01-08-01 CCCITY OF OTSEGO CITY COUNCIL MEETING JANUARY 8, 2001 6:30 PM COUNCIL CHAMBERS OTSEGO CITY HALL 1. Mayor Larry Fourni r will call meeting to order: Mayor Fournier called the City Council Meeting to order at 6:30 PM. a. Rot .all Mayor Larry Fournier: Councilmembers: Virginia Wendel. Vern Heidner, Suzanne Ackerman and Jerry Struthers. Staff: Michael Robertson, City Administrator; Elaine Beatty, City Clerk/Zoning Administrator; Judy Hudson, Deputy Clerk; Carol Olson, Secretary; Andrew MacArthur, City Attorney; Daniel Licht, City Planner; Larry Koshak, City Engineer; Ron Wagner, Assistant Engineer. h— page ofAllegiance- Mayor llegi n PMayor Fournier led in the Pledge of Allegiance. C. Swearing in of Mayor by City Clerk Elaine Beatty. d. Swearing in of new City Council Members by Elaine Beatty. e. Swearing in of new City Clerk by Elaine Beatty. f. Swearing in of new Deputy Clerk by City Clerk Judy Hudson. The Swearing-in Ceremony of Mayor Larry Fournier, Councilmembers Virginia Wendel and Jerry Struthers and the new City Clerk/Zoning Administrator Judy Hudson was performed by Elaine Beatty. Judy Hudson swore in the new Deputy Clerk, Carol Olson. Mayor Fournier presented Elaine Beatty with a plaque showing the City's appreciation for her years of service. 2. Consider ag nda approval CM Heidner stated that since there is a large number of attendees regarding Snowmobiling he requested to change items 4.a. and 4.b around. Mike Robertson requested to remove Item 6.2. from the Agenda at the request of the developer, Wally Klus and add under Item 9.1. Discussion of Appointments of Commissioners. Mayor Fournier requested to add under 91. Set a date for the Administrative Sub -committee. CM Heidner motioned adoption of the Agenda as amended. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 3. Consider the following tn* a. December 11, 200 CM Heidner motioned to adopt the minutes. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. Mayor Fournier noted on Item 6.2. to include the word Otsego. City Council Meeting of January 8, 2001, contd. Page 2. h. Pail Donna. Tnran & Moody - Review of City's outstanding bonds. Paul Donna reviewed Otsego's debt service. Mr. Donna said Otsego's debt service is low for a City of its size and Otsego's tax levy for debt service is very low for a City of its size. a. Otsego Snowmobile Club - Discussion of snowmobile issues The following residents stated their concerns about snowmobiles in Otsego. Tom and Sharon Carter, 9466 Nashua Avenue. Driving too fast, concerned with children getting hit, disregard to personal property such as the trees and shrubs, ordinances not being enforced, damage to roads and driveways by the studs on the sleds, and a lot of drivers under age of 14. Ron Tong, 9277 Page Avenue. He is disappointed in the police protection and response time specifically stating a November 12, 2000 incident at his home. The ambulance arrived within 8 minutes but it took over 35 minutes for the deputy to arrive. His wife had suffered a heart attack. He knows of other incidents of slow response and would like to see Otsego have their own police department. Merlin Bode, 13955 95th Street. He would like to see the snowmobiles banned in Otsego in the "No Discharge Zone" area and let them transport their sleds to the trails. Concerned that someone will get hurt. Paul Onstad 10168 Parrish Avenue Stated the ordinances are not being enforced, people are going across the river dike and destroying the shrubs and signs. Ron Zachman, 14433 91st Street NE He has called the Sheriffs Office and they said nothing can be done unless he can get license numbers. He feels 9 out of 10 snowmobiles are disregarding the law. They are driving too fast and residents are not informed of City Ordinances. Neil Rokke 9583 Parrish Avenue NE Snowmobiles are using the ditch on his side of the road when there is a marked trail on the other side of Parrish Avenue. He has received damage to his property and wants to see more police protection, enforcement, and a snowmobile patrol. Chip Martin, Parrish Avenue NE They have from 200 to 500 snowmobiles going across their property at times. He agrees with the previous comments and feels this issue can't be settled. He doesn't get cooperation from the DNR. City Council Meeting of January 8, 2001, cont'd. Page 3. JoAnn Martin, Parrish Avenue NE She is concerned someone will get hurt. Also concern with liability issues. Chad Young, Page Avenue NE He feels the biggest issue is police protection and their response time and the ability to protect private property from being vandalized by snowmobiles. Nicki Schandle, 7914 Ochoa Avenue NE She is a member of the Snowmobile Club and has lived in Otsego for 27 years and one of reasons moving here was to snowmobile, but the snowmobiles have ruined her driveway. Concerned with residents placing fences in the ROW to stop snowmobiles. Wants to see signage on bike paths prohibiting snowmobiles, publish the State and City Ordinances to educate people. Greg Schuster, Oday Avenue. Snowmobiles are destroying his trees. Snowmobile Club Jay Swanson 9322 Kahler Avenue. He is a member of the Otsego Great River Riders Club. He went over some of the State and City rules. He said the Club updates the area maps when new trails go in. He also talked about the advantage for landowners to sign the permission forms for trails going on their property covering them through the State's and County's no-fault insurance. He has heard the future bridge over Highway 101 will include wider shoulders to accommodate snowmobiles and hopefully reduce the problems on Parrish Avenue. He also said a Safety Training Course for 27 kids was held at Otsego City Hall on December 9, 2000. He feels more education is needed. The Club is also talking about putting up Information