12-11-00 CCLi5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 4.A. Special Presentation Elaine Beatty December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION• 4.A. 1. a. Bonestroo Associates - Presentation of SW Otsego Sewer Study b. Bonestroo Discussion of Future Expansion of Wastewater Treatment Plant 2. Long Haul Trucking - Junk and Blight Complaints (Cont. from 11/27/00) 3. Steve Gowdy - Internet Wireless Service - Consider Approval of Rental Agreement. BACKGROUND: 4.A. 1. a. & b. See attached information that a Bonestroo Rep. will present. 4.A. 2. Mike Robertson will be present to explain the Long Haul junk and blight complaints progress. 4.A. 3. Mike Robertson will be present to explain and attached is a memo. RECOMMENDATIONS: This is for Council information and action. Thanks, Elaine Bonestroo 0 Rosene Anderlik & Associates Engineers & Architects November 15, 2000 Mike Robertson City of Otsego 5899 Nashua Ave Otsego MN 55330 Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. Is an Affirmative Actlon/Equal Opportunity Employer and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G. Bonestroo. PE. • Marvin L. Sorvala. P.E. • Glenn R. Cook. P.E. Robert G. Schunicht, P.E. • Jerry A. Bourdon, PE. Senior Consultants: Robert W. Rosene. P.E. • Joseph C. Anderlik. P.E. • Richard E. Turner, P.E. Susan M. Eberlin,C.P.A. Associate PriricIpals: Howard A. Sanford. PE. • Keith A. Gordon, PE. • Robert R. Pfefferle, P.E. Richard W. Foster, P.E. • David O. Loskota. P.E. • Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. • Mark A. Hanson, P.E. Michael T. Rautmann, P.E. • Ted K.Field. P.E. • Kenneth P. Anderson. PE. • Mark R. Rolfs, P.E. David A. Bonestroo, M.B.A. • Sidney P. Williamson, P.E.. L.S. • Agnes M. Ring, M.B.A. • Allan Rick Schmidt, P.E. Offices: St. Paul, St. Cloud. Rochester and Willmar, MN • Milwaukee, WI - - Website: www.bonestroo.com Re: Wastewater Treatment Options in SW Otsego Our File No. 503-00-101 Dear Mike: '-A / a e This letter report contains the results of a study to address the feasibility of installing a wastewater collection and treatment system in southwest Otsego to serve future residential and commercial customers in Section 34 south of Interstate 94, as well as a small area north of the interstate. Scope and Purpose of Stud - The scope of the study was to identify the feasible options, prepare rough cost estimates for each option, and identify issues that affect the feasibility of the options, such as land use, public and regulatory approval, and future expansion. The purpose of the study was to develop information that can be used to develop a direction of further planning. Study Area The study area is Section 34 and a small area in Section 27 in SW Otsego south of Interstate 94, and a small parcel on the north side of the interstate. The area is zoned single-family residential and commercial/industrial. Attached Figure The figure attached to this report shows the approximate study area, as well as the locations of the Albertville and Otsego treatment plants. The figure also shows assumed locations of new facilities. These locations are established for comparative cost estimating purposes only. The project scope did not include the identification of actual sites and pipeline alignments. Wastewater Options in SW Otseeo, p2 Options Evaluated in the Study Four (4) options for collection and treatment were evaluated for the study area. All options include a conventional gravity collection system, the cost of which is the same for all options. The four (4) options are: 1. Treatment and disposal system in the Albertville system 2. A conveyance line to the existing Otsego plant in the SE part of the City 3. Treatment at a new plant close to the study area, with a discharge to a drainage ditch to the Mississippi River 4. Treatment at a new plant close to the study area, with on -land disposal of treated wastewater Wastewater Volume Generated in the Study Area Based on 300 acres of single-family residential land use and 250 acres of commercial/industrial land use, the estimated wastewater flow from the study area at full development is 275,000 gallons per day. Based on a residential density of 2 units per acre, a total number of 600 residential units are estimated at full development. Each unit is expected to generate 250 gallons per day of wastewater flow. Based on a wastewater flow rate of 500 gallons/day per acre of commercial/industrial area, comrnercial/industrial development will result in 500 residential equivalent units (REU), with one REU equal to 250 gpd of flow. Thus, for billing and cost sharing purposes, the area is expected to support a total of 1,100 REU's (600 + 500). Collection System in the Study Area The estimated capital cost of a collection system to serve the entire study area is $3.5 million. This cost is for all necessary facilities to collect and deliver wastewater to a single point within the study area from where it can be pumped to any one of the four (4) treatment and disposal options. Based on 1,100 REU's, the cost per unit for collection only is estimated to be $3,180. The cost is based on general cost data relating collection costs to area, density, and type of development, and not on a specific collection system plan. Wastewater Options in SW Otsego p3 Option 1: Albertville In this option, a lift station and forcemain are constructed to pump wastewater to the City of Albertville for treatment and disposal. Albertville is currently in the process of upgrading its wastewater treatment plant. The estimated costs associated with this option are: Estimated Costs of Albertville O tion _Item Cost Collections stem $3,180 per REU Lift station and forcemain to Albertville $800,000, or $730 per REU Albertville sewer access charge (SAC) $3,900 per REU (See Note below) TOTAL $6,180 per REU Estimated Albertville user charge $37 per quarter per REU Note: The SAC of $3,900 per REU is a hook-up charge to cover costs associated with both collection and treatment. Of course, Otsego connections would pay only the portion of the SAC associated with treatment. Since the break-out of the treatment portion was unavailable to the study, the treatment portion of the connection fee was estimated at 52,270 per REU, or the same per REU charge as in Option 2, in which treatment capacity is purchased at the existing Otsego plant. This figure must be conifirmed. Option 2: Treatment at Existing Otsego Plant In this option, a lift station and forcemain are constructed to pump wastewater to the existing Otsego plant in the SE part of the City on the Crow River. It was assumed in the study that portions of the Otsego collection system already constructed in the area of Highway 101 lack reserve capacity to allocate to the study area. If capacity were available, the forcemain length would be approximately 36,000 feet and the estimated cost of pumping and conveyance facilities is $2.0 million. However, because the assumption is that capacity is not available, the forcemain must be extended all the way to the plant site, for a total length of approximately 51,000 feet. In this case, the estimated cost of pumping and conveyance facilities is $3.0 million. The existing plant cannot accept 275,000 gpd of wastewater from the study area without being upgraded for additional capacity. Assuming that all reserve capacity at the plant is to be allocated to other service areas within the City and to Dayton, the plant must be upgraded with a capacity expansion equal to 275,000 gpd. The estimate cost of this expansion is 52.5 million. The estimated costs associated with this option are: Wastewater Options in SW Otsego p4 Estimated Costs of Treatment From Existing Plant Item Cost Collections stem 53,180 per REU Pumping and conveyance system $3.0 million, or $2,730 per REU Treatment $2.5 million, or $2,270 per REU TOTAL $8,180 per REU Estimated User Charge S 40 per quarter per REU Option 3: New Treatment Plant, Discharge to Mississippi River The study did not search for the best treatment plant site in the immediate area of the SW service area. It is assumed that a site can be secured, particularly if the site area is small (<5 acres). The study evaluated discharge options for a new plant in the area and concluded that the most viable option was to discharge to a drainage ditch that currently drains Mud Lake in Albertville to the north to the Mississippi River. This ditch is also the discharge point of the Albertville treatment plant. The ditch meanders through the middle of Otsego and connects with the Mississippi River approximately one mile directly north of the Otsego city hall. The plant must meet discharge limits of 15 mg/l BOD, 30 mg/l TSS, and 1 mg/1 total phosphorus. A discharge permit issued by MPCA must be secured. The plant would be an activated sludge facility similar to the new Otsego plant. The estimated cost of the plant is S3.5 million, including an estimated $40,000 for land purchase. The estimated costs associated with this option are shown in the table below. The costs of conveyance to and from the plant are based on assumed lengths of 2 miles from the service area to the plant site and .5 miles from the plant site to the drainage ditch. Estimated Costs of Treatment Plant With Mississippi River Discharge Item Cost Collection system $3,180 per REU Pump station and conveyance to plant site $700,000, or $640 per REU Treatment plant S3.5 million, or $3,180 per REU Discharge line to drainage ditch 5250,000, or 5230 per REU TOTAL S7,230 per REU Estimated user charge $50 per quarter per REU Option 4: Treatment Plant With On -Land Disposal This option proposes a treatment plant that would avoid the stringent effluent limits associated with a discharge to the drainage ditch to the Mississippi River. As a result, Wastewater Options in SW Otsego p6 becomes available. This option provides best benefit if the flows remain low for several years because Otsego costs would be proportional to the volume sent to Albertville. Option 2: Service From Existing Plant Issues: Forcemain may be designed to provide lateral benefit along its route. Forcemain may be greatly oversize in the first several years when flows are low. Implementation may be difficult given the forcemain length and route through many undeveloped areas. Best long-term solution in that it only one treatment plant is required. May be easier to implement compared to Options 3 and 4 because a new plant with a new discharge is not needed. Option 3: New lVechanical Plant Issues: Regulatory and environmental review process will be more difficult with this option because of the new discharge to the Mississippi River. Low flows at start-up will be troublesome. City must own and operate two mechanical treatment plants, which is untypical. Process of securing and approving a site will be easier than Option 4. Option 4: New Plant With Groundwater Discharge Issues: Large area required. Public acceptance of the plant and securing of a suitable site will be hurdles. If sufficient land for future expansions can be secured, this option is preferable to Option 3 because of minimal future effluent discharge issues. Some risk of trace amounts of contaminants migrating to shallow private wells in close proximity to the plant. Groundwater monitoring around the plant is required and is included in the project. Conclusions The study concluded that wastewater service to the SW study area will cost an estimated $6,180 to $8,180 per REU, depending on the option selected. These costs were calculated without considering financing, growth rates, or cash flow. The purpose of the study was not to recommend a particular option, but, rather, to estimate costs and address issues that affect each option. The least cost option appears to be service from Albertville, however this option poses disadvantages with respect to loss -of -control, agreements with another City, and possible annexation. The least -cost option not involving Albertville is to construct a treatment plant with groundwater disposal of the effluent, however this option will require a difficult public approval process. The easiest option to implement (Option 4) is the highest in cost. Wastewater Options in SW Otsego. DS a lesser level of treatment is needed. Instead of an activated sludge system with phosphorus removal, the plant process will consist of an aerated pond followed by a rapid infiltration basin (RIB) which discharges treated effluent to the groundwater. The RIB option is less costly and easier to operate than an activated sludge process. Its major disadvantage is that it requires a large area (20 to 30 acres). Hence, RIB would not be recommended if there were a high probability of future expansion. The estimated costs associated with this option are shown in the table below. The cost of conveyance to the treatment plant are based on an assumed forcemain length of 3 miles from the service area to the plant site. The estimated cost of the plant includes $100,000 for land purchase. Estimated Costs of Treatment Plant With Groundwater Discharge Item_ _ _ _ _ _ Cost_ _ Collection system _ 53,180 per REU Pump station and conveyance to plant site 5900,000, or $820 per REU Treatment plant $3.2 million, or $2,910 per REU TOTAL $6,910 per REU Estimated user charge $25 per quarter per REU Summary of Estimated Costs The estimated costs per residential equivalent unit for the four options are: Summary of Estimated Costs _Option ___ ___ _ 1: Albertville Connection Fee $6,180 per REU v User Charie $37 per quarter per REU 2: Existing Plant 8,180 40 3: New Act. Sludge Plant 7,230 50 4: RIB Facility 6,910 25 Other Issues Affecting Options In addition to differences in estimated costs, the four (4) options differ with respect to issues that affect their feasibility, as summarized below: Option 1: Service From Albertville Issues: Easiest to implement compared to other three options because Albertville handles discharge permitting issues. May require annexation. With this option, Otsego exercises less control as compared to other options. Agreements with Albertville are critical, especially with respect to termination of service if and when a better option for Otsego Wastewater Options in SW Otsego• D% Call me anytime at 651-604-4832 with questions or comments regarding this report. I am available to discuss the contents of this report with the City at any mutually convenient time. Respectfully submitted, BONESTROO, ROSENE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, INC. Ted K. Field Associate Principal Encl K .7 re li q OTSEGO SOUTHWEST SERVICE AREA Bonestroo Rosene OTSEGO, MINNESOTA Anderlik & Associates WASTEWATER SERVICE STUDY Engineers & Architects \503\50300101\cad\avproject\usgs_map.apr 11-15-00 Mike Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 — Re: Expansion of Otsego Wastewater Treatment Plant Our File No. 503-00-101 Dear Mike: Per your request, this letter contains an estimated cost and schedule for doubling the capacity of the Otsego wastewater treatment plant from 200,000 gallons per day (gpd) to 400,000 gpd. As we are all aware, the existing plant is currently permitted to discharge Lip to 400,000 gpd. Estimated Construction Costs See table below. ESTINIATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS r rr Cost li— 'Bonestroo 0 Rosene Bonestroo, Rosene, Anderlik and Associates, Inc. is an Affirmative A on%Equal Opportunity Employer and Employee Owned Principals: Otto G Bonestroo, PE • Marvin L Sorvala. PE. •Glenn R. Cook; O.E. • P, �) 2 0 U Robert G. Schunicht, PE. • Jerry A. Bourdon, P.E. j : ; •, Anderlik & Associates Senior Consultants: Robert W. Rosene, P.E. • Joseph C. Anderlik, P.E. • Ric aj Q Turn p ------ ------ Susan M. Eberlin, C.P.A. Associate Principals: Howard A. Sanford, PE. • Keith A. Gordon, P.E. • Rol:rl , RE. --� Richard W. Foster, P.E. • David O. Loskota. P.E. • Robert C. Russek, A.I.A. •Mark A. Hanson. P.E. Engineers & Architects Michael T. Rautmann, P.E. • Ted K.Field, P.E. • Kenneth P. Anderson, PE. • Mark R. Rolfs, P.E. David A. Bonestroo, M.B.A. • Sidney P. Williamson, P.E.. L.S. • Agnes M. Ring, M.B.A. • Allan Rick Schmidt, P.E. j S50,000 Offices: St. Paul. St. Cloud. Rochester and Willmar, MN • Milwaukee. WI S400,000 Website: www.bonestroo.com November 16, 2000 Additional electrical controls and instrumentation Mike Robertson City Administrator City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue NE Otsego MN 55330 — Re: Expansion of Otsego Wastewater Treatment Plant Our File No. 503-00-101 Dear Mike: Per your request, this letter contains an estimated cost and schedule for doubling the capacity of the Otsego wastewater treatment plant from 200,000 gallons per day (gpd) to 400,000 gpd. As we are all aware, the existing plant is currently permitted to discharge Lip to 400,000 gpd. Estimated Construction Costs See table below. ESTINIATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS Item Cost Replace manually -cleaned screen and grit removal system with automated equipment, including building expansion 5350,000 Additional oxidation ditch equal in volume to the two (2) existing ditches, including splitter box $350,000 addinonai final clarifier equal in capacity to the two (2) existing clarifiers Install