11-27-00 CCL5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARFI) RY• 4.A. Special Presentation Michael Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION• 4.A.1. Senator Mark Ourada 4.A.2. Hall Rental Financial Analysis 4.A.3. Discussion of Junk Complaint at Long Haul Trucking BACKGROUND - 4.A. 1. ACKGROUND:4.A.1. State Senator Mark Ourada will be present to discuss the next State Legislative session and any other matters the Council is interested in. 4.A.2. This analysis was carried out at the request of Council. There is a moratorium on the rental of the hall for weekend activities until December 31, 2000. A memo on this issue is enclosed. 4.A.3. This item was carried over from the previous meeting because Long Haul had made some improvements. I will have Building Inspector Jerry Olson check out the property the day of the Council meeting for an update on their progress. I have enclosed a letter sent to Long Haul. RECOMMENDATION This is for Council information and action. Thanks, Mike MEMO Date: November 22, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: City Hall Rental Issues & Financial Analysis Currently the City is charging $250, with $100 for kitchen use, to residents for hall rental. The City charges $350, with $150 for kitchen use, to non- residents. As part of the examination of renting City Hall, I have asked City Accountant Gary Groen to examine the financial costs of renting, cleaning, and maintaining the hall as a rental property. The expenses are listed below on a per event basis. We have assumed an average of 25 events a year. HALL RENTAL ESTIMATED EXPENSES 1. Cleaning $100 Cleaning costs are based on the invoices from Long & Sons, and average $100 per event. 2. Staffing (Building Supervisor) $130 A building supervisor is necessary to make certain the building is used by the renters in accordance with its intended use. The building supervisor also is there to assist the renters with any questions. The average event typically runs from early afternoon to past midnight. Renters are required to remove personal belongings and garbage the night of the event. Estimated time is 12 hours at $10/hour plus payroll taxes. 3. Administrative Time $ 70 Approximately 5% of Judy Hudson's time is dedicated to rental issues. This includes receiving phone calls, showing the hall, follow-up phone calls, assisting renters the day they decorate, and billing questions. 4. Supplies $ 40 Supply costs are based on a percentage of supplies invoiced by Long & Sons, including towels, toilet paper, etc. 5. Payroll $ 2.25 Payroll cost is about $2.25 per payroll check and the building supervisor is assumed to be paid every payroll period. 6. Accounting Time $ 6 This represents Gary & Carol's time for accounting, billing, check issuance, etc. 7. Utility Cost $ 26 Utilities include electric, heating, and air conditioning. City Hall would be closed from Thursday evening to Monday morning without weekend use. Utility costs are estimated at 10% of the total. 8. Capital Replacement This is an estimate of the per event cost of replacing tables, chairs, carpet, tile floors, kitchen appliances, and wall redecorating. The lifetime of each of these items is impacted by the heavier use during rental. The cost of these items attributed to rental events varies and the percentage is listed with the item. Tables & Chairs- 95% $ 72 Tile & Carpet 95% $ 80 Kitchen Appliances 100% $ 60 Redecorating 75% $ 14 The total per event cost, including capital replacement, is estimated at $600 per event. Capital costs are $226, which means that the City requires $374 per event to cover on-going costs. That means that the City is probably covering on-going costs now but that taxpayers are subsidizing renters on the capital costs. In addition, we have discussed previously with Council two rental problems unrelated to rental costs, the difficulty hiring building supervisors and the difficulty of hiring police officers. 4 The City has always had a problem finding building supervisors because the work is on weekends, occurs on an irregular basis, and is not highly paid. Recently Penny Houck quit, so the only person we have now is Lu Luconic. Lu has also given us a one year notice that she will not work past 2001. She has also indicated that she won't work late hours, which would eliminate her from most weekend events. We have occasionally had events where no building supervisor has been available and Judy Hudson has had to fill in. Since Judy's pay is higher and the weekend is overtime that means that the City is really losing money when that occurs. Plus Judy and other staff has indicated they are not willing to do that any more. We have also had an increasingly difficult time getting police officers. Both because there are a lot of other venues competing for them and because officers are less willing to work these kinds of events. We either have to pay a lot higher wages or not allow alcohol, which is the same as not allowing weekend events. If we have a weekend event without officers, we are then counting on the renters to control the alcohol use, which is asking for trouble. Also, we often do not know whether we will have an officer until a day or two before the event. Several times we have had to let a scheduled event go forward without an officer, which is also asking for trouble. - RECOMMENDATIONS 1) We should raise the wages and start advertising for more building supervisors immediately. If we can find one, we would be able to keep renting as we have been. If we can't find anyone, we have nobody who will work evening hours, and we will not be able to rent for most weekend events. 2) We should look at offering more money to the officers to work the weekend events. If we can't get officers, we could look at hiring private security. The trouble is the good firms cost as much or more than police officers, the bad firms aren't worth whatever they cost, and both have to call the sheriff anyway if there is a problem. 3) We should increase our rental charges to $600 per event so that taxpayers are not subsidizing renters. 3 The money should be placed in a specific fund and used for capital replacement of those items specifically affected by rental use such' -carpets. 4) We should either reduce the resident discount or tighten up the eligibility. Right now we are familiar with instances where people wanted to rent the hall and went searching until they found an Otsego resident who would rent it for them. We suggest the discount be limited to actual residents and their children or siblings. 5) We should assume that the kitchen space has a relatively short life. As the City grows and more staff are added, eventually that kitchen space will be needed for offices or storage. ha112.wps 4 r ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT• PRFPA RFn gy 5. Consent Agenda Michael Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM Ni1MRER• iTFM ilFCrurirrrO T 5.1. Approval of 2001-2003 Monticello Fire Service Contract Renewal BACKGROUND: 5.1. The proposed contract is enclosed. RECOMM .NDA TIONS: This is for Council information and action. Thanks, Mike MONTICELLO November 15, 2000 IIs. Elaine Beatty City Clerk/Zoning Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Elk River, MN 553;0 Re: 2001-2003 Fire Service Contract Renewal Dear Elaine: ►n� 1 Ui��7i 1 r NOV 15 20m Enclosed you will find three executed copies of the revised fire protection agreement between the Monticello Joint Fire Department and the City of Otsego. We have added the parcels you identified as new subdivisions and areas being added to the contract. Please review these areas to confirm the number of parcels. Please execute two of the copies and return them to me for distribution. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, CITY MONTICELLO Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator R W/dg Enclosure: Fire Protection Contract (3) cc: Fire Contract File Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticelln MN IMA') . fir,'Ai *)oca v 7n . v..... /,7fn% ,),7 i 2,),,1 FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT between the City and Township of Monticello. Minnesota, hereafter referred to as the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT, and the City of Otsego, hereafter referred to whether in whole or in part as the CITY. both agree as follows: ARTICLE I The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT agrees to furnish fire service and fire protection to all properties subject to the terms of this agreement, within the CITY area, said area being set forth in EXHIBIT A, attached hereto. ARTICLE II The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT will make a reasonable effort to attend all fires within the CITY area upon notification of such fire or fires, and under the direction of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT fire chief, subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Road and weather conditions must be such that the fire run can be made with reasonable safetv to the firemen and equipment of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. The decision of the fire chief or other officer in charge of the fire department at the time that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to firemen and equipment shall be final. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall not be liable to the CITY for the loss or damage of anv kind whatever resulting from any failure to furnish or any delay in furnishing firemen or fire equipment, or from any failure to prevent, control, or extinguish any fire, whether such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT or its fire department, or otherwise. ARTICLE III The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT further agrees: A. To keep and maintain in good order at its own expense the necessary equipment and fire apparatus for fire service and fire protection within the town area so serviced. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall provide sufficient manpower in its fire department to operate fire equipment. D. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT will submit a summary to the City of all fires on a monthly basis. Page 1 ARTICLE IV The CITY agrees: M r A. To pay an annual fee of $40 for each tax identification parcel as determined by the Otsego City - Assessor and/or Wright County Auditors office for years 2001 through 2003. These fees shall include all standby charges and fire call costs. The total annual fee for the first year of this contract is estimated to be $10,760.00 based on an estimated 269 parcels cL $40 each. The annual fee shall be adjusted for years 2002 and 2003 at the same $40.00 rate per parcel for additional parcels added within coverage area. B. Annual fee shall be paid as follows: prior to January 1 of each year - 25% prior to April 1 of each year - 25% prior to July I of each year - 25% prior to October 1 of each year - 25% C. Any false alarm call to an individual or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chief, was the result of a defective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a written notice outlining this policy, indicating a second false alarm call within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a $100 charge. The notice will also indicate that three or more false alarms during the calendar year will result in the property owner being charged $250 for the alarm call. D. Any false alarm charge billed directly to an individual or business by the Joint Fire Board under this Agreement that remains unpaid by October 31 of each year shall become the responsibility of the City for reimbursement. E. All payments must be made in accordance with this schedule to render this agreement effective for each calendar year of the contract. ARTICLE V In case an emergency arises within the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT while equipment and personnel of the fire department are engaged in fighting a fire within the CITY area, calls shall be answered in the order of their receipt unless the fire chief or other officer in charge of the fire department at the time otherwise directs. In responding to fire calls within the CITY area, the fire chief or other officer in charge shall dispatch only such personnel and equipment as in his opinion can be safely spared from the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. ARTICLE VI In cases where the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT receives a notification of an emergency other than a fire, and its assistance is requested in the area defined in Exhibit A of this contract, it shall respond to such emergency in the same manner as a fire as outlined in this contract. Charges for such service shall be as outlined in ARTICLE VI. Page 2 ARTICLE VII The CITY agrees to make a fire protection tax levy or otherwise to provide funds each year in an amount sufficient to pay the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT the compensation agreed upon. ARTICLE VIII This AGREEMENT shall be in force for a term of three (3) years beginning on January 1.2001, and ending on the 3 I st day of December, 2003. This contract may be terminated upon a six-month notice by either party. CITY OF MONTICELLO Mayor Attestc� Clerk Signed this 17 day of f6)'h' 6" , 2000. TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO B .19 ,Chairperson Attest: Clerk $ianed this 6 day of LRM 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Mayor Attest: Clerk Signed this day of .2000. Page 3 EXHIBIT A This EXHIBIT is a part of the attached FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT, and its purpose is to designate the area covered tinder this AGREEMENT and referred to herein as the CITY area. Therefore. the CITY area in which protection for fires is agreed to involves the following sections of the CITY herein: ` (SEE ATTACHED ),/IAPS) Range 24 (Unplatted Areas) Section 10 Section 11 Section 14 Section 15 Section 22 Section 23 N1/2 of Section 27 Plats: Billstroms Riverview Addition Island View Estates Arrowhead Estates Riverwood PUD Island View Estates III Vintage Golf Course Mississippi Pines TOTAL NO. OF PARCELS 269 At $40.00 per Parcel = $10,760.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF OTSEGO Att TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By:- airperson Attest: C� C C erk By: Mayor Attest: Clerk Page 4 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTM .NT• PRFPARFiI Rv 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Mike Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER' ITEM DESCRIPTION 6.1. Consider Amendment of Existing CUP (Conditional Use Permit) to allow addition to existing building & Text Amendment - Anoka Equine Veterinary Services - 16445 NE 70th Street, Otsego. 6.2. Consider Rezoning from A-1 (Agricultural) to BW (Business -Warehouse) & Preliminary Plat Approval - Today Properties - 8500 Parrish Avenue, 6.3. Consider CUP (Conditional Use Permit) to allow transfer of development rights to allow an administrative One -per -forty subdivision - Floyd & Beverly Roden - 8337 LaBeaux, Otsego. 6.4. Consider Concept Plan Approval - Otsego's Waterfront - Cascade III Land Company - Highway 101 & County Road 39, Otsego 6.5. Discussion of Feedlot Ordinance 6.6. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND• Dan Licht will be present to explain and discuss the following items. 6.1., 6.2, 6.3., 6.4. See attached reports from Dan Licht. City Engineer Ron Wagner will also be present for any questions or comments. 6.5. This item was discussed at the last Council meeting and continued for further review. Staff has prepared the attached memo which lays out the interpretation of this ordinance. Council should review this memo and let staff know if there are any changes or different interpretations that it wants considered. 6.6. This is for any other planning business that needs discussion. These items are for Council consideration for approval or denial Thanks, Mike "ORT"WIST ASSOCIATR4 �O���i���►��$� INC. 