Sites along the trails with maps and ordinances. He encouraged people to talk to the kids because he feels a lot of problems are in the late afternoon when parents are not home. He also wants more signage done. Deputy Lisa Goenner, Wright County Sheriffs Department. She stated that Wright County does have a Snow Patrol Department which has been given additional money from the State. Two deputies work Monday through Friday and also weekends. This unit welcomes phone calls informing them of the problem areas. She also said the deputies will take complaints and pass them on to the Snowmobile Patrol Division. Tom Constant 85th Street. He stated the same rules apply to drinking and driving a snowmobile as an automobile. City Council Meeting of January 8, 2001, contd. Page 4. Carol Swanson, Kahler Avenue. She said the Club is doing everything they can to get members for the Club and they are trying to get riders educated. Mike Casper, 95th Street. He stated he has seen the Wright County Deputies pull snowmobiles over for violations. He suggested the City send out flyers or use the Otsego View informing everyone of the rules and regulations. Paul Bock 92nd Circle NE. He is a resident of Antelope Park and agrees the problems are mainly on Parrish Avenue, Nashua Avenue and Page Avenue and he wants more education. Mayor Fournier suggested forming a Citizen Committee and the group's direction would be to come up with recommendations. Everyone agreed and a break was taken for residents to sign up for this committee. January 18, 2001 (Thursday) 7 PM was set for the first meeting. 5. Consent Agenda (non- nntro versial items) 5.1. Consider Resolution Adol)ting an Official �Tewspa 5.2. Consider Resolution Estahlishing�pnsitories for -the City, CM Heidner motioned to adopt the Consent Agenda. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. 6. Dan Licht, .ity Planner- 6.1. lan6.1. Consider Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance o provide for Amendments and General Re -codification of existing sections Dan Licht presented the Planner's Report. CM Heidner motioned to approve Ordinance 2001-01 amending the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Otsego to Provide For the Integration of Amendments and General Recodification of the Existing Sections. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. Of Klverrmat Landing" - for Mary Dare's land east of Hwy. 101. Mike Robertson stated Wally Klus calledhimtoday and asked to withdraw his Sketch Plan Review of PUD. 6.3. Any other Planning ms There were none. 7. Larry Kosh k. City Engineer - There were no Engineering Items. City Council Meeting of January S, 2001, cont'd. Page 5. 8. Andrew MacArthur CityAtter There were no Legal Items. 9. Council Itemse a Appointment of Council Committees for 2001 by Mayor Fol Mayor Fournier appointed Councilmembers to committee duties as follows: Planning Commission: CM Heidner Alternate: CM Wendel EDAAC: CM Wendel Alternate: Mayor Fournier Parks and Rec.: CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Struthers Heritage: CM Struthers Alternate: CM Ackerman Public Works Sub -committee: CM Ackerman, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Administrative Sub -committee: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Otsego Creek Authority: CM Struthers, CM Wendel Alternate: CM Heidner Urban/Rural Taxing District: CM Struthers, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Wendel Community Rec.: CM Wendel Alternate: CM Heidner Post Office: CM Wendel, CM Struthers Alternate: Mayor Fournier Albertville/Otsego Shared Road Sub -committee: CM Wendel, CM Ackerman Alternate: CM Struthers Sewer Sub -committee: CM Heidner, Mayor Fournier Alternate: CM Wendel Otsego Police Department: CM Wendel, CM Struthers Alternate: CM Heidner CM Heidner motioned to adopt Mayor Fournier's 2001 committee appointments. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. b. Re -appointment of Elaine Norin Motion carried. for a four year term to the Heritage Preservation Commission CM Heidner motioned to re -appoint Elaine Norin for a four year term to the Heritage Commission. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. C. City of D for on's request support of I-94 Interchang- CM Heidner motioned to direct Mayor Fournier to sign Resolution 2001-03 supporting the City of Dayton request of Interchange on Interstate 94. Seconded by CM Ackerman. All in favor. Motion carried. City Council Meeting of January 8, 2001, cont'd. Page 6. I Consider .setting a Public Works and Administrative Subcommittee Meeting CM Ackerman suggested January 16, 2001 at 4 PM for the Public Works Subcommittee meeting. Mayor Fournier set January 25, 2001, 4 PM for an Administrative Subcommittee meeting. e. Consider setting a join D /FCD ACMeeting- The ing-The Council agreed for a joint EDA/EDAAC Meeting on January 29, 2001, 7 PM. 9.1. Mike Robertson City Administrator• Mike said there two open seats on the Planning Commission. One for Arleen Nagel, who has resigned and also Carl Swenson's, who wants to be re -appointed. The Parks Commission has three open seats. Heritage Commission has two seats up for re- appointment, Elaine Norin's and Ron Black's. On the EDAAC, Gabe Davis' and Vincent Peterson's seats are up for re -appointment. Mike also went over his memo regarding his joint meeting with St. Michael and Albertville on transportation issues. (attached). 9.2_ Judy Hudson, City Clerk_ No items. 9.3. Consider Claims List for al2,at CM Wendel motioned to approve the Claims List. Seconded by Mayor Fournier. All in favor. Motion carried. 10- Adjourn y 10 PM CM Ackerman motioned to adjourn. Seconded by CM Wendel. All in favor. Motion carried. MVou:med at : 8 PM. mayor )Barry Fournier Ato tedin recorded by: Judy Hudson, Ci ler rung Administrator