additional LTV equipment for greater capacity S40,000 Additional sludge pumps. piping valves j S50,000 Install thickener w,'bldg to reduce sludge volume S400,000 Building Expansion for Laboratory S 100,000 Additional electrical controls and instrumentation S230,006 Miscellaneous piping and stn>ctures S 50,000 10° o contingence• I S 170,000 TOTAL S 1,980,000 2335 West Highway 36 ■ St. Paul, MN 55113 a 651-636-4600 • Fax: 651-636-1311 64 This 2"`' phase project provides two benefits to the City. One is the doubling of capacity from the 1'` phase project. The other is the construction of features that were excluded from the 1'` phase project to reduce costs, such as automated screening and grit removal, a laboratory, and a higher level of automation and controls. These features were excluded because of the small capacity and short expected service life of the I" phase. The attached sketch shows how the expansion project would appear. Estimated Engineering Costs See table below. ESThIATED ENGINEERING COSTS Item Cost Pre -design EA`V, MPCA approvals, etc.) S 7,000 Preparation of plans andspecifications S 120,000 Bidding S 16,000 Resident Construction Inspection S 64,000 Construction Engineering and Spec Interpretation S 52,000 Shop Drawing Review S 43,000 Start -lip Services S 2,000 Record Plans S 3,000 Operation and Maintenance Manual Revisions S 6,000 TOTAL 1 $313,000 Estimated Schedule The estimated time frame for the project is approximately 2 years. This schedule assumes 6 months for design (pre -design tasks and preparation of plans and specifications) and bidding, and 1S months for construction. This schedule also assumes that no outside funding assistance is secured. For example, if the City chooses to secure a low-interest loan through the State Revolving Loan Fund, a Facilities Plan must be prepared (approximately 3 months) and reviewed for funding approval by MPCA and the Public Facilities Authority (PFA) (up to 6 months). I hope this information meets your needs. Call me at (651)604-4832 if I may be of further assistance. Sincerely, BONESTROO„ROSE, ANDERLIK & ASSOCIATES, NC. I -e -d K 4” Ted K. Field Associate Principal I -j el <W rc SZ IP/ tA/ `�� X V i i Li > —Z x 3(), Yj Az�, w 0 wx 111 JU ni on lu lu a T N iw -j el <W rc SZ IP/ tA/ `�� X V i i Li > 3� 3(), Yj Az�, w 0 111 JU X MEMO Date: December 7, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Antenna Permit for Wireless Service Provider Mr. Steve Gowdy of StoneBridge Wireless has applied for an administrative permit to install antennas on the City water tower. These antennas would be a couple feet high, and would be used to provide wireless high speed internet service to the residents of Otsego. While this could be handled by administrative permit most cities charge rent to companies who place antennas on their water towers and I want the Council to approve any such rental agreement. Mr. Gowdy met with Councilmember Heidner and myself a few months ago to discuss his service. We discussed a variety of ways that he could provide service to the City as a means of reducing the rent he would have to pay for using our water tower. One of those ways was providing high speed wireless service to City Hall. We told him that the City did not have any policies about what rent to charge for use of the water tower but that we thought something could be worked out. I have enclosed a page of his application entitled "Suggested Value of services provided to the City of Otsego". This page lays out his proposal for paying rent to Otsego for use of our water tower. (Please excuse the notes on the page). Mr. Gowdy proposes to install a wireless radio antenna at City Hall valued at $149. He also proposes to install a Small Medium Enterprise Bridge (SME) Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) at City Hall valued at $1,150. These two pieces of equipment would connect City Hall's computer network to high speed internet access. He also proposes to provide 640K monthly internet access with 10 e-mail addresses for a fee of $125 per month, and host our web site for $50 per month., As he indicates in his summary, this would be a one time value of $1,299 and an ongoing monthly value of $175. On the chart at the bottom of the page he shows the cash value to the City if he pays $50/month per antenna. The chart is based on Mr. Gowdy putting three antennas on the water tower the first month, adding three more antennas in the fourth month, three more in the sixth month, and four more in the eighth month. Mr. Gowdy is proposing that the City would not pay him for the installation of $1,299 worth of equipment at City Hall, and not pay him for $175 of monthly services he will provide City Hall, but instead allow him to put his antenna rent toward paying that money off. That allows him to reduce his upfront expenses. It means the City would not pay anything up front for high speed internet access, but also would not receive any cash for rental of the water tower until those installation costs had been worked off. Under Mr. Gowdy's proposed scenario, he would eventually have 13 antennas on the water tower and be paying $650 rent per month, minus the $175 for on-going services, for a total of $475 rent a month. Once all 13 antennas were up, the City would be netting $5,700 in rent per year. Mr. Gowdy will be present to discuss his proposal with Council on Monday, December 11, 2000. wireles.wps 2 Suggested Value of services provided to the city of Otsego StoneBridge Wireless, Inc. will provide the following to the City hall of Otsego: Inst ternet radio/antenna connection Value $ 149.00 Small Medium Enterprise Bridge (SME) ustomer Premise Equipment E Value $ 1,150.00 Monthly Internet access c arge ow up inc u es a -mail addresses) Value $ 125.00 N7 Hosting the Otsego Web site per month charge value $ 50.00 Summary One time value $ 1,299.00 On going monthly value $ 175.00 or $2,100.00 per year Example of potential value to the City of Otsego Estimated water tower rental per antenna $ 50.0 per month Months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Totals Antennas 3 3 3 6 6 9 9 13 13 13 13 13 Antenna Revenue 150 150 150 300 300 450 450 650 650 650 650 650 5200 Access/Hosting Charge 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 175 2100 Credit Balance(c'q;" r//°° 1324 1349 1374 1249 1124 849 574 99 -376 -475 -475 -475 Net Revenue JJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 376 475 475 475 $ 1,801 Second year net water tower antenna revenue to the City of Otsego $ 5,700.00 (13 antennas) StoneBridge Wireless, Inc. 11/14/00 Page 3 DEC -07-2000 11:41 NAC 612 595 9837 P _12/07 � a� rw�$x �►��a���x�� CONSUkTANTS1, P Alt% 5775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, St. Louis Park, MN -3416 Telephone: 952.595.9636 Facsimile: 852.595.9837 nac(gwinterne corn MEMORANDUM t TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council lV FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: 6 December 2000 RE: Otsego - Zoning Ordinance; Residential Access FILE NO.: 176.08 - 00.14 At the direction of the City Council, the Planning Commission has reviewed the issue of residential access width. After reviewing Staffs initial comments and potential changes fo the Zoning Ordinance, a public hearing was held on December4, 2000 to solicit input from the public. Comments received from the public ranged from agreement with staff's recommendation to proposals to allow driveway widths to be the same as the width of the garage foundation. The Planning Commission rejected this approach in that it would allow for driveways potentially as wide as 45 feet, based upon current accessory building allowances. Such an approach would also be problematic in cases where there is an attached and detached structures. It must be emphasized again that driveway width allowances is a traffic issue and r)ot related to accessory building standards. The access standards are only intended 'to provide adequate access to/from the property and not necessarily ensure circulation on- site. If a property owner intends to construct a large garage or accessory structure, it is their responsibility to site it on the property in a manner that it can be accessed. The City'S front yard setback standards are minimum requirements, which do not preclude setting a garage or accessory building farther back from the street if additional area is necessary for circulation. This issue is similar to the site planning necessary for commercial and industrial developments to accommodate loading docks. DEC -07-2000 11:42 NAC 1 612 595 9937 P J3/07 Another issue raised by the public was howthe City would address existing driveways that =r exceed the existing or proposed driveway standards. Those non -conforming driveways that the Building Official identified as part of the building review process and for which the City is currently holding escrow will be required to meet the Zoning Ordinance standard Existing driveways that exceed the existing or proposed standard that have not been previously identified by the City as part of the building process would be addressed under the non -conforming use provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The driveways will be allowed to remain as they currently exist until such time as they are replaced either by the property owner or by the City as part of a public Improvement project. In such situationS, the new driveway access must conform to the requirement of the Zoning Ordinance irl effect at that time. In addition to the public comments, the Planning Commission discussion focused or) whether to change the existing standards and the best method to do so. There was 3 consensus that increasing the driveway width on urban section streets to 30 to 32 feet would likely not cause significant impacts. There was some disagreement as to whether the existing 24 foot standard should be maintained on rural section streets, SS recommended by staff. Following the discussion, the Planning Commission voted 4-2 t© recommend approval of the attached amendment. Commissioners Kolles and Mooneyl voted against the motion because they believe that the standard should be uniform and not distinguish between rural and urban section streets. PC. Mike Robertson Elaine Beatty Judy Hudson Andy MacArthur Larry Koshak DEC -07-2000 11:42 NAC ORDINANCE NO.: CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA 612 595 9837 P 34/07 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING STREET ACCESS STANDARDS OF THE OTSEGO ZONING ORDINANCE TO ALLOW INCREASED DRIVEWAY WIDTH TO URBAN SECTION STREETS FOR RESIDENTIAL USES. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF OTSEGO DOES HEREBY ORDAIN: Section 1. Section 20-22-4.H.7 of the Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended to read as follows: 7 Street Access Width. a. Single Family, Two -Family, Townhouse, Quadraminim and Manor Home Units (1) S� Streets. The maximum width of an access to an urban section street within the right-of-way shall not -exceed thirty (30) feet, as defined by the Engineering Manual. Rural Section Streets. The maximum width of arl access to 8n rural section street within the right-of-way shall- not exioed twenty-four (24) feet, as defined by the Engineering Manual. b. Other Uses. Except as provided for by Section 20-22-4.H.7.a aboYe, the maximum width of an access onto any public street shall not exceed twenty four (24) feet, as defined by the Engineering Manuet<, except as may be approved by the City Engineer in the case of trand circulation needs. DEC -07-2000 11:43 NAC 612 595 9837 P.d5i07 Section 2. and publication. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon Its passeSe PASSED by the Otsego City Council this IIth okay of December 2000. CITY OF OTSEGO BY. Larry Fournier, Mayor ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk DEC -07-2000 11:43 NAC CITY OF OT S -IPJ -:j G O WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Applicant's Name: City of Otsego 612 595 9837 F J6i07 Zaning Ordinance Amendment Findings of fract & Decision Request: Art ordinance amending street access standards of the Otsego Zoning Ordinance to allow increased driveway width to urban section streets for residential uses . City Council Meeting Date: 1.1 December 2000 Findings of Fact: Based upon review of the application, the recommendation of the Planning Commission and evidence received, the City Council. of the Cita of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact: The Planning Concession and City Council must take into consideration the possible effects of the Zoning Map amendment with their judgement based upon (but not limited to) the -criteria outlined in Section 20-3-2_F of the Zoning Ordinance: A. The proposed action's consistency with the specific policies and provisions of the offrciai City Comprehensive- Plan. Finding: The following policies may be cited in support of the proposed use: All street system facilities shaµ be planned, designed and developed according to the highest standards, giving due considefation to -both -land use -and ovefa# transpo4ahon goals and policies. (Policy Plan, p. 56) Proper visibility, design and control of all intersections shall be required to promote safety. (Policy Plan, p. 56) B. The proposed- us�'sr compatib+tity with present and future land uses of the -area. Finding. The proposed performance standards will be compatible with the intended use to which it applies. C. The- proposed rise's confof tits Wtf-r ail- perfofmance standards, contained E1 the Zoning Ordinance (i.e., parking, loading, noise, etc.). Finding: The proposed -performance standar-ds is consistent with other performance standards within the Zoning Ordinance regulating property access. D. The proposed use's effect upon- the area irr which it is pfoposed DEC -07-2000 11:44 NAC 612 595 9837 P.1/07 Finding: The proposed -performance standard is not anticipatedto-have-any ne3 ative impact to traffic management or desired residential character. E. The proposed use's impact upon property velttes of the area irrwhich It is proposed. Finding: Although no study has been completed, the proposed performance is not anticipated to negatively impact area -property values. F. Traffic generation by the proposed use in relation to the capabilities of SFteets serving the property. Finding: The proposed performance standard does not e#ed traffic genefatic F2 and may result in less congestion in the public street. G. The proposed use's impact upon- existing public services and facilfts including parks, schools, streets, and utilities and its potential to overburden the City's service capacity. Finding: The proposed performance standard is. not anticipated fie have a negative impact to the City's service capacity. 2. The planning report dated} 43 .lune 2000 prepared- bit the City Panner, Northwest Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 3. The Otsego Planning Commission conducted- a public hearing at their regular meeting on 4 December 2000 to consider the application, preceded by published and mailed notice. Upon review of the- appfication ant- evidence received-, the Otsego Planning Commission closed the public hearing and recommended by a 42 vote that the City Council approve the amendment based on the afer-emerftioFled findings. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requested Zoning Ordinance amendment is hereby approved based- en- the most current plan- and information received to date. PASSED by the Otsego City, Eatmif this 11th day, of December, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO By: _ Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning. Administrator/City Derk 2 TOT ,L P.07 DEC -07-2000 11:46 NAC 612 595 9637 P J2i09 AV Assec4ktalb 440 N$uILtAItt$4 t< it, 775 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 555, �t_ Louis Park, MN t J416 e lephone:: 952.595.9536 Facsimile: 952.595.9837 nac@wlnternc � com MEMORANDUM TO: Otsego Mayor and City Council FROM: Daniel Licht DATE: C December 2000 RE: Otsego -1-94 West Industrial Park; Final Plat Amendment FILE NO.: 176.02 - 00.31 On October 23, 2000, the City Council approved a final plat for a twelve tot industrial subdivision entitled Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park. The developer, Rhea Development, Inc. has submitted- revised-ptans for their firraf plat app-Heatiorr The- devetcper wisps to phase development of the industrial park, with the intial development consisting of three tots, two outlots and right-of-wayfor the proposed public street. In terms of consistency with the preliminary plat, the amended final plat would combine the two western lot on the north side of the public street as one parcel. The two, Pots on the south side of the public right-of-way are consistent with the design of the preliminary plat The only potential issue is the extent to whfctrthe developer is intending-ta construct Ole public street. The developer should clarify if they intend only partial construction of the street to serve the platted lots. Iri that construction of the street: is the devefoper'S responsibility, it should be constructed the full frontage of the platted lots, which would be to the east line of Lot 1', Block 2. Subject to further comment from other City Staff regarding the revised plans the City Council may approve the amended final plat subject to the conditions outlined in 00 attached -findings of fact_ Exhibits: A. Preftfnary Plat. pc. Nke Robertson B. Approved Final Plat. Elaine Beatty C. Proposed Final Plat Larry Koshak D. Findings of Fact. Andy. MacArthur DEC -0? -2000 11:46 NAC 612 595 9837 P.J3i09 f 46 1�arv,r �a:M t EXHIBIT DEC -07-2000 11:4? NAC /al /a ria �`/11i Ol L'17nra 7,ld �H Nf1 612 595 9837 F.J4/09 ..Sl �g / , h br 33SA J5 `, `J / C t / / / •� � a I/ /y EXHI'_ :' B-1 A* o �g / , h br 33SA J5 `, `J / C t / / / •� � a I/ /y EXHI'_ :' B-1 DEC -0? -2000 11:52 z --tjoJ;;L- - Y v r• uo/91/a �n3a owe -Yn 'd �40Nn 3NIl HO.LVM 3 612 595 9837 P.05/09 t� 1 -.e :a 1 I I 4 T 1 larl LL r { 1 , ig n i I 1 1 - , 1 { { I /'� • N I � I a 1 Y� r a � I 1f 1 1 uo/91/a �n3a owe -Yn 'd �40Nn 3NIl HO.LVM 3 612 595 9837 P.05/09 t� 1 -.e :a 1 I I 4 1 larl LL Ix ISI n i I .1 I �- 1 1f w EXHIBIT 5-2 DEC -07-2000 11:52 NAC Is co Q 612 595 9837 P.:J6i09 O �• i+r � —D 1 i s W9 ir j 1• FaX:'.Tfi C-1 / x •`� � i "moi � . / i i dd / z - c4DW.