.40...... ! .9*46 w 9706y (,v',1I F .......... 9745 .50 97.195 .w iyc 02 w .... OD . .......... +00 0" (Q".Do) .. .... RPM, M.... 9¢i si a d .... q m 9-25 . ......... gq 7 a m...... w .... M .... 00 0R . ...... .......... .... .... .... .... .... .... 0 w .... IDO G��DC BREAK p ......... .... . .... .... m.... m.... m .... (D 0) co co 0 0 0 0 3n 160 m John -0#Ver& Assocletea, Inc. x OTSEGO INDUSTRIAL PARK i OTSEGO, MN A-- ED —1.Aft I (14X)141-5611 0 71ST STREET NE v PLAN AND PROFILE TE: 9/14/00 BY.. mc poser umlar Ina lows °1 Iha 31uIa DRAWN BY: TGL MinnafalU. CHECKED BY: OEC I)EXT —_HONE X R". N°. X ME NO.: 792a.10-0.1 DESCRRIM Michael C. Couri- Andrew J. MacArthur Marcus W. Miller Robert T. Ruppe•- •Also licrosad in RGnou •'ALw licmW in California October 17, 2000 City Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Restrictive Covenants Dear Council Members: COURI & MACARTHUR Attorneys at Law 705 Central Avenue East PO Box 369 St. Michael, MN 55376-0369 (763) 497-1930 (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacarthur®pobox. com In general, the City does not become involved in private restrictive covenants. These covenants are agreements regarding land use within a certain plat, or other defined area, which run with the land and are recorded against all affected properties. Because they are recorded all property owners purchasing property to which the covenants apply take that property with notice of the contents of the covenants, and by purchasing property with knowledge of the covenants they have agreed to those restrictions. Restrictive covenants contain their own internal language regarding enforcement and amendment. Typically, it is up to the Homeowners Association or the other property owners in the subdivision or area in question to enforce the covenants. The covenants do not affect City Ordinance control over the area, and the City would not normally make an inquiry regarding whether or not an activity was allowed under private covenants when an individual property owner applies for a City permit or other approval. The covenants also do not affect the restrictions contained within a City approval or a Developer's Agreement. Generally, City review of proposed restrictive covenants is only to the extent that they relate to and are consistent with conditions imposed by the City on the development, or relate to assurances that private facilities will be properly maintained. In general, it is best that the City have no direct involvement in these private Agreements. Letter to Otsego City Council October 18, 2000 Page 2 I will be available to further discuss this matter at the regularly scheduled Otsego City Council meeting on Monday evening. Very yours, ew J a COURI & MACARTHUR k12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk October 23, 2000 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Addition of The Pointe Plat and North Pine Aggregate (Emmerich) Property to LeFebvre Watershed Storm Water Impact Fee District - by Resolution and as shown on Exhibit E Attached. 7.2. Addition of Stonegate, Country Ridge and the SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 22, Twp. 188, R.23 Property to LeFebvre Watershed Storm Water Impact Fee District by Resolution ad as shown on Exhibit E Attached. 7.3. Consider Approval of Addendum #1 to Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study For Portions of LeFebvre Watershed - March 1999 by Resolution. 7.4. Consider Approval of Partial Payment to EnComm Midwest for Construction of the Pumphouse #1 in the amount of $8,393.18. The retainage is at 1% of the total, or $3,937.05. 7.5. Consider approval of Change Order No. 1 to COP 00-03, 88th Street Sanitary Sewer, Water -main and Storm Sewer. The Change Order to S.R. Weidema is for $2,979.00 for larger size storm sewer manholes. 7.6. Any Other Engineering business BACKGROUND: 7.1. through 7.5. Larry Koshak, City Engineer will be present to review these items with the Council. See attached information. 7.3. This is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RECONMI ENDATION: These items are for Council discussion and decision. Thanks, Elaine Michael C. Couri- COURT & MACARTHUR Andrew J• MacArthur Attorneys at Law Marcus W. Miller 705 Central Avenue East Robert T. Ruppe-- PO Box 369 st. Michael, MN 55376-0369 *A Lw ruemed in 11fi,ois (763) 497-1930 «ALso licMW in Califomia (763) 497-2599 (FAX) couriandmacanhur®pobox. com October 23, 2000 City Council Members City of Otsego c/o Elaine Beatty, City Clerk 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 55330 RE: Resolution Regarding Storm Water Impact Fee Dear Council Members: In reference to the City Engineer's agenda items, please find enclosed a proposed resolution recalculating the storm water impact fee for portions of the Lefebvre Watershed District as set forth in the Engineer's Report. These figures are based upon amending the current Lefebvre Storm water Improvement District to include The Point and the Northern Pine Aggregate property to the south, on which will be located a regional pond. Amendment of the Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District to include The Point and Northern Pine Aggregate property requires a public hearing. We would recommend that a public hearing for that purpose be scheduled at the next City Council meeting. The plat of Stonegate Estates is already located within the existing Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District. nrew urs, cArth COURI & MACARTHUR Encl. cc: Larry Koshak, City Engineer CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT STATE OF, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION RECALCULATING STORM WATER IMPACT FEE WITHIN THE ESTABLISHED LEFEBVRE STORM WATER IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT WHEREAS, the Otsego City Council previously held a public hearing and established by resolution the Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District; and WHEREAS, the City Council has ordered and approved engineering studies to establish fees for storm water impacts resulting from projected development within areas of that watershed; and WHEREAS, the City has constructed wastewater treatment facilities and water facilities within areas of the watershed, which has greatly increased development pressures; and WHEREAS, engineering studies indicate that the established Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District should be amended to include additional lands to the South; and WHEREAS, the additional development will require further storm water drainage infrastructure and acquisition of easements to be constructed earlier than contemplated, and WHEREAS, the City Council has directed the engineer to recalculate the present storm water impact fee based upon these additional costs, and taking into account increased projections for easement acquisition based partially upon the increased land values in the area; and WHEREAS, the Engineer has prepared a Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study for Portions of the Lefebvre Watershed District dated October, 2000 and attached hereto and herein incorporated by reference; and WHEREAS, the City intends to schedule a public hearing shortly for the purpose of amending the established Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District to include lands to the south, specifically the recently approved plat of The Point and the land south of that presently owned by Northern Pine Aggregate which will be the site of a proposed regional pond. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO as follows: 1. That the Otsego City Council hereby adopts the Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study for Portions of the Lefebvre Watershed dated October, 2000 prepared by Hakanson Anderson Associates, Inc., as the basis for reevaluating the storm water impact fee for certain portions of the Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District. 