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM C TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 November 2000 RE: Otsego - Anoka Equine Clinic; CUP Amendment FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.32 Please be advised that the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the above referenced request on November 6, 2000. The public hearing was continued to November 20, 2000 to allow staff to provide additional information on the building construction requirements. The main issue discussed by the Planning Commission was the construction and exterior appearance of the arena portion of the expansion. Staff confirmed with the Building Official that this portion of the structure would be considered a pole building, which is not allowed by the Zoning Ordinance as a principal structure. The Building Official also suggested alternative construction methods that would meet the City's requirements, while minimizing costs to the applicant. At the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant's representative indicated that they were looking at this other construction method and use of siding that would match the front portion of the existing building. Based upon this discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the CUP amendment by a 6-0 vote. The Planning Commission also voted 6-0 to recommend denial of the applicant's request for a text amendment to allow pole building construction as a principal building. This application will be considered by the City Council at their meeting on November 27, 2000. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Dr. Thomas Juergens CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA 11-20-00 CUP Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Applicant's Name: Anoka Equine Veterinary Clinic Request: Consideration of a CUP amendment to allow expansion of an existing veterinary clinic located within an A-1 District. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based -upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The subject property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for commercial land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District; Veterinary clinics are allowed in said District as a conditional use. 4. A conditional use permit was approved to allow the veterinary clinic use in February 1993 and amended for an expansion in June 1998. 5. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the CUP amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: a. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding. The subject site is planned for future commercial uses that would take advantage of access and visibility to TH 901 and available sanitary sewer. In the interim, the site is planned for continued agricultural uses. The existing use is an appropriate bridge between the interim plan and ultimate land use plan as it is both agricultural and commercial in nature. However, the a portion of the proposed building is inconsistent with the direction of the Comprehensive Plan to encourage the highest quality building construction and materials within planned commercial areas in that pole construction with vertical metal siding is proposed, which is not allowed by the Zoning Ordinance. b. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: As a condition of CUP approval, all performance standards must be met. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding. The single family residence should have no negative effect within the area it is proposed. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: While a detailed analysis has not been conducted, similar situations have demonstrated no negative impact upon area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Traffic generated by the proposed single family dwelling will be minimal and will be within the capabilities of 801' Street which serves the single family property. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed single family dwelling will not overburden the City's service capacity. 5. The City Council approve a similar CUP for the applicant in 1996, which the applicant did not implement. In accordance with Section 20-4-6 of the Zoning Ordinance, the previous CUP is considered to be expired one year from the date of issuance. 6. The memorandum dated November 15, 2000 and planning report dated April 23, 1996 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Lic., is incorporated herein. 8. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 20, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. A site plan (based on a certificate of survey) is submitted and found to comply with applicable A-1 District performance standards. 2 8. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 6, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to the regular Planning Commission meeting on November 20, 2000 to allow additional"- information to be provide Upon review of the application and evidence received, the'Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the CUP amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested CUP amendment is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. The site is developed in conformance with previous CUP conditions and the following plans and specifications, except as may be amended herein: (1) Site Plan dated 10/16/00 (2) Building and Floor Plan Sheets A1 -A4 dated 10/16/00 2. The site plan is revised to provide all information outlined by Section 20-4-4 of the Zoning Ordinance, unless specifically exempted by City Staff. 3. All animals are kept in compliance with the performance standards of Section 27 of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. The building plans are revised to provide a continuous foundatic for the arena, use horizontal lap metal siding for the arena and color schemes that are consistent with the existing structure. 5. The applicant provide documentation as to staff levels and the ratio of parking stalls provided on site. 6. All waste is handled in accordance with applicable regulations, agency rules and the Otsego Zoning Ordinance. 7. Lighting installed on the subject site must have a 90 degree horizontal cut-off. 8. All grading and utility issues are subject to review and approval o` e City Engineer. 9. The applicant provide documentation that MNDoT access permits requirements have been satisfied related to this current expansion. 3 PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 21 CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Anoka Equine Veterinary Clinic 11-21-00 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of an amendment to Section 20-17-4 of the Zoning Ordinance to allow pole building construction for principal structures. City Council Meeting Date: 21 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: The Zoning Ordinance was amended on October 9, 2000 to remove language that allowed use of pole building construction for principal buildings. 2. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Ordinance amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.17 of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The following policies were cited in support of the amendment that removed the allowance of pole building construction for principal buildings. Amending the Ordinance to again allow such buildings would be inconsistent with the previous policy findings. Predetermined development standards shall be established to ensure quality of development desired by the community. (Policy Plan, P. 49) Within the T.H. 101 corridor, high quality commercial development shall be strongly encouraged which takes advantage of the visibility and access along the corridor. (Policy Plan p. 49) All public facilities shall be developed, improved and maintained according to the highest adopted standards of design and performance to serve as examples for private development. Public facilities shall present a positive aesthetic expression and strive to create a source of community pride. (Policy Plan p. 66) B. The proposed amendment's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The upgrade of required building materials for commercial and institutional uses would not be anticipated to negatively impact existing development, but encourage a higher standard of development within these areas of the community. Amending the Ordinance again to allow pole building construction would be contrary to this finding. C. The proposed amendment's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: Not applicable. D. The proposed amendment's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The approved amendment will have a positive effect on the community's image and character in anticipation of development of the City's commercial and institutional areas, which are the primary gateways to the community. Amending the Ordinance again to allow pole building construction would be contrary to this finding. E. The proposed amendment's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the approved amendment is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. Amending the Ordinance again to allow pole building construction would be contrary to this finding. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Not applicable. G. The proposed amendment's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The approved amendment will require greaterinvestmentin commercial and institutional development thereby improving the City's tax base situation, which would have a positive effect on the City's service capacity. Amending the Ordinance again to allow pole building construction would be contrary to this finding. 3. The planning reports dated September 8, 2000 and November 1, 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 4. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 6, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to November 20, 2000 to allowthe Planning Commission to receive additional information. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council deny the -Zoning Ordinance amendment based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information, the proposed Zoning Ordinance amendment is hereby denied. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM d--J TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM; Daniel Licht DATE: 21 November 2000 RE: Otsego - Otsego Business Park; Rezoning/Preliminary Plat FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.05 The Planning Commission opened a public hearing to consider the above referenced application on November 6, 2000. The matter was tabled until November 20, 2000 to allow the City Council to decide whether to reconsider the request, which was similar to an application that had been previously denied on March 27, 2000, pursuant to the Zoning Ordinance. At the meeting on November 20, 2000, the applicant indicated that they were willing to enter into a development contract requiring demolition of the existing structure and/or improvement of the property within two years from the date of approval. The applicant also indicated that they would be willing to pay applicable SAC/WAC fees at this time, although no connection is planned initially. Planning Commission discussion focused on the shorter time frame for the interim use of the property and the City's plans for development in the Sanitary Sewer Service District. Based upon the applicant's proposal, the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the rezoning, preliminary plat and site plans by separate 6-0 votes. The Planning Commission amended the proposed conditions to stipulate a two year period for deferment of applicable improvements. Findings of fact reflecting the Planning Commission's recommendation are attached for review by the City Council. We have added two additional conditions to the findings for the preliminary plat. The first is the standard language the City includes with all preliminary plats within the Sanitary Sewer Service District. The second condition addresses potential access issue with any proposal to final plat a second buildable lot, which may not have frontage to an existing public street. pc. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Today Properties, Inc. -2- CITY OF 0TSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Today Properties, Inc. 11-21 00 Zoning Amendment - Approval Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance (map) to rezone the property legally described by Exhibit A from A-1 Agricultural Rural Service Area District to B -W, Business Warehouse District to allow for a contractor office/warehouse use. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: The legal description of the property is described on Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for industrial land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned A-1, District; Consideration of a Zoning Ordinance amendment (map) to designate the Site as being within the B -W District is necessary to allowfor the proposed use of the site as a contractor office/warehouse. 4. The applicant's made a similar application that was denied by the City Council on March 27, 2000. In accordance with Section 20-3-2.P of the Zoning Ordinance, the City Council voted 5-0 on November 13, 2000 to allow reconsideration of the request based upon the finding that the circumstances involved with the application had changed significantly. 5. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The subject site is within the Sanitary Sewer Service District designated by the Comprehensive Plan and is guided for industrial development. The Comprehensive Plan anticipates that this area is to develop with industrial uses with high performance standards and connection to municipal utilities, which take advantage of the visibility and accessability of the area. The preliminary plat would provide opportunities for new industrial development consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. However, the applicant's proposal also does not include bringing the site up to conformance with the performance standards for industrial uses or immediately connecting to the sanitary sewer and water systems. The Planning Commission and City Council have cited the following policies that support rezoning the parcel at this time: The Highway 101 corridor... shall be promoted as the primary focus for industrial development and operations. (Policy Plan, p. 50) Industrial development shall be strongly encouraged to create new job opportunities and expand the local tax base to assist in paying for needed services and reduce tax impacts on housing costs. (Policy Plan, p. 50) B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: The applicant has provided for the removal of exterior storage and waste. on site, improving compatibility with surrounding uses. The only concern is that long term utilization of the existing structure may be an impediment to the City's goals for the area depending on redevelopment of higher value industrial buildings and connection to the sanitary sewer and water system. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: As outlined in the paragraphs that follow, the proposed use of the subject site does not satisfy performance standards for development within the 8-WDistrict. Any approval of the requested rezoning should be conditioned upon all applicable performance standards being satisfied either at the time of development or by a contract for temporary use of the site in its present condition, with an adequate security to ensure compliance. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding. The applicant's proposal may ultimately lead to the type of development intended for the area with the sale and development of adjacent lots. Approval of a zoning amendment to accommodate a reuse of the site in a manner that does not meet required performance standards and does not connect to sanitary sewer and waterservice at such a highly visible location may establish undesired precedencies. The applicant has indicated that the substandard conditions would exist no longer than two years. The primary concern of the City should be that is a security or guarantee the site will be redeveloped and/or brought into conformance with applicable standards. Such arrangements have proven problematic in the past. As such, if the applicant's request to use the site as is were approved, an adequate security must be required. It must also be emphasized that any new construction or users would be expected to meet all performance standards and connect to municipal utilities. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed use is not anticipated to negatively impact area property values. The City would receive additional property tax revenue based upon a change from residential to industrial tax ratios. However, because the proposed use of the site does not include required improvements for industrial uses, the substandard site would not be expected to have the value of an industrial development that conformed to these standards. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: The subject site has direct access to CSAH 42 which is designated as a minor arterial by the Comprehensive Plan. The capacity of this road should be sufficient to_ accommodate the conversion from residential to industrial use. However, the access location is offset with the CSAH 42 and 851' Street intersection. The City Engineer and Wright County Highway Department should review the location of the present access and its design for potential conflicts with the CSAH 42185th Street intersection. The Comprehensive Plan calls for eliminating direct access to CSAH 42. To this end, it is anticipated that 85' Street will be extended east of CSAH 42 to connect to a future north -south frontage road through the planned commerciallindustrial area, which would provide local access. The submitted preliminary plat provides on -half of the necessary right-of-way for the future street extension. The other half would be acquired with development of the adjacent property to the north to ensure that the extension aligns with the existing 851' Street. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed use is not anticipated to have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. However, because connection to the sanitary sewer and water system is not proposed, the re -use of the site does not support the financing of these systems as anticipated by the Comprehensive Plan. The change to a more intensive use of the site does provide an opportunity to require connection to municipal utilities. If the City Council defers connection at this time, a specific agreement for connecting to sanitary sewer and water services must be provided for. 6. The planning report dated November 1, 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 7. The memorandum dated November 6, 2000 from the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson and Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 8. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 6, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to November 20, 2000 to allow the City Council to determine whether the request, which was similar to one denied March 27, 2000, should be reconsidered. Upon review of the ' application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the amendment (map) based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested amendment (map) is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Atte§t: Blaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF 0TSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, rlI�i tNESOTA Applicant's Name: Today Properties, Inc. 11-2100 Preliminary Plat - Approval Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a preliminary plat entitled "Otsego Business Park consisting of five lots to be developed for future industrial uses. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described on Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for industrial land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned B -W District by action of the City Council taken on November 27, 2000. The B -W District requires a minimum lot size of two (2) acres and minimum width of 200 feet, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance. All proposed lots meet these standards. 4. The planning report dated November 1, 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 5. The memorandum dated November 6, 2000 from the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson and Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 6, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. The public hearing was continued to November 20, 2000 to allow the City Council to determine whether the request, which was similar to one denied March 27, 2000, should be reconsidered. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the preliminary plat based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Otsego Business Park Preliminary Plat is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the preliminary plat does not guarantee access to sanitary sewer service. The City shall only guarantee such service to approved final plats with signed contracts or through a financial commitment for such service to assure the City of timely development. All street rights-of-way are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 2. Approval of any final plat shall be contingent upon adequate access being provided to all lots, either through construction of 85th Street or prior approval of indirect access as may be allowed by the Zoning Ordinance in effect at the time of the application. 3. All grading, drainage and utility issues are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Park and trail dedication requirements for the project are satisfied at the time of final plat approval. 5. The applicant enter into a development contract that provides for required improvements within 24 months of the date of approval, pay required fees and post necessary securities, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk CITY OF OTSEGO 11%-������ WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Today Properties, Inc. 11-21-00 Site Plan Review - Approval Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Site and building plan review to allow for a contractor office/warehouse use within an existing structure located at 8500 Parrish Avenue NE. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based -upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described on Exhibit A. 2. The property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for industrial land use by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned B -W, District by action of the City Council on November 27, 2000; contractor office/warehouses are a permitted use in said District. 4. The planning report dated November 1, 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 5. The memorandum dated November 6, 2000 from the City Engineer, Hakanson Anderson and Associates, Inc., is incorporated herein. 6. The Otsego Planning Commission considered the application at their regular meeting on November 6, 2000, which was continued to November 20, 2000. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the site and building plans based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested site and building plans are hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. Application is made for final plat approval that provides a lot for the existing structure that conforms to the requirements of the B -w District. 2. Access to CSAH 42 is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer and Wright County. 3. All trash shall be stored within the principal building or within an enclosure approved by the Building Official. 4. All exterior signage shall require approval of a sign permit, subject to review and approval of the Zoning Administrator. 5. Existing septic and well systems are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. All grading, drainage and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The applicant enter into a development contract and post appropriate securities for installation of all deferred improvements and connection to municipal sanitary sewer and water utilities within 24 months of the date of approval. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 NOIRxIAWItST ASSOCkATto C003%jiLTANTS, INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 November 2000 RE: Otsego - Roden Density Transfer CUP FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.35 Please be advised that the Planning Commission considered the above referenced application at a public hearing on November 20, 2000. The applicant was not present at the meeting and no comments were received of the public. The Planning Commission did not discuss the request in any detail and voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the CUP application. The application is to be considered by the City Council at their meeting on November 27, 2000. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak Floyd Roden CITY OF 0 T S E G 0 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Mr. Floyd Roden 11-20-00 Conditional Use Permit Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration of a conditional use permit to allow a "one per forty" transfer of development rights for land located northwest of 80th Street and Kadler Avenue (CSAH 19) for the purpose of creating a 1.5 acre lot on which to construct a new residential dwelling. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The subject parcel is located within the Agricultural Preserve Area and is guided for agricultural land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District. 4. Transfer of development rights from one parcel to another parcel with street frontage under the same ownership is allowed by conditional use permit in the A-1 District. 5. The Planning Commission and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the conditional use permit with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the criteria outlined in Section 20-4-2.F of the Zoning Ordinance.- A. rdinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. Finding: The City's Comprehensive Plan allows for density transfers under the conditions outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. B. The proposed use's compatibility with present and future land uses of the area. Finding: Land uses in this area of the City are primarily agricultural. The proposal to construct a single family home on a 1.5 acre lot is compatible with surrounding land uses and also protects existing farming activities in the area. C. The proposed use's conformity with all performance standards contained in the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding. As a condition of CUP approval, all performance standards must be met. D. The proposed use's effect upon the area in which it is proposed. Finding: The single family residence should have no negative effect within the area it is proposed. E. The proposed use's impact upon property values of the area in which it is proposed. Finding: While a detailed analysis has not been conducted, similar situations have demonstrated no negative impact upon area property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of streets serving the property. Finding: Traffic generated by the proposed single family dwelling will be minimal and will be within the capabilities of 801" Street which serves the single family property. G. The proposed use's impact upon existing public services and facilities including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding. The proposed single family dwelling will not overburden the City's service capacity. 5. The City Council approve a similar CUP for the applicant in 1996, which the applicant did not implement. In accordance with Section 20-4-6 of the Zoning Ordinance, the previous CUP is considered to be expired one year from the date of issuance. 6. The memorandum dated November 15, 2000 and planning report dated April 23, 1996 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 8. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their regular meeting on November 20, 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve the conditional use permit based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested conditional use permit is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. A site plan (based on a certificate of survey) is submitted and found to comply with applicable A-1 District performance standards. 2 2. Consideration is given to shifting the proposed building site +/- 1,300 feet to the west to comply with the "clustering" directive of the Zoning Ordinance. This issue should be subject to comment/recommendation of the City Engineer. 3. The properties involved in the development rights transfer are under the same ownership. 4. The applicant pursue subdivision of the property in a manner substantially similar to that conceptually illustrated by Exhibit C of the Planning Report dated April 23, 1996. Such subdivision shall be subject to approval by the Zoning Administrator. 5. A deed restriction is place upon the parcel from which the development right has been transferred to prohibit additional development, unless there is a change in the City's Comprehensive Plan and/or Zoning Ordinance. 6. Findings are made that the subject site is capable of accommodating a private well and septic system. 7. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to drainage and utility easement establishment. 8. The City Engineer provide comment/recommendation in regard to site access. 9. The proposed subdivision is subject to park dedication requirements as determined by the Park and Recreation Commission, subject to approval by the City Council. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 21 November 2000 RE: Otsego - Otsego Waterfront PUD Concept FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.33 Z_ At their meeting on November 20,2000, the Planning Commission received a presentation of a concept plan for a commercial development of the northeast and northwest quadrants of the TH 101 and CSAH 39 intersection. The developer had made two revisions to their concept plan to address comments in the staff report regarding building location adjacent to CSAH 39 and sidewalks. The Planning Commission was generally very favorable to the concept plan. Specific questions from the Planning Commission members focused on issues with the WS District, and site elements such as on -street parking and loading. These were all issues that the Planning Commission would seek to explore further as part of an anticipated development application. Based upon the concept plan and presentation, the Planning Commission voted 6-0 to recommend approval of the concept, subject to the conditions outlined in the staff report and necessary processing requirements. The concept plan will be presented to the City Council at their meeting on November 27, 2000. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Larry Koshak Andy MacArthur CITY OF OTSEGO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: Cascade III Land CO. LLC. 11-21-00 Concept (Sketch) Plan Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Consideration concept (sketch) plan for a commercial development located at the northeast and northwest quadrants of T. H. 101 and CSAH 39. City Council Meeting Date: 27 November 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: 1. The legal description of the property is described by attached Exhibit A. 2. The subject property lies within the Sanitary Sewer Service District and is guided for commercial land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned A-1, Agricultural Rural Service District; The subject properties are also within the WS, Wild, Scenic and Recreational River Overlay District. 