^— ' J FaX:'.Tfi C-1 DEC -07-2000 11:53 NAC 14 FSI 612 595 9837 F.37i09 9 N Sgt ti iP xs w ► f z _ L p~ � � 'sY _' � ' �• Scitt�nZ o="eaT� i[m�.onp- �' ira•�ur� .� �, _ •3'N 3f13AY yjiQY% 1 li i EX1 .'tIC-z fills • N Sgt ti iP xs w ► f z _ L p~ � � 'sY _' � ' �• Scitt�nZ o="eaT� i[m�.onp- �' ira•�ur� .� �, _ •3'N 3f13AY yjiQY% 1 li i EX1 .'tIC-z DEC -07-2000 11:53 NAC C`IT'Y {01F 0"TSE G0 WRIGHTCOUNTY, MENWESOTA Applicant's Name: Rhea Development Inc. 612 595 9837 F . JS/09 Amended Final Plat Findings of Fact & Decision Request: Request for final plat approval of an amended final plat for the Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park, consisting of three industrial lots and two outlots. City Councit Meeting Date: 11 December 2000 Findings of Fact. Based upon review of the application, the City Council of the City of Otsego now makes the following findings of fact_ 1. The legal description of the property is as described by Exhibit A_ 2. The property ties within•the Long Range Service Area and is guided for industrial land uses by the 1998 Comprehensive Plan Update. 3. The property is zoned 1-2, Generat Industrial District. 4. A preliminary plat for the proposed subdivision was approved by the Otsego City Council on August 12, 2000. 5. The Otsego 1-94 West Industrial Park Final Plat, consisting of 12 lots and public right-of- way was approved by the Otsego City Council on October 23, 2000, subject to condr#ons. 6. The applicant is requesting approvat of an amendment to the final plat to provide for three lots, two outlots and public right-of-way to allow for phased development. 7. The proposed amended final plat consists of three tots that meet the minimum 1-2 District area and width requirements of 2.0 acres and 200 feet respectively. 8. The memorandum dated 6 December 2000 prepared by the City Planner, Norfhm. st Associated Consultants, Inc., is incorporated herein. 9. The final plat application is processed in accordance with the provisions of Section 21-3-3 of the Subdivision Ordinance. Decision: Based on the foregoing information and applicable ordinances, the requestedfmai plat application is hereby approved based on the most current plan and information received to date, subject to the following conditions: Aft existing residential and- agricultural buildings are demolished by June 2001. EXhUlT D DEC -07-2000 11:54 NAC 612 595 9837 F.U9i09 2. All grading and easement issues are subject to review of the Otsego Creek Watershed Board and approval of the City Engineer. 3. The applicant shall demonstrate that all lots have adequate area forprimaryand secondary septic systems and well facilities, subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 4. Park and trail dedication shall be made as a cash fee in lieu of Farrd in accordance wfth the Subdivision Ordinance, subject to review of the Parks and Recreation Commission and approval of the City Council. 5. The applicant shall enter into a development contract and post all required securities and fees, subject to review and approval of the City Attorney. 6. All construction plans shall be subject to review and approval of the City Engineer. 7. The internal public street shall be constructed by the developerthe full frontage oftfle lots to be finat platted. PASSED by the Otsego City Council this '11th day of December, 2000. Attest: CITY OF OTSEGO By: Larry Fournier, Mayor Elaine Beatty, Zoning Administrator/City Clerk 2 TOT�:L P.09 COPY OTSEGO I-94 WEST INDUSTRIAL PARK BT TN6t PYL4CMT9 B.Nn.�uM.vd .red N.. Ix e.s.n .red PY.. CemP.nY.. Yanxou WOIad P.nnmWp. entre p eWwr a tN Io11o.Iw acre p W 1 twua m A.0 a Ylme..u. Ceupn a 3Nh to P-. z.`.°intn:.°.tp.rwl .lp. WN.. .w mi pa'rT`.�.ww uo�°we w rI::�ee`�'r`:. s..uen n. m.n.wp u OTSLC I- pDUA3YL PARI[ .n u W. pu p 0< P. u w n. u .eom on W� pl.t ALe a.ue.em3 u a. eYe.Ltdi pt.t dorxd uWI�Y` ..d B.I.r.. h—d .red N.. h... hx..na ,.t W.,, wed, ta. __ _ Y W ----------------------- ao in n n +eI .e .. Inn. . ftl—hip h. c.— the.. pl.— to S. [ l Ia G...nl P.rtnx 1- ------------------ -Y hu______ _ ________BP ID. ler.{mn, mtrumea .v ---SW caw. w tv, ___— d.Y a b7 Im a ft. .red lumtn Ann Bq n. n.,ewe we YY wmmlwMm upin3— ------- _ TE. to .{eW hM wa Lmn.0 > rm. W W. on n.har el te. P r. c............. .r Bh.. cempw. rYtm Yf e+�ImIN 3� nnYY Ih. a.. wt u DI3LG0 I -P. RST 0aDU3IPW. —and W tha. Pato . ..uY P—d m th. 1— . lb— th. p • pl.tu . u. ne .•v IUN a NI1ud m Yun,ou A.tu�x 500.02 9uSe. 1 P Ye W3h..Y. a M e..l3n �.d on b p- Wu u .I thm.o. LY I PP —.u.-- Ylm.wt. IAc.ew M. 1]D3l Wnn.m� uw<.nm.. x. loose ret..., .<me.Nd3•d wmr. m. th,. __ d > l _____---_. _________ ma.Y WWe ___— _ Lowly. YaNra I neneY .•rtuT Net u,., wYeel. In tea Ye.r ______ en anN h.nW d.wne.e .n PW eW __— NPN __---- —____________ cW__ w13et e..mY Tn.e.r.r TBu q.l .I OI400 I -W RBT DIWSTWL PARK .v uMe•.d end uwga W IN Gly a O V. Wnn.na. 1 • -t— mxtud W..xl cele uu -------- - -- __________ Aum 4.mmu end ncomm.ne.0 fw .PProxl Wa. ______ NI a Z00— _____________ ___. wyXt CewlP 3ur.XPw nrtYY W.l N. Inarvm.ol en lhu plat ti — m WI. am. Iw — w W — NP a . 3e0__ .t _______ day r..,d.d JoM OAvw A Associ t$S. Inc l SHEET 1 Of 3 SHEETS COPY OTSEGO I-94 WEST INDUSTRIAL - PARK r n. woe.«a nb 4.L wswm Lrra pr^ew W Nity Eawmmb >. >wo.n muv IM SE 1/E a Zeg 21, 7..1 R. 2e b wrrrirl e xerw u•N']3' Mt I I t -I OUTLOT A I o poet« 1/2 itU . Ie i1U 4.w mrwmr.t ul .ip o Dl k plug lt~ R.L.S IM51. Irl i plwt« I/2 Ina . u — -- Imra iJo51. 1 I ,�` \ \ 614.79 �.ri0 �9• r.., pe• -k 1.9 -1~ ps. 61x.19 _ • 'id N.E. • I\ \ Dy'� _--__ __ _� S NS.SY I nam 669.20 li to Dg 1 �Inin Hr of •cEPp tnb plat. unbu olnrriu nett. Bert' b r«l b weln, VN«e etnrrw wticele0. 21 • o.nel« .w mrwm.ne rwna. as eob•+w r1y.t or .gr m« rte eeener7 weR a«. b 8 N I • I � \ ~�� /$�� / / ^ham>�� �Y I r;� ��\l 4.g t.wn9 s r«tr, eM egbn.q lol W«. w Mo« mnU peL� � —__ - ____- I \ \ b''. 66C ~' � ry _ "S J Vi;. \ I N89'47'22'W 737.54- at > M ar. V. O M SE 1/�. Su ],. � -bIM IwE OI M rOUM I/2 Y M 1. --N89'41'39'W 2625.25- -" --- �----------------- 601 11------------------- a7.0 aam A67A \ a M OUTLOT A I 21 Egg.n \ .:!. a M •E nae :,.R I i G� 1 I ,�` \ \ 614.79 �.ri0 �9• r.., N69'N'39•R \\\ 71ST STREET 61x.19 _ • 'id N.E. • I\ \ Dy'� _--__ __ _� S NS.SY I nam 669.20 li 21 b 8 N I • I � \ ~�� /$�� / / ^ham>�� �Y I r;� ��\l � —__ - ____- I \ \ b''. 66C ~' � ry _ "S J Vi;. \ � R. �•C u°'W 1 .L I �- I \ 6 \ L "1 Iz OUTLOT GRAPHIC SCALE lax o so tm 2. \ 4 4 \ `do. sem' I \ a ( acus IR rz1T 1 � � \ S?�'//• �-�___ I c.ae•aryt 1.196.6a � 1148.82 -- \-.f0b1. LK R n( Zr. I/. av M ZC 1/•. at T `- ]Mr trt V M sMr �/2 6 M � Va II— — — 1rov OTSEGO 1-94 WEST INDUSTRIAL PARK N89*41'39'W 2625.25-- 1489'39'33"W 1148.82 -- ----- ---- — — — — — — :-------------L3.._----------- — — — — --------- — — — — — — OFF WAY N GRAPHIC SCALE loo w loo zoo p._ — .." --ft .. — —II - I Fen --I • o—'. 1/2 mtll w Ia i.p. Fan monument p..l. pug .loop. R.L.S. 15057. oftWI A SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS k%i CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 6. Dan Licht, City Planner: Elaine Beatty December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION• 6.1. Consider Zoning Ordinance Amendment Regarding Driveway Width. 6.2. Review of I-94 West Industrial Park - Revised Final Plat to be phased. 6.3. Any Other Planning Business BACKGROUND: Dan Licht will be present to explain and discuss the following items. 6.1., 6.2, See attached reports from Dan Licht. The City Engineer will be present also for comments. 6.3. This is for any other planning business that needs discussion. REC0NMENDATION• These items are for Council consideration for approval or denial Thanks, r Elame CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 7. Larry Koshak, City Engineer: Elaine Beatty, December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 7.1. Consider approvals of Partial Pay Estimate #2 for 88TH ST & Quaday Ave. Utility Improvements to S. R. Wiedema in the Amount of $174,123.85. 7.2. Consider approval of Partial Pay Estimate #7 for 78TH ST., Quaday Ave & Page Ave. St. and Utility Construction to Latour Const. for $60,202.18. 7.3. Consider approval of Final Pay Est. #8 for Trunk Sewer & Water to Barbarossa for $72,975.57. 7.4. Any Other Engineering business BACKGROUND: 7.1. and 7.3. See enclosed information. Larry Koshak will be present to explain. 7.4. This is for any other Engineering Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These items are for Council discussion and decision. Thanks, Elaine CITY OF OTSEGO CITY ENGINEER COUNCIL AGENDA ITEMS COUNCIL MEETING 12/11/00 Item 7.1 Consider approvals of Partial Pay Estimate #2 for 88th St. & Quaday Ave. Utility improvements to S.R. Wiedema in the amount of $174,123.85. Item 7.2 Consider approval of Partial Pay Estimate #7 for 78th St., Quaday Ave. & Page Ave. street and utility construction to Latour Construction in the amount of $60,202.18. Item 7.3 Consider approval of Final Pay Estimate #8 for Otsego Trunk Sewer & Water to Barbarossa in the amount of $72,975.57. Item 7.4 Any other engineering business. \\Ha01\Shared DocsWunicipaRAOTS EGO\901 \2000\ot901 agenda 12-11-OO.doc PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 ITEM 7.1 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. December 5, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 RE: IP 00-02, Utility Imp. On Quaday Ave.. 72nd to 781h St. IP -00-03, Utility Imp. On 881h St. N.E., CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Contractor. S.R. Weidema Contract Amount: $564,690.70 Award Date: October 10, 2000 Completion Date: Final Completion by June 1, 2001 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project PART A - COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street Bid Schedule "A" - Streets Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Price Used to Date Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS $2,365.00 1.00 $2,365.00 2 2101.502 Clearing 5 TREE $250.00 $194.00 1.00 3 2101.507 Grubbing 5 TREE $100.00 EACH $59.60 4 1 2104.501 1 Remove and Salvage Concrete Culvert 60 LF $7.44 60.00 1 $446.40 5 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb 80 LF $2.15 30.00 $64.50 6 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1600 SF $0.15 400.00 $60.00 7 2104.509 Remove Concrete Apron 4 EACH $80.55 2.00 $161.10 8 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 140 LF $3.00 $47,850.00 33 9 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Driveway Culvert 28 LF $9.66 28.00 $270.48 10 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 4 EACH $65.00 $1,425.50 2.00 11 2104.521 ISalvage & Reinstall Barbed Wire Fence 365 LF $3.00 EACH $2,583.00 12 2104.521 Salvage & Reinstall Mailbox 3 EACH $80.00 3.00 $240.00 13 2104.521 Salvage & Relocate Woven Wire Fence 315 LF $3.00 150.00 $450.00 14 2104.521 Salvage & Relocate Barbed Wire Fence 325 LF $3.00 2511.501 1 Random Riprap Class III 15 2105.501 Common Excavation (P) 3600 CY $2.14 3,600.00 $7,704.00 16 2105.507 Salvage & Replace Class 5 Aggregate 1200 CY $2.05 600.00 $1,230.00 17 2105.535 Salvage & Replace Topsoil 1500 CY $0.01 1,500.00 $15.00 18 2211.501 1 Class 5 Aggregate 800 TON $6.65 897.00 $5,965.05 19 1 2340.508 IType 41 Wearing Course Mixture 20 TON $65.00 20 1 2340.514 IType 31 Base Course Mixture 24 TON $65.00 21 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design 8618 80 LF $20.00 22 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $1,400.00 1.00 $1,400.00 23 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Machine Sliced 200 LF $3.30 100.00 $330.00 24 2575.501 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 7 ACRE $1,400.00 25 2575.505 Sodding 90 SY $4.00 Total - Bid Schedule "A" Rid Schedule "B"- Storm Sewer $20,701.53 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 26 2501.515 18" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $354.55 1.00 $354.55 27 2501.602 Trash Guard for 18" Pipe Apron 1 EACH $194.00 1.00 $194.00 28 2501.602 15" Dia. Concrete Plug 4 EACH $59.60 4.00 $238.40 29 1 2502.541 15" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 725 LF 1 $21.62 718.00 $15,523.16 30 2503.541 18" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 8 LF $30.66 8.00 $245.28 31 2503.541 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 1746 LF $38.95 1,735.00 $67,578.25 32 2503.541 30" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 800 LF $63.80 750.00 $47,850.00 33 2503.602 Connect to Existing Storm Sewer 1 EACH $423.00 1.00 $423.00 34 2506.501 48" Storm Manhole w/Casting (11.7' and 11.8') 2 EACH $1,425.50 2.00 $2,851.00 35 2506.501 60" Storm Manhole w/Casting (12.4' to 18') 6 EACH $2,583.00 6.00 $15,498.00 36 2506.501 72" Storm Manhole w/Casting (9.6' and 7' and 107) 3 EACH $3.080.00 3.00 $9,240.00 37 2506.501 Furnish and Install Box Structure 1 EACH $4,486.00 0.45 $2,018.70 38 2511.501 1 Random Riprap Class III 1 5.9 CY $72.20 5.00 $361.00 Total - Bid Schedule "B" shared docs/munidpaVaotsego/6151W615BP PE - 1 Pay EeGmate 2 $162,375.34 12/6/00 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St- NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 39 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (0'- 121 145 LF $24.60 153.00 $3.763.80 40 2503.511 12' SDR 26 PVC Pipe (17 - 161 1126 LF $24.60 1,126.00 $27,699.60 41 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (16'- 20') 1263 LF $24.60 1,263.00 $31,069.80 42 2503.602 Conned to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 EACH 5425.00 1.00 $425.00 43 2503.602 12"X 4' PVC Wye - SDR 26 3 1 EACH $118.25 1 4.00 $473.00 44 2503.602 12" X 6' PVC Wye - SDR 26 1 EACH $124.40 1.00 $124.40 45 2503.602 4" PVC Plug 4 EACH $1.00 4.00 $4.00 46 2503.602 6" PVC Plug 1 EACH $4.00 1.00 $4.00 47 2503.603 4" PVC Service Pipe - SDR 26 112 LF 57.80 123.00 $959.40 48 2503.603 6' PVC Service Pipe - SDR 26 45 LF $8.65 43.00 $371.95 49 2621.603 24" Steel Casing Pipe (Jacked) 100 LF $158.00 100.00 $15,800.00 50 2506.501 48" Sanitary Manhole w/Casting (0' to 81 8 EACH $1,658.00 8.00 $13,264.00 51 2506.603 Extra Depth 48' Sanitary Manhole (over 8') 58.03 LF $122.80 52.03 $6,389.28 51a 2621 Televising 2534 LF $0.45 Total - Bid Schedule "C" $100.348.23 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 52 2503.603 6" Sewer Pipe Ductile Iron CL 50 20 LF $21.00 20.00 5420.00 53 2503.620 Ductile Iron Fittings 635 LB $1.55 919.00 $1,424.45 54 2504.602 1" Corporation 4 EACH $28.70 4.00 $114.80 55 2504.602 1" Curb Stop & Box 4 EACH $87.50 4.00 $350.00 56 2504.602 Conned to Existing Watennain 1 EACH I 5317.90 1.00 $317.90 57 2504.602 6" Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH $473.50 1.00 1 5473.50 58 2504.603 1" Copper Pipe 208 LF $8.00 198.00 $1.584.00 59 2504.605 2" Watennain Insulation 320 SF 51.30 320.00 5416.00 Total - Bid Schedule "D" Summary, PART A: Bid Schedule "A": Bid Schedule '6": Bid Schedule "C': Bid Schedule "0": Total PART A - COP 00-02: $5,100.65 $20,701.53 $162,375.34 $100.348.23 $5,100.65 $288,525.75 shared docslmuniopallaot3egcl6l5/ot615BP PE - 2 12/5100 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. PART B - COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th Street N.E., CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Rid Schedule "F" - Streets Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 1 2021.501 Mobilization 1 LS 54,000.00 1.00 $4,000.00 2 2104.501 Remove Concrete Curb 500 LF $2.05 500.00 51,025.00 3 2104.501 Salvage & Reinstall Driveway Culvert 65 LF S6.80 32.00 $217.60 4 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 1100 SY $1.15 1,100.00 $1.265.00 5 2104.513 Sawing Bit Pavement (Full Depth) 500 LF $2.50 565.00 $1.412.50 6 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall FES 2 EA 5183.00 1.00 $183.00 7 2104.523 Salvage & Reinstall Sign 1 EA $65.00 16.00 $572.80 8 2105.501 Common Excavation (P) 4100 CY $1.30 4,100.00 $5.330.00 9 2105.507 Salvage & Replace Class 5 Aggregate 180 CY $2.63 180.00 5473.40 10 2105.535 Salvage & Replace Topsoil 1500 CY $2.54 1,500.00 $3,810.00 11 2211.501 Class 5 Aggregate 135 TON $6.40 280.50 $1,795.20 12 2340.508 Type 41 Wearing Course 50 TON 565.00 1.00 $3,400.00 13 2573.501 Bale Checks 50 LF $3.00 1.00 $3,665.00 14 2575.501 1 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 1 ACRE $1,400.00 1.00 $3,821.00 Total - Bid Schedule "E" MH "F" - qt- q- $19,511.70 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 15 2501.515 48" RC Pipe Apron 1 EACH $989.00 1.00 $989.00 16 2501.602 Trash Guard for 48' Pipe Apron 1 EACH $655.00 1.00 $655.00 17 2501.602 15" Dia. Concrete Plug 1 EACH $55.65 1.00 $55.65 18 1 2501.602 27" Dia. Concrete Plug 2 1 EACH $86.15 2.00 1 $172.30 19 2501.602 30" Dia. Concrete Plug 1 EACH $94.65 1.00 $94.65 20 2502.541 15' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 8 LF $23.25 8.00 $186.00 21 2503.541 27' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 16 LF $35.80 16.00 $572.80 22 2503.541 30' RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 8 LF $53.60 8.00 $428.80 23 2503.541 42" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL V (all depths) 433 LF $97.60 447.00 543.627.20 24 2503.541 48" RC Pipe Sewer Design 3006 CL III (all depths) 550 LF $79.65 558.00 544,444.70 25 2506.502 66" Storm Manhole w/Casting (11.61 1 EACH $2,830.00 1.00 $2,830.00 26 2506.502 78" Storm Manhole w/2 Castings (7.81 1 EACH $3,400.00 1.00 $3,400.00 27 2506.502 84' Storm Manhole w/2 Castings (6.61 1 EACH $3,665.00 1.00 $3,665.00 28 2506.502 90' Storm Manhole w/2 Castings (6.01 1 EACH S3,821.00 1.00 $3,821.00 29 2511.501 Random Riprap Class III 20 CY $63.25 15.00 $948.75 30 2521.541 Jack -Bore 42' RCP CL III T 80-1 LF $477.00 1 88.00 $41,976.00 $147,866.55 Change Order #1 - Otsego Project 2000-03 25a 2506.502 66" to 72" Storm Manhole w/ Castings (MH 18-1) 1 EACH $1,080.00 1.00 $1,080.00 26a 2506.502 78" to 84" Storm Manhole w/ Castings (MH 18-2) 1 EACH 5932.00 1.00 $932.00 28a 2506.502 1 90" to 96" Storm Manhole w/ Castings (MH 18-6) 1 EACH $967.00 1.00 $967.00 Total - Bid Schedule "F" $2,979.00 $150,845.85 Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 31 2503.511 8' SDR 26 PVC Pipe (12' - 16') 59 LF 525.55 66.00 51,686.30 32 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (16'- 20') 400 LF 525.55 400.00 510,220.00 33 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (20'- 24') 384 LF 525.55 384.00 $9,811.20 34 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (24'- 28') 90 LF 525.55 90.00 $2,299.50 35 1 2503.602 Conned to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 1 EACH 1 $794.00 1.001 794.00 36 2503.602 8'X 6' PVC Wye - SDR 26 2 EACH 556.85 2.00 5113.70 37 2503.602 6" PVC Plug 2 EACH 53.32 2.00 56.64 38 2503.603 6' PVC Service Pipe - SDR 26 64 LF 518.80 63.00 51,184.40 39 25C6.501 48" Sanitary Manhole w/Casting (0' to 8') 3 EACH 51,658.00 3.00 54,974.00 40 2506.603 Extra Depth 48" Sanitary Manhole (over 8') 29.3 LF $122.80 29.30 $3.598.04 40a 2621 Televising 933 LF 50.45 Total - Bid Schedule "G" shared docs/muniupaUaolsago/815/m8158P PE - 3 Pay Esumale 7 $34,687.78 12/5/00 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. Flirt Crharii rlo 'W". Watar C -A - Item No. Spec. Ref. Description Estimated Number of Units Unit Unit Cost Used to Date Extension 41 2503.603 12" Ductile Iron Cl 52 900 LF $22.65 900.00 $20,385.00 42 2503.603 8' Ductile Iron Cl 52 84 LF $17.00 84.00 $1,428.0 43 2503.603 6" Ductile Iron CL 52 47 LF $17.00 50.00 $850.0 44 1 2503.620 Ductile Iron Fittings 2570 LB 51.30 2,570.00 $3,341.0 45 2504.602 Conned to Existing Watermain 1 EACH $371.00 1.00 $371.00 46 2504.602 6' Gale Valve and Box 4 EACH 5435.00 4.00 $1.740.00 47 2504.602 8" Gate Valve and Box 1 EACH $612.00 1.00 $612.0 48 2504.602 12" Butterfly Valve and Box 2 EACH $878.00 2.00 $1,756.0 49 2504.603 Hydrant Extension 2 LF 5422.00 50 2504.603 Salvage 8' DIP 20 LF $7.30 20.00 $146. 51 2504.602 Salvage 16' x 8' Reducer 1 EACH $159.00 1.00 $159. 52 2504.602 Salvage 8" DIP Plug 1 EACH $26.50 1.00 $26.5 53 2504.605 2" Insulation 775 SF $1.00 755.00 $755. 54 2504.602 Hydrant 2 EACH $1,468.00 2.00 $2.936.0 55 2621 Relocation of 16" Watermain 1 LS $4,151.00 1.00 $4,151. 56 2621 Temporary Water Service 1 LS 57,280.00 1.00 $7,280. Total - Bid Schedule "H" Summary, PART B: Bid Schedule "E": Bid Schedule "F": Bid Schedule'G": Bid Schedule "H": Total PART B - COP 00-03: SUMMARY OF WORK TO DATE: PART A, Bid Schedules A,B,C,D: PART B, Bid Schedules E,F,G,H: WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: LESS 5% RETAINAGE: LESS PAY ESTIMATE NO. 1 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $45,936.50 $19,511.70 $150,845.85 $34,687.78 $45,936.50 $250.981.83 $288,525.75 $250.981.83 $539,507.58 $26,975.38 $338,408.35 $174,123.85 shared docslmuniupalhai3egOI615/at8158P PE -4 12/5/00 P- Estimate 2 PAY ESTIMATE NO. 2 COP 00-02, Utility Imp. on Quaday Ave. 72nd to 78th Street COP 00-03, Utility Imp. on 88th St. NE, CSAH 42 to Quaday Ave. A99110YA-L& MOwTaACTOR: a.Q WEIOEMA GMIAoMW�n Dyy CaMncks� iarM a �mowx� w mrl*n R� y1�.ak tafftplMa io aw. Stpnea: Tltlr � l77� Z o r Dry ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer. We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATE , INC. Signed: Tide: ��-r r.r ,�,�Gr,JEE,Q Date: .� S OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: shared doWmunicipaVaotsege/615lat6158P PE -5 1215!00 Pav Estimate 2 ITEM 7.2 PAY ESTIMATE #7 November 27, 2000 Honorable Mayor & City Council City of Otsego 8899 Nashua Avenue N.E. Otsego, MN 55330 78th Street Water & Sewer Contractor: LaTour Construction Original Contract Amount: $1,348,570.12 Contract including Change Orders: $1,410,497.36 Award Date: September 21, 1999 Completion Date: Final completion on or before July 15, 2000. Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project through January of 2000 Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Contract Price Used to Date Extension 18 1 2021.501 2 Ea Mobilization 1 LS $20,380.00 19 LS $20,380.00 3 Ea 1.00 $20,380.00 2 2 2101.511 1 2501.515 Clearing & Grubbing 1 LS $7,800.00 1 LS $7,800.00 2501.515 1 $7,800.00 $380.00 Ea 3 2104.501 $380.00 Remove Fence 2500 LF $0.90 $410.00 Ea LF $2,250.00 $1,230.00 2,500 $2,250.00 4 2104.503 Remove Bituminous Pavement 180 SY $1.50 SY $270.00 180 $270.00 5 2104.513 Sawing Bituminous Pavement (Full Depth) 425 LF $1.50 LF $637.50 225 $337.50 6 2105.501 Common Excavation 32535 CY $1.25 CY $40,668.75 32,535 $40,668.75 6A 2105.501 Common Excavating, Ponding 0 CY $1.30 CY $0.00 19,396 1 $25,214.80 7 2105.505 Muck Excavation 2550 CY $2.15 CY $5,482.50 5,800 $12,470.00 8 2105.535 Salvaged Topsoil 36900 CY $1.20 CY $44,280.00 36,900 $44,280.00 9 2211.501 Aggregate Base Cis 12875 Ton $6.00 Ton $77,250.00 8366.1 $50,196.60 10 2340.508 Type 41 Wearing Course Mixture 4610 Ton $23.50 Ton $108,335.00 3972.25 $93,347.88 11 2340.514 Type 31 Wearing Course Mixture 4510 Ton $22.00 Ton $99,220.00 4197.16 $92,337.52 12 2357.502 Bituminous Material for Tack Coat 1600 Gal $1.00 Gal $1.600.00 550 $550.00 13 2501.511 42" RC Pipe Culvert Cl 3 144 LF $69.90 LF $10,065.60 144 $10,065.60 14 2501.515 42" RC Pipe Apron 1 Ea $1,085.00 Ea $1,085.00 1 $1,085.00 15 2501.602 Inlet Structure (16-1) 1 Ea $3,300.00 Ea $3,300.00 1 $3,300.00 16 2511.501 Random Riprap Class III 14.9 CY $45.80 CY $682.42 14.9 $682.42 17 2531.501 Concrete Curb & Gutter Design B618 10670 LF $6.45 LF $68,821.50 11,287 $72,801.15 Original Contract $492,128.27 $478,037.22 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension 18 2501.515 12" RC Pipe Apron 2 Ea $310.00 Ea $620.00 3 $930.00 19 2501.515 15" RC Pipe Apron 3 Ea $325.00 Ea $975.00 2 $650.00 19A 1 2501.515 18" RC Pipe Apron 0 Ea $360.00 Ea $0.00 1 $360.00 198 2501.515 21" RC Pipe Apron 0 Ea $380.00 Ea $0.00 1 $380.00 20 2501.515 24" RC Pipe Apron 4 Ea $410.00 Ea $1,640.00 3 $1,230.00 Ma0lbhared docsCnunicipalaotsegoWtel3tot6l3aP PAY ESTIMATE #7 12/6/00 21 2501.602 Item Description Trash Guard for 12" Pipe Apron 2 Ea $135.00 Extension Ea $270.00 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (12'- 16') 3 $405.00 $4,067.30 22 2501.602 38 Trash Guard for 15" Pipe Apron 3 Ea $160.00 $25,667.20 Ea $480.00 39 2 $320.00 644 LF 22A 2501.602 623 Trash Guard for 18" Pipe Apron 0 Ea $240.00 309 LF Ea $0.00 304 1 $240.00 2503.511 22B 2501.602 $68.10 LF Trash Guard for 21" Pipe Apron 0 Ea $270.00 2503.511 Ea $0.00 $74.10 LF 1 $270.00 $11,856.00 23 2501.602 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (28'- 32') Trash Guard for 24" Pipe Apron 4 Ea $275.00 $124,956.00 Ea $1,100.00 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (32'- 36') 3 $825.00 $73,701.60 24 2503.541 45 12" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 239 LF $16.70 $19,880.00 LF $3,991.30 45A 414 $6,913.80 0 TN 25 2503.541 450 15" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 419 LF $17.90 4 Ea LF $7,500.10 3 431 $7,714.90 2503.602 26 2503.541 $14.00 Ea 18" RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 220 LF $19.80 2503.602 LF $4,356.00 $35.00 Ea 935 $18,513.00 $70.00 27 2503.541 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 21" RCP Design 3006 CI 3 598 LF $21.90 $1,200.00 LF $13,096.20 Construct Sanitary Manhole 644 $14,103.60 $25,600.00 28 2503.541 51 24" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 798 LF $23.80 $27,827.59 LF $18,992.40 51A 402 $9,567.60 0 LS 29 2503.541 1 30" RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 2613 EA $33.40 EA $87,274.20 $0 00 2604 $86,973.60 29A 2503.541 Construct Drainage Structure 60" 0 LF $2,040.00 LF $0.00 1 $2,040.00 29B 2503.541 Revise Structure 14-4 0 Ea $722.00 EA $0.00 1 $722.00 30 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 72" 4020 5 Ea $2,755.00 Ea $13,775.00 5 $13,775.00 31 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 84" 4020 1 Ea $3,257.00 Ea $3,257.00 0 $0.00 31a 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design 96" 4020 0 Ea $5,063.00 Ea $0.00 1 $5,063.00 32 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design A or F 12 Ea $940.00 Ea $11,280.00 12 $11,280.00 33 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design C or G 2 Ea $940.00 Ea $1,880.00 11 $10,340.00 34 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design H 12 Ea $600.00 Ea $7,200.00 3 $1,800.00 35 2506.502 Construct Drainage Structure Design Special 2 Ea $1,065.00 Ea $2,130.00 3 $3,195.00 36 2511.501 Random Riprap Class III 50.7 CY $45.80 CY 1 $2,322.06 58.6 $2,683.88 Original Contract $182,139.26 $200,295.38 Bid Schedule "C" " Sanitary Sewer Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension 37 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (12'- 16') 89 LF $45.70 LF $4,067.30 86 $3,930.20 38 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (24'- 28') 416 LF $61.70 LF $25,667.20 340 $20,978.00 39 2503.511 12" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (28'- 32') 644 LF $67.70 LF $43,598.80 623 $42,177.10 40 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (16' - 20') 309 LF $63.10 LF $19,497.90 304 $19,182.40 41 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (20'- 24') 1823 LF $68.10 LF $124,146.30 1823 $124,146.30 42 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (24'- 28') 160 LF $74.10 LF $11,856.00 160 $11,856.00 43 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (28'- 32') 1560 LF $80.10 LF $124,956.00 1560 $124,956.00 44 2503.511 18" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (32'- 36') 856 LF $86.10 LF $73,701.60 856 $73,701.60 45 2503.511 8" SDR 26 PVC Pipe (all depths) 400 LF $49.70 LF $19,880.00 333 $16,550.10 45A CO #2 Foundation Correction 0 TN $10.60 TN $0.00 450 $4,770.00 46 2503.602 Construct Outside Drop 4 Ea $1,565.00 Ea $6,260.00 3 $4,695.00 47 2503.602 8" PVC Plug 6 Ea $14.00 Ea $84.00 5 $70.00 48 2503.602 12" PVC Plug 2 Ea $35.00 Ea $70.00 2 $70.00 49 2503.602 Connect to Existing Sanitary Sewer 1 Ea $600.00 Ea $600.00 2 $1,200.00 50 2506.602 Construct Sanitary Manhole 16 Ea $1,600.00 Ea $25,600.00 16 $25,600.00 51 2506.603 Extra Depth Manhole (over 8 ft) 270.96 VF $102.70 VF $27,827.59 272.21 $27,955.97 51A CO #2 Furnish and Haul Water for Testing 0 LS $1,200.00 LS $0.00 1 $1,200.00 51B CO #2 Place and Remove Temporary MH Castings 0 EA 5160.00 EA $0 00 14 $2,240.00 Original Contract: $507,812.69 $505,278.67 Ma01Uhared docsUnunicipaltaotsego�ot813\ot813BP PAY ESTIMATE #7 12/5/00 Bid Schedule "D" - Water Svstem Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension 52 2504.602 Connect to Existing Watermain 4 Ea $250.00 Ea $1,000.00 4 $1,000.00 53 2504.602 Hydrant 4 Ea $1,465.00 Ea $5,860.00 2 $2,930.00 54 2504.602 6" Gate Valve & Box 4 Ea $460.00 Ea $1,840.00 2 $920.00 55 2504.602 8" Gate Valve -& Box 5 Ea $620.00 Ea $3,100.00 5 $3,100.00 56 2504.602 12" Butterfly Valve & Box 10 Ea $835.00 Ea $8,350.00 7 $5,845.00 57 2504.603 6" Water Main -Duct Iron Cl 52 44 LF $10.40 LF $457.60 58 $603.20 58 2504.603 8" Water Main -Dud Iron Cl 52 375 LF $13.00 LF $4,875.00 380 $4,940.00 59 2504.603 12" Water Main -Duct Iron Cl 52 4954 LF $19.10 LF $94,621.40 4891 $93,418.10 60 2504.62 Ductile Iron Fittings 3275 Lbs $1.40 Lbs $4,585.00 3849 $5,388.60 Original Contract: $124,689.00 $118,144.90 Bid Schedule "E" - Traffic Control Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension 61 2554.602 Permanent Barricade 4 Ea $225.00 Ea $900.00 4 $900.00 61A CO #2 Temporary Barricades at MH's 0 Ea $120.00 Ea $0.00 14 $1,680.00 62 2563.601 Traffic Control 1 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 1 $500.00 63 2564.603 4" Double Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 4620 LF $1.10 LF $5,082.00 5230 $5,753.00 64 2564.603 4" Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 720 LF $0.55 LF $396.00 0 $0.00 65 2564.603 4" Solid Line White -Epoxy 10780 LF $0.50 LF $5,390.00 9863 $4,931.50 66 2564.603 12" Crosswalk Line White -Epoxy 640 LF $1.50 LF $960.00 0 $0.00 67 2564.603 8" Solid Line Yellow -Epoxy 520 LF $1.50 LF $780.00 0 $0.00 68 2564.604 Crosswalk Marking -Epoxy 2520 SF $2.00 SF $5,040.00 948 $1,896.00 69 2564.604 Sign Panels Type C 183 SF $21.30 SF $3,897.90 279.751 $5,958.68 Original Contract: $22,945.90 $21,619.18 Bid Schedule "F" - Restoration & Landscane Item # Spec.Ref Item Description Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension 70 2573.502 Silt Fence, Type Pre -Assembled 2000 LF $1.00 LF $2,000.00 0 $0.00 71 2575.501 Seeding 7 AC $250.00 AC $1,750.00 1 $250.00 72 2575.502 Seeding Mixture 500 490 Lbs $2.00 Lbs $980.00 75 $150.00 73 2575.505 Sodding Type Lawn 6000 SY $1.80 SY $10,800.00 4604 $8.287.20 74 2575.511 Mulch Material, Type 1 14 Ton $100.00 Ton $1,400.00 1 $100.00 75 2575.519 Disk Anchoring 7 AC $50.00 AC $350.00 1 $50.00 76 1 2575.532 Commercial Fertilizer, 20-10-10 1 3150 Lbs $0.50 Lbs $1,575.00 450 $225.00 Original Contract: $18,855.00 $9,062.20 VVha0llshared docs Vnuniapalteolsego1ot813tot813BP PAY ESTIMATE #7 12/5100 Field Chanae #1 Item # Spec.Ref 12/3/99 Pumped water out of Ex San Sewer Line In Crimson Ponds Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension $505,278.67 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System Foreman, Pickup & Tools 2 Hr $58.00 Hr $116.00 2 $116.00 $18,855.00 $9,062.20 40 KW Generatorw/pumps 4 Hr $42.00 Hr $168.00 4 $168.00 Total Field Change #1 $284.00 Field Chanae 42 Item # Spec.Ref 12/16/99 Installed & removed hydrant for testing watermain. Revised plans eliminated the hydrant in this area. Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension $505,278.67 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System EX400 Hitachi & Optr. 0.5 Hr $188.00 Hr $94.00 0.5 $94.00 $18,855.00 $9,062.20 Foreman, Pickup & Tools 1 Hr 1 $58.00 Hr 1 S58.001 1 $58.00 Field Change #2 Labors (3 @ 1 Hrs) 3 Hr $44.00 Hr $132.00 3 $132.00 205 Cat Excavator & Optr 0.5 Hr $98.00 Hr $49.00 0.5 $49.00 Total Field Change #2 $333.00 Field Chanae #3 Item # Spec.Ref 3/29/00 Installed a 3 Ft Hydrant Extention Estimated Quantity Unit Price Extension Used to Date Extension $505,278.67 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System Foreman, Pickup & Tools 1.5 Hr $58.00 Hr $87.00 1.5 $87.00 $18,855.00 $9,062.20 Laborer 11.5 Hr $44.00 Hr $66.001 1.5 $66.00 Field Change #2 3 Ft Hydrant Extention 1 Ea $575.00 Ea $575.00 1 $575.00 Total Field Change #3 $728.00 Bid Schedule "A" - Roadway $492,128.27 $478,037.22 Bid Schedule "B" - Storm Sewer $182,139.26 $200,295.38 Bid Schedule "C" - Sanitary Sewer $507,812.69 $505,278.67 Bid Schedule "D" - Water System $124,689.00 $118,144.90 Bid Schedule "E" - Traffic Control $22,945.90 $21,619,18 Bid Schedule "F" - Restoration & Landscape $18,855.00 $9,062.20 Added by Change Order. $61,927.24 Field Change #1 $284.00 Field Change #2 $333.00 Field Change #3 $728.00 TOTAL CONTRACT: $1,410,497.36 TOTAL WORK COMPLETED TO DATE: $1,333,782.54 LESS 1% RETAINAGE: $13,337.83 LESS PAY ESTIMATE 1: $207,232.46 LESS PAY ESTIMATE 2: $597,205.70 LESS PAY ESTIMATE 3A: $107,966.72 AMOUNT PAID BY CITY CHECK, PAYMENT #4: $61,927.24 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #5: $173,338.22 LESS PAY ESTIMATE #6: $112,572.19 WE RECOMMEND PARTIAL PAYMENT OF: $60,202.18 \\haOl�shared do vnuniapal\aotsepo\ot813\ot813BP PAY ESTIMATE 97 12/5/00 APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR: Certification by Contractor: I certify that all items and amounts are correct for the work completed to date. Signed: Title: Date: ENGINEER: Certification by Engineer. We recommend payment for work and quantities as shown. HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES, INC. Signed: Title: OWNER: CITY OF Signed: Title: Date: Date: Aha=shared docstrnuniopai%aotsego\ot613\ot613BP PAY ESTIMATE #7 1215100 PAY ESTIM Z, FINAL :M 7.3 October 27, 2000 Barbarossa & Sons 11000 93rd Avenue North P.O. Box 367 Osseo, MN 55369 RE: Sanitary Sewer and Walermain Trunk Facilities Contractor: Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Contract Amount: $2,173,560.25 Award Dale: May 5, 1999 Completion Date: November 1, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - REMOVALS Item Spec Ref. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Date Extension 1 2021 Mobilization, Maximum 3% 1 LS $55,000.00 LS $55,000.00 1 1 LS $55.000.00- 2 2101 Clear and Grub (Sia 36+00 - 94+00) 1 LS $2,500.00 LS $2,500.00 1 1 LS $2,500.00 3 2101 Clear and Grub(Sta 7+00 - 35+00) 1 LS $4,000.00 LS $4,000.00 1 1 LS $4,000.00 4 2104 Relocate Bank Sign 1 LS $2,000.00 LS $2,000.00 1 1 LS $2,000.00 5 2104 Relocate Light Pole 6 EA $1,500.00 EA $9,000.00 2 2 4 EA $6,000.00 6 2104 Remove Barbed Wire & Electric Fence 570 LF $1.00 LF $570.00 580 580 LF $580.00 7 2104 Remove Barbed Wire Fence 1,800 LF $1.00 LF $1,800.00 1380 1380 LF $1,380.00 8 2104 Remove Bituminous Pavement 2,800 SY $1.50 SY $4,200.00 2056 2056 SY $3,084.00 9 2104 Remove Concrete Curb & Gutter 965 LF - $1.80 LF $1,737.00 570 570 LF $1,026.00 10 2104 Remove Concrete Pavement 95 SY $4.00 SY $380.00 80 80 SY $320.00 11 2104 Remove Pipe Culverts 1,600 LF $2.00 LF $3,200.00 1088 1088 LF $2,176.00 12 2104 Salvage and Reinstall Traffic and other Signs 26 EA $37.50 EA $975.00 15 15 EA $562.50 13 2104 Salvage Mailbox and Reinstall on new Standard 5 EA $105.00 EA $525.00 5 --5-tkj $525.00 14 2104 Sawcut Bituminous Pavement 835 LF $1.00 LF $835.00 484 484 LF $484.00 15 2104 Sawcut Concrete Pavement 70 LF $5.00 LF $350.00 20 20 LF $100.00 16 2104 Remove and Salvage Stone Retaining Wali 2 EA $500.00 EA $1,000.00 2 2 EA $1,000.00 17 2104 Remove and Salvage Wood Retaining Wall 2 EA $500.00 EA $1,000.00 2 2 EA $1,000.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": BID SCHEDULE "B" - RESTORATION 89,072.00 81,737.50 Item Spec Ref. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Date Extension 18 2105 Topsoil Borrow 2500 CY $ 1.00 CY $ 2,500.00 0 0 CY $0.00 19 2211 Class 5 Aggregate Base 12000 TN $ 6.50 TN $ 78,000.00 6320.2 6320.2 TN $41,081.30 20 2301 6' Concrete Pavement 95 SY $ 27.00 SY $ 2,565.00 80 80 SY $2,160.00 21 2340 Type 31 Bit. Base Course 300 TN $ 44.00 TN $ 13,200.00 267.99 267.99 TN $11,791.56 22 2340 Type 41 Bit. Wear Course 250 TN $ 45.00 TN $ 11,250.00 290.84 290.84 TN $13,087.80 23 2357 Bit. Material for Tack Coat 100 GAL $ 1.50 GAL $ 150.00 102 102 GAL $153.00 24 2511 Bituminous Flume 4 EA $ 300.00 EA $ 1,200.00 3 3 EA $900.00 25 2531 B612 Concrete Curb & Gutter 1,200 LF $ 8.00 LF $ 9,600.00 334 334 LF $2,672.00 26 2531 8618 Concrete Curb & Gutter 140 LF $ 8.75 LF $ 1,225.00 236 236 LF $2,065.00 27 2564 4' Double Yellow Paint 85 LF $ 3.70 LF $ 314.50 0 0 LF $0.00 28 2564 4' Solid While Paint 415 LF $ 1.85 LF $ 767.75 0 0 LF $0.00 29 2564 Pavement Paint - Left Tum Arrow 2 EA $ 90.00 EA $ 180.00 0 0 EA $0.00 30 2564 PavementPaint-`Only' 1 EA $ 110.00 EA $ 110.00 0 0 EA $0.00 31 2564 Pavement Paint -Right Tum Arrow 2 EA $ 90.00 EA $ 180.00 0 0 EA $0.00 32 2564 Traffic Control 1 LS $ 4,000.00 LS $ 4,000.00 1 1 LS $4,000.00 33 2573 Temporary Erosion Control 1 LS $ 3,000.00 LS $ 3,000.00 1 1 LS $3,000.00 34 2575 Agricultural Restoration 25 AC $ 400.00 AC $ 10,000.00 21.3 21.3 AC $8,520.00 35 2575 Seeding - Type Field Restoration 50 AC $ 520.00 AC $ 26,000.00 55.2 0.4 55.6 AC $28,912.00 36 2575 Seeding -Type Lawn Restoration 3 AC $ 580.00 AC $ 1,740.00 1 1 AC $580.00 37 2575 Wetland Restoration 5 AC $ 1,200.00 AC $ 6,000.00 2.7 2.7 AC $3,240.00 381 2575 Sod 7000 SY $ 1.90 SY $ 13,300.00 13336 13336 SY $25,338.40 38CI C.O. #2 Deduct for Public Works Dept. Grading 1 LS $ - LS $ 1 0 1 LS ($223.50) Magi\shared docstrnunicnpal\aolsegotnt611bt611bt Page 1 of 6 12/6/00 PAY ESTIMATF "o. FINAL October 27, 2000 Barbarossa & Sons 11000 93rd Avenue North P.O. Box 367 Osseo, MN 55369 RE: Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Trunk Facilities Contractor: Barbarossa & Sons, Inc. Contract Amount: $2,173,560.25 Award Data: May 5, 1999 Completion Data: November 1, 1999 Dear Council Members: The following work has been completed on the above referenced project: Bid Schedule "A" - REMOVALS Item Spec Ret. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Dale Extension 1 2021 Mobilization, Maximum 3% 1 LS $55,000.00 LS $55,000.00 1 1 LS $55,000.00 2 2101 Clear and Grub Sta 36+00 - 94+00 1 LS $2,500.00 LS $2,500.00 1 1 LS $2,500.00 3 2101 Clear and Grub Sla 7+00 - 35+00 1 LS $4,000.00 LS $4,000.00 1 1 LS $4,000.00 4 2104 Relocate Bank Sin 1 LS $2,000.00 LS $2,000.00 1 1 LS $2,000.00 5 2104 Relocate Light Pole 6 EA $1,500.00 EA $9,000.00 2 2 4 EA $6,000.00 6 2104 1 Remove Barbed Wire & Electric Fence 570 LF $1.00 LF $570.00 5801 580 LF $580.00 7 2104 Remove Barbed Wire Fence 1,800 LF $1.00 LF $1,800.00 1380 1380 LF $1,380.00 8 2104 Remove Bituminous Pavement 2,800 SY $1.50 SY $4,200.00 2056 2056 SY $3,084.00 9 2104 Remove Concrela Curb & Gutter 965 LF $1.80 LF $1,737.00 570 570 LF $1,026.00 10 2104 Remove Concrete Pavement 95 SY $4.00 SY $380.00 80 80 SY $320.00 11 2104 Ramove Pipe Culverts 1,600 LF $2.00 LF $3,200.00 1088 1088 LF $2,176.00 12 2104 Salvage and Reinstall Traffic and other Signs 26 EA $37.50 EA $975.00 15 15 EA $562.50 13 2104 Salvage Mailbox and Reinstall on new Standard 5 EA $105.00 EA $525.00 5 5 EA $525.00 14 2104 Sawcul Bituminous Pavement 835 LF $1.00 LF $835.00 484 484 LF $484.00 15 2104 Sawcul Concrete Pavement 70 LF $5.00 LF $350.00 201 1 20 LF $100.00 16 2104 Remove and Salvage Slone Retaining Wall 2 EA $500.00 EA $1,000.00 2 2 EA $1,000.00 17 2104 Remove and Salvage Wood Retaining Wall 2 EA $500.00 EA $1,000.00 21 1 2 EA 1 $1,000.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "A": BID SCHEDULE "B" - RESTORATION 80,072.00 81,737.50 Item Spec Ret. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Date Extension 18 2105 Topsoil Borrow 2500 CY $ 1.00 CY $ 2,500.00 0 0 CY $0.00 19 2211 Class 5 Ari(Ifeciale Base 12000 TN $ 6.50 TN $ 78,000.00 6320.2 6320.2 TN $41,081.30 20 2301 6- Concrete Pavement 95 SY $ 27.00 SY $ 2,565.00 80 80 SY $2,160.00 21 2340 Type 31 Bit. Base Course 300 TN $ 44.00 TN $ 13.200.00 267.99 267.99 TN $11,791.56 22 2340 Type 41 Bit. Wear Course 250 TN $ 45.00 TN $ 11,250.00 290.84 290.84 TN $13,087.80 231 2357 Bit. Material for Tack Coal 100 GAL I $ 1.50 GAL $ 150.00 102 102 GAL 1 $153.00 241 2511 Bituminous Flume 4 EA $ 300.00 EA $ 1,200.00 3 3 EA $900.00 251 2531 8612 Concrete Curb & Gutter 1,200 LF $ 8.00 LF $ 9,600.00 334 334 LF $2,672.00 261 2531 8618 Concrete Curb & Gutter 140 LF $ 8.75 LF $ 1,225.00 236 236 LF $2,065.00 27 2564 4" Double Yellow Paint 85 LF $ 3.70 LF $ 314.50 0 0 LF $0.00 28 2564 4" Solid White Paint 415 LF $ 1.85 LF $ 767.75 0 0 LF $0.00 29 2564 Pavement Paint - Left Turn Arrow 2 EA $ 90.00 EA $ 180.00 0 0 EA $0.00 30 2564 Pavement Paint -"Ont 1 EA $ 110.00 EA $ 110.00 0 0 EA $0.00 31 2564 Pavement Paint -Right Turn Arrow 2 EA $ 90.00 EA $ 180.00 0 0 EA $0.00 32 2564 Traffic Control 1 LS $ 4,000.00 LS $ 4,000.00 1 1 LS 1 $4,000.00 33 2573 Tampa aErosion Contra 1 LS $ 3,000.00 LS $ 3,000.00 1 1 LS $3,000.00 34 2575 Agricultural Restoration 25 AC $ 400.00 AC $ 10,000.00 21.3 21.3 AC $8,520.00 35 2575 Seeding - Typo Field Restoration 50 AC $ 520.00 AC $ 26,000.00 55.2 0.4 55.6 AC $28,912.00 36 2575 Seeding - Type Lawn Restoration 3 AC $ 580.00 AC $ 1,740.00 1 1 AC $580.00 37 2575 Welland Restoration 5 AC $ 1,200.00 AC $ 6,000.00 2.7 2.7 AC $3,240.00 38 2575 Sod 7000 SY $ 1.90 SY $ 13,300.00 13T 61 13336 SY $25,338.40 38C C.O. s2 Deduct for Public Works Dept. Gradin 1 LS $ LS $ 11 0 1 LS $223.50 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "B": Wlael\snarod dxsOnunl paruolsdoobl6l2b1612t)1 As 185,282.25 147,277.56 Page 1 of 5 1112/00 PAY ESTIMATE 00 FINAL Item Spec Ref. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work this Work Period Total to Date Extension 39 2501 8' CS Pipe Culvert 22 LF $15.00 LF $330.00 0 0 LF $0.00 40 2501 15' CS Pipe Culvert 128 LF $18.00 LF $2,304.00 128 128 LF $2,304.00 40A C.O. a2 20 x 28 CMP Arch 0 LF $38.00 LF $0.00 58 58 LF $2,204.00 41 2501 58 14' Span RC Arch Pie 32 LF $104.00 LF $3,328.00 8 8 LF $832.00 42 2501 58 14' Span RC Arch Pipe Apron 2 EA $850.00 EA $1,700.00 1 1 EA $850.00 431 2503 12' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 24 LF $22.00 LF $528.00 01 0 LF $0.00 4a 2503 12' RCP Apron 2 EA $300.00 EA $600.00 01 0 EA $0.00 451 2503 15' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 706 LF $23.00 LF $16.238.00 640 640 LF $14,720.00 46 2503 15' RCP Apion 36 EA $325.00 EA $11,700.00 34 34 EA $11,050.00 47 2503 18' RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 102 LF $24.00 LF $2,448.00 110 110 LF $2,640.00 48 2503 18' RCP Apron 4 EA $375.00 EA $1,500.00 4 4 EA $1,500.00 49 2503 24' RCP Design 3006 Cl 3 344 LF $28.00 LF $9,632.00 198 198 LF $5,544.00 50 2503 24' RCP Apron 13 EA $400.00 EA 1 $5,200.00 6 6 EA $2,400.00 51 2503 30' RCP Desi n 3006 CI3 24 LF $36.00 LF $864.00 0 0 LF $0.00 52 2503 30' RCP A run 1 EA $475.00 EA $475.00 1 0 0 EA $0.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "C": $ 56,847.00 $ 44,044.00 Item Sec Ref. Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Data Extension 53 26DO 24" Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking 370 LF $140.00 LF $51,800.00 350 350 LF $49,000.00 54 2611 Connect to Existing Watermain 4 EA $850.00 EA $3,400.00 4 4 EA $3,400.00 55 2611 8' CI 52 DIP Walarmain 1250 LF $18.00 LF $22,500.00 1329 1329 LF $23,922.00 56 261116' Cl 52 DIP Walermain 15256 LF $32.00 LF $488,192.00 15330 15330 LF $490,560.00 57 2611 DIP Fillings 11500 LB $2.00 LB $23,000.00 13256 156 13,412 LB $26,824.00 58 2611 8' Gate Valve 1 EA $650.00 EA $650.00 1 1 EA $650.00 59 2611 16" Bulterll Gate Valve 23 EA $1,350.00 EA $31,050.00 25 25 EA $33,750.00 60 2611 4' Walermain Insulation 9 SY $15.00 SY $135.00 27 27 SY $405.00 61 2611 6" CL 52 DIP Watarmain Hydrant Leads 200 LF $17.00 LF $3,400.00 218 15 233 LF $3,961.00 62 2611 6' Gale Valve - Hydrant 15 EA $450.00 EA $6,750.00 15 1 16 EA $7,200.00 63 2611 H dram 15 EA $1,600.00 EA $24,000.00 15 1 16 EA $25,600.00 63A CO a 1 i-CoipofationSlo2 1 EA $40.00 EA $40.00 1 1 EA $40.00 63B CO 01 1 1/2' Corporation Stop 1 EA $45.00 EA $45.00 1 1 EA 63C CO a2 Reset li drant and Pi in al Pum House 0 EA $1,896.00 EA $0.00 1 1 EA $1.896.00 63D 63EI CO a2 Reset Privala Wall Pouliot iydrant, CR 37 0 EA 1 0 LS $203.45 EA $1,048.00 LS $0.00 $0.00 1 0 1 1 EA 1 LS $203.45 51,048.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE "D": $ 654,962.00 $ 668,459.45 Page 2 of 5 \V,�Olbhaiod docsVnunidpaMolsulpb1612b1612�1 als _ 11/2/00 PAY ESTIMAT' ' FINAL OIU Jli11GUVLL Ilam S c Raf. ' Description Estimated Quandt Contract Price Total Contract Price I Previous Work Work this Period Total to Dale Extension E-1 -GRAVITY FLOW SYSTEM S c Ref. Descrl tion Ouanlit Contract Prlca Price Work 64 2600 24' Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking 530 $160.00 LF $84,800.00 7001 700 LF $112,000.00 65 2621 8' SDR 26 PVC Pie all depths) 30 LF $40.00 LF $1,200.00 921 92 LF $3,600.00 66 2621 15SDR 26 PVC Pie 16'-20' 400 LF $44.00 LF $17,600.00 398 398 LF $17,512.00 67 2621 15' SDR 26 PVC Pi e 20'-24' 4500 LF $45.00 LF $202,500.00 4349 4349 LF 5$61.875.00 68 2621 15' a SDR 26 PVC Pi24'-28' 1335 LF $46.00 LF $61,410.00 1345 1345 LF 561,070.00 69 2621 15' SDR 26 PVC Pie 28'-32' 600 LF $47.00 LF $28,200.00 650 650 LF $30,550.00 69A CO 42 Sub rade Correction, Rock Material 0 CY $12.00 CY $0.00 420 420 CY $5,040.00 70 2621 8- PVC Pie Plu 2 EA $20.00 EA $40.00 3 3 EA $$0.00 71 72 2621 15' PVC Pie Plu Deleted par Addendum No. 1 1 EA $75.00 EA $75.00 $0.00 01 01 0 EA 0 $0.00 $0.00 73 2621 16' DIP Sewer 100 LF $65.00 LF $6,500.00 100 100 LF $6.500.00 74 2621 10' RCP Sewer 18 LF $55.00 LF $990.00 15 15 LF $825.00 75 2621 Sanitary Suwur MIt to 8' Doup 23 EA $2,050.00 EA $47,150.00 24 24 EA $49.200.00 75A 76 CO -Removal of MH Section. Ad to Grade 2621 Extra Du th Sanita MH > 8' 0 EA 352 VF $400.00 EA $80.00 VF $0.00 $28,160.00 3 356.8 3 EA 356.8 VF $1,200.00 $$6.400.00 77 2621 Construct Outside Dro 3 EA $1,600.00 EA 54.800.00 4 4 EA $6,400.00 7 7 A -G0--# 1 4 inch ort 8' Service W o 2 EA $fi0.00 EA $120.00 2 2 EA 5120.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE E1, E2, AND E3: $ 1,092,260.00 $ 1,128,867.00 Page 3 of 5 W�a01�St1aied aocsVlwn¢ipabaolsmpbr612o1612L1 ds 1112/00 Estimated Total Contract Pravlous Work thio Item S c Ref. Descrl tion Ouanlit Contract Prlca Price Work Period Total to Dele Extension E-2 SANITARY FORCE MAIN 78 2600 18' Stael Pipe Casing -Jacking 295 LF $125.00 LF $36,875.00 310 310 LF $38,750.00 79 2621 8' DR18 C900 CL 150 PVC Forcemain 18100 LF $23.00 LF $416,300.00 18047 18047 LF $415,081.00 Bo 2621 DIP Fittings 870 LB $2.00 LB $1,740.00 690 690 LB $1.300.00 81 2621 Cleanout MH - Forcomain 3 $4,075.00 EA $12,225.00 3 3 EA $12,225.00 82 2621 Air Rolease MH -Forcomain 2 EA $3,100.00 EA $6,200.00 2 2 EA $6,200.00 83 2621 8- Gale Valve - Force Main 7 EA $650.00 EA $4,550.00 B 8 EA $5,200.00 E-3 SANITARY SEWER UFT STATION 84 2621 Lift Station Electrical 1 $5,200.00 LS $5,200.00 1 1 LS $5,200.00 85 2621 Lift Station Machanical 1 LS $13,000.00 LS $13,000.00 1 1 LS $13,000.00 86 2621 Litt Station Pumps 1 LS $35,300.00 LS $35,300.00 1 1 LS $35,300.00 87 2621 Litt Station Structure 1 LS $72,525.00 LS $72,525.00 1 1 LS $72,525.00 88 2621 Litt Station Valve MH F-6 1 LS $3,800.00 LS $3,800.00 1 1 LS $3,800.00 89 2621 Litt Station Site Gradin 1 LS $1,000.00 LS $1,000.00 1 1 LS $1,000.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE E1, E2, AND E3: $ 1,092,260.00 $ 1,128,867.00 Page 3 of 5 W�a01�St1aied aocsVlwn¢ipabaolsmpbr612o1612L1 ds 1112/00 PAY ESTIMATF FINAL BID SCHEDULE "F" - SPECIAL CROSSING OF CSAH 42 Ilam IS[Lac Ret. Descrl tion Estlnlated I Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous Work Work this Period Total to Data Extanalon F-1 SANITARY SEWER JACKING UNDER CSAH 42• STA 34+81 107 2104 Remove Pipe Culverts 90 260 16' Steel Pipe Casing -Jacking, Sanitary Sewer 120 $125.00 LF $15,000.00 120 120 LF $15,000.00 91 2621 Construct Outside Drop 1 EA $1,300.00 EA $1,300.00 1 1 EA $1,300.00 92 2621 8' DIP Sewer 128 LF $30.00 LF $3,840.00 128 128 LF $3,840.00 93 2621 DIP Fillings 45 LB $2.00 LB $90.00 45 45 LB $90.00 94 2564 Traffic Control, W. of CSAH 42 1 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 1 1 LS $500.00 95 2575 Seeding 8 Restoration W. of CSAH 42 0.3 AC $1,000.00 AC $300.00 0.3 0.3 AC $300.00 F-2 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN JACKING UNDER CSAH 42• STA 45+21 $1,600.00 1 1 EA $1,600.00 1141 96 2600 16' Stool Pipe Casing -Jacking Watennain 80 LF 1 $125.00 LF $10,000.00 80 80 LF $10,000.00 97 2611 DIP Fillings 300 LB $2.00 LB $600.00 117 117 LB $234.00 98 2611 8- CL 52 DIP Walermain 100 LF $18.00 LF $1,800.00 80 80 LF $1,440.00 99 2611 6' CL 52 DIP Walermain Hydrant Leads 10 LF $17.00 LF $170.00 10 10 LF $170.00 100 2611 6' Gate Valve - Hydrant 1 EA $500.00 EA $500.00 1 1 EA $500.00 101 2611 Il drant 1 EA $1,600.00 EA $1,600.00 1 1 EA $1.600.00 102 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casing, Jacking, Sanitary Sewer 110 LF $125.00 LF $13,750.00 110 110 LF $13,750.00 103 2621 8' SDR 26 PVC Pie all da Ihs 128 LF $30.00 LF $3.840.00 128 128 LF $3,840.00 104 2621 8' PVC Pie Plug 1 EA $10.00 EA $10.00 1 1 EA $10.00 105 2564 Tratfic Control West of CSAR 421 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 1 1 LS $500.00 106 2575 Seeding8 Restoration, West of CSAH 42 0.3 AC $1,000.00 AC $300.00 0 0.3 0.3 AC $300.00 Item ISpec Ref. Descrl tion Estimated I Ouantlty Contract Price Total Contract Price Previous W( Work this I Period Total to Date Extension F-3 SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN JACKING UNDER CSAH 42• STA 58+55 107 2104 Remove Pipe Culverts 62 LF $4.00 LF $248.00 0 0 LF $0.00 108 2600 16' Steel Pipe Casing. Jacking, Watennain 100 LF $125.00 LF $12,500.00 105 105 LF $13,125.00 109 2611 DIP Fittings 300 LB $2.00 LB $600.00 117 117 LB $234.00 110 2611 8' CL52 DIP Walermain 130 $18.00 LF $2,340.00 130 130 LF $2,340.00 111 2611 6' CL 52 DIP Walermain Hydrant Leads 10 LF $17.00 LF $170.00 10 10 LF $170.00 112 2611 6' Gale Valve - Hydrant 1 EA $500.00 EA $500.00 1 1 EA $500.00 113 2611 Hydrant 1 EA $1,600.00 EA $1,600.00 1 1 EA $1,600.00 1141 2600,16' Steel Pipe Casing, Jacking, Sanitary Sewer 130 LF $125.00 LF $16,250.00 1301 130 LF $16,250.00 115 262118' SDR 26 PVC Pia All de the 158 LF $28.00 LF $4,424.00 165 165 LF $4,620.00 116 2621 8' PVC Pie Plug 1 EA $10.00 EA $10.00 1 1 EA $10.00 117 2503 15' RCP Apron 2 EA $325.00 EA $650.00 0 0 EA $0.00 118 2503 15' RCP Design 3006 Cl 5 50 LF $23.00 LF $1,150.00 0 0 LF $0.00 119 2564 Traffic Control West of CSAH 42 1 LS $500.00 LS $500.00 1 1 LS $500.00 120 2575 Seeding 8 Restoration West of CSAH 42 0.3 AC 1 $1,000.00 AC 1 $300.00 0 0.31 0.3 AC 1 $300.00 TOTAL BID SCHEDULE Fl, F2 and F3: 85,342.00 93,023.00 Page 4 of 5 w,o01bharod dm$\,nu.,.