2. That based upon the report, the impact fee for the referenced portions of the Lefebvre Storm Water Improvement District is hereby established at $1,500.00 per gross acre. ADOPTED BY THE OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL this day of October, 2000. IN FAVOR: OPPOSED: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, City Clerk OCT. 23. EU0W j TO:OTSEGO Hakanson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 1�01H Anderson phone: 763/427-5860 Fax: 763/427-0520 Assoc., Inc. MEMORANDUM TO: Andy MacArthur, Attorney oo; Mike Robertson, Administrator laine Bea Cle FROM: Lawrence G. Koshak, P.E., City Engineer DATE; October 23, 2000 RE: Taxing District Land Exchange The Lefebvre Watershed Taxing District will increase land area with the platting of the Pointe and inclusion of North Pine Aggregate property in Section 26, 27, 34 & 35. A. That land taken out of the Rice -Foster Lake Taxing District is as follows; • The North 500' of the West 750 feet of NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Section 35, Twp. 118, Range 23. The East 400' of the NE'/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 34, Twp. 118, Range 23. SE '/4 of SE '/4 of Section 27, Twp. 116, Range 23. SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE �/4 of Section 27, Twp. 118, Range 23. • SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 26, Twp. 118, Range 23. B. That land taken out of the South Mississippi Taxing District is as follows: + The west 750 feet of NW 1/4 of NW 1/a of Section 35, Twp. 118, Range 23, except the N 500 feet thereof. All of the SW '/4 of SW 1/4 of the Section 26 except the SW 1/4 thereof. Civil &Municipal Engineering Land Survryingfor Maa11Shared DocsWunicipaMOTSEG04419\ct419am2.doc 1�11Assoc., Hakanson 3601 Thurston Avenue, Suite 101, Anoka, MN 55303 Anderson Phone:763/427-5860 Fax:763/427-0520 Inc. CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 10/23/00 Item 7.1 Consider passing a Resolution adding the Pointe Plat and North Pine Aggregate (Emmerich) property to the Lefebrve Watershed Storm Water Impact Fee District. Refer to attached Exhibit E in Item 7.3 for location of the area. Item 7.2 Consider passing a Resolution adding the proposed Stonegate Plat, existing Country Ridge Plat, and the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/a of Section 22, Twp. 118, Range 23 (Kevin Lefebrve) to the Lefebrve Watershed Storm Water Impact Fee District. Refer to attached Exhibit E in Item 7.3 for location of the area. Although the Lefebrve Watershed covers a large area, not all of the watershed lies within the Storm Water Impact Fee District. The study approved by council on April 8, 1999 constitutes the original Impact Fee District. With the approval of plats for the Pointe and Stonegate, the City needs to bring these and adjacent properties into the fee district to assist in providing funding sources for the trunk storm water facilities. We recommend passage of both Items 7.1 and 7.2. Item 7.3 Consider a Resolution approving Amendment #1 to the Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study for portions of Lefebrve Watershed — 4/8/99. Amendment #1 incorporates the new added area noted in 7.1 and 7.2 along with the cost of trunk facilities required to add these areas. A recalculation is provided in the Amendment #1 for the impact fee on a gross acre basis. The recommended new gross acre fee is $1,500. The amount the City has been using since 4/99 is $1,250. The increases are largely due to obtaining easements for the trunk facilities. Land value shows significant increases in the past 18 months. See the attached Amendment #1. Civil 6' Municipal Engineering 2 5 Council Agenda Items, Page 1 Land Surveying for \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEG0\901\2000\ot901agenda 10-23-00-doc Item 7.4 Consider approval of a Partial Payment to EnComm Midwest for construction of the Pumphouse #1 in the amount of $8,393.18. The retainage is at 1 % of the total, or $3,937.05. The checklist item has been taken care of except the Operation & Maintenance Manuals, and several minor building items at the pumphouse. We recommend the partial payment approval. Item 7.5 Consider approval of Change S O �1Sewer. Order r The Order # Oe Street to Sanitary Sewer, Watermain an S.R. Weidema is for $2,979.00. The reason for the change is that the manufacturer of the manholes will not guarantee that the manholes specified are large enough to accept the pipes being placed in the manhole. The smaller manholes would not have structural integrity. The inside area of the manhole needs an appropriate space to form the inverts, and the smaller ones did not have adequate room. We concur with the manufacturer that a larger size will facilitate more working room and maintain the structural integrity. We recommend approval of the Change Order. Item 7.6 Any Other Engineering Business A. Request Council to approve resolutions for the COP Project 00-02 and 00-03, the 88t Street & Quaday Ave. Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer Project. The Council awarded the bids to S.R. Weidema at the last meeting, however, there needs to be a resolution instead of a motion on this project. Hakanson HUM Anderson Assoc., Inc. Council Agenda Items, Page 2 \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\2000\ot901agenda I0-23-00-doc AMENDMENT NO. 1 to Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study for Portions of the Lefebvre Watershed October 2000 City of Otsego Prepared by: Hakanson Anderson Assoc., Inc. 3601 Thurston Avenue Anoka, MN 55303 (763) 427-5860 I hereby certify that this Plan, Specification or Report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Registered Professional Engineer under State of Minnesota Statutes 326.02 to 326.16. e G. KoshaV,, PE J12 -A Reg. No. Ron Id J. agner .E. Reg. No. h)//0G/1100 Date TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Page Table 2, Summary of Cost Estimate 1 Table 3, Impact Fee Re -Calculation 2 Construction Cost Estimates Structure 611, 612, 613, 712 3 Structure 631, 651, 662 4 Structure 721, 841, 851 5 Structure 871, 872, 881 6 Structure 431 L, Quaday Ave. (72nd St. to 78`' St.) 7 North Pine Aggregate Regional Pond, CSAH 42 to Ditch Segment 551 8 Ditch Segments 551, 641 9 Ditch Segments 651, 871 10 Exhibits and Figures Exhibit A Benefited Area Exhibit E Proposed Additional Impact Fee Area Figure 1 Lefebvre Watershed Study Area Figure 2 Lefebvre Watershed Overall Plan Figure 4 Proposed Land Use Map for Lefebvre Study Area AMENDMENT NO. 1 to Trunk Storm Water Facilities Study for Portions of the Lefebvre Watershed October 2000 City of Otsego INTRODUCTION The Amendment No. 1 was prepared with council approval of the Pointe Plat and the Stonegate Plat, and other adjacent property that was outside of the study area. The costs of trunk storm water facilities required to accommodate the storm water runoff addition of the proposed developments and adjacent property was added to the original costs in the 4/99 study. With the added cost of trunk facilities, it was determined that the calculation for the gross acre unit cost of the impact fee needed recalculation. The cost of facilities shown in following pages divided by the total number of gross acres total in the revised impact fee area resulted in a revised fee. The following pages of the amendment detail the method of calculation of trunk facilities. Some facilities have already been constructed by City Projects and Developments. Other facilities are about to be constructed by the spring of 2001. The construction of the proposed facilities will continue to be put in place to accommodate the ultimate development of the area. Amanrlmant Nn 1 — IntrnriuCtion Table 2 Summary of Cost Estimate for Trunk Stormwater Facilities Lefebvre Watershed Study Area (REVISED October 17, 2000) NOTE. Italicized and Bold Represents Actual Cost Sha rel M uncpaVOtsegd406a/ot419Trun kStormwaterFacilities.xls - n1i ainn EST. COST EST. COST STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION STATUS March 1999 October 2000 Stormsewer Construction Structure 611 Constructed COP 99-02 $85,500 Structure 612 Constructed COP 99-02 $72,300 $106,606 Structure 613 Constructed COP 99-02 $61,300 Structure 712 Constructed COP 99-02 $74,500 Structure 631 (48' under CSAH 42) Not Yet Constructed $40,900 $43,050 Structure 651 ( 42' under 78th St.) Constructed COP 99-02 $34,100 $15,140 Structure 662 Not Yet Constructed $34,600 $34,600 Structure 721 Not Yet Constructed $28,000 $28,000 Structure 841 Not Yet Constructed $21,000 $21,000 Structure 851 Constructed as part of Crimson Pond 1A $11,600 $3,665 Structure 871 Not Yet Constructed $26,800 $26,800 :ure 872 Not Yet Constructed $28,600 $28,600 Structure 881 Not Yet Constructed $16,200 $16,200 Structure 431 L Will be constructed as part of Stonegate $8,300 Quaday Ave. Structure (72nd to 78th Street) Will be constructed as part of COP 00-02 $172,900 North Pine Aggregate Regional Pond Not Yet Constructed $208,850 Ditch Restoration Ditch Segment 541, CSAH 42 to Ditch