4. The planning report dated November 16, 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 5. The Otsego Planning Commission considered the concept (sketch) plan at their regular meeting on November 21, 2000. Upon review of the application and evidence received, the Otsego Planning Commission recommended by a 6-0 vote that the City Council approve concept (sketch) plan based on the aforementioned findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the proposed concept (sketch) plan is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the concept plan is subject to submission and approval of applications for zoning amendment(s), development stage PUD and preliminary plat. 2. All accesses are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer, Wright County or MNDoT as appropriate. The design of all public and private streets is subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The concept plan and/or draft development standards are revised to address staff comments on building materials, building height, building setbacks, landscaping, lighting signage, parking and loading. 4. The applicant shall provide a more detailed allocation of building space by use and plans for loading areas and procedures, and snow storage. 5. All construction plans and grading/drainage, utilities and easement issues are subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 6. The developer provide a preliminary phasing schedule, if applicable. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this 27th day of November, 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Attest: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk NO&TNWIST A$$OC111*►TI110 CONSUILTANTS4, INC, 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN 55416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@winternet.com MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: RE: FILE NO.: Background Otsego Mayor and City Council Daniel Licht 21 November 2000 Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Feedlots 176.08 At the November 13, 2000 City Council meeting, the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance dealing with feedlots were discussed in regard to a potential residential lot split request. During this discussion, it was clear that there is a lack of understanding or consensus on the administration of these provisions and numerous interpretations. City Staff met on November 16, 2000 to review the feedlot regulations, discuss there intent and reach agreement on interpretation of the Ordinance at a staff level. Mayor Fournier was also in attendance at this meeting as he happened to be at City Hall. The purpose of this memorandum is to summarize the provisions of the feedlot regulations and outline City Staff's interpretations of various sections. Exhibits: A. Feedlot Ordinance Summary B. Feedlot Ordinance Analysis Intent. The existing feedlot regulations were derived from specific discussions during the Comprehensive Plan, which directed that measures be taken to protect existing agricultural activities in the Rural Service Area. The Comprehensive Plan guided these measures only for the Rural Service Area due to anticipated development east of Nashua Avenue and the number of feedlots in the Urban Service Area being limited to the Vernon Kolles farm, Jerry Struthers farm and possibly Midwest Station. The changes made to the feedlot regulations allow existing feedlots in the rural service.,,,, area opportunities to expand buildings or build new buildings and expand animal units. To protect these operations from encroachment by residential uses, the Ordinance included a setback requirement that was intended to separate any new residential use from existing feedlots that participate in the City's registration program. Those feedlots that did not participate in the registration or those in the Urban Service Area would not be allowed animal unit expansions or be protected by the new residential dwelling setback. Registration. The registration process outlined by Section 20-27-2.13 establishes abase line of information on which the City can use to regulate future operations of existing feedlots when they may pursue animal unit expansions. The registration is also supposed to provide the necessary information about existing facilities in order to administer the reciprocal setback provisions. Registration of existing feedlots applies only to those facilities within the Rural Service Area, which are the only operations allowed animal unit expansions and reciprocal new dwelling setbacks. Applications for registration of existing feedlots were to have been received by October 1, 2000. The City Council had directed that the farmers be allowed to provide all of the necessary information for registration over time, but that progress was to be made to have all information submitted. City staff is reviewing files to determine the extent of the information provided by those feedlots that attempted to register in advance of the October 1, 2000 deadline. A feedlot owner may terminate their registration. Such action forfeits the imposition of reciprocal setbacks and any future animal unit expansions. The use is considered a legal non -conforming use and may continue operating in the same manner. This is the same approach to regulating any feedlots in the Urban Service Area and any unregistered feedlots in the Rural Service Area. Animal Units. Only existing feedlots in Rural Service Area that registered by October 1, 2000 qualify for expansion of animal units per Section 20-27-4. The expansion of animal units is based upon the number of animal units allowed by the operator's current MPCA permit. If the number of units is less than 400, the number of animal units may be increased 300 percent. If the number of animal units is greater than 400, the number of animal units may be increased 200 percent. New Buildings/Expansions. Section 20-27-5 outlines the procedures for allowing new feedlot buildings or expansion of existing buildings. Existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area that registered by October 1, 2000 may expand existing buildings or construct new buildings with administrative approval provided that: 1. The building is within 300 feet of an existing building used to house animals (measured from edge of building to edge of building). 2. The building is not closer than 1,000 feet to any residential property (the farmstead residence is not included in this setback). -2- The expansion of existing buildings or new construction of new buildings for registered feedlots in the Rural Service Area that meet these location requirements is allowed administratively because the setbacks are intended to offset any negative impacts that may occur with the expansion. If the location criteria cannot be met, the feedlot operator may apply for a CUP to either encroach within 1,000 feet of an existing dwelling or locate a new building farther than 300 feet from an existing building used to house animals. In considering the CUP application, the operator must demonstrate a physical reason for not being able to meet the location requirements and satisfy the conditions outlined in Section 20-27-5.C. It must be noted that each of the existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area that did register would likely require a CUP for any expansion due to the proximity to existing dwellings. Existing feedlots in the Urban Service Area or feedlots in the Rural Service Area that did not register may expand existing buildings or construct new buildings by CUP subject to the conditions summarized below. These operations were allowed new or expanded buildings such that they could maintain their operations over time. However, these operations are not allowed any animal unit expansions. 1. The building is within 300 feet of an existing building used to house animals. 2. The building is not closer than 1,000 feet to any residential property (the farmstead residence is not included in this setback). 3. The criteria of Section 20-27-5.0 are satisfied. CUP Criteria. Section 20-27-5.0 of the feedlot regulations outlines criteria for considering CUP requests for the following: 1. Registered feedlots within the Rural Service Area that cannot meet the location requirements for expanded or new buildings. 2. Any expansion or new building for an existing feedlot in the Rural Service Area that is not registered. (No additional animal units allowed) 3. Any expansion or new building for and existing feedlot in the Urban Service Area. (No additional animal units allowed) During the discussion at the City Council Meeting on November 13, 2000, Council Member Heidner noted Section 20-27-5.C.3 states the building expansion must "minimize the impact on surrounding properties". This section applies only to the above situations where a CUP is required. Reciprocal Setbacks. Section 20-27-9 states that no new residential use may be established within 1,000 feet of a registered feedlot within the Rural Service Area. Staff s interpretation of this provision is that the setback is measured from the feedlot building to the residential use property line. The reason is that the residential use is represented by the entire yard, lot or parcel. In keeping with the intent of the Ordinance, the direction is to keep new residential uses away from those feedlots anticipated to continue operations at present or expanded intensities to limit future conflicts. -3- The Zoning Ordinance does not include specific provisions for exceptions to the reciprocal setback requirement. The discussion during the Zoning Ordinance update was that a new dwelling should only be allowed within the.1,000 foot separation distance when there is no other reasonable alternative. The following issues have been discussed for requests to locate a new dwelling within 1,000 feet of a registered feedlot in the RSA. Wavier. A waiver mechanism that would allow the operator to agree to allow subdivisions within the 1,000 foot setback would be problematic. The operator could grant themselves waivers to allow subdivision of lots from their property while denying such a waiver to adjacent property owners. Or the operator may arbitrarily allow one adjacent property owner to subdivide while denying another the same opportunity. Such a process may not in fact be legal in that it transfers the City's Zoning authority to a private landowner. CUP. The Ordinance could include a provision allowing exception to the 1,000 foot reciprocal setback, which was discussed during the Zoning Ordinance Update. Although the City could establish criteria for such a request, allowing exceptions by CUP does not impose the more stringent standards that there is no other reasonable building site on the property. Variance. By not including any exception mechanism for the residential setback, it was stated that a variance may be justified for any property completely encompassed by a 1,000 foot buffer area. The extent to which a property is denied a reasonable use is a policy issue yet to be decided. The more strict interpretation is that one building site per parcel is a reasonable use regardless of area. Alternatively, City Officials may consider approval of a variance in situations where the property owner cannot achieve the maximum density guided for the property by the Comprehensive Plan under a more liberal interpretation of reasonable use. Conclusion Outlined above is a summary of regulations applicable to feedlots and where necessary, staff's consensus interpretation of the Ordinance. The purpose is this memorandum is to allow the City Council to review the feedlot Ordinance to determine if the regulations are what was the intended product from the Comprehensive Plan update and Zoning Ordinance update processes. The City Council, in reviewing this summary and the actual Ordinance, may concur with City staff's conclusions, establish different interpretations or direct the Planning Commission to consider amendments to the Ordinance as currently adopted. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Jerry Olson Andy MacArthur Larry Koskak -4- SUMMARY OF FEEDLOT ORDINANCE PROVISIONS • Registration of existing feedlots applies only to those facilities within the Rural Service Area. • Applications for registration of existing feedlots must have been received by October 1, 2000. • Only existing feedlots in Rural Service Area that registered by October 1, 2000 qualify for expansion of animal units. • A feedlot owner may terminate their registration. Such action forfeits the imposition of reciprocal setbacks and any future animal unit expansions. The use is considered a legal non -conforming use and may continue operating in the same manner. • Existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area that registered by October 1, 2000 may expand existing buildings or construct new buildings with administrative approval provided that: 1. The building is within 300 feet of an existing building used to house animals. 2. The building is not closer than 1,000 feet to any residential property (the farmstead residence is not included in this setback). 3. Exceptions to these location requirements may be approved by CUP. • Existing feedlots in the Urban Service Area or Rural Service Area that are not registered may expand existing buildings or construct new buildings by CUP provided that: 1. The building is within 300 feet of an existing building used to house animals. 2. The building is not closer than 1,000 feet to any residential property (the farmstead residence is not included in this setback). 3. The number of animal units is not increased. • During the discussion at the City Council Meeting, Council Member Heidner noted Section 20-27-5.C. states the building expansion must "minimize the impact on surrounding properties". This provision pertains to the list of conditions evaluated as part of a CUP application for: 1. Registered feedlots within the Rural Service Area that cannot meet the location requirements for expanded or new buildings. 2. Any expansion or new building for an existing feedlot in the Rural Service Area that is not registered. (No additional animal units allowed) 3. Any expansion or new building for and existing feedlot in the Urban Service Area. (No additional animal units allowed) • No new residential use may be established within 1,000 feet of a registered feedlot within the Rural Service Area, as measured from the feedlot building to the residential use property line. Proposals to establish a new residential use within 1,000 feet of a registered feedlot in the Rural Service Area would require approval of a variance. EXHIBIT A SECTION 27 FEEDLOT REGULATIONS Section 20-27-1: Purpose 20-27-2: Allowed Feedlots 20-27-3: Prohibited Feedlots 20-27-4: Expansion of Animal Units 20-27-5: Structures for Housing Animals 20-27-6: Existing Feedlots: Compliance With MPCA Requirements 20-27-7: Odors 20-27-8: Feedlot Setbacks 20-27-9: New Dwelling Setbacks 20-27-10: Manure Stockpile/Application Setbacks 20-27-11: Destruction of Existing Animal Feedlots 20-27-12: Facility Closure 20-27-13: Abandonment 20-27-1: PURPOSE: The purpose and intent of this Section is to prohibit the establishment of new animal feedlots within the City of Otsego and to regulate existing feedlot operations within the City of Otsego in a manner conducive to the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of Otsego. These controls are needed due to the recent incorporation from township status to City status and the unique location of the municipality in relation to the Metropolitan Area. These regulations are also necessary to promote the planning process within the City and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City as -well as to: A. Establish conditions under which existing animal feedlots within the City can continue to operate. B. Prohibit the establishment of new animal feedlots within the City. C. To prohibit the expansion of existing animal feedlots to levels not conducive with the present character of the City. D. To provide regulations which can be applied in a fair and equitable nature, but that take into account the inherent fluid nature of an ongoing farm operations and the difficulty of applying strict numbers as criteria for control of an ongoing operation. E. Promote best farm management practices. F. Protect valuable groundwater and surface water resources. 