-Paaao4do.\0161 Tu161261 As 11/2/00 PAY ESTIMATF SINAL BID SCHEDULE "G" - EXTRA WORK Item Description Estimated Quantity Contract Price Total Contract Previous Price Work Work this Period Total to Date Approved Pmt. Extension 63, 77EO.#Service Connection, water & sewer 1 LS $8,220.00 LS $8,220.00 1 1 LS $8,220.00 63C AdLst Existin H Brant, Pum house, a Item 63A 1 LS $1,896.00 LS $1,896.00 1 1 W $1,896.00 69A Sub radeCorrectionadded rock a em69A 420TON $12.00 TON $5,040.00 420 420 TON $0.00 40A Arch Pipe, Tom Thumb Area 58 LF $38.00 LF $2,204.00 58 58 LF $0.00 TOTAL ADDED WORK: $17,360.00 BID SCHEDULE 'A' - REMOVALS $ 89,072.00 BID SCHEDULE 'B' - RESTORATION $ 185,282.25 BID SCHEDULE 'C' - CULVERTS AND DRAINAGE $ 56,847.00 BID SCHEDULED' WATERMAIN $ 654,962.00 BID SCHEDULE 'El. E2 & E3' - SANITARY SEWER': $ 1,092,260.00 BID SCHEDULE 'Fl, F2 & F3' - SPECIAL CROSSING: $ 95,342.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: $ 2,173,765.25 Total Contract Price $ 2,183,881.25 TOTAL TO DATE: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 91: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 92: LESS PAY ESTIMATE s3: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 14: LESS PAY ESTIMATE Y5: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 06: LESS PAY ESTIMATE 117: WE RECOMMEND PAYMENT OF: Please verily the amount of previous payments, it any, and the receipt of the following items prior to making payment. 1. Certificate of claims payment (lien waiver), 2. Affidavit of payment of Slates taxes (MN Stale TAX Form 134), 3. Letter of consent from surety firm. APPROVALS: CONTRACTOR; Certification by Contractor, I certify that all items and amounts shown are correct for the work completed to date. BARBAROSSA & C. Signed: Title: l il�� 6.L7- k1164A /QG�9ate: $'ZV� ENGINEER: I recommend payment for items and amount of work as shown. RAKANSON ANDERSON NNJASSSSOOCI S. INC. Signed: Tula:/'�D/e G/ L��l✓r¢` Date: OWNER: CITY OF OTSEGO Signed: Title: Date: $10,116.00 $147,277.56 $44,044.00 $668,459.45 $1.128,867.00 $93,023.00 $ 2,163,408.51 $ 166,107.50 $ 258,399.76 $ 372,436.58 $ 537,012.67 $ 455,050.23 $ 224,566.47 $ 76,859.73 $ 72,975.57 Page 5 of 5 MA 1!14 is 11/2100 Li5 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY 8. Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney Elaine Beatty December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM JI EM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 8.1. Review of Community Recreation Joint Powers Agreement 8.2. See 9.4 Closed Meeting below 8.3. Any Other Legal Business BACKGROUND: 8.1. Andy MacArthur will be present to give a review of the Community Recreation Joint Powers Agreement. 8.2. Is for a closed meeting at the end of the Agenda under 9.4. 8.3. This is for any other Legal Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: These are for Council consideration and any approval. Thanks, Elaine MEMO Date: December 4, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Community Recreation Board - Proposed Joint Powers Agreement Revisions I have enclosed a copy of the original Joint Powers Agreement for Community Recreation which was signed in October, 1994, along a copy of the proposed new agreement. City Attorney Andy MacArthur will be present at the Council meeting for discussion of this agreement. cc: City Attorney JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR COMMUNITY RECREATION THIS AGREEMENT, made this day of , 1991, between Independent School District NO. 728 ("District"), and the undersigned municipalities and townships ("Local Governments"); WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by the Minnesota Joint Powers Act, Section 471.59, and all other applicable statutes and power, the District and several local governments with the district agree to cooperate in providing for a joint community recreation organization and staff; "and to provide a body to solicit bids under the Municipal Tzrchasin Act.- NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: JOINT POWERS RECREATION BOARD: T(hereafter referred to as "Recreation Board") shall The membership of the Joint Powers Recreation Board consist of the following: One member shall be appointed by the governing body of nct X28 The RegreationBo d shall perform overnment. One member shall be appointed from the School Board of Dist advisory function. Its major responsibility shall be to: a. Provide input into the decision making process. department head. b. Recommend policy as it relates to Community Recreation C. Give direction to the overall development of Community Recreation. or d. Solicit bids and propos for thepurchase of equipment an ^`nndf Minnesota ehalf of Section Purchasing Act) and 4 amended from time to time." The term of the members and officers shall be for the calendar e year . Mershall be addition, sshall adopt eligible for f rules reappointment. The Recreation Board shall elect its own and procedures not inconsistent with the terms of the agreement. 2. MEMBERSHIP ities with u 1 �1 �.3.FINANCE: Community Recreation Each year in concert with the budget process the he nded t shall be department head shall recommend a budget to the Recreation Board• of each of governmentaltheeunits 0 prepared in consultation with the appropriate administrative officia sctiv't'es to which are a party to this agreement. The budget shall set forth n e proposed each of the participating roram of amunicipalities and provided on a service a basis, and with shall be reviewed annually. Upon the appropriate approval of the budget, each participating municipality will transmit 4Al?- 1/6 of the approved amount to the Seheal Pistriet eaeh Fae *_fiscal went bi-monthly or as otherwise determined by the board. At the end of each fiscal year the Recreation Board shall review the funds expended in the previous year. Actual expenditures in a previous year shall be the basis for adjusting a current year's monthly payments based on an over or under expenditure of actual expenditures compared to the budget in the prior year. At the end of each year the Direeta of C'e�, mu, it Ed *' Y _��, �aa�=�all-Community Recreation department head shall prepare a report of activities, which were conducted in the previous year and submit this report to the Recreation Board and to the parties of this Agreement. The annual report shall be in a form such that it can be compared to the proposed program on which the annual budget has been prepared, realizing that flexibility in the program is necessary as long as it is within the budget. The Recreation Board shall have no taxing power. The Recreation Board shall review and recommend the appropriate use of State and Federal Grants in accordance with the State Guidelines and in concert with the growth and development of Community Recreation in District No. 728. 4. FUNDING/SERVICE RESPONSIBILITIES: School District Responsibility: In order to encourage and facilitate the growth and development of a coordinated recreation program the School District will provide: ■ Office Space and supervision Local municipal Government Responsibility: In an effort to maintain a cooperative fund the Local Governments will provide: ■ 100% of a full time Community Recreation Eek department head's salary ■ 100% of C-ler-ic- 4- supportstaff salaries as authorized ■ Supplementary Benefits ■ Administrative and operating costs ■ The local municipal government will also be responsible for all responsibilities with Performing the payroll function for any recreation program staff to serve the programs in their respective community. ■ Access to recreation facilities as requested by the Community Recreation Board ■ Community Education will not provide recreational programs or services including to non- profit municipalities. ■ The local municipal government will also be responsible for the recreation activity budget. 5. SCHOOL AND PARK FACILITIES: Use of school facilities shall be in accordance with the administrative handbook of the School District. Use of local government facilities shall conform to policies established by each governmental body. Each governing body shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of their facilities. The Community Recreation Geer -di ater-departmen t head shall bring to the attention of the appropriate local government or school official items in need of repair or maintenance and a suggested time when the maintenance might be performed so as not to disrupt programmed activities. The construction of any new facilities shall be the prerogative and responsibility of each governmental body. In order to minimize duplication and thereby reduce costs, the parties are encouraged to enter into supplementary maintenance agreements for each project or facilities jointly used, taking into consideration sharing of staff and equipment, rental of equipment, joint powers of equipment, etc., for park development and maintenance purposes. 6. EMPLOYEES: A-. The Community Recreation Manager- shall be eensidefed to be an empleyee of Distr-iet 728 fef the per -poses of pajTell, b salar-y and benefit b eligible fet- tenure. The Manager- shall sefN,e at the pleasw:e of the Reet-eatien Beat:rd. A. Any al- administrative staff and other support staff will be deemed an employee of a local government for purposes of payroll, fringe benefits and insurance coverage. The Community Recreation Board shall determine the salary and benefit package. All staff shall serve at the pleasure of the Community Recreation Board. E:B. Employees or volunteers responsible for carrying out the recreational activities shall be recommended to the appropriate local government by the afea-Community recreation naanagxe department head for employment. 7. LIABILITY: Each party shall assume sole responsibility for injuries to users of its facilities while the facilities are being used for Community Recreation programs. Each party shall secure proper liability insurance to provide for any such claim. 8. LENGTH OF AGREEMENT AND TERMINATION: This br-eefaent shall take effeet the Distr-iet and the leeal b ovemments. itb xhty (180) days itten netiee to the Recreation Beat -d. Leeal b b The amount of notice required is a minimum of six months, but the actual date of withdrawal will be the last da off the Community Recreation Board's budget year in which said six month period ends. Notwithstanding the prior sentence, if such notice to withdraw is provided by the member after June 30 but before October 1, the actual date of withdrawal will be the last day of the month during which said six months period ends. COUNTERPARTS: This agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and each shall be deemed to be an original, and this Agreement shall be binding upon ever who shall execute anyone of such counterparts. WHEREAS, the parties have affixed their signatures in the spaces provided on separate pages which follow: Addition to paragraph 4. Th 1. eal g eat ,i!! a4se be responsible for- the reer-eation fi •r budget. JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR 728 AREA RECREATION/COORDINATOR THIS AGREEMENT, made this /F�d ay of19 between z Independent School District No. 728 ("District"), and the City of Dayton, City of Elk River, City of Otsego, City of Rogers, City of Zimmerman, Township of Hassan, and Township of Livonia; WHEREAS, pursuant to the authority granted by the Minnesota Joint Powers Act, Section 471.59, and all other applicable statutes and power, the District and several local governments with the District agree to cooperate in providing for a joint community recreation coordinator; _ NOW THEREFORE, it is agreed by and between the parties as follows: MENEW-JOWMRSUVWX "0 The membership of the 728 Area Recreation Board shall consist of the following: One member shall be appointed by the governing body of each participating local government. One member shall be appointed from the Board of the District. The 728 Area Recreation Board shall perform an advisory function. Its major responsibility shall be to: a) Provide input into the decision making process b) Recommend policy as it relates to Community Recreation Coordinator c) Give direction to the overall development of Community Recreation The term of the members and officers shall be for the calendar year. Members shall be eligible for reappointment. The 728 Area Recreation Board shall elect its own officers, in addition, shall adopt its own rules and procedures not inconsistent with the terms of the ,reement. ?. FINANCE: Each year in concert with the budget process the Area Recreation Coordinator shall recommend a budget to the Area Recreation Board. This recommended budget shall be ' prepared in consultation with the appropriate administrative officials of each of the governmental units which are a party to this agreement. (This budget shall set forth the proposed administrative activities to be provided on a school district -wide basis.) Upon the appropriate approval of the budget, each participating municipality will transmit 1/12 of the approved amount to the School District each month. At the end of each year the 728 Area Recreation Board shall review the funds expended in the previous year. Actual expenditures in a previous year shall be the basis for adjusting a current year's monthly payments based on an over or under expenditure of actual expenditures compared to the budget in the prior year. At the end of each year the Area Recreation Coordinator shall prepare a report of activities which were conducted in the previous year and submit this report to the Area Recreation Board and to the parties to this Agreement. The annual report shall be in a form such that it can be compared to the proposed program on which the annual budget has been prepared, realizing that flexibility in the program is necessary as long as it is within the budget. The Area Recreation Board shall have no taxing power. The Area Recreation Board shall review and recommend the appropriate use of State and Federal grants in accordance with the State Guidelines and in concert with the growth and development of Area Recreation in District No. 728. 3. FUNDING: School District responsibility: In order to encourage and facilitate the growth and development of 728 Area Recreation the School District will provide: office and related facilities (2) If Local Government Responsibility: In an effort to maintain a cooperative fund the Local Governments will provide: - 100% of a full time Community Recreation Coordinator's salary - Supplementary Benefits Administrative costs Each local govemment is financially responsible for its own recreational program. The activities budget is to be designed in cooperation with and administered by the Area Recreation Office. Collaboration by participating local governments in funding activities is encouraged. 4. SCHOOL AND PARK FACILITIES: Use of school facilities shall be in accordance with the administrative handbook of the School District. Use of local government facilities shall conform to policies established by each governmental body. Each governing body shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of their facilities. The Coordinator of Community Recreation shall bring to the attention of the appropriate local government or school official items in need of repair or maintenance and a suggested time when the maintenance might be performed so as not to disrupt programmed activities. The construction of any new facilities shall be the prerogative and responsibility of each governmental body. In order to minimize duplication and thereby reduce costs, the parties are encouraged to enter into supplementary maintenance agreements for each project or facilities jointly used, taking into consideration sharing of.staff and equipment, rental of equipment, joint purchase of equipment, etc., for park development and maintenance purposes. 5. EMPLOYEES: a) The Area Recreation Coordinator shall be considered to be an employee of District 728 for the purposes of payroll, fringe benefits and insurance coverage. The (3) '.Recreation Board shall determine the salary and benefit package for the Coordinator. The Coordinator shall not be a certified teacher and is not eligible for tenure. The Coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the Recreation Board. b) Any clerical staff will be deemed an employee of a local government for - purposes of payroll, fringe benefits and insurance coverage. The Area Recreation Board shall determine the salary and benefit package. Clerical Staff shall serve at the pleasure of the Area Recreation Board. C) Employees or volunteers responsible for carrying out the recreational activities shall be recommended to the appropriate local government by the area recreation coordinator for employment. •: Each party will hold the other parties harmless and defend and indemnify the other parties for any claims based upon the party's responsibilities under this agreement. 7. LENGTH OF - This Agreement shall take effect upon approval by the District and the participating local governments. It may be terminated as it pertains to any of the parties by providing at least one hundred eighty (180) days written notice to the Area Recreation Board. Local governments shall review the program annually. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts and each shall be deemed to be an original, and this Agreement shall be binding upon every party who shall execute anyone of such counterparts. WHEREAS, the parties have affixed their signatures in the spaces provided on eparate pages which follow: (4) CITY OF DAYTON 8Y: ITS: Mayor ATTEST: ITS: Clerk (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) CITY OF ELK RIVER BY: ITS: Mayor ATTEST: ITS: Cleric (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) (6) CITY OF OTSEGO - BY: IT9,�-:TAayor ATTEST: I : Cle • ;ter= _ Meriia-n r of page intentiomlly left blank) (7) CITY OF ROGERS BY: ITS: Mayor ATTEST: ITS: Clerk (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) (8) CITY OF ZIMMERMAN BY: ITS: Mayor ATTEST: ITS: Clerk (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) TOWNSHIP OF HASSAN BY: ITS: Chair ATTEST: ITS: Clerk (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) .. -mow. •�. ;Jtis Y„� .:..ir�•.7 �� : � . • • - Sri f TOWNSHIP OF LIVONIA BY: ITS: Chair ATTEST: ITS: Clerk (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #728 BY: ITS: Chair ATTEST:_ ITS: Cleric (Remainder of page intentionally left blank) (1 2) He. RCA-CC.WPS 22 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9. Council Items: Elaine Beatty December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION 9. Council Items: A. Consider Approval of 2001 Tax Levy B. Any Other Council Business BACKGROUND: A. See enclosed Resolution 2000-36 A Resolution Setting a Final Levy of $877,787 for 2001 Budget Appropriations. B. This is for Any Other Council Business that may arise. RECOlkIMENDATION: This is for Council consideration for approval. Thanks, Elaine RESOLUTION NO. 2000-36 CITY OF OTSEGO COUNTY OF WRIGHT, MINNESOTA A RESOLUTION SETTING A FINAL TAX LEVY OF $8779787 FOR 2001 BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS WHEREAS, The Otsego City Council is required by State Law to establish a final tax levy for 2001 by December 27, 2000. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF OTSEGO, MINNESOTA: 1. That there is hereby approved for proposed expenditures from general taxes the following sums for the purpose indicated. General Government $877,787 Total Tax Levy $877,787 FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED THAT as required by State Law the City Clerk shall Certify to the Wright County Auditor a copy of this Resolution. Dated this 11 TH day of December, 2000. ATTEST: Elaine Beatty, City Clerk File: 00-RSLN. WPS CITY OF OTSEGO ki2 CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: MEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9.1. City Administration Elaine Beatty December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: A. Consider Policy Governing City Fund Balances B. Consider Approval of Administrative Salary Recommendations C. Any Other Administrative Business BACKGROUND: A. See attached Memo from Mike dated Dec. 5, 2000. He will be present to discuss this. B. See attached Memo from Mike dated Dec. 6, 2000. He will be present to discuss this. C. This is for any Administrative Business that may arise. RECOMMENDATION: This is for Council consideration and any approval needed. Elaine MEMO Date: December 5, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: General Fund Balance Policies Over the past several years, the City has had a nice problem to deal with each year, a sizable fund balance (surplus) in the General Fund. This is in contrast to previous years, when there were small balances or deficits. There are several reasons for this change, in order of importance. 1) Growth - Growth has meant an increased number of building permits and increased building permit revenue. Since this is a highly variable and volatile industry, the City always projects building permit revenues conservatively, so as to not get caught short. Over the last few years there have been large surplus revenues in this account. 2) Weather. - The City always budgets for a bad winter in the Street Department so as to not be caught short of funds. The last few winters have been uniformly good. There have been very few storms, which means very little overtime, and reduced expenditures for gas, oil, sand, and salt. There has also been reduced wear and tear on vehicles and personnel. 3) Road Main enannA - There were limited expenditures from the road maintenance budget in 1999, as the City rolled most of its road maintenance expenditures into the 1999 Street Overlay Improvement. While the City has always dealt with these fund balances as they happened, Gary Groen and I feel that we should have some policies to direct us. I have discussed some of these ideas in general terms with the Administrative Subcommittee, and they directed me to bring recommendations to the City Council. RECOMMENDATION A - MAINTAIN A FUND BALANCE OF 45% OF THE YEARLY BUDGET. The City's auditor recommends that the City have a fund balance of at least 45-50% of its yearly budget, and the City has used 45% in the past. Fund balance is that amount of the City's cash left over at the end of the year. The reason for this recommendation is that the City does not receive any taxes or State aids until July. Consequently, the City needs to have some money to pay its bills for the first half of the year. Otsego's budget for 2000 was $1,473,068, so to have a 45% fund balance, the City reserved $662,881 as fund balance. In 2001 the City's budget is $1,564,628, so 45% of that would be $704,083. This means that $41,202 of any budget surplus should be transferred to fund balance. RECOMMENDATION B - ANY SURPLUS IN THE STREET DEPARTMENT SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND. The Capital Improvements Fund was set up by the City Council to help finance City improvement projects which could not be 100% assessed. As I noted earlier the Street Department always budgets for the worst weather scenario. Any excess funds should be placed in the Capital Improvements Funds because those funds are spent on public improvement projects, usually road related projects. RECOMMENDATION C - ANY SURPLUS OF BUILDING PERMIT REVENUES SHOULD BE PLACED IN THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND. As I noted earlier, Building Permit revenues are projected conservatively because building is such a volatile i-ndustry. The excess revenues are the initial benefit the City receives from new growth. 2 As such, they should be directed into a fund which benefits all of the City. These recommendations are not meant to be all encompassing. Other suggestions are encouraged. cc: City Staff 3 C MEMO Date: December 7, 2000 To: Mayor & Council From: City Administrator Mike Robertson Re: Salary Increase Recommendations for Internal Promotions In October the Council approved several internal promotions effective January 1, 2001. Those promotions occurred because of Elaine Beatty's retirement as City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, effective January 8, 2001. Judy Hudson will be promoted from Deputy Clerk to City Clerk/Zoning Administrator, Carol Olson will be promoted from Secretary to Deputy Clerk, Karee Rowell will be promoted from part-time Secretary to full-time Secretary, and a part-time Secretary will be hired. My recommendation is that each of the people promoted be put on a two year track to be brought up to their predecessor's salary, assuming good job performance. I discussed this recommendation with the Administrative Subcommittee and they directed me to bring it to the City Council. The specific recommendation is listed below. SALARIES CURRENT 2001 CITY CLERK 42,700 38,800 DEPUTY CLERK 34,800 29,700 SECRETARY 25,800 22,800 PART-TIME $9/HOUR The 2001 budget was based on current will accommodate this recommendations will be making less money than their 2001. 2002 42,700 34,800 26,000 salaries so it as every position predecessor in 3i CITY OF OTSEGO REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION AGENDA SECTION: DEPARTMENT: tifEETING DATE: DEPARTMENT: PREPARED BY: 9.4. Council Closed Meeting Elaine Beatty, December 11, 2000 City Clerk 6:30PM ITEM NUMBER: ITEM DESCRIPTION: 9.4. Closed Meeting Under Attorney Client Privilege to Consider Easement Offers. BACKGROUND: City Attorney Andy MacArthur will be present to conduct this closed meeting. Andy expects to present easement settlement offers. RECOiVLMENDATION: This is for Council consideration as Andy Mac Arthur will explain. Thanks, Elaine CLAIMS LIST CITY COUNCIL MEETING DECEMBER 11, 2000 Attached is the Claims List for your consideration. For more detail, please refer to the Check Detail Registers. Register List 12-04-00 Register List 12-07-00 TOTAL CLAIMS $ 32,054.99 $462,862.47 $494,917.46 If you have any questions or if you would like to review this list further, please let me know. Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk/Treasurer JH/co CITY OF OTSEGO Monday, December 04, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANKOFELKRIVER UnPaid BLUE GREEN LAWN SPRINKLERS UnPaid GODFATHER'S PIZZA UnPaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST UnPaid JERRY OLSON UnPaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP UnPaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $860.00 $44.39 $614.70 $28,987.45 $395.47 $1,152.98 Total Checks $32,054.99 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Monday, December 04, 2000 Page 1 of 1 Check Amt Invoice Comment ............::... : ::: J>:;JY f:.,..,.�.e�r:�\��:.r�J,>•,��.�<ri�xi.\ �a+:�..}x..r�:urusc�sx��\3er<'A:cc�+iaicv�FF.J: Ax?�R x;<:SwQ\\�4F ra3. ;f�.�iCYe"�1wruviti' .. Ja�x1a .. \ J>4akcw. a. �ftZJ?�f•:i:r:• 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER Unpaid BLUE GREEN LAWN SPRINKLERS E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $860.00 RepairUndr BikePath Total BLUE GREEN LAWN SPRINKLERS $860.00 ................::.:.::::::.,.:::::::::::::::.,,,•::::::.q?:,,\\J:;:::::.;.,«q6;.>:S.SJ;?:;;::::..Y••.Y:;.::J>?i:;.;Y>:__...:.::.::.,Y;:JY.;:JaJt� «.YAW.+%:;t::JOSiJ:JU;W:O4;MV<;JWI+G:J:J0.vnv.>::C;J<;J:<:J:«:<«9:J4aK, .On�n.<: [w•::N.vn,vA•:a:::. Unpaid GODFATHER'S PIZZA E 101-41400-310 Miscellaneous $44.39 WWTP start-up Lunch Total GODFATHER'S PIZZA $44.39 'C•%9CSS<S•:«J:<t•%SSi;J}ii?Y\R!StittiS:Y•:tiJ:t{,IYP:J:««J:<w<,ti\.:<+3:>::«.:J:<{{.:p:n?ii:<.:;.:J:JYS:Y::<J:JY:i«JY>i>::<4:LY:;4:JY:4:%.i:.:<. �:.•••••••••••••.••........ ... Unpaid ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST G 101-21705 Other Retirement $412.78 PPE 11/25/00 E 101-41400-121 PERA $201.92 PPE 11/25/00 Total ICMA RETIREMENT TRUST $614.70 :�x:ti:J:vrJY'I.A:Y}:C>X;:J:JYTI'S'??Y??Y?Y..Y?%.?>i:;:JO:�JiF:W:Y:JY•::>iYYy:J:«::1'ri»i}Y Ap0000PUT]D:•i.3:M<J:J.YH)6ri:14}>y..kiJSx:vvt.:.+x•::o:•:.atih»NYVNK:A•Mm+x\HKc?:.»»tti.,xM:4..�+,t>xGAw•x>h:Y'^v^'^xv.::vvx:w:::::.::v:.:v Unpaid JERRY OLSON E 10 1-4241 0-390 Contracted Services $28,987.45 November Insp. Serv. Total JERRY OLSON $28,987.45 Unpaid PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP E 101-41400-123 Health $213.35 Adm. Dental E 101-43100-123 Health $182.12 PW Dental Total PRINCIPAL FINANCIAL GROUP $395.47 �x«<«.>:�Y:<�.»;;.:;::M.::::.::.:::::<JY�<;;«J::.;v.:..�.:•:::J:<.,....,..�.x:,K:::.x,•�.•.,..:•:.:•.:>•.t•.,-.,-::.>::,::..:xxx•<:::.x,�,�..xxr,.,x:::,:•.,•::.,•:.:,x,.,...::.x:,::::.::�:::::::::.�::•::, ::.�:.� Unpaid PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD G 101-21704 PERA E 101-43100-121 PERA E 101-41400-121 PERA E 101-41550-121 PERA Total PUBLIC EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FD $551.53 PPE 11/25/00 $285.11 PPE 11/25/00 $243.82 PPE 11/25/00 $72.52 PPE 11/25/00 $1,152.98 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $32,054.99 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 07, 2000 Check Summary Register Page 1 of 1 Total Checks $462,862.47 Name Check Date Check Amt 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER UnPaid ADAMS INTERIORS $207.67 UnPaid AIRGAS, INC. $20.99 UnPaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $4,159.95 UnPaid BARBAROSSA & SONS $72,975.57 UnPaid BAUERLY $26,849.25 UnPaid BEAR ALARMS $484.58 UnPaid BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $339.73 UnPaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $11,999.65 UnPaid BOYER TRUCKS $125.90 UnPaid BRAUN INTERTEC $2,268.88 UnPaid BREZE INDUSTRIES $20.08 UnPaid CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. $186.03 UnPaid CELLULAR+ $67.14 UnPaid CITY OF MONTICELLO $1,509.45 UnPaid COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $9,210.95 Unpaid DXS HEATING & AIR COND $373.26 UnPaid DTS TOTAL HOME CENTER $619.98 UnPaid ECKBERG LAW FIRM $290.73 UnPaid ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,093.81 Unpaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFT. INC $1,456.18 UnPaid FINKEN'S WATER CARE $94.20 UnPaid GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $833.13 Unpaid GROEN GARY CPA $1,470.00 Unpaid HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $67,997.02 UnPald HAWKINS CHEMICAL $1,101.02 UnPaid LATOUR CONSTRUCTION $60,202.18 UnPaid LONG & SONS $463.06 UnPaid MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $507.19 UnPaid MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC $75.00 UnPaid NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $200.68 UnPaid NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO $170.38 Unpaid PITNEY BOWES $100.02 UnPaid PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT $56.00 Unpaid RANDY'S SANITATION $252.50 UnPaid S. R. WEIDEMA $174,123.85 UnPaid SCHARBER & SONS $13.45 UnPaid SOFTRONICS $1,703.22 Unpaid SPRINT $32.30 UnPaid ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $14.82 Unpaid US FILTER $59.42 UnPaid WASTE MANAGEMENT $125.72 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 UnPaid WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $3,888.77 UnPaid WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $287.50 UnPaid XCEL ENERGY $530.02 Unpaid ZIEGLER INC $301.74 Total Checks $462,862.47 CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December 07, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 1 of 5 Check Amt Invoice Comment a,-•i�xx:::x;:;o-;:ea. .. •»xxxxxx::�:•xoxxx. :xx... n,:a::xxa+n. \\�zs:.aa�x.<+<w6::ic;;\ti::;x 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER u FP\\\\\�<:c:.•.\.�\,:UUU,a.p::;a::±,Y:S±fttYUMUUtfUMVwh�w,cQ:tbiIX.UCM\VHmmr.:xx+:><.»•:.v.w:.::::::.vr. i�.n,...vdKm::.vnr:.:.:•:n:.•.+nny+Mvx::exv.•mvw.w.,:n,v..::. �:::: :.::::. Unpaicl» ADAMS INTERIORS E 206-41400-560 Furniture and Fixtures $207.67 Blinds Total ADAMS INTERIORS $207.67 •Uripaici�:.:..,.....»........,.,,,::,»......�.,.........Y:.::.AIRGAS, �:.INC. .:w..>:.::>:..».�.:,.>.w>.:,.»a.:,.>�,,.,,o>.r�.x.�,.,,,.,>..w:.,>.,>:.,>,.�M„�N.�u».,>G»..:.....,,,�»:.>�:.::.»,..»..:.:::..:::.:......:..,, E101-43100-210 Operating Supplies (GENERAL) $20.99 695094 Oxy -Acetylene Total AIRGAS, INC. $20.99 ....,.:n,:-:.,-.,.::•:.w.,.:::x:,::.,.....,..,,..,»vx..��»f.;.:.nr•:;,:.:�»�.;4>:�.:>w.:,y>.w»»>;;,::�:.x,�-«�,,::�>x..»;»:.:<:.;;;:»�.;:h:.,.;:.>A»::.�:.,:,,>x::.::,.:.,:�:;.:>:,:�,�,rw�. ..................... Unpaid AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS E 101-41400-400 Repairs & Maint Cant (equip) $4,159.95 49603-04 10-11-00 Total AUDIO COMMUNICATIONS $4,159.95 P BARBAROSSA & SONS E415-43251-500 Capital Outlay (GENERAL) $72,975.57 PayEst88 S & W Trunk Facilities Total BARBAROSSA & SONS $72,975.57 Unpaid BAUERLY • E 101-43100-370 Sand anclGravel $26,849.25 550-00 11,933 Tons Class 5 Total BAUERLY $26,849.25 »> <•x»:A:-L;-x>:-»MS P BEAR ALARMS Un aid.:::r::::v,>;::::.::w�;::.:;:;>�..-,.-:::.•::...:..::::::.::::.::::::. E 101-41940-402 Repairs/Maint Buildingss $484.58 1411 Alarm System Repair Total BEAR ALARMS $484.58 P BFI--VVOODi_AICE SANITATION SER E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $339.73 November Recycling Total BFI - WOODLAKE SANITATION SER $339.73 Unpaid BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK E 415-43251-302 Engineering Fees $11,999.65 074457 WWTP Const. Sery Total BONESTROO ROSENE ANDERLIK $11,999.65 Un P aid BOYER TRUCKS E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $48.25 6023R PW # 2 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $77.65 6185R PW # 3 Total BOYER TRUCKS $125.90 paid BRAUN INTERTECt E 422-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 422-43100-302 Engineering Fees E 422-43100-302 Engineering Fees Total BRAUN INTERTEC P BREZE INDUSTRIES $1,657.75 403038 Const Test 88th St $269.13 403039 Materials Testing $342.00 403040 Compact Testing $2,268.88 E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $20.08 8734 Misc Nuts&Bolts Total BREZE INDUSTRIES $20.08 Paid CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. E 101-43100-220 RepairiMaint Supply (GENERAL) $186.03 1842/1908 PW # 11 Total CARLSON TRACTOR & EQUIP. CO. $186.03 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Comment E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $67.14 103668 3 Pagers Total CELLULAR+ $67.14 Unpaid CITY OF MONTICELLO E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $1,509.45 6525 WWTP Total CITY OF MONTICELLO $1,509.45 Thursday, December 07, 2000 Page 2 of 5 w..