Segment 551 Not Yet Constructed $36,500 Ditch Segment 551 - Highway 101 to County Road 42 Not Yet Constructed $72,300 $72,300 Ditch Segment 641 - County Road 42 to Future 78th Street Portion Const. By Prairie Creek 1st Add. $22,200 $22,200 $7,246.30 Ditch Segment 651 - Future 78th Street to DNR Wetland 6W (East side) Not Yet Constructed $23,700 $23,700 Ditch Segment 871 - DNR Wetland 6W (West side) to Structure 841 Portion Constructed by Backes $48,400 $48,400 No Credit Yet North of 42 Ditch Easement Acquisition (11.4 Acres @ $23,000 per Acre): $262,200 South of 42 Ditch Easement Acquisition (19.5 Acres 0 $7,700 per Acre): $150,150 SUBTOTAL: $702,000 $1,329,161 Overhead: Including Engineering, Legal, Administration 'Contingency (30% : $210,600 $398,748 Easement 22.8 acres ® $7000/Acre $159,600 TOTAL: $1,072,200 $1,727,909 NOTE. Italicized and Bold Represents Actual Cost Sha rel M uncpaVOtsegd406a/ot419Trun kStormwaterFacilities.xls - n1i ainn March 1999 Benefited Area = 831 Acres October 2000 Additional Benefited Area = 320 Acres 831 + 320 = 1151 Acres Total Benefited Area Impact Fee Calculation: $1,727,909 (from Table 2) 1151 Acres Impact Fee —> $1,500 /Gross Acre Construction Cost Estimate Structure 611, 612, 613, & 712 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 30" Storm Sewer 2610 LF $33.40 $87,174.00 2 84" Manholes 1 EA $3,257 $3,257.00 3 72" Manholes 5 EA $2,755 $13,775.00 4 Work Completed by Pheasant Ridge 1 LS $2,400 $2,400.00 Total $106,606.00 Share/Municipal/Otsego/406a/ot419TrunkStormwaterFaciIities.As ^ . .. ,. � nig amn Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 631 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 48" Storm Sewer(Jacking) 88 LF $375 $33,000 2 48" Flared End Section 2 EA $2,000 $4,000 3 Riprap 75 CY $50 $3,750 4 Granular Filter 40 CY $20 $800 5 Restoration 1 LS 1 $1,000 $1,000 6 Traffic Control 1 LS 1 $500 $500 Total $43,050 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 651 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 42" Storm Sewer 144 LF $69.90 $10,065.60 2 42" Flared End Section 1 EA $1,085.00 $1,085.00 3 Spill Way Structure 1 LS $3,300.00 $3,300.00 4 Riprap 15 CY $45.80 $687.00 Total $15,137.60 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 662 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 21 " Storm Sewer 500 LF $45 $22,500 2 21 " Flared End Section 1 EA $700 $700 3 Junction Manholes 2 EA $5,000 $10,000 4 Riprap 7 CY $50 $350 5 Granular Filter 4 CY $20 $80 6 Restoration 1 LS $1,000 $1,000 Total $34,600 Share/Municipal/Otsego/406a/ot419TrunkStormwaterFaciIities. As Sheet: 631,651,662 Amendment No. 1 - Page 4 10/18/00 Cost Estimate Structure 721 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 36" Storm Sewer 2) 128 LF $100 $12,800 2 36" Flared End Section 4 EA $1,400 $5,600 3 Riprap 60 CY $50 $3,000 4 Granular Filter 30 CY $20 $600 5 Restoration 1 LS $1,000 $1,000 6 Remove & Dispose of Existing Pie 50 LF $20 $1,000 7 Berm Construction 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Total $28,000 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 841 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 36" Storm Sewer 88 LF $100 $8,800 2 36" Flared End Section 1 EA $1,400 $1,400 3 Spillway Structure 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 4 Riprap 30 CY $50 $1,500 5 Granular Filter 15 CY $20 $300 6 Berm Construction 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Total $21,000 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 851 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 21 " Storm Sewer 115 LF $21.90 $2,518.50 2 21' Flared End Section 2 EA $380.00 $760.00 3 Riprap 8.4 CY $45.80 $384.72 Total $3,663.22 1 Share/Municipal/Otsego/406x/ot419TrunkStormwaterFaciIities. As Sheet: 721,841,851 Amendment No. 1 - Page 5 10/18/00 Construction Cost Estimate Structure 871 Item Description Estimated Quantity_Price Unit Unit Extension 1 30" Storm Sewer 2) 192 LF $80 $15,360 2 30" Flared End Section 4 EA $1,000 $4,000 3 Riprap 40 CY $50 $2,000 4 Granular Filter 20 CY $20 $400 5 Restoration 1 LS $1,000 1 $1,000 6 Berm Construction 1 LS $4,000 1 $4,000 Total $26,800 Construction Cost Estimate Structure 872 Item Description Estimated Quanti Unit Unit Price Extension 1 33" Storm Sewer 2 176 LF $90 $15,840 2 33" Flared End Section 4 EA $1,200 $4,800 3 Riprap 50 CY $50 $2,500 4 Granular Filter 25 CY $20 $500 5 Restoration 1 LS $1,000 1 $1,000 6 Berm Construction 1 LS $4,000 1 $4,000 Total $28,600 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 881 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 18" Storm Sewer (2) 88 LF $40 $3,520 2 18" Flared End Section 2 EA $600 $1,200 3 Spill Way Structure 1 LS $5,000 $5,000 5 Ri rap 24 CY $50 $1,200 6 Granular Filter 12 CY $20 $240 7 Restoration 1 LS $1,000 $1,000 8 Berm Construction 1 LS $4,000 $4,000 Total $16,200 Sh are/Mu nici pal/Otsego/406a/ot419Tru nkSto rmwaterFaci I i ti es. xl s Sheet: 871,872,881 Amendment No. i - Page 6 10/18/00 Construction Cost Estimate For Structure 431 L Surge Basin on 42" Arch Equivalent Under County Road 42 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Extension Price 1 Sure Basin 1.0 EA $7,300 $7,300 2 Rip Rap 20 Cy $50 $1,000 Total $8,300 Construction Cost Estimate For Quaday Ave. Structure (72nd St. to 78th Street) Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Extension 26 18" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $354.55 $354.55 27 Trash Guard for 18" Pipe Apron 1 EACH $194.00 $194.00 '8 15" Dia. Concrete Plug 4 EACH $59.60 $238.40 -9 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) 725 LF $21.62 $15,674.50 30 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 8 LF $30.66 $245.28 31 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 1746 LF $38.95 $68,006.70 32 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V all depths) 800 LF $63.80 $51,040.00 33 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $423.00 $423.00 34 48" Storm Manhole w/Castin (11.7' and 11.8') 2 EACH $1,425.50 $2,851.00 35 60" Storm Manhole w/Castin 12.4' to 18') 6 EACH $2,583.00 $15,498.00 36 72" Storm Manhole w/Castin 9.6' and 7' and 10.7') 3 EACH $3,080.00 $9,240.00 37 Furnish and Install Box Structure 1 EACH $4,486.00 $4,486.00 38 Random Riprap Class III 5.9 CY $72.20 $425.98 5ubotal $1bb,b[I.41 Permanent Drainage Easement 0.14 ACRE 1 $30,000 $4,200 TOTAL $172,877.41 Share/Municipal/Otsego/406a/ot419TrunkStormwaterFacilities.xls Sheet: 431 L, Quaday Amendment No. 1 - Page 7 10/18/00 Construction Cost Estimate For North Pine Aggregate Regional Pond Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Pond Easement 4.0 Acre $15,000 $60,000 2 Pond Excavation 41,900 Cy $3 $104,750 3 Skimmer Structure 1 EA $2,500 $2,500 4 36" RCP 50 LF $50 $2,500 5 36" RCP FES 1 EA $500 $500 6 24" RCP 400.0 LF $30 $12,000 7 24" RCP FES 2 EA $300 $600 8 24" RCP Jacked 80 LF $300 $24,000 9 48" MH 2 EA $1,000 $2,000 Total $2U8,8bU Construction Cost Estimate For Ditch Segment 541 CSAH 42 to Ditch Segment 551 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Clear and Grub 7.2 Acre $400 $2,880 2 Excavation 4,000 CY $5 $20,000 3 Restoration 7.2 Acre $1,500 $10,800 4 Erosion Control 1 LS $2,820 $2,820 Total 4iJb,bUU Share/Municipal/Otsego/406a/ot419TrunkStormwaterFacilibes.xis Sheet: North Pine Agg Pond, 541 to 551 Amendment No. 1 - Page 8 10/18/00 Construction Cost Estimate For Ditch Segment 551 1800 L.F. Ditch Restoration State Highway 101 to County Road 42 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Clear and Grub 4.2 Acre $5,000 $21,000 2 Flow Control 1 LS $8,000 $8,000 3 Excavation 2,200 CY $10 $22,000 4 Riprap 200 CY $50 $10,000 5 Granular Filler 100 CY $20 $2,000 6 Restoration 4.2 Acre $1,500 $6,300 7 Erosion Control 1 LS 1 $3,000 1 $3,000 Total $12,300 Construction Cost Estimate For Ditch Segment 641 1850 L.F. Ditch Restoration County Road 42 to Future 78th Street Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Clear and Grub 4.3 Acre $400 $1,720 2 Excavation 2,200 CY $5 $11,000 3 Restoration 4.3 Acre $1,500 $6,450 4 Erosion Control 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Total $22,200 Sha re/M un i c i pal/Otsego/406a/o t419 T ru n k S to r m wa to rFaci Ii ties. A s Sheet: DITCH 551, 641 Amendment No. 1 - Page 9 10/18/00 Construction Cost Estimate For Ditch Segment 651 2,000 L.F. Ditch Restoration Future 78th Street to DNR Wetland 6W (East side) Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Clear and Grub 4.6 Acre $400 $1,840 2 Excavation 2,400 CY $5 $12,000 3 Restoration 4.6 Acre $1,500 $6,900 4 Erosion Control 1 LS $3,000 $3,000 Total $23,700 Construction Cost Estimate For Ditch Segment 871 4200 L.F. Ditch Restoration DNR Wetland 6W (West side) to Structure 841 Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Unit Price Extension 1 Clear and Grub 9.70 Acre $400 $3,880 2 Excavation 5,000 CY $5 $25,000 3 Restoration 9.70 Acre $1,500 $14,550 4 Erosion Control 1 LS 1 $5,000 $5,000 Total $48,400 Share/Municipal/Otsego/406a/ot419TrunkStormwaterFaciI ities. xls Sheet: DITCH 651, 871 Amendment No. 1 - Page 10 10/18/00 ITEM 7.4 PAY ESTIMATE #12 October 12, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: Pumphouse #1 Contractor. EnComm Midwest, LLC. Contract Amount: $392,736.00 Award Date: April 29, 1999 Completion Date: Substantial Completion by November 15, 1999, Final Completion by July 1, 2000. Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: PART 1 BID SCHEDULE "A"- SITE WORK TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": S 14,425.00 BID SCHEDULE "B" - YARD PIPING kern 1Description i Quantity i Unlit j Unit Price Used to Date Extenslon 1 15 14" Soil Pipe 1 1801 LF I $ 26.007 LF 90 $ 2,340.00 i r-16 4' Dia. Seepage Manhole 2 EA i $ 2,100.00 1 EA 2 S 4,200.00 1 1 17 16" DIP Class 52 1 261 LF ; $ 80.00 1 LF 26 $ 2,080.00 18 10" DIP Class 52 ; 61 LF 1 $ 126.50 LF 6 $ 759.00 € 1 19 1 8" DIP Class 52 25i LF 1 $ 48.00 LF 25 $ 1,200.00 20 !Fittings 520! LB 1 $ 3.35 i LB 520 $ 1,742.00 21 1 6"Flushing Hydrant including valve & piping 11 LS { S 2,700.00E LS 1 $ 2,700.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": BID SCHEDULE "C"- WELL PUMP AND APPURTENANCES S 15,021.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: S 15,100.00 TOTAL PART 1: $ 44,546.00 1\ha0113hared douimuniapallaolsego1ot507o1507b1 PAY ESTIMATE #12 10/18/00 PART 2 BID SCHEDULE "A" - Item Description Mechanical and Protective j Unit i Unit Price 11 LS i $ 69.150.00! LS 1 LS j $ 45,250.00 SLS 11 LS i $ 6,200.00 1 LS !d to Date Extension 1.0 1 $ 69,150.00 1.0 $ 45,250.00 1.00 $ _ 6,200.00 1.0 $ _ 6_5,980.00 1.000 i 9 — 84.920.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": BID SCHEDULE "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Estimated Extension I $ 1,109.00.1 $ 271,500.00 Item ;Description Estimated Ouantlly i Unit Unit Price Unit Price Used to Date !Extension 33 :Chlorine Gas Treatment 1 i LS j $ 19,800.00 ! LS h 1 $ 19,800.00 34 ': Fluoridation & Polyphosphate Treatment 1 ! LS 1 S 5,780.00 LS € 1 S 5,780.00 35 I Process Water Piping for Chemical Treatment 1; LS 1 $ 1,200.00 ^LS $ 1 $ 1,200.00 38 :Booster Pump 1 LS j $ 780.00 LS 1 $ 780.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": BID SCHEDULE *C"- PERMITS Item !Description $ 27,560.00 Unit Price $ 27,560.00 SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule "A" - SITE WORK Bid Schedule "B" -YARD PIPING Bid Schedule "C" - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule "A"- PUMPHOUSE Bid Schedule "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule "C"- PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Altemative "A"- GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 1% RETAINAGE: LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #1 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #2 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #3 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #4 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #5 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #6 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #7 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #8 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #9 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #10 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #11 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: MaMshared docs\ muniapal\aotsagolot507bt507bt Work Order #1: Work Order #2: Change Order #1: Total: $ 14,425.00 $ 15,021.00 $ 15,100.00 $ 44,546.00 $ 271, 500.00 $ 27,560.00 $ 1,214.58 $ 7,000.00 $ 307,274.58 $ 37,000.00 Unit Price Estimated Extension I $ 1,109.00.1 1 $ 1,109.00 Item ;Description Quantity Unit i Unit Price Used to Date: 1 $ Extension 37 Permits— 1: LS $ 2,000.00 ( LS 0.607 $ 1,214.58 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C" $ 3,937.05 $ 1,214.58 BID SCHEDULE "D'- MOBILIZATION AND DEMOBILIZATION $ 21,522.94 $ 42,576.18 Estimated $ 30,510.10 $ Item !Description Quantity 1 Unit Unit Price Used to Date Extension 38 Wobilization & Demobilization 1i LS 1 $ 7,000.00 ; LS i 1 $ 7,000.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D": 39,478.20 $ $ 7,000.00 TOTAL PART 2: 12,336.98 $ $ 307,274.58 ALTERNATIVE "A": Portable Power Generator i Estimated' Item ;Description I Ouardity I Unit ? Unit Price Used to Date Extension 39 'Portable Power Generator as per Section 16201 s 1 ILS 1 $ 37,000.00 ; LS 1 $ 37,000.00 SUMMARY OF COMPLETION: PART 1: Bid Schedule "A" - SITE WORK Bid Schedule "B" -YARD PIPING Bid Schedule "C" - WELL PUMP & APPURTENANCES Total Part 1: PART 2: Bid Schedule "A"- PUMPHOUSE Bid Schedule "B" - CHEMICAL TREATMENT Bid Schedule "C"- PERMITS Bid Schedule "D" - MOBILIZATION & DEMOBILIZATION Total Part 2: Altemative "A"- GENERATOR TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 1% RETAINAGE: LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #1 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #2 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #3 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #4 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #5 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #6 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #7 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #8 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #9 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #10 LESS PARTIAL PAYMENT #11 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: MaMshared docs\ muniapal\aotsagolot507bt507bt Work Order #1: Work Order #2: Change Order #1: Total: $ 14,425.00 $ 15,021.00 $ 15,100.00 $ 44,546.00 $ 271, 500.00 $ 27,560.00 $ 1,214.58 $ 7,000.00 $ 307,274.58 $ 37,000.00 Unit Price Used to Date i Extension I $ 1,109.00.1 1 $ 1,109.00 $ 535.14 1 $ 535.14 1 3,240.00 i 1 $ 3,240.00 S 4,884.14 ' $ 4,884.14 $ 393,704.72 $ 3,937.05 $ 19,674.81 $ 21,522.94 $ 42,576.18 $ 30,510.10 $ 41,405.28 $ 118,688.91 $ 22,377.06 $ 27,720.62 $ 39,478.20 $ 5,083.41 $ 12,336.98 $ 8,393.16 PAY ESTIMATE #12 10/18/00 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor. I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer. We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: AhaMsharsd docslmuniGpailaotsego\ot5071ot507bt PAY ESTIMATE #12 10/18/00 Hakanson ITEM 7.5 Order No. 1 — Anderson Assoc., Inc. Date: October 18, 2000 CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER Project: City of Otsego Project 2000-03 Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer Owner: City of Otsego To: S.R. Weidema (Contractor) You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the contract plans and specifications: Description of Changes INCREASE (Supplemental Plans and Specifications Attached) in Contract Price Item No. Shop Drawing Proposed Price Bid Price Difference 25 72" Diameter MH #18-1 $3,910.00 $2,830.00 $1,080.00 26 84" Diameter CB/MH #18-2 $4,332.00 $3,400.00 $932.00 28 96" Diameter CB/MH #18-6 $4,788.00 $3,821.00 $967.00 Totals: $ $2,979.00 Net Change in Contract Price: $ $2,979.00 kation: Three storm sewer structures required an increase in size to ensure the integrity of the structures was not compromised and/or to allow enough room within the structure itself. Due to the change order, the contract period will be: unchanged Original contract Amount $ 247,750.98 Previous contract changes, Change Order # N/A to # N/A $ 0.00 Prior approved contract amount $ 247.750.98 Change in contract due to this change order $ 2,979.00 Total contract including this and previous change orders $ 249,729.98 Original contract period: 20 working days Changed contract period from previous Change Order N/A Contract period including this and all previous change orders: 20 working days This document will become a supplement to the contract and all provisions will apply hereto. Recommended: cted Approved by: (Owner's Arch itect/Engineer) (Contractor) For the Owner (Name and Title) Date Date Date This information will be used as a record of any changes to the original construction contract. \\Ha01 \Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\615\ot615C01 .doc ITEM 7.6A RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer on Quaday Avenue from 72nd Street to 78th Street, (COP #00-02) bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: S.R. Weidema $316,939.72 Richard Knutson Inc. $342,935.92 Landwehr Constr. Inc. $344,411.91 Redstone Construction $361,001.05 LaTour Construction $374,587.46 Barbarossa & Sons $377,345.90 Arcon Construction $384,658.18 Northdale Construction $414,771.84 R.L. Larson Excavating $422,711.56 Burschville Construction $449,306.65 Nodland Construction $492,677.70 AND WHEREAS, it appears that S.R. Weidema of Maple Grove, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with S.R. Weidema of Maple Grove, Minnesota in the name of the city of Otsego for the improvement of Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer on Quaday Avenue from 72nd Street to 78th Street (COP #00-02), according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this day of Mayor Clerk \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\615\OT615ResACCEPT BID.doc .2000. ITEM 7.66 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID WHEREAS, pursuant to an advertisement for bids for the improvement of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer on 88th Street from CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue (COP #00-03), bids were received, opened and tabulated according to law, and the following bids were received complying with the advertisement: S.R. Weidema $247,750.98 Richard Knutson Inc. $271,674.22 Redstone Construction $274,629.17 Landwehr Constr. Inc. $281,062.65 Barbarossa & Sons $292,056.30 Arcon Construction $298,254.34 Burschville Construction $306,199.50 R.L. Larson Excavating $306,638.35 Northdale Construction $309,201.97 LaTour Construction $313,138.90 Nodland Construction $351,968.40 AND WHEREAS, it appears that S.R. Weidema of Maple Grove, Minnesota is the lowest responsible bidder, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO MINNESOTA: 1. The mayor and clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract with S.R. Weidema of Maple Grove, Minnesota in the name of the city of Otsego for the improvement of Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer on 88th Street from CSAH 42 to Quaday Avenue (COP #00-03), according to the plans and specifications therefore approved by the city council and on file in the office of the city clerk. 2. The city clerk is hereby authorized and directed to return forthwith to all bidders the deposits made with their bids, except that the deposits of the successful bidder and the next lowest bidder shall be retained until a contract has been signed. Adopted by the city council this day of 12000. Mayor Clerk \\Ha01\Shared Docs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\616\OT616ResACCEPT BID.doc ki5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty October 23, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. See 9.5. below 8.2. Discussion of City Relationship to Private Development Covenants 8.3. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: 8.1. The Council Meeting will be closed under Attorney -Client Privilege for discussion. 8.2. See attached letter from Andy MacArthur dated October 17, 2000 Re: Restrictive Covenants. Andy will be present to discuss and explain this letter. 8.3. This is for any other Legal Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Laine File RCA-CC.WPS Li2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk October 23, 2000 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9. Council Items: A. Discussion of Sheriffs hours for 2001. B. Discussion of Purchase of Public Works Equipment C. Discussion of Dave Eide's Annexation Request D. Discussion of City Hall Rental - CM Wendel E. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: A. This item was continued from the October 9, 2000 Council Meeting. B. This item was added at the request of Councilmember Suzanne Ackerman and was continued from 10/9/00 agenda for further information. C. Mr. Eide's letter is enclosed. D. This item was requested to be on the Agenda by CM Wendel. E. This is for Any Other Council Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration, discussion and any decisions needed. Thanks, Ze� �El September 26, 2000 MIDWEST LANDSCAPES PROPOSAL TO CITY OF ALBERTVILLE and CITY OF OTSEGO Midwest Landscapes owns 50 acres of land currently operated as a tree nursery located in Otsego on the border with Albertville. There are two parcels and, as you can see in the attached map, the 20 acre piece sticks out into Albertville adjacent to the sewer ponds. My proposal is that Otsego allow the 20 acre parcel to be annexed into the city of Albertville in exchange for sewer access to the 30 acre parcel. The city of Albertville would get tax revenue from 20 acres of high-end commercial property with adjacent freeway access. The city of Otsego would get tax revenue from 30 acres of commercial property, also adjacent to freeway access. Each city gains and as a by-product, the boundary between the cities becomes a straight line. Please consider my proposal at your earliest convenience. Regards, David B. Eide 15050 93RD AVENUE NORTH • MAPLE GROVE, MN 55369.612-420-4201 ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9.1. City Administration Elaine Beatty, City Clerk October 23, 2000 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: A. Discussion of Study of Wastewater Treatment Options in SW Otsego B. Consider Acceptance of Elaine Beatty's Resignation/Retirement C. Consider Recommendation for City Staff Restructuring D. Discussion of Driveway Width Requirements E. Any Other Administrative Business BACKGROUND: A. Attached is a report from Bonestroo and Mike will be present to review also. B. Attached is a letter from Elaine Beatty and Mike will review. C. Mike has a memo re: same and it is attached. Mike will review. D. Attached is a memo from Dan Licht. E. This is for any City Administrator Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, �-nom Elaine Bonestroo 0 Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects October 9, 2000 Mike Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. Is an Affirma Employer and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo, PE. • Marvin L. Sorvala, P.E. • Glenn Robert G. Schunicht, P.E. • Jerry A. Bourdon, PE. Senior Consultants: Robert W. Rosene, PE. • Joseph C. Anderlik, F Susan M. Eberlin, C.P.A. Ecctj.)rtllhi LJ C.i� i • I` oCT 0 2000 1 ' E. Turner. �E. • '� 1 Associate Principals: Howard A. Sanford, PE. • Keith A. Gordon, PE�'�2 Richard W. Foster, P.E. • David O. Loskota, P.E. • Robert C. Ruszek. A.I. . • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. Michael T. Rautmann, P.E. • red K. Field. P.E. • Kenneth P. Anderson, P.4,7'TI 71MITS. F.£:'s t David A. Bonestroo, M.B.A. • Sidney P. V ern M.B.A. • Allan Rick Schmidt, PE. Offices: S[. Paul, St. Cloud, Rochester Website: www.bonestroo.com Re: Wastewater Treatment Options in SW Otsego Our File No. 503-99-100 Dear Mike: Thank you for meeting recently to discuss possible wastewater treatment options to serve development in the southwest portion of Otsego. This letter is our proposal to conduct a feasibility study that will conceptually develop four treatment and disposal options and estimate the total costs of each option. Description of SW Area The study area is Section 34 in the southwest corner of the City, minus a portion of the section that is north of Interstate 94. The study area is bounded on the east by the City of Albertville. The study area is approximately 600 acres, zoned 50% single-family residential and 50% industrial. Options to Evaluate We propose to develop conceptual plans for four treatment and disposal options: I . Connection to Albertville treatment system 2. Conveyance to newly constructed Otsego plant in SE part of the City 3. Treatment plant close to the study area, with discharge to drainage ditch to the Mississippi River 4. Treatment plant close to the study area, with on -land disposal Study Report We will prepare a letter report with the results of the study. For each option, the report will contain a description of the facilities to be constricted for the option, land requirements, estimated capital costs, estimated annual operation and maintenance costs, and implementation schedule. The same estimated collection system costs will be included in each option, to be based on a rough estimate to construct gravity sewers