27-1 EXHIBIT B G. Protect human and animal health. H. Implement specific policies and provisions of the official City Comprehensive Plan. I. Promote compatibility of uses. J. Promote continuance of agricultural uses while protecting the residents from nuisances caused by large, non-traditional, and intense agricultural uses. K. Coordinate and assist state agencies in the administration of state-wide statutes and regulations governing livestock operations. 20-27-2: ALLOWED FEEDLOTS: A. Urban Service Area: Those feedlots presently existing within the Urban Service Area, designated by the Comprehensive Plan, may continue operations as provided for in this section, subject to the following: 1. Existing feedlots may continue operations as legal nonconforming uses as set forth in Section 15 of this Chapter, and as long as they do not constitute a potential pollution hazard. Such feedlots may only continue on the condition that they obtain approval from MPCA, if necessary. a. Interpretation of Section 15: It is understood that by its nature the raising of animals and farming creates a situation where there are seasonal, natural, fluctuations in the number of animals within a facility. It is also understood that to remain viable, a farming operation must have a reasonable ability to limited expansion. Due to these peculiar circumstances, and only for purposes of this Section, the phrase "enlarged" contained in Section 15 of this Ordinance shall be construed as an enlargement of a legally established pre-existing use in the following circumstances: (1) In a case where a new structure is constructed or is proposed for construction for the purpose of housing additional animals. (2) In a case where a lagoon or earthen basin associated with an increase in animal units is constructed or proposed for construction. (3) In a case where an existing animal feedlot is not in compliance with the terms and conditions of an MPCA permit or interim permit. 27-2 (4) In the case where additional animal units place the facility in violation of current City ordinances regarding the care of animals. (5) Any increase of the total number of animal units in an existing animal feedlot which raises the cumulative total of animal units above twice the number present upon the facility at the date of adoption of this Ordinance. (6) Any construction, outside of normal maintenance, which has the effect of increasing the size of a building used for the purposes of housing animals which is done without the conditional use permit required by this section. (7) Ongoing violations of other City ordinances. B. Rural Service Area: Those feedlots presently existing within the Rural Service Area, designated by the Comprehensive Plan, may continue operations and be allowed limited expansion opportunities as provided for in this section, subject to the following: 1. Registration: All existing feedlots shall be registered with the City within six (6) months of 1 April 1999 by administrative permit, subject to the procedures set forth in and regulated by Section 7 of this Chapter. a. An application for an administrative permit to register an existing feedlot shall include the following information: (1) Owner's and operator's name and address. (2) Location of the animal feedlot including quarter, section, range and township. (3) Animal types and existing number of animals of each type confined at the feedlot and maximum number of animal units allowed in conformance with MPCA permits and guidelines. (4) A scale drawing clearly indicating the dimensions of the feedlot and showing all existing homes, buildings, existing manure storage areas and/or structures, lakes, ponds, water courses, known wetlands, dry runs, rock outcroppings, roads and wells within one thousand (1,000) feet of the feedlot. 27-3 (5) Plans for buildings and structures as required -by this Ordinance and/or other County and State ordinances and regulations. (6) A manure and waste management plan as required by the MPCA. (7) Leases or agreements allowing disposal of manure on land other than that of the feedlot owner/operator. No land may be subject to more than one (1) such lease or agreement. (8) Documentation of compliance with all MPCA rules and regulations and approval of MPCA permits, as may be applicable. (9) Information identified in Section 20-7-3 of this Chapter, as may be applicable. b. Amended Registration: An amendment to a registration may be applied for and shall be administered in a manner similar to a new registration application. Amended registration shall be required for any of the following: (1) Ownership of an existing feedlot is changed, including but not limited to the following: (a) A change in ownership of buildings and/or land. (b) A lease for the use of buildings and/or land is entered into, modified or terminated. (2) There is a substantial change in operation of the feedlot. (a) The number of animal units is increased two hundred (200) percent above the number of animal units existing at the feedlot on the date of registration. (b) Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings capable of housing animals. (c) Any change in the operation of a feedlot that would affect the storage, handling, utilization or disposal of manure. 27-4 C. Termination. Registration of an existing feedlot shall be valid indefinitely provided that the operation is in full compliance with the provisions of this Chapter and County and/or State regulations, as may be applicable. The owner of a feedlot may terminate an approved registration at any time by submitting a written request to the Zoning Administrator. Once terminated by a feedlot owner, registration shall be permanently forfeited and not be re- established under any circumstances. Any feedlot for which registration was terminated may continue operations as a legal non- conforming use as outlined in Section 20-27-2.A.1 of this Section. d. Any feedlot not registered with the Zoning Administrator within six (6) months of 1 April 1999 may continue operations as a legal non- conforming use as outlined in Section 20-27-2.A.1 of this section. 20-27-3: PROHIBITED FEEDLOTS: No new animal feedlots shall be established within the City. No existing animal feedlot is allowed to expand beyond its level of operation at the date of 8 March 1999, subject to Section 20-27-2 of this section. No operation or facility established with ten (10) animal units or less may expand to more than ten (10) animal units. 20-27-4: EXPANSION OF ANIMAL UNITS: An existing feedlot in the Rural Service Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, which is registered pursuant to Section 20- 27-2.13 may be allowed to increase the number of animal units, subject to the following: A. The increase in number of permitted animal units shall be based upon the following provisions: 1. For existing feedlots allowed not more than four hundred (400) animal units by MPCA permit on the date of registration, the number of permitted animal units may be increased up to three hundred (300) percent. 2. For existing feedlots that are allowed more than four hundred (400) animal units by MPCA permit on the date of registration, the number of permitted animal units may be increased up to two hundred (200) percent. 3. The number of animal units of any existing feedlot shall not be increased to more than one thousand five hundred (1,500) animal units. B. There is existing building and animal holding areas necessary to adequately house the increase in animal units, in conformance with applicable City ordinances. Any construction of a new building or expansion of an existing building necessary to 27-5 adequately house the increase in animal units shall be subject to Section -20-27-5 of this section. C. The feedlot owner/operator shall own or have sufficient land under contract for spreading of manure generated by the expanded feedlot operation. D. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-27-2.13 of this Chapter. 20-27-5: STRUCTURES FOR HOUSING FARM ANIMALS: The construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings intended to house animals in association with an existing feedlot that is in full compliance with this Section shall be subject to the following provisions: A. Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing building for the purpose of housing farm animals is allowed for existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area, as defined by the Comprehensive Plan, which are registered per Section 20-27-2.13 provided that: 1. Any new building intended to house farm animals is within three hundred (300) feet of an existing building that houses farm animals, except by conditional use permit. 2. Any new building or expansion of an existing building intended to house farm animals may not encroach within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing residential use, except by conditional use permit. 3. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-27-2.13 of this Chapter. B. Construction of new buildings or expansion of existing buildings for the purpose of housing farm animals for existing feedlots in the Rural Service Area that are not registered in accordance with Section 20-27-2.13 and existing feedlots in the Urban Service Area shall be subject to the provisions of 20-27-5.A above and require approval of a conditional use permit. C. Conditional Use Permits: Application for a conditional use permit under this section shall be regulated by Section 4 of this Chapter. Such a conditional use permit may be granted provided that: 1. Applicant provide proof that the proposed building or building expansion is the necessary to provide sufficient room for the number of animal units to be added, and that the number is allowable under this section. 27-6 2. That the proposed building or building expansion is the minimum expansion necessary to adequately house said animals, and to comply with existing City ordinances. 3. That the building or building expansion is to be constructed in such a manner as to not increase the non -conformity; to minimize the impact on surrounding properties; and as may be allowed below: a. For proposed buildings located beyond three hundred (300) feet of an existing building used to house animals, the applicant must demonstrate physical justification for the increased separation and that the distance from existing buildings is the minimum necessary. b. - For allowed feedlots within 1,000 feet of an existing residential use, the proposed building or building expansion may not encroach closer to said residential use. 4. The applicant provide documentation of compliance with all MPCA rules and regulations and approval of MPCA permits, as may be applicable. 5. Approval of an amended registration, as outlined in Section 20-27-2.13 of this Chapter. 6. The provisions of Section 20-4-2.F of this Chapter are considered and determined to be satisfied. 20-27-6: COMPLIANCE WITH MPCA REQUIREMENTS: All existing animal feedlots operating on 1 April 1999 shall continue operating only in strict compliance with all applicable MPCA rules and regulations: 20-27-7: ODORS:AII animal feedlot operations shall take responsible measures to minimize odors which have the effect of creating an adverse impact on the environment and quality of life for the residents of the City. 20-27-8: FEEDLOT SETBACKS: Lawfully established feedlots existing prior to 1 April 1999 may be continued in the location existing on such date. 20-27-9: NEW DWELLING SETBACKS: No building permit shall be issued for a new dwelling unit within one thousand (1,000) feet of an existing feedlot that is registered under the provisions of Section 20-27-2.13, which also qualifies as a farm as defined by Section 20-2-2 of this Chapter. This provision shall not apply to dwellings constructed as a principal residence on the same parcel and under the ownership of the owner/operator of the registered feedlot. 27-7 20-27-10: MANURE STOCKPILE/APPLICATION SETBACKS: The following - manure stockpile and application setbacks are required for all existing animal feedlots: CATEGORY MANURE APPLICATION STOCKPILES Surface/ Incorporated or Irrigation Injected Public lake, river, or 300 feet 100 feet -lake 50 feet- 300 feet stream river/ stream Public streets (as 25 feet -surface 300 10 feet 25 feet measured from the feet -irrigation outer boundary of the right-of-way) " Platted Subdivisions 300 feet -surface 300 feet 300 feet 1,000 feet- irrigation Municipal wells 200 feet 200 feet 300 feet Private wells 200 feet 200 feet 200 feet Public or private ditch 300 feet 100 feet 300 feet (including those in a public rights-of-way) Residence other than 300 feet -surface 300 feet 300 feet landowner or operator 1,000 feet -irrigation 20-27-11: DESTRUCTION OF EXISTING ANIMAL FEEDLOTS: Notwithstanding Section 20- 15-3.J of this Chapter, any animal feedlot lawfully existing as an allowed use under this Section 20-27-2 of this Chapter and any structures or buildings lawfully existing and which are used for the purpose of containing animals associated with an allowed feedlot use, which are destroyed or partially destroyed to the extent of more than fifty (50) percent of its fair market value, may be restored and the same use resumed (if such use was lawfully existing as an allowed use, pursuant to Section 20-27-2 of this section, prior to such damage and destruction)or any conforming use established, provided that such reconstruction be completed within twelve (12) months after the date of such damage or destruction. 20-27-12: FACILITY CLOSURE: A. Responsible Parties: The landowner, owner and operator of an existing animal feedlot shall be responsible for the ongoing management of manure and the final closure of the facility including the cleaning of buildings and the emptying and proper disposal of manure from all manure holding facilities. 27-8 B. Closure: If an existing feedlot operation ceases operation, the owner and/or operator shall be responsible for the following: 1. All wastes from the feedlot operation and its waste control system shall be removed and disposed of on land or in some other legally permissible manner as soon as practical, but no more than six (6) months, and in a manner conducive to the public health, safety, and welfare. 2. Closure of the operation may be postponed for a period of twelve (12) months if the property is posted for sale. 3. Notification to the City that the feedlot operation has been discontinued, and that the property is in compliance with this Section of the Zoning Ordinance. 4. If the property is for sale, notification shall be given to all potential buyers of the status of the feedlot use of the property which must comply with all presently applicable zoning ordinances if the feedlot operation is discontinued for a period of six (6) months, as well as the other provisions of section 15 of this Chapter. 20-27-13: ABANDONMENT: Owners and operators of animal feedlots, either at the time of abandonment or after, shall have joint and several liability for clean up, closure or remediation of abandoned feedlot sales. 27-9 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Mike Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 7.1. Approval of Partial Pay Estimate for Page Ave Rough Grading (79th St to 83rd St) 7.2. Approval of Partial Pay Estimate for Quaday Avenue & 88th Street Sanitary, Stormsewer, & VWatermain Improvement 7.3. Discussion of Changes to R.iverpointe Plat (Orrin Thompson) 7.4. Approval of Partial Payment for 1999 Street Improvement 7.5. Any Other Engineering business BACKGROUND - 7. 1. ACKGROUND:7.1. and 7.2. See enclosed information. 