}.xw:x:n::..}}v:re.<.::..}rrow.w.m,,.:n:.r:�.,.,,,.,:•:..•:..:.,•::::r...,..w.�.w:.:,:::..v.�:..•:.,,w:r.•..wr.,:....w.:..,w....n..wvaaoaca»»a»:aaoaam:^:•rrr.•>:«•t<•:•:«Gaw�o»r:rrtx:>r.•r.�xrr:xrxm:>:rmr.:<:ae»:xc.:»i�.a+}+cwwi: Unpaid COURT MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $23.64 G 701-21927 O. Thompson CUP 99-18 $212.50 Riverpointe G 701-21932 Otsego Indust. 4th Addn $340.00 Industrial Park 4th E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $3,299.50 Nov General Services G 701-21949 Stone Gate Estates $1,581.00 Stonegate G 701-21941 Pulte Homes $1,470.50 Pulte E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $680.00 78th Street G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backes 99-7 $42.50 Crimson Ponds E 418-43100-301 Legal Services $994.50 Quaday Avenue G 70 1-21 924 Mining permit #7 $170.00 N. Pine Aggregate E 413-43100-301 Legal Services $187.00 Odean Ave G 701-21942 Ranch Acres $85.00 Ranch Acres E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $85.00 General E 422-43100-301 Legal Services $63.45 88th Street Total COURI MACARTHUR LAW OFFICE $9,210.95 ...... ._:::::::::.::.:::.,::::........;;;:<:.:<•:::•»>;-;<•>:<:G«:,v«:xG«G.,.�.:krGG:M,,:«.,.G«<.>:;:�«,:«G:GG,.:G„x:::�:,.:..�:G«.»;�.�.:�«<.w..�w�<.:r.«::M�.,�.�.:..w.�.�,:«.�xM,��:.•:.�<:,:,.• Unpaid DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND ....:.::.:::: :::::::::::::: : E 101-41940-400 Repairs & Maint Cont (equip) $373.26 031535 Furnace Service Total DJ'S HEATING & AIR COND $373.26 :rG<::•i>:4"f.KC>:S>: >i>:4»» •>»i»>»"+>>::^»>Tu»i.:6i0C,UW.U>::.Y:a:G.::.'f..::CJ:0.,Ti>Y:.!:w:iswiCVJu1]\r±»:J:.i>:>J:<n:.>:.:.:LY.�FL'AWOG�IKN}YX.}��A+}Nn:4}}v4•:.:}}v}:::n:X:n•.:Y:::.vb:A„}•[nddib'A,}tmY.M1vw:x.Y.}x}wn�:::. �:. �::::::. �:::::::: Unpaid DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER E 101-43100-310 Miscellaneous $619.98 384064 PW # 9 Total DJ'S TOTAL HOME CENTER $619.98 ......:...:.........:::....::....:.::...:..:..:>:«.:»»><GG-:,,x,:xr>x:>,:.»»>x,.>x:i.-:>x:>:x.»>-..�>r-:x:,-,�ffa,.�..A:�,e.,�.�,•>:>�.:xa>�.:,�:,.,�A>,.r4:�»:,o�.,..w-,.�,a-a,>,w:>:.....,.:....................... Unpaid ECKBERG LAW FIRM E 101-41700-301 Legal Services $290.73 Annex Agree Review Total ECKBERG LAW FIRM $290.73 Unpaid:.....:...,:...:..:.•�,.n:,..,.....,......,,,.�::... .w:� ......_ .. _:......,>...::xd.�..:..<�u•„«.:G�..�.,:,�;«�>:�:.:G<.:G<:.:«G.,,,:;>,.�:<.,.:.,.G:G:�>:�,w,�<GG«::.,}Y::::,..:::::::,.,:<•::::.�:::::.� :.:::: ECM PUBLISHERS INC E101-41400-350 Print/Binding (GENERAL) $793.57 Legal Noticing E 101-41400-347 Newsletter $300.24 109381 Otsego View Total ECM PUBLISHERS INC $1,093.81 Unpaid ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFT. INC E 101-41400-205 Election Supplies $1,456.18 Prom/Pack Servicing Total ELECTION SYSTEMS & SOFT. INC $1,456.18 p FINKEN'S WATER CARE E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $23.64 Shop Service E 10 1-41400-390 Contracted Services $29.82 13620 90th Street E 101-41400-390 Contracted Services $40.74 City Hall Service Total FINKEN'S WATER CARE $94.20 Unpaid:.......::...,.....:....................:::.::.::...::.GLENS •TRUCK •CENTER INC::......-..,....,,..,,,:,...,,.....,.<•:;>:>::>.>;:::..-,,.<--...«;<:•�G•:,:..x,,,,,«<-,<,>.«-,x„<.•.,::..-,,:.,:.,:G.>:..,,,,:...... CITY OF OTS EGO Thursday, December 07, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 3 of 5 . . ............................... Check Amt Invoice Comment ........ . ......... ... x .. ......... E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $19.39 3070013 % ...... ........ PW # 3 E 101-43100-220 Recair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $53.46 3080025 PW # 11 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $35.71 3080027 PW # 9 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $33.31 3180040 PW # 11 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $426.17 3250043 PW # 2 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $101.60 3330015 PW # 9 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $76.89 3330038 PW # 5 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $13.43 3330039 PW #9 E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $73.17 3350015 Total GLENS TRUCK CENTER INC $833.13 Unpaid GROEN GARY CPA E101-41600-390 Contracted Services $1,470.00 Acct Ser10-1 6 -11-30 Total GROEN GARY CPA $1,470.00 Lrn�g ""—HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC G 701-21961 Pheasant Ridge #rd & 4th $6,109.97 1812 Pheasant Ridge 3rd G 701-21940 The *P6nt'- Big Ed's $3,176.88 2810-11 Quaday Storm Swr Ex E 601-49400-302 Engineering Fees $385.00 2812 PumpHouse & Controls G 701-21962 Juergers, DVM $150.00 2813 Anoka Equine E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $2,459.10 2817 Lef Watershed Dist S. E 101-41570-302 Engineering Fees $420.00 2821 Ots CrkWetland G 701-21915 Crimson ponds/Backes 99-7 $600.00 2822 Crimson Ponds G 701-21927 C. Thompson CUP 99-18 $823.85 2823 Koerwitz U.S., Homes G 701-21936 Mississippi Pines PUD 00 $2,822.06 2824 Miss.Pines G 701-21940 The 'P6nt' - Big Ed's $2,145.18 2825 The Pointe G 701-21941 Pulte Hcmes $315.46 2826 Prairie Crk 2nd G 701-21947 Prairie Creek 3rd Addn $763.23 2827 Prairie Crk 3rd E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $280.00 2828 MSA Administration G 701-21952 JK Storage $645.57 2829 1-94 Ind. Park G 701-21922 Pheasant Ridge $1,466.77 2830 Pheasant Ridge 2nd G 701-21949 Stone Gate Estates $8,114.22 2831 Stonegate/Tolefson E 601-49400-302 Engineering Fees $739.27 2834 PurnpHouse Design & Construc E 602-49450-302 Engineering Fees $714.51 2836 Trunk Sanitary Sewer E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $4,226.43 2838 78th Street S & W E 602-49450-302 Engineering Fees $630.00 2839 Trunk Sanitary Sewer E 422-43100-302 Engineering Fees $11,589.31 2842 88th S&W Ext E 413-43100-302 Engineering Fees $9,261.20 2844 Odean Ave ReCon E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $210.00 2846 Staff Meeting E 101-41400-348 Maps $112.76 2848 City Map E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $280.00 2851 Misc Eng E 420-43100-302 Engineering Fees $9,443.49 2904 Page Ave(79th-85th) E 101-41560-302 Engineering Fees $61.88 2905 Eng Manual E 101-41570-302 Engineering Fees $50.88 2906 Easmnt Lefebvre Crk NW Total HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOC INC $67.997.02 Unpaid H* -A'.*.'. W.-- K -1-h-SI-CHEMICAL-.-I-1--11111-1-11-1-1--.... I E 601-49400-390 Ccr.7acted Services $1,101.02 303833 Phosphate Inhibitor Total HAWKINS CHEMICAL $1,101.02 .......Unoeid ...... . . .... LATOUR CONSTRUCTION E 417-43251-302 Engineering Fees $60,202.18 78thSt S&WPayEst7 7 CITY OF OTSEGO Check Detail Register Thursday, December 07, 2000 Page 4 of 5 x: nw::::.w.: �.,w:.,vm:::: nvn::w.w:::.w..:: S: T\lt,:�•w>x;.S+>T> r.>TT .i>:i[ti4: is;^ii>S»>:ti4T>:: Y v;^:;n:,tii.»:titiKtiA�;L4wM�:�\WXw'A3Piwwi%J}YTbi0.'4)iWaGM..:.::9,•..O:L:A<„xi.:i<,Ji}:4SSx»w.iU:i4:4::. Unpaid MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $507.19 39871 MaterialTesting&lnsp. Total MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $507.19 .KC.L!LL!C:P:. ;.w:54X; LM. n'CM!!!4: x55555:!LLS[AL^.:4; Y; Y.!!L,\Ltt5:5^.!'?::Ltt �Kn�Ot:M:CU.M!,v.C+A:AC Y]CA:!N.4XAOOWMXttLJ%M%LIXA4hYq:i.LKdCL:A>:4%K{4:.y::x.vnyv.:.::rmnyxr.•r:n Unpaid MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC E 101.41400-310 Miscellaneous $75.00 Subscription Total MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC $75.00 Unpaid:::........................................,.,......._..NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC:.......,....,..,,„....:x.:4»1w�u:w::,, .4xow;x :.»x•»»:>xw:>;»:::-»«« .,,,..,.,,.,.......... E101-43100-220 Repalr/MaintSupply (GENERAL) $200.68 803413 PW #9 Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $200,68 ::.�:::.:�:::.,-:::::::::::::::..:::.v::::::..:.,•:::.�:::>:;-»:o>:a>x!»»»;:�»>ra:4>:cw+.>x•>:•ww::FF4:n»wruwar.omxLcm»x4>weoaue-nazeeraozow a000-asa.wv.4szroowunoc,>ua3uwxa:eeura:.srau'.o»>wwn,:+>aa,ws,•n,,:.,•.+,,,rh•..»:: Unpaid NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $170.38 19388185 PW # 9 Total NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO $170.38 :n•.•:.�:::.�.:�:::.,.::::::n:vx:::::::::::::•:x::::..;;•..-«w.^,v.;;:•4:.•w.;5!;..q%tt....w�...;.!.;;.L..xxtiS::.+�+x•:^:L!•ll.L^iSx^:O:L4:!;KOWUItt:iAT:-v: �AKtYSS4S:.v!!ttyu.(IYAn:,\v.4::+:M. i%V!:Vn1x!!LNS• .L?iin:CLM:CS:.•::.'/riv(A •eM:n,,,,v,,,SIVN.w Unpaid PITNEY BOWES E 101-41400-206 Postage $100.02 4705027 4705027-NOV00 Total PITNEY BOWES $100.02 ................,...,..,......::.,:..,...,,-::PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT. x, -:.L .>� �M ..:>x4�4x.4x frM. a•.m...,.5,.., .<.4.«,,......,.,...,,,,.....:: E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $56.00 9820 19W Itrn Dump/Snowplow Total PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT $56.00 :.Unptid:.....,.::..........:....................:::::...:...::RANDY'S•SANITATION SANI•::........,.:.:..::..:.:::..::F!!-:4x•'rr.:x:k::�:>:..!,>>x5!.:r�.P':.�w..>�>x•...wV.:xn.:�•.!4>:>..:•:w.4:>:.,4»,...:.......:..,..�.... :: -:::: •. -: -:: -:: -:: E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $252.50 Total RANDY'S SANITATION $252.50 :..Un..aid...................................:........:......:. P ...::.............,......:....:..:.,.....,...,..............,...:...:..•......:.,,..:::.r....,..5..............,.:...,..................,....:.........,:...... S. R. WEIDEMA Check Amt Invoice Comment ,.x,�.::.v:>:•i»Si>i>:.S>i>:.:�•:.,��: �.�::: ...:. .:.: .... ..:\.. ....::,.-\.,d:x.... .... n.\.. ...... �::.::. -. �r441.<F..c><:;rtt.».::w»:.�.�V�,•�;:::..:r:::::.,.•a,:2itz::it<2+:[ioc:,�:::::2«`�••�:5.2 ...,:: �•i»>>ii, ... .iii �:..::: i.Ci �?��: :.{.. t\'<>>:�?:ar $4,297.52 Total LATOUR CONSTRUCTION $60,202.18' E 406-43100-530 Unpaid•• LONG & SONS ........, .......... ..... .......................................:::::.:�::::::..�::::::.�::.:.:.::: E 101-41400-389 Cleaning Services $27.00 Community Room E 101-41400-389 Cleaning Services $370.00 November Cleaning E 10 1 -41400-389 Cleaning Services $28.26 Tax E 101.41400-389 Cleaning Services $37.80 Case C -Folds Improvements Other Than Bldgs Total LONG & SONS $463.06 LefebvreTrunk/StormSewer x: nw::::.w.: �.,w:.,vm:::: nvn::w.w:::.w..:: S: T\lt,:�•w>x;.S+>T> r.>TT .i>:i[ti4: is;^ii>S»>:ti4T>:: Y v;^:;n:,tii.»:titiKtiA�;L4wM�:�\WXw'A3Piwwi%J}YTbi0.'4)iWaGM..:.::9,•..O:L:A<„xi.:i<,Ji}:4SSx»w.iU:i4:4::. Unpaid MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION E 101-43100-390 Contracted Services $507.19 39871 MaterialTesting&lnsp. Total MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION $507.19 .KC.L!LL!C:P:. ;.w:54X; LM. n'CM!!!4: x55555:!LLS[AL^.:4; Y; Y.!!L,\Ltt5:5^.!'?::Ltt �Kn�Ot:M:CU.M!,v.C+A:AC Y]CA:!N.4XAOOWMXttLJ%M%LIXA4hYq:i.LKdCL:A>:4%K{4:.y::x.vnyv.:.::rmnyxr.•r:n Unpaid MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC E 101.41400-310 Miscellaneous $75.00 Subscription Total MN REAL ESTATE JOURNAL INC $75.00 Unpaid:::........................................,.,......._..NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC:.......,....,..,,„....:x.:4»1w�u:w::,, .4xow;x :.»x•»»:>xw:>;»:::-»«« .,,,..,.,,.,.......... E101-43100-220 Repalr/MaintSupply (GENERAL) $200.68 803413 PW #9 Total NAPA OF ELK RIVER INC $200,68 ::.�:::.:�:::.,-:::::::::::::::..:::.v::::::..:.,•:::.�:::>:;-»:o>:a>x!»»»;:�»>ra:4>:cw+.>x•>:•ww::FF4:n»wruwar.omxLcm»x4>weoaue-nazeeraozow a000-asa.wv.4szroowunoc,>ua3uwxa:eeura:.srau'.o»>wwn,:+>aa,ws,•n,,:.,•.+,,,rh•..»:: Unpaid NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $170.38 19388185 PW # 9 Total NORTHERN TOOL & EQUIPMENT CO $170.38 :n•.•:.�:::.�.:�:::.,.::::::n:vx:::::::::::::•:x::::..;;•..-«w.^,v.;;:•4:.•w.;5!;..q%tt....w�...;.!.;;.L..xxtiS::.+�+x•:^:L!•ll.L^iSx^:O:L4:!;KOWUItt:iAT:-v: �AKtYSS4S:.v!!ttyu.(IYAn:,\v.4::+:M. i%V!:Vn1x!!LNS• .L?iin:CLM:CS:.•::.'/riv(A •eM:n,,,,v,,,SIVN.w Unpaid PITNEY BOWES E 101-41400-206 Postage $100.02 4705027 4705027-NOV00 Total PITNEY BOWES $100.02 ................,...,..,......::.,:..,...,,-::PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT. x, -:.L .>� �M ..:>x4�4x.4x frM. a•.m...,.5,.., .<.4.«,,......,.,...,,,,.....:: E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $56.00 9820 19W Itrn Dump/Snowplow Total PRECISION FRAME & ALIGNMENT $56.00 :.Unptid:.....,.::..........:....................:::::...:...::RANDY'S•SANITATION SANI•::........,.:.:..::..:.:::..::F!!-:4x•'rr.:x:k::�:>:..!,>>x5!.:r�.P':.�w..>�>x•...wV.:xn.:�•.!4>:>..:•:w.4:>:.,4»,...:.......:..,..�.... :: -:::: •. -: -:: -:: -:: E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $252.50 Total RANDY'S SANITATION $252.50 :..Un..aid...................................:........:......:. P ...::.............,......:....:..:.,.....,...,..............,...:...:..•......:.,,..:::.r....,..5..............,.:...,..................,....:.........,:...... S. R. WEIDEMA E 422-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $4,297.52 PyEs#2 88th Street Water E 406-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $4,845.62 PyEs#2 WaterServiceQuaday E 405-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $7,079.12 PyEs#2 Trunk North MissEastComm E 422-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $7,715.65 PyEs#2 88thStSewer G 701-21951 Pulte's V1 & S $24,819.05 PyEs#2 Trunk/StormSewer E 406-43100-530 Improvements Other Than Bldgs $125,366.89 PyEs#2 LefebvreTrunk/StormSewer Total S. R. WEIDEMA $174,123.85 P SCHARBER &SO7. NS E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $13.45 239021 PW # 11 Total SCHARBER & SONS $13.45 Unpaid SOFTRONICS E 101-41400-570 Office Equip and Furnishings $1,703.22 1873 Comp. System CITY OF OTSEGO Thursday, December07, 2000 Check Detail Register Page 5 of 5 Check Amt Invoice Comment \\r ..... .[%.,.[ �;:j:` }'y,:} •-Ti: [i}:titi iS+:ivv:i:�;;;;;:;L:>:ti :v. >=��rae::a'....•7':u....6•..w....ti�. �tiv:;�,.,,..\.a-r.r,.,c.::,,::,•........a••::`r;�;�.v<c£vL•�.\?�3r�2• Total SOFTRONICS $1,703.22 ; �: }T>: �: }}}}}.:}}T}}}}-•:.v:•....-�.Y'F.<[•}}::•}N}YFFi:O\\\u\\L.:U;<;nTL:O:Lw<[rnY:,+]G}'ldit. v: n<: F,:... ............ •,.. f' F.':vwx%try:[[LLr.Y:;;.:.i:;.Yii:;;n:L[: Unpaid SPRINT nv.v:: r.v::::::::::::.v: :v:::::::::.v:::::.v: n•.v:: :.:::.v::: :.:::.v:.v:::::::::::.v: :.: m::::nv::::: x:::::::::::. E 602-49450-322 Utilities $32.30 WWTP Phone Total SPRINT $32.30 UnpaidST�JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC;;.Y:.::.....................................................................................................................:... E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $14.82 02598 PW# 8 Blade Assy Total ST JOESPHS EQUIPMENT INC $14.82 vx:xw::•.vnv:•nvw:.wrxn,»,:vr:rx.,w.wrx%v\\v,\;?YtiTIG:}?::.>LT-E'TT:}1T4:}}lri:C}i:•i: •}fn vi}};::}:[i4Yy[•:X,N}NCAYM}]([•Y]OW's}YYYH�"•}TN,iGJDOii:OY:Gi:GY:S}YYYJJJ:,,}};.};.y:.�pa.Yy%rykuV[.}h\\,.pyk Unpaid US FILTER Y]h1v , , ..,..,.,.>.[.................: E101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $59.42 Total US FILTER $59.42 „+,v,,,,,nwn,•nvxr:.wnwnivnvwx.+,+vvxrvv.;4c;� VP JOGKK<;<K9[K.4'Fittri[[<oXA�:[[n•T"N'.[4%9[«<AYWKKCCJOMCK[LOiG;;C:ttLO: Unpaid WASTE MANAGEMENT ..... .:<OYi.00L:AJ:CA[GJC, ..1W,nwOGY.v\{.n. ..•rfYdK[::K[[Ktdfdv,fA'.:ofcrv-n E 101-43610-390 Contracted Services $125.72 1593-7 Dec Services Total WASTE MANAGEMENT $125.72 ::...................:... P WRIGHT COUNTY -AUDITOR -TREASURE E 101-42100-390 Contracted Services $13,999.50 Patrol -12 December Patrol Total WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR -TREASURE $13,999.50 Un aid......:�...........::...>:::;[-::::;•::,�:>} .}.:,::;:A-::L;.:.,,�},a,�.�:�;;,�,-�;,o:.;::;::}>}:;[L.};:}YY:,}:[LL;[;., P WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT .Y}.:L:[::;:..Y;[�Y;��r .�«Y,,,.:x.� E101-43100-372 Salt & Sand $3,888.77 2781 Sand & Sand Total WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPT $3,888.77 Un aid--:�:[0-EgLECT[.;, . .......... P WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ECT RIC E 601-49400-390 Contracted Services $287.50 Monthly Main. Fee Total WRIGHT-HENNEPIN CO-OP ELECTRIC $287.50 Unaid .. .r ..:...:..................:. PXCELENERGY .�.•. �Y....,..L.. }Y�Y��wa«.�...,r::>,••, E 602-49450-322 Utilities $530.02 071-336 W WTP Utilities Total XCEL ENERGY $530.02 w.[rypaj K< r a ,:.:„ x x •rxxxxx:.,• .:.w. •xxxr wx w.::: w::::x ,.x:x:x::::: Unpaid ZIEGLER INC x :.. a r;• QM ,a> -� �,.� } b ; L :<;;•:;}:-;:};}}}:;.}.:...... -:}:� �} « • fF.. L;.N:, ..nom E 101-43100-220 Repair/Maint Supply (GENERAL) $301.74 PW # 5 Total ZIEGLER INC $301.74 10100 BANK OF ELK RIVER $462,862.47 r CITY OF OTSEGO NOTICE OF CANCELLATION OF COUNCIL MEETING OF DECEMBER 25, 2000 AT 6:30PM Notice is hereby given that the above mentioned regularly scheduled City Council Meeting will be canceled due to the Christmas Holiday falling on this date. The next regularly scheduled City Council Meeting will be on January 8, 2000 at 6:30PM. eb Posted: 11/15/00 -Otsego City Hall -Both Boards Published: 11/22/00 - Elk River Star News File: 00CCAGDAMPS CITY OF OTSEGO Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Z.A.