in the 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 ■ 651-636-4600 ■ Fax: 651-636-1311 proposed area, rather than basing the estimate on a detailed plan that shows lots, streets, and actual locations of collection lines. We will include a map showing proposed locations of facilities for cost estimating purposes. Scope of Work and Fee Estimate Our proposed fee to perform the study and produce the letter report is based on the following scope of work and estimated hours: Task Proiect Man a er Project Engineer Drafter Estimate wastewater flow from the study area 1 1 Collect background data from Albertville 3 Collect effluent standards data fi-om MPCA 2 Develop Option 1 1 1 Develop Option 2 1 1 Develop Option 3 1 3 Develop Option 4 1 3 Prepare cost estimates 4 Prepare map showing options 1 4 Prepare letter report 1 6 Present letter report to City Council 4 1M1AL HOURS 1 10 25 1 4 II We propose to perform the scope of work described above for the lump sum amount of S3,300, including reimbursable expenses. Thank you for this opportunity to propose our services to the City of Otsego. We look forward to continuing our good working relationship with the City. Call me anytime with questions or comments at (651) 604-4832. Sincerely, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ted K. Field October 18, 2000 Mayor Fournier and Council Members City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego, Minnesota 55330 RE: ELAINE BEATTY'S RETIREMENT FROM THE CITY OF OTSEGO AS CITY CLERK/ ZONING ADMINISTRATOR Honorable Mayor and Council: As I informed you verbally when Mike Robertson was hired, I will be retiring after the first of the year 2001. The reason I decided on this date, is because it is the first Council meeting in January. At this meeting, the Mayor and Council Members elected on November 7th will be sworn in and receive Certificates of Election. You will also be appointing a Deputy Clerk and City Clerk. The last 13 years and 9 months has been quite a learning and growing experience for the new City of Otsego and for me. I could probably write a book, and may. I appreciate this great opportunity to work for Otsego's Mayor and Council and residents and will miss all of you and the City Staff. I am ready to retire and am looking forward to travel, being able to finish my projects and enjoy my grandchildren. I wish all of you continued success with all the upcoming projects. This is a great City and certainly is in a "growth mode". The City is in good hands and Otsego's future looks bright. Thanks to all of you. Sincerely, CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator eb MEMO Date: October 18, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Retirement of Elaine Beatty City Staff Restructuring Though we've all known that it was coming eventually, it was a sad day when Elaine Beatty officially informed me she was retiring as City Clerk/Zoning Administrator effective the beginning of 2001. We have scheduled an open house/retirement party for Elaine on Thursday,. December 21, 2000 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. Elaine will take the following two weeks off to use up her vacation and then work one day in January, 2001 for tax purposes. Her last Council meeting will be Monday, January 8, 2001 where her final act as City Clerk will be swearing the new Council in. CITY STAFF RESTRUCTURING City _1 rk/ zoning A mini st-rafinr - To fill the City Clerk/Zoning Administrator position upon Elaine's retirement, I recommend the promotion of Judy Hudson from Deputy Clerk to City Clerk/Zoning Administrator. Judy has been an employee of the City of Otsego since July, 1989. She became Deputy Clerk in 1995 when Elaine was promoted to City Clerk/Zoning Administrator upon the retirement of Jerry Perrault. In my opinion Judy is very qualified to be City Clerk/Zoning Administrator. She has performed those duties admirably in Elaine's absence. She has been attending the training conference put on each year by the Municipal Clerks Institute and soon will take her test to become a certified municipal clerk. Her job performance as Deputy Clerk has been good, and I anticipate no problems with her performance as City Clerk/Zoning Administrator. Deputy Clerk - To fill the position of Deputy Clerk upon its vacation by Judy Hudson, I recommend the promotion of Carol Olson from Secretary to Deputy Clerk. Carol has been an employee of the City since May, 1993. In my opinion Carol is very qualified to be Deputy Clerk. She has performed those duties very well in Judy's absence. She has been learning the Deputy Clerk's position since she started with the City. That training has been intensified this year as it became apparent that Elaine was going to retire sometime in 2001. Carol's job performance has been,good, and I anticipate no problems with her performance as Deputy Clerk. Secretary - To fill the position of Secretary upon its vacation by Carol Olson, I recommend the promotion of Karee Rowell from part-time Secretary to full-time Secretary. Karee has been an employee of the City since May, 2000. In my opinion Karee is very qualified to be Secretary. She has learned her duties quickly, has worked full- time as Secretary when Carol has been absent and her performance has been good. I anticipate no problems with her performance as Secretary. Part-time Secretary - To fill the position of part-time Secretary upon its vacation by Karee Rowell, I recommend that the City advertise for a new part-time Secretary. I would anticipate the advertising starting after Thanksgiving and the interviews for the position taking place in early January, 2001. cc: City staff elaine.wps 2 NORTIAWRST ASSOCIATRD CONSULTANTS* INC, iw 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM J I TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 18 October 2000 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Residential Access FILE: BACKGROUND 176.08 - 00.14 The City Council has directed staff to provide information regarding the existing regulations for driveway width for single family residential properties. At issue, is whether the maximum width of driveway should be increased to allow a straight back access to a third (or even fourth) garage stall. This question has been raised specifically in reference to LIN -BAR Estates, where there are a number of newly constructed houses with driveways that exceed the allowed maximum width. Because the driveways that were installed exceed the Zoning Ordinance and Engineering Manual allowances, the City is withholding a construction security until such time as the driveway is corrected. This same issue was previously discussed by the City Council in June 1999. At that time, staff explained the basis for the current regulations. The decision of the City Council at that time was not to direct the Planning Commission to consider amending the standard. The City Council did clarify the interpretation of the existing provision by adopting a standard plate as part of the Engineering Manual illustrating the maximum allowed driveway dimensions. This plate is attached to all building permits issued by the building official. Exhibits: A. Standard Plate No. 705 ANALYSIS Existing Standard. Section 20-21-4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance limits the size of access within the public right-of-way to not more than 24 feet. Accesses to the public right-of-way are intended to be minimized to the extent practical for traffic management, snowstorage, on -street parking, increase green space and minimize construction within the right-of-way. The combination of the access width as provided for by Plate 705 included within the Engineering Manual and the 35 foot setback should be sufficient to allow access and circulation to/from single family properties, including backing trailers into a third garage stall. The Zoning Ordinance does allow exception to the 24 foot standard approved by the City Engineer. This exception is intended to accommodate traffic circulation for commercial and industrial properties. Large commercial developments may have three or four lane access to public streets to allow for turn lanes. Industrial developments may require wider accesses to allow tractor -trailers to circulate into/out-of a site without crossing traffic lanes on streets that carry more volume than a local residential street. To date, the exception has only been allowed for industrial properties within the Otsego Industrial Park and those northeast of TH 101 and CSAH 