7.3. After discussion with the developers, the 57th Street cul-de-sac in the Riverpointe development is proposed to be shortened and not used as a route for sludge trucks to travel from the Sewer plant to County Road 36. The reasons were repeated runs of heavy trucks could damage residential streets, sludge dripping on streets would not be desirable, and trucks tracking mud from fields on to the streets would not be desirable. This gives more room for the well and pumphouse that will provide water for the development and will not cause the loss of any lots. This does not require any action by Council but staff wanted you to be informed. 7.4. This payment finals out the project except for the remaining work scheduled on 80th Street. 7.5. This is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION• These items are for Council discussion and decision. Thanks, Mike CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 11/27/00 Item 7.1 Consider approval of Partial Pay Estimate for Page Avenue Rough Grading (79 h St. to 83"d St.) COP #00.04. Item 7.2 Consider approval of Partial Pay Estimate for Quaday Ave. & 88th St. Sanitary, Storm Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project COP #00.02 & 00.03 Item 7.3 Discussion on RiverPointe (Orrin Thompson Development on Thomas Koerwitz property) On November 16th, the City Engineer & City Administrator met with the Developer's team and requested that the cul-de-sac on 57th St. be shortened as not to extend outside of the plat. Reasons: 1. We do not want City sludge trucks & City service vehicles driving through residential streets for numerous reasons. a. Safety of residents b. Loaded sludge trucks are heavy and repeatQd use of City street could detrimentally affect the City streets C. Sludge trucks may drip sludge onto City streets d. Sludge trucks drive into & through muddy fields & may track or drop mud on return trip through City streets An acceptable alternative was reached. The 57th St. cul-de-sac is removed without the loss of any lots. This gave more room for the well and pump house. The well & pump house can be accessed from the east using the same road which currently accesses the wastewater treatment plant. This alternative maintains the separation between City services & City service vehicles and the residential area. Screening between the back of the lots and the City buildings is also now possible. Since no changes in lot total occurred and no changes in density of plat occurred no action is needed by Council. Item 7.4 Consider approval of partial payment for 1999 Street Improvement Project — COP #99-01 Final out project excepting overlay work on 80th St. from McIver to CSAH 19. Retainage has been lowered from 5% to 2.5%. \\Ha01\Shared oocs\Municipal\AOTSEGO\901\2000\ot901agenda 11-27-OO.doc PAY ESTIMATE #1 Item 7.1 November 17, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Ave. NE Otsego, MN 55330 RE: COP 00-04 Page Avenue 79th St. to 83rd St. Rough Street Grading Contractor: Dennis Fehn Gravel & Excavating Contract Amt: $45,295.00 Award Date: Oct. 11, 2000 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project. Item No. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Contract Price Used to Date Extension 1 Mobilization 1 LS $1,200.00 1.0 $1,200.00 2 Clear & Grub 1 LS $1,500.00 0.5 $750.00 3 Common Excavation (P) 2020 CY $2.00 13,583 $27,166.00 4 Haul & Place Common Borrow (L\/) 6250 CY $2.00 2,754 $5,508.00 5 Furnish & Place Granular Borrow (LV) 8685 CY $3.00 3,674 $11,022.00 Total to Date: $45,646.00 Less 10% Retainage: $4,564.60 We recommend payment of: $41,081.40 —A a::�# , / '7 Contractor Si nature Engineer I ature City Signature shared dccs/municipal/aotsego/3381OT338QuoteProForm Sheet: Pay Estimate 1 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 ITEM 7.2 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. November 17. 2CC0 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego. MN 55330 RE: IP 00-02, Utility Imp. On Quaday Ave., 72nd to 78th S- IP -OG -03. Utility Imp. On 88th St. N.E., CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Contractor. S.R. Weidema Contract Amount: 5564,690.70 Award Date: October 10, 2000 Complebon Date: Final Compledon by June 1, 2001 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project PART A - COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit I Unit Price Used to Date Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $2.365.00 0.50 $1.182.50 2 2101.502 Clearing 5 TREE $250.00 2501.602 Trash Guard for 18' Pipe Apron 3 2101.507 Grubbing 5 TREE $100.00 28 4 2104.501 Remove and Salvage Concrete Culvert 60 LF $7.44 1.00 5 1 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb 80 LF $2.15 30.00 $64.50 6 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1600 SF $0.15 18' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 7 2104.509 Remove Concrete Apron 4 EACH 580.55 1.00 580.55 8 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 140 LF $3.00 $26.680.75 9 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Driveway Culvert 28 LF S9.66 $63.80 10 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 4 EACH 565.00 EACH 11 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Barbed Wre Fence 365 LF 53.00 48- Storm Manhole w/Casting (11.T and 11.8') 12 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Mailbox 3 EACH $80.00 35 13 2104.521 Salvage & Relocate Woven Wire Fence 315 LF $3.00 150.00 S450.00 14 2104.521 Salvage & Relocate Barbed Wire Fence 325 LF 53.00 EACH 15 2105.501 Common Excavation (P) 3600 CY S2.14 I Furnish and Install Box Structure 16 2105.507 Salvage & Replace Class 5 Aggregate 1200 CY $2.05 38 17 2105.535 Salvage & Replace Topsoil 1500 CY SO.01 18 2211.501 Class 5 Aggregate 800 TON 56.65 19 2340.508 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture 20 TON 565.00 20 2340.514 Type 31 Base Course Mixture 24 TON 565.00 21 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design 8618 80 LF S20.00 22 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,400.00 0.50 5700.00 23 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 200 LF 53.30 100.00 $330.00 24 2575.501 Seeding -Type Lawn Restoration 7 ACRE S1,400.00 25 2575.505 Sodding 90 Sy S4.00 Total - Bid Schedule "A' $2,807.55 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 26 2501.515 18' RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $354.55 1.00 $354.55 27 2501.602 Trash Guard for 18' Pipe Apron 1 EACH 5194.00 1.00 $194.00 28 2501.602 15' Dia. Concrete Plug 4 EACH 559.60 1.00 $59.60 29 2502.541 15' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 725 LF 521.62 30 1 2503.541 18' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 8 LF $30.66 8.00 $245.28 31 2503.541 30- RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III all depths) 1746 LF 538.95 685.00 $26.680.75 32 2503.541 30- RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 800 LF $63.80 33 2503.602 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH 5423.00 34 1 25C6.501 48- Storm Manhole w/Casting (11.T and 11.8') 2 EACH 51,425.50 35 2506.501 60' Storm Manhole w/Cason (12.4' to 18') 6 EACH S2.5a3.00 1.00 52,583.00 36 2506.501 72- Storm Manhole w/Cason (9.6' and T and 1 O.T) 3 EACH 53.080.00 3.00 59.240.00 37 25C6.501 I Furnish and Install Box Structure 1 EACH 54.486.00 38 251 1 501 Random Riprao Class III 5.9 CY S72.20 Total - Bid Schedule -B' $39.357.18 shared docNmuroapauaouega6154ot6t5BP.As PE - 1 11/17!00 Pav Estimate 1 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Item No. Spec. Ret Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 39 2503.511 12' SOR 26 PVC Pipe (0'- 17) 145 LF $24.60 145.00 $3.567.00 40 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (17 - 16') 1126 LF $24.60 794.00 519.532.40 41 2503.511 17 SOR 26 PVC Pipe (16 - 20') 1263 LF $24.60 1.263.00 $31.069.80 42 1 2503.602 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 EACH $425.00 1.00 $425.00 43 2503.602 12'X 4' PVC Wye - SDR 26 3 EACH $118.25 3.00 1 5354.75 44 2503.602 12'X 6' PVC Wye - SDR 26 1 EACH 5124.40 1.00 $124.40 45 2503.602 4" PVC Plug 4 EACH $1.00 4.00 54.00 46 2503.602 6' PVC Plug 1 EACH 54.00 1.00 54.00 47 2503.603 4' PVC Service Pipe - SOR 26 112 LF 57.80 62.00 $483.60 48 2503.603 6' PVC Service Pipe - SOR 26 45 LF $8.65 23.00 $198.95 49 2621.603 24" Steel Casing Pipe (Jacked) 100 LF $158.00 100.00 515,800.00 50 2506.501 48" Sanitary Manhole w/Castro ((Y to 8') 8 EACH $1,658.00 7.00 511,606.00 51 2506.603 1 Extra Depth 48" Sanitary Manhole (over E') 58.03 LF $122.80 51a 2621 ITelevising 2534 1 LF 50.45 Total - Bid Schedule "C" $83,169.90 Item No. Spec. Ref. Oesc3ipdon Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 52 2503.603 6' Sewer Pipe Ductile Iron CL 50 20 LF 521.00 53 2503.620 Ductile Iron Fittings 635 LB $1.55 54 2504.602 1' Corporation 4 EACH $28.70 55 2504.602 1' Curb Stop 8 Box 4 EACH 587.50 56 1 2504.602 Conned to Existing Watennain 1 EACH 5317.90 57 2504.602 6- Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH $473.50 58 2504.603 1' Copper Pipe 208 LF $8.00 59 2504.605 7 Watemnain Insulation 1 320 SF $1.30 Total - Bid Schedule "D' Summary, PART A: Bid Schedule W: Bid Schedule "B": Bid Schedule "C': Bid Schedule'D': Total PART A - COP 00-02: $2.807.55 539,357.18 583,169.90 S 125.334.63 feared 4ocymumcipauaouegW6151016150P xu PE - 2 t 11171 C0 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. PART B - COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th Street N.E., CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. c�.c�nuiIn'F• - Crrocre Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS 54.000.00 0.50 $2.000.00 2 210x.501 Remove Concrete Curb 500 LF 52.05 500.00 S1,025.00 3 2104.501 Salvage & Reinstall Driveway Culvert 65 LF $6.80 32.00 $217.60 4 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1100 SY S1.15 1,100.00 $1,265.00 5 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 500 LF 52.50 500.00 51,250.00 6 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall FES 2 EA 5183.00 1.00 $183.00 7 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EA S65.00 16.00 $572.80 8 2105.501 lCommon Excavation (P) 4100 CY $1.30 8.00 $428.80 9 2105.507 Salvage & Replace Class 5 Aggregate 180 CY $2.63 417.00 $40,699.20 10 2105.535 Salvage & Replace Topsoil 1500 CY S2.54 558.00 544.444.70 11 2211.501 Class 5 Aggregate 135 TON $6.40 1.00 $2.830.00 12 2340.508 Type 41 Wearing Course 50 TON $65.00 1.00 53.400.00 13 2573.501 Bale Checks 50 LF $3.00 1.00 S3,665.00 14 1 2575.501 Seeding -Type Lawn Restoration 1 ACRE $1.400.00 1.00 $3,821.00 Total - Bid Schedule *E' - c.n pie -c• - cr.,.... c- $5.940-60 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 15 1 2501.515 48' RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH 5989.00 1.00 $989.00 16 2501.602 1 Trash Guard for 48' Pipe Apron 1 EACH $655.00 1.00 $655.00 17 2501.602 15' Dia. Ccnaete Plug 1 EACH 555.65 1.00 555.65 18 1 2501.602 27- Dia. Concrete Plug 2 EACH 586.15 2.00 $172.30 19 2501.602 30' Dia. Concrete Plug 1 EACH $94.65 1.00 594.65 20 2502.541 15' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 8 LF 523.25 8.00 $186.00 21 2503.541 27" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (ail depths) 16 LF $35.80 16.00 $572.80 22 2503.541 30' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 8 LF $53.60 8.00 $428.80 23 2503.541 42' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 433 LF 597.60 417.00 $40,699.20 24 2503.541 48' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 550 LF 579.65 558.00 544.444.70 25 2506.502 66' Storm Manhole w/Castin (11.6') 1 EACH $2.830.00 1.00 $2.830.00 26 25C6 502 78' Storm Manhole w/2 Castings (7.8') 1 EACH 53,400.00 1.00 53.400.00 27 2506.502 84' Storm .Manhole w/2 Castings (6.6') 1 EACH 53,665.00 1.00 S3,665.00 28 2506.502 90' Storm Manhole w/2 Castings (6.9) 1 EACH 53.821.00 1.00 $3,821.00 29 2511.501 Random Riprap Class III 20 CY S63.25 15.00 $948.75 30 2521.541 Jack -Bore 42' RCP CL III 80 LF $477.00 88.00 $41,976.00 j 7 44,9Jt7.CJ Change Order x1 - Otsego Project 2000-03 66' to 72' Storm Manhole w/ Castings (MH 18-1) 1 EACH $1.080.00 1.00 51,080.00 25.T2506502 26a 1 2506.502 78' to 84' Storm Manhole w/ Castings (MH 18-2) 1 EACH $932.00 1.00 5932.00 28a I 25C6.502 1 0-0-!o 96' Storm Manhole w/ Castings (VH 18-6) 1 EACH 5967.00 1.00 5967.00 Total - Bid Schedule 'F' SZ,9/9.UV S147.917.85 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit unit Cost Used to Date Extension 31 2503.517 8- SDR 26 PVC Pipe (17 - 16) 59 LF 525.55 66.00 $1.686.30 32 2503.511 8- SOR 25 P`/C Pipe (16'- 2(r) 400 LF 525.55 400.00 S10.220.00 33 2503.511 8- SCR 25 PJC Pipe (20' - 24') 384 LF 525.55 384.00 59.811.20 34 2503.511 8' SOR 26 PVC Pipe (24'- 28') 90 LF 525.55 90.00 $2.299.50 35 2503.602 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 EACH $794.00 1.00 S794.00 36 2503 602 8"X 6' PVC Wye - SOR 26 2 EACH 556.85 2.00 5113.70 37 2503.602 6- PVC Plug 2 EACH 53.32 2.00 56.64 38 2503.603 6' PVC Ser.tce Pipe - SOR 26 64 LF 518.80 63.00 51.184.40 39 2506.501 48' Sanitary Manhole wlCastin (a to 8') 3 EACH S1.658.00 3.00 $4.974.00 40 25C6.603 Extra Depth 48' Sanitary Manhole (over 5) 29.3 LF 5122.80 40a 2621 Televising 933 LF 50.45 Total • Bid Schedule 'G' $31,089.74 shared doe3lmuniaV3v ouega6 l 51ot6158P .0 PE -3 11/1 TC Pav Estimate 1 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Ri'l 'H' - W.t- Sorvicww Item No. Spec. Ret. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit I Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 41 2503.603 12" Ductile Iron CI 52 900 LF $22.65 900.00 520,385.00 42 2503.603 8' Ouctile Iron C152 84 LF $17.00 84.00 $1,428.00 43 2503.603 6' Ductile Iron CL 52 47 LF $17.00 50.00 5850.00 44 2503.620 Ductile Iron Fittings 2570 LB $1.301 2,570.00 33.341.00 45 2504.602 Conned to Existing Watennain 1 EACH $371.00 1.00 5371.00 46 2504.602 6' Gate Valve and Bax 4 EACH 5435.00 4.00 $1,740.00 47 2504.602 8' Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH 5612.00 1.00 5612. 48 2504.602 12' Butterfty Valve and Box 2 EACH $878.00 2.00 51,756.00 49 2504.603 Hydrant Extension 2 LF $422.00 50 2504.603 Salvage 8' DIP 20 LF $7.30 20.00 $146.00 51 2504.602 Salvage 16' x 8' Reducer 1 EACH $159.00 1.00 $159.0 52 2504.602 Salva a 8' DIP Plug 1 EACH S26.50 1.00 526.5 53 2504.605 2' Insulation 775 SF $1.00 755.00 $755.00 54 2504.602 Hydrant 2 EACH S1,468.00 2.00 $2,936.00 55 2621 Relocation of 16' Watennain 1 LS 54,151.00 1.00 54.151.00 56 2621 Temporary Water Service 1 1 LS I S7,280.001 1.00 57.280. Total - Bid Schedule "H" Summary, PART B: Bid Schedule'E': Bid Schedule "F': Bid Schedule *G': Bid Schedule "H": Total PART B - COP 00-03: SUMMARY OF WORK TO DATE: PART A. Bid Schedules A,B,C.D: PART B, Bid Schedules E.F.G.H: WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $45,936.50 $5,940.60 $147,917.85 $31,089.74 545,936.50 $230.884.69 $125,334.63 $230,884.69 $356,219.32 517,810.97 $338,408.35 snares aoa/mun,upauactsega615101615eP xts PE - 4 11117/00 Pav Esumate t PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. CONTRACTOR SR WE=V^ C-0144bn by Ce oc I Cealh Mal ap�— and p4r4mb w!ag3aW we W" mrProroa to ow—C'i ENGINEER: Certi6cabon by Engineer. We recommend payment for work and quandbes as shown. HAKANSON AN SON ASSOC Signe . Title:�ECT �,.riV'EL�K Date: �� O OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: snared dorymutuuGaUaotsego/61 Slot61 SBP A3 PE - 5 11117/GO Pay Esumate t pl n,/� 1 '•Y W v- J• .k W u- W G APRON -4' / �III��,,I(, v lO� V r YYY t 1 W W W W W •. O W W .' CBM 3 GF 904.0 J v v W'.• I 60: I WO W W I \ 9 OF 896.0 o 1 894 � a� - .g �to, ' 889\500 i 'GF 897.0 � LO OO A ' LO 892.0 , BF 889.0 89 GF 899.5 WO 394 BF 891.5 896. i GF 896.5 WO CBMH-16 00 2 p / i� 6 BF 888.5 Oi� 89 7 0 )A D BARRICADE y GF 897.0 % WO 86.00 BF 889.0 CBM -15 �/ GF 898.0 6 0 � WO 896.00 BF 890.0 0 - GF 898.5 FB 00 BF 890.5 00 898 894.75 896 CBMH- �TREETN.E. _ 4. CBMH- a _ 8 0 8 STANDARD BARRICADE CB.4 14 8 I GF I.fWO r 5 00 q I 896.0 'OSED CONTOUR I I / I BF 888.0 894. 0i 894. GF 898.0 ' 0 r LO \ 3 , r r 886.83• LO 893.0GF 895.0 BF 890.0 STMII-1 WO 4_ Opi � 13F887.0 _ ? r r 4.06."g207-_ 892. 4 00 1 GF 893.0 •Mane W W rc n J• W v- .-.; 1'....... �- 2• . 