36. Application. The present standard for residential accesses is applied uniformly for all Zoning Districts. The application of the driveway width standard should not be considered unique to LIN -BAR Estates for the following reasons: • The Lots within LIN -BAR Estates have a minimum width of 150 feet which is the standard for all unsewered single family lots within the A-1, A-2, R-1, R-2, or R-3 Zoning District. Therefore, there is no unique circumstance that would justify allowing a different driveway standard in LIN -BAR versus other subdivisions within the Long Range Urban Service Area. • Single family uses within all Zoning Districts are allowed at least the same 1,000 square feet of attached garage space. As such, it is allowed to construct a garage larger than four stalls on any residential property, provided applicable setback requirements are satisfied. If the City justifies increasing the access width on the basis of garage size, then this standard would be applicable to all other single family residential uses. • The lots within LIN -BAR Estates are subject to a resubdivision plan that anticipates division of the existing acre lots with the future availability of sanitary sewer. As such, it may be anticipated that lots within this development may have a future width of 75 feet. An issue is trying to distinguish between 150 foot wide unsewered lots and 75 foot wide sewered lots. If the standard were increased for 150 foot lots, the existing driveways would be non -conforming upon subdivision. It would also be problematic to deny the newly created lot the same driveway access as the original lot when each has the same dimensions and garage area allowance. This situation also creates a precedence for increasing the access width for sewered single family uses within the R-4 District. The impact of a driveway width greater than 24 feet is likely greaterfor 75 foot wide lots given the percentage of the lot frontage that would be taken by the access and the increased frequency of access points along a given street. CONCLUSION Based upon the factors outlined herein, it is still staff's opinion that the present driveway width allowance for residential uses is an appropriate balance between providing access to properties and protecting the City's interests relative to traffic management, snow storage, on -street parking and limitations on construction in the right-of-way. We would also suggest that there is no unique circumstance that would justify application of a different driveway access standard to LIN -BAR Estates or even large unsewered lots within the Long Range Urban Service Area, due to future resubdivision potential. Any change to the Ordinance that may be contemplated must be done uniformly for all residential lots on the basis of public safety and transportation policies. Such a change would also require an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance, which would need to be, processed by the Planning Commission before final action by the City Council. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson 0Ison Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur RESIDENCE I w ZZF J CO D U I J R.O.W. LINE 5' RADIUS OR 45° TAPER—� (TYPICAL) BUMPOUT RECOMMENDED FOR CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 1 2' TAPER FOR . VERTICAL FACE CURB AND GUTTER AND BIT. CURB '--CURB LINE 40' MIN. FROM LOCAL STREET 50' MIN. FROM COLLECTOR/ ARTERIAL STREET ACO w Z J } H W CL O d DRIVEWAY TRANSITION TO GARAGE APRON AT Z PROPERTY LINE IS OWNERS OPTION. ; 24' MAX. 34' MAX. 1 I 5' MIN. ENTERLINE ENTRANCE Q� 700 TO 900 VARIABLE Q� HALF PLAN PERSPECTIVE Q m RESIDENTIAL DRIVEWAY ACCESS = ALONG URBAN STREET SECTI ON W NO SCALE OF STANDARD P AIE No. 705 . nwc NAME CURB-705.DWG CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING OCTOBER 23, 2000 Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. If you have any questions regarding this service, please let me know. Claims Register /�Update 10-19-00 2$2205,118.96 Gl :'si p`T IQ -49-09---_---------$4-8-,3-20-9i------ Claims Register 10-16-00 2,923.77 Claims Register 10-12-00 395.47 Claims Register 10-12-00 67,235.00 Claims Register 10-11-00 200.00 GRAND TOTAL' $275,873.20 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer JH/co CITY OF OTSEGO 10/23/003:59 PM Page 1 Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 Claim Type Claim# Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total Claim# 1 ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST Cash Payment G 101-21705 PPE 10-14-00 $412.78 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41400-121 PPE 10-14-00 $201.92 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $614.70 Claim#�+l 2 AFFORDABLESANITAT70N Cash Payment E 201-45000-410 Oct. Unit Rental $139.63 Invoice 1024 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $139.63 Claim#3 BERLIN TIRE CENTER, INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW # 11 $163.43 Invoice sh Payment E 101-43100-220 PW # 7 $348.48 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW #6 $74.73 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 WJiiti4>TJJJ:iiJ%i9%•iYRYrYiiP::�.•}>:J"F.CiP}X•iJJ%.�:iTi»XgJJJ:J}}p:�F.JY.:VOPJX:isRJJJ}}iJ:tiYJJi,WJXVJi,"i}}JYRX4%•}J:>WYR%A\ViJTJYiiF::•XFitv?yX•JRYF.-X:R� BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $586.64 Claim# 4 BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUC XC:•>TT:-XJCtiY:i-}i}X•J: G'Fn•»J: J}X•]PJNJJi: i>iiJX.>JJ. Cash Payment E 101-41400-201 Office Supplies $271.16 Invoice 836572 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 M MY•v�Y��µ��xf���mm��x�f�A��I+H�+��lxxm-��r--ll�r+H BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $271.16 Claim#N,,.,.,Mw 5 BONESTROO ROSENEANDERL/K Cash Payment E 415-43251-302 Wastewater Tremnt Plant $7,003.97 Invoice 503-99-100 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 ., a•.,�,,,,,�,...,x„�:.�.,.,•�..:.�.•�..,�b„y.,yv,1:.Y,•;.�Y;,;�,va,,.;,�:�.:,d,.A,•.>:a:,,,,.n,:u�,::::..,>N,Y;..:.�,:�,,,.,. BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $7,003.97 Claim# 6 COUR/ MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE Cash Payment E 101-41700-301 General $1,926.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 415-43251-301 Wastewater Treatment $272.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41700-301 Lin -Bar Estates $25.50 Invoice h Payment E 413-43100-301 Odean Ave $1,020.00 Invoice CITY OF OTSEGO 10/23/003:59 PM Page 2 Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 Cash Payment E 418-43100-301 78th Street $918.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 418-43100-301 Quaday Ave $170.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21940 Pulte 'The Pante' $340.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21936 Miss. Pines $42.50 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21947 Prairie Creek III $170.00 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21946 Crimson Ponds II $42.50 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge II $42.50 Invoice Cash Payment G 701-21949 Stonegate $365.50 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 .::._..::..........1.::;uGG G«G GG.%:G«GGGG.:,.....,,,�:<:•:�::::.:::..,,:..,�:,,:.::.:.: %...%�:<...::<:,,%.:•. BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $5,334.50 jm# 7 CUB FOODS ELK RIVER � :,,:::<,v::•,:%«:.,�.-:�«:•��:::�«r,::.:,�-f:�.:�:r:,�.:......::::, :x�f::,kw:•;i%,<:.%::.:.. ash Payment E 101-41400-203 Supplies $56.03 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $56.03 Claim# 8 CROW RIVER FARM EQUIPMENT Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 $99.00 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $99.00 Claim# 9 CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 $183.28 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 :c•:G•::-:.;:o:u:a.nr.:v..ur.::.%xwl.,:avw.w-.w;.»:c::a:>a:u:.weacxtiw�xiaaxi�,yr;;Jaz;.xia:w:r.:a:.:s>:a:::.wn,:::;:x.:aw;,::.wx.:,;axfr:::::;:ca;...,..u.ww..,w,c. BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $183.28 Claim# 10 CORROW TRUCKING ...............w.........,,..../.:....,........a....../ Cash Payment E 101-43610-390 Sept. Recycling $1,627.50 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-41400-390 City Services $83.07 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $1,710.57 ......1..:%•%•%riin!%%%/!ff/fM'R%!/.•Y.Cv:4"!.r/XftJ%S:f.(•:Wftt\VCYNIff� :GWR:4%4:tittC!�4'FlF.f•'!.ti?%•iiF.•:W/ffffffl.LSWIf/JK-:%fffiFiCrR"f!.%lfNff!/f/.rff/fFFFft%Fii:•f.:rf.?:vi%4%ti!rF/.rii'f.%ff.:•%ii: Claim# 11 DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND i'/. f::%/ff/fffi Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW #9 $34.64 Invoice 00363139 sh Payment E 101-41940-402 Shop Maintenance $136.00 Invoice 030471 CITY OF OTSEGO Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 10/23/00 3:59 PM Page 3 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $170.64 Claim# 12 G & K TEXTILE LEASING SYSTEM $413.04 Clairn# 13 GME CONSULTAMT. INC. Cash Payment E 101-43100-225 9/4/00 $57.24 Invoice 358426 Cash Payment E 418-43100-302 Project 8508 A Cash Payment E 101-43100-225 9/11/00 $66.57 Invoice 363073 Cash Payment E 101-43100-225 9/18/00 $91.47 Invoice 367731 10100 Total Cash Payment E 101-43100-225 9/25/00 $57.24 Invoice 372410 Cash Payment E 101-41400-390 9/4/00 $70.26 Invoice 358427 $10.00 Invoice 8/31/00 Cash Payment E 101-43100-225 9/18/00 $70.26 Invoice 367732 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 IN290605 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $413.04 Clairn# 13 GME CONSULTAMT. INC. Cash Payment E 418-43100-302 Project 8508 A $648.96 Invoice .'ransaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $648.96 Claim# 14 HAWKINS CHEMICAL Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 DM45593 $10.00 Invoice 8/31/00 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 IN290605 $825.02 Invoice 9/14/00 Cash Payment E 601-49400-210 DM47305 $10.00 Invoice 9/29/00 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $845.02 Clairn# 15 H G WEBER OIL COMPANY Cash Payment E 101-43100-202 $957.83 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $957.83 Claim# 16 MACS WELL & PUMP SERVICE Cash Payment E 101-41940-400 Well Chlorination $110.00 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $110.00 Claim# 17 GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW #7 $121.48 Invoice 202640016 Ash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW # 1 $12.87 Invoice 202650041 CITY OF OTSEGO 10/23/003:59 PM Page 4 Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW #3 $4.60 Invoice 202690031 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW # 3 $237.93 Invoice 202720063 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 .-. •: �f .... .fFF.AC]CFNVXf.WOCS�TU004«W%`OP N/ ?T>:S: BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $376.88 Claim# 18 MENARDS �Y%^%4F.•:SrAPV09:4:SSSVIHirhCVTg4::4:41AOvF<:•:V:i.XSYfRC?:4%:�i>}}%•'f.✓.•}}riV'F.•:Y.G}riv:•Y.V>}}}; TT:•?:tir�'S::rn'MTU Cash Payment E 201-45000-203 Haunted House $80.50 Invoice 56494 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Told $60.60 Claim# 19 MON77CELLO ANIMAL CONTROL Y Cash Payment E 101-42710-390 September Service $60.00 Invoice 175 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $60.00 Claim# 20 DARLENE DETERMAN Cash Payment G 101-21803 Deposit $400.00 Invoice Cash Payment R 101-38992 Bldg. Supervisor -$90.00 Invoice ash Payment R 101-38992 Table Damage -$90.00 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 ::::....:: <.>:»»-:xx-::•a>--.n:«•x.x«c»». xoavx>»x«w: naxoa�rco.eocaxao-N:ss}rncec«anc:�+w:<wr.:,c�wx:veewcw>-r::acavxex.:.awr»>>:.,z:ay.:.»»>»:v.- BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $220.00 Claim# 21 NORTHERN STATES POWER COM W xx ,.. <,.F: -o. - - ,. Cash Payment E 601-49400-322 Wastewater $222,31 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 ..::.}..rr.,..»ux��<..«.}:��,�,.�•%,�.�}>�>}}k%�x<r}:�M};�>.��;�>-R�.««�,>}}}}ra BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $222,31 Claim# 22 ROAD MACHINERY& SUPPLIES C }..�}} .,�..�}%w}x�>::7.�F.�%,:,.:,x...,...r.....:r::.N Cash Payment E 101-43100-202 10 Gal for 20 hr demo $17.50 Invoice 81056 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 r,.k<r<,�,,,,<�,..,�,.,„�.x«r:,,,,rw,,:r,:•,<,<.,,,r.,,.r<rrr-:r",...kr,,,.,:.»,...„„»,k<,.,:.v«<krrrr:::::::...::....r:r:::..:...r.:.rr:r..r.....rrrr<. �RMR BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $17.50 Claim#23 SERVICES, INC. Cash Payment E 601-49400-203 Water Meters $1,681.78 Invoice 2000-373 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 r..rrr:::.,..:,rrrr::.rrrrrw.r:..r.»:..,»..,.:rr.,.•.y„».,rrrrk.,,,�„Krr,,:,.•,<.,.<.,.<r..,,,.»,».N.�,.<rr-,-..w::,,•r::k,,,.:�,,.r�r.,•k,:.»..:.rr::�,r.,v:r,:r:.:-,.,..::<r:::::::. BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $1,681.78 Claim# 24 STS CONSULTANTS LTD �:.:,:::::::::.:::,.::,:�::::r:::::::::::::,rr:,., Cash Payment E 413-43100-302 Odean Const. Testing $3,826.90 Invoice 209640 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 .«:.r:,r.,:..:.r::krrM,rr,:.:.r.>,.»»,::v..,.:.,.....vr.,,.,�,»,»,.F,,.�,<«.x.,,�,�,•«r..�..y.Y,..<.K.�.<.,y,..,y,,�.,,..�,�r«�„«r�,7<..�<.,.M,,.e.�.».,,.<.Y,•r.«.k.,,:rr,,,<:,<«:.�<r.�<,rr.:r..:.:<r,« BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $3,826.90 aim# 25 GROEN GARY CPA sh Payment E 101-41600-304 Acctg Sept 19 -Oct 13 $455.00 Invoice CITY OF OTSEGO 10/23/003:59 PM Page 5 Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $455.00 Claim# 26 MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC Cash Payment E 101-41900-430 EDAAC Ad $810.00 Invoice 391887 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $810.00 Claim# 27 SUPERIOR SERVICES Cash Payment E 101-43610-390 Sept. Recycling $460.00 Invoice 162338 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $460.00 Claim# 28 ENCOMM MIDWEST LLC. Cash Payment E 601-49400-302 Pay Estimate # 12 $8,393.18 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $8,393.18 Claim# 29 ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 V102262 $213.82 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $213.82 ,im# 30 AIRGAS, INC. 3h Payment E 101-43100-210 IN105594571 $20.99 Invoice Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $20.99 Clairn# 31 ZIEGLER INC Cash Payment E 414-43100-530 2000 Loader $149,699.94 Invoice G6522201 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW #5 $762.55 Invoice PC000353860 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 PW#5 $503.12 Invoice PC000356460 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 Credit ..$86 61 Invoice PR00039064 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 $36.61 Invoice PC00035604 Cash Payment E 101-43100-220 $364.55 Invoice PC000353861 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $151,330.16 Claim# 32 CHRISTIAN BUILDERS INC Cash Payment E 702-41400-310 Escrow Refund $1,000.00 Invoice -insaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $1,000.00 Claim# 33 PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT CITY OF OTSEGO 10/23/003:59 PM Page 6 Claim Docket OCTOBER 2000 Cash Payment G 101-21704 PPE 10/14/00 $441.98 Invoice Invoice 9646 Cash Payment E 101-41400-121 PPE 10/14/00 $237.88 Invoice Park & Rec $117.50 Cash Payment E 101-43100-121 PPE 10/14/00 $244.13 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-45300-390 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 S? ^::SST•tiS:�?:ttL•:SS:SL•:S•:%SLVLS?]:ttM'CC:^%tt^"f.•tL!Stt9 fFlYRCPCCPCC90%A4f'fi0.UYYffffflA4LMSF:SVC. BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $923.99 Claim# 34 BRIGGS & MORGAN !.£U}SSSSC.9C4YA9000KS90049PPKf.4:ttL4'F.AOYfffn\LK^t•:•:SiKStt4•.F"•tit•?"f.SF.tiC:S•:tiC::�ii n ^i::Jiti4:Ltit•: tiS•:{SR Cash Payment E 416-43100-301 Overlay Bond Sery $3,610.00 Invoice Invoice 9646 Cash Payment E 415-43251-301 Sewer Bond Sery $5,168.00 Invoice Miss. Pines Prelim $38.80 Transaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $8,778.00 Claim# 36 MINNESOTA LIFE Cash Payment G 701-21940 Cash Payment E 101-41400-123 Adm. Life $29.00 Invoice Cash Payment E 101-43100-123 PW Life $34.20 Invoice Invoice 9645 7ansaction Date 10/23/2000 BANK OF ELK RIVE 10100 Total $63.20 .:,:�,.:., . ,.<,-H.w . ,,:«:<.:,.,.�,.•,�, <.�.e,,,,.<.�„ Wit.,.«k.,:N,..0 Claim# 37 NORTHWESTASSOCCONSULTAN ...::M.:,, . �., ..�:.:�.-t,-.>,.<. _ ..�:.�, N. :,..>,: :N,::: ::::., .::. Cash Payment E 101-41400-348 Zoning Map $252.51 Invoice 9646 Cash Payment E 201-45000-300 Park & Rec $117.50 Invoice 9646 Cash Payment E 101-45300-390 HPC $131.60 Invoice 9646 Cash Payment E 101-41570-303 General $335.28 Invoice 9646 Cash Payment G 701-21936 Miss. Pines Prelim $38.80 Invoice 9645 Cash Payment G 701-21940 The Pointe $23.27 Invoice 9645 Cash Payment G 701-21949 Stonegate $635.83 Invoice 9645 Cash Payment G 701-21957 Winter Addition $117.87 Invoice 9645 Cash Payment G 701-21959 D & J - Barthel $59.65 Invoice 9645 06ash Payment G 70 1-21 960 JKO-Pioneer Marine $104.19 Invoice 9645