2• .sed or M1 fence vat 5' mIal- I-2th st a fabric- faWlc 6'and fwim at 2' hirW. Loy fabric h N. 4nah i fabrk nolwrege 4nM Docent 4nM .IM � lempd n.tard .01 1 at, St e• STM 881 U1C Rock .Ire should be 1' to 2• .11. sash a. WOW CA -1 or CA -2 tour.. aggregate. Ag tlsAl fabric may be and ands the rock to prevent nlgretof lM flog .al late U. atm.. 3 .�.•. Lj 33 4 34 37 38 L• 2 / 25Pik 26 MWL .•��.••-. i - o:: 7 27 'W 291�0 • HWL•8 .5.---•-• L.J c 9 / I �\ - •_0�_ O O I IC�Rf.Yl. ` 2 I •-1 1`� I1 — J 12 7 M1017 18 15 �\ VESLA ]I 8 9 10 13 14 11 12 \ IO ,1 EXCEPTION � ►w +i v i 8 5 , 13 14 8 12 •VETEAND-Ml• - I 7 "'• VC_879.5• �r 11 10 H _ 4 5 8 6 10 - 1" ' \ __ o ------- �.. ---- 2 4 3 i ETLa�AND 4 I - - --- --- HV i 2 -------------"- 3 4 EXCEPTION 3 NI ' nloPom aw �y w>zD� � Nx I N ' I EXCEPTION OUTI/YT 1I Pay Estimate #5 November 20. 2CC0 Honorable Mayor 8 City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: 1999 Street Improvement, COP #99.01 Contractor. Bauedy Bros., Inc. Contract Amount: 51,187,606.70 Award Date: 8/10/99 Completion Date: June 30, 2000 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: BID SCHEDULE A - OVERLAY, RECLAMATION AND STREET RECONSTRUCTION Page 101`4 -fem 7.4 Item # Spec.Ref. Item Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Used to Date Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $6,200.00 /LS 1 $6,200.00 2 2101.507 Grub. 36" Stump) 3 EA 5125.00 /EA 3 S375.00 3 2104 Salvage Retaining Wall 2 EA $250.00 /EA 1 $250.00 4 2104.501 Remove Culverts 24" or less 835 LF 56.00 /LF 887 $5,322.00 5 2104.503 Remove Bit. Pavement 9500 SY S1.00 /SY 244 5244.00 6 2104.503 Remove Concrete Pavement 90 SY S2.00 /SY 66 $132.00 7 2104.513 Sawcut Bit. Pavement 1750 LF $3.00 /LF 2725 $8,175.00 8 2104.513 Sawcut Concrete 325 LF S7.00 /LF 175 $1,225.00 9 2105.501 Common Excavation CVP 23700 CY S4.56 /CY 23700 $108,072.00 10 2105.521 Granular Borrow CVP 10300 CY S5.66 /CY 10300 $58,298.00 11 2105.605 Minor Grading 325 RD STA 530.25 /RD STA 357 $10,799.25 12 2112.602 Sub rade Preparation 9500 SY S0.30 /SY 1434 $430.20 13 2120.501 Earth Shouldering To Soil 3500 CY S7.50 /CY 2521 $18,907.50 14 2211.501 A re ate Base Cl 5 5900 Ton 56.18 /Ton 9076.1 556,090.30 15 2211.501 Aggregate Base Cl 5 DW 125 Ton 56.82 /Ton 466 $3,178.12 16 2211.501 Aggregate Base Cl 5(patch) 575 Ton $6.18 /Ton 275 $1,699.50 17 2221.503 Aqqrecate Shouldering, Cl 2 240 Ton 520.00 /Ton 260 55,200.00 18 2221.503 Aggregate Shoulderin , Cl 5 1070 Ton 56.82 /Ton 981 $6,690.42 19 2232.501 Reclamation of Bituminous Surface 863551 SY S0.68 /SY 84,564 557,503.52 20 2232.501 Reclamation of Bituminous Surface & Transport 16150 SY S0.97 /SY 15169 S14,713.93 21 2340.508 Type 41 Wear 22810 Ton S23.18 /Ton 19,566.5 $453,551.47 22 2340.508 Type 41(patch) 210 Ton 535.00 /Ton 280 S9,800.00 23 2357.502 Bit. Mat for Tack 4540 Gal 50.75 /Gal 3270 S2,452.50 24 2401.521 Structural Excavation, Cl U, CV P 300 CY S2.00 /CY 210 5420.00 25 2451.511 Course Filter Aggregate 60 CY S14.00 /CY 60 $840.00 26 2501.515 30" RCP End Section 1 EA 5470.00 /EA 1 $470.00 27 2501.515 24" RCP End Section 121 EA S390.00 /EA 22 1 S8,580.00 28 2501.515 15" RCP End Section 20 EA S320.00 /EA 26 $8,320.00 29 2501 30" RCP FES Trash Guard 1 EA 5895.00 /EA 1 $895.00 30 2502.54113- PERF PE PIPE DRAIN 1600 LF S5.45 /LF 1600 $8,720.00 w"1141Idred doavnanICIPai4Wouegob076%012--68P us 11/21/00 Pay Estimate #5 Page 2 of 4 Item # Spec.Ref. Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Used to Date Extension 31 2502.601 Connect to Existing Drain 4 EA 5255.00 /EA 3 $765.00 32 2503 30" RCP 734 LF 537.80 /LF 719 527,178.20 33 2503.511 24 " RCP 328 LF 528.60 /LF 517 514,786.20 34 2503.511 18 " RCP 10371 LF 523.95 /LF 1037 $24,836.15 35 2503.511 15" RCP 614 LF $22.05 /LF 615 $13,560.75 36 2503.602 Connect Existing Drain Pipe to Storm Sewer 1 EA $350.00 /EA 1 $350.00 37 2503.603 Ductile Ircn Pie 100 LF 526.70 /LF 50 51,335.00 38 2506 Construct Drainage Structure C,G, N or H 13 EA $820.00 /EA 13 $10,660.00 39 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure 48" 4020 1 EA 5930.00 /EA 1 5930.00 40 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure 54" 4020 1 EA $1,780.00 /EA 1 $1,780.00 41 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure 60" 4020 2 EA S2,115.00 /EA 2 $4,230.00 42 2511.501 Random Riprap Cl II 751 CY 545.00 /CY 72.5 53,262.50 43 2531.507 6" Concrete Driveway Pavement 40 SY $40.00 /SY 125 55,000.00 44 2540.602 Relocate Mailbox Support 376 EA $75.00 /EA 427 $32,025.00 45 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS 54,000.00 /LS 1 $4,000.00 46 2564.602 Relocate Sin 6 EA $50.00 /EA 0 $0.00 47 2564.604 Sign Panels Type C 9 SF $22.00 /SF 9 $198.00 48 2573.501 Bale Check 201 EA $6.00 /EA 0 50.00 49 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Preassembled 1000 LF $1.60 [LF 0 $0.00 50 2575.501 Seeding 10 Acre $600.00 /Acre 11.7 $7,020.00 51 1 Install Retaining Wall 1 EA 5500.00 /EA 1 $500.00 52 Install Bituminous Flume 1 41 EA 1 $150.00 /EA 6 5900.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE A: BID SCHEDULE B - SEAL COAT AND CRACK FILLING S1.010,871.51 53 2231.507 Crack Filling Material 10200 LB 50.91 /LB 22.225 520,224.75 54 2356.505 Bit. Mat for Seal Coat 22000 Gal 50.99 /Gal 24,056 $23,815.44 55 2356.507 Seal Coat A gregate FA2 1645 Ton 519.00 /Ton 1,296 $24,624.00 56 2564.603 4" Double Solid Yellow - Epoxy 21110 LF $0.49 /LF 29,780 514,592.20 57 2564.60314* Solid White - Epoxy 90000 LF $0.22 /LF 84,351 518,557.22 58 2564.60314- Dashed Yellow - Epoxy 50601 LF 50.36 /LF 2,812 51,012.32 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE B: $102,825.93 \\na07Vnareo oogVnuruup3Aouegob[336\ot3368P <u 111211C0 Pay Estimate #5 BID SCHEDULE C - OTSEGO CREEK (83RD ST.) CULVERT REPLACEMENT Page 3 of 4 Item # Spec.Ref. Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Used to Date Extension 59 2104.501 Remove 60" CMP 50 LF $10.00 /LF 50 $500.00 60 2105.511 Channel Excavation, CV P 70 CY $8.70 /CY 70 $609.00 61 2401.521 Structural Excavation, Cl U, CVP 300 CY $4.00 /CY 300 $1,200.00 62 2503 88" SPAN RCPA 64 LF $207.00 /LF 64 $13,248.00 63 2503 88" SPAN RCPA FES 2 EA $1,740.00 /EA 2 $3,480.00 64 2105 A re ate Bedding Material 15 CY $16.00 /CY 15 $240.00 65 2015 Common Borrow 150 CY $4.20 /CY 176 $739.20 64 2511.501 Random Ri.prap Cl IV 1001 CY $47.00 /CY 45.02 $2,115.94 65 2511.515 Geotextile Fabric Type V 870 SY $1.20 /SY 780 $936.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE C: SUMMARY OF BIDDING: USED TO DATE: LESS 1% RETAINAGE: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 91: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #2: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #3: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #4: LESS PAY ESTIMATE #5: WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: $23,068.14 BID SCHEDULE A: $1,010,871.51 BID SCHEDULE B: $102,825.93 BID SCHEDULE C: $23,068.14 TOTAL USED TO DATE: $1,136,765.58 $1,136,765.58 $11,367.66 $218,697.21 $341,225.46 $52,280.50 $381,513.01 $67,235.00 $64,446.74 lVLW 13rWed ddC3Vnwuapanaolsegob133ftt3368P sls 11/21/00 Pay Estimate #5 C0NTfiACT0fL- PJAMY➢ROC., INC. C+r"Cat t py a I orA lhq ai$ Ito•n+ and anountn are oonnd brim writ m nplaud to dab sow: Tel. t: r�=3{,•.zcL- c.� !/- 2 / —oa ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer. We recommend ay for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON AND N ASSOCIATES, Signed: Title: Date: 1/-21— OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: Page 4 of 4 IVWOtl XLO cocs�municio�.wt3egobt3J6bt3mBP �s 11/21/00 15 CTI'Y OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Mike Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: -ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Approval of changes to the Lefebvre Stormwater District 8.2. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: 8.1. This hearing is required under State law because we are increasing the size of one stormwater district (LeFebvre Creek) and reducing the size of two other districts (Rice - Foster Lake and South Mississippi. The Council discussed these changes at its October 23, 2000 meeting. Because of these changes the Council voted at the same meeting to increase the Storm Sewer fee for development in the LeFebvre Creek district. 8.2. This is for any other Legal Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and any approval. Thanks, Mike Fik: RCA•CC.WPS 12 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST :FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Mike Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9. Council Items: A. Consider Approval of Winterfest Radar Run. B. Councilmember Wendel report on Community Recreation Board meeting C. Councilmember Wendel report on River Rider meeting D. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: A. See enclosed memo. B. This item is on the Agenda so CM Wendel will not have to add it. C. This item is on the Agenda so CM Wendel will not have to add it. D. This is for Any Other Council Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration, discussion and any decisions needed. Thanks, Mike DEAR COUNCIL MEMBERS, ATTACHED IS A SKETCH OF THE GENERAL AREA THAT A SNOWMOBILE RADAR RUN WOULD BE LOCATED. THIS RUN WOULD BE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE ANNUAL OTSEGO WINTERFEST. IT WILL INVOLVE JUST ONE SNOWMOBILE AT A TIME WITH A PERSON TIMING THE RUN WITH A RADAR GUN. THE RUN WILL BE PUT ON BY THE OTSEGO GREAT RIVER RIDERS SNOWMOBILING CLUB. THE PARKS AND REC. COMMISION WILL BE RUNNING THE REGULAR ACTIVITIES AT THE SAME TIME. THE DATE FOR THIS IS JAN. 20, 2001. THERE WILL BE SOMEONE FROM THE WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFFS DEPARTMENT AND QUALIFIED MEDICAL PERSON PRESENT ALL DAY. THE SNOWMOBILE CLUB WILL USE SNOWFENCES AND MEMBERS TO MAKE SURE THAT NO PEOPLE ARE IN THE WAY OF EACH RUN. THANKYOU IN ADVANCE FOR YOUR TIME TO LOOK AT THIS. TOM CONSTANT PARKS AND REC. COMM. -;7= - NVIp - I• N1-t . I' a J J V Z I •11MF _ z _ t '� - ISI I Ouj}` :1 1 CC J ¢. v -4 .4 � � 2 r , J .•p r•'+ Lu W - Q,tu }l . r. 1 •I Ir fi an. FF11 a = • (Xti j I.•. W V Q a09C . 1 M (gym zo(A; n 8 ow i cc W a. •� my 1 � I 1 1 At ,I ONL ♦ ,1 1 � ♦♦♦ II I ,\ I l MEMO Date: November 21, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: River Rider Meeting Mayor Fournier, Councilmember Wendel, and I met with the following people on Monday, November 20, 2000 to discuss improving River Rider bus service. Mayor Wayne Kessler, Councilmember Tom Hagerty, and City Administrator Bob Derus of St. Michael, Wright County Commissioners Pat Sawatzke and Elmer Eichelberg, Marianne Charbonneau and Mary B??? of Wright County Human Services, and Heather Carolis, manager of the River Rider service. The discussion showed that everyone was in general agreement that River Rider service needed to be improved. Consensus was to implement a system whereby the River Rider bus circulated between Otsego, Albertville, and St. Michael on an on-call basis, with only rare trips scheduled outside these communities. This is the type of service currently offered in Buffalo and it is very popular and draws more than senior riders. Consensus was that while everyone would prefer- that this service be 5 days a week 8 hours a day, it would have to start out on a more limited basis. Marianne Charbonneau said that she had spoken with Albertville City Administrator Linda Goeb, who indicated that Albertville was ready to join the River Rider system. Heather Carolis said that she would look at what could be changed to allocate more bus time to this proposal. She also needed to talk with the State about this since the State is the main source of funding. Commissioner Sawatzke said that costs should not change since they are based on last year's ridership figures. He said that if this proposal increases ridership that costs should not change much in the future. Everyone agreed to discuss this with their respective Councils and wait for Heather's report. 15 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST :FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9.1. City Administration Mike Robertson November 27, 2000 City Administrator 6:30PM Did NIN"05 : 05 111 WIfel Ili 1J 10 B. Any Other Administrative Business B. This is for any Administrative Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION• This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Thanks, Mike CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING NOVEMBER 279 2000 Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For'more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. Total Claims List 11-20-00 $ 561,201.52 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer JH/co CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 20, 2000 Cheek Summary Register Page 1 of 2 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION $114.63 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $21,69 UnPaid ANDERSON DELLA $117.00 UnPaid B & B MASONRY, INC $17,232.00 UnPaid BEAUDRY GERMAINE $65.00 UnPaid BLACK PAM $65.00 UnPaid BLESI JUDITH $117.00 Ur.Paid BOIS DENISE $107.25 UnPaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE: PRODUCTS $74.12 UnPaid BRAUN INTERTEC $3,400.00 UnPaid BREZE INDUSTRIES $35.15 UnPaid CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. $126.42 UnPaid CASSADY ROSE $120.25 UnPaid CELLULAR+ $111.90 UnPaid CORROW TRUCKING $1,729.32 UnPaid CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL, INC. $471.11 UnPaid DUERR NANCY $117.00 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,397.36 UnPaid GABRIEL DAVIS $107.25 UnPaid GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $7.70 UnPaid H & L MESABI $2,828.90 UnPaid H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $2,379.05 UnPaid HENNICK LORENE $107.25 UnPaid ICMA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $614.70 UnPaid J -CRAFT INC $71.87 UnPaid JEFF BARTHELD $34.39 UnPaid JUDY HUDSON $148.62 UnPaid LINDENFELSER ARLENE $118.63 UnPaid LUCONIC M.C. $169.00 UnPaid MADLAND SHIRLEY $107.25 UnPaid MARTIN JOANN C $65.00 UnPaid MEDICA $3,462.98 UnPaid MINNESOTA LIFE $63.20 UnPaid NAGELARLEEN $52.00 UnPaid NICHOLS JOAN M $65.00 UnPaid NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO $350.65 UnPaid ONRAMP, INC $39.95 UnPaid PACKER PATRICIA $110.50 UnPaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $7,804.00 UnPaid PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT $56.00 UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $969.70 UnPaid RADIOSHACK $687.90 UnPaid RMR SERVICES, INC $5,884.92 UnPaid RODEN JULIES C. PEARSON $91.00 UnPaid SCHOEN JULIE $107.25 UnPaid SCHUCK STEVE $110.50 UnPaid SCHUENDER CONSTRUCTION $8,126.50 UnPaid SCHULTZ LILLIAN $65.00 UnPaid SHELQUIST LORRAINE $13.00 UnPaid SHIERTS BONNIE $120.25 CITYOF OTSEGO Monday, November 20, 2000 CITY Page 2 of 2 Check Summary Register Ino11e Check Date Check Amt UnPaid SILVERNESS JUDY $169.00 UnPaid STRATER BRENT $107.25 UnPaid STS CONSULTANTS LTD $2,203.70 UnPaid SUPERIOR LAMP AND SUPPLY $205.17 UnPaid SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 UnPaid SWENSON JOY $fi5.00 UnPaid TERMINAL SUPPLY CO $205.37 UnPaid US BANK $497,088.75 UnPaid US FILTER $59.42 UnPaid VETSCH BERNADETTE $118.63 UnPaid XCEL ENERGY $157,12 Total Checks $561,201.52 CITY OF OTS E G O Monday, November 2o, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid AFFORDABLE SANITATION E 201-45000-410 Rentals (GENERAL) $114.63 Nov. Unit Rent Total AFFORDABLE SANITATION $114.63 Unpaid TAIRGAS, INC. E 101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $21.69 5645540 Acet/Oxygen Total AIRGAS, INC. $21.69 .vmx•:emw00,\Cf .Ar'•!.Y•:g000C,1Y. A9N000CCMW9J9f9000JOP%OOOP1�V9000G0>MP>T 6Pi>:000KJ)WOJObXShCL90WO VGOIW]C>MU,000Y»}l00>� .: VSN[?�OnHYA1 v,6+M Unpaid ANDERSON DELLA E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $117.00 Election Judge Pay Total ANDERSON DELLA $117.00 Unpaidx' B & B MASONRY, INC E 101-41940-402 Repairs/Maint Buildingss $17,232.00 11002 PW Bldg Repair Total B & B MASONRY, INC $17,232.00 ,,,,,•:.w :::....:...:....... ..x,•m w.vx, xxw ,x xw ,xvt«<«K«t«•: t<rt>�«a <�« Unpaid BEAUDRY GEFIMAINE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total BEAUDRY GERMAINE $65.00 xmw:,,.•m,,,•.xw.,,nacfCA�9Ci9c'X`: t� >i0994CC:1�nfQQCG00090]9CCOP:M^xMWtt9P4Gtt?Y.MttA:060000000000rMi00WP)OOOOYAJaW000p0000WCO00C(.M4GO�OPJ000POOpOpP>JPJOM�Yb000000En»+Avrt,f?,vA,!MM�bx�e[gMp Unpaid BLACK PAM E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total BLACK PAM $65.00 •xvwrr:r:wwr:::n.:.:.:::::r:nw::. •:.,wvm,vn,::t: :;.;> -B Unpaid BL::; LEST:4J Wi.:;:.:isc:ryF;-]pDITH E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $117.00 Election Judge Pay Total BLESI JUDITH $117.00 !.•nY:sM'a>:.>v4,W„'.,v4v: nvv:.,,xv.,,ave,v::: x:: nv.,w:.v:.w:.v:.v::.v:.,m„vvw.vxnxxxvx,�vmxxv:.vv,,,x,x•.�YKL;[S�.t FACG t^.:IXgYhKC`::'ft•T:Ytt4::trl.:tt<^.:.%:tt t:^!. t^.9: t::t t::tt:^(:[SS:'1..: MGCOGOOOOO:LO%;,tl,':AOCC<OK: A Unpaid BOIS DENISE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total BOIS DENISE $107.25 m� .mm� ./ Gym•:. ..,•:<.>.:, xvm:::::r:::::::• :::.,• wm,,,,:.wm,,,.::.rr<.xwr::::»:w•. �m:» :>:, :::: rt > r:7:>:�u v o2 G� : :,,>:>:, «,,» :.>:,,>,>,A :<.;» Unpaid BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS E101-41400-201 Office Supplies $74.12 4531349 Supplies Total BOISE CASCADE OFFICE PRODUCTS $74.12 Unpaid •:.BRAUN INTERTECy G 701-21951 Pulte's W & S $3,400.00 402628 88th ST Quaday Storm Total BRAUN INTERTEC $3,400.00 »Y]%NGUIHAGOMGGOJOY»ba,AiYGX00009... x,.xw�.r:!„v.,,, .•• •... �v.,em,N.•v.:...Mnn.m.nm.a::n:..v,..wn::..v.,,...v..:::::rrr:rr:rrm.x.rrrrrrmv,nv:::::.,...<!./... f•:94:f:;;::<•:C...... L.<.,. xw:r:.xx�x w Unpaid BREZE INDUSTRIES E 101-43100-203 Supplies - General $35.15 8624 Gloves Total BREZE INDUSTRIES $35.15 lwbvilivimr.Y.,ft+.eorr.,vorrr,l.,vv::rv:m,,,w.vrrrr:vrrrm•:x:::::n.nv:.k:rryrrrmvrrri,:rrmr,.w.vrnwrxrr:,.vrFFLWWp/!ryp!/lpyl. NAWMOG,v:>nR: H liq///lAOP:rN/I aM%l///!/I �GGGY///l!/Y/rY+GYII/.Y.G>N.KroiillAY!!. Unpaid CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $126.42 1908 PW # 11 Total CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. $126.42 Unpaid CASSADY ROSE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $120.25 Election Judge Pay Total CASSADY ROSE $120.25 CITY OF OTSEGO Check.Detail Register k AmtY rttInvoice» i E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $111.90 103599 Total CELLULAR+ $111.90 Monday, November 20, 2000 Page 2 of 6 rM>+>.w�eMM/a„»„xv�rnv:mxw:.wm,,,,wnvHM,n aIPpOCQ00000P00%MrFINCFIOCOWPJOC90C0.'CKY.CO4tIXV.\^A!P":SJT.b tiOP�WW00!W]G'•"wY4' 'rF.0.lYwWfLOGtO Unpaid CORROW TRUCKING E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $83.07 Nov. Hauling E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $1,646.25 Oct. Recycling Total CORROW TRUCKING $1,729.32 Unpaid CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL, INC. E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $100.96 Ref.# 66895 PW # 3 E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $370.15 Ref.# 914 PW # 3 Total CUMMINS NORTH CENTRAL, INC. $471.11 4»��..�..»»%4;,�%:ro»%,~,»%��.�»�i»»>..��>»>��•::.».•..w�.».>,.,,ra>,.,»»,�>,aw.,,»>,:.•.,>x»»w,,.,,,,,,,.,�>wN,,.,xw., Unpaid DUERR NANCY E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $117.00 Election Judge Pay Total DUERR NANCY $117.00 w.wxmrnx,xwrnx>vw.vvx.:.,,vmvxv�nv+/.YCM::!!V%VX•X^Hifi.^:^.:K•iP.WCS;•:OC�T:!Q9PJf?'. Unpaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC 'C9q^M(VONCCPJC4000OWOOQP]OOCOWOP+OOWWOQ>Y:t-0d%•%:.>%4:!.: iSXKidd OOCe%M>Y.'nNOfNdfKKd E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $62.22 101029 Election Notices E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $36.30 101032 NSP E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $44.07 101035 Thonas Juergens E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $230.73 101037 Ord. 00-17 E 101-41400-350 PrintBinding (GENERAL) $365.54 101038 Ord. 00-18 E 101-41400-350 PrintBinding (GENERAL) $46.67 101039 Today Hearing E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $248.88 99656 Ad for Bids E 101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $362.95 99661 Ord. 95-21 Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,397.36 Vnp_mwwwroo-.co v. mcm»w..:sxa%,n00000row,w:aaowwr. Unpaid »-ra:.:s:rm,ranaoxarnxwarnxa,oawwaoa»xoao»wm»,exmmmxK.>vane»:oo-r»x.»mrrosre.»m»xaY.»neem»,+uemrn.,nnr.•nr GABRIEL DAVIS v.>„w.x+xx.•r xvxx•:.V.x E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total GABRIEL DAVIS $10725 UP-ai : % %•>. !-f K4% »», » T GOPHER STATE ONE-CALL r� a» � .x,•a>.�% 4w w�ew � �w � • w : w ,x. � w.w r. INC E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $7.70 100580 Billable Ticket Locates Total GOPHER STATE ONE -CALL INC $7.70 .n..:: n .... ... .. .....:Vi\...M:V:;Viri!•:iCi:!.::..vv,\!4:i:":ii4wTi:%^%.isYi:4?isiiii:!G:::ii;:::::.isitii:BY.pY3fi3»'A000G060Y.+�> YM:M:x,v>xw:r{:L•r., Unpaid H & L MESABI E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) E 101-43100.220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) Total H & L MESABI $2,227.18 Ref.046193 DE Oder # 46193 $300.86 Ref.046492 DE Order # 46492 $300.86 Ref.046554 DE Order # 46554 $2,828.90 Unpaid<: .......,y:...,,,.r.....H G: WEBER OIL COMPANY::.:., ! «« �. �!,,:: <,f.•: �,ff.-, f. fff .:,.. �f/f w%. ,,, ,«�:,Y:,.!:!!%r, fY.»« E 101-43100-202 Gas & Oil $2,379.05 Oct. Del. Gas -Diesel PW# 13 Total H G WEBER OIL COMPANY $2,379.05 Unpaidr.rrM•..,»..wrrrx....,:..r.rx...rrrrrrrrr.r,:•FIENNICK�LOREME :rrrr.::,...,..N.,r...r .���:� a•%•:.•,.;vff.,,....,,�>:»,f, �,W.>-a.,ti>Y,;:<:atiYn»Y,�.w . E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total HENNICK LORENE $107.25 M>YY////I/I: ApYII/YA%OONY.,Y/%//q(�y(Nrnvm„wriiiiirrrr.»,�v:nv:n„v.,vrr::rrnv.,,w.w.•rrvrrrnwM:y:nvxvnvw.»vrrw.vrrrmrn•.w.,w.vrrrnx„v.,v:.•.v.v: xrrrrrrrrw.x,wrrvrrNNNirr/m t/✓1////N.M1l/M�C'•MSMi/.!/.+.!!�A Unpaid ICMA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 20, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment Com`\tea£ �s E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.92 PPE 11/11/00 G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 11/11/00 Total ICMA CONFERENCE REGISTRATION $614.70 -CRAFT INC E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $71.87 1002 Total J -CRAFT INC $71.87 .,,,..,,.w:.,,_:M>,,,.�•,�,,.,.:.�w,.w.,,,�,�,.,a..,,..,,w.,,,�,.x„w.•.x:.w�w.,,V,..,wx.w,.x.,�„wy.w.wxx�„ .�,� Unpaid JEFF BARTHELD E 201-45000-203 Supplies - General $34.39 Haunted House Total JEFF BARTHELD $34.39 Unpaid JUDY HUDSON E 101-41400-205 Election Supplies $148.62 Supplies & Milage Total JUDY HUDSON $148.62 Unpaid n LINDENFELSER ARLENE w. w,Ar.A..... E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $118.63 Election Judge Pay Total LINDENFELSER ARLENE $118.63 OUn%A:wIA)CLJCvk iOGwJJJOb%w:3'.Oi>Yu:wi.�.W>.iiOP,':<::.:.•.•x:xxLx::UG:.>vvavS'.'xnenv�•.wiexl:.'.:..!UsxmYOUwrmmv:m,•mwevwlrxnwrr vrx:r:rv:.v:w,,,vww.,wvx:xmxxmwm�MMC%�0�.^:!.£;iC%MT:L:A�LA?% paid EONIIC Myp±+C M.C. E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $169.00 Election Judge Pay Total LUC0141C M.C. $169.00 xUnpaid �� MADLAND SHIRLEY F E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total MADLAND SHIRLEY $107.25 Unpaid MARTIN JOANW C E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total MARTIN JOANN C $65.00 ,.w%o:4«�.�.,� Unpaid MM E DICA E 101-43100-123 Health $1,432.27 PW Ins. E 101-41400-123 Health $2,030.71 Adm. Ins. Total IAEDICA $3,462.98 xxxrxr::.vxxrr.�•;�,�>�>�wr>,�>a,-,�,�•�„du,.�.>�f,..x.:•,»wuu„�>��>a,•� .;>,� Uripaid � Mw.,wr,��M�..,xxfxxxxx,x�+MINNESOTALIFE E 101-41400-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $29.00 Adm. Life Ins. E 101-43100-130 Employer Paid Ins (GENERAL) $34.20 PW Life Ins. Total MINNESOTA LIFE $63.20 Unpaid,....,.w.,....,.,............,..,...,.,.,,,.,..,..:::NAGELARLEEIV::....,............................................................<.....,........................:,. 7:;>:«.� �, �<%«� , ..,....<..� E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $52.00 Election Judge Pay Total NAGEL ARLEEN $52.00 Unpaidµr NICHOLS IM E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total NICHOLS JOAN M $65.00 Unpaid xNORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT COwo,�,� E101-43100-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $63.86 19290510 ASSY KIT CITY OF OTS E G O Monday, November 20, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 4 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-43100-240 Small Tools and Minor Equip $286.79 19387911 TON HYD SYSTEM 4 ~ Total NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO $350.65 .�J,tlOTtgj RAC»YY f006FNC�N'!0:6::1.<4Y»J4iV!/.A+,..,,»,ve�r.,.<n„»»•::nv»,,,»»•:.»».m»neeenvFdOvw«<i:<M,,vn,>m,+n»,}»„»r„w.»mn,,,,»•.w«nwm„+,,,»n,,,ww<imn,+,,,,,,,»n»»,w.v+v.,»,,,35tiC,r,5Jf;4]C4:4p:4K4pCOppppppt Unpaid ONRAMP, INC E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $39.95 C00001 Web Host Total ONRAMP, INC $39.95 Znac4:c<ue:kv!e,xw.ceea,,e:c<:<ox<.»c«w<e..>,.,,»e<.w:.w:,..:: n,.:..:<m,»-::<f< IIICIA eeex�e<u:i«.+««:.w«..»,»„wr.ww...«.<.<...«.<.r:<:n.::::.w:.»w..,»•n•:::n•.,.:.»•.,::r::::.»wnw<:<:n,,•w:e::.rv.4::x«<xrm. >:v Unpaid PACKER PATFtICIA E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $110.50 Election Judge Pay Total PACKER PATRICIA $110.50 »K:n,,,,n,»rvr„nv»,HC90:4CC«tiiS4:70�MSK940C<994« Unpaid PEOPLE SERVICE INC. E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $27.00 Add. To Ck W1035082 E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $5,572.00 0003888 Dec. Mon. Fee E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $2,205.00 11/15/00 Labor Oct. Total PEOPLE SERVICE INC. $7,804.00 Unpaid PRECISION FR�4ME &ALIGNMENT E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $56.00 281006 PW # 11 Total PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT $56.00 Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD E 101-43100-121 PERA $250.64 PPE 11/11/00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $255.21 PPE 11-11-00 G 101-21704 PERA $463.85 PPE 11/11/00 Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $969.70 >rr.�«�;;.>.»>v,.,,>;:<,:.>�.:;.>:.:;<«.:.»:.::.:._-::_--.�-...:::n•;:::.::............ :::::.;<::.>,..��.r.,:<vr.»�..�,.«�,..»:»,.::.v„,,,».n,.rn:.:n.::...n,:::n:.n:.::n..»•:::::n»::.::::::.,:.::.:::::•::::n•::::':.�:::>:;.»»:•»>:;•;:;>;,;:�;;>• Unpaid RADIOSHACK E201-45000-430 Miscellaneous (GENERAL) $687.90 047621 Haunted House Total RADIOSHACK $687.90 .,,•n:•::n:n•:n>,:»,�,»»».,-»--r,->,•.»,rr.»„<r„»-,.,,�,,.»» k.»»•r::n rn, n».: »•:::Nr :»vr:<.:»:,,:.:::-4a,< ;;� ;kw<:< 4 Unpaid RMR SERVICES, INC E 601-49400-203 Supplies - General $5,884.92 00-408 Water Meters Total RMR SERVICES, INC $5,884.92 �, o ENJ CIES «v RS Unpaid RODEN JULIES 1:. PEARSON E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $91.00 Election Judge Pay Total RODEN JULIES C. PEARSON $91.00 --------S:—CH v:4TM%/Ff.-----:4v3<,\,T,TVAwiw...:,U•—JULIE A.AW000OCOOQTtWCaXOK, ownKeerommeOmMo[cherenN.,>Y<Km,se!rea<mu<[4h,,,»etiu»t4eMeruew •«:<rm+w.wm,»w:rrrrrmrnr �llripaicl•xSCIiOEN JULIEW E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total SCHOEN JULIE $107.25 :.,.,:,,:,..,,:.:.>;;,:.>YY.>::Y,.•Y.»>:::Y:;;.:4>:«.»:�.,.,:>,,,;:>,>,:;..,;,:>Y>:4>:,;;4�:....:.Y>:.::.Y»::H»�4�>Y:�.:;;:«.�r.:n>�<:<nn»�.•«..�»,..x.�<.,<.,�<r<:n,>•:...>.r„r;.:;;arH..,»,,,.r«.,�,»».rr•<n,»>»».r:,rrrr. Unpaid SCHUCK STEVE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $110.50 Election Judge Pay Total SCHUCK STEVE $110.50 !/l!///l/Y/l.V.^>Yii�i:.'f.0\v?i/.!rn«l,T::J:<!<•YYJMt•Y%//A/lrgYY\\<n::«:M'l..Y>n::.r,ry�:A>Y�Y'IJfRY.<ON% NJ•UVY%4:.v«:m+r«t<K<mmMvae,v<yiiri:<.v.»•:: r:nv::r::i<isi::.vn,»vrii:nw<+wiiw•rrr.,,virrr:.vnvrrrvn•.w.,wxvrrxr Unpaid SCHUENDER CONSTRUCTION E 601-49400-310 Miscellaneous $8,126.50 5953 Oct. Pumping Total SCHUENDER CONSTRUCTION $8,126.50 SCHULTZ,,, w<LILLILLIAIY «4 M P IV CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 20, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 5 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total SCHULTZ LILLIAN $65.00 maaorwwwox000aaoowii ,::amwa::cera.::a.,,.:.�.v.�.,%.w.,,,:....w.,,,,,,,w..-N},.,,,,,m}%.,+ew.,.,,:,-:..-.,:w.,,,,,},.,�,v,.w.,vw..,wM.wnnw.w.w:.,,,,,%�,%.,w„%:xM,w....•.,„,,,,,w�,,,,,...,,,a�wttsmecrrrr .:exk�e�-.•.m:ec Unpaid SHELQUIST L.ORRAINE E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $13.00 Election Training Total SHELQUIST LORRAINE $13.00 '— ooa.::::.•..�..�..�,.:..%:.:{..,..�,:, SHIERTS BONw{M%.ww..%.r ..r..eK NIE x...k xx..,..:,.•..w:{.w:...w,w...,v vwvwn,w�..,wxmr x�aan m:oaanvcanwx Unpaipd E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $120.25 Election Judge Pay Total SHIERTS BONNIE $120.25 Unpaid SILVERNESS; JUDY E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $169.00 Election Judge Pay Total SILVERNESS JUDY $169.00 ....,.::::.,<,:.::............... H.w:.,...,.:.:...:,......,,;�;�s,�,;�:;,�a�;;o:«<:,.«,�.�;,��,em:«.},�wmr.}%�,�„•Ka,..}:},:s•�,U,},:}%.,�,�,.•<x,e,�Kxa,em�„wx,.w.x,:,w.xM�xwwM Unpaid STRATER BRIENT E101-41400-103 Election Judges $107.25 Election Judge Pay Total STRATER BRENT $107.25 ?:^Ti^ilC•iC:t•:K<n'SSQCCSSI”fnY•:?.hY'.«•:SSvvT?::f{:-:t«LvUre}T:'w'«.ti«.:i.:i.:i-:«.:<iitnp;{{,.%i.T:.::K«i4�X8Q4'a:<K<«0.%«{vUU000CyeNpvlxxM•6.rofKM%MKA!A: KKKN?0.%{Av{KM'fx{{Mw.%{Kp1%.%x{xn yUpnuv.:{:: {.uwww{x:: xvvn Unpaid STS CONSUL1rANT'S LTD E 416-43100-390 Contracted Services $2,203.70 206350 1999 ST IMP PROJ Total STS CONSULTA14TIS LTD $2,203.70 Unpaid SUPERIOR LAMP AND SUPPLY E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $205.17 S1815578 Fluorescent Lamps Total SUPERIOR LAMP AND SUPPLY $205.17 M'+P:06Y»Pa"".. riiCJ»:.iP?JG9?iOCViGPTT\vt9:ti9CYJOJOi:•3YTVi>iii]F1}:e»i;.:.vv._;;qi:>?wOW>:OD]�nY%tib000Wi)6.UPi}]1�V06a%AXAOOOFHfMn'affe0�00M00P0ET�U+A'.wm:aeOY.w.'MO%doe.»fO}fM+A}nwm{{±M +eex}}}s}vx,v�mu}uumwi.,•xnv., Unpaid SUPERIOR SEIRVICES E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $460.00 168171 Oct. Recycling Total SUPERIOR SERVICES $460.00 ««:-tar.«o. m:taraa;;•:t;-,�;•tax•iso;;t;-rc:•:fx.«axuii:<o::.:.-:.r««<::t•.•nxaw:.+c:um%«.:.oc<«.,<cc:<uw,::-:x«dawxro±:< a�v�eer m Unpaid SWENSON JO`( E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $65.00 Election Judge Pay Total SWENSON JOY $65.00 ,u,vA'(S9C+U"CCGV.^.P:xtA:GVYtn;gx.}i:::<}\•CA \Y90M\YP !P:a. \UC«StlNt•:< YCNChY-0.tl0.)OPGOOWOOWG%A+%Ohy06XCOJ6Y.CM,.K:«•:RIX«OeJ000WY1f•10.�v1}%4vKMtF\\4vn}vdF1\ 'uW[.:r'{dK.w UnpaidTERMINAL SUPPLY CO E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $205.37 72225-00 SHRINK TERMINALS Total TERMINAL SUPPLY CO $205.37 ,�•.:.w:..%.w.w.x.w::.,•::r iixi:r:r.:ra>i>xi -' --::,»:xr.•:>ia»uwm:«ai»xancvr;;x.,ro::-u»;aoi»r»xi»narairnouwwaiwf...i::«.ww�twr.:ar..»:.rora.}iriaooi}r:wi.::::%.w.%,,,.::::...:.,,,:..,:,:%::.r..;:,.•. Unpaidrx US BANK E 316-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $39,791.25 Dec 1, 00 Interest E 315-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $67,782.50 Dec 1, 00 S & W Rev 1999 A E 315-47000-602 Bond Interest $110,000.00 Dec 1,00 S & W Rev 1998 A E 316-47000-602 Bond Interest $170,000.00 Dec 1, 00 Improvement 1999 B E 315-47000-620 Fiscal Agent's Fees $109,515.00 Dec 1,00 Interest Total U.S BANK $497,088.75 .am.,a,«ae.�».v:<-�:•.�.�.,�„�e;ex.>w,ii:d-a.,>cwar::>w:,:ae�,;e-. ao,�..�,Y,,,..,...ro.,..,,,M..r�:,:,,�.....,.,.�,�,•.,�.,�.,�.,�,.a...,w�.....,,,.,..,,,,�..�.,,w,M,x,,,.w {Unpaid US FILTER E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $59.42 6860676 Total US FILTER $59.42 'G—n iian,caw>oowc<eacw.w.a:«<Dune docorvw.cc«ocu<axdx.ox<«<cH`BE R NA Unpaid VETSCH BERDL4DETTE CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, November 20, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 6 of 6 Check Amt Invoice Comment M E 101-41400-103 Election Judges $118.63 Election Judge Pay Total VETSCH BERNADETTE $118.63 Unpaid XCEL ENERGY M ,,.r,,,,.:,. E 602-49450-322 Utilities $157.12 071-308 W WTP Service Total XCEL ENERGY $157.12 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $561,201.52